Zelo Street
Max Clifford – Max Sentence
And so it came to pass that the great Cliffus Maximus arrived at court to be sentenced on a number of7 hrs ago -
Jeremy Clarkson – Pants On Fire
After loose-tongued Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson was caught on camera dropping what sounded like the11 hrs ago -
Nadine’s Novel’s Negligible Numbers
She may have revelled in participating in “ reality television ”, but when it comes to the reality of sales14 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Wall Street Week Ahead-Bond, stock investors making hay; can both be right?
By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) - With U.S. stocks near record highs and Treasury bond yields near1 hr ago -
Berkshire quarterly profit hurt by winter weather, insurance
By Jonathan Stempel and Luciana Lopez OMAHA, Nebraska (Reuters) - Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway1 hr ago -
Wall Street dips as Ukraine concern offsets upbeat jobs data
By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks eased on Friday as concerns about more violence3 hrs ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Week In Politics: Ukraine And Donald Sterling
Regular political commentators, E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post and David Brooks of The New York Times ,3 hrs ago -
Obama Administration Lost Overseas?
The jobs report meant good news for the White House, but Secretary of State John Kerry is tending to a7 hrs ago -
Death Penalty Fades As Hot-Button Issue
With murders down dramatically, death penalty support has fallen far from its peak 20 years ago. Problems13 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
House plans special committee to probe Benghazi
By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Speaker of the House of Representatives said on Friday the4 hrs ago -
Obama, Merkel still struggle over spying but agree on trade
By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela2 hrs ago -
Arkansas judge rules voter ID law unconstitutional
By Suzi Parker LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (Reuters) - An Arkansas judge ruled unconstitutional for the second1 hr ago
Star Alliance to hold promotional event in Taipei
Global airline alliance Star Alliance is set to hold a promotional campaign, the Journey Begins with the5 hrs ago -
China Construction Bank shuts down bitcoin, litecoin transactions
In line with instructions from China's central bank, China Construction Bank on April 30 announced on6 hrs ago -
Gift culture banned in China's hospitals
China has asked all hospitals of level two and above to sign an agreement with their inpatients within 246 hrs ago
Azzaman English
Pipeline attacks reduce Iraqi oil exports
By Fareed Hassan Azzaman, May 2, 2014 Attacks targeting Iraqi pipelines have slashed Iraqi oil exports with8 hrs ago -
Attacks on pipelines are part of plan to destroy Iraqi economy and
By Shaymaa Adel Azzaman, April 29, 2014 There has been a surge in attacks targeting oil pipelines in a bidApril 29, 2014 -
Iraq will soon be a country without Christians, Patriarch warns
By Marwan al-Ani Azzaman, April 28, 2014 The head of the Iraqi church has warned that there might be noApril 28, 2014
Community Press Group
Guernsey: The Lion that squeaks or the mouse that roars?
IOD chairman fires warning shots at messengers ahead of Moneyval visitApril 26, 2014 -
The Recycling Mafia Working to the Agenda 21 Blueprint
For many years now, I’ve been increasingly puzzled by the process of recycling. These are my observations.April 25, 2014
ALERT: It’s Here – CDC Confirms MERS Virus Infection on U.S. Soil
Lily Dane Activist Post The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first case of the -
Funded: Behind Truth Art - Documentary with Activist Artist Anthony Freda
Activist Post Readers of Activist Post are probably familiar with the work of Anthony Freda whose terrific -
Water Liberty: How Innovation Trumps Privatization
Rady Ananda Activist Post The World Bank joins Nestlé in wanting to privatize water, deeming it “extremist
The Voice of Russia, News
Sellafield signs an agreement with Fukushima’s company
An agreement was signed between the Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria and Japan's Fukushima plant15 mins ago -
Drones come back with footage of Fukushima destructions three years after
Three years has passed since the major disaster in Fukushima Daiichi and despite all the efforts of Japan30 mins ago -
One dead in Cairo explosion - Egypt's interior ministry
A driver was killed on Friday when his car exploded in central Cairo, Egypt's interior ministry said,48 mins ago
Climate Resistance
IPCC: A Damp Squib
David Rose has an article in the Sunday Mail yesterday , which I provided the research for. The top articleApril 7, 2014 -
One Giant Bleak Against Mankind
I have an article over at Spiked , on the matter of that dodgy ‘NASA-funded’ end-is-nigh reportMarch 25, 2014 -
The GWPF, Crok & Lewis, and Positioning Sceptics
As we all now know, Marcel Crok and Nicholas Lewis have written a report on the IPCC’s treatment ofMarch 8, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Corporatism Finds Its Pied Piper
This article proposes that it is necessary to confront the growing rage of ever-poorer populations with17 hrs ago -
Bloomberg Sees Misery in Silver But Why
So silver is suffering from its relationship to gold? That's a bit strange. Gold has been circulated by17 hrs ago -
Future of Libertarianism
Marxists were notorious for infighting over the most trivial differences. One group would secede from17 hrs ago
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
ATS Poll: Has ATS been infiltrated and infested with western establishment-
A thread from , sparked a lot of attention, flags, and replies over the last few days. The core premise18 hrs ago -
Obama administration moves to virtually kill the internet? (39 flags)
Reports have been circulating that the Obama administration is trying to destroy the internet by killingApril 30, 2014
Accuracy In Academia
Administrators Not Created Equal
In The Chronicle of Higher Education, writer Don Troop highlighted the current controversy at the1 hr ago -
Bill Clinton, speaking at Georgetown, Criticizes the Media for Unfavorable
In a long-winded speech on Wednesday at Georgetown University, former president Bill Clinton criticized theMay 1, 2014 -
Common Core Disses Poetry
The list of what is missing from the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms continues to growMay 1, 2014
Ukraine's east sees deadliest day of uprising
At least 40 people die in Odessa and seven more in Slovyansk, as pro-Russian uprising rages against2 hrs ago -
Hundreds feared dead in Afghan landslide
A landslide in the Hindu Kush has buried an entire village, leaving at least 500 dead and more than 20001 hr ago -
Number of missing Nigerian schoolgirls rises
Estimate of number of schoolgirls still missing from recent kidnappings at Chibok secondary school rises to7 hrs ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
12 Palestinian refugees deported by Tunisian authorities
TUNISIA, (PIC)– Twelve Palestinian refugees, including two children and a1 hr ago -
Remembering the Nakba: Israeli group puts 1948 Palestine back on the map
Zochrot aims to educate Israeli Jews – through tours and a new phone app – about a history obscured by2 hrs ago -
8 peaceful protesters killed by security forces in Egypt today.
The military continued today in their brutal crackdown against peaceful protesters with five protesters2 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
The Importance of Play: Having Fun Must be Taken Seriously
Recreational deprivation has been linked to criminality, obesity, and declining creativity. Rob Parr asks9 hrs ago -
Crafty Cod Use Tool to Get Food: Nothing Fishy About It
Crafty cod learn to use a tool to obtain food. The more we learn about other animals the more fascinatingMay 1, 2014 -
The Ethics of Captivity: A New Book Covers All the Issues
A new book called "The Ethics of Captivity" edited by Professor Lori Gruen is a must read forApril 30, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
The Week Ahead, May 5-11: IAEA Visits Iranian Sites; NPT PrepCom Closes
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch in the coming week. For6 hrs ago -
The Week Ahead, April 27-May 3: NPT Prep Com Opens; Syria CW Deadline; Deep
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch in the coming week. ForApril 25, 2014 -
The Week Ahead, April 20-26: Obama Visits Tokyo and Seoul; Events on Nukes
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch in the coming week. ForApril 18, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Frontiers editor throws Lew under a bus
Handbags at ten paces: The authors of the retracted paper and their followers are doing the climate changeApril 15, 2014 -
Science ‘abused’ by Lewandowsky paper, says Frontiers
The journal Frontiers, which by now no doubt wishes it had never heard of Lewandowsky, attempts once againApril 12, 2014 -
Lewandowsky tries to rationalise ‘Fury’ retraction
Popcorn time. Stephan Lewandowsky ties himself in knots attempting to reconcile his unshakeable belief thatApril 6, 2014
BBC News - Home
Dozens killed in Odessa clashes
At least 31 people have been killed in a fire in an official building amid clashes between pro-Russian3 hrs ago -
Afghan landslide 'kills hundreds'
At least 350 people have been killed and many more are missing, the UN says, after a landslide hit the3 hrs ago -
Max Clifford jailed for eight years
UK publicist Max Clifford is jailed for total of eight years for eight indecent assaults against young5 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Charity cancer teen leaves hospital
Cancer patient Stephen Sutton, who has raised more than £3m for the Teenage Cancer Trust, is discharged7 hrs ago -
Killers who buried man alive jailed
A woman, her former lover and his friend are jailed for life for murdering her fiance, who was stabbed8 hrs ago -
Author Sue Townsend's funeral held
The funeral of author Sue Townsend is held in Leicester with colleagues from the literary world paying7 hrs ago
A GPS for ancestry
THE question “why are we what we are, where we are?” has intrigued humans since at least the time of4 hrs ago -
Dark matter
Medicine's dirty secret ( Mosaic ) In recent years doctors have come to realise that the micro8 hrs ago -
Bitter pills to swallow
ANTIBIOTICS everywhere are over-used. As a result, bacteria are growing ever more resistant. OurMay 1, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
RSS Feed
This feed from barthsnotes.com couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
Beyond Meds
The final visit to the psychiatrist (part 2 of Goodbye psychiatry)
I hadn't seen this psychiatrist or any other now in several years. I chose to make this visit to the13 hrs ago -
Goodbye psychiatry
Today I’m going to see the shrink who prescribed for me while I was coming off psychiatric drugs. What isMay 1, 2014 -
Self-knowledge cannot be gathered through anybody, through any book, through any confession, psychology, orMay 1, 2014
Biased BBC - Biased BBC
#BBCtrending The Truth
The BBC has hit upon a convenient and deniable way of spreading propaganda2 hrs ago -
Here you go, a new thread to see us all off into the weekend. BBC seem a bit upset that Gerry Adams is12 hrs ago
Russia pushes BRICS nations to establish their own rating agency
Russia is to propose to its BRICS partners the establishment of a single common credit rating agency that18 hrs ago -
Japan Prepares to Enter the Arms Market
Keenly aware of the trouble that came with ambitious generals and an expanding munitions industry, the18 hrs ago -
Obama Calls Coup Government in Kiev "Duly Elected"
President Barack Obama made an embarrasing blunder earlier today during his press conference with German18 hrs ago
Brave The World
The Declaration of Bitcoin’s Independence
When a child comes into this world, it begins to be sculpted by expectations, judgments, andApril 30, 2014 -
Declare War on Feminism
I declare war on modern western feminism. I refuse to support a movement that'April 8, 2014
Blog: Posts
Defense Industry Eyes Growth in the Middle East
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The U.S. military might be pivoting to Asia, but American defense contractors are8 hrs ago -
With Ukraine Crisis Worsening, NATO Ponders Future Relationship with Russia
Body: By Valerie Insinna Just four years ago at the Lisbon Summit, the pervasive view among NATO membersMay 1, 2014 -
Navy Looking for Fresh Thinking on Future Warships
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin It took the Navy more than 10 years to design and start building its littoralApril 30, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Wall Street Week Ahead-Bond, stock investors making hay; can both be right?
By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) - With U.S. stocks near record highs and Treasury bond yields near1 hr ago -
Berkshire quarterly profit hurt by winter weather, insurance
By Jonathan Stempel and Luciana Lopez OMAHA, Nebraska (Reuters) - Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway1 hr ago -
Wall Street dips as Ukraine concern offsets upbeat jobs data
By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks eased on Friday as concerns about more violence3 hrs ago
COTO Report
Water Liberty: How Innovation Trumps Privatization
By Rady Ananda COTO Report The World Bank joins Nestlé in wanting to privatize water, deeming it “extremist12 hrs ago -
Turnabout is Fair Play – Cuba and Ukraine
Russia’s response to United States and European Union efforts in Ukraine represents a more restrainedMay 1, 2014 -
This ‘covert nuclear war’ on humanity
By Rady Ananda COTO Report Three incidents this year at the Carlsbad, New Mexico nuclear Waste IsolationMay 1, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
The Rights of Torture Survivors
Video Focuses on Torture Survivors’ Right to Redress and Rehabilitation Some of theApril 30, 2014 -
Insanity is lurking on the other side…
Rock Band Bills Pentagon for Use of Music as Torture Just a couple of hours after uploading my recentFebruary 27, 2014 -
Shackled During Childbirth
What Would You Call it if Not Torture? My email inbox today included an online petition campaign from theFebruary 23, 2014
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Media Briefing: Examining States' Dramatic Higher Education Cuts and
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities held a conference call briefing to discuss a new report thatApril 30, 2014
Cleantech Blog
Seafloor Carpet Turns Surf’s up to Lights On
At the University of California, Berkeley, a team of engineers is pioneering ocean-source energy technologyMarch 25, 2014 -
Boeing’s SBRC Makes Biofuel from Agricultural Rejects
A decade ago, biofuels were considered the Holy Grail of combustion-engine fuels. Measurably cleaner thanMarch 10, 2014 -
Cliff Majersik, IMT, Identifies Efficiency as Energy’s Biggest Asset
The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit working in the areas ofFebruary 19, 2014
CNN Blocks Marine’s May Day Exposé of Serco 370 Sim-Track, Obama Red Switch
By ABEL DANGER Plum City – ( AbelDanger.net ). CNN has blocked United States Marine Field McConnell’s19 hrs ago -
Where is it? MH370 Flight To Be Simulated
Read Field McConnell’s Biography, here Field McConnell N3572 CR S Plum City WI 54761 USA19 hrs ago -
MH370: Evidence of False Flag
MH370: Evidence Suggests a Naval Intelligence / Israeli False Flag Operation was Exposed BeforeApril 29, 2014
Coyote Blog
California State-Mandated Employee Leaves of Absence
We just worked with an attorney to rewrite our California employee handbook. For your enjoyment, here are8 hrs ago -
Let's Not Paint the Toyota Move to Texas Too Much as A Drive For Free
I totally understand why Toyota would want to leave California. I often wonder why any manufacturing8 hrs ago -
California Food Sales Tax Rules Are Madness
We have invested a fair amount of time to try to get sales tax treatment on food items in our California8 hrs ago
Crikey » COLUMNS
Can we talk our way into reducing emissions?
Crikey readers talk corruption, changing our habits to fight climate change, and what can be done about the21 hrs ago -
Morning Market Report
Markets slightly down off the back of disappointing third quarter results.21 hrs ago -
Media wrap: who said what on the Commission of Audit
The budget emergency we had to have? The Australian and Daily Telegraph certainly think so. But the Herald21 hrs ago
Daily News Story
Mass Launched: Raising the Weight Limit on Mars Missions
The world s largest supersonic parachute could make a Mars sample return mission a reality.19 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
Moyers & Company: Is Net Neutrality Dead?
Dandelion Salad BillMoyers.com on May 2, 2014 Democracy loses if the Internet is sold to the highest bidder10 hrs ago -
The Politics of Red Lines by Noam Chomsky
Dandelion Salad by Noam Chomsky In These Times May 1, 2014 Putin’s takeover of Crimea scares U.S. leaders20 hrs ago -
The Haymarket Riot: “It is a Subterranean Fire” by Elizabeth Schulte
Dandelion Salad Repost from April 30, 2011 by Elizabeth Schulte SocialistWorker.org April 29, 2011 ON MAY 1May 1, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEApril 29, 2014 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEApril 26, 2014
‘Vice’ and ‘Call of Duty’ Presents: Superpower for Sale
Alt. Journalism/counterculture mainstay Vice throws in their lot with Activision to promote the newest2 hrs ago -
Confronting Cognitive Dissonance – The Eyeopener
Are you irate, irritable and irrational when presented with evidence that goes against your preconceived4 hrs ago -
Ancient Egyptians Used Wooden Sleds to Move Pyramid Stones and Overcame
Gizah Pyramids. Photo: Ricardo Liberato (CC) The mystery of how the pyramids were built at Giza, Egypt6 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
May Day! We need your support
This year May Day marks our fourth birthday. We are proud of the work we have done to expose and challengeApril 30, 2014 -
Project Crossbow: How a Norfolk RAF base plugs into the drone wars
A map in the USAF’s new ‘ RPA Vector Report’ released on April 4 2014 confirms that ‘Project CrossbowApril 22, 2014 -
Resisting the Drone Wars: Campaign Day 14 June
Click to download flyer The Drone Campaign Network is holding a day gathering for those interested inApril 7, 2014
e! Science News - Biology & Nature
Researchers find unique fore wing folding among Sub-Saharan African Ensign
Researchers discovered several possibly threatened new species of ensign wasps from Sub-Saharan Africa56 mins ago -
How bacteria exploit proteins to trigger potentially lethal infections
New research by scientists at the University of York sheds light on how bacteria exploit human proteins5 hrs ago -
Novel analyses improve identification of cancer-associated genes from
Dartmouth Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS) researchers developed a new gene expression56 mins ago
Latest News
Why We Are Pushing for a Fracking Ban In the City of Denton
The Texas government and regulatory agencies aren't looking out for regular folks like us9 hrs ago -
Wildcat Wells in Florida’s Big Cypress Preserve Bring New and Unstudied
Regulatory agencies aren't carefully assessing the impact of ramped up oil and gas exploration inMay 1, 2014 -
Environmentalists, Citizens Concerned Over Plans to Drill for Oil in the
Hundreds of thousands of acres of Florida’s ecologically sensitive public lands are being turned overApril 30, 2014
Fabius Maximus
About the warnings of a monster super El Nino coming to you this year
Summary: Today we have an example of America’s poor ability to process information. Weather reports17 hrs ago -
Cruel, deliberate, and unusually vicious. It’s us.
Summary: Today, one of the bloggers that I follow regularly linked to Charles Pierce’s angry opinionMay 1, 2014 -
The NRA feeds our fears, the fast track to political power in America
Summary: Both Left and Right motivate us by fear. They’re professionals at propaganda andApril 29, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
Moral Courage Project Features FBI Whistleblower
Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, who blew the whistle on misconduct in the FBI Crime Lab, is featured in a shortApril 24, 2014 -
Senator Grassley Announces Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus on 25th
Today Senator Charles Grassley, the leading champion of whistleblower protection on Capitol Hill, announcedApril 10, 2014 -
Report Reveals Federal Agencies’ Non-disclosure Policies Violate the WEPA
A report released today by Senator Charles Grassley, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary CommitteeApril 2, 2014
Friends of Syria
The West is Funding These Butchers – WHY!!!!!
Originally posted on Crimes Against Humanity : View original Filed under: Lies13 hrs ago -
Video shows British terrorists executing prisoner in Syria ‘war crime’
Video has emerged implicating British militants in Syria in an apparent war crime. WATCH VIDEO Footage13 hrs ago -
Obama’s Dirty War Using Car Bombs to Kill Civilians and Children
Twin car bombs claim 18 lives, injure more than 50 others in Hama countryside. 18 civilians13 hrs ago
Baby Bear Will Be Spared After Biting 14 College Students (Updated)
Washington University in St. Louis has announced that a petting zoo bear that bit several students has been2 hrs ago -
Watch Some Nuts at the Bundy Ranch Corner and Grill a Latino Reporter
There are a lot of tough jobs in journalism. Like last Friday, when Antonio Castelan of News 3 Las Vegas2 hrs ago -
Board Emailed Congratulations to Gurbaksh Chahal After He Pled Guilty
Days before the board of directors for RadiumOne fired Gurbaksh Chahal for the controversy surrounding his2 hrs ago
ATP Music Festival Artists' Update!
The organisers of the All Tomorrow's Parties have announced a number of seminal artists added to their -
Discrepancy Between Leading Party And Mayoral Candidates
A new poll shows one party leading for Reykjavík city council, but a candidate from another party leading -
Foreign Minister Will Not Withdraw EU Proposal
Minister of Foreign Affairs Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson told reporters that he has no intention of withdrawing
The Green Life
Wait... Bears Can Rock Climb?
Well, the answer is yes! B ears can rock climb, as seen in this viral video filmed byMay 1, 2014 -
Throwback Thursday: Chiura Obata and his Sierra Legacy
Part of an ongoing series exploring the Sierra Club 's archives , because with such a long, richMay 1, 2014 -
Poems to Inspire Outdoor Adventures
We often lose sight of the environment in seeking to conquer it. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up inApril 29, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
10 ways to hypermile and get the most energy out of your car
Under the hood of an electric car If you thought 2013 was a financially tough year, then fasten your seatMarch 20, 2014 -
Teaching Tu B’Shevat in classrooms without borders
For many years Hebrew schools in North America barely related to the JewishJanuary 16, 2014 -
Happy New Year Trees, and spiritual reasons for Tu B’Shevat Customs
Tonight marks the end of the Jewish holiday Tu B’Shevat. The Jewish NewJanuary 16, 2014
HealthLeadersMedia.com - Daily News & Analysis
CMS Resets ICD-10 Start Date
The Department of Health and Human Services "expects to release an interim final rule in the near12 hrs ago -
Slideshow: The New Primary Care Model—A Patient-Centered Approach to
The contemporary primary care practice is at the crossroads of healthcare reform efforts. As the focus of12 hrs ago -
2015 IPPS Proposed Rules Detailed
The focus of Medicare's Inpatient Prospective Payment System proposed rules is squarely on achievingMay 1, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
‘Developed’ nations’ cooperate for lie-based unlawful wars: who’s
In my 18 years’ working with “leadership” of both US political parties as a RESULTSApril 27, 2014 -
Resolving ‘developed’ nations’ OBVIOUS complicity in lie-started US War
Critical mass public-awakening of Americans to US “leaders’” unlawful and lie-startedApril 23, 2014 -
Bundy land context: US ‘leaders’ steal land with MERS bankster fraud, War
The Bundy land conflict evokes Americans to a local venue to protest crimes of a psychopathic US &ldquoApril 16, 2014
The Intercept
Watch Live: Glenn Greenwald Debates Former NSA Director Michael Hayden
Live from Toronto, Canada, watch The Intercept ‘s Glenn Greenwald team up with Reddit co-founder1 hr ago -
British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA’s Data Pools
A secret memo suggests GCHQ's Sir Iain Lobban (pictured) wanted more access to the NSA's PRISM dataApril 30, 2014 -
Excerpt from The Battle for Justice in Palestine
Like most of what he writes and says, Ali Abunimah’s new book , The Battle for Justice in PalestineApril 27, 2014
In These Times
It’s Not All About November
It is hardly controversial to say that one of the big turnoffs about American politics is its disconnect11 hrs ago -
One, Two Many Sawants? Chicago Activists Announce Socialist Candidate for
Inspired by the victory of socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, the Chicago Socialist20 hrs ago -
The Politics of Red Lines
The current Ukraine crisis is serious and threatening, so much so that some commentators even compare itMay 1, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is Anti-Immigrant & Anti-Indigenous
By Franco Habre and Mari Garza Originally posted here. Contact:23 hrs ago -
Venue Change from Monument Valley to Kayenta: Screening of “High Power
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Venue Change from Monument Valley to Kayenta: Screening of “High PowerMarch 8, 2014 -
Fukushima to Four Corners Events in Arizona
Visit: www.nuclearfreezone.org MEDIA ADVISORY From Fukushima to the Four Corners: CommunitiesFebruary 27, 2014
Inter Press Service
U.S. Nearing Approval of Next Generation of Herbicide-Resistant Crops
Use of Roundup Ready crops has been so widespread in the United States over the past decade and a half that2 hrs ago -
Sinkholes Opening Up After Tsunami
A sinkhole is widening in Car Nicobar, but the authorities are clueless about its potential dangers. Credit2 hrs ago -
OP-ED: Iran Human Rights: President Rouhani, Listen to Your Public
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a live interview with Iranian TV on Apr. 29, 2014. Courtesy of2 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
When It Comes To Vaccine Promotion and Safety, Always Follow The Money To
Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film9 hrs ago -
Missing Jet Recordings May Have Been ‘Edited’: Experts – NBC News.com
By Elizabeth Chuck Audio recordings of the final conversations between pilots of the missing Malaysian9 hrs ago -
Reflections in a Petri Dish | Going to Disneyland to do the Horizontal Hula
Dog Poet Transmitting…….. May your noses always be cold and wet. To paraphrase L. Cohen18 hrs ago
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Extraordinary Session of the UNSC Over Ukraine Crisis
Video: May 2, 2014 – Ukraine – Security Council, 7167th meeting Documents: Security Council23 hrs ago -
Scores of Civilians Injured or Killed in Neo-Nazi Offensive
Kiev unleashes battle helicopters and APCs on Slavyansk (L) An anti-goverment separatist guards a23 hrs ago -
Ukraine Crisis: The Battle for Slavyansk
By Tony Cartalucci The unelected regime currently occupying Kiev, Ukraine, has once again attempted to23 hrs ago
Lifeboat News
Tom Wilcoxen, Technical Architect at StoneRiver, joins our Information Sciences Board.13 hrs ago -
Michael Splane, Business Development - Strategic Projects at ClaimVantage, joins our Business Board.21 hrs ago
May Day
21 hrs ago -
Wines of Corsica
The French Island of Corsica, birthplace of Napolean and possibly Christopher Columbus, is known as theApril 30, 2014 -
Chianti ‘Superiore’
Forty-eight wine producers from the Chianti district in Italy were in NYC for a tasting yesterday. Many inApril 29, 2014
The Mad Jewess
@WordPress: STOP Monitoring This Blog. My Stats Show I Have Not Hardly
@Wordpress: STOP Monitoring This Blog. My Stats Show I Have Not Hardly Grown In 5 Years It is 1:17 PM3 hrs ago -
MERS In USA, C-Diff, TB, Etc STOP IMMIGRATION From The 3rd World You
MERS In USA, C-Diff, TB, Etc. STOP IMMIGRATION From The 3rd World You DUMMIES MERS IN USA... As I sit3 hrs ago -
A Happy Baby Hedgehog…This Is SO Cute!
Rarely do I find anything that makes me smile for a half an hour with this C-Difficile still lingering6 hrs ago
The Green Benefits of Food Globalization: Markets at Work
“High-yield agriculture and long-distance trade have long delivered a similar outcome—more abundant and17 hrs ago -
California Energy Policy: Elitist, Import-dependent, and a Tax on the Rest
“Can we really afford to adopt California’s policies, laws and regulations in the rest of America, and thenMay 1, 2014 -
Rolling Blackouts from EPA’s Utility MACT? FERC Commissioner Says a
“The actual justification for the Utility MACT, one of the most expensive and consequentialApril 30, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Media Omit Crucial Detail In Reporting On Retired General's Benghazi
Mainstream media distorted Ret. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell's Benghazi testimony to theMay 1, 2014 -
Media's Revisionist History Of The Sunday Shows After Benghazi Attacks
Mainstream media outlets attempted to cast doubt on White House press secretary Jay Carney'sMay 1, 2014 -
Fox News Cites Email to Take Victory Lap Over Shoddy Benghazi Coverage
Fox News is using a newly released White House memo disclosing media talking points forMay 1, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
African Tropical Rainforest: Flexing Its Muscles in Times of Stress
In what ways? ... and why?April 29, 2014 -
Interaction of CO2 and Water Stress on Plant Growth (Woody Species
An analysis of post-1994 peer-reviewed scientific papers describing the responses of several woody plantsApril 29, 2014 -
CMIP5 Simulations of 20th-Century Pacific Northwest USA Climate
How well do they do what they were created to do?April 29, 2014
Sea coral cnidarian protein offers new barrier against HIV infection
National Cancer Institute researchers have discovered a new class of protein found2 hrs ago -
Uruguay confirmed a third pulp mill with construction beginning in 2017
Uruguay has confirmed a third pulp mill to be built to the north east of the country13 hrs ago -
Uruguay approves import of US fresh and frozen poultry
Uruguay has granted final approval for importing US fresh and frozen poultry and14 hrs ago
NME News
Ed Sheeran and The Game to release a joint album
The Game has said he hopes that the record will be out by the end of this year3 hrs ago -
Trailer for 'Led Zeppelin II' reissue unveiled - watch
Deluxe versions of the band's first three albums will come out on June 24 hrs ago -
New Best Coast album influenced by Gwen Stefani, The Go-Gos, Sugar Ray
Bethany Cosentino says the band's third album contains some unexpected moments5 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
Independence wouldn’t break research ties, says Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is hoping to put researchers’ minds at ease ahead of a crucial referendum5 hrs ago -
UK politicians wade into pharma mega-deal
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has attempted to reassure UK politicians over its attempts to buy AstraZeneca,9 hrs ago -
UK Royal Society still trails US National Academy of Sciences in female
NAS/Royal Society The Royal Society — the United Kingdom’s national science academy — todayMay 1, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Jericho wind project opponents taking case to environmental tribunal
Opponents of NextEra Energy’s 92-turbine Jericho wind energy project have appealed its provincial3 hrs ago -
Residents to finally get a break from the din from Dong
People living on the East Coast can look forward to a good night’s sleep after an offshore wind farm3 hrs ago -
Deepwater still has a few hurdles
Four agencies — two state and two federal — will have the final say on whether the Deepwater Wind project3 hrs ago
The parties have their Commission President candidates. TV channels, it'
Jon Worth, 'blogger, writer, speaker, trainer', encourages TV channels to display the 15th MayMay 1, 2014 -
European Democracy enters a new Dimension
Yesterday at 19:00 CET, European citizens were presented with an exercise unprecedented in our continent: aApril 29, 2014 -
EU - Cuba agreement: A cautious approach
The EU and Cuba want to sign a joint economic agreement in 2015. By this, exports to Europe shall beApril 26, 2014
New Web Order
Two Google Chrome Privacy Issues
I have recently discovered two privacy issues with Google Chrome that users should be aware of. They bothAugust 8, 2012 -
Yahoo Axis Chrome Extension Leaks Private Certificate File
Preamble: The tl;dr for users is to not install (in my opinion) the Yahoo! Axis extenion for Chrome untilMay 23, 2012 -
BlockPlus v4 Released: Block Google+ widgets and links from other Google
Google recently added a Google+ widget to the search engine homepage. I wrote BlockPlus when Google+ wasFebruary 21, 2012
News For You
Donald Sterling Breaks His Silence: 'I Wish I Had Just Paid Her Off'
Business Insider -
Russia Can Lose Territory, Too. It Should Worry.
The Fiscal Times -
Climate Change vs. Global Warming: What’s In a Name?
Wall St. Cheat Sheet q
Delusions Climatic & Otherwise @ the New York Times
The New York Times publishes pablum about the IPCC.April 22, 2014 -
3 Reasons Not to Trust the New Climate Report
The IPCC acts as investigator, prosecutor, judge, and jury. It has a long history of recruiting activistApril 15, 2014 -
The IPCC, the Police & Greenpeace
Greenpeace isn't anti-establishment anymore. Now it's just another arm of the authoritarian, UNApril 14, 2014
No Strings Attached : Laila Yuile on politics and life in B.C.
Troubling photos spark Ministry of Transportation inspections of Sea to Sky
The Ministry of Transportation is investigating the condition of at least three MSE ( M echanically SApril 30, 2014 -
This weeks column for 24Hrs Vancouver: More research needed before allowing
The winner of the last Duel on the CBC was Brent with 54%. This week’s topic: Should e-cigaretteApril 28, 2014 -
With more opportunity, comes more opportunists… ~Amy Gardener
I know many of you are waiting impatiently for my new post on a major issue involving one of my favoriteApril 24, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
When Should A Female Get A Colonoscopy?
What is Colonoscopy? Colonoscopy is a test which allows a doctor to look at the large intestine’s innerApril 29, 2014 -
Food That Help to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Among many other prevention methods of cervical cancer, one of the best ways is to make certain dietaryApril 23, 2014 -
Can Daily Exercise Prevent Breast Cancer?
For years, many doctors and health specialists have linked lower breast cancer rate with regular dailyApril 13, 2014
deathandmysticism: 'Liliana Orsi, a 22-year-old beauty in Rome,...
deathandmysticism : 'Liliana Orsi, a 22-year-old beauty in Rome, Italy, displays her new atomic9 hrs ago -
"Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Neebe, Lingg, Engel
“Parsons, Spies, Fielden, Schwab, Neebe, Lingg, Engel, & Fischer. “The most radical thingMay 1, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Standing Up To Government Is Now Domestic Terrorism
Bob Livingston Personal Liberty Digest3 hrs ago -
Florida’s most lucrative cottage industry: The Trafficking of Humans
Barbara Stone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Judges6 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
House plans special committee to probe Benghazi
By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Speaker of the House of Representatives said on Friday the3 hrs ago -
Obama, Merkel still struggle over spying but agree on trade
By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela1 hr ago -
Arkansas judge rules voter ID law unconstitutional
By Suzi Parker LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (Reuters) - An Arkansas judge ruled unconstitutional for the second1 hr ago
The Pump Handle
Worth reading: Prescription kids, teen pregnancies, and missing workers
A few of the recent pieces I’ve liked: Jennifer Brown and Christopher N. Osher in the Denver Post:1 hr ago -
WHO warns antibiotic resistance is a “serious, worldwide threat to public
For the first time, the World Health Organization has examined antimicrobial resistance globally , and theMay 1, 2014 -
CDC data chronicles role of ladders in occupational falls
Climbing the corporate ladder is usually associated with promotions, salary raises and executive officesApril 30, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
The Grand Inquisitor interviews Merlin
The Grand Inquisitor interviews Merlin In Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, the Inquisitor speaks to,1 hr ago -
Censored language the mind-prison of The Group
Censored language and the mind-prison of The Group by Jon Rappoport May 1, 2014May 1, 2014 -
Hollywood writer goes on the road with JFK assassination evidence
Hollywood writer goes on the road with JFK assassination evidence by Jon Rappoport April 30, 2014April 30, 2014
Signs of the Times
Riots turn deadly in Rio De Janeiro slum as protests erupt over killing of
Deadly protests broke out in a slum near Brazil's Copacabana beach after police and protesters clashed1 hr ago -
First MERS virus case confirmed in the U.S.
Health officials on Friday confirmed the first case of an American infected with a mysterious Middle East1 hr ago -
Absolutely appalling: Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong live in 6ft
For many of the richest people in Hong Kong, one of Asia's wealthiest cities, home is a mansion with an1 hr ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Stalker husband defied protection orders
Sarwan Lata feared her husband. She slept with a knife under a pillow beside her and a meat cleaver under10 hrs ago -
Council set to ban puffing in park
Finding somewhere for a quiet smoke in Wellington could get harder, with plans to ban the habit in a10 hrs ago -
Mystery buyer for Quay site
Grant Thornton House in Lambton Quay is understood to have been sold by Willis Bond to a foreign investor.1 hr ago
SYRIA 360°
Israel establishes missile system in Golan to cover for Syria militants
Israeli regime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli military has established a new missile system in23 hrs ago -
Twin car bombs claim 18 lives, injure more than 50 others in Hama
Twin car bombs claim 18 lives, injure more than 50 others in Hama countryside May 02, 2014 Hama23 hrs ago -
Terrorists Surrender in Homs, Syrian Army Advances Across Country
Terrorists Surrender in Homs, Syrian Army Advances across Country Local Editor A truce was concluded23 hrs ago
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Cruel and Unusual
Oklahoma botched an execution. This is not news but I can help explain why it got botched. See Marcus Ranum5 hrs ago -
Reports out of Syria
There are reports of Syrian Rebels performing public executions. Warning! About Violence There are6 hrs ago -
Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page on the US political system
The two authors of the study that looked at a large amount of data that enabled them to test various1 hr ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
Yahoo! Set to Crush YouTube
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- I might not score (ultimately meaningless and often obvious) Yahoo! -related "May 1, 2014 -
Yahoo Nominates Dr. Jane E. Shaw, Ph.D. To Board Of Directors
Yahoo! Inc. today announced the nomination of Dr. Jane E. Shaw to the company's board of directorsApril 30, 2014 -
AM's Week 37 Player Picks
Nik Argiropoulos runs you through the players you should be considering for your Yahoo Fantasy PremierMay 1, 2014
Top News - MIT Technology Review
Oculus Rift
Thirty years after virtual-reality goggles and immersive virtual worlds made their debut, the technologyApril 22, 2014 -
Now Your Phone’s Tilt Sensor Can Identify You
Tiny hardware imperfections in smartphone and tablet accelerometers lead to unique “fingerprints” withinMay 1, 2014 -
Brain Mapping
A new map, a decade in the works, shows structures of the brain in far greater detail than ever beforeApril 22, 2014
The Nader Page
Stopping Cleveland’s Corporate Freeloaders
On May 6th, Cleveland taxpayers will go to the polls to vote on Issue 7. A no vote will prevent an increaseMay 1, 2014 -
Unstoppable: Twenty-Five Proposed Redirections and Reforms Through
Require that the Department of Defense (DOD) budget be audited annually, and disclose all governmentApril 27, 2014
Omnologos» English
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014 -
Curious Continents (Geography has still a lot to discover)
A recent tweet has inspired some curious fact-finding. Land on earth where there is also land on the otherDecember 23, 2013
Project Censored
Corn Fed Cows Portend Dangerous Consequences For Both Man and Beast
During the past thirty years the agriculture industry has attempted to turn the cow into the perfect food20 hrs ago -
China’s One-Child Policy
One of the most criticized and controversial issues of today concerns China’s famous one-child policy21 hrs ago -
Man Sent to Prison for Collecting Rainwater
In Eagle Point, Oregon, Gary Harrington was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail and pay a fine over $1,500April 29, 2014
Oh the things Prop 42 could do for the Open Government movement
It’s a safe bet that most Californians haven’t heard of Proposition 42, and that this situation will54 mins ago -
With Facebook surging and Google stagnant on mobile, what now for the
For all of their hip, innovative, Silicon Valley beginnings, in 2014 Google and Facebook are essentially1 hr ago -
Hang Local looks to bring the buddy list offline to facilitate better real-
When AOL first launched its instant messaging service (AIM) in the mid-90’s, the platform had the feeling2 hrs ago
more sceptic scientists sign up to condemn warmism …
Many eminent scientists have joined the scientific chorus condemning the global warming activism in Science18 hrs ago -
increasing CO2 protects shellfish …
Acidification of Polluted Estuaries: Is It Bad News for Shell Fish? Reference Ivanina, A.V. and18 hrs ago -
irrational warming nonsense …
Global warming orthodoxy is not merely irrational. It is wicked. Lord Lawson of GWPF slams the21 hrs ago
National Review Online - Planet Gore
Did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tell Chelsea Clinton to Forego Immunizations for
Earlier this week, Chelsea Clinton was honored by environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Riverkeeper8 hrs ago -
New Study Blames Scientists For Confusing People About Global Warming
Funniest headline you’ll read today, made even better as it’s from the alarmist Mother Jones : Study:May 1, 2014 -
Unions vs. Anti-Fracking Efforts in Carson, Calif.
It looks like the unions won. The Los Angeles Times reports: An effort to extend a moratorium on allApril 30, 2014
21 Health Tricks To Teach Your Body
Whether it's curing a throat tickle, resolving your headache in minutes or experiencing supersonic13 hrs ago -
9 Essential Mood, Memory, and Cognitive Enhancers That Boost Brain Energy
Mood-stabilizing drugs are purely antimanic agents, which are mainly for treating mania. However, natural14 hrs ago -
The Higher Your Vitamin D Levels, The Better Your Chance To Both Prevent
The active form of vitamin D essentially shuts down cancer cells by several mechanisms which inhibit23 hrs ago
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Europe’s Precarious New Normal
A decade ago, ten countries joined the EU, and all – including eight post-communist states – are now14 hrs ago -
Ukraine on Latin America’s Mind
Many people in Latin America understand the potency of Russian feelings about Crimea. Nonetheless, theMay 1, 2014 -
Algeria’s Dying Dictatorship
Despite his failing health, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika cinched a fourth term last month – orMay 1, 2014
The Raw Story
Federal firefighting budget reportedly $470 million short of requirement
By Laura Zuckerman SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) – The U.S. government expects to spend $470 million more23 mins ago -
116-year-old Peruvian stakes claim to title of world’s oldest woman
A 116-year-old Peruvian living in extreme poverty in the heart of the Andes is in the running to become the29 mins ago -
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp acquires romance novel publisher Harlequin
Harlequin, the global queen of bodice-ripping books telling tales of romance between doctor and nurse, or34 mins ago
The Science of Doom
Ghosts of Climates Past – Nineteen – Ice Sheet Models I
In Part Seven – GCM I through Part Ten – GCM IV we looked at GCM simulations of ice ages. These wereApril 13, 2014 -
Ghosts of Climates Past – Eighteen – “Probably Nonlinearity” of Unknown
A while ago, in Part Three – Hays, Imbrie & Shackleton we looked at a seminal paper from 1976. InMarch 3, 2014 -
Ghosts of Climates Past – Seventeen – Proxies under Water I
In Thirteen – Terminator II we had a cursory look at the different “proxies” for temperatureFebruary 23, 2014
By Russia Today NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow now says that the allied group has been1 min ago -
NATO’s continued existence is hegemonic and its meddling in Ukraine an act of war against Russia Tony6 mins ago -
By Jan Oberg | Global Research Over the last 25-30 years Sweden’s military, security and foreign policy20 mins ago
13 Funniest Celebrity Movie Set Pranks
There’s nothing like playing a well-executed prank on a co-worker, and as this list proves, if you happenApril 8, 2014 -
Better Than Barbie? Meet the World's First Interactive Smart Doll
While anime-inspired dolls have been around for a while in Japan, TV presenter Danny Choo’s interactiveMarch 12, 2014 -
10 Coolest Links of the Week
From inspiring play parks to TV shows that changed the world, this week’s link roundup is a mixed bag ofFebruary 5, 2014
Boston area event: Please join API on April 5 for their second annual
Awareness Projects International’s Second Annual Conference will be held at The Fletcher School ofApril 3, 2014 -
The Challenges of Electoral Security in Afghanistan
Registan.net is happy to welcome a guest post from Salima Ahmadi, an Afghan undergraduate student at theApril 3, 2014 -
Russia in a post-modern international system: searching for the “red line”
Copyright BBC After two waves of economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union andMarch 28, 2014
Dan Wilson: “I’m like the world’s expert in super mournful, lonely songs
Talking music with Dan Wilson, who wrote "Closing Time," and then hits for Adele, Taylor Swift36 mins ago -
“It’s nice to be in control”: Kevin Spacey is not tired of playing
The actor talks Shakespeare, Netflix and why his mom would be shocked that so many of his characters are36 mins ago -
The burden of atrocity: How Vietnam was exposed as a “dirty war”
Nick Turse's exhaustive new book on America's war crimes gives short shrift to those who helped51 mins ago
Science Blog
The real difference between how men and women choose their partners
A hamburger that’s 90 per cent fat-free sounds a lot […]5 hrs ago -
Whales hear us more than we realize
Killer whales and other marine mammals likely hear sonar signals […]10 hrs ago -
Electronic nose sniffs out prostate cancer using urine samples
Novel noninvasive technique successfully discriminates between prostate cancer and benign […]10 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
SMC Heads Up
Superbugs a global issue - WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) this week released its first global20 hrs ago -
'Legal highs' and animal testing - experts respond
New psychoactive substances laws require manufacturers to provide evidence that their product poses a '22 hrs ago -
GOPS delegation to visit New Zealand
Created in 2009, the GOPS (Grand Observatoire de L’environnement et de la Biodiversité Terrestre et Marine22 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
Benghazi WTF?
Republicans aren’t for things. Instead they run from one hysterical anti-something scream to the next3 hrs ago -
Balancing Trade – Remember The “Buffett Plan”
The enormous, humongous trade deficit is doing incredible damage to our economy. Our country’s elites21 hrs ago -
Obama’s Asia Trip: Hear What’s At Stake For Workers
I discussed the Trans-Pacific Partnership and what President Obama’s trip to Asia could mean forApril 28, 2014
The Slog.
At the End of the Day
Perfect Pitch The voyages of the Slogship Enterprose continue. We shall tomorrow be departing the Var6 hrs ago -
ANN McGUIRE & MADELEINE McCANN: The media politics of gestures, permanent
The Prime Minister has given his backing to a permanent memorial to murdered schoolteacher Ann McGuire. He10 hrs ago -
READERAMA: A load of old Cooperative Balls, a load of old German Green
I owe a debt to Slogger Stuart, who notes that: In his interview on Channel 4 News on Wednesday Night, Ed17 hrs ago
The Virtual Pub Is Open
[Explanations: lol your fat . pathetic anger bread . hey your gay . maybe a vestment .] TFIF, Shakers1 hr ago -
Add another seat at the periodic table! The periodic table has been extended, with the announcement of the2 hrs ago -
The Friday Blogaround
This blogaround brought to you by the sound of raising voices. Recommended Reading: Preston: [Content Note:3 hrs ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
NATO Compelled to Treat Russia as Enemy!
” … It just seems like we’re marching towards this inevitable Third World War!”15 hrs ago -
IMF Demands Ukraine Risk World War 3 in Return For Bailout Money!
IMF Demands Ukraine Risk World War 3 in Return For Bailout Money! by Paul Joseph Watson, http15 hrs ago -
Sunwarrior News
Deodorant vs Antiperspirant
Sweating is a natural and healthy process, but it tends to stink. There are two major categories of7 hrs ago -
What is Oil Pulling?
It's currently trending on social media, but has been around since ancient times. So what’s the big7 hrs ago -
14 of the Best Foods for Stomach and Digestive Health
“We are what we eat.” We all know the saying, but relatively few of us take it to heart. What we eat we use11 hrs ago
Technology - Google News
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer officially released - GameSpot
Washington Post Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer officially released GameSpot Next Call of Duty game4 mins ago -
Cisco Replaces WebEx Social With Jive - ValueWalk
Techie News Cisco Replaces WebEx Social With Jive ValueWalk Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO), the largest4 hrs ago -
Steve Jobs Defied Convention, and Perhaps the Law - New York Times
Times of India Steve Jobs Defied Convention, and Perhaps the Law New York Times Steve Jobs, a co-founder of46 mins ago
Things I grab, motley collection
Happy Birthday, BASIC
Originally posted on TechCrunch : Fifty years ago this month, in 1964, a computer programming language8 hrs ago -
4 Robots That Teach Children Science and Math in Engaging Ways
R obots can capture a child’s imagination like no other tool by creating a fun, physical learning process9 hrs ago -
How Helsinki Became the Most Successful Open-Data City in the World
H ELSINKI, Finland — If there’s something you’d like to know about Helsinki, someone in the16 hrs ago
This Can't Be Happening!
A Conversation with Prof. Nel about an Attempt to Fire Tenured Faculty for
Academic freedom under attack5 hrs ago -
Supreme Court Upholds Disbarment of Anti-Abortion Kansas Ex-AG Phill Kline
‘Karma’s a bitch’May 1, 2014 -
FCC Wants to Give Corporations Their Own Internet
The new proposal mocks Net NeutralityApril 28, 2014

Researchers intrigued by gruesome catch
Goblin sharks are shrouded in mystery, and the fisherman who brought in this 18-footer had no clue what it was.
More photos »
Top Documentary Films
The Hijacked Wealth
The question is still open about the destiny of the Libyan investment in Europe after military intervention4 hrs ago -
The Unspooling Mind
The Unspooling Mind is a documentary about the human toll of dementia, heart-wrenching decisions forApril 30, 2014 -
The Great Challenge: Oil
The sleepless economy of America with the population of 350 million is busy producing and consuming day andApril 29, 2014
The Total Collapse
Putin Warns Deadly Ukraine Offensive Ends ‘Final Hope’ of Peace
Via NCB: Russian President Vladimir Putin said Ukraine had extinguished the “final hope” of a2 hrs ago -
Romania calls for more NATO warships in Black Sea
Romania has called on the United States and NATO to boost their military presence in the Balkan country to5 hrs ago -
IMF Demands Ukraine Risk World War 3 in Return For Bailout Money
The IMF has told Kiev that if it doesn’t defend eastern areas of Ukraine against pro-Russian forces, or inMay 1, 2014
The New Interventionists: Civil Society Activists
Debates about intervention are inevitable in an interdependent world order in which ideals of territorialApril 28, 2014 -
Israel – Stone Cold Justice Four Corners
The Israeli army is both respected and feared as a fighting force. But now the country's military isApril 28, 2014 -
Anzac Day: A Fitting Codicil to a Century of War
Military spending and mythology in Australia have taken on a life of their own. Perhaps we can use 2014 andApril 28, 2014
The Truth is Where?
Vatican cocaine-filled condoms parcel seized by German customs officers.
By Agence France-Presse 23rd March 2014. Find Article Here:- Package sent to the Vatican from aMarch 31, 2014 -
Dr Haroun Gajraj has ditched statins for good.
By Haroun Gajraj 23rd March 2014. Find Full Article Here:- Why I’ve ditched statins for good.March 31, 2014 -
Napping can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, and More.
By Elizabeth Renter 17th March 2014. Find Article Here:- In some places, towns essentially shutMarch 31, 2014
Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, Lockerbie – And The Lies We Have Been Told
On the 20th May 2012 the only person ever convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Abdelbaset Al MegrahiMarch 11, 2014 -
Call To Action - Budget Day, 19th March
The 19th March is Budget Day, and we will be gathering in London to promote the Bradbury Pound. Our purposeMarch 5, 2014 -
Bank Separation, Not
Today the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Bill was given Royal Assent, formalising it as an Act ofDecember 19, 2013
Universe Today
Object “G2″ Still Intact at Closest Approach to Galactic Center
This simulation shows the future behaviour of a gas cloud that has been observed approaching the black hole4 hrs ago -
Weekly Space Hangout – May 2, 2014
Host: Fraser Cain Guests: (...) Read the rest of Weekly Space Hangout – May 2, 2014 (34 words)5 hrs ago -
How Much Of The U.S. Public Supports Space Spending? Depends On How You
Apollo 16 astronaut John Young on the moon in 1972. Credit: NASA A few days ago, the Pew Research Center6 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
How To Make a Python Program Wait
If you’ve got a Python program and you want to make it wait, you can use a simple function like this oneApril 29, 2014 -
Learn Web Development, with Coaching!
Want to learn web development? If you've already gotten the programming bug from introductoryApril 28, 2014 -
Rockin' Data Visualization Project!
Are top musicians born or are they a product of large cities? Exploratory Data Analysis student, Stefan Z.,April 26, 2014
Veterans Today
US Contractor Lockdown in Oman
Hi Gordon, I read your recent article "Breaking: Nuclear Alert" and I e-mailed it to all my4 hrs ago -
Kuwait “Epicenter” of Terror Funding: Washington
Kuwait had been a major terror funder for a very long time, operating “under the radar,” as described by a4 hrs ago -
Kuwait Terror Charges Prove US Duplicity: Duff
The US Treasury Department’s labeling of Kuwait as a terror sponsor indicates Washington’s duplicity in4 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
Enron 2.0: Wall Street Manipulates Energy Prices … and Every Other Market
Energy Prices Manipulated The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says that JP Morgan has massively4 hrs ago -
Please Stop Me Before I Vote for a Bought-&-Paid-For Demopublican Again
If we only voted for unbuyable candidates, money would become poison in politics rather than mother’s10 hrs ago -
Big Banks Started Laundering Massive Sums of Drug Money In the 1980s … And
For More Than 30 Years, the Big Banks Have Been Key Players In the Drug Trade It has become mainstream18 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from voltairenet.org couldn't be loaded right now.
New Cold War
New Cold War
Damascus (Syria)
Chicago (USA)
Ukrainian border guards are a body of officials particularly supportive of the Kiev authorities. Indeed, after the "Orange Revolution," President Yushchenko had planned to use its border with Russia according to guidelines elaborated by the European Union and the United States with the aim of turning it into NATO’s front line.
WASH Research News
A sustainability assessment tool for rural water services
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a SustainabilityMarch 6, 2013 -
Renewed research call for faecal sludge secondary treatment options in
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a renewed research call for: Faecal sludgeNovember 25, 2012 -
UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poorDecember 2, 2011
A Flamingo in Utrecht
Utrecht Skate Party
Skate season is upon us again — although today’s weather has turned oddly chilly. But a nip in13 hrs ago -
Electric Boats and a Dog
On King’s Day, as we were passing by the Oudegracht, my eye was caught by this beautiful dog. SoMay 1, 2014 -
Wordless Wednesday: Utrecht’s Evening Glow
Tagged: city lights , domtoren , Janskerkhof , koningsnacht , photography , skyline , trajectum lumenApril 30, 2014
World Science
For birds, predation linked to faster aging
Findings are said to support an old theory explaining why animals have such widely varying lifespans.May 1, 2014 -
Snobby staff may boost luxury sales
When it comes to luxury brands, the ruder the sales staff the better the retail sales, a study suggests.April 29, 2014 -
At least one in 25 death-sentenced people are innocent, study claims
In new work, researchers argue that the false-conviction rate is not everywhere as unknowable as isApril 28, 2014
Fuel Fix
Democrats push Obama on LNG exports
Five Senate Democrats sent a letter to President Barack Obama on Friday pleading for the government to pick2 hrs ago -
Investigators narrow possible causes of oil train derailment
The National Transportation Safety Board says the crew’s actions, the train’s equipment or speed did not2 hrs ago -
Oil rises but stays below $100 level
Prices fell below $100 a barrel this week, mostly due to a surge in U.S. supplies of crude oil.3 hrs ago
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