End of an Era - Post on Monopolist Control of Necessities of Life
HOME a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand - homeproject's channel ( YouTube ) Infomercial 1hr 37min ***
Toxic hydrocarbons from oilsands pollute lakes
The Water We Drink: An International Comparison of Drinking Water Quality Standards and Guidelines
Nearly 90% of all diseases caused by unsanitary water conditions
Access to safe drinking water is not just a poverty issue. It affects everyone. And the reason has to do with how industry disposes of its waste.
Want to know where the water is going ?
Each year approximately 3,066,000,000,000 gallons of water is permanently removed from our hydrologic cycle causing a deficit in our available water budget.
Each year approximately 3,066,000,000,000 gallons of water is permanently removed from our hydrologic cycle causing a deficit in our available water budget.
Hydraulic Despotism - a.k.a. 'Water Empire'
Watch Out: The World Bank Is Quietly Funding a Massive Corporate Water Grab
you don't miss the water 'til the well runs dryOur Drinking Water at Risk
What EPA and the Oil and Gas Industry Don't Want Us to Know About Hydraulic Fracturing. (Full Report)Lisa Sumi, 4/7/2005
View the publication (pdf)
Drinking Water Threatened by Toxic Natural Gas and Oil Drilling Chemicals PDF
Water Portal - SourceWatch
Improving Water Information - Australia
Water Portal - SourceWatch
Improving Water Information - Australia
Deep water drilling always brings increased levels of radioactivity
What's in the water ?
The Privatization of the Global Freshwater Commons
Estimating the impact on health of poor drinking water interventions in developing countries
A Deeper Look at Drugs in our Water Supply
AllAfrica News - Water & Sanitation
America's Wetlands - PDF files
Great Lakes phosphorus levels rising, report warns
Some of our monitoring programs that would allow us to understand this either are under threat or have disappeared over the past 15 years.
My Polluted Kentucky Home
Since it was first used in 1970, mountaintop removal has destroyed some 500 mountains and poisoned at least 1,200 miles of rivers and streams across the Appalachian coal-mining region.
Monitoring of oilsands impact inadequate: panel
Authentically Wired
Bluedaze ** Fracking
Blue Planet Project
Since it was first used in 1970, mountaintop removal has destroyed some 500 mountains and poisoned at least 1,200 miles of rivers and streams across the Appalachian coal-mining region.
Monitoring of oilsands impact inadequate: panel
Authentically Wired
Bluedaze ** Fracking
Blue Planet Project
Bottling livelihoods
British Columbia Preppers Network - Our Water Problem
Circle of Blue
Coal ash is damaging water, health in 34 states
Kingston Coal Ash Slide : Then and Now
Coal ash contaminating groundwater at all sites
Coal River Mountain Watch
Battle at Coal River Mountain Explodes
Mountaintop Removal Threatens Our Water
High Resolution Mountaintop Removal Pictures
Dam Politics : India's Medha Patkar takes on corporate control of water
Dick Cheney and Halliburton F**king in your drinking water
Environmental Working Group
Five U.S. rivers tainted with chemical and pharmaceutical residues
Flow - The Movie
Fracking and the Environment : Natural Gas Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Contamination
Natural Gas Drilling: What We Don’t Know
"How to Destroy the Earth's Fresh Water Supplies Without Anyone Finding Out"
Free Trade and Water Privatization
Freshwater Crisis : National Geographic : Section
The case of Gaza : Water Scarcity and Conflict
Global Groundwater Maps
Global Stream Flow Study : water levels dropping in major rivers
H2oN Coast
How Peak Water Could Reshape Civilization
How the Nation's Breadbasket is poisoning its own Water Supply
How the U.S. intentionally destroyed Iraq's water supply - the secret behind the sanctions
India WaterPortal
International Rivers
( I first marked this site because of a PDF outlining dams in the Himalayas, and their potential and real disadvantages and dangers )
IRC International Water & Sanitation
Jacques Cousteau's son fights to save the oceans
Journey of the Forsaken
LA Stormwater
Lead and Zinc Mining - Kansas
Levees.Org - infrastructure monitoring group formed after Katrina-U.S.A. only
Levees From Around The World
Local Drinking Water Information
Mexico agrees to send water to Texas,angering Mexican farmers 2004
Modeling Groundwater Vulnerability using GIS and DRASTIC : Texas
Mountaintop Removal Damage 'Irreversable'
NY state admits ignoring threat to city's drinking water
On Water
Paging Erin Brockovich
Peak Water
Poisoning the well : How the EPA is Ignoring Atrazine Contamination in Surface and Drinking
Water in the Central United States - PDF
Rocket Fuel Man
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
Selfish use of rivers threatens political stability
Source News - IRC International Water & Sanitation News Service
The oceans are in trouble, which means we all are
Toxic Waters : N Y Times : Disputed Science
Articles in this series will examine the worsening pollution in American waters and regulators’ response.
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
Selfish use of rivers threatens political stability
Source News - IRC International Water & Sanitation News Service
The oceans are in trouble, which means we all are
Toxic Waters : N Y Times : Disputed Science
Articles in this series will examine the worsening pollution in American waters and regulators’ response.
Banana Peels Remove Toxins
“Banana Peel Applied to the Solid Phase Extraction of Copper and Lead from River Water:
Trager Water Report
“Banana Peel Applied to the Solid Phase Extraction of Copper and Lead from River Water:
Trager Water Report
Water Footprint
Water for the Ages
Water is Life
Water Issue - GOOD Magazine
Waterkeeper Alliance
Water Librarian Homepage
Water Partners International
Water Research & Technology
Water - Special Report
Water Tech Online
Water World
Water Wars
What's Tappening ?
Water stories - Chris Woodka ,Pueblo Chieftan,Colorado
World Water Wars
Atmospheric Water Generator
Water for the Ages
Water is Life
Water Issue - GOOD Magazine
Waterkeeper Alliance
Water Librarian Homepage
Water Partners International
Water Research & Technology
Water - Special Report
Water Tech Online
Water World
Water Wars
What's Tappening ?
Water stories - Chris Woodka ,Pueblo Chieftan,Colorado
World Water Wars
Atmospheric Water Generator
EPA's Failure To Publicize Drinking Water Data Prompts Agency, Congress To Rethink Policies (huffingtonpost.com)
- EPA Fails To Inform Public About Weed-Killer In Drinking Water (huffingtonpost.com)
- Clash in Alabama Over Tennessee Coal Ash (nytimes.com)
- Introducing the Water for the World Act (one.org)
- Bill Attempts to Stop Natural Gas Drilling from Contaminating Drinking Water (takepart.com)
- Understanding E. coli: symptoms, spread, prevention(cbc.ca)
- EPA And Academics Fight Over Notifying Public Of Weed-Killer In Drinking Water [Public Safety] (consumerist.com)
- Pollution (slideshare.net)
- New Purification Techniques Address Impending Global Water Crisis (usnews.com)
- Sanitation Issues In The Developing World (slideshare.net)
- Farm Runoff Contaminates Water Supplies (takepart.com)
- NYT: Many polluters escape prosecution(msnbc.msn.com)
- Water Sources Final 1 (slideshare.net)
- Joseph B. Treaster: Africa Water Project Captures Difficulty Of Global Struggle (huffingtonpost.com)
- Toxic Waters: Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A. (nytimes.com)
- Africa Water Project Captures Difficulty Of Global Struggle(trueslant.com)
- Saving a river along the US-Mexico border (theworld.org)
- EPA collects more water samples in Wash.(seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Civic water leaks cost big money (cbc.ca)
- Experts call for hike in global water price(businessgreen.com)
- Fish out of pills - Pharmaceuticals in drinking water(casesblog.blogspot.com)
- Session SDM - Kayser uganda-irc_presentation_final (pp_tminimizer) (slideshare.net)
- Session SDM - Juntopas.Thailand rural water supply 21(slideshare.net)
- C:\Fakepath\Ri Pple Cc Presentation (slideshare.net)
- Is Bottled Water Sucking Our Public Water Supply Dry?(blogs.asce.org)
- Desalination surges in water crisis (guardian.co.uk)
- Rivers in England and Wales face drying out because of climate change (telegraph.co.uk)
- United States: A Waterfoot Print(fadingintomyth.blogspot.com)
- Susan J. Marks: Conservation Counts on World Water Day and Every Day (huffingtonpost.com)
- Why Water May Be More of a Commodity in Iraq Than Oil(alternet.org)
- Camping Survival.com Encourages Homeowners to Keep Emergency Supplies on Hand During 2010 Hurricane Season (prweb.com)
- Walkerton: from Water Tragedy to Water Excellence(atomiurl.com)
- Water resources andrea and maria paul (slideshare.net)
- High Nitrate Levels Threaten Nation's Drinking Water. Nitron, Ltd., will Unveil Proven Water Technology to Reduce Nitrate Contamination in the U.S. (prweb.com)
- US Water System Needs Upgrade, But Still Far Superior to Rest of World (patspapers.com)
- Researchers offer solutions to poisonous well-water crisis in southern Asia (scienceblog.com)
- Communities Urge Protection of Precious Source Water During Drinking Water Week (prweb.com)
- Nestle's "Pure Life" Water Causes Contamination(food.change.org)
- Water Quality: How to Improve and Check Quality of Water at Home (home-plumbing.suite101.com)
- Flaming Tap Water on Gasland on HBO Tonight(themoderatevoice.com)
- 3 World Water Wins (worldchanging.com)
- University of Twente Develops Catalysts for Clean Drinking Water (merid.org)
- Contaminants in groundwater used for public supply(eurekalert.org)
- Toilet Retailer Runs Water Loving Funky Picture Promotion (prweb.com)
- Everything You Need to Know About Groundwater(alternet.org)
- Saint John tests water after gas spill (cbc.ca)
- can radioactivity get into our water tables and harm us?(greenanswers.com)
- Ottawa wary over UN water rights vote (nationalpost.com)
- Water is Not the New Oil (greentechmedia.com)
- Water, no more a renewable resource (socialactions.net)
- "UN Declares Water a Human Right" and related posts(climateandcapitalism.com)
- We Waste How Much Water On Coal?! (alternet.org)
- Drugs in Your Drinking Water? (lifescript.com)
- Running Out of Water Reveals Solutions to Water and Wastewater Issues. (green-talk.com)
- Peak predictions: mixing water and oil as global resources dwindle (energybulletin.net)
- Op-Ed Contributor: Drowning Today, Parched Tomorrow(nytimes.com)
- Southwest Texas Water Resources Addresses Nueces River Authority Board Regarding Impact of Uvalde Water Project on Surface Water Supplies in Nueces River Basin(prnewswire.com)
- WRD Selected to Receive $300,000 in Federal Reclamation Funding to Help Improve Water Reliability Supplies in South Los Angeles County (prnewswire.com)
- Fellows Friday with Sunita Nadhamuni (ted.com)
- Cameron Brooks: Water Management: The Path to a Better Future (huffingtonpost.com)
- Casey calls for shale disclosures (philly.com)
- What does a water purification expert do?(greenanswers.com)
- Water emerges as new weapon in Texas coal plant fight(chron.com)
- Importing Risk (switchboard.nrdc.org)
- Rebecca Abrahams: FRAC This! (huffingtonpost.com)
- Redesigning our cities for the dawning age of global freshwater scarcity (grist.org)
- Susan Buchanan: Coal Ash Threatens Water From Baton Rouge Southwards (huffingtonpost.com)
- Mesa Consolidated Water District Celebrates 50 Years of Providing Pure, Plentiful Water (eon.businesswire.com)
- Water is the new oil (rt.com)
- Final Barrier Devices Can Treat Contamination in Houston Homes (prnewswire.com)
- PLoS Medicine Policy Forum on Water and Sanitation(urbanhealthupdates.wordpress.com)
- Science Says Methane in Pennsylvania Water Is from Drilling, Not Natural Causes (alternet.org)
- IIED - Importance of wells to urban poor stressed(urbanhealthupdates.wordpress.com)
- How Water Reuse Makes Good Sense (greenbiz.com)
- Drinking water position may become tight in summer(thehindu.com)
- Pro vs. Con: What the Frack? (ecocentricblog.org)
- Recycled water key to supply security(news.theage.com.au)
- EPA orders monitoring of drinking water contaminated by drilling in Montana (switchboard.nrdc.org)
- Predicting the World's Next Water Pollution Disaster(news.nationalgeographic.com)
- Council revives lingering debate over fluoride in Calgary's water (calgaryherald.com)
- You: Unhygienic drinking water supply causing health problems in Chakwal (nation.com.pk)
- Pennsylvania allows gas-well wastewater to flow into rivers(pennlive.com)
- EPA Says Gas Drilling in Texas Contaminated Water and Presents 'Threat of Explosion' (propublica.org)
- EPA Reacts to Study of Hexavalent Chromium in 31 City Water Supplies (environment.change.org)
- Okotoks loses bid for more river water (calgaryherald.com)
- When did we start to find pharmaceuticals in our tap water?(greenanswers.com)
- New York Using Giant "Sponges" To Clean Coal Tar from Hudson River (treehugger.com)
- Concerns Grow Over UK Shale Gas Trials(first4lawyers.com)
- SFgate.com GOP assemblyman proposes 25% cut in water bond (sfgate.com)
- Wayne Pollard: Oil Shale's Insatiable Demand for Water Will Impact Western Way of Life (huffingtonpost.com)
- Water: Upbeat first assessment of year's supplies(sfgate.com)
- Drilling Industry Says Diesel Use Was Legal(propublica.org)
- Hydraulic fracturing has used straight diesel fuel in 19 states; "appears to be a violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act" (switchboard.nrdc.org)
- 'The Watchdog': Raw Milk Is A Cosmetic? EPA's Move To Curb Pesticide Tests On Humans (huffingtonpost.com)
- EPA submits draft hydraulic fracturing study plan to independent scientists for review (greencarcongress.com)
- Hydraulic Fracturing, "Fracking," Facing Scrutiny(ecoworld.com)
- New York Plans To Green Light Fracking In June(desmogblog.com)
- Dems: Frackers may have broken law (politico.com)
- Study to determine if rising sea levels are a threat to coastal drinking water. (dailygleaner.canadaeast.com)
- "What The Frack: More Dangers Of Hydraulic Fracturing Emerge" and related posts (wonkroom.thinkprogress.org)
- "Recycling wastewater from hydraulic fracturing presents its own set of challenges" and related posts(irjci.blogspot.com)
- Fracking: EPA Plans To Examine Every Aspect Of Hydraulic Fracturing (huffingtonpost.com)
- First Fracking Leak in Michigan (thewmeacblog.org)
- Texas leads in use of diesel as fracking fluid (texasvox.org)
- What the frack? US natural gas drilling method contaminates water (guardian.co.uk)
- Our drinking water is at risk from toxic chemicals that can leak in as a result of fracking(theboldcorsicanflame.wordpress.com)
- EPA Chief Grilled on Drilling Safety (online.wsj.com)
- Fracking blowback spooks energy industry(money.cnn.com)
- PA Gov Gives Energy Exec Authority Over Environmental Permitting (huffingtonpost.com)
- Scientific study links flammable drinking water to fracking(knoxnews.com)
- The Food, Water and Health Crisis Surrounding Natural Gas Extraction (alternet.org)
- Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas Pollutes Water Wells(climateinsight.wordpress.com)
1 comment:
thanks for sharing information,nice article
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