Love City Groove and Eurovision 1995
As Eurovision is almost upon us, I've been fishing in the archives and reeled in this. And no, it doesn't smell fishy. Back in 1995 the faceless BBC committee that decides such things hit upon the idea of jazzing the contest up, and so ran a public poll for the UK entry. A peculiar mix put themselves up for consideration, and for once some weren't complete unknowns. You had the proto-Steps group Deuce, London Beat, and Samantha Fox (then trading as 'Sox', bizarrely). The Great British public were captivated, nay, obsessed. Fancying something a bit different to send across the Irish ... more »
Where Does The Anti-Democracy Koch Smear Machine Get Its Money?
Most of their wealth comes from oil and gas This morning, you may have read that just one of the arms of Koch brothers' political Dark Money assault against democracy, a shady proto-fascist outfit called Americans for Prosperity, plans to spend a minimum of $125 million on the midterm elections. "The projected budget for Americans for Prosperity would be unprecedented for a private political group in a midterm, and would likely rival even the spending of the Republican and Democratic parties’ congressional campaign arms," writes Ken Vogel for *Politico*. Americans for Prosperity has ... more »
The Coming Famine
Consumers live like toddlers, in a comfortable crib surrounded by colorful toys, with others providing our needs. We can turn on our computer without blowing apart mountains to fetch coal. We don’t have to murder indigenous people to put gas in our Prius. We don’t have to destroy rainforests to plant soy for our veggie burgers. Someone else does it for us. The grocery store always has food, so we can spend seven hours a day staring at screens. Electricity and petroleum were experiments that have far higher costs than benefits. Luckily, they are finite, and humankind’s devasta... more »
Agent Hamza
"Abu Hamza claims he secretly ‘kept the streets of London safe’ as a go-between for MI5 and Scotland Yard, a US court heard. The extraordinary image of the hook-handed Muslim firebrand as a force for religious peace in Britain was laid out in a Manhattan courtroom by his defence lawyer. Some 50 pages of documents passed on by Britain would prove the police and security services turned to Hamza to help combat Islamic extremism between May 1997 and August 2000, defence lawyer Joshua Dratel said. ‘They take in every conflict we are talking about in this case. Algeria, Bosnia, Yemen,... more »
The Sphere
Hollywood Accredits the Memes: Boaz, Jachin and the Sphere from Spike EP on Vimeo. The *Kaa'ba sphere *is intentionally representative of the base or *root chakra*, the seat of all generative and *nuptive energies* in the *human perineum*, also appearing in such a form in the *Qabalah*, balancing against the two great pillars guarding the entrance to the *Temple of Solomon* - so, then, these two pillars, or two towers, also appear in *Mecca*, aligned one on either side of the *Kaa'ba*, along a precise North-South meridian bisecting the magnetic North and South poles of the Earth... more »
Veterans for Peace members have been arrested a number of times in New York at a Vietnam War Memorial. They've they've been charged and been on trial. But they continue to stand their ground. Why continuously arrest veterans?
6 Ways Same-Sex Marriage Will Affect Florida Employees
There are multiple lawsuits pending in Florida challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage. There's one in Key West, one in Miami, one in federal court in Tallahassee, and there are probably some more out there. It's almost inevitable that the ban on gay marriage will be overturned here soon. So why does an employment lawyer care about gay marriage? Here are just some of the laws that will affect Florida employees and employers once gay couples can marry: 1. *Florida Civil Rights Act*: The Florida statute against discrimination covers marital status. And I'm betting plen... more »
Leadhorse Choctaw sharing stickball game in El Salvador
By Leadhorse Choctaw Censored News Leadhorse Choctaw continues his journey to the south, overland through Central and South America, sharing the traditional stickball game with Indigenous Peoples. Now in El Salvador, he encourages new friends and relatives in the south to come to the world series of stickball in mid-July hosted by the Choctaw in Mississippi. Leadhorse Choctaw said of
I agree with Marcus Brigstocke!?!
Oh my god I find myself agreeing with Marcus Brigstocke's piece on the Jeremy Clarkson N-word furore on tonight's Now Show. Marcus Brigstocke likes Jeremy Clarkson and defends him. He also attacks Harriet Harman's overreaction. Listen for yourself here. I need to go for a shower now.
Mohawk Nation News 'New! Free Great Law Video'
NEW! FREE GREAT LAW VIDEO Posted on May 9, 2014 Please post and circulate. MNN. May 9, 2014. While imperialists push for war, let us learn about peace. MNN posts a 7-hour video and accompanying book on peace, in Mohawk and English, free for everyone! In 1993 Karonhiaktajeh, Kahentinetha and Ganyetahawi filmed all 117 wampums of the Great Peace, Kaianerekowa. You can watch or read or
Update from Mariupol: On Friday residents marched to remember the anniversary of the defeat of Hitler near the end of WW II as he tried to invade the former Soviet Union. The current "leadership" of Ukraine, put into power by the US-EU, declared that Ukraine would not have ceremonies on this historic Victory Day holiday. But the people around the country, especially in eastern Ukraine, turned out anyway. Those in Kiev, owing their power to the US coup d'etat, are finding their grip on things to be slipping daily. As I have said many times these folks know what fascism look... more »
I’d like some lemonade with my advice, please
As a junior faculty member, I am not in a position to turn down advice. Fortunately, I receive good advice from mentors, colleagues, and friends. I am very thankful. Lately, I have also been getting advice from a few organizations for faculty development. They provide free tips on writing and productivity, navigating the job market, Continue reading
Enhanced credit for pre-sentence custody
R. v. Houlder, 2014 ONCA 372: [2] The sentencing judge had this court's decision in *R. v. Summers*, 2013 ONCA 147 and concluded that there was an insufficient basis in the record for enhanced credit. Since that time, the Supreme Court rendered its decision in *R. v. Summers*, 2014 SCC 26. The court stated at paragraph 79 that the onus is on the offender to demonstrate that he should be awarded enhanced credit as a result of his pre-sentence detention. Furthermore, generally speaking, the fact of pre-sentence detention is sufficient to give rise to an inference that ... more »
Rick Weiland And The Battle Against Allowing The "Big Money Big Foot" To Swallow Up Our Democracy
John Tsitirian, a blogger South Dakota's Constant Commoner, missed the boat, in his own words, on the ideas inherent in regard to the dangers of oligarchy in America. His claim that oligarchy doesn't exist in America is just plain wrong. "For every Sheldon Adelson there's a Warren Buffet, for every Koch Brother there's a George Soros. I could go on. This is why I find Weiland's campaign falling short." He couldn't go on and that is far from correct. There are some progressive big dollar donors but the number isn't equal, isn't half, isn't a third, of conservative big dollar donors.... more »
Daftar Harga Smartphone Android Murah Harga Dibawah 1 juta
Daftar Harga Smartphone Android Murah Harga Dibawah 1 juta - Perkembangan jagat raya ponsel semakin menumpuk tajam, dengan hadirnya ponsel smart atau alami disebut smartphone. hampir seluruh produksen hp saat ini berlaga ajang bagi membangun smartphone, ada beberapa macam smartphone yang laris dipasaran hot nimbul android, blackberry, windows mobile, Iphone. Nah bagi saudara yang sedang
Don Lemon again, on the OJ trial!
*FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014* *Recalling the way they are:* Don Lemon was at it again on CNN last night. Once again, he was producing his network’s version of “easy listenin’ news.” Last night, his panel discussion of Donald Sterling ended at 32 minutes after the hour. He burned the rest of the hour with a discussion—get this—of the OJ Simpson trial! Lemon’s programming is a classic form of easy listenin’! You can tune in at any time and lazily follow along. You’ll hear about sex and you’ll hear about race! You’ll see a group of familiar faces making familiar statements. You won’t be cha... more »
Thai Regime Collapses – Preparing for the Fallout
*May 7, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Thailand's prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra was dismissed from her position along with several ministers from her cabinet by a Constitutional Court ruling regarding her transferring of key officials to pave way for her brother-in-law's promotion to National Police Chief. Thai PBS reported in their article, "Constitutional Court rules Yingluck and her cabinet guilty," that: *The Constitutional Court today unanimously ruled that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was guilty in interfering in the reshuffling of senior government offi... more »
"Anti-Semitism" madness
The never ending Jewish-promoted meme of "anti-Semitism" - rising levels of "anti-Semitic" sentiments, perspectives, and stereotypes, alleged "anti-Semitic" violence, efforts to "delegitimize" or even criticize Israel, Jewish scapegoating, "Holocaust" denial, etc. - has reached fever pitch over the course of the past week or so. In typical fashion, President Obama debased himself and America by attending the USC Shoah Foundation’s 20th anniversary Ambassadors for Humanity gala in Los Angeles the other day, giving a speech in which he "offered a staunch defense of Israel and a harsh ... more »
TUSCALOOSA LIBERALS: Attempts to explain!
*FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014* *Part 5—The superintendent’s tale:* Nikole Hannah-Jones tells a fascinating, sprawling story in her flamboyantly headlined report, “Segregation Now...” Rather, she tells a fascinating *set* of stories—a set of stories about race and the public schools of Tuscaloosa, Alabama: She discusses three generations of a family whose current member, D’Leisha Dent, is president of the senior class at all-black Central High School. She reviews sixty years of racial policy in Tuscaloosa’s schools. This dates to the years before (and even after) the Brown decision, when t... more »
Steve in Springtime
Steve in springtime. Every mammal wishes they where snakes that could just shed their skin, and be their magnificent self. Thinking aboot all the things we have done is the worse part of being a human drone. Spring is a renewal for everyone who has the opportunity to experience the Gods dishwasher effect. If you look at human history its pretty clear that those who were forced to renew prevailed. So should we sell some time in the Artic to the Chinese? You can go on living in a paradise without a care or join the rapidly changing world where everyone must renew all the time, fast ... more »
Always Something New Under the Sun
It's an established fact that a tiny cadre of humans, nearly all of them men, own most of the world's wealth and resources. About 85 people have more money than half the population of the entire planet combined. So, what's not to tax? (besides your patience, that is.) Perhaps even more odious than the wealth dynasties accounting for much of the record income inequality is the rise of the hyper-rich hedge fund manager. Paul Krugman takes on this new breed of predatory billionaire in his latest column, pre-empting the standard jaded response of "So, what else is new?" and refuting the... more »
Mike's Story Part 17: Fallout
*By **Jenna** Orkin* Back at FTW, another fire erupted: Readers were placing product orders which could never, under the current administration, be fulfilled. When Mike learned of the situation, he emailed those in charge that it could constitute fraud; they were to return whatever money had come in and freeze the sales portion of the site immediately. (If I remember correctly, the same problem later arose with respect to subscription renewals.) A trusted friend and colleague offered to buy the site. Mike thought this might prove to be a way out of what was devolving into an... more »
Classic Potato Salad with Briton From Rad Mom Cool Kid
*Today I am thrilled to have Briton from Rad Mom Cool Kid here to share her Classic Potato Salad recipe. Briton shares my love of amazing Texas BBQ and blogs about a little bit of everything. Some of my favorite posts include 10 Gifts that Don't Create Clutter and Basic Body Scrub. Make sure to check her out and to leave some comment love on this post! * [image: Briton Alo]Hi! I'm Briton from Rad Mom Cool Kidwhere I write about a pretty random mix of topics- kids, travel, food, funny experiences, etc. I'm so happy to be guest posting for Debra today so she can rest ... more »
May 9: Mike's Bike Shop facelift nearly complete
As soon as I saw that as the big story (half page with photo) on the front page, I knew there wasn't going to be much to say about today's TandT. I was right. I'll talk briefly about the paper - then go on to some outrageous truths that didn't make the TandT. __________________________________________________________________________ NewsToday has the story that East Ukraine is going to vote on joining Russia, despite Putin having asked them not to until things settle down. I think Putin is quite right, and the pro-Russians who seem in control of East Ukraine are wrong. First, it's a... more »
Global Warming, Ukraine, Corporate Tyranny
Global warming is the biggest threat out there I believe. But even without it, it seems that humanity (and humanity organized under capitalist political-economy in particular) is putting enormous strains on the planet's ability to support us. Business as usual is not an option. But, thanks to corporate-capitalist tyranny, we're doubling down on the madness. We need a revolutionary transformation of our political-economy. Or else civilization, and the billions of people it serves, will collapse. The Ukraine crisis is 90 per cent the result of the Obama administration. (Putin/Russia ... more »
More from the streets of 'the apartheid state of Israel'
Israel is often called 'an apartheid state' so I thought these pictures from the very streets of Israel might be of interest. There's more of these photos at The Real Jerusalem Streets but definitely where anti-Semites and anti-Israel idiots meet to call Israel, incorrectly, an 'apartheid state'.
Friday Nerd Blogging: Call for ISA Paper Proposals on “Game of Thrones”
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: “Game of Thrones and International Relations: Empirical Investigations” Deadline: May 26, 2014 Dan Drezner and I seek paper abstracts for an International Studies Association 2015 Conference panel proposal examining the inter-text between the A Song of Ice and Fire book series and/or HBO hit series Game of Thrones and global political phenomena Continue reading
Reality bites Reality Show
By Capt. Fogg I think we have to hold this truth self-evident: bigotry doesn't pay. Bible-Based or not, and even expressed in private, Racism, Homophobia, and Bigotry can cost you almost everything. Nobody will hire you other than Fox News and other GOP franchises. David and Jason Benham were about to get their own HGTV 'reality TV series until it came out on Right Wing Watch that David, one of the twin Biblievers had been ranting outside the Democratic National Convention at Charlotte, NC in 2012 about* "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation"* and *"demonic ide... more »
2014 March for Lies: Anti-Choice Inflation
Yesterday, I suggested that the fetus fetishists have set their sights lower (targetting a particular method of abortion rather than the whole caboodle) for the annual March of the Feti because they know they are losing. Let's have a look at attendance numbers for the past few years. This is a dodgy business, as anybody can and does claim any old number they pull out of their asses. And it's even dodgier dealing with the lying liars of the forced pregnancy industry who practice an art I call "anti-choice inflation," in which every year has to outdo the year before. Going back to 2... more »
Why They March: Because We're Winning
Fetus fetishists are marching again today on Parliament Hill. This year's theme is #RU4Life, a play on the abortion drug RU486's name, which is now up for approval by Health Canada. I find this choice perplexing. Last year's theme was gendercide. It was in the news at the time, largely thanks to Warawa's Wank, a private member's motion condemning gender-selective abortion (as if anything could be done about it). And the issue was garnering some media attention as many "conditional pro-choicers"needed to express their ambivalence -- "I'm pro-choice but. . . " Warawa's motion blew up...more »
*Saints trade up; select Oregon State's Cooks ~Ted Lewis, New Orleans Advocate* *Lee Zurik Investigation: Lawmakers pocketing your tax dollars by double billing* *Report: New Orleans A National Leader In Infrastructure Jobs ~Eileen Flemming, WWNO* *'It could have been me' - Dillard student on abduction of Nigerian girls ~WWLTV*
Assistant Secretary of State was harshly questioned in Congress as she struggles to defend activists in Kiev who benefited from Washington's support. It took a right-wing Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) to get Nuland to reluctantly acknowledge that Nazi's were/are involved in the Ukraian coup d'etat.
The @Wotsit4 flounce (part 2)
You may remember a while back that @Wotsit4 flounced off. Unfortunately he came back to Twitter and this time he's been even nastier than previously. He's flounced off again, here's the last Twitter exchange... The question that @Wotist4 won't answer is the one I posted previously: Why do you think that Israel is occupying the West Bank and Gaza post 1967 but that Jordan and Egypt weren't 1948-1967? It would seem that @Wotsit4 would rather hang out (on Twitter) with anti-Semites like @fuck_israel than answer a good and very relevant question.
A Clear Primary Choice In Rhode Island: Angel Taveras Is The Best Opportunity Progressives Have To Prevent A Raimondo Disaster
The race to be the next Governor of Rhode Island is really a battle between two people: a true progressive leader and his fake-Democrat Wall Street opponent. I want to explain why Blue America is lining up behind Angel Taveras, the bold progressive in this race. The other candidate in the race is known for one thing: having put out a "for sale" sign to Wall Street:. That's EMILY's List's supposed Democrat, Gina Raimondo. Raimondo, who spent her career as a venture capitalist before being elected General Treasurer, is grabbing cash out of Wall Street firms as fast as she can befor... more »
Ah bless @Wotsit4 has made a friend or two
And Isn't it nice when likeminded people get together?
Sleeping Through The Drama
Thomas Picketty's new book, *Capital In The 21st Century*, is generating a flurry of interest south of the border. Paul Krugman has praised the book's scholarship and its conclusion that we are living in a second Gilded Age. And the central theme of the book -- economic inequality -- has the president's attention. Linda McQuaig writes: From inside the White House, President Barack Obama has made the dramatic surge in inequality his signature issue, describing it as “the defining challenge of our time.” The book's central thesis makes eminent sense: Modern capitalism, left to i... more »
paris, day one
Nous somme ici! Connie (my mother) and I got tired of killing time in her apartment and decided to have dinner at the airport. Somehow we managed to stay awake until our 11:30 flight, but my mom was asleep soon after takeoff. I, of course, was up all night, as I can't sleep sitting up, ever. I find that listening to music helps a lot, although it can be a long night when everyone else is snoring. The flight was perfectly normal and uneventful. I didn't even have to pay baggage overweight fees as I had been expecting. So based on this limited experience, thumbs-up for XL Airways Fra... more »
Two very different PR, ER-EPR papers
*I thought that the acronyms are sort of funny* Two contrasting papers on the Papadodimas-Raju theory of the black hole interior and the Maldacena-Susskind ER-EPR (Einstein-Rosen/Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) correspondence have been posted to the hep-th arXiv today: Daniel Harlow (Princeton): Aspects of the Papadodimas-Raju [PR] Proposal for the Black Hole Interior ------------------------------ Kristan Jensen, Andreas Karch, Brandon Robinson (Seattle+SUNY): The holographic dual of a Hawking pair has a wormhole (TRF guest blogger) Andreas Karch et al. takes the positive attitude that t... more »
So that's it settled, Scotland will vote for independence on September 18th
I had always believed that, unfortunately, Scotland would vote 'No' in the independence referendum on September 18th. But today I learn from The Times that: 'Gordon Brown is to become more heavily involved in the campaign against Scottish independence after being identified as a "star striker" to persuade undecided voters to back the Union in the September referendum.' I understand why Labour are desperate for a No vote, they need those Scottish Labour MPs to ensure a Labour majority in future general elections, but they have just signed the 'No' vote death warrant.
War Watch May 9 , 2014 -- Syria news of the day .... After the fall of Homs , the attention will shift to Aleppo ( note Rebels blow up Carlton hotel used by Government troops as a barracks , 50 soldiers killed ) , for the second tim in recent weeks Jordan has fired upon al - Nusra Rebels attempting to cross into Jordan...... SNC begs for weapons from Washington ................Iraq news of the day - bombings returns to Baghdad ....... Libya news of the day - death dealing and political confusion continue ....
Syria..... Syrian Rebels Destroy Aleppo Hotel Full of Soldiers, Killing 50Fighters Tunneled Under Hotel to Plant Explosives by Jason Ditz, May 08, 2014 Print This | Share This Tunneling attacks seem to be a new favored tactic in northern Syria, as for the second time in a week Syrian rebels have tunneled under an entrenched military position and planted explosives. Today’s attack claimed Aleppo’s Carlton Citadel Hotel, and badly damaged many historic buildings in the vicinity, according to Syrian state media. Reports say at least 50 soldiers were killed. Like a lot of big buildings ... more »
Ukraine Updates May 7 , 2014 - Evening updates via RIA Novosti Putin uges postponement of May 11 , 2014 Referendums even as Kiev continues its provocations and counter terror campaign against its citizens.....Eastern Ukraine still in turmoil ( Slovyansk death toll rises to thirty civilians , 4 Ukrainian soldiers ..... conscription force of mercenaries to be paid almost 7 times what Ukrainian soldiers are paid / Right Sector and Maidan thugs recruited ....... Talks unlikely after Junta bars Ukrainian protesters from being at the negotiating table ) ...... Donetsk announces Referendum results will be announced three days after the May 11 , 2014 vote ...... Ukraine fighting puts Presidential poll in peril ( or is it the threats of Timoshenko ? )
Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago
Kiev provocations continue even as Putin urges Federalists to postpone the May 11th Referendums RIA Novosti...... Putin Calls on Ukrainian Federalists to Put Off May 11 Vote [image: Preparations for the referendum on May 11 in Slaviansk] Preparations for the referendum on May 11 in Slaviansk © RIA Novosti. Mikhail Voskresensky 18:48 07/05/2014 Tags: referendum, federalization, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Russia MOSCOW, May 7 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday urged pro-federalization activists in southeastern Ukraine to postpone a referendum on self-determina... more »
The ignorance of the Labour Party is shocking
The Labour Party have issued a new poster, here it is... Can you spot the mistake? Obviously beyond the knowledge of the Labour Party is the fact that most of the items in that shopping basket re charged VAT at the rate of 0% so I'm not sure how VAT increases have affected the cost of that basket. Labour Party ignorant as well as incompetent?
*New Orleans City Council blasts bills aimed at killing levee lawsuit ~Robert McClendon*
The War on Snowden Continues as Does NSA Spying
Given the amount of coverage churned out by the sycophantic gravy trainers in the US state-corporate media about the latest Republican Benghazi spectacle, the 24/7 Putin bashing, missing flight MH-370 and assorted celebrity driven swill the biggest story of the last year has been buried int he bullshit. The story of course are the startling revelations of former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden of the massive domestic surveillance and data-mining programs being conducted against tens of millions of law-abiding Americans. Outside of the random drive by ... more »
Russia plans to annex the Moon in 2030
*What is the price of the Moon?* Russia's Victory Day Parade was a bit more exciting for the Russians in 2014 because Crimea became a part of the Russian victory. However, on the same day, Russia also published some details about its space program: Russia will begin Moon colonization in 2030 - draft space program America may seem out of this game but we could see a conflict on the Moon, anyway, because China has promised to send its first troops to the Moon in 2025. ;-) Unless the modern civilization destroys itself in some way – e.g. by allowing the extremists known as "environm... more »
We Can Do Better As Parents Protecting Our Children's Health
Our children are 100% of our future, and these stats should give anyone standing on the sidelines permission to engage in this movement to bring transparency and accountability to our food system in order to protect the health of our country. *Source:* *Living With Common Sense Facebook* Source:
Czech trailblazing: 125 years
I am a patriot yet a realist. So I think that the Czechs are pretty much the ultimate example of an average nation when it comes to most benchmarks. There are not too many technologies or disciplines in which we are at the top. But one of them is just celebrating 125 years. My 10 years in the U.S. made me think: You're just troglodytes, Yankees! ;-) What is it? Yes, it's the trailblazing system. By 1938, i.e. before the arrival to Nazism to Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovakia had the longest, most sophisticated, and most extensive system of 40,000 km of routes for hikers that are marke... more »
SAS flight in Russian spy plane near miss
[image: Il-20M Coot]A Scandinavian Airlines flight had to take last minute evasive action to avoid colliding with a Russian spy plane just off the Swedish south coast in March, according to a report which emerged on Thursday. According to a Sveriges Television report on Thursday, the incident occurred on March 3rd just 50 kilometres south of the Swedish city of Malmö - home to over 300,000 people. The plane was reportedly a Russian Ilyushin 20m military aircraft used for signals surveillance. Read more
Raytheon's JSOW scores direct hits in back-to-back flight tests
[image: F/A-18C with AGM-154 JSOW]Raytheon Company and the U.S. Navy showcased the operational capability of the Joint Standoff Weapon in challenging back-to-back flight tests. Launched from F/A-18F Super Hornets, at approximately 25,000 feet, two JSOW II C air-to-ground weapons flew preplanned routes before destroying simulated cave targets. "These test shots further validate JSOW's ability to deliver decisive battlefield effects against one of the most challenging land targets facing our warfighters," said Celeste Mohr, JSOW program director for Raytheon Missile Systems. Read more
RAAF Super Hornets conduct Harpoon trial flights
[image: F/A-18F with Harpoon]The F/A-18Fs of the RAAF’s 82WG based at Amberley have been conducting trial flights with Boeing AGM-84J Harpoon anti-surface warfare (ASuW) missiles in recent weeks. The trials are part of the development of systems, procedures and training to employ the Harpoon with a full operational clearance, and are based on those used by the US Navy. A Defence spokesperson told Australian Aviation that the Harpoon will complement the Raytheon AGM-54C-1 JSOW precision weapon in the Super Hornet’s ASuW arsenal. Read more
Japan’s F-35 fighters would have advantage over China’s military
[image: F-35 Lightning II]Japan’s hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has committed to purchasing 42 units of Lockheed’s tactical strike fighter the F-35A, with an option to buy more if Japan’s Self Defense Forces (SDF) like what they see in the technologically advanced fighter. This group of fighter planes, added to Japan’s already robust air force, would have the chance to make any confrontation with China’s military a relatively advantageous one for Tokyo, given the fighter’s capabilities. The F-35 has had a colorful history so far, with controversies rocking its manufacture and e... more »
US Marines begin Blackjack UAS deployment to Afghanistan
[image: RQ-21A Blackjack]The US Marine Corps (USMC) has begun its first operational deployment of the Insitu RQ-21A Blackjack unmanned aircraft system (UAS), the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) announced on 7 May. The deployment, which began at the end of April, saw Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron (VMU) 2, located at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, relocate to an undisclosed location in Afghanistan. NAVAIR did not say how long the deployment might last. Read more
Basics: Is that a good economic development deal? Using the Megadeals database
It's a familiar situation: business and government officials are promoting a new economic development deal which naturally includes subsidies for the investor. They may be touting a consultant's study touting massive ripple effects and fantastic taxpayer return on investment. Should you believe them? Of course not. Consultants, whether they technically are working for the company or the government, don't get paid to say deals don't make sense. Or at least they don't if they want future contracts with the company or city/state/province/country paying them. What's a taxpayer to do? F... more »
Northrop partners with Yamaha to fly unmanned helicopter
[image: RMAX UAV]Northrop Grumman has announced completing the first flight of the Rotary Bat (R-Bat) unmanned helicopter, a new version of the Yamaha Motor RMAX dedicated for military reconnaissance. Yamaha has supplied small unmanned helicopters to Japanese farmers for decades for use as cropdusters in rice paddies. The RMAX – listed on Yamaha Motor’s website as a 61lb aircraft with a 246cc, 2-stroke engine –has operated in that role since 1998. Read more
Student protests spark economy as Honhai Chairman pans democracy, says it won't put food on the table
*A temple in Pingtung.* Terry Gou made headlines this week, denigrating democracy..... Hon Hai Technology Group chairman Terry Gou (郭台銘) said yesterday that “democracy makes no pottage” and that social movements were only a waste of social resources that did the nation’s GDP growth no good. That's it, in a nutshell. J Michael ripped him excellently here, pointing out that Gou's real audience is might well be Beijing. Gou wants to import equipment from Huawei, the Chinese maker which is widely suspected of tight cooperation with Chinese security services and threatened to not pay hi... more »
IAI showing off unmanned maritime vessel
A dual-mode, manned/unmanned combat maritime vessel is being displayed in the United States next week by Israel Aerospace Industries. The modular designed Katana, suitable for a range of homeland security applications and for protection of offshore assets, features autonomous navigation, collision avoidance, advanced control systems. It is equipped with various payloads, communication systems, radars and weapon systems. Read more
Calling On All Californians For Help - Please Call Your State Senate Committtee Before May 12, 2014
[image: Foto: Let's pass GMO Labeling in CA! Call the State Senate Appropriations Committee today!] CALLING ALL CALIFORNIANS! YOUR GMO LABELING BILL IS ON THE MOVE! Sharing a call to action from Label GMOs California's Grassroots: Let's pass GMO Labeling in CA! Call the State Senate Appropriations Committee today! READ: ** #GMO #California #labelgmos #needtoknowgmo #SB1381 #GMOFreeCalifornia #GMOFreeUSA Let's pass GMO Labeling in CA! Call the State Senate Appropriations Com... more »
House Adds 5 Growlers, Amphib to Defense Budget
[image: LPD 17 amphibious dock landing ship]The House Armed Services Committee added funding to the 2015 defense budget for five EA-18G Growler aircraft, a new amphibious assault ship and the refueling of an eleventh aircraft carrier for the Navy. The HASC’s full-committee mark-up of the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act adds $450 million to the legislation for production of five new Growler aircraft even though the Navy’s unfunded priorities list asked for as many as 22 new Growlers. “The 22 aircrafts would enable us to increase five of our carrier air wing squadrons from fi... more »
The bear in our backyard: Return of the Cold War as Royal Navy confronts Russian aircraft carrier group in the English Channel for the first time in years
[image: Admiral Kuznetsov and HMS Dragon]A Russian aircraft carrier and and a nuclear-powered battle cruiser have passed through the English Channel - escorted by a British warship. The seven-strong naval task group led by the Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia's largest warship, entered the Channel last night, a Royal Navy spokesman said. Although the ships did not enter UK territorial waters, their movements were tracked by the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dragon - the duty fleet-ready escort vessel - which was dispatched from Portsmouth. Read more
PLA's new destroyer could bring down F-35 stealth fighter
[image: Type 052D DDG]The US fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighter can be detected by the radar system installed aboard the People's Liberation Army Navy's new Type 052D destroyers, according to the Moscow-based Voice of Russia, citing military experts. Vladimir Evseev, director of the Moscow-based Center for Social and Political Studies, told the Russian broadcaster that details of China's radar project, including the amount spent on its development, remain unknown, however it is a great leap forward in regards to the nation's military modernization program. China has encountered ... more »
Pipavav Defence to enter missile, torpedo production: report
[image: Seahake torpedo]Pipavav Defence and Offshore Engineering plans to make missiles and torpedoes, for which it will set up a system integration facility in Hyderabad. The company has already firmed up strategic partnerships for missile and torpedo production under the `Buy-and-make-Indian' programme of the ministry of defence, reports quoting Naresh Kumar, senior advisor to the company said. Speaking at the vendor development programme for MSE suppliers organised by the CII in Hyderabad, Naresh Kumar said the company is looking at tie-ups with local firms in and around Hyderab... more »
Earthquake Near Daiichi, Pink Emissions Seemingly from Unit 4
Majia's Blog - 13 hours ago
Enenews alerted us of an earthquake in North Eastern Japan ( here ). Unit 4 appears as if its bleeding neon pink. I often wonder whether fission activity at Daiichi is accelerated when the earth moves: <img alt="" height="290" src="... more »
UKIP's Nigel Farage makes a good speech to a recent UKIP meeting.
Nigel Farage's recent speech in full.I look forward to the BBC reporting this speech and the anti-racist sentiment, I also look forward to money growing on trees and peace on Earth... Does he sound like the racist fruitcake that the BBC and the pro-EU political class try to portray him as? Why do you think the left and pro-EU middle are so desperate to discredit UKIP?
Scientism and the verifiable science
There is a big difference between Scientism or scientific worldview which is an ideology and the empirically-proven science. Karl Popper addressed the demarcation problem between a scientific worldview and science proper (empirically verifiable science.) Although Popperian falsifiability inadequately addresses the problem but that doesn’t means that every unscientific hypothesis should be given the credibility which is reserved only for science proper. Take biological evolution for instance: natural selection is a scientific fact; it can be said about speciation that it is a logical... more »
The March of the Catholic Schoolchildren
May 4 - 9 2014 is *Catholic Education Week* in Canada - the details of which you could read about here if you were allowed to, which apparently you aren't. The program agenda entails several pages of Ontario Catholic schools and their projects for the week under the theme "Serving in the Love of Christ". Yesterday, Thursday, was "Serve with Justice" Day which evidently entailed bussing hundreds of their students to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to attend *Campaign Life Coalition*'s *March For Life *anti-abortion rally ... in what JJ in comments over at Dammit Janet! calls "The Mar... more »
Russia to quadruple precision strategic weapon platforms by 2021
[image: T-50 PAK-FA]Russia will quadruple its arsenal of long-range precision delivery platforms in the next seven years to strengthen the country's strategic deterrent, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Thursday, according to RIA Novosti. "Taking into account the role and importance of long-range high-precision weapons in strategic deterrence, we are planning to quadruple by 2021 the number of carriers of high-accuracy weaponry," Shoigu said. Igor Korotchenko, a leading Russian military expert, said that submarines, fighter jets and strategic bombers were all included as high-pre... more »
ASC working on plan for $1.5bn Korean shipbuilding project
[image: Hobart class AWD]ASC says it can bridge the “Valley of Death” with a $1.5 billion shipbuilding project. It is working on a plan with South Korea to design and build two or three Aegir 18As, 180m long warships with hospitals, self-defence systems, flight decks and hangars. Defence industry sources say South Australia has already entered the Valley of Death as work winds down on the Air Warfare Destroyers and before it picks up again on the Future Frigates or Future Submarines. Read more
£300m BAE investment offers huge opportunity
[image: Successor class SSBN]When defence secretary Philip Hammond schedules a visit to Barrow, you know it’s going to be for something big. And Mr Hammond didn’t disappoint – announcing the investment of more than £300m into Barrow’s shipyard to prepare the town for the construction of the Successor programme – a fleet of nuclear weapon-carrying submarines expected to replace the ageing Vanguard boats. Although final approval of Successor is not due until after the next general election and the submarines themselves won’t begin to enter service until 2028, with a project of this si... more »
Russian strategic submarines launch ballistic missiles under Putin's control
[image: Project 667BDRM Delfin-class (NATO reporting name: Delta-IV)]Russia's strategic submarines Tula of the Northern Fleet and Podolsk of the Pacific Fleet carried out two training launches of ballistic missiles from the Barents Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. President Vladimir Putin supervised the operation. "According to telemetry and observation posts, the head of the missiles arrived at the range grounds of Chizh in northern Russia and Kura in the north-east of Russia, as scheduled," Russian Defense Ministry said. Read more
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.9.14"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.9.14"* By Greg Hunter’s "The Ukraine crisis is spidering off in ways no one dreamed of a few months ago. Even though Russia says it is backing off, the economic and psychological war is intensifying. Big headline in USA Today says “Putin Diffuses Tensions in Ukraine Crisis.” Putin says it is backing some troops off from the border, but NATO says there is “no evidence of withdrawal.” My sources say Russia will not do an overt invasion; it will just let Ukraine sink into chaos. Ukraine will need an estimated $50 billion in a few years to stabi... more »
Are you revising for your History A'Level and having problems with the First World War?
Are you revising for your History A'Level and having problems with the First World War? This may help... The First World War explained as a pub fight... Germany, Austria and Italy are stood together in the middle of the pub, when Serbia bumps into Austria, and spills Austria's pint. Austria demands Serbia buy it a complete new suit, because there are splashes on its trouser leg. Germany expresses its support for Austria's point of view Britain recommends that everyone calm down a bit. Serbia points out that it can't afford a whole suit, but offers to pay for cleaning Austria's t... more »
“Questions, Anyone?”
*“Questions, Anyone?”* By Bob Alexander “I've Always Liked Chris Hedges. Yeah - except for that time back in 2008when he said atheists were as dangerous as Christian fundamentalists. Remember? But what the hell - Everybody blows their wheels every now and again. I mean he earned a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School so we know he spent a lot of time, and allocated a lot of head space, to the study of gibberish. It was only natural some of that lunacy leaked out. But after The Big Blowout I guess he called the mental health department of Triple A and got back on the road a... more »
The Sandy Hook Hoax: Wolfgang Halbig And Jim Fetzer At The Sandy Hook School Board Meeting, May 6th, 2014
The Sandy Hook "shooting" of 26 children in Newtown Connecticut was a fraud... NOBODY died that fateful day, December 14th, 2012 at the equally fraudulent Sandy Hook Elementary School, and people have to finally accept that as absolute fact. Wolfgang Halbig and Jim Fetzer finally spoke in front of the Newtown Sandy Hook School board on May 6th, about the fraud of the Sandy Hook shooting, as they had promised to do for the last few months. For this article, I want to present the video of Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer, and several others, speaking in front of that school board on May ... more »
Sean Eldridge's Fake, Pasted On Smile Doesn't Hide The Ugliness Of Identity Politics
Everyone in the photo above is proud gay and every one of them is a Democrat-- some, though, more proud of that than others. The first guy *belongs* at the top of the stairs. That's Madison, Wisconsin progressive Mark Pocan, a courageous brawler for working families and for equality under the law for all Americans. According to ProgressivePunch, he has the best lifetime crucial vote score of *any* Member of Congress. He's #1. Go Mark! I've talked to Mark's husband, Phillip, and he's very proud of what Mark has accomplished. He should be. So should every member of the LGBT communit... more »
The Arabs of Palestine - by Martha Gelhorn
News Spike - 17 hours ago
ACCORDING to Arab politicians and apologists, this is what happened, this is the authentic view, these are the facts. Doubt is treasonous. There can be only one truth, according to Arab politicians and apologists, and it belongs to them: *In 1948, war took place between five Arab nations of the Middle East and the Jews in Palestine. This war was caused by the United Nations, whose General Assembly resolved to partition Palestine into two states, one for the Palestinian Arabs, the other for the Jews. The Arab nations and the Palestinian Arabs would not accept this monstrous deci... more »
DINE' CARE: Four Corners Power Plant meetings ignore impacts on Navajos
“Inadequate and Intimidating” Navajo community members speak up against limiting Navajo public input on a Four Corners EIS that’s severely deficient on health, renewables, climate, and environmental justice By Dine' CARE Censored News FARMINGTON, NM – Members of Diné C.A.R.E. and Navajo community members who have been at public meetings held by the Department of the Interior (DOI) on
We don't know what it says here
We right clicked and copied from a comment 晚上睡觉我的舌头被纳米分子散发的气动状态往外伸,不管你怎样去控制舌头,它都是向外伸,碰到牙齿,气动的非常厉害有些难受。过去我被隐秘共产党虐的 时候骂父母骂的更厉害,隐共还控制着我的父母去配合着做试验。隐秘共产党用纳米分子控制着我打我父亲,扇脸扇了好多下。和老妈迎面走来,又用纳米分子控制 着我的吊,隐共说:”走一步,日一下,吊晃动一下。“老妈在拉屎,隐共又说:”日屁眼,带着屎日。老妈走过来,隐共又说:“往上翘着抠比。"我躺在那里, 隐共又说:”你手淫日你妈也." 并上图片。隐秘共产党又说:“把你的蛋往你妈比里面塞。”今天我被隐秘共产党用纳米分子控制着骂我妈,什么都骂随意骂,比如:“我草你妈了个比,你妈比, 滚你娘了个比等等。起因是我在沙发上睡觉,我妈唠叨我,我妈有种绵软的硬。老妈上厕所放了个大屁,隐共说:“你用嘴对着屁眼喝屁去。”并用纳米分子控制着 我想象成真实的那种感受,并上我喝屁的图片。我躺在那里,隐共用纳米分子作用于我大母脚趾头并说:“把你脚趾头放进你妈比里。”并在大母脚趾头上制造出身 临其境的感觉。并说:“你妈的淫水在流。”我的心脏给我一种用纳米分子形成的淫荡感,过去手淫才有的感觉。中国必亡。我小便,隐共又说:“你妈用嘴添你阴 茎喝... more »
The Nigerian "Abducted Schoolgirl" Crisis Is A Fraud: Reported That The Nigerian Schoolgirls Were Released WEEKS AGO (!) So What's Going On?
I have been asked to give my view of this latest crisis in Nigeria that the media has been using to divert world attention from the US failed coup in Ukraine, the abduction of MH370 by the US military, the US sending advanced weapons into Syria, the US economy collapsing, etc, etc.... I have looked at all of the details about the so called "abduction" of Nigerian school girls by the "Muslim" group known as"Boko Haram" ( I sense a phony group along the lines of "Al Qaeda") and something here stunk to high heaven.... I figured I would delve into this "crisis" with some of my own findin... more »
More Real History Revealed: 99 Years Ago - The Sinking Of The RMS Lusitania, America's Entry Into World War I, A Bonanza For Wall Street
Yesterday marked the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania in the Irish Sea between Ireland and Britain. The German submarine U20 fired one single torpedo into the ship which triggered a larger secondary explosion that rapidly put the ship to the bottom of the Irish Sea.... The ship went down taking some 1,195 passengers on board which included 128 Americans..... We have always been led to believe that the sinking of the Lusitania was done as a dastardly German act of aggression, and its sinking hastened America's entry into the first World War on the side of the Alli... more »
*Forgive me while I laugh* It would be absurd for me to try to read the whole 800 pages of Obama's recent climate "Report" but I thought I should at least dip into it. I went to the section "Recent U.S. Temperature Trends" and clicked the "supporting evidence" gadget. I found that the evidence was in the form of four workshops. I picked the workshop on heat waves with T.C. Peterson as lead author. The "workshop" was in the form of an academic journal article (“Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods and Droughts in the United States- State of K... more »
Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “Remember When it Rained”
Josh Groban, “Remember When it Rained” -
"Crabs in a Bucket"
"*Crabs in a Bucket"* by Sarah Robinson "When I was a little girl, I lived very close (and hour and fifteen minutes) to the Florida panhandle beaches. Which meant we spent a TON of time there. Early evening was one of my favorite times to walk the beach with my mom and my older brothers. We were all clean and fed and slightly sun weary but still desperate to be outside. So, we would grab flashlights, dip nets and a bucket and search the ocean’s edge for crabs. We would catch a bucket full in an evening and drag them back home where my mom or my grandmother would cook them up into s... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, the star factory known as Messier 17 lies some 5,500 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation Sagittarius. At that distance, this degree wide field of view spans almost 100 light-years. The sharp, composite, color image utilizing data from space and ground based telescopes, follows faint details of the region's gas and dust clouds against a backdrop of central Milky Way stars. *Click image for larger size.* Stellar winds and energetic light from hot, massive stars formed from M17's stock of cosmic gas and dust have slowly carved away... more »
Chet Raymo, “All Night, In The Dark”
*“All Night, In The Dark”* by Chet Raymo “Why do we so admire the poetry of Mary Oliver? She is not the most technically proficient poet around, and there is a disquieting sameness to her work. But we come back to her again and again. My volumes of Oliver's collected poems are the most dog-eared of any on my shelf. I think it is something about the way Oliver is able to get out of her body and into the skin of a hummingbird, a swan, a snake, or a black bear. She is a shape-shifter, a shaman. When she describes a grasshopper moving its jaws this way and that, we almost feel it is Ol... more »
Paulo Coelho, "Defeat"
*"Defeat"* by Paulo Coelho "Does a leaf, when it falls from the tree in winter, feel defeated by the cold? The tree says to the leaf: ‘That’s the cycle of life. You may think you’re going to die, but you live on in me. It’s thanks to you that I’m alive, because I can breathe. It’s also thanks to you that I have felt loved, because I was able to give shade to the weary traveller. Your sap is in my sap, we are one thing.’ Does a man who spent years preparing to climb the highest mountain in the world feel defeated on reaching that mountain and discovering that nature has cloaked th... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Thanks for stopping by.
“Some Things You Need To Know”
*“Some Things You Need To Know”* by Marc “I know you’re reading this. And I want you to know I’m writing this for you. Others will be confused. They will think I’m writing this for them. But I’m not. This one’s for you. I want you to know that life is not easy. Every day is an unpredictable challenge. Some days it can be difficult to simply get out of bed in the morning. To face reality and put on that smile. But I want you to know, your smile has kept me going on more days than I can count. Never forget that, even through the toughest times, you are incredible. You really are. So... more »
"Read It and Weep"
*"Read It and Weep"* by The Johnsville News "And people ask why newspapers are going out of business." - • Oh, you mean besides the fact that most Americans are functionally illiterate? *"Only 13% of U.S. adults have English reading and comprehension skills considered to be proficient."* - http:// - CP
“Fukushima Update, 5/6/14: Hot Particles, Vaporized Cores”
*“Fukushima Update, 5/6/14”* Gundersen: This video “confirms our worst fears”; Scientist: Reactor core materials found almost 500 km from Fukushima plant; 40,000,000,000,000,000,000 Bq/kg; Can travel very, very significant distances; Hot particles found in 25% of samples from Tokyo and Fukushima. "Three years ago, Fairewinds was one of the first organizations to talk about “hot particles” that are scattered all over Japan and North America’s west coast. Hot particles are dangerous and difficult to detect. In this video Mr. Kaltofen discusses the hottest hot particle he has ever foun... more »
A conversation with "the Poser"
[image: Picture] Offered here is a conversation that took place a week ago. It is information for your consideration. No claim is made as a guarantee it is what it appears to be. It is merely a direct record of what occurred. It is up to you to decide its worth or even its truth. It happened. After much speculation, it is being shared with you here, along with the back story, which begins at the end of 2013. The “Sovereignty Series” was begun then, and continues still. There are at this point 16 films in the series. Since producing them, I’ve been woken up regularly wit... more »
"Don’t listen to the right-wing lies about inequality. Know the truth, and act on it." (Robert Reich)
*"The truth is, America’s lurch toward widening inequality can be reversed. But doing so will require bold political steps."* *-- Robert Reich, in* "The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Inequality" *by Ken* It's hardly surprising that the Right doesn't want to talk about economic inequality, and is so quick to label any impudent talk about the subject as "class warfare." After all, economic inequality has been one of the principal goals of the warfare their preferred class has been waging against the rest of us for decades now. There aren't many people who are better than Berkel... more »
Three Videos On The Ukraine Crisis: Putin The Merciful, Obama The Vengeful, Yatsenuk The Usurper
Is Putin trying to diffuse the Ukraine crisis? Source: PBS NewsHour. Date Published: May 7. Putin calls for diplomacy to end Ukraine crisis. Source: RT. Date Published: May 7. Ukraine dismisses Putin's move to de-escalate tensions as 'hot air.' Source: Euronews. Date Published: May 7.
John Judge Describes the History and Methodologies of the LaRouche Organisation(s) from Spike EP on Vimeo. Note the Army Intelligence background (DIA) - same as Mark Lane and Henry Kissinger. The New Age LaRouchian front (Cosmic Connection) is also incredibly amusing *A Critical Commentary on Some Core Aspects of LaRouchian Dogma* *"Religious and racial hatred, such as anti-Semitism, or hatred against Islam, or hatred of Christians, is, on record of known history, the most evil expression of criminality to be seen on the planet today."* *"The Czarist Okhrana's Protocols of Zio... more »
A3 Newsletter: Solitary Reflections Lead to Congressional Action (May 8, 2014)
*(PHOTO: US Congressman Cedric Richmond)* *The Solitary Study and Reform Act of 2014* Today we are thrilled to announce that U.S. Congressman Cedric Richmond has introduced a simple but visionary piece of legislation that seeks to first study and then actively reform both the federal and state use of solitary confinement to ensure it is used effectively, infrequently, transparently, and Constitutionally. The bill would establish a two-year bipartisan Commission tasked with exhaustively studying existing solitary confinement uses and impacts in the US, exploring best practices with e... more »
Christchurch: Non-recovery after 3 years
*Guest post by Peter Osborne* If the people of Christchurch had been informed at the time that 3 years on from their devastating earthquake their city would have advanced to today’s level of recovery, I am sure they would have rejected outright the plan that was dumped upon them. We should remember that no one was allowed to begin repair work on their own properties until it had been assessed by a bureaucrat. We should also remember that many business owners had their properties confiscated so that the council could plan the layout, look and feel of the new inner city. Whole bloc... more »
The Loyal Critics of Watergate
The Loyal Critics of Watergate - Mark Lane, the Media and the Power Control Group from Spike EP on Vimeo. Mark Lane of Army Intelligence experiences Wood-stein envy shortly before departing for Jonestown. Dedicated to spirit and the struggle of the late John Judge and Mae Brussell. *The Strange Connection to the Murder of Martin Luther King* One of the persistent problems in researching Jonestown is that it seems to lead to so many other criminal activities, each with its own complex history and cast of characters. Perhaps the most disturbing of these is the connection that ap... more »
“Gangster State America”
*“Gangster State America”* by Paul Craig Roberts "Anyone who looks carefully behind the veil of words cannot find democracy in America. For years I have been writing that the US government is no longer accountable to law or to the people (see, for example, my book, How America Was Lost). The Constitution has been set aside, and the executive branch is degenerating into Caesarism. Government is used to impose agendas that result from the symbiotic relationship between the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony and the economic interests of powerful private interest groups, su... more »
Election News From Minnesota
Over the weekend Minnesota Democrats had their congressional district nominating conventions. There were two we were watching. One ended badly and one ended well. The one that ended badly was for the open red district (PVI is R+10) that Michele Bachmann is leaving. Joe Perske, a hopeless conservative won the right to challenge whomever wins the GOP primary, in all likelihood, far right sociopath Tom Emmer. Perske narrowly beat the mainstream Democrat, Avon college professor Jim Read, after four rounds of balloting. To point out that Perske, who calls himself a Blue Dog, is from t... more »
Stop Geldof: Hands Off Nigeria!!
*This is Psy-War of the crudest variety.* *THEY'RE RAPING AND SELLING OFF YOUR DAUGHTERS!!!!* *(Whilst getting them addicted to heroin, presumably...)* *"Sir Bob said social media alone would not solve the problem"* Ah, I see - he wants the US to invade. Of course. And it's not "Sir Bob". It's "Bob Geldof, KBE". 'I hope the girls are alive and are reunited with their parents': Sir Bob Geldof speaks publicly for the first time since Peaches' death as he addresses plight of Nigerian schoolgirl hostages - Sir Bob said social media alone would not solve the problem - Celebr... more »
The Economy: “Catastrophic Meltdown Coming to America”
*“Catastrophic Meltdown Coming to America”* By Greg Hunter’s and Doug Casey “Investor/author Doug Casey says most Americans are ill-prepared for what is coming. Casey explains, “This huge recession that started in 2007, and the bottom was 2009 and 2010, has cyclically recovered. So, people think it’s going to be happy days again, but it’s not. The way the government engineered this recovery is by creating trillions in currency units, and as we speak, they are creating $55 billion a month more by buying government bonds and mortgage securities. All of this paper mone... more »
“Could This Be the Napster of the Health-Care Industry?”
*“Could This Be the Napster of the Health-Care Industry?”* by Bill Bonner “The Dow rose 118 points yesterday. Gold fell $19 an ounce – back below the $1,300-an-ounce mark. Trend? Probably not. In the meantime, we have seen the future. In Boca Raton. At the mall. We're talking about the future of health care. It's already the nation's biggest and fastest-growing industry. And it's ripe for disruption. A big fat plum, waiting for a worm. In fact, were it not for the poisonous gas laid down by Washington and the health-care oligarchy, the industry probably would have met its Napster ... more »
Mariupol in eastern Ukraine... Fascist armed forces under Kiev junta are terrorizing unarmed citizens. The US-NATO are supporting this armed threat.
Post-offence conduct
R. v. Rodgerson, 2014 ONCA 366: [50] Post-offence conduct is potentially circumstantial evidence of a fact in issue. Its relevance depends on whether, considered in the context of the rest of the evidence, the issues raised at trial and the positions of the parties, it makes the existence or non-existence of a fact in issue more likely: *R. v. White*, 2011 SCC 13, [2011] 1 S.C.R. 433 (*White #2*); *R. v. Peavoy* (1997), 34 O.R. (3d) 620 (C.A.), at pp. 628-29; *R. v. P.J.B.*, 2012 ONCA 730, 298 O.A.C. 267, at para. 74;*R. v. J.A.T.*, 2012 ONCA 177, 288 C.C.C. (3d) 1, at para... more »
May 8: Big news, today. I mean b - i - g
On page 1 of section A, summer is coming. Who would have guessed? On A3, preparations are in place for a Moncton byelection. I'm SO relieved to hear that. I was sure they were going to have it without preparations. We know nothing whatever about what either of these candidates stands for - though one says he want' to make Ward 2 a nice place. That's nice. On A 7, we learn that we learn that there is a new restaurant opening at Parlee Beach - and there's even a picture of the new restaurant, and of its owner. On A8, for mature readers only, their is a stunning photo of a portable ... more »
Иван Иванович
*Ivanovich, Ivan* (Иван Иванович) Russian phantom cosmonaut. Two Vostok test flights used a mannequin, dubbed *'Ivan Ivanovich'. * The Vostok spacecraft had no soft-landing system. After the main parachute had opened and the capsule was descending toward the ground, the cosmonaut had to use an ejection seat to rocket away from the capsule and then land on earth under his own parachute. To test the system a mannequin, dubbed 'Ivan Ivanovich' was flown on two Vostok test flights. On the Korabl-Sputnik 4 flight of 9 March 1961 Ivanovich was ejected from the capsule and successfully ... more »
Nintendo and Homophobia
What is going on with Nintendo? A year on from our last look at the Japanese console and video game manufacturer, things are no different. Sales of their latest machine, the ridiculously-named Wii U are down on 2013's lacklustre performance, and have already been surpassed by the more expensive PlayStation 4 after less than six months on the market. Microsoft's Xbox One is only a million sales behind too. Clearly, something needs to be done and today, company president Satoru Iwata outlined five short-term moves. Interestingly, one of its core strands is public health ... Okay, so... more »
Pitching Your Article?
Dan Nexon has instituted a new Ask the Editors feature on his editor’s blog on the newly revamped ISQ website. If you haven’t seen it yet, PTJ has done a great job developing the site and Dan hasn’t missed a step in the transition from his great blogging here at Duck to his new role Continue reading
Mike's Story Part 16: Honeypot(?)
*By **Jenna** Orkin* Meanwhile up north, FTW was wandering in the wilderness. Mike's account of the unraveling of the company may be found in By the Light of a Burning Bridge. A key figure is an unnamed "female employee." In the article, he presents a scenario in which he played along with her sexual provocations in order to make her "show her hand." We won't stoop to any glib jokes about what else he might have wanted her to show. He claimed to have been secretly taping her all the while. Later, he would say that the tape was destroyed in the burglary. When he got to New Yor... more »
Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress
*I'm a bit behind in these, I have the internet issue worked out now and an actual small * *desk and chair for my iMac! No more working of coffee tables with a bent back! Woohoo! -AK* *Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress* by ÉirePort May 8, 2014 Ground crew establishments attend to all necessary energetic functions of planetary Ascension as lines of consort are cleansed. Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress. Festivals of accomplishment allow furtherance of Higher Designs. Masquerades are impossible to hide from the awakened masses. A... more »
The Post and the Times report the NAEP scores!
*THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014* *What we were talking about:* Yesterday, new reading and math scores were released from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the widely-praised “gold standard” of domestic testing. We refer to Grade 12 scores from the 2013 testing. Yesterday, we discussed the new math scores (click here). This morning, the New York Times and the Washington Post tried to report the new data. At the Washington Post, education reporter Emma Brown scattered errors, omissions and imponderables all through her report. Consider this early passage: BROWN (5/8/1...more »
Deteriorating Security In Northern Babil Province Iraq
When discussing security in Iraq the attention is almost always on Anbar, which is in open revolt against the government. In northern Babil province, which borders Baghdad however, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has been able to establish bases for launching attacks into the capital and southern Iraq. In February 2014 the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) tried and failed to clear the area. Since then there has been a series of sweeps through the Jurf al-Sakhr section of the governorate with little to show for it. The situation has gotten so bad the provincial council a... more »
Watch the full interview here NATO and Russia are back to square one after a decade of efforts to build a functional relationship. And with both sides flexing diplomatic and military muscle over Ukraine, the cycle of mutual misunderstanding is perpetuating. Is there a way forward through cooperation, or is open confrontation inevitable? Oksana is joined by Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, the former Deputy Secretary General of NATO, to tackle these issues.
Newtown School Board meeting May 6th 2014. Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer and many others confront the Board about the Sandy Hook Shooting
Excellent School Board meeting. The Newtown board got an earful from many people. What an awesome board meeting. I wish I had been there! Listen to what they say and how they confront the school board for the Truth. Of course at the very end a man who appeared to have a middle eastern accent said how offended he was by everyone there full of 'conspiracy theories' and how dare anyone question
*City Council approves Holy Cross development ~Jaquetta White, New Orleans Advocate*
Italian activists in Vicenza opened the fences and sowed marijuana seeds at the US military base in their community. The US base at Vicenza was deeply involved in Iraq and Afghanistan wars and more recently in operations on the African continent and leading the NATO charge into the Baltics. There has long been major non-violent resistance in Vicenza against the US base.
Spring Bird Houses and Birthday Ideas- You're Invited Link-up
Here we go with the next link party! This week's party is hosted by Holly from Bits of Everything. [image: You're-Invited] The party girls: Jessaca from One Sweet Appetite, Holly from Bits of Everything, Jonie from Just Between Friends, and Debra from Housewife Eclectic. They all have such great ideas, be sure to go see what they’ve been up to. My birthday is right around the corner, so I want to share a few of my favorite birthday ideas from my blog with you. [image: simple_birthday_ideas] #3 Birthday Cake Birthday Balloon Wreath Locker Birthday Banner Here are a few of my favorite t... more »
Thursday Linkage
Editor’s note: this post first appeared on my personal blog. 1. Tensions in the South China Sea are rising. Exhibit A (h/t Sean B. Rogers), exhibit B (h/t Jay Ulfelder). Right now, all eyes are on Ukraine. And rightfully so. But this is one to watch too. 2. Speaking of Ukraine, the National Interest wonders if that crisis could spark Continue reading
The US media, and practically all western media, is under corporate control. They play the same tune and then broadcast about the "international consensus" in order to make it appear that the whole world is on their side. It's not. The pirates are playing their cards in the saloon and using all the tools at their disposal to make 'Full Spectrum Dominance" a reality. The Space Command was the first to use that mantra but now it has spread to cover the entirety of the agenda of Mr. Big and his groveling minions. Rarely do we see or hear the words of alternative voices to global ... more »
Polar Opposites: Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) And Ted Lieu (D-CA)
I'm up to the part in Elizabeth Warren's new book, A Fighting Chance, when she's the chairman of the congressional oversight panel (COP) for TARP. The chapter is called "Bailing Out The Wrong People" and one of the villains is Wall Street shill Jeb Hensarling, a corrupt and backward congressman from Texas' 5th congressional district sprawling out from Garland northeast of Dallas into Lake Highlands and the eastern Dallas suburbs through Mesquite and Balch Springs and southeast down into small towns like Palestine, Athens and Jacksonville. The PVI is a daunting R+17 and Romney won t... more »
"Toward a Europe Whole & Free" Via NATO global dominance
This post contains a ton of info- Europe Whole and Free, is of course, nothing like it reads. In our Orwellian world of doublespeak. Whole and free is really Europe subordinated to NATO/US dominance. *Europe 'whole and free' is a plan that has long been in the works-* *Let's go back to 1989 and George HW Bush- * If the video below doesn't work for you, I am linking the text directly below the video link **Video- George H.W. Bush, “A Whole Europe, A Free Europe,” 31 May 1989* **Text of his speech is here * George H.W. Bush- "The time is right. Let Europe be whole and free" Then list... more »
What Does thwap Look Like?
Some of the names that have been tossed around over the years ... David Spade Dave Navarro Tom CruiseLuke Wilson Steve Perry Malcolm Young Mike Scott ("The Waterboys") Jeff Beck Todd Rundgren
A Short on Muslim converts
The Today programme featured what Zubeida Malik called ‘a short’ for her documentary on Muslim Converts. The the documentary programme “The Report” will be aired on radio 4 tonight at 8pm. The blurb states: *Converts to Islam are far more likely to be involved in terrorist incidents than those who were born into Muslim families: converts account for around a quarter of terrorist convictions in Britain since 9/11 yet they represent only 2-3% of the UK's Muslim population.* *As the anniversary of the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby by two Muslim converts approaches, the Today programme's ... more »
Don Lemon sinks to the ocean floor!
*THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014* *The worst discussions on cable:* We’re sorry to have to say it, but CNN’s Don Lemon is producing the worst discussions on cable “news” these days. Last night, his slug-like discussion of Miss Lewinsky finally ended at 33 minutes past the hour. And you knew where he’d go next: He spent the rest of the program “discussing” Donald Sterling. For years, Lemon struck us as one of the gentlest, kindest voices on cable. But CNN has been lusting after viewers in all the worst possible ways. In the process, Lemon has emerged as more Anderson Cooper than Anderson Coope... more »
TUSCALOOSA LIBERALS: A puzzle emerges!
*THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014* *Part 4—The Atlantic finesses the gap:* A puzzle emerges in The Atlantic’s portrait of D’Leisha Dent. Dent is president of the senior class at Tuscaloosa’s Central High School. She’s one of seventeen students in Central High’s Advanced Placement English class. According to journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, Dent is “an honors student since middle school” who “excels in school” and has engaged in “touch honors coursework.” There’s a lot more to say about Dent, who seems to be a superlative young person. Last fall, she was Central High’s homecoming queen. She’s... more »
Random: Hey! I fell down and can't get up...
*who said that???* Every time I woke up last night, that phrase was popping around in my head. Did you hear the one about the president attending a fund raiser with a bunch of Hollyweirdo's, where the tickets ranged from 10K to 64K? The Hollywood elites were treated to a speech about our dysfunctional government. But best of all, these elitist idiots decried the overwhelming problem of "income inequality." It was held at the home of Alan Horn, current chairman of Disney. Net worth: 50 million. Babs Streisand was one of the attendees. Babs net worth is estimated at 340 million.... more »
12th grade NAEP scores: Does the common core deserve the credit?
Sent to the Hartford Courant, May 7, 2014 It is a premature to give the "new academic standards" of the common core credit for Connecticut's good performance on the 12th grade NAEP reading test ("State Students Excel On 'Nation's Report Card'," May 7). First, the improvement was not uniform: Grade 8 scores increased less than grade 12 scores, and grade 4 scores stayed the same as they were in 2009. The gap between high poverty (eligible for free and reduced lunch) and low poverty students remained nearly the same as it was in 2009. Second, to show that the common core is the fact... more »
Where Do TN Schools Stand After Two Decades of the Sanders VAM Fertilizer Treatment?
After two decades of value-added nonsense posing as a school improvement plan, 70 percent of Tennessee teachers are being evaluated based on test scores that belong to someone else, and the state's 12th graders are ranked one step from the basement in terms of proficiency in math and reading. With Bill Sanders now out to pasture, will his flawless algorithm for diverting attention away from education problems be far behind? See FairTest's assessment of the just-released 2013 NAEP Report on 12th Grade Reading and Math.
Straight rod passing through curved hole
*Off-topic:* A week ago, The Big Bang Theory and three less important showswere banned in China where they were streamed legally and where TBBT became hugely popular. No one knows why – Chuck Lorre has speculated what the gang of commies in a dark room who have watched a few TBBT episodes didn't like. Maybe it's because Penny has "soup" written on her buttocks in Chinese characters and Mary Cooper uses the term "Kung fu letters" for these East Asian scripts. ;-) But the reason could have been more political, of course. Or commercial. *Why the hole is hyperbolic and why you shouldn'... more »
I found this assignment my daughter wrote for school "Dear Envy", A letter poem
I just found an assignment my daughter wrote for school. I am blown away by it. I had no idea that she had this level of thinking. Children do not communicate on a whole to their parents, their deep level of thoughts and views, in my opinion. My daughter and I discuss many things and I have always tried to in-still critical thinking in her. Even from when she was a toddler, I allowed her
*THE NORMALIZATION & DEBASEMENT OF CINCO DE MAYO:* Please post and share and think about a coordinated strategy for next year. I thought the problem was with college students, but as can be seen in the following stories and clips, it is worse than shameful. Much local coverage nationwide followed the same theme... going to bars for this story. I start with mine in which I argue we need to take back Cinco: Here's the college story from the *Daily Wildcat* which assumes that May 5 is Cinco de Drink-o and that it is a holiday ... more »
Fight this ugly bigotry
Thats is the Star Editorial of the day. I grew up in north central Ontario. I grew up in a world where Brazilian Nuts where on the shelf at the grocery toes called N toes. We never said catch a tiger by the toe. But we would never have stood by while a fellow resident was bullied and beaten. Racism is ignorance, thats the way to defeat it, teach your children well.
Once Again, NAEP? Nope: “states and schools have lied about the rigor of their courses”
Once Again, NAEP? Nope: “states and schools have lied about the rigor of their courses”. via Once Again, NAEP? Nope: “states and schools have lied about the rigor of their courses”. Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
John Kuhn’s Eloquent Embrace of Public Education
Texas superintendent, John Kuhn, spoke to the Network for Public Education (NPE) about how “The public school system reveals the American heart.” He reminded us that “There isn’t a square inch of America that doesn’t fall inside some school district or another. There isn’t a pupil who can’t walk into their local school and demand […]
Austerity Strikes The Fed: Boston Reserve Bank Slashes 160 Jobs Due To US Treasury Cost-Cutting ! Unanswered question - what about those five other regional banks ( apart from Boston ) that just saw The Treasury nix their services in going from 10 regional banks to just 4 servicing the Treasury ? And when an Employer says they plan to treat employees ( redundant now ) as " humanely as possible " , does that sound like a vet speaking about an old and sickly pet dog ? Austerity Strikes The Fed: Boston Reserve Bank Slashes 160 Jobs Due To US Treasury Cost-Cutting [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/08/2014 08:07 -0400 - Federal Reserve - Federal Reserve Bank - Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston - Regional Banks - Treasury Department inShare As The Fed tapers and shifts its decision-making process away from rules-based, model-backed strategies in favor of "we'll know when to... more »
Seriousness of Charter breach
R. v. Cunsolo, 2014 ONCA 364: [47] In considering the seriousness of the Charter-infringing state conduct, the trial judge assessed the police conduct. He did not find bad faith on the part of the police. He found that the conduct was not egregious. Rather, "haste, misjudgment and carelessness" characterized the police actions. No intent to breach constitutional rights was found.
What Happened To All That Nazi Wealth Created In The 1940s? It Didn't Disappear Into Thin Air
Goebbels, a family of pillaging psychopaths... real rich ones My Dutch friend David de Jong is a reporter for Bloomberg. He has an interesting beat: billionaires in general and secret billionaires in particular. And he has some awesome stories coming out over the next few months-- I'm sworn to secrecy but I'll give you a heads up when it's OK. Meanwhile, though, I suspect they're going to be something like the pieces he did exposing how scions of Nazi fortunes live the life of riley today. In January 2013 he broke the story about the Goebbels grandchildren's billions. In the spring... more »
The Europeans Get It
Stephen Harper refuses to speak to the UN. Perhaps that's because he fears that, on his way to the podium, he would be booed. Karl Nerenberg reportsthat the Bertelsmann Foundation -- based in Germany -- has given the Harper government its seal of disapproval. In a recent report: It says that "a strong case can be made that the quality of governance provided by the government of Canada deteriorated" since Harper got his majority in 2011. Bertelsmann is especially critical of Canada's environmental performance in the Harper majority era. Bertelsmann points to the Conservatives'... more »
Israel:Anti-Christian Graffiti & "Price Tag" attacks rise before Papal visit
Ah, the delusional Israelis..... beliefs of 'god given land' and 'choseness' will always lead to a kind of twisted sense of entitlement. How many stories have I read, over the years, about the rabid haters in Israel and their innumerable crimes against Palestinians?- Both Christians and Muslim? Attacks on sites important to Christians? Quite a few over the years. But only on occasion does one of those news articles trickle in the consciousness of the western media audience. Israeli media does cover the crimes of it's own citizens. But they lay blame on the 'ultra-nationalists' in ... more »
*15,000,000,000 years later...* *30,000,000,000,000 years later...* *45,000,000,000,000 years later...* *80,000,000,000,000 years later...* *100,000,000,000,000 years later...* *102,000,000,000,000 years later - Time's Up.* *If Cats are The Question, little wonder that The Mice do not like The Answer...*
*Oil Washes over the Louisiana Senate ~Steve Murchi, Gulf Restoration Network* *Senate OKs bill that could halt levee suit ~Mark Ballard, New Orleans Advocate* *BP continues fighting claims process that it agreed to ~David Hammer* *Churchill Downs vows to make improvements ~Michelle Mollhollon*
*Moral Bankruptcy* Thomas Sowell If you want to get some idea of the moral bankruptcy of our educational system, read an article in the May 4th issue of the New York Times Magazine titled, "The Tale of Two Schools." The article is not about moral bankruptcy. But it is itself an example of the moral bankruptcy behind the many failures of American education today. Someone had the bright idea of pairing public high school kids from a low-income neighborhood in the Bronx with kids from a private high school that charges $43,000 a year. When the low-income youngsters visited the posh ... more »
The War against Neologisms: Calling Out “New” Types of War
It seems that every pundit, scholar, and borderline academic publishing online has developed a new term to describe the state of war in the system. I can’t browse the pages of Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, or even the New York Times without someone making up a new term to articulate basic and common features of Continue reading
Deep Down In All Of Us......... by M.N. Hopkins
*Deep down hidden in all of us is a well spring of great joy, just waiting to be discovered and brought to the surface. * M.N. Hopkins
The Gangster Vengeance of Barack Obama
Despite the US state-corporate media blackout of the vicious retaliation by neo-Nazi and fascist led militias unleashed in Ukraine reports, videos and pictures are slipping out within the alternative media and Americans are backing a campaign of slaughter that will escalate into ethnic cleansing. With the failure to bother to condemn or to otherwise pick up the phone and call for an end to the violence US President Barack Hussein Obama has proved once and for all that he is one cold son of a bitch and in the aftermath of the intentionally set fire at the trade union building in Od... more »
Ukraine Referendum Watch May 6-7 , 2014 May 7 , 2014 Updates : Putin asks Federalists to postpone weekend Referendums , noting "We ask the representatives of the southeast to postpone the referendums planned for May 11 in order to create the conditions necessary for dialogue," Putin said after the meeting. Pro-Russian activists said they would discuss Putin's call for postponement at a meeting of their assembly on Thursday. "Tomorrow we will discuss that at the people's assembly," Denis Pushilin, a leader of the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic, told Reuters ...... Putin also announced a withdrawal of russian troops from Ukraine border and also counseled a rethink of both May 25 , 2014 Presidential vote and the present Kiev counter terror campaign...... We shall see Thursday if the Referendums go forward ( Voting set for May 11 , 2014 - Lugansk and Donetsk ) will make the remainder of this week tension filled ...... Moreover , the Presidential vote will be fraught with anxiety - Timoshenko says third revolution inevitable if she loses , Ukraine Parliament votes against holding an Autonomy Referendum on May 25 , 2014 ..... Kiev conscription decree signed by Acting President Turchinov.......
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
East Ukraine referendum postponement to be put to vote May 8 World May 07, 22:52 UTC+4 DONETSK, May 07. /ITAR-TASS/. Denis Pushilin, co-chairman of the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine, told Itar-Tass on Wednesday that he does not rule out the postponement of a referendum on independence scheduled for May 11. “Tomorrow [May 8] we will put the issue [on plebiscite put-off] to the vote at the people’s council,” Pushilin said. Ukraine’s lawmakers propose to set up commission for Odessa tragedy investigation Earlier Wednesday, Russian Preside... more »
War Watch May 8 , 2014 -- Syria Rebel Commander( FSA - Ahmed Nehmeh ) captured by al - Nusra offers an embarrassing confession - note Nehmeh now blames ‘Donor Countries’ for rout , insists pullout was at the behest of Donors ! Items from Syria Direct ( May 6 and 7 , 2014 )
Syria..... Syria Rebel Commander Confession Blames ‘Donor Countries’ for RoutInsists Pullout Was at the Behest of Donors by Jason Ditz, May 07, 2014 Print This | Share This Adding to the intrigue around the weekend capture of Free Syrian Army commander Ahmed Nehmeh by al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra, the commander has offered a confession surrounding the details of a November rout, one of the grievances Nusra is seeking to take him to court over. Back in November, the rebels lost the town of Khirbet Ghazaleh, on the outskirts of Daraa, in a military rout that was blamed on “rivalries” an... more »
Karen Hudes: Whistleblower or Deceiver?
Starship Earth: The Big Picture *[Starship Earth: The Big Picture' says:] I’m not saying this article is true, but it IS possible, so you can save the comments. I didn’t write it, but whoever did no doubt feels they are right.* *Is the writer a Jew-hater? Possibly. Or, are they, like many people, unaware that there is a difference between Jews and the Zionists (cabal), as a reader pointed out in the comments?* *I must admit… I have wondered about Karen… but EVERYONE is suspect! It’s difficult to know what to believe when so many whistleblowers are targeted for coming forward, a... more »
[image:] By Paul McGuire May 5, 2014 The average person is programmed from birth to think inside of a box. They live under the delusion that they are free and independent thinkers, but they are unable to perceive that their thoughts and beliefs have been manufactured on the cerebral assembly line of what I term the “Mind Factory.” Despite minor variations of “The Product,” their beliefs are pretty much the same as everyone else’s. In addition, the thoughts and beliefs of the average person have been carefully programmed so they will fit neatly in... more »
UNEARTHED IN PERU: Overwhelming Evidence Stuns Experts–Something, or Someone “Else”, Was Here
By Lyn Leahz Sunday, May 4, 2014 (Before It's News) *But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:37-39* If you have ever had doubts about the existence of Biblical Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and Raphaim, then wait until you see what has been discovered! Included in this post are detailed photog... more »
Hollywood Producer Drops Bomb: Boston Marathon Bombing Was a Hoax f
*Humans Are Free* According to Hollywood Producer Nathan Folks, the Boston Marathon ‘bombing’ WAS a ‘false flag’ attack. Complete with ‘crisis actors, smoke bombs, fake blood and literal “smoke and mirrors”, Nathan Folks should know ACTING as well as anyone, as a filmmaker, and what he saw, he’s CERTAIN, was the work of professionals, the best and worst of what Hollywood has to offer. Don’t believe me though, listen to Hollywood Producer Nathan Folks. Folks uses his own knowledge to bring clarity to the term ‘crisis actors’. He also warns that though people around the world know th... more »
What if I Told You Weeds and Bacteria Could Save Your Life? by Michaeel Schmidt
[image: Foto: "What if I Told You Weeds and Bacteria Could Save Your Life? What you need to know about wild plants and friendly bacteria. The truth may surprise you." Read more -- > Pin it -- > Thanks to Common Sense Homesteading for the information and image.] What if I Told You Weeds and Bacteria Could Save Your Life? by Michael Schmidt Common Sense Homesteading, 2 May 2014 *“The trend in bacterial development of antibiotic resistance is not unlike the increasing resistance of agricultural pests to pesticides. In 1938, scientis... more »
Sign This Petition To Stop The Allowance Of Higher Levels Of Glyphosate In Europe
[image: Foto: Sign the petition to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to stand with our European counterparts in fighting the war on the toxic herbicide Roundup. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is up for safety renewal. EFSA is not only poised to re-approve, but also to increase the allowable levels of glyphosate in food in the EU. Europeans want less, not more glyphosate. Please show your support and sign the petition. Help us get the word out. Thank you <3 Sign the Petition:;jsessionid=CCE977FE1ADC5A17BFF3B22C21FB93... more »
SPLC says don't read tacit support for Common Core into their condemnation of reactionary hate groups
*"In short, the real literacy crisis occurs whenever we deploy a pedagogy that asks our students only to consume texts and not to produce them as well." — Richard E. Miller* [image: Books not on David Coleman or E. D. Hirsch, Jr.'s so-called core knowlege list for Common Core State Standards]Profiteering members of the testing industrial complex, and right-of-center Democrats were quick to embrace the release of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) report that correctly takes issue with right wing extremism fueling a small portion of the criticisms of Common Core State Standards... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery ( Day 59 ! ) May 6 , 2014 Updates -- THE BIG MH370 HOAX: Time for Malaysia Prime Minister Najib, Australia Prime Minister Abbott to come clean or face WORLD CENSURE , Diego Garcia conspiracy theory gaining currency ? .......
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Malaysia Chronicle calls out Flight 370 situation as " The Big Hoax " ! Tuesday, 06 May 2014 06:48 THE BIG MH370 HOAX: Time for Najib, Abbott to come clean or face WORLD CENSUREWritten by Malaysia Chronicle - <span class="itemTextResizerTitle" style="background-attachment: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; background-image: initial; background-origin: initial; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-color: initial; border-left-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; bo... more »
Obama-era U.S. relations to other countries worse than in the Bush era
George W. Bush was hated by many Americans during his reign. While it's true that my perspective from People's Republic of Cambridge isn't representative of the U.S. and Bush's position was particularly tense in the city of Harvard and MIT, I think that to a lesser extent, it is true that many people have believed that Bush was doing everything he could to turn the rest of the world into the haters of the U.S. In particular, it was believed that the Iraq war would permanently strain the U.S. relationships with the Middle East and with countries like France, and so on. Barack Obama'... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sharp telescopic views of NGC 3628 show a puffy galactic disk divided by dark dust lanes. Of course, this deep portrait of the magnificent, edge-on spiral galaxy puts some astronomers in mind of its popular moniker, the Hamburger Galaxy. It also reveals a small galaxy nearby, likely a satellite of NGC 3628, and a faint but extensive tidal tail. *Click image for larger size.* The tantalizing island universe itself is about 100,000 light-years across and 35 million light-years away in the northern springtime constellation Leo. Its drawn out tail stretches for about 300,000 light-years... more »
China hasn't met Turkish missile defence tender conditions
[image: FD-2000 (HQ-9) Launch vehicle]A Chinese firm has not yet met all of the conditions of a Turkish tender to build a missile defence system that it provisionally won in a $3.4 billion deal and Turkey may consider alternative offers, officials said on condition of anonymity. A Russian bid for the advanced weapons project has been revised, but its price remained far higher than other offers, the Turkish officials also told Reuters late on Tuesday. Awarding the tender to Russia may do little to ally concerns voiced by Turkey's NATO allies when Ankara said in September it had chose... more »
Lockheed Martin Demonstrates ADAM Ground-Based Laser System Against Military-Grade Small Boats
In tests off the California coast, a Lockheed Martin prototype laser system successfully disabled two boats at a range of approximately 1.6 kilometers (approximately 1 mile). These were the first tests of the Area Defense Anti-Munitions (ADAM) system against maritime targets. Lockheed Martin is developing the transportable, ground-based ADAM laser system to demonstrate a practical, affordable defense against short-range threats, including Qassam-like rockets, unmanned aerial systems and small boats. Read more
First Iraqi F-16 Completes First Flight
[image: Iraqi F-16]Lockheed Martin successfully completed the first flight of the inaugural F-16 Fighting Falcon for the Iraq Air Force. The jet is the first of 36 F-16 Block 52 aircraft on order through the U.S. Department of Defense for Iraq. With more than 4,540 F-16s delivered to date, the Foreign Military Sale to Iraq adds to the F-16’s reputation as the world’s most versatile and affordable 4th generation multi-role fighter. Read more
Kory got notice today that bar results were mailed today, meaning he should have them tomorrow! Once he gets those, I can start the process to move. I cannot wait. I miss my family a lot. Sounds like Kurt is getting a lot of things done though, so it will be less for me to figure out once I get there. I have so much to do once he does get his results though. Have to within 10 days of leaving take Lucie in for her last appointment and get her approval documents from Lansing for customs in Costa Rica. I have to get Kory sworn in at federal court and circuit and help him get thin... more »
Sikorsky Wins U.S. Navy Contract to Replace ‘Marine One’ Helicopter Fleet
[image: Sikorsky S-92®]The U.S. Navy today announced that Sikorsky Aircraft, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp., has been selected to build the next fleet of Marine One helicopters for the Office of the President. With the selection comes a $1.24 billion Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract to modify, test and deliver six FAA-certified S-92® helicopters and two trainer simulators to the U.S. Marine Corps. Covering a period of performance into late 2020, the fixed price incentive firm contract is the initial step to providing, by 2023, a VXX Presidential ... more »
Ukraine's Arms Industry Is Both Prize and Problem for Putin
[image: SS-18 Satan]As Russian President Vladimir Putin positions his army along the border with Ukraine, his eyes are trained on more than former Soviet territory. The parts of Ukraine where separatists and loyalists face off in ever-more violent clashes are home to the most valuable assets of the nation’s defense industry. More than 50 factories form an arms cluster that caters to Russia based on a trade accord from two decades ago, churning out air cargo transporters, helicopter engines and other hardware. “Taking Ukraine’s eastern and southern regions would be hugely beneficial ... more »
Ball Aerospace producing enhanced sensor for missile system
[image: RIM-7 Sea Sparrow]An electro-optical, infrared laser sensor system that enhances the ability of ships to detect potential threats has been ordered by NATO. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. said the order for the Seasparrow long-range electro-optical infrared laser sensor system, or SLREOSS, was issued by the NATO Seasparrow Program Office and worth an initial $23.9 million, with options worth an additional $10 million. Under the contract, Ball Aerospace will transition the current Stalker sensor developmental prototype design to production and in direct mount and indepen... more »
OPINION: Russia Could Station Missiles in Europe in Response to NATO Moves
[image: Iskander-M]Russia could deploy short-range Iskander missiles in the country’s westernmost Kaliningrad region if NATO decides to strengthen its military presence in Eastern Europe, Lt. Gen. Yevgeny Buzhinsky told RIA Novosti. “Russia is a nuclear power,” he said. “If NATO becomes more active, we will deploy a division of Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad Region,” added Buzhinsky, who previously headed the department of international agreements in the Russian Defense Ministry. US Air Force General Philip Breedlove said Tuesday that NATO will consider permanently stationing tro... more »
Foreign Militaries Eye Sikorsky S-97 Raider
[image: S-97 Raider]It hasn’t even flown yet and the U.S. Army program it was intended for was put on hold, possibly indefinitely. But that hasn’t stopped foreign militaries from inquiring about when they might be able to buy the Sikorsky S-97 Raider, the company’s next-generation light-attack helicopter. The coaxial design features counter-rotating rotor blades and a push propeller, among other innovations, that will allow it to fly much faster and farther than today’s choppers. Read more
Defence committee says half F-35 fighter jet program
[image: F-35 Lightning II]The Lower House defence committee on Wednesday okayed a controversial 50% cut to the government's budget for the F-35 fighter jet. Allies including the United States have urged Italy to maintain its plans to buy 90 of the aircraft which cost an estimated $200 million each. The decision was split, as members of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia (FI) party voted against the cuts, members of Premier Matteo Renzi's Democratic Party (PD) voted in favour, and some committee members abstained. Read more
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