3:24am MDST
The Daily "Near You?"
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Thanks for stopping by.
Satire: "Florida Considers Eliminating Laws Altogether"
* "Florida Considers Eliminating Laws Altogether"*
by Andy Borowitz
TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)— "Arguing that its current system of laws
is out of step with life in today’s Florida, a growing chorus of lawmakers
in the state are arguing for a measure that would eliminate laws
altogether. “Florida is rife with laws that say ‘Do this, don’t do that,’ ”
said Gov. Rick Scott, a supporter of the measure. “Speaking as a Floridian,
I have found it exhausting pretending to obey them.”
There is broad support in the state for abolishing laws, according to a
poll commissioned by the... more »
Mr Zimmerman and the Kid

One is never going to know the facts on this case and it is both
disturbing and wrapped in the US gun culture which creates an additional
level of danger and uncertainty.
Either Zimmerman cold cocked the kid, then discovered that he had bit of
more than he could chew and then went for his gun or Zimmerman confronted
the kid who cold cocked Zimmerman who then went for his gun. That is how
two men landed on the ground in mortal combat.
Whichever way, Zimmerman was losing to a strong kid when he went for his
That is not the real problem here though. The problem is ... more »
Resolution Calls for: the U.S. Government to Condemn China’s Organ Transplantation Abuses

This unfortunate situation is slowly brewing up to cause great grief to
the ultimate legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party. If compares
exactly to Hitler's genocide constrained only by the market size for human
organs. In practice, it was perhaps to only way to generate those organs
in terms of Chinese culture which bodes ill for the inevitable fallout.
Now push back is emerging in the USA and this can be expected elsewhere as
well. It will serve well as a negotiating tool henceforth.
The global media has been foot dragging on telling this story which is
really the... more »
The Latest Technology - The Invented Sea - How Far Behind Are We?
it's made for PROFIT.
but it's also made as a stepping stone, during a potential-profit-making
take ProMIS: Prosecutor Management Information System from the
Inslawcompany, circa 1970. ProMIS had been around, in one form or
another, for
THIRTY YEARS before some clever/paranoid internet boffins attached
significance of the 'people tracking' and 'database integration'
to The Ptech Company and the FAA and hence 'realtime management of
datafeeds on FAA radar screens' during The 9/11 Event.
Why don't y... more »
Your moment of Zen

In search of sweet nectar. [Roy Hancliff photo]
How Do You Live Green?
We all live green in different ways. I thought it might be fun to find out
which activities are the most popular and how they stack up against each
Here is this month's survey:
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading
questionnaire tool.
Affordable Care Act falling to the waste bin ? First the Employer Mandate " delayed " until 2015... Now the Big Three Unions take on ObamaCare - shift from full time to part time employment galling the heck out of former union supporters of healthcare reform , differne treatment for heath and welfare plans also galling the heck out of the former supporters of healthcare reform.....And guess how they feel about the tax treatment ? Looks like they want CHANGEs ....... ...
roll out of President Obama’s health care reform package was always
going to be tricky, with vehement opposition from his political
and pushback from employers large and small. But after announcing last
that penalties for companies failing to comply with the law will be
by a year, the Affordable Care Act has a new, high profile set of
dissenters: Unions.
The leaders of three major U.S. unions, including the highly influential
... more »
Teacher Preparation and the Bottom Line: Dear College and University Leaders.
Dear College and University Presidents, Chancellors, and CEOs, Please do
some simple calculations for me. How much revenue does student enrollment
generate? How many of these students are enrolled in some kind of
teacher-credentialing program? How much revenue do these programs generate?
Go ahead. Do it. Take a few minutes of your valuable time and […]
Yakama/Umatilla fishing rights activist threatened with arrest for traditional cultural camp
Mills at Occupation of Wounded Knee/Photo Owen Luck
Hundreds prepare to go to jail to establish Meadow Creek Indian Camp
Censored News
Mills, Yakama/Umatilla tribes, long time frontline fishing rights and
other indigenous sovereignty movement leader was harassed and threatened
by US Forest cops
Syria updates - July 15 , 2013 - Is Turkey playing a double game here with Israel against Syria ? Proxy war to continue for quite some time - as Assad forces get stronger and Rebels more fractured , we will soon reach a moment of truth for Nato and the US ......
Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes
against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told RT. Israel has been
under scrutiny since last week, when it was reported to be responsible for
a July 5 depot attack in Latakia.
News that Turkey assisted Israel in attacking another Muslim state could
result in serious turmoil for Ankara, once the information is confirmed.
*"Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside
Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that t... more »
Business, marketing, branding, no integrity whatsoever #khanacademy
Over at Think Progress, there’s a post on an absurd budget calculator
sponsored by McDonald’s and Visa to help hardworking minimum wage workers
with financial literacy. A worthwhile cause, no doubt. As you can see in
the image below, the sample provided helpfully includes space to budget
income for your second job, because a McJob […]
Constitutional violations . . .
JOURNAL has a disturbing report, "Bush-Cheney began illegal NSA spying
before 9/11, says telcom CEO". According to Ralph Lopez,
Contradicting a statement by ex-vice president Dick Cheney on Sunday
that warrantless domestic surveillance might have prevented 9/11, 2007
court records indicate that the Bush-Cheney administration began such
surveillance at least 7 months prior to 9/11.
The Continuing Saga of the Confederation Overpass
There's quite a bit of back story here but essentially this spoof radio
announcement pretty much sums up what I'm sure many commuters think about
the ineptitude of Alberta Transportation. The long-awaited Confederation
overpass was opened last fall. Things seemed to be improving. But then,
things just started to get goofy. In a nutshell, it seems the government
was in such a rush to show it was actually doing something to fix traffic
flow here that it jumped the gun (by several months it would now seem) and
opened an overpass before it was truly ready.
Frankly, I think our Tran... more »
Mining 26: Presentation at Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio

Last night, I gave a talk at our Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio. My
clubmates were happy to see these data and insights. One member suggested
to have a bigger forum on the subject with speakers from opposing sides, to
be sponsored by the club. Good proposal, supported by many other club
I skipped four slides here. The complete 26-slides presentation is
available here,
See also:
Mining 22: Philippines as EITI Candidate, June 05, 2013
Mining 23: On the Proposed 10 Percent Gross Revenue T... more »

On my last day in Kauai, Hawaii the local peace folks organized a picnic at
the beach. Here we are holding a sign from Okinawa where they are
protesting the deployment of US Osprey aircraft. The woman in the middle
of the back row with her hands in a circle had just returned from a trip to
Okinawa where she helped build support to stop the US destruction of a
runway out into the ocean that will destroy a coral reef.
The folks in Kauai were great and treated me so kindly.

I arrived in Manila last night about dinner time. Organizers of the
conference I am attending from July 16-18, called US Strategic Pivot to
Asia Pacific, US Militarism, Intervention and War, had someone pick me up
at the airport and take me to an interesting hotel where folks arriving
were put in a room with six bunk beds. Then this morning we moved to a
hotel in another part of the city where the conference is set to begin.
So far I've noticed that folks are here from Australia, Japan, Taiwan,
South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Canada, Hong Kong, US and of course the
Philippines.... more »
PMO Asks Ministerial Staff To Prepare Briefing Binders For New Ministers With 'Blacklist' Of Problem Civil Servants And 'Enemy Reporters' ...

[image: Progressive Bloggers]
*OTTAWA – In the lead-up to Monday’s cabinet shuffle, ministerial staffers
were asked to develop lists of troublesome bureaucrats and “enemy”
stakeholders, Global News has learned.*
**The information was to be included in a transition binder traditionally
prepared for incoming ministers. Global News has obtained a July 4 email
written by Erica Furtado, an executive assistant with issues management in
the Prime Minister’s Office, with the subject line “Transition Binder Check
List”. In the e-mail, Furtado lists 10 items that need to be addressed in
t... more »
A McBudget for the working poor

"McDonalds has partnered with Visa to launch a website to help its low-wage
workers making an average $8.25 an hour to budget." If this sample McBudget
wasn't so cruel and insulting, it would be so absurd as to be funny.
Have to love that it starts by assuming their workers need two jobs to make
ends meet. Of course that ignores the fact that few of their workers
actually clear even as much as $1000 in a month, much less are offered
schedules that allow them to get a second crappy minimum wage job with
enough hours to make up the difference. And apparently they believe all
their w... more »
Misdirection watch - double standard on Facebook and Twitter regarding threats being allowed while political speech ( that goes against apparently the politics of FB ) , blocked ? Following the aftermath from the verdict - a lok at Oakland.... And is the Administration caught between Scylla and Charybdis in the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman controversial case ?
Facebook Refuses to Remove ‘Kill Zimmerman’ Page
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
Threats to murder Zimmerman continue to flood Twitter
*Paul Joseph Watson*
July 15, 2013
Facebook refused to remove a page entitled ‘Kill Zimmerman’ – arguing that
it didn’t represent a “credible threat of violence,” as threats to murder
George Zimmerman following his acqu... more »
Google Energy
A bit of good news from a corporate behemoth. Using their megabucks to make
a commitment to healing the planet, Google has sunk over $1 billion into
renewable energy. Analysts say Google is "the only company other than
energy businesses and financial institutions that has taken large ownership
stakes in major stand-alone power projects."
The Internet search giant's efforts to transform the world's use of power
and fossil fuels have included a $200 million investment in a Texas wind
farm and the purchase of a company that makes innovative flying wind
turbines. It has invested $168 m... more »
Egypt updates for July 15 , 2013 - Military takes hardline with Muslim Brotherhood ( assets of 14 top leaders frozen ) and US - US envoy snubbed by political parties while Egypt General tells US to tread lightly and not makes threats .....
Secretary of State William Burns, the first senior US official to
visit Cairo since the military coup of July 3, exchanged tough talk with
the coup leader, Defense minister Gen. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Monday,
he met interim President Adly Mansour and Prime Minister Hazem
The general frankly advised Washington to be more realistic about the
situation in Egypt. Accordingly to DEBKAfile’s Middle East sources,
El-Si... more »
J. Edgar Hoover - House Negro

Check the 'fro.
When it's nappy, Edgar's unhappy...
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by *John de Nugent*.
John and I will be discussing his recent essay *The Repositioning, Revenge
and Return of the Reich 1945-2045*.
Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past
NYTimes Editorial Board Dancing the CorpEd Soft Shoe
Clarence Thomas is one of those exceptional black men who climbed to the
top in his field and then pulled up the ladder behind him. As a
representative of the U. S. Supreme Court’s tokenism, Thomas reliably
parrots the white conservative justices who, otherwise, would view him with
the same mixture of fear and disdain […]
O'odham protest US Border Patrol disruption of ceremonies
Border Patrol told to halt disruption of O'odham ceremonies
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SELLS, Arizona -- The O'odham Voice against the Wall will protest the US
Border Patrol invasion of their lands, and disruption of their
ceremonies on Tuesday, July 16, and Friday, July 26, 2013.
"Our message is that we as traditional O'odham are still here, carrying
out the ceremonies and
Christy Clark`s LNG Basket Of Eggs, Scrambled And Broken
*Written by Grant G*
The pitfalls of the BC Liberals putting all our financial eggs in one LNG
basket, the hits to Christy Clark`s and the BC Liberal`s promised $trillion
dollar fantasy just keep coming..
As reported in the below post Japan will be restarting all of their nuclear
facilities, Japan is making that decision for domestic financial reasons,
yes there are many opposed to restarting their nuclear power sources but
even more Japanese people are worried about being held hostage by countries
like Canada and Australia..
The result of Japan`s decision to restart these plan... more »
Tohono O'odham Council approves 15th US spy tower, expansion of Border Patrol
spy tower on Tohono O'odham land
Censored News Exclusive
Tohono O'odham Council approves 15th US spy tower on sovereign land,
expansion of US Border Patrol occupation
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Copyright Brenda Norrell, Censored News
SELLS, Ariz. -- The Tohono O'odham Nation has approved the lease of more
of its sovereign land for US Border Patrol units and a 15th US spy
tower on
The Triumph of Machines

An article in the latest *Tyee* that you're bound to find exciting,
inspirational or utterly depressing. It concerns advances being made by a
Richmond, B.C. firm in "*M2M*" or machine-to-machine communications. The
only thing missing is you.
*"We're right on the forefront of this," [Sierra Wireless VP Larry] Zibrik
says matter-of-factly, gesturing towards a projector image on the wall. It
depicts an electric car driving through the "connected world" of the
future. *
* *
*In this world, wind turbines, smart meters, billboards, tablets, electric
cars, charging stations and secur... more »
Making Peace with Trayvon Martin

As far as I'm concerned, George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin. The
evidence wasn't there to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt and so he
walked. The U.S. Justice Department is exploring whether Zimmerman can
face a civil rights charge but don't hold your breath.
But Trayvon Martin still deserves justice. Today's *New York
Times*editorialcalls for the repeal of laws that encourage the sort of
showdown that took
young Martin's life.
*The jury reached its verdict after having been asked to consider Mr.
Zimmerman’s actions in light of the now-notorious Stand Your Ground
pro... more »

*Oakland Athletics' Josh Reddick, left, pies teammate Josh Donaldson in the
face after Donaldson drove in the winning run against the Boston Red Sox in
a crucial Major League Baseball game, Sunday, July 14, 2013 at the Coliseum
in Oakland, Calif. The A's won in 11 innings, 3-2*. (*D. Ross Cameron/Bay
Area News Group*)
*Having been a NY and then SF Giant fan for most of my life, I was
unprepared for the unabashed spirit and enthusiasm of both the Oakland A's
and their fans when I moved to the East Bay in late 2012. Now I'm convinced
that this band of disciplined ... more »
Consequences of the Business Model of Education
Ever wonder what it would look like if business leaders and profiteers got
a hold of education? Welcome to the new normal. Another consequence of the
high stakes testing, competitive, winner take all game being played out in
public schools across the country is having a far deeper impact on society
that can’t be measured […]
Running orders

Following on from the last pair of posts, here's another way of looking at
the BBC's unique set of news priorities today - simply by comparing the
list of stories covered by BBC One's *News at Six* with that covered by
ITV's *News at 6.30. *
What stories were covered? In what order? And how long was spent on each
*BBC News at Six*
1. The benefit cap *(over 4 minutes)*
2. The Resolution Foundation's report on high rents *(well over 3 minutes)*
3. The benefit cap, again *(over a minute)*
4. The soldiers who died while training in Wales *(over 2 minutes)*
5. More charges agains... more »
A smarter way to deal with Honduran migrants
The flood of Hondurans trying to make it to the United States has become
Honduras is opening a diplomatic office in the border city of McAllen,
Texas, joining Guatemala and Mexico in trying to deal with the migrants.
Since Oct. 1, the U.S. Border Patrol has arrested 20,000 Hondurans trying
to make their way to America to work. That’s more than 70 a day, every day
of the week. The new Honduras office will help handle the deportation
paperwork (and look after shipping the remains who died trying). The costs
for all involved are huge.
The deportees get bundled onto airplanes and ... more »
The fake facts never die in these cases!
*MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013*
*We are all Rush and Fox now:* Our major national disputes are almost
wholly controlled by fake facts.
Once the fake facts have been established, they simply never die. In part,
that’s because newspapers like the New York Times agree to avoid
fact-checking any Preferred Standard Narrative.
Once a fake fact has been established, it will live forever. Consider this
groaner by Edward Wyckoff Williams in a new post at Salon:
WILLIAMS (7/15/13): *It bears reminding that it was Sanford’s police who
first allowed Zimmerman to walk away uncharged—his gun in tote. *T... more »
Collaborationist Responds to Posts on TURNcoats
There is a cancer inside AFT and NEA, and it is The Union Reform Network
(TURN). I have posted previously on this situation more than once, and one
of TURN’s members, Jimmy Barnhill, had this response to TURN (Teachers
Union Reform Network): Agents and Collaborators: In the ed reform debates
of the day, what we need most are […]
Living With Nature

It's something most people have never seen and, for those who have, it's
uncommon. Yesterday, however, I was treated to another display of a Bald
Eagle death spiral. I've witnessed this a few times before but usually in
remote inlets up the coast. This time it happened just a mile from my
home over the local highway. Here's what the spiral looks like:
I was riding, in trail, with a neighbour. I spotted the pair of eagles
around 50 feet up, spiraling in their talon death grip and seemingly out of
control. I was sure my friend ahead would hit them one way or another.
Instea... more »
Global Warming Metrics, New Sea Level Rise Projections

We're finally getting a handle on climate change impacts. We've just
learned that it takes roughly a million years for most species to evolve as
needed to adapt to a 1C change in global temperatures. That's not a good
thing in a world that's expected to heat up 4C in the span of a single
Now we've got a metric for sea level rise thanks to the *Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact Research*. In their assessment, one degree Celsius of
warming will add 2.3 metres to sea level rise.
*"Greenhouse gases emitted today will cause sea level to rise for centuries
to come. Eac... more »
The American people have suffered a coup d’etat, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere “scrap of paper.” -- Paul Craig Roberts

*Coup d’etat — Paul Craig Roberts*
July 13, 2013 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Coup d’etat*
**Paul Craig Roberts*
**The American people have suffered a coup d’etat, but they are hesitant to
acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional
and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the
executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere
“scrap of ... more »
Yeah right .... we really 'trust' Pierre Poilievre to reform Canada's democracy .....

[image: Progressive Bloggers]
*"The root cause of terrorism is terrorists." *
*The Honourable Pierre Poilievre, MP*
*(Minister Responsible for Democratic Reform)*
*"The root cause of stupidity is being stupid." *
*Buckdog Politics*
*(Political nerd, too much time on my hands*)
*-Hey Conservatives .... where's our missing $3.1 Billion tax dollars??*
It Is A Proxy-War in Syria. And, has been for a long time now.....
A brief RT interview.
*"**Israel, Turkey and NATO support rebels and foreigners from more than 25
countries fighting for Syria’s disintegration* and the establishment of an
Islamist Caliphate instead, journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter, who's
extensively covered the conflict, told RT.
*RT:* We are seeing such a sharp change of rhetoric from Turkey after
accusations the flotilla attack back in 2010 was a massacre. How did it
all change so quickly, because only four months ago Ankara was still
pressing with its court case over the incident?
*Manuel Ochsenreiter*: Well we have first t... more »
Koch attacks the messenger
When you're a mega-billionaire you don't need Fox News to shill for you
against bad press. Instead, like the Kochs, you make up your own facts and
launch individualized smear campaigns against legitimate journalists. Like
this guy who wrote about the XL Pipeline.
In a rebuttal posted on its Web site, KochFacts.com, the company asserted
that Sassoon’s story “deceives readers” by suggesting that Koch Industries
stood to benefit from construction of the Keystone XL pipeline — a denial
Sassoon included in his story. KochFacts went on to dismiss Sassoon as a
“professional eco-activist” ... more »
"You Say You Want a Revolution"
* *
*"You Say You Want a Revolution"*
by Bill Bonner
"Is it a revolt?" Louis XVI asked the Duke de La Rochefoucauld. "No, sire,
it is a revolution."
We are already at the Ides of July. More than half of the year is already
behind us. Friday, markets were flat. Neither gold nor stocks did anything
worth reporting. July 21 is statistically the hottest day of the year in
the Northern Hemisphere. And it's already smokin' hot in Baltimore. The
forecast calls for 98 degrees Fahrenheit today. More than 100 later in the
week. We're glad we're not there. We lived through 48 summers in Bal... more »
You swear your allegiance to the Constitution, not the government ...dummy!

"Constitution For Dummies" by Judge Andrew Napolitano
*Published on Feb 10, 2013*
"Constitution For Dummies" by Judge Andrew Napolitano
Judge Andrew Napolitano on the history of the federal government's neglect,
disdain, and continual erosion of the Constitution from John Adams to
George W. Bush. Learn about the "Alien and Sedition Act", FISA, and the
Patriot Act and what we must do to get back to Constitutional fidelity at
the federal level.
Originally posted by The Reason Foundation from October ... more »
Iraq In Transparency International’s 2013 Global Corruption Barometer
Transparency International is an organization committed to documenting and
fighting corruption around the world. Recently, it released its “Global
Corruption Barometer,” which was a survey of 107 countries on what they
thought about graft and bribery. It asked people about the state of
corruption in their nation, how institutions were affected by it, and
whether it could be countered. As usual, those Iraqis included in the poll
did not have a high opinion of their country.
The report started with how countries felt about their institutions. When
asked which were the most corrupt,... more »
Contention is so high in Chicago, you apparently have to apply to even sit in a public meeting
Something seems very wrong that you have to be approved to sit in on a
public meeting. What is the Board trying to hide? Tagged: chicago, cps,
school board, school closings
The Winged Beatle

THE WINGED BEATLE from Billy Martin on Vimeo.
Beetle with an A - Magic with a K
TheRottenApple2010 - TheWingedBeatle is the first part in the ARE3RA
trilogy leading up to TheRevelAtion2012.
The Winged Beatle was released September 11, 2010.
This movie file is 480x360 and good for slower connections.
If you want a higher resolution in DVD quality, subscribe at
The Murrays of Dunblane

He's no right in th'hied....
Dunblane Unburried (Archived)
DUNBLANE UNBURIED - Sandra Uttley from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
According to Andy Murray, tennis is 'fixed' and everyone on the
professional circuit knows matches are being affected by gambling.
According to Andy Murray:
*"It's pretty disappointing for all the players but everyone knows it goes
*"Sitting in the front row was Britain’s tennis-playing prime minister,
David Cameron – just behind him was Alex Salmond, the Scottish first
*"With a referendum on Scottish independence coming ... more »
Glenn Kessler is chasing DiMaggio’s streak!
*MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013*
*Goes 2-for-4 against Warren:* In 1941, Joe DiMaggio hit safely in 56
consecutive games.
Glenn Kessler is chasing him down. Yesterday, the Washington Post’s
Ahab-like checker of facts extended his own current streak.
Kessler went 2-for-4 in Pinocchios against Massachusetts southpaw Elizabeth
Warren. This extends his hitting streak against Obama and his ilk.
Long ago, Kessler took his hacks against both major parties. Now, he’s
being platooned. He only goes to the plate against the nation’s lefties.
For our previous post about Kessler’s streak, click here.
U... more »
Too perfect but also too awful!
*MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013*
*Rem Rieder’s correct complaint about the mainstream press:* This morning,
in USA Today, Rem Rider hammers the mainstream press for the way it covered
the killing of Trayvon Martin and the Zimmerman trial.
For twenty-one years, Rieder was editor of American Journalism Review.
Three weeks ago, he became USA Today’s media editor.
This morning, he hammers the mainstream press. This is the way he starts,
with the headlines in bold:
RIEDER (7/15/13): *Media got Zimmerman story wrong from start/The role of
the media cannot be ignored in the Zimmerman case*
It's c... more »
A Thousand Points of Blight

At a time when one out of every four American children lives in a
food-insecure household, when one in three people is poor or near-poor
because of unemployment and underemployment, when income disparity is at
its most extreme level since the Gilded Age .... House Republicans
have yanked food stamp funding from the Farm Bill, endangering the 50
million people relying on a program that is already woefully inadequate.
The average monthly food stipend per person is only $136. Most recipients
run out of grocery money by the third week.
But adding insult to injury is what Republicans d... more »
"The Wrongest Side of History"
* *
*"The Wrongest Side of History"*
by Will Durst
“This week’s tale is a horror story about lessons learned by the GOP from
the 2012 presidential election. And those teachable moments are… nothing.
Zero. Zip. Nada. Empty voids. “Hear the hollow roar of the Pod People. See
them lash out at the unknown. Feel their blind terror of a future they
don’t understand. It’s Son of the Bride of the Attack of the Robot
Amnesiacs! Part 6.”
They say one sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
expecting different results. Which means it can’t be long before the entire
Rep... more »
More Bad News For Christy Clark`s LNG Superpower Dreams(Breaking)
** **Japan moves closer to restarting nuclear reactors** *
* *
*The Associated Press*
*Monday, July 15, 2013 | 12:07 a.m.*
*Japan moved a step closer to restarting nuclear reactors Monday as four
utility companies applied for safety inspections of 10 idled plants, the
clearest sign of a return to atomic energy nearly two and a half years
after the Fukushima disaster.*
*With all but two of the country's 50 reactors offline since a tsunami
swept through the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in March 2011, Japan has been
almost without nuclear energy that once supplied about a third of its powe... more »
Francesco Guicciardini Prize (ISA HIST Section Book Prize)
Francesco Guicciardini (1483-1540) was an Italian historian and statesman
who served in the Florentine and papal diplomatic services and was the
author, among other works, of the landmark History of Italy (Storia
d’Italia), a foundational work on statecraft and grand strategy which
combined careful historical research with general theorizing about the
ethics and practices of
Continue reading
What We Know, Don’t Know, Can’t Know and Need to Know About the DOD’s Classified Study on Drone Deaths
Just before Independence Day, an analyst for a defense research agency
stated in a media interview that a classified DoD study shows that drones
are likelier to cause civilian harm than attacks from manned fighters.
Lawrence Lewis, a researcher for the Center for Naval Analyses, says these
findings resulted from a statistical analysis he conducted
Continue reading
Race, Gender and Civic Justice in America
The idea that citizens should be empowered by law to lethally judge who is
a criminal threat is dangerous and wrong. Here’s one reason why: Just a
small-n social experiment? Yes, though here are some stats to demonstrate
how this does and is likely to play out in the criminal justice system..
*MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013*
*Prelude—Nagourney’s selections:* For us, a very large question emerged
from the Zimmerman trial, as we saw the liberal world overtaking the world
of Fox.
But first, consider two front-page treatments of that trial in today’s New
York Times.
On that front page, Lizette Alvarez offers a “News Analysis” concerning the
jury’s verdict. Midway through her report, a very rare moment occurs:
ALVAREZ (7/15/13): The murder charge required a showing that Mr. Zimmerman
was full of ill will, hatred, spite or evil intent when he shot Mr. Martin.
But prosecutors had lit... more »
Photography Backdrop Stand Tutorial

VeryJane.com provided the backdrops featured with this Backdrop Stand
Tutorial. The stand was created 100% by my husband and I and all opinions
are my own.
When I started my photography business six years ago, I began shopping for
backdrop stands, but, I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. I wanted more
width and height than I could easily find at the time and I really wanted
my stand to have two cross beams — one tall for brides/adults and one
shorter for babies and toddlers. Price was also a factor; I needed the
stand to be affordable.
After talking about it with my husband, w... more »
It's Monday...

*and Erica is planted firmly in front of my monitor until breakfast is
forthcoming, weeds are calling out my name, and grass is begging for water.*
There is nothing else left to be said about Zimmerman except, "It could be
you next time."
When the president of the United States interjects himself into a state
criminal case, exploits racism, denigrates the court system, and wages war
on some poor guy who was trying to save his own life, no one is safe.
*Oh Lord - now she's pacing back and forth... *
"The Collapse of Civilization"
* *
* "The Collapse of Civilization"*
by Steve Thomas
"That we are approaching the collapse is largely beyond debate. It is
unnecessary to give a detailed examination here of the factors by which the
collapse may come about. My purpose, instead, is twofold:
1. To explore the form the collapse may take; that is, to speculate on what
we will actually experience as global industrial civilization crumbles, and
more importantly
2. To explore how we may hope to create and perpetuate egalitarianism in a
state of civilizational collapse.
*What to Expect:* How will we know the collapse is ... more »
"‘Middle-class Revolution’ Fuels Pentagon War Plan"
* *
*"‘Middle-class Revolution’ Fuels Pentagon War Plan"*
Neither governments nor capitalists can stop these 12 forces.
by Paul B. Farrell
Early in the Iraq war the Bush Pentagon predicted that “by 2020 there is
little doubt something drastic is happening,” reported Fortune. “As the
planet’s carrying capacity shrinks, an ancient pattern of desperate,
all-out wars over food, water, and energy supplies would emerge. Warfare is
defining human life.” Recently the tick-tick-ticking became louder in “The
Middle-Class Revolution,” a Wall Street Journal feature by the conservative
Stanf... more »
Making Matters Worse

Perhaps it results from reading too many balance sheets. But Edward
Burkhardt clearly suffers from EDD -- Emotional Deficit Disorder. The head
of the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway walked into Lac Megantic last
week and blamed someone else for the tragedy:
“It was our employee that was responsible for setting the brakes on the
train,” Burkhardt told journalists. “That employee is under investigation
and is not working.”
He also suggested that some local firefighters, who were called to put out
a fire on the unmanned train, might have unwittingly tampered with the
... more »
Pic of a Pearson edpsych text. Is this a problem? I think it is.
I saw this posted, a quick grab of a table from an educational psychology
text. Not an ELL or linguistics or language arts texts. Educational
psychology. Is it me, or is standard English being pitted against the
variations spoken by persons of color? I mean, are all African Americans
and Hispanics the same? Are all […]
Survival International: Sacred object returned to Hopi after shameful Paris auction
Sacred object handed back to Hopi tribe after ‘shameful’ Paris auction 15 July 2013
Photo: The
katsina was handed over to Hopi chairman and religious leaders by
lawyer Pierre Servan-Schreiber and Survival International's Jean Patrick
Razon (no photography was allowed during the handover itself).
© Survival
In a historic handover ceremony, an object sacred to the Hopi people has
Department of Justice review for prosecution of Zimmerman based on any alleged violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights will face significant barriers - FBI finding that Zimmerman did not present racial bias as a motivating factor in the shooting and absence of a public facility could greatly hinder any further action criminally ...
After interviewing nearly three dozen people in the George Zimmerman murder
case, the FBI found no evidence that racial bias was a motivating factor in
the shooting of Trayvon Martin, records released Thursday show.
Even the lead detective in the case, Sanford Det. Chris Serino, told agents
that he thought Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because of his attire and the
circumstances — but not his race.
Serino saw Zimmerman as “having little hero complex, but not as a racist.”
The Duval County Sta... more »
Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - How I “vote” with my money

to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our
[image: A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or
of environment... more »

Islamism as a memeplex - The Commentator
'Islam, on the other-hand, is still going through its 'dark ages'.
Thought-competition is being brutally suppressed in many Muslim-majority
countries as Saudi-funded brands of ultra-austere Islam proliferate. The
Saudi state continues to spend a large portion of its petrodollars building
mosques around the world yet, ironically, according to Sharia law,
non-Muslim religious structures are not allowed to be built inside its own
lands. It takes years of red tape for existing churches in other Arab
Nations such as Egypt to be even allowed to be repaired and this puts the
houses of wo... more »
What fear of being accused of being a racist lead to
' Despite irrefutable evidence that the girls were being sexually abused,
no one — according to a report published by the House of Commons on June 5
— acted to draw all the facts together, apparently due to fears by police
and social workers that they would be accused of racism against Muslims.
Evidence presented to us suggests that there is a model of localized
grooming of Pakistani-heritage men targeting young White girls. This must
be acknowledged by official agencies, who we were concerned to hear in some
areas of particular community tension, had reportedly been slow to ... more »
Followers of the religion of peace in action...
Daily Links, Monday, July 13, 2013
*In the aftermath of typhoon Soulik, the roads are covered with mud and
debris. This is Miaoli 55, Pinglin Road, out of Jhuolan in Miaoli, one of
the area's most enjoyable roads. Highly recommended.*
Some Daily Links for you to enjoy.... links have become much harder since
Google terminated Reader.
- Mangrove Conservation in Taiwan
- Soulik agricultural losses in millions
- Cross strait services pact may not be screened by legislature until
- Not only is Transparency International standing by their obviously
flawed corruption report on Taiwan, but the Chinese ... more »
Who will the next Fed chair be?
Janet Yellen is the odds-on favorite.
Monday Morning Linkage
Good morning… Jarrod Hayes discusses his new book, Constructing National
Security: US Relations with India and China. Mark Safranski (i.e. zen of
Zenpundit) points us to Lt. General Prakash Katosh‘s “Optimising the
Potential of Special Forces.” [Original Article] Shyam Saran argues that
India’s new role as an observer on the Arctic Council should be used to
Continue reading
NSA's admission to Microsoft's services exhaustive
*According to a report Microsoft helped the NSA get around its
systems so the agency could more effortlessly spy on users of its
services.*Microsoft supposed its partnership with the NSA only took
place since legal
obligations required it to do so. The revelations come as some
technologists start work on services they say will be impermeable to
The credentials show that the NSA had admittance to most of Microsoft's
flagship products including Hotmail, Outlook.com, Skydive and Skype. The
credentials seen by The Guardian are apparently from the NSA's Special
Sour... more »
Edward Snowden - "Boundless Informant" - global auditing system, and new Moscow video!
"The NSA lied (to Congress) about this tool," Edward Snowden confirms the
existence of "Boundless Informant", the NSA's global auditing system, in
Guardian's second part of their June 8th Hong Kong video interview with the
*The Boundless Informant documents show the agency collecting almost 3
billion pieces of intelligence from US computer networks over a 30-day
period ending in March 2013. One document says it is designed to give NSA
officials answers to questions like, "What type of coverage do we have on
country X" in "near real-time by asking the SIGINT [signals i... more »
Antarctic Ice Crater

This is actually somewhat confounding and teaches us that this type of
activity is profoundly ongoing throughout the life of an Ice Age event.
Imagine what this does to the underlying ground surface. The take home is
that glaciation is profoundly complex and powerful and utterly
unpredictable over any significant time scale.
Imagine trying to explain the end results later. You end up not trusting
This is a new unusual observation and is well noted
*Scientists find huge ice crater left behind by disappearance of Antarctic
*Scott Sutherland *
*We... more »
Carbon Taxes, LNG Revenue And The Squeaky Wheels
*Written by Grant G*
The old sayings and phrases are indeed true, this particular one is based
on real life experiences....With exceptions..
*"The squeaky wheel gets the grease" *
Those exceptions are people, the public and workers can complain, gripe and
even protest in the streets but still are ignored, it seems that today only
those with the power to flex biceps made of money get the grease..
Toronto floods, Calgary floods, China floods meanwhile the world burns, and
no, I am not a climate change theorist or alarmist, however, I do believe
that we should all be encouraged to... more »
"How Much Do Americans Despise Congress?"
* *
*"How Much Do Americans Despise Congress?"*
by Washington’s Blog
“Business Insider notes today: "A June Gallup poll [showed that Congress]
had a 10% approval rating [while] and one in March that showed North Korea
with a 12% favorability rating among Americans. That’s nothing… We’ve
previously documented that the U.S. Congress is less popular among the
American people than cockroaches, lice, root canals, colonoscopies, traffic
jams, used car salesmen, Genghis Khan, Communism, BP during the Gulf oil
spill, Nixon during Watergate or King George during the American Revolution.
... more »
America is Still a Profoundly Racist Country Part 24,764

*Good Morning, America.*
“An Economic Collapse that is Going to be Worse than 1929”
*“An Economic Collapse that is Going to be Worse than 1929”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Employers are cutting full-time employees back to part-time to avoid the
requirement of providing health insurance under Obama Care. Trader Karl
Denninger says, “As the Obama Administration runs against the economic
reality of what they passed, they are now trying to find ways to dodge it.
The Obama Administration’s reaction to this has been to unilaterally, and
by the way illegally, put off the imposition of mandate.” This is not going
to save the teetering economy as Denninger contends... more »
Wheat-Autism Link

What is indicated and the immediate take home, is that embarking on a
gluten free diet with a victim of autism is likely to be advantageous for
some victims. Since this is also a good idea in any event for many other
reasons, it should be done anyway.
It is additionally indicated that wheat is a contributor to a wide range
of conditions essentially making them worse. Thus eliminating it from one's
diet except perhaps as an occasional item so that it never dwells
continuously in your digestive system is a proper response.
Our society has been spoiled by the convenien... more »
Miniature Human Liver Grown in Mice

Again we have critical progress that promises to short circuit organ
restoration. The majority of need can be solved by tissue replacement and
this work paves the way for livers and most organs.
We have an expensive standing army of the tissue deficient out there whose
elimination would represent both a medical and economic revolution. That
is what is clearly in sight and it is already a priority target even while
everyone tries to keep our hopes under control.
It really is the most visible reward out there for our decades of
intensive medical research.
*Miniature h... more »
Turbine-Powered, Chevy Volt of Airliners Looks Fantastic

Another reason this is a fantastic rig is that it can be naturally applied
to airships. That was the main issue. Thus we can expect steadily
improving airship design just as soon as someone contracts enough birds to
properly launch the industry. Fed Ex could do it. It really is their
Everyone else is scared to disturb their own arrangements on a new
delivery protocol.
As I have posted in a past, an airship arrives and grabs eight loaded
shipping containers or some equivalent and then moves directly to the urban
breakdown and distribution center without an... more »
AdSense regular account & hosted account
Way back, the only way one can get to display AdSense ads and generate
revenue was to apply to AdSense and after getting approved, one can then
generate codes via AdSense and for Blogger blogs, copy-paste the code into
a HTML/Javascript gadget to display the ads. This is referred to as a
regular AdSense account.
In more recent days, one could also get what is referred to as a hosted
AdSense account via Google services like Blogger or Youtube, and for
Blogger, get to display the ads via a Blogger AdSense gadget (Dashboard >
Layout > Add a gadget > Add an AdSense gadget).
However, r... more »
“What makes a story?”
At the end of the previous post I raised the question of what would be
leading the *Today *programme this morning. Would it be the latest scandal
to hit the NHS (and the Labour Party)? Well, we'll know in a few minutes
In advance of *Today*, a look at the stories featured on non-BBC news sites
shows the NHS story to be still important for papers like the *Telegraph,
Guardian *and *Independent, *though it's the deaths of two military
personnel in Wales during training on the hottest day of the year though
which is the major story that all news site share.
The BBC News webs... more »
This, not this: On our feet, to the street
UPDATE: Visit here for more inspiring photos from these rallies. Let’s do
this. For example, this is a powerful image of a protest on behalf of
Trayvon Martin. Unbelievable. Not to diminish the necessity of this
outrage, but if only we could have such momentum on issues within
education. Amazing. Now, in contrast, let us […]
in which i discover yet another internet scam

Looking for rental houses on Craigslist, I've discovered a scam that I was
previously unaware of.
I replied to an ad for a place that sounded wonderful, with unusually low
rent. I was keeping in mind the old maxim "If it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is," but at the same time, it's only an email. It can't
hurt to ask.
Everything I wanted to know about the property was answered in the
affirmative. Then the supposed owner told me that I should fill out a
rental application and, if approved, I could see the place.
Hmm. It's been six years since we looked for a place to live... more »
what i'm reading, children's books edition: # 8: the invention of hugo cabret

In the aftermath of the flood and with our impending move, when I'm not
dealing with those events, all I want to do is read and blog. If you enjoy
my "what i'm reading" posts, you'll be happy. If not...
* * * *
I've long wanted to read *The Invention of Hugo Cabret* by Brian Selznick.
Now that Martin Scorsese has adapted it into the movie "Hugo," I wanted to
make sure I read it before seeing the film.
*The Invention of Hugo Cabret* is a wonderfully inventive and engaging
book. It combines elements of picture books, graphic novels, and even flip
books within the "chapter book" form... more »
Long Walk 4 readies for Sunrise Ceremony July 15, 2013
walker Lisa Peake.
Affirmation of Sovereignty of the Indigenous People of the Western
Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz
By Longest Walk 4
Censored News
WASHINGTON DC -- The Longest Walk 4: Return to Alcatraz begins tomorrow
morning, July 15, 2013, with a sunrise Ceremony from the place where the
original The Longest Walk 1978 finished. At this time, as we prepare
How the Common Core is Being Sold
There’s nothing like a small town newspaper for a glimpse into how the
Common Core Standards and tests are being sold to a trusting public. This
is how the Common Core is being marketed in Palmyra PA. “You are not going
to see test prep in our classrooms,” Brown says. Instead, you’ll see kids
getting […]
Maxi Skirts and Pizza Kebabs (Creative Showcase Features and Link Ups)

I can't believe it is already halfway through July. If you follow
Housewife Eclectic on Instagram you saw pictures of my fun trip to New
York City that I took with my mom and husband and crossed so many things
off my bucket list. It has been the highlight of my summer! There are some
awesome features this week, some of my favorite ever.
I am crazy about maxi skirts right now. I am seeing them everywhere and I
want to make some more! I love this Easy Maxi Skirt Tutorial from Rae Gun
I might be a little Doctor Who obsessed. I just had to feature this Free
Tardis Print... more »
A tale of two communities saying no
Global reforms are just that. Global. The same damage is being inflicted
worldwide to schools in large and small communities, causing distress and
doing nothing to improve education. Often quite the opposite. This is
Cedar, a small community in Canada. I only heard about Cedar because my
gorgeous friend James lives there. James isn’t a […]
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 14th, 2013
I am on vacation... Enjoying the hot sun and sand..... I have not had a
chance to look over everything that has been happening over the last week.
My better half asked that I take a break from doing this blog and surfing
the net just to give myself a breather!
However, I have noticed the Zimmerman trial verdict, and to me, that is
both a tragedy and PLANNED by the criminals in charge of the US Government
that desperately needs anything now to divert attention from from their
other terrible acts against the American public. They are willing to
consider having open revolt and rage, ... more »
MPs on Twitter
As the silly season is imminently due, I've indulged my love of lists yet
again and done this. In short, I have all the Members of Parliament on
Twitter. Here. Below. In rank order. So where's your MP? How does your own
follower account match up against that of your honourable member? Are there
any who are inexplicably popular? Knock yourself out.
1. David Cameron - 366,392 (Con)
2. Ed Miliband - 226,397 (Lab)
3. William Hague - 157,131 (Con)
4. George Galloway - 152,121 (Respect)
5. Tom Watson - 125,260 (Lab)
6. Nick Clegg - 118,640 (LibDem)
7. Ed Balls - 94,744 (Lab)
8. Grant Shapps ... more »
Spain political crisis spread - Prime Minister Rajoy linked to illegal party funding - despite all of the endless denials ! Co op Bank in the UK - taxpayers potentially at risk of bailing out the banking subsidiary unless 77 percent of bondholder approve the pending bailout deal....
European Political Crisis Spreads - Leaked Texts Prove Rajoy Link To
Illegal Party Funding
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/14/2013 13:33 -0400
- Google
- Newspaper
- Portugal
Amid the turmoil in Portugal, the Barcenas-Affair in Spain had dropped to
the back-pages of the European press... until now. The illegal
party-funding that ex-Treasurer Barcenas is now whistle-blowing on has been
linked directly to Spanish ... more »
Money Always Wins or Courage (Nut-Case Insanity) To Tell the Truth? (It's A Death Struggle)
Gee, I wish the following essay were fiction. What a lovely world it would
be . . . well . . . for the 1% anyway. For a while. The listing that
follows of all the nature organizations (that can't actually be held to any
real defined standards of not just being money-makers with a few nice
droppings for "saving" our natural world) includes quite a few I stopped
giving money to over a decade
Tweeting MPs
1. David Cameron - 366,392 (Con)
2. Ed Miliband - 226,397 (Lab)
3. William Hague - 157,131 (Con)
4. George Galloway - 152,121 (Respect)
5. Tom Watson - 125,260 (Lab)
6. Nick Clegg - 118,640 (LibDem)
7. Ed Balls - 94,744 (Lab)
8. Grant Shapps - 67,611 (Con)
9. Caroline Lucas - 61,152 (Green)
10. Chuka Umunna - 55,334 (Lab)
11. George Osborne - 55,178 (Con)
12. Diane Abbott - 54,404 (Lab)
13. Harriet Harman - 46,169 (Lab)
14. Andy Burnham - 45,061 (Lab)
15. Jeremy Hunt - 44,897 (Con)
16. Vince Cable - 41,244 (LibDem)
17. Yvette Cooper - 32,725 (Lab)
18. Eric Pickles - 31,775 (Con)
19. Ch... more »
Evolution Takes Time. Evolutionary Adaptation Takes Far More Time Than Climate Change Allows.
Many species of plants and animals will face extinction because they cannot
evolve in time to adapt to the rapid onslaught of climate change. The
pace of current global warming is simply too quick for natural or
evolutionary adaptation.
A study by researchers at the University of Arizona finds that it takes up
to a million years for species to evolve to a 1C degree temperature change.
*Using data from 540 living species, including amphibians, reptiles, birds
and mammals, [Professor John]Wiens and colleagues compared their rates of
evolution with the rates of climate change project... more »
Positive thinking . . .
THINKING can be found at CORE77, which is a site about industrial
design. Do check out the home page and articles. Anyway, one of their
contributors, Ray, has a post about a Canadian triumph, "First
Human-Powered Helicopter Surpasses Sikorsky Standards, and Why Humans
Are Still Superior to Robots". It's a fine account of the Aerovelo
team, led by engineers and co-founders Cameron
When Polyhymnia sends refracted light
shimmering toward parched and shriveled roots,
seeking some semblance of promise kept alive
between her hands, her well, her seeds and soil,
A bit of fluff, a female Anna's, comes
to perch nearby, cocking its tiny head
and waiting. Waiting for the hose to steady
its cold blast toward some fainting eggplant
or tomatillo, ready for a burst of aimed
delight, catching one rainbowed drop of water
short, then flitting to the fence again,
shivering. To the Muse of hymns and farmers it's
a game, to the throbbing ball of feathers more.
Its heart will stop wi... more »
A license to kill
I expected this verdict but nonetheless it still rankled when I woke up to
find George Zimmerman was acquitted. And no, despite the old saw, Zimmerman
was not found innocent. Neither was he exonerated of the crime. The fact
that he killed an unarmed teenager with a gun was never in dispute. He was
acquitted on the charge of murder. There's a difference.
Neither can it be said that the court delivered justice for Trayvon. That
would have required a guilty verdict, which just wasn't going to happen
under Florida laws. Our legal system is imperfect. The guilty often go free
while the i... more »
Which "ministers"?

Further to my earlier post on the BBC's extraordinary failure to feature
the story about the forthcoming report of those 13,000 'needless' deaths in
the NHS - a story which the *Telegraph *and *Mail *led with and which both
ITV News and Sky News considered a major story -, well the story is getting
ever more politically dramatic....
....and it's not just being reporting by the right-wing newspapers.
The *Independent*'s headline tonight reads:
Andy Burnham defends Labour's record as healthcare report shines light on
'failings' under previous government
The article beneath says:
A... more »

Given the Labour Party's troubles with its biggest trades union donor Unite
in the last couple of weeks, in the wake of the Falkirk scandal, who could
blame a cornered Labour leader for raising the issue of Conservative Party
donations during Prime Minister's Questions last week? There's not been a
Conservative Party donations scandal for quite a while now but, still, a
Labour leader can but try, can't he?
What if the BBC tried the same tactic as Ed Miliband though?
Well, a cynic might say that this was exactly what Paddy O'Connell was up
to on this morning's *Broadcasting House*... more »
Your “press corps” is almost completely incompetent!
*SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013*
*Capehart checks the facts:* Was last night’s verdict the correct verdict?
We would be inclined to say yes. To gain a conviction on murder or
manslaughter, the prosecution had to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that
George Zimmerman wasn’t engaged in self-defense when he shot Trayvon Martin.
Given the nature of the incident, given the state of the evidence, that was
quite hard to prove.
Like you, we don’t know what actually happened when Zimmerman and Martin
encountered each other that night. Many scenarios can be imagined, at least
among those who are ho... more »
"Upper-class Individuals Behave More Unethically Than Lower-class Individuals"
* *
*"Upper-class Individuals Behave More Unethically Than Lower-class
“In a series of startling studies, psychologists at the University of
California at Berkeley have found that "upper-class individuals behave more
unethically than lower-class individuals." Ongoing research is trying to
find out what it is about wealth- or lack of it- that makes people behave
they way they do.”
- http://www.youtube.com/
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! No I'm not, lol.
What the 1% degenerates forget is where this fine product comes from...
Hey, George Zimmerman!

You just got away with murder! Where are you going to go next?
"I'm going to Paula Deen's Lady and Sons Restaurant!"
Now that Trayvon Martin's rotting corpse has been convicted of Walking
While Black, what are we to learn about the criminal justice system in the
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?
Well, first of all, we've learned that hulking white men with guns and
a criminal record of violence can stalk, accost, assault and kill unarmed
black youths in Florida, use the Stand Your Ground law (Thank you, Jeb) and
get away with it. Secondly, it also proves the sam... more »
Your moment of Zen

Mytoi Gardens on Martha's Vineyard. [Alex Johnson photo]
Golden oldies . . .
shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Partyexercised considerable
influence over Hollywood,including what films went unmade and what
scenes were cut.
WHEN HOLLYWOOD HELD HANDS WITH HITLER. Really. That's the title of an
article by Alex Kafka at the Chronicle of Higher Education. It's worthy
of your perusal. According to Alex,
A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with
Trayovn/Zimmerman: Are the Masons Playing a Little "I know what youare,but what am I...?"

This does *NOT* bode well....
This point *cannot* be understated: -
Alex Jones NEVER talks against the Freemasons.
In fact, he vociferously defends the Satanic criminals, traders in human
misery and pirates who drafted the US Constitution from allegations of
Masonic unholiness.
But not in this instance...
That's VERY significant...
Topic: Zimmerman wanted wife to buy tickets to Israel
June 18, 2012
George Zimmerman in a jailhouse phone call urged his wife to buy herself a
bullet proof vest shortly after he was arrested in the shooting death
teenager Tray... more »
Racism Built into the System to Mask Racism
Lisa Wade explains about stand your ground laws: It’s simple: stand your
ground laws increase the chances that a homicide will be considered
justifiable because it gives the jurors more leeway to give defendants the
benefit of the doubt. But, jurors will likely give that benefit of the
doubt to certain kinds of defendants and […]
healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week: chicken in wine with sun-dried tomatoes

When it comes to soups and stews, there is a seemingly endless number of
variables that can be changed to create new variations of any given dish.
If you like chicken stew, for example, you could experiment with different
combinations of vegetables, different seasonings, better (or quicker)
stocks, fresh herbs - and then with various combinations of all of those.
Since buying my slow-cooker some months ago, I've made lots of different
chicken stews, all of them easy, tasty, and healthy. This one is my current
favourite combo.
A note about these stews. To make a proper stew, most pe... more »
dear liberal public: there is nothing shocking about the george zimmerman verdict
Dear liberal public,
The internet tells me you are shocked - shocked and outraged - about the
verdict in the George Zimmerman case.
Seriously? You are shocked?
You have lived in the United States or Canada all your life, and you are
shocked that a white man who killed a black child in the state of Florida
has walked free?
I can only scratch my head in wonder. There is nothing shocking about this
not-guilty verdict. Indeed, it was the most expected and the most typical
outcome possible. I would have been shocked if the verdict had been any
different. *That's* the problem.
What's ... more »
Racism, California Style

Oakland television station KTVU and the National Transportation Safety
Board are apologizing for a racist stunt that got on the air concerning the
July 6th Asiana Airlines crash at San Fransisco airport.
Someone, either an intern at the station or a staffer at the National
Transportation Safety Board, came up with a bogus list of names purportedly
of the flight deck crew aboard the jetliner. Here's what KTVU aired:
Israel and White Supremacy by Aaron MIchael Love

OCTOBER 15, 2002
Israel and White Supremacy
In 1945 Jan Smuts, then prime minister of South Africa appealed to the UN
for an article on human rights to be included in the United Nations
Charter. This incident, cited in W.E.B Du Bois’s remarkable book The World
and Africa, is a powerful reminder of the contradiction in the European
conception of freedom. Freedom only applies absolutely to the white man,
temporarily excluding the complications of class and of course, gender. Du
Bois argued that the Atlantic slave trade produced this schism materially
and... more »
Egypt , Saudis and Israel strike different paths from US regarding Middle East hot spots - Syria and Egypt in focus - July 14 , 2013!
Obama administration is signifying its strong disapproval of Israel and
Egypt taking matters in their own hands in the last two weeks,
military and Washington sources report: Israel was accused of
military action against Syria, and the Egyptian army of persecuting
the Muslim Brotherhood after deposing President Mohamed Morsi.
Washington is also highly displeased with the campaign the Egyptian army
launched a... more »
I am happy to see we are not eschewing the issue of #nojustice
Other authors beat me to it. I’m happy to see that. I am one of six
founders of United Opt Out National and, like all well-mannered activist
groups in the 21st century, we have a Facebook presence. We have done a
great job over the years avoiding the sidetracking of discussions. Like all
new groups […]
Syria War updates - July 14 , 2013..... Free Syria Army has a second War front opened as it fights islamist Rebel forces..... Meanwhile , the Syrian Government announces that it has uncovered the Syrian Rebel chemical weapons cache !
Free Syrian army clashes with jihadists in wake of commander's assassination
Fighting in Aleppo widens cracks in splintering opposition as military
gains are reversed
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- Martin Chulov, Beirut
- The Observer, Saturday 13 July 2013
[image: In pictures: Life in Aleppo during war]
The body of a rebel being carried into Bustan al-Qasr in Aleppo, where
jihadists have been trying to exert their influence. Photograph: Dona
Months of u... more »
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: Taiwan in the Pivot
Michael Mazza over at AEI argues that Taiwan has a crucial role in the US
"pivot" toward Asia....
Yet Taiwan can take steps to ensure that US forces would have access to the
island’s facilities during a time of crisis, even in the absence of a
formal access agreement. Taiwan, for example, could invest in
infrastructure that would enable the island to serve as a logistics hub for
US forces in the event of a conflict to the island’s north or in the South
China Sea. Along similar lines, Taiwan might stockpile supplies that would
be of use to American forces operating in the region. Doi... more »
Sephora Lip Gloss Giveaway!

[image: 15 Shades of Sephora Giveaway]
Coconut lick worthy lipstick has me dreaming of the beach. I feel it is a
perfect time to giveaway 15 Shades of Sephora. Enjoy from LeChateauDesFleurs
[image: 15 Shades of Sephora]
*What it is:*
A collector’s edition of iconic lip colors spanning 15 years.
*What it does:*
This lip library includes everything from rich reds to natural nudes all
in Bite’s lick-worthy Lush Fruit Lip Gloss formulation. Instant nutrition
for lips, this formula contains the same healthy ingredients you’d find in
a pure fruit smoothie: real coconut, man... more »
Alex Rodriquez discussing a plea deal with MLB ? Have wee seen the last of A Rod in a Yanks uniform and in baseball generally ?
[image: Alex Rodriguez's 20-day rehab assignment ends on July 22, and it is
unclear where A-Rod will go after that, but according to a source, Yankee
officials sent him a notification Saturday telling him that he is obligated
to inform them in advance of any absence.]BILL SERNE/FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Alex Rodriguez's 20-day rehab assignment ends on July 22, and it is unclear
where A-Rod will go after that, but according to a source, Yankee officials
sent him a notification Saturday telling him... more »
Some Thoughts on the Zimmerman Trial
I was saddened, but not shocked, by the not guilty verdict for George
Zimmerman in the point-blank killing of Trayvon Martin. There is a simple
explanation for it: it happened in Florida. George Zimmerman had Florida
law on his side. Without the relentless publicity and the pressure brought
to bear by national political and media figures, there never would
have been a trial in the first place.
This was in Florida, where holding such a trial would have been unthinkable
even a generation ago. This was in Florida, home of the infamous Groveland
Four case, in which a duly sworn sheriff ... more »
Trayvon Martin Convicted: Sentence to Run Concurrent with Eternity
If this case teaches anything, it is that the high crime of involuntary
racism regularly has more insidious and corrosive effects than the
premeditated variety. There was the 1) tepid prosecution by unprepared and
inattentive prosecutors; 2) a defense that was allowed highly-irregular
concessions to make its case; 3) an investigative team friendly to
gun-toting […]
They Do It Without Blushing

On May 2nd, the Harper government staged a ceremony to commemorate the
Canadarm and Canada's contribution to space exploration. Curiously, Marc
Garneau, Canada's first astronaut -- who was later made president of
Canada's Space Agency, and who was the first person to operate the
Canadarm -- was not invited to the event. The Canadian Press reports:
Garneau was miffed at being excluded, blaming the lapse on the "highly
partisan" Conservative government.
Two senior ministers, however, said museum and space agency staff fumbled
the ball and that their own ministerial offices played ... more »
When blouse buttons come undone
Julia Louis-Drefus aka Elaine from Seinfeld shows more cleavage than usual.
Social Justice?
“The law is meant to be my servant and not my master, still less my
torturer and my murderer.” — James Baldwin. The Nation (July 11, 1966)
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Martin Luther
King Jr. Letter From Birmingham City Jail Blinded by the Stereotype
Spotlight “The Poor Are Too Free”?: Unlocking […]
How Labour policy is made...
Chris Dunne (@ChrisDunne29) tweeted at 8:59 PM on Sat, Jul 13, 2013:
Exclusive: how the #Labour party make policy: http://t.co/CfaVOywjqb
“Who is in the dock?”

This is a post of two halves - one recycling an article from elsewhere, one
reviewing a particular edition of the *Today *programme. The one, however,
follows on from the other, and I think they can both shed some light on the
preceding posts about the BBC's news priorities.
The *Telegraph*'s Charles Moore has written one of the best articles about
BBC bias that I've read for a long time:
*Why does the impartial BBC not tell the story of the great majority?*
Our self-righteous national broadcaster is woefully detached from voters’
real lives
*The 'Liberal Progressive' hegem... more »
Misdirection watch - George Zimmerman trial and Adam Kokesh arrests are convenient tools to change the subject away from the very serious geopolitical , national security missteps , constitutional violations and financial buggery of the US ongoing on a daily basis......
To be fair , Kokesh openly and freely broke the law in D.C on video that he
had taken .... his arrest by itself was not a surprise - the extent of
force displayed however was a different issue altogether..... And charging
him ( if this actually occurs ) with armed sedition would be another
Kokesh Held Without Bond, Potentially Facing ‘Armed Sedition’ Charge
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][im... more »
DHS's Janet Napolitano leaves ( very good riddance to her ) ..... of course the concern is who might the most transparent administration ever have in mind to replace her ?
DHS’ Napolitano Leaves Legacy of Corruption, Lies, Lawsuits, and WasteJuly
13, 2013
Print Version
*Source: *The New American
Many were surprised at Janet Napolitano’s announcement that she will leave
her position as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at
the end of August to become president of the University of California.
Chosen from more than 300 candidates vying for the position, Napolitano
managed to keep her interest in that position, and her successful bid for
it, from the public until Friday.
She issued the usual departure appreciation statement:
I than... more »
'Up To 13,000 Needless Deaths' In NHS Hospitals
Talking of the BBC's unique news priorities, the second story for ITV News
at the moment is 13,000 'needless' NHS deaths:* *
Some 13,000 patients may have died needlessly at hospitals since 2005, a
report by the NHS medical director released next week will say. Sir Bruce
Keogh will expose failings in the 14 worst trusts in England.
This is the story which the *Daily Telegraph *is leading on:
13,000 died needlessly at 14 worst NHS trusts
The needless deaths of thousands of NHS patients will be exposed in a
report this week.
The NHS’s medical director will spell out the failings of ... more »
What is the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and why are the negotiations that are ongoing totally kept away from not just the American people in general - but also Congress ? And if you think this is just about trade - are you aware that " Pooling Sovereignty " is part of the concept ? With the EU a major flop except for Germany - why does the US have any interest in dragging itself into this debacle in the making ? While America is distracted by the George Zimmerman show trial - hyped by the media to achieve mass rioting in the event that George Zimmerman was found not guilty ( which has happened ) , the most transparent administration ever is doing its best to neuter America's sovereignty .... Wake up folks !
EU Official: Pooling Sovereignty, Once “Unthinkable,” Now “the Model”July
13, 2013
Print Version
*Source: New American*
As reported here this week, the first round of Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations has been underway in Washington,
D.C. with European Union and American officials, along with a select group
of business, banking, environmental, and union “stakeholders.” President
Obama has placed this planned political and economic merger of the EU and
the United States on a fast track, with the intention of building support
for it over the coming m... more »
This morning's 'Sunday'
7.00: I'm 'live blogging' this morning's *Sunday - *though I lack the
technical wherewithal to do it like they do it properly. So it's just me
typing as the programme is being broadcast! Has my experiment with
predicting which topics would and wouldn't feature on this week's edition
proved correct, or not - based on prior experience of the programme's many
biases (as I see them)?
7.10: Edward Stourton is presenting this week. The first topic is Ireland
and abortion. That was inevitable for *Sunday *- a "given" indeed (as I put
it in the last post)! The Irish parliament's vote to al... more »
America is Still a Profoundly Racist Country : Dr. King's Security
Jesse Jackson is not the Emperor of Black People from Paul Coker on
*From the Post-King Family vs Jowers et al (1999) Justice Department
*Dr. King's Security*
Evidence was also presented to suggest a plot to facilitate the removal
Dr. King's security. We discussed most of this trial evidence, along
other related information not presented in the trial, when we considered
general accusations that security was removed in Section
IV.D.2.b.(1)above. However, two additional pieces of evidence were
presented in King v.
Jowers in an effort to ... more »
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