10:26pm MDST
Courage Campaign… Reborn

I was so happy to see that Paul Song had been elected to a non-profit board
I serve on. Friday was our annual meeting and I got to meet him in person.
He's done an incredible job as Executive Chairman of another organization,
Courage Campaign. He started running Courage when Rick Jacobs, the founder,
because Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles. I was thrilled to learn that Paul has
expanded the scope of the organization and that the main focus has shifted
in a direction which has them spending more time and energy fighting
against economic inequality.
During the lunch break, he actually s... more »
Emerging Oneness:Our Singing Heart
[image: Picture]
The purpose of life is individually determined yet collectively
accomplished. There is not a right or correct path versus a wrong or
incorrect path to take. There is one central idea. It underscores every
other and becomes the unifying force. This idea supposes that information
begets growth which in turn results in more life. We are here not to
learn, is if students or children, but to collect information. This
information advances our collective knowledge and leads ultimately to
expansion, diversification and growth.
We are more accurately called scien... more »
There Is No Valid Climate Science and No Competent Climate Debate
The WUWT site has a post on alarmist "pseudoscientists' claims debunked",
containing a statement that I find absolutely incompetent, and to which I
respond here:
*"Let us be as precise as They are vague. The existence of the greenhouse
effect is definitively established both in theory and in experiment and
needs no 'consensus' to prop it up."*
*You call that precise? The "greenhouse effect" touted to the world's
citizens is this, and this alone: The global mean atmospheric temperature
at the Earth's surface (or at any given pressure level) supposedly
increases with an increase in th... more »
Self-defense forces are on full alert in East Ukraine's newly proclaimed
Donetsk People's Republic. The region cut ties with Kiev after a popular
vote last Sunday - and activists are expecting a new wave of government
crackdown. Tensions are highest in the city of Slavyansk that's been
besieged by troops for weeks. Reinstating control over the restive region
isn't the only agenda driving Kiev's ongoing offensive.... follow the money
and the fossil fuels.
“Slouching Toward... Hell on Earth”
*“Slouching Toward... Hell on Earth”*
by John Atcheson
“In 1961 Joan Didion released a collection of essays titled, "Slouching
Toward Bethlehem". The first essay, “Dreamers of a Golden Dream,” contains
the following: “October is the bad month for wind, the month when breathing
is difficult, and the hills blaze up spontaneously… Every voice seems a
scream. It is the season of suicide, divorce and prickly dread…”
She was talking about the Santa Ana’s… searing 100 mile-an-hour winds that
shriek down the mountains and scorch everything in their path. Back in
1961, it was common knowled... more »
New York City cab driver defends National Socialism
Here is a courageous cab driver who refuses to back down from the
politically correct Jewish establishment:
From *Dominican Today*:
A New York City cab driver of Dominican origin has been suspended for 30
days for wearing a Nazi swastika armband while on duty.
The Taxi and Limousine Commission (T&LC) decided to suspend the operator's
license for a month and not to fire him. It is against TLC rules for
drivers perform any act that is against the best interests of the public.
However, Gabriel Diaz, 27, defended his choice of attire to the New York
Post, saying, “*We’ve been told li... more »
Doonesbury Watch: When Joanie Caucus applied to law school

*DOONESBURY -- Way back when*
*When last we left "historic" Joanie, she had entered the day-care industry
at Walden commune. [Click to enlarge.]*
*DOONESBURY -- Friday, February 8, 2013*
*Latter-day Joanie is feeling the pressure of her new job -- as by far the
oldest member of Elizabeth Warren's Senate staff. Here, even her much-loved
granddaughter Alex has trouble getting through. Alex has since given birth
to twins, making Joanie a great-grandmother. [Click to enlarge.]*
*by Ken*
It didn't occur to me until I began sifting through these voluminous
"flashbacks" Garry Trudeau has... more »
Zombie Apocalypse Revival- Numerology and 8888?
* The zombie apocalypse meme keeps reappearing.* *WP had a piece about the
other day linking back to a self proclaimed Foreign policy "exclusive"
regarding the Pentagon plan to 'stop the zombie apocalypse'*
* Quoting from FP-*
Buried on the military's secret computer network is an unclassified
document, obtained by Foreign Policy, called *"CONOP 8888.*" It's a zombie
survival plan, a how-to guide for military planners trying to isolate the
threat from a menu of the undead -- from chicken zombies to vegetarian
zombies and even "evil magic zombies" -- and destroy them.
"This plan ... more »
Zen things
The tool is a "jembe," a Kenyan hoe made by Mr. Joseph Ogola. Many people
in Kenya do all their farm work with this one tool.
Greens bed is coming along slowly. Turnips, radishes, bok choi, tatsoi,
kale, collards and chard mostly, with some marigolds and such.
The ducklings a week ago. They will be released into the poultry moat today.
A few fogs have heralded the change in weather. We have gone over 90F,
though it is much cooler today. I have been firewooding the branches of the
ash tree. It is slow but meditative work. As I do it, I try to focus on a
few Zen observations that... more »
Iranian Students Continue to Face Discrimination from U.S. Sanctions
students, studying in the United States and reliant on Bank of America
debit cards and ATMs for access to their foreign bank accounts, have
recently had their assets frozen. According to Ryan Costello and Jamal
Abdi of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), “Due to a sudden,
unnecessary and — most of all – discriminatory change in bank policy,
Iranians and Iranian Americans
Anxiety Attack
Oh dear Lord, this looks bad.
Here's Radio 4 *Sunday*'s itinerary for tomorrow. (Just to quote the *Sunday
*website is enough to show the sheer scale of the bias to come.)
Read on and weep:
The Archbishop of Canterbury has published guidance on tackling homophobia
in Church of England schools. But how does the church square this message
with its opposition to same-sex marriage? Rev Jan Ainsworth and Bishop Alan
Wilson discuss.
Edward looks ahead to Pope Francis' upcoming historic and politically
sensitive visit to the Holy Land with Vatican Correspondent for the Irish
Times Padd... more »
Global Swarming

It's been far too sunny today to bother with the BBC and its bothersome
bias, but I did listen to Paddy's *Saturday PM. *
It discussed (1) the abducted girls in Nigeria (*'Now look 'ere,
Goodluck!')*, (2) the Co-op (*'Don't mention the Labour Party, Pike!'*),
(3) Nigel Farage's 'car crash' interview on LBC (*'He's doomed! DOOMED!'*),
(4) liberalising cannabis in the U.S. (*'Stupid Republican dinosaurs!'*)
and (5) bee swarms (*'Don't panic! 'Don't panic!'*)
Paddy talked about the UKIP story with John Major's press secretary, Sheila
She wasn't impressed with the UKIP spin do... more »
Revisiting No2EU
If it wasn't for UKIP, it's fair to say most people wouldn't know European
elections are in the offing. Yet while the media buzzes about Farage's
one-man party and what the mainstream are doing about it, the ballot paper
is littered with anti-EU also rans. Here in the WestMids there's the BNP
and English Democrats fare. We are also blessed with sitting ex-UKIP MEP Nikki
Sinclaire for 'We Demand a Referendum' and Mike Natrass - another former
'kipper - for the naughtily-titled 'An Independence from Europe - UK
Independence Now' list. Hopefully, this Little England gang bang will see ... more »
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer holds forth with Central Texas environmental
activists Robbins, Cortez & Baker.
Quote for a Sunday

[Hat tip Scary Bible Quote of the Day]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Republican Party Has Cut Off Funding For Mikey Suits Grimm's Reelection Efforts
Classic sociopath, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm
God sent a freak rain storm to tell Staten Island die-hard Republicans
that, "no, Mafia congressman Mikey Suits Grimm is *not* getting a raw deal;
he's getting his just desserts." Another force-- the Beltway GOP
Establishment-- is sending a signal of their own: they are drying up
Grimm's funding.
Already in financial trouble because he's diverted hundreds of thousands of
dollars in campaign funds into a high dollar law firm keeping him out of
prison, Grimm now faces an NRCC that doesn't want to waste more money on
his. The GOP version ... more »
Obama Worshippers Only Enable the Collapse

Having just finished reading a column from Patrick J. Buchanan entitled "A
Left-Right Convergence?" in which the longtime paleoconservative mused
about a coming alliance between anti-fascist elements of the left and the
right I must admit that I have been pushing this idea for years and it is
nice to see someone like the old warhorse himself bring it up. It has long
been the ONLY logical way to seriously challenge the corrupt bipartisan
warfare state and the rigged system of spoils to benefit an American
oligarchy grown fat, arrogant and rotten beyond mere words that is
protected ... more »
Obama is golfing today. Yesterday he spun his skanky ass all over a counter where people have to eat food...

*not kidding.*
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - The White House did not immediately comment on whether
it was aware of WUSA9 reports of recent violations and a prior health
closure order at the DuPont Circle Shake Shack where President Obama and
Vice President Biden dined Friday. source
He da man, doncha know.
Cheered on by his sons and daughters.
Gangs, Countergangs and Pirate Clans.

*"I think this is the time to deploy a globally concerted effort against
all tewwoar suggs... a Global concerted effort led by US, Europe, the UK
and Russia on all sources of tewwoar; the same kind of stwuggle as our
Forefathers had against Piwacy on the High-Seas"*
*Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak,*
*9/11/01, c11:00 am EST.*
*"Our country is adrift... Fearful that it has no new frontiers and
entering its late middle age, America has no great purpose or unifying
cause... it begins to divide among clans, tribes and gangs."The Patriot,
by Senator Gary H... more »
*New Orleans Saints sign former Tulane safety Devon Walker ~WhoDat Dish*
May 17:How utterly stupid we are!
It's pretty sobering to look at the tremendous problems we have created for
the near future - problems of food supply, climate, wildly overstrained
resources. problems of immense overpopulation, problems that no nation, no
person, can escape by being rich or powerful.
These are problems so great it will take all of us, all cooperating, to
have even a hope of softening the blow.
And we're not doing a damn thing except fighting each other.
I was reading the last few days of the Christian Science Monitor, once a
quite respectable newspaper by North American standards. What I read was
... more »
America Is Finished: THIS Is a Clear Example Of The Collapse Of The American Education System - "Debate" American Common Core Style!
I have been saying for quite some time now that America is truly finished
as a society... I have been more and more disgusted in what the United
States passes off as an "education" system, where we are watching people
graduate from schools and colleges even though they are fully
illiterate! What is also disgusting in the failed American education
system is the constant pushing through of visible minorities, that can
neither read or write, just to fill "quotas" and to enable schools to
receive federal funding! What the hell ever happened to schools actually
caring about childre... more »
A Review of My Book by Someone Who Had Never Heard of Me
D. Forman had never heard of me. She had never read my blog, and she did
not know that I had recently published my first book, A Chronicle of
Echoes, a well-researched whistle blower on numerous major players
exploiting American public education in the name of “reform.” She found my
book when perusing the Amazon.com site; read the […]
By Capt. Fogg
Seems as though I'm alone in worrying more about Russian aggression in
Europe than about rooting out and punishing obnoxious racial opinions
expressed in private. But in fact I'm starting to worry about freedom of
speech and it's de facto abuse even though that abuse isn't coming from the
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Police Commissioner Robert Copeland was overheard
sounding off in a restaurant last March, complaining that he hated watching
television, because every time he turns it on, he sees “that f-cking
n-gger.” TFN, of course, being the president of t... more »
Old English

The land now known as England was originally inhabited by an unknown
culture of people, sometimes referred to as "Megalithic" people (a
reference to the standing stones they left at, among other places,
Stonehenge). These people were displaced by Celtic tribes, who in their
turn were pushed back to the peripheries of the island by three Germanic
tribes -- the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes -- who arrived in the fifth
century to fill the power vacuum left by the departing Roman colonizers.
We know little of their culture, though, and nothing of their literature,
until the momen... more »
Does The Silicon Valley Really Want A Serial Election Fraudster As A Congressman? Meet Ro Khanna

We've been doing some reporting here about what a sleazy character Ro
Khanna is and how, from his earliest forays into politics, he's been
subverting the rules to win. Predictably, Khanna is up to his old tricks in
the CA-17 race against progressive icon Mike Honda. In their endorsement of
Honda yesterday, the PCCC told their supporters that "Progressive
Congressman Mike Honda is facing a conservative primary challenger on June
3 who calls himself a Democrat-- but is he really? Honda's opponent is open
to cutting Social Security. And he opposes the congressional progressive
budget... more »
Top Ten Reasons Operation American Spring Went Flat

Operation American Spring, the Tea Party protest which was expected to
draw 10-30,000,000 people to the nation's Capitol yesterday, turned out to
be a huge flop. Rather than the tens of millions hoped for, only a few
dozen showed up and the turnout was so dismal, even the conservative
outlets *The Blaze* and the *Washington Times* couldn't even begin to spin
it. But there were several excellent reasons why yesterday's protest in
Washington DC wasn't quite what was hoped for. What were they?
*10) *We done tried but couldn't get away from Benghazi.
*9)* Klan costume got yellowed ... more »
Best legacy for Michelle is to keep this conversation going

May the hills ring with our conversations about disordered eating in
the wake of Michelle Stewart’s death. I know it would please her to think
that we weren't just going to let that elephant in the room pass unnoticed.
What I mostly know about the various disordered-eating illnesses is
they aren't about disordered eating at all. Eat a lot, eat a little, obsess
about burning it off, throw it up, fixate on it – food is ultimately just
fuel for the body, but for some people it becomes a way to manage the bad
feelings of your life. For me it seems almost like cutting, where ... more »
today is the international day against homophobia and transphobia
May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia,
sometimes called IDAHO or IDAHOT.
This day is the perfect example of how I view all social progress: we have
come a long way, and we still have a long way to go.
Come a long way: yesterday at the library, I put up a IDAHO display in the
youth area. I found more gay- and lesbian-themed youth fiction than I could
fit on the display. This filled me with such joy, knowing that gay and
lesbian teens in my area can see their authentic selves reflected in the
world around them, the way LGBT people in their parents' and gr... more »

The last contractual duty of the academic year is to attend graduation. We
walk well over a thousand so the college rents a venue in downtown Southern
City. The CS faculty meets early for dinner, and Southern Man went even
earlier to do a little geocaching.
One of the caches was a virtual tour of "Bricktown" and required that we
post the name and sculptor of this Sisyphus-inspired piece.
Waiting outside Italian eatery Zio's.
The gang's (mostly) all here!
The girls of CS (Vicky, the now-retired Mary, Anita, and Sara) with James
lurking in the background.
Southern Man's favorit... more »
Checking their privilege down on the waterfront!
*SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014*
*Julia Fisher’s suggestion:* Should the horrible people who aren’t like us
be told to check their privilege?
Frankly, it all depends!
For many purposes, we prefer the previous language, in which people who had
a lot of advantages were *told* that they had a lot of advantages—perhaps
even that they had “*all* the advantages.”
“Advantages” sound like things you’d want to confer on other people. In
many contexts, “privilege” sounds like something a scold employs to make
people loathe themselves.
In fairness, tyrants have always enjoyed spreading forms of loa... more »

*Both collectively and individually we are all a hostage of fear and only
the light of the truth can free us from this self-imposed powerless and
suffocating illusionary prison of self-doubt and unworthiness. Fortunately
we have courageous truth tellers in our life continually reminding us of
what the light of the truth can reveal: Allen L Roland*
As Chris Badenhorst correctly wrote in the Star on April, 2014 of the
important role of truth tellers in a letter entitled *Fear Has Once Again
Taken Us Hostage ~ *
*"Ordinary people did not simply one day wake up and proclaim their pl... more »
Spanish Inquisition Day Zero

This afternoon a group of professors and students from area universities -
and Southern Man - will head across the pond for two weeks in Spain during
which there will be much walking and exploring and eating and drinking and
geocaching (Southern Man has a bag of travel bugs, some destined to stay
and others to visit and return to their owners in Southern State) and not
the faintest *hint* of work or responsibilities. The students are going to
learn (as part of an overseas studies course) and the other professors are
going to teach but Southern Man is going to play. *Hasta la vista, b... more »
NSA spying on everyone updates .... May 17 , 2014 --- Everyone should know just how much the government lied to defend the NSA ...... How the NSA & FBI made Facebook the perfect mass surveillance tool ....... New Snowden Document Implies NSA May Be Putting Israel’s Security Ahead of America’s
Everyone should know just how much the government lied to defend the NSA
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
*Trevor Timm*
London Guardian
May 17, 2014
If you blinked this week, you might have missed the news: two Senatorsaccused
the Justice Department of lying about NSA warrantless surveillance to the
US supreme court last year, and those falsehoods all but ensured that mass
spying on Americans would continue. But hardly anyone seems to ca... more »
Mike's Story Part 24: Brooklyn, Ho!
* By **Jenna** Orkin*
It was time to move again, Mike felt, before he got on Barry's wife's
He was coming to Brooklyn where he'd be able to meet with Ray to sort
out the trust, and be with me. I had become the next goal.
This was a dream come true: To have Mike on my turf and show him - Wild
West guy in cowboy boots - the beautiful streets of nearby Brooklyn
But living with someone had always been something I'd been leary of;
particularly when the someone was a person who thought nothing, for
example, of calling at 7:30 AM. I am not a morning per... more »
Police State Updates May 15 , 2014 --- The United States Department of Agriculture is set to purchase an unknown quantity of submachine guns, leading to questions about where the weapons will be heading and for what purpose they will be used ? Numbing down of America - Have you ever given food to a homeless person? Well, if you do it again in the future it might be a criminal act depending on where you live. Right now, there are dozens of major U.S. cities that have already passed laws against feeding the homeless........Spying Is Meant to Crush Citizens’ Dissent, Not Catch Terrorists ( note the former top NSA official who created NSA’s mass surveillance system says, “We are now in a police state“ ) ........ And please folks , understand its BOTH parties against the people -Illegal NSA Surveillance of Americans: Secret Authorizations Granted by Bush and Obama ........ DOJ Says Americans Have No 4th Amendment Protections At All When They Communicate With Foreigners ......
Catharsis Ours - 13 hours ago
USDA to Purchase Submachine Guns
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast]<a
href="http://prisonplanet.tv/" style="color: #0066cc; margin: 0px; ou

*At the court in Syracuse, NY yesterday were Ed Kinane, Teresa B Grady
and Mary Anne Grady Flores*
Protests and arrests at the Hancock drone base in Syracuse, New York have
been steady for the past couple of years. So many have been arrested that
the trials are backed-up like five o'clock traffic in Los Angeles.
I was arrested there on April 28, 2013 and still don't have a trial date.
In order to "deter" more protests the court has been handing out "Orders of
Protection" (to protect the base commander Col. Earl Evans) to all who have
done non-violent civil resistance at the dr... more »
Speaking of Invented Scandals
Projection, projection, projection.
Remember when the right-wing in the USA accused bush II's critics of
suffering from "bush derangement syndrome" and mocked the most tepid
complaints about his murderous bunglings as being inspired by hatred and
How WOULD you describe the right-wing's response to Obama so far?
(Not that Obama isn't a monstrous destroyer of the Constitution, but in
that hes only carrying the policies of his predecessor forward and not
And now, in Canada, harpercon scum are belittling their nauseating contempt
for ... well, for just about every f... more »
March4Lies Part 2: Faith and truthy-ness
So, this happened on Thursday May 8.
There was a lame attempt by antiChoice Faith Goldy, a StunTV
performance-artist-wannabe-Ann-Coulter, to bully members of the Radical
Handmaids as well as other proChoice counter-protesters into saying
something, anything while the camera was recording that could be edited and
spun into a sensationalistic GOTCHA! - à la Ezra Levant school of
What is it with StunTV media circus performers and their penchant for fake
or trumped up news? Their broadcasts are never-ending infomercials,
infotainment or simply outrageously skanky and a... more »
This video is short and sweet. Paul Craig Roberts explains the US government's reason for instigating what is presently going on in Ukraine and what Russia should do in response. Unfortunately I was unable to embed this video, so the reader should go to the original source (below) and click the circling arrow at the center of the photo.

*Russia should ignore Washington's 'new Cold War'*
Published time: May 13, 2014 02:05
Photo of opening frame of video available on the original
Washington desperately needs a new Cold War with Russia to ensure a healthy
Military-Security Complex and to maintain global hegemony, former Reagan
administration official Paul Craig Roberts told RT in an interview.
*"The best thing the Russian government could do is just ignore
[Washington's rhetoric] and go on making its relations with China, India,
Brazil, ... more »
China and Russia tag team the US ( foreign policy edition ) --- May 15 , 2014 ..... As Russia wrangles with the US / EU and Nato regarding the Ukraine situation , note that China has moved forward with its energy aspect of its South China Sea strategy - that this is occurring just prior to Putin visit to China next week ( May 20 - 21 ) to define how China and Russia will work together moving forward on issues such as energy , trade and the " international arena " , is not a coincidence !
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Top line News on Major Gas Deal Status ( Almost a done deal )
Moscow Says Massive "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China Is 98% Ready
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/16/2014 08:19 -0400
- China
- Hong Kong
- Iran
- Natural Gas
- Oleg Deripaska
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0
*Kangaroo Courts on Campus?*
By Thomas Sowell
There seems to be a full-court press on to get colleges to "do something"
about rape on campus.
But there seems to be remarkably little attention paid to two crucial
facts: (1) rape is a crime and (2) colleges are not qualified to be
law-enforcement institutions.
Why are rapists not reported to the police and prosecuted in a court of law?
Apparently this is because of some college women who say that they were
raped and are dissatisfied with a legal system that does not automatically
take their word for it against the word of someone... more »
Sorry, GOP-- Angry Old Racist Men Are Dying Off Faster Than Wise, Kindly Women

I follow some conservatives on twitter, mostly to keep track of what kind
of sedition they're up to. But I follow David Frum-- Bush's "axis of evil"
speech-writer-- for another reason: he actually writes about interesting
ideas. The other day he was tweeting away about how an average of one head
of state per year was assassinated between 1894 and 1914. Never too late
for a toast to the memories brave activists who helped cleanse the world of
"royals" from Austria, Greece, Serbia, Portugal, Persia, Italy, etc. BUt he
also tweeted about an article he wrote for *The Atlantic*, The Rep... more »
*Margaret Orr: Looking at hurricane history gives us insight into possible
future activity*
*Brews News: Wayward Owl Founder Talks Plans to Open Brewery in NOLA,
Catnip ~Sam Nelson, NOLA DEFENDER*
*Plaquemines Parish Seafood Festival highlights post-oil spill challenges *
*Bayou Boogaloo fighting proposed city fees ~WWLTV *
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 17 , 2014 --KUALA LUMPUR: Military radar and satellite data from countries in the region will be requested again by the investigation team as the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 enters phase two ........... Note the review comes after Immarsat called out Malaysia for lying ( KUALA LUMPUR - Inmarsat has refuted Malaysia’s claim that it is still holding on to the raw satellite data used to lead MH370 search teams to the Indian Ocean, insisting that it has surrendered all information over to investigators here.) .... Pitiful Sept 11 th excuse comes from Acting transport Minister ( excuses for incompetence at best , covering up for lying surely possible ) .... Very rational not to trust any of the Authorities here , in particular Malaysia !
Star Online.....
Published: Saturday May 17, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Saturday May 17, 2014 MYT 8:06:53 AM
MH370 data reviewed again
[image: Unwavering commitment: Hishammuddin speaking at the press
conference. — Bernama]
Unwavering commitment: Hishammuddin speaking at the press conference. —
KUALA LUMPUR: Military radar and satellite data from countries in the
region will be requested again by the investigation team as the search for
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 enters phase two.
Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the
... more »
Who Smells Best

It's not just Andrea Horwath's Dippers who are acting out of character. Tom
Walkom writes that, in this election, all of Ontario's political parties
are not to be found at their usual addresses. The economy has changed
Ontario has been hit hard by the slump. Weak U.S. demand and, until
recently, an unusually high Canadian dollar have crushed manufacturing.
Multinationals are realigning their North American operations at the
expense of Ontario branch plants.
The damage isn’t always visible in Toronto. But a trip to London, Windsor,
Leamington, Wingham or Smiths Falls... more »
More on Piketty
1. A comment that questions the historical trends in the capital-income
2. A comment that questions the proposed tax on wealth.
War Watch May 17 , 2014 -- Libya focus ( Rogue Libyan General Attacks Benghazi Rivals, 24 Killed General Led Self-Proclaimed Army in Offensive ) ..... Iran focus ( US Faults Iran, Warns Time Is Short After Latest Talks Officials Expected 'A Little Bit More Flexibility' From Iran ) ...... Iraq focus ( Iraq Uses Barrel Bombs as Civilians Flee Fallujah Onslaught Govt Touts 'Extraordinary War' Against Anbar Province ) ....... Syria focus ( Aleppo coming into focus of fighting , Kerry announces more weapons from US to Syria Rebels - no discussion of what specifically will be provided though )
Libya .....
Rogue Libyan General Attacks Benghazi Rivals, 24 KilledGeneral Led
Self-Proclaimed Army in Offensive
by Jason Ditz, May 16, 2014
Print This | Share This
On-again, off-again Libyan General Khalifa Hifter’s self-proclaimed Libyan
National Army, which is distinct from the actual, real Libyan Army,
attacked multiple militia targets in Benghazi today belonging to Ansar
The attacks started with shelling against the compounds but quickly
escalated into gunbattles in the streets, with 24 dead by the end of the day
Gen. Hifter’s “Libyan National Army” has some pretense... more »
Ukraine updates May 15 , 2014 -- Donetsk self-defense forces set an ultimatum for the Kiev military, warning that if troops do not withdraw from block posts in the Donetsk region within 24 hours, they will be taken by force, RIA Novosti reported.........Ukraine unable to pay for gas supplies even with discount — energy minister ( He added that the Russian side does not have any guarantees that Ukraine would be able to pay for gas supplies with any discount.) ......... Kiev agrees to " decentralization talks with US , EU Kiev and Russia ( but not the Opposition in South Eastern Ukraine , which make any such talks worthless ) ......... Blowback from Sanctions will impact US card companies as much as Russia and note how badly the US wants Russia rocket engines for the US military ( imposing sanctions but not taking into consideration how those sanctions will play out ) .....
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Russia Today
Kiev protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa massacres – leaked tapes
Published time: May 15, 2014 14:25
Get short URL
[image: Ihor Kolomoisky, Oleh Tsarev.(RIA Novosti / Natalia Seliverstova /
Mikhail Markiv)]
Ihor Kolomoisky, Oleh Tsarev.(RIA Novosti / Natalia Seliverstova / Mikhail
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Ukraine turmoil
Accident, Politics, Scandal, Ukraine,Violence
Two leaked tapes have emerged on the internet where Kiev-appointed governor
allegedly threatens an ex-presidential candidate who called for a
referendum. The ... more »
Happiness Is A Journey - Author Unknown

Author Unknown
'Divisive' and 'Controversial' - Yalda Hakim on 'Newsnight'

Last night's *Newsnight *led with the overwhelming victory of Narendra
Modi, the BJP and their allies in India's general election.
They persisted with the "Modi is such a controversial figure" line that the
BBC has been pushing so vigorously over the last few weeks, and rather
nailed their own colours to the anti-Modi mast by inviting the strongly
Islamophilic, left-leaning, Western-bashing, Palestinian Solidarity
Campaign-supporting historian William Dalrymple to present their main
report on the story.
Mr Dalrymple's report may have featured a fair sample of 'talking heads'
but ... more »
Hawaii missile launch tests shield readiness

[image: Aegis Ashore site]A missile launch next week from Kauai will test
the readiness of a planned ballistic missile defense shield for Europe.
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports (http://is.gd/mRcyFF) the launch will
take place from the Aegis Ashore site at the Pacific Missile Range Facility.
The equipment and procedures will be replicated for the European defense
system scheduled to become operational in Romania in 2015 and Poland in
Read more
Thailand to receive first UH-72A in April 2015

[image: UH-72 Lakota]Airbus has produced the first of six UH-72A light
utility helicopters for the Royal Thai Army (RTA), officials at the
company's production facility in Columbus, Mississippi, said on 14 May.
The aircraft will be delivered in December to the US Army, which will
transfer it to the RTA, according to a company spokesman. The remaining
five aircraft will be built in 2015.
Thailand requested six UH-72As through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
process in 2013. The contract is worth USD77 million and would be the first
international sale of the aircraft, a variant of th... more »
Iranian regime ballistic missile work complicates nuclear talks

[image: Shahab-3 missile]A confidential U.N. report says that the Iranian
regime is pursuing development of ballistic, posing an acute challenge to
six powers negotiating with Tehran to rein in its nuclear program, Reuters
The Iranian regime insists that missiles should not be part of the nuclear
talks, but a senior U.S. official made clear this week that Tehran's
ballistic capabilities must be addressed in the negotiations since U.N.
Security Council resolutions on Iran "among many other things, do say that
any missile capable of delivering a nuclear weapon must be dealt ... more »
SA and Brazil to collaborate on missiles post-A-Darter

[image: A-Darter air-to-air missile]With the South African-Brazilian
A-Darter air-to-air missile heading for production next year, prime
contractor Denel Dynamics is looking to further cooperate with Brazil in
missile development, notably on the 100 km range Marlin radar-guided
air-to-air weapon.
The A-Darter is in its final stage of development, with production expected
to begin next year and the first missiles should be in service by 2016.
Testing and integration has already been done on South African Air Force
(SAAF) Gripen C/Ds, which should accelerate the integration of the we... more »
NATO to Conduct Steadfast Javelin Military Exercise in Estonia This Month

[image: Su-22UM-3K Fitter]NATO's Steadfast Javelin cooperative military
exercise is set to get underway later this month in Estonia, the chief of
staff of the country's Defense Forces said.
The goal of the NATO drills, being run simultaneously with the large-scale
Spring Storm international military exercises, is to practice the
consolidated command of military operations of Estonian and allied troops.
The exercises will be led by the Allied Joint Force Command in Brunssum,
the Netherlands, whose officers arrived in Estonia on Thursday.
Read more
Czechs sign lease deal for Saab's Gripen fighters

[image: JAS-39 Gripen]The Czech Republic is to continue leasing Saab Gripen
fighter aircraft for a dozen years under a government-to-government
agreement signed Friday, Saab said.
The air force of the Czech Republic flies 14 Gripen C/D jets under a 2006
lease from Sweden, which expires next year.
"With this agreement, the Czech Republic is taking a long-term strategic
decision to continue operating Gripen and ensuring the continued
development of its national capability," said Lennart Sindahl, senior
executive vice president and head of Saab's Aeronautics business area.
"This is fu... more »
U.N. leaders discuss concerns of ‘killer robots’

[image: MQ-9 Reaper]Leaders with the United Nations say they are concerned
about killer robots.
Specifically, the UN is holding a convention on “lethal autonomous weapons
“We’re living in an incredibly important moment when it comes to the
history of weapons and war,” said Peter Singer of the Brookings
Institution. “Now we’re having to compare weapons by their intelligence,
they’re autonomy. That’s something new that we haven’t measured before.”
Read more
Unmanned Russian space rocket breaks apart mid-launch before crashing back to Earth
An unmanned Russian rocket carrying a satellite broke up and crashed back
down to Earth shortly after its launch on Friday.
The Proton-M type booster rocket was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome
in Kazakhstan at 0142 Moscow time (2142 GMT on Thursday).
But an "emergency situation" prevented it going into orbit, Russian space
agency Roscosmos said.
Read more
GE Aviation rallies for Growler jet funding

[image: Mike Gibbons]The Growler jet made it to the number one slot on the
U.S. Navy’s Wish List — known in Washington, D.C., budget parlance as an
“unfunded priority” — and Boeing has pushed forward with a nationwide
campaign to rally employees and politicians to get the $1.32 billion in
federal funds needed next year for 22 more of them.
On Friday, about 500 employees of GE Aviation wore black T-shirts with
“Growler Hornet” in gold and white lettering atop an “18,” courtesy of
Boeing and gathered under an enormous white tent to munch on barbecue
chicken and ribs. Earlier, employee... more »
Jump jets on Defence radar

[image: F-35B Lightning II]Australia could buy "jump-jet" Joint Strike
Fighters to base aboard new landing ships, giving the nation its first
aircraft carrier since the early 1980s.
Defence Minister David Johnston told The Weekend West _the Government was
considering buying the "B" model of the F-35 - a specialised variant of the
stealth jet being built to operate from aircraft carriers.
Last month, Australia committed to buying 72 of the conventional model
F-35s from US aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin at a cost of almost $20
Read more
F-35B To Fly At Christening Of Brits’ Newest Aircraft Carrier, If Weather OK

[image: F-35B Lightning II]Do not expect any official confirmation, but the
British will allow Lockheed Martin’s F-35B to make its first flight outside
of the United States on July 4 when the country’s newest aircraft carrier
is christened by Her Majesty the Queen.
Apparently eager not to disappoint Queen Elizabeth, should the plane not be
able to fly in the Scottish weather, and desirous of keeping the media’s
focus on the majestic carrier upon which she will be cracking a bottle of
Champagne open, the powers that be have decided not to confirm or deny that
the aircraft will be on ... more »
It's Not a "Military Death Beam" and It's Not Getting Any More Federal Funding

[image: HAARP]The world’s most advanced ionospheric research facility has
in its lifetime faced allegations of being a 'military death beam', a
weapon of weather control and even a top-secret mind-control project.
Now, the US government’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
(HAARP) is threatened with closure.
HAARP, near Gakona, Alaska, comprises radio transmitters and antennas that
are used to heat up the ionosphere — the uppermost region of the atmosphere
— creating a laboratory in the sky for scientists.
Read more
'Newsnight' - 12-16 May

Good morning. Here's this week's list of the stories covered on *Newsnight *over
the past week, how those stories were framed and who was interviewed about
The week saw two new arrivals at *Newsnight* - the controversial Duncan
Weldon, formerly of the TUC, as economics correspondent and BBC World News'
Yalda Hakim [above] as presenter on Friday, plus the use of left-wing
historian William Dalrymple as a *Newsnight *reporter.
*Monday 12/5*
1. *Coalition row*: *"Fear and loathing at the heart of the coalition
government as the Education Secretary's former special advisor ad... more »
Friday beaver - and this time it's a real beaver story

The reintroduction of beavers to the wild in Scotland for the first time in
400 years has been an "outstanding success", according to the team of
ecologists that brought them back. The four pairs of beavers
reintroduced in Knapdale five years ago have produced 14 young, engineered
18-metre-long dams and lodges the size of double garages and significantly
boosted tourism The trial, conducted by the Royal Zoological Society
of Scotland, the Scottish Wildlife Trust and Forestry Commission Scotland,
released 16 Eurasian beavers (*Castor fiber*) in four family groups
betw... more »
trilogy covers - is it a WAR WORLD or is it a FREE PLANET - 2014 redux

"Is this a *WAR WORLD* or is it a *FREE PLANET*?"
in 2013, the big question was which book of two?
*now, the question We The (seven billion) People need to ask ourselves*
*on a global scale, what sort of a home *
*would we like for our children's children?*
*Free Planet 2 - War World 2*
and by that I mean, there are now two Free Planet novels and two War World
novels. Parts 3 of each series will arrive some time after 2014, after
which these covers will be ACTIVATED for these one-book series. I'm
probably going to offer these not-yet-complete trilogies out to some
literary ... more »

Yesterday afternoon, I was a guest on the *CIRCUS MAXIMUS radio program*,
which broadcasts on *Delcroix's Outside Radio*. Nick and I discussed a
number of different topics, including the Jewish nature of the "New World
Order" conspiracy, the fact that the Jewish media regularly fakes events
using fabricated imagery and scripted "testimony", and the anti-White
historical and cultural narrative constantly reinforced by the mainstream
political, media, and educational establishment in the West, amongst other
You can download the program *here*.
Antidepressants Use Up 400%: 5 Ways to Boost Happiness Naturally by Christina Sarich
Antidepressants Use Up 400%: 5 Ways to Boost Happiness Naturally
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 16 May 2014
A few years back, Harvard conducted a study to reiterate what many in the
psych professionals already know – Americans are addicted to
anti-depression meds. We (though not myself) pop Prozac, Celexa, Effexor,
Paxil, and Zoloft pills like they are candy in an attempt to boost mood and
feel better. The increase in sales of anti-depressants is up a startling
400%. *This pill-popping became the norm, even though clinical studies
suggest there are numerous natural remedie... more »
Tom Hayden : The conservative fear of ‘losing America’
Obama is the first president to acknowledge, without quite saying so, that
we live in a multipolar world and can no longer dictate our desired
outcomes. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | May 17, 2014 The national
security … finish reading Tom Hayden :
The conservative fear of ‘losing America’
Zapatistas Marcos: Fragments of La Realidad I
By Subcomandante Marcos
May 2014.
The wee hours of the morning…it must be like 2 or 3 o’clock, who knows.
It sounds like silence here in reality [La Realidad]. Did I say “it
sounds like silence?” Well it does, because the silence here has its own
sound, like the
Fashion Watch: Welcome to pretty much the end of civilization as we know it -- socks with sandals

*Sure, these sandals would be hideous without the socks, but without the
socks they wouldn't be end-of-civilization hideous.*
*"Layering sandals with socks is the perfect way to transition seasons.
It's a practical solution for spring and fall weather dressing."*
*-- stylist Sara Cooper ("who's been dressingmodels for 10 years")*
*"Personal shopper Valerie Halfon said she won't advise her clients to try
the tricky look. 'I have to take a stand,' she said. 'I want my clients to
trust me, so I need to be honest with them.' "*
*-- from "Socks With Sandals Emergingas Spring Trend, Styl... more »
"Middle Class? What Middle Class?"
*"Middle Class? What Middle Class?" *
by Bill Bonner
"Big losses in US stocks yesterday. The Dow fell 167 points, or 1%. The
start of a something bigger? We wait to find out...
We have reached the age where we have to resist the urge to give unwanted
advice to younger people. Just this morning, a young woman was crossing the
street: "Hey, none of my business, but that's a dangerous place to cross.
The cars whip around the corner here... and they can't see you because of
the scaffolding." "Thanks," came the polite brush-off.
And now we are about to give you, dear reader, some advi... more »
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Central Texas environmental activists on Rag Radio
Paul Robbins, Dave Cortez, and Roger Baker talk the Texas drought, climate
change denial, Texas water politics, Keystone, fracking, and more…
Interview by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | May 16, 2014 Our Rag Radio
podcast features prominent Central … finish reading * METRO PODCAST* |
Thorne Dreyer : Central Texas environmental activists on Rag Radio
Ukraine Crisis Goes Nuclear
*May 17, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Reports allege that some 20
members from the armed Neo-Nazi front, Right Sector, attempted to storm
the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in Energodar city, Zaporizhia province.
The Voice of Russia reported in an article titled, "Right Sector attempts
to seize largest NPP in Ukraine," that:
*Policemen of the city of Energodar have detained 20 activists of the Right
Sector, who tried to seize the Zaporozhye NPP. According to the leader of
the Zaporozhye branch of the organization, the militants were afraid that
the city would fall in the hands ... more »
Hihansun wakpa oyate camp for protection from Keystone tarsands pipeline
fire tonight, Friday night
Hihansun wakpa oyate camp! First tipi is up for the encampment! Thank
you to Paula Antoine for sharing the photos from today in South Dakota
with Censored News! This spiritual camp is the most recent camp for
protection from the threat of the Keystone XL tarsands
pipeline. Hihansun Wakpa Oyate or contemporary kul wicasa is also known
as Lower Brule. The
Bogus Test Based Evaluations and Charterization Put Hundreds of Memphis Teachers' Jobs on Chopping Block
This year it's called "excessing." Just over a year ago it was call
A clip from the Memphis Corporate Appeal:
. . . .The shuffle in schools happens every spring as principals draw up
staffing numbers to match projected enrollment. While the teachers have not
been laid off, it is their responsibility as “excessed” staff to work
through system the district has set up to match teachers to openings in
other schools.
This is the first time that people in the district still looking for
placements after June 30 will be off the payroll. The Memphis-Shelby County
Educa... more »
Paul Krugman (et al.) on Marco Rubio: Today, for a Republican, "listening to climate scientists gets you excommunicated"

*Antarctic ice sheet past 'point of no return'*
*Warning: In this clip there's every chance that you may hear from
(shudder) a scientist. Just thought you should know, and take the
appropriate precautions.*
*"Once upon a time it was possible to take climate change seriously while
remaining a Republican in good standing. Today, listening to climate
scientists gets you excommunicated -- hence Mr. Rubio's statement, which
was effectively a partisan pledge of allegiance."*
*-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column today,*
Points of No Return"
*"My refusal to accept the scientific research on ... more »
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