The Bar Results Are In and..........

Kory passed! He got his results on Friday at around 300 PM. Awesome news.
I am taking him to be sworn in tomorrow in Wayne County. He will be doing
hearings the next day! Yay! I am bringing my camera, so hopefully I have
pics from that event soon.
Had dinner with Rebecca and Lesley at Howe's Bayou in Ferndale this week.
It was super nice to see both of them and my soup was awesome. Salad was
good as well. Drive to Oakland County was annoying in rush hour traffic,
as usual. Glad I never have to do that drive again.
Friday night, I had an awesome dinner at Crave in Dearborn... more »
Mother's Day (or, in some cases, Mothers' Day)

*by Ken*
"So let’s hear it," says New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff in this
week's e-newsletter/blogpost, "for mothers of all types and all stripes
--biological, surrogate, adoptive, single, small, tall, medium-sized,
tiger, helicopter. And, hey, if you've got two, that's fine by us, too."
And he offers us "a bouquet of mothering cartoons, because we care."
To one of these cartoons Bob adds the note: "If you’ve got complaints about
Mom, please show some restraint, because, remember, it could have been
worse." It occurs to me that it may not be entirely obvious which one it is.... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - May - Urban Naturale

to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green
[image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living posts.
2. Visit at leas... more »

“8 of the Worst Right-Wing Wackos This Week: War on Science Edition”
*“8 of the Worst Right-Wing Wackos This Week: War on Science Edition”*
'Actions to curb human-influenced climate change are part of a socialist
agenda'... and more.
By Janet Allon
“*1. CNN’s S.E. Cupp to Bill Nye: You science guys are bullying us. *Remember
when we all used to agree that science and knowledge were good things? When
scholarship was respected? When we looked to educated people to do research
and inform us what was actually going on with the world? It wasn’t that
long ago.
This week, after the White House released a report on just how devastating
climate change alr... more »
Has Western civilization reached rock bottom?

How much lower can Western civilization go? From *The Independent*:
Eurovision is over and this year’s queen has been crowned: Conchita Wurst,
Austria’s drag act who has been attacked by transphobic and homophobic
slurs for weeks, has won the song contest with her ballad “Rise Like a
Despite a barrage of offensive slurs against the 25-year-old performer, *Ms
Wurst was the overwhelmingly popular choice in the competition with 290
points last night*.
Ms Wurst, who was branded a “pervert” by a Russian politician Vitaly
Milonov before the final, was named the winner after onl... more »
Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard Reviews My Book
I first read of Georgia State University Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard in
connection to his work on the Gates funding of the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). In my search of Gates’ CCSS spending, I examined spending
specific to the keyword “Common Core” with one addition (Fordham
Institute). The total Gates CCSS spending from my search was $173.5
million. Hassard broadened […]
Satanic Crimes Against Humanity in Syria: Witness Testimonies from the Adra Massacres
Decapitated heads on sticks, mass graves, executions of teenagers; these
are just some of the crimes against humanity that have been committed by
President Obama's beloved "Syrian rebels" in Syria. Watch the documentary
below to hear the stories as told by the family members and relatives of
the victims as well as by eyewitnesses.
Video Title: Satanic Crimes Against Humanity in Syria: Witness Testimonies
from the Adra Massacres. Source: GlobalResearchTV. Date Published: May 11,
2014. Description:
The Adra Massacre was committed by the US-supported insurgents inside Syria
on the day... more »
Your moment of Zen

Wisteria tunnel Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan. [via Landscape
When the Cows Come Marching In
The New Hot 5, an American-based trad jazz band plays for a herd of cows in
Autrans, France.
A fair question.
[Hat tip Yvette W.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Most Chicagoans Think Rahm Emanuel Is Unfit To Serve Another Term. Surprised?

If you read *DWT* with any regularity, you already know that not all the
worst villains in American politics are Republicans. And even worse than
bungling junior crooks like Steve Israel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Joe
Crowley, is the slimy gonif the three of them emulate and aspire to
replicate. Yes, our old friend Rahm Emanuel! I must admit I wasn't
disappointed to read in yesterday's Chicago *Sun-Times* that the slimy
little Emanuel is staring well-earned reelection defeat right in the face.
About 20% of Chicago votes think he's doing a better job as mayor than
Richard Daley ... more »
Colonizers are Modernizers

An anthropologist acquaintance points out:
Double standards of animal abuse for indigenous peoples and majority
peoples. When the Bunun indigenous people have a pig catching contest, the
state forbids it, labeling it as animal abuse. When the Han Taiwanese
fatten up pigs beyond belief for temple sacrifices, they call it culture
and promote it.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Deep tweets
Posted without comment except to say, on sale now for only $57.99.
Best #Benghazi swag yet! RT @60th_Street: CAN'T BREATHHEEE SEND OXYGENNN!!
— edroso (@edroso) May 11, 2014
A Liveable City? But You Can’t Drink to That.
For a city to be liveable1 you have to be able to go out and have a drink.
For a city to be “the show that never stops,”2 you might need to respect
the showplaces that don’t actually stop.
Sadly, this council is having none of that.
If you can’t get out to the bars and bottle stores when council says you
can, then new council rules3 say you can’t. Hard to disagree with
Hospitality Association Auckland president Kevin Schwass, who says the
changes would be a massive step backwards for the city.
"They are trying to close us down. The 3am closing in the CBD and Newton
and Ponsonby... more »
A Valuable Research Tool: The “Way Back Machine”
In exposing corporate reformers at their game, I have found that
information sometimes “conveniently” disappears from websites once such
information is publicized in a less-than-complimentary blog post. There is
a way to view web pages that have been removed or otherwise altered: The
“Way Back Machine”: The “Way Back Machine”
is a search engine […]
The Contrast that isn't
I have talked many times before about the "contrast" that we have watched
and experienced over the past eons. The contrast of so called "light" and
"dark" is the experience of separation and duality that we chose to
experience to expand our experience of ONE.
There has been much discussion about this perception of contrast, and the
perception of the difference between "light" and "dark", or "good" and
"bad" in a huge about of books, articles, radio shows and interviews, and
channeled messages. We have talked about "good guys" and "bad guys", "good
military" and "bad military", ... more »
paris, day four
We had quite a big day today! Most of it was completely wonderful.
I woke up kicking myself that I forgot to take pictures of R and Connie and
me. I had the camera with me precisely for that reason and never even
thought of it. And by the way, R emailed from the Eurostar. They very
nearly didn't let her on the train, but she did prevail.
Connie and I didn't set our alarm this morning and slept until 8:40, which
is like noon for non-morning people. We had one last breakfast at Au
Tramway, but since today is Sunday, the bistro was well stocked with
locals. There were young families an... more »
A Mercenary's World: Blackwater & Al-Qaeda Are On The Same Team In Ukraine - #BringBackOurTerrorists
*Fresh from killing Syrian Christians in Syria, President Obama's Al-Qaeda
terrorist mercenaries are now being deployed to Ukraine alongside
Blackwater to kill Eastern Orthodox Christians. And yet the group's
founder, Erik Prince, claims to be a Christian. These mercenaries and
murderers, whether they claim to be Muslim or Christian, in reality have no
faith, no country, and no conscience.*
Blackwater and Al-Qaeda *are on the same team in Ukraine*. These lawless
terrorist mercenaries will create chaos but they do not have the power to
do much else. They will massacre many civilian... more »
ALEC - Exercising Amendment Right = Communism

Saw this tweet today - can't go unreported
And @alec_states sends a fundraising email on last week's #StandUpToALECactions in KC.
#moleg #ksleg
— Sean Nicholson (@ssnich) May 9, 2014
*Let's take a up-close look at that!*
An ALEC fund raising letter written after the Kansas City protest - by ALEC
Executive Director, Ron Scheberle
Note picture of KC protesters at the top of the letter.
*Peaceful protesters*
The left has openly attacked America's founding principles during the
"fundamental transformation" of out great country.
What the hell does that mean ... more »
A Little Spring Bonanza
Prodded by milder temperatures and a touch of cabin fever, I grabbed the
binoculars and headed out for a walk along a pretty familiar route I take.
It takes me to a number of good birding areas....urban, boreal forest and
some marsh lands....a good mix to see a variety of birds. I wasn't
disappointed. It was a bit wet underfoot and the weather couldn't decide
if it wanted to be sunny or rainy but I managed to set a new personal
record for number of species spotted in a single outing, including 3 I
hadn't see in some time and a first sighting.
Funny enough I did leave the house thi... more »
Surplus! [updated]
Yes, it’s time to say something nice about the Key Government and its
Minister of Finance. And, no, it isn’t April Fools Day.
This Budget Day, this week, if we take him at his word, Finance Minister
Bill English expects to unveil the promise of a small surplus – wafer thin,
and next year rather than, but still a surplus nonetheless. (We hope.)
So let it be known that after five years in office, the Minister of Finance
has finally balanced the damn budget. Or is about to.
The job of balancing the damn budget was bother harder and easier than you
might expect. Harder, because the... more »
Ukraine In a Low Level Civil War - Joaquin SOUND ONLY
Video Title: Ukraine In a Low Level Civil War - Joaquin SOUND ONLY. Source:
108morris108. Date Published: May 11, 2014.
Zapatistas Marcos 'Pain and Rage'
Pain and Rage
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
May 8, 2014
By Subcomandante Marcos
Translations in Spanish, Italian, French and German:
To the Compañeras and Compañeros of the Sixth:
To tell you the truth, the communiqué was all ready. It was succinct, clear, precise, how communiqués should be. But…
In Definition of Irony Neocons Bring "Democracy" to Ukraine

The crusading, regime-changing neoconservatives and the bad-ass US
imperialist war machine have now succeeded in bringing "democracy" to
Ukraine, only not in the way that they intended. Today's referendum in East
Ukraine to split from the US backed neo-Nazi and fascist infested unelected
government in Kiev will likely be a resounding triumph for those who refuse
to be crushed under the jackboot of US-EU-NATO forced austerity - good for
them. Despite the saturation propaganda that has been pumped out in The
Homeland portraying the federalists of Russian ethnicity as "rebels",
"terr... more »
Jean Trounstine : Mother’s Day in prison
Many wonderful articles appeared about mothers in prison as we celebrated
this Mother’s Day. By Jean Trounstine | The Rag Blog | May 11, 2014 Nancy
Mullane, on the blog she co-founded, The Life of the Law, interviewed
Veronica Martinez … finish reading Jean Trounstine :
Mother’s Day in prison
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Why the heck are Mary Martin and John Raitt singing "There's No Business Like Show Business"?

*A cheery thought from Roz Chast in the May 12 New Yorker*
*IRVING BERLIN: Annie, Get Your Gun: Overture and "There's No Business Like
Show Business" (plus "They Say It's Wonderful")*
*Mary Martin (Annie Oakley), John Raitt (Frank Butler), 1957 NBC TV Cast
ensemble. Capitol-EMI*
There lived a king, as I've been told,
In the wonder-working days of old,
When hearts were twice as good as gold,
And twenty times as mellow.
Good temper triumphed in his face,
And in his heart he found a place
For all the erring human race
And every wretched fellow.
*-- the Grand Inquisitor, in Act II of The ... more »
A Potted History of Ukraine's Russian-speaking Minority

As part of *Is the BBC biased?*'s mission to inform, educate and entertain
I thought I might transcribe the contribution of Anna Reid, ex-*Economist *writer
and author of 'Borderland', to this morning's edition of *Broadcasting
Why? Because I found it very interesting and illuminating. (She didn't hide
her own biases either, which is good.)
*Ethnic Russians* make up 8 million thereabouts out of Ukraine's total
population of 46 million and they are concentrated in three areas - Donetsk
in the east, next door to Russia; Crimea, down in the south; and Odessa to
the west, nex... more »
Alan Waldman : ‘Hamish Macbeth’ is a very charming small-town Scottish comedy starring the incomparable Robert Carlyle
Suspense, comedy, drama, and delightful locations mix in this Hibernian TV
gem. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | May 11, 2014 [In his weekly column,
Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films and TV series that
readers … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘Hamish Macbeth’ is a very charming small-town Scottish comedy starring the
incomparable Robert Carlyle
A Visit to Dartmouth
I will be talking at a public event, along with Jared Bernstein, at
Dartmouth on Monday. If you are in the area and want to attend,
information is available here.
UFO Crash in Pennsylvania
As I was looking at a case in the Project Blue Book files, I found a two
page letter stuffed between that case and the one that followed. It was
labeled as “Information Only,” which meant that the Air Force didn’t
investigate it but had retained the information in their files. This was
not an uncommon practice for them. Nearly every month there were cases
labeled that way. But since it suggested there had been some sort of crash
recovery, and because I didn’t find it listed on any of the various web
sites that report such things, I thought it interesting enough to mention
Ac... more »
Omission unconscionable

W The unconscionable F is going on?
In its efforts to be impartial the BBC has decided its reports must avoid
material that constitutes a ‘value judgement’. To this end it advises
against using the word ‘terrorism” or describing anyone, even terrorists,
as ‘terrorists’.
The guidelines do however, allow the use of this word and its variations in
reported speech. I.e., if someone uses it, and the BBC needs to include a
verbatim quote from that someone in an article or report, they are to let
it lie, i.e., not remove it, change it or fiddle with it at all.
Therefore it was ... more »
Michelle Obama Pushes Latest Con Job for US Military Intervention

In yet another angle to sell the American public on more militarism for fun
and profit the pitch is being made for the JSOC hit squads and SEAL teams
to be scrambled to rescue a few hundred kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria.
The girls, destined for a living hell of humiliation and sexual
exploitation were abducted by Islamic militant group Boko Haram back in
April and it is of course incumbent on Team America World Police to
intervene. This could be a feel good story along the lines of Ronald
Reagan's 1983 invasion of global military powerhouse Grenada that came on
the heels of tha... more »

*"When worst come to Wurst, my peoples come first..."*
Eurovision 2014: Ten Reasons Why Austrian Drag Queen Conchita Wurst Must Win
By David Sim - May 9, 2014
1. It will upset the Russians.
2. It will upset homophobes in Eastern Europe.
3. It would upset Austrian right-wing politicians like Heinz-Christian
Strache, FPO leader.
Because upsetting people for no good reason is certainly what we should
have as our goal in life.
It's a part of the European ideal. But think of the children.
10% of those will see that and think - "I'm gay - when I grow up, I want to
upset people ... more »
HI-01: Meet The Conservative Who's On The Verge Of Winning In A Deep-Blue District

Bad news for progressives/bad news for Hawai'i
The Hawai`i legislature has passed two major laws within the last year:
approving marriage equality and increasing the minimum wage to $10.10.
Both of the achievements were produced by progressives in the
Democratic-dominated legislature-- and over the objections of State Senate
President Donna Kim.
One might think Kim would be cowering in light of these defeats. But she’s
actually bucking for a promotion, as the frontrunner for the open seat in
Hawai`i’s First Congressional District-- a solid-Democratic district that
gave Barack Obama ... more »
Is 'The Week in Westminster' biased?

There's been an amusing exchange about Radio 4's *The Week at Westminster *at
*Biased BBC* this weekend, which I thought I'd reproduce here:
Thoughtful says:
May 10, 2014 at 11:30 am
An unbelievable piece on radio 4 where the left wing New Statesman hack
Helen Lewis is allowed to front a program talking about the Tory appeal to
BME voters.
The amazing comment that ‘when the last wave of migrants arrived here in
the 1960s and worked hard, settled down and integrated ! Integrated ??? So
if that’s true why is there a need for multiculturalism to be invented?
Then it’s on to an explana... more »
Reaping the Whirlwind

By The Ozarker
[Reposted from The Conflicted Doomer]
May 10, 2014
This will be a short post this week as I have spent most of the day looking
at videos and pictures from the terrible Trade Union Building fire that
took so many lives in Odessa, Ukraine, over a week ago.
I do not know the people in those pictures and videos, but they are
horrifying. There was video of people in a crowd in front of the burning
building lobbing more fire bombs into the building, chanting and shouting
over and over; video of a man coming to an upper window of the building,
only to be shot or shot at ... more »
Hashtag Histrionics

Michelle Obama, self-anointed mom-in-chief and ambassador of feel-good
neoliberalism, has used the occasion of the star-studded #BringBackOurGirls Twitterblitz
to implicitly scold a nation full of youthful American slackers. Because
what's Mothers Day for, if not for the infliction of guilt?
From her White House address:
The (kidnapped Nigerian) girls themselves also knew full well the dangers
they might encounter. Their school had recently been closed due to
terrorist threats…but these girls still insisted on returning to take their
exams. They were so determined to move to the... more »
Malaysia Airline Flight 370 Mystery - May 10 , 2014 -- " Official Version " doesn't make sense ? Takeaway -- Even before the black-box search turned up empty, observers had begun to raise doubts about whether searchers were looking in the right place. Authorities have treated the conclusion that the plane crashed in the ocean west of Australia as definitive, owing to a much-vaunted mathematical analysis of satellite signals sent by the plane. But scientists and engineers outside of the investigation have been working to verify that analysis, and many say that it just doesn’t hold up........ Whether you believe everything that Sarah Baic has said regarding Flight 370 and her boyfriend Phillip Wood ( passenger on flight 370 ) . she apparently has received threats and has had break ins since flight 370 disappeared and she became a vocal opponent of the official version of events ........ BEIJING: The next of kin of the passengers and crew of Flight MH370 have formed Voice370, short for MH370 Victims Families and Crew Association. In an open letter signed by family members from China, Malaysia, the United States, New Zealand and India, it urged the Malaysian Government to release the raw Inmarsat data so that “it can be subject to broader analysis by relevant experts”. “The Inmarsat satellite data is the only lead we have and is key in identifying MH370’s flight path after the plane vanished from civilian radar screens on March 8.
Catharsis Ours - 12 hours ago
Malaysia Chronicle......
Saturday, 10 May 2014 18:05WHY THE NEED FOR SECRECY? Already, excuses made
to shield MH370 panel for not releasing raw data to independent experts
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[image: WHY THE NEED FOR SECRECY? Already, excuses made to shield MH370
panel for not releasing raw data to independent experts]
Malaysia Air Flight 370 disappeared from screens two months ago yesterday.
What happened to it is as much o... more »
Black Whole Dynamics: The Foundation of our Fractal-Holographic Universe
*Black Whole Dynamics: The Foundation of our Fractal-Holographic Universe*
May 9, 2014 | By WakingTimes | 2 Replies
Sombrero spiral galaxy from NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Brandon West, Contributor
Waking Times
If I had to explain Nassim Haramein’s work and try to describe his
Holofractographic Universe Theory (HFU) to a person who had never heard of
it before, or who was questioning it’s validity, I would begin with the
scaling law for organiz... more »
Thinking Moms Call To Action: Call The EPA To Recall Roundup May 12 - 16, 2014

[image: Moms Across Americas foto.]
*The Thinking Moms Revolution Facebook*
Tal Fortgang can no longer carry a film!
*SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014*
*Freshman star’s billing bumped down:* Tal Fortgang can no longer carry a
film, or so they now think at Salon.
The demonic college freshman headlined eight separate pieces this week. Just
see our previous post.
It looked like “Tal” was box office gold. Rumors flew that he would change
his name to *Tab* Fortgang.
The youngster’s privilege was running hog wild. But just like that, on
Saturday afternoon, his billing was bumped way down:
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 12:30 PM EDT
What “Neighbors” and “Chef” can teach us about white male privilege
Seth Rogen and Jon Fav... more »
KIPP Pre-Ks With 8-9 Hour Days
KIPP's segregated charter reform schools are widely known for their 10 hour
days, plus 2 hours of homework each night. With tons of federal cash soon
up for grabs for those who promise to replace the effect of poverty with
cultural and character sterilization programs, KIPP has plans to take the
lead in the 3-4 year old market.
KIPP would like to start with kids before age 3, but there is no money
provided for that. Yet. Instead, for now they must settle to begin their
cultish interventions where the federal money trail begins, and to move it
forward, so that by the time childre... more »
Plain English ain’t what it used to be! (Again, for weekend wonksters)
*SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014*
*Our first pass at Godel’s theorem:* In her 2005 book, Incompleteness: The
Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel, Professor Goldstein states a fairly
standard view concerning Godel’s role in twentieth century thought.
(For yesterday's post on this topic, click here.)
“His work was, in its own way, as revolutionary as Einstein’s,” she writes
on page 21 of her book, which is intended for non-specialists. Godel’s work
should “be grouped along the small set of the last century’s most radical
and rigorous discoveries, all with consequences seeming to spill far beyond
th... more »
On Foma and Mendacity: Letting the Cat Out of the Bag
On Foma and Mendacity: Letting the Cat Out of the Bag. via On Foma and
Mendacity: Letting the Cat Out of the Bag.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS:
Becoming Radical

*Yesterday in Ansan, South Korea, the hometown of the most of the Sewol
Ferry tragedy victims. People are very angry with the government and the
mainstream media.* Why are Sewol families so angry with the media?Some
media coverage of the tragic ferry sinking has been inaccurate and
reporters’ behavior has at times been insensitiveThe reason grief-stricken
family members of victims in the Sewol ferry sinking headed for the Blue
House [house of President Park Geun-hye] on May 9, carrying portraits of
their children, was remarks by KBS newsroom chief Kim Si-gon that triggered
an explos... more »

FCC Can’t Handle All The Phone Calls They Are Getting. Call Them!Keep
making telephone calls to the FCC and demanding net neutrality. The FCC is
reporting they cannot handle the volume of telephone calls. So, keep
calling. Call them often. Let them hear from you and tell everyone you
know to do the same.
Call the FCC at 202-418-1000 or 888-225-5322.
You can also write them at to express your outrage
about the threat to net neutrality.
Our demands:
1. Reclassify the Internet as a common carrier so it can be regulated in
the public interest.
2. Put net neutr... more »
Ukraine plunges into complete chaos-perfect timing to ship missiles to
Kiev? America war hawks, including John McCain think so.
Aisha North – An update And A Powerful Confirmation – 11 May 2014

*Aisha North – An update And A Powerful Confirmation – 11 May 2014*
Dear friends!
Like many of you, I have receiving so much information lately. Some of it
during mediation, but most of it has been in the form of articles, books or
films that I have “stumbled across” or that others have found and have been
guided to share with me. Much of this information is about the
communication between our physical bodies, our consciousness and these
“invisible energies”, and a recurring theme also seems to be scientific
discoveries being made now that can con... more »
Humankind requests alignment with The One, and this request has been acknowledged and accepted

*Humankind requests alignment with The One, and this request has been
acknowledged and accepted*
by ÉirePort
Humankind requests alignment with The One, and this request has been
acknowledged and accepted.
Accession to proceedings which follow conjoins elemental of Gaia with
Essence of Humanity.
Evolutionary pathways are terminated. *(I have no idea what this sentence
means -AK)*
ÉirePort | May 11, 2014 at 7:40 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Five hours of self pity?

I had another reason for not watching the Eurovision interminable bore
competition last night, not that I would have watched it anyway - that is
because I was watching the third and final episode of Generation War, and
more particularly, Martha Kearney’s post series debriefing.
I thought James Delingpole more or less nailed it in his review “Generation
War does something very un-German - bottles it”.
Even the trailer required total suspension of disbelief, something various
critics have pointed out, viz; the opening scene, set in 1941, in which the
childhood friends are joined in th... more »
The principle of the matter
Did you spot how Chris Mason, standing in for Eurovisionophile Paddy
O'Connell on this morning's *Broadcasting House, *introduced LBC presenter
Julia Hartley-Brewer with a clip where Bob Crow challenged her over her
political views, but then introduced Lord Robert Winston as being a
scientist with a lot of words after his name, and plenty before?
The latter is certainly the case, as Robert Winston's full title is 'The
Right Honourable Professor The Lord Winston, FMedSci FRSA FRCP FRCOG FIBiol
What Chris Mason (a BBC political correspondent) *didn't* mention is that
Lo... more »
Fact of seeking lawful result not an appropriate basis for another disposition
As every competent lawyer knows, overreaching in submissions runs the risk
that the decision maker will not only ignore the submissions but will be
inclined to the other side. Asking for a reasonable, but favourable, result
is the best approach. That said, in Landrus (Re), 2014 ONCA 371 the mere
fact lawful submissions were made was expressly held against the person
making the submissions. That was held to be an error:
[14] After rejecting the hybrid disposition sought by the hospital,
the Board said the following:
It remains to be seen whether or not Mr. Landrus will particip... more »
For Mother’s Day, embrace the complications
It’s hard for me not to be slightly cynical on special days like this
because they’re largely capitalist confections created by skilled
marketers. Take a look at how far we’ve come from the original connotations
of “Mother’s Day,” from the Zinn History Project. What began as a call to
action, now we eat brunch and exchange […]
NEWSWEEK: Israel Spying In The U.S. Hushed Up

Ummm...if you're a fan of this blog, you know I've been telling you this
for YEARS. Now, for those of you who only believe "mainstream news":
*NEWSWEEK: Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up*
Too bad mainstream "news" stops short of telling you the WHOLE story:
(this was reported just after 911, and then scrubbed/banned by FOX "news")
*Now here's the BEST investigative reporter (I've been telling you THAT for
years, too): Christopher Bollyn -*
Israel is stealing our trade and tech secrets... more »
Despite the fact that Obama and the western media calls these folks
"separatists" what they are actually voting for today is one of two things:
1) Greater autonomy for eastern Ukraine but still remaining a part of
Ukraine. Under this plan they would continue their historic trade and
cultural relations with neighboring Russia.
2) No change from the present situation
How many media sources will even bother to tell us that bit of truth?
“My problem is not Ukraine, it is the authorities in Kiev,” said Anton
Karpov, a 31-year-old coal mine worker.
“It’s good to live in Ukraine, but t... more »
FL ALECers - Spreading Evil Across USA
I figured it was about time to maybe give Florida a little love.
After all ...
Stand Your Ground - License to Kill passed in Florida first before it went
to an ALEC meeting for mass distribution.
Making welfare recipients pee in a cup - passed in Florida first before it
went to an ALEC meeting for mass distribution.
The least we can do is vote Florida ALECers out of office
- so they can't take these crappy Florida laws to an ALEC meeting!
* #VoteNo2ALEC*
*How do people get on an ALEC list?*
That question comes up all the time. The most common are:
They serve on ALEC task force... more »
Voting Brisk in Eastern Ukraine - Updated
*Brisk- means of course very well attended- high levels of participation*
*VOA *
Eastern Ukrainians began voting early Sunday in a referendum on secession -
with most voters saying they were* voting for a break because of the
military campaign by Kyiv *against Pro-Russian separatists. Other voters
cited *an expectation for a better life if their region* is annexed by
So the people are coming out to vote for independence for two reasons- the
attacks launched against them by Kiev and hopes for a better life
Voting was brisk this morning at polling stations in the Donetsk and ... more »
*'We need more tiger-parents to push pupils': Expert says British are
falling behind East Asian children because parents think ability is
inherited rather than result of hard work*
*Top IQ kids will do well in any system. But effort can make a difference
in the middle IQ range*
British teenagers are falling behind those in high-performing East Asian
countries because too many parents in the UK believe that ability is
inherited rather than the result of hard work, an expert warned yesterday.
Sir Michael Barber, chief education adviser to publishing giant Pearson,
suggested that hi... more »
The Meaning of Conchita Wurst
Eurovision is merely the continuation of politics by other, musical means.
Usually, the popular perception is of nepotistic voting, of kindred nation
supporting kindred nation. Witness Greece and Cyprus, the Scandinavian
countries, and so on. Another persistent trope is to read the blunt force
trauma of geopolitics into the granting of points. Everyone east of the
Vistula, for example, habitually votes Russia because Papa Putin will turn
off the gas otherwise. Or so the argument goes. But last night something
different happened. The blocs of old melted as gender and sexual politics ... more »
Mike's Story Part 18 - Decision
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*Looking back, one purpose the Venezuela interlude served** in Mike’s life
was that of expiation.** Any potential friendship threatened with the most
guileless of questions, “What brings you here?” He couldn’t answer
truthfully, that he was seeking political asylum (which on the phone, we
referred to as “the ‘a’ word.”) When the reporter from the US newspaper
interviewed him for seven hours, Mike acknowledged only that he was
requesting permanent residency. Thus he was forced into solitary
confinement with its attendant pastime, contemplating the sins that ... more »
Ted Cruz, Joe McCarthy And… Benghazi!

Yes, Texas extremist Ted Cruz *looks* a lot like ugly, dead, alcoholic
neo-fascist Joe McCarthy. But the superficial similarities are hardly the
reason why people have dubbed Cruz "the new McCarthy." One of the most
reviled villains in American history-- right up there with Benedict Arnold,
John Wilkes Booth, Jefferson Davis, Herbert Hoover, Sam Giancana and Nathan
Bedford Forrest-- McCarthy could be an icon for today's Republican Party.
And that's why Ted Cruz and his obstructionist agenda have risen in esteem
among the racists, bigots, greedy self-servers, and anti-American hate ... more »
*James Gill: Oil and gas owe Louisiana big time*
*La. Sugar Growers Push Trade Tussle With Mexico ~NOLA DEFENDER*
*Garrison Keillor, Tuesday at Le Petite Theater*
*New children’s books explore New Orleans, its culture ~Chere Cohen, The
*Original Big 7 Mother's Day Second Line, Downtown Super Sunday*
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 11th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is Sunday again, and it is time again for my rant and rave… Mostly
rant considering with everything happening in our sick world there is
little to rave about….
It is Mother's Day, and I especially want to say Happy Mother's Day to all
those very important mothers out there… And especially to my own mother
that put up with me and my antics for so many years…..
I have already said so much already about what has been happening in the
Ukraine, and all I see over the last while by the liars in our Jewish (Yes,
it is Jewish controlled… Look at who owns it!) c... more »
National Interest and Self Interest

Stephen Harper's enemies list grows ever longer. But, Gerry Caplan writes,
the list includes not only persons but nations as well. When asked last
week if Canada would support a UN peacekeeping mission to the Central
African Republic, Deepak Obhrai, the parliamentary secretary to John Baird
told the House:
“Of course, we are very much concerned about the situation in the Central
African Republic, and are working with our allies in the United Nations to
address the issue…. What is more important is that the Liberal Party, as
well as the NDP, would like to put Canadian soldiers’ ... more »
"Prime Minister, shut up!"
Well, well, well, so Andrew Marr told the British Prime Minister to "shut
up" on his show today (h/t Guido Fawkes).
David Cameron was talking about the school girl abductions in Nigeria, when
Andrew Marr burst in with those highly unexpected words.
Why did he do it? Well, James Galway was waiting with his flute and you
*don't* keep James Galway waiting for anything, no sirree.
So 'Shut it, Cameron, you slarrgggg!' it was then.
At least the UK Prime Minister fared better than Nigel Farage. The UKIP
leader was given a slap by Andrew Marr during last week's edition of the
show, an... more »
Ukraine Updates May 9 , 2014 -- Hostilities have resumed in the streets of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in the Donetsk Oblast - as per co-chairman of the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin ....... Unpaid Ukraine natural gas debt ( currently 3.5 billion ) could lead to suspension of gas supplies to Ukraine .... As Sunday Referendums loom , East ukraine remains mired in a de fact to siege by Kiev and Right Sector forces , talks to resolve Ukraine situation unlikely to lead to constructive developments .....
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Zero Hedge .....
Russia Celebrates Victory Over Nazi Germany As Putin Visits Newly
"Acquired" Crimea
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/09/2014 08:35 -0400
- Germany
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
A day after Russia shocked the world with an impressive demonstration of
military preparation for what it dubbed was a "*massive nuclear attack*",
the country is celebrating its traditional May 9 national holiday which
marks the Soviet victory over Nazis in World War II. Among the people
watching the traditional and impressive military de... more »
Douze points for...

As erudite columnists at the *Spectator, Times *and *Telegraph *are pouring
out pieces about the main political event of week on the European landmass,
namely the Eurovision Song Contest, *Is the BBC biased? *refuses to be left
out of this mad stampede, so...
I switched on after 10 o'clock (as usual) for the voting, turned the sound
down and watched the results pour in from the Icelandic jury and others. I
get to see the points being awarded, plus to smile at the wacky chaps and
pretty chapesses who read out the results from each country, which is all I
need from Eurovision.
As ... more »
Eurovision 2014 winner Conchita Wurst's original song video
Am I wrong?
Surely Conchita Wurst owes the late great Kenny Everett a big thank you for
the inspiration of Cupid Stunt.
Talking about my... generational issues

*Why don't you all fade away*
*And don't try to dig what we all say*
*I'm not trying to cause a big sensation*
*I'm just talkin' 'bout my generation*
Popped over to Thinking, where you should really be going, and
read a lot today. One point that is made in various forms by many
commentators there, and everywhere else, is that this generation of kids is
different: it's the first to grow up under democracy.
Well, that's true, yet this generation is different in another way too: it
is the first to face economic prospects worse than those of its parents.
This ge... more »
Ottawa job bank scam

I'll bet you've already guessed what Step #2 is -- replying to the Canadian
*CTV *:
"Employers are required to post job listings seeking Canadian workers
first, and leave those ads up for four weeks, before they can be given the
green light to hire temporary foreign workers.
"I probably apply for about five jobs a month from the job bank and I have
for a few months," said one job-seeker, speaking on condition of anonymity
for fear of harming his employment prospects.
"I have never heard a word back from any of the companies I've applied to."
An email address set up ... more »
Demography 22: Japan's Depopulation and Migration Policy

A good article here from WSJ last Wednesday. The author is arguing for a
more liberal or freer immigration policy by the Japanese government because
of the huge manpower requirements by the ageing population. Something like
650,000 new immigrants a year.
In Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, other developed economies in Asia, Europe and
N. America, flat or declining population is a problem while in developing
economies like the Philippines, India and Indonesia, their rising
population is considered by certain sectors as a big problem, big
liability, instead of looking at it as a big asset. Wh... more »
The Sun Has Got His Hat On again

I see the BBC has sneaked out a pretty short online report about Derek
Lowe, the BBC Radio Devon veteran sacked for playing the pop classic *The
Sun Has Got His Hat On *on his musical nostalgia slow simply because it
just happens to contains the n-word, and that some listener was "horrified"
at hearing the word in the 1932 song, and because the BBC was too craven
and politically correct to stop the whole fiasco in its tracks right from
the very start.
The story is leading the *Mail on Sunday* and most other papers *(Telegraph,
Times, *etc) are featuring it strongly.
It's a story... more »
Alan Krueger
The *Princeton Alumni Weekly* profiles the former CEA chair.
*The Ethanol Disaster*
*America's renewables policy is bad for consumers, the environment, and the
global poor*
Last November, when the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) proposed
moderating years of escalating mandates by reducing the amount of ethanol
that must be mixed into gasoline, a top ethanol lobbyist seemed perplexed.
"We're all just sort of scratching our heads here today and wondering why
this administration is telling us to burn less of a clean-burning American
fuel," Bob Dineen, head of the Renewable Fuels Association, told The New
York Times.
Here are a few possib... more »
A mid-May 'Sunday'

Well, this morning's *Sunday *on Radio 4 certainly brought out the BBC
bias, as you will see.
{The bits in bold italics under the sub-headlines are direct quotes from
the *Sunday *website}.
*1. The Indian elections*
*The Indian elections are drawing to a close. Monday 12th May is the last
voting day. Rahul Tandon reports live from India.*
This took the form of a discussion about the role of religion in this
election and, inevitably for the BBC, focused on the concern of Muslims
over Mr Modi's record during the Gujurat riots in 2002, about the BJP's
plans to build a Hindu temple at ... more »

I told you so.
I was told this by a policeman, a Metropolitain Police Commander on July
8th 2005 (imagine why I remember THAT date...) - East Sussex Police (in
Brighton) KNEW, they had the pictures, he was formally questions and
charges were never brought by the CPS.
This was not a secret - many dozens, if not hundreds of people in various
police forces and branches of the Judiciary (and presumably the BBC) knew
about this, and with high confidence (remember, there were photos - Harris
in a state of undress with a child other than his own) that this was true,
and that Harris ... more »
Indian Air Force plans to upgrade ageing Jaguars hits roadblock

[image: IAF Jaguar]The Indian Air Force's (IAF) plan to add much-needed new
teeth with advanced missiles, engines and avionics to its ageing fleet of
Jaguar fighters has failed to take off as the programme has got stuck with
certain design and development issues.
The IAF initiated the process of upgrading the Jaguars in 2009 to bring a
fleet of 61 aircraft to DARIN (Display Attack Ranging Inertial Navigation
III) standards.
This meant that the more than four-decade-old aircraft would be transformed
into a modern fighting machine with a head-up display, all-glass cockpit,
advanced a... more »
Iranian Army Choppers Equipped with Guided Missiles

[image: Iranian]The Iranian Army has mounted new guided missiles and
rockets on its helicopters, one of which has a range of more than 4
kilometers, a senior commander announced.
Speaking in a graduation ceremony for the cadets from the Army Ground Force
airborne division (Havaniroz), Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force
Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan said the country’s combat
helicopters have been equipped with guided missiles and rockets.
The missiles which have been mounted on the choppers enjoy a range of more
than 4 kilometers, the commander said.
Read more
Super Soldier War - Bases at the Barge Inn - James Casbolt aka Michael Prince
"A clear fantasist? A fraud? Or something else?" Miles Johnston admits he's *playing
with fire* in his introduction to what's turning out to be a SUPER SOLDIER
WAR that's raging among the alternative media.
*Super Soldier* James Casbolt aka Michael Prince speaks in public about his
role in *ACTUAL corporate assassinations and the Demonic Nazi Overthrow of
humanity by TPTB*, don't quote me on this crap.
Some strong accusations made by Casbolt in this presentation are to be
strongly refuted by Max Spiers and Sarah Adams in a future Bases edition,
currently in edit.
Pertinent to ... more »
Lugansk and Donetsk regions vote for self-determination May 11 , 2014 - polling stations have opened , local self - defense forces have boosted security , voters have lined up to vote - The heads of various industrial enterprises ( Metinvest , Ilyich Iron and Steel Works and Azovstal Iron and Steel works ) called “to reject the practice of conducting large-scale battles in peaceful cities of Donbas with participation of the armed forces, the use of hardware and armaments”, noting that “Ukrainian military must immediately leave the city”.....

Itar Tass - voting updates....
14:44 World
Mobile communication restored at referendum with east Ukraine’s Krasny Liman
13:09 World
East Ukraine’s Donetsk referendum turnout already above 30%
12:00 World
Southeast Ukraine’s Lugansk referendum turnout at around 22% as of 8am BST
Lugansk and Donetsk regions vote for self-determination
Polling stations have opened in Donetsk and Lugansk regions seeking
independence from central government in Ukraine. Local self-defense forces
boosted security measures, fear... more »
The Know Your Rights Hour: Radio Interview With Doctor, Attorney & Author Mayer Eisenstein, Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, Pharmacist Sandy Lunoe and Medical Researcher Dr. Paul King, Ph.D
Join Doctor, Attorney & Author Mayer Eisenstein, Vaccine Rights Attorney
Alan Phillips, and special guests Norwegian pharmacist Sandy Lunoe and
medical researcher Dr. Paul King, Ph.D. as they discuss the many vaccine
ingredients that most people, including the doctors who administer
vaccines, don’t know about, and the harm those ingredients can cause
vaccine recipients; why you can’t get information about *all* vaccine
ingredients, even through Freedom of Information Acts; why the vaccine
industry hides some vaccine ingredients; why injections from multidose
vaccine vials pose a p... more »
Rogozin, Romania, conflicts, and individual rights
On Saturday, Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin went to
Transdniestria to celebrate the anniversary of the 1945 victory over the
Nazis with the local ethnic Russians – who have the same good reasons to
celebrate (congratulations to them, and thanks to the Russian and Western
Second World War veterans who helped to liberate my country) and who may
feel oppressed by the surrounding nations these days.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, they have established a de facto
independent ethnic Russian republic which is a supernarrow strip on the
border between Moldova and U... more »
FAA official: Drone, jetliner nearly collided over Fla.

[image: QF-4 Phantom]A Federal Aviation Administration official warned this
week about the dangers of even small unmanned aircraft, pointing
specifically to a recent close call involving a drone and a commercial
airliner that could have had "catastrophic" results.
Jim Williams, the head of the FAA's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) office,
discussed various potential perils during a presentation Thursday to those
attending the Small Unmanned Systems Business Expo.
A video of his talk in San Francisco, and those of others, to those who
operate, create or otherwise are involved or int... more »
If not the A-10 and U-2, what else can the Air Force cut?

[image: B-1B Lancer]The Air Force’s plan to retire the A-10 and U-2 fleets
has hit major congressional opposition that could ripple across the service
and put other aircraft fleets at risk of being eliminated or downsized.
The House Armed Services Committe on May 7 passed amendments to the fiscal
2015 National Defense Authorization Act, which, if approved by the full
Congress, would leave the service scrambling for other ways to save money,
both in fiscal 2015 and in 2016 when sequestration returns.
“It would be great if Congress provided the Air Force with additional
resources suff... more »
Chinese frigates spotted off Panatag Shoal–US 7th Fleet

[image: Yueyang (572) Type 054A Frigate]The US 7th Fleet, during flight
operations off Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal, has spotted two Chinese
frigates in the area.
In a statement released by its public affairs office, the 7th Fleet said
the Chinese warships, one bearing the bow number “572,” was spotted by an
MH-60 “Knighthawk” helicopter flying off the USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), the
fleet’s flagship.
The American ship was conducting routine training operations in the
vicinity of Scarborough Shoal when the Chinese ships were seen.
Read more
Pol. Ideology 55: Jules Maaten's Lecture on Liberalism

A very informative lecture given by Jules Maaten last Tuesday night at our
Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio, along with RC Makati Pio del Pilar.
Not many people were able to come though although they really wanted to
hear Jules' talk. Like at least three from the Initiatives for Filipino
Liberty (IFL) group, at least three from our club, and so on. So this blog
post is for those who were not able to come and regular readers of this
At the onset, Jules defined *Liberalism* as:
* It is the philosophy of liberty
* It is a philosophy of empowerment
* Origin in protecting the... more »
After He's Defeated In November, Ed Jany Can Teach At A DCCC Mail Order School Specializing In How To Lose Blue Districts

Steve Israel, as we mentioned earlier in the month, failed again. He
fails. He fails at everything. Tangent: one of his closest allies in
Congress sent me a note yesterday to tell me that Israel's philandering
led to a second divorce and a catastrophic personal financial
situationthat "puts him at risk of being unduly influenced by corporate
who promise him a lucrative post-Congress future… [and] makes him
favors now, like a cheap re-fi on his home when he wouldn’t otherwise
qualify. Will he turn up with $80,000 in the freezer?" Israel is the 6th
most... more »
inBloom, BloomBoard, and the Undeniable, Corporate Reform “Need” for Student Data
On April 21, 2014, the Gates-funded data warehouse inBloom publicized that
it was shutting down. The New York Times called it a “setback for the
nearly $8 billion prekindergarten through 12th-grade education technology
software market.” InBloom CEO Iwan Streichenberger calls it “a real missed
opportunity for teachers and school districts seeking to improve student
learning.” I’m sorry, but making […]
“Lost in Space Without a Clue: Ponderous Ruminations, Maybe Tedious”
*“Lost in Space Without a Clue: *
*Ponderous Ruminations, Maybe Tedious”*
by Fred Reed
“The world is too much with us, late and son. Before long, it can begin to
seem reasonable. I have my doubts. The usual always seems reasonable.
For example, existence seems reasonable. We wake up every morning and there
it is. Actually it isn’t reasonable. It’s just customary. We avoid thinking
about this so as not to become anxious. Or so, anyway, think I.
The sun, we are told—and I have no reason to doubt it—is a roaring ball of
hydrogen fire in apparently infinite darkness, an inexplicable voi... more »
Rhetorical and/or philosophical question
Let’s say that your school, a low income area of an affluent major city,
enrolls some of the most, shall we say, challenging upper elementary
students you/I have ever seen. Day after day after day, they fight
instruction and they fight among themselves. Their education is interrupted
in what starts each day as minutes, then […]
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada 'Avenges' Murdered Missing African Girls'
Posted on May 10, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute.
MNN. May 10, 2014. The Corporation of Canada refuses to investigate the
thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous girls and young women in
Canada. Our girls have no political value to them and an investigation
into their disappearance may uncover a connection to
Now Entering Nulandistan: US-Supported EuroMaidan "Democrat" Calls for Genocide
"If man cannot redeem himself of his everyday tensions through words, the
archaic primitive demands within him grow more and more awake. The world
falls prey to his accumulated obsessions, and in the end collective madness
breaks through. Let us talk now, so that we do not become mad animals!" -
Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A. M. Meerloo, *"Conversation and
Video Title: Now Entering Nulandistan: US-Supported EuroMaidan "Democrat"
Calls for Genocide. Source: Global Research TV. Date Published: May 10,
2014. Description:
The Ukrainian businessman Gennady Bal... more »
No Shame, No Respect, No Consequences
*Mr. Netanyahu, take the anti-Semitism charge and stick it up your ass.*
An excerpt from, *"Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up"*by Jeff Stein, Newsweek, May 8:
As *Newsweek *reported on Tuesday, American counter-intelligence officials
told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees at the
end of January that Israel's current espionage activities in America are
"unrivaled and unseemly," going far beyond the activities of other close
allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan.
“It has been extensive for years,” a former top U.S. sec... more »
Malaysia flight 370 Mystery May 8 , 2014 - a new conspiracy theory floated by Dr Steve Piecznik - "The Americans have put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made their way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with some conflicting statement and evidence to confuse the world. The Australians are the co-actor." Could this incident actually be centered on the Us preventing China from obtaining a stolen command and control system stolen during the Afghanistan withdrawal ? This theory actually reinforces the plane being taken to Diego Garcia .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
5/9/14 updates.....
Friday, 09 May 2014 09:24PRE-PLANNED & TIMED? Two months on, missing MH370
jet story is off the radar
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[image: PRE-PLANNED & TIMED? Two months on, missing MH370 jet story is off
the radar]
Exactly two months ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala
Lumpur at 12.41 am for Beijing, but vanished mid-air with 239 people on
No trace of Flight MH370 has been found des... more »
If Grim "Mikey Suits" can't pop into his local FBI office, how will he pick up new crime tips?

*by Ken*
No, he hasn't actually made the FBI's Most Wanted List -- yet -- but
apparently NY Congressman "Mikey Suits" Grimm, who of course represents
Staten Island and a chunk of Brooklyln, *has* succeeded in making the
Bureau's *persona non grata* list. As DNAinfo New York's Murray Weiss
reported, in "FBI Bars Congressman Michael Grimm":
STATEN ISLAND -- Rep. Michael Grimm, who quit as an FBI agent eight years
ago, was barred from returning to its New York field offices -- even after
he was elected to Congress, DNAinfo New York has learned.
Federal security personnel at the FBI'... more »
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