After He's Defeated In November, Ed Jany Can Teach At A DCCC Mail Order School Specializing In How To Lose Blue Districts

Steve Israel, as we mentioned earlier in the month, failed again. He
fails. He fails at everything. Tangent: one of his closest allies in
Congress sent me a note yesterday to tell me that Israel's philandering
led to a second divorce and a catastrophic personal financial
situationthat "puts him at risk of being unduly influenced by corporate
who promise them a lucrative post-Congress future… [and] makes him
want/need favors now, like a cheap refi on his home when he wouldn’t
otherwise qualify. Will he turn up with $80,000 in the freezer?" Israel
the 6th most... more »
inBloom, BloomBoard, and the Undeniable, Corporate Reform “Need” for Student Data
On April 21, 2014, the Gates-funded data warehouse inBloom publicized that
it was shutting down. The New York Times called it a “setback for the
nearly $8 billion prekindergarten through 12th-grade education technology
software market.” InBloom CEO Iwan Streichenberger calls it “a real missed
opportunity for teachers and school districts seeking to improve student
learning.” I’m sorry, but making […]
“Lost in Space Without a Clue: Ponderous Ruminations, Maybe Tedious”
*“Lost in Space Without a Clue: *
*Ponderous Ruminations, Maybe Tedious”*
by Fred Reed
“The world is too much with us, late and son. Before long, it can begin to
seem reasonable. I have my doubts. The usual always seems reasonable.
For example, existence seems reasonable. We wake up every morning and there
it is. Actually it isn’t reasonable. It’s just customary. We avoid thinking
about this so as not to become anxious. Or so, anyway, think I.
The sun, we are told—and I have no reason to doubt it—is a roaring ball of
hydrogen fire in apparently infinite darkness, an inexplicable voi... more »
Rhetorical and/or philosophical question
Let’s say that your school, a low income area of an affluent major city,
enrolls some of the most, shall we say, challenging upper elementary
students you/I have ever seen. Day after day after day, they fight
instruction and they fight among themselves. Their education is interrupted
in what starts each day as minutes, then […]
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada 'Avenges' Murdered Missing African Girls'
Posted on May 10, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute.
MNN. May 10, 2014. The Corporation of Canada refuses to investigate the
thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous girls and young women in
Canada. Our girls have no political value to them and an investigation
into their disappearance may uncover a connection to law
Now Entering Nulandistan: US-Supported EuroMaidan "Democrat" Calls for Genocide
"If man cannot redeem himself of his everyday tensions through words, the
archaic primitive demands within him grow more and more awake. The world
falls prey to his accumulated obsessions, and in the end collective madness
breaks through. Let us talk now, so that we do not become mad animals!" -
Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A. M. Meerloo, *"Conversation and
Video Title: Now Entering Nulandistan: US-Supported EuroMaidan "Democrat"
Calls for Genocide. Source: Global Research TV. Date Published: May 10,
2014. Description:
The Ukrainian businessman Gennady Bal... more »
No Shame, No Respect, No Consequences
*Mr. Netanyahu, take the anti-Semitism charge and stick it up your ass.*
An excerpt from, *"Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up"*by Jeff Stein, Newsweek, May 8:
As *Newsweek *reported on Tuesday, American counter-intelligence officials
told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees at the
end of January that Israel's current espionage activities in America are
"unrivaled and unseemly," going far beyond the activities of other close
allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan.
“It has been extensive for years,” a former top U.S. sec... more »
Malaysia flight 370 Mystery May 8 , 2014 - a new conspiracy theory floated by Dr Steve Piecznik - "The Americans have put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made their way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with some conflicting statement and evidence to confuse the world. The Australians are the co-actor." Could this incident actually be centered on the Us preventing China from obtaining a stolen command and control system stolen during the Afghanistan withdrawal ? This theory actually reinforces the plane being taken to Diego Garcia .....
Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
5/9/14 updates.....
Friday, 09 May 2014 09:24PRE-PLANNED & TIMED? Two months on, missing MH370
jet story is off the radar
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[image: PRE-PLANNED & TIMED? Two months on, missing MH370 jet story is off
the radar]
Exactly two months ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala
Lumpur at 12.41 am for Beijing, but vanished mid-air with 239 people on
No trace of Flight MH370 has been found des... more »
If Grim "Mikey Suits" can't pop into his local FBI office, how will he pick up new crime tips?

*by Ken*
No, he hasn't actually made the FBI's Most Wanted List -- yet -- but
apparently NY Congressman "Mikey Suits" Grimm, who of course represents
Staten Island and a chunk of Brooklyln, *has* succeeded in making the
Bureau's *persona non grata* list. As DNAinfo New York's Murray Weiss
reported, in "FBI Bars Congressman Michael Grimm":
STATEN ISLAND -- Rep. Michael Grimm, who quit as an FBI agent eight years
ago, was barred from returning to its New York field offices -- even after
he was elected to Congress, DNAinfo New York has learned.
Federal security personnel at the FBI'... more »
by Karl Denninger
“Here’s something to contemplate. You've recently seen my essay on all of
us having an hourglass full of sand with the top mostly-painted over, so we
can't see how much sand is in there until it is about to run out. That is,
it is almost-always true that one doesn't learn about their impending death
until, well, it's impending. When was the last time you heard a doctor tell
someone "you have 20 years left." No, they always tell you "you have six
months", don't they?
Time is a funny thing. It's the one commodity you can't buy more of no
matter how rich yo... more »
City of Blood - Signaling the Black Awakening

[image: The Open Scroll Blog]
Sunday, May 04, 2014By every indication, the Black Awakening is about to
break forth, and the bold warning signs coming from the Enemy's camp have
grown in frequency. If I had the ability I would have posted dozens more
videos with clips from commercials, films, TV shows and music videos
calling these to your attention. Here's one of note that spills the beans,
big time, from The CW network's episode of Arrow that was broadcast on
April 30, titled, City of Blood.
First, I want to highlight some dates that stand out in connection with the
timing of the ... more »
Call the Cops at Your Peril
* By Paul Craig Roberts*
May 10 2014 "ICH" - “Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New
Hampshire. I hope the residents are prepared to die, because living free is
not what they do. NH is merely a cog within the Amerikan Stasi State, but I
am referring to what goes on within NH itself, not the police state
existence imposed by Washington. On May 5 attorney William Baer was
arrested at a school board meeting at which he went over a 2-minute
speaking rule while trying to get some explanation from the Gilford, NH,
school board for assigning sexually explicit reading material to... more »
Dad Arrested for Speaking Up About Pornographic Content in Required Reading for 9th Graders
[image: Freedom Outpost]
Lily Dane May 6, 2014
A reading assignment has some parents in New Hampshire confused and upset.
The controversial book “Nineteen Minutes” by Jodi Picoult is required
reading for some 9th grade students at Gilford High School. The book is a
fictional story about a school shooting and has been part of the curriculum
since 2007.
School officials say that the book contains important themes, but parents
say that message is overshadowed by what some call pornographic content on
one page.
The book was assigned to students last Monday, but the school failed to... more »
Back live next week. For now, enjoy a studio version with public school parent Michelle
Enjoy your brunches. Then, listen to mom Michelle discuss her multi-year
test refusal for her children.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from
the Chalk Face Tagged: at the chalk face, optout, testing
Behind the Scenes on the Chicago Teachers Union Anti-Common Core Resolution
On May 7, 2014, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) passed a resolution
against the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). That evening, I wrote this
post and included my own experience and conversations on Lewis’ position on
CCSS. In the post, I figuratively note that this is now a battle between
Lewis and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) […]
Fukushima Updates May 10 , 2014 .... Special item on Rokkasho nuclear site ( impossible to evacuate residents , how can they go ahead with a restart ? ) H/T Simply Info !
Simply Info ......
Rokkasho Nuclear Site; Impossible To Evacuate Residents
May 9th, 2014 | Add a Comment
[image: Rokkasho Nuclear Site; Impossible To Evacuate Residents]
The Aomori governor weighed in on the stalled safety review of the Rokkasho
nuclear fuel site and how they are finding it impossible to come up with an
evacuation plan. Municipalities and prefecture governments are expected to
submit working evacuation plans for any nuclear facility that plans to
eventually restart. This includes areas up to 30km from the facility. In
the same area of Rokkasho resides the Higashido... more »
WIPP Updates May 10 , 2014 ........ Fukushima impacts here in the US and Europe !
Energy News.....
‘Kitty litter’ blamed for explosive nuclear leak at WIPP — “Incredibly
important to act quickly” — ‘All these drums’ are at risk, including at
other sites — Must be gathered ‘right away’ before they also burst — Summer
heat will increase instability — Storage rooms must be sealed off to
contain future ‘events’
Santa Fe New Mexican, May 9, 2014: *Nuke expert believes ‘kitty litter’
switch led to WIPP leak* — An absorbent material similar to kitty litter is
the likely cause of a radiation leak [...] according to a longtime nuclear
expert. [...] Los Alamos... more »
Bring Back Our Girls Updates May 8 -9 , 2014 --Lof of egg on faces today ( Hillary Clinton and Nigeria Government / Military regarding Boko Haram ) ........ Boko Haram ups ante in Nigeria -- A Boko Haram attack has killed hundreds in Nigeria's northeast, multiple sources have said, as police offered $300,000 for information leading to the rescue of more than 200 schoolgirls held hostage by the armed group ..... This maasacre occurred after a second kidnapping of another 11 girls ( and rubbing salt into the wounds , the massacre hit a village left unguarded by soldiers looking for the missing girls originally kidnapped. )
Catharsis Ours - 5 hours ago
Nigerian army ignored Chibok attack warning
Sources say the army did not act, despite advance notice of Boko Haram
attack that led to schoolgirls kidnap.
Last updated: 09 May 2014 18:20
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The Nigerian military was given up to four hours' advance notice of the
Boko Haram attack on the boarding school in Chibok from where more than 200
schoolgirls were kidnapped, according to sources independently verified by
Al Jazeera and Amnesty International.
Two... more »
Nigeria: Gold + Oil + The Most Corrupt Government on Earth.

*"Roland was a warrior*
*From the Land of the Midnight Sun*
*With a Thompson Gun for hire*
*Fighting to be done*
*The deal was made in Denmark*
*On a dark and stormy day*
*So he set out for Biafra*
*To join the bloody fray..."*
I quote The Enemy:
*"Biafra, officially the Republic of Biafra, was a secessionist state in
south-eastern Nigeria that existed from 30 May 1967 to 15 January 1970,
taking its name from the Bight of Biafra (the Atlantic bay to its south). *
The inhabitants were mostly the Igbo people who led the secession due to
economic, ethnic, cultural and religious ten... more »

*The final option became a split second of transcendence, an experience
beyond the normal or physical level, and in the process I experienced the
timeless and fearless world of soul consciousness where all answers are
clear but can only be truly accessed through love: Allen L Roland *
I have had many personal experiences of the sensory sensation of being in
the *Unified Field* of love and soul consciousness that exists not only
beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears but this one
stands out ~ for it was a matter of life and death* and it became the
foundation o... more »
Reaping the Whirlwind
May 10, 2014 This will be a short post this week as I have spent most of
the day looking at videos and pictures from the terrible Trade Union
Building fire that took so many lives in Odessa, Ukraine, over … Continue
reading →
My Best Day Ever

Birth is an ending of one chapter of life and the beginning of another. For
me, it was the end of a very painful chapter. Before I even knew I was
pregnant, something felt off. My body felt foreign to me. It ached like I
was hard core training even when I spent all day in bed. Migraines plagued
me and I felt drained of life.
One positive pregnancy test later, I was completely baffled. I had been
pregnant before, I knew what it felt like and it felt nothing like this. I
called the doctor and the nurse told me that I was most likely experiencing
a miscarriage. Since my last doctor t... more »
paris day three encore, in which I admit ptsd is forever
So it turns out it's not just my snoring that's keeping Connie up at night.
It's noises "that sound like you're upset," says my mother. Allan recently
told me that I cry or startle or semi-scream in my sleep on a regular
basis. The incidents I think of as rare are not, in fact, rare. What's rare
is my memory of them.
I feel I must apologize for ever telling a fellow PTSD sufferer that it
eventually goes away. I was 21 years old when I was raped. If it hasn't
gone away by now, it obviously never will. Thank [something] I can sleep
through whatever my subconscious is going through. I ... more »
paris, day three
We are back in our cozy room after a long, fun day with R... who I very
much hope is now on the train to London!
Connie and I went to - you guessed it - Au Tramway for breakfast. We had
the lovely *petit dejeuner complet*, with baguette, butter and jam,
croissants, juice, and for me, plenty of coffee. Then we headed out to the
Gare du Nord, hours in advance of meeting R's train, hoping to buy Connie a
jacket or sweater.
Somehow my mom left her jacket at home in New Jersey. In fact, when we went
to Le Bon Marche on our first day here, it was to buy her a sweater...
until we realiz... more »
These are student projects from my classes this semester at the U of
From the Mexican American Studies Overview class:
Operation Streamline: Student and Community Action
And the Ruben Salazar: Man in the MIddle Documentary blog:
From the Cultural Nutrition Class
An Inspiration to Eat Healthy
Ricas Raices Healthy Cookbook
Pete Aguilar/Joe Baca Mudwrestling In The Inland Empire

DCCC shill and empty suit Pete Aguilar and former Inland Empire Congressman
Joe Baca, are in a full scale civil war leading up to the CA-31 June 3,
primary. Ceding the progressive vote to Eloise Reyes, they are tearing each
other apart for backing from conservative voters, the Republican wing of
the Democratic Party. Defending against a hoard of shady cash that Aguilar
and his allies have deployed against him, Baca's Facebook page, Joe Baca
for Congress, has become a compendium of the sleaze that Steve Israel finds
so attractive in Aguilar, a front for Chamber of Commerce Republica... more »
Presently there is no technological way to clean up the more than 30,000
pieces of space debris orbiting the earth traveling at more than 15,000
mph. Some scientists have long predicted that the International Space
Station (ISS) will be someday destroyed by space junk. It cost $100
billion to build the ISS.
Imagine the cost of cleaning up space debris - the aerospace industry must
be drooling over the thought.
Déjà vu all over again. Again.

As the legendary baseball player Yogi Berra was said to have said when the
ranger confiscated his latest pickernick basket, "It's like déjà vu all
over again"...
There's another mini-storm going on over party political 'plants' on the
BBC's *Question Time *following an overblown anti-UKIP rant from an
audience member this week (basically saying that Nigel Farage is worse than
People quickly betook themselves onto Twitter and Facebook to speculate
about the offending audience member's identity, much as they did when
another 'ordinary audience member' ranted about UKIP be... more »
May 10: How not to be an editor...
...First, though check out the the comments at the bottom of this page.
There is a post there telling where to find platform statements of the two
candidates for city council. And, no, they aren't in the Irving press which
pays professionals good money to write news stories about nothing. They're
in the Moncton Free - which is run by volunteers.
Now - The banner headline on p.1, the story of the day, is "Brush fire
season heating up" Get it? Brush fire - heating up. chuckle. chuckle.
One of the first lessons in journalism school is that you don't make a joke
out of a se... more »
Atomic Energy and the Masculine Will to Power
An interesting headline:
Osaki, T. (2014, May 9). Women’s group launches bid to deny sex to men who
are pro-war. Japan Times, Available,
[paraphrase]A Japanese women’s group has launched a campaign for peace that
makes sex contingent on resistance to Japan’s growing militarization. Women
who participate the campaign must make sure that their sexual partners
are: “not supportive of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to enable Japan to
exercise the right to collective self-d... more »
Hey, Boko Haram Is Just Acting on "Conscience Issues" Too
Justin Trudeau's decree that all future (not, note, sitting shoo-in MPs)
Liberal candidates must be prochoice has twisted up some Conservative
Specifically over the matter of sacrosanct "conscience issues."
Here's the At Issue Panel. The abortion discussion starts around the 7:30
mark. Coyne does his thing. Then Chantal rips him a new one, starting
around 8:40. Coyne is left blubbering "but not all anti-choicers"
bububububub. Mansbridge does his patented mincy mouth. Watch.
Coyne followed this up in the National Post, as did Jen Gerson and today
the august NatPo edito... more »
March4Lies Part 1: Tits 'n Tots
As fern hill reported, this year's March For Lies had a theme: RU4LIFE.
When I arrived on Parliament Hill, where antiChoice and proChoice converge
momentarily before we separate into our camps - their parade, our protest -
a young woman was urging the crowd to call a number on their cell phones to
enter a contest. Technology assists fundraising!
I missed the ruckus that occurred when two Femen interrupted the usual
blathering by priests at the microphone. QMI photographer Tony Caldwell
took a series of photos, here's the gallery. In this one, appalled
antiChoice parents cover th... more »
Rogoff on Piketty
Here, via Project Syndicate. A tidbit:
Would Piketty’s followers be nearly as enthusiastic about his proposed
progressive global wealth tax if it were aimed at correcting the huge
disparities between the richest countries and the poorest, instead of
between those who are well off by global standards and the ultra-wealthy?
let us not forget that when it comes to reducing global inequality, the
capitalist system has had an impressive three decades.
Read more at more »
Forced out for playing 'The Sun Has Got His Hat On'
This is like something out of a Franz Kafka novel (and comes via *Biased
BBC*). I would take a few blood pressure tablets if I were you before
reading it...
*(WARNING: Please don't watch the videos in this post if you are very
easily offended.)*
Imagine you're a veteran BBC local radio broadcaster who specialises in
playing popular music of the mid 20th Century. You've had your own
programme for over two decades, and played all the greats - Irving Berlin,
Cole Porter, the Gershwins, Jerome Kern, Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald,
Frank Sinatra and Nat 'King' Cole (i.e. my dad's kind o... more »
The Coming Death of the New Misogyny
Thursday's *Blurred Lines* is well worth a watch. Kirsty Wark explores the
thesis that popular culture is gripped by a new wave of sexism, and looks
at 90s Laddism, porn and internet cultures as possible drivers. Well known
"moments" of the new misogyny - sexism as a term is too twee to describe it
- such as attacks on and persistent digital harassment of folk like Mary
Beard and Caroline Criado-Perez; the abuse heaped on Anita Sarkeesian for
producing short films, like this one on the representation of women in
video games; the Steubenville rape case, and much else besides.
If yo... more »
Why The L.A. Times Endorsed Lee Rogers Instead Of One Of The Two Right-Wing Republicans
The *L.A. Times* is a Republican-owned newspaper and-- in a heavily
Democratic city-- they tend to bend editorially towards as conservative a
direction as they can get away with. In CA-33, for instance, they backed
the more plausible of the two conservative Democrats-- Matt Miller over the
discredited, sleazy and thoroughly disliked Wendy Greuel-- while ignoring
the progressives in the race, Ted Lieu and Marianne Williamson.
So far, the only other congressional race they endorsed in is for the CA-25
seat being abandoned by arch-reactionary bigot Buck McKeon. The jungle
primary bo... more »
“More or less plain English,” she said! (For weekend wonksters only)
*SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014*
*A masterwork of sustained bad explanation:* On Sunday, April 20, Professor
Gottlieb reviewed Professor Goldstein’s book, Plato at the Googleplex.
His 1200-word piece appeared in the New York Times Book Review section. On
balance, we’d say his review was positive. This was his early nugget:
PROFESSOR GOTTLIEB (4/20/14): *It's diverting to speculate on which aspects
of the Internet would be embraced by time-traveling ancient thinkers.* The
epigrammatic Heraclitus would surely have appreciated the enforced brevity
of Twitter. Diogenes the Cynic, who made a spe... more »
Sing Yourself To Good Health
[image: 15]
*Raw For Beauty Blog*
Important episodes of Oliver Stone's *Untold History of the US*. Covers
end of WW II and the corporate takeover of the US government. The second
one below is the Bush II and Obama years. Worth watching...
So much of what is happening today is connected to these two periods
covered by Stone. Unresolved issues you might say. The revelations about
internal US right-wing forces taking power is fascinating.
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
- George Santayana (Spanish philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist)
Important episode of Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US. Covers the
end of WW II and the turning of US democracy toward corporate control.
Fascinating stuff and so connected to our present moment.
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
- George Santayana (Spanish philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist)

- When you mix corporate power with the government, and the military,
you get the toxic mix of fascism. Mussolini in Italy identified their WW
II era fascist state that way - the wedding of corporations and the
As the global economic and environmental crisis worsens we will be
constantly given the notion that a massive military intervention and
occupation are absolutely necessary in some tragic place and
circumstances. The average person might wonder for a moment, but then they
move on and accept what they hear from their government. We humans are a
b... more »
China Blames U.S. for Maritime Tensions

[image: A Chinese ship (L) uses water cannon on a Vietnamese Sea Guard ship
on the South China Sea near the Paracels islands, in this handout photo
taken on May 3, 2014 and released by the Vietnamese Marine Guard on May 8,
2014]China's foreign ministry blamed the United States on Friday for
stoking tensions in the disputed South China Sea by encouraging countries
to engage in dangerous behavior, following an uptick in tensions between
China and both the Philippines and Vietnam.
China this week accused Vietnam of intentionally colliding with its ships
in the South China Sea after Vie... more »
More scenes of apartheid on the streets of Israel

Following yesterday's post, I thought I'd share some more photos from Real
Jerusalem Streets, these are from Pesach 2014
Apartheid in action?
Free Trade Is Not Fair Trade

Stephen Harper has been travelling around the world, signing "free" trade
deals like a hockey player signing autographs. But those deals have been
particularly detrimental to Ontario's economy -- and The Great Recession
has put the province's manufacturers on the ropes. Tom Walkom writes:
The North American economy is being put through a wringer, in a wrenching
process that began with free trade.
Before free trade, multinationals that wanted to sell in Canada had to
produce here. Trade barriers may have been inefficient. But they kept
people employed.
Indeed, it is only thanks... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Presentation of Gaia Energetics requires Hu-manity vision upgrades
*Presentation of Gaia Energetics requires Hu-manity vision upgrades*
by ÉirePort
Presentation of Gaia Energetics requires Hu-manity vision upgrades, which
are currently in progress.
Succeeding steps in Gaia ascension process follow higher aligned energetics
of Nova Gaia, utilizing upgraded Hu-manity vision.
Current Gaia energetics request precision in intention by Hu-manity.
Blue Star lines supplant previous Gaia grid structures.
ÉirePort | May 9, 2014 at 06:04 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
*"I'm going to be at the parade, in the parade, all around the parade, all
over the parade. I am the parade,"*
Poor Children Need More High Stakes Standardized Testing
How much longer will this nation and its political and corporate leaders
continue to hide behind standardized testing and accountability for
teachers while more children and families slip into poverty because of
greedy sociopaths? Answer: as long as parents and teachers allow it.
Do you think the Acosta children will cause their teachers to lose their
jobs because they didn't reach 100 percent proficiency Arne Duncan and
Margaret Spellings? How many value added points will the children in
Arkansas get because their houses were destroyed by a tornado?
The wizard is standing there wit... more »
Because Darrell Issa Is Too Lame To Have Succeeded At His Witch Hunt… Here's Feebleminded Trey Gowdy!

Several Beltway trade magazines referred to the 7 reactionary Democrats who
voted with the Republicans Thursday for their deranged Benghazi witch hunt
as "moderates." I assume they are using the term "moderate," as they always
do, to connote "not progressive" and as a substitute for "conservative."
"Moderate" actually is the opposite of "extremist," not the opposite of
"liberal." In fact, the 7 pro-witch hunters all among the most conservative
Democrats in Congress. These are the 7 wretched traitors with their
ProgressivePunch crucial vote scores, 2013-2014:
*•* Ron Barber (Blue ... more »
Women in the army, I forsee a problem...
Women serving on the army frontline, I foresee a problem...
*UCLA Professor Blows Whistle on Illegal Admissions Practices at University*
In 1996 California voters passed Proposition 209, which prohibited
discrimination or preferential treatment based on race, ethnicity or sex in
admissions to public college and universities. But the moment 209 passed,
UCLA, according to a new book, set about figuring ways around it.
"Cheating: An Insider's Report on the Use of Race in Admissions at UCLA,"
by Professor Tim Groseclose, describes what the author insists are illegal
admissions practices that he witnessed at UCLA.
Groseclose's story begins in 20... more »
Ukraine Updates May 8 , 2014 -- Russia and Putin's call for the Referendums in Donetsk and Lugansk to be postponed ( rejected by The People's Republic of Dontesk ) , as well as Putin's call for the military Operation ongoing in South Eastern Ukrainian Regions ( rejected by the West and Kiev ) have fallen on deaf ears . So , how can further sanctions creditably be imposed on Rusia moving forward ? Kiev's last minute offer of dialogue probably has come too late in the game and after too much blood has been spilled - so we are set for a tension filled weekend for sure . After the votes - what will Russia do ? Naturally between now and the voting anything can happen and probably will ( note the destruction of ballot and voting equipment in Donetsk today ! )
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
"New Russia" - Is This What East Ukraine Will Soon Look Like?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/08/2014 13:44 -0400
- Romania
- Testimony
- Ukraine
- Unification
As "The Russian Spring" spreads across various sub-regions of current
non-Russian sovereign nations, Russian historian Sergey Lebedev warns that*Transdniestria
is “the first liberated part of Novorossiya,”* Putin’s term for what he
sees as a new state spreading across Ukraine int... more »
Life after death: a debate
Caltech cosmologist Sean Carroll along with Yale neurologist Steve Novella
won this Intelligence Square debate on the proposition "death is not
final". An IQ2 debate about global warming was discussed on this blog 7
years ago.
While the "for" motion (defended by the Harvard-affiliated neurosurgeon
with his own near-death experience Eben Alexander along with medical doctor
and writer Raymond Moody) was favored 37-31 before the debate, many people
have changed their mind and the skeptics (believing that the death is
final, after all) have won the final vote 46-31. I am pretty amazed... more »
Officials: Marine Harrier jet crashes in Arizona; pilot escapes serious injury
The FAA has confirmed a military aircraft has crashed in Arizona.
The Marine aircraft reportedly went down near Sacaton in the Gila River
Indian Community.
According to officials at the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, the pilot was
able to eject safely before the Harrier jet crashed.
Read more
AWACS dispersed to FOBs & FOL: Operations continue as runway restoration begins
With the departure of E-3A tail-number 455 on May 8, 2014, the E-3A
Component’s NATO Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft fleet has
been fully dispersed to its forward operating bases and location as runway
restoration begins at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany.
“With 455 taking off to FOB Konya, restoration work on our 3,048 meter
(10,000 feet) runway can now begin,” explained Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Mueller,
Component commander. “This restoration project will resurface the top
portion of our 30 year-old runway with 30 centimetres of asphalt.”
This effort will eliminate th... more »
Air Force wants to buy deadly Reaper drones

[image: MQ-9 Reaper]The Chief of the Air Force says he would like Australia
to buy armed Reaper drones – the kind used by the US to kill insurgents in
Afghanistan and its neighbourhood – as soon as five years from now.
Air Marshal Geoff Brown has told Fairfax Media he is an enthusiast for
unmanned planes, including the notorious Reaper – and its forerunner the
Predator – that have been used to kill thousands of militants in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.
The drones, which would likely cost at least $12 million each, are
effective for surveillance but can also carry weapon... more »
Here's Why the U.S. Missile Defense System Is Utterly Broken
[image: Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system]Last month, the U.S.
Government Accountability Office issued a scathing report: the system to
defend the U.S. from ballistic missiles doesn't work, and probably never
will. But it gets worse. Congress then voted to expand the broken system,
allocating money for a new, sub-par missile defense site. How did this
It's the latest iteration of federally-funded cognitive dissonance that has
been going on for years. In theory, the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
(GMD) system—which is overseen by the Missile Defense Agency —sho... more »
Iran’s New Destroyer Equipped with UAVs, Cruise Missiles
[image: Damavand (Jamaran-2)]Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah
Sayyari said the country’s second home-made destroyer, dubbed “Damavand”,
has been equipped with naval drones and cruise missiles.
“We have been using sea-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology in
the Navy and now have managed to equip Damavand Destroyer, which is
undergoing final tests, with reconnaissance and combat UAVs,” Sayyari told
the Tasnim News Agency.
He said more details about the drones will be released once the destroyer
is unveiled.
Read more
This Is What Crimea Looks Like from Inside a Fighter Jet in Flight
Breath-taking footage from Russian fighter jets shows the disputed
territory as seen from above.
On Friday, Russian warships and military aircraft took part in a show of
the Federation’s military might in Sevastopol, Crimea, home to a key
Russian naval base.
Footage was recorded and broadcast live from the cabin of one of the
fighter jets flying in close formation, according to RT.
Read more
How US, British forces plan to invade Boko Haram stronghold

[image: RAF - Sentinel R1/ASTOR]Both the United States and British
anti-terror specialists who arrived Nigeria on Friday have started
deploying high-grade surveillance technologies to track down the voice,
location and the fire power of Boko Haram terrorists who kidnapped over 200
girls of a secondary school in Chibok, Borno State.
According to reports on Friday by Daily Mail of the United Kingdom and
other news channels monitored by the Saturday Tribune, the deployment and
further operation of the exercise is being overseen by the Special Forces,
even as there are indications that ... more »
Navy pays a penny to get rid of carrier
[image: USS Saratoga (CV60)]For the second time in two years, the U.S. Navy
is parting with one of its aircraft carriers for a penny.
The Navy announced Thursday it's paying ESCO Marine of Brownsville, Texas,
one cent to take the former USS Saratoga off its hands for dismantling and
The warship was decommissioned in 1994. It is now at Naval Station Newport
in Rhode Island and is expected to be towed to Texas in the summer, the
Navy said.
Read more
Turkey increases military spending

[image: A400M Koca Yusuf]The second of four AWACS [Airborne Warning and
Control System] early warning airplanes that we ordered 10 years ago have
arrived. The third will be delivered later this year.
Foreigners call these planes early warning craft, but we named it "Peace
Eagle." These planes, for which we are paying $1.5 billion, will be in the
air 24 hours and be refueled in flight. They will report to Ankara if even
a bird flies over our borders.
We heard from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the long-stalled
general utility helicopter project was finally signed. We wil... more »
How To Maintain Good Health - A Guest Post by Michael Brine

How to maintain good health:
1 – Buy Organic foods. It nourishes your cells.
2 – Avoid vaccinations at all costs! It damages your immune system for one
3 – Reduce all meats, chicken et al and if possible eliminate totally
and join the Vegetarian family. To-day’s meat is especially not
4 - Maintain a positive mindset. Do not give your power to anger or
negative feelings.
5 - Drinking water. Try and obtain water from healthy flowing creeks and
tampering with it – ie:- adding chlorine et al. Natural water contains
valuable elements
needed by ... more »
Russia trumpets victory in new ‘super modern’ nuclear icebreaker project

[image: Project 22220 nuclear icebreaker]St. Petersburg’s Baltic Shipyard
has won an uncontested tender to build the first three of Russia’s new
generation of “super modern” universal-use nuclear icebreakers in a $2.3
billion windfall for the Unified Shipbuilding Corporation owned
As evidenced by the trumpet call of official Russian media, the
finalization who will build the ships is one more important flagstone in
Russia’s path to dominance in the Arctic, and was cast in terms of a
victorious battle against foreign influence and Russia’s indomitable
declaration that ... more »
Petty Little Things
Working on a post for the economics blog. My technique is to read and
revise from start to finish. At the moment, I'm stuck in the title. My
working title for the post was
*The Myth in 'The Myth of the Great Moderation'*
But the first word in that title tells the reader there are no other myths
in the thing, just the one I'm writing about. I don't want to say that. So
I changed the title to
*A Myth in 'The Myth of the Great Moderation'*
But now it tells the reader that the writer is a wuss. In this form the
title is weak. So hey, take the word out:
*Myth in 'The Myth of the Great Mo... more »
Another Indian naval mishap as fire breaks out on ship

[image: INS Ganga]India’s Navy on Friday said two of its sailors and two
civilian dockyard workers were taken to hospital following an explosion on
the Indian Naval Ship (INS) Ganga in the Mumbai Dry Docks where it was
undergoing repairs and a refit.
Authorities said a loud noise was heard at about 11.15am on Friday in the
boiler room of INS Ganga and added that “the cause of the loud noise was
possibly due to gas accumulation.”
Although several news reports said there was a fire and some naval
personnel were injured, a release from the Ministry of Defence stressed
that “there has ... more »
Alstom takeover poses national security risk to France

[image: FS Charles de Gaulle]A new report argues that the impending sale of
French energy firm Alstom – which builds turbines for France’s Navy –
threatens the country’s national security and independence.
US engineering giant General Electric and German rival Siemens are
currently engaged in a bidding war for Alstom’s energy division.
No matter the outcome, France’s security will be jeopardised, says Eric
Denécé, director of the French Center for Research and Intelligence.
Read more
Love Is The Best Prescription

Calling All Canadian Kids To Toronto on May 24, 2014

[image: Foto: TORONTO GMO-FREE FESTIVAL & FARMERS' MARKET We need your help to make the May 24
events a success....Check out the amazing lineup of speakers and give what
you can. Thank you! In Solidarity ! with the rest of the world, the same
day , one big Global March to protect our Earth, we only have one! Can't
miss this event! we owe it to our Planet Wear Black and Join the Requiem
for Bees,, and join the march to the festival ! No Bees, no life it's that
http://www.TorontoNonGMOCoalitio... more »
Songs for ADD sufferers
Tim Hawkins with a great shortened version of Kenny Rogers' The Gambler
'Newsnight' - 6-9 May

Good morning. Here are the stories chosen for broadcast on this week's
editions of *Newsnight*:
*Tuesday 6/5*
1. *Pfizer v AstraZeneca*: *"Sticking their noses in? The Business
Secretary threatens to change the law. So he could stop a mega-merger. But
why shouldn't American drug giant Pfizer gobble up AstraZeneca if that's
what the market wants?"* Interview with Chuka Umunna MP (Labour) & Margot
James MP (Conservative)
2.* Race in Britain*: *"What does the country see in the mirror? Staring
back right now is a population where 8 million of us are not white. That's
14% of the popul... more »
The World According to TIME Magazine

*May 10, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - TIME Magazine echos Wall Street
and Washington - so when it speaks, readers must listen in that context.
Nothing shows the link between TIME's biased, intentionally misleading
propaganda and the agenda of the corporate-financier elite that rule America better
than the fact that its last managing editor left in 2013 to join the US
State Department. Politico would report in its article, "Richard Stengel
leaving Time for State Department," that:
*Richard Stengel, the top editor of Time magazine for the past seven years,
is planning to step down ... more »
Pink Floyd to the Rolling Stones: Don’t Be Another Brick in Israel’s Apartheid Wall
response to the recent confirmation that the Rolling Stones will play a
concert in June at Israel’s Ramat Gan Stadium, Roger Waters and Nick
Mason – founding members of the legendary British band Pink Floyd, have
written an open letter to their fellow rockers asking them to cancel the
Published Thursday May 1 in Salon, Waters and Mason call upon the
Rolling Stones to respect the
Top neocon propagandist Jonathan Tobin, writing online in *Commentary* today
argues that America’s ‘gift’ of the Iron Dome defence system designed to
counter rocket attacks from Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in
Lebanon, does not mean that Israel should abstain from attacking Iran if
Israel believes Iran is close to a ‘nuclear breakout’. Tobin writes:
*It’s not clear what, if anything, Netanyahu will believe Israel is capable
of doing in response to a “bad deal” with Iran up to and including a strike
on the Islamist regime’s nuclear facilities before it is too late to s... more »
The Beautiful Game and Bad Ass Jerseys:Iran’s Team Melli Prepares for the 2014 World Cup
four days of “fruitful” and “useful” expert-level talks between Iran
and the six world powers known collectively as the P5+1 (Britain, China,
France, Russia, the United States and Germany) wrap up in New York
City, and the next round of ministerial negotiations continue in Vienna
next week, all Iranian eyes are trained intently on this summer’s
international battle of grit, determination,
It's National Train Day!

*by Ken*
For some reason National Train Day wasn't marked on my desk calendar. So
I'm a little late in making my holiday preparations. I assume everyone else
has already figured out which celebrations and which parties to attend.
It's going to be locomotive madness.
According to Wikipedia:
*National Train Day* is a holiday started by Amtrak in 2008 as a method to
spread information to the general public about the advantages of rail
travel and the history of trains in the United States. It is held each year
on the Saturday closest to May 10, the anniversary of the pounding of the ... more »
While Protesting School Closures and Conversions in Philadelphia, Weingarten Begs Congress for Expanded Support for Charter Schools
"It is critical that you adopt proposed amendments providing important
safeguards to ensure that all students have equitable access to charter
schools, and that charters are held to similar standards of accountability
and transparency as traditional public schools."
See the letter here.
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief
of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an
adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses
on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors
Department at the George Washington University entitled "National Security
Decision Making."

New poll by Zogby Analytics (893 likely voters, May 2-3) provides the
latest war temperature test.
"Do you agree or disagree that the United States should use whatever means
it can to prevent Russia from establishing control over eastern Ukraine?"
Agree - 29%
Disagree - 36%
Not Sure - 35%
The American people might not be able to find Ukraine on a map but they are
smart enough to know that we don't need another war.
I would venture to guess that many of the "Not Sure" have been frozen by
the mainstream media's very effective campaign of the demonization of
Reading for points vs. reading for pleasure
Sent to the Christian Science Monitor, May 9, 2014
The book popularity data from "What are kids reading? Books like 'Hunger
Games,' but classics, too," (May 8) comes from reading done in preparation
for tests, not reading for pleasure.
The data comes from reading done as part of the Accelerated Reader (AR)
program. AR sells tests that students take after reading a book. Students
are awarded points depending on how many questions they get right, and can
exchange the points for prizes. Thus, AR readers are reading in order to
score points on AR tests, and try to remember details that... more »
Updates On The Hellstorm: Saudi Arabia Sends Jihadist Terrorists To Ukraine, Turkey Locks Up Promising Young Feminist Mayor, General Sisi Promises To End The Muslim Brotherhood
From a prison cell to the Mayor's office to another prison cell: read more
about the strange journey of 25-year old political activist Rezan Zugurli
in the two articles linked below.
1. The armies of the darkness are descending on Ukraine to fight
pro-Russian activists, protesters, and militants and to secure power for
the usurping coup government in Kiev. The latest group of terrorist
mercenaries are leaving war-torn Syria, after getting their asses kicked,
to head off to eastern Ukraine under the orders of the terrorist ring
leaders in Saudi Arabia. *Stephen Lendman wrote on May ... more »
"The five stages of GOP scandal-mongering," according to Paul Waldman

*And the Borowitz Report has shocking news*
*Earlier this week Dana Milbank devoted a *Washington Post* column, "Meet
the chief prosecutor in the GOP's Benghazi show trial," to Rep. Trey Gowdy
(R-SC), the lying jackass scum-weasel who actually referred to the Benghazi
"select committee" hearings House Speaker "Sunny John" Boehner chose him to
preside over as a "trial."*
*"This contempt vote was like the end of a toddler's tantrum, the final
hoarse scream before the child collapses in an exhausted heap on the
*-- Paul Waldman, in his "Plum Line" post* "The five
stages of G... more »
“7 Best Shakespeare Insults”
*“7 Best Shakespeare Insults”*
by The Huffington Post
"You should be women and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you
are so." Shakespeare employs this biting insult in "Macbeth" to establish
the complete and utter repulsiveness of the three witches. Their "withered
and wild" features cause Macbeth and Banquo to question if the sisters are
even human beings.
"Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee. I
think thou wast created for men to breathe themselves upon you." In "All's
Well That Ends Well," Lafeu hits infamous liar and coward Porolles wit... more »
Satire: “Poll: Millions of Americans Who Need Jobs Want Congress to Get to Bottom of This Benghazi Thing First”
*“Poll: Millions of Americans Who Need Jobs Want Congress *
*to Get to Bottom of This Benghazi Thing First”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— ”Millions of unemployed Americans who
have fruitlessly been looking for work for months are determined that
Congress get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi, a new poll
indicates. According to the survey, job-seeking Americans hope that
Congress will eventually do something about job creation, but they are
adamant that it hold new hearings about Benghazi first.
By a wide majority, respondents to the poll “strongly agre... more »
Imposing condition not to consume alcohol on an alcoholic
In Coombs (2004), 189 C.C.C. (3d) 397 the court held at para 8:
"...Imposing an absolute prohibition on some addicts, including alcoholics, *may
only set them up for failure and ensure that they will be jailed*....";
However, note at para 55: "...Complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol *may
be appropriate in certain circumstances*. Indeed, Parliament recognized
that there could be situations in which such terms would be reasonable..."
Also see para 39:
"...while Parliament insisted that a probation term be "reasonable" as well
as being directed to protection and reintegratio... more »
'The Now Show' defends Clarkson

Tonight's *The Now Show *contained a big surprise - an unexpected defence
of Jeremy Clarkson, complete with a sharp attack on both Labour's Harriet
Harman and the *Daily Mirror* (yes, *Daily Mirror*, not the *Daily Mail*!)
from Radio 4 comedian Jon Holmes.
Yes, of course, he also included a dig at Michael Gove and, yes, this could
be taken as a BBC comedian giving the BBC a helping hand by backing one of
its most profitable cash cows and, yes, there are a fair few holes in his
'logic' here, but I think it's worth transcribing in full for your
entertainment and edification.
Enjoy... more »
The First Official Review of My Book
The first posted review of my newly-released book, A Chronicle of
Echoes, comes from retired Chicago teacher and fellow blogger Ken Previti.
My book became available on on Sunday, April 27, 2014. I believe
Ken bought it immediately. I know that he read it voraciously. Below is
part of Ken’s review of A Chronicle of Echoes, including this […]
The Salon Tal Fortgang reading list!
*FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014*
*Most demonic college freshman in history:* Tal Fortgang is the most
demonic college freshman in world history.
So far.
Still, that makes him a college freshman. In turn, that makes Salon’s
meltdown this week a bit of a milestone in the history in Salonist
breakdowns concerning first-year students.
Background: Fortgang wrote a murky essay for a campus publication at
Princeton. This could have been extremely important, except Fortgang is a
freshman in college and no one cares what he writes or expects him to have
much to say.
No one except the Salonistas! Co... more »
Karl Denninger, “All Children Left Behind”
*“All Children Left Behind”*
by Karl Denninger
“We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot
culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath
the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For
the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our
cultural norm, even our cultural ideal.”
- Carl Bernstein
“What would you expect to happen when government proposes a program, throws
billions of dollars and untold mandates at it, and fails to change the
U.S. high school seniors, wh... more »
Radical chic at 'Newsnight'

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