10:37pm MDST
Enbridge`s Northern Gateway Pipeline Project Is Dead, Reason Number 1, Oil Tanker Wrecks and Explosions

[image: Oil tanker listing off Japan after explosion]
Breaking News not reported in Canada`s Mainstream Media.....May 29th 2014
998 tonne oil tanker has exploded today off the coast of Japan..
Fortunately the tanker had just unloaded it`s oil cargo...
One missing after explosion on Japan oil tanker
"*Television footage showed the approximately 80-metre ship listing heavily
as at least two jets doused the badly-charred centre of the vessel.*
*Himeji port is one of a number that sit along the Inland Seto Sea coast,
where there are numerous pockets of heavy ... more »
Will North Carolina Veterans Remember Richard Burr In 2016?

In the segment above, Rachel Maddow put into context Richard Burr's
deranged attack on American veterans groups. A politicized lawnmower
salesman who avoided military service himself, Burr claims to be a distant
relative of Aaron Burr, who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. This Burr
is also the ranking Republican on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee,
not the Senate Lawnmower And Small Appliances Committee. As far as I can
tell, the only thing Burr-- the lawnmower guy, not the duelist-- ever did
for veterans is to make sure that veterans who are declared insane or who
have ... more »
Such Growing Anxiety Among the Well-Heeled That PR Game Needs Prince of Wales/Multi-Billionaire Rothschild To Make Plea for Tolerance? (Revolution Taking Reins/Heads Rolling Feared)
Let me try 'splainin' it to you, again, Ricky. If there is no guilt felt,
there is no guilt. Clear yet? Keep trying. If you hear it enough (and see
it acted out everywhere too much), pretty soon you'll believe it too! And
if not, they've got a lot more tricks in the works. From our very clever
friends at Wall Street on Parade. Try to Contain Your Laughter: Prince
Charles and Lady de
The Daily "Near You?"
Fremont, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “The Mysterious Play of Forces”
*“The Mysterious Play of Forces”*
by Chet Raymo
“I have often quoted here the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, mostly from the
“Duino Elegies” or “The Sonnets of Orpheus.” We now have a new translation
of Rilke's earlier “The Book of Hours”, by Susan Ranson, which I have been
reading, and I offer a short poem from the “First Book: The Book of Monkish
"I find your trace in all these things, in all
that like a brother I am careful for;
you sun yourself, a seed, within the small
and in the great give yourself the more.
This the mysterious play of forces, then,
that serve in things, over ... more »
“Sharing Grief: Opening to Receive Comfort”
*“Sharing Grief: Opening to Receive Comfort”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Grief is part of the human experience, and sharing our vulnerability helps
create truly close bonds. When we experience something that causes us to
feel shock and sadness, we may feel the urge to withdraw from life. It may
seem like remaining withdrawn will keep us protected from the world, but
during these times it is important to reach out to those trusted and
precious people who care about us the most. Even with our best information
and reasoning, we never know when someone else’s experience or perspect... more »
"Everything Is Backwards..."
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy
knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information
and religions destroy spirituality" - Michael Ellner
Aren't you tired of this, Good Citizen?
Satire: “Obama Defends Controversial Policy of Not Invading Countries for No Reason”
*“Obama Defends Controversial Policy of Not Invading Countries for No
by Andy Borowitz
WEST POINT (The Borowitz Report)— “President Obama raised eyebrows with his
West Point commencement address Wednesday by offering a defense of his
controversial foreign-policy doctrine of not invading countries for no
reason. Conservative critics were taken aback by Obama’s speech, which was
riddled with incendiary remarks about only using military force for a
clearly identified and rational purpose. Obama did not shy away from
employing polarizing rhetoric, often using words such as “r... more »
[January 2013 CBS Video] Obama Brags About Liberating Libya
Arming tens of thousands of Jihadist terrorists and destabilizing a country
equals "liberation" in Obama's confused mind. In his version of a
"liberated Libya" *murderous extremists like Mohamed al-Zawahi, leader of
Ansar al-Sharia*, have been empowered, government institutions have broken
down, oil wells have been shut down by NATO-armed criminals, and anarchy
reigns in most of the country. But, go ahead, brag away, your evil empire
deposed a tin-pot dictator in a small African nation. How big of you.
Libya On The Edge of Collapse, Every Single Institution Is Failing
*"We came, we saw, he died. Then we left, and many more died." *
An excerpt from, *"Libya: Facing Economic Collapse in 2014"* by Mohsin Khan
and Svetlana Milbert, Atlantic Council, January 23, 2014:
For 2014, two possible scenarios emerge. In the optimistic scenario, oil
production comes back online, as it did in 2012, and export revenues and
international reserves return to their normal levels. Growth would increase
sharply during 2014, much as it did in 2012. The IMF and the World Bank
subscribe to this scenario and are projecting real GDP to increase by
around 25 percent in 2014... more »
Annals of Military Spending: When the press flack's an admiral, are you gonna call him a liar?

*Plus: There's "fox news" at Foggy Bottom*
*Oh, for Pete's sake! Is there some kind of substance-abuse problem in the
DWT Photo Archives? What I asked for was insignia or something to
illustrate a rear admiral -- like, you know, snazzy insignia or something.
I didn't think I had to specify for a U.S. Navy rear admiral. But this is
clearly a Star Trek rear admiral pin. Ay-yay-yay!*
*by Ken*
Surely the "In the Loop" item (courtesy of our WaPo pals Al Kamen and Colby
Itkowitz) we're about to read has sufficient news value in itself. I'm
betting you'll be happy to be brought up to dat... more »
Gold items of note May 28 , 2014 -- Today' best articles for a big picture view on gold , gold manipulations , China's influence on gold , security concerning ( how to prevent theft of gold reserves ) , and a look at conspiracy ( it takes two to tango )
Austrian central bank says gold audit is routine -- and secret
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2014-05-28 15:30. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:25a ET Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The audit of its gold reserves vaulted at the Bank of England that last
week was reported being planned by the Austrian central bank --
-- has been conducted and was part of a routine series of audits by the
bank and its results will not be made public, a bank spokesman said today.
The bank spokesman, Christian Gutlederer, commented in response to an
... more »
Market mayhem looming ? May 28 , 014 --Death of money coming says James Rickards......... Bonds and stocks disconnecting once again ( let's examine how that played out in 2011 ) .... Gold has been under pressure for several weeks - going back to May 5th - just pressure for the looming Jun delivery contract at Comex or is something else brewing ? With Abenomic having wiped out Japan's trade accounts , what is the next Act if any for re-lifting Japan's economy ?
'Death of money': Author Rickards predicts collapse of global monetary
Published time: May 28, 2014 19:43
Edited time: May 28, 2014 22:36
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Budget, China, Crisis, Currencies,Economy, Government Spending, India,Iran,
Markets, Natural resources,Resources, Russia, Russia and the global economy
The collapse of the monetary system awaits the world in the near future,
says financial expert James Rickards. Russia and China's desire to ri... more »
Pink Slime redux May 25 , 2014 ..... it's what for dinner ! And a couple dozen other items even worse than being " slimed " ...... Bon Appetit !
Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
<h1 class="title" style="font-size: 1.25em; line-height:
20.833332061767578px; margin: 0px auto; padding-bottom: 5px;"
Syria. Ukraine. Election Spin? And more!
Yup, it 's about Syria.... and the election. Coming up in a little less
then a week. Have you noticed the coverage? In the NATO media? Of course,
it is all negative. To quote the BBC "A parody of democracy"
Unlike that laughable election in the Ukraine. The one that resulted in the
election of, wait for it, an oligarch!
A member/participant, beneficiary of an Oligarchy But that was an exercise
in democracy, applauded by most western tyrannies, particularly two of
the most violent nations on the planet, US, Israel applaud *Ukrainian
election* results.
While we are speaking of that... more »
Just got this video from our protest at the "christening" of the Zumwalt
"stealth" destroyer in Bath on April 12.
Thanks to Pete Sirois for this video.
THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY is a history of neoconservatism and its influence
on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East during the first decade of the
twenty-first century.
Written after years of extensive research, THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY
contains over 550 pages, including more than 1200 footnotes and some 120
pages of bibliography. The book has been meticulously researched with every
aspect of the history fully supported with primary evidence, much of it
from the neoconservatives themselves.
The book is a must for all those interested in the history of
neoconservatism, the recent hi... more »
The Language of Newspapers
So I wrote a letter to a national newspaper noting that a group was
pro-choice. I used gender neutral language.
The letter was printed but the group was called, after the letter was
edited by the national newspaper, pro-abortion and the gender neutral
language was gone.
Hmmn, somehow the sense changed!!!
"To the Class of 2014: You're 'Screwed'"
*"To the Class of 2014: You're 'Screwed'" *
by Bill Bonner
"We're still on our commencement day address, where our callow graduates
find out that they've been set up.
Dear Class of '14: Except in the sciences and engineering, a college
education may do more harm than good. As I explained yesterday, to be
taught, studied and learned, the arts and humanities must be reduced to a
caricature. People are turned into stick figures. Complex story lines
become narratives so simple even a college student can understand them.
You're young. And now you're leaving school, you can begin to lear... more »
Is There a More Loathsome American than John Kerry?

Today the finger-wagger was out early and with a vengeance, determined to
prove that he is the winner of the most disgusting and embarrassing
American of 2014. The Secretary of State, with his chronic diarrhea of the
mouth and increasingly shrill holier than thou attitude appeared on morning
network television in all of his elitist Skull and Bones puckered asshole
glory. The occasion was of course to once again smear former government
contractor turned heroic NSA whistleblower as a "traitor"and a "coward" and
demanding that Snowden "man up" whatever that means. The flaming liberal ... more »
Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras

*Source: Diario Popular (Honduras)Date: 05.23.2014*
*Cryptozoology: An Extraordinary Fishfall Over Honduras*
The mysterious phenomenon affected the region of Yoro. While there is no
evidence that can scientifically explain this fact, it could be due to a
meteorological phenomenon.
A torrential storm left a "fishfall" in a village of northern Honduras.
This curious phenomenon has caused both incredulity and headaches among
scientists, according to reports appearing this Friday in the local press.
Residents of La Unión, Department of Yoro, some 300 km to the north of the
capital, ... more »
Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner

*Source: www.analuisacid.com.mxDate: 05.28.2014*
*Mexico: Unusual Light Photographed over Airliner*
Contributing Editor *Ana Luisa Cid* has kindly provided us with this
photograph. She writes: *"In Mexico City airport, before the arrival of the
flight to Veracruz. A UFO? Small spheres are also visible in the upper left
hand corner of the photo. The original [photograph] is very large. This is
a reduced image. The sequence of photos was taken with only seconds of
difference between them, at 10:51 a.m. on 25 May 2014."*
Inexplicata Podcasts covering items from UFO / paranormal histor... more »
Republican Young Widow Rescued From Heartless GOP Indifference… By Nancy Pelosi

Bill and Beverly Young, tireless advocates for veterans
Republicans and their Hate Talk Radio echo chamber have worked for years
and years to demonize Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the House of
Representatives, an accomplished political leader and icon every American
should be proud of, regardless of disagreeing with her on some issues (as I
do-- and as I am). But a story that broke last night in the Tampa Bay area
(good ole FL-13) should make even the most hard-hearted Republican
partisans sit up and take notice.
We've been covering FL-13 over the last year or so because ... more »
General Sisi Disappoints At The Polls, Egyptian State Media Loses Its Mind, Syrian Regime Gets A Vote of Confidence, And Assad Is Looking Like $327 Million Bucks
1. An excerpt from, *"Lower Egypt voter turnout threatens Sisi mandate"* by
Yasmine Saleh and Michael Georgy, Reuters, May 28, 2014:
*Turnout was 44.4 percent of Egypt's 54 million voters, according to the
judicial sources.*
*That would be less than the 40 million votes, or 80 percent of the
electorate, that Sisi had called for last week.*
The lower than expected turnout figure raises questions about Sisi's
credibility as leader of the Arab world's most populous nation.
It would also suggest that he had failed to rally the overwhelming support
he hoped for after toppling Egypt's fi... more »
Going for Gold?

ITV's Tom Bradby had something of a scoop today when 'a senior government
source' told him that Sebastian Coe is "the clear front runner" [just like
he was in the 1980 and 1984 Olympics] to take over from Chris Patten as
Chairman of the BBC Trust.
There are a few hurdles left to clear and obstacles that can be placed in
his way, but I am told he is interested and that he enjoys the firm support
of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor. Given that this is basically a
Number Ten appointment, that should more or less settle it.
The prospect of one Conservative peer replacing anothe... more »
Eireport: Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension

*Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass”
consciousness ascension*
by ÉirePort
Platforms of Illumination have been created to support "mass" consciousness
Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric
attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind.
Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time.
Elevation of humanity to Hue-manity on "mass" scale occurs is accelerated.
ÉirePort | May 27, 2014 at 9:22 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Americans are eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are not being seriously tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). How much danger can GMOs be to our health? Here Paul Craig Roberts has accepted biotechnologist Tom Mysiewicz as a Guest Contributor to his blog explaining the bad things that GMO's have already, or might eventually, wreak on us if we consume foods with high GMO contents. It's an eye opener.

*Weaponized Agriculture — Tom Mysiewicz*
May 26, 2014 | Guest Contribution | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Weaponized Agriculture*
*Tom Mysiewicz is a biotechnologist. In this article he shares with us his
conclusions about the dangers of GMO crops.*
By Tom Mysiewicz
Recently, an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Russia—the National
Association for Genetic Safety–began working closely with the Russian ... more »
*IG: NOPD doesn't have enough cops answering service calls ~WWLTV *
*No escape if you’re late: Even small surges will flood sections of I-10
east and west ~Bob Marshall, The Lens*
*Drones are newest hurricane research tools ~AP via Washington Post*
*New Orleans Advocate reporters being compelled to testify in Telly Hankton
case ~Justin Mustien, New Orleans Advocate*
*A New Orleans Bicycle Wedding!*
*25th Annual Crawfish Fest in New Jersey to Host New Orleans’ Finest
Musicians ~Nick Fitanides *
*The Shuck-town All Stars: Oyster Fest 2014 ~NOLA DEFENDER*
More Piketty Readings
1. Jim Hamilton
2. Per Krusell and Tony Smith
3. James Galbraith
4. *Update*: Debraj Ray
TV Quiz time
Only two characters appeared in every episode of the original series of
Dallas 1978-1991, who?
Answer tomorrow evening...

- The disclosures that Glenn Greenwald will soon be releasing the names
of activists across the US who are being spied on by the government should
stir the pot a bit. Can't wait to see those sparks fly.
- The Russia-China deal to build a natural gas pipeline, and to trade in
some currency other than dollars, will only increase the oil-i-garchy's
desire to take them both down. That means we will see even more
demonization (if that can be possible) of both countries in the corporate
dominated media.
- I was watching a CBS-TV interview with John Kerry t... more »
The Realist Report - Marc from Canada

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Marc from
Canada. Marc and I will be discussing Dimitri Khalezov and 9/11. Has
Dimitri figured out what actually happened on 9/11 and who was resposnible?
Calls are welcome!
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit the *AFP Radio
Network* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Mike Harari, Mossad, and 9/11 - John Friend*
- *The Nuclear Truth About 9/11 (Photos)*
- *911thology Dimitri Khalezov*
- *The Third Truth - 9/11 by... more »
Prince Philip from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Oh, I can guess.... But I hardly need to.
*"Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be
for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be
important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the
greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake
so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” *
*- Julian Huxley, UNESCO: It's Purpose and Philosophy, 1946*
Who Does Scott Brown Want To See Suffer?

There's a reason Elizabeth Warren is concerned that Scott Brown is trying
to make a comeback-- no matter how far fetched by running against centrist
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, who is up in every single poll so far. Warren's
antipathy for Brown goes back far before she ran against him and defeated
him when he was still claiming to be from Massachusetts.
In her new book, A Fighting Chance, Warren gives the reader a fascinating
behind the curtain look at the battle for the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, which was nearly derailed by Brown's surprise election.
Even before Brown's ... more »
Don't Eat Chicken! (Piketty Picks Them Apart)
Or eat it at your peril. I haven't eaten chicken regularly (unless I'm a
guest where only it is served) in two decades - mirroring, as a matter of
fact, the rise of Tyson Foods (remember how they so lavishly funded
home-boy Willy as well as everyone else who would accept their filthy
lucre?) and the overwhelming takeover of family farms by heavy-industry
meat production. As if it could get
Quiet in Jaco on Tuesday

We were both kinda tired today, so we got up and ran, I jumped in the pool,
made Kurt breakfast, switched over my laundry, and then ended up napping
some on the couch. Kurt had a headache, as I do not think he is drinking
enough here, which he needs to do with the weather being different. He
took a nap as well, and when we both woke up, I made us both smoothies for
lunch. Kurt's was grapes, passion fruit and pineapples and he loved the
odd combination. And, it got rid of his headache!
We decided to head into town then to check out another store we had heard
about. Bought ... more »
Operation Mind-Fuck: The Scandal behind "The Scandal of Scientology" - by Paulette Cooper

*The Scandal behind "The Scandal of Scientology"By Paulette Cooper*
*"Bomb threat" against the New York Church of Scientology, supposedly from
en:Paulette Cooper but actually a forgery created by the Church's "Guardian
Office". c. 1982*
You may not believe this, but you can write something that some group
doesn't approve of and then have a quarter of your life almost ruined.
I know because it happened to me.
I haven't previously written about this from beginning to end because it’s
still painful, but here goes. In 1968 I was a struggling New York
freelance writer, searching f... more »
Sometimes bad is bad.
I find the strangest things to get angry about. Maybe it's because there's
so much anger waiting for an opening, maybe because I'm a cranky,
intolerant language snob -- who knows, but when reading about some
scientific dispute over inflation and the early universe in Time ( yes, I
know, what did I expect?) some undoubtedly young know-it-all journalist
felt good about defining the word Schmutz as used by a scientist by going
to the Urban Dictionary, instead of a German dictionary. (yes, God forbid
an American should speak some other language than "Urban")
So what does it mean when ... more »
His Twisted World
If the Santa Barbara killer had managed to survive what he called his "day
of retribution," I think it's a safe bet that some high-priced Beverly
Hills lawyer would already be invoking the Affluenza Defense right about
now. The differential diagnosis would be Peter Pan Psychosis, or in
layman's terms, severe Arrested Development.
Spoiled, entitled brat does not even begin to describe Elliot Rodger. And
even allowing for the fact that he is obviously an "unreliable narrator" of
his own "My Twisted World" life story, the fact that his killing spree was
financed by indulgent parents c... more »
Australian Ex-Prime Minister Confirms Israel Attacked The United States (Video)
Living in Canada, I have had to tread carefully in my articles when it
comes to the criminality of the Jews and especially their criminally
psychotic state of Israel. Few Canadians still know that in 1974 on
behalf of the Jewish B'nai B'rith and the Canadian Jewish Defense League
the Canadian Government passed "hate crime" laws that made it a criminal
offense to criticize or even question the most unholy Jewish "holocaust" of
the second World War. Those laws were passed in Parliament in Ottawa
without the vast majority of Canadians being made aware of their passage!
With these... more »
Kingslayer Hockey Editon

For those of you not in the know. The NHL playoffs are the World Cup and
more of hockey. Right now the Montreal Canadiens and New York Rangers are
in a deathmatch. It was game five and Montreal only needed on more blow to
bow out. The New York Rangers had moved through the sludge of battle with a
King. King Henry a Vezina candidate had made most enemies totally frustrate.
Faced with sudden death all warriors pay attention. We see over and over
again why sudden death does not produce the greatest politicians. In hockey
and other sports it defines the athlete. In the playoffs many peo... more »
Nevada Dad Asked to Pay $10,194 to See Common Core Data on His Children

Bill Gates is a master at using his calculated generosity to make the world
dependent upon the technologies that his drones are engineering and his
worker bees are mass producing. Common Core’s move to online testing and
the federal extortion efforts to require massive data collection systems on
students and teachers are but two small examples.
If the oligarchs get their way, by the time your kindergartner gets ready
for a career, he will not need a resume—our corporate government will have
a full dossier on every child in America that ever went to school, with
full profiles on... more »
PUK Makes Comeback In Kurdish Provincial Elections But With Charges Of Fraud

After coming in third place in Iraqi Kurdistan’s Parliamentary Elections in
2013, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) finished second in the
region’s provincial balloting. Kurdish local voting took place at the same
time as Iraqis chose their new parliament on April 30, 2014. This did not
occur without controversy however as the other major parties all accused
the PUK of fraud. This would be quite a comeback if the results are
finalized, but the charges of cheating may hang over the party and make it
an empty victory in the end.
The PUK came in a surprising 2nd in Kurdistan's 2... more »
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014*
*Part 2—A disturbing situation obscured:* In last week’s Economic Scene
column, the New York Times’ Eduardo Porter painted a remarkable portrait of
some American schools.
Porter discussed “the persistent gulf in the test results between the rich
and the poor” in our public schools. For our previous report, click here.
On average, kids from lower-income families perform much less well in
reading and math. Next week, we’ll quantify some of these gaps in academic
Low-income kids do much less well. In this remarkable passage, Porter
described the... more »
If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of the cypress trees”
If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of the cypress
trees”. via If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of
the cypress trees”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Ted Lieu Doesn't Have To Promise He'll Protect Californians From Domestic Spying-- He's Already Written The Legislation That Does
State Senator Ted Lieu
Yesterday we looked at the critical primaries coming up next Tuesday. One
of the most important is for Henry Waxman's House seat on the Westside of
L.A.-- Santa Monica, Venice, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Manhattan Beach, El
Segundo, Redondo Beach, Westwood. Blue America, as we said, did a dual
endorsement for a primary that will yield two finalists for the November
general election. Our picks were state Senator Ted Lieu, a proven
progressive leader and champion of working families, and Marianne
Williamson, an independent progressive and cutting-edge thought leader.... more »
*Do the Math: How Opportunity Costs Multiply Tuition*
Derek* attended a Christian liberal arts college. He majored in Youth
Ministry and graduated with roughly $80,000 in debt. After graduation, he
was hired to work about three hours a week as one of two youth group
leaders at his church, where I met him. The other group leader had a day
job as a salesman for a small business, for which he had no schooling
Crippled by his debt, Derek was forced to move back in with his parents
after he graduated. He supplemented his tiny youth leader income by taking
a job at a mental... more »
The Word From Carson

Bruce Carson has written a book about his years as a Harper operative. Now
he is doing the interview circuit. Jason Fekete writes in *The National
Post* that:
A former senior aide to Stephen Harper says the prime minister is prone to
fits of anger, that his public dispute with the Supreme Court’s chief
justice is ill-advised and that Harper is the kind of leader who would want
to have known details of the $90,000 payment to Sen. Mike Duffy.
Bruce Carson, a former senior aide to Harper from 2004 to 2009, also said
Tuesday in an interview with CBC News that the prime minister “has a... more »
Tech in the News May 28 , 2014 -- iPhones frozen by hackers demanding ransom People around the world have found their iPads and iPhones frozen by hackers who are demanding cash ransoms to unlock their devices ......... Wikileaks names US cellphone spy target as Afghanistan, claims Google staffer was involved ..... Additional items of note !
iPhones frozen by hackers demanding ransomPeople around the world have
found their iPads and iPhones frozen by hackers who are demanding cash
ransoms to unlock their devices
[image: Close-up detail of man holding new iPhone 5 smart phone showing
screen with many apps]
iPhone and iPad users have been hit by hackers demanding ransoms to unlock
their devices Photo: Alamy
By Matthew Sparkes
11:13AM BST 27 May 2014
[image: Comments]430 Comments
Owners of *iPhones* and iPads have been targete... more »
Mike's Story Part 34: Hash Browns
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
Someone asked an intelligent question about the last post: Did the
prospective buyer just want to shut Mike up? Of course, we don't know
other people's motives but in terms of investigative journalism, shutting
Mike up by that time was supererogatory. He understood that that was the
condition on which he'd be allowed to survive in the U.S. and he accepted
it; that was why he was selling the website in the first place. For all
the speaking out he did after 2006 in the movie Collapse or the Vice series
or on Facebook, he was reiterating already known... more »
Coverage from Australian TV network:
South Korea's government is cracking down on protests against a
controversial new naval base.
The base, being built on the environmentally sensitive Jeju Island, will
serve as a key port for the Korean and US navies.
Protestors say the base puts their country at risk and they're prepared to
go to jail rather than be silenced.
Fukushima Nuclear Debacle Updates May 28 , 2014 -- It would appear the next chapter of the Fukushima disaster looms as the plant and equipment break down , truth about the status at Fukushima will be shrouded in darkness due to the state secrets act , finally the truth that not just Japan but the entire planet is at risk voiced .... Tepco will build ice wall ( and probably cause sinking of the ground around the reactor and turbine building...... gross understatement of radioactive materials by Tepco _ I'm shocked , shocked ......
Fukushima Diary....
Tepco concealed 1,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 detected from
groundwater for 9 months
Posted by *Mochizuki* on May 28th, 2014 · No Comments
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Related to this article.. *5,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured
from groundwater last July / Tepco not announced for half a year* [URL]
On 5/28/2014, Tepco announced that they actually detected 1,000,000,000
Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 from groundwater 9 months ago. They also measured
580,000,000 ~ 890,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 from a... more »
Ukraine and Russia natural gas tug of War May 28 , 2014 ( additional front line news for South East Ukraine ) -- Russia bottom line : Russia will be prepared to continue negotiations with Ukraine concerning gas prices if Ukraine pays off $2 billion worth of its debt before the end of the week . During the meeting, the sides discussed the terms for a payment of $2.5 billion, including the $2-billion debt as of the end of March, which Naftogaz of Ukraine will be required to pay off before the end of this week, Novak said. The remaining $500 million should be transferred by June 7 as part of payment for gas delivered in May, he added. "We are ready to continue our talks concerning the price when the payments arrive," Novak said, Interfax reports.
( Here we go....)
Russia Tells Kiev "It Is Ready To Provide Humanitarian Aid" To East Ukraine
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/28/2014 07:28 -0400
- Ukraine
Some were confused by the latest bout of radio-silence emanating from the
Kremlin in the aftermath of both the "Chocolate King" winning the Ukraine
presidential election, and the most recent escalation of fighting in
self-proclaimed as independent Republic of Donetsk, in which mo... more »
Boko Haram running rampant in nigeria , Nigeria government still unable to control these insurgents or find the missing girls.....
Boko Haram Kills 54 in Northern Nigeria AttacksLargest Attack Targeted
Troops, Police
by Jason Ditz, May 27, 2014
Print This | Share This
Boko Haram has killed at least 54 people across northern Nigeria in
multiple attacks over the past 24 hours, including a major raid on the Yobe
town of Buni Yadi.
The Buni Yadi attack started late Monday night, with militants showing up
in an APC and several pickup trucks, firing in the air until the military
and police showed up, and then killing 45 security personnel.
In addition, multiple villages were attacked in Borno State. As with past
attack... more »
Chinese model and the Humanitarian Imperialism
I am fascinated by Chinese model because despite extreme neo-imperial
opposition and complete ostracism by the so-called international community,
it emerged as a regional and global powerhouse. With a nominal GDP of $9
trillion; and a per capita income ranging from $6700 to $10,000; and a
manufacturing base which has flooded the world with Chinese-made products,
it is now the envy of the Third World.
From the Second World War to the 21st century the neo-imperialists
successfully exploited the third world, but after China’s accession to the
World Trade Organization in 2001 things cha... more »
*Sophisticated attempt to MEASURE the influence of CO2 finds it to be
Tiny warming of residual anthropogenic CO2
François Gervais
The residual fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions which has not been
captured by carbon sinks and remains in the atmosphere, is estimated by two
independent experimental methods which support each other: the 13C/12C
ratio and the temperature-independent fraction of d(CO2)/dt on a yearly
scale after subtraction of annual fluctuations the amplitude ratio of which
reaches a factor as large as 7. The anthropogenic fraction is then used to
ev... more »
Australian Navy to Follow US Biofuel Move

[image: Anzak class frigate]The Royal Australian Navy will be converting
its ships to be biofuel ready within six years in response to the US Navy’s
move to biofuel use.
The Australian newspaper reports that this will ensure the Australian navy
can continue to cooperate with the US, which is expected to have its fleet
converted by 2020.
A common approach is seen as critical for joint operations involving
Australian and US warships and aircraft, as fuel is exchanged if required.
Read more
Oto Melara 76/62 Super Rapid guns selected for Iraqi Navy Corvettes

[image: Oto Melara 76/62 Super Rapid gun]OTO Melara goes aboard the Musa
Bin Nasir and Tariq Bin Ziyad corvettes, as part of an agreement being
finalized between Fincantieri and the Iraqi government.
The vessels will be equipped with 76/62 guns, one of the most successful
solutions of the company.
The 76/62 Super Rapid (SR) Gun Mount is a light weight, rapid-fire naval
gun providing unrivalled performance and flexibility in any air defence and
anti-surface role, particularly in anti-missile role.
Read more
Deliveries of Russian MiG Fighters to Syria Maintain Arms Balance in Region – Internal Opposition
[image: MiG-29 Fulcrum]A contract for the supply of Russian MiG fighters to
Syria serves to strike a balance of arms and maintain peace in the region,
a top leader of Syria’s Popular Front for Change and Liberation told RIA
"The Soviet Union has always supplied weapons to Syria. Thus, some balance
in the region was maintained to help us keep the peace, so I think that the
contract is part of this historical strategy," one of the Popular Front’s
leaders Qadri Jamil explained.
If someone tries to disrupt the contract under the pretext of the ongoing
conflict in the country, ... more »
JASSM achieves Final Operational Capability

[image: AGM-158A JASSM]Minister for Defence, Senator David Johnston, today
announced Final Operational Capability (FOC) had been achieved for Project
AIR 5418, the AGM-158A Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile (JASSM).
“The Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile is now fully in service and is
an extremely capable, long range missile that meets the future requirements
of Air Force,” Senator Johnston said.
“Successful JASSM integration forms a key piece of the strike capability
and ensures that Air Force can meet future operational demands.”
Read more
Israel Agrees to Spend Half of Iron Dome Funds in U.S.

[image: Iron Dome]The Israeli government has agreed to spend more than half
the funds the Pentagon provides for its Iron Dome system in the U.S.,
bolstering the political appeal of the missile-defense system in America.
Funds going to U.S. contractors for components of the Israeli-built,
Pentagon-funded system will jump to 30 percent this year and 55 percent
next year from 3 percent previously, according to a U.S. Missile Defense
Agency report to Congress obtained by Bloomberg News.
That amounts to at least $97 million of $176 million requested by the
Defense Department for the com... more »
Diehl signed a cooperation agreement with Elbit Systems on A400M protection system

[image: A400M]Diehl Defence signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with
Elbit Systems, to equip the Bundeswehr´s Airbus A400M transport aircraft
with its self-protection system.
The agreement was signed at the International Aviation and Space Exhibition
(ILA) in Berlin on May 20.
Diehl combines three of Elbit System´s J-MUSIC™ (Multi-Spectral Infrared
Countermeasure) systems into a multi-turret DIRCM (Directed Infrared
Counter Measure) system ensuring complete 360° protection of the aircraft.
Read more
Guard Yourself (From The Unsafe Nature Of Gardasil) Documentary by Joe Ferdman

*Published on May 27, 2014*
A documentary short that exposes the unsafe nature of the Gardasil vaccine
by Joe Ferdman.
Please, do your research before you decide whether HPV vaccines are right
for you.
HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports up to April 2014
DescriptionTotalDisabled1,129Deaths165Did Not Recover6,977Abnormal Pap Smear
570Cervical Dysplasia241Cervical Cancer78Life Threatening627Emergency Room
11,562Hospitalized3,614Extended Hospital Stay247Serious4,828Adverse Events
*Source of the above chart:*
*Sane Vax, Inc.*
IAF Makes 'Extreme' Decision To Cancel Training Flights

[image: IAF F-15I Eagle]IAF fighter jet commanders were informed on Tuesday
evening that due to IDF budget cuts it was decided that starting next
Sunday, no more training flights will be conducted.
According to the decision, flights would only be carried out as part of
actual operations, in instances requiring on-call alertness and at flight
school. All training would be halted.
The commanders were told to let pilots in the reserves know that the
cutting of training includes them as well, according to Walla!. The
decision was made with the support of Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon a... more »
Pilot Killed as MiG-21 Fighter Crashes in Jammu and Kashmir

[image: Remains of crashed MiG-21]A MiG-21 fighter jet belonging to the
Indian Air Force (IAF) crashed in South Kashmir district of Anantnag in
Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, killing the pilot on the spot.
“One MiG-21 of the IAF crashed some 10 km short of Awantipore airbase in
South Kashmir atabout 10:48am,” Defence Spokesman Lt Col N N Josh said.
The jet crashed in an open field in Mudhama village on the outskirts of
Bijbehara town, causing a deep crater on the ground.
Read more
First flight for RAF Waddington’s new Rivet Joint spy plane
The Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft based at RAF Waddington has been
flown in UK airspace for the first time.
The UK Rivet Joint RC-135W signals intelligence aircraft at RAF Waddington
is the first of three that the MOD have bought from the US as part of the
Airseeker programme.
The aircraft will replace the retired Nimrod fleet, and will provide the UK
with a world class real-time signals intelligence and surveillance
capability for forces in the air and on the ground.
Read more
Royal Navy takes over Culdrose air base Hawk jets

[image: Hawk T1 jet]Fast jets operating out of the Royal Naval Air Station
at Culdrose in Cornwall have been returned to full military control.
The 14 Hawk T1 jets now make up 736 Naval Air Squadron and are flown by
military and civilian pilots.
Until recently the aircraft were operated by private contractor SERCO.
Read more
RNZN's maritime helicopter flies with Penguin missiles in test flight
[image: Kaman SH-2G(I) Super Seasprite]A Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN)
Kaman SH-2G(I) Super Seasprite maritime helicopter fitted with Penguin
anti-ship missiles underwent a successful test flight on 22 May at Kaman
Aerospace's facilities in Connecticut, USA, said the RNZN.
The Penguin Mk 2 Mod 7 missiles are supplied by Norwegian company Kongsberg
Defence Systems under a contract announced in November 2013 to replace the
RNZN's AGM-65D Maverick air-to-surface missiles.
The 385 kg Penguin can deliver a 120 kg semi-armour piercing warhead over a
range of 34 km, combining inertial midc... more »
Northrop Grumman Selected to Provide Turbine Generator Units For US Navy's Ohio Replacement Submarine Program

[image: Ohio class replacement]Northrop Grumman Corporation has been
awarded a contract by shipbuilder General Dynamics Electric Boat to
complete detailed design and subsequent manufacturing, assembly,
qualification and delivery of the first turbine generator units for the
Ohio Replacement Program (ORP), the U.S. Navy's next-generation ballistic
nuclear submarine.
The turbine generators provide all of the submarine's propulsion and other
electrical power requirements. The ORP represents the first Navy
nuclear-powered submarine to incorporate electric drive since 1974.
This award f... more »
*Lake foundation asks Corps to hold up action on permit for fracking oil
well ~Faimon A. Roberts*
Russia’s Navy: More rust than ready

[image: Kuzetsov]On May 8, the British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dragon
sailed from the naval base at Portsmouth on an urgent mission — to find and
follow the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov and six accompanying vessels
steaming through the English Channel.
“A Russian task group of this size has not passed by our shores in some
time,” said Rex Cox, Dragon’s captain.
True, the Russian navy has been more active in recent months. Moscow
annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula with its strategic ports and asserted
itself with troop, ship and warplane deployments along the frontier between... more »
Senate Bill Would Create Separate Fund for New Trident Submarine
[image: Ohio class SSBN]A Senate defense panel wants to create a separate
fund to underwrite the nation's new nuclear-armed submarine fleet, a step
the House also supports.
The Senate Armed Services Committee's mark-up of its annual defense
authorization legislation calls for the establishment of a "National
Sea-based Deterrence Fund" to finance the construction of new submarines to
replace today's Ohio-class ballistic missile vessels, according to a
detailed panel summary of the bill released on Friday.
The Democratic-controlled committee approved the legislation on Thursday by
a ... more »
How an Order for 10 Submarines Led to Misleading News on the Economy

[image: Virginia class SSN]Good news: Orders for durable goods — motor
vehicles, machinery, computers and other long-lasting items — rose in
April, according to data released Tuesday by the Department of Commerce.
Most economists expected a decline.
But if we dig into the manufacturing sector data, we see that the U.S.
government ordered 10 submarines from General Dynamics in April; that deal
was worth nearly $18 billion.
Although the whole order doesn’t count in April’s data, enough of it was
allotted to skew the month’s headline number.
Read more
“The Biggest Thing In The Universe Is So Gigantic It Shouldn't Exist At All”
*“The Biggest Thing In The Universe Is So Gigantic It Shouldn't Exist At
All” *
by Jacqueline Howard
“What's the biggest known structure in the universe? Astronomers used to
think it was a "filament" of galaxies known as the Sloan Great Wall. But
recent research suggests a different structure is even bigger- and its size
has astronomers scratching their heads. Meet the Hercules-Corona Borealis
Great Wall (Her-CrB GW). Check it out in the video below:
"The Her-CrB GW is larger than the theoretical upper limit on how big
universal structures can be," Dr. Jon Hakkila, an astrophysics ... more »
Urgent: Call Your State Representatives In California & Say, "Vote Yes On SB 1381"

[image: Foto: This is IT, California! This is the week #SB1381 goes to the
Senate Floor and the only way it will win is if YOU unite with us. Please
take a short time out of your day. Californians ONLY, call your
representative ONLY! Go to http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/ and call
your representative. Tell them you are a constituent and you live in
__________ city. Ask them to vote YES on SB 1381. That's all it takes to
move SB 1381 out of the Senate and on to the Assembly. #LabelGMOs!]
Share this with a vengeance please. Do not forget biotech stopped Prop 37
with lies and $4... more »
Two fathers respond to the Isla Vista shooting -- the only problem is that one is a journalistic joke

*We don't need any stinking Magic 8 Ball. Tonight to read the future we
have . . . the Great Punditto!*
*"The war against euphemism matters most because it forces us to look at
the truth we already know. The actual consequences of the N.R.A. and the
gun policy it frightens those craven politicians into sponsoring is the
death of kids like Christopher Michael-Martinez. This truth may not triumph
tomorrow, but the truth remains the truth."*
*-- Adam Gopnik, in a Sunday newyorker.com post,*
"Christopher Michael-Martinez's Father Gets it Right"
*by Ken*
*The New Yorker*'s Adam Gopnik b... more »
Alan Waldman : ‘Luther’ is a dark, powerful English thriller featuring a star turn by Idris Elba
This haunted detective, aided by a deranged former murderess, takes on the
most treacherous London criminals. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | May 27,
2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘Luther’ is a dark, powerful English thriller featuring a star turn by
Idris Elba
Google’s Rachel Carson
[image: Rachel Carson Google doodle]
I see the Google doodle this morning celebrating what would have been
Rachel Carson’s 107th birthday this week, drawing this response from
[image: image]
And this from Lyndsey Field:
[image: image]
Who was Rachel Carson?
She wrote the book that started the modern environmental movement.
Here’s some of what was written about here when her book, *Silent Spring,*turned 50 back in 2012.
- “In *Silent Spring*, Carson crafted a passionate denunciation of
modern technology that drives environmentalist ideology today. At its heart ... more »
More Exposure Of NASA And Their Fraud Space Missions: Is The International Space Station A Hoax? Interesting Video - Bogus Reentry Vehicles (Part I)
I started my road to the truth about our sick world by my exposure to the
fraud of NASA's Project Apollo some 35 years ago.... At that time, I was a
firm believer in NASA and all manned space flights... It was a shock to me,
a man of science, to learn that everything that I had believed about
Project Apollo, and man's 'greatest achievement' to be nothing more than a
massive LIE..... I began to question everything, and over the years have
gone deep down the "rabbit hole" with many important revelations about
exactly what group of criminals actually controls this planet, and how
these... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Monarch Butterflies
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Why Owning Your Own Power Plant Might Not Be Crazy
It’s been three months since we released *The Economics of Grid Defection *exploring
when off-grid solar-plus-battery systems could reach economic parity with
retail electric service. These systems could become competitive with
retail electric service within the next decade for many commercial
customers and for many residential customers in the decade thereafter.
Since the release of our results, the industry has been abuzz with
follow-on commentary considering the implications for utilities, consumers,
and third-party service providers.
Of course, favorable economics do not equat... more »
Psychedelic Intelligence – The C.I.A. and the Counterculture

Apologies readers the last couple of days have been very hectic. Time has
not been on my side, sadly. So, I leave an interesting presentation from Jan
Irvin at Gnostic Media. All the Laurel Canyon addicts will be pleased that
Dave McGowan is a participant in this presentation! Jan did previosly
conduct two interviews with Dave M regarding the Laurel Canyon scene, as
covered in his very awesome book- Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon
[image: Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon]
Yes, I got myself an very nicely autographed copy of the book- Thanks
Dave! Then, another copy to read and share*... more »
Subcomndante Marcos: 'Between Light and Shadow'
In La Realidad [Reality], Planet Earth
May 2014
By Subcomandante Marcos
Excerpt: " ... Given the above, at 2:08 am on May 25, 2014, from the
southeast combat front of the EZLN, I here declare that he who is known
as Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, self-proclaimed “subcomandante of
unrustable steel,” ceases to exist.
That is how it is.
Through my voice the
Important Article: Do You Hate Us, The Jews?
A few weeks back, I came across an interesting article where it seems that
the criminal "Anti-Defamation League" that is run by that troll, Abraham
Foxman, ran an international "poll" where it asked the question to many
people around the world if they "Hate Us. The Jews"?.... The results they
got back was some 26% of respondents giving an answer of "Yes". The
fraudulent ADL put their reports on this poll's findings into the
international media claiming that some 26% of the world is
"anti-semitic". I look at the results differently, where many people are
finally waking up to th... more »
China focus May 28 , 2014 -- Chinese Currency Tumbles To 19-Month Lows As Bad Debts Hit 5 Year Highs ........ Economists discuss China's financial leverage
Chinese Currency Tumbles To 19-Month Lows As Bad Debts Hit 5 Year Highs
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/27/2014 22:27 -0400
- China
- Reserve Currency
As we discussed previously, delinquent loans in China are a problem... and
a growing one. It seems that news is finally starting to filter to a
mainstream audience as Bloomberg reports that China’s biggest banks are
poised to report the highest proportion of bad debts since 2009 after late
payments on loans surged to a five-year high, indicating borrowers are
struggling amid an econ... more »
Ukraine Presidential Election May 25 , 2014 -- Live blog from Kiev Post ( as of time of this post , periodic updates to follow ) , articles from Itar Tass ( overview of Presidential Election ) and Russia Today ( note cyber hacking hits election voting forcing potential manual count ) .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Itar Tass.......
Presidential elections in Ukraine
May 25, 16:23 UTC+4
According to the Central Election Committee, the highest voter
participation is seen in the Kiev and Kirovohrad regions
[image: Kiev]
© ITAR-TASS/Zurab Dzhavakhadze
[image: Kiev]
© ITAR-TASS/Zurab Dzhavakhadze
[image: Kiev]
© ITAR-TASS/Zurab Dzhavakhadze
[image: Kiev]
© ITAR-TASS/Zurab Dzhavakhadze
[image: Kiev]
[image: Kiev]
© ITAR-TASS/Zurab Dzhavakhadze
[image: Kiev]
[image: Dnipropetrovsk]
© ЕРА/FILIP SINGER... more »
John White’s Illegitimate 2013-to-2014 LEAP/iLEAP Comparisons
Whenever Louisiana State Superintendent John White gets his hands on test
scores, there will be problems. He withheld release of the 2014 Louisiana
Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) and Integrated Louisiana Educational
Assessment Program (iLEAP) scores on Friday, May 16, 2014, without
explanation. Today, May 27, 2014, he defended his decision before district
superintendents by telling them […]
America Is Finished: THIS Is What Is WRONG With America - Kim Kardashina's Wedding (Yikes!), Kids React To Old Computers, And A Cat Plays Jenga!
I have indeed been playing "catch up" with what has really been happening
around the world the last few days.... I see the horrendous situation is
still going strong in Ukraine, the newest "reports" on "missing" Malaysian
flight MH370 was just released, the continuing push for more wars by the
criminals in the US government, and of course the horrific decline in our
economies, etc, etc... It seems that things are constantly going from bad
to worse everywhere I look!
I came across the following very important and very truthful report from
Michael Snyder, through the Investment Watch ... more »
Tax Those House-Builders! Or Not?
So on the one hand you have a politician and sundry numpties saying that
the cure for affordable housing is a large and confiscatory Capital Gains
Tax on developers.
And on the other you have a Bill before Parliament admitting that taxation
makes it difficult to supply cheap housing -- otherwise why would they have
introduced a bill to exempt charities?
Can someone please resolve this contradiction?
[Hat tip Julian D.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
America Is Finished: The Collapse Of Consumer Spending In America - 2014 US Retail Downsizing And Store Closings Roundup!
I have again been busy with family and personal business (again) over the
last few days... Only had time to fire off my weekly rant, and have had
little time for surfing the net to keep up with what has been happening
around our sick world.... Yes, there has been a lot of disturbing
happenings everywhere, and again it seems I do have some catching up to do!
I have been watching a very disturbing trend the last while here in
Canada...Business at the local shopping mall is definitely down, with fewer
people walking in the mall and actually shopping in the stores....
Everywhere, busine... more »
Exercise of right to silence on arrest cannot be led against credibility of accused
R. v. Duong, 2014 ONCA 375:
[54] I agree. It was open to the trial judge to reject the
appellant's explanation given at trial because it was not believable and to
use that finding in assessing his credibility. However, here the trial
judge used the appellant's silence when he was first arrested as one basis
for finding him incredible and ultimately rejecting his testimony. This,
he was not entitled to do.
[55] The appellant had a constitutional right to remain silent. The
use of his silence at the time of his arrest as a basis upon which to
reject his trial testimony... more »
Sykes to Co-Lead the Menage of Convenience [update 2]
Despite the tangled menage with the Mana Party in a bid to leverage the
electoral system in their favour, I had imagined Kim DotCon’s Internet
Party were nonetheless serious in the policies they claimed to stand for –
most notably being against the rise of the Surveillance State.
[image: Annette+Sykes+Hone+Harawira+Launches+New+Political+cQUS_vP0rjcl]
With the apparent naming of the Internet Party leader, if true, it would
seem I was mistaken. The leader is apparently Tame Iti’s lawyer and
long-time Maori activist Annette Sykes, until today the Mana Party
Yes, really.... more »
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