China Retaliation from cyber hacking indictments and blowback from NSA Spying Updates May 26 , 2014 -- In addition to tech companies being cut off by China , consulting outfits seem next to get cut loose ---- State-owned Chinese companies will cease to work with US consulting companies like McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group over fears they are spying on behalf of the US government........
China to ditch US consulting firms over espionage suspicion
Published time: May 26, 2014 11:58
Edited time: May 26, 2014 12:28
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[image: Reuters/Lou Dematteis]
Reuters/Lou Dematteis
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NSA leaks
China, Corporate news, Finance,Hacking, Information Technology,Intelligence
, Trade, USA
State-owned Chinese companies will cease to work with US consulting
companies like McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group over fears they are
spying on behalf of the US government.
US consulting companies McKinsey, BCG, Bain & Company, and Strategy&,
formerly Booz & Co., wil... more »
Three VERY Big Stories For May 24 , 2014 ! ..........March against Monsanto May 24 , 2014 --Over 400 cities worldwide will see millions marching against the US chemical and agricultural company Monsanto in an effort to boycott the use of Genetically Modified Organisms in food production. .......... Europe's official GDP numbers are suspect as generally unreported income will be " guestimated " by the EU Nations - now try to tax it ! ( any doubt the Elites are getting desperate ) - Italy to add drug trafficking, prostitution to GDP figures ( note Spain and the UK are already counting illegal activities ) ....... Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into The Pacific - This is being done even though water radiation levels near Fukushima spiked to a brand new all-time record high just a few days ago. The radioactive material that is being released will enter our food chain and will potentially stay with us for decades to come. Fukushima is an environmental nightmare that never seems to end, but the mainstream media in the United States decided to pretty much stop talking about it long ago. So don’t expect the big news networks to make a big deal out of the fact that Japan is choosing to use the Pacific Ocean as a toilet for their nuclear waste. ........
Catharsis Ours - 4 minutes ago
Russia Today .....
Italy to add drug trafficking, prostitution to GDP figures
Published time: May 23, 2014 19:09
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[image: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis]
Reuters/Yannis Behrakis
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Drugs, EU, Economy
The Italian government will include revenue from drug traffic, prostitution
and smuggling while calculating its gross domestic product (GDP) in a bid
to boost its shaky economy.
Starting this October, Italy will include revenues from *“the illegal
activities: drug trafficking, prostitution and smuggling services
(cigarettes or alcohol)”* to its GDP, the country’s nat... more »
Where Now for the Liberal Democrats?
While we wait for the final results from the Orkneys to trickle in so I can
scrutinise those all-important No2EU votes, let's spare a thought for the
Liberal Democrats. They went from 11 MEPs to just one, and managed to lose
even more councillors than the Tories. In all, a very bad night and a grim
portent of things just round the corner. With no surprises whatsoever, some
have been calling for Clegg's head. Others point to his radio debates with
Farage as a contributing author to their misfortune. In short, it's panic
stations. So, where do the LibDems go from here? Is this a death... more »

* (the wound that will never heal until it is dealt with . . )*
*PART 1 of 2*
By: Devvy
May 25, 2014
"We shall have world government whether or not we like it. The question is
only whether world government will be achieved by consent or conquest."
James Paul Warburg, during hearings Senate Resolution 56, revision of the
UN Charter
"The U.S. military welcomes additional funds for special units. The
Pentagon continues its downsizing in preparation for the New World Order."
Former Asst. Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA, John
Deutch, Dec. 1, 1994,... more »
President Obama pays surprise visit to Afghanistan to visit troops ahead of Memorial Day ( May 25 , 2014 ) , Afghan President Karzai refused to visit the Bagram military base when US President Barack Obama made a surprise visit there to meet troops on May 25. Similarly, the American president turned down a proposal for talks at Karzai’s palace in downtown Kabul......... Obama: Afghan Troop Deal Will Be Finalized With Karzai Successor Says Troop Levels Will Be Set Soon ....... June 14 , 2014 Run off election looms and then we shall see whether the Bilateral Security Agreement is signed and what the terms might be !
Obama: Afghan Troop Deal Will Be Finalized With Karzai SuccessorSays Troop
Levels Will Be Set Soon
by Jason Ditz, May 25, 2014
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Speaking on his surprise trip to Afghanistan today, President Obama
expressed hope that a troop deal would be finalized soon, and said he plans
to make public the intended troop level for 2015 and beyond soon thereafter.
The part where he hassles President Hamid Karzai about the deal appears to
be over, however, as he reportedly called Karzai today and informed himthat
the pact will be settled with his successor.
That’s presumably going ... more »
Ukraine Updates May 23 , 2014 -- Ahead of the Presidential Election on May 25th , news of note : Kiev troops reportedly shoot at deserting conscripts as eastern military op escalates ..........
Catharsis Ours - 47 minutes ago
Russia Today .....
Kiev troops reportedly shoot at deserting conscripts as eastern military op
Published time: May 23, 2014 01:02
Edited time: May 23, 2014 10:23
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[image: The outskirts of the Lisichansk city, Lugansk Region of
south-eastern Ukraine on May 22, 2014 (RIA Novosti / Evgeniy Biyatov)]
The outskirts of the Lisichansk city, Lugansk Region of south-eastern
Ukraine on May 22, 2014 (RIA Novosti / Evgeniy Biyatov)
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Ukraine turmoil
Army, Clashes, Election, Health, Military,Opposition, Politics, Ukraine,
Kiev forces hav... more »
Peter DeWitt writes about teacher leaders, but ideology trumps expertise
From Peter DeWitt in Education Week. Very often, real change happens from
the ground up, but unfortunately too many school leaders only recognize
change from the top down. And if teachers need to change so much…might
school leaders need to change as well? Pay attention school leaders…your
best teacher leaders may be the ones who […]
Surrounded by Sinister Forces - The Later Days of Peaches H. Geldof
Surrounded by Sinister Forces - The Later Days of Peaches H. Geldof from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
*"I think that some people have just never learnt to do as they're told..."*
*Katie Hopkins of British Army Intelligence*
Why was at least one senior Psychological Operations agent of British Army
Intelligence attempting to Mind-Fuck Peaches and make her appear to be
crazy or irrational on national television in the final weeks of her
Happy Memorial Day! Will America Let The Republicans Privatize The Veterans Administration?
Predators on the right sense an opportunity. Reactionary sociopath and Tea
Party icon Ben Carson is calling the V.A. disaster a gift from God. After systematically
underfunding the Veterans Administration discretionary spending since
taking over Congress, the Republicans are watching with glee as the weak
and compromised Obama Administration flounders with the problems inherent
in an underfunded system. And Republicans, of course, are starting to
clamor for privatization. Big Business is drooling-- and when they drool
conservatives on both sides of the aisle get ready for action. ... more »
"Give Me Liberty Or Keep Me Safe!"
"Give Me Liberty Or Keep Me Safe!"
by William Astore
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin
"Every school boy and girl knows the famous cry of Patrick Henry: "Give me
liberty or give me death!" However imperfectly realized, enshrining and
protecting personal liberties and freedoms was the core ideal of our
American Revolution, and Henry became a martyr to the cause of greater
liberty. Others heard his cry and rallied to advance his cause, to be
vouchsafed by a new concord of likeminded indiv... more »
Memorial Day 2014
with the barbeques and other gatherings this weekend – which do have
their value – it's good to take some moments to reflect on the purpose
of the day.
As usual, PBS has been doing a nice job for Memorial Day weekend,
showing a large number of short documentaries on war, veterans, PTSD,
and the general difficulties of coming home. The historical docs have
been mostly on World War II,
*A legendary failure of liberalism*
*Pat Buchanan looks at education in Washington, D.C., 60 years after Brown
When Brown v. Board of Education, the 9-0 Warren Court ruling came down 60
years ago, desegregating America’s public schools, this writer was a
sophomore at Gonzaga in Washington, D.C.
In the shadow of the Capitol, Gonzaga was deep inside the city. And
hitchhiking to school every day, one could see the “for sale” signs
marching block by block out to Montgomery County, Maryland.
Democratic and liberal Washington was not resisting integration, just
exercising its... more »
Libya Updates May 26 , 2014 -- The General National Congress (GNC) tonight approved the cabinet of Prime Minister Ahmed Maetig in a last-minute vote to secure a new government - The new cabinet of 23 Ministers has reportedly left four posts empty – those of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Health and Planning...... Despite giving Prime Minister Maiteeq a vote of confidence and partially filling his Cabinet , there still is no Budget and Civil War still looms !
GNC approves incomplete Maetig Cabinet
*By Libya Herald staff.*
*Tripoli, 25 May 2014:*
The General National Congress (GNC) tonight approved the cabinet of Prime
Minister Ahmed Maetig in a last-minute vote to secure a new government.
Congress approved the cabinet after 83 of the 95 members present voted in
favour. Many of those who attended waited hours for enough members to turn
up for the session to hold a valid vote.
The new cabinet of 23 Ministers has reportedly left four posts empty –
those of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Health and Planning.
The vote will inevitably ... more »
"Humanity Hanging From A Cross Of Iron..."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius
of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy
bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two
electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two
fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete
pavement. We... more »
Musical Interlude: The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter” - Vietnam
The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter” - Vietnam
And we haven't learned a goddamned thing in all these years...
- CP,
Veteran, United State Marine Corps, MOS 0311
Don't Expect An Explanation

Michael Harris writes that Stephen Harper should answer an important
How did a lawyer twice convicted of fraud, who went to jail for 18 months
for stealing from his own clients, who was charged with influence peddling
in 2012, and is now facing three new counts of illegal lobbying and another
of influence peddling – how did such a talented guy get to sit at the right
hand of power in the Prime Minister’s Office?
After all, it's passing strange that a prime minister who vowed that he
would be tough on crime hired Carson. Harris suggests that there are
several possible e... more »
Ukraine Updates May 26 , 2014 - the day after the Presidential Election , what has changed ? anti- terror campaign continues in restive southeastern Ukraine and russia still expects payment for arrears Ukraine owes Gazprom ( 3.5 billion and growing ) , while European businesses frets as to when the ongoing conflict will be resolved and to what extent will business take it in the neck ...... With Porosshenko indicating anti trro campaign will continue and Yats to continue as Prime Minister , it doesn't appear as if things have truly changed .....
Itar Tass.....
Ukraine’s army helicopters attack a plant in Donetsk
May 26, 15:45 UTC+4
[image: Ukrainian army helicopter (archive)]
Ukrainian army helicopter (archive)© AP Photo/Manu Brabo
Explosions heard near Donetsk airport, smoke rising over runway
DONETSK, May 26. /ITAR-TASS/. Three Ukrainian army helicopters have fired
at the Donetsk-based Tochmash plant, which specializes in the production of
machinery for various sectors of industry, the press service of the
newly-formed Donetsk People’s Republic told ITAR-TASS on Monday. One person
was hurt in the shooting attack, acc... more »
Happy Memorial day
Have a safe, peaceful and thoughtful Memorial Day, folks.
Posting sporadic until Tuesday.
- CP
“For the Fallen”
*“For the Fallen”*
by Laurence Binyon
"Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
They mingle not... more »
Memorial Day was created to honor our veterans, both those who died in battle and those who returned home. However, America has done a deplorable job of caring for her veterans. "Indeed, in recent years, military servicemen and women—many of whom are decorated—have found themselves increasingly targeted for surveillance, censorship, threatened with incarceration or involuntary commitment, labeled as extremists and/or mentally ill, and stripped of their Second Amendment rights, all for daring to voice their concerns about the alarming state of our union and the erosion of our freedoms."

The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance
and Neglect
*By John W. Whitehead *Original
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”—John F. Kennedy
Just in time for Memorial Day, we’re once again being treated to a generous
serving of praise and grandstanding by politicians and corporations eager
to go on record as being supportive of our veterans. Patriotic platitudes
aside, however... more »
Global Warming and Taiwan: Impacts

*Happiness. It's what he offers.*
As humans are busy boiling the earth to death, I thought I'd collect a few
papers... This nifty paper has some public surveys and some thumbnail
explanations of Taiwan's failure to do anything about its carbon-intensive
industries in the face of global warming.
However, the EPA was enforced to adjust its position on environmental
protection. It is because the Executive Yuan is lack of a adequate
decision-making structure. Mitigating GHG emissions involves many sectors,
but climate issue is oversimplified as a pure environmental issue by
political ... more »
Mike's Story Part 32 - Therapy
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
Yesterday's post prompted an unusual crop of expansive and informed
comments, among them, that people would either love the post or hate it.
This was surprising because I had thought it more of a holding pattern,
filling in details of Mike's daily life and preoccupations but providing no
revelations. Perhaps that particular commenter thought that some people
would be offended by the description of Mike's first foray into a mental
institution. But there was no secret about that; he had written of it
himself in 2007.
Anyway, today we have to backtrac... more »
There Is No Mary Baker Eddy
[image: There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for
evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness.]
*There is no door through which evil can enter and no space for evil to
fill in a mind filled with goodness.*
Mary Baker Eddy
Malaysia Flight 370 Mystery May 26 , 2014 -- SEPANG - The raw data from Inmarsat to be released tomorrow for public consumption ( will the data be " edited " similar to the cockpit conversations ? ) PETALING JAYA: An international group wants Malaysia to explain the content of the preliminary report on Flight MH370 which highlighted a captain’s claims that the aircraft had never left the Malaysian airspace.
Monday, 26 May 2014 17:46Raw data from Inmarsat to be released to public
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[image: Raw data from Inmarsat to be released to public TOMORROW]
SEPANG - The raw data from Inmarsat to be released tomorrow for public
Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said it would be
jointly released by the Department of Civil Aviation and Inmarsat.
Hishammuddin said: "This is what I ... more »
The Best Books for Toddlers with Jane from xo, from Lauren and Jane
*I am thrilled to have Jane from xo, Lauren and Jane here today to talk
about my favorite thing, books! Make sure you check out her blog, some of
my favorite posts include Grilled Fruits and Vegetables and Lauren's
Postpartum Survival Kit. *
[image: Inline image 1]
I'm Jane from, a blog about fashion, beauty, kids,
life, DIY and everything in between. I’m excited to be here at Housewife
Eclectic today!
Like Debra, I’m an obsessive reader. I love reading and am so happy my
almost 2-year-old loves it as much as I do. I regularly find her sitting in
the glider in... more »
A Memorial Day Post Featuring My Daddy
On this Memorial Day, I would like to feature my father, Michael Louis
Schneider, Jr. (October 31, 1918 – May 10, 1980), who served in the Third
Army, Seventy-first Division, from 1943 to 1946. Michael L. Schneider, Jr.,
circa 1943. He was around 25 years old at the time. I think he was really
handsome. Daddy […]

*Thanks to my favorite multi-dimensional enigmatic personality, Ed. He
writes many of us bloggers, puzzling us, picking up on unannounced events
as they appear "in the field" as they happen, and challenging us with his
"Ed-Speak" to exam "the field" for the data it presents and possibilities
it offers all of us should we chose to listen to it. Ed sent me the
message below.*
*Thank you Ed for helping me to understand during our conversations of the
last couple of nights how to deal with on rushing multi-dimensionality and
learning to trust the information that comes flooding in... more »
Nine Year Old Daniel Bissonet Speaks At March Against Monsanto in Vancouver, Canada
*Published on May 24, 2014*
Daniel Bissonnette, a very articulate 9 year old, mesmerizes listeners at
the March against Monsanto event in Vancouver, on May 24, 2014, asking key
questions on why children, the most vulnerable age group to ravages of GMO
and pesticide, are subjected to the worst food possible.
GMO Corn Causes Liver & Kidney Damage

[image: Foto: GMO corn, even without Roundup, caused liver and kidney
toxicity in rats. In a recent interview, Professor Gilles-Éric Séralini
explained that the enzyme that is overproduced in the GMO to make it
tolerate Roundup can indirectly decrease the levels of amino acids
essential for protection of the liver and kidney. Professor Séralini is a
biologist at the University of Caen and author of a controversial long-term
toxicology study on the impact of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
The study was controversial because it contradicts industry funded
pseudo-scientific cl... more »
Spanish Inquisition Day 9
We have a lot to do today but we don't meet the guide until eleven so
Southern Man slipped out to pick up a couple of nearby geocaches.
The first was near the Basílica de La Virgen de las Angustias...
...and the second, near the Iglesia Imperial de San Matías.
To be continued...
New missile ships bound for Egypt leave Pensacola

[image: Ambassador III class]Two new fast missile craft destined for the
Egyptian Navy were loaded onto a civilian transport ship Sunday on
Pensacola Bay.
Although Pensacola Naval Air Station officials declined to comment, a News
Journal photographer took photos of one of the Ambassador III class vessels
being prepared for transport.
According to an article last year in Defense News, Egypt has purchased four
of the fast missile craft made by VT Halter Marine's shipyard in
Pascagoula, Miss. The military specialty publication reported that the
stealthy, 700-ton ships are armed with H... more »
Missile warheads at supersonic speeds, on the ground

[image: Rail Track Rocket Sled]India has joined an exclusive club of four
countries that can test payloads for missile and rocket technology by
simulating a flight environment on the ground.
Terminal Ballistic Research Laboratory (TBRL), a Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) lab in Chandigarh, has indigenously
developed the facility known as the Rail Track Rocket Sled Penta Rail
Supersonic Track, RTRS in short. It is a four km rail track where the
trials are being conducted.
Some confidential tests have already been conducted on this range, which
includes recover... more »
Reports: China Turns Motorway into Military Airstrip

[image: Su-27 Flanker]China has flown warplanes on to and from a civilian
road for the first time, state media said Monday, a technique which could
be used for "emergency landings during wartime".
An image of a fighter jet taking off from a motorway in the central
province of Henan -- with a petrol station in the background -- appeared in
the state-run Global Times newspaper.
China's airforce "test-flew warplanes using highways for take-offs and
landings" to enhance "the air force's capabilities of emergency landing and
coordination between military and civilian forces", the report ... more »
Election analysis

I suppose I should say something about the BBC's election coverage last
night as I stayed up watching the News Channel until the results from my
own region came in [UKIP 3, Labour 3, Conservatives 2], but there's not
really very much to say. However, as no blogger has ever been put off by
having nothing much to say...
David Dimbleby was there as usual, sitting down, doing what he's been doing
since Mr Pitt won his first election.
Emily Maitlis was doing her 'walking around, looking glamorous' thing.
Jeremy Vine was performing his Peter Snow tribute act, prancing around over
exp... more »
*University of Queensland (UoQ) stumbles into self-inflicted ethical
dilemma by issuing legal threats to block scrutiny of a celebrated but now
discredited global warming study. The infamous "97 percent consensus"
paper created by cartoonist and self-styled climate expert, John Cook, on
behalf of UoQ has been shown to be fraudulent after independent analysis.An
open letter addressed to the university from lawyer, Rud Istvan JD, on
behalf of the public interest details how it betrayed its own openness
policy in what appears to be a self-ser... more »
Navy changes tactic, eyes more bases amid sea row
The Navy will soon be repositioning its vessels in a strategic naval base
in Palawan to help the troops securing the country’s sovereignty amid the
tensions in the West Philippine Sea, an official said on Sunday.
The naval base on Oyster Bay and at the headquarters of the Naval Forces
West, both on Ulugan Bay, will be in the spotlight when President Benigno
Aquino III visits Palawan as the guest speaker during the Navy’s 116th
anniversary on Tuesday, said Marine Col. Edgard Arevalo, head of the Navy’s
Civil Military Operations Group.
He said Aquino will visit Oyster Bay, the headqu... more »
S. Korea to resume production of homegrown torpedo after quality improvement

[image: Hongsangeo (Red shark) torpedo]South Korea has successfully
improved the quality of a homegrown torpedo, paving the way for its
long-delayed mass production, the state arms procurement agency said Monday.
In a test-firing on Friday, the torpedo, named "Hongsangeo," or "Red
Shark," hit its intended underwater target, marking its third straight
successful quality test, according to the Defense Acquisition Program
Administration (DAPA).
"After two years of efforts, the torpedo has now met the requirement of
hitting the target successively for three rounds. The results show that... more »
Taiwan To Build $100M Port In Disputed Region Of The South China Sea But China Does Not React
Taiwan is planning to spend $100 million on enhancing its port facility in
a disputed region of the South China Sea, Reuters reported Sunday, a
development that China, which views Taiwan as an outlying province, has
seemingly chosen to ignore.
The new port is expected to come up next to an airstrip on the Itu Aba
islands, also known as Tai Ping, and will allow Taiwan to dock 3,000-ton
naval frigates and coastguard cutters, and include the construction of a
1,200-meter long runway to land Hercules C-130 military transport aircraft.
The upgrade, which is expected to be completed lat... more »
Japanese air intrusion on joint exercise 'dangerous'

[image: Su-27 Flanker]The intrusion of two Japanese reconnaissance aircraft
into a China-Russia joint navy exercise is against international law and
can make the already volatile relations between China and Japan more
complicated, analysts said.
China and Russia conducted a weeklong naval exercise in the East China Sea,
which officially concludes on Monday, and issued no-fly notices days before
the exercise.
However, a Japanese OP-3C surveillance plane and a YS-11EB electronic
intelligence aircraft intruded into the airspace of China's East China Sea
Air Defense Identification Zone... more »
Navy’s €50m ship to twin with Cork
The state’s newest naval vessel, the €50m LÉ Samuel Beckett, is to twin
with Cork City — home port of the Irish Naval Service.
A Naval Service spokesman confirmed the vessel, which boasts Star
Wars-style drone technology, will sail from the naval base in Haulbowline
up to the city quays for the formal twinning ceremonies.
Final arrangements are still being put in place — the twinning ceremony
will likely take place on June 7, with plans to open the ship for public
tours on June 8.
Read more
Navy is struggling to stay ready for war, warns Vice Admiral Read

[image: Type 23 FFG]The Royal Navy is struggling to keep itself ready for
war because of cost-cutting pressures, a serving admiral and has warned.
Former Commodore of Devonport Naval Base, Vice Admiral Simon Lister, said
the Government’s Strategic Defence and Security Review had created a “state
of flux”.
And he warned that “overall material readiness”, particularly in the
surface fleet, “continues to decline despite the endeavours of hard pressed
teams in the front line”.
Read more
PLA ballistic missile submarines spotted off Hainan

[image: Type 094 Jin class SSBN]Three Chinese ballistic missile submarines
have been seen spotted near the waters off China's southern island province
of Hainan, according to the Canada-based Kanwa Defense Review operated by
Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov, a military analyst.
According to Kanwa, satellite photos available online show three submarines
that seem to be shorter than the ordinary Type 094 Jin-class ballistic
missile submarine.
With the capability to carry 12 JL-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles
(ICBMs), the three submarines are either the modified version of Type... more »
5 Degrees of Internet Procrastination (or, from Al-Jazeera to Perez Hilton in 5 clicks)
It is nothing new to say that the internet is a major distraction. But I’m
particularly amazed at how well-intentioned online searches lead to
bottom-feeder-celebrity-gossip trolling. How does a quick writing break to
check the news end in mindlessly clicking through the best-dressed list at
Cannes? I’ve got a theory: procrastination requires a certain level
Continue reading
The Global Rise of Secessionism, The Spread of Alternatively Governed Spaces, And The Unravelling of Libya
"The historical use of southern Libya as a safe haven for rebels from Chad,
Niger and Sudan has increased the likelihood of regional instability. It
remains to be seen how these countries will be affected by the increased
violence in southern Libya. Notwithstanding, there is already evidence of
instability in the Sahel region, fuelled by the Libyan crisis." - *Jide
Martyns Okeke, from a 2012 article called, "Why NATO Intervention in Libya
is not a Victory for Responsibility to Protect."*
An excerpt from, *"Crimea and the State of Secessionism"* by Even Kuross,
Fair Observer, May 22... more »
Arts Teachers of the World Unite and Take Over!
The latest news in education that isn’t news came out of Philadelphia last
week. According to Darlene Superville from the Associated Press and posted
here: Delivering a forceful argument on the role of the arts in education,
Michelle Obama said Tuesday that it isn’t something to be introduced after
student test scores go up but […]
Ultimate Thailand-Taiwan confusion

This one has been making the rounds for the past few days. From the
Vancouver Metro. TECO finally got around to complaining.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
EU: National Front, UKIP, Mach, Sulík win seats
Europe is a very diverse continent and it is a bit confusing to combine the
seats from all the countries. But some of the "projections" of the vector
of results look better than expected.
You know, some decade ago, I would also be influenced by much of the
"mainstream" thinking and I would consider France's National Front to be a
rather extreme party. And maybe it was. I surely don't consider it extreme
today and it probably isn't. ;-) Ms Le Pen got 26%, ahead of center-right
UMP with 21%. Hollande's socialists only got 14%.
See similar highlights at the BBC server.
Even more impr... more »
Tony Strickland-- Accomplice To Mass Murder? Or Just Bad Taste?
Tony Strickland inadvertently stumbled into putting himself in the middle
of the horrific controversy around the crazed shooting spree in his old
district. The carpetbagger currently running for Buck McKeon's seat in
CA-25 represented the state Senate district that included this weekend's
Isla Vista murder rampage. Although Strickland dis a lifelong
gun-worshipper himself, it would be hard to blame all the deaths on him--
although his robocall (above) that went out within hours of the killings,
has shocked people in the new district he wants to represent.
The timing could hardly... more »
Review - Green Virgin Products

I'd like to introduce you to Green Virgin Products (GVP).
Ken & Lola Marion, owners of GVP, lost a family member to cancer. Their
loved one was only 52, a non-smoker, and lived a healthy lifestyle. After
his death, the couple began researching the causes of cancer and learned
that many common household cleansers and detergents contain carcinogens,
which are cancer-causing chemicals. They wanted safe, Eco-friendly products
and believed that others would want the same.
GVP was born in 2009. All of their products are non-toxic and tested to
ensure that they are of the highest quality ... more »
Esto es Cancer, retratos

Esto de veras es cancer
Esta mujer de acuerdo al lo leido, Estuvo una semana en el hospital y luego
se marcho en caballo a su hogar
Seed Newsvine
things i heard at the library: an occasional series: #13
A boy, maybe age 8, was confused about what he needed. He said he needed
"chapter books about the human body," which sounded to me like two things -
books about the human body for a school project, and chapter books, meaning
junior fiction that is not a picture book, not a series, and not a graphic
novel. But he was convinced he needed "chapter books about the human body."
He would not be helped, casting aside everything I found for him, and
getting increasingly frustrated.
Following him around the library (it's a Sunday, so I'm working overtime,
not at my own location), I ran into ... more »
Ukrainian confectionary tycoon Petro Poroshenko is winning the presidential
election in the first round of voting, having secured more than 50 percent
of votes, several exit polls show.
The crisis of access to justice and self-represented litigants — as I see it
Denis Rancourt, PhD
There is a crisis of access to justice in Canada. It is a crisis of
systemic judicial partiality against ordinary citizens who cannot afford
brand-name “justice”.
Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin frequently warns of a crisis of “access
to justice” in Canada. This crisis involves a large and growing number
of self-represented litigants who cannot afford lawyer’s fees,
Intentional infliction of mental suffering requires subjective wrongdoing
*Boucher v. Wal-Mart Canada Corp*., 2014 ONCA 419d
[41] The tort of intentional infliction of mental suffering has three
elements. The plaintiff must prove:
· The defendant's conduct was flagrant and outrageous;
· The defendant's conduct was calculated to harm the plaintiff;
· The defendant's conduct caused the plaintiff to suffer a visible
and provable illness.
See *Prinzo v. Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care* (2002), 60 O.R. (3d) 474
[42] The trial judge instructed the jury several times on the three
elements of the tort. Pinnock submi... more »
Urban Gadabout: Jack Eichenbaum's "World of the #7 Train" is rescheduled for June 14 -- plus Jack has interesting evening tours in June

*Flushing's big New World Mall is the meeting place for Jack Eichenbaum's
June 25 walking tour of "Flushing's Chinatown" (see below).*
*by Ken*
I guess I can say that I don't do well when it comes to event
reschedulings. On the plus side, my bad luck (or whatever it is) could be
an opportunity for you if you thought you were closed out of this year's
edition of Jack Eichenbaum's "signature tour," "The World of the #7 Train."
We'll come back to that in a moment, or you can just skip down to it while
I tell the sad tale of my last mandatory rescheduling. It was for what
sounded lik... more »
Jim Crow Rides Again
From Aljazeera America:
by Daniel Denvir @danieldenvir
The Supreme Court ruled 60 years ago this May 17 in Brown v. Board of
Education that “segregation of white and Negro children in the public
schools of a State solely on the basis of race, pursuant to state laws
permitting or requiring such segregation,” is unconstitutional.
The ruling abolished the explicitly mandated segregation made infamous in
the Deep South. But political reaction and larger structural shifts, such
as white suburbanization, quickly overwhelmed tentative progress. Today,
segregation — both racial and economic —... more »
Legislative history of limited reliability and weight
*Canadian National Railway Co. v.Canada (Attorney General*), 2014 SCC 40:
[47] This Court has observed that, while Hansard evidence
is admitted as relevant to the background and purpose of the legislation,
courts must remain mindful of the limited reliability and weight of such
evidence (*Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd. (Re)*, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 27, at para. 35; *R.
v. Morgentaler*, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 463, at p. 484; Sullivan, *supra*, at
pp. 608-14). Hansardreferences may be relied on as evidence of the
background and purpose of the legislation or, in some cases, as di... more »
Greece updates including early EP Election results May 25 , 2014 -- Greece Sells 110 Beaches To Appease Troika, "Tell The Russians & Qataris To Hurry Up!" ....... Greece EP Elections 2014 – 24% counted: SYR 26.5% ND 23.1% GD 9.3% ........ Fitch Ratings increased Greece’s credit rating one level confirming PM Antonis Samaras’ elections slogan that the economy is improving. And still in line with Samaras and his coalition partner Venizelos, Fitch warns of “political instability” should early elections take place.
*SYRIZA scores first election win but coalition stands firm after EU vote*
SYRIZA gained the first electoral victory in its history on Sunday as it
came first in the European Parliament vote but failed to establish a big
enough gap over the coalition, for which PASOK performed better than
expected, to suggest that the government’s stability is in question.
The opposition party was projected to receive 26.7 percent of the vote,
which is almost identical to the percentage it received in the 2012 general
elections. New Democracy was expected to get 22.8 percent and the Elia
(Olive Tre... more »
#Piketty: Bad Theory, Bad Data
*“Up until Giles's shock revelations, *Capital in the Twenty-
First Century
* was the liberal-left's philosopher's stone: the magical device capable of
transforming base socialist instinct (greed, envy, hatred,
control-freakery, love of the state, obsession with equality) into
intellectual gold. This week, it's just another worthless leftist screed in
the dustbin of history.”*
- James Delingpole, “Piketty -- Author of Das Kapital in the 21st Century
-- Rumbled”
*“**Piketty said*
* the discrepancies were simply adjustments to raw data to smooth them over
time and across count... more »
Water Planet - Water People - Water Universe

...more and more, that's what I think we are.
nothing more nothing less, and that's a good thing.
I mean, obviously, there's a real advantage being a living part of a Water
Planet. Have you never thought about why you're here? You're here
because the Water Planet wants it. You're here because the Water Planet
needs it. You're here because you have an integral role to play in the
running of this Water Planet.
I don't even know what that role is, so don't ask me. I just know. Know.
That this world being made of water and our being made of water is no
coincidence. We are ma... more »
“Teach a man to fish…”

[Hat tip Laissez Faire Capitalism]
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to republish: (organon at
European Parliament Elections May 25 , 2014 ( Le Pen Front National Party a big winner as French Elites shudder ) -- From Zero Hedge -European Voters Are Revolting; France Warns "Situation Is Grave For Europe" .... Takeaway -- Just as we had warned in the run-up to the European elections - and England's UKIP victory in local elections had suggested;Anti-European-Union parties are showing strongly in this weekend's elections. Anxiety is spreading among the status quo as Greece's anti-austerity party SYRIZA wins and perhaps even more worryingly in supposed core of the union France's Nationalist party is leading in a "political earthquake" success .......
From Mish ... a review of the European Parliament Elections and looking
ahead to the battle for EU Commission President ......
Monday, May 26, 2014 1:04 AM
Fun Night for the Eurosceptics: UKIP and Front National Storm Brussels;
Infighting Begins
It was a fun night for the Eurosceptics.
- Nigel Farage's UKIP was the top vote getter in the UK with about 29%
of the vote
- Marine Le Pen's Front National party was the top vote getter in France
with 26% of the vote
- The Danish People’s party is the largest party in Denmark with about
25% of the vote
- Beppe Grillo'... more »
Who's right? Who's wrong? Who cares - just get a grip and negotiate like everybody else

A looming strike/lockout in B.C. schools gets my attention more these
days due to living with my son and his two school-age boys, who are bracing
themselves for disappointment now that their final month of school is about
to be disrupted by lockouts and rotating strikes.
One of the boys is worried about losing out on his band trip to Tofino
this week, which looks pretty likely. The younger one will probably have to
give up a field trip to Victoria. I'm sure there are kids like them all
over B.C. who - far from cheering for more days off in the event of a work
shutdown - ar... more »
Accountability And Justice Are Not Bloodlust But Billionaires Should Be Treated Like Everyone Else
Recently *48 Hours* tried to persuade me to do a live interview about a
friend of mine who was murdered. I've been resisting for a simple reason.
Although the murderer, from one of the wealthiest families in New York, has
killed several times and is demonstrably psychotic and was even caught with
body parts of one of his victims, he was rich enough to get off. He's
happily, walking the streets today, a free man. I'm going to go on national
TV and talk about someone who murders with impunity and gets off because
he's from a billionaire family? Nah… I don't think so.
A billionaire ... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs
*Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in
short order*
by ÉirePort
Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in
short order.
Removal of oppositional energetic seeds and accompanying entanglements
nears completion.
Forces of Higher Dimensional Light flow effortlessly through current
energetic undulations on Gaia surface.
Impactful renderings of shadow structures occurs at each now moment, within
each hu- and Hue-being, as well as within all group structures.
Veracity of "Light Guidance" rapidly becomes validated for all ... more »
Ben Goldacre Gets it Wrong About AIDS (Again)

*"It was often difficult to distinguish adverse events possibly associated
with zidovudine [AZT] administration from the underlying signs of HIV
disease"* - Physician's Desk Reference, 1994
Pope Francis rallies against the weapons trade, asks for the conversion of 'criminals'
The military-industrial-media-congressional complex has been put on notice
by Pope Francis.
Total sales for the global arms industry was greater than $400 billion in
2010. And of the top ten weapons manufacturers in the world, eight of them
are in the United States. *Here is the list of the top 100**.*
Video Title: Pope Francis rallies against the weapons trade, asks for the
conversion of 'criminals.' Source: Rome Reports. Date Published: May 24,
2014. Description: He denounced greed and hatred in his remarks to
disabled youth and refugees in Jordan.
*U.S. Senate approves $12.3 billion water project*
*Corps of Engineers: $60 billion backlog in projects as Corps studies our
nation to death*
*Harvesters worried about oyster-catch size shrinking ~WWLTV*
*LaPolitics Publisher John Maginnis Dies at 66*
*New jail’s opening delayed as questions abound ~Jim Mustian, New Orleans
Spanish Inquisition Day 8
Our morning began with an hour-long bus ride to Nerja for a day at the
beach. We hopped off the bus and Southern Man was first to the shoreline to
wet his sandaled feet in the blue waters of the Mediterranean.
And then everyone went to a nearby cafe to eat.
We split up according to our interests and of course Southern Man went
after the only geocache in town.
Travel Bug "Little Roswell" perched on a cannon at the Balcón de Europa
(Balcony of Europe).
The cache was near this statue of King Alfonso XII, who may (or may not)
have given the Balcón de Europa its name.
Playing on t... more »
The Real Disabled Veterans Scandal: Politicians Starting Wars

Without fail every Memorial Day and Fourth of July is the ultimate in flag
desecration as the thoroughly dishonest chickenhawk ranks of the American
political class wrap themselves in Old Glory while their actions on the
other 363 days of the year defile everything that it is supposed to stand
for. Being a military veteran myself there is nothing quite as repugnant as
seeing a pack of swine who never had the guts to serve continue to create
more disabled veterans from their cynical games where they send other
people's children to die for their own greed and political ambition. Thi... more »
Petro Poroshenko wins presidential elections May 25 , 2014 — exit polls results ....... Hard work including mending fences with russia just beginning...... Can the Candy Man Can ?
'Chocolate King' Wins Ukraine Presidency
Itar Tass....
Petro Poroshenko wins presidential elections — exit polls results
May 25, 21:05 UTC+4
His closest rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, the leader of the Batkivshchyna
(Fatherland) party, is scoring more than 12% of the vote
[image: Petro Poroshenko]
Petro Poroshenko© ITAR-TASS/Nikolai Lazarenko
17 photo
[image: Kiev]
Presidential elections in Ukraine
KIEV, May 25. /ITAR-TASS/. Petro Poroshenko, a business tycoon and member
of Ukraine’s parliament, is winning the presidential elections in Ukraine
with 55.9... more »
Random thoughts

I've just switched on the BBC News Channel and I'm glad to see that they're
leading with the murderous attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels. As a
serious news organisation, that is right and proper - and all credit to
them for it. So it the BBC One evening news.
I was reading Evan Davis in the *Spectator. *As befits a BBC wallah, he
professed himself to be equally torn between a left-wing economist, Thomas
Piketty, and a right-wing economist, Deirdre McCloskey, on the issue of
equality and capitalism.
As regards M. Piketty, the darling of the left-wing chattering class ... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 22 - 23 , 2014 ----CRUCIAL PINGS 'NOT FROM MH370’ - SCIENTISTS: Abbott and Najib were playing politics.......... The unresolved MH370 tragedy is taking on a heightened phase of intrigue. The latest speculation is fueled by none other than the former premier of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad ( who has penned a curious blog post declaring " Someone is hiding something " ) What and more important who is the former PM of Malaysia loudly hinting about ?? Fruitless search in the Indian Ocean update , MAS closure on May 28th rumor put down as false and harmful rumor , MAS failing to honor commitments to families of missing crew members as MAS hopes charity fills the void (NUFAM organizes charity dinner , might MAS at least offer to organize church style chicken dinner sales and bake offs next ? Sarcasm off .....)
Catharsis Ours - 20 hours ago
Cover up theorems getting louder ?
Friday, 23 May 2014 16:17CRUCIAL PINGS 'NOT FROM MH370’ - SCIENTISTS:
Abbott and Najib were playing politics
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Day 6--Date Night

Our custom made outdoor red chairs were delivered yesterday morning. They
are gorgeous. Love them on the front porch with the rockers. Talked to
the guys who delivered them about building a storage unit for the bathroom
and a bed for the guest room. They are going to get back to us the price
and time frame.
Went to another furniture store in Jaco that I did not like. Everything was
wicker and made in Mexico, which was odd to me. I would rather buy stuff
locally made. Got Kurt a saw at the hardware store and a staple remover he
Decided to go into town for ... more »
ADL brags it trains, indoctrinates US law enforcement agencies

I subscribe to the ADL's newsletter via email, and *this promotional
message* came into my mailbox the other day:
The role of a properly trained law enforcement community is a critical
element for a healthy democracy. I wonder if you are aware how much effort
and initiative ADL takes to help make that community well-trained?
Did you know the FBI requires *all its new agents* to participate in "Law
Enforcement and Society: Lessons of the Holocaust," a training program
created by ADL in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial
Or that today, ADL is *the nation's ... more »
Springtime for something
This picture taken in my backyard reminds me of the beautiful lush
vegetation of Thailand. I have spent about a year off and on in this
fantastic country. Thailand has its own very unique architecture, Tuk Tuk
and whip tail boats. It is also the only South East Asian country that has
never been conquered.
I really do not know what to think or who to support in the latest
political quagmire. I have been in Thailand during a previous military
coup. It was no big deal then, and now likely much the same. The army seems
to step in when the ruling elite Red Shirts (mostly ethnic Chines... more »
Culture of Secrecy Emanates From or To United States? (‘A Government Of Thugs’ Covering Up What's Going On in the Boondocks) Science Not On the Move?
I guess it's just an oversight by the powers-that-be that the tar, er, oil
sands will come wending their way through the U.S. proper after the
wholesale adoption of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Gee, if we could only trust
them that it's just the money they're after (and not the environmental
disaster). Lots of moolah still to be made in cleaning up that foofah! Thus
far, government push-back
dark times in canada, part 3: adding my voice to oppose andrea horwath's rightward shift
I'm quite sure that Canadians who read this blog already know about this,
and for others, it's not relevant. But I want to add my small voice to the chorus
of progressive Canadians who are angry, hurt, and disgusted at the Ontario
New Democratic Party. Thousands of Ontarians who would normally vote NDP
are either voting Liberal, not voting, spoiling their ballot, or
considering one of those options in the upcoming provincial election.
If you are not Canadian and you are are interested in our once-progressive
politics, you can read the email sent by 34 prominent NDP supporters to
OND... more »
AMERICAN TROIKA by Sherman H. Skolnick

2/05/01 by Sherman H. Skolnick
mention? Who cares to remember? Russian-style, America has proceeded as a
three-horse wagon. BUT, has the United States IN AMERICA [not OF AMERICA]
become stagnant because each horse has sought to pull in a different
direction?Groomed as a handsome, glib stooge since a teenager, WILLIAM
ROCKEFELLER CLINTON or whatever his true name is or was, has been handled
and promoted by the Rockefeller interests that have for decades owned and
operated Arkansas.... more »
May: 25:The biggest blunder in history?
First - a brief announcement. Much as I enjoy writing this blog, it takes
hours out of every day, leaving almost no time for anything else The other
things I have to do combine with the blog to keep me up every night until
ten or so - and dead tired most of the time I'm working.
A second surprise for me is that this blog which deals with a shabby
Canadian newspaper chain has over half its audience in the US, and another
large part in Russia, Ukraine. even China. (Haven't quite figured that part
out, yet.)
So I have decided to get a life. The blog will appear in future on Tuesday. ... more »
Life Goes On In Iraq Pilgrimage To Imam Kadhim Shrine Baghdad May 2014

May 2014 was the date of the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Musa
al-Kadhim in Baghdad’s Kadhimiya district. The event remembers his death in
the 8th Century. Despite being a favorite target of the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) each year, thousands of pilgrims make the trip
from around Iraq and the region to the capital. These pictures by AFP’s
Ahmad al-Rubaye and Sabah Arar document this event.
Saddam's Deadly Legacy Mass Grave Discovered In Najaf Dating From 1991 Uprising

In March 1991 southern Iraq exploded in open rebellion against Saddam
Hussein following the Gulf War. The uprising started in Basra and quickly
spread to other cities such as Diwaniya, Hillah, Amarah, Nasiriyah, Kut,
Samawa, Zubayr, Kumait, Qalat Salah and others. The revolt only lasted a
few weeks. In its aftermath the regime killed thousands in retaliation. It
is estimated that anywhere from 100,000-180,000people died as a result.
Evidence of this massacre are still found to this day. One mass grave was
just discovered between Najaf and Karbala, and another outside of Najaf
Cit... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste Dept. -- Two operatic heroines, part 1

*In Act II of Verdi's La Forza del destino, Leonora (Jennifer Maines) meets
the kindly but ineffectual Padre Guardiano (Marek M. Gasztecki), at
Innsbruck's Landestheater, September 2013.*
*by Ken*
Another ghost-of-a-post idea, and one that may require some eventual
fleshing-out. It was born of conjoined images from two different operas
that suddenly started playing together in my head. And the "ghost" theme is
actually appropriate, since it happens that both of the operatic heroines
of our post title is that both have been seeing, er, *fantastmi*, as our
Heroine No. 1, Verdi's Donn... more »
Donna Rice

* Gary Hart, George Bush, and Michael Williams *
Lean forward in your chairs a little more. Get a little closer to the
monitor. You need to read every word of this, and slowly.
Senator Gary Hart, the man the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted
to be their President in 1988, was eliminated from the U.S. Presidential
race he was expected to win with the biggest landslide in American
His elimination from the race was engineered by vice president
(and former C.I.A. Director) George Bush, whose father, Senator Prescott
Bush, personally financed the poli... more »
Petro Poroshenko will likely be the US-NATO anointed president of Ukraine
after today's election. Poroshenko is a corporate oligarch and former Minister
for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Trade and Economic Development.
For me the bottom line is clear - the corporate oligarchs take full control
of the government and have the far-right Right Sector and Svoboda to thank
for busting down the doors to make it all possible. Rewards will have to
be paid to the right wing shock troops (brown shirts).
Those in eastern Ukraine understand the danger of this deadly connection
between co... more »
Ukrainians go to the polls to elect a new president, three months after the
previous one was deposed in an armed coup.
People in eastern Ukraine are largely boycotting the national election.
Nice Guys Finish Last, Then Go on Killing Sprees
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)"How could an
inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am
beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British
aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more." - Elliot
Rodger's manifesto, *My Twisted World*
The case of Elliot Rodger's shooting and stabbing rampage at the
University of Santa Barbara last Friday that ultimately claimed seven lives
provides commentators both professional and amateur alike with a crossroads
of much that's wrong with this once-great nation ... more »
How long can uranium last?
If US were to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power we would require
somewhere between 500 GW of reactor power. However this only looks at the
problem from the viewpoint which treats annual demand as continuous, where
as it fluxuates almosrt continuously. The 500 GW is only useful in
determining how much reactor fuel the US would require if it were to obtain
a years supply of electricity solely from nuclear power.
Let us assume that future nuclear reactors will burn nuclear fuel
efficiently. Nuclear fuel includes Fissionable U-233, U-235, and Pu-239
as well as Fissile Th-232 ... more »
When Friends Become Enemies

The number of chairs around the table in Stephen Harper's Inner Sanctum
hasn't changed. Same number of chairs, same number of people. But, according
to Tom Flanagan, the quality of those people has changed:
In an interview, Flanagan, who admits the prime minister doesn't talk to
him anymore, said, "He's lost so many people, it's kind of sad. We were
good friends. When I would come to Ottawa I would stay at Stornoway."
In earlier years, Harper's staff often included lawyers, professors and
business executives. Others had worked for previous prime ministers, and
possessed an instit... more »
Mike's Story Part 31 - Prelude to Bellevue
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
We were at a pizzeria, killing time before Mike's doctor's appointment
in a neighborhood run by the Mafia. I knew this because my husband had
lived there when we met and when I had voiced misgivings about moving in,
he had assured me the Mafia kept it safe since they didn't want any
unnecessary visits from the police.
So when four guys stuffed into their shark-skin suits sat down at a
table across from us, I was reminded of a story about a little boy whose
first full sentence was, "My father is a respectable businessman."
"Dolphins are the only mamma... more »
When Fear Mary Baker Eddy

Paul Craig Roberts: "False arrests ... are common in the US. Indeed, they are more common than justified arrests. The police and the courts are completely corrupted institutions that reek of injustice and evil." "America’s injustice is a unique kind. American injustice has actually managed to completely destroy the achievements dating from Magna Carta that made law a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the state. Today America is pre-Magna Carta England."

*Justice Is Dead In Amerika*
May 21, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Justice Is Dead In Amerika
Paul Craig Roberts
Cecily McMillan is an Occupy protester who was seized from behind by a goon
thug cop–a goon thug with a long record of abuse of authority–by her boobs.
One was badly bruised. Cecily McMillan’s elbow reflexively and
instinctively came up, and Cecily was arrested for assaulting a goon thug.
The goon thug was not ar... more »
Ukraine voters out in force? Absolutely not! -updated
*The headline claims "voters out in force"*
The numbers tell us otherwise- And we see these numbers in Canada and the US
They are the numbers of disillusionment, disgust, distrust and disdain for
the political classes
*"Turnout across the country was reported at over 38 percent after seven
hours of voting"*
That's right after seven hours of voting, just a smidgen over 38 percent of
the population has turned out*....*
The Ukraine also changed the rules of the election concerning minimum
*No minimum turnout is required to validate the outcome but if no
candidate wins more t... more »
Hey, Hey - Ho, Ho Ohio ALECers Have Got to Go!
Saw this - this morning
*AUGUST-* A third of Ohio House Republicans, including Speaker William G.
Batchhelder, attended the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
meeting at a posh hotel in Chicago, paid for using ALEC “scholarships.”
and thought -
How in the hell can any legislature get anything done for "we the people"-
when 1/3 of their members are from the secretive, extremist, pro-corporate
American Legislative Exchange Council?
ALEC members hide their affiliation with ALEC - and how do you get rid of
the dysfunction in your legislature if you don't even know whose scre... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 25th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant. So much to talk about with
everything that has been going on this last week, and I will try to do my
best at covering the real truths about some of those topics...
Today is of course, Veterans Day in the once great United States of
America. I will not tarnish or put down the efforts of those veterans who
went off and fought in wars for the United States. Many were and are still
under the assumption that they were doing some good for their country and
all of mankind. However, many need to understand that ALL wars ar... more »
People Invested in the System
How is it supposed to work?
"I know you worry about having a job and feeding your kids, and that you're
able to do that the way things stand now, but I want you to join me in
destroying the system, and to trust in some vague collection of
generalities that you'll somehow be better off afterwards?"
The fact of the matter is that Canada is a rich country and many people are
doing okay. Less and less people are doing okay with each passing year of
neoliberalism, and our values are fucked-up and delusional, and etc., ...
but we need to face facts: We need lots of boring, non-radical peo... more »
Jon Olsen, Maine activist, on his new book called Liberate Hawai'i. Jon
lived in Hawaii for many years and has always held Hawai'i', and the people
there, close to his heart.
East China Sea Tensions Updates May 25 , 2014 ----- China - Russia hold military drills , China buzzes Japanese aircraft --- US to comment on China's latest provocative actions any minute now ( Buellar , Buellar , Buellar anyone ? )
Juggernauts ? China - Russia New Axis of Power ?
China Scrambles Fighter Jet, Flies Within 50 Meters Of Japanese Airplanes
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2014 09:34 -0400
- China
- Japan
- Reuters
Yesterday we showed how Russia and China hold "massive" naval drills in the
northern part of the East China Sea (close enough to Japan for us to
footnote "*ahem Japan and Taiwan"*), which in addition to a clear signal to
the US (on part of Russia), was sending just as clear a message to Japan
(on the part of Ch... more »
Bad thoughts

Since everyone is talking openly about sensitive things at the minute,
let’s just mention the Tweeting thing. “My thoughts are my own” isn’t a
very effective disclaimer, but even if it were - shouldn’t the similarity
of the thoughts that they claim are “their own” ring alarm bells with
anyone that cares to give the matter some thought? Think about it.
It has to be more than a coincidence that in a massive organisation with
millions of staff and a policy of diversity, impartiality and gender
equality, practically the entire cadre of BBC Tweeters’ thoughts come from
a Labour-support... more »
Thailand Situation Updates May 25 , 2014 -- Protesters defy Thai military rulers' warning Supporters of ousted government told not to stage anti-coup rallies as military holds meetings with business leaders ( h/t Al Jazeera ) ......... The New Face Of Thailand - An Infographic ( h/t - zero hedge ) ...... Thai coup leader tightens grip ( h/t - Asia times )
Protesters defy Thai military rulers' warning
Supporters of ousted government told not to stage anti-coup rallies as
military holds meetings with business leaders.
Last updated: 25 May 2014 08:25
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Protests mainly prompted by social media are occurring in Thailand's
capital Bangkok despite warnings by the country's new military rulers.
The generals overthrew the government on Thursday after months of
confrontation between the government of Prime ... more »
Japan's Fukushima debacle and the New Mexico WIPP nuclear debacle updates May 25 , 2014 .........Apart from noting the similarities regarding how information or the lack thereof is desminated by both the US and Japan regarding both situations , also note the restart of Oi nuclear plant in Japan has been blocked by a Japanese Court .
Simply Info....
WIPP Storing Weapons Grade Plutonium In Room 7[image: WIPP Storing Weapons
Grade Plutonium In Room 7]
While DOE and WIPP officials have been telling the public that the waste
inside WIPP is mostly things like old gloves and radiation suits, they are
failing to inform the public and the media of the much different reality
going on below ground. WIPP has had the rules that dictate what can be sent
there changed repeatedly. At the same … Read entire article »
WIPP Update; 500 Barrels At Risk, State Demands Immediate Actions At WIPP[image:
WIPP Update; 5... more »
Lazy Thinking and the Election Results
Some points challenging the avalanche of lazy thinking tumbling off Mt
Politics about the local election results.
Complacency, part one. UKIP did very well, they won 161 seats. It is very
silly, as some do, to bang on about the party having zero MPs and not
winning any councils. Outside of London, UKIP have put down and
strengthened their roots in Tory and Labour-held constituencies alike. The
project to replace the Tories, to muscle in on non-Labour working class
voters continues apace.
Complacency, part two. In last year's County Council elections, UKIP polled
23%. This time ro... more »
War Watch May 25 , 2015 -- Syria in focus .... Syria Government forces and Opposition forces agree on process to allow rebel forces to leave al- Waar ( Opposition held area near Homs ) ..... Iraq in focus - Bombers Strike in Northern Iraq, Anbar Clashes Continue: 146 Killed, 82 Wounded Across Iraq ......... Libya in focus - Libya Coup led by Renegade General continues offensive against not just Islamists but also the Government itself - claims mandate from protesters , civil war looming ( trash piling up National Oil company Head quits , Coup extends reach from Benghazi to Dernea )
Syria Rebels, Army Agree on Truce Near Key City
BEIRUT May 23, 2014 (AP)
By ZEINA KARAM Associated Press
[image: Associated Press]
Syrian activists say rebel fighters and government forces have agreed to a
truce in an opposition-held area near the central city of Homs.
A Syrian activist who uses the name Thaer Khalidiya and another who uses
the name Abu Yasin al-Homsi said on Saturday that the truce will enable the
two sides to negotiate an agreement for the rebels to leave al-Waar, an
area across the Orontes River from Homs.
The two activists say the truce began on Friday... more »
Endorsements Mean Something-- Sometimes They're A Warning From Malevolent Forces

Not everybody studies the records of politicians asking for their votes. I
do. But for many people, at least some of the time, it's pretty much
essential to consider what a trusted organization recommends. When I see
the DCCC has jumped in strong for a candidate, it always makes me reticent
and makes me wonder what's wrong with the candidate. Are they weak on core
progressive values? Are they prone to taking orders from the top? Are they
prone towards corruption? Those have been the characterists Rahm Emanuel
and Steve Israel have looked for in candidates. The Blue Dogs and New
De... more »
*Axe looms for 'soft' British High School subjects like Hospitality and
Planning for Life -- in bid to toughen up exam system*
A string of GCSE subjects deemed to be ‘too easy’ are facing the axe as
part of a radical overhaul by the Government’s exam watchdog.
Courses such as Leisure and Tourism, Health and Social Care, and Preparing
for Work and Life – which teaches pupils about finding and applying for
jobs – could be stripped of their status as GCSEs.
Education Secretary Michael Gove is already toughening up core subjects
such as maths and English to boost the exam’s academic r... more »
East India Company, The Pakistani variant

In the Pakistan’s federal budget 2013-14 the total outlay was $35 billion,
out of which 32% was allocated to ‘Interest payments’ and 21% to defense
spending (including 4% military pensions) which amounts to $7.35 billion.
But that’s only part of the story. The Pakistanarmy also has its own
business empire: from myriad industries like Fauji Fertilizers and Askari
bank and cement to the most lucrative real estate business carried out by
the Defense Housing Authority (DHA). The whole of Rawalpindi city is dotted
with numerous DHA, Askari and Bahria town sectors, the latter is owned by
... more »
Thailand Army Announces Military Coup On Live TV, Country's 12th Since 1932 ( Full Report - May 22 , 2014 ) ...... Updates 2: Thailand's military suspends the 2007 constitution and dismisses the caretaker government. Update: The Thai army has announced a nationwide curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. after declaring a military takeover of the government to restore order.......... how long before US is forced to impose sanctions and cutoff military aid now that we have a de jure coup ?
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Thailand Army Announces Military Coup On Live TV, Country's 12th Since 1932
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/22/2014 07:47 -0400
<ul class="links inline" st
Misreading the Never-Ending Drop-Out “Crisis”
Misreading the Never-Ending Drop-Out “Crisis”. via Misreading the
Never-Ending Drop-Out “Crisis”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Lib Dems
Here's one for our Lib Dem readers (if we have any):
Lib Dems:amazing that 2 little known candidates take it on themselves to
tell Clegg to quit and BBC leads bulletins on them - even on Sunday
— MichaelWhite (@MichaelWhite) May 25, 2014
By my calculations so far 0.004795% of the LibDem membership have signed a
letter calling for @nick_clegg to stand down.
— Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) May 25, 2014
And talking of the Lib Dems, this was quite a good quip from Alan at *Biased
On From Our Own Correspondent the ever reliable source of bias or notably
daft comments (remember For... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels
*Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels*
by ÉirePort
Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels, not yet
experienced on planetary scale.
Angular incomings to Gaia are increasing in intensity and maximize
opportunities for hu-manity to Hue-manity transformation.
Stellar and Galactic alignments support all such transformative processes,
and establish new foundations for Gaia evolution.
ÉirePort | May 23, 2014 at 23:31 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
*Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia c... more »
April's Airings: Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward
FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014
*HS Message - Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel
All Forward*
by April Bender
Whew! Yes, as you've keenly assessed, an incredible amount of
perturbation/commotion is happening within and throughout the 5D-7D
Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. A vast
restructuring/ordering is once again taking place, as the full wave
induction of energies infused during the recent April Gateway, continue to
seek their proper placement/alignment, integration, sy... more »
So that's why people have children...
A threesome, or coffee...?
Or indeed why people become radio hosts?
A threesome, or coffee...?
Pope in the Holy Land, a Muslim extremist group, the Vicar of Fleet Street, an anti-Semitic terrorist attack in Belgium, NI schooling, and the Pope in the Holy Land again

This morning's *Sunday *dealt with serious matters pretty much throughout
and focused on the visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land.
Both Sue and myself were rather dreading it, but it turned out OK. Please
see what you make of it.
1. "*As Pope Francis continues his three day pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
Samira Ahmed asks if his trip will go any way to revitalising the peace
process there?"*
Curiously, *that* question wasn't really asked or discussed.
First we heard from the BBC's veteran Rome correspondent, David Willey, who
described the visit as "a sort of obstacle race for... more »
*Record Antarctic Ice Extent Throws Cold Water On Global Warming Scare*
Antarctic polar ice extent has set another new record, defying alarmist
global warming claims. Surpassing the greatest month-of-April ice extent in
recorded history, the new record throws cold water on alarmist claims that
the Antarctic ice cap has crossed a melting point of no return.
The most recent Antarctic ice sheet alarm began with a paper examining a
particular glacier in West Antarctica that “has long been considered prone
to instability.” The paper speculates that a collapse of this particular
glacier ... more »
To Forbes: The problem is not a lack of technology. The problem is poverty.
Comment on "Education Needs to Change as Fast as Technology," by Zack Sims.
Posted at
Mr. Sims hasn't done his homework. He points out that the "US is ranked by
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. is 31st
in math achievement, 24th in science, and 21st in reading." But a number of
studies have shown that when we control for the effect of poverty, our
students rank near the top of the world.
Mr. Sims also has a great deal of faith in flipped classrooms. Bu... more »
9/11 Reality - Visitor Guide for Truth Seekers
911 Memorial Brochure
Vermont Wolaver's Organic Ales Are Now Non-GMO Certified

[image: Foto: The first Organic Brewery in the U.S. is now Non-GMO Project
Verified. Wolaver's timing is great - being a Vermont brewery, they reside
in the first state in the U.S. to pass a stand alone law to label GMOs.
“Vermonters are becoming more informed and aware of the food they’re
consuming,” said Tosha Pope, quality assurance manager. “We’re starting to
see that same philosophy applied to their beer choices.” Wolaver’s has long
been a champion of sustainable agriculture, responsible business practices
and great beer. “This is just the start,” stated Jed Nelson, marketing
d... more »
Isla Vista massacre: when testosterone runs amok
On Friday, Elliot Rodger (22) murdered six other people and himself – in an
act of stabbing and frantic shooting – in Isla Vista, California. The son
of the British-born Hollywood director Peter Rodger has previously
announced his plans to murder many women – those who rejected him – because
of his sexual frustration. I think that there are too many men who say
similar things so it would be impractical to "stop" all of them. So it's
disputable whether the event could have been avoided. But the feeling that
it could have been is particularly annoying.
Isla Vista is the town adjacen... more »
Russian Air Force to receive 16 fighter jets in 2015-2016

[image: MiG-29SMT Fulcrum]Sixteen MiG-29SMT multirole fighters will join
the Russian Air Force in 2015-2016 under a contract concluded earlier, MiG
General Director Sergei Korotkov said at the KADEX 2014 weapons exhibition
in Astana on Saturday.
"We are supposed to complete the contract in 2016. Eight planes will be
shipped next year and another eight in 2016," he said.
It was reported earlier that the Russian Defense Ministry and MiG had
concluded a contract for 16 MiG-29SMTs. The ministry press service said the
contract, including ground service facilities and monitoring equipment... more »
Japan protests to China about fighter jet incidents in disputed territory in East China Sea

[image: OP-3C Orion]Japan has accused China of "dangerous" manoeuvres,
claiming two fighter jets flew within metres of Japanese military aircraft
above disputed territory in the East China Sea.
Japan's Defence Ministry says one Chinese SU-27 jet flew within metres of a
Japanese OP-3C surveillance plane and another close to a Japanese YS-11EB
A spokesman said the Chinese fighter jets flew as close as 30 metres in one
instance and 50 metres in the other.
Read more
Russian Aircraft Carrier in the vicinity? Royal Netherlands Navy had no ships to dispatch

[image: P-3C Orion]In spite of a commitment to the NATO alliance, several
years of budget cuts undermined the ability of European countries to
perform routine duties, as providing escort to Russian vessels as they sail
close to the territorial waters.
Among the arms undermined by shrinking defense budgets, there is also the
Royal Netherlands Navy.
When on May 8 the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, sailed
through the Channel on international waters, the Royal Netherlands Navy was
unable to respond because it lacked warships for the task.
Read more
Pak-China Combine Poses Bigger Security Challenge

[image: Shaheen-2 missile]Addressing a rally in Arunachal Pradesh on March
12, Narendra Modi, BJP’s then PM nominee, made it clear to the people of
the state that: “No power on earth can snatch away Arunachal Pradesh (from
India).” He added: “Times have changed. The world does not welcome the
mindset of expansion in today’s times. China will also have to leave behind
its mindset of expansion.”
Interestingly, Beijing did not react strongly to Modi’s address. Unlike
Washington, Beijing had welcomed him as CM of Gujarat and is aware of his
readiness to strengthen economic and investme... more »
Army Testing Different Types of Home-Made Weapons, Equipment on 2nd Day of Drills

[image: Fajr-5 missile]The wargames, dubbed Beitol-Moqaddas 26, started in
the general zone of Nasrabad in Isfahan province on Friday and will end
today, May 24 the anniversary of the liberation of Khorramshahr city from
the Iraqi occupation during the 1980-1988 war.
Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force for Training General
Hossein Shokouhi said different army units, including air force, airborne,
infantry, armored, cavalry, artillery, air-defense, drone and logistical
units have participated in the wargames.
He underlined that the primary goal of the maneuvers is u... more »
Send In Your March Againt Monsanto Photos (24 May 2014)

[image: Foto: Where are you marching? Send us your photos and we will post
them! BAN GMOs. Let's take back control of our food. Change is in the air!
#CrimesAgainstHumanity #BanRoundup #Glyphosate #GrowYourOwn #Organic
#NonGMOProjectVerified #SaveOurChildren #SaveOurPlanet #GeneticPollution
#GMOFreeGlobalCoalition #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA]
Where are you marching? Send us your photos and we will post them! BAN
GMOs. Let's take back control of our food. Change is in the air!
* more »
Claims: Universe is not expanding
Fred Singer sent me a link to an article in Sci-News,
Universe is Not Expanding After All, Scientists Say
which describes a recent U.S.-Spanish-Italian paper
UV surface brightness of galaxies from the local Universe to \(z\sim 5\)(arXiv)
that was just published as International Journal of Modern Physics D Vol.
23, No. 6 (2014) 1450058.
It is quite a bold claim but not shocking for those who have the impression
based on the experience that these journals published by World Scientific
are not exactly prestigious – or credible, for that matter. The sloppy
design of the journal webs... more »
Wendy Greuel Targets Marianne Williamson In A Vicious, Negative Attack
I tried to sit down with as many of the candidates running for Congress in
the 33rd congressional district as I could so I could get to know more
about them than what kind of images their consultants crafted for them. I
was especially struck with how cordial and supportive all the canddiates--
or at least the Democratic and independent candidates-- were. Front runner
and Democratic Party official candidate state Sen. Ted Lieu was adamant
that he would be running a purely positive campaign, as he has. Far from
front runner, Barbara Mulvaney, a career diplomat, couldn't even conceiv... more »

Oftentimes, when working in the field of researching the politics of the
Deep State, a point is reached whereby the body of evidence that comprises
the aggregated weight of our collective knowledge of certain concealed
truths begins to approach a kind of critical mass, wherein new facts and
witnesses beginto fly in and find corroboration with increasing ease and
benefit to the wider struggle;
Quite often the concrete indicator that such a threshold is rapidly
approaching will be the sudden offer by the Enemy in our fight to release
certain files, show use certain redacted docume... more »
Double Trouble Brewing.

*Trouble Brewing.*
*This cannot possibly end well.*
*And neither can this.*
Q: Who Killed Michael Hutchance...? A: ASIO (-unconfirmed-)

The coroner's verdict on the death of Michael Hutchence was suicide. But
Paula Yates, the singer's girlfriend, claims that other forces were at
work. So what really happened on the night of 21 November 1997? And why?
Sunday 05 April 1998
WHEN MICHAEL HUTCHENCE flew into his native Australia last November, there
were few signs that his dazzling career was about to crash land, that he
was about to kill himself.
The lead singer of INXS was returning to Sydney, the city where he was
born, for a concert tour to mark the twentieth anniv... more »
The Professional Victims of 9/11

*Q:* How many 9/11 "Widows" does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
*A:* I don't know either, but if you think the three Jersey Girls will be
enough to convince me Hamzi managed to make a 270* corkscrew power-dive
into Wedge-1 of the Pentagon to make impact with the retaining wall at a
speed of around 650mph, just 2 inches above the South Lawn, think again...
*"In July 2004, when the 9/11 Commission released its Final Report, we read
with enormous interest, Chapter 6 - "From Threat to Threat", including
footnote #44. Footnote #44 details an instance where a CIA desk officer
i... more »
Hollywood Accredits the Memes: Aliens

*The Secret History of the Corporate War in Vietnam and the "Small Wars" of
the Future.*
Hunting for VC in the Crawlspace.
", in fact, the strategy to which tactical warfare must conform
if it is to achieve maximum effectiveness. The MindWar scenario must be
preeminent in the mind of the commander and must be the principal factor in
his every field decision. Otherwise he sacrifices measures which actually
contribute to winning the war to measures of immediate, tangible
satisfaction. (Consider the rational for 'body counts' in Vietnam).
"In its strategic c... more »
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Lost Boys and Elite Paedophilia

*'Slowly, over a period of many years I would begin to realize that many of
the people I had surrounded myself with were monsters' *
*- Corey Feldman*
Feldman was being questioned in relation to the molestation charges brought
against MIcahel Jackson by Jordy Chandler and his family. In his book the
Stand By Me actor said his relationship with the pop king was one of the
healthiest he had.
In the recording, Feldman can be heard telling Sgt. Deborah Linden and
Detective Russ Birchim, *'I myself was molested' *before going on to name
his abusers.
The detectives expressed little ... more »
Geldof Family Scapbook

Wednesday, October 28, 1998 Published at 14:22 GMT
*Yates loses custody battle*
Paula Yates with daughter at Michael Hutchence's funeral
The television presenter Paula Yates has lost the custody battle with her
former husband, Bob Geldof, for their three children.
The former Boomtown Rats singer and Live Aid hero won the right to have the
children with him for most of the year after a three-day hearing at the
Family Division of the High Court, in London.
Fifi Trixibelle, 15, Peaches Honeyblossom, nine, and Pixie, eight, will
live with the 45-year-old during ... more »
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