Food Watch: Should we maybe look for a second opinion about these cat-shaped marshmallows?
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 10 minutes ago

*by Ken*
Maybe the simplest way to approach this is to ask what you think of when
you look at the picture above?
*One possible reaction:* "Oh goody, there's a pussycat-shaped thing
floating on top of my whatever-the-hell-that-viscous-liquid-is in the mug."
My first thought was that it was coffee, or maybe soup, but since the
floating thing turns out to be a cat-shaped *marshmallow*, I certainly hope
it's *not* coffee or soup. The only thing I can think of that might come in
a mug which might lend itself to marshmallow inhabitation is cocoa. Sure,
you could top off your cocoa with... more »
Four years of math?
skrashen at Schools Matter - 31 minutes ago
Sent to the Washington Post, May 2, 2014.
Maryland will now require all high school students to take four years of
math ("Maryland to require math for all years of high school; universities
also adjust rules," May 2).
The fourth year, moreover, must be "non-trivial," such as algebra 2,
trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics and college algebra. This
is in order to prevent students from "getting rusty" and not being
prepared for college.
But not all students go to college. And of those who do, few select majors
that require this much math and few jobs require this much ma... more »
Members of Both Parties and the Entire White House Economic Team Have Wanted for Years To Deliver a Startling Wealth Transfer From the Public to Wall Street (Brad Miller Warns!) Piketty’s Inequality Charts
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 2 hours ago
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . - Charles Dickens
I wouldn't have thought it would be time to quote those words yet. But it
is. Just trying to keep up with the bad news breaking daily for the
unwashed masses (not to mention the constantly enriching news for the
washed few) has made me late with this planned essay. Brad Miller,
Maybe "Hope springs eternal" isn't the ideal mindset for dealing with Republicans, or right-wingers generally -- a cautionary tale
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

*Maybe the problem was that Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), at right,
was subjected to threatening visitations by hideous, monstrous creatures
like the vaguely human-looking, er, thing at left. Oh, the horror!*
*"Hope springs eternal in the human breast;Man never is, but always to be
blessed:The soul, uneasy and confined from home,Rests and expatiates in a
life to come."*
*– Alexander Pope, in "An Essay on Man"*
*by Ken*
Myself, I have no trouble getting behind this business of hope sprining
eternal in the human breast. I mean, we have to keep going, don't we?
Despite all t... more »
Despite the tragedy in Odessa- Keep your eyes on Slavyansk, Ukraine
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 3 hours ago
Wanted to get some of this info up yesterday, but, just couldn't.
Yesterday- A large parade of anti-coup protestors in Odessa
Despite hot weather, thousands of people in the southern Ukrainian city of
Odessa marched through its central streets on Thursday, May 1, carrying
placards that read “Odessa Is a Hero City”, “Referendum” and “Fascism Won’t
Today that parade was followed by what looks to be a massacre instigated by *"soccer
hooligans"? *
*I have a very hard time believing these are "soccer hooligans"*
*So, is this the new bogus name that the NATO media is going to us... more »
Benghazi Again? Investigate the Damned NSA!
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 5 hours ago

Speaker of the House John Boehner on Friday announced that the Republicans
will soon be setting up a special investigative tribunal to once again flog
that long dead horse that is the Benghazi scandal. Now that the corporate
scam that is the Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare is pretty much
dead as a campaign issue the GOP is going to count on once again going back
to the future in rolling out the blatant election year scam of yet another
investigation into what it is that happened in Benghazi on September 11,
2012. You have to give it to the sleazy Republicans, they are pred... more »
My Town, Our Town, Your Town
jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 5 hours ago

A short time ago, Peter Van Buren posted an article on
TomDispatchthat addressed the central theme of his new book, *Ghosts
of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent*. Van Buren used to be a State
Department official who'd seen firsthand the excesses in Iraq that
seem to favor the 1% there. After 20+ years working for the kind folks
Foggy Bottom, he'd lost his job when he decided to turn whistleblower
expose some of those excesses and abuses of American taxpayer dollars.
In "This is Not Your Land, This is Their Land", he'd profiled four
communities: Atlantic Cit... more »
Gangs & Counter-gangs: Sir David Sterling, The SAS and the Post-Colonial Destabilisation of The Empire
Spike EP at News Spike - 6 hours ago

*"At the end of the war, SAS was disbanded, but it was soon revived to
crush the Malay insurgency in Malaysia, and the Mau Mau insurgency in
Kenya. *
*In his 1960 book Gangs and Countergangs, Col. Frank Kitson boasted that
the British were covertly leading several large-scale Mau Mau units, and
that many, if not all Mau Mau units had been synthetically created by the
colonial authorities.*
*This article appears in the October 13, 1995 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.*The SAS: Prince Philip's Manager of Terrorism
by Joseph Brewda
On the eve of the first of six schedule... more »
May 2: glimpses of responsible journalism...
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 6 hours ago
The front page actually has two stories that seem to belong there.
The first one is about, I think, a much more serious problem than the story
suggests. The wife of the president of U de Moncton was given a $200,000
contract to redecorate their house. The president says it wasn't him who
did it; it was the Board of Governors. Yeah. I'm sure he protested, but
they muscled him aside. Tough gangs these boards of governors.
By the way, who sits on a board of governors and who dominates it? Usually,
it's businessmen.
Then he says the board did it because it noticed that many presidents
... more »
NRSC Clearly Understands They Can Lose South Dakota, But Guy Cecil Is Still Filled With Poutrage
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
DSCC executive director Guy Cecil isn't thinking clearly... or doesn't give
a shit if the Democrats keep control of the Senate or not. The battle over
the Senate could well come down to one state: South Dakota... and Cecil,
who rides roughshod over pathetic DSCC chairman Michael Bennet, refuses to
play. When Beltway political reporter Alexandra Jaffe asked the question, Why
Is Rick Weiland Getting Cold Shoulder?, there is never a mention of Cecil.
No doubt he was just too busy trying to worm his way into the Hillary For
President Campaign taking shape, but its hardly a secret that... more »
KIPP Teacher Asks: "Would we let this happen if the students were white middle class?"
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 7 hours ago
I interviewed a former KIPP teacher I will call Keith. Keith was highly
successful at KIPP for longer than most teachers last at any KIPP, which is
1-2 years. Keith shared a great deal, and much of it I had heard from
others: the 80-100 hour weeks, the silent lunches, the incessant chanting,
the compulsive attention to detail, the straight lines of uniformed
students, the clipboard for keeping track of the token economy, kids
staying as late as 7 PM at school to finish homework they had failed to
finish the night before, the singular focus on closing the test score gaps,
the loss... more »
Ukraine Crisis: The Battle for Slavyansk
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 7 hours ago

*May 3, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The unelected regime currently
occupying Kiev, Ukraine, has once again attempted to crush multiplying
uprisings across the nation's eastern and southern regions, after earlier
setbacks. In the eastern city of Slavyansk, home to roughly 116,000
Ukrainians, the regime has unleashed helicopter gunships, armored vehicles,
and special forces deployed by helicopter in a city-wide assault that has
left many dead, and many more wounded.
The city's defenders have downed several helicopters and have been clashing
with regime forces throughout the day. B... more »
This story is about Tuscaloosa’s schools!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 8 hours ago
*FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014*
*And about schools near you:* In the current Atlantic, Nikole Hannah-Jones
has written a lengthy, fascinating report about the racial history of the
Tuscaloosa (City) public schools.
She describes the way Tuscaloosa integrated its dual school system after
being taken to court in 1975. Starting in 1979, the city began operating a
single high school for all its students, white and black, and a single
middle school.
The new arrangement was “clumsy and unpopular,” Hannah-Jones writes, “but
its consequences were profound.” Here’s the way it worked:
HANNAH-JONES ... more »
Randi W. Blows An Easy One (For A Change)
Michael Paul Goldenberg at @ THE CHALK FACE - 9 hours ago
RANDI WEINGARTEN, LOOKING . . . CONFUSED. I love unions, but I have a
hard time fathoming the leadership of contemporary American teachers’
unions. With so many glaring idiocies afloat from the world of education
deform (aka GERM - as Pasi Sahlberg calls it), you’d think it would be
impossible not to find incisive things […]
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago
Direct action at Beale AFB in California by Veterans for Peace and others
on April 29 following the reading of an indictment for war crimes.
I lived on this base from 1969-1971 and graduated from nearby Wheatland
High School. I hope to get to one of these protests at Beale at some point.
Friday Nerd Blogging Part Two: Who Says There is a Gap?
Steve Saideman at Duck of Minerva - 9 hours ago
One of the constant refrains one will hear in civil-military relations is
that there is a gap between the civilians and the military–a deep, wide gap
in values, perceptions and so on. Well, here is some proof (not great
video) that the gap is over-rated: H/T to Mrs. Spew
BBC Trending update
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago

Further to our post about BBC Trending, “Who is too young to learn about
the horrors of the Holocaust” I see BBC Watch has just published this.
The so-called ‘new law’ is not even a law. It is in fact “a new pedagogic
programme of the Ministry of Education”.
“The programme organises the exposure of the children to content on the
subject of the Holocaust, from the early ages to high school, and *in each
age group there is adjustment of the content to the developmental,
cognitive and emotional abilities of the children to deal with the
As I said, not a question of... more »
Medicine of plants
Abraham Ben Judea at Abraham says - 10 hours ago

Natural Supplements to help us get better...
Below are the plants that will restore the normal functions of the stomach
and or liver that is provided too much damage was not done because of
"ingested poisons" or suicidal attempts.
*Milk Thysle* The story goes that the milk Thysle plant was believed to
give the expectant mothers increased lactation, It was also believed that
the mottled white veins were caused by the drops of milk from the virgin
mary when nursing baby Jesus.
Apart from that, the fruit of the plant contains SILYMARIN a substance that
promotes the SELF-... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 10 hours ago

*People in the Philippines staged major protests during Obama's visit to
sign new agreements to allow US military bases to return to their country.
The US was kicked out of the Philippines in 1992 and had to close its Navy
and Air Force bases. *
- At Beale AFB in California on Tuesday, the two main gates into the
base for the first time during rush hour commute were successfully shut
down,* simultaneously. *Thirteen people were arrested, six were
veterans and three others had never done civil resistance before. Beale
AFB hosts the Global Hawk (Surveillance drone),... more »
Playoff Break
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 10 hours ago
Now that we are in the second round I will be absorbed totally by the
totality. Montreal has a real shot at the Cup. I can not comment on
anything without that happy feeling. Unless the administration of the human
world demonstratively changes for better or worse I got to say the Habitat
is where I am living. If you are not a Montreal fan, I am sorry for you,
may you find some other path to true joy.
Victim Fine Surcharge
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 10 hours ago
Tinker v. The Queen, 2014 ONCJ 208:
Applicants have brought an application under the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms challenging the s. 737 Victim Surcharge amendments, which came
into effect on Oct. 24, 2013. Notice under the Courts of Justice Act s. 109
-- " I hold that the requirement in s. 737(2)(b) for a surcharge, where no
fine is imposed on the offender, does infringe s. 7 of the Charter and
cannot be saved by s. 1."
Rob Ford antics
LeDaro at LeDaro - 10 hours ago
The Colbert report. ;)
Here is collection of antics:
Brandan Boyle-- Bipartisan When It Comes To One Thing: The Republican War Against Women
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
I'm no fan of conservative-leaning New Dem Allyson Schwartz. Earlier today,
I mentioned in passing how she was one of the bought-out Wall Street shills
who voted with the GOP for Bush's anti-family bankruptcy bill. But there is
one area where no one can deny Schwartz's heroic stature and that's when it
comes to women's issues. She has been staunchy pro-Choice and a leader in
the fight for women's health issues, no small matter. It would be tragic if
one of Philadelphia's most ardent opponent's of women's health, an
ambitious state legislator dear to the heart of the corrupt party ... more »
Cute Sophomore Student Council Campaign Video - Innovative and Unique with the bloopers at the end.
Sherrie Questioning All at Sherrie Questioning All - 11 hours ago
Something for your enjoyment and laugh (bloopers at the end). Here is my
daughter's Sophomore Student Council campaign video, it had to be 30
seconds to one minute.. It is innovative and unique. We used the tricks
our dog can do and incorporated them into her campaign. Her flyers had a
picture of her and Shiraz. This video is the original campaign video but I
added the bloopers at the end.
Climate Tricks 29: Bioethanol to Save the Planet, or Pollute the Planet?
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 11 hours ago

The use of biofuels is one of the schemes invented by the climate alarmism
and energy rationing movement to help "save the planet". By using organic
materials like corn and sugar as additive or actual liquid fuel to
vehicles, it is hoped that the use of petroleum products which emit CO2
that "pollute" the air and further raise greenhouse gases (GHGs) and warm
the planet, will be lessened.
There are a few bioethanol processing plants in the Philippines, riding on
the Clean Air Act I think, that requires the use of biofuels nationwide.
Now here's the twist. Residents, church and local... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: Make Mine Marvel
Steve Saideman at Duck of Minerva - 11 hours ago
This summer may be the most Marvelous yet with Captain America 2,
Spider-Man 2, X-Men Days of Future Past (otherwise X-Men First Class 2) and
Guardians of the Galaxy. Sure, not all are by Marvel Studios but all are
based on Marvel Characters. Do we need so many sequels (with GoG being
essentially a sequel
Continue reading
Alabama Makes Clear Parent Rights for Opting Out of State Tests
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 11 hours ago
. . . .“There’s been a lot of concern about the amount of standardized
testing that the school system does,” Cox said. “It’s not just a Baldwin
County issue; it’s all over the country. Every time the children turn
around, they’re being tested for something, and more and more parents have
become concerned about it.”
Cox stressed that it is permissible for parents to opt out of the tests: *“There
is no Alabama law or federal law that states they cannot opt their children
out, which means that it is perfectly legal to do so,” he said. “There
seems to be some confusion over ... more »
Mike's Story Part 11: Apprentice Devils
Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 11 hours ago
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
The reason Mike felt impelled to confess the burundanga episode had to
do with an event that had taken place back home.
FTW subscribers used to get news updates on a daily basis, if memory
serves. One afternoon we opened the email to find a long account,
supposedly from Mike, describing his life in Caracas as one of debauchery -
drinking, whoring and blowing money which had been raised from those same
subscribers after the computers were smashed and FTW's fate hung in the
balance. (This chronology, too, is drawn from memory and may be inaccurate
in som... more »
John Boehner will announce the formation of a select committee on Benghazi, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 11 hours ago
*as my hubby just said, "It gives new meaning to kicking ass and taking
Trey Gowdy back in October of 2013:
O’Reilly’s remarks about Donald Sterling!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014*
*We regard this as good news:* Over the weekend, Cliven Bundy basically
The kooky rancher was blown away by Donald Sterling, the pitiful NBA owner.
On Monday evening, Bill O’Reilly opened his Fox News program with extended
remarks about Sterling.
Below, we show you a large portion of what O’Reilly said. For background,
see our previous post.
We regard it as good news that Fox News viewers have been hearing these
remarks and quite a few others like them. You’ll never be told about this
at Salon, where you’re constantly propagandized and trained in... more »
Russia requests UN Security Council meeting after dawn raids on Slavyansk
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
*Is Russia going to broach the topic of Russian peacekeepers at this
*The Security Council meeting begins at 1200 noon EST *
The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting at noon
Eastern time to discuss Ukraine at the behest of Russia
We have three sources for the news, video & images below* USA Today & Itar
Tass & GMA*
As Ukraine mounts a major assault Friday against pro-Russian forces in
eastern Ukraine, Russia has called for an emergency meeting of the United
Nations Security Council to discuss the escalating violence.
A spokesman for Russia's... more »
Doctor Who Tardis Bag Tutorial with Marissa from Rae Gun Ramblings
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 12 hours ago
*Today, I am so excited to have one of my favorite people in the whole
word, Marissa from Rae Gun Ramblings, here to share a fantastic project.
Marissa is a creative and sewing master, some of my favorite projects from
her blog include her DIY Moby Wrap and her Fancy Nancy Dress Tutorial. If
you are a Harry Potter fan, be sure to check out the amazing Harry Potter
baby costumes in her shop! Make sure you check out her blog and leave some
comment love! *
[image: Step by step instructions for how to make your own Dr Who Tardis
bag at Rae Gun Ramblings]
I am so stinking excited to be he... more »
Synchronicity - A Friday Rule 5 post
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
Yesterday I posted this piece about 'shocking' female body hair, with
examples of Madonna, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore and Lily
Allen. Today I discovered this video of Kate Upton shaving...
EYES OFF THE PRIZE: The things we liberals can’t be told!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014*
*Part 4—Saint Joan keeps us barefoot and clueless:* In large part, we agree
with something we read in Salon.
Can things like this be said at Salon? In a typically muddled piece
designed to stir our liberal hate, Paul Rosenberg said something good about
the racial attitudes of the American people:
ROSENBERG (5/1/14): [Donald] Sterling’s self-immolating drama vividly
illustrates what the questions involve. *It’s not just that
Americans—unbeknownst to Sterling, Cliven Bundy and Limbaugh—have come to
an overwhelming consensus that racism itself is evil, though tha... more »
"Pray for my brother ..."
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 13 hours ago
In keeping with my empty, trivial subject matter until such a time as I
have time to think about more substantive things I bring you the laughable
request of the teary-eyed Doug Ford that we all "pray" for his brother.
What's moved Doug to tears this time, after all the other incidents of
drinking and whoring and consorting with gangsters in order to enjoy their
illegal substances? Could it be the nail in the coffin for Doug's dreams of
continued political fame? Could it be that there are finally images
available to the public and Rob and Doug can't even try to lie this time?
A... more »
The Sacred Circle Poem by M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 14 hours ago

If you would like to read more, please visit:
Digby Wins the Hillman Prize
Batocchio at Vagabond Scholar - 14 hours ago
to the incisive and indefatigable Digby for winning the 2014 Hillman
Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism. You can read the Sidney
Hillman Foundation's announcement here and her characteristically humble
post on the matter here. (But surely you were reading her blog
Hullabaloo already.)
The hoax of creative destruction
Nauman Sadiq at Incredible credulity - 14 hours ago
There is a condition in the European Union’s terms of union in which the
under-developed countries of Europewho aspire to join the EU allowed free
movement of goods only on the reciprocal condition that the developed
countries will allow the free movement of labor. What’s obvious in this
condition is the fact: that the free movement of goods (free trade) only
benefits the countries who have a strong manufacturing base; and the free
movement of workers only favor the under-developed countries where labor is
Now, when the international financial institutions, like the IMF and ... more »
Things to do after finishing a book
Brandon Valeriano at Duck of Minerva - 14 hours ago
I just finished my cyber security book, provisionally titled Cyber Hype
versus Cyber Reality. The feeling of loss has set in. I don’t know what
to do with myself now, I am sleeping more than normal (but that could just
be jet lag). Working on articles seems like too small a task. Starting a
Continue reading
Prospect Heights T Party Dumps the Tests
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 14 hours ago

Teachers at a New York City high school fired a shot across the bow of the
concept of a nationalized education industry Thursday, becoming the first
in that state to refuse to administer a standardized test tied to the
controversial Common Core national standards.
The boycott by teachers at Prospect Heights International School in
Brooklyn comes amid a small but growing “opt out” movement in which
thousands of parents across the country have refused to let their children
sit for standardized tests tied to Common Core’s data-hungry student
assessment industry.
The state assessments a... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours ago
*Fracking opponents pack two St. Tammany meetings ~Faimon A. Roberts III,
B.R. Advocate*
*New levees could knock down the next Katrina, but are they enough? ~WVUE*
*Could wind power knock down hurricane strength? ~WWLTV*
*Subsea 7 Wins More Work from BP in the Gulf of Mexico ~Rob Almeida,
*Fiya Fest Today! ~NOLA DEFENDER*
Donna Edwards To Helm The DCCC's Red To Blue Program
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

I'm still in the beginning on the awesome new book by Elizabeth Warren, A
Fighting Chance. I just read a few pages every night before going to bed
and then meditate on it as a lesson of the day. I'm reading about her focus
on bankruptcy and how her academic peers-- and the entire Establishment--
defined bankruptcy as a kind of moral failure for the men and women who had
been forced into it, often through the kind of medical catastrophe that
could devastate any family. People filing, her research showed, weren't
"lazy bums"-- the preconception-- but, more often than not, ordinary
f... more »
Tolerating Rot
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago

As Rob Ford heads off to rehab in Chicago, Carol Goar writes that Canadians
are besotted with shameless politicians:
A casual lawlessness has crept into the high offices of the land.
It is not outright criminality, punishable by fines and jail time (at least
not yet). It is an attitude among those entrusted with power that they
don’t have to play by the rules; that wrongdoing carries no consequences;
and that a half-hearted apology will set everything right.
Besides Ford, she enumerates several other recent examples of political bad
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has... more »
Welcome to SC: A Heaping Stumbling-Bumbling Mess of Ineptitude
plthomasedd at @ THE CHALK FACE - 15 hours ago
Welcome to SC: A Heaping Stumbling-Bumbling Mess of Ineptitude. via Welcome
to SC: A Heaping Stumbling-Bumbling Mess of Ineptitude.Filed under: PAUL
THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Non Farm payroll Friday - May 2 , 2014 -- Whopping 288K Jobs Added In April, Far Higher Than Expectations; Unemployment Rate Tumbles To 6.3% ....... But also note that labor participation fell to the lowest level since 1978 !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
One Million People Dropped Out Of Labor Force In April: Participation Rate
Plummets To Lowest Since 1978
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2014 08:54 -0400
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Unemployment
And so the BLS is back to its old data fudging, because while the
Establishment Survey job number was a whopper, and the biggest monthly
addition since 2012, the Household Survey showed an actual d... more »
The KMT Brings order to the Galaxy
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago

*Noodle shop, Huaxin St.*
The commentary on the nuke plant from the pro-nuke side is both comically
stupid and revealing. South China Morning Post says it's time for a
"rational" debate on energy in Taiwan.
*But Taiwan, like Japan, has little choice but to consider nuclear power
because it lacks the natural resources to generate electricity. *Taiwan's
three operating nuclear power stations, two of them in New Taipei City in
the north where the fourth is being built, have operated safely for many
years, while providing nearly 20 per cent of the island's electricity.
Taiwanese need ... more »
Kirov was murdered by a lone gunman
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 15 hours ago
"It must be asserted that to this day the circumstances surrounding Kirov's
murder hide many things which are inexplicable and mysterious and demand a
most careful examination. There are reasons for the suspicion that the
killer of Kirov, Nikolaev, was assisted by someone from among the people
whose duty it was protect the person of Kirov. A month and a half before
the killing, Nikolaev was arrested on the grounds of suspicious behaviour,
but he was released and not even searched. It is an unusually suspicious
circumstance that when the Chekist [Borisov] assigned to protect Kirov wa... more »
War watch May 2 , 2014 - Syria ships out or has destroyed 92.5 percent of its chemical weapon arsenal , US makes nonsensical complaint that Syria is " stalling " by not getting the rest out of Latakia port ( said port located in Rebel controlled territory ) ........... 33 Killed, Scores Wounded in North Syria Barrel Bomb Strike Barrel Bomb Hit Marketplace, Started Fires ......... Afghanistan has another bloody day as a bomb explodes at a checkpoint killing at least 11 ( spring time means fighting season has begun in earnest )
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Syria .....
US Accuses Syria of ‘Stalling’ on Chemical DisarmamentClaims They're
Keeping Useless Chemicals as 'Leverage'
by Jason Ditz, May 01, 2014
Print This | Share This
The Obama Administration continues to rail at what has by all other
accounts been a very successful chemical weapons disarmament in Syria,
accusing the nation of “stalling” because they fell slightly short of a
self-imposed deadline to have all the chemicals out of the country by last
Friday. Syria got only 92.5% out by then.
Syria has struggled to get those shipments out of the country through
Latakia port, as ... more »
Consciousness, The reality of our situation and Matrix Design
Sherrie Questioning All at Sherrie Questioning All - 15 hours ago
Gregg Braden explains consciousness in this short video. How our mind and
heart are electromagnetic energy together. It is through the energy of our
heart that is 5000 times stronger than our mind energy, we draw and create
all things around us. It is through gratitude and Love we create more than
just thinking in our power of attraction and the laws of attraction. I have
sincerely and
Laws of physics cannot be hacked
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 15 hours ago
*Hackers of physics do not beat Nature; they only fool people*
Shaun Maguire, a PhD student who blogs together with John Preskill, spent
his childhood hacking computers. It is natural for him to do the same thing
to Nature:
Hacking nature: loopholes in the laws of physics
A source of the (especially young) people's excitement about physics is
their desire to beat the old laws of Nature and to hack into systems around
us. To get unlimited moves in the Candy Crush Saga. To make a compromise
with a vendor machine: to acquire the chocolate while paying no money. To
be able to subscribe... more »
Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) ----- A different perspective , even for those secure in their own viewpoints , take a gander and ponder ..... As offered for " westerners needing to understand what is really happening in both the Ukraine and the wider Anglo-US-NATO globalisation drive ... "
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective)
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/30/2014 20:04 -0400
- Afghanistan
- Brazil
- China
- Corruption
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- International Monetary Fund
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Kuwait
- Mexico
- Middle East
- Napoleon
- Poland
- Reality
- Saudi Arabia
- Time Magazi... more »
Hard Men of Letters
martin-j at tamplins entire - 16 hours ago
Mary Beard’s insightful (and suitably uncomfortable) lecture on the
suppression of the public voice of women is a good starting point for a
more general discussion of oppressive language in the digital age. This is
no small matter of etiquette. Abuse is not everyone’s cup of tea. While
some revel in it, many others are put off from bothering to contribute.
This is not just an infringement of their rights but a loss for us all. It
allows the oppressive a greater say than other, perhaps more rewarding,
First then, why might someone tend to lace their postings with aggres... more »
Silence Is A State Of Mind - An Insight by Michael Brine
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 18 hours ago
[image: Silence State of Mind M. Brine]Source of poster:
Paul Craig Roberts, “US Economy Is A House Of Cards” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“US Economy Is A House Of Cards”*
by Paul Craig Roberts
“The US economy is a house of cards. Every aspect of it is fraudulent, and
the illusion of recovery is created with fraudulent statistics. American
capitalism itself is an illusion. All financial markets are rigged. Massive
liquidity poured into financial markets by the Federal Reserve’s
Quantitative Easing inflates stock and bond prices and drives interest
rates, which are supposed to be a measure of the cost of capital, to zero
or negative, with the implication that capital is so abundant that its cost
is zero and can be ha... more »
“Why Right-Wingers Think the Way They Do: The Fascinating Psychological Origins of Political Ideology” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“Why Right-Wingers Think the Way They Do: *
*The Fascinating Psychological Origins of Political Ideology”*
By Chris Mooney
“If you want one experiment that perfectly captures what science is
learning about the deep-seated differences between liberals and
conservatives, you need go no further than "BeanFest". It’s a simple
learning video game in which the player is presented with a variety of
cartoon beans in different shapes and sizes, with different numbers of dots
on them. When each new type of bean is presented, the player must choose
whether or not to accept it—without knowing,... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.2.14” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.2.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s
“There is a new revelation in the Benghazi, Libya, tragedy where four
Americans were murdered in a terror attack on September 11, 2012. An email
has surfaced that some are calling a “smoking gun” because it lays out the
talking points to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in prep for the Sunday talk
shows. Rice said the attack was motivated by a protest because of an
anti-Islamic video. There was no protest, and the video did not cause an
attack. Everyone on the ground in Libya knew this was a well-planned terror
attack by a... more »
MBDA’s advanced air defence system for the British Army enters assessment phase
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: FLAADSLand system]A £36M contract from the UK Ministry of Defence
(MOD) has been placed with MBDA for the Land variant of the Future Local
Area Air Defence System (FLAADSLand).
This will fund an Assessment Phase that will demonstrate the adaptation and
evolution of core weapon system subsystems (e.g. command & control) for the
land environment, and prepare for the transition from Rapier Field Standard
C (FSC) in British Army service.
TheFLAADSLandsystem will provide the British Army with a world leading
Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) system that will be one of the most
a... more »
Turkey inducts EDH-standard T129 attack helicopters
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: T129 attack helicopters]Ankara has formally inducted the first nine
Turkish Aerospace Industries T129 attack helicopters, marking the end of
deliveries of the interim-standard EDH model.
Derived from the AgustaWestland AW129 by TAI and Aselsan under Turkey’s
ATAK requirement, deliveries of the rotorcraft began in April 2012.
The EDH model is designed to cover an urgent operational need to replace
some of the Turkish army’s Bell AH-1 Cobras, but lacks the anti-tank
missiles to be carried by the eventual T129B variant.
Read more
New Developments at North Korea’s Sohae Complex
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Sohae Complex]Recent commercial satellite imagery indicates that
North Korea is conducting a number of significant activities at the Sohae
Satellite Launching Station (“Tongchang-ri”) related to the development of
larger space launch vehicles (SLVs) and long-range ballistic missiles.
Specifically, these activities are:
- One and maybe more engine tests of what is probably the first stage of
a KN-08 road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) were
conducted in late March/early April 2014. With this latest activity, three
KN-08 rocket engine test serie... more »
Supporting RAF Tornado aircraft until their retirement
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Tornado F3]We have agreed with the UK Ministry of Defence a £125
million extension to the support contract provided by us for the RAF’s
Tornado GR4 fleet until the aircraft are due to be retired in 2019.
With the changes to the contract, an estimated £90 million saving to the UK
Ministry of Defence has been identified through greater efficiencies in
fleet management.
The contract amendment builds on from the original and highly successful
Availability Transformation: Tornado Aircraft Contract (ATTAC) which
initially started in 2006 and was due to expire in 2016.
Read more
Turkey extends missile defense bids further
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: FD-2000 (HQ-9) missile defence systen]Turkey has extended the
validity of bids in a multi-billion dollar missile defense system tender
for the second time despite having provisionally awarded the deal to China,
a senior Turkish defense official said.
Turkey’s NATO allies voiced concern when it said in September it had chosen
China’s FD-2000 missile defence system over rival offers from
Franco-Italian Eurosam and U.S.-listed Raytheon Co. It said China offered
the most competitive terms and would allow co-production in Turkey.
The official said the bids from Eurosam and Raythe... more »
Akash surface-to-air missile testfired
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Akash surface to air missile]India on Thursday successfully
testfired indigenously-developed surface-to-air Akash missile with a strike
range of 25 km and capability to carry warhead of 60 kgs from the
Integrated Test Range at Chandipur as part of a user-trial.
Describing the launch as successful, Defence sources said that the
sophisticated missile was testfired at about 10.58 hours from launch
complex-3 of the Interim Test Range.
“The mission was successful. The trial was conducted by Indian Air Force
personnel,” ITR Director M V K V Prasad said.
Read more
Boeing Flies Production Configuration AH-6i Light Helicopter for the 1st Time
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: AH-6i light attack/reconnaissance helicopter]Boeing's AH-6i light
attack/reconnaissance helicopter has flown for the first time in its
production configuration, moving the program another step closer to
full-scale production while continuing to prove the helicopter's close air
support and attack capabilities.
Boeing pilots flew the aircraft for less than 20-minutes at low speeds in
forward, rearward and sideward flight at low elevations during a recent
test. Future tests will expand the flight envelope over the next several
"This first AH-6 flight in the production... more »
Harris Corporation Awarded $19 Million Avionics Production Contract by Boeing for the U.S. Navy F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: F/A-18E Super Hornet]Harris Corporation, an international
communications and information technology company, has received a two-year,
$19 million full-rate production contract to provide key avionics
components that will enhance flight crews' targeting capabilities on the
U.S. Navy's F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet fighter aircraft.
The Distributed Targeting System will significantly improve the aircraft's
networking capabilities, enhance targeting precision and shorten the time
period from target sensing to shooting.
"Start of full-rate production is a key milestone in the F/A-18 E... more »
Demography 21: China Overtaking the US' GDP Size in 2014?
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 20 hours ago

The IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO) came out last month. I checked some
numbers, particularly GDP size via Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) valuation.
The top 4 are still the US, China, India, Japan, in that order. China will
overtake the US by 2019, with a projected GDP size of $22.41 trillion for
China and $22.09 trillion for the US.
Then there was an article from The Economist that was well-circulated
yesterday. Here is the short article and the chart.
Crowning the dragon
April 30th 2014
*UNTIL 1890 China was the world’s largest economy, before America surpassed
it. By the end o... more »
Lawmakers Defend F-22 Whistleblowers
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: F-22 Raptor]Two prominent lawmakers have sent a letter to Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel asking him to order the rapid completion of a nearly
two-year long investigation into an Air National Guard pilot who publically
spoke about safety concerns with the F-22 Raptor.
"We're two years down the line and the Inspector General's report has still
not been issued," Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., told reporters May 1.
Warner sent the letter along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Il., to help
ensure that the two F-22 pilots that brought attention to the issue do not
receive retaliation for spea... more »
Japan puts early-warning aircraft on Okinawa amid China's moves
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: E-2C Hawkeye]Japan has permanently assigned a new early-warning
aircraft unit to Naha Air Base on Okinawa in response to Chinese probing
around its southern island chain, officials say.
The Asahi Shimbun reported that four E-2C aircraft and approximately 130
members of the Japan Air Self Defense Force have been permanently
repositioned from Misawa Air Base in northern Japan.
The aircraft from the 603rd Airborne Unit will be responsible for
surveillance and patrolling the peripheral airspace of the southwestern
region, according to a Defense Ministry spokesman.
Read more
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 20 hours ago
*Lord Lawson gets a forum*
*The essay excerpted below is based on the text of a speech given to the
Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment at the University of
There is something odd about the global warming debate — or the climate
change debate, as we are now expected to call it, since global warming has
for the time being come to a halt.
I have never shied away from controversy, nor — for example, as Chancellor
— worried about being unpopular if I believed that what I was saying and
doing was in the public interest.
But I have never in my life experienced t... more »
Carrier Abraham Lincoln marks overhaul milestone
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Upper-Level Structure]The aircraft
carrier Abraham Lincoln is marking a milestone as part of its refueling and
complex overhaul at a shipyard in Newport News.
Huntington Ingalls Industries says shipbuilders recently placed a new
upper-level structure on top of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier's
island, which is similar to an airport control tower.
The structure will contain the ship's primary flight control systems when
outfitted and serves as the platform for many of its various radars and
antenna systems.
Read more
Lawmaker Says Sequester Could Force Navy to Drop to Eight Carriers
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: USS John C. Stennis]The Navy will have a huge fight on its hands to
keep the current fleet of carriers at 11, U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.,
the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, said May 1 in
discussion hosted by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
“They will have a devil of a time keeping them at eight carriers,” he said.
The main culprit for this, Smith said, would be the return of sequestration
in fiscal 2016, as the Navy has to balance building Littoral Combat Ships,
Virginia-class submarines and destroyers along with refueling costs f... more »
How immigration benefits some but not the majority
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 21 hours ago
Four people are going out together for the day
Each contributes £100 so the group has £400 to spend - 4 x £100 = £400
They then discover that number 4 has invited someone else to join them –
number 5
Number 5 is poorer but is willing to pay £50
Number 4 tells the others that the group can now afford a better day out as
it has £450 instead of £400 - (4 x £100) + (1 x £50) = £450 instead of 4 x
However, number 1 does the sums and works out that they now have only £90
each to spend rather than £100 - £450/5 = £90 rather than £400/4 = £100
The others think he is wrong, because if... more »
China, Russia Military Ties Deepen With Naval Drill in East China Sea
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Type 052C (Luyang) class DDG]On Wednesday, China announced that it
plans to hold joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea later
this month.
“These drills are regular exercises held by China and Russia’s navies, and
the purpose is to deepen practical cooperation between the two militaries,
to raise the ability to jointly deal with maritime security threats,”
China’s Defense Ministry said in a statement published on its website.
Voice of America reports that the joint naval drills will be held in late
May off the coast of Shanghai.
Read more
I Am A Gardasil Survivor From Canada by Jenny Keats
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
[image: I survived Gardasil]JennyI am a Gardasil Survivor
By Jenny Keats
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Sane Vax, Inc. 30 April 2014
*We will not give up, or give in – we are HPV vaccine survivors!*
I struggled for years to finally reach the point where I thought my life
was as close to perfect as it was going to get. That was before Gardasil.
Now, everything is different.
I was just beginning to really live my life to the fullest. I started
taking the courses I would need to attend college to become a Veterinary
Technician. I only have two mathematics courses left to take. I loved
... more »
Deadspinning and Black Sports Online....... on the Donald Sterling fiasco ( check out Bomani - listen to the WHOLE thing - once he gets warmed up , he sets the roof on fire! ) ....... and Jameis " Crab Legs " Winston
Catharsis Ours - 21 hours ago
Sterling's offensive behavior was no secret for years
[image: Facebook Share]
[image: Share]
[image: Email]
[image: Print]
By Franz Lidz
[image: Decrease font]
[image: Enlarge font]
[image: Donald Sterling]
Donald Sterling, who bought the Clippers in 1981, is the NBA's
longest-tenured owner.
Danny Moloshok/AP
Shortly after the Clippers made Danny Manning the top pick of the 1988 NBA
draft, team owner Donald Sterling invited the player and his agent, Ron
Grinker, to talk contract in Beverly Hills. It was recounted to me how
Sterling lounged around his mansion in a bathrobe ope... more »
CBC. Public Broadcasting Goes To The Wall.
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 22 hours ago
*The Crumbling Mainstream Press and Media in Canada.*
Written by Robin Mathews
Part Three. The CBC. Public Broadcasting Goes To The Wall.
*It was “The National”, and it was April 24.*
I don’t very often watch television, and so the experience was shocking –
to watch on a large screen what is believed by many to be one of the most
informative news productions in Canada.
Not a television watcher, I saw - perhaps – what others don’t normally
see: “Infopropaganda” – a combination of show business, technological
sleight-of-hand, “celebrity”, dress-up, make-up, and... more »
Dancin' With Rahm And Cory-- Our New Guest Blogger Is No Fan Of The Third Way Politicians
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Last week, *Politico* ran a story about Rahm Emanuel's narcisistic
television show on CNN, Chicagoland. Hadas Gold's [no relation to Ari Gold]
article accused Rahm and his team of colluding with CNN.
Gold asserted that Rahm and his staff would read over scripts, direct
camera angles, and oversee music selection in order to yield an artistic
result that painted the Mayor and his administration in a good light. So
yes, while much of Chicago burned, Rahm was busy looking at himself on
"Final Cut."
More than 700 emails show that the production team, led by executive
producer Marc L... more »
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