Empire - Resource Control
- Mine Information Network
- Why societies collapse
- Fanonite
- The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
- Oil Sands Truth
- Seeds of Destruction : the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
- Global Warming, Glacier Pictures
- Transnational
- Oakland Institute - Publications
Food and Globalization - How long will it last
- A Matter of Scale
- Monsanto and its Philanthropy
- China corners over 90% of market for rare-Earth minerals
Search 'Peak Minerals' - Peruvian massacre aimed at opening Amazon to transnationals
- Rich Moy fought mining the Canadian Flathead 30 years
- Flathead Wild
Aquifer Hazard - Resources and Links on Coal Mining in the North Fork Flathead River Basin
Waterton/Glacier - 'Tyranny of Oil' a gripping, engaging read
- New Arabian Gulf oil pipeline wil detour Hormuz
- Oil : the Cold Black Facts
- Exploring Hydrocarbon Depletion
- Monsanto secures several hundred biotech patents on plants
- The Real Victor in Iraq: Monsanto
Social Movements
- Directory of Social Movements
- Against Xian Right
- A Letter-Writing Campaign - Anti-"war"
- Amnesty International
Image via Wikipedia
- Baen Free Library
- Believe - Religious Information Collection
- Bernard van Leer - Partners
- Black Agenda Report
- Canadians Against War
- Canadian Social Research.net
- Center for NonViolent Communication
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- Choike : a Portal on Southern Civil Societies
- The Christian Commons Project
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- Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
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- Consumer News
- Cost of War | National Priorities Project
- Crow House - Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
- Culture Change
- Department of Peace
- Labour Newswire - Global Network
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- Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation
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- Fight Global Warming
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- Global Issues
- Healthy Roads Media - Multilingual Health Information
- IHC Groups
- Intent - Community of Dreams
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- International Humanities Center - groups
- Internet Governance Project
- Janet's Journal - a Vision First Blog
- Jobs for Afghans
- Just Science | Forensic Reform
- L.E.A.P. - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
- Media Freedom International
- National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns - U.K.
- The Nation Institute
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- Radical Reference - Indy Library
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Image via Wikipedia
- Southern Poverty Law Cente
- Therapy News
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- The Truth About Fraud - Vote Suppression
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- Uncensor
- Urban Habitat
- Urge Barack Obama to talk about 'Gitmo North'
- U4 - Anti-Corruption
- One Gig Harbor Senior, Helping 'Restore' Hope (kitsapsun.com)
- Victims declaration of Human Rights (osocio.org)
- Labour is right on Cuba | Chris Bryant (guardian.co.uk)
- Report: U.S. should 'marginalize religious extremists, not religion' (cnn.com)
- Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets (nytimes.com)
- Officials: Attack on Nigerian town kills more than 100 (cnn.com)
- Cuba TV report denies gov't let hunger striker die (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Stop Religious/political Extremism. (socialactions.net)
- Cuba blasts foreign press for dissident coverage (sfgate.com)
- Texas Social Studies Curriculum Vote Bring Out Worst in AP Bias, Labeling (newsbusters.org)
- Civil-Liberties Groups Object to Plans for ‘Gitmo North’ (blogs.wsj.com)
- Report criticises torture policy (news.bbc.co.uk)
- Amnesty attacks UK no-torture pacts (guardian.co.uk)
- U.S. Continues to Block Visa for Irish Anti-Renditions Activist (seminal.firedoglake.com)
- UN calls for war crimes investigation in Burma (guardian.co.uk)
- Spain: Judge appeals Civil War probe indictment (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Hussain Abdul-Hussain: China, Syria, Censorship (huffingtonpost.com)
Context and Intel
Litany of tactics pursued by the oligarchy of power brokers
Declassified Secrets
Invisible Opportunity - Exotic Articles
Iranian Coup d'Etat 1953 - CIA overturns elected government
Iran and Washington's Hidden Hand
Israeli Effort to destabilize Iran via Twitter
Iraqi academics assassinated during U.S.-led Occupation
Iraqi Death Estimator
War in Iraq - Russia
Clapper: Managing the Intelligence Enterprise - June 18,2010
Creative Commons content
Two most important aspects of Clapper’s career: his ties to the $50 billion intelligence contracting industry, and his role in both developing and deepening the secret intelligence wars initiated by George W. Bush and intensified by the Obama administration.70 percent of the intelligence budget flows to the private sector for secret operations that combine all aspects of spying — human, signals, and geospatial — with close cooperation from the CIA and the highly secretive Joint Special Operations Command.
Coalition Provisional Authority - Iraq - CPA Official Documents
Irrepressible Info - Amnesty Internat'l Initiative
Labor Notes
Land Destroyer Report
Left History Archive
Life After the Oil Crash
Literature of IntelligenceMiddle East Research & Information Project
The British, the Middle East and Radical Islam
Fomenting the "Clash of Civilizations" for a New World Order
Report--Obama quietly appoints Muslim Brotherhood to key posts (updates)
According to reports issued by NewsRealBlog, RedState, and LaborUnionReport, secret documents released by Wikileaks indicate that the United States government has been in the process of planning social and political upheaval in the Middle East for at least 2 years--beginning during the waning days of the Bush Administration and continuing under Obama. The goal was to push moderate Muslim dictators out the door in countries such as Egypt, while advocating so-called 'democracy' which would then insure the rise of Muslim Brotherhood-supported Islamists to fill the power-gap.The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq
Arming the Rebels: The Experience of Afghanistan
Looking back at the tragic experience of US efforts to incite the population of Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation in the years after 1979, it should be clear that the policy of the Reagan White House to arm the Afghan mujahedin with Stinger missiles and other modern weapons turned out to be highly destructive for the United States. As current Defense Secretary Robert Gates comes close to admitting in his memoirs, Al Qaeda was created during those years by the United States as a form of Arab Legion against the Soviet presence, with long-term results which have been highly lamented.
Today, it is clear that the United States is providing modern weapons for the Libyan rebels through Saudi Arabia and across the Egyptian border with the active assistance of the Egyptian army and of the newly installed pro-US Egyptian military junta.14 This is a direct violation of UN Security Council resolution 1973, which calls for a complete arms embargo on Libya. The assumption is that these weapons will be used against Gaddafi in the coming weeks. But, given the violently anti-American nature of the population of northeast Libya that is now being armed, there is no certainty that these weapons will not be soon turned against those who have provided them.
What is al Qaeda and Why the CIA Has Used It
Al Qaeda is not a centralized organization, but rather a gaggle or congeries of fanatics, dupes, psychotics, misfits, double agents, provocateurs, mercenaries, and other elements. As noted, Al Qaeda was founded by the United States and the British during the struggle against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Many of its leaders, such as the reputed second-in-command Ayman Zawahiri and the current rising star Anwar Awlaki, are evidently double agents of MI-6 and/or the CIA. The basic belief structure of Al Qaeda is that all existing Arab and Moslem governments are illegitimate and should be destroyed, because they do not represent the caliphate which Al Qaeda asserts is described by the Koran. This means that the Al Qaeda ideology offers a ready and easy way for the Anglo-American secret intelligence agencies to attack and destabilize existing Arab and Muslim governments as part of the ceaseless need of imperialism and colonialism to loot and attack the developing nations. This is precisely what is happening in Libya today.
Al Qaeda emerged from the cultural and political milieu of the Moslem Brotherhood or Ikhwan, itself a creation of British intelligence in Egypt in the late 1920s. The US and the British used the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to oppose the successful anti-imperialist policies of Egyptian President Nasser, who scored immense victories for his country by nationalizing the Suez Canal and building the Aswan High Dam, without which modern Egypt would be simply unthinkable. The Muslim brotherhood provided an active and capable fifth column of foreign agents against Nasser, in the same way that the official website of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is trumpeting its support for the rebellion against Colonel Qaddafi.
The Narcosphere
Narco News Bulletin
Nathan Hale Institute for Intelligence and Military Affairs - Special Reports
NCBI - Biotechnology Info
Phillipine Center for Investigative Journalism
Valerie Plame : Final Analysis
Police Brutality Blog
Project Censored
Pump Handle - Public health & safety
Quotes from President Ahmadinejad of Iran
Relief Web
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Wonk Room
- Iraqi Refugees Forgotten, Like the War that Displaced Them (dailykos.com)
- Nominee promises take-charge approach (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Iran says scientist provided information on CIA (ctv.ca)
- In First Act as DNI, James Clapper Adds to Redundancy Competitive Analysis (emptywheel.firedoglake.com)
- Iraq needs intel, not soldiers, as U.S. scales back (reuters.com)
- DNI Clapper Warns Spy Community To Stop 'Blabbing Secrets' (MEMO) (huffingtonpost.com)
- Is Iran the Winner of the War in Iraq? (politicsdaily.com)
- Nat'l Intelligence Director: Hard to point to specific agenda of Muslim Brotherhood (creepingsharia.wordpress.com)
- For whom the Clapper clangs (powerlineblog.com)
- Intel chief: Muslim Brotherhood remark misunderstood (cnn.com)
- Clapper Misstep? Calls Russia, China Threats (abcnews.go.com)
- Senator: Remarks about Libya 'should be the final straw' for Clapper (cnn.com)
- The Muslim Brotherhood's Secret Plan to 'Destroy Western Civilization from within' (tmqblog.com)
- Sen. Graham Wants Intel Chief Gone After He Claims Russia, China Pose 'Mortal ... - Fox News (news.google.com)
- Intelligence officials warn of new terror threats (cnn.com)
- (3/2011) In Defense Of Dir. Jim Clapper (basilandspice.com)
- Intel Director James Clapper Stuns Senators By Calling China, Russia 'Greatest Threats' (mediaite.com)
- (3/2011) Libya: You Cannot Have It Both Ways (basilandspice.com)
- DNI and CIA in the chair - Top intels describe Egypt extremists (politico.com)
- AP sources: US sees Iran's leaders split on nukes (sfgate.com)
- U.S. Director of National Intel: Qaddafi will probably win, China and Russia are mortal threats to U.S. (hotair.com)
- Iran: We Arrested CIA Agent (israelnationalnews.com)
- Did we not learn from our experience in the late 1980′s? The Libyan rebels are the future Al Qaeda. (stevenleesdouglas.wordpress.com)
- Washington may arm Al-Qaeda-linked Libyan rebels (rt.com)
- Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
- Arab Revolts Improve Al-Qaeda's Strategic Position (pajamasmedia.com)
- Obama's "Secret" War: Why Libya? (atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com)
- West's fears over spectre of al-Qaeda among rebels (telegraph.co.uk)
Police State
What information can remote neural monitoring pick up?
Limit CIA Role To IntelligenceClinton Administration Counter Terrorism Initiative
Israel Crackdown Puts Liberal Jews on the Spot
How the police have spent years quashing the rights of assembly and free speech
Southern Poverty Law Center
Police State.net
Israel-Palestine security fenceIndicted : former VP Cheney and former Attorney General Gonzales - Private prison profiteers
Torture in American prisons
Torture mentally ill - 9 months solitary confinement naked in filth
- Tasers,torture and terror tactics : America becomes a Police State
- RNC Police State Tactics
- Naomi Wolf warns of police state tactics used against American citizens
- Police State Tactics - 2003 - detaining foreign journalists entering U.S.
- Arrests and Anger : Election 08
- Stark Raving Viking
- Gaza deaths dog Israeli military
- Some influential Muslim groups question FBI's actions
- Prison Murder
- Concerns after 7/7 trial about depth of experience in counter-terror policing
- Congressional Taser hearings
- Incarceration rates : Charts
- Every car journey logged by police
- Photography is not a crime : It's a First Amendment Right
- Obama's support for the new Graham-Liebermann Secrecy Law
- The U.S. Threat to Journalists
- You're on a Battlefield Right Now
- Criminal Justice
- KUBARK: The CIA’s 1963 Torture Manual
Snapshot of Prison Gangs and Youth Gangs in Canada
Court to decide legal remedy for secret jury vetting (nationalpost.com)
- J. Richard Cohen: Mr. President, Protect the Rights of Children (huffingtonpost.com)
- 5 Americans detained in Pakistan allege torture (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Obama Orders Americans Killed (outsidethebeltway.com)
- And the punishment doesn't fit the crime: More on transgender women, prison, and Maria Benita Santamaria (bilerico.com)
- Corruptocrat AG Eric Holder and his terror-coddling DOJ, Pt. 9,899 (michellemalkin.com)
- Come Saturday Morning: Compare and Contrast, Terrorism Edition (firedoglake.com)
- Extended Isolation Among DOD Interrogation Techniques Sought in 2004 (emptywheel.firedoglake.com)
- 37 years of solitary confinement: the Angola three (guardian.co.uk)
- What and when MI5 knew about torture (guardian.co.uk)
- The seduction of British intelligence (guardian.co.uk)
- Tortured logic of intelligence chief | Vikram Dodd (guardian.co.uk)
- A Catalog of the Destroyed Torture Evidence (emptywheel.firedoglake.com)
- Amnesty urges rethink on counter-terrorism measures (guardian.co.uk)
- 'Anti-terror' data found in street (mirror.co.uk)
- The Miami Model (crooksandliars.com)
- More Taser Trouble v. Finnish Gentle Justice (themoderatevoice.com)
- Death Row Reprieve: Does Ohio Also Owe Kevin Kieth a New Trial? (politicsdaily.com)
- Another attack of State Institutions on Freedom of Expression;Pakistani journalist kidnapped and tortured (teabreak.pk)
- Police Chief Criticized for 'Gang Summit' (abcnews.go.com)
- USB stick with anti-terror training found outside police station (go.theregister.com)
- Quinn Weighs in on Weis's Gang Meeting Controversy (chicagoist.com)
- Who We Are: Zeitoun and Camp Greyhound Five Years On (emptywheel.firedoglake.com)
- New Report Scrutinizes US Counter-Terror Training (barthsnotes.wordpress.com)
- AP Repeats Fable: "CIA Never Had Been in the Interrogation and Detention Business" (my.firedoglake.com)
- Counter-Terrorism training's got it right: 'Islam is inherently violent' (WARNING: Graphic Images) (barenakedislam.wordpress.com)
- US refuses to co-operate in probe over alleged CIA secret prisons (rt.com)
- Police Officer Tasers Unarmed Man in Traffic Stop Without Cause - Receives Only 90 Day Probation for "Official Oppression" (jonathanturley.org)
- African commission asked to take case challenging CIA rendition program (labo22.wordpress.com)
- Kenyan Rights Activist Al-Amin Kimathi Becomes a Victim of Rendition (time.com)
- Look Forward, and Promote the Torturers (emptywheel.firedoglake.com)
- These Are Our Demands: Issues that World Freedom Day, March 6, 2011 is Designed to Address (stevebeckow.com)
- Electronic Privacy Information Center
- Privacy.Org
- FAS Project Secrecy News
- On the Identity trail : 2007 Symposium
- The Public Voice
- Privacy International
- Center for Democracy & Technology
- Protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists
- Maddow: New Rules are kicking Patriot Act foes 'right in the teeth'
- NSA surveillance targeted regular citizens and journalists
- Patient Privacy Rights
- Privacy Center
- RConversation
- Echelon
- The Truth about Project Echelon
- NO2id
- We Are Being Watched
- Main Core
- Former Intelligence Agent says Google in bed with CIA
- Keep Your Secrets
- A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
- The CIA - America's Premier International terrorist Organization
- Killing Hope : U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
- The Lavon Affair
U.S.-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command
Plans for a common security perimeter have renewed calls to expand the NORAD bilateral air defence model to include ground and naval forces. There are also efforts to increase security cooperation in the Arctic and further integrate military command structures.
- Thinking about War and Participation in War
Civilian Military Intelligence Group - A discussion of military history; the policy, strategy, tactics, weapons and soldiers.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Propaganda-Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
- Commentary -Dr. Peter Neumann
- Blockades : Acts of War
- War is a Racket
- The real terrorist was me
- The Turning Point ( Torture )
- 5 Myths About Torture and Truth
- Torture vs Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment
- Worldwide network of military bases
- U.S. military interventions since 1890
- U.S. military bases
- USA Uber Alles
- US Military Expansion and Intervention
- Ancient Warfare Atlas
Image via Wikipedia
- Michigan War Studies Group
- ABCA Armies
- The Bivouac
- Intelligence sharing between Great Britain and the United States dates back to First World War
- Israel – United States military relations
- Iraq's new Death Squads
- CIA Assassin Program was entering new phase
- Danger Room
- The sad, unlamented end of UN peacekeeping
- Understanding the Long War
- How an 1845 British Cavalry memo explains Afghanistan
Image via Wikipedia
- Khyber Pass : British Army disaster in Afghanistan
- Iraqi and Afghan vets testify
- The Betrayal of the American Soldier
- More George C. Marshall
- Military Religious Freedom
- Burning toxic waste is making soldiers and Iraqis sick
- The Nuclear War on Iraq
- Strategy Page-History
- Military History Online
- Military Quotes
- Murphy's Laws of Combat
- Campaign Against the Arms Trade
- Corksphere
Image via Wikipedia
- Global Firepower
- Global Research.ca **
- Intel Dump-Phil Carter
- Iraq Veterans Against the War
Image via Wikipedia
- Small Wars Journal
- Wounded Warriors-News
- Milblogs
- David Pugliese's Defence Watch
- Medill Reports
- Military.com
- Milblogging
- Veterans Today
- Vet Voice
- War by video conference : how al Qaeda fought us to a draw in the biggest battle in Afghanistan
- Walking it off : a Veteran's chronicle of war and wilderness
- Related articles by Zemanta
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- World role? (news.bbc.co.uk)
- Where Iraq Meets Iran, Guards Watch Shifting Lines in the Sand (nytimes.com)
- Phyllis Bennis: War Crimes Then and Now (huffingtonpost.com)
- 63 reviews of Continued US Presence in Iraq (rateitall.com)
- US hand over of prison to Iraqis (news.bbc.co.uk)
- 'Final Solution' Frenzy - IV (teabreak.pk)
- US must show caution on Iraqi air force | James Denselow (guardian.co.uk)
- Defense of the Realm: Britain's Armed Forces Crisis (time.com)
- ( That would be the 'realm' of Afghanistan/Pakistan : where Britain's Durand Line separated Talibs and defined the borders of a mishmash of starving tribes separated by some of the highest mountains on the planet as 'nations' with a plethora of languages and cultures. 12,000 were lost to the British Expeditionary Force to the East India Company in the Khyber Pass...in 1842 ! Don't think the CIA are the only drugrunning Black Ops )
- Professor Of Military History Weighs in on the Implausibility of the Bellesiles's Story. (volokh.com)
- John Tropea: Military Chatrooms from California to Afghanistan - NYTimes.com (nytimes.com)
- Local firm becomes linguist to the military (mysanantonio.com)
- Mar 16, 1802: U.S. Military Academy Established (censorshipinamerica.com)
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