Real Coastal Warriors shared Daily Kos's photo.
Fixing our bridges is a public safety issue, not a partisan political issue. Unfortunately, congressional Republicans continue to block any effort for progressby President Obama.
With the Highway Trust Fund expected to run out of money this summer, Congress must act now to address our crumbling infrastructure. Public safety depends on it.
SIGN THE PETITION to congressional Republicans—Stop delaying and start rebuilding America's roads and bridges:
Mykidstime's photo.
17 hrs ·
Make it So
Babylon is Fallen
Dissident plans online non-government newspaper in Cuba
Christian OilMafia and West Coast Native News shared a link.
Industry, with the complacency of our govt. has in fact ruined food. Most "conventional" food hurts me. Heavily taxpayer subsidized poison, while clean food gets regulated out of business. Cruel way to make money for chemical companies. Sell you poisoned biotech food and sell you chemical pills that will never heal you. Research your food and stay healthy!
Action Alert. Next Weekend. Everywhere!
See May 2014 Events for a location near you.
Know your poison - "Novel Foods" in Canada:
Action Alert. Next Weekend. Everywhere!
See May 2014 Events for a location near you.
Know your poison - "Novel Foods" in Canada:
Sierra Club Insider
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When Sierra Club attorney Aaron Isherwood and his brother Nicholas decided to visit Ecuador, an Amazon adventure was at the top of their list. While seeking permission from the indigenous Achuar people to visit their pristine and remote territory, they learned that the Ecuadorian government plans to auction off millions of acres, including Achuar lands, for massive oil drilling -- even though Ecuador's president had campaigned on indigenous peoples' rights and rainforest protection. With the Achuar's permission, Aaron and Nicholas took a tiny prop plane to a village deep in the Amazon. Read about their journey. And take action to protect indigenous rainforest lands from Big Oil. Another One Bites the Dust NV Energy has announced that it will close three of its four coal-fired units at the Reid Gardner power plant in southern Nevada by the end of this year, and the fourth by 2019. The Sierra Club has worked for years with the Moapa Band of Paiutes to retire heavily polluting Reid Gardner, which sits next door to the Moapa Paiute reservation. Soon the tribe will build a 200-megawatt solar array -- the first commercial solar project on Native American lands -- from which the city of Los Angeles will be purchasing enough energy to power over 110,000 homes. Read about this major victory for the climate, clean air, and renewable energy. ( In addition to not being aware of the mess Spain found itself in by 'going solar', they can't have read How to Stop Solar-Power Plants From Incinerating Birds
A federal report calls California's Ivanpah solar power plant a "mega-trap" for wildlife. Even solar panels can prove a fatal avian attraction. )
Out of the Portfolio
When Stanford University announced this month that it would no longer invest in coal companies, it became the 12th and most prominent U.S. college to do so. Stanford's ban on direct coal investments applies to some 100 publicly traded companies. Learn why divesting from coal makes dollars and sense.
( Suicide complex. You don't 'divest' from something you rely on )
Agree or disagree
our youth have been replaced by TFW by the way, Hudak wants to cut grants to them too. Hudak is all for insider deals profiting off your backs..with slave labor. .and selling Ontario off
Omvana (from MindValley) brings the World's best transformational audios into your life to help you meditate, inspire yourself, focus, relax and sleep better.
well put
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- Police the Police - (A Community Project) / Cop Block / Filming Cops / Police State USA: Land of the Checkpoints / Another Isolated Incident / Cop Spike Project /Policing the Police / We Copwatch / Southern Oklahoma Cop Block / Photography Is Not A Crime! / Peaceful Streets Project / Cop Block San Diego
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