6:26pm MDST
( It took 8 minutes to Copy alone ! )
( It took 8 minutes to Copy alone ! )
John Key & the GCSB
*Two politicians are having lunch together. All of a sudden one stands up
and shouts: “You’re lying.” “I know,” replies the other. “But just hear me
Circumstance and coincidence, as Russell Brown observes, but there’s a hell
of a lot of it about.
Last night's *Campbell Live* report on the complex story of the GCSB, the
Prime Minister, Kim Dotcom, Ian Fletcher and the Americans may have left a
few viewers scratching their heads last night. What, exactly, was Campbell
saying and what was its import?
… Certainly, the report was principally a re-stating of
previously-ai... more »
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates May 21 -22 , 2014 ...... 90 cases of malignant and possible malignant thyroid tumor among Fukushima children / Increased from 75 ....... Fukushima Seawater Radiation Rises To New All Time High .......... Caught On Camera: Fire At Fukushima ? All Three Lines of ALPS Have Stopped at #Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant
Fukushima Diary....
90 cases of malignant and possible malignant thyroid tumor among Fukushima
children / Increased from 75
Posted by *Mochizuki* on May 20th, 2014 · 2 Comments
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Following up this article.. *Malignant and possible malignant thyroid tumor
of Fukushima children increased from 58 to 75 cases* [URL]
Malignant and possible malignant thyroid tumor cases increased from 75 to
90 at the end of this March. Fukushima prefectural government announced on
Among 90 cases, 50 cases were conf... more »
Near Future Fiction: Two Novels
I've taken time out from highfalutin social theory to read some science
fiction. So a visit to Hanley Library at the weekend found me check out a
couple of books: *Heaven's Shadow* by David S Goyer and Michael Cassutt,
and *Descent* by Ken MacLeod. They are both examples of near future fiction
- the former set five years hence, the latter between 10 and 30 years from
now. Sadly, that is where the similarity ends. .
The Goyer and Cassutt effort. Where to begin? I'm afraid to say it's an
awful book, so what follows will be replete with spoilers. In 2019 two
ships, one American, the o... more »
Inequality Myths
*Guest post by **Michael D. Tanner*
From President Obama to Paul Krugman, Thomas Piketty to Elizabeth Warren,
the American Left has adopted “inequality” as the cause of the day. Post-
Piketty, they now paint a picture of a new Gilded Age in which a hereditary
gentry becomes ever richer, while the vast majority toil away in
near-Dickensian poverty. It’s a compelling political narrative, one that
can be used to advance any number of policy proposals, from higher taxes to
capital gains taxes to increases in the minimum wage.
Unfortunately, bad facts make for bad policy. Let’s look a... more »
Mark Karlin : VISUAL ARTS | ‘The Left Front: Radical Art in the Red Decade’
Radical art is an act of uncompromising passionate resistance. By Mark
Karlin | Truthout | May 20, 2014 Marxian playwright Bertolt Brecht
declared of revolutionary art: “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but
a hammer with which … finish reading Mark Karlin :
*VISUAL ARTS* | ‘The Left Front: Radical Art in the Red Decade’
Spanish Inquisition Day 3
Placeholder, will fill in details later...long bus ride from Madrid to
Cordoba...exploring and shopping and geocaching in Cordoba...an amazing
dinner...pics and details later...hasta la vista baby!
May 20: Banner headline, page 1.....
"First-ever Rotary Ribfest promises finger-licking fun."
This is a day of ribs, chicken, soft drinks, beer and bands to raise money
for Moncton Headstart, Moncton Youth Residencess and other youth groups.
All credit to those in and out of Rotary who contribute their time and work
for this In no way do I criticize them. But there is surely something wrong
with the government of a society that leaves such essential programmes to
be provided by voluntary organizations.
A5 has a story on a similar theme, "NB social housing crisis is
looming,..." The federal government and others are c... more »
Meet Fred Kundrata-- Cincinnati Democrat

This month I've been talking with Fred Kundrata, the Democratic candidate
running for the Cincinnati-based seat that Steve Chabot lost in 2008 to
Steve Driehaus, who ran as a progressive, and then regained 2 years later
after Driehaus had amassed a conservative record at the behest of the DCCC.
OH-01 was gerrymandered in 2010 to make the district much less hospitable
to Democrats. Parts of Cincinnati were shaved off and wealthy, deep red
Warren County was grafted onto the district. The PVI went from R+1 to R+6,
a skewer rarely within the grasp of a Democrat. Fred, however, is undau... more »
China gives Putin a diplomatic boost- Really?
*China gives Putin a diplomatic boos*t *Weird headline?*
*Why not-* "*China gives Russia a diplomatic boost"?* It would seem to be
more sensible to speak of two nation states bolstering one another as
opposed to implying an entire nation is boosting just one individual?
It truly seems the western media is creating a cult of personality around
Mr Putin. Do you think there is an agenda surrounding this cult building
promoted by western media? Of course, I do. Speaking further of agendas at
play. Notice that the western media is promoting this Russia/China energy
deal as a consequenc... more »
Those were different times

Oh dear. Clive James is giving up his TV reviews in the *Telegraph *to
concentrate on finishing two books.
Here's a taste of his latest review for those of us who love the familiar,
surprising prose of Clive James:
Victorious in the Eurovision Song Contest (BBC One), the Austrian singer
Conchita struck the most triumphant blow for bearded male transvestites
since the heyday of Kenny Everett, or possibly even of King Edward II.
Nobody knows what Edward II sounded like when he sang, but now the whole
world knows what Conchita sounds like. She, or he, sounds like incoming
artillery. ... more »
Citizens for Peace In Space and other groups protest the opening banquet of
the annual Space Symposium at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs on
May 19, 2014.
The protest was to counter the message of the military industrial complex's
annual celebration of greed and secrecy and this year highlighted America's
favorite weapons system, the killer Drones.
Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop, General Dynamics and Raytheon lead the
way but a host of other smaller companies who feed at the pork barrel
banquet were there.
Organizer Bill Sulzman [co-founder of the Global Network Again... more »
The U.S. is to plough more than 300 million dollars into upgrading a
military base in the UK, used as a key part of the NSA's spy programme.
RT's Polly Boiko reports.
Global Network board member Lindis Percy (Campaign for the Accountability
of American Bases) in the UK is interviewed near the end of this video.
Strongly recommended
If you have a spare hour then please watch Stephanie Flanders' *The Battle
to Beat Polio. *
It was recommended to me by Sue, and I in turn recommend it to you. It is
the BBC at its best.
Mike Philbin - Chimericana Books 2014 - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

if this were a football game, the scores would be:
Free Planet 2 – War World 2
and by that I mean, two of the Free Planet novels and two of the War World
novels have been written, edited and published by Chimericana Books.
- Custodian
- Liberator
- Reaper - *due 2015*
- Tandem
- Watcher
- Kumiko - *due 2015*
"Is this a WAR WORLD or is it a FREE PLANET?" is the question We The People
need to ask ourselves, on a global scale, i.e. what sort of a home would we
like for our children's children?
BBC says Sorry
Peter Hitchens has had an apology from the BBC for misrepresenting him in
an edition of ‘News Briefing’ !
He describes this as an extraordinary development - the apology, not the
We’d say Karl Rove is getting results!
*TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014*
*On the brighter side, so is Thoreau:* In our view, Karl Rove was getting
results in this morning’s New York Times.
Frank Bruni started by noting the reams of crap that Hillary Clinton has
absorbed through the years. Weirdly but familiarly, here’s where that
thinking took him:
BRUNI (5/20/14): If Republicans believed in global warming, they’d surely
divine her hand in it. Speaking of body parts, I suspect we’ll move from
Hillary’s brain to her heart, probably her liver, possibly her pancreas and
maybe even her pinkie toe. *What Hillary goes through in the p... more »
A political marriage of convenience
In the Pakistani socio-political milieu there are three important political
forces: the dominant Islamic nationalists; the ethno-linguistic
nationalists; and the Westernized liberals. The Islamic nationalists are
culturally much closer to the ethno-linguistic nationalists, but
politically due to frequent interruptions of democratic process and the
martial law administrators’ suspicion towards the centrifugal
ethno-linguistic nationalisms, the latter were politically marginalized. So
they were alienated by the military but they became averse towards the
Islamic nationalists.
As we ... more »
*Letter: Honor constitution, rights ~Russell Honore', The Advocate*
*Citizens Fight Fracking Near New Orleans, sue Corps of Engineers over
legally inadequate permitting process ~Courthouse News Service*
*Fictional Hurricane Phil tests Corps' fictional flood control system days
before 2014 season begins ~Mark Schleifstein*
*Appeals court won’t rehear BP settlement issue ~Kevin McGill, AP via The
*Plans to open lake floodgate on Bayou St John steps closer to reality
~Tania Dall, WWLTV *
*Louisiana might take notes from Florida's Everglades plan ~John Snell,
*Electri... more »
The Global Warming Fraud: Here Is A Great Example Of Global Warming Fear-Mongering That Did NOT Happen!
I am truly sick by what I see happening in the United States and even here
in Canada right now... In spite of all the evidence that shows clearly that
the entire man caused "Global Warming" scare is nothing but a fraud and
psychological fear mongering to convince people that we must accept new
carbon taxation to "save the world from ourselves", we indeed have our
governments wanting to impose new "carbon taxes" and "carbon credits" on
their citizens! I am beginning to wonder if in spite of my efforts in
exposing this fraud, that too many people are just too gullible!
I came across... more »
Pearson Allows Me to Quote 400 Board-meeting Words
At the American Enterprise Institute in March 2014, billionaire Bill Gates
explained why the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are necessary above
and beyond individual state standards that might be better: You get more
free market competition. Scale is good for free market competition.
Individual state regulatory capture is not good for competition. [Emphasis
added.] In […]
“Your honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and
I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth,”
Debs said. “I said it then, as I say it now, that while there is a lower
class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and
while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” From the speech Eugene V.
Debs made to a federal court in Cleveland before he went to prison for
opposing the draft in World War I.
“Your honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and
I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth,”
Debs said. “I said it then, as I say it now, that while there is a lower
class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and
while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” The speech Eugene V. Debs
made to a federal court in Cleveland before he went to prison for opposing
the draft in World War I.
The Realist Report - Dr. Jim Fetzer
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by *Dr. Jim Fetzer*.
Dr. Fetzer and I will be discussing issues pertaining to academic freedom,
political correctness, and freedom of speech. We will focus primarily on
three topics and how they are treated by the mainstream educational and
academic establishment and the mass media: the alleged "Holocaust" of
European Jewry during WWII, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy,
and the events of 9/11. Calls are welcomed!
*Note*: Gary King joined us during the first hour to discuss the latest
controversies within the JF... more »
Credit Suisse: Still Too Big For Jail Under Bankster Ass-kisser Eric Holder

Why do financial predators like Credit Suisse get away with murder? Meet
crooked political slime-balls, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Pete Aguilar
(fake Dem-CA)
Look, I'm not advocating Credit Suisse CEO Brady Dougan and his whole
family be dragged out of their homes, lined up against a wall and
peremptorily shot-- even though that would make other bankster perps think
twice about activating their criminal personalities. First of all, far
fetched as it seems, there may be innocent people in the family. And
second, firing squads without trials are a savage, horrific manifestation
of to... more »
Russell Blaylock M.D, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain”
Russell Blaylock M.D, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3lW-TGGlk0
*"Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental
Effects" *
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
- http://www.thenhf.com/article.php?id=3298
“Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014”
*“Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014”*
“This is one of those videos that is a shock to the system. Hats off to
Dane Wigington for the amazing presentation. Check him out on Facebook
here: Please visit the site for more info, these guys know what they are
talking about: Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these
catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do
if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video,
follow up with some investigation of your own on our site-
http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and... more »
The Economy: "Tens of Millions Will Lose Their Jobs"
*"Tens of Millions Will Lose Their Jobs"*
by Bill Bonner
"Not much action in stocks... or gold... yesterday. So, let's go back and
see what we've figured out recently. For one thing: The middle class can no
longer afford a middle-class lifestyle. We've also confronted an awkward
truth: America is more of an oligarchy than a democracy. A recent
university study found that Washington often snubs the will of the
democratic majority to serve the desires of the dirty dealing special
interest groups. And we coined a new word – "poligarchs" – for the teeming
masses who enable it.
Former... more »
Not Forgotten: Street Art by School of the Americas Watch from Beth Gegliaon
What the heck is “segregation?”
*TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014*
*Watching an issue get muddled:* On its masthead, Education Week bills
itself as “American education’s newspaper of record.”
We’re often struck by how poor the journalism can be in this paper of
record. We had that reaction to a major part of Lesli Maxwell’s front-page
report in the May 14 edition.
Maxwell was writing about the Brown decision, which turned 60 this month.
She started with a fascinating report about the nation’s student population.
Headline included:
MAXWELL (5/14/14): *60 Years After Brown, School Diversity More Complex
Than Ever*
*American... more »
The appeals are coming from many organizations over the email asking us to
write Congress in opposition to another round of military spending for
fiscal year 2015. The Pentagon is asking for $601 billion but those
numbers will be supplemented by the secret military black budget; the
Department of Energy's nuclear weapons development; militarized half of
NASA's budget; and many more examples. Add that all up and we top the $1
trillion mark. We are a killer nation.
The appeals to contact Congress are helpful so that we know what is going
on. But those appeals are missing one ver... more »
TWO WOMEN: Auletta falls for the second time!
*TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014*
*Part 2—How to compose a novel:* Last night, Chris Hayes—the new, improved
Hayes—was sounding off about the Jill Abramson matter.
If you ever watched the old Chris Hayes, you could see the improved body
language. Sadly, you could also see the dumbness of the new language.
You could see the new, exciting way of framing a topic. To watch the whole
segment, click here:
HAYES (5/19/14): *The most brutal PR train wreck in America got even more
train wreckier this weekend.* What has become *a “can’t look away,”
acrimonious battle* between recently deposed New Yor... more »
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | Anand Gopal’s ‘No Good Men Among the Living’
Through the lives of three Afghans, Gopal creates a vivid history of the
U.S. occupation and exposes the lies and misunderstandings the war is based
on. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag Blog | April 20, 2014 [No Good Men …
finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | Anand Gopal’s ‘No Good Men Among the Living’
CIA Holding Back About Lost Flight MH370, Says Former Malaysian PM

*CIA Holding Back About Lost Flight MH370, Says Former Malaysian PM*
*By Lindsay Murdoch, Fairfax Media SE Asia Correspondent*
*Monday, May 19, 2014*
*The Vanishing Act: SEE the lost flight MH370 movie trailer*
Original Report
ONE OF THE most influential figures in Malaysia's ruling party claims
information about flight MH370 is being hidden and the Australian-led
search for the plane off Western Australia is a waste of time and money.
Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad said the plane's disappearance on
March 8 was *''most like... more »
Mike's Story Part 27- Voices
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* One night, Mike woke up at four A.M.*
* "I was thinking about [two employees who he believed had smashed his
computers, whether as part of a government plot or personal vendetta.] I'm
not going to let them get to me. I'm not going to let them get to me." *
*"They're not here. You'll probably never see them again. If you do, it
will be inconsequential. They're not doing anything to you right now; you
* Another night he woke up hot, itching, a rash on his back.*
* "If it's a metaphor, it's of being uncomfort... more »
Portage County: The Close Encounters Chase
I have been recently looking at the Portage County, Ohio, UFO chase, which
I think of as the *Close Encounters*chase. You know, the police cars
chasing a UFO across the countryside, through a toll booth and beyond. It
was featured at the beginning of the 1977 movie, *Close Encounters of the
Third Kind*, which is not to say that the real event perfectly matched the
movie version (such as the toll booth, which didn’t happen and which I
mention now so that I don’t hear about this later).
Anyway, I noticed something about this case, other than the ridiculous Air
Force explanation and H... more »
Sarah Palin is Now Officially a Parody of Herself

Sweet Jesus, when is this woman going to shut the fuck up before she
permanently skews the national IQ?
When TBogg copied and pasted what follows from Sarah Palin's Facebook
page (hereafter referred to as Mooselini's balcony), I thought he was
engaging in some creative writing or rewriting. I mean, as hideous as Sarah
Palin's Engrish has been in the past, there was some convoluted, Mad
Hatter, Peggy Sue trailer park trash sense tortuously woven deep in the
verbiage like mental boll weevils in cotton fibers. There was absolutely *no
way* she could've written something effor... more »
The Untold Story of the Failure of the Measles vaccine
*For MotherBarbarian and all those who dare to question accepted orthodoxy*
*orthodoxy* - a belief or* orientation* agreeing with conventional standards
*orientation* - an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs
*conformism, conformity *- orthodoxy in thoughts and belief
* Look at this chart! What do you see?*
Measles vaccines were introduced at a time *long after measles mortality
rates had declined*
That chart, alone, makes clear that the vaccine had zero to do with the
reduction in cases of measles and the associated mortality rates- We can
see measles mortality was the highes... more »
Wing suit flight over Manhattan
Wing suit flight over Manhattan. Wish i was one of them...
Want you own Suit?
1. *Wingsuit Manufacturers*, Prices & Info: TonySuit Phoenixfly ...
www.*wingsuit*fly.com/*wingsuit*s/4572051374 Cached
*Wingsuit Manufacturers*, descriptions & prices: TonySuits, Phoenixfly,
S-Fly, Squirrel & Birdman. X3, X-bird, apache, phantom 3, vampire 4,
T-bird, Colugo
2. *Wingsuit Manufacturers*:
www.texas*wingsuit*academy.com/*wingsuit_manufacturers*-BF.php Cached
*Wingsuit Manufacturers*: Birdman - Helsinki, Finland. The original.
Birdman popularized the modern-day... more »
Israel's creation, Communist revolution and the Arab oil
Is it not the international politics most significant coincidence that the
Balfour declaration for the creation of Israel was passed in the same
cataclysmic year: November 1917, in which the February and October
Communist revolutions were taking place in Russia? Coincidences do happen
but some times they are contrived to look like mere innocuous coincidence.
No informed person denies the importance of oil for the industrial
economies, but it is generally believed in the foreign policy circles that
oil took the center stage in the international politics only after the
collective Arab... more »
Wing suit over city
Wing suits over Manhattan, wish I was one of them.. div.col-4:nth-child(18)
> span:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1)
> p:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)
Seed Newsvine
Primary Elections and gardening have something in common...

*a primary election is like planting a seed and hoping it germinates.*
Today is our primary in Idaho.
I'll be doing my duty as an American citizen.
NB: Personal Identification is Required to Vote in Idaho
Arkansas -- Preferential Primary Election, Nonpartisan ElectionMay,20,2014Georgia
-- Congressional PrimaryMay,20,2014Idaho -- Primary Elections: Federal,
Statewide, Legislative and Judicial Offices ,County Offices,Port District
Primary ElectionMay,20,2014Kentucky -- Primary Election Day - Polls open 6
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mail-in absentee ballots must be received by clerk before 6
p... more »
World's smallest V12

Anyone who appreciates the precision art of engine design ought to get a
kick out of this offering from a Spanish engineer named Patelo. Starting
with hunks of aluminum, bronze and stainless steel, he spent over 1200
hours designing, milling, turning and drilling what he claims is "probably"
the world's smallest V12 engine. Powered by compressed air injection
(0.1kg/sq cm), this little marvel boasts a total displacement of 12 cubic
centimeters from its twelve 11.3 mm diameter pistons and works like a
charm. Best of all, you can see it come together in the detailed video that
follows... more »
SOMALGET: NSA Recording all Cell Phone Calls in Bahamas

In a new story on the authoritarian American Stasi that is the NSA it is
now out that the agency is actually recording the content of telephone
calls - in the Bahamas. The story that was published on Monday at First
Look Media's The Intercept and was written by Ryan Devereaux, Glenn
Greenwald, Laura Poitras. It is entitled "Data Pirates of the Caribbean:
The NSA Is Recording Every Cell Phone Call in the Bahamas" and reveals that
the NSA is indeed doing more than just "data collection".
The story is of particular interest in that it is a key piece of the puzzle
being that the Baham... more »
Michigan Eviction King Dave Trott-- Far More Vile Than A Teabagger
If House Democrats were absolutely certain that it was imperative that they
*not* gain any seats in November-- and that they just could *not* leave
anything to chance-- there would be no better plan of operation than
appointing Steve Israel to chair the DCCC. Although Pelosi has admiringly
described him as reptilian, Israel is more accurately viewed as grotesquely
corrupt, completely incompetent, dedicated to stocking the Democratic
caucus with anti-family Big Business shills like himself, and desperate to
play footsie with the Republicans
Michigan's 11th CD is one of *dozens* of... more »
Gold and Silver News & Views May 20 , 2014 -- Gold Slammed As 'Panic-Seller' Dumps $520 Million In Futures ......... Conspiracy fact: European central banks again admit, renew secret scheming on gold ........ Koos Jansen: Chinese real estate debt is being settled in silver ........ Ed Steer's Daily Gold and Silver Report ( Data , News and Views )
Another rat jumps the sinking London PM metal fixing boat....
Barclays' Head Of Gold Trading, And Gold "Fixer", Is Leaving The Bank
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/20/2014 13:10 -0400
- Bank of England
- Barclays
- Deutsche Bank
- None
- Precious Metals
- Reuters
Last week, for the first time ever, in "From Rothschild To Koch Industries:
Meet The People Who "Fix" The Price Of Gold" Zero Hedge shone a spotlight
on the mysterious, and "*without any permanent employees*" company known as
The London Gold Market Fix... more »
* U.S. Lifts Deportation Threat for Homeschooling Family*
*Obama clearly shrank back from the massive confrontations that
conservatives would have given him as soon as he attempted to deport these
Uwe and Hannelore Romeike—and their seven children—are breathing more
easily after the Department of Homeland Security told them last month that
it had reversed its earlier decision to deport them back to their native
Germany, where they were in violation of laws that prohibit homeschooling.
Their seven-year ordeal has finally ended. But until the decision was
announced in April,... more »
Post-apocalyptic Mindset in a Civilized World
Post-apocalyptic Mindset in a Civilized World. via Post-apocalyptic Mindset
in a Civilized World.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Ukraine Updates May 17 , 2014 -- Russia insists on an immediate ending of Kiev-led combat actions in southeastern Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Saturday ....... An OSCE report on Ukraine ignores the Kiev government’s violations of human rights, as well as the rise of neo-nationalist and xenophobic sentiments in the society, a senior Russian diplomat said........... “The two so-called 'people’s republics' in Donetsk and Lugansk regions are terrorist organizations, which have a clear hierarchy, financing, and channels of weapons supplies,” Ukraine’s deputy prosecutor general, Nikolay Golomsha, said........Additional news ( links provided ) from Interfax - Ukraine , Reuters , Anti- War , Sydney Morning Herald ..... Kiev Post has interesting articles slapping at the hypocritical actions of France , Germany and the Uk !
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
Info wars....
Ron Paul: The Ukraine Fuse Has Been Lit
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
*Daniel McAdams*
[image: litfuse]
Ron Paul and Charles Goyette discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine,
including a new Senate bill that seeks to push the US to the very brink of
war with Russia. In addition to ramping up NATO’s military presence on
Russia’s borders, the bill will appropriate $10 billion to push regime
change in Russia!... more »
Sucked Into Vortex Theater
It's memoir season. It's celebrity elevator fights and office intrigue
season. It's the overlapping of the acts in never-ending presidential
campaign season theater season. Contenders for high office fall all over
themselves pretending to be for the little guy, while actual presidents no
longer need even pretend to be for the little guy. Instead, they're in
campaign mode for impending Private Life as they openly play golf with
vulture capitalists and give speeches at Walmart and praise financial
predators for their social impact efforts. (And to stave off the lame duck
boredom, sti... more »
Oligarchs Must Hang Together

When Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea, Stephen Harper and John Baird belched
indignation. Michael Harris writes:
Harper and his foreign minister immediately hopped on Kyiv-bound planes for
the 2015 photo-ops: Canada standing up for Ukraine. Baird donned a scarf in
the national colours of that troubled country. Then the government sent
jets, with or without armaments, to show we’re ready to rumble for
Ukrainian democracy. (At home, the government was busy ramming the abusive
Fair Elections Act through Parliament.)
Harper insisted it was time for tough sanctions against Putin and his... more »
“A Sustained Critique of the Entire System”
“A Sustained Critique of the Entire System”. via “A Sustained Critique of
the Entire System”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
La. Superintendent John White Requires Districts to Embargo LEAP Summary Public Reports
When it comes to the 2014 Louisiana Education Assessment Program (LEAP)
scores he was supposed to release on Friday, May 16, 2014, Louisiana State
Superintendent John White has apparently found himself in an unfamiliar fix
regarding his characteristic “water muddying.” It seems that in this
instance, his Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) underlings have
refused to airbrush […]
Musical Interlude: Shakira, “Empire” (Instrumental)
Shakira, “Empire” (Instrumental)
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RCpgW4JwCo
Fat Free Econ 54: WEF and East Asia Growth Story

* This is my article yesterday in interaksyon.com.
MANILA - The World Economic Forum (WEF) is among the unique inventions in
promoting global economic and social dialogue among many sectors of
different countries around the world.
While the United Nations and its many affiliate organizations (WHO, ILO,
IMO, WMO, FCCC, etc.), WB, IMF, WTO, OECD, APEC and other multilateral
institutions are all government clubs, or composed of governments only, WEF
and similar international fora are private sector-initiated, invite
participants from governments, multilaterals, corporations... more »
Links for Tuesday

*Went out to the east coast for the weekend, which is why I haven't been
blogging. On Monday we tried to bike into Mugumuyu but started too late and
had to abort due to rain. It's gorgeous there; can't wait to get back.*
Daily Links:
- Taiwan's Identity Crisis at NewsChina. Fundamentally just doesn't get
it, substantially misrepresents KMT actions. *sigh* Not much point in
opening a news site if you are just going to repeat what the
mainstream/Chinese media say.
- Thinking Taiwan: Brian Hoie looks at the future of the Sunflower
- A Taiw... more »
March Against Monsanto In Toronto This Saturday, 24 May 2014 At 11 am
For more information, please click on the link below:
Trying To Make Sense of The Coup-In-Process In Libya Led By CIA Asset General Khalifa Hiftar
"We announce to the world that the country can't be a breeding ground or an
incubator for terrorism" - Gen. Mokhtar Farnana, spokesman for Gen. Khalifa
Below are excerpts from articles about Khalifa Hiftar's CIA-inspired coup
in Libya. On Sunday, his forces took the parliament by surprise when they
attacked it. Analysts say this could lead to a civil war or at least very
heavy fighting between Islamist militias who are aligned with the
government and forces that oppose them such as Hiftar's small army. The
problem since day one after Gaddafi's departure is that there is no ... more »
What Drives The West's Self-Destructive Belligerence?

*May 20, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - "Europe whole and free" and the
"reconstruction and enlargement" of Europe. That is how the
corporate-fundedAtlantic Council - NATO's defacto public relations front
and think tank -
is describing the current agenda of the "transatlantic community" during
their celebration of the "25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin
the 15th anniversary of NATO's first post-Cold War enlargement, and the
10th anniversary of the "big bang" enlargements of both the European
and NATO."
Readers might notice that the EU and NATO's "big bang" enla... more »
Patria Nemo Navy mortar system for naval applications

[image: NEMO Mortar system]Patria Nemo is a compact and flexible mortar
system for the needs of modern warfare and crisis management, which call
for mobility, protection and accuracy.
Designed by the industry’s top professional, Patria, the light system can
be mounted on various naval platforms, enabling rapid fire support.
Turreted, remote-controlled 120 mm mortar system consists of the weapon,
loading device, turret, fire control system and ammunition storage, and is
fully operational with a platform and ammunition.
Read more
Royal Air Force Typhoons Retasked to Investigate Unidentified Russian Navy Corvette and Helicopter

[image: RAF Typhoon]RAF Typhoons have had their first encounter with
Russian forces as part of their mission to protect Baltic airspace.
The British fighters were already airborne on a training sortie when they
were re-tasked to intercept an unidentified aircraft close to the Latvian
At the same time Danish fighters were scrambled out Amari, Estonia, in
Read more
Russia and China to Cooperate on New Airliner, Helicopter

[image: Mi-26 Halo]Russia and China are set to boost their joint
technological ties by cooperating on the joint design of a wide-body
long-range airliner and the development of a variant of the Mi-26
helicopter for the Chinese military and civil agencies, the Kommersant
newspaper reported Monday.
“This project [wide-body, long-range aircraft] is to compete with American
and European-manufactured aircraft,” Kommersant said, citing a source.
“China is interested in building at least 1,000 airplanes of this kind. And
if everything goes smoothly, then in perspective we will set up a joi... more »
1st B-52 Upgraded with Innovative Boeing CONECT System

[image: B-52 Stratofortress]The U.S. Air Force has introduced into its B-52
fleet the first aircraft upgraded with an advanced communications system,
developed by Boeing, that keeps the bomber ahead of emergent threats while
improving aircrew safety and situational awareness.
The Combat Network Communications Technology (CONECT) modification adds to
the B-52 several communication data links, full-color LCD displays with
real-time intelligence feeds overlaid on moving maps, a state-of-the-art
computing network, and the ability to retarget a weapon, or mission
parameters, in flight.
... more »
*Here we go again -- Exaggerated new claim of Antarctic melting*
*As the image shows, and as we already know, virtually ALL the melting is
in the margins of the W. Antarctic sheet -- showing that it is a quite
local effect, not a global effect. So far from being global, the effect
does not even cover the whole of Antarctica. To reinforce the point that
the effect is a purely local one (probably due to vulcanism) note that
there has been no GLOBAL warming for 17 years. So the W. Antarctic warming
cannot be due to something that does not exist*
The Antarctic ice sheet is melti... more »
Boeing Multi-Intelligence Tactical Aircraft Surpasses 1,000 Flight Hours

[image: RAMIS Aircraft]Boeing's Reconfigurable Airborne Multi-Intelligence
System (RAMIS) aircraft has flown for more than 1,000 hours, demonstrating
the reliability of the platform and systems that can be adapted for many
Boeing has also demonstrated the system's intelligence-collection during
several U.S. government exercises.
RAMIS is a Boeing-owned and operated King Air 350 extended range aircraft
modified for plug-and-play reconfiguration. The aircraft's sensor suite can
be tailored between sorties, enabling low-cost insertion of new technology
as capabilities are d... more »
Congress Targets Russia’s ‘Satan’ Missile

[image: RS-20 Satan]The latest showdown between the U.S. and Russia could
go ballistic. Congress is looking to pressure a Ukrainian lab to end its
maintenance of one of Moscow’s fiercest missiles.
Earlier this month, the Russians announced they would discontinue the sale
of rocket engines to the United States if those engines could be used for
military purposes.
At least some members of Congress are looking to retaliate in kind. An
amendment to the annual Pentagon budget bill, expected to pass this week,
instructs President Obama to begin talks with the Ukrainian government
aimed a... more »
Brazil: World Cup Security enforced from the air
[image: Hermes 450]The ball will roll on the field, but one of the most
important defenders for Brazil during the 2014 World Cup will be as high as
10 kilometers in the sky.
A fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operated by Brazilian security
forces will be employed mainly around the borders and outside the urban
areas of the 12 host cities, whose air traffic will be extremely restricted
during the World Cup, according to Special Secretary for Security at Major
Events Andrei Augusto Passos Rodrigues.
“The UAVs are an extraordinary intelligence tool,” said Rodrigues, who has
be... more »
Pakistan Seeks Chinese Drones?

[image: Rainbow CH-3 UAV]A new report says that Pakistan may be seeking
Chinese-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
According to a report in the most recent edition of the National Journal,
Pakistan has recently unveiled drones that some believe are derived from
Chinese drones.
“Already, Pakistan has remote-piloted aircraft,” the report notes.
“Islamabad uses surveillance drones to provide the military with a
real-time picture of its restive border areas or counterterrorism
operations. Pakistan unveiled two new drones in November: Burraq, named
after the winged horse from the hea... more »
RAF spy plane breaks down on way to find Nigerian schoolgirls

[image: Sentinel R1 (Astor)]An RAF spy plane sent to join the international
hunt for schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants has broken down on
the way.
The Sentinel R1 was forced to divert to Senegal with a “technical issue”
and will be grounded until repairs have been completed.
The unexpected delay is a repeat of last year’s embarrassment for the
Ministry of Defence when a C-17 transporter sent to help French troops in
Mali was also temporarily grounded by technical trouble.
Read more
Navy to Accept New Rolling Airframe Missile

[image: RIM-116 RAM]The Navy is getting ready to accept its first Block 2
Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) for ship defense — a new variant of the
self-guided missiles now protecting a wide range of Navy ships including
amphibious assault ships and the Littoral Combat Ship, service officials
“RAM provides the self-defense against cruise missiles, aircraft and small
surface threats. It has a dual mode RF and IR guidance system that will
guide it right to an inbound target,” said Jeffrey Meyer, business
development manager, Raytheon.
The Block 2 RAM, now in low-rate-initial prod... more »
Dassault Eyes $15bn Rafale India Deal

[image: Dassault Rafale]Dassault Aviation expects to sign a deal to sell
Rafale combat jets to India by the end of the year following the election
of business-friendly candidate Narendra Modi as the nation's new prime
minister, said chief executive Eric Trappier.
A contract could see a bulk of the 126 fighters assembled in India, Asia's
third-largest economy.
The Indian military establishment had earlier deferred the plan to buy the
126 fighters, a deal estimated to be worth $15bn (£8.91bn, €10.93bn), until
the 2014/15 financial year owing to budget constraints.
Read more
ATLAS: find Higgs, win $7k

Amateur and experienced programmers, you have a chance to win $7,000
(gold), $4,000 (silver), or $2,000 (bronze) if you succeed in a contest
organized by the LHC's ATLAS Collaboration (via Tommaso Dorigo),
Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge (kaggle.com)
So far there are 180+ contestants (well, teams – a team may contain at most
4 people). Anyone who registers and sends her results by September 15th,
2014 may win, however.
What is the sport about?
You have to download 55 megabytes of data in four files and write a program
– assuming that you won't be able to classify all th... more »
Turkish Navy in successful live fire exercise at South African range
The Turkish Navy has successfully completed a complex live-fire exercise
with the assistance of Denel at a southern Cape weapons range.
The main aim of the Barbaros Turkish Naval Task Group - 2014 (TMTG-14),
which departed Turkish Naval Base Gölcük on March 17 on a 102 day
circumnavigation of Africa, was to conduct live weapon firings of various
missiles at the Denel Overberg Test Range.
Speaking exclusively to defenceWeb aboard the frigate TCG Gediz (F-495),
Rear Admiral Ali Dede, Barbaros Turkish Maritime Task Group Commander,
spoke of the success of the exercise.
Read more
Swedes 'took engine' in German sub site raid

[image: Kockums A26 SSK]New details have emerged about why the Swedish
military raided the Malmö premises of German defence giant Thyssen Krupp
last month. A military expert tells The Local that submarines have become a
"major concern" in Sweden since unrest in Ukraine.
Tensions between Sweden and the German company Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems
(TKMS) took a surprising turn in April when the Swedish Defence Materiel
Administration (FMV) carried out a raid on the Malmö shipyard belonging to
Kockums, Thyssen Krupp's Swedish subsidiary.
It was initially unknown what exactly the admini... more »
Indian Navy sets up safety audit organisation

[image: Kolkata class DDG]The Naval administration has constituted a Safety
Audit Organisation (SAO) to take stocks of all safety-related issues. This
is in response to the recent spate of serious incidents involving naval
warships, the newly appointed Chief of Naval Staff Admiral RK Dhowan said
on Monday.
It was after thoroughly examining the recent incidents at every level that
SAO had been constituted. It would ensure that all standard operation
procedures (SOPs) are strictly followed, the admiral added.
Admiral Dhowan is on a two-day visit to the city-based Western Naval
Comman... more »
Return of the Cold War?

[image: LGM-30 Minuteman III Missile]Watching events in Ukraine, you might
wonder if the Cold War is coming back.
Russia annexed Crimea, now some of the eastern parts of Ukraine appear to
be shifting into the Russian orbit, and looking into the future, it doesn't
take much imagination to picture all of Ukraine dominated by Russia.
There is palpable fear in some former Soviet republics and the memory of
that dark and dangerous time has sent a chill through European capitals.
Read more
UKIP asks 'Who really runs Westminster?'

A nice sharp poster that asks a relevant question and one that David
Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband really don't want to have asked and
certainly not answered.
GMO Myths & Truths Report - 2nd Edition

The long awaited 2nd Edition of the GMO Myths & Truths Report is HERE! Show
it to your legislators, doctors, family, friends, & neighbors. This
lengthy, in depth report provides easy to read summaries and full details
about the science behi...nd genetic engineering, the truth about safety
testing and regulation, health hazards of GM foods, health hazards of
Roundup & glyphosate, impact on our farms & environment, why GMOs are
irrelevant to feeding the world and why GM agriculture is unsustainable.
Each section is stand-alone. Find the information you need or read the
whole repo... more »
Thailand: Military Move is Not a Coup

*Image: AK47s seized in back from regime politician's car. **May 20, 2014 *(Tony
Cartalucci - ATN) - The Royal Thai Army (RTA) has announced that it is
taking over responsibility for national security from the current regime's
so-called "Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order" (CAPO). The
move came after nearly six months of terrorism carried out by pro-regime
militants the regime itself has failed categorically to either condemn or
counter with its sweeping, self-granted security powers. As recently as
last Thursday, an M79 grenade attack on anti-regime protesters left 3 d... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Adagio for Sleep”
Liquid Mind, “Adagio for Sleep”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quFgHlfQAuo&feature=related
Bob Feldman : People’s History of Egypt, Conclusion, Section 1, February 12, 2011-2013
The Egyptian military exercised special influence and after Mubarek’s
removal became the sole authority, responsible for extensive human rights
abuses. By Bob Feldman | The Rag Blog | May 19, 2014 [With all the dramatic
activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's … finish reading Bob Feldman :
People’s History of Egypt, Conclusion, Section 1, February 12, 2011-2013
Crucial Primaries Mañana In Georgia, Kentucky And Pennsylvania
Let me save Pennsylvania for the end, since that's the one with Democrats.
Georgia and Kentucky are Republican affairs, although who the GOP voters
pick in each state may influence the outcome of the November elections--
and the control of the U.S. Senate. We'll start with Georgia's 7 dwarves
running for the open red Senate seat that conservative Democrat, Sam Nunn's
daughter, thinks she has a chance to win. She doesn't really have a
chance-- although flawed and irrelevant polling consistently predicts she
does. Greg Bluestein in the *Atlanta Journal-Constitution*: "Michelle Nunn,... more »
Review - Plastic Purge

Are you concerned about plastic?
We've all heard some of the dangers: plastic grocery bags find their way
into our oceans and kill marine life. BPA, a chemical used to make hard,
clear plastic, is bad for our health. And toxins leach into our food from
the chemical used to make plastic pliable (think cling wrap).
The solution seems easy, right? Simply give up plastic!
Here's the problem ... plastic is everywhere!! It's pretty difficult, if
not impossible, to get through a day without encountering this pervasive
I recently had the pleasure of reading *Plastic Purge* ... more »
Reagan Began National Slide in Education/Public Services (Who Said He Got A C In Economics?) , TV Go(o)d (Disengaged Or Nonexistent Organized Left), Golden Age of Television Was When? (Randy Newman Rocks Out)
I love Randy Newman. I always have. So, shoot me. I'm a short person. An
irony-deflated, short person. An educated, short person. Like Randy Newman.
Whenever I hear someone (usually a man-child or a "man!") intone something
about "Uncle Sugar" being a soft touch for corruption from the lower
classes, I know that he's making his future plans based on it. Like Barbara
Bush said during the
PA Primaries Must Say No! to ALEC
I'd like to say something witty about tomorrows primary in Pennsylvania but
I can't.
Because eprobably the nastiest ALEC member in the US (known to date) serves
in Pennsylvania.
Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the founder of the Tanton Network’s State Legislators
for Legal Immigration
State Legislators for Legal Immigration is a coalition of anti-immigrant
state-elected officials.
SLLI works hand-in-hand with the John Tanton Network to distort the issue
of immigration and undermine America’s values of equality and liberty. .
And at last count (before they took it off their webpage) 67% of... more »
“Marine Mammals Mysteriously Dying In Record Numbers Along West Coast”
*“Marine Mammals Mysteriously Dying In Record Numbers Along West Coast”*
by Jonathan Benson
“More sick and dying animals are washing up on the coast of California,
with new reports indicating record numbers of young sea lions, seals, and
other marine mammals being admitted to care shelters for rehabilitation.
The Orange County Register reports that the only facility in the county
licensed to care for marine mammals is now at capacity, and that other
facilities all along the coastline are being similarly inundated.
The normally pudgy and active creatures are increasingly turning up
... more »
East Coast Adventures

I went off to the east coast this weekend, which is why I haven't been
blogging. Did a loop: Saturday from Hualien to Chenggong (~120 kms), Sunday
Chenggong back to Hualien (~140 kms) via the 30 over to the Rift Valley and
the 193 back to Hualien city. Monday we tried to do Mugumuyu but the rain
defeated us. For more pics click on READ MORE:
Leaving Hualien on saturday morning it was obvious that it was going to be
a really nice day.
Good weather or bad, the garbage must be raked over for recyclables that
can be sold.
Traveling alone, I got up early and saw the fishing boats comi... more »
FBI and Department of Justice's Eric Holder's busy day May 19 , 2014 -- FBI arrests 100 hackers over Blackshades malware After a dozen raids around the world, police are detaining the hackers behind 'RAT' software, which lets attackers take over Facebook accounts and infect computers ............ Credit Suisse Admits Guilt In Aiding US Citizens Evade Taxes - Live Eric Holder Press Conference ........... DOJ Accuses Chinese Hackers Of "Penetrating" US Companies - Live Press Conference Feed
FBI arrests 100 hackers over Blackshades malware
After a dozen raids around the world, police are detaining the hackers
behind 'RAT' software, which lets attackers take over Facebook accounts and
infect computers
- Share194
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- Alex Hern
- theguardian.com, Monday 19 May 2014 10.14 EDT
- Jump to comments (13)
[image: Screengrab of Blackshades]The malicious software Blackshades RAT
allowed attackers to access victims' computers to access files, copy
keystrokes or operate the webcam - but also facilitated large=scale denial
of ser... more »
Fired NYT Exec Ed Jill Abramson's voice is heard in the land, plus another fired woman editor is heard from

*You can watch Jill Abramson's Wake Forest commencement speech today here.*
*by Ken*
With all due respect to Wake Forest University, no doubt a fine
institution, it seems to safe to say that as of a couple of weeks ago its
commencement today would have been of little interest to anyone outside the
university community. But the scheduled commencement speaker was then-NYT
Executive Editor Jill Abramson, and in light of recent events, the world at
large descended on Winston-Salem, NC.
As the *Washington Post*'s Manuel Roig-Franzia reports ("Jill Abramson
tells Wake Forest graduates t... more »
“How Your License Plate is Being Used Against You”
*“How Your License Plate is Being Used Against You”*
by Mike Leahy
“You’re a liar!” the police officer yells. “You’re lying to me. Your family
says you have it. Where is the gun?” Your hands are behind your head, your
legs spread apart. The officer radios in for backup, and three more police
cruisers arrive on the scene. They separate you from the rest of your
family before they start searching your car. Out come your suitcases as
well as some presents you bought for your family. This goes on for hours…
right on the side of a major highway. There’s no gun in your car, but that
does... more »
Hayek on Handling Recession
Sam’s comment this morning was so good, I need to comment on it twice.
He’s right that there’s no need for vitriol at half the population. But
he’s wrong in arguing that governments should be piling up debt during a
However, it seems pretty clear that the human suffering mitigated by
maintaining transfers through a recession *drastically* outweighs the
suffering created by the govt taking on debt to be mostly paid by rich
taxpayers of the future.
Nobel Prize winner Friedrich Hayek would disagree with him twice over.
First, it’s certainly true that young people have bee... more »
To those who would argue for flat funding for all schools
While so-called “priority” schools languish in Washington, DC, all from
low-income black and brown neighborhoods, I am to understand that
PTA/PTO/HSA organizations in more affluent areas of our nation’s capital
are able to raise upwards of $500K additional funds to, for instance, hire
full-time paraprofessionals in every class. A half-a-million dollars. Are
you kidding me? […]
“The lottery of birth”
Sam’s comment this morning was too good to ignore.
Opposing objections to compulsory government welfare, he argues we must be
forced *by law* to be our brother’s keeper. Why? Because, echoing Obama, “you
didn’t build that.”
Here's what you and other Libertarians need to understand [says Sam]: *it's
all luck!* Neither you nor I can take credit for our successes. Maybe you
are hard working, but you didn't choose the genes and upbringing that made
you hardworking. Maybe you had a crappy upbringing but nevertheless
overcame hardship to rise to the top, but you can't take credit for ha... more »
Ride in the bike lane, arsehole
Bike lanes are supposed to be there to protect bike riders, right?
Well, apparently not.
In Auckland, bike riders have to share their bike lanes with the biggest
behemoths on the road, i.e., buses, piloted all too often by drivers
disinterested in anything around them.
No wonder so many cyclists ride elsewhere.
But ride in anything *other *than a bus lane bike lane, in Manhattan at
least, and you get a ticket.
Casey Neistat was issued a ticket by NYPD for not riding in the bike lane
and tried to explain to the cop that sometimes the lanes are blocked. But
the officer didn’t ... more »
Thailand Army Declares Martial Law May 19 , 2014 -- Last minute meeting to defuse crisis must have fallen short -- Thailand’s acting prime minister has met with a group of senators to seek a solution to the country’s ongoing political crisis, as anti-government protesters continue to pressure the Cabinet to resign ......
Thailand Army Declares Martial Law
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2014 19:11 -0400
- China
- Martial Law
- New Normal
- Twitter
- Twitter
- Ukraine
gotta love the New Normal: full of non-coupy martial laws.
This is how in Thailand people are told to keep calm and keep BTFD:
PzFeed Top News @PzFeed
URGENT: Thai troops seize TV broadcaster after declaring martial law;
ticker message on screen reads "no need to worry"
7:18 PM - 19 May 20... more »
China, Russia, Brazil, Germany and all the other countries in the World should put Obama, NSA, CIA, Biden, Clinton and every official in D.C. on their own FBI list... as U.S. did to China
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Whenever I don't believe the
U.S. could be full of hypocrisy any more, I am astounded at the idiotic
U.S. government actions and absolute hypocrisy of this government. By the
U.S. putting Chinese military officials on the FBI most wanted list for
spying on America through hacking of computers, the U.S. put itself at risk
for countries doing the
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Recognized since antiquity and depicted on the shield of Achilles
according to Homer, stars of the Hyades cluster form the head of the
constellation Taurus the Bull. Their general V-shape is anchored by
Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull and by far the constellation's brightest
*Click image for larger size.*
Yellowish in appearance, red giant Aldebaran is not a Hyades cluster
member, though. Modern astronomy puts the Hyades cluster 151 light-years
away making it the nearest established open star cluster, while Aldebaran
lies at less than half that distance, along the same line-of... more »
"The Object Of Life..."
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority,
but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
- Marcus Aurelius
Chet Raymo, “Speak, Earth”
*“Speak, Earth”*
by Chet Raymo
“There is a passage toward the end of Vladimir Nabokov' memoir "Speak,
Memory" where he compares the writing of a novel to "the zest of a deity
building a live world from the most unlikely ingredients—rocks, and carbon,
and blind throbbings."
This is the season in New England when we watch the deity in action, when
the cold, rocky foundation suddenly seeps and oozes the fluids of life, the
blood and tears and intestinal juices and sticky protoplasm. The first rays
of summer filter to the woodland floor and wild lilies-of-the-valley, bell
flowers and... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brookings, Oregon, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Life Is Hard?"
"Life is hard? True- but let's love it anyhow,
though it breaks every bone in our bodies."
- Edward Abbey
"The Desert"
*"The Desert"*
by Yasser Hareb
"The sandstorm was so severe that his footprint was erased before he could
lift his other foot. The sun had disappeared, and the place was engulfed in
a maze of eternal dust. The only thing that gave him a little peace in his
heart was the halter of his camel, which he held on to tightly, as if it
was his lifeline. Despite the sound of the wind howling like a pack of
wolves, the breathing of his camel gave him some comfort.
He thought of making his camel sit down so he could take cover behind her
body, as the Bedouins do during storms, but he remember... more »
The Poet: David Wagoner, "Getting There"
* "Getting There"*
"You take a final step and, look, suddenly
You're there. You've arrived
At the one place all your drudgery was aimed for:
This common ground
Where you stretch out, pressing your cheek to sandstone.
What did you want to be?
You'll remember soon.
You feel like tinder under a burning glass,
A luminous point of change.
The sky is pulsing against the cracked horizon,
Holding it firm till the arrival of stars
In time with your heartbeats.
Like wind etching rock, you've made a lasting impression
On the self you were,
By having come all this way through all this welter
Unde... more »
“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”
*“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“When we are forced to deal with people we dislike, a great learning
opportunity is being put forth to us. As much as most of us wish we could
exist in harmony with the people we encounter throughout our lives, there
will always be individuals we dislike. Some simply rub us the wrong way
while others strike us as deliberately unaware. We may judge others as too
mean or abrasive for us to interact with them comfortably. Yet no person
should be deemed a villain because their beliefs, opinions, mann... more »
Harry Targ : Angela Davis featured at National Forum on Police Crimes at University of Chicago
Police repression and ideological mystification are the glues that maintain
structural violence. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | May 19, 2014 Stop
Police Crimes! End Mass Incarceration! Free All Political Prisoners! (Rally
with Angela Davis, Trinity United Church … finish reading Harry Targ :
Angela Davis featured at National Forum on Police Crimes at University of
"It'll Do..."
Deputy Wendell: “It's a mess, ain't it, Sheriff?”
Sheriff Bell: “If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.”
- “No Country For Old Men”
And you'd better believe the mess is coming...
- CP
Updated: An Open Apology to Heather
By American Kabuki
I was invited to Morocco in October by Caleb, as he had rented a large
villa in Cabo Negro and asked if I wanted to rent a room. Since my wife
and I were splitting up I accepted the offer so I could start a new life in
a new place. Heather and her husband were together and as far as I knew on
good terms. My coming to Morocco had nothing to do with her. Caleb invited
me and we knew nothing of Aouchtam.
In November I made a blog post about Heather getting a divorce and moving
in with Caleb in me. My intent was not to harm Heather but I shouldn't
have done it. J... more »
The Mogambo Guru, “A Comforting Solution to an Economic Nightmare”
*“A Comforting Solution to an Economic Nightmare”*
by The Mogambo Guru
“As I gather from the family’s incessant whining for me to give them more
of my dollars, which is growing louder and more rudely hostile by the day,
inflation in the prices of things is hitting them pretty hard. You know:
The same old story.
I pride myself that I am always a loving husband and father, thoughtful
enough to kindly address their financial concerns with my usual careful
consideration and advice, like explaining to them “Shut up!”, whereupon —
get this! — they go all hysterical on me!
Okay, I admit ... more »
“Credit Expansion, Economic Inequality, and Stagnant Wages”
My favourite living economist George Reisman responded briefly last week to
Thomas Piketty’s much-discussed tract on inequality, and substantively
(back in 2008) to the primary cause of unearned inequality that Monsieur
Piketty overlooks.
Capital, he points out, is not the source of poverty but instead is both
the source of all production, and the very means by which labour is paid.
The wealth of the rich is not the cause of the poverty of the poor, but
rather of making the poor less poor, indeed, rich. The wealth of the rich
is invested in means of production, which are the fou... more »
Spanish Inquisition Day 2

Today was (mostly) consumed by a lengthy walking tour of central Madrid
(with a wonderful pair of guides) followed by free time (spent geocaching
and walking home in the rain) and a late-night *tapas* feast.
Naturally Southern Man rose at first light for some pre-breakfast
Another "travel bug" destined to visit caches and Spain and then return.
This one contains some of the ashes of a beloved family member and one of
her children has arranged for her to see the world, in a matter of
speaking. Norma will return to Southern State and rejoin her family at the
end of th... more »
Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson-- Fierce Advocates For Ordinary Working Families

This morning when I woke up the top story on Salon was Digby's Put Alan
Grayson On Benghazi Panel! Why He's Dems' Best Option To Expose This Clown
Show. "With the latest Benghazi! ™ extravaganza about to begin," she wrote,
"the Democrats are faced with a dilemma. Should they boycott the silly
hearings, thus leaving the Republicans to put on their pageant unimpeded,
or should they join in with a full panel and add legitimacy to the process?
The problem seems to be that whether they like it or not, these hearings
are going to be covered. And if the press reaction so far tells us
any... more »

Space week posters now available for order. Can purchase them for $3 each
or five for $12. Artwork done by W. B. Park in Florida.
Send check to: Global Network, PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME 04011 or pay
online *here*
Just indicate in the comments section that you are ordering posters.
Political turmoil and violence in Ukraine's east are not the only
challenges facing the country right now. Energy supplies are a major
concern, and Kiev has decided to use US nuclear fuel at its atomic plants
which constitute a major part of the country's power grid. RT's Irina
Galushko explains why many fear Kiev is jeopardizing safety for politics.
Abu Hamza Guilty

Breaking (good) news, grabbed for posterity at 21.15 BST ...
From *The Wall Street Journal...*
*British Cleric Guilty in U.S. Terror Trial*
*Federal Jury Finds Abu Hamza al-Masri Guilty of All Charges in Terrorism
May 19, 2014 3:02 p.m. ET
NEW YORK—Abu Hamza al-Masri, an Egyptian-born British cleric, was found
guilty of 11 terrorism charges on Monday by a federal jury in Manhattan.
The verdict follows less than two full days of deliberations.
The monthlong trial marks the second time this year that federal civilian
pr... more »
Pot Meets Kettle as US Accuses China of Spying
The farce continues. In a staged media event US Attorney General Eric
Holder announced that the Department of Justice had indicted five Chinese
military officers with stealing data. The dog and pony show – complete with
wanted posters – comes as the Obama regime stumbles from one foreign policy
debacle to another and that accusing the Chinese of stealing data and
spying on US interests is about as hypocritical as it comes in the
aftermath of the revelations of former government contractor turned NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden. Holder will go down as one of the worst
Attorney Ge... more »
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