10:40pm MDST
“Report: Food Prices Skyrocket: “We’re Going to Have a Major Problem Coming Into the Fall”
*“Report: Food Prices Skyrocket: *
*“We’re Going to Have a Major Problem Coming Into the Fall”*
by Mac Slavo
"While government statisticians claim robust growth, recent data points
suggest otherwise. Consumers are quickly running out of money, home sales
have collapsed and hit their biggest drop in three years, there are more
Americans out of the labor force than ever before, and one third of adults
under the age of 35 are living with their parents because they can no
longer afford to pay their own mortgage.
By all accounts, the reality is that we are now factually in a recession, a ... more »
Guest Interview - Water Quality In America

*With an estimated 240,000 water main breaks each year in the US, the aging
water infrastructure is posing a health risk for the consumers who are
drinking water that is contaminated with lead, pathogens, arsenic, and
other carcinogens, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Blue
Ocean Sciences, a bioremediation technology company, is preparing for the
launch of Hope2o this summer. Hope2o is an affordable and accurate water
analysis kit that allows the individual homeowner to test their tap and
filter water for any heavy metal and organic chemical contaminants, and to ... more »
“Climate Change Is A Growing National Security Concern, Say Retired Military Leaders”
*“Climate Change Is A Growing National Security Concern, *
*Say Retired Military Leaders”*
by James Gerken
“A report released Tuesday from an advisory group of retired U.S.
leadership echoes the findings of other recent reports on climate
It is real, it is already happening and it poses major threats to the
and the rest of the world. The federally funded Center for Naval
Analysesand its Military Advisory Board, a group of 16 retired three-
and four-star
generals and admirals, affirm in the report that climate events like
flooding, prolonged drought and rising se... more »
Turkey back in focus ........Anger in Turkey over deadly mine disaster Protests erupt in several parts of the country a day after an explosion in a coal mine killed at least 274 people........
Anger in Turkey over deadly mine disaster
Protests erupt in several parts of the country a day after an explosion in
a coal mine killed at least 274 people.
Last updated: 14 May 2014 20:38
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Police fired tear gas on at protesters demonstrating near Istanbul's iconic
Taksim Square [Al Jazeera]
Anger and grief have boiled over into violent protests in several parts of
Turkey a day after a mine disaster killed at least 274 people.
Turkish police on ... more »
ALEC Corporate Members Hide Their Involvement Too.

As I have often said in the past - ALEC members hide their association with
the American Legislative Exchange Council - cause they ashamed - they know
what they are doing is wrong - wrong for their state - wrong for the UNITED
States of America.
Finding ALEC members is a time consuming job - attempted by many, and the
rewards are few.
It's hard to find and report on something that is intentionally hidden from
the public view.
Finding ALEC Corporate sector / private sector members is a challenge also
- cause they don't advertise that they go out and buy legislators - sounds
too un-... more »
American Oligarchy: Biden's Son Hired by Ukraine Gas Company

*“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”*
*George Orwell – Animal Farm*
What may be the ugliest secret of all in 21st Century America there no
longer is such a thing as democracy, stick a fork in it's ass because it is
done. The truth is that this place was long ago sold out to the highest
bidder, not that it was ever noticed by millions of sheep who went down not
only without a fight, not only without a whimper but without even noticing
that they have been had by a corrupt, entrenched elite. The insane drive to
capture Ukraine for western imperialists h... more »
Polio and the International Politics of Eradication: CIA Vaccination Ruse, Vaccine Trust, and DNA as a Tool of War
[Please note: this is a guest post by Alison Howell, Rutgers University-
Newark] The recent WHO designation of polio as a ‘global public health
emergency’ has reignited debate as to whether the spread of polio is the
result of reduced vaccine trust due to the CIA vaccination ruse in
Pakistan. The vaccination ruse in Pakistan
Continue reading
Q: Who Killed Paula Yates...? A: Charlotte Korshak, with Morphine Syringe, in the Upstairs Bedroom.

The television presenter Paula Yates died of a heroin overdose in a
"foolish and incautious" binge after having apparently overcome her drug
problem, an inquest found yesterday.
The coroner, *Paul Knapman*, said *the amount she snorted would not have
killed an addict,* but as "*an unsophisticated taker of heroin" Miss Yates
had no tolerance to the drug.*
Recording a verdict of death by non-dependent abuse of drugs, he told the
court:* "The evidence does not point to this being a deliberate act of
suicide. It seems most improbable that she would attempt to kill herself
with h... more »
UKIP - Sleepwalking the UK into Talmudic Servitude

UKIP is a notorious party operating in the UK. It is portrayed by the
media as some sort of racist 'nazi' organisation, but remarkably, is
afforded endless publicity by the same media which operates a 'no platform'
policy with anyone who rejects (or even questions) multi-culti 'political
correctness'. In this respect alone, those who are familiar with the
absolute censorship of the UK media, should be sitting up and taking notice
of the bizarre obsession with UKIP which the liberal-Marxist media has.
UKIP is portrayed as the party which will get the UK out of the EU. The
hinted ... more »
Gold and precious metal report May 14 , 2014 -- The Beginning Of The End Of Precious Metals Manipulation: The London Silver Fix Is Officially Dead .....Gata articles - covering flight of gold from the west to the east , Russia's ability to retaliate in the markets .......Turd Ferguson opines that the Swiss gold is gone ( just like Germany's gold ) .... Silver Doctor articles covering silver manipulation and the phony CFTC investigation , a look at gold demand from China and India trumping supply.....
The Beginning Of The End Of Precious Metals Manipulation: The London Silver
Fix Is Officially Dead
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/2014 14:56 -0400
- Bank of England
- Counterparties
- Deutsche Bank
- Precious Metals
Following a crackdown on precious metal manipulation by various European
regulators (mostly Germany's BaFin, recall "Precious Metals Manipulation
Worse Than Libor Scandal, Ge... more »
Are Feds Behind the Cyber Attack on Libertarian Website Antiwar.com?

Today libertarian website Antiwar.com, one of the best news and foreign
policy locations on the internet was hacked in the middle of a fund-raising
drive. According to a notice on the website their servers were hit with a
malware attack, such malicious programs have been revealed by Pulitzer
Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald as one of the myriad of tools that
the American Stasi uses to prosecute their secretive war on the truth. In
my years of writing I have always considered Antiwar.com to be an excellent
resource on much of what really goes on in this country and regularly... more »
“Robot Soldiers Would Never Rape”: Un-packing the Myth of the Humanitarian War-Bot
One of the more depressing elements in the narrative at the CCWUN Experts’
Meeting this week has been the argument, repeated by a number of autonomous
weapons proponents both in plenary and discussion, that an advantage of
such weapons is the following: unlike human soldiers, they would never
commit rape. This is but a new
Continue reading
Learning from Stephen Sutton
Practically everyone plugged in to some form of social media will have
heard of Stephen Sutton, the 19 year old teenage cancer fundraiser who died
earlier today. It's very sad news for his family and friends, and for
everyone who followed his story. His life was short, but he set an
exemplary example of altruism. It must have been very gratifying for
Stephen knowing that years of fundraising finally paid off and that others
will benefit from the £3.2m he and his supporters were able to raise for
the Teenage Cancer Trust.
People who write about the social uses of the new media tech... more »
A son of US Vice-President Joseph Biden has joined the board of directors
of Ukraine's largest private gas producer. Hunter Biden now leads the
company's legal unit - getting the position a few weeks after his father's
trip to Kiev.
Connect the dots and see how the US-NATO intervention in Ukrainian affairs
is all about fossil fuels. Somebody will be making some *$$$$$$*.
*Audit shows NOPD underreported rape ~Jim Mustian, New Orleans Advocate*
*NPR fluff piece: New Orleans Police Hope To 'Win The City Back,' One Kid
At A Time*
*Prosecutors seek delay in trial linked to 2013 Mothers Day second-line
shooting ~WDSU*
*Helis offers PR 'compromise' on St. Tammany Parish well ~Faimon A. Roberts
III, BR Advocate*
*Will this be the year U.S.'s luck runs out on hurricanes? *
*Elizabeth Smart to speak at Nicholls on child abduction/recovery issues
~Aline Carambat, Houma Courier via WWLTV*
*Letter indicates Chiquita leaving Gulfport for New Orleans ~Anita Lee,... more »
Walsh and Lemon are better than Sterling!
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014*
*By their own admission:* If we’re reading this piece correctly, Joan Walsh
is a better person than Donald Sterling.
By her own admission!
So is CNN’s Don Lemon, again by his own admission.
That said, we’ll make an admission of our own. We couldn’t force ourselves
to watch last night’s Don Lemon Gossip Hour. We felt we had to pack it in
when he opened his program like this:
LEMON (5/13/14): Here is reality. *As Donald Sterling goes down in flames,
he is pouring the gasoline himself.* And it all started with a conversation
in his own home. *What does that... more »
Who Put the Roswell Press Release on the News Wire?
In the last day or so, I have been asked about the press release issued by
Walter Haut concerning the discovery of a flying disk near Roswell. We can
argue all day about what it was, but that term was used in the press
release. The *Roswell Daily Record* reported that military had “captured” a
flying saucer in the Roswell region. What is interesting now is that some
are wondering if the *Roswell Daily Record* put the press release on the
news wire and the source of that information is quoted as evidence is
Philip Klass.
In his book, *The Real Roswell Crashed Saucer Coverup*, Klass ... more »
Solving Tuscaloosa: In search of solutions!
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014*
*Hannah-Jones’ minimal effort:* How do you solve a problem like Tuscaloosa?
(Like Baltimore, Cleveland, New York, Seattle? A problem like M9inneapolis?)
To us, that question mainly means this: How do we create a school system
which helps a great kid like D’Leisha Dent qualify for a four-year college?
For Nikole Hannah-Jones, the emphasis seems to be different. Here’s the
question she examined in her fascinating, chapter-length report for
ProPublica and The Atlantic:
How do we create a system in which a kid like Dent goes to school with
white kids as well a... more »
No duty on deceived party to uncover falsehood
Virc v. Blair, 2014 ONCA 39:
[54] The motion judge concluded that the appellant was unable to show
that her application to set aside the separation agreement had a real
chance of success at trial. She reached this conclusion because the
appellant had had an opportunity to examine the veracity of the
respondent's financial disclosure, but failed to avail herself of that
opportunity. Specifically, the motion judge held (at para. 91):
Whether the misrepresentation as to the value of Renegade was deliberate,
either at the date of marriage or the date of separation, is a questi... more »
Summers on Piketty
One of the best reviews of the book I have seen.
Cold War II - Libya's oil for EU- Embargoing Russia?
Continuing on with pipeline wars and the planned embargo on Russia.
Did I say embargo? Yes, because that looks to be the US/NATO plan.
Embargo Russia until it falls. Sanctions are part of the embargo, but only
a part of it.
* Embargo defined *
*The partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a
particular country.Embargoes are considered strong diplomatic measures
imposed in an effort, by the imposing country, to elicit a given
national-interest result from the country on which it is imposed.*
Will they succeed? Time will tell.
Judging by some of the news from recent da... more »
The Realist Report - Mike King: The Talented Mr. Putin

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Mike King of
*TomatoBubble.com*. Mike and I will be discussing his recently published
book *The Talented Mr. Putin*. Callers are welcome.
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit the *AFP Radio
Network* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *The Odessa Massacre - What REALLY Happened*
- *Meet Ukraine's kosher "ultra-nationalists" - John Friend*
- *Why did Putin suddenly ban 'Holocaust denial'? - Mike King & Brother
Nathan... more »
Assclowns of the Week #98: Get Bentghazi edition
Well, despite 13 Congressional hearings and over $125,000,000 blown on
Benghazi investigations, the GOP Krazy Klown Kar roared out of the motor
pool packed with Republican assclowns who are bound and determined to get
to the bottom of an embassy attack they singlehandedly created and that
then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned us about.
But, despite the House GOP's (1) and right wing media's (3) best
efforts, Benghazi wasn't the only topic of conversation this past
week.There was Cliven Bundy's Merry Pranksters (10) for going all Ken Kesey
on sacred Native America... more »
Conspiracy theories and Paula Yates - by Julie Burchill, Sept. 13th 2000

And the cant just keeps on coming - last weekend, the death of Paula Yates
continued to push wars, famine and the fallout from Big Brother Bernie
Ecclestone off the front pages of the nation's newspapers. If one is of a
conspiracist set of mind, one might imagine that Paula had been sleeping
with the president (sorry, prime minister), perhaps - as her great heroine
Marilyn Monroe had done in her day - and that, when she threatened, in a
last desperate midnight phone call to make their affair public, MI5 was
sent in to do their stuff with a vodka bottle and a hypodermic. Just in
t... more »
My Interview with Counterpunch
Sacramento jounralist Seth Sandronsky learned of the release of my book, A
Chronicle of Echoes, and requested an interview on the book and other
issues, including questions about my personal history and varied education
reform topics. His interview is posted in the online publication,
Counterpunch May 14, 2014 An Interview With Mercedes K. Schneider Bill
Gates […]
The trials and tribulations of the Truong Sa submarine

[image: Truong Sa submarine]The Ministry of Science and Technology (MST)
has just affirmed that it is prepared to grant a license for putting the
Truong Sa sub into testing in the open sea. Prior to that, the Vietnam
Register Agency, the Thai Binh provincial authorities and the Ministry of
National Defence also made similar statements.
Nguyen Quoc Hoa, the inventor of Truong Sa, still has not found a sponsor
who can help him bring Truong Sa to the open sea. The relevant ministries
all have their own reasons for refusing to grant the license for testing
Truong Sa in the sea.
Vietnam... more »
Mike's Story Part 21 - Death Throes of FTW
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
To Mike and Ray 11-1-2006:
*seconded re need for holding pattern. remember ray's in pittsburgh and
not on email so if we don't hear from him for a couple days, don't think
anything sinister.*
* anything else i say will be obsolete by sundown.*
To Mike 11-1-2006 [in response to his expression of abject failure:]
*what would you say to a person who announces, at twenty, 'i'm going to
be a billionaire by the time i'm forty.' at fifty, they've made a mere
couple million dollars and let's hope, done something worthy meanwhile. is
this person a failure or... more »
The Global Warming Fraud: Why Global Warming Failed
Right now, while everyone has their focus on the happenings in Ukraine,
there is a lot of important events happening elsewhere in the world..... In
the United States, the criminal Barry Soetoro/Davis/Obama government which
has failed so miserably in trying to fleece the American people through the
scam commonly known as "Obamacare" is concocting their latest and greatest
con known as "carbon taxation"... The US government is continuing to
promote the fraud and lie known as man made "Global Warming" (or as some
call it "climate change" now) and is getting ready to use the propaganda o... more »
Via Campesina solidarity with Zapatistas following attack on teacher
of Solidarity with the Zapatistas and the Latin AmericanCoordination of
Peasant Organizations and North America Region of LaVia Campesina
By La Via Campesina International
Censored NewsWe are dismayed and outraged, but also firm in solidarity
andstruggle; we stand against the assault that ended the life of
the teacher Galeano, a brother and comrade Zapatista in La
Due to their watching the government controlled "mainstream medea" most Americans believe that the fighting in Ukraine is due to Russian troops ...even though Putin has said that US satellites must have noted that he had pulled his troops back from the border. Read this to learn a bit about who the real murderers are.

CIA, FBI and Now Academi Mercenaries on the Ground in Ukraine
Original Here*
May 12, 2014
The German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported on Sunday 400 U.S.
mercenaries are working with the junta government in Ukraine to suppress
opposition to the coup in the eastern part of the country. The newspaper
said the for-profit mercenaries are actively participating in the effort to
eliminate anti-coup activists in Slavyans... more »
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014*
*Part 3—One possible form of excess:* As we’ve told you, the concept of
privilege is extremely hot.
Only yesterday, Prachi Gupta salonsplained exactly *how* hot. Warning! The
parts of this excerpt which sounds like a joke may be a reading error.
Headlines included:
GUPTA (5/13/14):
*Students at Harvard’s Kennedy School will now be required to check their
privilege/The course will be called Checking Your Privilege 101*
If Tal Fortgang, the Princeton freshman who refused to check his white
privilege, ever wants to go to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Governme... more »
Study Should Spark New Lawsuits Against Teacher Eval Based on VAM
*From the summary at Brookings:*
*The federal government has spurred the creation of a new generation of
teacher evaluation systems at the state level through more than $4 billion
in Race to the Top funding to 19 states and No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
accountability waivers to 43 states. A majority of states have passed laws
requiring the adoption of teacher evaluation systems that incorporate
student achievement data, but only a handful of states had fully
implemented new teacher evaluation systems as of the 2012-13 school year.*
As the majority of states continue to design and imple... more »
Security certificates constitutional
Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) *v.* Harkat, 2014 SCC 37:
*Constitutionality of IRPA Scheme*
The impugned provisions of the *IRPA* scheme are
constitutional. They do not violate the named person's right to know and
meet the case against him, or the right to have a decision made on the
facts and the law. The alleged defects of the*IRPA* scheme must be
assessed in light of the scheme's overall design and of the two central
principles that guide the scheme: (1) the designated judge is intended to
play a gatekeeper role, is vested with broad discretion and ... more »
Honey, we never had kids!
By Capt. Fogg
Someone told me that the Church of the Latter Day Saints is the fastest
growing religion in the world, but it isn't -- not if one can call a family
of beliefs that share the philosophy that nothing you hear is true a
religion. Of course when it comes to Sunday Supplement health and
nutrition articles and the books that make diet Doctors rich, little of it
may actually be true, but there is no end of things that are really beyond
reasonable doubt and should largely be beyond unreasonable doubt too. I
wasted some time last week for instance with a fool who insisted no ... more »
Burden of establishing an agency relationship lies on the party alleging its existence
*Boyle v. Maritime Travel Inc.*, 2014 NSCA 44:
[14] As the appellant points out, the burden of establishing an
agency relationship lies on the party alleging its existence: *Hav-A-Kar
Leasing Ltd. v. Vekselshtein*, 2012 ONCA 826 (CanLII), 2012 ONCA 826, at ¶
38. The judge correctly identified that burden in ¶ 26 of his decision and
provided additional legal authority.
May 14:New Brunswick Passenger Rail.....
A1 has a story well worth reading. It's about the decision to repair the
passenger railway track in northern New Brunswick. In short, it's a
statement by a national railway consultant who says this looks like just a
band-aid. He says Via Rail made the decision almost certainly because we're
into an election year - and a little largesse could swing some seats to the
What's needed, he says, is a long term plan to boost ridership. Otherwise,
the line will simply die, anyway, and the repair bill will be wasted.
He's being gentle.
The current federal government's planning (... more »
Napoleon In The Asylum

In the wake of the Supreme Court's rejection of Marc Nadon and Stephen
Harper's plan to reform the Senate, now comes word that the Ministry of
Justice is slashing its research budget by 20%. Devon Black writes:
The purpose of research in government is pretty obvious. It’s to test
assumptions, so legislators can make policy that works and change policy
that doesn’t. Without decent monitoring and evaluation, there’s no way for
legislators to know if any of their policies are doing what they’re
supposed to do.
Unfortunately, it looks as though the government has decided to punish
De... more »
*Summerhill: The misery of a great Leftist fantasy*
Mikey Cuddihy is now 60 years old and a successful artist and teacher. Yet
the pain of childhood loss suffuses this memoir as if the traumatic events
happened just last year.
She was born into a large and wealthy Irish-American family, who enjoyed a
luxurious life. But her beautiful actress mother became an alcoholic, given
to lashing out at her five children.
When Mikey was four, her parents divorced and her father gained custody of
the children. His second wife once stood one of her stepsons under a
freezing shower because h... more »
Motion to extend time to be refused on merits only in clearest of cases
Wadden v. BMO Nesbitt Burns, 2014 NSCA 45:
[17] It is only in those cases where the proposed grounds of appeal
are clearly without merit that it would not be in the interests of justice
to allow the extension (See for example, *McCully v. Rogers Estate*, 2013
NSCA 22 (CanLII), 2013 NSCA 22).
Steve's Economic Action Scam

1. Vastly inflate the stats for supposed job vacancies and skill
shortages in Canada by basing them on a program that counts online classified
ads, including one on eBay that features the same jobs posted multiple
2. Refuse to divulge the questionable source of the now vastly inflated
stats being used to implement government policy because - commercial
3. Tighten up eligibility requirements for employment insurance because
- hey, tons of jobs out there going begging.
4. Send Kenney off to Ireland to encourage 10,000 Irish studen... more »
Ukraine Watch / News and Views for May 14 , 2014 --- Gazprombank transferred client funds from Belgium and Luxembourg back to home turf, to protect against any future sanctions. The securities were moved from Euroclear Bank (Brussels) and Clearstream Banking (Luxembourg) to the Russian Central Depository at the end of April....... Moscow believes that the May 11 referendums held in Ukraine's Donetsk and Lugansk regions should be taken as confirmation of the depth of the crisis in Ukraine...... US backing Ukraine Government Eurobonds - The government of Ukraine has decided to issue $1 billion in five-year Eurobonds under US guarantees, according to a resolution published by the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday. .......
Russia Today.....
Russia’s third largest bank moves money from Europe to Moscow for safe
Published time: May 13, 2014 09:02
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[image: Reuters / Leonhard Foeger]
Reuters / Leonhard Foeger
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Banking, EU, Russian economy,Sanctions
Gazprombank transferred client funds from Belgium and Luxembourg back to
home turf, to protect against any future sanctions.
The securities were moved from Euroclear Bank (Brussels) and Clearstream
Banking (Luxembourg) to the Russian Central Depository at the end of April.
The move is intended to protect customers from an... more »
War Watch May 14 , 2014 -- BIG NEWS OF THE DAY --- Saudis actually seeks to negotiate with Iran - this is a major change in foreign policy by the Saudis and does not represent good news for US standing or the dollar if these talks succeed !!! Syria fighting drags on between alleged Rebels / Mercenaries and Government ( as Rebel in -fighting really has become the bigger story in recent months ) .... Bombing in Baghdad becoming every day news ......
Syria ......
Obama renews commitments to Syrian opposition
Opposition chief thanked the U.S. for the $287 million in nonlethal
assistance to the Syrian opposition. (File photo: Reuters)
Text size A A A
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama praised Syrian Opposition Coalition President
Ahmad Jarba and a coalition delegation, renewing his commitments to the
group in a meeting at the White House on Tuesday.
Obama and national security adviser Susan Rice offered commitments for what
the White House calls a political solution to the conflict th... more »
Japan Updates - May 10 , 2014 --- On so many levels , Japan is one zombified clusterfark nation.......Debt , Fukushima , War mongering as distraction --- When do the people in Japan rise up , demand hard answers and attempt to find out where things stand ( before its too late ? )
Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Japan Debt Update: ¥1,020,000,000,000,000.00
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2014 20:42 -0400
- Japan
- National Debt
It's been a while since we looked at Japan's debt situation. Here is the
dire update.
*From Japan News:*
*Japan’s national debt totaled a record-high ¥1.02 quadrillion as of the
end of March, up ¥33.36 trillion from a year earlier, the Finance Ministry
The central government debt, which increased ¥7.01 trillion from the ... more »
Iraq - AT-6C Texan II Aircraft

[image: T-6C Texan II]The State Department has made a determination
approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq for AT-6C Texan II
aircraft and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support
for an estimated cost of $790 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required
certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on May 13, 2014.
The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 24 AT-6C Texan II
Aircraft, 2 spare PT-6A-68 Turboprop engines, 2 spare ALE-47
Counter-Measure Dispensing Systems and/or 2 spare AAR-47 Missile La... more »
Belgium - F-16A/B Block 15 Aircraft Mid Life Upgrade

[image: Belgian F-16A Fighting Falcon]The State Department has made a
determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Belgium to
upgrade its F-16A/B Block 15 Aircraft Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) aircraft and
associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an
estimated cost of $113 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required
certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on May 8, 2014.
The Government of Belgium has requested a possible sale to upgrade its
F-16A/B Block 15 Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) aircraft with Operational Fl... more »
Romania Welcomed Into The F-16 Family

[image: F-16 Fighting Falcon]Romania was officially welcomed into the
Lockheed Martin F-16 family at a reception preceding the Black Sea Defense
Aerospace tradeshow here today.
The Romanian Air Force is the 28th customer of the most widely used 4th
generation multi-role fighter in the world.
Romania signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance with the U.S. Government in
December 2013 which provides programmatic support to a U.S.-approved third
party transfer of F-16 aircraft from Portugal to Romania.
Read more
Mullins on the Federal Reserve Scam and how they print money out of thin air! Its All Black Magic!

Former Library of Congress employee and emancipator of Ezra Pound(Nobel
Laureate) says that Bankers practice Black Magic and fool the world into
becoming their Debt Slaves.
Banksters also immorally pollute the city they live in, similar to pigs
wallowing in their own filth!
Lockheed Martin Introduces Latest Addition to Small Unmanned Aircraft System Family

[image: Vector Hawk UAS]Designed for versatility and affordability, the new
Lockheed Martin Vector Hawk addresses a broad set of unique missions and
operating needs within a single system.
With a gross takeoff weight of only four pounds and a vertical profile of
only four inches, Vector Hawk boasts best-in-class payload capacity, speed
and endurance.
“We are proud to deliver Vector Hawk, a waterproof system that provides
leading edge multi-mission capabilities in all environments,” said Kevin
Westfall, director of Unmanned Solutions at Lockheed Martin’s Mission
Systems and Trainin... more »
If conference calls happened like real life
If conference calls were in real life... We've all been there!
Poland said to be eyeing missile defense decision in June, July

[image: Patriot PAC-3]Poland may choose a single winning bidder by June or
July in a multi-billion dollar missile defense competition, months earlier
than planned due to the crisis in Ukraine, a senior Lockheed Martin Corp
executive said on Tuesday.
Marty Coyne, business development director for Lockheed's air and missile
defense business, said he saw "a good chance" that a single foreign
provider could be selected by early summer.
"There's clearly a sense of urgency," he said.
Read more
Meet the U.S. Jet Fighter That Can Do It All ... Maybe
On a mile-long assembly line in Ft. Worth, Texas, Lockheed Martin is
putting together a jet fighter that no one can match. The F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter will be stealthier, smarter, more capable, and more flexible than
any aircraft ever built.
It better be. It's costing American taxpayers close to $1 billion. A month.
"It is a flying computer," said Steve O'Bryan, vice president of the F-35's
integration and business development at Lockheed Martin. "Where technology
goes, where software goes, the F-35 will be flexible with it."
Read more
*The Australian budget brings weeping and wailing and garnishing of teeth
from Greenies*
*Australia's new conservative government brought down its first budget on
Tuesday night*
As feared, the first Budget delivered by the new Government has seen the
axe swung upon the Australian Reneweable Energy Agency (ARENA).
According to the Budget papers:
"The Government will achieve savings of $1.3 billion over five years from
2017-18 (including $223.3 million in 2018-19, $455.9 million in 2019-20,
$125.4 million in 2020-21 and $131.1 million in 2021-22) by abolishing the
Australian Rene... more »
Russia ready to continue helicopter deliveries for Indian Navy

[image: Ka-31 Helix]Russia is ready to continue deliveries for the Indian
naval aviation, if it receives a request from the Indian side, the head of
Russia’s biggest helicopter building company, Helicopters of Russia, said
on Tuesday.
“As for the Vikramaditya aircraft carrier, this will undoubtedly be a
decision by the Indian side.
The holding company (Helicopters of Russia) will be ready to continue its
program of Russian helicopter deliveries to India under a contract with
Rosoboronexport,” Alexander Mikheyev said.
Read more
China’s Top Commander Tours San Diego

[image: USS Ronald Reagan]China’s top general arrived at Naval Base San
Diego Tuesday to be welcomed aboard two warships ahead of meetings later
this week with Gen. Martin Dempsey on rising tensions in the South China
Sea over Beijing’s territorial claims.
Gen. Fang Fenghui, chief of the People’s Liberation Army general staff, was
scheduled to tour the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and the new
trimaran littoral combat ship USS Coronado.
The Navy was returning a courtesy in allowing Fang to tour the Reagan. In
April, the Chinese permitted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to tour th... more »
PLA's 'Long Sword' missiles deadly to US, Japan, Taiwan: report

[image: CJ-10 Long Sword]China's CJ-10 "Long Sword" cruise missile has
capabilities that match those of the American Block-IV Tomahawk and could
be devastating in a potential naval conflict against the US, Japan or
Taiwan, according to a report published in US-based political magazine The
National Interest.
The May 12 article, jointly written by military experts Dennis Gormley from
the University of Pittsburgh, Andrew S Erickson from the Naval War College
in Newport and Jingdong Yuan from the University of Sydney, claims that
China's cruise missile development has been advancing rap... more »
RF Pacific Fleet squadron to take part in Russia-China exercises Naval Interaction-2014

[image: RS Varyag]A naval squadron of Russia's Pacific Fleet (PF), led by
the guided missile cruiser Varyag, sets out from Vladivostok on Wednesday
to take part in the Russia-China Naval Interaction - 2014 exercises, which
are to be held in the East China Sea.
A PF press service official said the squadron also includes the destroyer
Bystry, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleyev, the large
amphibious ship Admiral Nevelskoy, the tanker Ilim, and the sea-going
tugboat Kalar.
On the Chinese side, the exercises will involve six units of the combatant
fleet destroyers, patrol... more »
Russia to Station Aircraft, Ships Throughout Crimea – Navy Chief

[image: Bay of Sevastopol]The Russian Black Sea Fleet will have a
sophisticated network of naval and airbases in Crimea following the
region’s reunification with Russia, the country's chief naval commander
said Tuesday.
“The Black Sea Fleet will have a network of bases on the Crimean Peninsula,
including the main naval base in Sevastopol and other facilities,” Admiral
Viktor Chirkov said.
“This infrastructure will be self-efficient allowing us to place
comfortably warships, submarines and coastal troops [around the peninsula]
with support of developed social infrastructure,” the ad... more »
Friday Beaver? Oops got too busy last week

Not much to report. The world is crazy as ever. Good is bad and bad is
good. Guess Orwell was right unless he was wrong.
Seems the Chinese are slowly buying up most of our country. So much easier
than using bombs or guns I guess. But this goes in cycles. It was the
Japanese some years back then came the Arabs. Let's see what's in the
closet I could sell them. Wonder if they'd go for an old dusty disco suit?
The collars are comical. Hum... better save it you never know they just
might come back in style someday. Which reminds me of a quick story.
Fellow gets sent to a strict school... more »
HMCS Regina And Two Other Frigates Added To Standing NATO Maritime Group ONE In Response To Ukraine Situation

[image: HMCS Regina]Standing NATO Maritime Group ONE (SNMG1), presently
engaged in NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR, will be
gaining three frigates in support of NATO maritime assurance measures this
The first of the three, USS TAYLOR, will join SNMG1 on Monday, 13 May 2014.
Over the following days, SNMG1 flagship HNoMS THOR HEYERDAHL, FGS
MAGDEBURG, and USS TAYLOR will be joined by the Turkish frigate TCG GEMLIK
and the Canadian frigate HMCS REGINA.
The five frigates, under the command of Commodore Nils Andreas Stensønes,
will receive additional direct or ... more »
U.S. selling torpedoes to Turkey
[image: Mk-48 torpedo]The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency has
notified Congress of the possible sale of 48 torpedoes to Turkey under the
Foreign Military Sales program.
Turkey will use the MK 48 Mod 6 Advanced Technology All-Up-Round Warshot
Torpedoes on its new CERBE Class of submarines.
"The proposed sale will improve Turkey's capability for self- defense,
modernization, regional security, and interoperability with U.S. and other
NATO members," the agency said.
Read more
Russia's Black Sea Fleet to Receive 30 New Ships by 2020 – Navy Commander

[image: Varshavyanka-class (Improved Kilo) SSK]Russia’s Black Sea Fleet
will be strengthened with some 30 warships, submarines and auxiliary
vessels in the next six years, the head commander of the Russian navy said
“The Black Sea Fleet must have a full complement of naval vessels to be
capable of performing all assigned missions,” Adm. Viktor Chirkov said.
“This is not a provocative military buildup. This is something the Black
Sea Fleet urgently needs as it has not been receiving new vessels for many
years,” the admiral said.
Read more
Navy takes delivery of 3 patrol vessels from US, China

[image: NNS Okpabana]The Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) Delta, Warri naval base,
has taken a delivery of three patrol boats to add to existing ones to
checkmate crimes including oil theft in Nigerian waterways.
This is just as no fewer than 38 thieving ships, out of which eight were
Chinese fishing vessels, have been arrested and impounded since January
These were disclosed by the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Usman
Jibrin, on Monday, during a familiarisation visit to Navy Air Station,
Naval Hospital, Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) and other facilities of the
force under NNS De... more »
The BBC news website has a report entitled 'Bulgarian and Romanian job figures to be revealed'
At the end of this BBC news report the BBC show their priorities with this
'Are you Romanian or Bulgarian and working in the UK? Have you arrived
since 1 January this year? You can email your experiences
tohaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk, using the subject line 'Working in the UK'.'
Oddly the BBC don't ask for the experiences of British people who have
lost jobs to Romanian or Bulgarian workers, who live near a house occupied
by a dozen Romanian or Bulgarian workers, or have had to walk across Marble
Arch recently.
BBC News - Nigeria kidnapped girls 'shown' in new Boko Haram video
Is the reporter really called Nick Childs? Do the BBC understand irony?
BBC video here.
The BBC manage not to report what links these men
This BBC news report on the 'Oxford sex gang' just can't quite mention what
links them together.
We read that ' The court heard how the men - two of east African origin and
five of Pakistani origin' but it's only at the very end of the piece that
a clue emerges ' The men convicted and jailed were Kamar Jamil, Akhtar
Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar and
Zeeshan Ahmed.'
I've lost count of the number of sex abuse gangs which have been reported
upon that have Muslim members and prey on non Muslim girls. The BBC seem to
not want to make that link...
... more »
May 13: You say tomahto and I say tomayto....
When the current government came to power in Ukraine, it was by an act of
violence that is properly called a coup. But that word was rarely used in
North American reporting of the affair. Why? Because coup raises unpleasant
images in our minds. Without even realizing, most people automatically
think of violence, of attack on a legitimate government, of a cunning and
illegal assault on law and order. Which it what it was.
But most of the papers called it an overthrow, a gentler word that suggests
people fighting for freedom. That choice of word was one of the first
indications that ... more »
*Tammany residents turn out once again to oppose fracking well, company
again no-show ~Faimon A. Roberts III, The Advocate*
*Helis Oil Co. agrees to drill vertically in St. Tammany, study results
before fracking ~Robert Rhoden *
*A State Tax Holiday For Buying Emergency Supplies ~AP, via WWNO*
The “Evitability” Of Killer Robots
A common refrain from critics of the campaign to ban autonomous weapons is
that these weapons are “inevitable.” If that’s true, then efforts to
mitigate or pre-empt their use are not just a waste of time but a dangerous
distraction from the real issue: staying ahead in an impending robot arms
race or, at least,
Continue reading
Musical Interlude: Justin Hayward, “The Way of the World”
Justin Hayward, “The Way of the World”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1QUrpqOAXY
"A Look to the Heavens"
“How did we get here? Click play, sit back, and watch. A new computer
simulation of the evolution of the universe - the largest and most
sophisticated yet produced - provides new insight into how galaxies formed
and new perspectives into humanity's place in the universe.
The Illustris project - the largest of its type yet - exhausted 20 million
CPU hours following 12 billion resolution elements spanning a cube 35
million light years on a side as it evolved over 13 billion years. The
simulation is the first to track matter into the formation of a wide
variety of galaxy types. As the... more »
"Live A Good Life"
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to,
with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."
- Marcus Aurelius
"We Are Here..."
"We are here on Earth to do good to others.
What the others are here for, I don't know."
- W. H. Auden
College Dropout Bill Gates, Who Spends Millions on Harvard, Gets Honorary Doctorate
In 2007, Bill Gates spoke at Harvard University’s graduation. Gates dropped
out of Harvard to start Microsoft. In 2007, Harvard awarded Gates an
honorary doctorate. Gates has never had to follow a predetermined program
of study in order to earn a college degree via traditional coursework.
Moreover, since 1996, Gates has donated $262 million to Harvard in […]
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Good News

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
"On A Long Enough Timeline..."
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
- "Tyler Durden", "Fight Club"
Psychology: "We Remember What Is Meaningful To Us"
*"We Remember What Is Meaningful To Us"*
by the Association for Psychological Science
"We hold many beliefs about memory - for instance, if you study more, you
learn more. We are also constantly making judgments about particular
instances of learning and remembering - I'll never forget this party! That
was easy to understand. I'll ace it on the test. But do beliefs influence
judgments, and how do judgments affect memory performance? "There's a
disconnect among beliefs, judgments, and actual memory," says Williams
College psychologist Nate Kornell. Ask people to predict how or what t... more »
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