Rozalla - Are You Ready to Fly?
It's Friday night and the All That Is Solid disco is underway. My pick for
this evening was placed highly in the best dance songs of the 1990s, but
now haunts the backwoods of YouTube and Spotify with other huge and
tragically forgotten tunes of yesteryear. Yet until my dying day I shall
maintain there are fewer better ways to touch off the dance floor than with
this house monster from 1992. Are you ready to fly?
Why Elizabeth Warren Is Backing Brian Schatz Instead Of Colleen Hanabusa

Yesterday, one of the least progressive organizations working on behalf of
Democrats, EMILY's List, sent out an e-mail to their followers-- most of
whom are convinced that EMILY's List is still a thorpughly progressive
outfit as it was years ago-- entitled "Elizabeth Warren's Footsteps." They
are attempting to raise money, primarily to pay their own bloated salaries,
but also to push their awful, conservative candidates, like New Dem Colleen
Hanabusa, who they are running against progressive Senator Brian Schatz.
Schatz is demonstrably better than Hanabusa on every issue, including... more »
Doug Martin's Letter to the Anderson Herald Bulletin
*(The following is Doug Martin's letter to the editors of the Anderson,
Indiana, Herald Bulletin. If you would like to contact that newspaper, you
can at *
*Doug Martin's note to the editors: "My letter is endorsed by ONLY myself.
It does NOT reflect the views toward your paper of any of the panelists
that appeared with me on the Rise Above the Mark event. In fact, none of
the panelists are aware of my writing the letter I submit to your paper.
And I do NOT endorse candidates for political office, since I have problems
with both parties, so the views ... more »
Spanish Inquisition Day 13
Today the bus ride was relatively brief - fifteen km or so out of town (but
on a city bus that made many stops) to Itálica, a second-century Roman
outpost that was left high and dry when the Guadalquivir River shifted its
course due to silation after the removal of forest cover. Without a water
supply the city was abandoned and no new settlement was constructed,
leaving a remarkably well-preserved site.
Danni and Professor Ginnet are dwarfed by the amphitheater.
Travel bug "Little Roswell" surveys the amphitheater from on high.
And why was Little Roswell out and about? Oh, checki... more »

*An inner revolution is happening today throughout the world~ a spiritual
conspiracy against the status quo and a world seemingly devoid of spiritual
meaning. It cannot be stopped because it is tapping into our individual DNA
and the real reason we are here on this planet ~ to bear the beams of love
and help the planet evolve**.* *It's a spiritual conspiracy and there are
sleeper cells in every nation, every state, every town and every
neighborhood ~ it is alive and growing and cannot be stopped. We are slowly
creating a New World Order where our minds are driven by our hearts, so... more »
Christopher Pissarides
A profile of the Nobel laureate.
Are We Headed To the “Bloodiest Thing the World Has Seen” Or Just Another Orchestrated American Disaster Rewarding the Connected/Rich?
Piketty — whose work I relied on for years and who substantiates a lot of
things that I’ve written with his research — argues that the concentration
of wealth will just continue and continue and continue. As Herbert Stein,
Richard Nixon’s chief economic adviser, famously said, a trend will only
continue as long as it can. We will either, through peaceful, rational
means, go back to a system
Danish documentary about the social and human price of the 2014 FIFA World
Cup in Brazil.
Congress Passes A First Step Towards Marijuana Legalization

The House was busy last night. At just past 1AM they passed, H.R. 4660, a
huge appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice,
Science, and related agencies. The final vote was 321-87. Sounds routine
and humdrum? There were 25 amendments, 14 of which got through. The one
everyone is talking about today is a bipartisan amendment from two
Californians, Dana Rohrabacher ® and Sam Farr (D), which restricts the Drug
Enforcement Administration from targeting medical marijuana operations in
states where it is legal. The House has never passed any pro-pot bill
before. THi... more »
Degeneracy Today, or The Coercion of Dogma Versus the Coercion of a Design
Steven Goddard has a post on "A Dark Age of Degeneracy", speaking about the
state of the Democratic party in the U.S. now. This is no news to me, as I
have been referring to them as "The Insane Left" for most of Obama's
presidency, certainly since the passage of "Obamacare" in early 2010. But
the degeneracy is not limited to politics, nor to recent years. My response
to Goddard's post follows:
*If you "believe" in undirected (Darwinian) evolution (evolution by
"natural selection" of random mutations--the "greenhouse effect" of
biological science--which is the consensus theory and th... more »
Obama Defends His Foreign Policy???
Don't get too excited folks. He's defending himself against that portion of
humanity who think he's been too *restrained*. Too *meek and mild*.
Yep. He's defending himself against the Sean Hannity/Bill Kristol/Dick
Cheney school of chickenhawks. The people who are so completely delusional
that they think the invasion of Iraq was a *success*! They call Obama, he
of murderous drone-strikes across the Middle East, he of troop surges in
Afghanistan, he who tried to negotiate an extension of the presence of US
troops in Iraq after bush II's negotiated withdrawl date, he of the coup in
Ho... more »
AVOIDING THE GAPS: A mockingbird down!
*FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014*
*Part 4—Watching the gaps get suppressed:* It’s a sin to kill a
mockingbird. Gregory Peck said that.
Something else is sinful too. It’s a sin when our journalists fail to
report—*refuse* to report—our black kids’ substantial score gains.
Singing sweetly, the nation’s reporters and pundits routinely repeat elite
propaganda about stagnant test scores in our allegedly failing schools. But
how odd:
As pundits have done this in recent decades, black kids’ test scores in
reading and math have risen rather sharply. These test scores come from the
National Assessm... more »
Top Ten LA Radio Shows That Are Rated Higher Than Rush Limbaugh's

On May 15, Media Matters' Eric Boehlert followed up on his April
dispatch revealing that powerful conservative icon Rush Limbaugh's flagship
station, KEIB, finished 37th out of a market of 45 radio outlets. The May
report proved even worse for the AM political pundit: Boehlert reports that
KEIB had slipped to 39th place in the field of 45 and there's no end in
sight for Limbaugh's plummeting ratings. Included in the Nielsen Radio
report is that, beating Limbaugh in the LA radio market, the second largest
in the nation, were "12 non-English stations and four college outlets." Bu... more »
Mike's Story Part 35 - Bonding
* "When I was about ten and had just moved to a new school, we had
rope-climbing in gym. I'd never climbed a rope and I sucked. I became a
champion rope-climber after that.*
* 'Another time, also when I was ten, the kids were changing in the
locker room at the pool, I was uncircumcised so I made my dad wait with me
in the parking lot until the kids were done. He was furious. He spanked
me. When I was twelve I got circumcised." *
Then he told another story from his twelfth year - and not, as I'd
incorrectly remembered, his teens, - of his father's making him a
scre... more »
Just call them terrorists
or Somali pirates
call them separatists
or pro-Russian
call them anything
and just keep
shelling them
into submission
or civil war
or onto refugee camps
or bantustans
or reservations
Just make sure that
the oil-i-garchy
can grab the land
the resources
the riches
for exploitation
just make sure NATO
can set up bases
with interceptor missiles
on the Bear's border
It won't be long
the Bear's lair
is next
just call them terrorists
Management-Side Firm Whines Because EEOC Mediators Are Doing Their Jobs
The law firm Fox Rothschild, LLP has posted a series of blog posts where
they complain bitterly about EEOC mediators. They claim the mediators are
unfair because they have the nerve (the noive!) to tell employers that EEOC
could enter a cause finding in their case. The whining began with a survey
by Merrily Archer where she asked management-side folks who participated in
EEOC mediations whether or not mediators mentioned "cause" findings as a
possibility. She found that they did so in 73.7% of cases. In 70% of cases,
mediators mentioned to employers that EEOC could possibly bring a s... more »
Extending time to move in Court of Appeal
*D.G. v. A.F*., 2014 ONCA 436:
[11] In my view, the test to apply to the applicant’s request for an
extension of time should be the same as the test on a motion to set aside a
Registrar’s order dismissing an appeal for delay, since such an order was
at the root of the motion before Doherty J.A. That test was succinctly
stated by Weiler J.A. in *Paulsson v. Cooper,* 2010 ONCA 21, [2010] O.J.
No.123, at para. 2:
The factors a court should consider in deciding whether to grant this type
of motion are well-known. They are: whether the applicant had an intention
to appeal within t... more »
Another of the BBC's dirty little biases on show
The BBC's anti-India/pro-Pakistan bias is often pretty obvious but today it
has reached a new level. The story of the poor Pakistani woman stoned to
death outside of a Lahore court has now been relegated from the BBC news
front page. However the little pro-Pakistan elves at the BBC have put
another anti-India story on the front page in its place. Yes the story from
India is really terrible but the BBC's news priorities do shine through,
see how they report the two stories below...
The BBC, beyond contempt.
The Sickness Of Angelina Jolie: Angelina Jolie On Maleficent - "I Was Drawn To The Evil"
I periodically take some shots at the crap coming out of "Hollywood" or
what I can safely call..."Jewlywood", and the so called "movies" that they
produce for both propaganda and for clouding the minds of gentiles.... Now
Hollywood is releasing a new garbage movie called "Maleficent", and from
what I have seen, there is a horrendous amount of satanic symbology in this
latest piece of crap. And of course the leading actress in this sham is
none other that the ultra-pyschotic Jewess herself, Angelina Jolie.
I put out an article two years back exposing the insanity of Angelina
Jolie, ... more »
This week on his 'WallBuilders Live' radio show, debunked Christian
historian David Barton compared Native Americans of the 1700s to modern day
terrorists and explained why the U.S. had to commit genocide of Native
This same way of thinking can be seen in operation today as the "christian"
US kills people all over the world that stand up against the resource
extraction policies of the corporate controlled Pentagon.
This week on his 'WallBuilders Live' radio show, debunked Christian
historian David Barton compared Native Americans of the 1700s to modern day
terrorists a... more »
'Holding Brad Wall Accountable' - Sask New Democrats Meet In Annual Convention

*Saskatchewan's New Democrats are holding their annual convention this
weekend in the friendly city of Moose Jaw. Party Leader Cam Broten has
signaled that New Democrats are ready and able to hold Brad Wall
accountable for the fact that his so called 'boom' has busted for many
citizens of the province. The hype built up about the prosperity simply
does not match with reality. *
*The following letter to the editor appears in the Yorkton News Review:*
*May 28, 2014 *
* To the Editor:**This spring session, the Saskatchewan NDP’s focus was on
the government’s neglect of the basics in... more »
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam. via
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Temporary Foreign Wanking
Evan Solomon asks why restaurants don't just raise wages to attract workers
: "Guess what? This is the criticism - raise the wages and they will come."
Jerry Lundegaard Garth Whyte of *Restaurants Canada* : "So let's raise it
to $100 an hour - we'll still need them [temporary foreign workers]. That's
the issue, we have, uh, you know, people, we're, this is well above the
average wage, we're putting it well above ... "
Ok, let's look at that. This is Slide #20 in a 2012 powerpoint presentation
given by Ron Reaman, VP, Ontario, of *Restaurants Canada, *formerly known*
as *CRFA [*Can... more »
What would be the point of an abortion debate?
About that debate that nobody wants and yet seems to be raging all the
fucking time nonetheless...
I will have more to say about this (biiiig surprise, regular DJ! readers
are thinking), but for now (I'm really busy) I just want to put a couple of
points out there.
Here's a question no one seems to be asking: What would be the purpose of
an abortion debate?
Rabid political partisans are obviously betting that it can score them some
votes or at least some points.
Rabid anti-choicers want to roll history backwards and if not recriminalize
abortion altogether (which even they admit i... more »
Do Famous People Sway Voters?

The big endorsement news in L.A. yesterday was when Mayor Eric Garcetti--
or as many people around here refer to him, future POTUS Eric Garcetti-- backed
Ted Lieu for Congress in the CA-33 seat Henry Waxman is giving up.
"Tuesday's election is extremely important for the future of our region,"
said Mayor Garcetti. That's why I am endorsing Ted Lieu for Congress. Ted
is not only the most qualified candidate, but the type of person we need in
Washington-- intelligent, ethical and relentless as a representative for
our community. He has shown tremendous leadership on important issues... more »
Gold Report May 30 , 2014 -- Ed Steer's usual collection of News , data and views touching on gold and the precious metals ...... additional itms of note after " The Wrap "
The gold price did little of anything during most of the Far East trading
session on their Thursday. Then shortly after 2 p.m. Hong Kong time, an
HFT-type dropped the price by about seven bucks. The low of the day came
shortly after the London open---and from there it traded flat until 10
minutes before the 8:20 a.m. EDT New York open. The rally that began at
that juncture got capped moments after London closed at 11 a.m. EDT---and
jus... more »
LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed: An Interview With Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist For The Lakers by Joe Salama
[image: DrCateShanahan]Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D.
LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed: An Interview with Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist for
the Lakers
by Joe Salama
Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund, 23 May, 2014
*Joe Salama, attorney and author of The Paleo Miracle, interviewed Cate
Shanahan, M.D., the nutritionist for the L.A. Lakers basketball team. Dr.
Cate Shanahan promotes fats from pastured animals while FTCLDF promotes
farmers who raise those animals!*
*What do you do for the Lakers?*
We operate on several levels so answering the question is a little
complicated but the basics are th... more »
The Madness Of King Stephen

Tim Harper writes that the the parliamentary press gallery has always known
that the prime minister has a hair trigger temper:
When Stephen Harper returned from political exile to lead the Canadian
Alliance 12 years ago, a few of the more cynical members of the
Parliamentary Press Gallery played a little game on the side.
We plotted how we could get a notoriously volatile Harper to “blow’’ at the
mike on the opposition side of the House of Commons foyer.
Such was his reputation for a short fuse, a man who would not abide
provocative or ill-informed questions from journalists, we t... more »
Local Council By-Elections May 2014
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
0 ... more »
Natural Wrinkle-Reducing Remedies With Mary Kremer

Have you ever wondered how to make your face look younger and fresher,
without having the “worked on” look associated with plastic surgery? Or
maybe you’re just like me, and any kind of medical procedure freaks you
out. I’m all about all-natural remedies, and I know I’m not alone. So here
are a few natural remedies to help you revitalize your face and decrease
the look of wrinkles.
Milk and Honey The land flowing with milk and honey wasn’t just abounding
in food, it had a very effective facial cleanser. That’s right, milk and
honey make a wonderful facial cleanser, and they’ve be... more »
War Watch May 30 , 2014 -- Regardless of troop levels remaining in Afghanistan after the end of 2014 ( allegedly 9800 for 2015 , half of that for 2016 and then complete removal at the end of 2016 ) , an army of private contractors will be in country ...... ....... Iraq death dealing continues unabated ...... ...... Libya’s Dueling PMs Add to Uncertainty Over Parliament’s Future Already Facing Coup, Parliament's Internal Split Grows ........ Syria Updates from Syria Direct
WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014 09:35 AM EDT
Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of
contractors in AfghanistanWhat is a huge army of private contractors
secretly doing in Afghanistan? A leaked PowerPoint presentation explainsTIM
- Share 621
- 383
- 97
[image: Exclusive: New document details America's war machine -- and secret
... more »
Malaysia Airline flight 370 Mystery May 27 -28 , 2014 -- Officially back to square one ( Pings not related to flight 370 black boxes which are now dead ........ Malaysia Prime Minister declines to meet family members during China visit ( think those families were made before ? ) ......... MH370 FAMILIES FURY: Satellite data released 'INCOMPLETE' & ‘MAKES NO SENSE’ ( Why are we not surprised by this ? )
Catharsis Ours - 10 hours ago
Najib won’t meet MH370 families during China visit
MAY 28, 2014
2 Google +0 0
[image: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will not meet the families of
missing passengers, about two-thirds of whom were Chinese during his visit
to China. ― Reuters pic]Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will not meet
the families of missing passengers, about two-thirds of whom were Chinese
during hi... more »
In the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun
In the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun. via In
the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun.Filed under:
PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Overnight News and Data May 30 , 2014 - Focus Asia and Europe..
Zero Hedge ....
What Q2 GDP Surge? After March Spending Spree, Tapped Out Consumers Had
Biggest Spending Drop Since 2009
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/30/2014 09:04 -0400
- Lehman
- Personal Income
- Savings Rate
Last month, when we noted the massive surge in Personal Spending *which was
funded entirely by the depletion of personal savings, *we said that "since
spending was so much higher than income for one more month, at least
according to the bean counters, the savings rate tumbled and at 3.8% (down
from 4.2% in Februa... more »
Vegan Recipe - Thai Tempeh & Vegetable Red Curry

*I'd like to introduce you to our guest chef, Emma, of Coconut and Berries.
As a child, Emma didn't like food. By her late teens, food had become the
enemy. Fast forward a few years when, at university, Emma was first
introduced to veganism. A plant-based diet appealed to her and turned
things around. In fact, Emma credits a vegan diet for her personal
recovery.Emma now embraces healthy, vegan food. She loves to cook and
shares her unique, and delicious, creations on her blog. I found "drool
worthy" dishes like a stunning Rustic Beetroot Galette and beautiful Raw
Mango Cocon... more »
Polls and Propaganda

*Tiny, but effective.*
The latest TISR poll on Ma, cross-strait affairs, etc, is out. Taipei Times
summed it up:
Asked whether the relationship between Taiwan and China is
“state-to-state,” 59.7 percent gave a positive response, up from 56.2
percent in a similar survey conducted by TISR in April last year, with 25
percent saying “no” and 15.3 percent declining to answer.
The survey, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, also found that 61 percent of
those polled did not agree that Taiwan and “mainland China” belong to “one
China,” while 26.8 percent agreed and 12.2 percent did not res... more »
10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Immunity by Christina Sarich

10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Immunity
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 29 May 2014
I've experienced the somewhat miraculous healing properties of essential
oils first hand. When getting over a long bout of an upper respiratory
sickness, I bathed in a combination of ylang ylang, white thyme, jatamansi,
lavender, marjoram, and sandalwood oils. A few drops of each is all it
took. I soaked away sore muscles, and the aroma itself was exhilarating,
but what was most interesting is that right after stepping out of this
healing bath, I was able to cough up some p... more »
F-35 and hot air
anyone who still follows the very expensive comedy of errors that is
the F-35, the latest news is that the air from the big hole what all the
hot air blows out on the vertical take off/land "B" model is too hot
for most landing surfaces. Apparently it requires a special military
grade concrete mix, or a special 30 ton landing pad, which effectively
negates the entire point of a V/STOL flying
Last warship built in Portsmouth is handed over to Royal Navy of Oman

[image: Al Rasikh]A ceremony has been held to mark the handing over of a
warship to the Royal Navy of Oman.
Al Rasikh is the third and final Khareef class corvette built by BAE
Systems in Portsmouth.
She is the last warship to be constructed in Portsmouth after the company’s
announcement that shipbuilding will end in the city.
Read more
*British Antarctic survey dynamites W. Antarctic scare*
*Glacial retreat shown to be a recurring natural phenomenon. Journal
abstract follows article below*
Media reports have hyped the collapse of several large western Antarctic
glaciers, quoting scientists who said the melting ice could raise sea
levels by another 4 feet. Left-leaning news outlets ran with headlines like
“This Ice Sheet Will Unleash a Global Superstorm Sandy That Never Ends” and
“Global warming: it’s a point of no return in West Antarctica.”
“The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppa... more »
F-35 Achieves Three Major Flight Test Milestones On Same Day

[image: F-35C Lightning II]In three separate flight tests on May 27,
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II aircraft demonstrated air-to-air combat
capability, completed the first flight test with the next level software
load and accomplished a landing at the maximum test speed and drop rate.
In the Point Mugu Sea Test Range airspace off the Central California coast,
an F-35B demonstrated the jet’s air-to-air combat capability when it
sequentially engaged two aerial targets with two AIM-120 Advanced Medium
Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) during a Weapon Delivery Accuracy
Tes... more »
Russia to Launch Fleet of Mini Satellites in June

[image: RS-20 ICBM]Russia will launch a cluster of about three dozen
mini-satellites aboard a converted Soviet ICBM in late June as part of a
Russian-Ukrainian joint project, contrary to reports that the crisis in
Ukraine had jeopardized the program, a top space official said.
The satellites will be launched from a RS-20 Intercontinental Ballistic
Missile, or ICBM, that has been converted into a Dnepr rocket. The
Moscow-based Kosmotras International Space Company sells these rockets for
commercial launches under a 1997 project by the Russian and Ukrainian
governments to convert Sovi... more »
New deal to protect UK helicopters

[image: AW159 Wildcat]BAE Systems has been awarded a £16.7 million ($27.9
million) contract to produce its third-generation common missile warning
system (CMWS) equipment for a range of UK military helicopters.
Intended to replace current equipment and also to be installed on new-build
helicopters, the system integrates “hostile fire indication, missile
warning and data recording capabilities into a single unit”, BAE says.
This will provide UK pilots with “enhanced detection [and evasion] of small
arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades, improving their safety and mission
effective... more »
US spy drones flies in UK airspace for the first time

[image: RQ-4 Global Hawk]A US spy drone has flown through UK airspace for
the first time, the Ministry of Defence has said.
The unarmed and unmanned Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft was taking
part in a Nato exercise and flew in segregated airspace.
The drone entered UK airspace on three occasions in the last month.
Read more
Airbus Teams with Provincial Aerospace for Fixed-Wing SAR project

[image: C295 Casa]Airbus Defence and Space and Provincial Aerospace (PAL)
announced today they have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to bid
for Canada’s fixed-wing search and rescue (FWSAR) project.
Provincial Aerospace is a fully integrated international aerospace and
defence company headquartered in St. John’s, NL, Canada. Under the MOU,
Provincial Aerospace will provide in-service support (ISS) and other
expertise for the fleet of C295 aircraft being offered by Airbus Defence
and Space to replace Canada’s aging CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130 aircraft
currently being used for... more »
House panel snubs Pentagon on defense spending

[image: USS George Washington]The Pentagon faces election-year roadblocks
in persuading Congress to back cost-saving defense cuts as the military
moves away from robust wartime budgets.
The House panel that decides defense spending came out with a $570 billion
blueprint Thursday that spares the USS George Washington aircraft carrier,
gives military personnel a 1.8 percent pay raise and rebuffs Pentagon
efforts to make troops and their families pay slightly more for housing and
groceries at on-base commissaries.
The spending bill echoes the broad defense policy bill that the House
o... more »
New Chinese 052D Destroyers, 3 In A Row At A Shipyard

[image: Three Type 052D Destroyers]Three Type 052D Luyang III guided
missile destroyer (DDG), seen here in various stages of construction, are
lined together at the Jiangnan Changxingdao Shipyard.
The first Type 052D DDG, the Kunming, has already entered into PLAN service
in March 2014.
The second 052D, on the left, may enter service in the second half of 2014,
while the two less completed destroyers to its right, will be commissioned
in 2015.
Read more
"Never-before seen color footage" reinforces Holohoax
Recently released "never-before seen color footage shot by *a Hollywood
filmmaker* during World War II has revealed the U.S. Army’s discovery of
the Dachau concentration camp," reports the Jewish newspaper *The
Algemeiner* in an effort to reinforce and perpetuate *the fake Jewish
"Holocaust" narrative of WWII*. The *article* continues:
In several graphic clips, the film documents troops as they came upon *piles
of emaciated bodies of Jews laying in and alongside boxcars in the
notorious death camp*.
Some were lying frozen in the snow. Others were strewn on the ground near
still-bur... more »
Michelle Obama to help lay keel for new submarine

[image: USS Illinois]First lady Michelle Obama on Monday will help lay the
keel for a new submarine under construction in Rhode Island.
She is scheduled to speak at a ceremony at Electric Boat's manufacturing
plant in North Kingstown for the future USS Illinois, her office said
Wednesday. The 13th Virginia-class submarine is named after her home state.
The first lady is the ship's sponsor. In a Navy tradition, she is expected
to write her initials on a metal plate then a welder will inscribe them.
The plate will later be mounted on the submarine.
Read more
Fourth Yasen nuclear submarine to join ranks of Russian Navy
[image: Project 885M Yasen class SSN]The fourth multirole nuclear submarine
of the upgraded Project 885M (code name: Yasen) will be laid down at the
Sevmash shipyard (Severodvinsk) on July 19, a source in the shipbuilding
industry told Interfax-AVN on Thursday.
"This will already be the fourth consecutive nuclear submarine codenamed
Yasen and the third consecutive upgraded ship of Project 885M to be laid
down at Sevmash. It will be laid down along with the fifth Borei, Knyaz
Oleg," the source said.
He recalled that the Project 885 Yasen head multirole fourth-generation
nuclear sub... more »
Portugal to induct Harpoon Block II for submarines in 2014

[image: NRP Tridente]The Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa) is planning
to introduce the UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon Block II missile later this year to
equip its two Type 214 (locally known as Type 209PN) Tridente-class attack
submarines NRP Tridente (S 160) and NRP Arpão (S 161).
Eight Portuguese Navy RGM-84 Block I surface-launched anti-ship missiles
are being adapted into Block II weapons in Den Helder, the Netherlands,
with the installation of upgrade kits supplied by Boeing, the missile's
original equipment manufacturer.
Upgrade of the first missile was completed on schedule at the ... more »
Fifth Borei-class nuclear submarine to be constructed for Russian Navy
[image: Project 955A Borei class SSBN]The nuclear-powered ballistic missile
submarine *Knyaz Oleg*, the fifth to be built under Project 955A Borei,
designed by Rubin Central Design Bureau, will be laid down at the Sevmash
Shipyard on July 19, a source in the shipbuilding industry told
Interfax-AVN on Thursday. "The fifth Borei will be called Knyaz Oleg."
"It will be laid down at the Sevmash on July 19," the source said.
He also said that the Knyaz Oleg will become the second nuclear submarine
to be built under the improved project 955-A.
Read more
Measure for measure: debaters love to hate genuine quantum mechanics
*Virtually all popular preachers about quantum mechanics are hopelessly
If you have 100 spare minutes, you may want to watch this debate on the
foundations of quantum mechanics:
Video, event web page, Preposterous Universe.
The name of the debate, Measure For Measure, is a Shakespeare's play. It
may also express one idea about the measurement in quantum mechanics or
another, e.g. the correct idea that the measurement and the influence on
the measured system is needed to find some information – to measure in the
epistemic sense (to find out).
This conversation took place ... more »
Rock the Hill 2014
*Rock the Hill News Release*
Ottawa, May 28, 2014 –Veterans, families and fellow Canadians will come
together on Parliament Hill beginning June 4, 2014. This peaceful gathering
is set to be the largest demonstration in support of veterans since the
First World War, which began 100 years ago.
Unlike the politically scripted photo ops of military members and veterans
which have inundated Canada’s media these past eight years, “Rock the Hill”
is a truly grassroots apolitical initiative bringing Canadians together
with veterans and their families.
*From their website : *
"Ca... more »
Did You Think Democrats Protected Tenants From Predatory Developers?
Yesterday, tragically, the Democratically-controlled California State
Senate sided with predatory real estate speculators who are destroying the
whole concept of San Francisco as a diverse, working class city by
displacing and uprooting tenants. There was an 18-19 vote against SB 1439,
Mark Leno's crucial Ellis Act reform bill. Ted Lieu rushed back to
Sacramento from his campaign in CA-33 to voted for Leno's bill.
This morning, San Francisco attorney and trusted tenants' rights advocate
Paul Hogarth had a glimmer of good news: "It's not over; the bill will be
reconsidered either ... more »

Lazy day today. Got up and went running, swimming, then decided to take a
nap by the pool in the shade. Woke up a little red. I guess you still get
sun even in the shade? Weird. Sunscreen next time......Still a nice nap.
Got up and did some chores around the house and made Kurt breakfast.
Learned living here that eggs are Gretel's favorite food. Every time I
even crack an egg, she is by me waiting for them to be done cooking. She
is obsessed. We never made eggs in MI, so I guess we never knew this until
The AC guy came and worked on the units today some more and clea... more »
Snowden catches NSA in a lie ( May 30 , 2014 ) ......NSA releases Snowden email after denying its existence --- Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden did raise questions with top NSA lawyers, the agency admitted on Thursday. Snowden responded by saying the released emails are incomplete, and that NSA misdirection “raises serious concerns.” .......
NSA releases Snowden email after denying its existence
Published time: May 29, 2014 20:18
Edited time: May 30, 2014 02:05
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[image: A giant screen shows fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden
(top) delivering a speech, on May 16, 2014 in the northern German city of
Hamburg (AFP Photo / Axel Heimken)]
A giant screen shows fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden (top)
delivering a speech, on May 16, 2014 in the northern German city of Hamburg
(AFP Photo / Axel Heimken)
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NSA leaks
Information Technology, Intelligence,Internet, Law, Mass... more »
Asia horror show ( May 30 , 2014 ) - No , not that one ....... Abenomics Suffers Crippling Blow: Economy Sputters As Inflation Soars, BOJ QE Delayed Indefinitely , China's Housing Bubble Desperation In Six Words: "Buy One Floor, Get One Free" .......
Abenomics Suffers Crippling Blow: Economy Sputters As Inflation Soars, BOJ
QE Delayed Indefinitely
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2014 22:28 -0400
- Barclays
- China
- El Nino
Following last night's record plunge in Japanese retail sales, tonight was
another slew of crushingly bad data for Abe and his motley crew of money
printers to reflect on. First *Household Spending cratered 4.6% YoY - its
biggest drop since the Tsunami* (and markedly worse than expectations which
were bad enough due to the tax hik... more »
Technical Difficulties
Apologies, my ISP, a small local company out here in the Arizona desert,
has suffered a catastrophic system failure which may take several days to
repair. Posting is suspended until the situation is resolved. - CP
Stop the presses! Via Twitter, a shocking revelation about Dana Milbank's shopping activities

*Let's all tweet like the birdies tweet . . . .*
*by Ken*
It's known in certain (very small) circles that I am not the world's most
energetic enthusiast of Twitter, or of tweetin generally. I suppose it
could be argued that all those people pointlessly twittering their lives
away are making a larger contribution to society than if they attempted to
get a life, but this distinction between worthlessnesses doesn't seem to me
worth discussing.
Case in point: this tweet (I assume) from Dana Milbank in response to this
other tweet.
I suppose, again, it could be argued that my citing... more »
Neocons Yowl Like Scalded Cats Over Obama Speech

President Barack Obama gave his heralded speech to the cannon fodder at
West Point yesterday and the neocons went batshit in that the emperor
failed to give a full-throated endorsement of their insane ideology of
global conquest. By the time that the last words were ticking off of the
teleprompter the neocon propaganda flagship at the Washington Post had
already published a blistering screed by their morally bereft, warmongering
editorial board denouncing what was in actuality a support of continued
American interventionism by the Commander in Chief.
The editorial board screed, "At... more »
Angelina Jolie on Maleficent- "I was drawn to the evil"
Angelina, the death angel was "drawn to the evil"? Imagine my non
After all this women has hoodwinked* ( to deceive by false appearance
)*the world with her global do gooder facade. Maleficent is, in my
Angelina's inner being on display.
Noticed, I didn't call it 'soul'? Why would I? That woman doesn't have
Is she evil? I believe so. I don't believe she has one shred of humanity
humanitarianism anywhere in the vessel she inhabits Notice, I don't call
a body? Humans have bodies.* Evil has a vessel. * A means to spread
evil.* Vessel- a person in... more »
Ballmer Baller: Former Microsoft CEO submits highest bid To Buy Clippers ( $2 Billion ) This would be the 2nd Highest Price Paid For Any US Sport Team Ever ...... However , don't expect Donald Sterling to make things easy for the NBA !
Ballmer Baller: Former Microsoft CEO To Buy Clippers For $2 Billion: 2nd
Highest Price Paid For Any US Sport Team Ever
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2014 19:32 -0400
Former MSFT CEO, Steve Ballmer, who earlier was said to have put in a $1.8
billion bid for the LA Clippers, is reported to have won the bidding war
for the troubled sports team, and will shelve out a massive $2 billion: a
record price for any NBA team, and four times the $550 million that was
paid earlier this month for the Milwaukee Bucks. It is also the second
highest pr... more »
Looming " Color Revolution " in the US ? May 29 , 2014 ....... While US Government outrage flared when civilians were killed protesting in Egypt , Syria , Libya and the Ukraine , do you know the US Government also has a Directive permitting use of military force against US Civilians ? Meet Directive 3025.18 Granting Obama Authority To Use Military Force Against Civilians .....Think this is theoretical , then consider this -- A U.S. official said the Obama administration considered but rejected deploying military force under the directive during the recent standoff with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his armed supporters.
Meet Directive 3025.18 Granting Obama Authority To Use Military Force
Against Civilians
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2014 12:50 -0400
- Obama Administration
- Totalitarianism
While the "*use of armed [unmanned aircraft systems] is not authorized,*" The
Washington Times uncovering of a 2010 Pentagon directive on military
support to civilian authorities details what critics say is a troubling
policy that *envisions the Obama administration’s potential use of military
force against Americans*. As one defense official proclaimed... more »
Bonds globally rally even as Banks bash and discourage buying bonds ???? May 29 , 2014 News and views -- As Primary Dealers And Banks Bash Treasurys, Here Is What They Are Really Doing
Behold! The Epic Treasury Short Covering This Week
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/30/2014 16:25 -0400
It must be technicals, right? As we discussed here, there are numerous
reasons for rates to be low and going lower but the world of talking-heads
will have us all believe that this is simple positioning and the rally is
'short covering'. In the interests of helping to dismiss that myth, here is
CFTC's 10Y Treasury Futures Total Shorts... showing the 'dramatic' short
covering that occurred this week...
*Charts: Bloomberg*
Scotiabank As... more »
Piketty's Envy Problem
French rockstar economist Thomas Piketty has responded to his critics,
mostly to the *Financial Times* who claimed his data is shoddy,
cherrypicked and some of it “made up out of thin air.” Tyler Cowen reports:
There are 4,400 words here, mostly on the *FT* kerfluffle, and Neil Irwin
summarizes it here: “The short version: He doesn’t give an inch.”
In this Guest Post by Peter Schiff, Schiff argues Piketty has an envy
problem – and it’s this most fundamentally that explains his popularity.
*Piketty's Envy Problem*
There can be little doubt that Thoma... more »
After Obama Talks Of Arming Syria Rebels, UN Tells ICP Ban Ki-moon Urges "Stop the Flow"
*This photo is from 2009. The war criminals are the two gentlemen on the
*Video Title: After Obama Talks Of Arming Syria Rebels, UN Tells ICP Ban
Ki-moon Urges "Stop the Flow." Source: InnerCity Press. Date Published: May
28, 2014. Description:*
As Obama Talks Arming Syria Rebels, UN Says Ban Urges Stop the Flow
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, May 28 -- Increased support to the armed Syria opposition
was a theme or meme in US President Barack Obama speech at West Point, and
in his Senior Administration Official's press call afterward. So Inner City
Press minutes lat... more »
Smearing of Snowden Begins after NBC Interview

The most hated man in America today, at least by the unprincipled
charlatans in the establishment is former government contractor turned NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden and the lackeys of the corrupt National
Security State and the polluted Obama regime have attacked him as they were
a pack of mange crazed dogs. The running man managed to hit the big time -
at least in America where television is the drug of choice - in an exclusive
interview with NBC's Brian Williams. It was Snowden's big public relations
opportunity after months of being kicked around by scum the likes of Peter... more »
On the “Success” of a 100% Charter Recovery School District
On May 29, 2014, Lindsey Layton of the Washington Post wrote this
article on the conversion of the state-run New Orleans Recovery School
District’s (RSD) conversion to charters. I would like to clarify a few of
Layton’s glossy statements about RSD. Let us begin with this one: The
creation of the country’s first all-charter school system has improved […]
SC, Choose OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy
SC, Choose OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy. via SC, Choose
OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS:
Becoming Radical
Spanish Inquisition Day 12

Today we (again) took a two-hour bus ride to (again) go to the beach. This
time it was the island resort of Cádiz.
Geocaches? In Cádiz? Why, yes. Yes there are.
Old Cádiz (like Old Madrid and Old Córdoba and Old Granada and Old Seville)
is a maze of twisty passages, all alike...
Southern Man used the phrase "*¿Dónde estamos en este mapa?*" a lot today.
Southern Man spent a fair amount of time walking the beaches and admiring
what he regards as the most beautiful of God's handiwork. Of course he
didn't stare - that would be rude. He did glance a lot, though.
Baby Roswell and Nor... more »
I must just comment on a couple of posts from Alan at *Biased BBC*.
Firstly, one of my most toe-curlingly embarrassing memories of school was
being most reluctantly dragooned into a Sixth Form performance of *Summer
Nights *from *Grease. *Bad idea, bad execution, bad memories.
I had vivid flashbacks of that whilst watching this effort from the team
at BBC *Breakfast**. *
I will have nightmares again no doubt will Bill Turnbull, for
many years to come.
The other post caught a piece of gossip from the *Daily Mail*'s Ephraim
David Cameron will have bee... more »
Steve Israel's Reptilian Plan To Keep John Boehner On As Speaker

Steve Israel-- still pushing fellow Blue Dogs at the expense of real
This morning the DCCC announced that they had reserved $43.5 million in
broadcast and cable television time in 36 congressional districts-- 19 to
defend incumbents (+ an open blue district) and 19 held by Republicans. If
they win every single race-- which they won't (more on that below)-- they
will still fail to take back the House. They call it "the biggest ad buy in
history." A more useful frame may be "the biggest waste of donor money in
Let's get the defensive plays out of the way first:
... more »
Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman James Alexander Winnefeld remarks at
the Atlantic Council's Global Missile Defense Conference on May 28 in
Even though they try to sell the program as being needed to protect against
Iran and North Korea, the facts are that the US is surrounding Russia and
China with "missile defense" (MD) systems.
Winnefeld lies when he says that MD is not deployed against Russia. He
says that Russia has too many nuclear missiles that would overwhelm the US
MD system.
But if you view the MD program as a key element in US first-strike attack
plann... more »
Paying tribute

This run of frivolous posts now ends. It's time to get serious again, and
pay tribute to the late Maya Angelou. (It's what everyone's doing,
especially at the BBC, and *Is the BBC biased? *refuses to be left out.)
Maya Angelou meant a lot to me. Yes, I've never read a word of anything's
she's ever written - or had the slightest inclination to do so until today
- but I recognised her name when the news of her death broke (having heard
it many times before on the BBC) and I felt the need to rush onto the
internet to tell you so.
I learned from the BBC that she didn't believe white ... more »
*Ownership, operations of flood defenses moved to SLFPA-E ~Jeff Adelson,
N.O. Advocate *
*Safety questions raised after tornado hits Marathon refinery ~Thanh
Truong, WWLTV*
*Lafourche residents denounce Corps' land plan ~Channing Parfait,
Tri-Parish Times*
*Brown Shrimp Season Opens With High Prices, Future Remains Uncertain ~Eve
Troeh, WWNO*
*Dolphins are dying in fresh water and scientists are asking why ~Danielle
Thomas, WVUE*
*In New Orleans, major school district closes traditional public schools
for good ~Lyndsey Layton, Washington Post*
*Rents and occupancy rates remain h... more »
Economics: Go With Your Gut
Somebody found some errors (maybe) in Thomas Piketty's *Capital in the 21st
Century*. The whole thing might be a little overblown though.
But remember the errors that were found in the Reinhart and Rogoff study
that said that high debt levels cause radical slowdowns in economic growth?
Here's a video clip that sums it up most cogently.
Whatever the case is, I know that economists argue all the time. I know
that statistics are increasingly dodgy. I choose to go with my gut instinct
after decades of immersing myself in this crap. I know that inequality is
increasing. I know that pove... more »
TV Quiz time - the answer
Yesterday I asked - Only two characters appeared in every episode of the
original series of Dallas 1978-1991, who?
The answer is J.R. Ewing and Cliff Barnes
Syrian voting in Lebanon- Day 2- Massive turnout
After yesterday's turnout in Lebanon ...*..Syria. Ukraine. Election Spin?
And more!*
*Check out Day 2! *Pay attention to the flags the Syrians are flying? -
NOT the flag initially toted around by the NATO backed terrorists/
mercenaries/hired killers
Notice the language used by our NATO media?* "Hundreds of Syrians"* ?
Look at that image? Would you ever use the wording "hundreds of Syrians"
unless you were pushing a negative anti-Syrian point of view? Western/NATO
media is very anti-Syrian.
Hundreds of Syrians living in Lebanon lined up outside their embassy near
Beirut on Thursday... more »
TRUTHOUT: Ruben Salazar and the Filmmaker in the Middle

ON SALAZAR: After waiting some 44 years, most everyone I know was
disappointed with the documentary on journalist, Ruben Salazar this past
April. I wrote a series of observations prior to watching the documentary.
Here's my view after having watched it.
Sad: No Other Politicians Walked With Indicted Criminal Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm In The Memorial Day Parade

Mikey Suits used to get funnier headlines
Anything you read about Staten Island Mafia figure/Republican Congressman
Michael Grimm is a part of a carefully staged and choreographed production
that is leading inexorably to his plea bargain. The slimy political
operatives/lobbyists, Mercury Public Affairs, withdrew the campaign
manager, Bill Cortese, last week. The NRCC dried up his campaign
contributions and now he says he's going to run without TV ads. Grimm, of
course, is playing little Miss Victim, always the bully's favorite pose.
The media, he's been whining, is out to get him. Ma... more »
Basics: Is That a Good Economic Development Deal? A Checklist UPDATED
In my last post, I discussed one of the most important sets of questions
regarding any proposed economic development subsidy: How much does it cost?
Is that too much? The answer, assuming that we are not going to overhaul
our broken subsidy system overnight, was that we see if we're paying too
much by looking at what other states and cities have paid for similar
This presumes, of course, that we know how much the incentive package costs
in the first place. There are, unfortunately, far too many cases where
total incentives were far higher than what was originally announced... more »
I, Too, Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
(Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader Stan the Man for the
As I'd made mention several times over the near decade I've been
blogging about politics, I was proud to have cast my first vote for John
Kerry in 2004. I was proud that, for virtually all my adult life, he was my
junior senator. I was even able to somehow ignore the fact that, during the
Democratic National Convention in Boston that summer, the government and
Boston PD had set up "Freedom cages" for the protesters to ensure none of
the Democratic elite who would show up at the Fleet Center would ev... more »
KIPP Offers Fast Track: Apply Before Midnight, or Whenever
An "invitational" is defined as a competition open only to those invited.
In this odd case below, KIPP, Inc. is exclusively inviting any warm body
to apply at their Bay Area franchise, where 40-60 percent of students never
make it from 5th to 8th grade and where the average teacher lasts 1-2
If you are looking for a teaching job next year, you may see this on the
Web or ads like it:
*KIPP Bay Area Schools is hosting an Invitational Interview Day on Monday,
June 9th for teaching positions for the 2014-2015 school year!*
- Guaranteed in-person interview; skip three steps ... more »
Really - Why Do ALEC Members Hide?
Doing research isn't rocket science - it is just time consuming.
You keep looking for promising articles, blog entries by others, tweets by
others, facebook posts by others - that you can build on, with a little
research. (Today's entry started with someone's tweets.)
You hit a lot of deadends before you find something that is worth writing
Lately the American Legislative Exchange Council has been releasing bogus
statements about transparency - which with a little bit of research prove
to be false, 90% of the time.
In fact, at this point of ALEC history - they are the most *op... more »
The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes
the hidden hand
what's on the moon ?
terence mckenna on ufos
the visitors from another world
EFN Asia 37: Jeju Forum 2014, On Globalization and Inequality

For the second time, Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia participated in
the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity annual conference, held at the
southern island-province of Jeju, South Korea. This year's conference ran
from May 28-30 with the theme, "Designing New Asia."
Below is the group photo of EFN delegates to the 2014 Forum. From left:
Lars Andre Richter, Country Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
for Freedom (FNF) for South Korea, Dr Sethaput from Thailand, Sungeun Lim
of FNF Korea, Dr Stella Quimbo of the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF)
in the Philippines, Rai... more »
May 29: painful...
Norbert, the master of saying nothing, outdoes himself today.
We have a provincial financial disaster looming. His answer? "If our
politicians won't lead us, should other citizens step up?"
Norbert, in a democracy, it's other citizens who elect the politicians -
based on the full information and informed opinion spread by the news
media. When other citizens step up to take over that role, it's called a
And those "other citizens" are likely, very likely, to be the people with
money and clout and influence who don't give a damn about the economic
survival of the province... more »
Legislators File Open Records Request for Huffman Decision Trail to Delay State Test Results
On the day that TCAP scores were to be released in Tennessee, Kevin
Huffman's team of TFA lawyers in Nashville called a quick "put down your
pencils" timeout just before reporters were ready to write about this
year's state test results.
In a scurry to make sure that "post-test equating" had been done
"properly," local systems were left holding the bag, since TCAP is supposed
to figure into student final grades and, of course, teacher evaluations.
What embarrassment and scandal will be required to finally get rid of the
lawyers and corporate bottom feeders mismanaging the State'... more »
AVOIDING THE GAPS: Large test score gains!
*THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2014*
*Part 3—But also, those punishing gaps:* It has to be the greatest news
you’re not allowed to hear.
Over (let’s say) the past twenty years, black kids seem to have made
substantial progress in reading and math.
We refer to average scores by black students on the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP), the widely-praised “gold standard” of domestic
educational testing.
The NAEP is a federally-run testing program which dates, in one of its two
major forms, all the way back to 1971. The NAEP has always been considered
our most reliable domestic t... more »
Edward Snowden's interview on NBC was Awesome! Snowden Spoke Truth, I am Shocked NBC aired it.
I watched the interview Edward Snowden did with Brian Williams on NBC last
night (5/27/14). One thing I noticed is is NBC used the colors Red and
Blue/ half screen when they put up "Traitor or Patriot" They always had
Traitor in the Red and Patriot in the Blue. That is subliminal for people
to believe Red (Right/Conservative) as Traitor and Blue (Liberal/Left) as
Patriot. Here are the
After months of behind-the-scenes contact, "NBC Nightly News" anchor and
managing editor Brian Williams sat down with Edward Snowden, a man wanted
for espionage here at home, for his first American television interview.
Nothing was off limits.
See the rest of the interview *here *
No Sunshine

You would expect that Ontario's Liberals would be defeated in this
election. After all, Tom Walkom writes:
The Liberals have been in power for 11 long years. They’ve presided over a
host of scandals, ranging from the ORNGE air ambulance fiasco to the gas
plant affair. The economy is just limping along.
Usually, a government burdened with this kind of baggage would be
guaranteed defeat.
But Kathleen Wynne's party seems to be tied with or ahead of the Hudak
Tories. Perhaps voters have looked at Mr. Hudak's plan and come to the
conclusion that he is math challenged. Perhaps New De... more »
Re-Forming National Alliance May Be Waste Of Time For Iraq’s Shiite Parties

Since Iraq held parliamentary elections on April 30, 2014 the Islamic
Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) led by Ammar Hakim and the Ahrar bloc led by
Moqtada al-Sadr have moved to re-form the National Alliance, which emerged
during the last round of balloting in 2010. Hakim and Sadr have talked
about institutionalizing the alliance as the representative of the Shiite
religious parties and make it the main decision maker as to who should be
nominated prime minister. The problem is that it seeks to include Premier
Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law (SOL), while opposing his third term in
of... more »
Oneness is not easy... but its the only route home.

By American Kabuki
I began this current journey December 26, 2012. Its been an amazing
experience from a historical, a spiritual and a personal view point. We've
faced many challenges and many obstacles and bore them knowing that the
information we had was correct and that it resonated with a very wide
audience. How diverse that audience is did not sink until recently.
We have published information that was kept secret about the banking
systems, what value was, where that value resided and who ran the systems.
The energetic nature of banking and the off-world conne... more »
DeConstructing John Moore CFRB May 29 2014

Lots of stupid things done by the last generation by smart people on a mass
scale are now universally seen as stupid. John should have pointed out bee
colony death, GMO foods and refusal to limit man made global warming are
our current ignorance.
Where will the children play. Goggle it you lazy kids. But there is a great
British Novella about a gated community where all the adults are found
dead, and all the children are missing. What kind of creatures are we
creating. Scary Scary future run by children who were scared. Beeep Beeep
we have spotted a father with a chainsaw, is he g... more »
[image: rip-michael-ruppert-suicide-meme] Farewell Michael Ruppert, and
Thank You
[image: admin]
[image: Michael C. Ruppert: February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014]
Michael C. Ruppert: February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014
*#1** from Jenna Orkin**Jenna Orkin, a colleague and friend of Michael
Ruppert, is the author of **The Moron’s Guide to Global Collapse**.
Portions of the speech below were read out at Mike’s public memorial on
Saturday 17th May 2014. *
Mike Ruppert was a complex, brilliant, infuriating, funny, impossible,
honest (usually), never boring, enraged, musical, competiti... more »
Newark’s Failed Experiment Illustrates Reformers’ Overreach
Dale Russakoff’s New Yorker profile, “Schooled,” starts with a description
of the dysfunctionality of the Newark Public School System: The ratio of
administrators to students—one to six—was almost twice the state average.
Clerks made up thirty per cent of the central bureaucracy—about four times
the ratio in comparable cities. Even some clerks had clerks, yet […]
From the Department of Fooled You, Fooled You, Made You Look:
One week after the Obama administration said it would comply with a federal
appeals court ruling ordering it to make public portions of a Justice
Department memo that signed off on the targeted killing of a United States
citizen, the administration is now asking the court for permission to
censor additional passages of the document.
In the interim, the Senate voted narrowly last week to confirm David Barron,
the former Justice Department official who was the memo’s principal author,
to an appeals court judgeship. At least... more »
Paul Frampton fired by UNC

*Some physicists did get richer:* Guth, Linde, Starobinsky share one of the
$1 million Kavli prizes (for inflation). Other two triplets – of
nanoopticians and neuroscientists – win two more millions in total. Guth
and Linde didn't have functional cellphones to receive the good news. Maybe
they will be able to buy one – even though Linde plans to spend this money
for his breakfast.
Some annoying news from North Carolina:
UNC-CH fires physics professor jailed in Argentina
...see also Google News...
Paul Frampton is still in Argentina but he should be r... more »
Villar Greuel Strikes Again-- Worse Than A Republican
I've never seen such a negative Democratic candidate for Congress like
Wendy Greuel. Maybe she just hires especially awful, cutthroat people to
work for her like this operative, and this operative and this operative.
One of the most trusted and respected bloggers in CA-33, Venice For Change
warned voters about Greuel's strange and very ugly penchant for relentless
negativity last year:
*After Months Of Going Negative, Wendy Greuel Calls For A Mortatorium On
Negative Ads Her Campaign Can No Longer Pay For.*
After pummeling campaign rivals for months with negative mailers and TV
... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 29 , 2014 -- Wild goose Chase confirmed at last ------- MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame shifts to M'SIAN GOVT ( THE final resting place of MH370 is no closer to being known after Australian authorities today discounted an area that had been considered the most likely zone. ) ...... Family members see further proof of a cover up ---- KUALA LUMPUR — Today’s admission by Australian officials that the southern Indian Ocean area where pings were detected is not the crash site of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been described as evidence of “a giant cover-up” by some distraught family members of those onboard the missing airliner.
Malaysia Chronicle ......
Thursday, 29 May 2014 14:50
MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame shifts to
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[image: MH370 WAS NEVER THERE AT ALL! Australia finally admits it, blame
shifts to M'SIAN GOVT]
THE final resting place of MH370 is no closer to being known after
Australian authorities today discounted an area that had been considered
the most likely zone.
The tri... more »
Morning Data ( US ) and Overnight News and Data from Asia and Europe May 29 , 2014 --- US Economy Shrank By 1% In The First Quarter: First Contraction Since 2011 ..... Initial Claims Drop Near Cycle Low "As Good As It Gets" Levels ...... Buying Of Bonds And Stocks Continues In Event-Free Overnight Session
News and Data..... May 29 , 2014 and Overnight from Asia , Early Morning
from Europe....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Excluding Obamacare, US Economy Contracted By 2% In The First QuarterSubmitted
by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2014 - 09:21
As if the official news that the US economy is just one quarter away from
an official recession (and with just one month left in the second quarter
that inventory restocking better be progressing at an epic pace) but don't
worry - supposedly harsh weather somehow managed to wipe out*$100 billion
in economic growth from the initial forecast for Q1 ... more »
LibDem Leadership Crisis
Oh no, not the LibDems *again*. Yes, the crisis in the yellow party rumbles
on and on. Though, to be accurate, this is nothing new - it's been on slow
burn since they spectacularly and wretchedly betrayed their tuition fees
pledge. Every vicious turn since, be it the bedroom tax, defending work
capability assessments, cheering the backdoor privatisation of the NHS, or
ignoring the billions wasted by IBS on botched social security reforms, the
litany of regressive, vindictive policies goes on and on. And quite rightly
the LibDems have paid a heavy price in blood and treasure. You ca... more »
*Duke University appears to have learned nothing*
*After their unjust treatment of their Lacrosse team cost them millions,
you would think they would pull their horns in*
An Australian student accused of sexual assault is suing Duke University
after the elite US college banned him from his May graduation.
Lewis McLeod, a former Sydney Grammar School student and member of Duke's
soccer team, says without his degree he can't take up a Wall Street job
offer, will be unable to renew his US visa and will be forced to return to
Police in Durham, North Carolina, investigated ... more »
War watch May 29 , 2014 -- Libya has descended into complete chaos ( They had very little power to begin with, and even less since Gen. Khalifa Hifter took over their parliament building, but Libya’s parliament is still hard at work, fighting internally over who the real prime minister is. ) ...... Syria - Obama’s $5 Billion ‘Counter-Terrorism’ Fund Has Syria in Crosshairs 'Partnership Fund' Aims Exclusively at Syria Neighbors , US: Reports of American Suicide Bomber in Syria ‘Likely Accurate’ American Bomber Launched Attack for al-Qaeda....... Iraq - no matter who is named Prime minister in Iraq , the sun will rise the next day and more Iraqis will continue to die ........ Pakistan Taliban sees split over alleged peace process - The Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the longtime umbrella of Pakistani Taliban factions, has split in half with the emergence of the new TTP-Mehsud faction, led by Khalid Mehsud.
Libya Standoff Emerges as Premier Refuses to Yield to Successor'Acting PM'
Claims Incoming PM's Election Illegal
by Jason Ditz, May 28, 2014
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They had very little power to begin with, and even less since Gen. Khalifa
Hifter took over their parliament building, but Libya’s parliament is still
hard at work, fighting internally over who the real prime minister is.
Ahmed Maiteeq, elected weeks ago, was supposed to officially be installed
as premier this week, but the “acting prime minister,” Abdullah al-Thinni,
is refusing to hand over power, claiming Mai... more »
Ukraine updates May 29 , 2014 - Gas dispute still unresolved between Ukraine and Russia ....... Fighting in the restive South East Regions continues as Federalists manage to sting Ukrainian military ( helicopter shot down , Barracks stormed ) .... has Kiev paused Special Military Operations in Kramatorsk and Slaviansk ?
Russia Today....
Ukraine's final gas plea: Lower prices, then we pay debt
Published time: May 29, 2014 14:34
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[image: AFP Photo / Alexander Zobin]
AFP Photo / Alexander Zobin
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Energy, Gas, Russia and the global economy, Ukraine
Friday is Kiev’s last change to transfer $2 billion to Gazprom or risk a
"gas war" with Moscow and a halt to gas deliveries not only to Ukraine but
Europe. European customers get about 50 percent of Russian gas via Ukraine.
By June 7, Ukraine’s total debt for supplied gas will be $5.2 b... more »
Sentence appeals
*R. v. McLean*, 2014 PECA 10:
[10] Section 687(1) of the *Criminal Code* directs that on an
appeal against sentence, an appellant court is to consider the fitness of
the sentence. The Supreme Court of Canada has directed that in conducting
this review, the applicable standard is based on deference. That approach
is taken due to practical reasons, including the contextual nature of the
sentencing process, the individualized nature of sentencing, and the
advantageous position of the trial judge (*R. v. Bolger*, 2013 PECA 9
(CanLII), 2013 PECA 9, at para.14). An appellat... more »
Brazil to add third converted 767 tanker

[image: Boeing KC-767 Tanker]Brazil is to sign a revised contract soon to
add a third converted Boeing 767-300 tanker to its air force inventory,
according to Israeli defence sources.
In March 2013, the Brazilian air force command selected Israel Aerospace
Industries for the conversion of two commercial Boeing 767-300ERs, with
options for an additional two.
These will replace the service’s four retired KC-137s (militarised Boeing
707s), which had been in use since 1986.
Read more
A date of betrayal for your diaries unless David Cameron actually does something about the EU
On 1 November 2014 the following areas of competence will switch from
requiring unanimous approval of all the member states of the EU to just
qualified majority voting. In addition the EU Commission have managed to
make it even harder for EU provinces (for that's what the countries that
make up the EU are now) to vote down any proposal from the Commission -
there now has
to be a 'blocking minority' which represents 'at least three quarters of EU
citizens' or 'at least three quarters of member states. Even if such a
'blocking minority' is achieved then the Council undertakes only to ... more »
Unmanned Aircraft Series Sets Record for Mission Hours Flown in One Week

[image: RQ-4 Global Hawk]Northrop Grumman Corporation's High Altitude Long
Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) series, which includes the
U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk, set a new record for mission hours flown
in one week, logging 665 hours flying operational and exercise missions
during the week ending Feb. 23.
In 2013, Global Hawk flew an average of 433.8 hours a week. The weekly
record of 665 hours set in February 2014 is 53 percent above last year's
average. That is the equivalent of almost four Global Hawks in the air
around the clock for an entire week.
The HALE... more »
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