TRUTHOUT: Ruben Salazar and the Filmmaker in the Middle

ON SALAZAR: After waiting some 44 years, most everyone I know was
disappointed with the documentary on journalist, Ruben Salazar this past
April. I wrote a series of observations prior to watching the documentary.
Here's my view after having watched it.
Sad: No Other Politicians Walked With Indicted Criminal Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm In The Memorial Day Parade

Mikey Suits used to get funnier headlines
Anything you read about Staten Island Mafia figure/Republican Congressman
Michael Grimm is a part of a carefully staged and choreographed production
that is leading inexorably to his plea bargain. The slimy political
operatives/lobbyists, Mercury Public Affairs, withdrew the campaign
manager, Bill Cortese, last week. The NRCC dried up his campaign
contributions and now he says he's going to run without TV ads. Grimm, of
course, is playing little Miss Victim, always the bully's favorite pose.
The media, he's been whining, is out to get him. Ma... more »
Basics: Is That a Good Economic Development Deal? A Checklist UPDATED
In my last post, I discussed one of the most important sets of questions
regarding any proposed economic development subsidy: How much does it cost?
Is that too much? The answer, assuming that we are not going to overhaul
our broken subsidy system overnight, was that we see if we're paying too
much by looking at what other states and cities have paid for similar
This presumes, of course, that we know how much the incentive package costs
in the first place. There are, unfortunately, far too many cases where
total incentives were far higher than what was originally announced... more »
I, Too, Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
(Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader Stan the Man for the
As I'd made mention several times over the near decade I've been
blogging about politics, I was proud to have cast my first vote for John
Kerry in 2004. I was proud that, for virtually all my adult life, he was my
junior senator. I was even able to somehow ignore the fact that, during the
Democratic National Convention in Boston that summer, the government and
Boston PD had set up "Freedom cages" for the protesters to ensure none of
the Democratic elite who would show up at the Fleet Center would ev... more »
KIPP Offers Fast Track: Apply Before Midnight, or Whenever
An "invitational" is defined as a competition open only to those invited.
In this odd case below, KIPP, Inc. is exclusively inviting any warm body
to apply at their Bay Area franchise, where 40-60 percent of students never
make it from 5th to 8th grade and where the average teacher lasts 1-2
If you are looking for a teaching job next year, you may see this on the
Web or ads like it:
*KIPP Bay Area Schools is hosting an Invitational Interview Day on Monday,
June 9th for teaching positions for the 2014-2015 school year!*
- Guaranteed in-person interview; skip three steps ... more »
Really - Why Do ALEC Members Hide?
Doing research isn't rocket science - it is just time consuming.
You keep looking for promising articles, blog entries by others, tweets by
others, facebook posts by others - that you can build on, with a little
research. (Today's entry started with someone's tweets.)
You hit a lot of deadends before you find something that is worth writing
Lately the American Legislative Exchange Council has been releasing bogus
statements about transparency - which with a little bit of research prove
to be false, 90% of the time.
In fact, at this point of ALEC history - they are most opaque ... more »
EFN Asia 37: Jeju Forum 2014, On Globalization and Inequality

For the second time, Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia participated in
the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity annual conference, held at the
southern island-province of Jeju, South Korea. This year's conference ran
from May 28-30 with the theme, "Designing New Asia."
Below is the group photo of EFN delegates to the 2014 Forum. From left:
Lars Andre Richter, Country Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
for Freedom (FNF) for South Korea, Dr Sethaput from Thailand, Sungeun Lim
of FNF Korea, Dr Stella Quimbo of the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF)
in the Philippines, Rai... more »
May 29: painful...
Norbert, the master of saying nothing, outdoes himself today.
We have a provincial financial disaster looming. His answer? "If our
politicians won't lead us, should other citizens step up?"
Norbert, in a democracy, it's other citizens who elect the politicians -
based on the full information and informed opinion spread by the news
media. When other citizens step up to take over that role, it's called a
And those "other citizens" are likely, very likely, to be the people with
money and clout and influence who don't give a damn about the economic
survival of the province... more »
Legislators File Open Records Request for Huffman Decision Trail to Delay State Test Results
On the day that TCAP scores were to be released in Tennessee, Kevin
Huffman's team of TFA lawyers in Nashville called a quick "put down your
pencils" timeout just before reporters were ready to write about this
year's state test results.
In a scurry to make sure that "post-test equating" had been done
"properly," local systems were left holding the bag, since TCAP is supposed
to figure into student final grades and, of course, teacher evaluations.
What embarrassment and scandal will be required to finally get rid of the
lawyers and corporate bottom feeders mismanaging the State'... more »
AVOIDING THE GAPS: Large test score gains!
*THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2014*
*Part 3—But also, those punishing gaps:* It has to be the greatest news
you’re not allowed to hear.
Over (let’s say) the past twenty years, black kids seem to have made
substantial progress in reading and math.
We refer to average scores by black students on the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP), the widely-praised “gold standard” of domestic
educational testing.
The NAEP is a federally-run testing program which dates, in one of its two
major forms, all the way back to 1971. The NAEP has always been considered
our most reliable domestic t... more »
Edward Snowden's interview on NBC was Awesome! Snowden Spoke Truth, I am Shocked NBC aired it.
I watched the interview Edward Snowden did with Brian Williams on NBC last
night (5/27/14). One thing I noticed is is NBC used the colors Red and
Blue/ half screen when they put up "Traitor or Patriot" They always had
Traitor in the Red and Patriot in the Blue. That is subliminal for people
to believe Red (Right/Conservative) as Traitor and Blue (Liberal/Left) as
Patriot. Here are the
After months of behind-the-scenes contact, "NBC Nightly News" anchor and
managing editor Brian Williams sat down with Edward Snowden, a man wanted
for espionage here at home, for his first American television interview.
Nothing was off limits.
See the rest of the interview *here *
No Sunshine

You would expect that Ontario's Liberals would be defeated in this
election. After all, Tom Walkom writes:
The Liberals have been in power for 11 long years. They’ve presided over a
host of scandals, ranging from the ORNGE air ambulance fiasco to the gas
plant affair. The economy is just limping along.
Usually, a government burdened with this kind of baggage would be
guaranteed defeat.
But Kathleen Wynne's party seems to be tied with or ahead of the Hudak
Tories. Perhaps voters have looked at Mr. Hudak's plan and come to the
conclusion that he is math challenged. Perhaps New De... more »
Re-Forming National Alliance May Be Waste Of Time For Iraq’s Shiite Parties

Since Iraq held parliamentary elections on April 30, 2014 the Islamic
Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) led by Ammar Hakim and the Ahrar bloc led by
Moqtada al-Sadr have moved to re-form the National Alliance, which emerged
during the last round of balloting in 2010. Hakim and Sadr have talked
about institutionalizing the alliance as the representative of the Shiite
religious parties and make it the main decision maker as to who should be
nominated prime minister. The problem is that it seeks to include Premier
Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law (SOL), while opposing his third term in
of... more »
Oneness is not easy... but its the only route home.

By American Kabuki
I began this current journey December 26, 2012. Its been an amazing
experience from a historical, a spiritual and a personal view point. We've
faced many challenges and many obstacles and bore them knowing that the
information we had was correct and that it resonated with a very wide
audience. How diverse that audience is did not sink until recently.
We have published information that was kept secret about the banking
systems, what value was, where that value resided and who ran the systems.
The energetic nature of banking and the off-world conne... more »
DeConstructing John Moore CFRB May 29 2014

Lots of stupid things done by the last generation by smart people on a mass
scale are now universally seen as stupid. John should have pointed out bee
colony death, GMO foods and refusal to limit man made global warming are
our current ignorance.
Where will the children play. Goggle it you lazy kids. But there is a great
British Novella about a gated community where all the adults are found
dead, and all the children are missing. What kind of creatures are we
creating. Scary Scary future run by children who were scared. Beeep Beeep
we have spotted a father with a chainsaw, is he g... more »
[image: rip-michael-ruppert-suicide-meme] Farewell Michael Ruppert, and
Thank You
[image: admin]
[image: Michael C. Ruppert: February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014]
Michael C. Ruppert: February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014
*#1** from Jenna Orkin**Jenna Orkin, a colleague and friend of Michael
Ruppert, is the author of **The Moron’s Guide to Global Collapse**.
Portions of the speech below were read out at Mike’s public memorial on
Saturday 17th May 2014. *
Mike Ruppert was a complex, brilliant, infuriating, funny, impossible,
honest (usually), never boring, enraged, musical, competiti... more »
Newark’s Failed Experiment Illustrates Reformers’ Overreach
Dale Russakoff’s New Yorker profile, “Schooled,” starts with a description
of the dysfunctionality of the Newark Public School System: The ratio of
administrators to students—one to six—was almost twice the state average.
Clerks made up thirty per cent of the central bureaucracy—about four times
the ratio in comparable cities. Even some clerks had clerks, yet […]
From the Department of Fooled You, Fooled You, Made You Look:
One week after the Obama administration said it would comply with a federal
appeals court ruling ordering it to make public portions of a Justice
Department memo that signed off on the targeted killing of a United States
citizen, the administration is now asking the court for permission to
censor additional passages of the document.
In the interim, the Senate voted narrowly last week to confirm David Barron,
the former Justice Department official who was the memo’s principal author,
to an appeals court judgeship. At least... more »
Paul Frampton fired by UNC

*Some physicists did get richer:* Guth, Linde, Starobinsky share one of the
$1 million Kavli prizes (for inflation). Other two triplets – of
nanoopticians and neuroscientists – win two more millions in total. Guth
and Linde didn't have functional cellphones to receive the good news. Maybe
they will be able to buy one – even though Linde plans to spend this money
for his breakfast.
Some annoying news from North Carolina:
UNC-CH fires physics professor jailed in Argentina
...see also Google News...
Paul Frampton is still in Argentina but he should be r... more »
Villar Greuel Strikes Again-- Worse Than A Republican
I've never seen such a negative Democratic candidate for Congress like
Wendy Greuel. Maybe she just hires especially awful, cutthroat people to
work for her like this operative, and this operative and this operative.
One of the most trusted and respected bloggers in CA-33, Venice For Change
warned voters about Greuel's strange and very ugly penchant for relentless
negativity last year:
*After Months Of Going Negative, Wendy Greuel Calls For A Mortatorium On
Negative Ads Her Campaign Can No Longer Pay For.*
After pummeling campaign rivals for months with negative mailers and TV
... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 29 , 2014 -- Wild goose Chase confirmed at last ------- MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame shifts to M'SIAN GOVT ( THE final resting place of MH370 is no closer to being known after Australian authorities today discounted an area that had been considered the most likely zone. ) ...... Family members see further proof of a cover up ---- KUALA LUMPUR — Today’s admission by Australian officials that the southern Indian Ocean area where pings were detected is not the crash site of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been described as evidence of “a giant cover-up” by some distraught family members of those onboard the missing airliner.
Malaysia Chronicle ......
Thursday, 29 May 2014 14:50
MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame shifts to
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[image: MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame
shifts to M'SIAN GOVT]
THE final resting place of MH370 is no closer to being known after
Australian authorities today discounted an area that had been considered
the most likely zone.
The tri... more »
Morning Data ( US ) and Overnight News and Data from Asia and Europe May 29 , 2014 --- US Economy Shrank By 1% In The First Quarter: First Contraction Since 2011 ..... Initial Claims Drop Near Cycle Low "As Good As It Gets" Levels ...... Buying Of Bonds And Stocks Continues In Event-Free Overnight Session
News and Data..... May 29 , 2014 and Overnight from Asia , Early Morning
from Europe....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Excluding Obamacare, US Economy Contracted By 2% In The First QuarterSubmitted
by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2014 - 09:21
As if the official news that the US economy is just one quarter away from
an official recession (and with just one month left in the second quarter
that inventory restocking better be progressing at an epic pace) but don't
worry - supposedly harsh weather somehow managed to wipe out*$100 billion
in economic growth from the initial forecast for Q1 ... more »
LibDem Leadership Crisis
Oh no, not the LibDems *again*. Yes, the crisis in the yellow party rumbles
on and on. Though, to be accurate, this is nothing new - it's been on slow
burn since they spectacularly and wretchedly betrayed their tuition fees
pledge. Every vicious turn since, be it the bedroom tax, defending work
capability assessments, cheering the backdoor privatisation of the NHS, or
ignoring the billions wasted by IBS on botched social security reforms. The
litany of regressive, vindictive policies goes on and on. And quite rightly
the LibDems have paid a heavy price in blood and treasure. You ca... more »
*Duke University appears to have learned nothing*
*After their unjust treatment of their Lacrosse team cost them millions,
you would think they would pull their horns in*
An Australian student accused of sexual assault is suing Duke University
after the elite US college banned him from his May graduation.
Lewis McLeod, a former Sydney Grammar School student and member of Duke's
soccer team, says without his degree he can't take up a Wall Street job
offer, will be unable to renew his US visa and will be forced to return to
Police in Durham, North Carolina, investigated ... more »
War watch May 29 , 2014 -- Libya has descended into complete chaos ( They had very little power to begin with, and even less since Gen. Khalifa Hifter took over their parliament building, but Libya’s parliament is still hard at work, fighting internally over who the real prime minister is. ) ...... Syria - Obama’s $5 Billion ‘Counter-Terrorism’ Fund Has Syria in Crosshairs 'Partnership Fund' Aims Exclusively at Syria Neighbors , US: Reports of American Suicide Bomber in Syria ‘Likely Accurate’ American Bomber Launched Attack for al-Qaeda....... Iraq - no matter who is named Prime minister in Iraq , the sun will rise the next day and more Iraqis will continue to die ........ Pakistan Taliban sees split over alleged peace process - The Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the longtime umbrella of Pakistani Taliban factions, has split in half with the emergence of the new TTP-Mehsud faction, led by Khalid Mehsud.
Libya Standoff Emerges as Premier Refuses to Yield to Successor'Acting PM'
Claims Incoming PM's Election Illegal
by Jason Ditz, May 28, 2014
Print This | Share This
They had very little power to begin with, and even less since Gen. Khalifa
Hifter took over their parliament building, but Libya’s parliament is still
hard at work, fighting internally over who the real prime minister is.
Ahmed Maiteeq, elected weeks ago, was supposed to officially be installed
as premier this week, but the “acting prime minister,” Abdullah al-Thinni,
is refusing to hand over power, claiming Mai... more »
Ukraine updates May 29 , 2014 - Gas dispute still unresolved between Ukraine and Russia ....... Fighting in the restive South East Regions continues as Federalists manage to sting Ukrainian military ( helicopter shot down , Barracks stormed ) .... has Kiev paused Special Military Operations in Kramatorsk and Slaviansk ?
Itar Tass......
Kiev hopes for EU reverse gas supplies and LNG from USA — Poroshenko
May 29, 14:37 UTC+4
“Russia wants to sell gas to Ukraine for $500. Well, but Ukraine will not
buy this gas, the country does not need it," the president-elect said
[image: Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak]
Russia may grant gas price discount to Ukraine, but contract revision not
on agenda
KIEV, May 29. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine will not buy Russian gas at its high
price, said Ukrainian business tycoon Petro Poroshenko, who is winning at
snap presidential elections in t... more »
Sentence appeals
*R. v. McLean*, 2014 PECA 10:
[10] Section 687(1) of the *Criminal Code* directs that on an
appeal against sentence, an appellant court is to consider the fitness of
the sentence. The Supreme Court of Canada has directed that in conducting
this review, the applicable standard is based on deference. That approach
is taken due to practical reasons, including the contextual nature of the
sentencing process, the individualized nature of sentencing, and the
advantageous position of the trial judge (*R. v. Bolger*, 2013 PECA 9
(CanLII), 2013 PECA 9, at para.14). An appellat... more »
Brazil to add third converted 767 tanker

[image: Boeing KC-767 Tanker]Brazil is to sign a revised contract soon to
add a third converted Boeing 767-300 tanker to its air force inventory,
according to Israeli defence sources.
In March 2013, the Brazilian air force command selected Israel Aerospace
Industries for the conversion of two commercial Boeing 767-300ERs, with
options for an additional two.
These will replace the service’s four retired KC-137s (militarised Boeing
707s), which had been in use since 1986.
Read more
A date of betrayal for your diaries unless David Cameron actually does something about the EU
On 1 November 2014 the following areas of competence will switch from
requiring unanimous approval of all the member states of the EU to just
qualified majority voting. In addition the EU Commission have managed to
make it even harder for EU provinces (for that's what the countries that
make up the EU are now) to vote down any proposal from the Commission -
there now has
to be a 'blocking minority' which represents 'at least three quarters of EU
citizens' or 'at least three quarters of member states. Even if such a
'blocking minority' is achieved then the Council undertakes only to ... more »
Unmanned Aircraft Series Sets Record for Mission Hours Flown in One Week

[image: RQ-4 Global Hawk]Northrop Grumman Corporation's High Altitude Long
Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) series, which includes the
U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk, set a new record for mission hours flown
in one week, logging 665 hours flying operational and exercise missions
during the week ending Feb. 23.
In 2013, Global Hawk flew an average of 433.8 hours a week. The weekly
record of 665 hours set in February 2014 is 53 percent above last year's
average. That is the equivalent of almost four Global Hawks in the air
around the clock for an entire week.
The HALE... more »
DRDO successfully test-fires Akash air defence missiles
DRDO on Wednesday successfully test-fired the Akash air defence missiles
off the coast of Balasore in Odisha.
“Three Akash missiles were launched from the Integrated Test Range (ITR),
Balasore, on tow body target of Lakshya pilotless target aircraft moving at
low altitude far boundary, and ripple mode missions. The missiles
intercepted the fast moving and maneuvering small RCS targets within small
interval of five seconds in ripple mode,” a DRDO release said.
The tests were conducted by the Indian Air Force, which will be the first
service to induct the Akash missiles in its invent... more »
Russian Naval Aviation Monitoring NATO Warships in Black Sea – Source

[image: Su-24 Fencer]Naval wings of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet have resumed
training flights over neutral waters of the sea to monitor the activity of
NATO warships, a source in the Russian navy's headquarters said Wednesday.
“During the flights, combat training is carried out to provide surface
image coverage in the neutral waters of the Black Sea,” the source said.
These flights, performed mainly by Su-24 attack aircraft, allow monitoring
of NATO warship maneuvers, which have increased in activity in recent
Read more
Peru to Get 8 Russian Military Helicopters in November

[image: Mi-171Sh Hip helicopters]Peru's Air Force will receive a delivery
of eight new Russian-made helicopters in November, with an additional 16 to
come in 2015, Peruvian Defense Minister Pedro Cateriano said.
The Mi-171Sh multi-purpose helicopters were sold to Peru in a $406 million
deal in December, and are likely to replace the eight Mi-17 transport
helicopters that were sold to Peru in 1984, the Jane's Defence military
news website reported Tuesday.
The Peruvian government has set aside $11 million to repair and refit the
three Mi-171s it bought in 2010, and an additional $2.8... more »
Smarter than the average swallow
Birds nesting in an underground parkade could have been locked in when the
parkade was converted to a campus bike centre with doors on the end. The
swallows quickly learned how to trigger the motion detectors to open the
doors and go in and out whenever they want. Smart birds!
We humans think we are brighter than we often are, take @wotsit4 for
example. Likewise animals are a lot brighter than we often give them credit
Chinese force launches daylong attacks on Vietnamese vessels
Since China’s illegal oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 was relocated to a new
area in Vietnamese waters on May 27, its guarding vessels, with the support
of military planes, have launched more attacks on Vietnamese ships, the
Vietnam Coast Guard (VCG) said on Wednesday.
Dang Le Son, captain of Vietnam Coast Guard ship 2015, said, “During the
past two days, Chinese vessels have launched more attacks and prolonged the
time of each assault on Vietnamese ships.”
Yesterday, May 28, was the first day that the Chinese force launched
daylong attacks on Vietnamese vessels when they were requested... more »
Application Accepted
It's been a few days now since I received the email but I have to admit my
head is still swimming. Graduate school was an idea I had toyed with off
and on over the last ten years and I finally found myself giving it some
serious thought last spring. Having been out of academia now for almost 15
years (where has the time gone?) the idea of going back for a masters
degree was, I admit, rather daunting at times. Ten years of living
throughout the North also added a host of other historical interests on top
of the 50 other things I find interesting within the discipline.
Thankfully,... more »
Navy base RNAS Culdrose set for biggest Merlin helicopter exercise since Cold War

[image: Merlin Mk.2 helicopter]Sailors at RNAS Culdrose have been busy
training and getting everything ready for one of their biggest operations
since the Cold War.
Next Monday, nine of the latest Merlin helicopters carrying more than 250
personnel will fly off from the base near Helston.
Their home for four weeks will be the Atlantic Ocean on broad the aircraft
carrier HMS Illustrious. They will take part in continuous operations to
hunt for French and British submarines shadowing the carrier in an exercise
code named Deep Blue.
Read more
Rapid growth in defence budget risks 'wasteful shopping expedition': think tank

[image: Tony Abott]The Abbott government's plan to pump billions of dollars
into defence risks encouraging the military to go on "a shopping
expedition" for equipment and personnel that aren't really needed, a top
think-tank warns.
In its annual defence budget report, the Australian Strategic Policy
Institute embraces the government's goal to spend 2 per cent of gross
domestic product on defence as a credible one.
But it makes a series of warnings about the scale of the Coalition's
ambition, noting that the target means military spending would reach $52
billion in 2023-24, up from ... more »
A Free School For Kids In New Delhi, India

It is an unusual school in an unusual location and is run by an unusual
Rajesh Kumar is a shopkeeper by profession but spends hours every morning
teaching around 80 children from the poorest of the poor in India’s capital.
The 43-year-old visited the construction of the Delhi transit station a few
years ago and was disturbed by the sight of many children playing at the
site instead of attending school.
When he questioned the parents working at the sites they all said there
were no schools in the vicinity and no one cared.
Consequently, his open-air class room was born -... more »
Stay Away From All These GMO Food Products - Just Don't Eat Any

*True Activist*
Russia needs naval bases both in the Caucasus and Crimea

[image: Project 677 Lada-class SSK]The analysis of military operations
during the second defense of Sevastopol makes it possible to draw two vital
conclusions concerning fleet deployments and the role of naval aviation,
the Black Sea fleet commander, Alexander Vitko, told a historical
conference devoted to the 70th anniversary of Crimea’s liberation from
fascist occupiers.
“First, it is vitally important (for Russia) to have two huge naval bases:
one in the Caucasus and the other in Sevastopol,” Vitko said.
“Second, the success of any military operation depends on air support. That ... more »
U.S. Navy secretary defends new warship program

[image: LCS-1 & LCS-2]U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus defended the embattled
$34 billion Littoral Combat Ship program on Wednesday and said the ability
to reconfigure the ships to carry out different missions would help the
Navy keep pace with rapidly changing technologies.
A Navy task force is reassessing the program after Defense Secretary Chuck
Hagel expressed significant concerns about the survivability and firepower
of the LCS ships, and ordered a pause in orders after 32 ships.
The Navy has so far ordered 24 of the 52 ships planned for the program from
the two companies that bu... more »
Russia Lays Down 6th Kilo-Class Sub for Vietnam

[image: Hanoi (Kilo) class SSK]The final Kilo-class Project 636
diesel-electric submarine for the Vietnamese navy under a 2009 contract was
laid down Wednesday in St. Petersburg, a defense industry source told RIA
"Today, we had the ceremony of laying down the sixth submarine for Vietnam.
This is the latest submarine in this series," the source said.
Under the $2 billion contract, two submarines have already been delivered
to Vietnam, the third is undergoing sea trials, a fourth was floated out in
late March, and the fifth and sixth are now under construction.
Read more
Japan & Australia consider submarine deal that could rattle China

Japan will get the chance to pursue an unprecedented military export deal
when its defense and foreign ministers meet their Australian counterparts
in Tokyo next month.
Japan is considering selling submarine technology to Australia – perhaps
even a fleet of fully engineered, stealthy vessels, according to Japanese
officials. Sources on both sides say the discussions so far have encouraged
a willingness to speed up talks.
Any agreement would take months to negotiate and remains far from certain,
but even a deal for Japan to supply technology would likely run to billions
of dollars a... more »
Japan Needs Time to Provide Ships to Vietnam

[image: Japanese Coast Guard vessel]Japan said on Wednesday it was unable
to immediately provide decomissioned patrol ships to Vietnam amid
heightened tensions in the South China Sea as its own coastguard was
stretched by surveillance activities.
As tensions mount between China and other claimants to the South China Sea,
countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines are rushing to bolster their
maritime patrols.
Japan, itself locked in a bitter territorial spat with China, in March
agreed to dispatch a research team to Vietnam as a step toward providing it
with patrol ships.
Read ... more »
In Memory of Maya Angelou - Poet - 1928-2014

"Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God"
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within."
"Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option."
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change
your attitude. Don't complain."
"Nothing will work unless you do."
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, ho... more »
Kabobs and Snacks
Here we go with the next link party! This week's party is hosted by Debra
from Housewife Eclectic. [image: You're-Invited] The Party girls: Jesseca
from One Sweet Appetite, Holly from Bits of Everything, Jonie from Just
Between Friends, and Debra from Housewife Eclectic. They all have such
great ideas, be sure to go see what they’ve been up to.
Things have been a little relaxed around Housewife Eclectic this month as
I have been taking time off to spend time with my newborn, but I have had
some awesome guest posts. Check them out.
15 Snacks for Kids// Bowtie Pasta Salad// How to T... more »
Global warming vs climate change
The Guardian and everyone else in the MSM write about a poll among 1,600
Americans that concluded that they're turned off by "climate change" but
intrigued by "global warming". They are 13% more likely to say that "global
warming is a bad thing" than in the case of "climate change", and so on.
So what is the right term to use for "the thing"?
Now, a subtle problem with the question is that "the thing" doesn't exist
or it is ill-defined or vacuous or nonsensical. It is stupid to talk about
"any thing" that is similar to "this thing". Moreover, the two terms – even
if they are ill-... more »
General Hifter's War on Terror Gains Steam In Benghazi, But His Appeal Will Fade With Future Losses
*General Hifter switches sides too many times to be a true leader. Libyans
would be wise to not count on him to save them from the Jihadist terrorist
gangs that Washington unleashed on the country three years ago.*
An excerpt from, *"Libya chaos deepens with Benghazi air strike on
jihadists"* AFP, May 28:
Air forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar attacked a jihadist camp
on the outskirts of Benghazi, cradle of the 2011 uprising that ousted
dictator Moamer Kadhafi, ex-rebels told AFP.
Amid the dispute over Miitig, Haftar is garnering support from powerful
military units ... more »
*Stranded on an ice floe*
*Polar bears on ice floes prove global warming so I guess this does too*
(A recent photo from lake Superior)
*Antarctic began melting 5,000 years earlier than first thought: Ice
sheet's volatile past reveals an unstable future, claims study*
*The Warmists will try to spin this but the plain fact is that the
Antarctic undergoes large natural fluctuations and nobody knows why.
Attributing recent changes to global warming is therefore tendentious, a
claim without evidence*
The Antarctic ice sheet is more unstable than first thought with a n... more »

Nice day today.
Went for a run again this morning, but a little bit later since I slept in
some. Quick swim afterwards in my new Athleta bikini. Only noting this
because I wanted to rave about the brand! The suit is awesome for water
sports I think. The way it fits, I can tell it would be great for wave
boarding and swimming in the ocean waves and it's very flattering. Highly
recommend. Kurt did not want breakfast, so I did some chores around the
house and then kinda lounged around until we decided to go out and run some
Went to the bank in Los Suenos and decide... more »
Snowden on NBC! He is Speaking TRUTH! He is Amazing Turn it on!
I wanted to post, if you are not watching NBC right now, Brian William's
interview with Edward Snowden, you need to turn it on. I don't watch MSM
anymore, but wanted to see this! Snowden is Blowing it Away! TRUTH! I am
shocked that NBC is even showing it. Snowden said 911 has been used to take
our Freedoms away. Iraq war was lies. Right now NBC is doing a reaction
from their
LEP's, LHC's \(98\), \(126\GeV\) Higgses may match (N)MSSM
Peter Higgs is 85 today: Congratulations!
I want to mention a rather interesting paper
Invisible decays of low mass Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models
by Pandita and Patra. The LHC has discovered the \(125-126\GeV\) Higgs
boson and there seem to be no other particles around so far – a situation
that may dramatically change in less than a year. Recall that supersymmetry
is the most well-motivated theory that (aside from more important things)
ultimately requires an extension of the Higgs sector. The simplest
supersymmetric model(s) called the MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standar... more »
Enbridge`s Northern Gateway Pipeline Project Is Dead, Reason Number 1, Oil Tanker Wrecks and Explosions

[image: Oil tanker listing off Japan after explosion]
Breaking News not reported in Canada`s Mainstream Media.....May 29th 2014
998 tonne oil tanker has exploded today off the coast of Japan..
Fortunately the tanker had just unloaded it`s oil cargo...
One missing after explosion on Japan oil tanker
"*Television footage showed the approximately 80-metre ship listing heavily
as at least two jets doused the badly-charred centre of the vessel.*
*Himeji port is one of a number that sit along the Inland Seto Sea coast,
where there are numerous pockets of heavy ... more »
Will North Carolina Veterans Remember Richard Burr In 2016?

In the segment above, Rachel Maddow put into context Richard Burr's
deranged attack on American veterans groups. A politicized lawnmower
salesman who avoided military service himself, Burr claims to be a distant
relative of Aaron Burr, who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. This Burr
is also the ranking Republican on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee,
not the Senate Lawnmower And Small Appliances Committee. As far as I can
tell, the only thing Burr-- the lawnmower guy, not the duelist-- ever did
for veterans is to make sure that veterans who are declared insane or who
have ... more »
Such Growing Anxiety Among the Well-Heeled That PR Game Needs Prince of Wales/Multi-Billionaire Rothschild To Make Plea for Tolerance? (Revolution Taking Reins/Heads Rolling Feared)
Let me try 'splainin' it to you, again, Ricky. If there is no guilt felt,
there is no guilt. Clear yet? Keep trying. If you hear it enough (and see
it acted out everywhere too much), pretty soon you'll believe it too! And
if not, they've got a lot more tricks in the works. From our very clever
friends at Wall Street on Parade. Try to Contain Your Laughter: Prince
Charles and Lady de
The Daily "Near You?"
Fremont, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “The Mysterious Play of Forces”
*“The Mysterious Play of Forces”*
by Chet Raymo
“I have often quoted here the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, mostly from the
“Duino Elegies” or “The Sonnets of Orpheus.” We now have a new translation
of Rilke's earlier “The Book of Hours”, by Susan Ranson, which I have been
reading, and I offer a short poem from the “First Book: The Book of Monkish
"I find your trace in all these things, in all
that like a brother I am careful for;
you sun yourself, a seed, within the small
and in the great give yourself the more.
This the mysterious play of forces, then,
that serve in things, over ... more »
“Sharing Grief: Opening to Receive Comfort”
*“Sharing Grief: Opening to Receive Comfort”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Grief is part of the human experience, and sharing our vulnerability helps
create truly close bonds. When we experience something that causes us to
feel shock and sadness, we may feel the urge to withdraw from life. It may
seem like remaining withdrawn will keep us protected from the world, but
during these times it is important to reach out to those trusted and
precious people who care about us the most. Even with our best information
and reasoning, we never know when someone else’s experience or perspect... more »
"Everything Is Backwards..."
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy
knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information
and religions destroy spirituality" - Michael Ellner
Aren't you tired of this, Good Citizen?
Satire: “Obama Defends Controversial Policy of Not Invading Countries for No Reason”
*“Obama Defends Controversial Policy of Not Invading Countries for No
by Andy Borowitz
WEST POINT (The Borowitz Report)— “President Obama raised eyebrows with his
West Point commencement address Wednesday by offering a defense of his
controversial foreign-policy doctrine of not invading countries for no
reason. Conservative critics were taken aback by Obama’s speech, which was
riddled with incendiary remarks about only using military force for a
clearly identified and rational purpose. Obama did not shy away from
employing polarizing rhetoric, often using words such as “r... more »
[January 2013 CBS Video] Obama Brags About Liberating Libya
Arming tens of thousands of Jihadist terrorists and destabilizing a country
equals "liberation" in Obama's confused mind. In his version of a
"liberated Libya" *murderous extremists like Mohamed al-Zawahi, leader of
Ansar al-Sharia*, have been empowered, government institutions have broken
down, oil wells have been shut down by NATO-armed criminals, and anarchy
reigns in most of the country. But, go ahead, brag away, your evil empire
deposed a tin-pot dictator in a small African nation. How big of you.
Libya On The Edge of Collapse, Every Single Institution Is Failing
*"We came, we saw, he died. Then we left, and many more died." *
An excerpt from, *"Libya: Facing Economic Collapse in 2014"* by Mohsin Khan
and Svetlana Milbert, Atlantic Council, January 23, 2014:
For 2014, two possible scenarios emerge. In the optimistic scenario, oil
production comes back online, as it did in 2012, and export revenues and
international reserves return to their normal levels. Growth would increase
sharply during 2014, much as it did in 2012. The IMF and the World Bank
subscribe to this scenario and are projecting real GDP to increase by
around 25 percent in 2014... more »
Annals of Military Spending: When the press flack's an admiral, are you gonna call him a liar?

*Plus: There's "fox news" at Foggy Bottom*
*Oh, for Pete's sake! Is there some kind of substance-abuse problem in the
DWT Photo Archives? What I asked for was insignia or something to
illustrate a rear admiral -- like, you know, snazzy insignia or something.
I didn't think I had to specify for a U.S. Navy rear admiral. But this is
clearly a Star Trek rear admiral pin. Ay-yay-yay!*
*by Ken*
Surely the "In the Loop" item (courtesy of our WaPo pals Al Kamen and Colby
Itkowitz) we're about to read has sufficient news value in itself. I'm
betting you'll be happy to be brought up to dat... more »
Gold items of note May 28 , 2014 -- Today' best articles for a big picture view on gold , gold manipulations , China's influence on gold , security concerning ( how to prevent theft of gold reserves ) , and a look at conspiracy ( it takes two to tango )
Austrian central bank says gold audit is routine -- and secret
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2014-05-28 15:30. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:25a ET Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The audit of its gold reserves vaulted at the Bank of England that last
week was reported being planned by the Austrian central bank --
-- has been conducted and was part of a routine series of audits by the
bank and its results will not be made public, a bank spokesman said today.
The bank spokesman, Christian Gutlederer, commented in response to an
... more »
Market mayhem looming ? May 28 , 014 --Death of money coming says James Rickards......... Bonds and stocks disconnecting once again ( let's examine how that played out in 2011 ) .... Gold has been under pressure for several weeks - going back to May 5th - just pressure for the looming Jun delivery contract at Comex or is something else brewing ? With Abenomic having wiped out Japan's trade accounts , what is the next Act if any for re-lifting Japan's economy ?
'Death of money': Author Rickards predicts collapse of global monetary
Published time: May 28, 2014 19:43
Edited time: May 28, 2014 22:36
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Budget, China, Crisis, Currencies,Economy, Government Spending, India,Iran,
Markets, Natural resources,Resources, Russia, Russia and the global economy
The collapse of the monetary system awaits the world in the near future,
says financial expert James Rickards. Russia and China's desire to ri... more »
Pink Slime redux May 25 , 2014 ..... it's what for dinner ! And a couple dozen other items even worse than being " slimed " ...... Bon Appetit !
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
<h1 class="title" style="font-size: 1.25em; line-height:
20.833332061767578px; margin: 0px auto; padding-bottom: 5px;"
Syria. Ukraine. Election Spin? And more!
Yup, it 's about Syria.... and the election. Coming up in a little less
then a week. Have you noticed the coverage? In the NATO media? Of course,
it is all negative. To quote the BBC "A parody of democracy"
Unlike that laughable election in the Ukraine. The one that resulted in the
election of, wait for it, an oligarch!
A member/participant, beneficiary of an Oligarchy But that was an exercise
in democracy, applauded by most western tyrannies, particularly two of
the most violent nations on the planet, US, Israel applaud *Ukrainian
election* results.
While we are speaking of that... more »
Just got this video from our protest at the "christening" of the Zumwalt
"stealth" destroyer in Bath on April 12.
Thanks to Pete Sirois for this video.
THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY is a history of neoconservatism and its influence
on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East during the first decade of the
twenty-first century.
Written after years of extensive research, THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY
contains over 550 pages, including more than 1200 footnotes and some 120
pages of bibliography. The book has been meticulously researched with every
aspect of the history fully supported with primary evidence, much of it
from the neoconservatives themselves.
The book is a must for all those interested in the history of
neoconservatism, the recent hi... more »
The Language of Newspapers
So I wrote a letter to a national newspaper noting that a group was
pro-choice. I used gender neutral language.
The letter was printed but the group was called, after the letter was
edited by the national newspaper, pro-abortion and the gender neutral
language was gone.
Hmmn, somehow the sense changed!!!
"To the Class of 2014: You're 'Screwed'"
*"To the Class of 2014: You're 'Screwed'" *
by Bill Bonner
"We're still on our commencement day address, where our callow graduates
find out that they've been set up.
Dear Class of '14: Except in the sciences and engineering, a college
education may do more harm than good. As I explained yesterday, to be
taught, studied and learned, the arts and humanities must be reduced to a
caricature. People are turned into stick figures. Complex story lines
become narratives so simple even a college student can understand them.
You're young. And now you're leaving school, you can begin to lear... more »
Is There a More Loathsome American than John Kerry?

Today the finger-wagger was out early and with a vengeance, determined to
prove that he is the winner of the most disgusting and embarrassing
American of 2014. The Secretary of State, with his chronic diarrhea of the
mouth and increasingly shrill holier than thou attitude appeared on morning
network television in all of his elitist Skull and Bones puckered asshole
glory. The occasion was of course to once again smear former government
contractor turned heroic NSA whistleblower as a "traitor"and a "coward" and
demanding that Snowden "man up" whatever that means. The flaming liberal ... more »
Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras

*Source: Diario Popular (Honduras)Date: 05.23.2014*
*Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras*
The mysterious phenomenon affected the region of Yoro. While there is no
evidence that can scientifically explain this fact, it could be due to a
meteorological phenomenon.
A torrential storm left a "fishfall" in a village of northern Honduras.
This curious phenomenon has caused both incredulity and headaches among
scientists, according to reports appearing this Friday in the local press.
Residents of La Unión, Department of Yoro, some 300 km to the north of the
capital, ... more »
Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner

*Source: 05.28.2014*
*Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner*
Contributing Editor *Ana Luisa Cid* has kindly provided us with this
photograph. She writes: *"In Mexico City airport, before the arrival of the
flight to Veracruz. A UFO? Small spheres are also visible in the upper left
hand corner of the photo. The original [photograph] is very large. This is
a reduced image. The sequence of photos was taken with only seconds of
difference between them, at 10:51 a.m. on 25 May 2014."*
Inexplicata Podcasts covering items from UFO / paranormal histor... more »
Republican Young Widow Rescued From Heartless GOP Indifference… By Nancy Pelosi

Bill and Beverly Young, tireless advocates for veterans
Republicans and their Hate Talk Radio echo chamber have worked for years
and years to demonize Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the House of
Representatives, an accomplished political leader and icon every American
should be proud of, regardless of disagreeing with her on some issues (as I
do-- and as I am). But a story that broke last night in the Tampa Bay area
(good ole FL-13) should make even the most hard-hearted Republican
partisans sit up and take notice.
We've been covering FL-13 over the last year or so because ... more »
General Sisi Disappoints At The Polls, Egyptian State Media Loses Its Mind, Syrian Regime Gets A Vote of Confidence, And Assad Is Looking Like $327 Million Bucks
1. An excerpt from, *"Lower Egypt voter turnout threatens Sisi mandate"* by
Yasmine Saleh and Michael Georgy, Reuters, May 28, 2014:
*Turnout was 44.4 percent of Egypt's 54 million voters, according to the
judicial sources.*
*That would be less than the 40 million votes, or 80 percent of the
electorate, that Sisi had called for last week.*
The lower than expected turnout figure raises questions about Sisi's
credibility as leader of the Arab world's most populous nation.
It would also suggest that he had failed to rally the overwhelming support
he hoped for after toppling Egypt's fi... more »
Going for Gold?

ITV's Tom Bradby had something of a scoop today when 'a senior government
source' told him that Sebastian Coe is "the clear front runner" [just like
he was in the 1980 and 1984 Olympics] to take over from Chris Patten as
Chairman of the BBC Trust.
There are a few hurdles left to clear and obstacles that can be placed in
his way, but I am told he is interested and that he enjoys the firm support
of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor. Given that this is basically a
Number Ten appointment, that should more or less settle it.
The prospect of one Conservative peer replacing anothe... more »
Eireport: Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension

*Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass”
consciousness ascension*
by ÉirePort
Platforms of Illumination have been created to support "mass" consciousness
Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric
attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind.
Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time.
Elevation of humanity to Hue-manity on "mass" scale occurs is accelerated.
ÉirePort | May 27, 2014 at 9:22 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Americans are eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are not being seriously tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). How much danger can GMOs be to our health? Here Paul Craig Roberts has accepted biotechnologist Tom Mysiewicz as a Guest Contributor to his blog explaining the bad things that GMO's have already, or might eventually, wreak on us if we consume foods with high GMO contents. It's an eye opener.

*Weaponized Agriculture — Tom Mysiewicz*
May 26, 2014 | Guest Contribution | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Weaponized Agriculture*
*Tom Mysiewicz is a biotechnologist. In this article he shares with us his
conclusions about the dangers of GMO crops.*
By Tom Mysiewicz
Recently, an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Russia—the National
Association for Genetic Safety–began working closely with the Russian ... more »
*IG: NOPD doesn't have enough cops answering service calls ~WWLTV *
*No escape if you’re late: Even small surges will flood sections of I-10
east and west ~Bob Marshall, The Lens*
*Drones are newest hurricane research tools ~AP via Washington Post*
*New Orleans Advocate reporters being compelled to testify in Telly Hankton
case ~Justin Mustien, New Orleans Advocate*
*A New Orleans Bicycle Wedding!*
*25th Annual Crawfish Fest in New Jersey to Host New Orleans’ Finest
Musicians ~Nick Fitanides *
*The Shuck-town All Stars: Oyster Fest 2014 ~NOLA DEFENDER*
More Piketty Readings
1. Jim Hamilton
2. Per Krusell and Tony Smith
3. James Galbraith
4. *Update*: Debraj Ray
5. *Update*: Larry Kotlikoff
TV Quiz time
Only two characters appeared in every episode of the original series of
Dallas 1978-1991, who?
Answer tomorrow evening...

- The disclosures that Glenn Greenwald will soon be releasing the names
of activists across the US who are being spied on by the government should
stir the pot a bit. Can't wait to see those sparks fly.
- The Russia-China deal to build a natural gas pipeline, and to trade in
some currency other than dollars, will only increase the oil-i-garchy's
desire to take them both down. That means we will see even more
demonization (if that can be possible) of both countries in the corporate
dominated media.
- I was watching a CBS-TV interview with John Kerry t... more »
The Realist Report - Marc from Canada

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Marc from
Canada. Marc and I will be discussing Dimitri Khalezov and 9/11. Has
Dimitri figured out what actually happened on 9/11 and who was resposnible?
Calls are welcome!
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit the *AFP Radio
Network* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Mike Harari, Mossad, and 9/11 - John Friend*
- *The Nuclear Truth About 9/11 (Photos)*
- *911thology Dimitri Khalezov*
- *The Third Truth - 9/11 by... more »
Prince Philip from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Oh, I can guess.... But I hardly need to.
*"Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be
for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be
important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the
greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake
so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” *
*- Julian Huxley, UNESCO: It's Purpose and Philosophy, 1946*
Who Does Scott Brown Want To See Suffer?

There's a reason Elizabeth Warren is concerned that Scott Brown is trying
to make a comeback-- no matter how far fetched by running against centrist
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, who is up in every single poll so far. Warren's
antipathy for Brown goes back far before she ran against him and defeated
him when he was still claiming to be from Massachusetts.
In her new book, A Fighting Chance, Warren gives the reader a fascinating
behind the curtain look at the battle for the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, which was nearly derailed by Brown's surprise election.
Even before Brown's ... more »
Don't Eat Chicken! (Piketty Picks Them Apart)
Or eat it at your peril. I haven't eaten chicken regularly (unless I'm a
guest where only it is served) in two decades - mirroring, as a matter of
fact, the rise of Tyson Foods (remember how they so lavishly funded
home-boy Willy as well as everyone else who would accept their filthy
lucre?) and the overwhelming takeover of family farms by heavy-industry
meat production. As if it could get
Quiet in Jaco on Tuesday

We were both kinda tired today, so we got up and ran, I jumped in the pool,
made Kurt breakfast, switched over my laundry, and then ended up napping
some on the couch. Kurt had a headache, as I do not think he is drinking
enough here, which he needs to do with the weather being different. He
took a nap as well, and when we both woke up, I made us both smoothies for
lunch. Kurt's was grapes, passion fruit and pineapples and he loved the
odd combination. And, it got rid of his headache!
We decided to head into town then to check out another store we had heard
about. Bought ... more »
Operation Mind-Fuck: The Scandal behind "The Scandal of Scientology" - by Paulette Cooper

*The Scandal behind "The Scandal of Scientology"By Paulette Cooper*
*"Bomb threat" against the New York Church of Scientology, supposedly from
en:Paulette Cooper but actually a forgery created by the Church's "Guardian
Office". c. 1982*
You may not believe this, but you can write something that some group
doesn't approve of and then have a quarter of your life almost ruined.
I know because it happened to me.
I haven't previously written about this from beginning to end because it’s
still painful, but here goes. In 1968 I was a struggling New York
freelance writer, searching f... more »
Your moment of Zen

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