6:12pm MDST
The Economy: "The Monetary Policy Dilemma"
*"The Monetary Policy Dilemma"*
by Karl Denninger
"There are times you just scratch your head at the sort of idiocy displayed
in both the media and so-called "economists" who claim to be both formally
trained and have reasonable intellect in their field. This is one of them.
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and her colleagues have lowered their
sights on how fast the economy needs to expand to meet their goal of
cutting unemployment. No longer are they saying growth must accelerate from
the 2 percent to 2.5 percent pace it has generally averaged since the
recession ended. Instead... more »
"Look Up"
“'Look Up' is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where
we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one
another, but always results in us spending more time alone.”
Written, performed and directed by Gary Turk.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY#t=128
Manus Manum Lavat

*Sun Moon Lake*
The Ma Administration's strong support from the financial sector was on
display this week as a couple of firms rushed to condemn the student
uprisings as bad for the economy, thus supporting the Administration
narrative. ANZ slashed its growth forecast from 3.6% to 3.1%, blaming the
political problems caused by the students (FocusTw):
Following the student campaign against a trade-in-services agreement with
China and the anti-nuclear protests, "the heightened political risk is
bound to curtail business and consumer confidence, which will likely drag
capital expendi... more »
Sewol Ferry Disaster updates - death toll rises to 242 , 60 still missing .... Keep all of these families in your prayers ! News of the day and overview ......
Catharsis Ours - 11 minutes ago

New Straits Times......
04 May 2014| last updated at 11:48AM
S. Korea Ferry Incident: Divers struggle to open blocked cabins
0 22 Google +0 0 0 comments
SEOUL: South Korean dive teams struggled today to gain access to blocked
cabins of a submerged ferry that sank nearly three weeks ago, as the
confirmed death toll from the disaster rose to 242.
Six more bodies were recovered early today, 18 days after the 6,825-tonne
Sewol capsized and sank with 476 people on board — most of them
schoolchildren — while 60 remain unaccounted for.
“Rescuers using some equipment are trying to ope... more »
Thinking Taiwan is open for business

With journalist J Michael Cole as its editor in chief, a new platform for
Taiwan centered journalism and commentary, Thinking Taiwan, opened
officially this week (Facebook, Twitter = @ThinkingTaiwan). The online news
and analysis site is funded by DPP Chair and former Presidential candidate Tsai
Ing-wen's foundation. The awesome Sean Su, whom I've been trying to get to
marry my daughter, techie and Taiwan activist in States, is running the
platform. Ketty Chen, a Taiwan scholar and very sharp observer of things
Taiwan, is involved behind the scenes.
If the opening round of pieces ... more »
US nuclear situations ( Hanford and WIPP ) Updates for May 4 , 2014 ..... Items of note from Energy News , local news outlets.....
Catharsis Ours - 57 minutes ago
Energy News.....
11:24 AM EST on May 4th, 2014 | 24 comments
NBC Right Now: Explosion at U.S. nuclear site — Kept secret from public —
Happened in plant where plutonium was manufactured — “One of the most
hazardous buildings” in America — Workers: “Flames shot out… big, loud bang
like a shot gun” (VIDEO)
11:44 PM EST on May 3rd, 2014 | 47 comments
Gov’t Investigator: Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast
— Mortality event began 8 months after Fukushima explosions — “In very poor
condition… badly emaciated” when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic
01:17 PM EST ... more »
The Police State Strikes Back as Occupy Activist Hammered by Law

*“If you're not a cop, you're "little people"*
* -Captain Bryant*
The hammer of the police state slammed down on the head of Cecily McMillan
as if it were a sledge, convicting the Occupy Wall Street activist of
assaulting a New York police officer. Not that the cop grabbed her breast
during a protest, the men in black are the alpha level predators in the
soft fascist (soft for now) place that is The Homeland. McMillan hit the
cop in the face with an elbow, likely more of a reflexive action than
anything else but it didn’t matter when it came time to feeding her into
the big industr... more »
A meeting of the Albuquerque (New Mexico) City Council was disrupted and
was ultimately canceled Monday night, prompting the police chief and
council members to walk out. Protesters took over the meeting, still
furious over a series of incidents involving the city's police department
in which people were killed or excessive force was used.
The Albuquerque Police Department has faced intense criticism for 37
shootings by officers since 2010 -- more than 20 of them deadly. Critics
say that's far too many for a department serving a city of about 555,000.
Complaints from local advocac... more »
Bitcoin news of note - May 4 -5 , 2014 --Department of Defense Office to Investigate Bitcoin’s Terrorism Potential ...... Chinese Bitcoin Exchange FXBTC Is Closing 5/10 Because Of Unprecedented Pressure From People’s Bank Of China ......... The DOJ’s “Operation Choke Point” Has Driven 30 Industries To Bitcoin .......... Commerce / Banking items of note ....... Counter - terror and fraud items of note.....
Catharsis Ours - 1 hour ago
Department of Defense Office to
Investigate Bitcoin’s Terrorism
Jon Southurst (@southtopia) | Published on May 5, 2014 at 05:32 BST | *News, Regulation, US
& Canada*
[image: terrorism]
An office within the US Department of Defense is conducting a study into
bitcoin and other technologies as a potential terrorist threat, according
to news reports.
The move is part of the Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office
(CTTSO) programme aimed to assist the military in understanding if and how
various new technologies might be used to threaten US national secu... more »

Could things possibly get any sillier in Britain? A man was arrested last
week for quoting Churchill in a public place. This week, a man (well, a
man-child really) is publicly pilloried for ... maybe … saying “nigger”
under his breath while chanting the nursery rhyme“eeny meeny, miney, mo” on
an outtake of a TV show that was never shown.
Mind you, that man-child was *Top Gear’*s Jeremy Clarkson, so according to
the pillorers I guess that makes it alright.
No, it doesn’t. As *Spiked* editor Mick Hume argues, “the hysteria over his
'n-word' mumble marks a new stage in the war on wo... more »
Yehuda Amichai's "Young David" + Yehuda Amichai reads "Poem Without An End"
*Wikipedia: *
Yehuda Amichai (3 May 1924 – 22 September 2000) was an Israeli poet.
Amichai is considered by many, both in Israel and internationally, as
Israel's greatest modern poet. He was also one of the first to write in
colloquial Hebrew.
Video Title: FILM VERSE: Yehuda Amichai's "Young David." Source:
rattapallax. Date Published: May 25, 2011. Description:
FILM VERSE: showcase of a short award-winning film based on the poem by
Yehuda Amichai's "Young David." Film by Avi Dabach. Introduced by Edward
Hirsch and Bob Holman.
Produced by Ram Devineni. All right reserved by Rat... more »
*Federal National Climate Assessment Says Louisiana Is Vulnerable ~AP, via
An Academic Woman’s Rant of the Week: Personal Information and Office Hours
It’s that time of year again: the magical time when my 10 page
undergraduate research proposal deadline is enough to cause a health scare
among the geriatric population of mid-Missouri. As the semester comes to a
close, my office is typically filled with both undergrads and grads coming
to tell me a plethora of problems
Continue reading
Encore Presentation “Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control”
I have been thinking for a long while about relinking this interview. It
seems now is the time.
I first put this up over a year ago. It was well received then. Hopefully
new readers will find it informative, enlightening and intriguing. I know,
I did.
As I said back then and it still applies now-
*" Where to begin? WOW! Does wow work for you?I first listened to the audio
only, which is included below the video.Then I watched the video and that
made all the difference in taking away the ideas being presented and also
understanding how deep the mind control programming runs.Or, fo... more »

*The 7th stage of relationship is singing your own authentic song from a
place of celebration and service and in so doing we begin to realize that
we are part of something infinitely larger than ourselves ~ a loving plan
in action. Our whole life is apparently a quest to find our own true song
and only through love can we find it for love not only totalizes human
energy but also individualizes it within a constantly evolving loving plan
in action ~ which is also God: Allen L Roland, Ph.D*
It was Teilhard de Chardin who wrote* "Considered in its full biological
reality, love ~ t... more »
From our own smiling correspondent.

A spate of BBC reports by Jeremy Bowen about the latest breakdown of the
‘Israel Palestine’ peace negotiations have been examined by Hadar of BBC
Watch and been found guilty of bias. Sentencing will be announced at a
later date. Not really.
Nothing new about that, but since all Bowen’s accounts are unashamedly
related from a Palestinian perspective, isn’t it about time the BBC sent
reinforcements, preferably less partial, to fill in the gaps and straighten
out the rough edges, for balance?
You know, snagging, like all good builders must. To make good the
Jeremy B... more »
A Look Back-- The Fight Over The Bankruptcy Bill

Friday, in a little-noticed post about Donna Edwards being named to head
the DCCC's Red-to-Blue program, we glanced at the success Wall Street had
in burdening American families with an unfair and grotesque new bankruptcy
law. Needless to say, every single Republican voted for this monstrous
concoction of the predatory banking lobbyists. Most of the Blue Dogs and
conservative Democratic fellow travelers who betrayed the Democratic base--
like the slimy character (now a K Street lobbyist) Edwards replaced, Al
Wynn-- were subsequently defeated. Two glaring exception-- both now high ... more »
Houston Teachers File Federal Lawsuit Over Use of VAM
Seven teachers, union suing HISD over evaluations
When Bill Sanders, the agricultural statistician and adjunct professor who
developed TVAAS and EVAAS and became a multimillionaire as a result, is
asked about how he derives his estimates of teacher effects on test scores,
he flashes his algorithm, which is supposed to satisfy those who wonder how
the Wiz does his thing:
Statisticians may be impressed, but even if they are, there is still the
critical problem of unshared data used to get results in the teacher
evaluation roulette game that teachers must play if their systems use ... more »
Get involved. Take action. Sign up at www.codepink.org
This just in on the Benghazi front!
*TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014*
*We recommend what Drum said:* With Benghazi bubbling again, we strongly
recommend this new post by Kevin Drum.
He summarizes “the latest Benghazi freak-out in 10 sentences.” Quite a few
basics are there.
We’ll quickly add a few more points. We’ll state our first three screeds in
the form of questions:
*The professors:* Have you seen a single professor or logician intervene in
this endlessly bungled matter? Have you seen a single professor adopt a
platform within the press to challenge the reams of nonsense surrounding
this discussion? To clarify the facts o... more »

*The Amoral Claim*
I was in the bank today
the TV on the wall
carried the stock market channel
three guys talking about possible
war with Russia
One claimed
Putin is amoral
(Miriam Webster: being outside the sphere
to which moral judgements apply)
he was saying
that Putin is crazy
it was fitting to hear this
from stock market cats
The moral Wall Streeters
kick folks
out into the street
foreclosed on
legions now homeless
How about Obama's moral
drones in Pakistan
and Yemen
killing innocents?
how many died in Iraq
from the moral US bombs?
How many died in Libya
from NATO's moral
"resp... more »
Tal Fortgang, demonic freshman!
*TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014*
*Carol Leifer’s joke:* Demonically, Mary Elizabeth Williams seems to agree
with something Tal Fortgang said!
For the record, the aforementioned Fortgang is a college freshman. For that
reason, there’s no obvious reason to care about the things he says, or to
expect great insight from him.
We *don’t* mean that as a criticism. Tal Fortgang is still a teenager. Like
most teenagers, like all adults, he has a lot to learn.
Young Fortgang’s views don’t exactly matter. But over at the new Salon,
they’re staging their latest group nervous breakdown about something th... more »

Today in Washington the third National Climate Assessment was released, a
landmark report detailing the huge impacts of climate change in the US.
Compiled by more than 300 authors, the report covers past and projected
impacts to conclude that climate change is already affecting every American
region and many sectors of its economy and society, warning urgent action
must be taken to curb further disruption.
The report, which the government calls the ‘the most comprehensive,
authoritative, transparent scientific report on US climate change impacts
ever generated’, is expected to ste... more »
The Open Wound Called Salazar
May 6, 2014
*The Open Wound Called Salazar*
*http://rubensalazarpbs.org/blog/roberto-dr-cintli-rodriguez/**By Roberto
Dr. Cintli Rodriguez*
May 6, 2014
*The Open Wound Called Salazar*
*By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez*
Forty four years ago, a journalist by the name of Ruben Salazar was killed
by an LA County Sheriff’s deputy, Thomas Wilson. Seems like a long time to
look back, yet, his death in 1970 will forever remain an open wound. The
recently aired PBS documentary, *Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle*, while
educational for those who were not around in 1970, does little to heal that ... more »
What to do about temporary foreign workers: Help them find work

Underneath all the current noise around temporary foreign workers are a
couple basic truths. One is that people who need money and work will always
be drawn toward countries that appear to have an abundance of both. The
other is that people already settled in those countries will find ways to
exploit that desire.
And so we have this latest news of Israelis lured to Canada to work in
mall kiosks, falsely promised wages and sales volumes the likes of which
many Canadians would be happy to earn themselves. But of course, events
didn't unfold like that, and now we are neck-deep ... more »
Here Is The Truth About Ukraine: IMF Plan To Loot Ukraine Revealed!
I always knew there was a very underhanded and diabolical reason for the
criminal US, and sinister Rothschild controlled EU, push for the conquest
of Ukraine.... We have all been lied to by the frauds, trolls, and liars in
our controlled media saying that the Ukrainian people would be better off
thanks to the US led coup in March... But now with Ukraine falling into
turmoil and facing collapse, we all know differently, and there must have
been another sinister reason for the US led coup in the first place.
For this article, I want to present a very important report from the
Blacklis... more »
Guess what this means...
I hear that BBC Trust Chairman Lord Patten to stand down following major
heart surgery. Here is my prediction, as Chris Patten was 'a Conservative'
the next Chairman of the BBC Trust will be a former Labour Minister, MP or
at the very least supporter. What perfect timing with a General Election to
win for Labour/BBC in 2015.
JFK50: What if the CIA Didn't Do It...?

There is a long tradition, whenever anything shady or horrible happens in
the Middle East for CIA to turn around and say *"What!? We would never do
anything like that, that must have been the Israeli Mossad."*
There is a long tradition, whenever anything shady or horrible happens in
the America for all elements within the military from the JCS on down to
turn around and say* "What!? We would never do anything like that, that
must have been the CIA."*
There is a long tradition, whenever anyone serving in the US military is
killed anywhere in the world, whilst doing anything ... more »
Today's North Carolina Senate Primary Pits Rand Paul Against Mitt Romney

The Republican Establishment is trying to make a come back after badly
losing two presidential cycles in a row with feeble and extremely unpopular
establishment candidates, John McCain and Mitt Romney. Today's primary in
North Carolina is their shot to nominate the Speaker of North Carolina's
widely hated state House of Representatives. He has two anti-Establishment
right-wing candidates opposing him, including Greg Brannon, who has been
endorsed by Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), Ron Paul, Thomas Massie
(R-KY), Ann Coulter, Erick Erickson, the Tea Party Patriots, FreedomWorks, ... more »
Mike's Story Part 14: Spinning Out of Control
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
After leaving the US in rage, sealing the deal by writing his Burning
Bridge article, Mike was forced to face the possibility that he'd made a
mistake. Owning up to mistakes was not new to him. AA had taught him that
to do so was honorable so he apologized more frequently and fully than
most people, whether for an editorial inaccuracy or an explosion of temper.
But Venezuela was different. He couldn't just slink back home with
his tail between his legs, as anyone else might who was doing so out of
public view. He needed a "valid" reason that his followers wo... more »
Certiorari is only available if the error appears on the face of the record. What, then, is the record?
*Endicott v. Ontario (Independent Police Review Office),* 2014 ONCA 363:
[43] I view the extent of the material ordered by the Divisional
Court and the list proposed by the respondent to be overly broad and
unnecessarily detailed. It is well settled that the starting point for
defining what a record of proceeding is to contain when no statutory
definition is provided is the decision of Denning L.J. in *R*.* v.
Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal ex parte Shaw *(1951), [1952] 1
K.B. 338 (Eng. C.A.), at pp. 351-52. There Denning L.J. stated that:
…throughout all the case... more »
More than One Million Birds Died During Deepwater Horizon Disaster | Audubon Magazine
More than One Million Birds Died During Deepwater Horizon Disaster |
Audubon Magazine
Leading the Charge: Trey Gowdy talks about the upcoming select committee on Benghazi with Greta Van Susteren...
*"this committee will draw out all the facts"*
Gowdy: "Evidence of intentional withholding of documents."
Eric Cantor and John McCain follow Gowdy.
May 6: Let me go back a few days......
The big news for today is the banner headline on page 1 of the Times and
Transcript. "Roads are a priority for Dieppe: Mayor" That's right up there
with keeping a full supply of toilet paper in city hall washrooms.
Big story on A4, A local cat has been inducted into the Purina Hall of Fame
for alerting its owners to a house fire. Well, we've had worse. There is,
for example, our philanthropic hall of fame.
On A6, we learn that wine-lovers will be poured into the casino tomorrow.
Well, that's better than filling the place up with wine.
But let's go back a bit on the shale gas repor... more »
Can a Weingarten Stamp of Approval Mean Anything Good for NYC Teachers?
The saddest part of Randi Weingarten’s rainy day trip to Lake Placid to get
some press press photos of her protesting at the DFER ed deform meeting is
that the Misleaders of the AFT and NEA have endorsed most of the agenda of
the hedge funders inside the meeting, whether it is bonus pay for test
scores, teacher eval based on test scores, segregated corporate charter
reform schools, and the Common Core. It’s all good with Randi and Dennis.
Joe Williams, head of DFER, has everything he needs from Randi and Dennis
already. Why would he make them uncomfortable by putting down placemats fo... more »
An anti-German, anti-Russian rant in The New York Times
*Russophobia has never been a duty of the Westerner*
On Friday, dozens of pro-Russian citizens of Ukraine were burned alive in
the building of the trade unions in Odessa – a previously peaceful, highly
cultural city in Southwestern Ukraine founded by Catherine the Great in
1794 – where they had to hide from aggressive pro-Maidan soccer rowdies
whom they previously confronted on the street. The rowdies did everything
they could to burn and kill as many people as possible.
*Off-topic: this is how the Maidan regime plans to negotiate with the
ethnic Russians who are citizens of Ukrai... more »
Out Of Control

Yesterday, Peter MacKay renewed his attack on Chief Justice Beverley
McLachlin. Andrew Coyne writes:
Watching the Harper government stumble from one needless controversy to
another — picking fights, settling scores, demeaning institutions and
individuals alike in the pursuit of no discernible principle or even
political gain — one has had the distinct impression of a government, and a
Prime Minister, spinning out of control.
But with the Prime Minister’s astonishing personal attack last week on the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Beverley McLachlin, the meltdown has
reached ... more »
TUSCALOOSA LIBERALS: In search of Central High’s senior class!
*TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014*
*Part 2—Hannah-Jones softens the blow:* We the people should thank the gods
for kids like D’Leisha Dent.
Dent is a student at Central High, one of Tuscaloosa, Alabama’s three
public high schools. She’s president of her senior class. Last fall, she
was homecoming queen.
Dent is a highly accomplished athlete, a three-time individual state
champion in track. Most important:
Based on the recent profile of Dent by Nikole Hannah-Jones, D’Leisha Dent
wants to do good and do well in the world. It sounds like she’s a superb
young person, like many others in Tuscaloos... more »
Six Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument as a Child

*Today I have Sharlene here from Good Music, Brighter Children. Sharlene
has some incredible posts about the benefits of music in childhood,
including this fantastic one about how music benefits premature infants.
Make sure to leave her some comment love. *
Hello, I’m Sharlene Habermeyer. Thanks for letting me guest post today
Debra! I am a mother of five boys and the author of Good Music Brighter
Children. My lifelong passion is music and how children learn and process
information through music. My third son Brandon suffered a very traumatic
birth which caused pre-frontal cortex da... more »
Liberal Nazis don't want you to know this!
By Capt. Fogg
Lots of things are happening in the world that Cable News disciples don't
seem to notice or know about. Lots of crazy stuff is swept under the
racist team owner, missing airplane, sunken ferry rug every day. It's a
I read today about another one of those wonderful preachers who seem to
have a handle on our real problems -- the kind of stuff we need to read
more of. I'm talking about Brother Dean Samuel who showed up a a screening
of a film about 1998 Miss World Pageant winner and rape survivor Linor
Abargil last month, wearing a T-shirt saying "You Who... more »
An Interview with Mark Gertler
Words of wisdom from the NYU macroeconomist.
Oddities , strange news , items to ponder May 4 , 2014 ........ Gerald Celente stands by prediction the SHTF ( Economic Collapse ) by the end of Q 2 2014 - Celente identifies culprit as USD currency devaluation from may quarters slamming global economies ....... NSA Slits Own Wrist: Classifies MH370 Info – What Do They Know The Rest Of The World Doesn’t Know ? Obama Administration Launches Plan to Make an “Internet ID” a Reality ........ This American Refused to Become an FBI Informant. Then Government Made His Family’s Life Hell ....... Everyone under surveillance ( so says Edward Snowden ) ...... Just how did a spy plane fry air traffic controls at LAX ( was some type of test run ) ...... Foreign Bank exposure to Russia - check out which countries banks are on the hook ! .......Obama Complains That TPP Critics Are ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Lack Knowledge’ About ( secret ) Negotiations ......... Two more senior military officials forced out by White House ? There are rumors that the two most senior military intelligence officers in the United States, who have announced their intention to step down in the coming months, are being forced out by the White House. Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, who directs the Defense Intelligence Agency, and his Deputy Director, David R. Shedd, both said on Wednesday that they intend to quit their jobs before the end of the summer. The Department of Defense said later on Wednesday that the two officials had been scheduled to step down “for some time” and that the leadership of the DoD “appreciates the service of these two dedicated and professional leaders”. But the announcement does not change the fact that America’s two leading military intelligence administrators have suddenly decided to quit their jobs. Shedd entered his current post in 2010, while Flynn rose to the DIA’s top position in 2012.......“OPERATION CHOKE POINT” RAISES ALARMS ......... Connecting dots ( Flight 370 , alleged stolen nukes on the way to the US - as per Gordon Duff , False Flag watch ? )
Catharsis Ours - 10 hours ago
Additional items....
Just a coincidence - UK and US suffer airport glitches on consecutive days
?? US glitch 4/30 .....
Keep this is mind as you read about the stolen nuclear material from
Pakistan below...
Widespread Airplane Grounding Was Due To U-2 Spy Plane Flyover
"Overloading" Air Traffic Computers
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2014 09:11 -0400
- Las Vegas
- Reuters
- Ukraine
... more »
Why it is hypocritical to boycott Israel – Telegraph Blogs
the Israeli military does "more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a
combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare".
Ohio Democrats! Don't Forget To Vote Today

Garrison and Israel-- 2 vile frauds destroying the meaning of the
Democratic Party
Today is primary election day in Ohio's 6th district. Democrats in southern
and eastern Ohio gerrymandered district will pick the candidate to go up
against Boehner ally Bill Johnson. Favored to win by the Beltway
Establishment is an anti-Choice, antigay, pro-NRA, pro-fracking
right-winger we've talked about a lot here at *DWT* over the months,
Jennifer Garrison (AKA- The Sarah Palin of Ohio). She would be exhibit A if
House Democrats needed a trial to remove the scourge of Steve Israel and
his corrup... more »
If This Is Teacher Appreciation, I’m Glad It Is Only a Week
If This Is Teacher Appreciation, I’m Glad It Is Only a Week. via If This Is
Teacher Appreciation, I’m Glad It Is Only a Week.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS:
Becoming Radical
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates May 6 , 2014 -- M6.2 Earthquake hit Kanto region / Scale 5- in Tokyo 23 wards .......endless fight against radiation and related illnesses - sickening lies to cover up and distract by japanese newspapers / alleged knowledgable official type figures .........
Energy News ......
07:02 PM EST on May 5th, 2014 | 41 comments
Japan TV: ‘Endless fight’ against radiation — Levels in home at 7,500%
gov’t limit — ‘Shocking’ 62,700 Bq/kg of cesium in mushrooms… “They just
stared at the numbers” — Retired Official: “This will taste great
fried…When decontamination finished it will be safe for people to return”
04:04 PM EST on May 5th, 2014 | 29 comments
Author had bouts of nosebleeds, plagued by unusual fatigue after Fukushima
plant visits — Group of newspaper journalists “confess to suffering similar
symptoms” — Official unbearably sick s... more »
*Children as young as four made to study BAREFOOT at British primary school
which banned shoes because it 'improves the learning environment'*
Primary school children have been told to wear only socks for lessons after
shoes were banned in an attempt to improve children's results.
Holmbush Primary School in Shoreham, West Sussex, declared that children
should study barefoot after the school's 'Learning Council', made up of
Year Six pupils, found that 'shoeless classrooms' could help pupils learn.
After a trial, which was deemed successful by children and staff, the
240-pupil school... more »
American Warlord: Obama's Empire of Blood

*He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue**...**He knows
every song of love that ever has been sung..**Good intentions can be evil..**Both
hands can be full of grease...**You know that sometimes Satan comes as a
man of peace*
*Bob Dylan – Man of Peace*
Barack H. Obama was sworn as the forty-fourth president of the United
States on a bite ass cold day in Washington in January of 2009 riding high
upon a wave of hope and change. The nation had become war-weary after the
eight year gauntlet of brutality and horrors that was the Bush-Cheney
regime and their neocon foreign ... more »
NATO: Russia may achieve goals without Ukraine invasion?!?
Saw this headline today? .-Russia may achieve goals without Ukraine
invasion: NATO commander
What the heck! How long has the NATO media been repeating the mantra that
Russia is going to invade Ukraine like any day?! At any moment? At the drop
a hat!
Or should I use my favourite Bushism and say the NATO media was
"catapulting the propaganda"? repeatedly.
It's been weeks and weeks of *Russian troops* may be massing to *invade
Ukraine** or *Russian troops poised for invasion of eastern Ukraine,
despite denials
Today the coin has flipped! Breedlove is suggesting that what happened in... more »
For all those anti-Israel idiots who post pictures of poor little Palestinian girls being bullied by Israeli soldiers

There's a number of anti-Israel idiots on Twitter who've posted still
images of a little blonde Palestinian girl facing up to some huge scary
Israeli soldiers. I have called them out on this and told them it's Pally
wood. Here's what I mean...
First some example images
Now let's look at the video...
Pause the video at3:23 and note the photographers and videographers there.
This event was a pure piece of Pallywood - get some children to scream
abuse at Israeli soldiers in the hope that one of the Israeli soldiers
pushes one of the children away or even just raises a fist or thei... more »
*City Council prepared to vote Thursday on riverfront condo towers in Holy
Cross ~Jaquetta White, N.O. Advocate*
*Use our calculator to see how much property tax increase would cost you
~Tyler Bridges, The Lens*
*Jindal to use Coastal Restoration funds for budget? ~C.B. Forgotston*
*Still Counting Gulf Spill’s Dead Birds ~Mark Schrope, NYT*
*Sterling Farms to close flagship store in Marrero ~WDSU*
*UNO Announces Partnership with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers*
*Iconic New Orleans Snoball Stand Honored With A James Beard Award ~WWNO*
The Mystery Of Malaysian Flight MH370's "Disappearance" Continues: NOW The Criminals Are Blaming It on Phony "Al Qaeda" Terrorists (!)
It has now been over 60 days since the United States military seized
control of Malaysian flight MH370 and electronically flew the plane to
their base at Diego Garcia.... THIS is exactly what happened to that
aircraft, and there should be absolutely no doubt in anyone's minds what so
ever.... The liars in our governments and the so called "mainstream media"
have tried desperately to divert everyone's attention away from that truth,
but now most people can see through that facade, and are realizing that the
plane was indeed stolen and absolutely flown to Diego Garcia.....
I was waiti... more »
Worldsheets and spacetimes: kinship and cross-pollination
There exists one idea that I have believed for 18 years to eventually
become critical for the most general definition of a theory of everything,
or string/M-theory, and that hasn't played an important role yet. No, I
don't mean the idea of feminist biology (thanks, Honzo). Instead, the most
relevant papers underlying the idea that I want to discuss only have around
100 citations at this moment which is far from the citation count
appropriate for the papers sparking a new string revolution.
It's the idea that the worldsheets and worldvolumes of all sorts that
appear in string theory... more »
A Must See Video: Look Up!
I have been troubled for the last few years by what I see on a daily
basis... People no longer communicating with people directly or actually
making eye contact with others..... I recently went into a local coffee
shop which I do on a semi-daily basis, and what I saw was astounding... All
young people with their heads buried in smart phones.. No eye contact... No
verbal communication at all... It troubles me and has me thinking that this
"social media" which I have been dead set against from day one has been
nothing more than a diabolical plot to turn us all into non-social
beings..... more »
Justices of the Peace to conduct civil hearings in Australia
The Queensland, Australia Attorney General has introduced a trial period
where select Justices of the Peace will conduct certain civil hearings.
Justices of the Peace selected had applied for the trial and underwent
particular training. The hearings will essentially consist of civil small
claims where the amount claimed in less than $5000. The purpose of this
trial is to ascertain whether using Justices of the Peace can alleviate the
backlog and delays of small claims no longer heard by Magistrates. The
Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal (QCAT) is the new authority now
hearing... more »
Baffin Correctional Centre - from today's National Post
From the Three Little Pigs we learn that it does not make a lot of sense,
in a dangerous and scary world, to build a house out of straw or sticks.
The wise piggy builds a home out of solid brick so no one can break down
the walls.
Unfortunately that simple lesson was forgotten when Baffin Correctional
Centre in Iqaluit Nunavut was built in 1986.
Although currently holding some genuinely violent and dangerous
individuals, the ranges at Baffin Correctional Centre are constructed of
plasterboard and plywood. Inmates there can, and do, kick and punch holes
in the walls of the prison.... more »
I wonder why Lynne Jones chose to retweet this lie of a tweet
As far as I am aware around six million Jews live in Israel and the number
of Jews that refuse to live in Israel because they believe that only God
can create a Jewish state, not man, is minuscule in comparison. So why did
Lynne Jones retweet that tweet from Zion Slayer?
A Natural Basil Oil Bug Repellient
[image: 5]
*Note:* I have first hand experience with using Basil Oil to repell wasps
who had been looking to make a home on our balcony. I sprinkled a few
drops in the area where they were landing and they took off in flight.
They came back a few days later and I refreshed the drops and after that
they decided our balcony wasn't a good place for them to build their nest
that summer.
Join Divest Monsanto Now Day Of Action At A Fidelity Office Near You on May 9, 2014

[image: Foto: Take the Monsanto Stock Plunge - National Day of Action –
Join the campaign to Divest Monsanto Now! On May 9th take the Monsanto
Stock Plunge global, launch an event in your town or city and join our
partners at Food Democracy Now, NaturalNews.com, Organic Consumers
Association, Food Babe, The Cornucopia Institute, Green America, GMO
Inside, Millions Against Monsanto by OrganicConsumers.org, Babes Against
Biotech, Hawaii GMO Justice Coalition, March Against Monsanto, Label GMOs:
California's Grassroots, & Institute for Responsible Technology. Let’s turn
up the heat on ... more »
Russia to Show Off Latest Weapons at Defense Expo in Jordan

[image: Ka-226T Sergei]Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport will display
its latest weapons systems and military hardware at the SOFEX-2014
exhibition this week in Jordan, the company has said.
The company said it expects potential buyers are likely to pay particular
attention to Russian noiseless and flameless weapons, sniper rifles,
submachine guns and special melee weapons.
"Among them are the PP-2000 submachine gun, OSV-96 heavy semi-automatic
sniper rifle, compact grenade launcher complex MGK Boer, PP-19-01 Vityaz
submachine gun, special carbine 18.5 COP-K and the GM-94 police... more »
U.S. sending F-15s, KC-135 to Norway for exercise
[image: F-15C Strike Eagle]The U.S. is sending four F-15E fighters and a
KC-135 Stratotanker to Norway to participate in an exercise running from
Tuesday through Thursday, according to U.S. Air Forces in Europe.
The planes and airmen will take part in the Nordic Defence Cooperation, a
regularly scheduled exercise that was planned before Russia’s annexation of
Ukraine’s Crimea region at the end of February, said Maj. Gerardo Gonzalez,
a spokesman for USAFE.
The F-15s and about 40 airmen from RAF Lakenheath in Britain will go to
Bodo Main Air Station in Norway to work with the air for... more »
Northrop Grumman's MQ-8C Fire Scout to Undergo Electromagnetic Interference Tests In Prep for Ship-based Flights

[image: MQ-8C Fire Scout]In preparation for ship-board flights this spring,
the Northrop Grumman Corporation-built MQ-8C Fire Scout will be tested for
its ability to operate safely in the intense electromagnetic environment
aboard U.S. Navy ships.
The MQ-8C Fire Scout uses specially-designed cages, known as Faraday cages,
to protect sensitive equipment on the aircraft from signal interference.
"All Navy aircraft must go through electromagnetic interference testing to
ensure they can operate safely in the ship environment," said Capt. Patrick
Smith, Fire Scout program manager at Nava... more »
Boeing Delivers 100th EA-18G Growler to US Navy

[image: EA-18G Growler]Boeing delivered the 100th EA-18G Growler to the
U.S. Navy, marking a major milestone in the program that has transformed
airborne electronic warfare capability for the U.S. and its allies.
A derivative of the F/A-18F Super Hornet, the Growler is the only aircraft
in production that provides tactical jamming and electronic protection for
U.S. and allied forces. Growlers provide a unique capability to nearly all
U.S. combat missions and are expected to be in service until at least 2040.
"Given the threat environment we are moving into, the Growler will play a
m... more »
Spinning the Odessa Massacre

*May 5, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - After the brutal massacre of over
40 anti-regime protesters in the southern port city of Odessa - most of
whom were burned to death after being trapped within the city's Trade
Unions House - the Western narrative of "Russian aggression" driving the
current unrest in Ukraine is ringing particularly hollow.
Unable to spin the massacre carried out by the very ultra-right Neo-Nazi
mobs that propelled the current unelected regime into power, both the
West's media machine and its politicians have attempted to remain as
ambiguous as possible regardi... more »
Turkey delivers first huge batch of Cirit missiles to UAE

[image: Cirit missile]The United Arab Emirates last year chose to purchase
anti-aircraft Turkish Cirit missiles and last week Turkish weapons
manufacturer Roketsan delivered the first batch of the promised 10,000
missiles to the UAE.
The total sum of the deal is $190 million (TL 400 million). One of the
leading defense industry companies, Roketsan delivered 2,000 Cirit missiles
last week that are able to strike with 100 percent precision.
The contract signed between Roketsan and the UAE in 2013 covers the sales
of 10,000 Cirit missiles, with 8,000 more to be delivered in the futur... more »
US ambassador says Italy needs F-35 jets for defence

[image: F-35 Lightning II]Italy has a strategic role in regional defence
and for that reason, it must go ahead with its plan to purchase F-35
fighter jets, John R. Phillips, the United States ambassador to Rome, said
"The F-35 are the aircraft of the future, the fighters which will replace
the existing (aircraft) over the next 15 to 20 years," Phillips said during
an interview on public broadcaster Rai.
The Italian government froze spending on the F-35 program in March, and
said that as a cost-cutting measure, it is considering reducing the number
of fighter jets it will p... more »
PACAF commander: Russian air, sea patrols increasing in Pacific
Russian military planes and ships have been stepping up patrols in the
Pacific in response to tensions in Ukraine, according to the commander of
Pacific Air Forces.
“[There’s been] a significant... increase in the amount of activity from
Russia in the Asia-Pacific,” PACAF commander Gen. Herbert Carlisle said
Monday. “And we relate a lot of that to what’s going on in the Ukraine.”
Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank
in Washington, D.C., Carlisle said Russia has been demonstrating its
capabilities and gathering intelligence on U.S. military exerc... more »
*Global warming is 'not uniform': Regions of the planet have actually
COOLED over the past 100 years -- particularly in the Southern Hemisphere*
*It's long been known that S. Hemisphere temps did not warm during the
Northern warming period but who needs the silly old S. Hemisphere
cluttering up their theory? It's only half of the globe!*
It can be easy to dismiss talks on global warming if your part of the world
is feeling colder than usual.
But a new study claims that while the world is getting warmer, the heating
effect on the Earth has not been uniform across the planet.
The... more »
King Stallion: Newest Marine helo gets a royal rollout

[image: CH-53K King Stallion]To the fanfare of a Marine bandand in the
presence of helicopter royalty, Sikorsky rolled out the first flying CH-53K
heavy-lift test helicopter Monday, moments after Gen. James Amos,
commandant of the Marine Corps, revealed the new aircraft’s nickname: King
The name perpetuates the Sea Stallion monicker of the two-engined CH-53
first introduced in 1966, and the later three-engined CH-53E Super Stallion.
“It is a bird that has a very special place in my heart,” said Sergei
Sikorsky, son of company founder and helicopter pioneer Igor Sikorsky.
... more »
Russia's Kirov Class Battle Cruiser Is Giant, Mean, And Armed To Hell

[image: Kirov Class Battle Cruiser]The USA dominates the seas when it comes
to its massive nuclear powered aircraft carriers and lumbering amphibious
assault ships, but Russia takes the prize for the largest and most heavily
armed surface combatant, the mighty Kirov Class Battle Cruiser.
Designated by the west as "Battle Cruisers" as their size and armament puts
them somewhere between a Battleship and a heavy cruiser, these bristling
relics of the Cold War are so menacing that they were one of the main
reasons why America's Iowa Class Battleships were brought back into service
by th... more »
Bath Iron Works hiring 600 more to work on six ships simultaneously

[image: Zumwalt (DDG1000) class DDG]Bath Iron Works is hiring hundreds of
new workers this year and launching an on-site training facility as the
shipyard enters a phase when crews will be working on six Navy destroyers
BIW officials said they expect to hire about 600 people by the end of the
year, elevating the shipyard’s workforce to nearly 6,000 for the first time
since 2004.
The hiring spree is a response to the fact that six destroyers –
representing two entirely different designs – will be at various stages of
construction at the General Dynamics-owned shipya... more »
MBDA to research adaption of naval missile for land use

[image: Sea Ceptor missile]European missile-maker MBDA is to explore a
ground-based air defense missile system based on its Sea Ceptor system for
Royal Navy frigates.
Under a $60.7 million contract from Britain’s Ministry of Defense, MBDA
will demonstrate the adaptation and evolution of core weapon system
sub-systems, such as command and control, for a land environment and
prepare the system to replace the Royal Army’s Rapier air defense system.
The contract is in support of the ministry’s Future Local Area Air Defense
System (Land) program, with MBDA’s Common Anti-air Modular Missi... more »
Commander: Iran One of Only Two World Countries in Possession of Super Hi-Tech Torpedo

[image: VA-111 Shkval torpedo]Senior Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)
officials said the IRGC Navy is equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and
vessels, and is one of the only two world military forces equipped with a
unique torpedo which moves with unbelievable velocity.
Speaking to FNA, IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said when the
home-made missile/torpedo, Hout, was displayed in a series of wargames a
few years ago, over 2,000 world media covered the news.
He said the speed of the missile is 100 meters per second (360km/h) under
Read more
NUWC lab will launch ideas for uses of big payload tube on future submarines

[image: Virginia Payload Tube]Inside the "launcher laboratory" at the Naval
Undersea Warfare Center, underneath a large hatch, stands a tube 30 feet
Eventually the 15-by-15-foot hatch will open and a crane will lower in
weapons and sensors — and whatever other new technology defense researchers
can dream up — to be launched from the "Virginia Payload Tube."
The payload tube is identical to the vertical missile launch tubes designed
for new Virginia-class submarines. Beginning with the North Dakota,
currently under construction, new Virginia-class boats will have two launch
tu... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Continuum”
Vangelis, “Continuum”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGHm7-uNOQU&html5=1
(Double-Cross Diplomacy) Give War (One More) Try? (Perfect While Attention Is Diverted To Parties)
Pretty much a bummer as public attention is riveted on the elections
against the real bad guys. And I don't mean the scary Russians. But as
Victoria Nuland might say, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." Trying Not
to Give Peace a Chance 21 April 2014 Ray McGovern Consortium News The
unnecessary and regrettable conflict between the U.S. and Russia over
Ukraine brings to mind sad
Israeli Breakthrough: Submarines Without Periscopes

[image: Prof. Yoav Schechner and researcher Marina Alterman]A submarine
without its periscope? Researchers from Israel’s Technion are developing an
underwater photography and surveillance system that might make periscopes
Close to a hundred years and always the same process: Submarine commanders
who wanted to see what was happening on the surface raised their periscope
with the “up scope” command, or lowered it with “down scope.”
That’s about to change. In the future submarine commanders will be able to
monitor the surface from the depths without relying on periscopes.
Re... more »
Tolls-- A Regressive Tax On The Middle Class Republicans And The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Love

One of the key line-in-the-sand differences between Republicans and
Democrats is how the two parties spend tax dollars and from who they
collect tax dollars. That line has been blurring, first under Clinton and
now under Obama. Republicans conveniently want to lessen the tax burden on
their wealthy campaign contributors at the expense of the middle class.
Corporate Democrats, just as conveniently, find that to make a lot of
sense-- and bring them a lot of campaign dollars. A few days ago, Ashley
Halsey III, writing for the *Washington Post*, examined one way this is
playing out th... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Are the nearest galaxies distributed randomly? A plot of over one million
of the brightest "extended sources" detected by the Two Micron All Sky
Survey (2MASS) shows that they are not. The vast majority of these infrared
extended sources are galaxies.
*Click image for larger size.*
Visible above is an incredible tapestry of structure that provides limits
on how the universe formed and evolved. Many galaxies are gravitationally
bound together to form clusters, which themselves are loosely bound into
superclusters, which in turn are sometimes seen to align over even larger
scale struc... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Beauty Exists Not In Sameness”
*“Beauty Exists Not In Sameness”*
by Paulo Coelho
“Beauty exists not in sameness but in difference. Who could imagine a
giraffe without its long neck or a cactus without its spines? The
irregularity of the mountain peaks that surround us is what makes them so
imposing. If we tried to make them all the same, they would no longer
command our respect.
It is the imperfect that astonishes and attracts us.
When we look at a cedar tree, we don’t think: ‘The branches should be all
the same length.’ We think: ‘How strong it is.’
When we see a snake, we never say: ‘He is crawling along the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
San Bernardino, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Galway Kinnell, "Another Night in the Ruins"
*"Another Night in the Ruins"*
"How many nights must it take
one such as me to learn
that we aren't, after all, made
from that bird that flies out of its ashes,
that for us
as we go up in flames,
our one work is
to open ourselves,
to *be* the flames?"
~ Galway Kinnell
Satire: “In Landmark Decision, Supreme Court Strikes Down Main Reason Country Was Started”
*“In Landmark Decision, *
*Supreme Court Strikes Down Main Reason Country Was Started”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — “In what legal experts are calling a
landmark decision, on Monday the United States Supreme Court struck down
what many believe to be the main reason the country was started. By a
five-to-four vote, the Court eliminated what grade-school children have
traditionally been taught was one of the key rationales for founding the
United States in the first place.
“The separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of American
democracy for over... more »
Do you consider the environment before buying?

[image: Do you consider the environment before buying?]
*Shopping impacts theenvironment*There are certain things that I refuse to
buy. For example, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils are banned
from my shopping basket because I believe them to be unhealthy.
Other items, like bottled water and commercial cleansers, are off my list
because they hurt the environment.
Over time, I have researched products and now go to the market armed with a
list of things I consider safe ... for me and the environment.
So when I read a question about actively thinking about the impact of
... more »
60 Years Ago Today - The first sub 4 minute mile
Sixty years on here's one of the most iconic sporting moments in history.
Roger Bannister had intended to retire after the 1952 Olympics but having
only come in 4th in the 1500m final he hung on for another two years to
make an attempt on the holy grail of middle distance running, the four
minute mile. Roger Bannister knew that two other milers had the same
intent, John Landy of Australia and Wes Santee of the USA. So Roger
Bannister ran very early in the season at Iffley Road, Oxford, and was
paced by his old friends Chris Brasher and Chris Chataway. Roger Bannister
finished taki... more »
Joke of The Day: UN chief Ban Ki-moon offers mediation on Ukraine crisis
Video Title: UN chief Ban Ki-moon offers mediation on Ukraine crisis.
Source: AFP. Date Published: May 5, 2014. Description:
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday offered his mediation to end the
escalating crisis in Ukraine. Ban urged parties involved in the crisis "to
solve this problem through peaceful means", he told AFP in Abu Dhabi
It has got to the point that the only way the US is likely to go to war
against Iran – albeit reluctantly – is if Israel attacks Iran first. Any
hope by the Zionists and their supporters of the US making a pre-emptive
strike against Iran have long gone.
The Israeli-Palestinian stand-off has reached a stalemate as far as talks
are concerned. The Israelis are never going to allow a Palestinian state to
exist and the Palestinians are never going to recognise Israel as a Jewish
state. It was all very inevitable. As a result, the Palestinians have
adopted a new strategy of building an al... more »
Stories of Benevolence, Direct From the Freezer
Did you ever look in the freezer for your car keys? I confess. I’ve done
it. So has George Carlin:
Hey, you might as well, sh*t, they might be in there. Wouldn't wanna pass
up a nice obvious place like the freezer, would ya'? 'Cause you can talk
yourself into it, you can picture them in there, that's what the mind is
for... picturing where you left your car keys.
Losing stuff is frustrating, right …
because, 'where is it?' See, basically, that's the part that bothers me
the most. I'm a
practical guy...'Where is it? I just had it.' You know that feeling, 'IT
JUST HERE!... more »
Change the Trend in ND - #VoteNo2ALEC
Saw this tweet today
Let's change this trend around in #NorthDakota #NDleg #NDPol
— Rep. Ben Hanson (@BenjaminWHanson) April 30, 2014
and thought
There's one way to do that
#VoteNo2ALEC in North Dakota
*How do people get on an ALEC list?*
That question comes up all the time. The most common are:
They serve on ALEC task forces
They have paid ALEC dues through their campaign finances
They self identified themselves somewhere , anywhere as an ALEC member.
They have been shown as a signatory on an ALEC letter.
They have been listed by ALEC as a member,... more »
Two More Excerpts from My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes
On April 27, 2014, I announced my book, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who
in the Implosion of American Public Education. Here is the book
description: “Corporate reform” is not reform at all. Instead, it is the
systematic destruction of the foundational American institution of public
education. The primary motivation behind this destruction is greed. Public
education in […]
Chet Raymo, “The Force—Tons Of It—Is With The Mayflower”
*“The Force—Tons Of It—Is With The Mayflower” *
by Chet Raymo
“On the floor of New England’s oak woodlands, the Canada Mayflower (Wild
Lily-of-the-valley) is making its play for the sun. Like two greedy hands,
the paired green leaves of that ubiquitous little plant are reaching for
sunlight, softening the winter woods and teasing us toward summer.
Forget the skunk cabbage and the robin as signs of spring. I’ve seen skunk
cabbages frozen in ice. I’ve seen robins making tracks in snow. But when
you see the leaves of the Canada Mayflower pushing up through last season’s
leaf litter, y... more »
On this day - May 5, 1877 - Chief Sitting Bull's Sioux Cross Into Saskatchewan To Escape Genocide By American Troops

*On This Day (May 5, 1877) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux Sitting Bull refused to
surrender to genocidal American troops and led his band across the border
into what is now Saskatchewan, Canada.*
*Chief Sitting Bull remained in exile in Saskatchewan (then part of the
Northwest Territories) for many years. His band lived near Wood Mountain,
Sask. Sitting Bull refused a subsequent pardon and the chance to return to
the USA. *
*In 1881 hunger and cold eventually forced Sitting Bull, his family, and
nearly 200 other Sioux in his band to return to the United States and
surrender. *
*Chief Si... more »
High-ish Court sez Kristian kouncil-meeting prayers are OK 'kause they're not Kristian, they're, uh, ceremonial

*Slow Anthony, stop! We're laughing so hard, we're gonna bust a gut! We're
sure gonna miss the legal-comedy stylings of the High-ish Court's clown
prince when he's gone.*
*"The inclusion of a brief, ceremonial prayer as part of a larger exercise
in civic recognition suggests that its purpose and effect are to
acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent, rather
than to exclude or coerce nonbelievers."*
*-- from Justice "Slow Anthony" Kennedy's soon-to-be-released debut comedy
album, Slow Anthony Live!*
*by Ken*
Someday we're going to miss the comedy judicial ... more »
Sentencing judge bound by finding from jury
R. v. Boughan, 2014 ONCA 360:
[6] A sentencing judge is bound by the express and implied factual
findings in a jury verdict. Where the factual basis is ambiguous, however,
the sentencing judge is entitled to arrive at her own independent
determination of the relevant facts: Criminal Code, s. 724(2); *R v. Brown* (1991),
53 C.C.C. (3d) 521 (S.C.C.). Here, that is what the trial judge did and we
see no basis for interfering with those findings.
Climate Tricks 30: On the term "CC Denial/Denier"

Have a friendly debate today in fb with a physician friend, DiVa. She
showed a poster of Mr. David Koch saying he has “given $67 million to
climate change denial groups since 1997.”
I commented that the term "climate change denial" is stoopid. I am a
skeptic, and I do not deny climate change (CC). It is true. It has
happened, it is happening, and it will continue to happen in the future.
Climate changes from warming-cooling-warming-cooing-warming-cooling... in
endless, natural cycles. CC is mainly natural or nature-made, not man-made.
On the contrary, climate alarmists deny that glo... more »
“Martial Law, Detention Camps and Kangaroo Courts: Are We Recreating the Third Reich?”
*“Martial Law, Detention Camps and Kangaroo Courts:*
* Are We Recreating the Third Reich?”*
By John W. Whitehead
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was
not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not
speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews,
and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and
there was no one left to speak for me.”—Martin Niemoller
“Despite what some may think, the Constitution is no magical incantation
against government wrongdoing. Indeed, it’s only a... more »
Who Controls the Past Now Controls the Future...

*"Strauss believed it was for politicians to assert powerful and inspiring
myths that everyone could believe in.*
*They might not be true - but they were necessary illusions.*
*One of these was religion; the other was the myth of the nation."*
Hollywood Accredits the Memes: The Body National and the Myth of the Nationfrom Spike
EP on Vimeo.
"Strauss believed it was for politicians to assert powerful and inspiring
myths that everyone could believe in.
They might not be true - but they were necessary illusions.
One of these was religion; the other was the myth of the ... more »
8 Indian Herbs Proven to be Excellent Cancer Fighters, Though Not Recognized in Western Medicine by Christina Sarich
[image: herbs cancer carctol 263x166 8 Indian Herbs Proven to be Excellent
Cancer Fighters, Though Not Recognized in Western Medicine]
8 Indian Herbs Proven to be Excellent Cancer Fighters, Though Not
Recognized in Western Medicine
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 5 May 2914
There are literally hundreds of herbs which possess cancer-fighting
potential – many of them able to do so by reversing oxidation of cells and
naturally boosting our natural killer cells, which are important immune
system supports.
Some of these herbs have been backed with clinical trials, and others are... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 4 , 2014 ---MH370: IGP( Inspector -General of Police ) rubbishes Daily Mirror report, says alleged militants not probed over plane's disappearance -- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police denied a Daily Mirror report which claimed that the 11 alleged militants arrested in Kedah and Selangor last week were being interrogated on the disappearance of Flight MH370. "That's rubbish! This has nothing to do with the plane," Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar told The Star on Sunday ........... Three Bangladesh ships search Bay of Bengal for flight 370 plane , nothing found so far ( similar to fruitless Indian Ocean search ) .......... Two Chinese Military Aircraft return to China ( the show is over folks ) ....... Families of victims move out of Beijing's Lido Hotel folowing Malaysia Airlines decision to close all of its family assistance centers ( circus is over , nothing to see here family members - go home is the message form Malaysia. ) Underlining clear message to leave -- The doors of the ballroom where daily briefings were held for the families were locked up when the deadline expired. There was another notice put up to inform the families that MAS would make an advance compensation payment of US$50,000 (RM164,500) upon their return home to help them cope financially....... As much as Malaysia's Government and Malaysia Airlines want to move on , mysteries continue ( why were the MH 370 recording edited , what is the true story with the Cargo ? )
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Star Online .....
Published: Sunday May 4, 2014 MYT 10:09:00 AM
Updated: Sunday May 4, 2014 MYT 5:37:01 PM
MH370: IGP rubbishes Daily Mirror report, says alleged militants not probed
over plane's disappearance
[image: Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar - File pix]
Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar - File pix
<div alt="" class="gig-button gig-share-button gig-button-up
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QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Life is not even fair on replay”
I liked this philosophical reflection on video-referees in sport. It has
much wider import than just AFL, or sport:
“The decision review system is a turkey. Really; we should all
of us be prepared to cop the umpire’s decision. That’s life. Life
is not fair. It turns out life is not even fair on replay.”
- from “E. Regnans on Carlton v His Collingwood,” Footy Almanac
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
UKIP and English Nationalism
Let's look at some recent research by Edinburgh University. While UKIP are
basking in the warm glow of favourable polling, north of the border, Edinburgh's
polling finds them stuck on 10%. Respectable certainly, but not a political
earthquake. Interestingly in Wales their support stands at 20% - a good
nine points clear of Plaid Cymru but trailing 19 to Labour. As for England
UKIP are on 29 to Labour's 30, a score mirroring (trailing) recent polling.
If you look at voting intention by self-reported national identity,
'English Only/More English than British' identifiers are 42% for U... more »
The soil bank
*A repost, because I've been looking around again and very little has
changed. ;)*
We only know a few of our neighbors, after twenty years; it's
a very conservative community and we're a "non-traditional" couple. Yet the
folks we've actually met, we like. Get-togethers are rare; if you aren't
going to the local church (ours is in town) you aren't going to be invited
to the parties. We have friends over regularly but they are mostly from the
urban center, twenty minutes away via gasoline.
One way to get to know people is to join the Neighborhood Watch and attend
meetings. We plan to... more »
Robert Jensen : Rape, rape culture, and the problem of patriarchy
I don’t believe feminists are unfair or crazy. In fact, I believe the only
sensible way to understand these issues is through a feminist critique of
patriarchy. By Robert Jensen | The Rag Blog | May 5, 2014 By the …
finish reading Robert Jensen :
Rape, rape culture, and the problem of patriarchy
those brave new tests
Ed Week cheerfully reports field-tests for Smarter Balanced and PARCC tests
are going jus' fine:"Early Reports Suggest Few Field-Testing Snags"
I posted this comment:
This "field-testing" seems to be mostly about technical aspects of
implementation. I get the impression that analysis of the test items will
be done later. But there is no indication that the big questions will even
be asked: Is all this testing, the largest investment in testing ever made,
worth it? Will it improve student achievem... more »
Is Another Aspect Of The TPP They Hid From Us, Legally Stoning Gays?

Psychotic assholes
"Money and principle," Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson told me this
morning, "are battling for U.S. foreign policy supremacy. Money is
winning." He was referring particularly to trade policy, especially the
TransPacific Partnership on which he is probably the top congressional
expert. Congress appears to be slowing the TPP down a little, but, alas,
not killing it off. Maybe a Hollywood boycott, though, can help.
Ever hear of Brunei? It's a small (population 408,000, same as Omaha),
extremely rich (5th wealthiest nation in the world, entirely based on oil
and gas)... more »
Cunliffe Waves Hands, Brings House Prices Down [updated]
Last week the Labour Party’s “finance team” floated their new boat, a “new
tool,” a variable-compulsory savings rate tool which can be tweaked when
necessary, they say, to assist the Reserve Bank in keeping the inflation
genie under control.
Yet the boat they floated already looks holed beneath the water line.
Responding this morning to claims that his "new tool" just isn’t a big
enough lever for the Reserve Bank governor to pull – suggestions that
compulsory savings rates of 15% or more might even be necessary to have
anything like the effect on inflation claimed for it1,2 – Cu... more »
Rebeldia Zapatista: The Word of the EZLN
Editorial 2: Rebeldia Zapatista: The Word of the EZLN
By Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.
Mexico, April 2014. Twentieth year of the war against oblivion.
Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth and the Zapatista Little School:
Here we continue to recount the words of the compañeras
*Predicted exodus of offshore rigs from Louisiana turns out to have been
mere Obama bashing ~Mark Moseley, The Lens*
*Environmental groups protest bill aimed at levee board lawsuits ~The
*Public comment period extended on permits sought for oil drilling proposal
near Mandeville ~Robert Rhoden*
"It is an extraordinary thing that the US government, which markets itself as a light unto the world, the Great Policeman who defends, alone among nations, human rights everywhere, is in brutal fact a cruel, inhumane, vicious murderer of peoples all over the world. The murders of unarmed citizens that are underway in the Russian inhabited areas of Ukraine as I write are Washington’s murders. The neo-fascists, neo-nazis who are murdering Russians in Ukraine are murdering with Washington’s support and on Washington’s orders. The only conclusion I can come to is that the US government is in the hands of insane psychopaths." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*Putin Should Send Troops Into Ukraine — Finian Cunningham*
May 4, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Guest Column by Finian Cunningham
*Putin Should Send Troops Into Ukraine*
Reposted from Debbie Menon’s My Catbird Seat
*Finian Cunningham’s title will strike propagandized Americans as strange,
as according to Washington Russia has already sent troops into
Ukraine.Whether one agrees with Cunningham’s advice to Vladimir Putin,... more »
Combining Boltzmann brains with additional psychotic explosions
*Sean Carroll has no clue about physics and is helping to bury the good
name of 2 graduate students*
Sean Carroll can sometimes give popular talks about physics, science, and
atheism and most of the content is more or less OK. He wrote an OK textbook
general relativity. However, when it comes to things sold as his original
research, he has been a borderline crackpot for years. I think it's obvious
that after his and two graduate students' latest salvo,
De Sitter Space Without Quantum Fluctuations,
it's time to permanently erase the adjective "borderline". I had to divide
the readi... more »
Rachel Maddow rips Kinder Morgan
see update below
A clearly "gob-smacked" Rachel Maddow rips into Kinder Morgan for touting the
local economic benefits of oil spills :
"Spill response and clean-up creates business and employment opportunities
for affected communities" depending on "the willingness of local businesses
and residents to pursue response opportunities"
in a 90 second clip from Press Progress who broke the original story.
Maddow's full show on pipeline and crude oil train transport safety opens
with the "12 meter geyser of crude oil" spraying ov... more »
IN Arkansas - For the People to Rule - ALEC Must Go
*How do people get on an ALEC list?*
That question comes up all the time. The most common are:
They serve on ALEC task forces
They have paid ALEC dues through their campaign finances
They self identified themselves somewhere , anywhere as an ALEC member.
They have been shown as a signatory on an ALEC letter.
They have been listed by ALEC as a member, in ALEC documents.
They have been “outed” by a credible source, on the web.
They have attended an ALEC meeting.
They previously were employed by ALEC and now work in government.
Because these were pulled from the web and histo... more »
Choice of Counsel
The right for an accused to retain counsel of his choice is recognized by
section 10(b) of the charter and upheld in the Supreme Court Case of *R. v.
Willier*, 2010 SCC 37.
Most cases relating to the right to retain counsel of choice deals with the
initial duties of the police in informing a detainee of their charter
rights, however, turning to the law both in criminal and civil cases we can
see that the only limitations on the right to retain counsel of choice are
as follows:
1. The accused must be reasonably diligent in attempting to obtain
counsel if he wishes to do so. If th... more »
Ukraine: Obama mocked as mix of Hitler and Tymoshenko
*Mr. President, stop supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine and Al-Qaeda in Syria.
That is all that informed people are asking of the leader of the free
world. It's not a lot. They're not asking you to conquer galaxies, or cure
AIDS, just stop arming Nazis and Jihadist terrorists. Sounds fair? *
An excerpt from, *"Ukraine: U.S. Campaign Stuck Without Russian
Intervention And German Support"* by 'b' of Moon of Alabama, May 4, 2014:
Two days ago a mob, supported by the fascists Right Sektor, killed over 30
federalist Ukrainians in Odessa by pushing them from their camp into a
building and ... more »
Breaking: You aren’t allowed to invent your facts!
*MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014*
*In writing opinion columns:* Are you allowed to make up facts in writing
an opinion column?
Several readers of the Washington Post don’t seem to be entirely clear on
this question. For reasons which aren’t entirely clear, the Post decided to
publish their letters this weekend.
The most recent flap began with this letter from Brant Olson, campaign
director of an organization called Forecast the Facts.
Olson’s organization had petitioned the Post, and other newspapers, not to
publish false information concerning climate change. In his April 11 column,Charles K... more »
METRO UPDATE | More from Roger Baker on the continuing Texas drought
crisis, the latest science and, of course, Texas politics!
Diana Ravitch’s Grand Synthesis Explains the Collapse of Test-Driven School Reform
This spring, once again, Diane Ravitch nailed the spirit of our education
age. Addressing the Network for Public Education (NPE) conference, Ravitch
came with an uplifting message. Corporate reform has failed. A new era of
school improvement is dawning. Many of its leaders come from today’s youth.
They are the new “Greatest Generation.” Today’s young […]
Hollywood Accredits the Memes

*(Opened the weekend following the Oklahoma City Bombing)*

*Members of ultra-nationalist Right Sector make Molotov cocktails that were
hurled into Trade Union hall in Odessa where anti-Kiev protesters were
finding refuge*
*Some of the 46 who were burned alive inside the Odessa Trade Union hall*
Yahoo News shared a story last night that came from German newspaper *Bild
am Sonntag* that reported US CIA and FBI agents were in Kiev helping to end
the rebellion in the east of Ukraine and set up a 'functioning security
In addition there were photos on the Internet last night of NATO troops
from the US, Canada, Italy and other countr... more »
Run when you see the flags of facists
They put me away for having six plants
but the fact of the matter is
I been in Jail for a long time
I was a wild young man
and I did many a deadly dance
but when the band stopped playing
I was alive, I was alive and my life had some meaning
Know I am more at home with the native people
You give me this shise to live in and call life
while you live the high life at the temple
God does not know your bar code
but to be a citizen of land
that reaps rewards from climate change
should make all those that
push this forward
There was a time when to be a Canadian
filled ones sole with pride... more »
Asterisks R us
J***** C*******
*The Jeremy Clarkson debacle is like something out of Brass Eye. No, it’s
like a parody of something out of Brass Eye.*
Eenie meenie mynie mo catch a n***** by his toe; if he hollers let him go,
eenie meenie mynie mo.
It’s an old fashioned ‘choosing’ rhyme, that’s all. Any racist meaning it
might have had in the past was long ago rendered meaningless by over-use,
and any such alleged meaning is obsolete in the way that
ring-a-ring-a-roses no longer means whatever it arguably used to mean. Even
if it did once have connections with lynching (think Strange Fruit) and ... more »
The Post-Constitutional Era
Chris Hedges writes about the US Supreme Court refusing to hear the case
against the empowerment of the US military to detain US citizens. Some
highlights of his writing:
The 2nd Circuit overturned Forrest’s ruling last July in a decision that
did not force it to rule on the actual constitutionality of Section
1021(b)(2). It cited the Supreme Court ruling in Clapper v. Amnesty
International, another case in which I was one of the plaintiffs, to say
that I had no standing, or right, to bring the NDAA case to court. Clapper
v. Amnesty International challenged the secret wiretapping o... more »
Thorne Dreyer : PODCASTS | Gregg Barrios, Bruce Dancis, and Betsy Leondar-Wright on Rag Radio
A noted poet-playwright and critic, a Vietnam draft resister and pop
culture journalist, and an economic justice advocate join us in three
lively podcasts. Interviews by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | May 5, 2014
Gregg Barrios, the noted … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*PODCASTS* | Gregg Barrios, Bruce Dancis, and Betsy Leondar-Wright on Rag
"Here's Proof That Wealthy Elites Control Washington"
*"Here's Proof That Wealthy Elites Control Washington" *
by Bill Bonner
“Dow down 45 points on Friday. Gold up over $1,300 an ounce. Nothing much
happening. Meanwhile, we had no proof. Just an observation. But it looks to
us as though government always begins and ends as a tool for those who
control it. It is not the product of a "social contract." It is not an
expression of the "general will." It is not the "price we pay for
civilization." It is not "captured by wealthy special interests." On the
contrary, it is as blunt and stupid as a crowbar. It is used by the elite
to pry weal... more »
Another Blow To Steve Israel's Anti-Progressive Electoral Strategy-- This Time In San Bernardino

Crooked small town mayor wants Steve Israel to get him into Congress
Last week we looked at Eloise Reyes' first ad in the Inland Empire's CA-31
congressional race and, once again, examined the myriad contrast between
her and the pathetic empty suit the DCCC is trying to foist off on the
working families of San Bernardino, Pete Aguilar, a pawn of the Chamber of
Commerce and of wealthy Republican special interests. Over the weekend, the *San
Bernardino Sun* gave Eloise a resounding endorsement, another blow to Steve
Israel's campaign to stock the Democratic House caucus with worthless
... more »
Consumed by the Digital Divide
Consumed by the Digital Divide. via Consumed by the Digital Divide.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Getting Started with Sprouting with Angela from Food Storage and Survival

*I am so excited to have Angela from Food Storage and Survival here today
to talk about Sprouting. I knew hardly anything about sprouting before this
post and now I am really excited about it. Be sure to check her out and
leave her some comment love. *
Hi! I'm Angela from Food Storage and Survival where I blog about
preparedness with a family focus! I am a stay home mom of four from toddler
to teen and author of a brand new book called Food Storage for Self
Sufficiency and Survival. I live in rural Utah with my husband, children,
and animal menagerie. Thanks so much to Debra for all... more »
May 5:Petty unprofessionalism.
I missed something in the issue of May 3. I'm no expert on photography; but
even I should have caught it. Stephen Downes, of Moncton Free Press (it's
on the web) is an expert on photography and on a good deal else to do with
news media. He spotted it right away. And it's a no-no in all but the
sleaziest of newspapers, the ones with headlines like "Shocking news.
George Bush is pregnant".
The picture on C3 is (it says) of three deer in Parkindale. And it's a fake.
The second and third deer are exactly the same (one) deer. The trees in the
forest behind them are fake. The whole photo ... more »
Friday beaver - Hey it's Monday already

Heads I win tails you lose
This is the Ukrainian coin toss Putin style. No rest for the wicked there.
The choice being being crushed by western debt or crushed by Russian debt.
Nice choice eh? The third alternative would be no better. Reject them both
and you're still bankrupt. Might be a nice place to visit but I wouldn't
want to live there comrade. How quickly those pro russians forgot what it
was like under the old Soviet system or maybe mom and dad forgot to tell
them. And really what benefit has any system gotten them? They have one of
the lowest standards of living of any ... more »
Supreme Being Supremes
The town in upstate New York that gained notoriety a couple of years ago
for the viral video of the bullied bus monitor has made the news again. The
Supreme Court ruled today that the monthly town board meetings of Greece
may now legally begin with a prayer from a "chaplain of the month."
Controversy and outrage ensue. While it's SOP to begin meetings in this
country with a pledge of allegiance to the American flag as the symbol of
"one nation under God," swearing allegiance to God without the jingoism has
long been considered undemocratic in public settings.
What's the big deal? P... more »
Official numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for April. Click on
"civilian labor force level" to see the numbers.
155,421,000 --- that is 155 million willing and able to work. If 92 million
are out of work the unemployment rate is %59.
UPDATE: The government has shut off access to the labor statistics
demonstrating that the real unemployment rate in this nation is 59%!
So, to recap: Official numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for
April. Click on "civilian labor force level" to see the numbers.
155,421,000 --- that is 155 million willing and able to work. If 92 milli... more »
*La. Senate rejects Medicaid expansion proposal*
*Whistleblowers claim Dupont hid leaks in Louisiana ~David J. Mitchell,
N.O. Advocate*
*IndyCar commits to New Orleans race in 2015 ~Brett Martel, AP*
*The Ebb And Flow Of Louisiana Seafood ~Poppy Tooker, WWNO*
GCHQ from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French
intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile
attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the
great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO
against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the
self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are
likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.
On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments
hy... more »
Free Gaza Propaganda (2)

Further to our piece *Free Gaza Propaganda, *Hadar at BBC Watch has posted
her own take on the same story, entitled *Mainstreaming extremism on BBC
Radio 4. *
If you recall, Radio 4's *The Listening Project *chose to broadcast a
loving conversation between a hardcore anti-Israel activist and his mum.
Radio 4 chose not to tell its listeners that Adie Mormech is an anti-Israel
activist. We at *Is the BBC biased? *had to discover that for ourselves,
thanks to our good friend, Mr Google (an invaluable friend when it comes to
checking out who is that the BBC has chosen to broadcast at... more »
*Illinois House Passes Three-Year Ban on Online Charter Schools*
The Illinois House has passed a three-year ban on virtual charter schools,
shortly after an existing one-year ban expired.
“It’s an amazing story about what they want to do here in Illinois. We are
going absolutely backward in terms of education reform and education
innovation,” said Ted Dabrowski, vice president of policy at the Illinois
Policy Institute.
Twenty-seven states have online schools, and five require students to take
a class online before graduating high school, according to the
International Associatio... more »
Burrowing NeoCons and Isolating Russia

It's not the Obama administration's decision, it's not their policy, it's
the State Department's policy, which means it's Kagans' policy.
There is a Kagan handing out doughnuts on the Euromaidan to protesters and
deciding the composition of the Ukrainian "Government" comprised of the
Kiev Criminals.
*"The thing about NeoCons is that they are extremely good at burrowing."*
And there is a fruit-loop NeoCon Kagan, ex-NATO Ambassador running Ukraine
Even Brezezinksi, who hates Russia more than life itself has always said,
all the time, in ALL his books - how can you isolate R... more »
Your Daily Howler calls its shot!
MAY 5, 2014*
*Dowd says Clinton loves cash:* As Maureen Dowd keeps getting more
her paper—the famous New York Times—keeps giving her columns a higher
Yesterday, she was on the front page (Gack!) of the Sunday Review
*again.*By her third paragraph, she was typing the name most sacred
within her
religion, the name she loves typing best:
DOWD ((5/4/14): The First Family is all over the news, discussing the
management of the economy, income inequality, raising the minimum wage,
vicissitudes of press coverage and the benefits of healthy eating.
Everywhere... more »
Climate change is real
The world must pay attention. The erratic weather is one indication. The
U.S. faced some severe weather - tornadoes, heavy snow and rain, drought in
California. More tornadoes to come.
Please watch the video here
Come and bring your families, your friends, and your colleagues to NYC on
May 17th to show the world how we are from corporate
under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
TUSCALOOSA LIBERALS: Portrait of a superb young person!
*MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014*
*Part 1—A strange journalistic claim:* We’ve never been to Tuscaloosa, but
we can assure you of this:
With the inevitable struggling exceptions, Tuscaloosa is full of good kids
and fine young people.
They love their parents. They want to do good and do well in the world.
D’Leisha Dent, 17, is one such outstanding young person. She’s a senior at
Central High, one of Tuscaloosa’s three public high schools. Extending back
through three generations, her family’s educational history is described in
“Segregation Now,” Nikole Hannah-Jones’ flamboyantly-titled, lengt... more »
Ukraine sends special "special forces" to Odessa- Slavyansk heats up

* There are now several updates at the bottom- please check them out?!*
Ukraine sends “special forces” to Odessa . Why?
Not because of the horrible atrocity committed by the thugs and soccer
hooligans. No sireee.
Kiev is pleased with bloodshed. As is the IMF. And Washington is pleased
with those killings too.
Since NATO's leadeship and it’s bank are pleased with the killing what else
to do, but, guarantee more killing? The IMF all but stated Kiev had to get
things under control or lose money.
IMF warns Ukraine on bailout
*In a staff report on the aid program, published Thursday, th... more »
Matt Lynch-- He's Too Extreme For Ohio

Tuesday is election day in Ohio. Yes, *this* Tuesday. And one of the most
important races for progressives is in the extreme northeast corner of the
state between Cleveland and the Pennsylvania border, CD-14. The Blue
America candidate there is Michael Wager and he's up against two
Republicans. Republican David Joyce is the incumbent. He's a mainstream
conservative fighting for survival against a bizarre far right extremist,
state Rep. Matt Lynch. Polling shows that Wager has an excellent shot to
beat Joyce, although it would be pretty close. Joyce is a tool for Big
Business and ... more »
The Making Of A Banana Republic

Michael Harris doesn't mince words. Canada, he writes, is at a watershed
What’s it going to be: a modern democracy or a Steve’s banana republic of
the north?
The train wreck of the Harper government continues to roll down the
mountainside, crushing body after body, yet no one utters the right word.
Allow me. Canada is a dictatorship in the making.
Harper's spat with the Chief Justice is only his latest attempt to quell
all opposition:
Steve likes people docile. He appears to have tamed a lot of the realm. He
kicks, the subjects cringe. He kicks some more, they slip int... more »
The Paranoid Jew
Every once in a while, an article comes forward that absolutely hits the
nail on the head... I want to present one such article here that just came
out yesterday for everyone to view and spread around for others to see for
The following very important article comes from the website: Intifada
Palestine, (www.intifada-palestine.com) and absolutely tells the truth
about the so called "Chosen Ones".... It is entitled: "The Paranoid Jew",
and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves... I do of
course have my own thoughts and comments to follow:
[image:... more »
Over-reporting and under-reporting

For those partial to stats, here's a little study of the BBC News website's
coverage of Israel.
When I first started seriously looking at BBC bias around seven or eight
years ago, the BBC's Middle East page often looked as if it were an Israel
page, given the absolute dominance of articles on it about Israel and the
Palestinians. The BBC gave every impression of being absolutely obsessed
about Israel and the Palestinians back then - and not in a good way for
As evidence for that, here are the results of a simple search of the BBC
You can replicate it if you so... more »
Libya Updates May 5 , 2014 -- Libya has two Prime ministers but may not have any power ? Libya's deputy parliamentary speaker has rejected the election of the country's new Prime Minister, in the latest political struggle to strike the North African country. Hours after Ahmed Maiteeq was sworn in as Prime Minister, the first deputy speaker declared the vote as invalid, as a power struggle erupted in the assembly. Al-Awami declared the vote invalid and instructed Abdullah al-Thinni, who had resigned three weeks ago, to continue ruling the major oil producer, according to the Reuters news agency.
Confusion surrounds Libya PM's election
Deputy speaker declares Ahmed Maiteeq's election 'invalid' after a disputed
vote and walkout by politicians.
Last updated: 05 May 2014 08:53
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Ahmed Maiteeq was sworn is as Prime Minister after allegedly receiving 121
votes [Reuters]
Libya's deputy parliamentary speaker has rejected the election of the
country's new Prime Minister, in the latest political struggle to strike
the North African country.
Hours ... more »
Who Do I Complain To About Discrimination If I'm HR?
An AOL Jobs reader asked me:
I am a minority female HR professional who has been working in the field
for 18 years. I have faced race based discrimination, and sexual harassment
continuously during my career. I'm often hired into a management role based
on my degree, experience and my SHRM certifications, only to be hidden and
given no real responsibilities. Over the years I have learned to identify
quickly organizations that offer "Token" positions hoping to fill a quota.
These orgs provide no training, support or valid work responsibilities in
order to build a case of poor perfor... more »
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