3:25pm MDST
Festival of Faiths - Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Civilization
*"Unending Crisis: National Security Policy after 9/11"* by Thomas Graham
Jr. (2012).
Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. is one of the world's leading experts in
nuclear non-proliferation. He is a senior U.S. diplomat involved in the
negotiation of every single international arms control and
non-proliferation agreement from 1970 to 1997. This includes the Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks (SALT Treaties), the Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaties (START Treaties), the Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) Treaty,
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Treaty, Treaty on the
No... more »
If The GOP Gives Up It's "Get Off My Lawn" Attitude, Will It Still Be The GOP?

There's a mirror image in the GOP to the ConservaDems who embrace Choice
and equality and other social issues but are nearly as conservative and
anti-working family as Republicans. We've talked a lot lately, for example,
about gay Democrats who get into Congress and are great on LGBT issues but
vote with the GOP on their destructive economic agenda. New Dem freshmen
Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY) are both gay and each has
a breathtakingly horrible voting record on issues important to ordinary
working families. They're among the most consistent supporter... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
One year from today:
How is "Obamacare" polling?
How do experts believe ACA implementation is going?
How is health care playing in competitive 2014 elections?
The Department of Homeland Security says its illegal to freely play music the United States

* *I am not sure the context of this, but perhaps Homeland Security has
confused its mandate with that of ASCAP? If anyone else knows what this is
about let me know... -AK*
July 20, 2013
Posted by Michael Martin
The Department of Homeland Security (An agency enacted through the Patriot
Act) is now demanding through enforcement from The State Fire Marshalls
Six Wall Street Banks Made $23 Billion in Three Months - Thank A Bankster for a Job Well Done (What? You Already Did!)
Money Rules – But in Congress, People Are Supposed to Rule By Leo Gerard
Wall Street held itself a big fat profit party last week. The nation’s six
largest banks reported $23 billion in profits. That’s for one quarter –
three months. Pop the Champagne. Buy another Lamborghini. Well, if you’re a
Wall Street banker, that is. Not if you’re a college student looking for a
loan. ‘Cause bankers
Sunday Question for Conservatives
Chris Christie: solid conservative for the most part, and certainly an
acceptable presidential nominee -- or really just another Eastern
Establishment moderate?

In Mexico, 10-year-old Manuel planned to spend the summer selling goods on
the street.
Manuel, a 10-year-old Indian boy, wanted to save money for school.
But, Manuel was humiliated by 'a city inspector'.
The inspector, Juan Diego Lopez, caught Manuel Diaz Hernandez illegally
selling cigarettes, sweets and snacks from his wooden basket.
In a video made by a passer-by, the inspector is seen grabbing the basket
and making the boy throw out all the sweets.
The inspector then grabbed the cigarettes for himself.
Read more: *http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ */ *Mexicans outraged by
humil... more »
Filling space - killing time - tapping out shit on a keyboard
With revolutionary socialism the treasure of decades of insight and
inspiration often comes combined with the burden of dogma. In the SWP one
of the things you learn is to not be a programme polisher but be active,
the needs of the movement (such as you might define it) will provide the
You might want to argue just how much of the SWP’s activity is
non-programmatic. You might also want to debate just how much of the SWP’s
notional, unwritten programme is actually understood by its cadre. SWP
members are subjectively revolutionary. Yet it is becoming clear from
various d... more »
Life gets complicated . . .
WHEN the DA in Perry Mason just had to worry about who cut the brake
lines? Well, according to AutoWeek's article, “Hackers compromise Prius,
seize control of wheel, brakes and more” hackers can really do a number
on a Prius — at highway speeds, that could ruin your day. Drive-by-wire
has its potential risks.
Injustice, The ‘For Profit’ Court System

The fifth version of the Injustice Society.
Art by Joe Bennett. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) *Injustice, the ‘for profit’
court system*
*Posted at: *
Look familiar? Look closely, the characters should remind you of recent
Hollywood theatrics.
Apparently it matters little what country or jurisdiction the injustice
stems. It is pervasive.
It is the paradigm of a broken system and the catalyst for change.
The alphabet soup trolls trashed the momentum of change like The Occupy
movement, Egypt, Arab S... more »
Once upon a time, long, long ago, musicians Stephen Stills and Judy Collins
enjoyed a romance. Then, Judy sailed away and broke his heart. Stephen
wrote *Suite: Judy Blue Eyes*, which I recently heard again. One line made
my head spin: “Don’t let the past remind us of what we are not now.” Why
not? Remembering the past sounds like an excellent idea. What we are not
now is wild and free human beings — normal & authentic.
I just finished Brian Fagan’s book, *Cro-Magnon*, which describes an
important segment of my family history. The happy news is that there have
been three stud... more »
Are Muslims being demonised?

Watching *Sunday Morning Live *in full, with my impartiality-bound '*Is the
BBC Biased?'* hat on, *did* the programme demonstrate BBC bias as regards
the 'Muslim question'?
Well, presenter Samira Ahmed's initial framing of the question *'Are
Muslims being demonised?' *certainly gave a fair wind to one particular
side of the argument:
Bombs are being placed in mosques and a major Islamic organisation says
British Muslims are living in fear. Is that because of an unfair portrayal
of Muslims in the media? Are Muslims being demonised?
Still, in contrast to that, the programme's gues... more »
*"Luminarium" *
by Anniina Jokinen
“This site combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a
starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing
replaces a quality library, but hopefully this site will help fill the
needs of those who have not access to one. Many works from Medieval,
Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries can be found here.
The site started in early 1996. I remember looking for essays to spark an
idea for a survey class I was taking at the time. It seemed that finding
study materials online was prohibitively difficul... more »
by William K. Black
“The idea that the Attorney General of the United States of America would
send such a letter to the representative of a foreign government,
particularly Russia under the leadership of a former KGB official, was so
preposterous that I thought the first news report I read about Attorney
General Holder’s letter concerning Edward Snowden was satire. The joke,
however, was on me. The Obama and Bush administrations have so disgraced
the reputation of the United States’ criminal justice system that we are
forced to promise KGB al... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Horton, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
From 9-11 through the present time ..... Just who are we supposedly fighting and why ? Who is Al Qaeda and more important - who are the Al Qaeda affiliates the US Government refuse to identify ?
9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobbyJuly 28, 2013
Print Version
*Source:* Top Info Post
Newly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit
by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows two firefighters on 9/11
discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the
collapse of the twin towers, providing damning new evidence that explosive
devices were used to bring down the buildings. Firemen discuss how bombs
were going off in the lobby of WTC1 as they were staging to move up the
building. They explain how the building had al... more »
*"Luminarium" *
by Anniina Jokinen
“This site combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a
starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing
replaces a quality library, but hopefully this site will help fill the
needs of those who have not access to one. Many works from Medieval,
Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries can be found here.
The site started in early 1996. I remember looking for essays to spark an
idea for a survey class I was taking at the time. It seemed that finding
study materials online was prohibitively difficul... more »
"The Object Of Life"
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority,
but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
- Marcus Aurelius
Good luck ;-)
- CP
“The US Empire Prepares For War On China”
* “The US Empire Prepares For War On China”*
By Paul Craig Roberts
“Amitai Etzioni has raised an important question: “Who authorized
preparations for war with China?” Etzioni says that the war plan is not the
sort of contingency plan that might be on hand for an improbable event.
Etzioni also reports that the Pentagon’s war plan was not ordered by, and
has not been reviewed by, US civilian authorities. We are confronted with a
neoconized US military out of control endangering Americans and the rest of
the world.
Etzioni is correct that this is a momentous decision made by a neo... more »
Removing the Shackles:Update July 28 - The RV and "New" financial system: Clearing the air

*AK Note: I received some information that indicates the Chinese are now in
control of the SWIFT funds transfer network. There have been some
anomalies in funds movement, whether that is covertly (through Hauwei
network routers?) or through overt means is unknown... *
Sunday, 28 July 2013
*Update July 28- The RV and "New" financial system: Clearing the air*
Posted by D.
Well, it would seem that I've pissed off even more people this week than
usual. While many many people have been waking up to some of the things
I've been talking about for the past 8 months with regards to the... more »
Does the Solution to Climate Change Rest On Economic Reform?

What follows began as a comment I attempted to leave at *A Puff of Absurdity
* in reponse to a post by Marie Snyder that you really should read. In
it, Marie questions whether, as a civilization, we have become "*too stupid
to live*."
*Hi Marie. I have been wrestling with the question of how we can
decarbonize our civilization for quite a while without success. It's a
problem that has a frustrating number of dimensions. Solving one can
create another or worsen others.
I'm beginning to think we need to decouple our political and economic
apparatus from neo-classical "political"... more »
“It Is Happening Again: 18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today”
* *
*“It Is Happening Again: *
*18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today”*
By Michael Snyder
“If our leaders could have recognized the signs ahead of time, do you think
that they could have prevented the financial crisis of 2008? That is a
very timely question, because so many of the warning signs that we saw just
before and during the last financial crisis are popping up again. Many of
the things that are happening right now in the stock market, the bond
market, the real estate market and in the overall economic data are eerily
similar to what we witnessed b... more »
Cyprus and Troika now agree to steal 47.5 percent of deposits over 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus !
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cyprus and its international lenders have agreed to
convert 47.5 percent of deposits exceeding 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus
to equity to recapitalize it, banking sources said on Sunday.
Under a programme agreed between Cyprus and lenders in March, large
depositors in Bank of Cyprus were earmarked to pay for the recapitalisation
of the bank. Authorities initially converted 37.5 percent of deposits
exceeding 100,000 euros into equity, and held an additional 22.5 percent as
a buffer in the ev... more »
ALEC - The Deadly Virus of Local Democracy
This read, this morning is pretty scary stuff.
Important to remember that North Carolina is under attack by ALEC
Important to remember what happens in one state - by ALEC legislators -
soon spreads like a deadly virus to other states.
Important to remember that North Carolina is testing an ALEC model that
destroys cities.
After you read the thole article - which I strongly suggest - would you
like to see American be the "reborn south" - Plantation owners sitting on
the front porch while the rest of us work for no wages, living in a
windowless shanty with 12 people to a... more »
ALEC - pernicious and immoral
If you are interested in all things legal when it comes to the Trayvon
Martin case -
web blog entry is pretty intense with the Florida legal part of the story.
But the closing paragraph caught my attention and I couldn't agree with
them more.
Again this returns us to Stand Your Ground Laws and the part played in
their passage by ALEC. They even want to restrict what a doctor can tell
his patients about gun violence. Their influence in our society is not
productive. It is pernicious and immoral. They must not be allowed to
continue to dictate the course of our nat... more »
Syria Updates - July 28 , 2013 ... UN reaches accord with Government of Syria regarding chemical weapons investigation.... War updates as Rebels and Government make various claims regarding battle successes , atrocities.....
UN says accord reached on Syria chemical arms
Agreement to probe use of chemical weapons reached after UN envoys hold
talks with officials in Damascus.
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2013 11:01
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Angela Kane, UN high representative for disarmament, visited Damascus on
Wednesday for talks [Reuters]
The United Nations said it had reached an agreement with Syria on an
inquiry into the use of chemical weapons, but did not say UN inspectors
would be allowed in... more »
Who Cares About Dogs And Cats?

We wouldn't have endorsed state Senator Daylin Leach for the open
congressional seat in Northeast Philadelphia and Montgomery County (PA-13)
if he *wasn't* pro-choice and pro-environment and pro-equality. The fact
that he's been a leader in the state legislature on these matters made it
all the easier. But, in the end, we decided to back Daylin because he has
been such a strong and effective fighter on behalf of economic justice.
He's a Blue America candidate because he stands up for ordinary working
families and because he doesn't sell out to the special interests that have
bough... more »
Chicago next to follow Detroit ? Chicago sees its cash balance falls to 33 million , debt triples , ratings plummet........
Chicago Next? Windy City Cash Balance Plummets To Only $33 Million As Debt
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/28/2013 11:06 -0400
- Bond
- Capital Markets
- Detroit
- Ford
- New Normal
- Pension Crisis
- Rahm Emanuel
While everyone's attention is focused on the Detroit bankruptcy, and just
what assets the city will sell in lieu of raising a DIP loan, perhaps it is
time to refocus attention to the cit... more »
The Great Aztec Debate on Paracast
Well, the great Aztec debate is over and the winner is… Yeah, you’d think
that but it was probably Scott Ramsey. After all, he had immersed himself
in the case for twenty years and was able to divert the conversation into
other arenas without doing much damage to his own point of view. You can
listen to the show here:
NOW PLAYING! July 28, 2013 — Scott Ramsey and Kevin D. Randle
Take, for example, this investigation that was apparently launched by the
Air Force Office of Special Investigation into a claim that someone had
offered for sale pictures of the Aztec flying saucer in lat... more »
*Hurricane Isaac: the rest of the story, Part 3 ~Fix the Pumps *

Someone is trying to start a civil war in Egypt.
"Rumours, fabricated images and fake accounts have emerged on Facebook and
Altered Images: Egypt's disinformation war
Da Begad?
*Morsi supporters "used one image of a group carrying a cross to claim
Christians had led protests against the Islamist president. *
"The photograph dated from 2012, it later emerged.
"It has been claimed that photographs of dead children were presented by
pro-Morsi supporters as evidence of killings by the Egyptian Army, with the
military saying the images had originated from the conflict in... more »

Turkey Prime Minister Erdogan slams UN and EU as he compares criticism of Turkey's handling of its protesters with treatment of Egypt's protesters by Egypt's military ....
Erdogan lashes out at EU, UN over Egypt v Turkey unrest reaction
Published time: July 28, 2013 11:23
Get short URL
[image: Demonstrators for and against ousted president Mohamed Morsi hurl
stones at each other as they clash near Egypt's landmark Tahrir square on
July 5, 2013 in Cairo. (L) Protestors clash with riot police between Taksim
and Besiktas in Istanbul, on June 1, 2013, during a demonstration against
the demolition of the park. (R) (AFP Photo)]
Demonstrators for and against ousted president Mohamed Morsi hurl stones at ... more »
Edward Snowden and NSA blowback updates - July 28 , 2013......Snowden still in the airport transit zone , can stay there for an unlimited amount of time , not leaving anytime soon ...
Snowden may stay at airport transit zone unlimited amount of time - Justice
16:28 July 27, 2013 Interfax
Russian laws do not limit the time for which former CIA employee Edward
Snowden may stay at the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, and
he bears no liability for the absence of documents, the Russian Justice
Ministry said.
[image: Snowden’s saga: Whistleblower, hero, traitor or spy?]
Full story: Edward Snowden
"Russian law does not stipulate the du... more »
Did Ulysses arrive in the same ship he left in?
Is identity the continuity of substance or essence?
AS the Performing Enhancing Drug Suspensions loom this week - does A- Rod take a deal or insist or fighting out a losing case ? Reading between the lines , it seems the hammer on the PED suspensions and A- Rod's fate should be known as quickly as August 1......
The strong indications are Major League Baseball will announce all the
suspensions in the Biogenesis case this week, including one that could
cover the rest of this year and all of next season for Alex Rodriguez, The
Post has learned.
It always has been MLB’s plan to announce the suspensions at one time for
the 15-plus players believed to be facing sanctions in the
performance-enhancing drug case. MLB went early with Ryan Braun’s
suspension because of his willingness to accept the penal... more »
10 Fun Ways to Paint With Kids and Project Link-Up

This week we have been trying out different ways to paint, here are some of
our favorites.
Kool-Aid Painting with The Chocolate Muffin Tree.
Corn Syrup Painting with Eighteen25.
Balloon Painting from Irresistible ideas.
Marble Maze Painting with Housing a Forest.
Cookie Cutter Painting with The Masked Mommy.
Painting with Candy from Growing a Jeweled Rose.
Pom-Pom painting with Mum of One.
Rainbow Q-Tip Painting from Makes and Takes.
Elastic Band Painting from Fun Learning at Alison's FDC.
Colored Puffy Paint with Crafting with Bug.
Now to this week's Creative Showca... more »
Saudi women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover them up, if resolution is passed
Just when you thought that the Saudi Arabian government's oppression of
women couldn't get any more extreme...
'Women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover them up under Saudi
Arabia's latest repressive measure, it was reported yesterday.
The ultra-conservative Islamic state has said it has the right to
stop women revealing 'tempting' eyes in public.
Women in Saudi Arabia already have to wear a long black cloak, called an
abaya, cover their hair and, in some regions, conceal their faces while in
If they do not, they face punishments including fines and public... more »
Capitalist Scum-bags
The tragedy at Lac Megantic was the result of ruthless cost-cutting. Cut
costs - increase profits. Increase profits to "invest" in financial
flim-flam and conspicuous consumption.
These guys just want to cut everything to the bone and then they rely on
government bail-outs whenever anything goes wrong. And, of course, to
ensure that things go wrong, get some scum-bag politicians like Dick Cheney
or stephen harper (ego-inflated, anti-democratic errand boys) to
"de-regulate" everything to save you as many pennies as they can. And so
offshore oil-rigs and freight-trains full of toxic... more »
Fubar- Fukushima updates - July 28 , 2013.....TEPCO has no clue of what trenches are involved here , where they might be , how many there - this is due to various upgrades over the years with the blueprints inaccessible .....meanwhile extremely radioactive materials is leaching into the groundwater and then into the ocean.... ......
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2013
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: No One Fully Knows
Exactly Where Trenches and Ducts Are Located, How They Are Connected
Tokyo Shinbun has a pictorial showing the locations of the known trenches
along the seawall. I think it is more helpful than TEPCO's pictorial, which
does not show the embankment which is clearly created artificially. It also
nicely summarizes the entire article.
It shows the possibility of seawater and groundwater mixing beneath the sea
level. If the highly contaminated water in the trenches from the turbine
buildings to t... more »
*Sportswriters think Rob Ryan has something to prove ~Ted Lewis, Saints
*Accountability back for Saints with Payton's return ~WWLTV*
*Rabalais: Unconventional Rob Ryan seems like right fit ~BlackandGold.com*
*Landrieu family property abuts in zone targeted for investment ~Jaquetta
*Iberville demolition marks end of an era*
*BRPD arresting citizens under invalid sodomy law *
*Satchmo Festival this week!*
Holey Toledo - Two Dangerous Sinkholes in One Month
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Amanda Warren
Something strange is befalling Toledo, Ohio. Actually, people are literally
falling into Toledo.
In early July, on the 3rd, Pamela Knox age 60 was driving on Detroit Ave.
and Bancroft in downtown Toledo when she noticed the road before her caving
in. The car in front of her just barely made it over the growing chasm but
there was no time for her before she found herself 10 feet below the road
in a 15ft wide hole. Parts of the road fell onto her car, water spewed out
from a broken line.
You may be familiar wi... more »
Drone Spotting App (Humor)
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'Bitcoin steals power from both banks & gangsters'
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Digital currency Bitcoin is gaining popularity around the globe as people
become more and more dissatisfied with the conventional banking system.
Instant, safe and nearly anonymous, is what Bitcoin claims to be. It takes
no commission for transactions and can be used internationally wherever you
have internet access. Is it the currency of the future?
[image: CoinMama]
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Under New Proposed Internet Laws, We Will All Be Felons
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Their word could soon become law Dave Hodges
Did you know it is a misdemeanor to use your work computer to email your
friends? If you check the score of the ballgame from work, it is also a
misdemeanor. If you make reservations for dinner from your work computer
you have also committed a crime. If you check your Facebook account on your
lunch break from your work computer, you could be fined and could go to
The law which criminalizes such behaviors is called the 1986 Computer Fraud
and Abuse Act; and if the Department... more »
Employee Bonus: Teens Working For Monsanto Sprayed by Crop Duster
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Daisy Luther
Remember when farm work was a wholesome summer job for kids looking for a
little extra pocket money?
Back in the day, teens could work outside, learn about farming, and do some
healthy physical labor without major health risks. Working on a farm built
physical strength, skills, and character.
Now, with the advent of toxic agricultural practices, farm work can be
deadly because of exposure to glyphosate and other deadly chemicals.
Nearly 80 teenagers working for Team Corn, a Princeton, Ill.-based company
that co... more »
I Knew It Was A Safe Bet Pelosi Wouldn't Do Anything To Make Me Eat My Hat

The day before the big vote on the Amash-Conyers Amendment to protect the
4th Amendment from encroachments by the NSA, someone on a discussion group
I participate in asked how the Democratic leaders would vote. I pointed out
that Hoyer already had his national security puppet, Dutch Ruppersberger,
yell and scream about it in terms of Bush era terrorist scare tactics,
signaling that Hoyer would oppose the amendment and that conservative
shills Steve Israel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz would follow. As for
Pelosi, I said that I couldn't imagine her going up against Obama on
somethin... more »
The Speech You'll Never Hear

The evidence keeps piling up. When Hurricane Sandy tore up the Jersey Shore
and flooded New York City, Americans started talking about climate change.
But when Calgary was inundated last month, Jason Kenny called it a "once in
a century event," claiming that everybody cleaned up and went about their
business the last time Calgary was flooded, in 1892. When Toronto's subway
stations were under water last month, you would think that Stephen Harper
-- whose *real* home town is Toronto -- would have taken note.
Edward Greenspan writes, in the *Toronto Star*, that the event should have... more »
Update July 28- The RV and "New" financial system: Clearing the air
Well, it would seem that I've pissed off even more people this week than
usual. While many many people have been waking up to some of the things
I've been talking about for the past 8 months with regards to the "RV",
"NESARA" etc, many have also been seriously ticked off. Pissed off to
point that I'm basically persona non grata in the intel community-
apparently I have the intel "cooties". I'll get back to my cooties
in a moment....
Last weekend John from the Nesara web site posted an article that
reflectedsome of my opinions about the RV etc, that I've discussed
ove... more »
Dr Who and Women
Hat tip to @catherinebuca for pointing me in the direction of the STFU
Moffat tumblr about the vexatious relationship between *Dr Who* and women.
Or, rather, that that exists for the show's lead writer, Steven Moffat.
Basically, long-time readers who liked these pieces will very much enjoy
what's on offer.
Below, for example, is typical of the crap that is take on and challenged.
This from 'Gustaff', a guest writer at Doctor Who TV website on whether the
next Doctor should be a woman:
“I can’t imagine this change happening to the Doctor any time soon as it
would cause all sorts of ... more »
13 year old Canadian Victoria Grant on Corrupt Banking, Governments & Corporations

*From the mouth of babes.*
*Bravo, Victoria. *
Source: https://www.facebook.com/RepresentDotUs
Ma and China in the News
*My son practices for the driver's license exam.*
*But they were shut out, listening at a door to words not meant for them:
ill-mannered children or stupid servants overhearing the elusive discourse
of their elders, and wondering how it would affect their lot. Of loftier
mould these two were made: reverend and wise. It was inevitable that they
should make alliance.*
Lots of stuff on the 1992 consensus, One China, and Ma Ying-jeou this week.
China congratulated Ma on his victory in the KMT chairmanship election --
it was a proper CCP/KMT election, with only one candidate. Taipei Tim... more »
Hmm, I suspect many of you will *not* be surprised that *Sunday Morning Live
* is discussing the question '*Are Muslims being demonised?*', prompted by
a letter from the Muslim Council of Britain to the Home Secretary last week
urging the government to act on the issue.
The programme is framing the discussion in this way:
Does the way Muslims are portrayed by media and elsewhere play a role in
creating an environment where Muslims are made to feel alienated – or are
these the actions of a small minority of criminals, who have paid no
attention to constant efforts from politicians an... more »
Gay Edgar Hoover

One medical expert told Summers that Hoover was of "strongly predominant
homosexual orientation", while another medical expert categorized him as a
"bisexual with failed heterosexuality".
Hoover was a devoted Freemason, being raised a Master Mason on November 9,
1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his
26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many
medals, awards and decorations.
Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector
General Honorary in the Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also
awarde... more »
Sunday, Flipping Sunday

This week's* Sunday*, as predicted, discussed the pay day loans issue. It
pitted a left-wing campaigner against such companies against another critic
of such companies (from the Anglican Church) - though "pitted" isn't really
the right word given that they both agreed with each other.
There was, also as predicted, discussion of the Catholic Church - and its
coverage (as you'll see below) tallied well with my expectations of it (as
outlined in the last-but-one post).
Here's a summary of how the programme unfolded.
7.10 *Introduction*, by William Crawley
7.11 *Unrest in Egypt*. I... more »

*Alison Jackson/Rex/Rex USA.** www.alisonjackson.com*
"The precise sequence of events in the delivery room will always remain a
closely guarded secret for those present...
*"They have refused all requests for interview."*
**a perfect birth*
"But the family of neonatologist* Dr Sunit Godambe*... have told of their
pride that their treasured son helped deliver a future King."
Dr Godambe studied paediatrics in India.
According to the Mail on Sunday, Kate "sailed through a textbook delivery."
*11 hours labour and all natural - a perfect birth*
"The Duchess of Cambridge gave ... more »
Some amazing technological advances
I am getting lots of similar news and sometimes I collide with some of them
in the media. Sometimes they sound amazing.
First, MIT has developed a perfect mirror – a material that reflects
electromagnetic waves without any losses.
Now, Tesla Motors and Colorado's company SpaceX believe that they can build
an amazingly fast superhighway of evacuated tubes where you can drive from
California to NYC in an hour.
A combination of magnetic levitation, vacuum would allow minivan-sized
capsules to travel up to 6,000 kph and the replacement for the
EastCoast-WestCoast air ticket would c... more »
Call Him the Breeze (JJ Cale Is Gone)
JJ Cale is gone. He got the green light. He's moving out of here. Singer,
songwriter, producer, artist extraordinaire, he influenced just about every
performing artist that I've ever admired. He was a joy to listen to and
watch perform. His little smile at the end of a song was always a treasure.
So sad to hear this. Seems like the best are making tracks. He will be
missed. "They Call Me
Commentary On Egypt
*"It was all good just a week ago"*
*Commentary On Egypt*
*An excerpt from, "History rhymes in Egypt" by Colonel Patrick Lang (July
The forces of political Islam are now pitted against pretty much the rest
of Egypt in the same sort of existential struggle. They all know that.
Saudi Arabia is backing the military backed government because it detests
the MB version of Islamism. The United States, having aligned itself with
the MB, has zero leverage with General Sisi because the US backs people who
would kill him if they could. There are other sources of military supply i... more »
Something Fishy About Fish Oil? Probably Not

I take a lot of supplements. I'm cutting back drastically. But I still take
something like 30 a day. In the essential oils category, I've been taking,
a the recommendation of my doctor, two different kinds. I take 3 omega
fatty acid softgels-- Udo's 3-6-9 Blend-- made from flax, sesame,
sunflower, coconut, & evening primrose. And I've been taking two EPA-DHA
720 softgells made by Metagenics and made from sardine, anchovy and
mackerel oil. My doctor says it's the best on the market. Then a few days
ago, in the *NY Times* I read that this kind of fish oil may cause prostate
cancer. ... more »
After Assassinations In Arab Spring Nations, Protesters Express Their Anger At The Muslim Brotherhood
An excerpt from, *"Musmari killing sparks protests against Muslim
Brotherhood"* by Maha Ellawati (Libya Herald, July 27):
The killing of popular Libyan political activist, Abdulsalam Musmari, in
Benghazi has sparked country-wide protests against the Muslim Brotherhood.
*Hundreds of men and women in Benghazi took to the streets last night in
fury at the assassination of Musmari, one in a string of recent killings.
Two military officials were also assassinated last night in Benghazi, one
shot in the back while he was praying.*
*Convinced that members of the Muslim Brotherhoo... more »
Yesterday morning Victoria and I joined a protest by the Australian
Anti-Bases Campaign in Sydney. We met at a park where people dressed
themselves in white with white masks and carried signs calling themselves
the Invisibles since the Australian corporate media refuses to cover their
protests against the growing militarization of their country.
As we walked in single file through the busy Saturday morning streets
leaflets were handed to people, cars honked, a bus driver flashed us the
peace sign, and we got a nice reaction from the public. We ended up at city
hall and a sound syste... more »
"sharecroppers on wheels": port truckers are organizing, and they are winning
When is an employee not an employee? The answer to this riddle is rapidly
becoming the true face of employment in the North America today.
In her brilliant investigative book *Bait and Switch*, Barbara Ehrenreich
writes about "jobs" that require scare quotes. These "jobs" provide no
salary, no benefits, and no workplace. In most cases, the "employee"
finances the most basic tools of the trade out of their own pockets. Real
estate agents, insurance salespeople, and cosmetic salespeople often fall
under this category. You might be surprised to learn that many truckers do,
From Ch... more »
a teenager's courage reveals the brutality of anti-choicers: "please stop calling me a whore"
This articulate and courageous 14-year-old girl says she wants to be a
science teacher when she grows up. I hope she will also be a writer,
because this is one of the best personal essays I have read.
I'm a 14-year-old girl who has lived in Austin, Texas, my whole life. I
like art, music and talking on the phone with my friends. When I grow up,
I'd like to become a science teacher.
I also believe in the right to choose and the separation of church and
state. Or to put it another way -- to put it the way I wrote it when I was
protesting at the Capitol last week:
*"Jesus isn't a dic... more »
Population Control 18: Billions of RH Services Even Without an RH law

This poster has been circulating in some friends’ facebook wall, like new
but good friend, Butch Cabanban. I made this comment on Butch’s wall,
*Ako naman Butch, Ethell, anti-RH but for zero religious reason, pure econ
and pol philosophy lang. No one prohibits people from donating their own
resources to distribute condoms, pills, etc. for free to the poor. Gawad
Kalinga (GK) or Books for the Barrios (BftB) or Rotary Homes, etc. did not
say that they needed a GK bill or BftB bill to become a law first before
they will build a single house or distribute books to the poor. If people
h... more »
*Levee board’s suit could be landmark case ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans
YouTube Watch: From Paraguay with love -- "Watch the First 54 Seconds. That's All I Ask. You'll Be Hooked" (Adam Albright-Hanna)

*by Ken*
This video (which, given its wide-screen format, you might want to watch on
YouTube directly) came to me as a pass-along, from an upworthy.com post by
Adam Albright-Hanna whose full title is:
*"Watch the First 54 Seconds. That's All I Ask. You'll Be Hooked After
That, I Swear" (Adam Albright-Hanna)"*
It's at about 0:51 that the boy who has just described how his "cello" was
constructed -- out of discarded scrap materials, starting with an oil can
for the body of the instrument -- begins to play the opening Prelude of the
Bach First Cello Suite. And sure enough, I was hoo... more »
Fear for the future . . .
has a frightening report by John Bohannon, “Why Are Some People So
Smart? The Answer Could Spawn a Generation of Superbabies”. Really, just
sooner than I was expecting. After sixty years of DNA research and
computer development, serious effort is being made by non-dogmatic
people taking advantage of today's super-computers to get the crunching
done. The article is worth contemplating if
Six Nations of the Grand River
The Grand River 'Champion of Champions' Powwow Committee is a group of
highly motivated, community spirited volunteers who have for the past three
decades, staged and organized, on behalf of the Six Nations of the Grand
River, a Aboriginal Multicultural event, annually the fourth weekend of
July; so as to promote our rich arts heritage by showcasing our 'pride' in
music, dance, arts and crafts.
1200 prisoners break out of Benghazi prison ? Only 18 captured so far , meaning 1,182 on the run ! Benghazi Congresswoman quits citing deteriorating security across the Libya... Forgotten Libya reveals decline in state of affairs has gotten sharper......
Massive jailbreak near Benghazi – 1,182 convicts on the run
*By Ahmed Elumami*.
Kuayfia prison, the scene of a major jailbreak in the early hours of this
*Benghazi, 27 July 2013*:
More than a thousand prisoners are on the run in the east of Libya,
following a major jailbreak during a riot at Kuayfia Prison near Benghazi.
A total of 1,200 convicted criminals escaped from the government facility,
which is some ten kilometres to the east of Benghazi, at 4.30 this morning.
They made the... more »
Spain and humor in the crisis. Artistic but razor-sharp political parodies as social lightning rods.
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 22 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/l3mteHWav1o - click in picture to start this film!
*Humour is a gift of the gods*. In particular in times of a crisis. Spain
is in a crisis as never before. President Mariano Rajoy and his team of
ministers is desperately trying to lift their beautiful country and
generally light-hearted, positive people out of a structural mess that
hardly took 12 years to grow out of control. Enough is told about that. How
do people survive?
It's hardly possible! Social structures within Spain weren't prepared to
deal with long-lasting high unemployment, too little action was... more »
Gaia Portal: Collapsing Shadow Forms Seek Retrieval of Energies via Reverse Vortex Rotation
* *
* *Collapsing Shadow Forms Seek Retrieval of Energies via Reverse Vortex
by ÉirePort
Collapsing shadow forms ("dark" entities) seek retrieval of energies via
reverse vortex rotation at local and individual levels.
Disruptions in "standard" 3D-4D surface Earth operations and services may
result, depending largely upon status of individual and group consciousness
levels at those locations.
Resistance of such reverse vortexes only strengthens the intensity of such,
whereas rising above such disempowers them.
Such situations are temporary only and persist only as long... more »
Gaia Portal: Alignment and attunement with Gaia Central is called for at this now moment
* *
* *Alignment and attunement with Gaia Central is called for at this now
by ÉirePort
Alignment and attunement with Gaia Central is called for at this now
moment. Inner Enlightened Earth calls for alignment and attunement, in
particular, with dissolution of non-Gaia-serving "protocols" and
"paradigms", and formation of Higher Gaia protocols and paradigms.
Alignment and attunement with Essence is essential.
ÉirePort | July 27, 2013 at 17:29
URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-ne
Twenty questions the sheeple mainstream media won't touch with the proverbial ten foot pole.......
* * *
Today, the average American watches 153 hours of television a month. That
is a staggering amount of information that is being pumped into our brains,
and they don’t call it “programming” for no reason.
Unfortunately, even though Americans are so “plugged in”, there are many
important things that they never get to hear about. The following are 20
questions that the mainstream media won’t touch with a ten foot pole right
*#1* Was foul play involved in the he... more »
Considering the imprisonment of Abdulelah Haider Shaye for three years in Yemen for reporting on drone deaths caused by US drones , in light of the strange death of Michael Hastings in his exploding Mercedes that went out of control - and then the hasty and unapproved ( by his family ) cremation , which of course makes investigation in his death extremely difficult , I would be careful if I was Glenn Greenwald ( wisely testifying remotely from Brazil ) as unfortunate things to reporters who aren't following the pre-approved scripts......
Abdulelah Haider Shaye ‘put in prison because he had the audacity to
expose’ deadly US drone strike
By *Jacob Chamberlain*
*Common Dreams*
July 26,2013
The White House is “concerned and disappointed” over the news that Yemeni
Journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye, who was kept in a Yemeni jail for three
years per the request of the Obama administration after he exposed a deadly
U.S. drone strike, was released Tuesday.
Following news of Shaye’s release, journalist Jeremy Scahill, who has
written extensively about Shaye’s story, contacted the White House for a
The White House’s re... more »
'1984 is now!': Germans Protest Berlin's Role in NSA Spying on Snowden Day, 27 July 2013

*Published on Jul 27, 2013*
* *
Privacy rights activists have demonstrated across Germany against U.S.
worldwide surveillance - and Berlin's role in it. The revelations by Edward
Snowden, have ignited public anger among Germans who say that their
government let them down - as RT's Peter Oliver reports.
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 27: Activists protest against the electronic
surveillance tactics of the NSA on July 27, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. The
NSA scandal has been especially contentious in Germany after media reports
claimed the NSA had conducted wide scale gathering of el... more »
Urging the One People to come together

[image: Picture]
*“A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once more
intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art. It is the
work of art nearest to life itself. It may be translated into every
language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;
-- not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the
breath of life itself.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
This is an urgent call to the one people. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE
In high summer
We think of late July as high summer. It's a bit more droughty this year
than even last year, as we did expect, and we are having to pay a great
deal of attention to the mulch and water.
The potatoes should be lifted soon, as they have attracted the attention of
gophers. Tomatoes and beans have set fruit but are not ready to pick. The
corn is tasseling out and the pumpkins are greenly growing on the vines.
Risa has been cutting up excess vegetation from around the place and adding
it to the compost heaps. She's moving irrigation and deepening mulch. She's
also hiding a lot. There h... more »
Summers Love? NC Guv. Pat McCrory - Not As Astute As He Thought - Doesn't Know Or Care What's In Vote-Denying-But-Art-Pope-OK'd Bill and Conscience Laundering (Buffett's Son's Apologia)
Newsflash! Looks Like Larry Summers Will Be Named New FED Chairman by
ObamaWhat does this deep Love of Summers tell us about the White House and
today’s Democratic Party?Ezra Klein, whose White House sourcing is
eminently reliable, has provided the launching pad for most of the Summers
trial balloons. Klein and co-writer Evan Soltas stated
unequivocally Thursday that “President Obama wants
The poison spreads . . .
TORONTO STAR has a frightening report by Emma Pullman and Martin
Lukacs: ‘Nobody understands’ spills at Alberta oil sands operation.
There's been a bitumen blow-out — and they don't know how to stop it.
This apparently originated from a government scientist. The question is,
how long has the Stevie government known about this, and what are they
doing about it?
Obamacare lowering insurance rates
In a mad rush to beat the clock on reality, Republicans are still trying to
figure out how to destroy Obummercare. It appears they're going to lose
that race, as the good news on Obamacare keeps rolling in.
Health premiums in Maryland’s exchanges will be “among the lowest of the 12
states that have available proposed or approved rates for comparison,” the
state’s exchange — Maryland Health Connection — announced Friday. The news
comes just as New York,Oregon, Montana, California, and Louisiana are also
reporting lower than expected premiums.
How did this happen, you ask? Well in Ma... more »
Earth, Wind & Fire - Fantasy
1977 was a great year for many reasons. *Star Wars*. My entering the world.
And this:
On Au

Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
The topic is whether you should invest in gold as part of your portfolio.
After you read the column, you might find the following problem of
interest. It is based on roughly plausible assumptions.
Imagine that you start off with a portfolio of 60 percent stocks and 40
percent bonds. The returns on stocks, bonds, and gold are uncorrelated.
Stocks earn a higher expected return than bonds. Bonds and gold earn the
same lower expected return, but gold returns are three times as volatile as
bond returns, as measured by the standar... more »
What Should We Do About Obamacare?

Obamacare was a flawed, compromised "solution" from day one, based on a
mediocre conservative set of ideas that were meant to prevent the passage
of a single payer system (Medicare for All) by progressives. At best,
people see the benefits, overlook the flaws and are coming to accept it,
despite partisan GOP hysteria. I hope you read Norm Ornstein's report for *The
Atlantic* about the unprecedented, contemptible GOP quest to sabotage
Obamacare. "What the Republicans are doing now," he assets-- and proves--
"goes beyond mere hardball politics-- and could hurt millions of Americans ... more »

Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Due to two Court Orders made by Mr Justice Tugendhat at the Royal Courts of
Justice in London on 1 February 2013 (at which the Publisher nor either
author was present), this website has been suspended until further notice.
Please note that the book FROM HILLSBOROUGH TO LAMBETH is also the subject
of the Court Orders and therefore is not presently for sale or distribution.
The Court Orders are to be the subject of an Appeal.
Any comments can be sent ... more »
This Doesn't Look Quite Right
A knife-wielding man on a TTC streetcar last night wound up on the
receiving end of a barrage of police gunfire. A horde of cops had the
streetcar surrounded when one officer opened fire. First three shots.
Then another four shots and then another and finally one last shot.
Nine shots? The cop firing was obviously a good distance from the
suspect. Plenty of other officers were just casually milling around,
apparently not in any fear for their safety.
We can't see what the suspect was doing before the officer opened fire or
to the point where the firing finally stopped. Pe... more »

*The Chinese firm Huawei controls the internet filter praised by the UK
Prime Minister David Cameron*
**Anonymous comments:*
The artificial debates between Capitalism and Communism, "*nationalised*"
central banks and *private* ownership, *democracy* and dictatorships are *
Obviously it does not matter who owns a corporation:
Who *secret*ly *control*s it rules.
"Huawei strongly denies having close ties with the Chinese government,
pointing out it is 98.6% owned by its employees - with the remaining amount
held by Mr Ren"
"Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei, a former o... more »
“FEMA Mobilizing For Collapse – 2nd American Revolution?”
*“FEMA Mobilizing For Collapse – 2nd American Revolution?”*
By Live Free or Die
According to financial experts in this excellent video, a compilation of
MSM news reports just released today by Jason A, there is nothing that can
stop the forthcoming collapse in America. To quote Jeff Berwick in this
report, founder and chief editor of The Dollar Vigilante, “…there is no
chance of recovery, we are in the last days of this financial system in the
US, this is Zimbabwe. When it starts to collapse, it’s going to happen very
fast. If people don’t wake up to what is going on, they’re going... more »
Jon Leyne 1958-2013

A familiar face (and voice) to those of us who blog about the BBC and are
interested in matters Middle Eastern, Jon Leyne, one of the corporation's
most experienced reporter, has died of a brain tumour. He was taken ill
whilst reporting from Cairo, some time ago.
You may remember that he also used to report from Tehran - until the regime
there threw him out.
Fran Unsworth, acting BBC Director of News, has said:
"Jon was a brave and courageous journalist in the best traditions of the
BBC. He had an insatiable curiosity and told complex stories in an engaging
and accessible way."
Robin Roberts and ABC News!
*SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2013*
*Incompetent, morally feckless:* ABC News must be the purest distillation
of overpaid moral fecklessness.
Also of incompetence! Consider the high-profile segment it broadcast on
Thursday evening’s Nightline.
The segment featured excerpts of Robin Roberts’ interview with Juror B29,
one of the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial. Because various jurors
have gone into hiding, this juror only revealed her first name: Maddy.
How incompetent is ABC News? The Nightline segment ran just 1700 words.
Midway through, this exchange occurred:
ROBERTS (7/25/13): What ... more »
What’s Going On In My Garden
July 27, 2013 What’s going on in my garden, so far this year, seems to echo
what’s going on in the wider world. Everything that survived the ravenous
rabbits seems to be just sort of hanging in there. The trash can potato
garden produced a couple of pounds of potatoes of decent eating size and […]
Dee Dee Na Na Na / Saturday night / I feel the air is getting hot / Like you baby

Time to predict what's coming up on Radio 4's *Sunday *tomorrow, guided by
the programme's biases...as is now customary at *Is the BBC biased?*
Well, Archbishop Justin's declaration of intent regarding pay day loan
companies (Wonga, et al) is bound to feature, as that sort of thing ['bad
capitalism'] is right up *Sunday*'s street. If this subject doesn't
feature, I'll eat my hat. (It's a fine baseball cap, should you be
wondering). If the issue does feature, will the programme balance a
defender of pay day loan companies with a critic from the Church? Or, more
likely (if my exper... more »
8/3 Organizers Retreat and 8/4 Pipeline Tour

*On Saturday 8/3, all concerned community members are invited to our
permitted campsite in the Delaware State Forest in Milford PA for an
afternoon and evening of training, presentations on pipeline progress, and
how we are fighting back. *The retreat agenda will begin at 1PM, refreshments
and dinner will be provided. There are spots for 10 individuals to camp at
the site overnight. Additional camping can be found anywhere in the
Delaware State Forest by following the PA DCNR rules for small group,
primitive campsites. Housing in and around Milford PA is available for
those who wis... more »
What Mattered This Week?
I'll go with what looks to be the beginning of an open fight within the GOP
about foreign policy and civil liberties -- we had the House vote on the
NSA, and then Christie's smackdown of Rand Paul. There's disagreement among
Democrats, too, but I don't think it's reached "open fight" stage yet.
Didn't matter this week? Maybe Obama's economic speech, but even more so
the reaction to Obama's economic speech.
Fun with Abortion Polls
Two recent polls on abortion provide yet another demonstration of lack of
adequate care in designing and reporting on polling results. Conservatives
are furious about a Washington Post poll for its wording of questions
concerning recent efforts to restrict abortions. The objection? That the
question on abortion clinics biases the poll outcome. Obviously,
the Post didn’t have the
Continue reading
Judge Alters Charge Sheet Against Bradley Manning, as Gov't Closing Argument Says He's a Traitor and Anarchist
Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source *Activist Post*
Nathan Fuller at Bradleymanning.org has given us gracious permission to
reprint his daily firsthand reports, which you can find below highlighted
by date. Summaries, commentary, and videos provide a comprehensive
chronicle of events from start to finish.
After some bizarre testimony on Day 20 from Manning's former supervisor,
Jihrleah Showman, as well another witness claiming memory loss, Judge
Denise Lind has formally changed the charge sheet in another bizarre move.
Day 21 saw the w... more »
Open Letter to Jonah Pantsload Goldberg

Dear Jonah:
I just caught sight of your inexplicably syndicated and amplified one
man Horah on Helen Thomas' freshly dug grave, "Tributes to Helen Thomas
Misguided" (retitled "The real Helen Thomas" in its reprinting in that
right wing septic tank known as the American Enterprise Institute's
website). And I think a response is in order.
First off, your screed gives the appearance of an ant shaking its fist
at the gigantic boot heel that had just crushed its hill. Thomas' many
accomplishments will stand head and shoulders above that of most
journalists, not the least of wh... more »
Maybe We Shouldn't Put All our Eggs in One Aerial Basket

Britain did something profoundly stupid in the early 30s. It invested a
huge amount of its air force budget in twin-engine, light bombers. These
designs were easily capable of out-running fighter aircraft of the day like
the Hawker Fury and the Gloster Gladiator. That meant bombers could range
independently, in daylight, with very little defensive armament or armour
plate protection and simply outrun enemy fighters if they showed up. Or so
the thinking went.
A decade later the air combat world had been stood on its head. Fast,
agile and heavily-armed fighters like the Hurric... more »
Looking To Climb The Ladder? Which Ambitious Politicians Voted For And Against The Bill To Curb Domestic Spying?
Wednesday night we looked at some of the amendments to the Pentagon
spending bill. Today, let's just single out the one that most people are
talking about, Justin Amash's and John Conyer's amendment that attempted to
protect the 4th Amendment by limiting the ability of the government and its
agents to spy on Americans without warrants and without probable cause. The
amendment failed-- though narrowly-- 205-217. The leadership of both
parties whipped frantically-- even desperately-- to defeat the amendment.
Boehner, who, like most Speakers, almost never votes, voted against it
Wed... more »
From Paradise to Paradise Lost

If you've never experienced the magic of California's Pacific Coast
Highway, you might want to add that to your list of things to see before
they're gone forever.
To a motorcyclist, Hwy 1, the "PCH", is paradise. The two-lane blacktop
undulates along the rugged California coast, dipping from cliff tops to
sea-level ravine crossings, it offers almost non-stop corner carving.
Unfortunately the PCH may soon become Paradise Lost. Last month's issue of
*Vanity Fair* had an article on how the richest of the rich in Nantucket
and in Malibu are watching helplessly as sea level rise be... more »
NOAA Releases New Warming Data - Deniers Flummoxed, Again
the skinny from the *National Climate Data Center* of the U.S.
Ocean and Atmospheric Administration*. It's just boring data but it
to refute the claim that global warming has magically stopped.
- *The combined average temperature over global land and ocean
surfacesfor June 2013 tied with 2006 as thefifth highest on record,
at 0.64°C (1.15°F) above the 20th century average of 15.5°C (59.9°F).
- *The global land surface temperature was 1.05°C (1.89°F) above the
20thcentury average of 13.3°C (55.9°F), marking the
third warmest June on record. For the ... more »
Hypocrisy In the Age of Obama

You know that letter Eric Holder wrote to Uncle Vlad promising that he will
neither kill nor torture Edward Snowden if Russia sends him back? I suspect
it was nothing more than a cute public relations ploy meant for the
consumption of mere citizens. It's the Obama Administration's way of
telling us that we're a bunch of paranoid sillies for thinking that America
is anything but a big old cuddly teddy bear. And to prove its point, the
White House immediately and magnanimously released *two whole* Guantanamo
prisoners on the very same day! Scratch that -- it *cleared them* for
transfe... more »
Huge Victory: Non-GMO Label for Meat, Eggs Approved for U.S. Use by Elizabeth Renter

Huge Victory: Non-GMO Label for Meat, Eggs Approved for U.S. Use
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 27 July 2013
The American people want to know whether or not their food has genetically
modified components inside. But for the most part, the FDA has resisted any
efforts to label foods as GMO-free or containing GMOs. Now, however,
advocates for Non-GMO foods have done their work with a different
regulatory agency, the USDA, *in order to get labeling approved for meats
and eggs that also indicate... more »
Free Virtual Conference Interviews With 30 Worldwide Experts - Hosted by Marc David on August 5 - 9 , 2013

*August 5- 9, 2013*
Join Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating as
he interviews over 30 cutting edge experts in eating psychology,
embodiment, weight, health, and nutrition. They’ll share key insights into
our relationship with food and present new ideas to advance our
understanding of eating in this one-of-a-kind virtual conference!
*Marc David*
Marc David is the Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a
leading visionary, teacher and consultant in Nutritional Psychology, and
the author of the classic and best-selling works *Nourishi... more »
Climate Change and the Attack of the Cannibal Lobster
It's kind of funny but it's really not, anything but.
Do not expect the truth on Greece's next bailout from Germany until after the elections in September ..... Meanwhile nothing changes for the haves and have not classes in Greece !
*Schaeuble rules out second Greek debt restructuring in interview with Bild*
Germany's finance minister has categorically rejected a second writedown of
Greek debt.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told weekly Bild am Sonntag in an interview that Greece
would continue to receive support beyond 2014 if needed and provided the
country meets the demands of international creditors.
Schaeuble was quoted as saying «it's certain, however, that there will be
no second debt writedown for Athens."
Extracts of the interview, to be published Sunday, were released by the
paper Saturday and confirmed by the Fina... more »
When Obama Courted Ho Chi Minh
It's creepy how America's radical right *New Think* breezes straight past
history to mislead the public.
Case in point. The man who struggled against the Japanese, the French and
ultimately the Americans to unify Viet Nam was inspired by Thomas
Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Ho
Chi Minh thought a liberated, post WWII Vietnam should emulate America and
its democracy.
I don't know why that should surprise anybody. It's been an historical
fact for more than 60-years. Even I knew it.
So, here's the deal. Obama is visiting Vietnam. Emerging... more »
Pentagon preparing for first strike nuclear war with China ? And who authorized these war preparations , asks the Yale Journal ?
*Abstract—*The Pentagon has concluded that the time has come to prepare for
war with China, and in a manner well beyond crafting the sort of
contingency plans that are expected for wide a range of possible
confrontations. It is a momentous conclusion that will shape the United
States’ defense systems, force posture, and overall strategy for dealing
with the economically and militarily resurgent China. Thus far, however,
the military’s assessment of and preparations for the threat posed by China
have n... more »
FUBARshima watch - July 27 , 2013..... 2.35 Billion Bq/L of cesium in water in trench emitting from Reactor 2Turbine Building - TEPCO does not now what it's doing , yet they remain in charge ...... just pray for Japan......
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: 2.35 Billion Bq/L of
Cesium in Water in Trench That Comes from Reactor 2 Turbine Building
5,000 cubic meters, or 5,000 tonnes of this water is in the trench.
It's one thing or another at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, and now it's
back to contaminated groundwater along the seawall.
After sheepishly admitting the groundwater that got somehow contaminated
along the way to the seawall may have been seeping into the sea after all
(but ... more »
Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Report - July 27 , 2013.... News , Data and Views on the precious metals...
Ted Butler: Market Dominance
- Yesterday in Gold and Silver
- Critical Reads
- The Funnies
- The Wrap
"It was another day where the high-frequency traders showed up during the
Comex trading session"
There was a tiny rally in gold during morning trading in the Far East on
their Friday, but starting around 2:00 p.m. in Hong Kong, the gold price
began to develop its usual negative bias. That ended at the beginning of
Comex trading...and the subsequent r... more »
It Got Them Killed: Barnaby Jack

*For once, I'm going to let you find your own way home on this one...*
Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz Day 12
Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz
Day 12: We have made it to Ruffs Dale and will be in Washington tomorrow
and Wheeling on Sunday night. It has been difficult due to the ongoing
problem of getting the truck fixed, which is more a question of time to
get into a shop. Some supporters in Wheeling are currently helping us
with this and we anticipate it to be fixed this weekend. In the
The True Situation in Climate Science
I have submitted the following comment at Steven Goddard's Real
Sciencesite, where another commenter noted that he had only just noticed
a change
in the "Earth Energy Budget" diagram put out by NASA et al., no longer
showing "back radiation":
*They changed the diagram because it was so obviously ridiculous, as
I, so far as I am aware, first strongly pointed out in 2010, here. But
never changed their theory -- not just the "greenhouse effect", but the
underlying, radiation transfer theory (which is basically just a
simple-minded "light extinction" model, of light extinction ... more »
UK Regulators tell Co Op Bank investors they come second to " stability " ....... Spain levies consumption tax on sunlight - everyone act surprised that Spain is an Idiotcracy......DSK faces trial ( again ) for pimping - when do the banksters who have "pimped " taxpayers and investors go on trial for same ?
Szu Ping Chan
11:54PM BST 26 Jul 2013
[image: Comments]44 Comments
In a letter to Mark Taber, who represents small bondholders, Andrew
head of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), said that while he
sympathised with investors, a “successful economy” was the PRA’s
"Tthe PRA has a general statutory objective to promote the safety and
soundness of the firms we supervise, focusing on the adverse effects
they can have ... more »
The Medinah Charter

622 C.E.
*In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful.*
(1) This is a document from Muhammad the prophet (governing the relations)
between the believers and Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib, and those who
followed them and joined them and labored with them.
(2) They are one community (umma) to the exclusion of all men.
(3) The Quraysh emigrants according to their present custom shall pay the
bloodwit within their number and shall redeem their prisoners with the
kindness and justice common among believers.
(4-8) The B. ‘Auf according to their present cu... more »
Huh. Catholic News Agency More Responsible than G&M & BBC
Who woulda thunk?
From Catholic News Agency.
Headline: Abortion rights activists vandalize cathedral in Chile
Santiago, Chile, Jul 26, 2013 / 04:31 pm (CNA).- Abortion activists
interrupted Mass at the Cathedral of the Chilean capital Santiago the
evening of July 25, destroying confessionals and defaming several side
altars with blasphemous graffiti.
From the Globe and Mail.
Headline: Pro-abortion demonstrators vandalize Chile cathedral
From BBC.
Headline: Santiago cathedral closed after Chile abortion protest
The Catholic cathedral in the Chilean capital Santiago is to remain c... more »
Who are the Al Qaeda affiliates the US are at war with , asked Congressman Carl Levin ? The response by the Pentagon was " It's classified " Defense Industry handsomely rewards its loyal political stooges with campaign donations......Barnaby Jack ( hacker supreme ) mysteriously and suddenly dies at 35 - just before he was to reveal how one could remotely kill pacemaker patients at the Black Hat Conference ? Nothing to see here folks , move along........Docile sheeple Americans to dumb to stand up for their constitutional rights ....US basically admits law is irrelevant and will be ignored when deemed inconvenient to the perceived national agenda ....
Who Are We at War With? Sorry, That’s “Classified”July 26, 2013
Print Version
*Source:* Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkreig
You’d think that a nation that has allowed the shredding of the civil
liberties enshrined in its founding document might deserve to know who the
dastardly enemy is to justify such a dramatic transgression, right? Wrong.
Amazingly, Carl Levin (D-Michigan) asked the Pentagon to define who exactly
the “Al-Qaeda affiliates” we are at war with are. While Mr. Levin received
and answer, guess what he told the public? Yep, you guessed it. It’s
From ProPub... more »
Barnaby Jack, World’s Most Elite Computer Hacker, Dead At 35
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Chris Carrington
Barnaby Jack, reputed to be one of the best computer hackers on the planet
and head of embedded devices at security firm IOActive, is dead.
The 35 year old was highly respected in computer security circles, often
finding ‘back doors’ into systems that left them open to cyber attacks.
He found fame when he publicly hacked an ATM machine making it give out
random amounts of money in a technique that became known as ‘jackpotting.’
His death, which is being described as ‘unexpected’ by friends, occurred on
Thurs... more »
Is GMO Really Necessary to ‘Feed the World’?
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*We are continuously inundated with the message that our world is
overpopulated because humanity is reproducing at a rate much faster than
the Earth’s resources can possibly accommodate us.*
Melissa Melton
This propaganda is pushed on us as an excuse for all manner of messing with
mother nature: from risky geoengineering projects — to Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) regulations set to cost the economy billions in
revenue and millions of jobs — to ethanol production which was supposed to
be “greener” but which studies h... more »
18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today
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Michael Snyder
If our leaders could have recognized the signs ahead of time, do you think
that they could have prevented the financial crisis of 2008? That is a very
timely question, because so many of the warning signs that we saw just
before and during the last financial crisis are popping up again. Many of
the things that are happening right now in the stock market, the bond
market, the real estate market and in the overall economic data are eerily
similar to what we witnessed back in 2008 and 2009. It is almost as if we ... more »
The Wisdom Of Direct Investment

One of the Right's favourite shibboleths is that, when government
directly in people, it encourages sloth. Far better to offer citizens
credits. Government shouldn't invest, they say. It should cut taxes. But
Carol Goar writes in *The Toronto Star*:
The C.D. Howe Institute, financed primarily by business, has
concludedafter a thorough analysis of the tax system that Ottawa should
switch back
to investing in social programs.
Economists Alexandre Laurin and Finn Poschmann found that the more a
working family earned, the more it lost in clawed back benefits and
... more »
*Professional thief, 14, is shot after threatening man's pregnant wife and
newborn daughter*
*Neighbors react to Marigny homeowner protecting to his family *
*Meet with us about oil, gas, pipeline lawsuit on Aug. 15, East Bank levee
authority leader tells state ~Mark Schleifstein *
*Sheriff Br'er Rabbit expects higher legal settlements; city would like
better budget details ~Sarah Rahman, The Lens*
*2 would-be WTC redevelopers discussing joint plan ~Jaquetta White, New
Orleans Advocate*
*Former Rep. Lindy Boggs of Louisiana dies at 97*
*Pie-Deprived New Orleans Roots For Bakery, A... more »
Strangling the City: How ‘Sustainable’ is Boxing in Freedom
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*Is the city building up or closing in?*
Aaron Dykes
At least in Austin, it is thus: The city is moving in all around us; but
look carefully, those amenities are boxing us in, not setting us free.
We made some comments about the Texas capital’s heavy dose of Agenda 21 in
this mostly informal video that shows some of the city’s recent development:
So goes the nation, or is this just our local issue? By the appearances of America2050.org
(driven by the Regional Plan Association and funded by both the Rockefeller
Foundation a... more »
Stones and eggs hurled at Hasidic Jewish boys in sickening attack in Sheerness
'Stones have been thrown at a coach carrying Jewish boys before they were
egged in a sickening attack in Sheerness.
Witnesses saw around seven teenage boys and girls hurling missiles at the
vehicle and shouting "go back to where you came from". Moments later, the
group of 10 to 14-year-olds were set upon again with eggs.'
If this had been an attack on Muslim schoolchildren then I am sure the BBC
news would be reporting this with all due seriousness. However as it's
religious Jewish children, I doubt the story will make it onto the BBC.
More here
http://www.kentonline.co.uk/tim... more »
Who Does Satan's Work In Washington?

Neo-fascist extremist and deranged "pastor," Bryan Fischer wasn't trying
his hand at stand-up comedy this week with his demon hunter routine
(above). Fischer is an annoying crackpot but Satan has higher-placed
surrogates to do his work Inside the Beltway. In his brilliant book, The
Machine, investigative journalist Lee Fang introduces us to the Koch
Empire's chief political operative, Tim Phillips, one of the sleaziest and
most destructive lobbyists in the history of K Street. If you don't believe
in Satan, how do you explain Phillips?
As one of the most prolific creators of fro... more »
Fired For Standing for Freedom: “I Got Into Law Enforcement to Serve and Protect, Not Be a Bully.”
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Mac Slavo
How do you know you’re living in a Police State?
When whistleblowers, truth advocates and government officials are vilified,
criminalized and terminated for doing the right thing, that’s how.
Auburn, Alabama is home to sprawling plains, Auburn University, and a
troubling police force. After the arrival of a new police chief in 2010,
the department entered an era of ticket quotas and worse.
“When I first heard about the quotas I was appalled,” says former Auburn
police officer Justin Hanners, who claims he and ... more »
War Watch - July 27 , 2013 - Syria Rebels summarily execute more than 50 captured Syria Government troops ( if this is correct , that is a violation of the Geneva Conventions - FYI UN and the West ) ...... Unnamed US Officials offer criticism of Pakistan Drone report reflecting civilian deaths caused by drones - if the criticism was valid , the officials would come public and they would put their names and reputations on the line.... Tunisia sees fresh turmoil after a leading Opposion leader murdered ...
Rebels Execute Over 50 Syrian Troops, 150 Killed OverallRebel Fighters
Retake Key Aleppo Town
by Jason Ditz, July 26, 2013
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Syrian rebels have retaken the strategically important town of Khan
al-Assal in Aleppo Province, killing at least 150 Syrian troops in the
process, according to internal reports from within the group.
A large number of the troops slain, more than 50 by rebel accounts, were
actually captured and summarily executed, and rebels issued video footage
of the rows of bodies of slain soldiers.
Exactly which rebel faction is responsib... more »
A Nation of Psychopaths
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Shock: Father of SEAL Team Member Claims His Son Was Set Up
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*Editor's Note:* *In no way do we endorse Michael Savage. He is a neocon
Islamophobe and a gatekeeper of the left-right paradigm. However, this
story is too important to go unpublished.*
Paul Lawrance
Charles Strange, the father of one the 22 SEALs killed when their
helicopter was shot down by Afghan insurgents in August, told Michael
Savage on his radio broadcast that he undoubtedly believes that his son and
the rest of the SEALs were set up.
Charles Strange told Savage that on multiple occasions he and family were
appr... more »
Despite Declining Deficit, Foreigners Aren’t Bailing Us Out, So the Fed Will Keep QE Going
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Bud Conrad,* Chief Economist*
*Casey Research*
The basic imbalance driving our economy is the government deficit, which
spun out of control as a result of the Credit Crisis of 2008/9. But the
sequester, improving tax base, lower interest rate, and elimination of
stimulus spending have caused the big government deficit, while still
extreme, to drop to half its previously nosebleed levels.
Even so, the deficits remain well out of proportion for a sustainable
future. Projections for future government expenditures, including tho... more »
Egypt protests commencing Friday leave many dozens dead as Military harshly escalates its response to the Pro - Morsi protesters ( perhaps 92 -120 killed , accounts vary )
Clashes have left at least 92 people dead and hundreds injured in Cairo
after security forces attacked supporters of ousted President Morsi,
Egypt's Health Ministry told RT Arabic. However, the Muslim Brotherhood
puts the death toll at over 200.
The casualties were taking part in a pro-Morsi rally when they were
attacked by members of the security forces, the Brotherhood alleges. They
used tear gas to disperse the activists, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has
"They are not shooting to wound, they are shooting to kil... more »
Arctic methane bubbles will destroy 1/2 of your wealth
Tons of journalists have promoted a "Stern review on steroids", namely a
commentary about the Arctic methane that Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope & Peter
Wadhams have published in Nature:
Climate science: Vast costs of Arctic change.
For the sake of brevity and accuracy, I will refer to the authors as the
three imbeciles. We're told that some frozen permafrost in the Arctic will
melt within a decade and via the methane-induced global warming and sea
level rise and other things, this will destroy $60 trillion of wealth in
the next decade.
The figure is approximately equal to the global ... more »
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