May 13: You say tomahto and I say tomayto....
When the current government came to power in Ukraine, it was by an act of
violence that is properly called a coup. But that word was rarely used in
North American reporting of the affair. Why? Because coup raises unpleasant
images in our minds. Without even realizing, most people automatically
think of violence, of attack on a legitimate government, of a cunning and
illegal assault on law and order. Which it what it was.
But most of the papers called it an overthrow, a gentler word that suggests
people fighting for freedom. That choice of word was one of the first
indications that ... more »
*Tammany residents turn out once again to oppose fracking well, company
again no-show ~Faimon A. Roberts III, The Advocate*
*Helis Oil Co. agrees to drill vertically in St. Tammany, study results
before fracking ~Robert Rhoden *
*A State Tax Holiday For Buying Emergency Supplies ~AP, via WWNO*
Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?
Interesting way to think about it, isn’t it. Deirdre McCloskey explains:
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
The “Evitability” Of Killer Robots
A common refrain from critics of the campaign to ban autonomous weapons is
that these weapons are “inevitable.” If that’s true, then efforts to
mitigate or pre-empt their use are not just a waste of time but a dangerous
distraction from the real issue: staying ahead in an impending robot arms
race or, at least,
Continue reading
Musical Interlude: Justin Hayward, “The Way of the World”
Justin Hayward, “The Way of the World”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“How did we get here? Click play, sit back, and watch. A new computer
simulation of the evolution of the universe - the largest and most
sophisticated yet produced - provides new insight into how galaxies formed
and new perspectives into humanity's place in the universe.
The Illustris project - the largest of its type yet - exhausted 20 million
CPU hours following 12 billion resolution elements spanning a cube 35
million light years on a side as it evolved over 13 billion years. The
simulation is the first to track matter into the formation of a wide
variety of galaxy types. As the... more »
"Live A Good Life"
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to,
with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."
- Marcus Aurelius
"We Are Here..."
"We are here on Earth to do good to others.
What the others are here for, I don't know."
- W. H. Auden
College Dropout Bill Gates, Who Spends Millions on Harvard, Gets Honorary Doctorate
In 2007, Bill Gates spoke at Harvard University’s graduation. Gates dropped
out of Harvard to start Microsoft. In 2007, Harvard awarded Gates an
honorary doctorate. Gates has never had to follow a predetermined program
of study in order to earn a college degree via traditional coursework.
Moreover, since 1996, Gates has donated $262 million to Harvard in […]
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Good News

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Normal People Are Horrified At The Boko Haram Kidnapping Of 276 Girls While Right Wing Sociopaths Claim It's An Obama Benghazi Plot

Everyone in the world knows the tragic story by now. Primitive,
anti-education, mysogynist religious fanatics in the failed oil plutocracy
of Nigeria kidnapped 276 young girls from their school and are threatening
to sell them into slavery. On Mothers Day, both Pope Francis and Michelle
Obama helped publicize the "Bring Back Our Girls" movement. "Like millions
of people across the globe," said the American First Lady, "my husband and
I are outraged and heartbroken at the kidnapping of the more than 200
Nigerian girls from their school dormitory in the middle of the night."
As you... more »
"On A Long Enough Timeline..."
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
- "Tyler Durden", "Fight Club"
Psychology: "We Remember What Is Meaningful To Us"
*"We Remember What Is Meaningful To Us"*
by the Association for Psychological Science
"We hold many beliefs about memory - for instance, if you study more, you
learn more. We are also constantly making judgments about particular
instances of learning and remembering - I'll never forget this party! That
was easy to understand. I'll ace it on the test. But do beliefs influence
judgments, and how do judgments affect memory performance? "There's a
disconnect among beliefs, judgments, and actual memory," says Williams
College psychologist Nate Kornell. Ask people to predict how or what t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Timberon, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Anne Sexton, "Courage"
"It is in the small things we see it.
The child's first step,
as awesome as an earthquake.
The first time you rode a bike,
wallowing up the sidewalk.
The first spanking when your heart
went on a journey all alone.
When they called you crybaby
or poor or fatty or crazy
and made you into an alien,
you drank their acid
and concealed it.
if you faced the death of bombs and bullets
you did not do it with a banner,
you did it with only a hat to
cover your heart.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you
though it was there.
Your courage was a small coal
that you kept swallo... more »
"The Web Gallery of Art"
"Welcome to the Gallery! The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and
searchable database of European fine arts from 11th to 19th centuries. It
was started in 1996 as a topical site of the Renaissance art, originated in
the Italian city-states of the 14th century and spread to other countries
in the 15th and 16th centuries. Intending to present Renaissance art as
comprehensively as possible, the scope of the collection was later extended
to show its Medieval roots as well as its evolution to Baroque and Rococo
via Mannerism. Encouraged by the feedback from the visitors, recently
... more »
Chet Raymo, “Nature Loves To Hide”
*“Nature Loves To Hide”*
by Chet Raymo
"A rainbow. Pretty to look at. But what do you see? The arc of a perfect
circle. Pure geometry.
Think about how seldom we see pure geometric forms in nature. Rivers never
run straight and true. Nature draws straight lines reluctantly. Circles?
The sun and moon. I look out my window at a broad panorama or earth, sea
and sky, and I see not a single shape or line that might be found in a
geometry book.
In the "Timaeus", Plato suggested that behind the manifestly ungeometrical
higgledy-piggledy of nature there lay a hidden world of geometrical at... more »
The White House's Nazis
From Hitler's Germany in the 1930's to Kiev Today, the United States'
Disturbing Partnerships with Nazis.
*May 7, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Among Washington's most unsavory
allies could be counted the unelected hereditary regime of Saudi Arabia,
the homophobic, violent mobs of Thaksin Shinawatra in Thailand, and of
course Al Qaeda who has been serving America's geopolitical agenda since
the 1980's when it first gathered the sectarian extremists together as a
mercenary army to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Today the global
terror enterprise is fighting on NATO's beha... more »
Brown is Dying, and Friedman Lives On
In 1954 SCOTUS declared in a 9-0 decision that separate schools are
inherently unequal. And thus began the beginning of the end for Jim Crow.
But Old Jim has proven to be very resilient, and even today his grandson, James
Crow, Jr. Esq. continues the racist work of his grandfather. Old Jim has
had many allies between the segregated schools of the 1950s and the segregated
schools of the 2010s.
One year after the Brown Decision of 1954, faux libertarian economist
Milton Friedman published a book chapter that attempted to rationalize
publicly funded vouchers for anyone to choose a ... more »
Fort McMurray-Athabasca By-election
If the paucity of election signs up around my little neck of Fort McMurray
is any indication, the campaign for the June 30 by-election is off to a
slow start. On my way over to Timberlea to run some errands, I only recall
seeing 4 signs, and three of them were from the same candidate. Not that I
was especially looking for them but they didn't exactly scream out at me
either. I'm sure things will pick up as time goes on.
I'm not one to read too much into by-elections but it is nice to a little
more media exposure on our region, its challenges and needs. I like to
think of a by-e... more »
Terror In The Name of Anti-Terror: East Ukrainians Are Palestinians Now
*Photo: People in east Ukraine stopping the progression of invading tanks
sent by the criminals and usurpers in Kiev.*
Informed commentators are drawing parallels between Kiev's recent
aggression in eastern Ukraine and Tel Aviv's periodic acts of aggression in
Gaza. Although the circumstances and the history of the conflicts are
drastically different the aggressor's narrative in both cases is the same.
The victims of military aggression are described as terrorists, and
resistance fighters are blamed for the murder of civilians by the army.
Also, *the presence of Israeli soldiers an... more »
China playing hardball with Vietnam ( Philippines too ) ? With the additional deployment of a submarine and a missile ship, there are now 86 Chinese vessels accompanying the oil rig's installation in Vietnam's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Local news reports that 3 Chinese military ships are surrounding a Vietnamese marine police vessel this morning and water cannon use continues against Vietnamese ships ..... While Russia engages the US and EU with Ukraine , China pretty much doing what it wants in Vietnamese waters !
China Deploys Submarine Near Vietnam Oil Rig, 86 Vessels Now Present
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2014 21:48 -0400
- Barack Obama
- China
- Japan
- New York Times
- Ukraine
With the additional deployment of a submarine and a missile ship, there are *now
86 Chinese vessels accompanying the oil rig's installation in Vietnam's
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)*. Local news reports that 3 Chinese military
ships are... more »
giverny to rouen
I have a lot to write tonight, and only two fingers to write with, so I may
have to post this in two parts.
Yesterday, after we dried off, we rested for the afternoon. I remembered
that our host needed payment in cash, so we asked about an ATM... and
learned there is none in Giverny. Sandrine, our host, very nicely (and of
necessity) offered to drive us into Vernon to use a machine there. On the
way there, she asked about our last name. I suspected I knew why, and when
she asked, "You are Jewish, no?" I knew I was right.
She is also Jewish, the only Jewish person in the town of Give... more »
giverny, plus tablet and ptsd updates
I love my Nexus 7. I hate the Minisuit keyboard, although the problem might
be Bluetooth.
To blog, I need a keyboard, and I need to use Blogger via the website, as
the Android app is too limited. (That seems silly, since Blogger is a
Google product.) Using Blogger online with the onscreen keyboard is very
inconvenient. I can't select, can't easily make links, and can barely see
where I'm typing.
I've adjusted to the tiny Minisuit keyboard. I dislike typing with two
fingers, but I can do it. But I will never adjust to the cursor suddenly
moving into a different paragrap... more »
Dine' Medicine Peoples: Right to consult to halt Navajo horse slaughter
of Medicine People and Elders in Navajo Horse NegotiationsBy Dine'
Hataalii Association and Nohooka' Dine'
Censored News
Dear Governor, Bill Richardson, Navajo Nation Legal Counsel, Heather L.
Clah and Nation Navajo President Ben Shelly
The Dine' Hataalii Association and Nohooka' Dine' are comprised of Dine'
(Navajo) Elders and Medicine people working to maintain harmony and
Libya Updates May 10 , 2014 - Militia rule by the gun extending beyond domestic politics into foreign policy of Libya ? Note -- The government has signed a memorandum of understanding with Jordan which is seen as a prelude to the exchange of a Libyan convicted of terrorism in Amman for the kidnapped Jordanian Ambassador to Libya ....... Additional timely articles , focus on security related concerns and the Oil Industry !
Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
Agreement struck with Jordan in hopes of kidnapped
ambassador’s release
*By Libya Herald staff.*
*Tripoli, 9 May 2014:*
The government has signed a memorandum of understanding with Jordan which
is seen as a prelude to the exchange of a Libyan convicted of terrorism
in Amman for the kidnapped Jordanian Ambassador to Libya.
The government said in a statement following Thursday’s cabinet meeting
that it had ratified an agreement between the Jordanian and Libyan ... more »
Russel Norman had a bank, e-i-e-i-o [update 2]
[image: image]
*Russel Norman had a bank, e-i-e-i-o And in that bank he put our cash,
e-i-e-i-o He stuck in his thumb, and pulled out a turkey …*
Apologies for the bastardised nursery rhyme, but it operates on the same
sort of childish absurdity as Russel Norman’s inept idea of a “Green
Investment Bank” that takes money from (profitable) miners and fossil fuel
producers to gift to (unprofitable) “green energy” producers.
The idea of course is based – as all government “industry policies” do – on
government picking winners who turn out to be losers.
Norman’s scheme suffers at ro... more »
John Kane, Mohawk 'Education and Conscience Versus Institutionalized Racism'
and Conscience Versus Institutionalized Racism
By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk
Censored News
Well, now that everyone can feel better about their battle and stance on
unacceptable racism in the wake of giving the old "what's for" to
Donald Sterling, the racist owner of the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers, we
can all go back to settling in with the institutional racism that keeps
At least the Secret Service is aiming to become more media-savvy

*"The Media Relations course prepares executives for television and radio
interviews, and encounters with the media on routine matters as well as
during crisis situations. . . ."*
*-- from the Secret Service's posted brief for media consultants*
*by Ken*
As we all know, the U.S. Secret Service has of late had more than its
share, or at least way more than it would like, of media attention to its
boys-will-be-boys agents. Now we don't know for sure that no effort has
been made to explore and remediate the behavior of its boys, but we do know
that another apparently crucial aspect ... more »
For TX to Go Blue - ALECers Must Go Too!
Well the Texas primaries are over.
America is hoping Texas will turn from Red to Blue this year.
One way to make that happen is to get rid of the ALECers in Texas. It
would be a very fitting gift to them since they are having the ALEC annual
meeting in Dallas starting on July 30. Kinda a for "hosting an ALEC
lobbying party " - you get kicked out of office.
Now ,,,
this list is a partial.
ALECers hide their membership - because they are ashamed - as they should
be - cause they know their actions in ALEC are wrong for America.
You probably won't find any of these folks bragging about... more »
Gold and Silver News and views May 10 , 2014 .... Ed Steer's missive for May 10 , 2014 - Review of Friday's price action for the precious metals plus a review of the pertinent data for the week ( CME / ETFs / US Mint / Commitment of Traders reports / Chart from Nick Laird ) ....... Articles of interest added after " The Wrap "
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
The price action in gold on Friday was almost a carbon copy of the price
action on Thursday, including the timing of the high and low ticks. And,
once again, the highs and lows aren't worth looking up.
Gold closed the Friday session at $1,290.10 spot, up 30 cents from
Thursday's close. Net volume was extremely light at only 71,000 contracts.
Ditto for silver. It closed at $19.155 spot, up a whole half penny from
its prior closed. Volume, net of May and June,... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery ( notice how the news is drying up ) - May 13 , 2014 -- FAST LOSING CREDIBILITY, MH370 searchers admit signals may NOT be from plane ......... Australia budgets RM272mil towards MH370 search over 2 years .......
Malaysia Chronicle .....
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 06:56FAST LOSING CREDIBILITY, MH370 searchers admit
signals may NOT be from plane
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[image: FAST LOSING CREDIBILITY, MH370 searchers admit signals may NOT be
from plane]
Searchers preparing to resume the underwater hunt for Malaysia Airlines
Flight 370 increasingly suspect that some of the electronic signals
detected last month didn't come from the jetliner's... more »
Jonah Raskin : BOOKS | Gordon Young’s ‘Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City’
‘Teardown’ has the kind of heart that once made Flint, Michigan, a center
of trade union and labor activism. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | May 13,
2014 [Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City by Gordon Young (June …
finish reading Jonah Raskin :
*BOOKS* | Gordon Young’s ‘Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City’
QUOTE(S) OF THE DAY: On Taxes and Deficits and the Annihilation of Capital
“Taxes which are levied on a country … for for the ordinary expenses of the
State, and which are chiefly devoted to the support of unproductive
labourers, are taken from the productive industry of the country; and every
saving which can be made from such expenses will be generally added to the
income, if not to the capital of the contributors. When … twenty millions
are raised by means of a loan, it is the twenty millions which are
withdrawn from the productive capital of the nation…
“It is by the profuse expenditure of Government, and of individuals, and
by loans, that the cou... more »
Russia Retaliation against US gets rolling May 13 , 2014 --Russia Holds "De-Dollarization Meeting": China, Iran Willing To Drop USD From Bilateral Trade ....... Russia Retaliates: Blocks GPS, Bans US Use Of Its Rocket Engines
Russia Holds "De-Dollarization Meeting": China, Iran Willing To Drop USD
From Bilateral Trade
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2014 17:47 -0400
- Bond
- Central Banks
- China
- Greenlight
- Hyperinflation
- India
- Iran
- None
- Reserve Currency
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
- Yuan
That Russia has been pushing for trade arrangements that minimize the
participation... more »
No Oversight for Pennsylvania's Billion Dollar a Year Charter Industry
*While the profiteers and privatizers threaten, demean, and berate students
and teachers for more accountability, the Vampire Squid unleashed by
billionaires has its blood funnel deep into the public jugular of
Philadelphia. *
*As public schools re-use copy paper and shutter libraries and fire
counselors, the billionaires and hedge funders walk away with state
government and handsome profits. When will the fascist Governor Corbett
fire this auditor, who has the audacity to report on the rape and pillage
going on in Pennsylvania at the expense of our most vulnerable children?*
*MA... more »
Late retraction of KGB statement does not justify adverse inference
R. v. Kelly, 2014 ONCA 380:
[11] Ordinarily accuseds have no obligation to disclose their
defence. This principle has exceptions that would justify the drawing of
an adverse inference for late disclosure. The requirement for the timely
disclosure of an alibi defence is one such exception. However, no
exception applies to this case, and thus the trial judge erred in law in
drawing an adverse inference.
Syria: Lakhdar Brahimini resigns. Chemical weapons reporting spreads
I know everyone is caught up with Ukraine... it’s understandable, yet the
situation in Syria is still in flux.
In play, so to speak and I simply can’t forget about Syria. More news
surrounding the continuing NATO destabilization of Syria
It should not come as a surprise that UN Syria envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has
Brahimi is due to brief the United Nations Security Council later on
"It's not very pleasant for me. It's very sad that I leave this position
and leave Syria behind in such a bad state," Brahimi told reporters after
Ban made the announcement.
Ban said he... more »
Syria mediator Lakdar Brahimi resigns
Lakhdar Brahimi's resignation from his post as UN Special Envoy to Syria
will be effective on May 31st. Syria will hold a *"presidential election"*on June 3rd.
Video Title: Syria mediator Lakdar Brahimi resigns. Source: Reuters. Date
Published: May 13, 2014. Description:
Lakhdar Brahimi says it is "very sad" to be leaving "Syria behind in such a
bad state" as he announces he is stepping down from his position as
International Syria mediator. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

I was recently sent an email alerting me to a conference at the University
of Maine that appears to be about dragging us into another one of the
oil-i-garchy's latest chaos zones. I inquired about attending but was told
it was "sold out". Here is a bit from the invite:
The University of Maine School of Policy and International Affairs and the
Maine Army National Guard will co-host a conference May 20 to 21 to explore
challenges and emerging opportunities in the Arctic. The free conference,
"Leadership in the High North: A Political, Military, Economic and
Environmental Symposi... more »
Deep Breath...

Southern Man needs to take a deep, deep breath, because a lot is about to
This is the last week of school: lots of final exams and viewing of
projects and grading and ending with graduation Friday night in a large
convention center downtown. We'll have 1700 or so march across the stage...
Then Saturday morning Southern Man parks at the airport and heads for Spain
for two weeks of geocaching. Well, the group he's with has an agenda as
well but who cares about what *they* want. He already has a bag full of
"travel bugs" given to him at Saturday's geocaching luncheon to tak... more »
The Cost of Regulation

*Guest post by John H. Cochrane*
Gordon Crovitz has a nice piece in the *Wall Street Journal*, Monday May 5,
titled “The end of the permissionless web” which sparks several thoughts.
What has made the Internet revolutionary is that it’s permissionless. No
one had to get approval from Washington or city hall to offer Google
searches, Facebook profiles or Apple apps, as Adam Thierer of George
Mason University notes in his new book, *Permissionless Innovation*.
[Available free and ungated here. - JC]
The central fault line in technology policy debates today can be
thought of a... more »
A Pall of Shame on America as Neocon Cookie Crumbles in Ukraine

You just had to know that the neocons weren't going to go quietly into the
good night after Sunday's overwhelming vote in East Ukraine. Anti-fascist,
anti-austerity citizens turned out in droves to send a message to the
illegitimately installed puppet regime in Kiev that rule by foreign backed
fascist and neo-Nazi goons is unacceptable. What was truly remarkable as
well as being the utmost of irony is that the professional *regime changers* -
whose enduring presence within the domestic corridors of power have eaten
away at the very foundations of American democracy like a colony of... more »
Will Compton, Carson Voters Send A Progressive Reformer To Sacramento-- Or Another Transactional Political Entrepreneur?

If you've been following the narrative here at *DWT*, you're aware that
Blue America has endorsed our old friend, Compton School Board president Micah
Ali for the open 64th Assembly district that covers Compton, Carson and
Willowbrook. [You can contribute to his campaign here on our page for state legislative
candidates we think have the potential to become national leaders.] Micah
has a tough primary on June 3, less than a month away, and he's up against
3 opponents.
Micah has a coherent vision for his community, one he's been working on for
many years. His opponents' visions are... more »
Thorne Dreyer : A tribute to Maggie, my mother
‘Maggie’s absolute freedom, her hospitality, big floppy hats and committed
heart put the art scene in Houston on the side of human rights and general
soul.’ — Mimi Crossley, Houston Post By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog |
May … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
A tribute to Maggie, my mother
Labour's Poll Setback
Political people are a fragile lot. It doesn't take much for herds of us to
start quaffing at the Last Chance Saloon. Two polls - admittedly "gold
standard" polls - place Labour two points behind the Conservatives. Not
ideal at all, far from it. Then one of the them, the ICM poll for the
*Graun*, puts Labour trailing UKIP AND the Tories in next week's European
elections. Not the music of an election victory party echoing from the
future to the present. Naturally, two swallows don't a summer make but the
excellent reputations ICM and Lord Ashcroft have, *and* these results'
congruen... more »
Facebook Meet

One of Southern Man's "Facebook Friends" - someone he had never met but was
a mutual friend of several of Southern Man's groupies - arranged a meet-up
in a local park... for her Facebook friends. Many of us had never met
face-to-face. The deeply reserved Southern Man struggles with social
situations at the best of times and one where he knew *no one at all* was a
challenge, to say the least.
These people sure know how to party!
I was told there would be no photographs...
Relaxing in the shade.
Serve's up!
I got it, I got it!
Geocaching Luncheon

Some of the local geocachers meet for lunch and games and good times once a
month. Today's lunch was in the "Bricktown" area of Southern City.
A merry gathering.
Cachers "Gilo" and "Prairie Gypsy" (our hostess).
Let's eat! These two cache as the "Elk Street Angels."
The "Gators," a much loved couple in the local caching community.
We love caching! The younger members of teams "Fun2BLost" and "Prairie
They once cached as "Mustaing Jen" and "Team Tendy" but are now engaged and
are now "The Cache Shoes." Yes, we're a little silly about our caching
The Queens ... more »
Putting "the government" in the frame
I see tonight that both the *Guardian* ("ICC to examine claims of British
war crimes in Iraq") and the BBC News website ("Court to probe UK Iraq
abuse claims") are leading with the news that a group of left-wing lawyers
has persuaded the International Criminal Court to begin preliminary
investigation into claims that UK forces abused Iraqi detainees between
2003 and 2008.
In contrast to the BBC-*Guardian*'s sense of new priorities, however, the
Sky News website places that particular story way down its running order (I
count it as being in 15th place), the ITV News website is lead... more »
Dispatches from Neonazistan and Everybody’s Got Afghanistan Wrong
As a change of pace (at a time when friends like Darkblack, Plutocrap,
Shouting Into the Abyss and Barking Rabbits have gone totally black), I
would like to point your attention to Dissident Voice, with my buddy
Rehctaw up first (Watcher, backwards). We are living a rare combo platter
of unfettered greed, unhinged thinking, untethered policy and a guidance
structure that is exceedingly
Encounter in Rendlesham Forest - A Review
In December 1980, there were a series of sightings of lights in the
Rendlesham Forest near two USAF airbases located in England. American
personnel assigned to those bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge
sighted strange lights and requested permission to investigate. Now Nick
Pope, with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston have written a book, *Encounter
in Rendlesham* *Forest*, dealing with their inside knowledge of the
workings of the British UFO desk in the Ministry of Defence and their
service with the Air Force during those sightings.
We get the perspective of the sightings fro... more »
Did Susan Rice say something wrong?
*TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014*
*The work of the three blind mice:* Did Susan Rice say something wrong when
she did those Sunday shows and discussed the attack on Benghazi?
We would say that she did not, and we’d say it loudly. Good luck getting
major career journalists to state such an unapproved point!
Rice did make one factual error that day. After saying, about three hundred
times, that her information was provisional, she said a demonstration had
been occurring in Benghazi before “extremists armed with heavy weapons”
arrived at the scene and “hijacked events.”
By now, everyone agrees ... more »
With Limbaugh and Coulter, who needs Satan?
By Capt. Fogg
Think the insanity in America isn't getting worse: angrier, more obtuse,
more vicious and increasingly bought and paid for by people who admire
Vladimir Putin and wish, like Fox News has so often said, we could have a
leader like him? Think again. There is no bottom. There is no fact so
irrefutable, no cause so decent that the Republicans can't defame it or
deny it. I'm not going to waste any more time pointing out the lies about
science and history and law that drown out the very processes of justice
and government -- that inflame unstable people to violence, that... more »
A silly contest involving a TBBT video
This is a video from an episode of The Big Bang Theory, one about the visit
to the Large Hadron Collider on the Valentine's Day.
One may see a real-world famous physicist in a big chunk of this video.
When I say "famous", I mean "famous" from the media as well as having over
20,000 citations according to SPIRES.
Your task is to find out the name of the physicist.
But you're not allowed to write the name in the comments. Instead, go to Google
Scholar and write down the query "firstname lastname" [including the
quotes] of the physicist you determined. You will get a list of pa... more »
One-Pot Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup with Katelyn from Ambroisa & Nectar

*Today I have Katelyn from Ambrosia &Nectar sharing her One-Pot Creamy
Chicken Noodle Soup. Check out Katelyn's blog where you can find her
Chocolate Orange Truffle Cake and Creamy White Chili and lots of fantastic
recipes. Make sure to leave her some comment love! *
Hi, hello! I'm Katelyn Heiner, over at Ambrosia & Nectar, where I blog
about my cooking exploits in the kitchen. Well, the successful ones
anyway... The failures I just keep to myself. :) By way of a quick
introduction, I currently live in northern Utah, in a teeny little
apartment that my husband affectionately calls ... more »
Solving Tuscaloosa: Hannah-Jones speaks!
*TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014*
*About her trip to the South:* This morning, we motored over to Morgan
State to do The Marc Steiner Show.
Long ago, we sat around watching Colts’ games with Marc. (We refer to the
*Baltimore* Colts.) Today, he runs the nation’s Most Valuable Radio
Program, according to The Nation.
After the program, we discussed the racial balance, or lack of same, in the
nine public high schools of Tuscaloosa City and County. (Tuscaloosa City
runs three of the nine high schools. For enrollment figures, see our
earlier post.)
Baltimore City and County’s racial balance is w... more »
Full Gospel Christian Jihadis

June 24, 2009
Hon. Dr. Robert M. Gates
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
Secretary Gates,
It has recently come to the attention of the Military Religious Freedom
Foundation (MRFF) that an ecclesiastical endorsing agency authorized by the
DoD to approve chaplains for military service has continually been in
flagrant violation of a number of DoD regulations, the U.S. Code, the
Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the United States Constitution for
well over a decade.
1. The Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches (CFGC), headed by retired Army
Col... more »
In a better country, we would have had the torches and pitchforks out a long time ago
Saskboy hepped me to the existence of this Analysis of Mr. Yves Cote's
cover-up of stephen harper's election fraud, by Steven Shrybman. (Shrybman
was the lawyer for the Council of Canadians' effort to overturn six
election results due to electoral irregularities.)
Now, it's pretty clear that the harpercon scum violated our election laws
thousands of times, and drove a stake through the integrity of our entire
political system. This analysis makes that very clear. Would I be able to
stand in front of the Supreme Court and argue this 100%? No. I can't
anticipate every crazy, desperate... more »
No Child Left Behind Documentary
This film was produced by Lerone Wilson on a shoestring budget -
too bad, it's taken more than 10 years for the rest of the nation to catch
So much damage has been done because of high stakes standardized testing.
Only two students this week at my school threatened to commit suicide.
Could it be related to the NJ Ask Test?
Perhaps someone should "ask" those students.
Crisis In Ukraine: Bashing Real Democracy!
I stated clearly in my rant last weekend exactly what I saw was going on in
Ukraine... I have seen no evidence at all that shows anything on the
contrary, therefore I am sticking to my assertions.... The facts are clear
that the Ukraine was illegally seized in a US led coup, and since that coup
of March, the country has become an unmitigated disaster... In fact things
are so bad for the Ukrainian people that many have legally and rightfully
sought referendums to get the hell out of that failing nation and join the
Russian Federation. Just this last weekend in fact, two more regions ... more »
How Did The Russian Workers' Paradise Suddenly Wind Up With So Many Billionaires?
A few days ago, the History Channel, debuted a much-anticipated episode in
it's *Book of Secrets* series, "The Billionaire Agenda." I wish I could
share it with you but History 2 isn't into sharing, as you can see above.
Early in the program, though, there was a chart showing that the U.S. has
the most billionaires, followed by China and then Russia. They reported
that there are 111 Russian billionaires, although other sources have the
number as high as 133. That was fast! If I remember correctly, Gorbachev
ushered in *perestroika* in 1987, less than 39 years ago, making it
possi... more »
Mike's Story Part 20 - Snafu
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
To Mike 10-20-2006:
* careful of email trails. a few days ago a sequence got forwarded
to X in one email of which u said he was 'full of excuses...' *
*[And, since Mike was no longer sure whom he could trust among the FTW
staff]...remember that it's possible to set up a blog in the name of mike
ruppert2 any time for free.*
Email to Mike 10-22-2006:
*after the conference call, it occurred to me that even if [the webmaster]
were fired, xxx could replace him with, say, her best friend's niece and
you'd have the same problem of sabotage again. so the ... more »
Ruling Class Racketeers

This is rich:
(*Reuters*:) U.S. Health Secretary-nominee Sylvia Mathews Burwell sought to
allay a major Republican worry about Obamacare on Thursday, telling
lawmakers that President Barack Obama's reforms would not lead to a
government-run single-payer healthcare system on her watch.
Her assurance against an approach reviled by Republicans and industry
leaders came during a two-hour Senate confirmation hearing at which Burwell
received an important endorsement from Republican Senator Richard Burr of
North Carolina. Burr sits on the Senate Finance Committee, which will
decide wheth... more »
Responding to Joanne Jacobs on Her KIPP "Character" Defense
Joanne Jacobs applies her own distinct brand of mild mommish corporate
apologia to defend against the insightful essay last week by Jeff Snyder on
KIPP's "value-free" character indoctrination program developed by Dr.
Martin Seligman and Dave Levin. In fact, Joanne would be entirely on board
if Dave and Marty would add "citizenship" to grit, zest, self-control,
optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, and curiosity.
I post this response at Joanne's blog:
I wish I could be as sanguine as Joanne about the behavioral brutality
inside the KIPPs and the segregated knock-offs they have... more »
Terrorizando el publico
Una justificación principal para la vigilancia - que es en beneficio de la
población - se basa en la proyección de una visión del mundo que divide a
los ciudadanos en categorías de gente buena y gente mala . En ese punto de
vista , las autoridades usar sus poderes de vigilancia sólo contra los
malos , los que están " haciendo algo mal " , y sólo ellos tienen algo que
temer de la invasión de su privacidad. Esta es una vieja táctica . En un
artículo de 1969 de la revista Time acerca de la creciente preocupación de
los estadounidenses sobre los poderes de vigilancia del gobierno de EE... more »
WHERE DID PRIVILEGE COME FROM: Advantages and pitfalls!
*TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014*
*Part 2—Genesis of a term:* In its entry on “White privilege,” the world’s
leading authority on the topic offers an interesting account of the
concept, and a history of the term’s origins.
In a section called “History of the concept,” the authority seems to trace
the term “white skin privilege” to the work of Theodore W. Allen, starting
in 1965. We can’t tell you if this account is correct, but here you see the
quick thumbnail sketch:
*In 1965, ...inspired by the Civil Rights movement, Theodore W. Allen began
a forty-year analysis of “white skin privilege,”... more »
The use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War continues to cast a dark
shadow over both American veterans and the Vietnamese.
Saab launches five new radars for total air domain awareness
[image: Sea Giraffe 3D radar]Defence and security company Saab extends its
surface radar portfolio, with the introduction of five all-new
complementary Giraffe radars for land and sea.
This strengthens the current product offering but also takes the Giraffe
firmly into the long-range air surveillance domain and puts an entirely new
capability onto the market.
Saab’s combat-proven and highly-regarded surface radar portfolio, including
the renowned Giraffe AMB and Arthur radars, has been improved and expanded
through the addition of new technologies and designs.
Read more

*Mourning Time*
It's mourning time in America
the sun is up
life imperiled
Indians said
white man is blinded
by his love for the green frog skin,
dollar bill,
can't see his connection to nature
to all life
watch out for the white man
he is crazy
Once years ago
I saw a bank named Freedom
and finally realized
what the oligarchy meant
when they used the word
Much of the world understands
this about America
the myth about democracy
really means we bring freedom
for Mr. Big
to dominate the rest of the planet
I'm mourning here in America
for our lost souls
for those we bring... more »
More Reports Of Insurgent In-Fighting
April and May 2014 have brought forth more reports of fighting between
insurgent groups in Iraq. The main armed factions involved are the Islamist
Ansar al-Sunna and the Baathist Naqshibandi against the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). According to the press these clashes have taken
place in Diyala and Kirkuk where there have been similar incidents over the
last year. The main points of dispute appear to be over ideology, tactics,
and the attempt by ISIS to dominate other armed factions.
Kirkuk province has seen armed clashes between Ansar al-Sunna and ISIS in
recent... more »
Zbigniew Brzezinski-Between Two Ages- America's Role in the Technotronic Era
**Between Two Ages:America's role in the Technotronic Age- Book**
If you haven't read it, you may want to. Published around 1970. So, more
then 40 years ago? And yet so timely.
Besides the pdf , you may find this piece from 2004 very appropriate for
this present day. Thinking of the US moves on Ukraine, of course.
The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia- Excerpted from quite a large
In 1970, Brzezinski also proposed new ideas in his new book Between two
Ages *(pdf link above)* where he explained that the moment to balance world
power had arrived and it had to be in th... more »
Syria: Israel should punish Assad & HRW is pushing the chemical weapon meme
First news: Israel should punish Assad for killing civilians- Can you
believe that headline?
Israel as a moral authority? Hilarious? Absolutely! Yet that is what they
are suggesting.
Of course punishing Assad is an absurdity- You know that this is really
spin for a mass bombing campaign to punish Syrians for resisting the NATO
rebels and continuing to live their lives as best they can.
Coincidentally or not- HRW is suggesting or implying that the Syrian gov
used chemical weapons..
*First: Israel as a moral authority*
Moral considerations for military intervention should be weighed ... more »
Bill Whittle: Whatever happened to a loyal opposition?...
* McConnell and Boehner must go.*
Yes, There's A Democratic Primary In Georgia… And There's An Actual Democrat Running Against Nunn's Daughter

Democrat Steen Miles on the left; Sam Nunn's daughter on the right, of
Professional Democrats are very excited. Sam Nunn's daughter-- who is
running for the open Georgia Senate seat on the Democratic Party line-- is doing
well in the polls. Not only does she absolutely thrash each of the far
right-wing extremist congressmen in the race-- GOP sociopaths Paul Broun,
Phil Gingrey and Jack Kingston-- she also beats anti-Choice fanatic Karen
Handel and the guy with the familiar name no one knows, David Perdue, who
is leading the Republican primary pack. Time to celebrate? Not so fa... more »
They Were -- And Are -- Expendable

Last week's Day Of Honour, we were told, was about Canada's veterans.The
vets know better. The day was about Stephen Harper. Michael Harris writes:
If you want the quintessential Stephen Harper, look no further than last
week’s National Day of Honour. Everyone knew it was the Governor General’s
job to accept the last Canadian flag that flew in Afghanistan, but hey, why
give up the money shot to a mere functionary? So the PM snagged the flag —
and then handed it off to the hapless David Johnston, former
Commander-in-Chief of Canada.
Mr. Harper suffers from what Harris calls PRD -... more »
*How Far School Choice Policies Have Come in Two Decades*
It’s amazing how far school choice options have come in a little more than
two decades. From Milwaukee’s first-in-the-nation school voucher option in
1990 and the first charter school opening its doors in Minnesota in 1992,
parental choice in education has advanced considerably, and innovation in
school choice policy has taken shape in ways that were inconceivable in
those early years. Today, 39 private school choice programs operate in 18
states and Washington, D.C.
The past three years in particular have produced some of t... more »
Smear Machine to Be Unleashed on Greenwald

Tuesday marks the release date of the long-awaited book by Polk Award
winning journalist Glenn Greenwald on the NSA and the Edward Snowden leaks. No
Place to Hide officially came out today and contains additional revelations
on the unconstitutional exploits of the American Stasi at Ft. Meade as well
as the suffocating surveillance state that we all must live under in *The
Homeland* of the 21st Century. While I have yet to read the book - I have
it on order - early accounts report that in addition to the Snowden story
that there will also be material included on the NSA intercepting... more »
Agri Econ 12: Presentation at WASWAC-BSWM Seminar

Part-time agro-forestry farming has been my hobby since 1992 (22 years ago)
when I started visiting the farm owned by the family of my deceased friend,
Mil Millora. Here's my farming blog,
I believe that private property rights recognition and protection is a key
program to encourage the dual goal of nature conservation and resource
production. The "tragedy of the commons" is too glaring and too visible in
many parts of public forest land in the country. Which explains why many
public or government "forest lands" are devoid of meaningful forest... more »
Ukraine Situation May 13 , 2014 -- Examining the after action ( post - referendum ) and what happens next - items from Russia Today , Itar Tass and Anti War .....
Anti - War....
US Won’t Recognize Sunday Ukraine ReferendumInsists Vote Was 'Illegal' as
Interim Govt Vows to Arrest Organizers
by Jason Ditz, May 12, 2014
Print This | Share This
The White House has announced today that it will never recognize the
results of yesterday’s referendum in eastern Ukraine, which endorsed the
People’s Republic of Donetsk protest movement.
They insist they consider the vote “illegal” and that the US is
“disappointed” that Russia did not forcibly stop the vote after the
organizers rejected calls to delay it indefinitely
The Ukraine interim government, which ... more »
March Against Monsanto - 24 May 2014 In A City Near You

*Occupy Monsanto Homepage*
On Saturday, May 24, 2014, March Against Monsanto in your community! Below
is a spreadsheet export made on April 24, 2014 that lists all of the
upcoming marches with Facebook Event invites. For the latest spreadsheet of
planned marches, check out the official listing on the March Against
Monsanto website..
*Country**State/Province**City**Facebook Event; RSVP*
New South Wales
Newcastle South WalesSydney
AustraliaQueenslandBrisbane Australia
Adelai... more »
War Watch May 13 , 2014 -- Taliban starts their annual Spring Offensive ( Presidents may come and go but the Taliban remains. ) ....... Iraq death dealing continues unabated as Iraq attempts to maintain the appearance of control even as jihadists turn parts of Anbar Province of Iraq and adjoining Syria into a ISIS no man's land ...... Iran nuclear talks continue ( can the US decide what it actually wants to accomplish - a resolution or war with Iran too ? Syria updates on the war with insurgetns / freedom fighters / mercenaries /jihadists rolls on , the in- fighting between various opposition groups displacing the fighting against Syria's Government it appears at times !
Taliban Attacks Hit Afghanistan Is ‘Spring Offensive’ Begins10 Killed in
Jalalabad Attack
by Jason Ditz, May 12, 2014
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The Taliban announced the beginning of their “Spring offensive” last week,
and it began in earnest today, with a major attack in the city of Jalalabad
leaving at least 10 people dead, and other attacks reportedly on the
outskirts of Kabul.
The Taliban statement said this year’s offensive would focus on foreigners
in the country as well as the Afghan government and its employees. The
Jalalabad attack targeted a Justice Ministry ... more »
Mohammed Ibn Laith, "What Will We Talk About Today, You and I?"
*A Comment: *Long time readers know there is zero tolerance for racism and
bigotry here. This article contains the vile "N" word, which you will never
see here again, expressed repeatedly by the articles author. In their book
"Cobra II," Michael R. Gordon and Gen. Bernard E. Trainor offer this ugly
comment from a senior officer of the US Army's 4th Infantry Division: "The
only thing these sand niggers understand is force and I'm about to
introduce them to it." While not admitted publicly, that term is widely
used within the American military, along with "ragheads", "jihadis" and
oth... more »
Free Download: Orison Swett Marden, "An Iron Will"
"An Iron Will"
by Orison Swett Marden
"Orison Swett Marden (1850 - 1924) was an American writer associated with
the New Thought Movement. He also held a degree in medicine, and was a
successful hotel owner. Marden was born in Thornton Gore, New Hampshire to
Lewis and Martha Marden. When he was three years old, his mother died at
the age of 22, leaving Orison and his two sisters in the care of their
father, a farmer, hunter, and trapper. When Orison was seven years old, his
father died from injuries incurred while in the wood, and the children were
shuttled from one guardian to anoth... more »
"Life Is The Hyphen..."
"Life is the hyphen between matter and spirit."
~A.W. and J.C. Hare, "Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers," 1827
"Twilight of the Psychopaths"
*"Twilight of the Psychopaths"*
by Dr. Kevin Barrett
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're
being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put
away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John
When Gandhi was asked his opinion of Western civilization he said it would
be a good idea. But that oft-cited quote is misleading, assuming as it does
that civilization is an unmitigated blessing. Civilized people, we are
told, live peacefully and cooperatively with their fellows, sharing the
necessary la... more »
The Poet: David Whyte, “The Sea”
*“The Sea”*
“The pull is so strong we will not believe
the drawing tide is meant for us,
I mean the gift, the sea,
the place where all the rivers meet.
Easy to forget,
how the great receiving depth
untamed by what we need
needs only what will flow its way.
Easy to feel so far away
and the body so old
it might not even stand the touch.
But what would that be like
feeling the tide rise
out of the numbness inside
toward the place to which we go
washing over our worries of money,
the illusion of being ahead,
the grief of being behind,
our limbs young
rising from such a depth?
What would t... more »
"What Can We Know?"
"What can we know? What are we all?
Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite,
with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"We All Stumble..."
“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
- Emily Kimbrough
Nigel Farage and Enoch Powell
There's an interesting part of the following video when Raymond Bennett
joint national Secretary of Unite Against Fascism (sic) says (6:25) that
'Nigel Farage says that Enoch Powell is his hero'.
Incidentally just before that (6:05) watch Raymond Bennett's reaction when
he's asked about the non-white members of UKIP. I think it might be his
floundering over that question that makes him make his claim re Nigel
Farage and Enoch Powell.
Here's the full Daily Politics interview.
Has Nigel Farage ever said that Enoch Powell is his hero? I can't find such
a comment, all I did find was... more »
Swiss artist - creator of Alien xenomorph - Hans Rudi Giger R.I.P.
according to SWISS INFO, Hans Rudi Giger, the fantastic and haunted Swiss
artist responsible for the the Derelict spaceship, Egg Chamber, Xenomorph,
Egg, Facehugger, Space Jockey (in Ridley Scott's Alien) and hundreds of
other works of projects, paintings and scupture, has died, aged 74, from
injuries sustained in a fall.
*The renowned Swiss artist H.R. Giger has died at the age of 74, as a
result of injuries sustained in a fall. Giger, who passed away in a Zurich
hospital, was most famous for the alien monster he created for the movie of
the same name.*
The news item goes on to e... more »
Health Cares Biggest Myths

[image: Foto: Does health come from vaccine needles and pharmaceutical
*Living With Common Sense Facebook*
The Wolfowitz Doctrine

*"...a call for 21st century American imperialism that no other nation can
or should accept."*
* - Senator Ted Kennedy, 1992*
*"Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either
on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a
threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a
dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and
requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a
region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to
generate glo... more »
Beware: The #1 Cause of Acute Liver Damage Is In Common Cold Remedies by Paul Fassa
Beware: The #1 Cause of Acute Liver Damage is in Common Cold Remedies
by Paul Fassa
Natural Society, 13 May 2014
The number one cause of acute liver failure in America is a common fever
and cold relief ingredient. Acute liver failure is a one way ticket to the
great beyond, while liver damage or stress among those who don’t suffer
acute liver failure is the source of much of our poor health and chronic
Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu, and
prescription painkillers Vicoden and Percocet all contain *acetaminophen*.
This ingredient has... more »
US says French warships to Russia 'unhelpful'
[image: RS Vladivostok]The US has criticised France for planning to deliver
two warships to Russia despite its actions in Ukraine.
State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told press in Washington on Monday
(12 May) "we have expressed our concerns to the French government over the
sale. We'll continue to do so".
"Obviously, as you know, there are sanctions that have been put in place.
I'd have to specifically check here to see if there's a legal question or
if this is just a question of whether we find this to be unhelpful."
Read more
Venezuela Tests Russian Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems

[image: Grad MRLS]Venezuela has conducted successful tests of Russian Grad
and Smerch multiple rocket launchers, Operational Strategic Commander in
Chief, General Vladimir Padrino Lopez said Tuesday.
Venezuelan TV channel Globovision reported that the tests were carried out
at a facility in the country’s southwestern state of Apure. “These are high
technologies weapons systems,” Lopez said, adding that the tested weapons
are capable of destroying any target.
Igor Korotchenko, a leading Russian military expert, earlier told RIA
Novosti Venezuela would become Russia’s second-largest a... more »
The multi-talented Boris Johnson
Coolness personified shooting a basket...
A redoubtable rugby tackler
The fact that it was on a football pitch is irrelevant!
A good humorous speech maker
An expert in whiff whaff
And willing to say what he thinks about hecklers...
9/11 and Global Thermonuclear Escalation

Of the *46* (known) Drills of 9/11, *5* of them were *directly* concerned
with *thermonuclear war-fighting *(against Russia), and/or *Continuity of
Government in the event of nuclear war.*
Scowcroft, Warren Buffet and others were all flown (in a pre-arranged
exercise) to the Strategic nuclear command bunker at Olfutt AFB, where Bush
went later in the day, after Barksdale, to take physical posession of the
nuclear arsenal.
KDB Daruttaqwa joins RBN fleet

[image: KDB Daruttaqwa]The Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) has received the latest
addition to its growing fleet, the fourth Darussalam Class Patrol Vessel
Daruttaqwa in Germany.
A statement issued by the Ministry of Defence (MinDef) yesterday noted that
a ceremony was held at the Leurssen Wharf in Lemwerder, Germany, last
Friday which saw the signing of the ship’s delivery and acceptance
The certificate was inked by the Managing Director of Fr Luerssen Werft
(FLW), Peter Luerssen, and the Permanent Secretary of Administration and
Finance at MinDef, Datin Paduka Hjh Suriyah Hj... more »
IRGC Displays New Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles

[image: Hormuz 1 missile]In an exhibition held on Sunday and attended by
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the
IRGC put on display the most recent defensive achievements, including two
types of Hormuz anti-ship ballistic missiles.
The Hormuz is said to be the upgraded version of a domestically-made
anti-ship missile the IRGC had manufactured earlier, dubbed the Persian
According to the IRGC lieutenant commander, the Hormuz 1 and 2 are among
the “most important and most unique” missiles manufactured by the Iranian
local experts.
Read more
Ukraine Dilemma: U.S. Can't Prevent Russian Expansion Without Better Missile Defenses

[image: SS-27 Topol M]Vladimir Putin has called Washington’s bluff, and as
a result the U.S. is headed for a major loss of influence in Europe.
Having watched the Obama Administration carefully avoid new involvement in
overseas military contingencies for six years, Putin has figured out that
he is a lot more willing to fight for the territories on his borders than
NATO is, so he is going to keep up the pressure on former Soviet
territories where sizable Russian minorities exist.
These are not the acts of a madman; he has accurately assessed Western
resolve, and knows he can prevai... more »
Exelis to provide special-purpose radio frequency (RF) technology for fighter aircraft

[image: F-16 Fighting Falcon]Exelis recently received a follow-on contract
valued at $8.4 million from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Fort
Worth, Texas, to supply Continuous Wave Illuminator (CWI) subsystems for
F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft.
The Exelis CWI subsystem is a special-purpose transmitter that works with
the F-16’s fire control radar and mission computer to provide guidance for
semi-active missiles.
Using radio frequency energy, the system illuminates airborne targets to
increase accuracy and ensure the missile finds its intended target.
Read more
Air Force Mirage jet crashes in French countryside

[image: Mirage 2000C]Fortunately no one was hurt when a Mirage 2000 jet
belonging to the French Air Force crashed in a field in northeastern France
The pilot apparently managed to parachute to safety.
It is still not clear what caused the fighter jet to crash near the small
village of Baroches (Meurthe-et-Moselle).
Read more
Strike Fighter scientists among casualties of deep Defence cuts

[image: F-35 Lightning II]Nearly 40 of Australia's top military scientists
and engineers are to be thrown on the scrapheap as the Defence Science and
Technology Organisation cuts costs.
The jobs cull is expected to cut from six scientists to just two the DSTO's
technical team for the $24 billion Joint Strike Fighter, the nation's
largest ever defence purchase.
The Australian Maritime Warfare Centre, based at Sydney's Garden Island, is
slashing a third of its staff of civilian engineers and technicians, from
48 public servants to 31.
Read more
UK troops working with US military at base for Yemen drone operations

[image: MQ-9 Reaper]British liaison staff are embedded with US forces in
the Horn of Africa, the Ministry of Defence has revealed, as concern grows
about redeployment of the UK squadron of 10 armed Reaper drones.
Although three British officers are based at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti –
the US base from which unmanned strikes are launched against al-Qaida
groups in Yemen – the MoD denies they are involved in co-ordinating such
Both the human rights organisation Reprieve and the Labour former defence
minister Tom Watson have expressed anxiety over British involvement in
cove... more »
The New King of High-Sea Helicopters Can Hoist 13 Tons
The Sikorsky CH-53 line of heavy-lift helicopters have been dutifully
serving the US Marine Corps since the mid-1960s and even the most recent
iteration of the venerable Stallion line is about ready to be put out to
pasture. But Sikorsky has a new powerhouse waiting in the wings.
Sikorsky began the Stallion line back in 1966 with the original Sea
Stallion. It was joined by the current-gen Super Stallion in 1981, though
the OG Sea Stallion was retired in 2012 so right now the Super is all we've
However, Sikorsky is not resting on its laurels. The company is currently
contract... more »
Coast Guard Embarks on Its Costliest Ship Buying Program

[image: USCGS Bertholf]The Coast Guard has one piece remaining in its long
effort to modernize its aircraft and ships: the offshore patrol cutter.
The Coast Guard’s fifth national security cutter left its construction
birth in Pascagoula, Mississippi, in early May and is expected to be
delivered to the service next year.
That came only months after the Obama administration put in its 2015 budget
request money to build the final NSC of the eight-ship fleet. Meanwhile, a
shipyard in Louisiana continues to turn out several fast response cutters
per year.
Read more
The US Is Conducting A Massive Nuclear Arms Drill Days After A Russian Nuclear Exercise

[image: B-2 Spirit]U.S. Strategic Command will be conducting a massive
“deter and detect” nuclear drill from May 12 to May 16, just four days
after a similar Russian exercise.
The U.S. drill, known as Exercise Global Lightning 14, is set to include
ten B-52s and six B-2 bombers in an attempt to demonstrate U.S. military
flexibility and responsiveness.
The drill, which is meant to simulate a scenario in which the U.S. would
have to protect itself and its allies in the event of a “strategic attack,”
is being touted as a chance to incorporate modern technology into U.S.
Read ... more »
4 military agreements signed with China

[image: Type 035G Ming-class SSK]China has signed four military agreements
with Bangladesh to enhance Dhaka’s defence capabilities.
They were signed on Monday in presence of visiting General Xu Qiliang, who
is the vice-chairman of the central military commission of the Chinese
Communist Party.
The agreements were signed with the Bangladesh armed forces and with the
Bangladesh University of Professionals run by the armed forces.
Read more
Pak submarine joins naval drills in Jubail

[image: PNS Hamza]The Pakistani Navy submarine Hamza docked at the Royal
Saudi Naval Forces Base in Jubail where both navies conducted joint
exercises on May 6 and May 11.
Following its arrival, several meetings were held on a number of
professional matters including the combat capabilities of the two navies.
Commander of the Eastern Fleet of the Saudi Royal Navy Rear Admiral Ibrahim
Maghloos also visited submarine Hamza in Jubail.
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ICEX 2014: Arctic submarine exercise
Floating on a chunk of ice in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, United States
Navy (USN) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel learned that Mother
Nature doesn’t always accommodate military schedules.
From the waterborne “Camp Nautilus”, about 100 kilometres north of Prudhoe
Bay, Alaska, groups of USN and CAF personnel monitored submarine
manoeuvering, surfacing, and logistics exercises from Mar. 17-27 during
Submarine Laboratory Ice Exercise 2014 (ICEX14).
“It was a very surreal experience working out on a huge piece of ice,” says
Lt(N) Kristina Gray of Canadian Submarine Force ... more »
Tomorrow’s Stealthy Subs Could Sink America’s Navy

[image: HSwMS Gotland]The U.S. military is relying on sub-hunting tech
that’s decades old. Meanwhile, the targets they’re trying to find are
getting quieter and more invisible by the day.
Submarines are getting quieter, stealthier, and better armed. And that
could mean major trouble for the U.S. Navy and its aging fleet of
sub-hunters. The tactical balance between the surface warship and the
submarine has strategic impact.
The submarine is not made for a show of force. Its principal weapon is
designed not to damage a ship, but to sink it—rapidly and probably with
much loss of life.... more »
How About We All Just Drink to Have a Good Time
Auckland Police Superintendent Dickface Wowserbreath is in the paper again
this morning arguing “nothing good happens on city streets after 3am,”
therefore all drinking after 3am should be banned. By order.
Did I say arguing? No, while the word “therefore” is usually expected to
accompany, perhaps, just by way of example, a connected series of points
intended to establish a position, this bossyboots doesn’t need to bother
with argument because he’s the one with the manpower. So simple assertion
will do: of his own blowhard opinion that anyone out after 3am must have a
Do... more »
*Global warming is all that the article below talks about by way of
explanation but bringing just a touch of extra evidence to bear alters the
picture.If warming is causing the glaciers to melt, how come the sea ice is
at a record high? Is the land warming while the sea is cooling? If so we
are looking at local effects not global ones.And there IS a local warming
effect that could be at work. Also in West Antarctica, an active sub-sea
volcano has just been discovered. And the discoverers note: "Numerous
volcanoes exist in Marie Byrd Land, a high... more »
Bokoo Haram updates regarding abducted and still missing girls May 13 , 2014 ...... US in aerial search for Nigeria schoolgirls US flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track down more than 200 girls abducted by Boko Haram, Pentagon says ....... Boko Haram video claims to show missing girls Video obtained by AFP news agency says girls will not be released until all Boko Haram prisoners in Nigeria are freed ....... Items and views of points of note from Nigeria !
US in aerial search for Nigeria schoolgirls
US flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track down more than 200 girls
abducted by Boko Haram, Pentagon says.
Last updated: 13 May 2014 00:58
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Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau offered to release the girls in exchange
for prisoners [Reuters]
The United States has been flying "manned" missions over Nigeria to track
down more than 200 abducted schoolgirls, the Pentagon said, as experts
pored over a n... more »
Generational War: Indoctrinating Children In Israel And Palestine To Kill

An excerpt from, *"Disturbing Photos Show Militarization of Israeli
Children"* by Ali Abunimah, Global Research, May 13:
Some of these disturbing images of Israeli children being put through
military-style training displays at Efrat, an illegal Israeli colony in the
occupied West Bank, have been circulating widely online and were published
in *Haaretz* and other media.
A repeated theme of pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian propaganda is to
circulate images of*Palestinian* children taking part in such militarized
displays in order to advance the belief that Palestinian culture is
inher... more »
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