The Truth About the War on Coal
Not only is coal not the great environmental threat that it’s made out to be, but it is a vital commodity economically both in the regions where it’s produced and in this country as a whole.
Environmentalists say that we have to stop burning coal immediately in order to prevent the pollution that it causes and the carbon dioxide that it emits, causing global warming. It is not my intention to debate “global warming” or “climate change”, as it is now conveniently called, except to say that whether or not such a phenomenon exists, the dire predictions that we hear in the media are far from reality. As for these other sources of energy, the two that environmentalists like to cite most often are solar and wind power. However, despite what you might hear, both have their own drawbacks. The obvious one is that they’re both expensive. Both require the use of rare materials that are still quite rare. However, most importantly, they are unable to provide the sheer amount of electricity that we need and they have their own environmental concerns.
- See more at: only is coal not the great environmental threat that it’s made out to be, but it is a vital commodity economically both in the regions where it’s produced and in this country as a whole.
Environmentalists say that we have to stop burning coal immediately in order to prevent the pollution that it causes and the carbon dioxide that it emits, causing global warming. It is not my intention to debate “global warming” or “climate change”, as it is now conveniently called, except to say that whether or not such a phenomenon exists, the dire predictions that we hear in the media are far from reality. As for these other sources of energy, the two that environmentalists like to cite most often are solar and wind power. However, despite what you might hear, both have their own drawbacks. The obvious one is that they’re both expensive. Both require the use of rare materials that are still quite rare. However, most importantly, they are unable to provide the sheer amount of electricity that we need and they have their own environmental concerns.
The Real home of energy policy
Japanese space agency hopes to harness solar power in 25 years
Where Is Outrage for Systemic Racism?
The 'failure' of public policy
Comment : D. Ditkowsky:
We have two choices, we can support the existence of successful Hispanic adults and African American adults, or we can send kids the message that their only path to riches is through crime.
Homeland Security Does Everything — Except Thwart Terrorists
What if the standardized tests were wrong? (A thought experiment)
What if, following the end of slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation, formerly enslaved black and brown people created an amazing resurgence of economic, educational and political successes? (They did). Would the elite in power squelch that budding success with New Jim Crow laws? And, what if to counter the gross systemic and violent inequities created by Jim Crow, decades later people fought back and demanded Civil Rights bills which included non- discriminatory hiring practices and desegregation in public spaces including public schools? What if those new Civil Rights policies led to a rising black and brown middle class, and opportunities for success? What if, decades later, there were a powerful elite who wished to re-segregate society and roll back the clock to a time of profound inequality that served to the advantage of a privileged few? How would the elite in power find ways around those Civil Rights anti-discriminatory… View originalKaren Lewis. The pension heist. Must read.
Couple Stays Warm 24/7 With Just One Small Fire Each Day. Their Secret? A “Super Stove”
Wood isn't the fuel of the future
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's own figures expose
its role at the core of climate alarm and government restrictions and taxes.
Draft Climate and Science Policy and Affordable Energy Policy
Does anyone remember a find from November 2006 outlining the nature of a sensible energy policy ?
Climate Tricks 30: On the term "CC Denial/Denier"
( Note the fineness of scale : 0.2 degrees. Do you really think thermometer records should be taken as that accurate given the limitations of the devices - especially in the past ? I say they are 'straining at a gnat' and vastly exaggerating significant observational accuracy...not to mention limits to land based observations { flogged as global } on a planet mostly covered with water { in motion } anyway. )
Have a friendly debate today in fb with
a physician friend, DiVa. She showed a poster of Mr. David Koch saying he has “given
$67 million to climate change denial groups since 1997.”
Here's a good chart from Dr. Roy Spencer in
a testimony at the US Senate last year. Roman WP and Medieval WP shown. They
occurred more than 1,000 years ago, not a single car existed then,
"man-made" CO2 emission except breathing almost zero, yet GW
happened. Now the UN, Al Gore, etc. say it is mainly anthropogenic and did not
mention RWP and MWP.
EPW Hearing: “Climate Change: It’s Happened Before”, July 19th 2013.
Even the warming scientists cannot
answer, how much of the recent warming was man-made and nature made? 10-90%?
25-75%? 50-50? 90-10? Assuming they give such estimate (for now it's zero),
what explains for the Roman warm period, medieval warm period, when there was
not a single car, not even bicycles?
CNN's King, Panelists Hit Obama From Left on Climate Change: 'Why Did They Wait So Long?'
King highlighted Obama's interviews with meteorologists in order to "push his agenda for climate change," and wondered, "If the President has this power...through executive authority, and this issue is so important to him, why did they wait so long? Why not do this in the first term?"
( Since all the jobs have long ago vanished to China anyway, what an epic case of 'closing the barn door after the horse is gone'; even if the premise wasn't total nonsense )
Government Climate Change Report Precedes Obama’s Fiats to Destroy the Energy Sector
Our propaganda-oriented government published a climate change report May 6 titled The National Climate Assessment based on – literally – no scientific fact. John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, said the 800-page report is “extraordinary” and it is “the loudest alarm bell to date” on the need for climate change action.The report used every natural event to claim climate change aka global warming aka climate disruption is occurring.
In addition to suffocating the US economy with regulations, the goal is to destroy the coal industry, shut down as much of natural gas and oil as possible, and to pass a treaty with the communist-socialist UN. The treaty would require us to pay developing countries for our alleged greed and avarice until we are all poor and miserable.
What the report lacks in substance, it makes up for with Tallulujah Bankhead drama – very hysterical in other words.
The report was devised by many famous scientists from Harvard and other prestigious universities. They all agree that we are doomed unless Mr. Obama acts immediately to slow the rise of the oceans and heal our planet.
Instead of facts, they put out predictions and tell us to swallow them whole without scientific evidence.
For example, they tell us in the report to fear droughts and a future dwindling water supply for the following reason: “Short-term (seasonal or shorter) droughts are expected to intensify in most U.S. regions. Longer-term droughts are expected to intensify in large areas of the Southwest, southern Great Plains, and Southeast.”
These aren’t facts, they’re predictions! We are supposed to lower our standard of living and put our nation’s security in danger based on predictions!
Their predictions have not come true so far. If they had, the seas would have risen, and the north polar ice cap would have melted by 2013.
Here is another claim from the report: ” Increasing Impacts on Agriculture – Climate disruptions to agricultural production have increased in the past 40 years and are projected to increase over the next 25 years. By mid-century and beyond, these impacts will be increasingly negative on most crops and livestock.”
That’s not a scientific fact, it’s a statement!
The entire report reads like this. They use computer models that predict what will happen 25 years out. In other words, it’s far enough in the future that they don’t have to prove anything.
Instead of calling it The National Climate Assessment, they should call it National Climate Fortune Tellers Assessment.
( hoho. I have said computer modeling provided a culturally appropriate crystal ball. It isn't science without data - and temperature readings from the future continue to be unavailable. Surprise, surprise. )
Obama: No one can stop our War on Energy
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Obama: No one can stop our War on Energy
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Human-Caused Warming in Proper Perspective by Ira Glickstein, April 7, 2014.
Networks Eagerly Push White House Climate Change Agenda Ahead of Obama Interviews
Once Again, Obama Ignores Issues Americans Care About Most with Another Pivot to Climate Change. Plus: Focus Puts Lives at Risk in Developing World
White House : No One Can Stop Our War on Energy
There’s one thing Barack Obama told the truth about in his 2008 run, one
thing he’s never really wavered from: he’s going to smash the power
industry and drive up our energy costs.
To support this effort and frighten Americans into accepting the new levels of poverty ordained by their rulers, the Administrations’ witch doctors are back to blaming the weather on global warming, shaking their medicine sticks and warning that the Angry Sky Gods will strike us down with tornadoes and hurricanes if we don’t pay tribute to their bureaucratic clergy.
( Chicken Little for the New Millennium : The Sky is Burning and We Are Going to Fry )
The Vacant Climate Plan
What I read in Obama’s Action Plan was a rehashing of the same old dangerous false solutions that many of us have been fighting for years and years. But what’s really criminal is that even though Obama clearly understands both the science and implications of climate change, he still pushes an agenda that will drive us all over the climate cliff.
“Deploy clean energy.” Ain’t nothin’ clean about this. Obama’s “clean energy” plan includes more fracking, more oil, more nukes, more biofuels and “clean coal.” Yes, Obama wants to stop climate change by screwing over rural communities through promotion of more hydrofracking and increased natural gas exports; expanding domestic oil production–including the hellish Bakken shale oil fields (but don’t worry, it will be clean Bakken oil–no really, that’s in there); devoting more land to growing feedstocks for plant-based liquid fuels (i.e. less land for biodiversity, growing food or for peasant communities to survive on); protecting forests that store carbon while cutting down trees to burn for electricity production; building more nuclear power plants (apparently never heard of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or Fukushima); and maintaining the fantasy of that wonderful oxymoron “clean coal.”
Maintain Agricultural Sustainability. For this one, Obama wants us to trust the vehemently pro-GMO US Department of Agriculture to “deliver tailored, science-based knowledge to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.” ‘Climate ready’ GMO crops anyone?
Obama: No one can stop our War on Energy
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Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Obama: No one can stop our War on Energy
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Awesome! Government Will Tax Drivers by the Number of Miles They Drive
Russia’s Putin outlaws denial of Nazi crimes
Muslim school superintendent defends Common Core-linked assignment questioning HolocaustRead more at
Obama: No one can stop our War on Energy
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