*Global warming is all that the article below talks about by way of
explanation but bringing just a touch of extra evidence to bear alters the
picture.If warming is causing the glaciers to melt, how come the sea ice is
at a record high? Is the land warming while the sea is cooling? If so we
are looking at local effects not global ones.And there IS a local warming
effect that could be at work. Also in West Antarctica, an active sub-sea
volcano has just been discovered. And the discoverers note: "Numerous
volcanoes exist in Marie Byrd Land, a high... more »
Bokoo Haram updates regarding abducted and still missing girls May 13 , 2014 ...... US in aerial search for Nigeria schoolgirls US flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track down more than 200 girls abducted by Boko Haram, Pentagon says ....... Boko Haram video claims to show missing girls Video obtained by AFP news agency says girls will not be released until all Boko Haram prisoners in Nigeria are freed ....... Items and views of points of note from Nigeria !
US in aerial search for Nigeria schoolgirls
US flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track down more than 200 girls
abducted by Boko Haram, Pentagon says.
Last updated: 13 May 2014 00:58
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Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau offered to release the girls in exchange
for prisoners [Reuters]
The United States has been flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track
down more than 200 abducted schoolgirls, the Pentagon said, as experts
pored over a n... more »
Generational War: Indoctrinating Children In Israel And Palestine To Kill

An excerpt from, *"Disturbing Photos Show Militarization of Israeli
Children"* by Ali Abunimah, Global Research, May 13:
Some of these disturbing images of Israeli children being put through
military-style training displays at Efrat, an illegal Israeli colony in the
occupied West Bank, have been circulating widely online and were published
in *Haaretz* and other media.
A repeated theme of pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian propaganda is to
circulate images of*Palestinian* children taking part in such militarized
displays in order to advance the belief that Palestinian culture is
inher... more »
Minnesota Extremist John Kline: "Ted Cruz and I and every Republican"

John Kline is a right-wing extremist from southeast Minnesota. His
district, MN-02, stretches from south of St. Paul through Eagan,
Burnsville, Apple Valley, and Northfield all the way down to Wabasha and
the Zumbro Bottoms State Forest. Although the PVI is still classified R+2,
Obama took the district in both 2008 and 2012. Kline is the chairman of the
House Workforce and Education Committee, where he has been able to do a
great deal of damage to working families. Although the DCCC has given him a
free pass to reelection, Kline was the model for the Blue America Have You
Had Eno... more »
Police State Updates - May 10 , 2014 ----- In a new policy directive from the Obama administrative, national security and other government officials will no longer be allowed to publicly discuss or even reference news reporting that is based on "unauthorized leaks." ......... The Justice Department is seeking a change in criminal rules that would make it easier for the FBI to obtain warrants to hack into suspects’ computers for evidence when the computer’s physical location is unknown — a problem that officials say is increasing as more and more crime is conducted online with tools to conceal identity ...... A bill to end the government’s bulk collection of telephone records got a unanimous go-ahead on Thursday from a second U.S. congressional committee, but the measure, according to some sources, could actually enhance U.S. surveillance capabilities ...... Is the government really more worried about Yellowstone exploding then they are letting on ? If not , what about the alleged deal floating out there concerning a " Day After Tomorrow scenarion " involving Australia and Brazil ) note South Africe allegedly turned down a US offer to facilitate US citizens exodus and shelter !!!!
Catharsis Ours - 1 hour ago
Published on Friday, May 9, 2014 by Common Dreams
Obama Directive Makes Mere Citing of Snowden Leaks Offense
Once promising the most transparent administration in history, White House
reins in free speech of employees
- Jon Queally, staff writer
Directive from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
makes mention of news reporting referencing unauthorized informatin, like
that leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, a punishable offense.
(Image credit: Laura Poitras)In a new policy directive from the Obama
administrative, national security and other governmen... more »
Syria: Homs' Christians hold mass in damaged historic church
Video Title: Syria: Homs' Christians hold mass in damaged historic church.
Source: RuptlyTV. Date Published: May 12, 2014.
Musical Interlude: Yanni et al, “Magical Concluding Performance”
Yanni et al, “Magical Concluding Performance”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbBAlUnNKjM
Cunliffe: A Future Reality-Show PM?

[image: View this content on 3 News Headlines's website]
After last night’s half-hour broadcast in what was once considered a “news
hour,” you can now see why David Cunliffe had resisted even the agreeable
John Campbell’s invitation to visit him in his home: because his wife is a
bigger star than he is.
At least, that’s what you’d think if you believed all the feedback on
Twitter. The word you’re looking for is “gushing” …
[image: image]
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Mind you, Campbell was *very *agreeable, wasn’t ... more »
Newest Member of the State Bar

This morning, Kory was sworn in as a member of the State Bar by Judge
Connie Kelley in Wayne County Circuit Court. It was a super nice ceremony
and Judge Kelley made it really personable. I loved it. Ron was able to
come to take pictures, Jennifer made it, and Angie got done with her
hearing just in time to make it. We are ran into a few other attorney
friends while down there.
Here are some pics from the event:
Congrats Kory!
Four Articles On Assad's Defining Victory In Homs [The Poisoned Fruits of Western Humanitarianism And Islamic Jihad)
*Homs, city of ruins. This destroyed city is the fruit of Western
"humanitarian" intervention and Islamic "Jihad." West: stop your
"humanitarianism." Islam: stop your "Jihad." Good intentions almost always
lead to bad results. The people of Syria did not ask for either
humanitarianism or Jihad. In Homs these two dangerous philosophical,
political, and religious forces have produced destruction, strife, and
hatred. It's up to the people of the area now to rebuild their society and
set an example for the rest of Syria.*
An excerpt from, *"Thousands of Syrians enter Homs after rebels ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"To the eye, this cosmic composition nicely balances the Bubble Nebula at
the lower right with open star cluster M52. The pair would be lopsided on
other scales, though. Embedded in a complex of interstellar dust and gas
and blown by the winds from a single, massive O-type star, the Bubble
Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, is a mere 10 light-years wide. On the other
hand, M52 is a rich open cluster of around a thousand stars.
*Click image for larger size.*
The cluster is about 25 light-years across. Seen toward the northern
boundary of Cassiopeia, distance estimates for the Bubble Neb... more »
"On A Rock..."
"We are all hurling through space on a rock and we're all going to die.
You would think we would be holding hands and singing."
- John Bradshaw
"The Dream..."
“Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that
reality is better. We convince ourselves it’s better that we never dream at
all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of us, holds on to the
dream or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We
wake to find ourselves, against all odds, feeling hopeful. And, if we’re
lucky, we realize in the face of everything, in the face of life the true
dream is being able to dream at all.”
- "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
Paulo Coelho, “Closing Cycles”
*“Closing Cycles”*
by Paulo Coelho
[Several times I've received via Internet some texts attributed to me,
which I did not write, as the text below. I made several changes and
decided to post it here. - Paulo Coelho]
"One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on
staying longer than the necessary time, we lose the happiness and the
meaning of the other stages we have to go through. Closing cycles, shutting
doors, ending chapters – whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave
in the past the moments of life that have finished.
Did you lose your job? Has... more »
Japan's latest travesty and miscarriage of justice - May 12 , 2014 -- After Fukushima police and prosectors declined to investigate and / or charge Tepco for criminal negligence related to the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster , note the the same prosectors and police are preparing to put the hammer to a japanese housewife for a tweet ( critical of a nuclear lobbyist ) ! Takeaway --- Fukushima police and prosecutors are currently investigating Takenouchi for criminal contempt; if found guilty, she could face a month in jail. Prosecutors confirmed they will be flying to Okinawa, where Takenouchi lives, to question her on May 13. Police have already traveled from Fukushima to Okinawa to interrogate her — an unusual occurrence .......
How a Single Tweet Could Land a Japanese Nuclear Activist in Jail
- Share
- Tweet
By Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky
May 11, 2014 | 3:15 pm
In 2012, more than 15,000 people living near the crippled Fukushima nuclear
power plant filed a criminal complaint at the Fukushima prosecutors’
office. They alleged that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the
Japanese central government were criminally negligent for the March 2011
Fukushima meltdown... more »
Ukraine Updates May 10 , 2014 - One day before the Referenda in Donetsk and Lugansk , South Eastern Ukraine still roiled by the Kiev Counter Terror Campaign -- Friday's violence in Mariupol continues on Saturday , Slavyansk sees Kiev forces fore mortar shells at protesters ........... .... Kiev government busy building dam in an attempt to cut off Crimea's water supply.... US State Department blames protesters for being shot by Kiev fighters , demands protesters accept Junta - disarm and abandon Referenda ......Donetsk protesters respectfully decline that offer even as Kiev demands protesters accept being shot at , killed and wounded by Junta fighters.....
Catharsis Ours - 2 hours ago
Donetsk Region May Shift To Rubles After 1.7 Million Vote In Referendum
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2014 12:15 -0400
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
Despite denouncements from the West (how did that work out in Crimea?) and
diplomatic calls for postponement from Putin, tomorrow appears to be
setting up for the next crucial catalyst in the ever-escalating civil (and
not so civil) war in Ukraine. As RIA reports, Referendum*o... more »
#BringBackOurGirls- Doing Nothing as ‘Activism’
I really don’t want to write this post. I hate being a feminist or critical
killjoy- especially when it comes to issues that seem to unite, motivate,
and inspire large groups of people. We all need to feel inspired- like we
are doing something good for the world. On Sunday I saw a small group
Continue reading
"This I Believe..."
“This I believe: That the free, exploring mind of the individual human is
the most
valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the
to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against:
any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual.”
- John Steinbeck
"How Are Things Going, Joe?
“You go up to a man, and you say, "How are things going, Joe?" and he says,
"Oh fine, fine — couldn't be better." And you look into his eyes, and you
see things really couldn't be much worse. When you get right down to it,
everybody's having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everybody. And
the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much.”
- Kurt Vonnegut
Chet Raymo,"Six Things"
*"Six Things"*
by Chet Raymo
"My mother was part of the last generation of Americans who were welded
into a national cohesiveness by the classroom memorization of poems by
English language poets - Longfellow, Whittier, Riley, Lowell, Field, and
all the rest. All her life, lines of verse were on her lips...
"All at once, and nothing first,
Just as bubbles do when they burst."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, "The One Hoss Shay"
"Each morning sees some task begin,
Each evening sees it close;
Something attempted, something done,
Has earned a night's repose."
Longfellow, "The Village Black... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan. Thanks for stopping by.
"Huxley vs. Orwell"
*"Huxley vs. Orwell"*
by Neil Postman
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was
that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who
wanted to read one...
Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared
those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and
Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the
truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance...
Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would
become a trivi... more »
Free Download: George Orwell, "1984"
"From the moment when the machine first made its appearance it was clear to
all thinking people that the need for human drudgery, and therefore to a
great extent for human inequality, had disappeared. If the machine were
used deliberately for that end, hunger, overwork, dirt, illiteracy and
disease could be eliminated within a few generations. But it was also clear
that an all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction - indeed,
in some sense was the destruction - of a hierarchical society. The most
obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already
ha... more »
Money, Money, Money
Which came first: governments or money?
The answer, of course, is money.
Money appeared before governments did.
Money doesn’t need government to survive, but governments sure as hell
money. Which is why governments, as soon as they could, took it upon
themselves to create both money, and the fiction that money must be a
creation of government.
But money appeared before governments did, in the form of precious
Why did both silver and gold become money? The answer, as Keith
Weinerexplains, goes back to the reason we use money in the first place:
Money solves a proble... more »
Killer Robot Linkage
In about two hours I will board a plane to Geneva to participate in the
Convention on Conventional Weapons’ Experts’ Meeting on Lethal Autonomous
Weapons Systems. There, I’ll present survey data I collected on US public
sentiment around autonomous weapons, joining global civil society in
reminding world governments of the Marten’s Clause in the preamble
Continue reading
Bob Feldman : People’s History of Egypt, Part 24, January-February 11, 2011
In early February 2011, massive street protests opposed Mubarak and called
for democratization and economic justice. By Bob Feldman | The Rag Blog |
May 12, 2014 [With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag
Blog "people's history" … finish reading Bob Feldman :
People’s History of Egypt, Part 24, January-February 11, 2011
Col. Wilkerson says the United States and China must stop the arms buildup
and solve the climate change crisis or humans may not have a future on this
"I wanted to hear her talk with confidence . . . not in the self-pitying voice [of her] old age -- an abandoned mother" (Andrew Lam)

*On HuffPost, where Andrew Lam also posts, this photo (unidentified on both
New America Media and Nation of Change postings, is captioned: "Lunch at my
uncle's home in Saigon in 1972. I'm in my mother's arms."*
*by Ken*
Believe me, I'm not angling for the *DWT* dementia beat, but it beats
writing about such self-created mental dysfunctionals as Rafael "Ted from
Alberta" Cruz (and his worse-than-McCarthy list of Obama "crimes" -- see
Dana Milbank's masterful "Ted Cruz, the reckless accuser"); or that
"noisome arrogant little man" George Will, ridiculing the First Lady's
public voic... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On opinions…

*"The opinions of ten thousand men are of no value if none of them know
anything about the subject." *-- attributed to Marcus Aurelius
[hat tip Lawrence Reed]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
GAIA PORTAL: Gaia grid cleansing proceeds with fullest possible velocity at this moment
Gaia grid cleansing proceeds with fullest possible velocity at this moment
by ÉirePort
Gaia grid cleansing proceeds with fullest possible velocity at this moment.
Iridescent blue fires cleanse and activate all dormant portal locations.
Independent Gaia Being shines with unprecedented Brilliance as Hue-manity
collective coordinates with Soul-ar Essence.
Surfers of Higher Dimensional Cosmic Waves inspire and collect increasingly
more conscious humanity individuals.
Full release of all inner entrapmens nears completion.
Celebration at all levels is in progress.
ÉirePort | May 11, 2... more »
Spain's startling news - May 12 , 2014 -- Popular Party politician shot dead in broad daylight in León Head of Provincial Council, Isabel Carrasco, was gunned down on the street on Monday afternoon A female suspect has been detained by police, along with her daughter ........ Government to create database for monitoring all Spanish bank accounts Measure aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism funding But experts fear new system could be used as a political weapon ....... Protestor lost eye as result of police rubber bullet, Barcelona court rules Catalan government had blamed violent rioters for incident during 2012 general strike Victim Ester Quintana wants to see officials step down over her case
El Pais....
Popular Party politician shot dead in broad daylight in León
Head of Provincial Council, Isabel Carrasco, was gunned down on the street
on Monday afternoonA female suspect has been detained by police, along with
her daughter
FRANCESCO MANETTO Valladolid 12 MAY 2014 - 20:39 CET1
Police and paramedics next to Carrasco’s body in León. / ICAL
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Isabel Carrasco, a Popular Party politician who headed up the Provincial
Council in León, was shot ... more »
Bitcoin news - May 9 , 2014 -- World’s Largest Bank ICBC is Latest to Block Bitcoin in China ........ Mt. Gox Revival Plan Granted Preliminary Nod of Approval ........ US Federal Election Commission Votes Unanimously To Allow Bitcoin Donations For Political Action Committees ....... Bitcoin Transaction Volume has Dropped to its Lowest Since 2011 – And it is a Positive Sign
Catharsis Ours - 5 hours ago
Coin Desk.....
Saxo CEO: Bitcoin’s Liquidity Problems Are Driving Banks Away
Stan Higgins | Published on May 9, 2014 at 21:02 BST |
*Companies, Investors, News*
[image: Lars Seier Christensen, Saxo Bank CEO]
Saxo Bank co-founder and CEO Lars Seier Christensen says that bitcoin’s
liquidity problems are keeping banks out of the market for now. However, he
said that banks are looking into bitcoin and could become involved in the
In an interview with *FXWeek*, Christensen commented that banks are
unwilling to get involved in bitcoin markets because the current d... more »
The inflation-mongers are still stalking us
People of a certain age still remember an age in which the word “inflation”
has got nothing to do with money.
But inflation, which we’d never heard about before, was all of a sudden all
around us. A friend recounts the story of returning to Te Kuiti after a
year away doing his OE, including a visit to the 1976 Montreal Olympics, to
discover prices at the Te Kuiti pie cart had rocketed in his absence.
Prices that had never changed in years. He and his friends were mystified
when they were told this was “inflation.”
Inflation had come to New Zealand, and has been hitting us hard e... more »
Neocons Squeal Like Stuck Pigs Over Ukraine Referendum

You had to know that the neocons weren't going to go down easy after
Sunday's overwhelming vote by anti-fascist, US-EU-NATO enforced austerity
opponents in East Ukraine to reject the illegitimately installed puppet
regime in Kiev. It is the utmost of irony in that the regime changers whose
presence within the US corridors of power have eaten away at the
foundations of American democracy like a colony of Formosan termites
actually managed to bring "democracy" to Ukraine but in typical William
Kristol style keening outrage are apoplectic that their will was rejected
by the actual pe... more »
HILARION - May 11, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ May 11-18, 2014
Beloved Ones,
For many of you these are difficult times. Your physical bodies keep going
through recalibrations and transformations and the symptoms experienced are
oftentimes not pleasant. There are many feelings of deep sadness that come
out of nowhere and it can put you into a depressed state. It is important
should this occur, to put a determined effort into changing that
perspective. Do something that makes you feel good, something that makes
you laugh. Get outdoors and dig in your garden, feel a connection with... more »
Video: Black Mesa resident denied access at Peabody coal shareholder meeting
Peabody Shareholder Meeting Rally: Marshall Johnson, Black Mesa Resident
and Tonizhoni Ani member from Students Against Peabody on Vimeo.
May 8th, 2014 at Peabody’s annual shareholder meeting, Marshall Johnson,
Black Mesa Resident and Tonizhoni Ani member, was denied the space to
voice his concerns about Peabody’s exploitation of the Navajo Sandstone
Aquifer. This is his response to
From Fat Peng to Fatboy Kim

Breaking news...breaking news....Lord Patten's replacement arrives at
Broadcasting House...breaking news....Lord Patten's replacement arrives at
Broadcasting House...breaking news...
British “researchers” promoting envy in NZ [updated]
*“The time has surely come when we should stop behaving as though the
envious man were the main criterion for economic and social policy.” *–
Helmut Schoeck, *Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour.*
Two British “health researchers” will be coming to New Zealand soon to
up more hysteria about inequality because, they argue, NZers are
insufficiently angry about this alleged “social evil.”
Professors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, whose book *The Spirit
Level*was subtitled "Why more equal societies almost always do better",
present this year's Sir Douglas Robb Lectures ... more »
“Orwell’s Nightmare: The NSA and Google—Big Brother Meets Big Business”
*“Orwell’s Nightmare: *
*The NSA and Google—Big Brother Meets Big Business”*
By John W. Whitehead
“The Google services and apps that we interact with on a daily basis aren’t
the company’s main product: They are the harvesting machines that dig up
and process the stuff that Google really sells: for-profit
intelligence.”—Journalist Yasha Levine
“We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know
what you’re thinking about.”—former Google CEO Eric Schmidt
“What would happen if the most powerful technology company in the world and
the largest clandestine spying ... more »
Will Rogers, "Politics And Government..."
"Politics is the best show in America. I love animals and I love
politicians, and I like to watch both of 'em at play, either back home in
their native state, or after they've been captured and sent to a zoo, or to
Washington.” "Congress is so strange; a man gets up to speak and says
nothing, nobody listens, and then everybody disagrees." "Our president
delivered his State of the Union message to Congress. That is one of the
things his contract calls for - to tell congress the condition of the
country. This message, as I say, is to Congress. The rest of the people
know the conditio... more »
“Third World America - U.S. Suburbs Become Ghettos”
*“Third World America - U.S. Suburbs Become Ghettos”*
By John Rubino
“Not so long ago, a reasonably-presentable American could live an hour
outside of a city and commute in for a government or banking job, thus
getting the best of both worlds: city-level wages and a 3,000 square foot
house with a big yard for the kids. But then municipal governments ran out
of money and started laying off, while banks, traumatized by their 2009
near-death experience, cut back on mortgage and consumer lending and fired
the related staff. The only other jobs available were in service industries
like ... more »
Satire: “G.O.P. Rivals Question Rubio’s Ignorance Credentials”
*“G.O.P. Rivals Question Rubio’s Ignorance Credentials”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “After claiming on Sunday that human
activity does not cause climate change, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida)
suddenly found his ignorance credentials under attack by potential rivals
for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination. “Now that Marco’s thinking
of running for President, he doesn’t believe in climate change,” said Texas
Governor Rick Perry. “To those of us with long track records of ignorance
on this issue, he seems a little late to the rodeo.”
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ke... more »
The Nigerian "Abducted Schoolgirl" Crisis Is A FRAUD: The Truth About "Boko Haram" - US AFRICOM's Latest False Flag Franchise!
I stated it before and I will state it again.... The abduction of "300"
Nigerian schoolgirls is a LIE... That fact was stated in my last article
about this fraud crisis and was definitely shown by the Australian.com
article presented in my previous report. The fact is that yes, there was
supposedly an "abduction" of some students, but they were all released some
3 weeks ago! Therefore the present "crisis" is a lie and it points to the
US wanting to intervene in Nigeria not to free the girls that are already
free, but to seize Nigeria's assets! If someone has another reason for t... more »
I Know Joe Biden. Joe Biden Is No Elizabeth Warren

Only one of these Democrats could ever be a credible populist alternative
to Hillary
The headlines over the weekend about Biden's fundraiser in Columbia, South
Carolina was about him taking a shot at "The Clintons."
In recent months, the vice president has focused on revving up liberals on
issues of income inequality, as he prepares for a possible run against
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, though many Democrats don't
think he'd run against her.
Biden did not mention his own presidential ambitions Friday, but multiple
sources described his speech as "populist" and high-en... more »
Tranny Annie Gets Body Slammied

Recently, Ann Coulter tried hijacking the #Bringbackourgirls Twitter
hashtag with the above photo and it apparently blew up in her equine face,
according to TPM Muckraker. So, never let it be said your porcine
powerhouse will pass up an opportunity to use his Paint program for a good
The Economy: “True Confessions of a Newsletter Guy...”
*“True Confessions of a Newsletter Guy...”*
by Bill Bonner
“When we turned the lights off on Friday, the Dow was hitting a new high.
But US small caps and the tech-heavy Nasdaq are not faring so well. We gave
you a rare recommendation on Friday: Buy Russian gas giant Gazprom OAO
(PINK:OGZPY). Who knows? But with a trailing 12-month price-earnings ratio
of 2.7, it looked like a Mother's Day gift to us. By contrast, the US
Internet sector appears to be a kiss of doom – the kind of smooch that
would make your face itch.
Last time we looked, Amazon.com – the "river of no returns" – wa... more »
JFK50: Lemnitzer Did It

In marking the recent passing of our brother and friend John Judge, we lost
the last of the first generation of researchers who didn't say "The CIA did
John Judge ALWAYS said, and always maintained, with the goods to back it
up, "The Joint Chiefs of Staff did it", and he was, and is, absolutely
CIA ran the cover-up; the evidence everyone THINKS is there directly
implicating CIA in the actual really **isn't** there, when you really look
at it objectively; but the ONI is all over Oswald and his associates like a
Prior to 1967, no-one had even thought to blame ... more »
In America today goon thug cops taser, pepper spray, and call for a backup SWAT team to beat innocent persons senseless ...or even murder the person. "The right of cops to beat and murder the citizens who pay their salaries is now a perk of the job." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*Call the Cops at Your Peril — Paul Craig Roberts*
May 8, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Call the Cops at Your Peril
Paul Craig Roberts
“Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New Hampshire. I hope the
residents are
prepared to die, because living free is not what they do. NH is merely a
cog within the
Amerikan Stasi State, but I am referring to what goes on within NH itself,
not the police state existence imposed by ... more »
Careful wording

Here's how BBC international development correspondent Mark Doyle *could* (and
in my view *should*) have reported the news this morning on Radio 4's *Today
"Nigeria would be pleased to have Israel’s globally acknowledged
anti-terrorism expertise deployed to support its ongoing operations,”
Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan told Israeli prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu as he accepted Israel's offer of assistance in helping to track
down and rescue the more than 200 school girls kidnapped by the Muslim
terrorist organisation Boko Haram last month. Mr Netanyahu expre... more »
Syria Calling - The Obama Administration’s chance to engage in a Middle East peace - by Seymour M. Hersh APRIL 6, 2009

SYRIA CALLING : The Obama Administration’s chance to engage in a Middle
East peace.
by Seymour M. Hersh
APRIL 6, 2009
When the Israelis’ controversial twenty-two-day military campaign in Gaza
ended, on January 18th, it also seemed to end the promising peace talks
between Israel and Syria. The two countries had been engaged for almost a
year in negotiations through intermediaries in Istanbul. Many complicated
technical matters had been resolved, and there were agreements in principle
on the normalization of diplomatic relations. The consensus, as an
amb... more »
5 Ways to Treat Ear Infections at Home and a Colloidal Silver Giveaway

There is nothing more frustrating as a parent than to have your child wake
up screaming in the middle of the night with ear pain. Since the pressure
in the ear builds up more when your child is laying down, often times the
middle of the night is the first indication that you have that there is an
ear infection. I hate the helpless feeling I have when my child is
screaming at 3 AM and I don't know what to do for her. After a lot of
research and some trial, these are the things I have found that I can do at
home to treat an ear infection.
1. Garlic Mullein Oil. Just a few drops in th... more »
Did you hear the one about some wild and crazy students at Harvard having a Satanic black mass?...
*or are you still recovering from the Sam the Ram homo-kiss?*
The event hosted by the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club will
feature a performance by *The Satanic Temple*. According to their website,
the religious organization's mission is “to encourage benevolence and
empathy among all people.” source
Check out this excerpt from the latest statement from Harvard (they seem to
be offering up statements like popcorn at the movies.) Emphasis mine.
We do not agree with the student group’s decision to stage an event that is
so deeply disturbing and offensive to many in the Harvard... more »
The nature of the American discourse!
*MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014*
*Paul Krugman, Benghazi and you:* Right as increasingly heavy rain, Paul
Krugman closes today’s column like this:
KRUGMAN (5/12/14): *[T]he coming firestorm over new power-plant regulations
won’t be a genuine debate—just as there isn’t a genuine debate about
climate science.* Instead, the airwaves will be filled with conspiracy
theories and wild claims about costs, all of which should be ignored.
Climate policy may finally be getting somewhere; let’s not let crazy
climate economics get in the way.
It’s very hard to doubt the highlighted statement.
In fact, ... more »
Rand Paul Makes The Case For Liberals And Libertarians Opposing Extra-Judicial Killings Of Americans
As James Franco said, "It's what the people want."
On Saturday Jodie Evans, a cofounder of CodePink: Women for Peace, went to
David Barron’s house and gave him this letter. She asked if he really
believed it was ok to order the death of a US citizen without due process.
He slammed the door on her. Does that mean he does believe it so didn’t
want to answer her question? Jodie didn't figure in Tim Phelps' *L.A. Times*story this morning, Liberal
Groups Urge Senate To Block Obama Judicial Nominees or Rand Paul's *NY
Times* OpEd that supports the same position.
Phelps wrote that "prominen... more »
Davis City Council candidates Q&A
Two questions for the 2014 Davis City Council candidates:
*1. The City’s unit labor costs* have been growing faster than the City’s
revenues have been growing for many years. Do you believe that is
*2. If you think the growing unit cost of labor is unsustainable, what
reforms, if any, to the City’s labor contracts would you suggest the next
City Council pursue to make these costs sustainable?*
Daniel Parrella:
1. No, whenever you have costs increasing faster than revenues that
is inherently unsustainable. The growing employer's share of Ca... more »
May 12: Time for a change of focus?:
There's nothing much in the TandT today. But, then, there never is. And
what's there is not very useful.
But one can say that only so many times. That's why, some months ago, I
began writing about the news as much as about it's quality in the Irving
press. It may be time to add a new element - how we think about the news -
because we, all of us, have peculiarities and inconsistencies in how we
For example, 200 school girls were kidnapped in Nigeria. Now, there's lots
of talk of sending in troops to save them.
Our side killed hundreds of thousands of school girls in Vietnam, ... more »
Antisemitism on Twitter - It's @_fuck_israel_ again
I've blogged about @_fuck_israel_ before and the anti-Semitic views that he
freely espouses. He stepped over a line last week, here's some examples.
First some general anti-Semitic insults:
Secondly some general threats aimed at all Jews:
Thirdly a direct threat aimed at @Adelirose
Finally a direct threat aimed at me
If you notice @_fuck_israel_ has abandoned any pretence of not being
anti-Semitic and has changed his Twitter handle to fuck-jews. Why does
Twitter allow such blatant anti-Semitism and threats against Jewish users
of Twitter to be made?
The Need For a Boring Revolution
To save civilization, achieve ecological sanity and balance, drastically
reduce the possibility of war, and eliminate social inequality, we need a
revolution. The capitalist status-quo is leading us to disaster. Again, we
need a revolution and nothing less than a revolution.
But what about "the sheeple"? Happily piling into the cars to drive out to
the multi-plex for the latest Hollywood blockbuster of mindlessness?
Blithely slumbering in their hammocks while their mutual funds invest in
pharmaceutical companies ripping-off millions and mining firms engaging in
ecocide and murder?... more »
Mike's Story Part 19 - Suspicion
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*Several colleagues in Ashland had become increasingly annoyed by the
latest developments at FTW. They felt that writing the Burning Bridge
article was in itself an act of burning the bridge home; if Mike came back,
particularly so soon, FTW's credibility would be trashed.*
*Now that he'd relinquished his role as CEO, Mike could best serve the
website, they maintained, by acting as its Latin American correspondent.*
* Among their complaints was the appearance of alleged "compelling
evidence" that Mike himself had been the one to wield the sledgehammer on
the... more »
Reporting Bethlehem and the BBC
The BBC love a good Bethlehem story, anything involving Israel and
restrictions on the travel of Palestinians from Bethlehem rates a headline.
Around Christmas the BBC wouldn't be the same without a story about the
Christians in Bethlehem suffering some imaginary deprivation at the hands
of the Israelis. However when it's Palestinian Muslims attacking a
Christian church the BBC is oddly silent.
A Bethlehem Greek Orthodox Church (St. George’s Church – Khadar – near Beit
Jala) was attacked by Muslims during its annual St. George’s Day services
on May 6. … Some local Muslims either tri... more »
Kumpulan Foto Mobil Honda Accord Jadul Jadi Keren
Foto Mobil Honda Accord Jadul Jadi Keren - Honda accord merupakan salah
eka mobil produksi honda yang sampai saat ini masih banyak difungsikan
orang, sampai masih melimpahnya umat yang mencari mobil keluaran honda
ini. Mobil yang dibuat berkisar tahun 90an ini memang memiliki harga
yang dikatakan cukup murah yaitu seharga 17 juta hingga 25 juta, yang
menjadikan mobil honda itu
Beberapa Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Wajib Sebelum Hamil
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Wajib Sebelum Hamil | pemeriksaan kesehatan lebih
baik dilakukan 6 bulan sebeum terjadinya pembuahan/kehamilan, oleh
karena itu apabila anda berencana unutk dapat langsung hamil setelah
menikah maka anda perlu memeriksa kesehatan anda sebelum pernikahan
berlangsung, pemeriksaan kesehatan sangat penting dilakukan untuk
memeriksa kesehatan calon ibu dan juga ayah
Solving Tuscaloosa: We’ll be here all week!
*MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014*
*But what are we trying to solve:* All week long, we’ll be trying to solve
We refer to the problems in the Tuscaloosa City schools, problems explored
by Nikole Hannah-Jones in a 10,000-word report for ProPublica.
Hannah-Jones’ fascinating report appears in The Atlantic. All week long,
we’ll be trying to solve the problems she uncovered.
This is our second week on this topic. For last Friday’s post, just click
All week long, we’ll be trying to solve Tuscaloosa. That said:
Before we can solve Tuscaloosa, we have to define what its problems ... more »
Physics Overflow is live
*Off-topic, breaking news:* Jester believes that there are rumors
suggesting that Planck refutes BICEP2 and many experimenters, including
those in the BICEP Collaboration, are admitting that the B-modes came from
the dust. I won't say what I guess about these claims.
Some of you may know Physics Stack Exchange where people may ask and answer
physics-related questions. But you may often have the feeling that no one
is trying to keep the quality of the traffic sufficiently high. Thanks to
Dilaton, Dimension10 etc., a new very promising competition has emerged.
It's called Physics Ov... more »
QEG: Official update from Jamie- May 10th
This is the latest update from Jamie about the QEG in Aouchtam Morocco.
.... People need to remember that this is a product in DEVELOPMENT. All of
this was made very clear during the open sourcing and the lead up to all
the information being opened to the public.
....... I would also like to add a note that so far that I've seen, out of
the over 600 people that donated money to develop the QEG, no one has
demanded their money back. All the people trying to throw rotting fruit at
Hope and Val and Jamie over the "donations" and the money questions aren't
even the ones that donated m... more »
*MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014*
*Part 1—Readers grope pachyderm:* All of a sudden, “privilege” is extremely
In this morning’s New York Times, three letters discuss the paper’s May 3
news report about Princeton freshman Tal Fortgang, who wrote a murky piece
in a campus mag concerning the subject.
Fortgang’s famous piece was murky enough on its own. This morning’s letters
recall the three blind men who famously groped the elephant.
Famously, the three men emerged with completely different ideas about what
sort of critter was being groped. This morning’s letters seem to be
dis... more »
*Execution problems spring up in Louisiana ~Michelle Mollhollon, The
*Grant would fund study of rail service expansion *
*Torres, Khodr partner to buy Board of Trade building ~Greg LaRose, N.O.
City Business*
*Remembering the World's Fair, 30 years late ~Bill Capo, WWLTV *
*Tangier Island, VA is a step back in time, but with a very hazy future
~Ian C. Bates, Aljazzera*
*Recipe: Breaux Bridge Crawfish Bisque with Cornbread Stuffed Shell
~Danielle Dietze, WWOZ*
Bonnie Watson Coleman-- A Fierce, Proven Independent Voice For New Jersey

Bonnie with Alan Grayson
As you probably know, Blue America has recently endorsed progressive state
legislator Bonnie Watson Coleman to succeed Rush Holt in New Jersey’s 12th
congressional district. We've joined with the PCCC, the Women’s Campaign
Fund, PDA, progressive leaders like Keith Ellison and Raul Grijalva, as
well as New Jersey Democratic officials throughout the state because we all
know we have a tenacious and proven fighter in Bonnie-- the kind of leader
that Washington DC needs.
After being urged to get to know her by Barbara Buono, I spent some time
with Bonnie and her... more »
Important Video By Anthony Lawson: What Does It Mean To Be A Friend Of Israel?
I spent most of yesterday, Mother's Day, with my mother and of course with
my "better half".... I have said many times that family does come first,
and it does push this blog and my writings here to the sidelines.... I have
some catching up to do on what has been happening around our world, and I
figure I would get down to it.....
I came across a very important video the other day that I wanted to share
with my readers here... It is the latest work by a great writer and video
producer, Anthony Lawson, and is entitled: "What Does It Mean To Be A
Friend Of Israel?" and definitely take... more »
Some Links:

*Nantou city, our nei di (*內地)*.*
*Daily Links*:
- *EXCELLENT*: Thinking Taiwan with a piece that relates to my post
below, on cleavage that divides generations.
- More bad economic news: FEPZ draft bills opens market to over 800
Chinese ag products. Stupid beyond belief.
- SCMP: Taiwan's handling of murder case raises questions of
cross-strait cooperation
- For comparison: the poverty of South Korean elderly. They lived and
worked in a period when Korea was poorer than Taiwan.
- International boat show scores cash.
- For every Terry Gou blithering abo... more »
*'Discriminatory practice reflects a narrow-minded and statist view of
An Indiana-based company has decided not to hire any homeschool graduates,
withdrawing a job offer from one candidate after discovering he was home
educated, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association.
That’s despite the fact that assessments and evaluations for homeschool
students routinely run higher than for public-school students.
HSLDA spokesman Michael Donnelly said NiSource, an energy-distribution
company, informed HSLDA it would not hire homes... more »
Argentina: CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La Pampa

*SOURCE: Planeta UFO and Realidad OVNIDATE: 15 May 2013*
*Argentina: CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La Pampa*
The case involves Luis Sergio Pucheta, a law enforcement officer who was
allegedly pursued by two extraterrestrials. He was found 20 kilometers away
from the place he disappeared from. The police officer who insisted back in
2006 that “red-eyed beings” had chased him and given him commands, has
entered mandatory retirement. Since that time, he was deeply traumatized
and was never able to return to work. He has now been given retirement.
According to Resolut... more »
Darrell Hamamoto- Weaponized Political Correctness and more
You may think this interview controversial? Or not? If you do that is very
good! It should give some food for thought. I know it did for myself. I
listened 3 times, so I could fully understand this man's views and
conclusions- Though he still seems to be processing his own discoveries.
Again, the subject of technology and it's use is broached. And the
weaponized political correctness.... brought to mind the bashing of Russia,
around the time of the Olympics, with the big rainbow club!
Thanks to Henrick @ Red Ice Creations for conducting this excellent
interview- wish I could hear t... more »
My Readers Change The World! ObamaCare COBRA Gap Fixed
I wrote a few weeks ago about The Little-Known ObamaCare COBRA Catch-22. I
thought this issue was so important that I asked AOL Jobs readers for help.
I asked you to sign a petition I started to alert the President to this
issue. I asked you to tell the President to close the gap. And you came
Not only did you sign the petition, but some of you took action to help.
Members of the National Employment Lawyers association contacted the
Department of Labor to ask for a fix. Forbes found out about this issue and wrote
a piece about it. And it worked.
Read my article at AOL Jobs... more »
Smart phones, stupid people and anti-social media
Often I mention technology. The use and abuse of it. Our enslavement to it.
The way it dominates our lives.
I do think technology has a place, obviously. But, we must be mindful of
the role it plays in our lives and what effects it has on us.Yes, I use the
blog as a social medium. But, I do not live my life around it.
Social media is used here at the blog, to challenge the perceptions
presented to us by those we allow to lead us.
I also notice how social media is used to manipulate so many unwitting
people- particularly the 25 and under crowd, so that the powers that
shouldn't be ca... more »
Things To Come

The Ontario election is a preview of coming attractions. Tim Harper writes:
It may appear Stephen Harper is being dragged into the Ontario election
campaign by responding to goading by Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne.
But Harper was on full combat footing when it came to Wynne’s
made-in-Ontario pension plan even before NDP Leader Andrea Horwath forced
this campaign on provincial voters.
It is an issue on which Harper had to engage. And one on which he is all
too eager to engage.
The cornerstone of Harper's philosophy is you're on your own. He believes
that it should be Canadians i... more »
Cattle Mutilations: Strange find in General Acha Gives Rise to Mystery (Argentina)

*Source: Planeta UFO, TN Noticias and La Gente (photo credit: TN
Noticias)Date: 11 May 2014*
*Cattle Mutilations: Strange find in General Acha Gives Rise to Mystery
**** Dead animal found on farm, missing tongue and part of jaw ****
The images are very strange and no veterinary surgeon has voiced an opinion
as of yet, but concern among residents of General Acha manifested itself a
posting to the citizen journalism portal of TN.com.ar.
Photographs published in *TN y la Gente* show a dead bovine with
unexplained injuries. Descriptions explain that the animal is missin... more »
Idiocracy Lives as Media Lies Americans Into More War

It is a sign of these sick and bizarre times in which the Obama regime and
the state-corporate media continue to peddle their lies that according to a
poll conducted by political scientists that "The less Americans know about
Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene" - you just can't
make stuff like this up. CNN, the missing airplane network seemed to bear
this out when during coverage of the East Ukraine referendum on Sunday one
of their fancy graphic maps erroneously showed the location of Ukraine in
Pakistan. Such a silly blunder would normally result in ridicul... more »
Ukraine Updates - Referendum results in both Donetsk and Lugansk show landslide support for self - determination - do we next see moves by both Regions for annexation to Russia ?

Itar Tass
14:41 World
49 people killed in east Ukraine’s Donetsk region from start of standoff
14:36 World
Geneva principles should be put into practice - Russia's Foreign Ministry
14:25 World
Ukraine crisis to be resolved ‘on basis of law and order’ - Chinese FM
13:14 World
Ukraine situation posing possible threat to global economy, IMF head says
WorldMoscow respects will expressed by population of Donetsk and Luhansk
regions of Ukraine
Kremlin also denounced the use of force “including the use of heavy
armament against civilians, which lead to casualties”
http://rt.co... more »
China’s Cruise Missiles: Flying Fast Under the Public’s Radar

[image: Houbei class fast attack craft firing YJ-83 anti ship missile]The
People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) numerous, increasingly advanced cruise
missiles have attracted far less attention than its ballistic missiles—yet
their impact on regional security, deterrence, and potential military
operations may be similar in magnitude.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy has limited itself severely in both the type and
quantity of its own anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs). It is therefore
simply amazing that such a formidable set of weapons has generated so
little open source analysis; indeed that... more »
Maybe we could have an @OntarioPCParty online butthurt form, just to save time | #onpoli

Well, I guess when you're reduced to using whiny 21-year-olds for staff, this
is what you get.
Not only lashing out at others for their own fuckups, but doubling down on
the stupidity and ignorance. I know, easy targets, but hey, if they're
going to leave the evidence there for anyone to come along and use ...
Teabagger Timmy's been having a rough week, evidently. Getting called out
on his bad math was just for starters. Then this.
For those who don't remember the Harris horror show, a reminder. Walkerton.
Ipperwash. Dudley George. War on organized labour. Kicking
social-assis... more »
Songs to ban from the BBC? - NSFW - Warning songs include the 'n' word, quite a lot in some cases
The BBC have just let a rather elderly local radio DJ go for having the
temerity to play 'The Sun Has Got His Hat On' a song that includes the (as
it is now almost compulsory to say) 'n' word. This comes soon after they
censured Jeremy Clarkson for maybe or maybe not muttering that same word
under his breath during a recital of 'Eenie Meenie, Minee Mo'. However I
note that at the BBC not all their output is as regularly policed for the
'n' word. There are numerous repetitions of the 'n' word in Pulp Fiction
which I think the BBC has broadcast but also in many songs, some of which I
... more »
Taurus Systems to open Seoul office this week

[image: F-15 Eagle Taurus launch]Taurus Systems said Sunday that it will
open an office in Seoul on Tuesday ― the company’s first outside Germany.
The joint German-Swedish venture is the manufacturer of the Taurus KEPD 350
long-range cruise missile that will be loaded on the Korean Air Force's
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), the nation's arms
procurement agency, signed a deal to purchase the air-to-surface stand-off
missiles in November.
Read more
Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA by E.G Valliantos

Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA
Imagine walking into a restaurant and finding chlorinated hydrocarbon
pesticides, or neonicotinoid insecticides listed in the description of your
entree. They may not be printed in the menu, but many are in your food.
These are a few of the literally millions of pounds of approved synthetic
substances dumped into the environment every day, not just in the US but
around the world. They seep into our water supply, are carried thousands of
miles by wind and rain from the site of application, remain potent long
after they a... more »
Iran Leader: We Should Mass Produce More Missiles

[image: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei]Iran's Supreme Leader
described as "stupid and idiotic" Western expectations for his country to
curb its missile development, striking a defiant tone ahead of a fresh
round of nuclear talks.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Iran's Revolutionary Guards to mass
produce missiles and said the nuclear negotiations were not the place to
discuss Tehran's defense program or to solve the problem of sanctions
damaging the Iranian economy.
"They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten
Iran with military action,... more »
INS Vikramaditya awaits induction

[image: INS Vikramaditya]Country's biggest warship, INS Vikramaditya, is
still awaiting its formal induction into the Indian Navy after five months
of its arrival into Indian waters.
According to top government officials, impressed with its maritime
capabilities, the outgoing prime minister, Manmohan Singh, had expressed
his desire to spend a day on board the 44,500-tonne aircraft carrier
procured from Russia.
Sing along with the defence minister AK Antony was scheduled to dedicate
the warship to the nation in the last week of March in a mega ceremony.
Read more
(Chile Sends Deceptive Expert To Export Privatization But Monica Makes the Save) NeoLib/Con Social Security Lies Accrete and Accelerate (Samantha's Powers Exposed) A Quite Considerable Proportion of the Paying-Attention Public Adopts a Posture of Resistance in the Face of Official Narratives Suggesting an Important Passage in the Late-Afternoon Hours of America in its (Long) Phase of Imperial Pretension
Media propagandists are well recompensed by the Koch Brothers and their
ilk. It's good for them that the Republicans won the last two elections,
isn't it? Notice how the rapacious always know where to move to (and spread
their newly-defined "red tide"). Especially after their own "revolutionary"
movements fail at home. If you consider the forces of greedy, self-serving
darkness arrayed
$8M Unmanned Research Submarine Goes 'Missing' in New Zealand Coast

[image: Nereur HROV]A remote-controlled research submarine that costs a
whopping $8 million has gone missing off the coast of New Zealand.
The Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle Nereus was lost at 9,990 meters (6.2
miles) depth during its dive to the Kermadec Trench, according to the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
Situated 75 miles off the coast of New Zealand, the Kermadec Trench is the
fifth-deepest trench in the world.
Read more
*An amusing piece of dogmatism from "Climate Science Watch"*
*It defends the Obama "report" in even more extreme terms than the report
itself. The editor of the site appears to be Rick Piltz, who is a
journalist with no scientific qualifications -- so his naivety and the
failure to mention a single scientific fact about the climate in the
article he prints can perhaps be understood. Interesting that the actual
author of the article is anonymous. Perhaps he too is a blithering
ignoramus like Rick.The article makes large claims about what "the science"
shows but the author has ... more »
NATO ponders Russia's future challenge

[image: E-3C Sentry]Russia’s ongoing confrontation with the West has
ignited debate inside and outside the U.S.-led NATO alliance about what its
responsibilities are, and how much of its time and effort should be spent
to prepare for and if necessary counter Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
military ambitions.
Ian Lesser, senior director for foreign and security policy at the German
Marshall Fund of the United States, said NATO must remain mindful of other
modern security challenges, including cyberterrorism, threats to energy
supplies and armed Islamic extremism.
But he predicte... more »
Glitch In Air Traffic Control System Caused By Computer Memory Shortage, U-2 Spy Plane
A common design problem in the U.S. air traffic control system made it
possible for a U-2 spy plane to spark a computer glitch that recently
grounded or delayed hundreds of Los Angeles area flights, according to an
inside account and security experts.
In theory, the same vulnerability could have been used by an attacker in a
deliberate shut-down, the experts said, though two people familiar with the
incident said it would be difficult to replicate the exact conditions.
The error blanked out a broad swath of the southwestern United States, from
the West Coast to western Arizona and... more »
Iran says it has built copy of captured American drone, will take it on test flight
[image: RQ-170 UAS]Iran says it has “succeeded” in copying an American
drone it captured in 2011 and will soon take the replicated aircraft on a
test flight.
State television in Iran broadcasted images Sunday apparently showing a
replicated US RQ-170 Sentinel drone alongside the original one, according
to the AFP.
"Our engineers succeeded in breaking the drone's secrets and copying them,”
an officer in the footage reportedly said. “It will soon take a test
Read more
I Can't Stop Watching This Frigate Pound Through Rough Seas

[image: Iver Huitfeldt-class frigate]
There's something incredibly hypnotic about this Danish Iver
Huitfeldt-class frigate bounding through some moderate waves. Up, and down.
Up, and down. Splashy splash splash.
"Splashy splash splash" is, I believe, the technical term for what is
happening here.
Read more
Whatever Israel does is always wrong

Israelly Cool had an insightful post on this subject recently:
We have to admit it, the other side is bloody clever. Look at this headline
and byline from Reuters:
*Israeli forces demolish West Bank mosque as peace talks deadline passes*
KHIRBET AL-TAWEEL, West Bank Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:16am EDT
Genius stuff. It’s not until paragraph six that we get some balance:
The Israeli army said in a statement that eight structures, including a
“mosque in use”, were demolished because they had been built illegally
inside a dangerous live-fire military training zone.
So lets get ... more »
Your Risk For Being Diagnosed With Cancer Is Increasing
[image: 10268514_563189823789693_4764928792526607470_n]
*Raw For Beauty*
Tablet Advan Vandroid T3B Harga dan Spesifikasi Terbaru 2014
Advan Vandroid T3B Harga dan Spesifikasi Terbaru 2014 - Rasakan
pengalaman luar natural menggunakan Advan Vandroid T3B, dimana salah esa
tablet advan ini mempunyai kinerja yang sangat luar biasa akan tetapi
cuma dibandrol dengan harga yang murah. Tablet ini mungkin bisa menjadi
pilihan yang benar bagi sampean yang mempunyai dana terbatas, maupun
anda ingin memiliki sebuah tablet yang
The How To Know If You're Buying GMO Free Seeds List

[image: Foto: How do we know if the seeds we buy for our garden are GMO
free? We check the Council for Responsible Genetics listing to make sure
the seed company has taken the GMO free "Safe Seed Pledge". While the CRG
does not require testing for cross contamination, some seed companies, like
Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company, do test for GMO contamination. Also be
sure that you don't order "treated" seeds. Treated seeds are coated with
fungicides or pesticides and should be avoided. What's your favorite seed
company? We'd like to know! Tell us what you're planting in your garden
t... more »
Donetsk, Luhansk referendums have firmer democratic foundations than any EU-wide polls so far
As recently as yesterday, I was unsure whether the referendums in the
Donetsk Region and the Luhansk Region would end up as the same landslide
vote against the new Kiev regime as the referendum in Crimea. The ethnic
Russians are stronger in Crimea, and so on. However, yesterday, I realized
that the question was different in Donetsk and Luhansk. The voters were
Do you support the Act of State Self-rule of the Donetsk/Luhansk People's
Note that there has been no vote on the annexation by Russia yet; the
grassroots or the new local politicians may be preparing the refe... more »
The Bar Results Are In and..........

Kory passed! He got his results on Friday at around 300 PM. Awesome news.
I am taking him to be sworn in tomorrow in Wayne County. He will be doing
hearings the next day! Yay! I am bringing my camera, so hopefully I have
pics from that event soon.
Had dinner with Rebecca and Lesley at Howe's Bayou in Ferndale this week.
It was super nice to see both of them and my soup was awesome. Salad was
good as well. Drive to Oakland County was annoying in rush hour traffic,
as usual. Glad I never have to do that drive again.
Friday night, I had an awesome dinner at Crave in Dearborn... more »
Mother's Day (or, in some cases, Mothers' Day)

*by Ken*
"So let’s hear it," says New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff in this
week's e-newsletter/blogpost, "for mothers of all types and all stripes
--biological, surrogate, adoptive, single, small, tall, medium-sized,
tiger, helicopter. And, hey, if you've got two, that's fine by us, too."
And he offers us "a bouquet of mothering cartoons, because we care."
To one of these cartoons Bob adds the note: "If you’ve got complaints about
Mom, please show some restraint, because, remember, it could have been
worse." It occurs to me that it may not be entirely obvious which one it is.... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - May - Urban Naturale

to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green
[image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living posts.
2. Visit at leas... more »

“8 of the Worst Right-Wing Wackos This Week: War on Science Edition”
*“8 of the Worst Right-Wing Wackos This Week: War on Science Edition”*
'Actions to curb human-influenced climate change are part of a socialist
agenda'... and more.
By Janet Allon
“*1. CNN’s S.E. Cupp to Bill Nye: You science guys are bullying us. *Remember
when we all used to agree that science and knowledge were good things? When
scholarship was respected? When we looked to educated people to do research
and inform us what was actually going on with the world? It wasn’t that
long ago.
This week, after the White House released a report on just how devastating
climate change alr... more »
Has Western civilization reached rock bottom?

How much lower can Western civilization go? From *The Independent*:
Eurovision is over and this year’s queen has been crowned: Conchita Wurst,
Austria’s drag act who has been attacked by transphobic and homophobic
slurs for weeks, has won the song contest with her ballad “Rise Like a
Despite a barrage of offensive slurs against the 25-year-old performer, *Ms
Wurst was the overwhelmingly popular choice in the competition with 290
points last night*.
Ms Wurst, who was branded a “pervert” by a Russian politician Vitaly
Milonov before the final, was named the winner after onl... more »
Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard Reviews My Book
I first read of Georgia State University Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard in
connection to his work on the Gates funding of the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). In my search of Gates’ CCSS spending, I examined spending
specific to the keyword “Common Core” with one addition (Fordham
Institute). The total Gates CCSS spending from my search was $173.5
million. Hassard broadened […]
Satanic Crimes Against Humanity in Syria: Witness Testimonies from the Adra Massacres
Decapitated heads on sticks, mass graves, executions of teenagers; these
are just some of the crimes against humanity that have been committed by
President Obama's beloved "Syrian rebels" in Syria. Watch the documentary
below to hear the stories as told by the family members and relatives of
the victims as well as by eyewitnesses.
Video Title: Satanic Crimes Against Humanity in Syria: Witness Testimonies
from the Adra Massacres. Source: GlobalResearchTV. Date Published: May 11,
2014. Description:
The Adra Massacre was committed by the US-supported insurgents inside Syria
on the day... more »
Your moment of Zen

Wisteria tunnel Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan. [via Landscape
When the Cows Come Marching In
The New Hot 5, an American-based trad jazz band plays for a herd of cows in
Autrans, France.
A fair question.
[Hat tip Yvette W.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Most Chicagoans Think Rahm Emanuel Is Unfit To Serve Another Term. Surprised?

If you read *DWT* with any regularity, you already know that not all the
worst villains in American politics are Republicans. And even worse than
bungling junior crooks like Steve Israel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Joe
Crowley, is the slimy gonif the three of them emulate and aspire to
replicate. Yes, our old friend Rahm Emanuel! I must admit I wasn't
disappointed to read in yesterday's Chicago *Sun-Times* that the slimy
little Emanuel is staring well-earned reelection defeat right in the face.
About 20% of Chicago votes think he's doing a better job as mayor than
Richard Daley ... more »
Colonizers are Modernizers

An anthropologist acquaintance points out:
Double standards of animal abuse for indigenous peoples and majority
peoples. When the Bunun indigenous people have a pig catching contest, the
state forbids it, labeling it as animal abuse. When the Han Taiwanese
fatten up pigs beyond belief for temple sacrifices, they call it culture
and promote it.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Deep tweets
Posted without comment except to say, on sale now for only $57.99.
Best #Benghazi swag yet! RT @60th_Street: CAN'T BREATHHEEE SEND OXYGENNN!!
— edroso (@edroso) May 11, 2014
A Liveable City? But You Can’t Drink to That.
For a city to be liveable1 you have to be able to go out and have a drink.
For a city to be “the show that never stops,”2 you might need to respect
the showplaces that don’t actually stop.
Sadly, this council is having none of that.
If you can’t get out to the bars and bottle stores when council says you
can, then new council rules3 say you can’t. Hard to disagree with
Hospitality Association Auckland president Kevin Schwass, who says the
changes would be a massive step backwards for the city.
"They are trying to close us down. The 3am closing in the CBD and Newton
and Ponsonby... more »
A Valuable Research Tool: The “Way Back Machine”
In exposing corporate reformers at their game, I have found that
information sometimes “conveniently” disappears from websites once such
information is publicized in a less-than-complimentary blog post. There is
a way to view web pages that have been removed or otherwise altered: The
“Way Back Machine”: https://archive.org/web/web.php The “Way Back Machine”
is a search engine […]
The Contrast that isn't
I have talked many times before about the "contrast" that we have watched
and experienced over the past eons. The contrast of so called "light" and
"dark" is the experience of separation and duality that we chose to
experience to expand our experience of ONE.
There has been much discussion about this perception of contrast, and the
perception of the difference between "light" and "dark", or "good" and
"bad" in a huge amount of books, articles, radio shows and interviews, and
channeled messages. We have talked about "good guys" and "bad guys", "good
military" and "bad military",... more »
paris, day four
We had quite a big day today! Most of it was completely wonderful.
I woke up kicking myself that I forgot to take pictures of R and Connie and
me. I had the camera with me precisely for that reason and never even
thought of it. And by the way, R emailed from the Eurostar. They very
nearly didn't let her on the train, but she did prevail.
Connie and I didn't set our alarm this morning and slept until 8:40, which
is like noon for non-morning people. We had one last breakfast at Au
Tramway, but since today is Sunday, the bistro was well stocked with
locals. There were young families an... more »
A Mercenary's World: Blackwater & Al-Qaeda Are On The Same Team In Ukraine - #BringBackOurTerrorists
*Fresh from killing Syrian Christians in Syria, President Obama's Al-Qaeda
terrorist mercenaries are now being deployed to Ukraine alongside
Blackwater to kill Eastern Orthodox Christians. And yet the group's
founder, Erik Prince, claims to be a Christian. These mercenaries and
murderers, whether they claim to be Muslim or Christian, in reality have no
faith, no country, and no conscience.*
Blackwater and Al-Qaeda *are on the same team in Ukraine*. These lawless
terrorist mercenaries will create chaos but they do not have the power to
do much else. They will massacre many civilian... more »
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