Tuesday, July 09, 2013

9 July - Blogs I'm Following

English: Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montg...English: Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Martin Luther King Jr. was the pastor here. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
TPP Santiago, Chile 2011TPP Santiago, Chile 2011 (Photo credit: Threat to Democracy)
TPP FTA (TPPA): Trans-Pacific Partnership Free...TPP FTA (TPPA): Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement Subordinates Nations (And People) To Corporations (Photo credit: watchingfrogsboil)

Promote Research into Viral and Autoimmune Components of Autism

4:09am MDST

Egypt: Agents Provocateurs

Paul Coker at News Spike - 33 minutes ago
From 2011, but very current. Really? You think so? Look again. Look at people's feet. Are those Army Converse standard regulation issue? What about the market stall camo pants...? This man is an Israeli Sayanim or Muslim Brotherhood provocatuer in a stolen tactical helmet - the two soliders pulling her away from him by her arms are rescuing her from him. It turns out they actually still do this in Egypt.... Wow.

Moonwalking Over a Man's Grave

Paul Coker at News Spike - 33 minutes ago
"Don't you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.....?" The American Martyr so nice, they killed him twice. It's an American tradition to never tire or exhaust a Blood Libel once the accused becomes the deceased. Indeed, that's the ideal time to take things up a notch and replace brute force character attacks with something altogether more sophisticated and insidious. In American Society, this grand old tradition would seem to apply doubley so in the case of a so-called Negro as the mark. In 2011, Black Historians, Negro Historians and distinguished research fellows of... more »

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) - Threat To National Sovereignty

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 55 minutes ago
by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar *Editor’s Note*: *The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement represents the economic arm of the US pivot to the Asia-Pacific region, and threatens to undermine the sovereignty of participating countries. Washington lacks a fundamental economic vision, and as its influence in the world continues to wane, the TPP is an attempt to harness the growth and dynamism of South East Asia’s tiger cub economies as a counterweight to China’s influence in the region. The trade deal imposes familiar neoliberal policies written by and for the benefit of US multina... more »

The One People's Show 7-8-13 and Ginger's Notes

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 hour ago
Listen to internet radio with The Collective Imagination on BlogTalkRadio * * *The One People 8/9 July 2014 show – Ginger’s Notes* http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecollectiveimagination/2013/07/09/the-one-people Hosts: Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Chris Hales and Brian Kelly This show was essentially about . . . preparing for when Heather in Morocco will release the next documents we will use at the banks . . . all while Helen in Australia is laying down the banking path, based upon her recent banking adventures . . . as well as banking updates from dedicated Aussies, Uwe Schaf... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 3 hours ago
*Ayman al-Zawahiri. * Provocateurs are at work in Egypt. *A Cairo doctor, a Morsi supporter, relates:* "I saw four to six motorcycles coming from the direction of the *Rabaa intersection* to the Republican Guard barracks... *"The men on the motorcycles were all masked.* * * *"And it was hard to see them through the dark and the tear-gas smoke, but they seemed to be shooting.* *"They were coming from behind the protesters, so they were shooting toward the protesters and the Army. * "Then the Army started firing. And the protestors were firing. I saw firing from both sides." An Ar... more »

Your moment of Zen

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 4 hours ago
Bristol, Tennessee. [Andrew Hunt photo]

So, where do emotions come from?

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 4 hours ago
[image: image] A new study suggesting some people’s brains are “hard-wired” for panic and anxiety is the dead end of mainstream psychology’s dismissal of the mind, says psychologist Dr Michael Hurd. [The] new University of Wisconsin-Madison imaging study shows the brains of people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) have weaker connections between a brain structure that controls emotional response, and the amygdala, which plays a key role in the processing of emotions. The study suggests that the brain's "panic button" may stay “on” due to lack of regulation. Not so fast... more »

Chad and Jeremy: A Summer Song...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 5 hours ago
*1964...* Lyrics? Just okay. The music? The construction in terms of chords and melody were ahead of its time and very well though out. *and now? Looking pretty damn good!!!*

Papers on the ER-EPR correspondence

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 5 hours ago
This new, standardized, elegant enough name of the Maldacena-Susskind proposal that I used in the title already exceeds the price of this blog entry that you had to pay. ;-) Yesterday, there was a one-page critical paper by Hrvoje Nikolić of Zagreb, Croatia, EU trying to criticize the ER-EPR correspondence. When I am looking at similar articles, I am often ashamed to be a European: Nikolić attacking MS reminds me of an angry and hungry dog attacking Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven except that in those good old times, the composers were European and the dogs were Ame... more »

How to resolve login problems

Peter @ Enviroman at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks - 5 hours ago
If you are having problems signing into Blogger dashboard, you should go to Blogger's account recovery tool where you can input either your blogspot URL (web address) or your email address and follow the instructions. If you still have problems, then head over to Google Accounts Help Centerwhere there will be more details on how to recover access to your account.

VIDEO: Hired Guns/Mercenaries in the Penokee Mountains

2old2care at Because I Can - 5 hours ago
Corporate America's response to "activists" A new level of disgrace in the USA. These aren't hired guns These are mercenaries - with automatic weapons - and their finger on the trigger. * **Photo and Video from Indian Country TV* What are you reacting to? It's a response to people who came in - activism stuff - trying to cut lines, ya know That's all we're doing Watch live streaming video from indiancountrytv at livestream.com

EZLN, National Indigenous Congress, support Yaqui water rights blockade

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours ago
Yaqui blockade highway near Vicam Pueblo, Sonora Censored News The Zapatistas' EZLN and National Indigenous Congress of Mexico are standing in solidarity with Yaqui who have blockaded a main highway in Sonora, to protest the theft of their water from Rio Yaqui, by way of the Independence Aqueduct.    "We demand the immediate cancellation of the arrest warrants and fabricated charges

Social Media Can Help Old People Stave Off Senility

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
Although it appears to not be working out for Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a new study published last week by the American Academy of Neurology-- Life-span cognitive activity, neuropathologic burden, and cognitive aging-- indicates that brain-stimulating activities helps preserve memory as we age. Late last month we tried shedding light on the fallacies around the pop culture conventional wisdom about digital dementia. The implications of this studygo even further. Blogging can save your mind. The study involved 294 people who were tested for memory and thinking every year for six years ... more »

In My Perfect Green World

Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 6 hours ago
Have you ever imagined what a perfect green world would look like? [image: Perfect Green World] In my perfect green world, protecting the environment is a high priority ... right alongside family, religion, success and life itself. Every decision is tempered by it's impact on the earth ... every choice made only after considering the consequences. Parents teach children to respect the environment, just as they learn to respect adults. Schools teach organic gardening and how to cook whole foods. Society values degrees in Aquatic Biology, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineerin... more »

Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations of Books

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 6 hours ago
It seems like some of the best and worst films of all time have been adapted from books. Sometimes they hit the book spot on and the movie is excellent. Sometimes the change the book around and I still love and sometimes they miss the mark completely. Here are some of each. Linking up with The Broke and the Bookish. Worst: - Eat, Pray, Love- I honestly really liked the book, but I can't even tell you where the movie went wrong. It still one of the only movies I turned off before the end, because I couldn't take one more second. - Three Musketeers- Did the film make... more »

ALEC Meetings - Just send a grunt.

2old2care at Because I Can - 6 hours ago
Many ALECers in a high position stay their distance from the extremist American Legsilative Exchagne Council - they just send a grunt. It maybe a very expensive grunt - but they send them instead so that they won't be seen at the ALEC meeting. Take this ALEC scumbag: Who didn't want to be seen at an ALEC meeting so - he sent Jacob Jason Eige is the Counselor and Senior policy advisor to the Governor.He added a flight/trip worth $2,107 to the American Legislative Exchange Council. He told the Richmond Times Dispatch, "Out of an abundance of caution, after reviewing my report again, I ... more »

ALEC Preschool -Federalism for Dummies

2old2care at Because I Can - 6 hours ago
Will your legislator be there? Hour one: Learning how to say fed-rahl-ism Who we are: Federalism in Action is a project of the State Policy Network and State Budget Solutions, a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, non-profit organization, committed to changing how state and local government does business. Federalism in Action Legislator Summit Join fellow state lawmakers and policy leaders for an exciting *one-day workshop prior to ALEC's Annual Meeting*. You won't want to miss this one-day event, which will include success stories from state leaders, workshops to learn tools and solution... more »

Ezra Levant Accuses Environmentalist/Eco Terrorists For Quebec Petroleum Tragedy

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 6 hours ago
Take a look at the face of an asshole, Ezra Levant, the biggest loser/asshole polluting the airwaves.. I don`t often watch the Sun News channel, here I was flipping through channels at 6:52 pm, July 8th/2013....I stopped on Sun News petroleum pimping channel and caught the last few minutes of Ezra Levant`s show..The Source.. And what I heard blew my mind, there was a tragic accident in Quebec over the weekend as you all know, the death toll is up to 5 confirmed dead and 50 more people unaccounted for, and since the fires are out, most likely these 50 lost souls have perished, my ... more »

Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago
*Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens* By Global Research News Global Research, May 24, 2013 The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News. Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They ruined 15 years of my research,” he told Prairie Advocate,... more »

NYT: In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A.

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago
In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A. By ERIC LICHTBLAU Published: July 6, 2013 864 Comments WASHINGTON — In more than a dozen classified rulings, the nation’s surveillance court has created a secret body of law giving the National Security Agency the power to amass vast collections of data on Americans while pursuing not only terrorism suspects, but also people possibly involved in nuclear proliferation, espionage and cyberattacks, officials say. The rulings, some nearly 100 pages long, reveal that the court has taken on a much more expansive role by regularly asse... more »

Venezuelan Asylum Achieved, Snowden reveals UFO Documents

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago
The Internet Chronicle *Venezuelan Asylum Achieved, Snowden reveals UFO Documents* BY KILGOAR, ON JULY 5TH, 2013 Mantle Convection 300x157 Venezuelan Asylum Achieved, Snowden reveals UFO Documents According to bombshell documents leaked by Snowden, the government has long known UFOs to be a species more advanced than mankind. CARACAS, Venezuela – Edward Snowden, the leaker of NSA surveillance documents, was granted asylum in Venezuela on Friday. With safe harbors in sight, Snowden was willing to share shocking and world-shattering exclusive secret government documents with The ... more »

Just present your I-am-a-child-of-Creator ticket and climb on board.

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago
* * * * *Just present your I-am-a-child-of-Creator ticket and climb on board.* channeled by Ron Head July 7, 2013 in Michael, Ron's Channeled Messages Michael What wonderfully complex creatures you are, able to say that things are not progressing as rapidly as you would like, and yet thinking that you have no time to finish everything. No wonder you amuse even yourselves at times. Let us look at things from another perspective, shall we? There are changes occurring in every particle of creation at this time. There is no being, micro, macro, or cosmic, from your point of view,... more »

Musical Interlude: 2002, “Time Stands Still”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
2002, “Time Stands Still” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQoETb06INI&html5=1

Guest entry from @tedcohen1 on turnaround schools in NJ. FYI

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 8 hours ago
Turnaround Children Inc.’s transparency claim transparentThe top school official in a major American city as part of an education-reform initiative is bringing in yet another private foundation, yet as little is known about Turnaround for Children Inc. as is known about how it fits into Supt. Cami Anderson’s plan to modernize Newark, New Jersey’s schools. […]

Ayn Rand on the Man Ban [updated]

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
Since the “Man Ban” was first issued by Labour—i.e., their proposal for a special quota to ensure a 50:50 split between men and women in the Labour caucus—it’s been widely dismissed*. *But only by derision, not by pointing out why such quotas are *wrong*. It only takes some slight paraphrasing from the original to explain why: The notion of sexual quotas is so obviously an expression of sexism that no lengthy discussion is necessary. If a young man is barred from a school or a job because the quota for his particular sex has been filled, he is barred by reason of his sex. Telling... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
“The universe is filled with galaxies. But to see them astronomers must look out beyond the stars of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. This colorful Hubble Space Telescopic portrait features spiral galaxy NGC 6384, about 80 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus. At that distance, NGC 6384 spans an estimated 150,000 light-years, while the Hubble close-up of the galaxy's central region is about 70,000 light-years wide. * Click image for larger size.* The sharp image shows details in the distant galaxy's blue star clusters and dust lanes along magn... more »

This is what we’ve been talking about re: the @aftunion “survey” on #commoncore @rweingarten

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 8 hours ago
We covered this. Diane Ravitch covered this. Mercedes Schneider dealt with this. We had Mercedes on our show to talk about the dubious AFT common core survey. But this, this is what we’ve all been talking about, and knew this would happen. From a teacher’s Facebook posting: In case you still can’t read it: Teachers, […]

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Vernon Hills, Illinois, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

"The Chief Obstacle..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race." - Don Marquis "I love humanity, but I hate people." - Edna St. Vincent Millay

Chet Raymo“November Paradise”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
* ** “November Paradise” * by Chet Raymo "A few lines from a poem, "Ode to Entropy", by John Updike: "Death exists nowhere in nature, not in the minds of birds or the consciousness of flowers, not even in the numb brain of the wildebeest calf gone under to the grinning crocodile, nowhere in the mesh of woods or the tons of the sea, only in our forebodings..." As far as we know, no other creature, animal or plant, has an awareness of self-mortality. Only in human consciousness is death anticipated, as a dark foreboding, or promise of release. So much is c... more »

With the stirring message that he's not Weiner, former NYS Gov. Eliot Spitzer presses his bid to become the new Mario Procaccino

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 9 hours ago
*The former governor certainly attracted a media mob on his first day back on the campaign trail.* *"At one point, an older woman in a straw hat leaned in to the scrum around Mr. Spitzer and declared: "His wife and his daughters understand. Why shouldn't we?" But a few feet away, a man in a blue polo shirt loudly castigated Mr. Spitzer, saying, "You slept with hookers, and you lied and cheated on your family."* *-- from "As Spitzer Campaigns, Candidates and Voters Weigh In," today on NYTimes.com* *by Ken* Okay, now this is getting plain silly. Slept with hookers. Lied. Cheated on ... more »

Defining Prosperity Down and Exactly How Far Does Rothschild Influence (and Money) Go? (And What Are They After Now?)

Talk about defining prosperity down. How do the people with fracked water cope? Can they define their lives down enough? Could be a lesson here for US: Defining Prosperity Down July 7, 2013 By Paul KrugmanFriday’s employment report wasn’t bad. But given how depressed our economy remains, we really should be adding more than 300,000 jobs a month, not fewer than 200,000. As the Economic

Congress halts US weapons to Syria plan by White House.... things going from bad to worse for the Rebels ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/07/08/resistance-u-s-weapons-to-syrian-rebels-frozen-as-house-senate-intel-committees-object-to-obamas-plan/ Resistance: U.S. weapons to Syrian rebels frozen as House, Senate intel committees object to Obama’s plan POSTED AT 8:01 PM ON JULY 8, 2013 BY ALLAHPUNDIT The House and Senate committees are, of course, controlled by different parties, so this isbipartisan pushback. Honestly, after Congress rolled over for O when he violated the War Powers Act to intervene in Libya, I didn’t think they had this in ‘em. Congressional committees are holding up a... more »

WARNING: Contains busybodies

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 9 hours ago
[image: _Gaweth]You don’t like swearing? Well, do you like it less than New Zealand’s richest communist taking time out from a busy day telling the country what to put on their dinner plateto tell us we should all effectively have the state as our landlord. Gareth Morgan: fuck you, *and* the dipshit ideas you rode in on. You might have fooled the country’s worst performing bank into taking your badly-performing donkey off your hands, but home-owners will be less forgiving. Home-owners, be wary of a Gareth bearing recipes for new taxes on your house; you have nothing to lose but... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago
US fugitive Edward Snowden has accused Germany and the US of partnering in spy intelligence operations, revealing that cooperation between the countries is closer than German indignation would indicate, Der Spiegel magazine reported. Journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter says German politicians are furious - but about being exposed, not by being spied upon.

Longest Walk 4 Begins July 15, 2013

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Schedule and info (English/French/Dutch) http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2013/06/schedule-longest-walk-4-return-to.html

Why The Muslim Brotherhood Was Overthrown: Cults And Democracies Don't Mix

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 10 hours ago
Many in the Western media are portraying the popular rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood's reign of deceit in Egypt as a defeat for democracy. But nothing could be further from the truth. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood came to power because of Washington's diplomatic and covert support for them. Morsi was subverting democracy, not defending it. As Thierry Meyssan wrote on July 8 in, *"Does Morsi’s fate foreshadow that of the Muslim Brotherhood?"*: It was not the street, but the United States that drove out Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and General Hosni Mubarak. And it is still the Uni... more »

51 killed in clashes on Monday in Egypt ! Divergence in accounts regarding the cause of the clashes - however , the prospects for ongoing conflict just went up considerably..... White House decides to ignore US law regarding cutting off foreign aid when a democratically elected government is subjected to a coup and toppled - not in the best interst of the Us to follow the law ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 10 hours ago
UPDATE 7: Death toll rises to 51 in Monday clashes between Egypt army and pro-Morsi protesters Brotherhood says army opened fire on peaceful protesters, army says 'terrorist group' tried to storm Rep. Guard HQ; health ministry confirms 51 dead; one officer dead; Salafist Nour quits political process, NSF condemn killings Ahram Online, Monday 8 Jul 2013 Print Send [image: Share/Bookmark] Views: 12345 [image: Republican Guard HQ] (Photo: Mai Shaheen) Related US condemns Brotherhood's violence calls US calls for 'maximum restraint' from Egypt military EU's Ashton urges all sides in Egypt ... more »

#SurveillanceState: New Edward Snowden interview

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 10 hours ago
GUARDIAN: 'The US government will say I aided our enemies' – video interview: In the second part of an exclusive interview with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden contemplates the reaction from the US government to his revelations of top-secret documents regarding its spying operations on domestic and foreign internet traffic, email and phone use. This interview was recorded in Hong Kong on 6 June 2013. [image: image] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)

“In Islam theological rebuttal of violence does not exist”

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 10 hours ago
If you’re wondering why Jihad Watch blogger Robert Spencer was barred from entering Britain by government bureaucrats, it’s because he says things like this: … there is no theological system in Islam, there is no sect, there is no group within Islam that has formulated a comeback, an understanding, a construction of Islamic theology based on the Koran that makes a case to reject violence and supremacism and the subjugation of unbelievers. It doesn’t exist. Search the Koran all you like—what you will find there expounded is not the framework for a religion of peace. Content is cop... more »

So, take a bucket of rusty water …

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 11 hours ago
Energy raises the power of human labour to incalculable levels. “Our standard of living depends on the fact that we have augmented our modest human muscle power with ever-greater amounts of manmade horsepower, in the form of engines, motors, and generators, powered by fossil fuels and nuclear energy.”1 Reliable, powerful energy sources allow the production of more goods for any given quantity of labour. And for years we’ve heard about new and supposedly better ways to produce energy, some supposedly “renewable",” some high-tech and still far-off into the future (fuel cells anyo... more »

Why Americans are so ill informed

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 11 hours ago
A new Gallup survey tells us television is still America's primary news source for current events (55%), leading the Internet, at 21%. Even worse, Fox News and CNN are the market leaders both in viewers and click-bait sensationalism. Accuracy in reporting has never been part of the Fox business model and at this point it's little more than a quaint relic of the past at CNN. On a related note, MoJo runs the numbers to find just how large a goldmine Citizens United spending has been for BigMedia. Which is leading to new rounds of consolidation. And it's not just CBS that's riding... more »

Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey and Bill Good, Lying Stooges To The End, BC Hydro Edition

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 11 hours ago
Let me start by saying, besides Vaughn Palmer, Bill Good and Keith Baldrey there are many more stooges, Sean Leslie, The Vancouver Sun, Michael Smyth, The Province and CTV and Global news, they are all stooges, not only did these news outlets fail to report the glaring now arriving consequences of corrupt Government decisions and directives accurately they actually failed to report anything at all..I`m talking about the bankrupting of BC Hydro and coming ratepayer shock.. I am talking about how Gordon Campbell, now Christy Clark and the BC Liberals used BC Hydro and public ratepay... more »

After the Fourth

risa bear at A Way to Live - 11 hours ago
Almost the entire family gathered this week, to spend the Fourth of July together and to carry out my parents' last wish, which was to have their ashes placed within view of the western side of a certain great mountain. The chosen site required a three hour drive and two-mile hike-in. The granddaughters, bless them, were up to this. Middle son carried my mom and dad; we ambled through dark woods along the north slope of a saddle and broke out into sun and view in the heat of the day ... I have to admit I cried buckets on the way back, and oldest son stopped twice to give me long ... more »

Adding a structure

risa bear at A Way to Live - 11 hours ago
The day comes when you can't do it all by yourself, or as well as you used to. Beloved wanted to add storage space to be able to sort and repair stock equipment without aggrandizing the potting shed (which certainly sounded good to me) so I began to make suggestions: "I could ... " "No." "Well, I could ... "Nope, not that either." Alas. What I could do was Google to find out who does these things that's close by. Kevin's Mini Barns is an operation run by a couple out of their home, less than a mile away. So we contracted with them. They set up their compressor in the chicken shed an... more »

Jardín Butchard con tulipanes de colores

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Fish out of water

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 12 hours ago
No idea if this photo of Paul Ryan is real or shopped but it clearly needs to be archived for posterity.

What do you call the resignation of Conservative Cabinet Minister Vic Toews? ......

leftdog at Buckdog - 12 hours ago
** *A damn good beginning! * * *[image: Progressive Bloggers]* * *This overly authoritarian Conservative thug came within a hairs breath of putting every Canadian who uses a computer under police surveillance. His resignation is welcome and is the beginning of the end for Stephen Harper's corrupt administration!* * **The Star* *#tellviceverything*

Hermosa chica recogiendo flores en el campo

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Tigre de bengala al amanecer

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Letter to the Editor

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 12 hours ago
I submitted the following 200-word Letter to the Editor in response to an *editorial published* in the *San Diego Union-Tribune* on the 4th of July. When I lived in Omaha, Nebraska, I would regularly submit Letters to the Editor and they would often be published. It's an easy way to get involved and have your voice heard in your local community, and I'd encourage everyone to make it a habit of submitting a Letter to the Editor to let the political and media establishment in your community know how you feel about important and controversial matters. *________________________* * **I... more »

Facts, facts, facts

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
If there's one area of the BBC's domestic news coverage which strikes me as needing a Prebble Review all to itself it's the corporation's coverage of education matters. Today's announcement by Michael Gove of a new national curriculum which seeks to challenge children from an earlier age and to re-emphasize traditional science, grammar, punctuation, dates in history, times tables and fractions, etc, as well as boosting modern skills like computing, has provoked a lot of opposition from the usual suspects - educationalists, teaching unions, the *Guardian*, etc. I wondered what the... more »

Unintended consequences

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 12 hours ago
Who could have predicted insurers wouldn't want to issue policies for schools that allow any local yahoo with a gun to wander around the building? The EMC Insurance Cos. insures 85 percent to 90 percent of all Kansas school districts and has refused to renew coverage for schools that permit teachers and custodians to carry concealed firearms on their campuses under the new law, which took effect July 1. It's not a political decision, but a financial one based on the riskier climate it estimates would be created, the insurer said. "We've been writing school business for almost 40 ... more »

How Much Harm Will The Kochs Do Society Before We Have A Leader Brave Enough To Defend Us Effectively?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago
No human being is perfect-- and that includes politicians. Even FDR made some mighty big mistakes. I think all Americans with their heads screwed on properly will agree that Roosevelt made a gigantic, historically-tragic error by not having the plotters involved in the 1933 Wall Street plot against America tried and hung. If J.P. Morgan, Irénée du Pont, Grayson Murphy, Precott Bush and the plutocrats from Remington, Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodyear, and Maxwell House been dragged before the courts and firing squads in 1934, would the Koch brothers be trying to subvert American democracy... more »

Rick Perry, President?

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 13 hours ago
Rick Perry is not running for yet another term as Texas governor;speculation is that he's in for another presidential run. Is he a viable candidate? Sure. Why not? He has conventional qualifications, and is certainly in the mainstream of his party on public policy. That said...Jamelle Bouie has been making the case that he's a strong candidate (at least on twitter; I don't think he's written it up elsewhere), and I'm not quite as impressed as he is. Mind you -- I was very bullish on Perry throughout the 2012 cycle, considering him a live longshot before he got in admitted he was run... more »

Desolation Acres

What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 13 hours ago
Last week I had a long chat, while strolling along the Willamette, with an American woman who resides in Europe. She adores being in wild nature, and Europeans have done an impressive job of reducing wild nature to a few tiny dots. Most Europeans have never experienced healthy wildness. This is sad. She wants to come home. Yesterday, the good pastor Clark dropped by my tent in Facebookland with a bottle of gin and a George Monbiot essay, Ghost Psyche. The essay was an excerpt from his new book, Feral, which explores the notion of rewilding. Monbiot lives in Wales, a land wher... more »

Random Photos

Southern Man at Southern Man - 14 hours ago
A few photos from the long holiday weekend... Teen Daughter mugs for the camera. That's Adopted Cousin and Southern Sister in the background. Ride 'em...mermaid? Southern Father checks the ph and chlorine levels. "For what I spend on this pool," he said, "we could buy YMCA family memberships in three cities." Geocaching at a local wildlife refuge. Why, yes, this is what a geocache looks like. Sometimes. Sunday lunch at Flat Tire Burgers. This is the price of living in the country; The Hyundai was washed only a few days earlier. Southern Man attempts some close-up nature ph... more »


Allen L Roland, Ph.D at Allen L Roland's Weblog - 14 hours ago
*As a former Navy carrier pilot, I am acutely aware of the importance of the thrust, power and drag curve when landing. It appears, as the enclosed videos indicate, that the pilots realized too late that the commercial aircraft was too low and too slow to add power and gain altitude before the recent tragic crash at SF International airport: Allen L Roland * Having landed commercially at SF Airport countless times over the years, there is a few minute approach to the airport over water before landing which always reminds me of landing on the carrier as a Navy intercep... more »

Independence Day 2013

Southern Man at Southern Man - 14 hours ago
Celebrating the birthday of the greatest nation the world has ever seen, in good old American fashion - with good friends and good food and good times. Our Hosts at the grill. Chef Paul grills ribs. Southern Man and The Girls. He takes pics like this to prove that he has a social life, sort of. "Don't you dare put that on Facebook!" A tense game of "washers" which is sort of like horseshoes but different. Southern Son makes his throw. Watching the city fireworks display, launched from a park about a mile away. That's Jacob and Southern Son at the right. Sparklers.

Cons pay manufacturers to move to China

Alison at Creekside - 14 hours ago
From Blacklocks, via The Jurist, a tale of taxpayer-funded government-facilitated corporate welfare off-shoring : "Cabinet paid millions of dollars in grants to Canadian manufacturers to move production and jobs overseas in the name of foreign aid. Newly-released accounts show the program paid cash grants totalling $3,852,927 to manufacturers to move production out of Canada, including $450,000 paid to one applicant that told Fantino’s department it had to “establish ourselves in Mexico so we can offer lower costs.” " But most went to factories in China - automotive parts, rugs, ... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago

The Economy: "The End of Low Interest Rates"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
* * *"The End of Low Interest Rates"* by Bill Bonner "The Fed's EZ money policies will either succeed or fail. Either way, it will be a disaster. If they succeed, interest rates will rise... and America's debt-addicted economy will get the shakes. If they fail, the Fed will double down with further acts of reckless improvisation – including bigger doses of credit – until the whole thing blows up. On Friday, it looked as though the disaster might come from success. Gold took another solid right to the jaw – down $39 per ounce. The Dow rose another 147 points. The proximate cause w... more »

European Yawn

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 14 hours ago
A bit late for the Tory party's EU hate fest in parliament last Friday, but a useful little graph nonetheless.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Struggle for Influence in Syria

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 14 hours ago
*Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Struggle for Influence in Syria* By Eric Draitser StopImperialism.com This week’s resignationof Ghassan Hitto, the so-called “Prime Minister in waiting” of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, coupled with the July 6thelection of Ahmed Assi al-Jarba to head the umbrella coalition of US-supported proxy groups attempting to topple the Assad government, has revealed further cracks in the edifice of the imperialist assault on Syria. *Qatar's Man in the Middle * * * Ghassan Hitto, the Syrian expatriate and technocrat from Texas, was seen by most informed observer... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 14 hours ago
*Ralph Boyce, former US ambassador.* Allegedly, Ralph 'Skip' Boyce "conspired with pedophiles and traffickers in women and children to traffic prostitutes and children to Europe and the United States." *Diplomats in Pedophile Scandal* Ralph Boyce was the US ambassador to Indonesia at the time of the Bali Bombing, which some believe was the work of the US government. "After the 2002 terrorist car bombings in Bali, orphaned children fell prey to foreign pedophiles." pedophile cases et alia Boyce was United States Ambassador to Thailand from 2004 to 2007. In 2008, Boyce became Pr... more »

THIS Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 15 hours ago
Wonder how we Canadians continue to elect arrogant, classless imbeciles? Most people don't give a damn. Only 10 per cent of respondents to the Samara survey had volunteered, donated to or joined a political party in the previous five years. Just 17 per cent said they had taken part in political discussions on social media such as Twitter or Facebook over the past year. The same percentage said they had written a letter to the editor about a political issue in the past 12 months. Full, depressing report that our elected morons will be merrily jacking off to.

The fine line between culture and stagnation

Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 15 hours ago
Where is the line between cultural differences and bad practices? That question has weighed on me the most in my time in Honduras. A foreigner rightly needs to come into a new country prepared to respect the culture of the place. The world doesn’t need any more people who show up dragging all their developed-world baggage behind them and expecting everything to be just like it is back home. But just because something is part of the culture doesn’t automatically mean it’s good. We’ve all worked in places – or perhaps grown up in families – where the culture was a problem a... more »

What liberals are told about rising NAEP scores!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 15 hours ago
*MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013* *Ravitch does it again:* In one policy area after another, our public discourse turns on two kinds of facts—bogus and withheld. Inaccurate facts are widely asserted. Accurate facts get withheld. When it comes to the public schools, very few people have ever heard about the very large score gains in reading and math on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (the NAEP), the widely-praised “gold standard” of educational testing. Recently, new data from the 2012 NAEP showed a continuing rise in test scores. We thought you might want to see what some libe... more »

Extradition hypocrisy on the part of the U.S.: whistleblowers yes, terrorists no

Left I on the News at Left I on the News - 15 hours ago
Edward Snowden, who recently disclosed the massive nature of NSA spying on not only Americans but on every single person in the world who uses electronic communications of any kind, is currently a fugitive from "justice" in the United States. Although he is currently in a Russian airport, he has been offered political asylum by Venezuela, as well as by Nicaragua and Bolivia. Although Snowden isn't yet in Venezuela, the U.S. government has already requested his extradition from that country. The irony of this request abounds. For eight years now, since June 15, 2005, the U.S. has re... more »

Catch of the Day

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 15 hours ago
Please read this excellent item by Neil Irwin about the reporting about the next Fed Chair choice. Okay, I'm not sure whether "catch" is right, but it's extremely informative and well-done. I'm going to strongly encourage you to read the whole thing, but it's basically about how to read the stories about who Barack Obama will pick for the Fed. But it's useful for lots of similar topics. The most famous is probably the VP selection -- although SCOTUS picks are good, too. But it comes up in other cases as well -- it's relevant to reading stories about Senate filibusters and choices of... more »

Pro-Morsi Wahhabis Throw Egyptian Teens Off Roof

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 16 hours ago
The video below proves once again that the U.S./British/Saudi backed Muslim Brotherhood is a savage cult with nasty foot soldiers, not a respectable political party that belongs in the public square. Pro-Morsi Wahhabis Throw Egyptian Teens Off Roof (Alex begins speaking about Egypt at the 5:55 mark). crime:muslims brotherhood killing egyptian by pushing them above buildings +18

Via @cityslikr: #Fordfest, integrity, and the slow but steady fouling of the public sphere | #TOpoli

Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 16 hours ago
Another week, another stinking turd left floating in the pool of public conversation by Team Ford. This time, it's the gathering of slack-jawed rubes best referred to as Ford Asspimple and the cynical hustlers lining up to herd them at Mayor Stupid and Brother Dumbfuck's annual fuck-the-rules shindig. Only difference this time is that it was in Scarborough. I doubt anyone has the patience to go through the details, yet again, about it being an illegitimate early campaign event or a misuse of public resources. The Twin Morons obviously don't give a shit, and they've gotten away w... more »

With or without #edtech, same goals are possible

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 16 hours ago
Fantastic image. Great point. Seems like #edtech is being sold as the end and not a means to an end, with or without technology. The problem with the push for edtech in some regard is the gobs of money to be made of selling these tools, which is exclusive from their pedagogical value. Tagged: edtech, […]

Justices of the Peace have authority to try summary conviction matters

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 16 hours ago
As many have asked where this comes from here it is: *R. v. Montgomery*, 2010 ONCA 243: [2] The charges were prosecuted as summary conviction offences and their trial was conducted by Her Worship Justice of the Peace Diane L. Jackson. They were convicted of the offence under s. 35(1) of the Act. They challenged the jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace by means of a prohibition application before the Superior Court of Justice. Gunsolus J. dismissed that application and they now appeal to this court. [3] We see no error in the reasoning or result below. The trial proceeded as a ... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 16 hours ago
Civil war in egypt 1 Israel wants civil war in Egypt? According to Israel's *Yinon Plan*, Egypt is to be broken up. Civil wars require weapons. *Egyptian military officials fear that 10,000 of its weapons have gone missing since 2011.* *Egypt Military Fears 10,000 Unaccounted for Weapons Since 2011* / Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper Major General L. Hamid believes: *1. Arms can enter via porous borders with Libya, Sudan and Gaza.* * * *2. Profiteers can descend on Egypt to capitalize on arms trading. * Caches of large arms held by Egypt’s neighbors could end up within the country, th... more »

Rebranding the Arab Spring to Reorder the Middle East/Africa

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
**Product:* Something produced by human effort, mechanical effort or by a natural process. A direct result; a consequence **Branding*- A process involved in creating a unique name, image, term, symbol, designation for any product in a consumers' mind, mainly through media campaigns. **Rebranding-* A process in which a new name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof is created for an established brand with the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers. Particularly useful when the goal is to distance itself from negative connotations ... more »

Why Is The Jobs Market Growing So Slowly?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 17 hours ago
A few nights ago, Ken explained-- via economist Dean Baker-- how "politicians are using old superstitions and deliberate lies to scare people away from the sort of fiscal stimulus that would get the economy back on track." And that, more than anything, is the bottom line of the slow recovery in the real economy. Roland just got back from Maine-- a trip that included a lot of driving and a lot of talk radio. He just informed me that talk radio is pushing a GOP talking point big time: the slow growth economy is the fault of Obamacare because prudent small businessmen aren't hiring ... more »


noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
* * *“Treason”* by Rob Urie “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” - Sir John Harington “U.S. military adventures have historically combined imperial ambition- the acquisition of territory and colonies, limiting the reach of competing empires and ‘acquiring’ economic resources- ‘natural’ resources, existing economic infrastructure and labor, under advantageous terms. The U.S. orchestrated coup in Honduras was for United Fruit, in Chile for ITT, Kennecott and Anaconda Copper and the CIA’s ‘war of attrition’ against Nicar... more »

Laura Lark and Otis Ike : Pictures at an Execution

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 17 hours ago
Demonstrators protest the death penalty at the Huntsville Unit in Huntsville, Texas, Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Kimberly McCarthy was put to death, the 500th execution by the State of Texas. Photo by Otis Ike / The Rag Blog. Pictures at an execution: Texas hits the 500 mark I felt like a player without a team, an interloper, an uninvited party guest. Nothing felt portentous or grave, just

A Decent Interval

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 17 hours ago
The Taliban know it. Kabul knows it. So does Islamabad. What U.S. negotiators want from the Talibs is "a decent interval." We want to leave Afghanistan without losing face, without appearing to have been run out of Dodge with our tails between our legs. We're prepared to accept defeat so long as we can proclaim it Peace with Honour - just like Richard Nixon did. Here are Gwynne Dyer's thoughts: *In his briefing notes for a secret 1971 meeting in Beijing with Chinese government officials, Henry Kissinger, national security adviser to then–U.S. president Richard Nixon, wrot... more »

The Minister of Family Values Quits

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 17 hours ago
No one exemplifies the mean-spirited, in your face nature of the Harper regime than Vic Toews. That's about to change. The Serial Diddler is taking his Wild West moustache and heading back to Provencher, Manitoba. Goodbye, you worthless piece of shit.

"‘Zombie Capitalism’ A Prequel To New ‘World War Z’"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
* * *"‘Zombie Capitalism’ A Prequel To New ‘World War Z’"* By Paul B. Farrell "Yes, the prequel to Brad Pitt’s “World War Z” is already playing live, at a theater near you, today. And the prequel, “Zombie Capitalism,” is raging out-of-control, an app in full 3-D Technicolor. Yes, it went into production decades ago, at the Wall Street Studios. Jeremy Grantham, the brilliant mind behind the $110 billion GMO money management team, touches on it in “The Race of Our Lives,” his seventh special report, where he warns: "Our civilization is “in a race for our lives, as our global econo... more »

"Sir Meliodas And The Great Red Dragon"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
* "Sir Meliodas And The Great Red Dragon"* A cautionary fable for our modern world. by Mike Adams “Sir Meliodas, a knight of great legend, returned from the Neverlands with stories of vast chasms, mesmerizing forests, and tales of strange creatures large and small. But he saved the greatest story for the night the townspeople gathered at the pub, huddled around the room to hear the "big news" of what Sir Meliodas had witnessed. "There is a great red dragon," he began slowly, as the candlelight flickered across the faces of all those in attendance. "And I overhead it planning to... more »

800-Million Indians to Receive Government Food Aid

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 17 hours ago
The Indian government has signed into law a scheme to make subsidized food available to two out of three Indians. From *The Sydney Morning Herald:* *Every eligible person will be entitled to five kilograms of rice for three Rupees (5.4 cents), five kilograms of wheat for two Rupees (3.6 cents), and five kilograms of millet for one Rupee (1.8 cents).* * * *The ambitious plan - its critics argue it will be corrupted and misused like so many previous programs to feed the poor - will push the amount the government spends feeding its population beyond $21 billion a year.* * * * * * **Cri... more »

The “Israel Lobby” and the Nixon Administration

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 18 hours ago
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Eric Grynaviski, who is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at George Washington University. When Mearsheimer and Walt wrote the Israel Lobby, I was skeptical. I bought the argument that supporters of Israel influenced US policy, but because I am not a realist, I did not buy Continue reading

Navajo whistleblowers expose corruption: Navajo water department, dirty coal industry

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News   Whistleblowers within the Navajo Nation government have exposed corruption in the takeover of the Navajo Water Code Administration. The Resources and Development Committee is holding a meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, at 10 am in regards to the following memo. Grassroots Dine' are encouraged to attend. Dine' told Censored News that the memo is

To Close the “Opportunity Gap,” We Must Return to Roads Once Attempted

John Thompson at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 18 hours ago
America has always had a love-hate relationship with community values. We have always exhibited a tension between American individualism and the more cooperative side of our culture. At the same time, our pragmatism has often trumped both. When faced with a problem, such as improving our schools, Americans frequently find a way to readjust our […]

“Keep Moving Forward”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“Keep Moving Forward”* by Carl Herman “’Meet the Robinsons’ is Disney’s 2007 animated film about a young visionary scientist/realist with the motto, “Keep moving forward.” This motivation comes from a combination of enthusiasm for truth with confidence from empirical knowledge of being on the right path. This is Rob Thomas’ 3-minute music video to communicate this spirit of trusting Life as we keep moving forward as best we can imagine in good-faith effort. If it helps, do you want the alternative of “Stop moving forward,” to surrender in the face of “emperor has no clothes” obvi... more »

Anne Lewis : Texas Women Who Misbehave

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 18 hours ago
Texas Sen. Wendy Davis speaks to a crowd of thousands at the Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas, July 1, 2013. Photo by Phillip Martin / The Frisky. Deep in the heart of Texas: Women who misbehave While pro-life sentiment is used to cut funding for women’s health, sanctity of life has not affected the State’s number one status in executions. By Anne Lewis / The Rag Blog / July 8, 2013 “

Listen to our most recent episode with Katie Osgood on #TFA

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 18 hours ago
Here’s the link. What improved the discussion was an opposing view from a caller named Josh, an admitted TFA alum. He should be applauded for participating in debate, and for sticking it out in the profession for six years, perhaps twice the normal lifespan of his peers. I will say, however, that I have come […]


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 18 hours ago
Viewed from space our Mother Earth has no border lines - no boundaries between nations and the people. From space the people are all Earthlings. But down here on terra firma it's another story. We are divided by nation-state borders, by language, by religion and ethnicity - even by corporate brands. Some people think they are better than others. We kill one another. We are destroying our tiny satellite home. The question of loyalty comes to mind.....who should we be loyal to? Country (an artificial construct) or a president or a region? Should we be loyal to a religion or a ... more »

@dianeravitch posts the Declaration by @unitedoptout

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 18 hours ago
A brief share here. Read, share, and read aloud for your friends. Tagged: opt out, standardized testing, united opt out

What Do Canadians Stand For?

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 18 hours ago
Democracy? Not so much. For the most part, Canadians hold their democracy in contempt and have no desire to fight to improve it. It's a-okay for most Canadians (or at least an indifferent matter) if the government of the day lies to them about the costs of the multi-billion dollar policies and outright refuses to show the people's representatives the facts about their true costs. So, you can throw fiscal responsibility out the window as well. Canadians might pretend to care about fiscal responsibility and transparency and what-not, for partisan reasons, but they don't really care a... more »

Smuggling drugs into jail an especially heinous form of trafficking

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 19 hours ago
*R v Gargas*, 2013 ABCA 245 involved in a scheme to smuggle drugs into the Edmonton Remand Centre. An envelope containing 1 gram of morphine, 3 grams of alprazolam, and 4.4 grams of methamphetamine was intercepted. The drugs were secreted in documents purporting to be from a lawyer to an inmate. The Court holds: [7] The sentencing judge was correct to treat the smuggling of drugs into a correctional institution as being aggravating. As commented in S. Armstrong, A. Sabbadini, A. Boni, S. Coroza, Sentencing Drug Offenders, 2012 Thomas Reuters Canada Limited, smuggling and distributi... more »

The Heat Turns Up on The Land Down Under

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 19 hours ago
To most Canadians, Australia is synonymous with "hot." Well it's going to get hotter a lot more often for the Aussies. A University of Melbourne study predicts that Australia's devastating heat waves will increase about five times and they're blaming global warming for causing much of it. *Sophie Lewis and David Karoly report in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union, that they used climate observations and more than 90 climate model simulations to deliver their verdict, and to highlight the unexpected nature of the events of the first months o... more »

A remarkable letter to the Times!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 19 hours ago
*MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013* *Concerning the ridiculous cost of American health care:* This morning, the New York Times has published a striking letter. First, a bit of background, including an observation about the puppies who haven’t barked. On Sunday, June 2, the New York Times began a series of front-page reports which ought to be important. In these reports, Elisabeth Rosenthal is going to explore the ridiculous cost of health care in this country. For our original post, click here. For many years, the mainstream press corps has worked like dogs to *avoid*exploring this topic. Given... more »


Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 20 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] By: Andrew Gavin Marshall *The following was originally posted at Occupy.com* [image: wall-street-bull_0] In May, JPMorgan Chase was listed as the largest bank in the world with assets at roughly $4 trillion — some $1.53 trillion of it in derivatives. This was reported a month after the announcement that the bank had posted a record first-quarter profit of $6.5 billion. Jamie Dimon, the bank’s CEO and Chairman, has faced a host of scandals in relation to his management of the megabank, including the loss of roughly $6 bil... more »

Robbins Redux

gail zawacki at Wit's End - 20 hours ago
Bird-cherry Ermine moth caterpillarsReporter Jim Robbins has written another lament for trees, this time for the UK Guardian - moaning about beetles and fungus and temperatures - without making clear that the worst threat to their survival is air pollution. This is especially ironic because in it, he refers to David Milarch, and his program to propagate new trees from old champion stock. As I wrote last December in "No One Knows Where This Will Lead", Mr. Milarch left his nursery in Michigan and went to California seeking trees that were more resistant to tropospheric ozone, becaus... more »

CAN WE TALK: Can we function as a people?

bob somerby at the daily howler - 20 hours ago
*MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013* *Part 1—(Unfortunate) signs of the Times:* As a people, are we able to conduct a national discourse? As a people, are we able to have a serious discussion about any topic at all? It isn’t clear that we can! Part of the problem lies with our “press corps.” Part of it lies with us. Alas! In one subject area after another, we conduct imitation discussions. Quite routinely, quite persistently, our pseudo-discussions are driven along by blatantly bogus facts and by novelized tribal narratives. (For the record, our pseudo-discussions are routinely driven by a sec... more »

Objections on monitor may be closer than they appear

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 20 hours ago
I get really pissed off at the Big Daddy Theocrats for their vagina control obsession on the one hand. [Nick Anderson cartoon] On the other hand I want to believe their overreach is going to generate a backlash among women voters of every ideology come 2014 that will surprise all the pundits. So there's that... more »

Edward Snowden Excoriated by "American" Traitors

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 20 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Globalist, Zbigniew Brzezinski and fellow "American" traitors appear on CNN to excoriate Edward Snowden for revealing the truth to the world. Truth is Treason in an empire of lies. Youtube Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Bill Moyers: Journalist as Teacher

freetoteach at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 20 hours ago
It’s a good thing Bill Moyers decided to come out of retirement. Anyone interested in understanding who, what, when, where and why public education and the 99% are intricately connected, should take the time to watch this episode Surviving the New American Economy. http://billmoyers.com/episode/full-show-surviving-the-new-american-economy/ Tagged: bill moyers

Read Stuff, You Should

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 20 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Jeffrey Tambor, 69. I'm the only one who watched Welcome to the Captain, right? There is some good stuff: 1. Media effects: Dan Hopkins on how Fox News helped Republicans. Interesting -- but don't overinterpret the findings. There appears to have been a real but small direct effect; my guess is that the real effects of the partisan press are found in internal party politics and incentives, not in general election voting. 2. Steve Benen reminds us that people can hear us talking. All of us. 3. And a nice Brad Plumer post on "wasting billions."

Day 150: Gitmo hunger strike continues amidst world's outrage

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 20 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Youtube Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Neil Young Contest

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
The first time I spoke with Pennsylvania state Senator Daylin Leach, I was astounded. I asked him if he knows Alan Grayson. At the time they hadn't met. I was asking because I'm always looking for candidates who are something like Alan. No one is more like Alan-- and in so many profound and wonderful ways-- than Daylin. Both are what we would have called in my Brooklyn neighborhood "stand up guys"-- courageous, smart and dedicated to taking on the tough jobs and seeing them through. And, lucky for us, both men are utterly committed to a progressive agenda for our country and our p... more »

Mystery break in at the law firm of a State Department whistle blower ? Didn't we have " plumbers " during Watergate conducting that infamous break in at the Democratic Campaign Headquarters ? Three computers stolen - but silver bars , video equipment and other valuables left behind .....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 21 hours ago
http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/07/07/cameras_catch_mystery_break_in_at_whistleblowers_law_firm ( Another case of " plumbers " ? ) The offices of a Dallas law firm representing a high-profile State Department whistleblower were broken into last weekend. Burglars stole three computers and broke into the firm's file cabinets. But silver bars, video equipment and other valuables were left untouched, according to local Fox affiliate KDFW, which aired security camera footage of the suspected burglars entering and leaving the offices around the time of the incident. The firm ... more »

It's Here: The Stealth Collapse of the American Economy

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 21 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Daisy Luther The Economic Collapse…people envision bank runs, life WROL (without rule of law), piles of worthless currency, rampant homelessness, and breathless news reports on CNN and the network channels (if you happen to still have access to a television, that is). They imagine a grim, gray world, devoid of entertainment, with unwashed citizens digging desperately through the trash. Because of this apocalyptic image, the idea of an economic collapse seems pretty far-fetched to most people. After all, we still see cars in e... more »

Late breakfast

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 21 hours ago

From Today's Toronto Star: A Modest Proposal for Speedier Justice

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 21 hours ago
What do you tell victims of crime when they find out that because of delays in the justice system they will not get their day in court? What do you tell a child temporarily removed from her home when she asks when she can go back and the answer is "when we can find a judge to decide"? These questions are just a few of many in a debate about access to justice in Ontario and Canada. Access to justice is a real issue affecting all Canadians from victims of crime to accused persons, children and families, the elderly, and the innocent. And, while we strive to improve access to justice, ... more »

Healthcare Is Next

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 21 hours ago
In today's *Toronto Star*, Natalie Mehra and Michael McBane warn that the Harper government is taking aim at Medicare. For the system to work, the prime minister needs to meet with his provincial counterparts. However, This summer’s gathering of the premiers marks the final Council of the Federation meeting before 2014, when the National Health Accord expires. Penned in 2004, the 10-year health accord set priorities to improve access to health care and established a new funding formula. The meetings do not include the federal government and Prime Minister Stephen Harper will not b... more »

‘Our Hold on the Planet,’ by Robert Frost

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 21 hours ago
We asked for rain. It didn't flash and roar. It didn't lose its temper at our demand And blow a gale. It didn't misunderstand And give us more than our spokesman bargained for; And just because we owned to a wish for rain, Send us a flood and bid us be damned and drown. It gently threw us a glittering shower down. And when we had taken that into the roots of grain, It threw us another and then another still, Till the spongy soil again was natal wet. We may doubt the just proportion of good to ill. There is much in nature against us. But we forget; Take nature altogether since ... more »

Get your religion out of my vagina

2old2care at Because I Can - 21 hours ago
This is a blog that I have been following for years. And if you are looking for a smile this morning – I strongly recommend reading the whole entry *>>>HERE<<<* *SNIPS From Margaret and Helen:* Margaret, if my vagina could shoot bullets it would have fewer regulations on it. Rick Perry, bless his heart, doesn’t have the good sense God gave a goose – otherwise known as a C minus average at Texas A&M University. That boy hasn’t had a light on in the attic since someone in kindergarten told him he had nice hair. Perry says that A&M shaped him into the person he is today. What ... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 21 hours ago
*Bryn Estyn Children's home - reportedly used as a boy brothel by MI5, the UK security service.* *The Jillings report confirms 'extensive' child abuse at UK children's homes in north Wales* The Jillings Report was written 17 years ago, in 1996, but it was hushed up. It looked into child abuse at children's homes in north Wales, including Bryn Estyn in Wales. *The report has now finally been published, and it identifies long-term "extensive" abuse at children's homes in north Wales, during the 1970s through to the 1990s.* *The report still fails to mention the names of the top peo... more »

Greece set to receive portion of latest tranche , kept on life support until after Germany's elections in September.....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 22 hours ago
* http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/10167268/Greek-gets-4.8bn-in-staggered-bailout-payments.html * * *** *[image: Bruno Waterfield]* *By Bruno Waterfield, in Brussels* *7:38PM BST 08 Jul 2013* *[image: Comments]2 Comments* *Last night's meeting of eurozone finance ministers agreed to pay the scheduled third quarter bailout instalment of €4.8bn (£4.1bn) but broke it down into three "disbursements" linked to reforms.* *The first payment of €2.5bn from the eurozone will be paid after July 19 on condition that of "full implementation of the prior actions", including legisl... more »

Healthier Popcorn made with Coconut Oil and a Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Giveaway!

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 22 hours ago
[image: Healthy Popcorn] *(I was provided Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and recipe are 100% my own)* * * I am a popcorn junkie. Seriously. I can be found watching old X-File reruns with a huge bowl of popcorn in my lap at least a couple of times a week. A few years ago, I started to shy away from microwave popcorn because I didn't want all of the extra stuff in my body. I switched completely to air popped popcorn. Over time, I started to add more and more butter and eventually I realized my air popped popcorn was no longer a ... more »

Syria war swing Assad's direction as syrian government wearing down rebel forces.... losses in battle adding to split between islamist forces and secular forces among the rebel camp ....After watching Morsi fall in Egypt , will syrian islamists disavow democracy ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 22 hours ago
Desperate Measures: Syrian Rebels Vow Suicide Bombings Amid Losses in HomsRebels Demand US Arms in Long-Contested City by Jason Ditz, July 07, 2013 Print This | Share This Syrian government troops are advancing apace in the city of Homs, looking to break a lengthy stalemate in a city which has been contested off and on for over a year, and advancing into some neighborhoods that have been dominated by the rebels for that whole period. The increasingly rebels are reporting that they are running out of arms and supplies, which is par for the course, and are demanding an immediate influx... more »

Egypt's political crisis just went red hot as 42 Morsi supporters massacred by the Army Monday morning.....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 22 hours ago
http://rt.com/news/egypt-morsi-islamist-rally-cairo-766/ Early on Monday soldiers and police resorted to guns and tear gas to disperse Islamist supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi outside the Republican Guard headquarters in Cairo, according to eyewitnesses. Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES. 42 protesters have been killed, including children in the overnight clashes, Egypt’s state TV reported. A spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood said at least 37 of its members have been killed, with as many as 500 injured. Egypt’s Health Ministry confirmed that women and children were among the... more »

Arne Duncan in Philadelphia “Fascinated” about His Mentor Vallas in CT

Jim Horn at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 22 hours ago
Arne Duncan had a great chance to do something for Philadelphia in 2010 when their application for $100 million in RTTT money was turned down. Instead, Philly got $6 million over four years, which was designated by Arne to develop a teacher eval scheme based on VAM test scores. Meanwhile, Duncan was shoveling tax money […]


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 22 hours ago

A Message To Moms Across America From Dr. Vandana Shiva

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 23 hours ago
*Published on Jul 3, 2013* ** ** Please listen to this message from Vandana Shiva to Moms Across America. Mothers around the world must hear her message! Thank you so much for standing up with us for labeling. We have the RIGHT TO KNOW what is in our food. Please get out there and help to spread the word! We need to protect our families and our population from pesticide laden foods. This movement is an international movement and we are marching across the US, with international support, to have GMOs labeled. Sincerely, Kathleen Hallal and Zen Honeycutt Moms Across America http://w... more »

Summers on the Corporate Tax

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 23 hours ago
On the issue of corporate tax reform, Larry Summers tries to forge a compromise: The United States should eliminate the distinction between repatriated and unrepatriated foreign corporate profits for U.S. companies and tax all foreign income (after allowances for taxes paid to other governments) at a fixed rate well below its current corporate rate, perhaps in the range of 15 percent.

simon says, grumpy bird, and an evil witch: summer reading club begins

laura k at wmtc - 23 hours ago
Summer is the busiest time of year in the Central Children's Library. Actually, we are wildly busy any time school is out; the summer is just the most sustained period of busy-ness. Many of my colleagues have been preparing for summer programming since the end of March Break. All through July and August, in libraries throughout Canada, kids will be participating in Summer Reading Club. The program uses incentives, activities, and fun programs to keep kids reading over the summer, which has been shown to improve their performance in school. It's fun, and it's free. All Canadian lib... more »

Caroline With Morgellon's Disease Tells Her Story

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 23 hours ago
*Published on Jun 26, 2013* ** On our Moms Across America Cross Country trip, in a Colorado Zuma Health Food store, this darling woman saw my button and started sharing with me about having Morgellon's disease and how going GMO Free has made a huge difference to her. Fascinating! Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgNHsLxX8jk Source of this video and many other intersting videos:: *Zen Honeycutt Channel*

"Be yourself; everyone else is taken": probably not Oscar Wilde

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 23 hours ago
This is a nice line and commonly attributed to Oscar Wilde. But... it does not appear in any of his published work and seems different from his more commonly expressed views... such as: Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905 My sense is that the line was attributed to Wilde to give it more weight. Wilde is one of the five notables (Churchill, Lincoln, Shaw, Twain, and Wilde) that have endless anonymous comments randomly attributed to them. And once an attributio... more »

Monday Morning Linkage

Vikash Yadav at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
Good morning ducks… Here’s your linkage… The Jerusalem Post reviews World War Z. Is this the most pro-Israeli film ever made? … Probably not – even the trailer shows the wall being breached. A Majinot mentality can’t work in a film whose motto is: “movement is life.” The terrorist attack on Sunday in Bodh Gaya Continue reading

Self-Inflicted Suffering

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
'Arab terrorists don't need excuses to kill Jews. They kill them only because they are Jews. And they don't hate Israel because of its policies, but because of its very existence.' So true... And as I have commented before. More here http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/a-self-inflicted-suffering/

Don't try it on with me re ethnic cleansing in the Middle East and North Africa (update)

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
Further to my post back in January about the real ethnic cleansing in the Middle East and North Africa, I recently received the following comment (in French): 'Je m'excuse de n'a pas poster en anglais mais comme j'ai cru comprendre que l'auteur maîtrisé cette langue, donc je me permet de le faire en français. Tout d'abord il ne faut pas se voiler la face, l'antisémitisme existe au Maghreb (même si les arabes sont aussi sémites) vis à vis des juifs bien que ces dernières années on tend à faire la différence entre israélites et sionistes. Ce type de sentiment est clairement affich... more »

The results of real ethnic cleansing in the Middle East

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
Just don't expect the anti Israel BBC to ever mention such historical facts.

the strange case of the bright yellow-bodied and red-nosed UFO being tractor-beamed into the airport

Mike Philbin at PROGNOSIS II - 1 day ago
artist's impressionit was a dream I had in the middle of the night and made myself remember this detail, so don't think E.T. Disclosure has happened or something... It was a very strange looking UFO for a mainstream audience brought up on shimmering chrome discs or sparkling coloured orbs or just plain black triangle shapes which Free Planet cheerfully contends are ALL MILITARY AIRCRAFT of some covert off-budget nature or other. So, it was with some intrigue and much curiosity that I had a distinct dream of a mostly YELLOW ufo last night, it was box shaped tapering up at the back, ... more »

Your moment of Zen

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
Papagoite Quartz. [photo via]

Pol. Ideology 45: Left Intellectualism Means Abandonment of Socialism

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago
Last July 1-2, 2013, I butted in the fb posting of a friend – fellow UP Diliman and UP Sapul alumni, also a fellow Rotarian – Raffy Aquino, a lawyer. Our exchanges below. Posting with permission from him and Louie, thanks guys. Meanwhile, photos below, some of the known student activists in UP Diliman in the early to mid-80s (the late Ferdinand Marcos was still the President) that I can remember. top to borrom, left to right: Raffy Aquino and Lean Alejandro; Fidel Nemenzo, David Celdran and Sarge Colambo; Noe Pangilinan and Malou Mangahas. The last two were former editor in chief o... more »

Villaraigosa: The Myth of The Progressive Mayor (teaser)

rdsathene * Robert D. Skeels at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
“The alliance, formed between the mayor, the school board, and Los Angeles’ corporate elite to design the idea of ‘public school choice,’ is another example of how neoliberal economic policies have influenced educational policies.” — Professor Theresa Montaño Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa speaking at a school privatization event. Photo by Robert D. Skeels I finally finished […]

Rule of Law 21: Fake Stem Cell Therapy and Fake Drugs

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago
* This is my article today in thelobbyist.biz. ------------ The recent stem cell scandal in the Philippines is another proof that many government agencies are getting busy with so many functions and expectations, spreading their resources thinly, and become distracted if not blinded in implementing what should be their primary mandate. The Department of Health (DOH) and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) are busy with various concerns including those that are better left to the private sector and civil society. And that is how fake – or at least unlicensed and unregistered -- h... more »

solidaridad: The 99 Cents Store School… brought to you by the lucrative charter school industry

rdsathene * Robert D. Skeels at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
First published on solidaridad on July 7, 2013 Lalo Alcaraz’s La Cucaracha strip often features pro-public education items, which are also typically sensitive to ongoing attacks on the teaching profession and the difficulties of teaching. This particular strip is a favorite of mine, highlighting both the institutional racism and profit motive behind the neoliberal school […]

House Teabaggers Don't Fear McCain's Pending Attack... Not Even A Little

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
No one in the House Republican caucus thinks the man who befriended Muammar Qaddafi and lolled away his evenings at the Qaddafi family ranch, is any kind of threat to their political careers. Beltway Republicans expect McCain to blow any minute now-- and that the target of his wrath will be the far right of the House Republican caucus this time-- teabaggers, Know Nothings and the blatantly racist end of the party. But they're laughing at the 2008 presidential candidate. His opposition-- the louder and more vitriolic, the better-- makes them stronger with an electoral base that ... more »

Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - Kristina @ The Greening Of Westford

Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 day ago
Welcome to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our green community. [image: A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog] Banner by Art Ist Grab our banner for your site:
A link-up for green blogs on 
Reduce Footprints Blog *The rules:* 1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of environment...
more »

Pure Monty Python: Figures Show Full-Time Employment Decline (To Be MSM-Ignored Massively) and Fascism Rules U.S.:  In Secret, Supreme Courters Vastly Broaden N.S.A. Power

. . . 110,000 more than May reported that they had taken part time work voluntarily, bringing their total to 19,044,000 and hence the total number of part time jobs in the economy to 27,270,000, an all time high . . . note that the establishment survey does not distinguish between full and part time job creation . . . What Did These Idiots Think Would Happen If We Hired Contractors To

Inventor of the Day: Not your average 15 year old

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Among the many great benefits of living in society is the enormous boon we all enjoy in a free society from the Division of Labour: the multiplication of knowledge in a division-of-labour society; the benefits from genius; the ability to specialise; the productive machinery and the economies of learning and motion that emerge from that specialisation—all part of what economist George Reisman describes as “the general gain from the existence of others.” The benefits from genius is a rarely celebrated aspect of the division of labour in a free society—in which we can *all *benefit f... more »

A Very Wise Egyptian Boy!

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago
Since I became a father in 1994, I have found great hope in what I see in this generation of children. They are wise beyond the years. The people of Egypt have been through much, I hope people listen to the wisdom of this young boy.


Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago
*This is the latest ZAP REPORT, it appears the dragons are ready to move. I am still a skeptic on the REVAL as I have heard that for almost a decade with both Poof and Casper. Its all interesting timing given Heather's about the release the absolute value finance documents. But perhaps they both go? You might want to also read D's latest article on the RV and where Heather's at on the UV INchange documents HERE. I don't own Dong or Dinar, mostly because I thought it was all a scam. The Dinar RV being based on an illegal war in Iraq for one thing. And I didn't have the contacts... more »

Secret History of the Quake

John Carroll at Dying in Haiti - 1 day ago
The Secret History of the Haitian Earthquake | Boston Review http://t.co/G03v1zAy4m — John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) July 7, 2013

Message From EGYPT to the World... Revolution Not a COUP

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Message From EGYPT to the World... Revolution Not a COUP. Source: YouTube Channel MisterMemoTV. Date Published: July 7, 2013. Description: Almedan | الميدان Story Of a Nation inspired The World And Used To Change The Face Of The History Message To The World The Power is People

Justin Carter - Justice Gone WRONG

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
Another stupid story about the over-reach of our law enforcment. They need a new name - definitely not law enforcement - more like gestapos. *When defending the liberty of unsavory characters, I usually write of my native England.*Not this week, alas. In the state of Texas, a 19-year-old man named Justin Carter sits in prison, ruthlessly stripped of his freedom for making an offensive joke. After a Facebook friend with whom he played video games described him as “crazy” and “messed up in the head,” Carter replied — sarcastically, one imagines — “Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in ... more »

First Nation Terrance Nelson: Warrior Societies are Prepared

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
By Terrance Nelson Oka Roseau River Anishinabe Censored News   Jason Bowman (Special Assistant)Ka-nyen-geh-ha-kah of Grand River   Jason,   Thanks for your email. Back in 1990 after the "Oka" Crisis, Mark Maracle and other Mohawks met with us in Roseau River to discuss how we reacted to the crisis. We agreed that we were not as organized as we needed to be, that Warrior

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

"Israeli racism has a new and original justification: The people love it" (Gideon Levy in Haaretz)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*Haaretz caption:* *Beitar Jerusalem fans holding the flag of the outlawed racist Kach party at Teddy Stadium* *by Ken* Probably there will be a lot of Americans who bristle at the idea that Israelis have broken new ground with the discovery that bigotry is good for business. Certainly Chick-fil-A CEO doesn't need any lessons from around the world in making bigotry pay -- although he does seem to have some killjoy traitors in his organization who leaned on him to delete the tweet he sent out decrying the Supreme Court decisions on same-sex marriage. Israel has its killjoys too, am... more »

Detroit and Chicago looking to dump expensive retirees healthcare insurance on the taxpayer by way of ObamaCare ! Of course , these two are just singing canaries in the colamine as Employers , Cities and State get with the dump on Sam program......On the subject of Detroit , Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr is leading bankers on a be glad you don't live this dump tour ......

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
http://hotair.com/archives/2013/07/07/oh-good-broke-cities-looking-to-unload-expensive-retirees-on-obamacare-i-e-taxpayers/ Oh, good: Broke cities looking to unload expensive retirees on ObamaCare, i.e. taxpayers POSTED AT 6:31 PM ON JULY 7, 2013 BY ERIKA JOHNSEN The Obama administration’s short-term panicked desperation to avoid ObamaCare-related consequences in the 2014 midterms is only matched by their relatively longer-term panicked desperation to convince young and healthy Americans to get with the program en masse. They’re going to need a heck of a lot of people with relativ... more »

July 5, 2013 Harvey Organ and July 6 , 2013 Gold and Silver Reports - data from Friday , selected news and views for not just the precious metals but global news as well.....

Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-07-06/jp-morgan-vault-gold-drops-new-record-low-brinks-gold-plunges-24-one-day ( ZH also observes the continuing evaporation of physical and wonders where it might be going.... ) JP Morgan Vault Gold Drops To New Record Low; Brinks Gold Plunges By 24% In One Day [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/06/2013 19:46 -0400 - Commitment of Traders - Commodity Futures Trading Commission - Lehman Last week we defined the golden sentiment ruleas "anything that isn't off the chart soon will be." This will happen in ... more »

"The Emperor Strikes Back"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "The Emperor Strikes Back"* by Andrew Levine "Governments abhor transparency, and governments lie. To keep them (comparatively) honest, an engaged and informed citizenry is indispensable. That requires media that are aggressive and probing, and that are not afraid to speak the truth. We have precious little of that in the United States today. Government media policy, bought and paid for by corporate interests, has done the cause of transparency incalculable harm. The Internet driven decline of print media hasn’t helped either. Investigative reporting is now on the ropes, along... more »

Van Gosse : What Would an American Left Look Like?

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
Radical reconstruction: root and branch. Image from en.academic.ru. Begin the walk: What would an American Left look like? I propose that a consequential Left can only proceed as a project for reconstructing American democracy, root and branch. By Van Gosse / The Rag Blog / July 7, 2013 Begin with what could be, ask what has been, and finish with what should be done now, to move forward.

"Oligarchs of the New Feudal Order Have Big Plans for You"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Oligarchs of the New Feudal Order Have Big Plans for You: * *Buy the Pavement and Charge You to Walk"* By Michael Hudson The Federal Reserve’s QE3 has flooded the stock and bond markets with low-interest liquidity that makes it profitable for speculators to borrow cheap and make arbitrage gains buying stocks and bonds yielding higher dividends or interest. In principle, one could borrow at 0.15 percent (one sixth of one percent) and buy up stocks, bonds and real estate throughout the world, collecting the yield differential as arbitrage. Nearly all the $800 billion of QE2 wen... more »

The White Wolf Returns

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago
*Some eye candy for you: a hot guy in tight biking shorts.* I posted on Asian Correspondent.com on Chang An-le. Storied Gang Leader The White Wolf Returns. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!

How I killed newspapers, Part Three: The bad news

paul at Paying attention - 1 day ago
Newspapers will find a way out of these bleak times, some journalists maintain. Here’s hoping. But the situation is grim and there’s no clear path to a viable future. I like newspapers and believe they’re important on many levels. But they are in big trouble. Two years ago, RBC Capital Markets started “following” Postmedia, Canada’s largest newspaper company, and issuing reports for investors. RBC’s first report set a target share price of $14. That valued the company at $635 million, much less than the $1.1 billion Postmedia paid a year earlier for the newspapers from Canwest, then... more »

Quotes of the Day: On Bureaucracy

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
And thus Bureaucracy, the giant power wielded by pygmies, came into the world. *--* Honoré de Balzac*, Les Employés [The Government Clerks]* The public is hedged about by so many goddam bookkeepers that no time is left in which to produce. More time is spent in carrying out garbage than in carrying in food. -- Martin H. Fischer If we can ever make red tape nutritional, we can feed the world. -- Robert Schaeberle Bureaucracies force us to practice nonsense. And if you rehearse nonsense, you may one day find yourself the victim of it. ― Laurence Gonzales, *Everyday Survival: Why ... more »
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