Moravian web resources:
Moravian Church in North AmericaThe Hinge ONLINE - A Journal of Christian Thought for the Moravian Church.
Moravians.org (Not affiliated with the Moravian Church.)Sometimes interesting online discussions in the FORUM and forum archives.
Other denomination resources:
Lutherans Concerned / North AmericaBrethren / Mennonite Council
The UCC Coalition for LGBT ConcernsIntegrityThe Association of Welcoming & Affirming BaptistsAffirmationMore Light PresbyteriansDignityUSAMetropolitan Community ChurchesFriends for LGBTQ concerns
Other web resources:
Out in Scripture - Human Rights Campaign
The Pride Rainbow Project
Please take a moment to fill out our survey
Join the GayJews.Org mailing list
Enter the GayJews.Org Chat Room
Enter the GayJews.Org Forum
Vote on a Hot Topic in the Frum Gay World (New question every month)
The Gay Jewish BookStore Online
Positions of Other Streams of Judaism on GLBT Issues
Send or Pickup a GayJews.Org Greeting Card
Tell a friend Instantly about GayJews.Org
Search the Frum Gay Jewish Web
Awards We've Won
Frum Gay Jews in the News
The Orthogays Homepage: A safe place for information about being gay and frum
The Orthodykes Homepage: A safe place for orthodox lesbians in Israel
The Gay and Lesbian Yeshiva and Hebrew Day School Alumni Association
The Frum GLB Jews Homepage: A place to get information about coming out and being frum
The Frum GLB Jews Home Page: A place to put up your own story about being frum and GLBT
The Open Halacha Page on Halacha and Homsexuality: A place to look up various responsa on homosexuality
GAON: The Gay Orthodox Network of the UK: A Place for frum GLBT Jews in the UK
OrthoDykes - New York: A Place for frum lesbian women in New York to meet
HOD - Homosexualim Datiim -- An Israeli frum gay men's group: Based at "The Agudah: The GLBT Israel Alliance
Chofetz Chaim: London's frum gay synagogue
The Tzvi Aryeh AIDS Foundation
GayJews.Net: A Place to Meet That Special Someone (Not Affiliated with GayJews.Org)
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah: The world's largest GLBT outreach synagogue
The World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations
Ha'asiron Ha'acher, The other 10% society: The GLBT student group at Hebrew University
The Jerusalem Open House: A Place in Jerusalem for GLBT Jews
Aviva's Jewish Lesbian Resources Page
Maidelah's Jewish Transgender Page
The Jewish Queer Youth Home Page
Daf Hayomi from Ohr Someyach Interactive
Rabbi Pliskin's Daily Lift
Learn more about the Jewish Holidays from the Orthodox Union
Ask the Rabbi at Ohr Someyach Interactive
See the Western Wall Live From Aish Hatorah World Headquarters in Jerusalem
The OU's Online Torah Directory
Gays for God
GLBT Directory of Faith Communities
Congregations and Faith networks
In your area, there are congregations that affirm gay people of faith. Find them by denomination/religion or by location:
Unity Fellowship Church Movement
Alliance of Lesbian and Gay Anglicans
Anglican-Catholic Byzantine Church of America
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles (Bishop's Committee on G&L Ministry)
Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Integrity USA (Episcopal)
The Oasis (ministry of Episcopal Diocese of Newark to G&L Episcopalians)
Right Reverend John Shelby Spong (Episcopal Bishop of Newark)
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
"Born Again"
Gay and Born Again
American Apostolic Catholic Church
Apostolic Catholic Church of America
Byzantine Catholic Church
Catholic Handbook on LGB Issues
Christ's Apostolic Church of North America
Dignity/Dignité Canada
Dignity/USA (Roman Catholic)
Dignity: Local chapters
Dignity: Mountain-Plains Region
Dignity: Pacific Region
Ecumenical Catholic Church
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Catholic Handbook
National Catholic Church of America
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gay, Lesbian & Affirming Disciples Alliance, Inc.
Christian Scientist
Emergence International (Christian Scientist)
Ex.Ex: Testimonials from people of faith who were harmed by ex-gay ministries.
Evangelical Christian
The Evangelical Network
Christ Evangelical Bible Institute
Evangelicals Concerned With Reconciliation
Friends (Quaker)
Friends for Lesbian & Gay Concerns
Gay and Lesbian Arab Society
The Queer Jihad (les/gay Muslims)
QueerNet (mailing lists for gay Muslims)
Former Jehovah's Witnesses
Gay & Lesbian Former Jehovah's Witnesses
Jewish GLBT Archives Online
The World Congress of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Jews
Latter-Day Saints (Mormon)
Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons
Lutherans Concerned
Reconciled In Christ Lutheran Congregations
Brethren/Mennonite Council
Adult Christianity
Advocate newsmagazine
Alliance of Christian Churches
American Council for Religious Freedom
Agape International
Bible, Christianity and Homosexuality
Bridges Across
The Care Page
Chi Rho Press
CyberHome for LGBT Christians
Dr. Paul Cameron and the Family Research Institute (QRD)
Equal Partners in Faith
Ex-Ex-Gay Resources
Faith Mates online personals for people of faith
Gay Christians Internet Chat
GayClergy Discussion List
Gay-Friendly Religious Links (from Q-Light)
Gay Men's Spirituality Home Page
God Is For Gays
Homosexuality and Christianity
Homosexuality: Common Questions and Statements Addressed
The Interfaith Alliance
Interfaith Working Group
Order of St. Mary Magdalene
Rev. Mel White's JusticeNet
Queer Spirits
Queer-Friendly Religious Links
Radical Religious Right (profiles and reports via QRD)
Religious Groups' Policies toward Homosexuals and Homosexuality
Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse
Summary of Religious Views on Homosexuality
Sexual Orientation: Science, Education, and Policy
The Other Side magazine
Virtual Monastery (Orthodox)
Whosoever online magazine
Sjalhomo (Jewish)
Orthodox Christians
Circle Sanctuary
Covenant of the Goddess
Pagan Educational Network
Rainbow Wind
National Gay Pentecostal Alliance
Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns
More Light Presbyterian Churches
Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
Seventh-Day Adventist
Kinship International
United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada has been officially welcoming and affirming of GLBTs since 1989 when the General Conference made a decision that GLBTs are full members of the church and eligible for ordination. There are now many 'affirming congregations' and glbt ministers in the church.
United Methodist
United Methodists for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns
Reconciling Congregation Program
Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ
Unity Churches
Association of Unity Churches From Unity Village MS
Description from a member: Unity Churches are all over the USA and the world. They are practicioners of Christ teachings rather than lecturers of writtings about Jesus.
UFMCC: Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
UFMCC: Great Lakes District: IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI
Project Yes: Religious support and resources for lesbigay youth, their families and congregations.
Moravian web resources:
Moravian Church in North AmericaThe Hinge ONLINE - A Journal of Christian Thought for the Moravian Church.
Moravians.org (Not affiliated with the Moravian Church.)Sometimes interesting online discussions in the FORUM and forum archives.
Other denomination resources:
Lutherans Concerned / North AmericaBrethren / Mennonite Council
The UCC Coalition for LGBT ConcernsIntegrityThe Association of Welcoming & Affirming BaptistsAffirmationMore Light PresbyteriansDignityUSAMetropolitan Community ChurchesFriends for LGBTQ concerns
Other web resources:
Out in Scripture - Human Rights Campaign
The Pride Rainbow Project
Services of GayJews.Org
Detailed Questions and Answers L'Halacha on GLBT issuesPlease take a moment to fill out our survey
Join the GayJews.Org mailing list
Enter the GayJews.Org Chat Room
Enter the GayJews.Org Forum
Vote on a Hot Topic in the Frum Gay World (New question every month)
The Gay Jewish BookStore Online
Positions of Other Streams of Judaism on GLBT Issues
Send or Pickup a GayJews.Org Greeting Card
Tell a friend Instantly about GayJews.Org
Search the Frum Gay Jewish Web
Awards We've Won
Frum Gay Jews in the News
Other pages of interest for frum GLBT Jews
Frum GLBT discussion lists on the Internet!The Orthogays Homepage: A safe place for information about being gay and frum
The Orthodykes Homepage: A safe place for orthodox lesbians in Israel
The Gay and Lesbian Yeshiva and Hebrew Day School Alumni Association
The Frum GLB Jews Homepage: A place to get information about coming out and being frum
The Frum GLB Jews Home Page: A place to put up your own story about being frum and GLBT
The Open Halacha Page on Halacha and Homsexuality: A place to look up various responsa on homosexuality
GAON: The Gay Orthodox Network of the UK: A Place for frum GLBT Jews in the UK
OrthoDykes - New York: A Place for frum lesbian women in New York to meet
HOD - Homosexualim Datiim -- An Israeli frum gay men's group: Based at "The Agudah: The GLBT Israel Alliance
Chofetz Chaim: London's frum gay synagogue
The Tzvi Aryeh AIDS Foundation
General Jewish GLBT sites on the Internet
Twice Blessed: The Jewish GLBT archives onlineGayJews.Net: A Place to Meet That Special Someone (Not Affiliated with GayJews.Org)
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah: The world's largest GLBT outreach synagogue
The World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations
Ha'asiron Ha'acher, The other 10% society: The GLBT student group at Hebrew University
The Jerusalem Open House: A Place in Jerusalem for GLBT Jews
Aviva's Jewish Lesbian Resources Page
Maidelah's Jewish Transgender Page
The Jewish Queer Youth Home Page
Divrei Torah on the Internet
The OU's Weekly Parshat HashavuahDaf Hayomi from Ohr Someyach Interactive
Rabbi Pliskin's Daily Lift
Learn more about the Jewish Holidays from the Orthodox Union
Ask the Rabbi at Ohr Someyach Interactive
See the Western Wall Live From Aish Hatorah World Headquarters in Jerusalem
The OU's Online Torah Directory
Gays for God
GLBT Directory of Faith Communities
Congregations and Faith networks
In your area, there are congregations that affirm gay people of faith. Find them by denomination/religion or by location:
By Religion or Denomination:
African-American Unity Fellowship Church Movement
Alliance of Lesbian and Gay Anglicans
Anglican-Catholic Byzantine Church of America
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles (Bishop's Committee on G&L Ministry)
Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Integrity USA (Episcopal)
The Oasis (ministry of Episcopal Diocese of Newark to G&L Episcopalians)
Right Reverend John Shelby Spong (Episcopal Bishop of Newark)
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
"Born Again"
Gay and Born Again
American Apostolic Catholic Church
Apostolic Catholic Church of America
Byzantine Catholic Church
Catholic Handbook on LGB Issues
Christ's Apostolic Church of North America
Dignity/Dignité Canada
Dignity/USA (Roman Catholic)
Dignity: Local chapters
Dignity: Mountain-Plains Region
Dignity: Pacific Region
Ecumenical Catholic Church
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Catholic Handbook
National Catholic Church of America
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gay, Lesbian & Affirming Disciples Alliance, Inc.
Christian Scientist
Emergence International (Christian Scientist)
Ex.Ex: Testimonials from people of faith who were harmed by ex-gay ministries.
Evangelical Christian
The Evangelical Network
Christ Evangelical Bible Institute
Evangelicals Concerned With Reconciliation
Friends (Quaker)
Friends for Lesbian & Gay Concerns
Gay and Lesbian Arab Society
The Queer Jihad (les/gay Muslims)
QueerNet (mailing lists for gay Muslims)
Former Jehovah's Witnesses
Gay & Lesbian Former Jehovah's Witnesses
Jewish GLBT Archives Online
The World Congress of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Jews
Latter-Day Saints (Mormon)
Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons
Lutherans Concerned
Reconciled In Christ Lutheran Congregations
Brethren/Mennonite Council
Adult Christianity
Advocate newsmagazine
Alliance of Christian Churches
American Council for Religious Freedom
Agape International
Bible, Christianity and Homosexuality
Bridges Across
The Care Page
Chi Rho Press
CyberHome for LGBT Christians
Dr. Paul Cameron and the Family Research Institute (QRD)
Equal Partners in Faith
Ex-Ex-Gay Resources
Faith Mates online personals for people of faith
Gay Christians Internet Chat
GayClergy Discussion List
Gay-Friendly Religious Links (from Q-Light)
Gay Men's Spirituality Home Page
God Is For Gays
Homosexuality and Christianity
Homosexuality: Common Questions and Statements Addressed
The Interfaith Alliance
Interfaith Working Group
Order of St. Mary Magdalene
Rev. Mel White's JusticeNet
Queer Spirits
Queer-Friendly Religious Links
Radical Religious Right (profiles and reports via QRD)
Religious Groups' Policies toward Homosexuals and Homosexuality
Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse
Summary of Religious Views on Homosexuality
Sexual Orientation: Science, Education, and Policy
The Other Side magazine
Virtual Monastery (Orthodox)
Whosoever online magazine
Sjalhomo (Jewish)
Orthodox Christians
Circle Sanctuary
Covenant of the Goddess
Pagan Educational Network
Rainbow Wind
National Gay Pentecostal Alliance
Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns
More Light Presbyterian Churches
Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
Seventh-Day Adventist
Kinship International
United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada has been officially welcoming and affirming of GLBTs since 1989 when the General Conference made a decision that GLBTs are full members of the church and eligible for ordination. There are now many 'affirming congregations' and glbt ministers in the church.
United Methodist
United Methodists for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns
Reconciling Congregation Program
Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ
Unity Churches
Association of Unity Churches From Unity Village MS
Description from a member: Unity Churches are all over the USA and the world. They are practicioners of Christ teachings rather than lecturers of writtings about Jesus.
UFMCC: Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
UFMCC: Great Lakes District: IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI
Project Yes: Religious support and resources for lesbigay youth, their families and congregations.
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