Run when you see the flags of facists
They put me away for having six plants
but the fact of the matter is
I been in Jail for a long time
I was a wild young man
and I did many a deadly dance
but when the band stopped playing
I was alive, I was alive and my life had some meaning
Know I am more at home with the native people
You give me this shise to live in and call life
while you live the high life at the temple
God does not know your bar code
but to be a citizen of land
that reaps rewards from climate change
should make all those that
push this forward
There was a time when to be a Canadian
filled ones sole with pride... more »
Asterisks R us
J***** C*******
*The Jeremy Clarkson debacle is like something out of Brass Eye. No, it’s
like a parody of something out of Brass Eye.*
Eenie meenie mynie mo catch a n***** by his toe; if he hollers let him go,
eenie meenie mynie mo.
It’s an old fashioned ‘choosing’ rhyme, that’s all. Any racist meaning it
might have had in the past was long ago rendered meaningless by over-use,
and any such alleged meaning is obsolete in the way that
ring-a-ring-a-roses no longer means whatever it arguably used to mean. Even
if it did once have connections with lynching (think Strange Fruit) and ... more »
The Post-Constitutional Era
Chris Hedges writes about the US Supreme Court refusing to hear the case
against the empowerment of the US military to detain US citizens. Some
highlights of his writing:
The 2nd Circuit overturned Forrest’s ruling last July in a decision that
did not force it to rule on the actual constitutionality of Section
1021(b)(2). It cited the Supreme Court ruling in Clapper v. Amnesty
International, another case in which I was one of the plaintiffs, to say
that I had no standing, or right, to bring the NDAA case to court. Clapper
v. Amnesty International challenged the secret wiretapping o... more »
Thorne Dreyer : PODCASTS | Gregg Barrios, Bruce Dancis, and Betsy Leondar-Wright on Rag Radio
A noted poet-playwright and critic, a Vietnam draft resister and pop
culture journalist, and an economic justice advocate join us in three
lively podcasts. Interviews by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | May 5, 2014
Gregg Barrios, the noted … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*PODCASTS* | Gregg Barrios, Bruce Dancis, and Betsy Leondar-Wright on Rag
"Here's Proof That Wealthy Elites Control Washington"
*"Here's Proof That Wealthy Elites Control Washington" *
by Bill Bonner
“Dow down 45 points on Friday. Gold up over $1,300 an ounce. Nothing much
happening. Meanwhile, we had no proof. Just an observation. But it looks to
us as though government always begins and ends as a tool for those who
control it. It is not the product of a "social contract." It is not an
expression of the "general will." It is not the "price we pay for
civilization." It is not "captured by wealthy special interests." On the
contrary, it is as blunt and stupid as a crowbar. It is used by the elite
to pry weal... more »
Another Blow To Steve Israel's Anti-Progressive Electoral Strategy-- This Time In San Bernardino

Crooked small town mayor wants Steve Israel to get him into Congress
Last week we looked at Eloise Reyes' first ad in the Inland Empire's CA-31
congressional race and, once again, examined the myriad contrast between
her and the pathetic empty suit the DCCC is trying to foist off on the
working families of San Bernardino, Pete Aguilar, a pawn of the Chamber of
Commerce and of wealthy Republican special interests. Over the weekend, the *San
Bernardino Sun* gave Eloise a resounding endorsement, another blow to Steve
Israel's campaign to stock the Democratic House caucus with worthless
... more »
Consumed by the Digital Divide
Consumed by the Digital Divide. via Consumed by the Digital Divide.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Getting Started with Sprouting with Angela from Food Storage and Survival

*I am so excited to have Angela from Food Storage and Survival here today
to talk about Sprouting. I knew hardly anything about sprouting before this
post and now I am really excited about it. Be sure to check her out and
leave her some comment love. *
Hi! I'm Angela from Food Storage and Survival where I blog about
preparedness with a family focus! I am a stay home mom of four from toddler
to teen and author of a brand new book called Food Storage for Self
Sufficiency and Survival. I live in rural Utah with my husband, children,
and animal menagerie. Thanks so much to Debra for all... more »
May 5:Petty unprofessionalism.
I missed something in the issue of May 3. I'm no expert on photography; but
even I should have caught it. Stephen Downes, of Moncton Free Press (it's
on the web) is an expert on photography and on a good deal else to do with
news media. He spotted it right away. And it's a no-no in all but the
sleaziest of newspapers, the ones with headlines like "Shocking news.
George Bush is pregnant".
The picture on C3 is (it says) of three deer in Parkindale. And it's a fake.
The second and third deer are exactly the same (one) deer. The trees in the
forest behind them are fake. The whole photo ... more »
Friday beaver - Hey it's Monday already

Heads I win tails you lose
This is the Ukrainian coin toss Putin style. No rest for the wicked there.
The choice being being crushed by western debt or crushed by Russian debt.
Nice choice eh? The third alternative would be no better. Reject them both
and you're still bankrupt. Might be a nice place to visit but I wouldn't
want to live there comrade. How quickly those pro russians forgot what it
was like under the old Soviet system or maybe mom and dad forgot to tell
them. And really what benefit has any system gotten them? They have one of
the lowest standards of living of any ... more »
Supreme Being Supremes
The town in upstate New York that gained notoriety a couple of years ago
for the viral video of the bullied bus monitor has made the news again. The
Supreme Court ruled today that the monthly town board meetings of Greece
may now legally begin with a prayer from a "chaplain of the month."
Controversy and outrage ensue. While it's acceptable in this country to
pledge allegiance to the American flag as the symbol of "one nation under
God" swearing allegiance to God without the jingoism is considered
undemocratic. I don't get it. Because prior to every corporate-tested
school day, befo... more »
Official numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for April. Click on
"civilian labor force level" to see the numbers.
155,421,000 --- that is 155 million willing and able to work. If 92 million
are out of work the unemployment rate is %59.
UPDATE: The government has shut off access to the labor statistics
demonstrating that the real unemployment rate in this nation is 59%!
So, to recap: Official numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for
April. Click on "civilian labor force level" to see the numbers.
155,421,000 --- that is 155 million willing and able to work. If 92 milli... more »
*Whistleblowers claim Dupont hid leaks in Louisiana ~David J. Mitchell,
N.O. Advocate*
*IndyCar commits to New Orleans race in 2015 ~Brett Martel, AP*
GCHQ from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French
intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile
attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the
great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO
against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the
self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are
likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.
On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments
hy... more »
Free Gaza Propaganda (2)

Further to our piece *Free Gaza Propaganda, *Hadar at BBC Watch has posted
her own take on the same story, entitled *Mainstreaming extremism on BBC
Radio 4. *
If you recall, Radio 4's *The Listening Project *chose to broadcast a
loving conversation between a hardcore anti-Israel activist and his mum.
Radio 4 chose not to tell its listeners that Adie Mormech is an anti-Israel
activist. We at *Is the BBC biased? *had to discover that for ourselves,
thanks to our good friend, Mr Google (an invaluable friend when it comes to
checking out who is that the BBC has chosen to broadcast at... more »
*Illinois House Passes Three-Year Ban on Online Charter Schools*
The Illinois House has passed a three-year ban on virtual charter schools,
shortly after an existing one-year ban expired.
“It’s an amazing story about what they want to do here in Illinois. We are
going absolutely backward in terms of education reform and education
innovation,” said Ted Dabrowski, vice president of policy at the Illinois
Policy Institute.
Twenty-seven states have online schools, and five require students to take
a class online before graduating high school, according to the
International Associatio... more »
Burrowing NeoCons and Isolating Russia

It's not the Obama administration's decision, it's not their policy, it's
the State Department's policy, which means it's Kagans' policy.
There is a Kagan handing out doughnuts on the Euromaidan to protesters and
deciding the composition of the Ukrainian "Government" comprised of the
Kiev Criminals.
*"The thing about NeoCons is that they are extremely good at burrowing."*
And there is a fruit-loop NeoCon Kagan, ex-NATO Ambassador running Ukraine
Even Brezezinksi, who hates Russia more than life itself has always said,
all the time, in ALL his books - how can you isolate R... more »
Your Daily Howler calls its shot!
MAY 5, 2014*
*Dowd says Clinton loves cash:* As Maureen Dowd keeps getting more
her paper—the famous New York Times—keeps giving her columns a higher
Yesterday, she was on the front page (Gack!) of the Sunday Review
*again.*By her third paragraph, she was typing the name most sacred
within her
religion, the name she loves typing best:
DOWD ((5/4/14): The First Family is all over the news, discussing the
management of the economy, income inequality, raising the minimum wage,
vicissitudes of press coverage and the benefits of healthy eating.
Everywhere... more »
Climate change is real
The world must pay attention. The erratic weather is one indication. The
U.S. faced some severe weather - tornadoes, heavy snow and rain, drought in
California. More tornadoes to come.
Please watch the video here
Come and bring your families, your friends, and your colleagues to NYC on
May 17th to show the world how we are from corporate
under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
TUSCALOOSA LIBERALS: Portrait of a superb young person!
*MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014*
*Part 1—A strange journalistic claim:* We’ve never been to Tuscaloosa, but
we can assure you of this:
With the inevitable struggling exceptions, Tuscaloosa is full of good kids
and fine young people.
They love their parents. They want to do good and do well in the world.
D’Leisha Dent, 17, is one such outstanding young person. She’s a senior at
Central High, one of Tuscaloosa’s three public high schools. Extending back
through three generations, her family’s educational history is described in
“Segregation Now,” Nikole Hannah-Jones’ flamboyantly-titled, lengt... more »
Ukraine sends special "special forces" to Odessa- Slavyansk heats up

*Updated info on Slavyansk *-
Ukraine sends “special forces” to Odessa . Why?
Not because of the horrible atrocity committed by the thugs and soccer
hooligans. No sireee.
Kiev is pleased with bloodshed. As is the IMF. And Washington is pleased
with those killings too.
Since NATO's leadeship and it’s bank are pleased with the killing what else
to do, but, guarantee more killing? The IMF all but stated Kiev had to get
things under control or lose money.
IMF warns Ukraine on bailout
*In a staff report on the aid program, published Thursday, the IMF added
that a change to eastern Ukra... more »
Matt Lynch-- He's Too Extreme For Ohio

Tuesday is election day in Ohio. Yes, *this* Tuesday. And one of the most
important races for progressives is in the extreme northeast corner of the
state between Cleveland and the Pennsylvania border, CD-14. The Blue
America candidate there is Michael Wager and he's up against two
Republicans. Republican David Joyce is the incumbent. He's a mainstream
conservative fighting for survival against a bizarre far right extremist,
state Rep. Matt Lynch. Polling shows that Wager has an excellent shot to
beat Joyce, although it would be pretty close. Joyce is a tool for Big
Business and ... more »
The Making Of A Banana Republic

Michael Harris doesn't mince words. Canada, he writes, is at a watershed
What’s it going to be: a modern democracy or a Steve’s banana republic of
the north?
The train wreck of the Harper government continues to roll down the
mountainside, crushing body after body, yet no one utters the right word.
Allow me. Canada is a dictatorship in the making.
Harper's spat with the Chief Justice is only his latest attempt to quell
all opposition:
Steve likes people docile. He appears to have tamed a lot of the realm. He
kicks, the subjects cringe. He kicks some more, they slip int... more »
The Paranoid Jew
Every once in a while, an article comes forward that absolutely hits the
nail on the head... I want to present one such article here that just came
out yesterday for everyone to view and spread around for others to see for
The following very important article comes from the website: Intifada
Palestine, ( and absolutely tells the truth
about the so called "Chosen Ones".... It is entitled: "The Paranoid Jew",
and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves... I do of
course have my own thoughts and comments to follow:
[image:... more »
Over-reporting and under-reporting

For those partial to stats, here's a little study of the BBC News website's
coverage of Israel.
When I first started seriously looking at BBC bias around seven or eight
years ago, the BBC's Middle East page often looked as if it were an Israel
page, given the absolute dominance of articles on it about Israel and the
Palestinians. The BBC gave every impression of being absolutely obsessed
about Israel and the Palestinians back then - and not in a good way for
As evidence for that, here are the results of a simple search of the BBC
You can replicate it if you so... more »
Libya Updates May 5 , 2014 -- Libya has two Prime ministers but may not have any power ? Libya's deputy parliamentary speaker has rejected the election of the country's new Prime Minister, in the latest political struggle to strike the North African country. Hours after Ahmed Maiteeq was sworn in as Prime Minister, the first deputy speaker declared the vote as invalid, as a power struggle erupted in the assembly. Al-Awami declared the vote invalid and instructed Abdullah al-Thinni, who had resigned three weeks ago, to continue ruling the major oil producer, according to the Reuters news agency.
Confusion surrounds Libya PM's election
Deputy speaker declares Ahmed Maiteeq's election 'invalid' after a disputed
vote and walkout by politicians.
Last updated: 05 May 2014 08:53
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Ahmed Maiteeq was sworn is as Prime Minister after allegedly receiving 121
votes [Reuters]
Libya's deputy parliamentary speaker has rejected the election of the
country's new Prime Minister, in the latest political struggle to strike
the North African country.
Hours ... more »
Who Do I Complain To About Discrimination If I'm HR?
An AOL Jobs reader asked me:
I am a minority female HR professional who has been working in the field
for 18 years. I have faced race based discrimination, and sexual harassment
continuously during my career. I'm often hired into a management role based
on my degree, experience and my SHRM certifications, only to be hidden and
given no real responsibilities. Over the years I have learned to identify
quickly organizations that offer "Token" positions hoping to fill a quota.
These orgs provide no training, support or valid work responsibilities in
order to build a case of poor perfor... more »
Nigeria 'arrests abduction protest leaders' First Lady accused of ordering arrest of women leading protests over abduction of 276 girls, saying incident fabricated ? But then consider this -- Nigeria leader seeks help over missing girls President Goodluck Jonathan calls for international help to find 276 girls kidnapped by suspected Boko Haram fighters. WTF ???
Nigeria 'arrests abduction protest leaders'
First Lady accused of ordering arrest of women leading protests over
abduction of 276 girls, saying incident fabricated.
Last updated: 05 May 2014 12:09
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A leader of a protest march for 276 missing schoolgirls has said that
Nigeria's First Lady ordered her and another protest leader to be arres... more »
Adding alt, title attribute and caption for photos uploaded to Blogger

I already have a post on uploading pictures in the HTML mode and adding alt
attribute to the picure, so to make it complete, let's make a post to
explain to show step by step how you can add alt and title attributes as
well as caption in the COMPOSE mode.
(alt attribute of the form alt="some text" will cause the "some text" to
display when if for any reasons the picture cannot be displayed. It will
also cause the text to be audible when a vision impaired visitor using
screen reading software visit a webpage with pictures.)
Let's upload a picture here while in the COMPOSE mode of th... more »
Breaking: Nuclear Alert
Friday, May 2nd, 2014 | Posted by Gordon Duff
Stolen Nuclear Material Heading into US
[image: AprWOWpic]
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor—
*This is another story I don’t want to write or be interviewed about. I
only post these things because the sources are NOT internet gossip but are
too credible to ignore. I get no joy out of this. The obvious reason to
write this is to stop another 9/11.*
This is what I have:
Nuclear material, I am assuming highly enriched uranium, 1.05 tons, was
stolen from Pakistan on April 18, 2014. It was transported by air to the
UK whe... more »
Grand Puppetmaster Brzezinski Directing War Strategies from the Shadows
*By Mike Whitney*
*“From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the United States
has relentlessly pursued a strategy of encircling Russia, just as it has
with other perceived enemies like China and Iran. It has brought 12
countries in central Europe, all of them formerly allied with Moscow, into
the NATO alliance. US military power is now directly on Russia’s
borders…This crisis is in part the result of a zero-sum calculation that
has shaped US policy toward Moscow since the Cold War: Any loss for Russia ... more »
Syria Updates - Having funded , trained and armed Jihadists fighters in Syria , now the narrative becomes those enabler nations now fear blowback ! Ironic to note the radical jihadists pledge to come after Jordan , Saudi Arabia , Canada , the US - nations who have been instrumental to their evergrowing role and present power in Syria. And the increasing in- fighter between the different camps of jihadists shows the enablers have lost control of their proxy army ( if they ever truly had control .) Syrian citizens - whether islamic or christian or kurd are caught in the cross hairs as usual in these situations.
Foreign jihadis in Syria pledge their own 9/11
World View: Ambitious al-Qa'ida-type groups now control - or are free to
operate in - an enormous area
It is only a matter of time before jihadis in al-Qa'ida-type groups that
have taken over much of eastern Syria and western Iraq have a violent
impact on the world outside these two countries. The road is open wide to
new attacks along the lines of 9/11 and 7/7, and it may be too late to
close it.
Those who doubt that these are th... more »
Obama Yucks it Up With Presstitute Media at DC Soiree
The White House Correspondent's Association dinner is a public display of
why there is no legitimate media in this country anymore. The annual event
is an opportunity for the sitting US President to play comedian, delivering
one-liners and gimmicks to a gaggle of adoring an self-important media
hacks whose invitation to the party is one of the key perks of being a
government conduit for misinformation and the crown jewel on the DC circle
jerk circuit. It is a celebration of Washington's own pompous self worship
and a pox upon what at least once in theory was a democracy were the po... more »
Enjoy some links....

*Water drops on a leaf.*
Too busy, too tired to blog today....
*Daily Links*:
- Taiwan is growing immigration destination for Hong Kongers (first
segment in this video)
- Irony is dead: President's Ma sisters show up at New May Fourth
rallywith Chang An-lo, the White Wolf, longtime gangster, at a rally to,
other things, "support" the police and rule of law. The government
announced that it is charging one of the underlings for the illegal
assembly of gangsters led by Chang An-lo to attack the students a few
ago. It has to punish som... more »
Good Times at Pottersville, 5/5/14

This is the 2000th post at Welcome Back to Pottersville. ¡Viva la
Eating Organic Can Lower Pesticide Levels In The Body To Drop 90% In One Week

A new study to be published in July, 2014, in the Journal of Environmental
Research, found that only one week on an organic diet can cause pesticide
levels in adults to drop by nearly 90%. The study found particpants'
urinary dialkylphospha...tes (DAPs) measurements were 89% lower when they
ate an organic diet for seven days compared to a conventional diet for the
same amount of time. DAPs make up 70% to 80% of organophosphate pesticides.
This reaffirms the findings of a study done in 2006 on children. Organic
diets significantly lowered children's dietary exposure to organophosph... more »
Guest Post: Joining Forces for Education report back from the CSUN Parents’ Forum
By Ellen Lubic, Director, Joining Forces for Education Recently, the CSUN
Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership and the Los Angeles Education
Partnership, presented a public meeting titled Seeking an Authentic Voice:
The Role of Parents and Communities in School Change in L.A. The professor
in charge, Dr. Susan Auerbach, had sent me a personal invitation […]
*The Warmist strategy: If the facts don't suit you, make up them up*
*There's no such thing as an honest Warmist and Michael Mann is a model of
that. He starts out below with an implication that a CO2 level of 450ppm
would be dangerous but blithely ignores the fact that for many years
Warmists said 400 ppm was the danger point. But 400 ppm has been reached
and nothing happened. So how do we know that any other ppm figure is not
just another figure plucked out of the air? It is exactly that of
courseThen he goes on to a real whopper: "the earth’s temperature has
ticked... more »
Gardasil Scandal Brewing in Colombia? by Maria Lamo - Jimenez

Maria Paula
Gardasil Scandal Brewing in Colombia?
By Mario Lamo- Jiménez
Sane Vax, Inc. 5 May 2014
Her name is María Paula Mejía, college student. Since receiving three doses
of Gardasil her health has deteriorated considerably. She now suffers from
constant pain throughout her body, muscle weakness, and bleeding from the
nose and gums. She has so much pain in her left knee and ankle that she
must walk with a cane, and cannot continue her college education. Paula is
one of the first in
Colombia to report a serious new medical conditions occurring after the use
of Gardasil.
Ll... more »
Daftar Harga Laptop Apple Terbaru Mei 2014
Harga Laptop Apple Terbaru Mei 2014 - bagaimana berita elo era ini ?
telah siapkah anda menyabet tantangan untuk mengalami era itu? kecil
pembuka untuk mengawalai perjumpaan kita-kita kali ini. dampak masa itu
kita-kita hendak balik meng update info harga Laptop terbaru, dari yang
sungguh murah hingga yang sangat mahal, dari yang kelas ecek ecek
sampai dengan laptop yang memasarkan
Russia to Provide Syria with First Batch of Jet Trainers until End of Year

[image: Yak-130]Russia plans to send the initial batch of the Yakovlev
Yak-130 jet trainers to Syria until the end of 2014, with further plans to
fully complete the contract for 36 aircraft in 2016, the Kommersant
newspaper wrote Monday, citing a source close to Russian arms exporter
Damascus will receive nine aircraft until the end of this year, and in the
next two years - 12 and 15 respectively, according to the informant.
"Thus, we will fulfill obligations under a previously signed contract for
the supply of 36 Yak-130 jets," the newspaper quoted the source.
Rea... more »
Russian aerospace defense troops get five advanced radar stations this year

[image: 22Zh6 Desna M]Five advanced radar stations called "All-Altitude
Detector" were brought into service of the radio-technical regiments of the
Russian Aerospace Defense Troops which are on combat duty for air Defense
of Russia's capital, Moscow, and the central industrial district from the
start of this year, Defense Ministry's spokesman for Aerospace Defense
Troops Col Aleksey Zolotukhin told Itar-Tass on Sunday.
New radar stations can detect simultaneously more than 100 targets,
including airplanes, helicopters, remote-controlled aircrafts and missiles
at a distance of up to ... more »
Raytheon, US Army certify TALON Laser-Guided Rocket on Apache helicopter

[image: AH-64D Apache]Raytheon Company and the U.S. Army have completed the
certification process for air worthiness release (AWR) of the TALON
Laser-Guided Rocket (LGR) on the Apache AH-64D/E Attack helicopter.
The AWR certification provides for potential operational employment of the
TALON weapon system on U.S. Army Apaches and Apaches in international
The TALON LGR is a low-cost, digital semi-active laser guidance and control
kit co-developed with the United Arab Emirates. TALON integrates directly
to the front of the legacy 2.75-inch Hydra-70 unguided rockets.
Read more
Russian bombers, fighter jets spotted over Crimea: report concludes

[image: Su-34 Fullback]Several dozen of what appeared to be Russian fighter
jets have been spotted above the Moscow-controlled peninsula of Crimea,
according to a report by the Agence France-Presse.
The agency reported on Wednesday that President Vladimir Putin is poised to
visit Crimea for a May 9 military parade to mark Russia’s victory over Nazi
Germany in World War II.
A local aviation expert told AFP that he had sighted a number of planes,
including “supersonic heavy strategic bombers and heavy military transport
aircraft,” over the peninsula’s main city of Simferopol on Saturd... more »
Congress’s Chance to Fix Aircraft Carrier Drones

[image: X-47B UCAS]Given the chaotic defense budgetary environment, one
could be forgiven for overlooking the fact that some truly strategic issues
are at play in the defense authorization bill markup taking place in
Congress this week.
One key issue involves how Congress deals with the Navy’s poor choices in
the development of a future carrier-based drone, or in Pentagon-speak, the
Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike, or UCLASS,
The Navy made a mistake by issuing requirements that guarantee the fleet
will receive a lesser drone than it could be get... more »
Turkey likely to choose Chinese air defense system, say experts

[image: FD-2000 (HQ-9) missile defense system]Since the announcement of the
decision, Turkey has come under strong pressure from its NATO allies.
Furthermore, sources in the Turkish defense industry reported that European
and U.S. defense companies pressured Turkish defense companies by
indicating that partnerships in some areas might end if Turkey concludes
the deal with the Chinese company.
In fact, the acquisition of such a multibillion- dollar strategic system
naturally has multiple implications on political, economic, military and
technologic dimensions, and despite all the pr... more »
With $3.3 billion Zumwalt, Navy trying for smallest blip on radar
Sometime next year, the USS Zumwalt will begin testing the Tomahawk
missiles, GPS-guided munitions and “total ship” computing systems that will
make the $3.3 billion vessel the most advanced destroyer in Navy history.
But first come the cables – 2.3 million feet of them snaking above, below
and alongside every corridor of what is essentially a 600-foot-long
floating computer.
“Now you have an all-electric ship,” Todd Estes, manager of the DDG-1000
program at Bath Iron Works, said last week.
Read more
Ten-year prison term for web user as China cracks 'foreign military spy' ring: state media

[image: Chengdu J-20]An unnamed foreign country has for years used Chinese
social media and Internet forums to recruit spies and gather sensitive
information on Chinese military development, the overseas edition of the
People’s Daily said on Monday.
Since 2007, at least 40 people in 20 provinces have provided military
secrets to a foreign intelligence agent identified only by an online alias,
Feige, or "Flying Brother", said the Communist Party mouth piece.
The report said the foreign agent befriended internet users via online
bookstores or military fan web forums, which enjoy wides... more »
Women qualify to join submarines for the first time

[image: The Royal Navy's first female submariners]Three women have
qualified to be the first to serve on Royal Navy submarines in 113 years.
Lieutenants Maxine Stiles, Alex Olsson and Penny Thackray have earned their
dolphins badges, opening the door to join Britain’s fleet of Vanguard-class
They will join male submariners under the waves for up to three months at a
time to maintain the country’s nuclear deterrent.
Read more
The 2008 Common Core Sales Job: Part Two
In 2008, the National Governors Association (NGA), the Council of Chief
State School Officers (CCSSO), and Achieve, Inc., released a
report, Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a
World-class Education. The report promotes a now all-too-familiar spectrum
of so-called “reforms,” including establishing the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS), CCSS-aligned curriculum and assessment, alter teacher
recruitment […]
Paul Buhle and Milton Knight : BOOKS | C.L.R. James: Back in style, black in style
‘C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain’ opens up the issue of the Third World
struggle in an elegant and memorable way. By Paul Buhle and Milton Knight |
Truthout | May 5, 2014 Author’s note: This marks the first appearance of …
finish reading Paul Buhle and Milton Knight :
*BOOKS* | C.L.R. James: Back in style, black in style
METRO | Lamar Hankins reports that the investigation into Rick Perry’s
handling of the Lehmberg affair just may have legs.
The Art of Deception
What aren't counted?
That is my question when I read estimates of Cesium-137 in dying sea lions
and other animals:
Enenews: Alarm as record numbers of seals & sea lions ‘starving to death’
along California coast — “It’s just spiked… calls started coming nonstop” —
“So many unhealthy… washing ashore” — “Extremely complex issue… multitude
of factors in play” — “Definitely a mystery, we’re hoping it’s not the new
Expert officials are always (metaphorically) scratching their heads, saying
that the reported Cesium-137 level is not high enough to cause acute
radiation syndrome s... more »
Wise Egyptian TV Host Puts Bigoted Sectarian On His Ass (Source: MEMRI TV)
*Video Title: TV Host Slams Head of Egyptian Community in Paris for
Anti-Christian Remarks. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published: May 4, 2014.*
In the video below, an Egyptian TV host speaks with a bigoted sectarian
named Saleh Farhoud, an Egyptian living in Paris who made the statement
that only a Muslim should be head of the Treasury in Egypt, and that
Christians should be banned from the position. The TV host put the
religious bigot on his ass directly on the spot and the clown hanged up.
Egypt is a country with deep Christian roots, so this is a socially
divisive, insensitive, and... more »
Are there "liberal" and "conservative" views on pain that correlate with liberal and conservative views on other stuff?

*"Pain is the most vivid experience we can never quite describe, returning
us to the wordless misery of infancy."*
*-- Melanie Thernstrom, in The Pain Chronicles*
*by Ken*
So you've had a great weekend, right? And you're just rarin' to get back to
the workplace tomorrow for another week of stimulating and productive and
of course generously compensated labor, right?
What better time could there be for some seriously jolly chat about *pain*?
I think it's a subject that's likely to be of interest to just about
everybody, and when two people with both serious interest and serious
cr... more »
Tasha Hussey Body - #Review and #Giveaway

I recently had the good fortune to try out some great body care products by Tasha
Hussey Body.
[image: Tasha Hussey Body - Review and Giveaway]*Eucalyptus Mint Body
Butter* [image: Tasha Hussey Body - Review and Giveaway]*Eucalyptus Mint
Loofah Soap*
One of the things that I enjoy about doing reviews is getting to know the
people behind the products.
Tasha Hussey, who studied Fashion Design, had a clothing line for 12 years.
Each item was made from natural or organic fibers. Currently, she has a
line of Vintage re-purposed jewelry. Old focal pieces, some of which have
been sittin... more »
METRO UPDATE | Roger Baker : The continuing Texas drought crisis
By Roger Baker | The Rag Blog | May 4, 2014 Roger Baker’s three-part Rag
Blog series, “Can Austin survive the current Texas drought,” garnered much
attention and was reposted widely, including by the highly-influential Roger wrote the following … finish reading *METRO UPDATE* |
Roger Baker : The continuing Texas drought crisis
War Watch May 4 , 2014 -- Syria in focus ........Rebel infighting ( this time the fighting seems centered around Syria's oil fields ) kills 62 fighters and force thousands to flee their homes in East Syria , Homs ceasefire holds for a second day as Rebel fighters prepare to leave their symbolic stronghold of Homs ( Syria Government slowly but surely retaking land held by the Rebels ) ...... Iraq Updates - Post election and while awaiting the results , the daily death dealing continues ....... Libya Updates - Still awaiting the next Prime Minister ( GNC unable to agree in its morning session on PM ) ........ Heavy fighting between Ansar Al- Sharia and Saiqa Special Forces in Benghazi
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Al Jazeera......
Aleppo next after the fall of Homs ?
Report: Thousands flee Syria rebel clashes
UK-based rights group says fighting between rival rebel groups have
displaced 60,000 people in Deir Ezzor province.
Last updated: 04 May 2014 13:22
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The fighting comes as rebels agreed a deal with the Syrian government to
withdraw from Homs [AP]
At least 60,000 people have fled towns in the Deir Ezzor province in
eastern Syria which has been the scene... more »
The southern and eastern parts of Ukraine used to belong to Russia for 400 years and were given to Ukraine by Lenin and Krushtev back when they were all part of the Soviet Union. Part of the agreement was that 16,000 Russian troops would remain in Crimea until 2040. Because most Crimeans are Russian speaking, they will surely support the Russian troops against the muderous goons of the west paid by the U.S. In the meantime the armed forces of Ukraine and Russia are disinclined fight each other.

*On the ground in the Ukraine*
*What the occupation looked like in March*
*A report from Simon Ostrovsky of Vice *
I like VICE.
They actually go places and show you what they look like and talk to real
The Lame Stream news media could learn a few lessons.
This footage is from March. We'll be showing more recent footage in future
In this case, Russian civilians and Russian military units have just
surrounded the Ukraine's Naval High Command in Sevastopol.
They're blocking all the entrances and exists and the base is essential... more »
Randi to the Barricades Once More

Randi Weingarten was donning her rain gear today as she protested a meeting
of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) and the profiteering loser swine
who get rich through corporate welfare privatizing strategies.
Randi's dramatic photos and angry shouts would be much more compelling if
AFT did not support and enable the primary corporate strategies that all
the DFER guys were discussing today indoors in the dry. I speak of course
of AFT's unrelenting support for Common Core and their long-standing
embrace of the most numerous and diabolical charter school variety: the
non-profit c... more »
In this video former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko says, "I
want to say big thanks to all who came and fight in Odessa for our Ukraine.
Also I want to tell that all military action that will be released in
nearest future will be against any mass meeting of people."
In a leaked phone call on March 18 with Nestor Shufrych, former deputy
secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine,
Tymoshenko said, "It's about time we grabbed our guns and killed those damn
Russians together with their leader."
"I hope I will be able to get all my connections involve... more »
A critical review of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum

Last Saturday, I arrived at La Guardia airport about 5pm Eastern time from
San Diego to begin my 3 day, 4 night vacation in New York City. It was a
much needed vacation - the first personal vacation I've had in quite a long
time. I've been to New York City before, however, it had been about 7 or 8
years since the last time I visited. And it was a very nice, enjoyable
visit, despite the cold, rainy weather the last day I was in town.
As you probably noticed, I haven't been doing much blogging, and I wasn't
able to host any radio programs this past week due to my trip. I will be
back ... more »
The Myth of the Non-Profit Charter School
The AFT, NEA, and all their non-profit corporate hangers-on attempt to
minimize their support for the total compliance segregated charter chain
gangs by trying to distinguish between the "bad" for-profit charters and
the "good" and the more numerous non-profit variety.
There are 2 principle reasons this distinction is as phony as the idea that
Dennis and Randi support the interests of teachers:
1) Many "non-profit" charters pay for-profit management companies to run
How does it work? A non-profit group decides to form a charter school,
submits its charter to the state, and... more »
“State Of Surveillance: Police, Privacy and Technology”
*“State Of Surveillance: Police, Privacy and Technology”*
LA County Sheriff Admits Big Brother Is Here "But We Kept It Pretty Hush
"This is the future if nothing is done to stop it," is the ominous way The
Atlantic describes the recent Big Brother tactics used by LA County
Sheriffs to "police" areas such as Compton. Residents were unaware ("A lot
of people do have a problem with the eye in the sky, the Big Brother, so to
mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush
hush")that, as the police stated, "we literally watched all of Compton
during the time... more »
“It’s poverty stupid!”
What follows below is nothing original. It’s simply another reminder. I
know this is an unpopular thing to say in certain education circles but
someone has to say it: Common Core State Standards and the Smarter
Balanced Assessments will do little to nothing to help eliminate the
achievement gap! Why? Because the achievement gap is really […]
America Would Be SO Much Better Off Without Them
This week, Harry Reid says he's bringing the Energy Savings and Industrial
and Competitiveness Act (S. 2262), sponsored by Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and
Rob Portman (R-OH) to the floor for a vote. Support for a bill that should
be the height of uncontroversial is widespread... on both sides of the
aisle. But Republican obstructionists, content with nothing less than the
complete disruption of an orderly functioning of government have vowed to
prevent passage. The obstructionists, led by extremists like Ted Cruz,
Mitch McConnell, Mike Lee and the Southerners, still refuse to recognize ... more »
Kyle Bass discusses global risks and opportunities - presentation and video- great Q & A session ) .......proceed with caution !
China data a good lead in ......
China Manufacturing PMI Misses 6th Month In A Row As Home Sales Collapse
47% YoY
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/04/2014 22:01 -0400
- China
- Markit
- Shenzhen
*For the 6th month in a row, China HSBC Manufacturing PMI missed
expectations*. With a 48.1 print for April (vs 48.3 flash) this is a very
modest rise from March's 48.0 but is the *4th month in a row of contraction* for
the broader-based HSBC-version of the PMI *(as opposed to the official
more-SOE-biased version which ... more »
Thomas Piketty’s Improbable Data
*Thomas Piketty has written a popular economics book. In 1936, a
difficult-to-read academic book appeared that seemed to tell politicians
they could do what they wanted. This was Keynes’s General Theory. Following
on from an earlier Guest Post, Hunter Lewis argues that while **Piketty has
been praised for his data collection, there are problems*.
Keynes’s keynote book, *The General Theory*, is loaded with economic
theory. There are only two pages of data in that book, and Keynes dismisses
the scant data he cites as “improbable.” By contrast, Piketty’s new book, *Capital
in the Twe... more »
*Well there ain’t no time to wonder why, whoopie! we’re all gonna die

ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITYTHE GETAWAYQuestions surround a secret Pakistani
In Afghanistan last November, the Northern Alliance, supported by American
Special Forces troops and emboldened by the highly accurate American
bombing, forced thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters to retreat
inside the northern hill town of Kunduz. Trapped with them were Pakistani
Army officers, intelligence advisers, and volunteers who were fighting
alongside the Taliban. (Pakistan had been the Taliban’s staunchest military
and economic supporter i... more »
18+1 Questions for Mayors and Minister’s Blocking Christchurch’s Redevelopment
The oafish Gerry Brownlee is in denial about the disaster being made of
Christchurch by his government’s top-down authoritarian management of the
city’s (non) re-development.
The latest entrepreneurs to confirm there is nothing in the central city
worth moving to is The Enterprise Precinct Innovation Centre (Epic), who
are moving out, “saying delays and overpriced land make the project
EPIC (Enterprise Precinct Innovation Centre) co-founder Colin Anderson says
the group has scuttled plans for an inner-city innovation "village" to
house more than 50 small businesses. ... more »
It's Hitler.....Hurry up Americans and Intervene

Maybe you recall this tidbit of information? *- Social conditioning at
work:* Mentioning Hitler makes Americans more willing to intervene in
Contained in this previous post -Here
"Mentioning Hitler makes Americans more willing to intervene in Ukraine"
Only 21% of those asked in the conventional way favored U.S. involvement
in the Ukraine. When this question was preceded by the questions about
appeasement and comparing Putin to Hitler, support for U.S. involvement
rose to 29%. It didn’t change the overall result — a majority of Americans
still oppose getting involved in... more »
[1] (NOW) testified for the Crown. There is a special instruction
that has to do with his/her evidence. It is an instruction that you must
keep foremost in your mind when you are considering how much or little you
will believe of or rely upon his/her evidence in making your decision in
this case.
[2] You have heard that (specify characteristics of witness or other
circumstances that require evidence to be treated with caution).
[3] Common sense tells you that, in light of these circumstances,
there is good reason to look at(NOW)'s evidence with the greatest care ... more »
"How do you define American?" Jose Antonio Vargas -- speaking for many other undocumented Americans -- asks us to think about it

*"Not Legal, Not Leaving"*
A year after coming out about my undocumented status in the New York Times
Magazine, I wrote an essay for TIME magazine—this time, addressing
provocative questions that everyday Americans around the country, from
Alabama to Arizona, have asked me.
"Why haven’t you gotten deported?"
That’s usually the first thing people ask me when they learn I’m an
undocumented immigrant or, put more rudely, an “illegal.” Some ask it with
anger or frustration, others with genuine bafflement. At a restaurant in
Birmingham, not far from the University of Alabama, an ineb... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : The dishonesty of Clemson and its football coach
Not only does coach Dabo Swinney use his personal Christian beliefs to
recruit, he also uses religion to manipulate, control, and motivate his
players. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | May 4, 2014 For the last
half-century, … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins :
The dishonesty of Clemson and its football coach
New Blogs March - May 2014
For the few that care about such things, the new blog round-up hasn't gone
away. It was resting. And if you glance at the wee list below, you can see
why. There seems precious little in the way of new start ups emerging into
what we used to call the blogosphere. Perhaps I've been out of circulation
a bit and haven't happened upon the newbies, or could it be this is sign of
a coming crisis in political blogging? Have all the established bloggers
who've made it into official punditry kicked down the ladder that got them
to the top, thereby thwarting the ambitions of would-be writers? T... more »
Fukushima Updates - great video from HexaMedia gives perspective on the devastation more than three years post - tsunami / earthquake / nuclear disasters........ Recent items of note from Energy News and Simply Info ........
Daily Mail.........
Fukushima, the aftermath: Eerie drone footage reveals the apocalyptic
wasteland of Japan's abandoned east coast
- *The footage was taken by Tokyo-based multicopter firm HEXaMedia*
- *During the video, the drone soars over the region’s barren landscapes*
- *Many of these areas are said to be covered in radioactive soil*
- *It travels over the coast capturing destruction caused by the 2011
- *This was triggered by the 9.0 Tohoku earthquake and led to the meltdown
of Fukushima's nuclear react... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery May 3 , 2014 --- Eleven terrorists with links to Al Qaeda have been " arrested " ( brought in for questioning ) on suspicion of being involved in the disappearance of MH370 ???? Has it come down to blaming Al Qaeda ? Takeaway -- Eleven terrorists with links to Al Qaeda have been arrested on suspicion of being involved in the disappearance of MH370 ...... And another mystery ( not the unexplained editing of the recorded conversations between the pilots and air trafic controllers ) but rather the cargo.......Circus over and families told to leave Hotel .......
Catharsis Ours - 23 hours ago
terrorists with links to Al Qaeda have been arrested on suspicion of
being involved in the disappearance of MH370
- *Suspects were arrested in the capital Kuala Lumpur and the state
- *Said to members of violent new terror group said to be planning
- *Interrogations came after demands from agencies including FBI and MI6
- *Manifest revealed presence of consignment but did ... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery Day 56 May 3 , 2014 --- ( From New Straits Times ) MAS requests media not to expose amount of compensation ..... Police have no plan to reveal findings of investigations now ....... Signals based on aircraft projection: MAS ......... ( From Malaysia Chronicle ) -- MH370: The more they say they have nothing to hide, the more THE WORLD DOUBTS M'SIA ........ WHAT'S GOING ON! M'sia suddenly reveals data from MH370 pilot’s flight simulator still UNRETRIEVED .......
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Zero Hedge .......
Voice Recording From Missing Flight MH370 Was Edited
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2014 12:15 -0400
- Boeing
It has been nearly two months since Malaysian Airlines flight MH370
disappeared without a trace on March 8. Since then, despite the endless
coverage of CNN, there has been absolutely no progress in uncovering any
clues about the fate of the missing Boeing 777. Perhaps the following may
provide some clarity on why.
On Thursday, for the first time, 7 minutes of audio recordings of the final
co... more »
Here's looking at you, kid
Nine out of 12 big telecoms in Canada deigned to reply to Privacy
Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart with info about their disclosure of customer
info to law enforcement in 2011
- Law enforcement agencies made 1,193,630 requests for subscriber data
in 2011
- Or, one request every 27 seconds
- Three telecom providers alone disclosed information from 785,000
customer accounts
- If each request had been for a different subscriber, that would work
out to* one in every 28 Canadians including babies*
- In 2010, 94% of RCMP requests for name and address were made without ... more »
Blue Dog Kurt Schrader Deserves To Lose His May 20th Primary

More Democrats who act like Republicans? No way!
I was at a political fundraiser for Alan Grayson on Friday evening. Among
the speakers besides Grayson were NYC Congressmembers Charlie Rangel,
Carolyn Maloney, Eliot Engel and Yvette Clarke as well as progressive
candidates Rob Zerban (D-WI) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ). Among other
topics, Grayson talked about how Democrats can't win elections by acting
like Republicans, something he's expounded on frequently in the past-- like in
this classic video-- and something that flies in the face of DCCC
conventional wisdom.
Steve Israel... more »
garden of earthly delights

the garden of earthly delights
Teacher Vows to End the Madness
Posted at WaPo:
*By Ralph Ratto*
*Today was the first day I was ever ashamed to be a teacher.*
*Today I finished administering the sixth day of New York State Common Core
assessments. I was a facilitator in a process that made my 10-year-old
students struggle, to the point of frustration, to complete yet another
90-minute test. *
*I sat by as I watched my students attempt to answer questions today that
were beyond their abilities. I knew the test booklets I put in front of
them contained questions that were written in a way that 95 percent of them
had no chance of solving. I even t... more »
Very Sad News
A friend at the University of Chicago reports to me that Gary Becker died
last night. He was 83.
Gary was one of the greatest economists of the past half century. You can
read about his contributions here. I did not know him well, but based on
every interaction I had with him, it seems that he was a truly nice man as
well as a path-breaking scholar. He will be missed.
*Update*: The *Times* obituary.
I am as distressed as I’ve ever been having watched a 24 minute video
yesterday from Odessa, Ukraine as fascist Right Sector thugs set fire to a
union hall where unarmed anti-Kiev protesters had taken refuge.
You can see the video at
You have to be patient watching the video because it is obvious that a lot
of the time the photographer was trying to be discreet as he filmed the
pro-western nationalists attacking the people inside the union hall. At one
point the photographer runs around to the backside of the building and
films police auth... more »
We’ve got your bad explanation right here! (Not really all that wonky)
*SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014*
*In search of GodelThink:* Kurt Godel is one of the greats, or so you’ll
routinely be told. The leading authority on his work says it went something
like this:
Kurt Friedrich Gödel (1906-1978) was an Austrian, and later American,
logician, mathematician, and philosopher. *Considered with Aristotle and
Gottlob Frege to be one of the most significant logicians in history, Gödel
made an immense impact upon scientific and philosophical thinking in the
20th century,* a time when others such as Bertrand Russell, A. N.
Whitehead, and David Hilbert were pioneering the... more »
Astra successfully test-fired from Sukhoi-30 MKI

[image: Astra BVAMRAAM]Astra, India's first indigenously developed Beyond
Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile was successfully test-fired from a
Sukhoi-30 MKI at a naval range in the Western Sector, marking a major step
in missile-aircraft integration.
The test-firing met all the mission objectives and the air-launch was
captured by side and forward looking high-speed cameras and the separation
was exactly as per simulation, according to a press release from the
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
Congratulating the team, Avinash Chander, Sceintific Advisor to th... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 4th, 2014
Yes, it is Sunday.... And it is time for me to take what I see from the
liars in the mainstream media and all other bullcrap we have been told for
the last while and tear it to pieces...
First, and again, I have a real hard time in figuring out people and all
their misconceptions about what is really going on in the Ukraine... The
liars and sacks of goo in our media and government are continuing their
propaganda bull crap and calling those in the Ukraine that seek peaceful
referendums and their rights under international law to secede from Ukraine
and join Russia, "rebels"..... All ... more »
Celebrities, Thank You, But…
Celebrities, Thank You, But…. via Celebrities, Thank You, But….Filed under:
PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Mike's Story Part 13: Amateur Shrink Gone Wild
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
If cities had the equivalent of national pastimes, New York's would be
psychotherapy. While no match for Woody Allen, I've put in my share of
time in therapists' offices and been grateful for what one or two of them
had to offer; (the others ranged from indifferent to dishonest to insane
themselves.) A well-known side-effect of such therapy is an eagerness to
put one's newly acquired knowledge to use with, or on, friends,
acquaintances and anyone else who asks.
Mike was fertile ground for this amateur "shrink*age,*" as a friend who's
an actual Clinical Psycho... more »
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