6:19pm MDST
Tehran’s Surrealistic Muralist
Cycle" by Mehdi Ghadyanloo
“Never underestimate the power of colors and how they can bring life to
old walls and buildings,” remarks a correspondent for Iran’s PressTV in
an April 2012 report on the increasing ubiquity of urban artwork on the
streets, walls, and façades of Tehran. While Iranian municipalities
have long devoted so-called resources to “urban beautification” projects
Kindle Mojo Risin'

Since the fascist twats at Scribd ("We don't do counts") and I have
parted company these past few days, I thought it was high time to start
marketing my books again. So I set up an account with Kindle Mojo, since it
seems to be popular with the young whippersnappers on Twitter and elsewhere
on the internet boxes. My profile is here and this is my inaugural post,
promoting *American Zen*.
I've also got an interview coming up with Florida based indie author
Marcia Meara (whose... more »
*Holy Cross Neighborhood Assn files lawsuit to stop riverfront condo tower
*How New Orleans Saints Are Building One of the NFL's Most Potent Defenses
~Bleacher Report*
*Despite improvements in storm protection, evacuation plans are still
vital, officials say ~Richard Thompson, New Orleans Advocate*
*Small island slammed in oil spill may be saved ~John Snell, WVUE*
*Which Came First: The Mockingbird Or The Musician? ~Eve Abrams, WWMO*
Mike's Story Part 37: New Year's Day in Bellevue
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*As a companion to this post, see Mike's article on fromthewilderness.com
entitled, "New Year's at Bellevue."*
January 1, 2007
Email to Ray with the heading "mike's phone number:"
they're trying him on lithium today. i was going to visit him at 1 but he
says he doesn't see much point. 'there isn't much to talk about here.' we
may speak later about whether i should visit him at six.
in a couple of days they'll decide whether he can leave. they think
maybe he should stay 'upstairs' (in the long term wing?) for a few more
days to see ho... more »
Good news, hopefully - and some sharp words for the BBC
Mother facing death penalty in Sudan for abandoning religious faith to be
freed in few days - senior Sudan official http://t.co/j1RGmQrQhj
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) May 31, 2014
Damian Thompson in the *Telegraph *has a sharp word or two for the BBC -
and others too:
There are reports that Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to
death by a Muslim judge for refusing to abandon her Christian faith, is to
be freed. The BBC announced it thus:
*Mother facing death penalty in Sudan for abandoning religious faith to be
No! That is a lie. Meriam was sentenced to ... more »
Democrats and Liberals Give Obama a Pass on Closing Gitmo

*"I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will
follow through on that"*
*-President Barack Obama*
Liberals disgust me. With 2014 being an election year and the looming
announcement from Queen Hillary the Inevitable that she is running for
president in 2016 liberals and their beloved Democratic Party are closing
ranks and circling the wagons to protect Team Blue Jackass from heretics
unwilling to line up and salute the party flag. Obama is now well into his
second term and the American torture and concentration camp at Guantanamo
Bay is still open for busines... more »
Brutal Mutliation-Murder of 15-Year Old Girl By Husband Causes Outrage In Iraq's Kurdistan

May 23, 2014 a husband in the Kalakji district of Dohuk killed his 15 year
old wife Dunia Selman. He was a 45 year old man with two wives. According
to the Kurdish News Network he cut of her breast and carved out her eyes.
He then shot her several times with an AK-47, and then tied her body to a
car dragging her around before fleeing. There was a protest against this
brutal murder on May 29 outside the Kurdish Judicial Council in Irbil.
These are pictures of the protest taken by AFP's Safin Hamed.
Kakayi, Bestun, “15-year-old killed and mutila... more »
Stoke's Trip to the Chelsea Flower Show
One problem when you have an market-based economic system built around
production for profit, is that those with binding decision-making powers
(heads of companies, politicians, etc.) frequently have to make perverse
choices. Enter stage left Stoke-on-Trent City Council's entry to the
Chelsea Flower Show.
Despite being the son of prize-winning gardeners, what I know about plants
and gardens could fit on the back of a seed packet. But looking at the
pictures the Council's garden looks very swish. In the socialist future all
our cities will be adorned by horticultural displays of its... more »
May 31: May is such a wimpy month - glad it's over.
Unless you get all excited by beer festivals and obvious but useless
statements from politicians (A15. St. John MP Rodney Weston - a good,
half-page of wasted paper to tell us that if we boost the economy, gas
sales will go up and therefore produce more money in taxes. Obviously, this
is a man who can see through walls.)........Well, if you get all excited at
drinking beer in a big room and reading about uninteresting people, you'll
love section A of today's paper.
There is only one story in the section worth reading - A3, "Shale gas
protesters begin three-day march."
It's about 75... more »
Billy Bragg, Michael Gove and BBC bias

Melvyn Bragg
Billy Bragg has had a busy week at the Beeb, appearing on *Newsnight* one
day and on *Any Questions *the next. (Well, 'fairly busy' anyhow).
His *Newsnight *discussion about 'Englishness' with Peter Hitchens was
refereed, less than impartially, by Kirsty Wark who - as is her way when
interviewing a certain kind of artist - kept smiling at him like a
schoolgirl with a crush. [*Which Side Are You On, Kirsty?*]
Similarly, his *Any Questions *appearance was untroubled by any challenges
from Jonathan Dimbleby, ending with a question about protest songs which
Jonathan asked... more »
Hunger Games looming for much of the World ? World Bank warns of food riots as rising food prices push world populations toward revolt
World Bank warns of food riots as rising food prices push world populations
toward revolt
[image: eTrust Pro Certified]
[image: food]
[image: Delicious]
Friday, May 30, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
*Tags: World Bank, food riots, emergency preparedness*
(NaturalNews) A new report issued by the World Bank (1) warns that food
prices are skyrocketing globally, with wheat up 18 percent and corn up 12
percent this quarter. Ukraine, one of the largest wheat exporters in the
world, has suffered a 73 percent increase in domestic wheat costs.
Argentina has seen wheat prices sky... more »
Another Inevitable Right-Wing Night Of The Long Knives-- This Time John Boehner's Kolibri

Jake Sherman at *Politico* doesn't exactly describe it as a modern day
reenactment of Night Of The Long Knives, but when far right freakshow Chris
Chocola was creaming about it on Twitter yesterday, he saw exactly what
Boehner and his Chamber of Commerce/Big Business allies were up to in
cutting off the legs of the Tea Party extremists who had given the GOP a
populist patina in decent years. That would have liked to have gotten to
Boehner before he got to them. With Steve Israel guaranteeing a solid
Republican majority after the midterms, Boehner and his allies are making
certain... more »
War watch - Iran in focus May 31 , 2014 - Israel Deploys 3 Nuclear-Armed Subs Off Iran Coast; Iran Warns Of Forceful Response To "Evil Acts" ....... A flotilla officer told the Times that the deployed submarines were meant to act as a deterrent, gather intelligence and potentially to land Mossad agents. Anything afoot here ?
Note - underlying Article from 2010 !
Israel Deploys 3 Nuclear-Armed Subs Off Iran Coast; Iran Warns Of Forceful
Response To "Evil Acts"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/31/2014 16:03 -0400
- China
- Iran
- Israel
- Japan
- Turkey
With tear-gas flying in the streets of Turkey, Ukraine's civil-war raging
in the south and east, US drones based in Japan to oversee the South China
Sea, and Europe's extremist parties gaining significant traction, today we
get one more piece of considerably worrisome geopol... more »
Is the Brazil World Cup at risk of Match Fixing ? Two weeks before the World Cup , allegations of rampant match fixing put a cloud over the looming Mega Event ! FIFA doesn't come away from this piece looking very good .... Questions being raised about a recent friendly match between Scotland and Nigeria......
Fixed Soccer Matches Cast Shadow Over
World Cup
A report by FIFA, soccer’s governing body, said a match-rigging syndicate
infiltrated the sport’s upper reaches.
May 31, 2014
JOHANNESBURG — A soccer referee named Ibrahim Chaibou walked into a bank in
a small South African city carrying a bag filled with as much as $100,000
in $100 bills, according to another referee traveling wit... more »
We Will Win
May 30 and 31 are important dates for progressives in Canada and the US.
We remember two heroes: Dr George Tiller, who was vilified, persecuted, and
assassinated, and Dr Henry Morgentaler, who had his share of troubles, but
who was celebrated and died in his home at the age of 90.
By the way, abortion services have have returned to the very same building
Dr Tiller had to turn into a fortress.
We lose some battles, but the war will be won by the sane, compassionate
This documentary is a must watch because it answers many questions.
The first part gives us an inside look at the fascist forces being
mobilized in western Ukraine. You see them marching, chanting pro-Nazi
slogans and calling for the death of Russians.
If you can only watch bits then I highly recommend the following:
* At 28 minutes you see the start of the recent Nazi attack on the union
hall in Odessa.
* At 36 minutes you see the fascists thugs going inside the union hall to
kill those who had ran into the building to escape the attack. These
people, who were calling for a na... more »
Education is NOT for Sale in New Mexico (Video)
After New Mexico teachers received their bogus evaluations from the state
education department, they decided it’s past time to get loud and active.
This group of rank-and-file teachers, parents, and students picketed and
protested a three-day training session for principals, where corporate and
state leaders were making sure administrators use the teacher evaluation
system, TeachScape, with […]
The Childish and Cruel Nature of harpercon Attitudes About War
By now, everyone's heard of the corrupt idiot Julian Fantino's
non-interaction with Jenifer Migneault, the wife of a Canadian Forces
veteran with PTSD. Evidently, Mrs. Migneault has been trying to speak with
Fantino (or someone in authority) about how maybe the spouses of veterans
with PTSD and other problems, should get training in how to deal with their
spouses' problems. She can no longer work as her husband needs 24-hour
monitoring because suicidal thoughts are never far from his mind.
I can imagine that the more slobberingly stupid members of the "Blogging
Tories" might be spec... more »
What I Learned (Again) on My Vacation
May 31, 2014 The past two weeks have been busy around here, with some
wins and some losses, a couple of wins I’d thought were going to be losses
and vice versa. I got the transplants for the backyard garden … Continue
reading →
An Electric Guitar Makes Everything More Hip and Exciting
Meetings! Answering calls! Canvassing! Dusting! Paperwork! Riding
bikes! Driving aimlessly! Siccing attack dogs on unarmed black teens
wearing hoodies! Raiding empty houses! THIS... is your Miami Gardens PD!
(Not shown: Tens of thousands of racist Stop and Frisks that have yielded
zero arrests.)
mother of god

"god is not religion,
god has no religion,
religion divides us,
spirituality brings us together."
Gold and Silver weekend Report May 31 , 2014 - featuring Ed Steer's Report and items of note from additional sources......
It was pretty quiet in Far East trading on their Friday. The high of the
day came shortly before 9 a.m. Hong Kong time---and then it was a long,
slow slide into the 8:40 a.m. EDT open in New York. The subsequent rally
only lasted until shortly after 9 a.m.---and by the time the HFT boyz were
done with it, gold hit its low minutes before noon EDT. From that point,
the gold price rallied quietly until 4:30 p.m.---and then traded mostly
sideway... more »
The people will believe what the media tells them to believe
Sad, but true. Accept. Never question. Passively take in.
But, not here... more »
The Dutch teleportation advance
of the generic science news sources – see e.g. PC Magazine – report on
a new result by experimenters at a Kavli-named institute in Delft, a
historical academic town in Holland, that just appeared in Science:
Unconditional quantum teleportation between distant solid-state quantum
bits(SciMag) by Pfaff, Hensen, Hanson, and 8 more co-authors
Let me emphasize that Hansen isn't among the authors. ;-)
*Their evil device...*
They have made some progress in the experimental work that could be
for quantum computers in the future – potentially but not certainly
foreseeable futur... more »
How To Tell A Real Democrat From A Poseur

Above is a video of New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman talking
about the real issues real Democrats should be talking with voters about. I
don't want to offend him-- nor do I think he would be offended-- but he is
an Elizabeth Warren Democrat. Blue America endorsed him for reelection
today and you can contribute to his reelection here. Just over a year ago,
Howard Meyerson, writing for the *American Prospect*, called Eric The Man
the Banks Fear Most. Until Schneiderman had been elected Attorney General,
Wall Street had gone completely unpunished for its starring role in ... more »
What makes for a happy couple?
Armstrong and Miller know...
ISIS VIDEO: Battlefield Iraq
WARNING: Video includes graphic executions of Iraqi soldiers and Sahwa.
Also shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) fighters wearing
uniforms of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) setting up fake checkpoints and
carrying out raids on houses.
Republicans, Limbaugh, Hannity, Rightwing Media are OUTRAGED at VA Health Care...except on February 27, 2014 WHEN THEY BLOCKED A LANDMARK VA HEALTH CARE BILL !!!!!

This latest VA health care "outrage" is coming from one source: THE RIGHT -
Limbaugh, Hannity, rightwing media, & the Republicans. It is a great
case-in-point how THE RIGHT controls the media, all the while falsely
referring to it as "the liberal media".
Is there a problem with VA health care? YES. The previously mentioned
sources want everyone to know this and it's Obama & the Democrats' fault.
W... more »

*US Secretary of Endless War Chuck Hagel meets with China's Lt. Gen. Wang
Guanzhong, deputy chief of the General Staff today in Singapore*
This picture intrigues me. The Chinese representative wears a military
uniform. The US representative of the Pentagon wears an expensive suit in
order to perpetuate the myth that we have civilian control of our
military. The truth is that the corporate military industrial complex in
the US controls the military and the Congress. Hagel should have a uniform
on as well. The patch on his sleeve could be a photo of Mr. Big.
The US is heating up ... more »
The Privatization of Special Education
Like so much else in education and beyond, we are seeing the familiar
pattern of defunding, claiming crisis, and then calling for privatization
in special education. This past week in Chicago, our unelected Board of
Education recently voted to expand contracts with private, for-profit
organizations to meet the growing needs of our children with special needs
as […]
Friday Beaver - world economic edition

Not much to write about these past few weeks, too busy watching the world
fall apart.
What happened in the 1920s that lead to the great depression is much again
following suit. Just like today banks were leveraged to the hilt. The stock
market soared as investors borrowed 100% to "invest" in a market that had
no chance of success at least in the long run. "Bucket shops" placed side
bets on the direction of the market much like the hedge funds of today.
When the entire economic system unraveled cooler heads finally prevailed
but not until much damage was done. Homes and farms were ... more »
Jim Willie missive - May 30 , 2014 - Does the curious Belgium US Bonds movements reflect Treasury dumping ( Russia and other parties presently unknown ? ) Are the Saudis a new target of gold confiscation and if so , have the Saudis plotted revenge ? Belgium bulge reflective of margin call for a massive gold contract ........ Jim Willie wonders if this might involve BRICS ? Interestingly , Jim Rickards also recently commented on the death of the global monetary system based on the USD !
Jim Willie, GoldenJackass.com
The detection of the rapid rise in USTreasury Bonds in the Belgium
central bank account has aroused broad and deep suspicions. Finally an
sore is visible that cannot be explained away easily. It first appeared a
couple months ago. The initial knee-jerk reaction was that the USFed was
colluding with the Euro Central Bank to hide heavy bond monetized
in New York, in effect demonstrating the Jackass p... more »
Non est factum
Justice Cartwright described non est factum in Marvco Colour Research Ltd.
v. Harris [1982] 2 SCR 774:
"(W)here a document was executed as a result of a misrepresentation as to
its nature and character and not merely its contents the defendant was
entitled to raise the plea of non est factum on the basis that his mind at
the time of the execution of the document did not follow his hand."
Your Weekly White House Wheeze
President Obama has used a bunch of sick kids with breathing problems as
the backdrop for his latest exercise in executive empathy. After delaying
several EPA anti-pollution rules (for purposes of his own re-election) that
might have improved their lung function and prevented their
hospitalizations in the first place, he's free at last to be airily
concerned about the young asthmatics of America:
* Hi, everybody. I’m here at Children’s National Medical Center in
Washington, D.C., visiting with some kids being treated here all the time
for asthma and other breathing problems. Oft... more »
Japan's Prime-minister has pledged his country's support to South-East
Asian nations in their disputes with China. Shinzo Abe said Japan will help
the countries in the region control their borders - and keep their sea and
air routes open.
Political blogger Ryan Dawson thinks Japan's involvement is not about
working towards stability but rather about selling more arms.
Japan's expanding military will be integrated with the US - an example of
NATO moving into Asia-Pacific.
Fukushima Updates May 31 , 2014 --- Japanese Official makes cry for help to world ( world continues to doze..... ) , additional news / damage reports from the barely standing Fukushima nuclear plant .....
from Oyama Koichi of the Minamisoma City Council, May 13, 2014 —
by*Dissensus Japan*, May 25, 2014:
- *I want to shout for all the people in this world: “Please Please
- The cause substance have been found. This is an aggregate of
radionuclides which starts with Uranium [in] a nuclear reactor at
more than
... more »
WIPP ongoing nuclear debacle May 31 , 2014 -- New emails reveal concern over plutonium chain reaction in WIPP containers — “There shouldn’t be a ‘significant’ reaction… criticality safety issues are not my area of expertise” — “Significant amount of plutonium” — No mention of kitty litter ......
New emails reveal concern over plutonium chain reaction in WIPP containers
— “There shouldn’t be a ‘significant’ reaction… criticality safety issues
are not my area of expertise” — “Significant amount of plutonium” — No
mention of kitty litter
Albuquerque Journal News, May 29, 2014: *WIPP probe: Emails raise new
questions* [...] internal Los Alamos National Laboratory emails showing Los
Alamos approved products to be used in the drums that some experts say
contain ingredients widely known to cause a heat reaction when combined
with the drums’ other contents. The emails ... more »
Our month of the gaps to continue next week!
*SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014*
*In a nutshell, here’s why:* Next week, “Our month of the gaps” will
continue. Here’s why:
In the course of creating her 10,000-word report for The Atlantic, Nikole
Hannah-Jones stumbled upon a deeply unfortunate world.
She describes a public high school—Tuscaloosa’s Central High—where even the
brightest seniors can’t seem to qualify for college. Her reaction?
Students at this all-black school need to attend school with more white
kids! Hannah-Jones is principally concerned with their “segregation.”
On balance, we’d like to see superlative kids like D’Leis... more »
Cyber security and government surveillance updates May 31 , 2014 -- “TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warns Support for decade-old crypto program pulled, touching off Internet firestorm......... Cisco purchase of CIA-funded company may fuel distrust abroad Few are talking about In-Q-Tel investment in ThreatGRID.........EFF Accuses the Government of Spoilation of Evidence........Snowden interview : discussion / query of a classified Executive Order ??? US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers Security researchers say they have been threatened with indictment for their work investigating internet vulnerabilities .........
Cyber security items.....
“TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warnsSupport
for decade-old crypto program pulled, touching off Internet firestorm.
by Dan Goodin - May 28 2014, 4:48pm EDT
One of the official webpages for the widely used TrueCrypt encryption
program says that development has abruptly ended and warns users of the
decade-old tool that it isn't safe to use.
"WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed... more »
Plutocracy And A Dystopian Future For Our Children
The wave of super-charged economic inequality-- spurred by uncontrolled
greed and avarice and abetted by sold out politicians-- isn't just drowning
the American middle class. This week, the British are being told to get
ready for a grim future, with no chance for the vast population to "claw
their way out of a hand-to-mouth existence."
Rising house prices will see the British middle classes disappear within 30
years, leaving behind a tiny elite and a huge proletariat, a Government
adviser has warned.
David Boyle, a fellow of the New Economics Foundation think tank, said that
fo... more »
*White Privilege*
Walter E. Williams
What would you think if your 8-year-old came home and told you that "white
privilege is something that white people have, meaning they have an
advantage in a lot of things and they can get a job more easily"? You would
have heard that at the recent 15th annual White Privilege Conference in
Madison, Wisconsin, attended by 2,500 public-school teachers,
administrators and students from across the nation.
The average parent has no idea of the devious indoctrination going on in
classrooms in many public schools. What follows are some of the lessons... more »
War watch May 31 , 2014 -- Syria in focus -- Al-Qaeda Kidnaps Nearly 200 Kurds from North Syria 193 Kurds Taken in Latest Raid on Kurdish Village , Russia warns US that arming Al Qaeda rebels in Syria will be another mistake ......... Libya General Says Pro-Coup Rallies Give Him ‘Mandate’ Vows to Rid Libya of 'Fundamentalists' , political confusion and security concerns continue.......... Odd items to consider ( Bilderberg secret agenda and US military's dependence on Russia for satellite launches ! ) ...
Moon of Alabama....
Syria: Obama To Work With Assad?
Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations, muses about
Obama's speech in West Point. The piece includes this nugget on Syria:
This may well surprise experts, but *senior administration officials tell
me that Obama has been modifying his objective and is now prepared to work
with Assad, to some degree, along with the moderate rebels, against what
the White House finally has come to see as the real and major threat—the
jihadists.* These senior officials further say that they expect support in
t... more »

Sometimes a newspaper's commentariat really surprises you.
There's an article in the Independent about being the BBC being "deluged
with complaints that its coverage of the elections was biased in favour of
The 1,190 complaints logged by the BBC are thought to be the most the
broadcaster has ever received about its coverage of elections.
A further 149 complainants accused the BBC of being unfairly anti-Ukip,
while 73 said the coverage was biased against Labour.
There are ten comments beneath this article at the moment. Given that it's
the *Independent, *a left-liberal new... more »
Phil Mickelson might have a Martha Steward type Insider Trading " Problem May 31 , 2014 -- Did you hear the one about the Vegas gambler, the Pro golfer, and the Wall Street insider? Straight off the pages of some Hollywood script, the Wall Street Journal reports that Federal investigators are pursuing a major insider-trading probe involving finance, gambling and sports, examining the trading of investor Carl Icahn, golfer Phil Mickelson and Las Vegas bettor William "Billy" Walters....... Clorox and Deans Foods Co trades caught the eye of Federal Investigators....
Phil Mickelson is used to finding his way out of trouble on the course and
now he might have to do so off the course, as well.
The *Wall Street Journal* is reporting that Mickelson is the focus of an
investigation by the FBI and SEC regarding insider trading between
Mickelson, a Las Vegas bettor named Billy Waters, and investment trader
Carl Icahn.
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Securities and Exchange
Commission are examining whether Mr. Mickelson and Mr.... more »
Occupiers Not Reformers

Andrew Coyne is no fan of the CBC -- even though he appears regularly on
the public broadcaster's *At Issues* panel:
As I’ve noted on other occasions, whatever once may have been true, the
case for public broadcasting has collapsed, along with the rest of the
broadcast regulatory apparatus. The spectrum scarcity and other technical
limitations that in the past made broadcasting a textbook example of market
failure have disappeared, as in time will much of what we now know as
broadcasting. It serves no one’s interests — viewers, taxpayers, or the CBC
itself — to carry on as before.... more »
Is 'More or Less' biased?

Of course the question everyone is asking (well, 100% of the people writing
this post anyhow), "Does Radio 4's *More or Less* have a political bias?",
could be answered through statistics (which would be fitting.)
What could be done is to examine all the subjects covered [or all those
segments that explore politically-edged subjects] and see whose stats are
being debunked/defended in each segment of the show and then infer which
side of the political spectrum would most like the programme's conclusions.
If more right-wingers than left-wingers, or vice versa, are
debunked/defended ... more »
Do You Know What's In Your Corn?

[image: Foto: Do you know what's in your corn? The FDA maintains that GMOs
are "substantially equivalent" to real food. What do you think? Learn more:
http://gmofreeusa.org/gmos-are-top/gmos-are-sub/ Learn why the FDA's policy
on GMOs is fraudulent & illegal:
#WhatsInYourCorn #GMO #FDA #SubstantiallyEquivalent #BtToxin #Roundup
#EColi #glyphosate #herbicide #labelgmos #needtoknowgmo #freedom2chooz
#gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa]
Do you know what's in your corn? The FD... more »
Ukraine situation -- May 31 , 2014 -- Invasion of South East Stalling out ? Gas situation still clear as mud - next round of talk June 1 , 2014 , June 3, 2014 cut off still on the table ?
Anti War --
Updates on Kiev's Actions in the South East ...
Russian FM: US Must Urge Ukraine to Halt Invasion of EastState Dept:
Ukraine Has Right to Invade East to 'Maintain Calm'
by Jason Ditz, May 30, 2014
Print This | Share This
Another phone call between Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian
counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, has centered on the ongoing Ukrainian military
invasion of a pair of breakaway provinces in the nation’s far east.
Lavrov insisted that the US should use their influence with the interim
Ukrainian government to urge them to begin direct negotiations with ... more »
Steve Hinnefeld Reviews Hoosier School Heist: Unions Unite NOW
by Doug Martin
Steve Hinnefeld has posted a review of my book *Hoosier School Heist* on
his blog, *School Matters*. Please read his review and check out his other
pieces, too.
Here is an excerpt from Steven's review:
*"Martin has a Ph.D. in literature, has taught in universities and
published a book of Walt Whitman criticism. He can turn a phrase, and he
can bring out the drama in a right-vs.-wrong narrative. Now working as a
behavioral aide at a Vigo County, Ind., public alternative school, he grew
up near Terre Haute, which may explain a lot. Maybe it’s the legacy of **Eugen... more »
Ukraine & Syria: Elections of Mass Destruction

Elections Pushed Ahead in Ukraine, Obstructed in Syria, So Mass Murder Can
Continue - the West's Weaponization of Democracy
*May 28, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Early polls began for Syria's
presidential election, as the country begins turning the tide against
foreign-backed terrorists and restoring order throughout much of the
country. It was impossible for the Western media to cover up tens of
thousands of Syrians around the world queuing up in impressive numbers to
cast their votes in support of both President Bashar al-Assad and other
candidates participating in the electi... more »
ROKAF Receives Additional C-130J Super Hercules Aircraft

[image: Korean C-130Js Depart]Two additional C-130J Super Hercules aircraft
operated by the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) ferried from the
Lockheed Martin facility here today.
These C-130Js will join the ROKAF’s other two Super Hercules aircraft,
which were delivered in March. ROKAF aircrews also currently operate a
fleet of C-130H legacy aircraft.
The ROKAF’s new Super Hercules is the longer fuselage or “stretched” combat
delivery variant. Lockheed Martin is also contracted to provide a two-year
support program, including C-130J aircrew and maintenance training.
Read more
Italian Navy tests Camcopter S-100 unmanned aerial vehicle

[image: Camcopter S-100]The Italian Navy is conducting a series of
technical and tactical evaluations on the Camcopter S-100 remotely-piloted
aircraft by Scheibel of Austria.
The testing comes on the heels of the rotorcraft drone completing tests in
the North Sea by the Netherlands.
The Camcopter S-100 has a top speed of 138 mph, a range of 112 miles and is
designed for military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
missions and for civilian tasks such as search and rescue and disaster
Read more
Unmanned aerial vehicle shot down by Ukrainian special operation units is Russian

[image: Orlan 10 UAV]An unmanned aerial vehicle shot down by Ukrainian army
on May 28, according to preliminary report, is a type of "Orlan-10" UAV
produced by Russia, the Security Service of Ukraine's spokesman said.
"According to the preliminary analysis of the specialists, the vehicle is
one of the serial modifications of the "Orlan-10" UAV made by Russia, with
a parachute landing system. The "Orlan-10" is a component of the air
reconnaissance, observation and monitoring complex.
It is used by the Russia state structures, in particular, Russian Defense
Ministry as a reconnaissan... more »
Cole secures funding to save AWACS

[image: E-3A Sentry AWACS]Rep. Tom Cole has taken another step to protect
Air Force command-and-control planes called AWACS at Tinker Air Force Base
from proposed cuts by the Obama administration.
Cole, R-Moore, whose district includes Tinker, said Friday that a defense
spending bill cleared a subcommittee with enough money to spare all seven
planes proposed for retirement. There are 27 AWACS planes at Tinker.
Along with retiring planes, the Air Force had also proposed that a reserve
unit at Tinker no longer fly AWACS and that the remaining ones be flown
only by an active duty unit.... more »
Funding for desi aircraft carrier tops CCS agenda

[image: INS Vikrant]India's mission to build its own aircraft carrier has
virtually come to a grinding halt, with the defence establishment awaiting
allocation of fresh funds to finish the 40,000-tonne warship's construction
at Cochin Shipyard.
The approval for the around Rs 19,000 crore Phase-II and III construction
of the long-delayed indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC), to be christened INS
Vikrant, figures among the top agenda items for the new Modi government's
Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), say sources.
The UPA regime's CCS, in fact, was to take up the case earlier this y... more »
Aircraft carrier Vikramaditya fully operational: Navy Chief

[image: INS Vikramaditya]Signalling that INS Vikramaditya is battle ready
months after its arrival from Russia, Navy Chief Admiral Robin Dhowan has
said that the aircraft carrier is fully operational with an adequate number
of pilots now qualified to operate from the floating airfield.
Speaking with The Indian Express, Dhowan shared that the Indian crew has
now been fully trained and the carrier is ready to conduct operations.
“The ship is now operationally deployed and our pilots have been conducting
regular flying operations. An adequate number of pilots have been trained,”
he sa... more »
Future Frigates today’s challenge

[image: Type 26 Global Combat Ship]The notoriously long gestation period of
a major military capability means considerable effort has already been
directed at the so-called Future Frigate that will replace the RAN’s eight
Anzac-class workhorses sometime in the next decade.
Although the Sea 5000 program has yet to complete the requirements
definition phase, there has been no shortage of debate on capability and
construction issues within both Defence and industry — until recently.
One-on-one discussions in Sydney last year between Defence’s Capability
Development Group and major i... more »
New-class Black Sea submarine leaves for sea trials
A new generation diesel-electric submarine Friday left St. Petersburg's
Admiralty shipyard for Baltic Sea trials.
The near-complete diesel-electric Novorossiysk will be at sea for less than
a month and will return to base for final fitting ahead of joining the
Black Sea naval fleet, a defence industry source told Itar-Tass on Friday.
Three-month mooring trials have already been completed.
Novorossiysk is the first in a series of 636.6 Varshavyanka Project
vessels, Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov told ITAR-TASS.
Read more
Iran's first Caspian sub will be active in 2015
A submarine Iran is building at Bandar Anzali on the Caspian Sea will be
operational in 2015, according to military sources cited by the Azerbaijan
Press Agency (APA).
In November 2013, IHS Jane's published satellite imagery that revealed the
submarine was being constructed at Bandar Anzali and that a second,
similarly sized boat had already been launched at the Bostanu shipyard on
the Strait of Hormuz.
Iranian officials have said a new class of 500-tonne submarines called the
Fateh is under construction.
Read more
Navy to extend service life of Groton-based USS Dallas

[image: Los Angeles-class SSN]The U.S. Navy announced on Friday that it
would retire the USS Norfolk (SSN 714) sooner than anticipated and extend
the service life of the USS Dallas (SSN 700) in order to save approximately
$10 million, spread maintenance work across shipyards and meet the Navy’s
operational needs.
The two submarines are part of the Los Angeles-class attack submarines and
were each scheduled to be retired from active service.
The 32-year-old USS Dallas, currently in Groton, was initially scheduled to
be inactivated in fiscal year 2015 but will remain active until fisc... more »
PLA to up number of Type 041 submarines to at least 60 in 10yrs

[image: Type 041 (Yuan) class SSK]Experts have predicted that China is
likely to increase the number of its type 041 conventional submarines to 60
or 70 over the next decade. The Japanese navy also plans to increase the
number of its Soryu-class diesel-electric powered submarines from 16 to 22
in response to a perceived threat from China, reports our Chinese-language
sister newspaper Want Daily.
Soryu-class diesel-electric powered submarines are the latest model of the
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The vessel has a displacement of
2,000 tonnes and is equipped with an air-ind... more »
Nuclear-powered submarine Alexander Nevsky to arrive in Kamchatka before end of 2014

[image: Alexander Nevsky]The strategic nuclear-powered submarine of Project
955 (Borey class) will arrive in Kamchatka before the end of the current
year, Commander of the Eastern Military District of Russia Colonel General
Sergei Surovikin said on Friday at a visiting session of the military
“In accordance with the Russian Defense Ministry’s instructions, the
construction of the facilities of the first priority stationing site should
be completed by October 2014, and the Alexander Nevsky submarine will start
the combat training program before the end of the year,” he said.... more »
The Piketty Affair rumbles on

This week's *More or Less *weighed into the heavy-weight spat over
left-wing French economist Thomas Piketty's use of stats in his bestselling
tome *Capital in the 21st Century*.
Prof. Piketty argues that capitalism inevitably leads to increasing levels
of inequality and that a progressive wealth tax is needed to tackle this
problem. People may have vigorously disagreed with his solution but no one
doubted his data, which was universally praised as being of great value and
taken as being true...
...until Chris Giles, economics editor of the *Financial Times*, did what
no one el... more »
Notes from Brazil
A long overdue post from Brazil. I’ve been here about two weeks, first in
Rio and have just concluded the second week in the Amazonian city of Belém.
I hope to come back with more substantive thoughts about the country’s
direction, but here are some preliminary thoughts. The Brazilians we met
were somewhat ambivalent about
Continue reading
On Those Who Missed Getting the Memo on Abortion Being Settled - Maybe*
I'm sticking this here because the comment box on the post before said, oh
nooo, you're not running on in *this* spot.
The desired, concrete outcome of "This Is Eviltm" 'debate' on willful
biological intervention in human pregnancy aka abortion, (and this is my
cynical observation) is for one In-group to be privileged over others.
'Debate' is what happens when unilateral Commands aren't possible.
Misinforming 'Debate' still allows stoking the sexual and Out-group fears
in authoritarian followers (google: Bob Altemeyer Authoritarians) and
bolsters a power base that too often unquesti... more »
Confidential to [name of business omitted]: Here's another fine chance-to-win you've tried to hoodwink me into

*by Ken*
I know I've complained more than once about this newfangled fondness for
trying to bribe us with the offer of a bribe that barely qualifies: the
famous "chance to win" somethiing or other. However, I'm going to complain
again tonight, on the well-established principle that nothing brings about
change more surely than whining about something *over and over*.
I got an e-mail recently with the subject line "We'd like your opinion,"
from a company that deals in a service, a service that I have taken
advantage of occasionally, with fairly pleasant results. If they had just
as... more »
This lifted my spirits...
a lot.
*and this makes me so sad...*
Can you say Obamacare????
Mike's Story Part 36: Bellevue 2
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* This account is different from the previous post on Bellevue. I
remember some of the scenes in both but not when they took place. I think
there were two visits to Bellevue but it's possible that my notes were
simply written at two different times.*
December 31 2006 10:30 PM
Back from Bellevue, with the bag his psychiatrist told him to pack in
case his assessment allowed it. (It didn't.)
We’d been lying down when he said, “I chose the location.” He did not
need to add, "to kill myself.’
“Are you going to tell [your outpatient psych... more »
DAB No. 2576 - NCD 140 3 Transsexual Surgery
DAB No. 2576 - NCD 140 3 Transsexual Surgery by EvanMcSan
A follow-up to a previous post on the issue.
Reading between the lines, there are some very damning comments about how
the original decision was arrived at - such as the dismissal of studies
with follow-up over many years as "not long-term" without defining what
"long-term" meant; or the citing of treatment as "controversial", not in a
scientific sense, but a political one.
We note that in addition to stating that transsexual surgery was
experimental, the NCD and the 1981 report stated that transsexual surgery
was "controv... more »
Despite right-wingers' decades-long war on U.S. vets, they expect Americans to gobble up their lies -- and they're probably right
by Ken
So Shinseki is gone as VA Sec, no doubt inevitably, and possibly
deservedly, though we'll probably never know, since the psychotic lying
scumbags who have been leading the assault oh him not only are incapable of
speaking a word of truth but have now effectdively substituted their
psychotic lying scumbag agenda for any possible consideration of discovery
of truth and fixing it.
Howie wrote the other day about one of the most astonishing of the
psychotic lying scumbags, a superscumbag among superscumbags, NC Sen.
Richard Burr, a vile pile of puke who deserves someday to hav... more »
White House has " Spring Cleaning " ? May 30 , 2013 --- While the resignation of Veterans Administration Chief was probably long overdue , the sudden and unexpected resignation of Press Secretary Jay Carney is more surprising ( leaving in two weeks , not much lead time - no reason given for the sudden departure ! )
Obama's spokesman Jay Carney unexpectedly resigns
Published time: May 30, 2014 18:01
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[image: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb)]
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb)
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Obama, USA
United States President Barack Obama announced Friday afternoon that he’s
accepted the resignation of White House press secretary Jay Carney.
Josh Earnest, the White House special assistant to the president and
principal deputy press secretary, will assume Carney’s role, Obama said
during a surprise appearance from the commande... more »
As Pearson Tag Teams with Microsoft for Common Core Curriculum in Urban America, Weingarten Attacks Conservatives for Attacking the Common Core
Randi Weingarten has arrived at the most delusional and convoluted logic
yet to deflect from her continuing support of CorpEd's centerpiece strategy
for more lucrative testing, corporate professional development, and
corporate canned curriculum.
Weingarten has this quote in the New York Times today in a puff piece on
Common Core resistance:
“The Tea Party is using the frustration with the implementation as the
guise to eliminate standards in schools and to destabilize public
education,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of
Teachers, the country’s second-... more »
*"The Dirty Dozen" local legislators dishonor constituents to protect Big
Oil ~Clancy Dubos, The Gambit*
*LPBF: Fracking on the north shore could lead to thousands of wells ~John
Snell, WVUE*
*Supreme Court justice has close ties to BP's lawyers ~David Hammer*
*Louisiana House of Oil & Gas votes to kill levee board lawsuit ~Mark
Ballard, The Advocate*
*Stephanie Grace: At Capitol, not all petitioners are equal*
*House Natural Resources Comm. kills SELPA-E suit even as committee
chairman cited for dumping toxic oilfield wastes ~Louisiana Voice*
*Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam ~P.L.
*Armed citizens form group to keep eye on French Quarter ~WDSU*... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: “Game of Thrones” is Coming! #ISA2015
On behalf of Dan Drezner and myself I am pleased to announce the lineup for
our panel proposal to the 2015 International Studies Association Annual
Conference in New Orleans, which I submitted today. The call for proposals
specified we were looking for papers specifically investigating the
empirical impacts of / circulation of ASOIAF/GoT cultural artifacts
Continue reading
NBC Censorship or selective editing , hard to understand why NBC cut out Snowden dissection of the main flaw with NSA surveillance hoovering if having an informed discussion matters ( it doesn't make the US safer and actually is counter-productivity ) -- Read Snowden’s comments on 9/11 that NBC didn’t broadcast
Read Snowden’s comments on 9/11 that NBC didn’t broadcast
Published time: May 30, 2014 17:13
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[image: This NBC News handout video frame grab shows an NBC News Exclusive
interview with Brian Williams and Edward Snowden, excerpted from the May
28, 2014 TV primetime special. (AFP Photo / NBC NEWS / Handout)]
This NBC News handout video frame grab shows an NBC News Exclusive
interview with Brian Williams and Edward Snowden, excerpted from the May
28, 2014 TV primetime special. (AFP Photo / NBC NEWS / Handout)
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Would You Buy a Car From This Man?

As an American would you put your full faith and trust in not only an agent
of the US Government but one of President Barack Obama's hand-picked best
and brightest, a man who will never simply be thrown under the bus in an
election year like the freshly jettisoned Eric Shinseki? This is no
ordinary man but one of mighty power who presides over the national
intelligence apparatus, the Big Kahuna who is able to lie to Congress with
impunity and as Director of National Intelligence presides over the red,
white and blue Orwellian security state that is beyond reproach and despite
the ... more »
'Newsnight' - 26-30 May: Coda

The post above was the objective version. Here's the subjective one.
*Monday's edition* saw a UKIP spokesman being ganged up on by
representatives from the three established parties before Lord Heseltine
was given the platform to swing into action against UKIP, yodeling
'racists!' as he did so:
A report from Chris Cook featuring three continental Europhiles followed.
Hmm, not very balanced so far. Still the closing discussion between Dan
Hannan and a French Europhile allied to the Socialist Party redressed this
failure slightly.
*Tuesday's edition* featured another Major era Tory... more »
'Newsnight' - 26-30 May

It's time to find out what's been going on at *Newsnight *this week. What
stories did they choose to report? How did they frame those stories? Who
did they interview?
*Monday 26/5*
*European election special*
*"There's no arguing with Nigel Farage's much-trumpeted claim today that
his party has "pulled off something unprecedented". He's right. They have.
But what does it all mean? The established parties dismiss the United
Kingdom Independence Party as a one-man band but now the bandwagon is
really rolling. Will an upsurge of protest transform politics in this
country or is it jus... more »
Rozalla - Are You Ready to Fly?
It's Friday night and the All That Is Solid disco is underway. My pick for
this evening was placed highly in the best dance songs of the 1990s, but
now haunts the backwoods of YouTube and Spotify with other huge and
tragically forgotten tunes of yesteryear. Yet until my dying day I shall
maintain there are fewer better ways to touch off the dance floor than with
this house monster from 1992. Are you ready to fly?
Why Elizabeth Warren Is Backing Brian Schatz Instead Of Colleen Hanabusa

Yesterday, one of the least progressive organizations working on behalf of
Democrats, EMILY's List, sent out an e-mail to their followers-- most of
whom are convinced that EMILY's List is still a thorpughly progressive
outfit as it was years ago-- entitled "Elizabeth Warren's Footsteps." They
are attempting to raise money, primarily to pay their own bloated salaries,
but also to push their awful, conservative candidates, like New Dem Colleen
Hanabusa, who they are running against progressive Senator Brian Schatz.
Schatz is demonstrably better than Hanabusa on every issue, including... more »
Doug Martin's Letter to the Anderson Herald Bulletin
*(The following is Doug Martin's letter to the editors of the Anderson,
Indiana, Herald Bulletin, sent at 7:56 pm, May 30, 2014. If you would like
to contact that newspaper, you can at letters@heraldbulletin.com) *
*DOUG MARTIN'S NOTE TO THE EDITORS: "My letter is endorsed by ONLY myself.
It does NOT reflect the views toward your paper of any of the panelists
that appeared with me on the Rise Above the Mark event panel, and it does
NOT reflect the views toward your paper of any of the makers of the film or
the organizers of the event. In fact, the panelists, makers of the
movie, a... more »
Spanish Inquisition Day 13
Today the bus ride was relatively brief - fifteen km or so out of town (but
on a city bus that made many stops) to Itálica, a second-century Roman
outpost that was left high and dry when the Guadalquivir River shifted its
course due to silation after the removal of forest cover. Without a water
supply the city was abandoned and no new settlement was constructed,
leaving a remarkably well-preserved site.
Danni and Professor Ginnet are dwarfed by the amphitheater.
Travel bug "Little Roswell" surveys the amphitheater from on high.
And why was Little Roswell out and about? Oh, checki... more »

*An inner revolution is happening today throughout the world~ a spiritual
conspiracy against the status quo and a world seemingly devoid of spiritual
meaning. It cannot be stopped because it is tapping into our individual DNA
and the real reason we are here on this planet ~ to bear the beams of love
and help the planet evolve**.* *It's a spiritual conspiracy and there are
sleeper cells in every nation, every state, every town and every
neighborhood ~ it is alive and growing and cannot be stopped. We are slowly
creating a New World Order where our minds are driven by our hearts, so... more »
Christopher Pissarides
A profile of the Nobel laureate.
Are We Headed To the “Bloodiest Thing the World Has Seen” Or Just Another Orchestrated American Disaster Rewarding the Connected/Rich?
Piketty — whose work I relied on for years and who substantiates a lot of
things that I’ve written with his research — argues that the concentration
of wealth will just continue and continue and continue. As Herbert Stein,
Richard Nixon’s chief economic adviser, famously said, a trend will only
continue as long as it can. We will either, through peaceful, rational
means, go back to a system
Danish documentary about the social and human price of the 2014 FIFA World
Cup in Brazil.
Congress Passes A First Step Towards Marijuana Legalization

The House was busy last night. At just past 1AM they passed, H.R. 4660, a
huge appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice,
Science, and related agencies. The final vote was 321-87. Sounds routine
and humdrum? There were 25 amendments, 14 of which got through. The one
everyone is talking about today is a bipartisan amendment from two
Californians, Dana Rohrabacher ® and Sam Farr (D), which restricts the Drug
Enforcement Administration from targeting medical marijuana operations in
states where it is legal. The House has never passed any pro-pot bill
before. THi... more »
Degeneracy Today, or The Coercion of Dogma Versus the Coercion of a Design
Steven Goddard has a post on "A Dark Age of Degeneracy", speaking about the
state of the Democratic party in the U.S. now. This is no news to me, as I
have been referring to them as "The Insane Left" for most of Obama's
presidency, certainly since the passage of "Obamacare" in early 2010. But
the degeneracy is not limited to politics, nor to recent years. My response
to Goddard's post follows:
*If you "believe" in undirected (Darwinian) evolution (evolution by
"natural selection" of random mutations--the "greenhouse effect" of
biological science--which is the consensus theory and th... more »
Obama Defends His Foreign Policy???
Don't get too excited folks. He's defending himself against that portion of
humanity who think he's been too *restrained*. Too *meek and mild*.
Yep. He's defending himself against the Sean Hannity/Bill Kristol/Dick
Cheney school of chickenhawks. The people who are so completely delusional
that they think the invasion of Iraq was a *success*! They call Obama, he
of murderous drone-strikes across the Middle East, he of troop surges in
Afghanistan, he who tried to negotiate an extension of the presence of US
troops in Iraq after bush II's negotiated withdrawl date, he of the coup in
Ho... more »
AVOIDING THE GAPS: A mockingbird down!
*FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014*
*Part 4—Watching the gaps get suppressed:* It’s a sin to kill a
mockingbird. Gregory Peck said that.
Something else is sinful too. It’s a sin when our journalists fail to
report—*refuse* to report—our black kids’ substantial score gains.
Singing sweetly, the nation’s reporters and pundits routinely repeat elite
propaganda about stagnant test scores in our allegedly failing schools. But
how odd:
As pundits have done this in recent decades, black kids’ test scores in
reading and math have risen rather sharply. These test scores come from the
National Assessm... more »
Top Ten LA Radio Shows That Are Rated Higher Than Rush Limbaugh's

On May 15, Media Matters' Eric Boehlert followed up on his April
dispatch revealing that powerful conservative icon Rush Limbaugh's flagship
station, KEIB, finished 37th out of a market of 45 radio outlets. The May
report proved even worse for the AM political pundit: Boehlert reports that
KEIB had slipped to 39th place in the field of 45 and there's no end in
sight for Limbaugh's plummeting ratings. Included in the Nielsen Radio
report is that, beating Limbaugh in the LA radio market, the second largest
in the nation, were "12 non-English stations and four college outlets." Bu... more »
Mike's Story Part 35 - Bonding
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* "When I was about ten and had just moved to a new school, we had
rope-climbing in gym. I'd never climbed a rope and I sucked. I became a
champion rope-climber after that.*
* 'Another time, also when I was ten, the kids were changing in the
locker room at the pool, I was uncircumcised so I made my dad wait with me
in the parking lot until the kids were done. He was furious. He spanked
me. When I was twelve I got circumcised." *
Then he told another story from his twelfth year - and not, as I'd
incorrectly remembered, his teens, - of his father... more »
Just call them terrorists
or Somali pirates
call them separatists
or pro-Russian
call them anything
and just keep
shelling them
into submission
or civil war
or onto refugee camps
or bantustans
or reservations
Just make sure that
the oil-i-garchy
can grab the land
the resources
the riches
for exploitation
Just make sure NATO
can set up bases
with interceptor missiles
on the Bear's border
It won't be long
the Bear's lair
is next
just call them terrorists
Management-Side Firm Whines Because EEOC Mediators Are Doing Their Jobs
The law firm Fox Rothschild, LLP has posted a series of blog posts where
they complain bitterly about EEOC mediators. They claim the mediators are
unfair because they have the nerve (the noive!) to tell employers that EEOC
could enter a cause finding in their case. The whining began with a survey
by Merrily Archer where she asked management-side folks who participated in
EEOC mediations whether or not mediators mentioned "cause" findings as a
possibility. She found that they did so in 73.7% of cases. In 70% of cases,
mediators mentioned to employers that EEOC could possibly bring a s... more »
Extending time to move in Court of Appeal
*D.G. v. A.F*., 2014 ONCA 436:
[11] In my view, the test to apply to the applicant’s request for an
extension of time should be the same as the test on a motion to set aside a
Registrar’s order dismissing an appeal for delay, since such an order was
at the root of the motion before Doherty J.A. That test was succinctly
stated by Weiler J.A. in *Paulsson v. Cooper,* 2010 ONCA 21, [2010] O.J.
No.123, at para. 2:
The factors a court should consider in deciding whether to grant this type
of motion are well-known. They are: whether the applicant had an intention
to appeal within t... more »
Another of the BBC's dirty little biases on show
The BBC's anti-India/pro-Pakistan bias is often pretty obvious but today it
has reached a new level. The story of the poor Pakistani woman stoned to
death outside of a Lahore court has now been relegated from the BBC news
front page. However the little pro-Pakistan elves at the BBC have put
another anti-India story on the front page in its place. Yes the story from
India is really terrible but the BBC's news priorities do shine through,
see how they report the two stories below...
The BBC, beyond contempt.
The Sickness Of Angelina Jolie: Angelina Jolie On Maleficent - "I Was Drawn To The Evil"
I periodically take some shots at the crap coming out of "Hollywood" or
what I can safely call..."Jewlywood", and the so called "movies" that they
produce for both propaganda and for clouding the minds of gentiles.... Now
Hollywood is releasing a new garbage movie called "Maleficent", and from
what I have seen, there is a horrendous amount of satanic symbology in this
latest piece of crap. And of course the leading actress in this sham is
none other that the ultra-pyschotic Jewess herself, Angelina Jolie.
I put out an article two years back exposing the insanity of Angelina
Jolie, ... more »
This week on his 'WallBuilders Live' radio show, debunked Christian
historian David Barton compared Native Americans of the 1700s to modern day
terrorists and explained why the U.S. had to commit genocide of Native
This same way of thinking can be seen in operation today as the "christian"
US kills people all over the world that stand up against the resource
extraction policies of the corporate controlled Pentagon.
This week on his 'WallBuilders Live' radio show, debunked Christian
historian David Barton compared Native Americans of the 1700s to modern day
terrorists a... more »
'Holding Brad Wall Accountable' - Sask New Democrats Meet In Annual Convention

*Saskatchewan's New Democrats are holding their annual convention this
weekend in the friendly city of Moose Jaw. Party Leader Cam Broten has
signaled that New Democrats are ready and able to hold Brad Wall
accountable for the fact that his so called 'boom' has busted for many
citizens of the province. The hype built up about the prosperity simply
does not match with reality. *
*The following letter to the editor appears in the Yorkton News Review:*
*May 28, 2014 *
* To the Editor:**This spring session, the Saskatchewan NDP’s focus was on
the government’s neglect of the basics in... more »
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam. via
Endgame: Disaster Capitalism, New Orleans, and the Charter Scam.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Temporary Foreign Wanking
Evan Solomon asks why restaurants don't just raise wages to attract workers
: "Guess what? This is the criticism - raise the wages and they will come."
Jerry Lundegaard Garth Whyte of *Restaurants Canada* : "So let's raise it
to $100 an hour - we'll still need them [temporary foreign workers]. That's
the issue, we have, uh, you know, people, we're, this is well above the
average wage, we're putting it well above ... " [h/t Press Progress for
above vid]
Ok, let's look at that. This is Slide #20 in a 2012 powerpoint presentation
given by Ron Reaman, VP, Ontario, of *Restauran... more »
What would be the point of an abortion debate?
About that debate that nobody wants and yet seems to be raging all the
fucking time nonetheless...
I will have more to say about this (biiiig surprise, regular DJ! readers
are thinking), but for now (I'm really busy) I just want to put a couple of
points out there.
Here's a question no one seems to be asking: What would be the purpose of
an abortion debate?
Rabid political partisans are obviously betting that it can score them some
votes or at least some points.
Rabid anti-choicers want to roll history backwards and if not recriminalize
abortion altogether (which even they admit i... more »
Do Famous People Sway Voters?

The big endorsement news in L.A. yesterday was when Mayor Eric Garcetti--
or as many people around here refer to him, future POTUS Eric Garcetti-- backed
Ted Lieu for Congress in the CA-33 seat Henry Waxman is giving up.
"Tuesday's election is extremely important for the future of our region,"
said Mayor Garcetti. That's why I am endorsing Ted Lieu for Congress. Ted
is not only the most qualified candidate, but the type of person we need in
Washington-- intelligent, ethical and relentless as a representative for
our community. He has shown tremendous leadership on important issues... more »
Gold Report May 30 , 2014 -- Ed Steer's usual collection of News , data and views touching on gold and the precious metals ...... additional itms of note after " The Wrap "
The gold price did little of anything during most of the Far East trading
session on their Thursday. Then shortly after 2 p.m. Hong Kong time, an
HFT-type dropped the price by about seven bucks. The low of the day came
shortly after the London open---and from there it traded flat until 10
minutes before the 8:20 a.m. EDT New York open. The rally that began at
that juncture got capped moments after London closed at 11 a.m. EDT---and
jus... more »
LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed: An Interview With Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist For The Lakers by Joe Salama
[image: DrCateShanahan]Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D.
LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed: An Interview with Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist for
the Lakers
by Joe Salama
Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund, 23 May, 2014
*Joe Salama, attorney and author of The Paleo Miracle, interviewed Cate
Shanahan, M.D., the nutritionist for the L.A. Lakers basketball team. Dr.
Cate Shanahan promotes fats from pastured animals while FTCLDF promotes
farmers who raise those animals!*
*What do you do for the Lakers?*
We operate on several levels so answering the question is a little
complicated but the basics are th... more »
The Madness Of King Stephen

Tim Harper writes that the the parliamentary press gallery has always known
that the prime minister has a hair trigger temper:
When Stephen Harper returned from political exile to lead the Canadian
Alliance 12 years ago, a few of the more cynical members of the
Parliamentary Press Gallery played a little game on the side.
We plotted how we could get a notoriously volatile Harper to “blow’’ at the
mike on the opposition side of the House of Commons foyer.
Such was his reputation for a short fuse, a man who would not abide
provocative or ill-informed questions from journalists, we t... more »
Local Council By-Elections May 2014
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
0 ... more »
Natural Wrinkle-Reducing Remedies With Mary Kremer

Have you ever wondered how to make your face look younger and fresher,
without having the “worked on” look associated with plastic surgery? Or
maybe you’re just like me, and any kind of medical procedure freaks you
out. I’m all about all-natural remedies, and I know I’m not alone. So here
are a few natural remedies to help you revitalize your face and decrease
the look of wrinkles.
Milk and Honey The land flowing with milk and honey wasn’t just abounding
in food, it had a very effective facial cleanser. That’s right, milk and
honey make a wonderful facial cleanser, and they’ve be... more »
War Watch May 30 , 2014 -- Regardless of troop levels remaining in Afghanistan after the end of 2014 ( allegedly 9800 for 2015 , half of that for 2016 and then complete removal at the end of 2016 ) , an army of private contractors will be in country ...... ....... Iraq death dealing continues unabated ...... ...... Libya’s Dueling PMs Add to Uncertainty Over Parliament’s Future Already Facing Coup, Parliament's Internal Split Grows ........ Syria Updates from Syria Direct
WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014 09:35 AM EDT
Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of
contractors in AfghanistanWhat is a huge army of private contractors
secretly doing in Afghanistan? A leaked PowerPoint presentation explainsTIM
- Share 621
- 383
- 97
[image: Exclusive: New document details America's war machine -- and secret
... more »
Malaysia Airline flight 370 Mystery May 27 -28 , 2014 -- Officially back to square one ( Pings not related to flight 370 black boxes which are now dead ........ Malaysia Prime Minister declines to meet family members during China visit ( think those families were made before ? ) ......... MH370 FAMILIES FURY: Satellite data released 'INCOMPLETE' & ‘MAKES NO SENSE’ ( Why are we not surprised by this ? )
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Najib won’t meet MH370 families during China visit
MAY 28, 2014
2 Google +0 0
[image: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will not meet the families of
missing passengers, about two-thirds of whom were Chinese during his visit
to China. ― Reuters pic]Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will not meet
the families of missing passengers, about two-thirds of whom were Chinese
during hi... more »
In the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun
In the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun. via In
the U.S., Where the Female Nipple Is More Dangerous Than a Gun.Filed under:
PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Overnight News and Data May 30 , 2014 - Focus Asia and Europe..
Zero Hedge ....
What Q2 GDP Surge? After March Spending Spree, Tapped Out Consumers Had
Biggest Spending Drop Since 2009
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/30/2014 09:04 -0400
- Lehman
- Personal Income
- Savings Rate
Last month, when we noted the massive surge in Personal Spending *which was
funded entirely by the depletion of personal savings, *we said that "since
spending was so much higher than income for one more month, at least
according to the bean counters, the savings rate tumbled and at 3.8% (down
from 4.2% in Februa... more »
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