10:55am MDST
Foo Fighters and the USS New York

Well, it’s happened again. Got an email about a Foo Fighter sighting at
end of World War II which was radar confirmed. The ship, the *USS New
York*apparently fired on the object without results which meant that
neither hit it nor drove it away. This all happened in the middle of
1945, sometime after the invasion of Iwo Jima and before the invasion of
USS New York in 1945.
According to the story, as told in several sources, it was about one
o’clock in the afternoon when the captain of the *New York* sounded
quarters. While the crew searched the sky fo... more »
"How America’s Working Stiffs Got Stiffed"
* *
*"How America’s Working Stiffs Got Stiffed"*
by Bill Bonner
"Amazing how much difference a few years make. We first visited China in
the 1980s. It was an appalling dump. Few cars. Few roads. Almost no decent
restaurants or hotels. Now in Beijing you see large black luxury
automobiles everywhere… and modern highways crisscrossing in front of huge
hotels and apartment buildings. The Chinese have made real progress! And
what about Americans? But let’s check in on Wall Street before we continue
our tale. Uh-huh… nothing much going on there. Monday was another lazy,
hazy summer da... more »
*Marigny homeowner Merritt Landry’s remanded to jail; bond was illegally
posted ~New Orleans Advocate*
US Developing Mind Reading
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
The US government is pouring money into a technology called fMRI,
functional magnetic resonance imaging, which measures changes in localized
brain activity over time by watching blood flow. And it can now be used to
infer information about our memories. It can tell things like what we have
actually seen or experienced. Though no court has admitted fMRI results as
evidence yet, the signs clearly point in that direction.
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Pediatrician Says 5-in-1 Vaccine Pushed by Bill Gates’ GAVI, WHO Will Kill 3,125 Babies
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*If the whole purpose of vaccines is to ‘save children’, why give a shot
that statistics indicate will HARM more kids than it will HELP?*
*Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
At least 70 infants across five developing nations have died shortly after
receiving a World Health Organization- (WHO) and GAVI-backed pentavalent
5-in-1 vaccine that combines the Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (or DPT)
shot with the Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b (or Hib) vaccines.
According to a recently published editorial in the *Indian Journal of
Medic... more »
The Mounties always get their man ... off
Like the other three RCMP officers, Constable Bill Bentley stated Robert Dziekanski
"grabbed a stapler and came at members screaming."
Paul Pritchard's video showed Dziekanski was backed up against a table with
his hands up.
At his inquiry, Justice Braidwood called their nearly identical explanations
"shameful", "patently unbelievable", and "deliberate misrepresentations of
what happened for the purpose of justifying their actions".
Yesterday B.C. Supreme Court Justice Mark McEwan found Bentley not guilty
of perjury :
"It is quite possible that the Pritchard video did not capture... more »
Refreshing and Amazing Strawberry Limeades

[image: Strawberry Limeades]
I may be obsessed with limeade. I can't remember the last time I made a
pitcher of lemonade in my house. We used to have different friends over for
dinner every week when we lived in Texas, and I was always delighted at the
looks of their faces when they realized that the delicious lemonade was
actually limeade. It is my absolutely favorite drink.
I have spent most of my life drinking it non-carbonated which I thought
was the best way, until I tried these. This drink is easy to make and
simply incredible. Delicious and refreshing. My husband begs me ... more »
Iraq Proposes Changing Its Provincial Borders

In July 2013, Iraq’s parliament passed along a draft law to redraw the
country’s provincial boundaries. The bill was proposed by President Jalal
Talabani back at the beginning of 2012 to reverse all the internal changes
made by Saddam Hussein. If passed it would dramatically change the internal
contours of the country. Unfortunately, Iraq’s legislature is not known for
its expertise. Many lawmakers are probably unaware of what the law would do
to Iraq. It would mean many elected politicians would lose their jobs or
get lower positions within existing governments. One thing the Ira... more »
Myrtle Beach Outlaws Feeding the Homeless on Public AND Private Property
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Brandon Turbeville
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is widely known as a growing city due to its
popular beaches and an economy geared toward the attraction of tourists,
golfers, and vacationers. Any such community, of course, is naturally going
to compete with other geographically similar locations. Thus, not to be
outdone by other beach communities such as Orlando, Florida,[1] Myrtle
Beach has now followed suit in banning good Samaritans from engaging in
such charitable acts as feeding the homeless.[2]
In yet one... more »
About talks about talks

These ‘talks about talks’ in yesterday’s headlines provided the BBC with another
opportunity to confuse the listener.
Monday’s Today featured two items on this topic. In the first, at 7:51,
Justin called upon the opinions of two specially selected guests.
*Ghada Karmi, a doctor and journalist, and Lord Levy, president of
Community Service Volunteers Jewish Care, outline what the talks will be
trying to achieve.*
Ghada Karmi, "a doctor and journalist"
Lord Levy
So says the Today website.
It seems odd to describe Ghada thus. She’s a well-known anti-Israel
activist. Her bio s... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Straight Up'
Posted on July 29, 2013
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. JULY 29, 2013. What would you do if an old man sent pictures of his
erect penis to your adolescent daughter, along with suggestive sexual
invitations to have sex? It’s like suggesting a father rape his
daughter. Former Congressman, Anthony Weiner, a wealthy politician
running for mayor of New York City is setting this example.
Tiwesdæg: the Left-hand of Linkage
Discussion has picked up again on Elizabeth Saunders’ guest post, “How
Would Al Gore Have Fought the Iraq War.” I think it worth clarifying that
Elizabeth’s piece does, as I read it, two things. First, it extends the
debate by asking, in essence, “if we believe that parallel-universe
President Gore would have launched an attack against
Continue reading
The Baltimore Sun’s no-good, terrible judgment!
*TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2013*
*Feeding a frenzy, as facts disappear:* The Baltimore Sun has shown
terrible judgment in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict.
For one example, consider an opinion piece which was prominently featured
in last Saturday’s hard-copy paper. It appeared beneath a colorful headline:
“The new lynching,” the large headline said. That inflammatory headline has
been cleaned up on-line.
We don’t know the non-journalist author of the piece, but we feel sure that
he’s a good decent person. That said, good decent people can get caught up
in frenzies, especially so when jour... more »
Long Walk 4 update July 30, 2013
by longwalker Aki Zaagi
By Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz
Censored News
July 30, 2013
The Walk is leaving Wheeling today and heading west on 40 and some back
roads where 40 runs into Interstate 70. We would like to thank the Soup
Kitchen of Greater Wheeling, Becky and her husband, Carmelita, Tommy,
and Willy Underbaggage for their support. The truck will be on the road
again in the
From Loving Your Pain to Feeling Your Pain
How does President Obama telegraph his contempt for the working class?
By traveling to an Amazon distribution warehouse full of temporary wage
slaves and calling for a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 to 28%. And
on top of that, bestowing our financial overlords with even more monetary
incentives to train workers for those low-paying jobs and then rewarding
them with even more financial perks when they hire those newly
trained low-paid workers. It's a trifecta for the plutocracy, a triple
whammy for the rest of us. It's a perfect example of privatized profit at
public expense. ... more »
DUBLINERS TOO: Journalists build a sacred tale!
*TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2013*
*Part 2—And the fact-checkers disappear:* Early in The Plague, Camus
describes the way an undesirable condition can seize a community without
anyone much taking notice.
He imagined a pestilence, an epidemic of disease, seizing the city of Oran.
Still early in his tale, he describes why Dr. Rieux, and other citizens,
failed to see it happening:
CAMUS (*page 36*): The word “plague” had just been uttered for the first
time. At this stage of the narrative, with Dr. Bernard Rieux standing at
his window, the narrator may, perhaps, be allowed to justify the doctor... more »
The "McDonaldization" of the US
*Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.com appears on RT's CrossTalk to discuss
the state of the US economy, specifically the assault on working people and
the poor. Eric explains how low wage jobs have been used as a weapon by the
ruling class to convert the US economy from a high wage economy to one that
is typified by low wages, temporary jobs, and a reduced standard of living.
Eric also examines many other aspects of this issue in this half hour
My friend is grousing about the ants that have invaded her house in
Montréal. She picks them up and drops them in the garden, she shoos them
out the door, she has even resorted to using those round tins with poisoned
bait inside.
Carpenter ants have been a problem in many Canadian homes this year because
of the diluvial weather in spring and summer.
I pointed out that the ants were climate refugees. "Hunh!" she snorted.
"Well, they can go right back where they came from, they're not moving into
this house."
Late last night, while I was downstairs reading in blissful solitude, I
... more »
ER-EPR correspondence and bipartite closed strings
This text is just an experiment. I want to know the number of viewers of a
blog entry on a related topic and the composition and character of comments
if there are any. The insight below is not necessary correct; and it is not
necessarily fundamental. ;-)
The Maldacena-Susskind ER-EPR correspondence invites one to think that
(non-traversable) wormholes are natural, sort of inevitable – because
spacetimes with this topology are physically equivalent to ordinary
spacetimes with entangled degrees of freedom in two regions.
One of the things I was thinking about was whether there are ot... more »
The Lessons of Recent History

*by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy*
In his essay on Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar”, W.H. Auden observed that
theatrical directors throughout the 30's found it quite natural to make of
Caesar a great fascist dictator, more like Mussolini than Hitler. The
conspirators, he claimed, were “liberals”. Up to date analogies are
irresistible. For a brief period not long before Iraq fell into utter
chaos, that it could be said that George W. Bush had “...crossed the
Rubicon”. There are better analogies to be made.
In 1947, Auden would say of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar that it had “grea... more »
Burdens of proof in a blended voir dire
R. v. Boston, 2013 ONCA 498 deals with the complexities of burdens of proof
in a blended voir dire. Even though all the evidence is heard at once it is
essential to keep the different decisions separate and decide them
according to the relevant legal principles. This author considers the
difficulties such that it may be better to avoid blended voir dires
[23] In a *Charter *application, the burden of proof is on the
defence to establish a breach on a balance of probabilities. In a criminal
trial, the burden of proof is on the Crown to establish the guilt of the
... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Louise Wener, 47. I saw Sleeper opening for Elvis in
Berkeley, I guess right at the top of their brief run...they were quite
good! I had no idea what happened to her; turns out she's a successful
novelist, apparently. How many rock star/novelists are there, anyway? The
guy who is John Wesley Harding, I know; also Dr. Frank from Mr. T. I'm
probably missing an obvious one.
Some good stuff:
1. Boris Shor on state legislature polarization.
2. Joan Walsh on Ralph Nader. One of the hallmarks of US politics is that
democracy is the stated universal preference; support fo... more »
Best Predictor Of How Congressmembers Voted On The Amendment To End NSA Spying: Legalistic Bribes From Defense Industry

David Kravets put the vote on the Amash-Conyers amendment to end
warrantless domestic spying into a sensible perspective for *Wired* Last
week: Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense
Industry Cash. And, appropriately enough, the photo in his piece--
Congress' most corrupt Military Industrial Complex shill, Buck McKeon
The numbers tell the story-- in votes and dollars. On Wednesday, the House
voted 217 to 205 not to rein in the NSA’s phone-spying dragnet. It turns
out that those 217 “no” voters received twice as much campaign financing
from the ... more »
Finally - Is Japan slowly taking over dealing with Fukushima from Tepco ?
Tepco on the way out - as far as being in charge of dealing with the
extreme complex Fukushima debacle ?
Energy News items of note....
07:11 AM EST on July 30th, 2013 | 3 comments
Japan gov’t intervening at Fukushima nuclear plant — Will take over
measuring radiation levels — Top official “questioned accuracy of Tepco’s
data on contamination”
07:09 PM EST on July 29th, 2013 | 43 comments
Radio: Fukushima Daiichi has “contaminated the biggest body of water on the
planet” — Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life — Whole Pacific
Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times hi... more »
It's About Quality, Not Just Numbers

As each month comes to an end, we wait with baited breath to discover how
many new jobs were created in the last thirty days. But Yogendra Shakya
and Axelle Janczur write that the kind of jobs we create is just as -- if
not more -- important than the number of jobs we create:
In the name of “free market” policies, Canada has seen a downward push on
wages and a rise in unstable, temporary and unsafe jobs. These types of
jobs are broadly referred to as “precarious work” or “non-standard
employment” since they are marked by limited or no stability, benefits and
Sever... more »
China economic news of note - July 30 , 2013....17 billion yuan reverse repo - first since february - fears of liquidity crunch motivating PBOC ? How serious is china regarding the announced audit of local authorities and state enterprise debts ?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Overnight News Not Terrible Enough To Assure New All Time HighsSubmitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/30/2013 - 07:05
While the market's eyes were fixed on the near record slide in Japanese
Industrial Production (even as its ears glazed over the latest commentary
rerun from Aso) which did however lead to a 1.53% jump in the
PenNikkeiStock market on hope of more stimulus to get floundering Abenomics
back on track, the most important news from the overnight ses... more »
Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Report - July 30 , 2013 - data , news and views ! Comex registered gold and total warehouse gold declines continue ! Did the Bank of England direct the release of 1300 tons of gold during the period of March through June of 2013 ?
Gold closed at $1,327.20 spot...down $6.60 from Friday's close. Gross
volume was way up there at 254, 300 contracts, but once all the roll-overs
are subtracted out, the net volume was a tiny 17,000 contracts.
The silver price action was a different story, however. Silver was under
pressure almost right from the Sunday night open in New York...and hit its
low tick shortly after London opened their Monday. From that low, silver
began to rally nicely, but it was obvious from the price action that... more »
*Developers win the WTC ~Jaquetta White*
*In Marigny, a clash of opinions follows teen's shooting ~Meg Gatto, WVUE*
*Hell waiting for high water – the devil in the details of the flooding of
Jefferson Parish ~Slabbed*
*Post-Katrina hero Abdulrahman Zeitoun stands trial in attempted murder,
hit on ex-wife ~John Simerman, New Orleans Advocate*
*TS Dorian now officially a remnant*
*A Delicious Break for Louisiana’s Wild-Caught Catfish*
*Roosters in New Orleans ~Marta Jewson, Gambit*
Car key immobilizer hack revelations blocked by UK courtyard

*A High Court judge has blocked three security researchers from publishing
details of how to break a car immobilization system.* German car maker
Volkswagen and French defense group Thales obtained the interim ruling
after arguing that the information could be used by criminals. The
knowledge is used by quite a few car manufacturers. The academics had
intended to present the in turn at a meeting in August.
The three researchers are Flavio Garcia, a computer science lecturer at the
University of Birmingham, and Baris Ege and Roel Verdult, security
researchers at Radboud University... more »
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig prepares to go " nuclear " against A-Rod in PED suspension battle by invoking the power to protect the integrity of the game - that would allow Baseball to immediately suspend A-Rod without A-Rod being able to seek a stay pending appeal.....Bottom line is if A-Rod decides to fight the looming suspension rather than accept a deal and if Baseball similarly stands its ground by invoking the integrity of the game tool , A-Rod will never play for not just the Yanks but in the MLB again !
TAMPA — While Alex Rodriguez spent time hitting yesterday, we learned
considerably more about his defense.
Major League Baseball isn’t impressed. And baseball is so offended by
A-Rod’s alleged behavior it might try to keep him off the field immediately.
With MLB set to bring down the suspension hammer on Rodriguez and other
Biogenesis suspects as soon as tomorrow, his attorney, David Cornwell,
offered a glimpse yesterday of how the beleaguered Yankees’ third baseman
intends to appea... more »

After the First World War former senior officers in the German Army began
raising private armies called Freikorps. These were used to defend the
German borders against the possibility of invasion from the Red Army. Later
they were used against attempts at revolution in Germany.
General Franz Epp led 30,000 soldiers to crush the Bavarian Socialist
Republic in March, 1919. It is estimated that Epp's men killed over 600
communists and socialists over the next few weeks.
Herman Ehrhardt, a former naval commander and Wolfgang Kapp, a right-wing
journalist, led a group of soldiers to t... more »
Taliban frees hundreds in Pakistan , while also killing scores in bombing in Afghanistan..... US weapons surfacing among islamist rebels already in Egypt ? Meanwhile , another bloody day in " free " Iraq !
Pak news......
Pakistani Taliban disguised as policemen attacked a prison in
the country's northwestern town of Dera Ismail Khan, freeing more than
prisoners late on Monday.
The jail officials said that several of the prisoners, four security
personnel and two assailants were killed in the attack. The prison was
housing at least 5000 prisoners, 250 of them hardcore militants.
Malik Qasim Khattak, advisor to the ministry of pr... more »
New iPhone likely to have a fingerprint scanner

One year ago, Apple bought AuthenTec, a Prague-based security company (7
Husinecká Street), for $356 million. One may now check the Czech commercial
register shows two key people from Cupertino, California, aside from a
Czech male and Czech female name that started the company with the basic
registered capital of $10,000 (too late for great investments). ;-)
Yesterday, the Czech technological media reported that the iOS7 beta4 code
contains a BiometricKitUI.axbundle folder along with some sentences
suggesting that the fingerprint scanner will read your thumb when it
touches the ho... more »
Gone Fishin'

No posts today from me. Time for some long overdue moto-photo therapy.
The moto part is my now 8-year old BMW R1200GS, "The Beast":
It is widely considered the best touring motorcycle ever. Not the most
comfortable, the Hondas and Harleys, but by far the most capable. I bought
this bike, sight unseen, based on the "Bike of the Year" reviews it
gathered in 2005. I showed up at the dealership in Eugene, Oregon and I'd
never even seen one. There, front and centre in the showroom was The
Beast. It was HUGE. I briefly thought about turning around and walking
straight ba... more »

*Alissa Nutting. Her book "reveals the mind of a predator, a female
paedophile." **Alissa Nutting's Tampa*
Alissa Nutting has written a book about a female teacher who is sexually
obsessed with 14-year-old boys.
The book "contains graphic sex scenes."
It is the kind of book that would have been available only in porn shops in
days gone by.
In popular usage, a pedophile is anyone who finds sexually attractive kids
to be sexually attractive.
This could mean that most women are pedophiles.
It may be more accurate to say that a pedophile is someone who find... more »
Henry Geiger - Signs of A New Civilization
* *
*Related: *
* Henry Geiger - Symbol And Myth (1974).*
*Henry Geiger - The Present And The Long View (1979)*.
*Henry Geiger - Moonshine And Sunlight (1984).*
* * * Henry Geiger - The Uses of Make Believe (1983).*
* **Wikipedia:*
Henry Geiger (1908?-15 February 1989) was the editor, publisher, and chief
writer of MANAS Journal which published from 1948-1988. Abraham Maslow
called him “the only small ‘p’ philosopher America has produced in this
*Below is an excerpt from, "Signs of A New Civilization" by Henry Geiger. Source:
MANAS Journal, Volume XXXIII, No. 20. May ... more »
Some Rushed Thoughts on Egypt And Morsi
*Photo source*.
It is an easy thing to manipulate events and public opinion, especially
when powerful institutions like the army and media are collaborating
together on one particular project or have their eye on a single goal. This
has always been true in history, and it is true today, in any country, and
under any political system, democratic or authoritarian, Western or Eastern.
But, with that said, saying that the Egyptian army hatched a grand
political conspiracy to bring millions of Egyptians to the streets and then
exploit their massive anger and frustration to fulfill t... more »

Royal footman *Badar Azim* posted the news of the safe arrival of the
Duchess of Cambridge's baby.
Azim is no longer working for the Queen.
"His visa has run out."
Badar was educated at the St Mary’s Orphanage in Calcutta.
Read more: *http://www.dailymail.co.uk/*
Right Wing 'News/Talk' Radio In Major Decline - Large US Radio Distributor Drops Rush Limbaugh And Others ....

[image: Progressive Bloggers]
*Toxic, aggressive Right Wing radio talk show formats appear to be on the
decline in both the US and Canada ... good news for the vast majority of
us. *
**"In what might be the biggest blow to Rush Limbaugh’s career as a radio
personality as of yet, the second largest radio distributor in the country,
Cumulus Media, is set to drop Limbaugh’s show from its airways at the end
of the year.*
* *
*But not just Limbaugh’s show—Cumulus Media will drop Sean Hannity’s show
as well.*
***Politico is reporting that Cumulus Media has decided not to renew the ... more »
Say Goodbye To Hate Talk Radio? Not Quite Yet But... Limbaugh's Empire Of Mindless Bigotry Is Crumbling

There's no question that the intrepid StopRush and FlushRush activists
deserve a lot of the credit for this, but Cumulus, America's second biggest
radio chain announced that they can't make any money on Limbaugh's show any
longer and that they won't be renewing his contract at the end of the
year-- making their 40 outlets that have carried him Limbaugh-free zones.
And they're dumping Sean Hannity's GOP propaganda show at the same time.
Radio Industry columnist Tim Taylor put the good news into perspective for
his insider readers:
“Negotiations broke down” between Clear Channel an... more »
We're Doing A Lot!

Feedback is important! It helps us make choices and determine our path in
life. When it comes to green living, feedback is in short supply. We
recycle and conserve, hoping that our efforts will make a difference. But,
in reality, the results can take years to see.
In our last survey, we asked readers to select all the Eco-friendly
activities that they participate in. Twenty-four people responded. Here are
the results:
*ACTIVITYRESPONSESRecycling24Using Reusable Bags23Using Reusable Water
Bottles21Walking17Upcycling16Washing Clothes in Cold Water16Eating Meatless
Meals16Eating Beef-... more »
Tom Hayden : Secrecy Protests Split American Elites
from ElectronicFrontierFoundation / Flickr.
Protests against secrecy
drive elites into debate
A virtual empire composed of distant and interconnected private and
public elites contradicts representative democracy as virtually all
Americans understand it.
By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / July 29, 2013
Concerned citizens need to crack open the covers of C. Wright Mills' The
Power Elite [
The IRS wants to the ability to yank your passport

A reader forwarded an essay by Joe Nagel from an offshore ex-pat newsletter
which I will quote in brief. Its another brick in the ever increasing
police state we find this country becoming...
Recently, the United States Senate passed a piece of legislation called
the "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act." Essentially, this
is a transportation bill. The main focus is on the construction of roads
and bridges.
Title III of the act is a revenue provision concerning gas-guzzling cars,
leaking underground storage tanks, import duties, and a number of other
fees, tax... more »
Important Question: WHY Does Canada Support Israel Right Or Wrong?
Canada is Israeli occupied territory. It is so sad for me to make that
statement, because it is absolutely true. When it comes to supporting the
criminal and terrorist state of Israel, no matter how evil and sinister its
actions may be, there is no more a staunch supporter of that horrible state
than my country, Canada!
I have long wondered about how this country, Canada, that used to, at one
time, pride itself on being possibly the most peace loving and honest
country on the face of planet Earth has now turned into nothing more than a
Jewish controlled sock puppet that bends over... more »
Isidor Isaac Rabi (Born On July 29, 1898)
"I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never grow
up, and they keep their curiosity." - *Isidor Isaac Rabi*.
*Wikipedia: *
Isidor Isaac Rabi (29 July 1898 – 11 January 1988) was a Galician-born
American physicist and Nobel laureate, recognized in 1944 for his discovery
of nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used in magnetic resonance imaging.
He was also involved in the development of the cavity magnetron, which is
used in microwave radar and microwave ovens.
During World War II he worked on radar at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Radiati... more »
HISTORY / Bob Feldman : A People's History of Egypt, Part 4, 1849-1879
the Suez Canal. Image from Modern School.
A people's history:
The movement to democratize Egypt
Part 4: 1849-1879 period -- From free trade and the Suez Canal to
bankruptcy and austerity
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / July 29, 2013
[With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog
"people's history" series, "The Movement to Democratize Egypt," could
not be more
Project XIII Update and App Demo

Caleb Skinner discusses the updated app (yes there was a bug in the pure
cellular mode, now fixed) and gives a walk through of the Project XIII app
on the Windows 8 Phone.
The video can also be found HERE on the Project XII web site. -AK
Egyptian Journalist Yasser Rizq On Why The June 30 Revolution Was Not A Coup
*"Opponents of ousted president Mohammed Morsi hold up a poster of the
Egyptian defence minister, Gen Abdel Fattah El Sisi, with an Arabic caption
that reads, ‘The lion of Egypt’. AP"* - Bradley Hope, *"Is Egypt's defence
minister El Sisi its president in waiting?"* The National, July 22, 2013.
*Egyptian Journalist Yasser Rizq On Why The June 30 Revolution Was Not A
Coup. *
The article below is by a high-level Egyptian journalist who had meetings
with General Sisi and was in frequent contact with him prior to the
dismissal of Morsi, so take his glowing portrayal with a g... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sacramento, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
It’s clear that the strain of secular modernity within the Arab and Islamic
world, particularly in North Africa and through the Middle East, is finally
being felt as it conflicts with the conservatism of Islamic law and its
struggle for control of the state. It is polarising the peoples of many
Arab and Islamic nations where the repercussions of the Arab Spring
revolutions are now being felt in a myriad of ways as it ripples through
the region.
Islam will likely remain the dominant religion of these regions even among
the secular modernists who would prefer to be free of the constra... more »
Chief Justice Roberts does everything he can to see that the FISA court remains a trusty tool of the national-security state

*So you think you have a right to know something, anything, about the
workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Maybe we need to,
um, discuss this at greater length in, you know, secret.*
*"[The members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] all seem to
have some type of a pretty conservative bent, I don't think that is what
the Congress envisioned when giving the chief justice that authority. Maybe
they didn't think about the ramifications of giving that much power to one
*-- TN Rep. Steve Cohen, to the NYT's Charlie Savage,
in* "Roberts's Picks Re... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
Chet Raymo, “Speaking of Water…”
* “Speaking of Water…”*
by Chet Raymo
“How many water molecules- H2O- are there in the world's oceans? This is
the kind of time-wasting calculation I love doing, but I will leave it as
an exercise for one of you.
Look up the mass of a proton in grams. A water molecule has essentially the
mass of 18 protons (hydrogen=1, oxygen=8 protons + 8 neutrons; remember,
this is an order of magnitude calculation). A cubic centimeter of water has
(by definition) a mass of one gram. Divide for the number of water
molecules in a cubic centimeter of water.
How many cubic centimeters in the oc... more »
Unitary Scam
Readers might be interested to hear that Auckland Council’s coming Unitary
Plan will “punish you,” in the words of the Deputy Mayoress, if your
building doesn’t get a tick from the Green Building Council.
They don’t seem to have noticed that "Green building" certification is a
What [Green Building] designers deliver is what most [Green Building]
building owners want—namely, green publicity, not energy savings.
Do they know it’s a scam? Or care?
[Hat tip Robert Tracinski]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at i... more »
Now that's a cough suppressant!

This cough remedy contained codeine, chloroform and cannabis:
Saudi prince defects from Royal family - small wind of change in Saudi Arabia ?
prince defects from royal family: Report
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Saudi Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud has announced his defection from
royal family, referring to his “suffering” under reign of al-Saud and
called on other princes to break their silence.
“With pride, I announce my defection from al-Saudi family in Saudi
he wrote in his statement, according to a report from the Tehran-based
Al-Alam news... more »
Bernanke forced to testify regarding Fed's AIG bailout..... JP Morgan fined 400 million by FERC for manipulating Power market.............. Steve Cohen still throws big party in the Hamptons despite SAC Capital Advisers is criminally indicted last week - the show must go on I guess........Meanwhile , the Fed has spent billions bailoing out foreign banks - guess we know whom the Fed serves - it's not main street folks ! .
Fed's Bernanke Should Testify in AIG Bailout Lawsuit, Judge RulesJuly 29,
Print Version
*Source:* Money News
A U.S. judge said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke should be required
to testify in the lawsuit by the former chief of American International
Group Inc., Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, against the United States over the
insurer's 2008 bailout.
Judge Thomas Wheeler of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims on Monday rejected
the government's effort to keep Bernanke from being subjected to a
deposition by Greenberg's Starr International Co.
Wheeler called Bernanke a "key witn... more »
Holy Mesopotamia Batman: First Grade CCSS vocabulary.
I have been giving the New York State Education Department’s new Common
Core curriculum modules a study over the last few weeks. I see these
modules as an insulting scripted curriculum that favors test preparation
skills over learning. I teach middle school social studies so new reforms
such as the Common Core have not had […]
INVENTION OF THE DAY: The device that makes wheelchairs obsolete
Sorry, I don’t know the inventor, but isn’t this another great example of
technology making human life better.
It makes you wonder just who humanity’s real benefactors really are, don’t
you think.
[Hat tip Terry V.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
DOWN TO THE DOCTOR’S: The Chan Ban & the Bill Banners
*1. This week, Libertarianz leader Dr Richard McGrath wonders aloud about
Labour’s worshipping of the ugly goddess Xenophobia.*
David Shearer's call to restrict ownership of existing homes to New Zealand
residents is another direct assault on the free market, and the death knell
for Labour's hopes of attracting Asian voters.
Unlike Labour’s kneejerk xenophobia, my party has actually thought things
through. We have a better and much simpler solution to housing
unaffordability which focuses on supply, and makes Shearer’s
foreigner-hatred unnecessary. It looks like this:
- dere... more »
Fast Food workers strke - demand 100 percent wage increase ! Wonder when Walmart workers get the same idea ?
US Fast Food Workers Strike, Demand 100% Pay Raise
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/29/2013 18:40 -0400
- Detroit
- New York City
*"It's noisy, it's really hot, fast, they rush you. Sometimes you don't
even get breaks. All for $7.25? It's crazy,"* is how one worker described
the conditions that have caused her and the rest of America's fast-food
employees to go on strike today. They *demand the right to unionize and
better pay - calling for a raise in the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15*.
Workers chanted,... more »
Just because you saw it on Facebook doesn't make it true

I love almost everything about Facebook, from the photo-sharing and the
cute-animal videos to the free emoticons you can use in your chats. But God
help us if Facebook ends up being a news source for people in a
post-newspaper world.
The potential power of a medium like Facebook can’t be overstated in
this viral age. Anything I write on my page can be shared in a heartbeat by
any of my 1,522 Facebook friends, whose own friends (and their friends’
friends, and their friends’ friends’ friends) can then spread the word even
farther afield in a nano-second.
No harm done if... more »
Israeli jets bomb Syria again? Another weapons convoy?
* *
*As of this moment, I find this quite dubious*.
And, am looking for more info on this most recent alleged Israeli airstrike.
The story comes via Israeli media from opposition sources.
Very questionable sourcing, indeed!
*Report: Israel Bombs Another Syrian Weapons Convoy*
Israeli air force jets bombed trucks carrying Syrian missiles bound for
Hizbullah's warehouses in Lebanon, according to Syrian opposition sources.
The sources, were cited Sunday by* Voice of Israel *radio's Arabic-language
service, which was quoted by *i24 News*.
The *Friday night bombing* r... more »
*Oil and gas industry must pay for the damage it's caused ~Lt. General
Russel L. Honore*
*The Big Oil lawsuit and wetlands war ~Clancy Dubos, Gambit *
Sea Level Rise from Climate Central
written by Ben Strauss (the entire article is here):
We have two sea levels: the sea level of today, and the far higher sea
level that is already being locked in for some distant tomorrow.
In a new paper published Monday in the *Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences* (PNAS), I analyze the growth of the locked-in amount of sea
level rise and other implications of Levermann and colleagues’ work. This
article and its interactive map are based on this new PNAS paper, and they
include extended results.
To begin with, it appears that the amount of carbon pollution to date has
... more »
healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week: help me make delicious lentil soup
The healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week - now running about every-other
week - has hit a snag: lentil soup. I love lentil soup, but my own is
turning out just OK, not really delicious.
After the first try was too bland, Stephanie suggested using allspice and
more bay leaves. Excellent idea! I upped the bay leaves from three to six,
and added allspice. Result: big improvement, but still not great.
If you make delicious lentil soup, can you share your secrets? (And if the
secret is homemade stock, then I'm out of luck.) More below.
* * * *
I'm still using the hell out of my slow... more »
Go VIRAL!!!! The Avenging Uterus, Penis Havers, and Other Cartoons of Feminist Backlash
Best laugh ever. And it may be the only way to win over the forces of evil.
Let's send it around the world. The Avenging Uterus and Other Cartoons of
Feminist BacklashMonday, 29 July 2013 By Matt Bors CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
*FBI raids rescue 105 kids forced into prostitution*
*Fugate-aboudit!: Landrieu, Vitter Tell Obama to Keep FEMA Head ~Stephen
I am delighted to report that Steve Saideman, Robert Kelly and Megan
MacKenzie will be joining the ranks of permanent Duck contributors as of
today. This leaves room for new guest bloggers: Stacie Goddard, Johannes
Urpelainen and Jillian Schwedler. Stacie Goddard joins us from Wellesley
College where she teaches international conflict, specializing in
diplomacy, security
Continue reading
I am very impressed to see this protest of folks from the right wing and
left wing together in Oklahoma. They are taking on US Syria policy. We
need more of this.
When I was up in Augusta a couple of months ago for the drone hearings I
met a bunch of guys from right wing groups there for gun control hearings.
While we didn't agree on gun control we did find common ground on drone
surveillance across Maine. One of them showed me a bumper sticker that
read "Protect my 2nd amendment rights to shoot down drones."
I told one of the guys on that occasion that the corporate oligarch... more »
Hawai'i Senate Race: Brian Schatz's Record On Choice Is Far Better Than Colleen Hanabusa's

Another wise Brain Schatz supporter
More often than not, EMILY's List backs conservative women but they claim
they only back ones who are pro-Choice. And most of the conservative women
they endorse are indeed pro-Choice... kinda, sorta. Sometimes they're far
less pro-Choice than the progressive men EMILY's List is always on a jihad
against. Almost every race pitting one of the EMILY'S List conservative
women against a progressive male, shows the male to be the more pro-Choice.
And that's certainly the case in the Hawai'i Senate race this cycle in
which EMILY's List has encouraged con... more »
Another Secret CON Fetus Fetishist
From Lisa Kirbie, Warren Kinsella's gf, we learn that abortion has become
an issue in at least one of the upcoming Ontario by-elections.
Ali Chahbar, running for the Ontario PCs in London West, has garnered
Campaign Life's highest rating.
*Rating: Pro-life, pro-family*
In a July 16th telco with a pro-life leader, Chahbar indicated that he is
strongly pro-life and was raised with the value that human life is sacred.
Otherwise pickings are slim for fetus fetishists in the five elections:
only three candidates (Chahbar and two representing the Family Coalition
Party, aka Christian Tal... more »
Let's Retire the "Once in a Hundred Years" Label

Calgary had a "once in a hundred years" flood in 2005. Eight years later
it had a "once in a hundred years" flood that was three times worse.
There's something reassuring about bad events labelled "once in a hundred
years" because you know that you've survived something you won't have to
deal with again in your lifetime. You've dodged that bullet. Don't worry,
be happy.
But the two flooding events that hit Toronto this year and the 2008 and
2013 floods that devastated Calgary should be cause enough to ditch the
"once in a century" assurance about anything.
*The Atlantic Citie... more »
We Have to End Police Killings and Brutality.
Indulge me for a minute. Watch closely the video of Saturday night's
killing of a kid aboard a Toronto streetcar. The young man was apparently
holding a knife with a 3-inch blade and had ignored a police command to
drop it.
Ignore the officer with the gun doing the shooting. Watch the other
officers at the scene as they were before, during, and after the
shooting. Ignore everybody except those 'bystander' officers.
I count four officers near the front door of the bus before the shooting
begins. Off camera there are several others who enter the frame as the
shots were fired... more »
Rape Threats, Twitter, and Masculine Crisis
So, Caroline Criado-Perez, wages a successful campaign to get Jane Austen
onto the £10 note and a pledge that, in future, the Bank of England's
designs will better reflect the actual look and shape of British society. A
welcome happenstance for everyone who isn't white, male and posh. But not
all. Unfortunately, the bigger story has been the rape and sexual assault
threats she's been on the receiving end of. Caroline talks about some
examples here. It goes without saying the volume of misogynistic abuse has
generated a furious backlash, from folk bombarding key members of Twitter
s... more »
“My Life in Circles: Why Metadata is Incredibly Intimate”
* *
*“My Life in Circles: *
*Why Metadata is Incredibly Intimate”*
By Matthew Harwood
“One of the most disingenuous arguments in the aftermath of the NSA spying
revelations is that the American people shouldn't be concerned about the
government hoovering up its sensitive information because it's only metadata-
or a fancy way of saying data about the data. "This is just metadata,"
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein assured the
American people, referring to the NSA's bulk collection of Americans call
records. "There is no content involved." President Obama an... more »
Confessions of an Economic Hitman A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 187 with John Perkins.

*Confessions of an Economic Hitman*
*A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 187 with John Perkins.*
July 29, 2013
*ANNOUNCER*: This is the Lew Rockwell Show.
*ROCKWELL*: Well, what an honor it is to have as our guest today on the
show, John Perkins. I think that if Hollywood weren’t so connected to the
Pentagon, maybe there’d be a movie about him, staring George Clooney. But
there’s not a movie because of the sorts of books he’s written, especially *Confessions
of an Economic Hitman* that was on *The New York Times* best-seller list
for a year and a half and tr... more »
“The American Surveillance State Is Here. Can It Be Evaded?”
* *
* “The American Surveillance State Is Here.*
* Can It Be Evaded?”*
By John W. Whitehead
“If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society
in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for
the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie,
evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic
gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.”
– Philip K. Dick, author of Minority Report
On any given day, the average American going about his daily business will
be ... more »
Kessler’s streak ends but Dowd’s continues!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*Same as it ever was:* Your Daily Howler just keeps getting results!
Yesterday, for the second straight week, Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post
Fact-Checker, handed his vaunted Pinocchios to a Republican, thus bowing to
our will.
Joe DiMaggio’s streak is safe. Not so, perhaps, Maureen Dowd’s.
Yesterday, Dowd extended her current "silly shit" streak with another
column on Anthony’s Weiner. She may be targeting her own record streak for
waste-of-time columns, a record she established in the summer of 1999.
That April, Dowd was handed the Pulitzer Prize for h... more »
Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter

Obama Swearing to Uphold the Constitution
Dees Illustration
Sunday, July 28, 2013
*Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter*
*Re: Civil Disobedience, Edward J. Snowden, and the Constitution*
Dear Mr. President:
You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil
disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All
that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Civil disobedience is not the first, but the last option. Henry David
Thoreau wrote with profound restraint in Civil Disobedience: “If... more »
Choosing your earth

Every so often I stick my toe in the deep end of “popular” culture just to
gauge its relevance. Feeling especially reckless, I may go as deep as to
read the Reddit comments or listen to call in AM radio shows. In the midst
of one such dip today, a sudden thought appeared “*We are already living on
more than one earth*.”
I’ve been holding out for one catalyzing event and a split. What I see
today are many splits and multiple events. Perhaps we’ll all experience a
singular, life altering moment, yet right now we are in the midst of a
seamless, rapid, inescapable shift. I’v... more »

Christopher Hitchens: Trayvon/Zimmerman
from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Murder committed in the course of aggressively stalking a citizen by
someone without a badge makes the case first, not second degree murder.
This is a premeditated criminal act.

On the morning of 9/11, almost every senior or notable Zionist on the face
of the Earth was in either New York, Washington or London, within minutes
of a TV Studio, making themselves available to be interviewed about what
they thought the days events might auger and what they should do next.
(And none of them expressed surprise)
The most senior black and powerful black man in America wasn't.
He had been sent to Columbia at short notice and was far from the President
and far from having his finger on the pulse of the National Security States
of America
Colin Powell's endorsem... more »
Corroboration absent and judgment set aside
Anten v. Bhalerao, 2013 ONCA 499 uses the concept of corroboration to set
aside a finding of incapacity. The testimony of a witness is said to be
corroborated when it is shown to correspond with the representation of some
other witness, or to comport with some facts otherwise known or
established. Corroboration is seldom seen in modern Canadian law – this is
an unusual case where it is key:
[28] It was common ground that s. 14(1) of the Evidence Act applied
in this case, and that, in order for the Board to uphold the respondent’s
finding of incapacity, the respondent’s evide... more »
A lot of old fogeys are watching the news!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*Two cable tribes, Old and Older:* Very little seems to have changed.
People who watch cable news still tend to be old fogies.
Bill Carter did the report last week. The basic take-away reads like this:
MSNBC versus Fox represents Old versus Older:
CARTER (7/23/13): Fox News continues to be near the top in cable television
in terms of the number of viewers it attracts, but it is near the top in
another category, too: the median age of its audience is among the oldest
in television.
For most of the television business—the segment that relies on
advertising—t... more »
“Have Credit-Based Money, Will Fail”
* *
*“Have Credit-Based Money, Will Fail”*
by Bill Bonner
“Over the last 10,000 years, humans have tried two different kinds of
“money.” They began with exchanges based on credit — “You give me a
chicken… I’ll pay you back later, maybe by helping you build a new wigwam.”
Then, when society became too large and extensive, they switched to gold
and silver. The advantage of this was obvious: You didn’t have to remember
who owed what to whom. You could settle up right away. “You give me a
chicken. I give you a little piece of silver. Done deal.”
Periodically, governments were tempted... more »

I made it home at 1:00 am this morning. I could barely make it up the
stairs with my bags. I slept until 11:00 am and had to get to work doing
some legal stuff for my most recent arrest at Hancock Field drone base in
Syracuse, New York. As it is I am late on it anyway.
When I came through passport control upon reentering the US at the Dallas
airport yesterday the guy at the booth ran my passport into his computer,
marked a big red "I" on my reentry form, and said, "Come with me." My
first thought was here we go again. The same thing happened to me when I
came back from our Glo... more »
Catch of the Day
Great Ezra Klein item defending August recess. For Congress that is. As he
points out, Congress for the most part is very much at work during what
they try to call a "district work period."
I'm not sure that all 535 Members of Congress are intense hard workers, but
in my first and second hand experience (I've known a fair number of people
who worked on the Hill), not to mention what more careful research has
found, the overwhelming majority work hard at their jobs. Doesn't mean they
are all great at it; we've all known people who work hard but don't get
anything done!
The one thing... more »
UHC 17: First, Second and Third Lines of UHC for the Poor

Later today, I will attend a round table discussion on Health System
Shapers (HSS), Patients and Consumers Sector, at the Department of Health
(DOH) main office. The goal of this and related fora is to further fine
tune the government’s universal health care (UHC) goal.
Last week, I also attended the two-days (July 25-26) “Policy Dialogue on
UHC and Access to Medicines “ held at the Asian Institute of Management
(AIM) in Makati. Here are two of the definitions or presentations about UHC.
This one is from DOH UnderSec. Madeleine “Madz” de Rosas Valera in her
presentation, “The Philip... more »
*We are the ones who knock ~Moosedenied*
*~Life is a terminal disease, and while in the back of our minds we all
know that sooner or later the other shoe will inevitably drop, that's no
reason to be a simpering douchebag about it in the meantime. Because it
damn sure ain't happening today. Not when there's so much cooking still to
be done. Success to be achieved. Jerks to stick it to. Not sure when or why
I lost track of that, but a big high five to AWD for bringing a little of
that much-needed crystal blue persuasion and snapping me out of my apparent
offseason funk. You, sir, are m... more »
Sharing Good Information

*"He who speaks the truth will be chased out of nine villages"*
*- Turkish Proverb*
*"...in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of
whom certainly feel as you do; *
*but what do they say?*
* They say, *
*‘It’s not so bad’ *
*or ‘You’re seeing things’ *
*or ‘You’re an alarmist.’*
*"And you are an alarmist. *
*You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. *
*These are the beginnings, yes; *
*but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you
know, or even surmise, the end?*
*On the one h... more »
If I use "ALEC" I can Get More Hits
evidently the broo-haha around ALEC has become mainstream enough that
people think they can throw "ALEC" in the title for more exposure - more
hits to their webpage.
Take this for example - published on 7/27
ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs; Is It Too Late?
ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs
ALEC Distracts Electorate
Hmmm - tell me more.
After reading the whole article - FOUR page in Word single spaced - here's
all he has to say about ALEC.
*ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs; Is It Too Late?*
July 27, 2013
By Harvey ... more »
Coming Soon, Your Eyes on the World

Astronaut Chris Hadfield reconnected countless millions of people to the
wonders of space. His space station performance of the David Bowie
classic "Space Oddity" has racked up more than 17-million hits on YouTube
since its release two months ago.
Now two Vancouver brothers have come up with a venture to let you share
something of the experience that crews of the space station enjoy. Their
company has a deal to install and operate two cameras that will be attached
to the space station and will stream real time video back to us on *terra
One camera will be fixed. The ... more »
What's Old Is New Again. The Return of the Workhouse.

Stephen Harper has a prison fetish. Despite steady declines in crime rates
in Canada over the past four decades, Steve is hell bent on building new
prisons. We like to mock him for this but maybe we shouldn't be so quick
to dismiss it as the product of a whacked-out fundamentalist mind.
Harper just might be introducing Canada to a project that's well underway
in the United States - the return of the workhouse and the transformation
of the poor into profitable slave labour. That, at least, is the way Chris
Hedges sees it.
*Poor people, especially those of color, are worth no... more »
The strange case of Alexei Navalny
*American commentators apply an entirely different yardstick to Navalny,
while their peer group back home casts Anthony Weiner as the original
sinner. *
MK Bhadrakumer @ Russia India Report
*I am not putting this news up because of concern for Anthony Weiner. What
this article shows, clearly, is that the NATO/corporate controlled western
media is always on message for the imperial war/destabilization agenda.
While Weiner is chastized, as he should be. Navalny is lionized and he
should not be. What is the difference? Only the political agenda.*
*The indiscretion of Anthony Weine... more »
Blue America Welcomes Barbara Buono

Blue America primarily gets involved with congressional races, but after
Digby, John and I met New Jersey state Senator Barbara Buono-- and
reflected on the dangers of Chris Christie-- not just in the Garden State,
but across America-- we opened this special new ActBlue page for
progressive gubernatorial candidates. Earlier today Barbara announced her
choice of Milly Silva to run for lieutenant governor, which adds a
charismatic young Hispanic woman labor leader (an executive vice president
of the SEIU) who shares her working class background to the Democratic
ticket. And it pote... more »
What Religion Makes You Better? Answer Given By The Dali Lama

Electricity Protests Spread To 5 Of Iraq’s Provinces

The summer months have brought about Iraq’s seasonal hot weather. That has
also led to a new wave of protests over power shortages for the third time
in four years. The demonstrations started in Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar in early
June 2013, and have since spread to Basra, Muthanna, Maysan, and Wasit
governorates. They have charged the government with incompetence and
corruption, and asked for Deputy Premier Shahristani who is in charge of
energy policy and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to step down. The growing
protests have applied enough pressure on Baghdad that Maliki, Shahristani, ... more »
Saturday In The Park

Southern Man and a few friends drove an hour northwest to one of the state
parks for a day of fun.
The park entrance. There was a geocache hidden in those trees to the right.
Girls cannot park.
At the lodge. Photo by a friendly passer-by.
Mini golf.
The winner!
Another geocache was hidden near this mural.
A good time was had by all.
A Billion Bullets
I don't have television, so I found these compilations of news reports
quite entertaining. There is a strange confluence of far right and far
left - neither trusts the government, with good reason. The difference is
the crackpot right thinks the government is militarizing the police and
stripping away legal protections because there is a conspiracy to enslave
the citizens and impose a "New World Order" - whereas the left is (or so I
imagine) more concerned that the government is anticipating civil unrest
because the climate is dangerously destabilized which will lead to empty
shel... more »
Reza Aslan and the nearly hilarious disassembly of Fox-News presenter Lauren Green
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 1 day ago
Link: http://youtu.be/YY92TV4_Wc0 - click in picture to start this film!
Reza Aslan's new book: 'Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth'
made him appear in Rupert Murdock's "Fox News" trying to outfox Aslan in an
item called "Spirited Debate", presented by Lauren Green. She will remember!
Rightwing and/or neo-conservative (Christian) journalism are living "a race
to the bottom" of news-presenting these days. Their associated printed
media aren't precisely flourishing anymore. People are getting sick and
tired of often unsubstantiated, biased quasi-'news facts' where they can... more »
Dubliners: What happens as the bogus tale spreads!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*To us, this smells like sadism:* There is no perfect set of rules
explaining how best to raise a child.
What should you tell a child about the dangers the world presents? *When *should
he or she be told about those dangers?
How *much* should a child be told? In how much detail?
There is no perfect set of rules to answer such questions for parents. That
said, we thought Slate’s recent account of child-reading in liberal
brainiac Cambridge was extremely sad and carried an obvious smell.
To us, there was a scent of sadism in the air as we read the first-pers... more »
Obama Is Complicit in Nation's Violent, Discriminatory Behavior, Laws

The president and the attorney general of the United States want to
re-examine the nation's "stand your ground" laws. That should have been
last year's news. As a result of the George Zimmerman verdict, the
president also wants all of us to have a conversation, not necessarily a
national conversation but conversations within our own families and
churches and, most especially, with ourselves about our own biases.
We should all be able all do that, but not at the expense of a national
conversation that leads to a change in - not simply in attitudes or biases
- but in discriminatory ... more »
Deference to findings of fact
Barclays Bank PLC v. Devonshire Trust, 2013 ONCA 494:
[90] Second, findings of fact by the trial judge attract deference on
appeal and are only reviewable by this court if they reveal palpable and
overriding error: *Waxman v. Waxman* (2004), 186 O.A.C. 201 (C.A.), at
para. 291. This standard applies to all factual findings, whether based on
credibility assessments, the weighing of competing evidence, expert
evidence, or the drawing of inferences from primary facts: see *Waxman*, at
paras. 359-60. Findings of fact grounded in credibility assessments are
particularly difficult t... more »
"Astronomical" Lughnasadh

I quote The Enemy:
In the cross-quarter reckoning of former NASA scientist Robert Gillespie,
Northern Lughnasadh occurs when the Sun's ecliptic longitude/Earth's
heliocentric longitude reaches 135 degrees.
In 2013 this will occur at *8:21 UTC on August 7.*
*The following footage is quoted from "Charles Manson: Superstar", a
documentary prepared by self-described Satanists and members of the Church
of Satan *
* (though not Acquino's Temple of Set NATO/NSA/CIA/Processean offshoot* (I
don't think)*)
* *It may contain disinformation, for that reason, but I sus... more »
Searching for Occupy met up with Veterans for Peace all across the country.
They had plenty to say about War and Peace as well as the War on Mother
Earth and all humanity.
Israel Matzav: What a 'Palestinian negotiator's Facebook page says about the chances for peace
Dr. Mohammed Shtayyeh, one of the two 'negotiators'
'Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Abbas
doesn't want a two state solution
why should Israel take negotiations seriously?
More here
not more on the BBC who are so anti-Israel it's not even
Not sure how much I'll post today and tomorrow because Greg is taking a
couple days off, so I'll be over there more than usual.
Meanwhile, over the weekend we here at Plain Blog celebrated a birthday;
I've been doing this four years, now. Woo! Easy slogan for the occasion:
Four More Years!
Thanks are due: to Greg, to the other folks at the Post and at Salon and
TAP; to John and the other political science bloggers; to all the great
commenters here; and especially to those who have supported Plain Blog with
kind words and links. Thank you!
I suppose I should thank all the politician... more »
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