The View
Talk To Action Site Digest
12:35pm MDST
Those Critical Five Seconds in the Life and Death of Sammy Yatim
Stills taken from security camera video of the Sammy Yatim execution,
published by *National Post*, may be the most important evidence of all.
They reveal, according to the paper, that the young man was felled by the
very first round of nine shots fired by the Toronto police gunman. Yatim
was hit, he slumped to his knees.
Wounded and dropped to his knees, what possible threat could Yatim have
posed, even in the feverish mind of the Toronto gunman?
You've dropped the kid with one round. You're still a safe distance from
the young man, now an undoubtedly, very safe distance. For so... more »
Syrian "rebels" play politics at UN & massacre civilians. Israel to counter "ship killers"
The partner to this post is here Iraq, Libya, Pakistan Prison Breaks that
advance the NATO war agenda
These two posts work together, best. :)
*Killings at Khan al Assal, truth suppression at its most blatant.*
Over the weekend I chanced across a couple of articles on the NATO backed
mercs slaughtering civilians and SAA alike in the town of Khan al Assal.
Khan al Assal after NATO's mercs invade
*NYT’s July 28/13* FYI: I did check today and the two quoted paragraphs
are still as they were on Sunday
“One site the investigators hoped to visit was Khan al-Assal, a town west
of... more »
Iraq, Libya, Pakistan Prison Breaks that advance the NATO war agenda
*The partner to this post is *Syrian "rebels" play politics at UN &
massacre civilians. Israel to counter "ship killers" They work best
I feel this is a post that is overdue. In a perfect world this would have
been up on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. But then, this is not a perfect
world and time is not always on my side.
*Let’s talk prison breaks. *
Because prisoners are breaking out all over the place. The common
denominator in all the prison breaks is NATO backed Islamists are being set
free by other NATO backed Islamists.
This should be a clear sign that NATO is... more »
Colleen Hanabusa Broke The Law Selling Her Soul To Drug Lobbyists

and the crooked husband have their sites set on the U.S. Senate
Tuesday afternoon we looked at what a mistake it is to compromise
idealswith craven corporate interests and the political hacks they
finance. In
fact we honed in particularly on health care reform and the corporate
battle against it. We concentrated on Republicans, of course, but Matea
Gold, writing for the *Washington Post* highlights the unfolding health
care scandal swirling around one of Congress' most corrupt and
New Dems, Colleen Hanabusa, the EMILY's List and drug lobbyists'
to displ... more »
Failing properly to wear seatbelt absolute or strict
R. v. Wilson, 2013 ONCA 503 allows leave to determine if failing to wear a
seatbelt properly is absolute or strict liability :
[5] In my view, it is a question of law alone whether s. 106(2) of
the *Highway Traffic Act* imposes absolute liability or strict liability.
Resolution of that question would have an impact on the jurisprudence in a
way that is of interest to the public at large, given both the frequency
with which the offence is charged and its public safety purpose.

Bradley Manning has been found guilty of all charges except the "aiding the
enemy" one.
I remember being told in school that democracy only worked if the people
had the information about what our government was doing so we could take
proper corrective actions and decisions. The people are supposed to rule.
But as our nation's foreign and military policy has become an extension of
global corporate operations those in power are increasingly keeping secrets
from us because they know the people would not be happy if we knew the
whole sordid story about what is actually going on in ou... more »
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Radiation MILLIONS Of Times Over Safe Limits , After More Than Two Years Since Original Disaster!
For over two years now, I have been periodically filing reports at this
blog concerning the still ongoing situation at Fukushima Japan. Few
people have noticed with all the MSM crap news focused elsewhere in this
sick world, that the Fukushima nuclear disaster with at least 3 nuclear
reactors in full meltdown, is still going on and in fact the situation is
still very much out of control! Personally, I have felt over the last
while that since I was one of few people brave enough to continue to file
reports about this situation, that I was basically "beating a dead horse",
and few ... more »
July 31 Update: "Nothing is happening".... *snort* buhahhahahah!!! Oh, and more info about Iraq
As I mentioned yesterday in the Charts article, the most awesome research
team in the world have dragged some brilliant pieces of information and
links into the spot light. I haven't been able to even remotely get the
info/links put together in any semblance of organization, but a few of
these pieces just absolutely needed to be put out here now.
*Edited about 3 minutes after publishing to say: I'm sorry or all the
formatting mess- I have no idea what the hell is wrong with my blogger
account, but it's seriously having mental issues for the past 3 days. I'll
try to get it sorted ... more »
TAR SANDS OIL MOBILE Exposes pipeline fiasco

Photo by John L. Wathen, Pilot Tom Hutchings
With all the talk about tar sands oil coming to Mobile Alabama and the lack
of current information about the pipeline leading from Pascagoula Miss to
the Downtown Mobile terminals to be built there I felt the need to expose
it for what it is.
The pipeline crosses the Big Creek Lake basin where Mobile gets it's
drinking water. In fact this oil pipeline crosses within less than 1/2 mile
from the intake pump for the drinking water of thousands of Mobile
The new storage tanks will be located less than 1/4 mil... more »
Welfarism 26: John Mangun on Economic Decline of the West

There are a few Philippine-based foreigners that I admire, especially those
who are free market-leaning thinkers. Like good friend and fellow Rotarian,
Bruce Hall, based in Iloilo City; Peter Wallace, and John Mangun.
John is an American stock market investor and analyst at the Philippine
Stock Exchange, and does business consulting, writing columns, on the side.
He has been living in this country for more than three decades now. His
kids were born here. John’s articles are archived in his website,
I am posting below three of his recent articles, ab... more »
ArtFordable Art Gallery & Studio
10M Jalan SS21/35,
47400 Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-77338538 / +60123131892
Read rest of post >>>
The Baathist Purge In Post-Saddam Iraq, A Short History Of DeBaathification
DeBaathification is one of the lasting legacies of the American occupation
of Iraq. Passed in May 2003 by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
the effort to rid the country of the Baath Party quickly took on a life of
its own that continues with the current Iraqi government. DeBaathification
was not a vetting process meant to weed out the good and the bad. Rather it
set out to ban the top ranks of the party, but then quickly expanded to any
Baathist in a politicized, open ended effort that lacked due process, and
coherent guidelines. While it had many supporters in both th... more »
Yeah, This Doesn't Work
Chris Cillizza, on why Chris Christie is a strong candidate:
As Mitt Romney, John Kerry and Al Gore can attest — and not in a good way —
being, or at least seeming, like an average Joe is critically important to
your chances of winning.
Except...well, you know what Romney, Kerry, and Gore have in common? They
won major party nominations! And that's where things such as candidate
personality are actually important. As...George H.W. Bush can attest.
Or maybe Cillizza would say that Michael Dukakis failed "average Joe" too.
But then...well, Bob Dole was no average Joe, and neither was ... more »
Heroin ad from 1902: "not addictive like morphine, does not cause constipation and is ten times less toxic than codeine"??

An ad from 1902 -- the good old days when men were men -- and they realized
heroin was better than morphine for those lingering coughs... more »
Cascada de aguas cristalinas en el bosque

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Greta Van Susteren got upset!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013*
*But then, she made a good point:* On July 15, Jasmine Rand discussed the
Zimmerman verdict with Greta Van Susteren.
In our view, Van Susteren would have done a better job if she hadn’t gotten
so upset with two things Rand said. For starters, when Rand criticized the
jury, Van Susteren got a bit hot:
VAN SUSTEREN (&/15/13): *Are you saying it was a bad jury?*
RAND: *I do not believe that Trayvon got equal justice in this instance.*
VAN SUSTEREN: Specifically how? Tell me the evidence—tell me the evidence
that the jury didn't hear.
RAND: The evidence that... more »
Time to Put “Dying to Win” out to Pasture?
This is a guest post by Peter S. Henne. Peter received his PhD from
Georgetown University in May 2013, and was a Fellow at the Miller Center at
the University of Virginia during 2012-2013; he is currently a postdoctoral
researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and
Responses to Terrorism. His research focuses on
Continue reading
Hear that folks? A wonk at AEI says we can draw any conclusions we want about data
Fantastic. Phew. .@kevincarey1 Not defending or disparaging. You can come
to whatever conclusion you like based on the data. point was, look it up. —
Andrew P. Kelly (@AndrewPKelly) July 31, 2013 Tagged: aei, data, education

*2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner and Former President Jimmy Carter is
America's most famous truth teller and moral revolutionist. Carter recently
declared that "The U.S has no functioning Democracy" which did not appear
in American mainstream press; Carter rightfully defends NSA whistleblower
Edward Snowden actions declaring that "**the invasion of human rights and
American privacy has gone too far" and finally Carter still correctly
argues **argues that "Israel's continued control and colonization of
Palestine land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace
... more »
The “New Paternalism” versus the Fordham Institute’s Assault on Teachers
I have fond childhood memories of my Hog Nosed snake, and how he would
alternately strike out like a rattlesnake and then flop on his back,
playing possum. I loved that critter and it is in the same spirit that I
address the theorizing of Mike “the New Paternalist” Petrilli. Petrilli
will alternately exhibit the […]
Glenn Greenwald SCHOOLS Government Presstitutes AGAIN!
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*Military Judge Acquits Bradley Manning of Aiding the Enemy; Faces Life on
Other Charges*
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Stan and His Students

When Stan Fischer was a professor at MIT, he was one of the all-time
great advisers to those of us in the process of becoming
macroeconomists. At a recent conference, Stan took a picture with some of
his former students. Here is the snapshot. How many can you recognize?
U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, who coined the term "military-industrial complex," referred to the economic implications of a high expenditure on arms in his "Chance for Peace" speech from 1953. Don't miss this speech! It's incredibly moving and far more relevant to our times than it was to his.
* the**REALnews
*Israel is an Example of an Economy Hijacked by Military-security Interests*
Although the U.S has the world's largest military industrial complex,
Israel has the largest ratio of its economy dedicated to the military and
security industry - July 28, 13
More at The Real News
Shir Hever is an economic researcher in the Alternative Information Center,
a Palestinian-Israeli organization active in Jerusalem and Beit-Sahour.
Researching the econ... more »
Fracking or Chemtrails? Study Shows Water Wells Closest to Fracking are More Contaminated
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*The peer-reviewed paper focuses on the presence of metals such as
arsenic, barium, selenium and strontium in water samples.*
*Activist Post*
A new study of 100 private water wells in and near the Barnett Shale showed
elevated levels of potential contaminants such as arsenic and selenium
closest to natural gas extraction sites, according to a team of researchers
that was led by UT Arlington associate professor of chemistry and
biochemistry Kevin Schug.
Brian Fontenot, who earned his Ph.D. in quantitative biology from UT
Arl... more »
DUBLINERS TOO: What the lawyers said and did!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013*
*Part 3—One lawyer cites Thurgood Marshall:* On March 19, 2012, CNN’s Sunny
Hostin committed a heinous act.
Introduced as a “CNN legal analyst” and a “former federal prosecutor,” she
went on TV and repeated what the lawyers had said.
Referring to the killing of Trayvon Martin, she said the 911 tapes, which
she had heard, told her that “this child was murdered in cold blood and
there are several witnesses to that murder.”
Soon, Hostin was telling Brooke Baldwin what she thought she had heard:
HOSTIN (3/19/12): *And the bottom line is, you hear a warning s... more »
Admission of inappropriate expert evidence may be harmless
*R. v. Granada*, 2013 ABCA 273 points out that expert evidence may be
inadmissible but still not prejudicial. Generally expert evidence is
excluded because it will be given too much weight and be prejudicial. But
if the expert evidence is "unnecessary" (and so inadmissible) it may still
be non-prejudicial if it merely states the obvious:
[12] Even if we were to accept the first argument, namely that
the evidence was unnecessary and unhelpful, we fail to see any real
prejudice arising from its admission. Simply put, if the expert's evidence
was superfluous, in that... more »
The Post-Structuralist Police-State
It's official. Far removed from its original intention of being a
revolutionary project, post-structuralism has been appropriated by the
oligarchy as a tool to obscure and simultaneously, to enforce, their own
arbitrary police-state powers.
Justice Mark McEwan, perhaps oblivious to the dangerous precedent he was
setting, or perhaps fully cognizant of it, has declared that police reports
are all unverifiable garbage. They're the random jottings of confused,
shell-shocked individuals who cannot be expected to have accurate memories
of traumatic, fast-moving events; even when they we... more »
WotW: Boosting Your Blog's Reach Through Google+
Google+ is the ghost town that has the biggest party around. Yeah, you
heard me right, Google+. Not Facebook, not Twitter, not Pinterest – Google+.
Chances are, you're rolling your eyes right now and saying to yourself,
"Yeah, yeah, it's all hype. None of my friends are on Google+ so why should
I bother?" My answer is: "That's exactly why you should be on Google+."
So many people think Google+ is an alternative to Facebook. Yes, while it
has elements of Facebook (though done better), Google+ is its own entity.
Just like you don't use Twitter the same way or for the same things as ... more »
"Polls from all over the world consistently show that Israel and the US are regarded as the two greatest threats to peace and to life on earth. Yet, these two utterly lawless governments prance around pretending to be the 'world’s greatest democracies'.” -- Paul Craig Roberts

*The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth–Paul Craig Roberts*
July 24, 2013 | Original Here
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth*
Paul Craig Roberts
Amitai Etzioni has raised an important question: “Who authorized
preparations for war with China?”
says that the war plan is not the sort of contingency p... more »
"Explaining" Canada's Uncondtional Support For Isra-Hell!
In my previous article, the question was asked as to why the hell this
nation, Canada, bends over backwards to support the criminal and terrorist
entity known as "Israel". The original article from the Redress
Information and Analysis website both asked the question and tried to
explain the reasoning for Canada's undying love for a criminal state. I
also gave my own explanation as to WHY this nation supports such an evil
Now it appears that the Redress site has done a followup to their original
article that tries to explain why this nation gives its undying love to
I... more »
Bennett and Flo Rida, match made in heaven #NCSC13
What happened in IN, you know, with former state supe Bennett and fixing
the grades of a big donor’s charter school? Didn’t I just wax philosophical
about my previous reverence for those in “Central Office?” I did. But these
are the ones that fudge data and school grades. Where do they get these
people, anyway? In […]
My appearance on Baltimore’s @marcsteiner show. Thanks, brother.
Check it out here or listen below. There was a time that I revered those
that made it into “Central Office.” The pay is good, often in the six
figures. You wear suits. People ask your opinion. But then I grew up. How
do people get these jobs? Hard work, sure enough. But these aren’t, […]
Tamarod movement in Bahrain stillongoing - despite oppression by Bahrain and Saudi Sunnis and indifference of the US and West to the struggle for freedom.....
Bahrain Cracks Down in Bid to Stop its Tamarod Movement (a la Egypt)
Posted on 07/31/2013 by Juan Cole
The Bahrain struggle is still going on two and a half years later. A
coalition of Shiite groups and some Sunnis (the Waad or Promise Party)
continues to agitate against the authoritarian practices of the Sunni
monarchy. The dissidents have formed a Rebellion (Tamarrud) Movement in
emulation of the one that brought down President Muhammad Morsi of Egypt,
and are calling for big demonstrations on August 14.
[image: bahrain3... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Don Murray, 84. Hey, he was in an "Apes" movie and an
episode of The Single Guy; what else do you need?
And some good stuff:
1. Jordan Ragusa looks at the vote on the Amash (NSA) amendment.
2. First it was Nader; next, as Kevin Drum notes, it's Erick Erickson with
the fantasies.
3. And the great Joe Sheehan on Bud Selig and the coming suspensions.
Brutal, but he's right.
Fukushima: Radiation Millions of Times Over Safe Limit, after more then 2 years
*Fukushima radiation millions of times over safe limit- *
WSJ reported the other day....
*The radiation is millions of times higher than Japan's acceptable limit
under normal circumstances. *
*Radiation of 750 million becquerels a liter of cesium-134 and 1.6 billion
becquerels a liter of cesium-137 was recorded, Tepco said. The normal
limits for the two potentially harmful isotopes are 60 and 90 becquerels,
respectively. In April 2011 a combined 1.8 billion becquerels was recorded.*
"The level of radioactivity is potentially serious but the impact would
depend on where it is found,"... more »
War watch - July 31 , 2013 - Afghanistan , Iran , Syria and the Palestinian - Israel question .....
Pentagon: No ‘Zero Option’ for AfghanistanReiterates Plan for 'Substantial'
Aid to Afghan Military Beyond 2014
by Jason Ditz, July 30, 2013
Print This | Share This
As the Obama Administration continues to try to present the “zero option,”
ending the Afghan occupation at the end of 2014, as a real thing in the
hopes of coaxing better terms out of President Hamid Karzai, the Pentagon
seems determined to undercut them by reiterating at every opportunity that
it isn’t really an option.
Pentagon officials today offered a report to Congress saying that they had
entirely r... more »
Barbara Madeloni running for MTA President
Friend and stalwart sister in arms Barbara Madeloni is running for
President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. If you’re in the
state, or know someone who is, consider throwing your support behind this
campaign. Tagged: barbara madeloni, massachusetts, MTA
Wall Street Licking It's Chops As It Sees Christie And Booker Ahead In Their New Jersey Races
By now you're probably well aware that GOP presidential rivals Chris
Christie and Rand Paul are already slugging it out-- over national
and governing philosophy. It looks to be pretty ugly, as anything
gets involved in always turns out to be. But their disputes aren't just a
matter of two ambitious Republicans trying to knock each other out of
presidential contention. Christie, in fact, sounds exactly like
*Democratic*Wall Street shill Corey Booker. They're like the Jersey
Bobbsey Twins.
Christie, at a forum in Colorado on Thursday, pointed to a “strain of
liber... more »
‘Young Spartans Exercising,’ by Degas
[image: File:Young Spartans National Gallery NG3860.jpg]
Changed many times by Degas, and never completely finished before his
death, his *Spartans Exercising *harks back to the delightful point in the Nude
Goddesses post earlier today: that that Greeks valued bodily displays,
especially as part of athletic display.
Over the course of his many changes to the painting however, Degas himself
seemed to try to undercut the value of his bodies, and the more direct
point it might have been originally making for something more subtle.
Christopher Riopelle, curator of 19th-century paint... more »
The King Of Austerity

The damage Stephen Harper has done to his country is everywhere. Three
years ago, at the G20 Summit, he touted Canada's economic growth. But now
that he has implemented his austerity agenda, things aren't looking so
good. The Canadian Press reports that Canada is no longer the fastest
growing economy among the G7 countries:
Capital Economics says Canada's economy will only grow by 1.5 per cent this
year, and slow further to one per cent in 2014 as the country's over-built
housing market comes crashing to earth.
That would mean the U.S., Germany and likely Japan could outperform ... more »
Inference in the absence of evidence an error
Drawing an inference in the absence of any direct evidence is a material
*1250264 Ontario Inc. v. Pet Valu Canada Inc.* 2013 ONCA 279, [2013] O.J.
No. 2012, at para 7:
[7] In my view, the motion judge erred in two material
respects: drawing the inference in the absence of any direct evidence and
holding the CPVF to a standard of objectivity. The information disseminated
amounted to no more than opinion as to the advisability of the lawsuit from
a business perspective. It did not purport to comment on the legal merits
of the action. Information relating to the... more »
Argentina: Mutilated Horse Found With Bizarre Incisions in Santiago del Estero

Date: 07/23/2012*
*ARGENTINA: Mutilated Horse Found With Bizarre Incisions in Santiago del
*By Andrea and Silvia Pérez Simondini*
*Dead animal was found 30 meters away from its owner’s house.
Our thanks to Carlos Figueroa for this information.*
Information concerning animals found with strange incisions is constantly
received by our working group. This instance involves a horse – found and
reported by its owner – in the locality of Fernández, Santiago del Estero.
The peculiar detail of this case is that the animal, an older specimen
whose death was exp... more »

*Court OKs bond for homeowner accused of shooting teen ~Clair Galofaro, New
Orleans Advocate**~Also~Literary celebrity Zeitoun acquitted of trying to
kill ex-wife with a tire iron. Kathy Zeitoun, distraught, fears for her
*Vaccaro Making Impression with Aggression*
*LA Swift bus service N.O./B.R. ends Wednesday ~WDSU*
*City appeals approval of OPP consent decree ~WWLTV*
* Negotiation deadline arrives for sinkhole settlements*
*Relief Well Drilling to Commence at Site of Hercules Rig Fire ~Roy
Almeida, gCaptain*
*Baby Penguin Named 'Hubig' By Popular Vote ~NOLA DEFENDER*
... more »
GOP - The Totally Useless Party
Useless - no other word fits - USELESS
ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, was the
nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income
families, working together for social justice and stronger communities. From
1970 to its end in 2010, ACORN had grown to more than 175,000 member
From 1970 to its end in 2010
to its end in 2010
And it was the RepubliCONS that smashed acorn.
the RepubliCONS
*House GOP Defunds ACORN Yet Again, Even Though ACORN Does Not Exist*
And your tax dollars paid for that.
Nuff Said.
*... more »
Argentina: An Anomaly Over Tucumán

*Javier López Posse* submitted the following photograph to *Luis Burgos*'s
Facebook page. "A strange formation of unidentified flying objects," he
writes. "I was trying to capture the flight path of this airplane, which
left a contrail that lasted a least an hour. Can the image of these UFOs
displaying a "cross"-like formation be construed as some sort of message?
It is very suggestive."
Please note the photo has not been submitted to any scrutiny and is merely
presented as an example of what is being seen in the Southern Hemisphere at
this time.
Inexplicata Podcasts covering item... more »
Business Services and Transformations to Make Profit

*Every so often, the best businesses will get stuck in a runnel. Maybe it
doesn't attract consumers the way it used to, or maybe its customers have
deserted it entirely, leaving the business to the sound of crickets and the
sight of tumbleweeds. *A company has to be able to leave behind its
well-established identity and its authority as a brand, named it's not
always successful.
For those businesses that have managed to meet the demands of a altering
marketplace, there can be a new and sometimes better degree of achievement.
But it's a tricky balance to strike, and some *busine... more »
The Hollow Towers: Migratory Birds

*Port Authority of New York and New Jersey*
November 8, 2000
*Floodlights on the roof of 1 World Trade Center will be turned off at
night, and other non-essential lights will be dimmed* to protect migratory
birds from becoming disoriented and crashing into the side of the 110-story
*Skyscrapers present a twin hazard to migrating birds: light and glass. *After
circling an illuminated building for hours, the birds land on shrubs and
trees in planters on the Austin J.... more »
Lion Rock 6: Honoring Milton Friedman

Today is the 101st birthday of Milton Friedman. He died in November 2006.
This great mind has been espousing free market and minimal government
policies in many of his academic and public policy work in the past
century. He has battled believers of more government intervention in
various academic and public policy debates in the US, Europe and other
The Library of Economics and Liberty mentioned two of Friedman's work and
their importance,
*His landmark 1957 work, A Theory of the Consumption Function, took on the
Keynesian view that individuals and households adjust the... more »

*Tia Sharpe, victim of large pedophile ring?*
On 10 August 2012, 12-year-old girl Tia Sharp was found dead at a house in *New
Addington*, in Greater London.
*August 2006 - Police search the grounds of 107 Walton Green, in New
Addington, in Greater London*
In August 2006, it was reported that more than a dozen children may have
been raped and abused at a house in *New Addington* in Greater London.
The house, 107 Walton Green, was occupied by convicted paedophile Leslie
*Police "believe the property was the base for a child abuse ring for 40
The Sun repo... more »
Déjà Vu in Zimbabwe
Polling stations are opening in Zimbabwe, and, if one’s Facebook feed is to
be believed, some enthusiastic voters have already spent a few hours
queueing (and winter mornings in Zimbabwe are *cold*). Today’s elections
are notable for a few reasons: they’re the first elections since extensive
state-sponsored violence in 2008; they mark the formal end
Continue reading
Russia justified in counter-sanctioning US over Snowden

Nile Bowie
Russia Today
Ties between Washington and Moscow are at their lowest point in recent
times, but if the United States truly wishes for better relations with
Russia, it isn’t going to get it through imposing sanctions as a
consequence of granting amnesty to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The US Senate has passed a bill authored by hawkish Senator Lindsey Graham
that will enable Washington to move towards sanctioning countries that are
seen as “aiding” Snowden. The message being sent is clear – American
authorities are dead set on getting their “fugitive” and they are eve... more »
Worth Reading

"Protestants are more creative than Catholics and Jews, new research has
"Researchers from the University of Illinois wanted to test a
previously-held theory that introverted people who suppress emotions about
sex and depravity are more creative than people who are more open and
Read more: **
*Aluminium for dinner again?*
Tapestry at the tap
The “chemtrails” we are all too familiar with after a 15-year dose continue
to inflict eye infections, nosebleeds, skin sores, muscle pain, chronic
exhaustion, weakened immunity, acute asthma a... more »
Mining 28: Markets, Government and Rule of Law

Of all sectors or industries in the Philippine economy, among the most
heavily regulated, taxed and intervened by the government are the mining,
pharmaceutical and petroleum industries. One proof if an industry is
heavily regulated is the existence of high black market presence in that
In the case of mining, it is the so-called “small-scale” gold and other
metallic mining. In pharmaceuticals, it is the presence of many
counterfeit, substandard or simply unregistered medicines and food
supplements. In the case of petroleum, it is the existence of huge volume
of oil smuggling... more »
A Mayor you can vote for
Crikey, it finally looks like there’s an Auckland mayoral candidate I can
vote for. And you can too. Because he’s the only mayoral candidate
promising to cut rates.
Affordable Auckland candidate for Waitemata & Gulf Stephen Berry is now
also a candidate for Mayor of Auckland. “I’ve been waiting for a candidate
with real policies that will promote affordable living to step up. As that
is yet to happen I am putting myself forward as the ratepayer’s champion
for the Auckland mayoralty.”
“Len Brown’s average rates increase of 2.9% is an attempt to disguise the
real problems that will... more »
They're Getting Much More Info Than You Know (And Know Much More Than You'd Believe)
Obama challenges GOP to accept corporate tax deal After reading the details
below you might be not be blamed for believing that there must be thousands
of al-Qaeda and its sympathizers in this country (or its close allies).
Sounds serious to me (although the idea of the NSA or CIA or DIA or . . .
(insert frighteningly powerful acronym here) . . . obeying the rules
historically seems to be a
There was something radical enough in the pope's remarks about Teh Gays to scare the crap out of the Church's righteous homo-haters

*"This is the worst coverage of a religious story I have seen to date."*
*-- Father Jonathan Morris, in "What Pope Francis really
said about gays -- and no, it's not new," on*
*"I wasn't great at judging homosexuals my first year in the job, either.
But now I can do it without thinking."*
*-- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia,
quoted by the Borowitz Report*
*by Ken*
So the Day One stories, aftter Pope Francis gave his surprise impromptu
press conference following his Brazilian beach party on World Youth Day,
were all about how His Holiness is OK with Teh Gays and who ... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Sign A Petition
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Deustche Bank de-leveraging at the fastest rate since the crisis of 2011 - So , have we started the silent crisis of 2013 - fated to come into view after September 22 , 2013 ?
If "Europe Is Fine" Why Is Deutsche Bank De-leveraging At The Fastest Pace
Since The Crisis of 2011?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/30/2013 21:12 -0400
- Bank of America
- Bank of America
- Deutsche Bank
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Financial Accounting Standards Board
- Gross Domestic Product
- None
- recovery
Early today, Deutsche Bank disappointed markets when it reported a second
quarter Net Income number of €335 million, or half of what the company made
in the... more »
RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : Prof Jay D. Jurie & Texas NAACP Pres Gary Bledsoe on Trayvon Martin
Florida Prof. Jay D. Jurie, left, and Gary Bledsoe, president, Texas
Rag Radio podcast:
The Rag Blog's Jay D. Jurie and
Austin attorney Gary Bledsoe
on the legacy of Trayvon Martin
They discuss the trial, racial profiling, the 'stand your ground' laws
and gun violence in America, the movement that has grown up in response
to the Zimmerman verdict, and President Obama's call
"A Gathering of the Tribe"
"A Gathering of the Tribe"
by Charles Eisenstein
"Once upon a time a great tribe of people lived in a world far away from
ours. Whether far away in space, or in time, or even outside of time, we do
not know. They lived in a state of enchantment and joy that few of us today
dare to believe could exist, except in those exceptional peak experiences
when we glimpse the true potential of life and mind.
One day the shaman of the tribe called a meeting. They gathered around him,
and he spoke very solemnly. "My friends," he said, "there is a world that
needs our help. It is called Ea... more »
Musical Interlude: Brulé & Airo, "Thunder Across The Plains"
Brulé and Airo, "Thunder Across The Plains"
O'odham VOICE against the Wall: US Border Patrol violates O'odham rights
VOICE against the WALL
P.O. Box 1835
AZ 85634
Ofelia Rivas
O’odham are Indigenous people, members of the Tohono O’odham Nation, a
federally-recognized Indian reservation in Pima and Maricopa County of
Southwestern Arizona, having continually since time immemorial conducted and
You Can Never Separate Conservatism And Corruption-- Not In The U.S., Not In Spain

This dirty little Spanish fascist didn't even make the trains run on time
There are certainly corrupt Democrats too-- plenty of them. But corruption
isn't *encouraged* by their party's Greed and Selfishness Ayn Randian
philosophical underpinnings. Conservatism is *about* what Depeche Mode
called the grabbing hands that get all they can. In the U.S. not many
people are paying attention to the colossal scandal being played out in
Spain, where a far right ideological maniac, Mariano Rajoy, managed to get
elected Prime Minister, completely tanked an already wobbly economy, while
lining h... more »
Gold in focus - pressure building up day its just going to blow !
30 JULY 2013
Unstoppable Demand Meets Undeliverable Object - A Run on the Bullion Banks
"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather
than surrender any material part of their advantage."
John Kenneth Galbraith, *The Age of Uncertainty*
If this is accurate, if this is really happening, I think that the effects
of this run on the bullion banks are going to hit quite a few people dead
cold, like a smack in the face.
That is because there is so little coverage of ... more »
Nude goddesses
There was one value above all the Ancient Greeks valued in their sports:
winning. But there was another, hardly less important: athletic beauty.
The ancient Greeks started the Olympic Games as a celebration of
athleticism and the human form. They didn’t have high tech body costumes
besmirched with bibs and large numbers pinned to the front. Instead, their
athletes were nude—in celebration of the human form, and of the gods in
whose superhuman feats the athletes performed in tribute.
ESPSN magazine continues this tradition today with the *ESPN: Body Issue*showcasing nude athletes... more »
Henry Geiger - We See What We Are (1980)
*Related: *
* Henry Geiger - Symbol And Myth (1974).*
*Henry Geiger - The Present And The Long View (1979)*.
*Henry Geiger - Moonshine And Sunlight (1984).*
* * * Henry Geiger - The Uses of Make Believe (1983).*
*Henry Geiger - Signs of A New Civilization (1980).*
* ** *
Henry Geiger (1908?-15 February 1989) was the editor, publisher, and chief
writer of MANAS Journal which published from 1948-1988. Abraham Maslow
called him “the only small ‘p’ philosopher America has produced in this
*Below is an excerpt from, "We See What We Are" by Henry Geiger. Sour... more »
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Pete
Papaherakles of *American Free Press*.
Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past
Below are links to some of the topics we discussed during this program:
- *Waiting for the Violence & Was Trayvon Hopped Up on
"Purple Drank"?*by John Friend and Pete Papaherakles
- *Mainstream Media Stokes Violence; DOJ Helped Organize
Protests *by John Friend
- *Larry Elder Destroys Piers Morgan - Zimmerman Verdict Debate*
- *Confronting the ADL's Campaign of Hate* by Vict... more »
Nelson Mandela and the Armed Struggle

"'The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two
choices – submit or fight.
That time has now come to South Africa.
We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in
our power in defence of our people, our future, and our freedom.'
Firstly, we believed that as a result of Government policy, violence by the
African people had become inevitable, and that unless responsible
leadership was given to canalise and control the feelings of our people,
there would be outbreaks of terrorism which would produce an intensity of
bitterness and ho... more »
PARCC 90210
PARCC will be field testing its assessments in fourteen states and DC next
spring. Normally I would be firing up the opt out machine to protest
another waste of my children’s time but a fellow education advocate gave me
a different idea: She stated “the only thing worse than no data is bad
data” referencing how […]
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's going on in the center of this spiral galaxy? Named the Sombrero
Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane
and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters. Reasons for the
Sombrero's hat-like appearance include an unusually large and extended
central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk
that we see nearly edge-on. Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of
the extended central bulge. Close inspection of the bulge in the above
photograph shows many points of light that are actually globular clusters.
*Cl... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"M78 isn't really hiding in planet Earth's night sky. About 1,600
light-years away and nestled in the nebula rich constellation Orion, the
large, bright, reflection nebula is well-known to telescopic skygazers. But
this gorgeous image of M78 was selected as the winner of the Hidden
Treasures 2010 astrophotography competition. Held by the European Southern
Observatory (ESO), the competition challenged amateur astronomers to
process data from ESO's astronomical archive in search of cosmic gems.
*Click image for larger size.*
The winning entry shows off amazing details within b... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"M78 isn't really hiding in planet Earth's night sky. About 1,600
light-years away and nestled in the nebula rich constellation Orion, the
large, bright, reflection nebula is well-known to telescopic skygazers. But
this gorgeous image of M78 was selected as the winner of the Hidden
Treasures 2010 astrophotography competition. Held by the European Southern
Observatory (ESO), the competition challenged amateur astronomers to
process data from ESO's astronomical archive in search of cosmic gems.
*Click image for larger size.*
The winning entry shows off amazing details w... more »
#SurveillanceState: An opposition leader has emerged
Why is Russel Norman considered by so many the de facto leader of the
opposition—*despite* Labour leader David Shearer having that titular role?
And why is Labour considering having Norman in a senior role in any
coalition they lead—despite his party’s loony economics, bankrupt proposalsand misanthropic
policy positions?
Perhaps he’s taken seriously, despite his frequent insanity, because when
he gets it right he’s good—he’s very good. And on his opposition to having
the GCSB listen in to all of us whenever they feel like; to the government
taking journalist’s phone records when... more »
Greece Bank bailout - 75 percent of funds already spent , problems fixed ? Lol ! On a similar note , the greater Greece bailoutts have resulted in 98,4 percent going back to the Troika to service Troika loans - way to fix the economy of Greece guys and gals ! Meanwhile the lies continue - remember joker PM Samaras pledging no additional taxes after the last round of new taxes ? Why do Greeks vote for folks that lie right to their faces ? Shutdown ERT rebels continue the good fight ......Greek police that have not yet been placed on administrative lists for future termination make arrests.......And so on , and so forth .....more folks being fired , VAT tax reduced - but is it really ? And when will Greece actually implement those 95 measures - or do they just rollover like option contracts perpetually or until after September 22 , 2013 ?
Greece Has Already Spent 75% Of Its Bank Bailout Cash
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/30/2013 12:29 -0400
- Eurozone
- Greece
- International Monetary Fund
- non-performing loans
- Recession
- Reuters
Eurozone taxpayers and the IMF are left wondering *what their bailout funds
have been spent on in Greece*. The Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF)
has spent EUR38bn (or 75% of its total) bolstering the capital of Greece's
four big... more »
*The Advocate adds third reporter to cover Saints*
Derrick Jensen, "Change"
* *
by Derrick Jensen
"History is predicated on at least two things, the first physical, the
second perceptual. As always, the physical and the perceptual are
intertwined. So far as the former, history is marked by change. An
individual’s history can be seen as a series of welcomings and
leavetakings, a growth in physical stature and abilities followed by a
tailing off, a gradual exchange of these abilities for memories,
experiences, and wisdom.
Social histories are similarly marked by change. The deforestation of the
Middle East to build the first cities. The firs... more »
“There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief...
and unspeakable love.”
- Washington Irving
"Choose A Side..."
"We Americans have a saying: "It's more important what you stand for than
who you stand with." I do not rely upon peer opinion to decide what is
right and what is wrong. I make those decisions for myself, and even if I
discover that every other human alive chose differently, that doesn't mean
I was wrong.
There comes a time in every man's life when he has to choose sides. I have
chosen my side. I am comfortable with my decision. I do not think everyone
on my side is a saint, but I know that those on the other side are much,
much worse.
Sometimes a man with too broad a perspecti... more »
The Zionist-Fundamentalist Christian-Saudi Wahhabi Alliance Against Peace And Humanity
*Photo Source*.
Below is a comment by "Smith" on the website *Going To Tehran*. Exact date
and time of comment: July 30, 2013 at 6:47 am.
Zionists believe they are the “chosen people”. So as per their ideology it
is not like they are to serve God but God is to serve them. Christians
believe that they are sinless people since they accepted Jesus as “son of
God” who gave his life for the sins of Christians (you can keep doing as
much sin as you want) so they are hastening “Rupture” and their own
“Salvation”. Wahabis think that they are the “Owners” of “true” Islam and
that Shias ... more »
Zapatistas Marcos 'Votan II L@s Guardian@s"
Julio del 2013.
Bueno, ahora sí sigue explicarles ya cómo va a estar esto de la
escuelita (la lista de útiles escolares, la metodología, l@s maestr@s,
el temario, los horarios, etc.), así que lo primero es…
Lo que necesita.
Lo único que objetivamente necesita usted para asistir a la escuelita
With support from @drjohnthompson, the case of the missing teaching experience #optorcop
This is really the last time I need to comment on this because we have to
move on. I told you, dear reader, of my attendance at a recent Fordham
event on the potential for opt outs of test-based accountability. Here’s
video of my question, comment. When I try to assert my credibility in
debates […]
Anthropology: “Monogamy May Sound Sweet, But Why It Evolved Isn't”
* *
*“Monogamy May Sound Sweet, But Why It Evolved Isn't”*
by Seth Borenstein
WASHINGTON (AP) — “Only a few species of mammals are monogamous, and now
dueling scientific teams think they've figured out why they got that way.
But their answers aren't exactly romantic. The answers aren't even the same.
One team looked just at primates, the animal group that includes apes and
monkeys. The researchers said the exclusive pairing of a male and a female
evolved as a way to let fathers defend their young against being killed by
other males. The other scientific team got a different answer... more »
Adam Smith rips film distributors a new one
Want to watch a film? Then cinema owners and film distributors want a
continuing favour from government to ensure you watch it when and where *they
*want you to.
For years, cinemas have enjoyed protection in law: a blanket ban on DVD,
Blu-Ray, Pay-Per-View or Free-To-Air providers bringing in new films for 9
months, giving cinema owners a ‘window’ in which to show new films held
open by government protection—and downloaders high motivation to harvest
films illegally online.
The government’s ban was supposed to be temporary. It has lasted now for
ten years. In that time the number... more »
*Algiers ferry service suspended "until further notice" ~Gambit*
The Daily "Near You?"
Tijeras, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"I Just Said..."
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Pope Francis greets a group of indigenous people
This Pope has inspired more hope in people worldwide than Obama has in his
term in office. He's even more liberal on gay rights than Obama. That's
beautifully strange. Source: romereports.
“The Logical (and Coming) End to the US Empire”
*“The Logical (and Coming) End to the US Empire”*
by Robert P. Abele
“There are numerous legal and ethical arguments that can and have been made
in opposition to U.S. foreign policy of raw aggression. For an example of
the illegalities of U.S. Empire, examine the Geneva Conventions, all four
of which directly proscribe what they each call “outrages” to human
dignity, “in particular humiliating and degrading treatment” (I, 1, 3). The
“outrages” are named specifically as torture, mutilation, cruel treatment,
taking hostages, murder, biological experimentation, and passing sentences... more »
Satire: “Scalia Offers to Help Pope Judge Gays”
* *
*“Scalia Offers to Help Pope Judge Gays”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Responding to Pope Francis’s suggestion
that the Pope is not capable of judging gays, Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia contacted the Vatican today to say that he would be “more than
happy” to help the Pontiff do so. “If he’s having trouble judging
homosexuals, well, then I’m his man,” Scalia told reporters after making
his offer. “I have over a quarter century of professional experience.”
Justice Scalia said that he was sympathetic to Pope Francis’s difficulty in
judging gays, but ... more »
People Like Us

The very words in our language are constructed to perpetuate the system
of control for which we were created. In a court of law or in a classroom
you are asked repeatedly “Do you understand?” Consenting verbally, with a
“yes”, declares that you “stand under” whoever did the asking and whatever
was asked.
The askers believe that wielding power over you increases their own. Thus,
they are threatened by any display of power they do not sanction. They
have been misled and are themselves “standing under” other askers of
manipulative questions.
The burgeoning monetary ... more »
How the Senate Deal is Working
The Senate today is confirming all the NLRB nominees. That's a big deal,
substantively and with regard to procedure. It means that Republicans
stayed with the nuclear-avoiding deal through the original seven nominees
that Harry Reid was attempting to get through -- given, that is, that
Barack Obama was willing to substitute two new NLRB nominees of his choice.
A little analysis.
Through the first four closely contested cloture votes -- Cordray for CFPB
Perez for Labor, McCarthy for EPA, and Hirozawa for NLRB...
Four Republicans voted for cloture all four times: Collins, Corker, McCa... more »
BOOKS / Ron Jacobs : Crary's '24/7': Wake Up Little Susie!
Wake up little Susie:
We’re in trouble deep
Crary's book provides a historical survey of capitalism’s growing encroachment on individual human life.
By Ron Jacobs / The Rag Blog / July 30, 2013
[24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep by Jonathan Crary (2013: Verso); 144 pp; $16.95.]
Most of us are familiar with the fact that the global financial markets run 24 hours a day and seven days
Racism Isn't Just An American Institution-- It's Everywhere There's An Active Right-Wing

Fascist hack Roberto Calderoli and Minister Cecile Kyenge
In April, Dr. Cécile Kyenge, originally born in the Congo, was sworn in as
Italy's Integration Minister. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies, she is
also the first black person in an Italian Cabinet. And neo-fascists, who
are a powerful, resurgent force in Italy, went bananas... literally. A far
right senator and former cabinet minister from Italy's GOP, the Northern
League, (Roberto Calderoli, but think Ted Cruz or Rand Paul) likened her to
an orangutan. Calderoli is the Vice President of the Senate. "When I see
images of Kyen... more »
Guantanamo in the Rearview Mirror

Here at the Duck and elsewhere, there has been much discussion of the gaps
between academia and the policy world. I took part in a program that seeks
to bridge that gap–the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs
Fellowship–which I have mentioned here before. One thing I did not
discuss here before is that such
Continue reading
Salon: AGW cause confined to a left-wing ghetto
Salon has reprinted an interesting sociological essay on the climate debate
originally written by Geoff Dembicki for Canada's The Tyee:
How to talk to a conservative about climate change
Dembicki, a left-wing alarmist, starts by admitting that during the recent
two decades, the climate worries have become increasingly confined to an
intellectually sterile environment of brainwashed and stubborn people whose
ideology strongly influences their very perception, something that Dembicki
calls the "left-wing ghetto".
People not heavily invested into the left-wing ideology tend to reject... more »
The Manning Verdict
Bradley Manning dodged the "aiding the enemy bullet" and life
imprisonment. What a relief it must be to him as he relishes spending only
the next 136 years of his existence in the slammer for the offenses
of embarrassing the power players of the United States of America and
lighting the democratic spark for the Arab Spring.
Let's see.... President Bush immediately commuted the sentence of
convicted felon Scooter Libby, who actually did endanger lives through his
lies and leaks. And only a week or so ago, President Obama quietly arranged
for the safe passage of a CIA agent who'd bee... more »
To follow up on Chris Cerrone’s great post on #ECE and #CCSS
Chris Cerrone has a great post up including some examples of first-grade
vocabulary from CCSS. Can it be argued as a good thing that first graders
are now going to be taught the meaning of Ziggurat? I thought the CCSS was
not supposed to be a checklist of things. Check out our most recent
interview […]
Yankton: Protect the Sacred, Oppose Keystone Tarsands Aug 16 -- 17, 2013
PICKSTOWN, SD – A conference is planned for August 16 & 17, 2013
at the Fort Randall Casino on the Yankton Sioux Reservation to promote
awareness of the man camps that are part of the proposed TransCanada
Corp oil pipeline that will run from Canada, North Dakota, eastern South
Dakota, and
No benefit of the doubt here
The government (especially IDS) and several voices from the Right side of
politics - from Stephen Glover to Janet Daley and Daniel Hannan - have
often been sharply critical of the BBC for what they see as its biased
reporting of the Coalition's benefit reforms. They argue that the BBC has
taken sides in the argument (consciously or unconsciously) - i.e. the side
of those who oppose the government's reforms.
Today's rejection by the High Court of challenge to one of the government's
key benefit reforms brought by a number of disabled claimants resulted in
the following cluster of st... more »
Shocker! (Least Revealing Revelation Ever)
Oh, c'mon, Mother Jones:
As Mother Jones revealed last week, Groundswell, the hush-hush right-wing
strategy group partly led by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas, wanted to hype the Benghazi tragedy into a
full-fledged scandal for the Obama administration, as part of its "30 front
war" on the president and progressives. A secret audio tape of one of
Groundswell's weekly meetings shows that prominent members of the group
pressed House Speaker John Boehner and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the
chair of the House oversight committee, to expand the Benghazi... more »
The Economy: "Bank Stealing Increases"
* *
*"Bank Stealing Increases"*
by Karl Denninger
"Note the "headline" here...
"Bank Revenues Surge on Trading Over What Fed Will Do"
"Diverging monetary policies are creating ideal conditions for banks to
make money from trading currencies as Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN) to
Goldman Sachs (GS) Group Inc. say rising volatility is boosting earnings.
“If there’s higher volatility, there’s higher volume and higher
opportunities for us to generate revenue,” Bernie Sinniah, the London-based
global head of corporate foreign-exchange sales at Citigroup Inc. (C), the
second-bi... more »

* *
*Bradley Manning*
Bradley Manning provided the world with evidence of US war crimes.
Manning got hold of a video showing the murder, by the US military, of 147
This massacre took place in the Afghan village of Granai, in 2009.
* *
*Bradley Manning*
Unfortunately, Manning gave the video to Wikileaks, which would appear to
be run by the CIA.
In March 2013, Julian Assange said that WikiLeaks had received the video
from Manning and described the incident as a "war crime," but said the
video was lost when Daniel Domscheit-Berg left the organization.[44]
*Bradley Mannin... more »
Here are a few odds and ends from my trip to Hawaii, Philippines, and
Australia. The Obama "pivot" to the Asia-Pacific is real, being debated
across the Pacific, and is still largely a mystery to the American people.
- One key strategy of the US is to get the "allies" to pay for as much
of the Pentagon pivot into the Asia-Pacific as possible. That's why we see
South Korea building the base on Jeju Island, the Philippines allowing the
US to dock ships at Subic Bay for free, and for the Australians to pay for
the upgrades at Robertson Barracks in Darwin where 2,500 ... more »
Groundswell - Don't Know About It - Time you did!!!
If you don’t know about this – time you did.
Time you spent 30 minutes edumacating yourself on the nastiness of the
*From MoJO this morning*
As Mother Jones revealed last week, Groundswell, the hush-hush right-wing
strategy group partly led by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas, wanted to hype the Benghazi tragedy into a
full-fledged scandal for the Obama administration, as part of its "30 front
war" on the president and progressives. A secret audio tape of one of
Groundswell's weekly meetings shows that prominent members of the group
pre... more »
Who LIED about ALEC?
In an article posted by an organization that sues way too many people for
using their material - the following statement was posted.
The group[ALEC] has attracted fierce criticism from such groups as Free
Press (CD April 9 p11), but it remains committed to transparent policy
discussions, its task force leaders told us.
Either ALEC successfully LIED to the press again.
The press successfully LIED to the public about ALEC, again.
Sooooo - - - - -
The American Legislative Exchange Council meeting in Chicago will be
anything but transparent. A meeting held behind closed doors, repo... more »
News report from 1981 about getting your newspaper on your home computer
How far we've come in 32 years... From no pictures in 1981 to what seems
like pretty much just pictures of semi naked women in the Daily Mail today.
Israel Matzav: It starts: 'Palestinian' terrorists shoot rocket at western Negev
The peace talks between Israel and terrorists who want to destroy Israel
and kill all Jews start, Israel releases a hundred terrorists as a
(misguided) show of good faith, the Palestinians respond with a rocket. I
presume that the BBC will be all over this....
More here at Israel Matzav but defintely not on the anti-Israel BBC.
Stafford Hospital nurses guilty of misconduct over diabetes death
The NHS is the envy of the world?
' Two nurses who failed to spot a patient who died at Stafford Hospital was
diabetic have been found guilty of misconduct.
On Monday the Nursing and Midwifery Council panel found Ann King and
Jeannette Coulson had failed to look at or update Gillian Astbury's records.
They also failed to carry out blood tests.
Ms Astbury, 66, died in April 2007 at the hospital after after she was not
given insulin.
The panel is now deciding what sanctions to take against the two nurses,
who have both since retired from the Mid Staffordshire NHS Tr... more »
A Million+ reasons to mistrust the BBC's education reporting?

Here's a little something I posted as a comment nearly three years ago at *Biased
Craig says:
October 16, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Catching up on this week’s editions of* Newsnight*. On Monday night (the
day of Lord Browne’s report on tuition fees), Michael Crick reported on the
strains in the coalition. He badgered a Lib Dem MP (Stephen Williams) over
the issue, then featured as ‘talking heads’ Pam Tatlow of*Million Plus*,
which he described as* “one university think tank”,* and a Labour MP called
Adrian Bailey. Pam Tatlow was very critical, and also attacked bankers and
the City. ... more »
Erin Burnett has nothing to say!
*TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2013*
*Hillary Weiner edition:* There are a few basic facts to keep in mind about
the celebrity press corps.
In the end, these people just aren’t very smart. Nor do they have any real
interest in any serious topic.
This explains why they should be forced to stick very closely to
traditional journalistic procedures.
Last night, Erin Burnett opened her program with a segment which seemed
extra dumb even to us. To us, her premise seemed a bit puzzling:
She wanted to know whether Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal “could affect
[Hillary] Clinton's potential 2016 pres... more »
See through solar cell 40% efficient

Researchers led by Yang Yang, the Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr.,
Professor of Engineering at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering
and Applied Science, said the new cells could serve as a power-generating
layer on windows and smartphone displays without compromising users'
ability to see through the surface. The cells can be produced so that they
appear light gray, green or brown, and so can blend with the color and
design features of buildings and surfaces.
The research was published online July 26 by *Energy & Environmental Science
*, a Royal Society of Chemistry jour... more »
"He's probably a closet-case."
Used to be, us progressive white males were REALLY sexist, homophobic,
racist pricks. (Some would argue that we still are, but that's a topic for
another day.) Back in the day, everyone I knew was a homophobe. Even my
[turned out to be] gay friend in high school would use the word "fag" as an
insult. [Probably just to get along and fit in.] The thing is, we'd think
nothing of mocking someone for being a "fag" or a "homo" or whatever.
My attitude started to really change in my early-twenties, after I read an
anthology of cartoonists opposed to Margaret Thatcher's anti-gay "clause 28... more »
What Caused the Iraq War? A Debate. Part 1 of 2
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Alexandre Debs and Nuno P. Monteiro,
both of Yale University. In it, they discuss the causes of the Iraq War, a
subject of some recent discussion at The Duck of Minerva. This post
discusses their forthcoming International Organization article, which is
now available as an “online first” piece and will be
Continue reading
Bolivia: Capitalizing on Green Economy isn't Harmony with Mother Earth
This document is an introduction to the proposal of Living Well in harmony
and balance with Mother Earth, based in Bolivia's position in the international
negotiations of the United Nations. This paper highlights the difference between
the proposal of the green economy and the strengthening the economy of Mother
Go Quietly... Or Else... - by Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew

*Agnew says: *
In Early October 1973, Kissingerite White House Chief of Staff, "General"
Al Haig came to him and said (in effect) :
*"If you do not resign - I will kill you."*
Agnew resigned, plead No Contest to a trumped up charge and was finished in
professional politics.
*But he survived. And wrote a book.*
*"Go Quietly... Or Else...." is Copyright 1980 and dedicated to Frank
On* March 30th 1981*, during a *Presidential Succession Drill*, a *sniper
team* and *MK-Ultra murder puppet *and most likely a pair of complicit
Secret Service details attempted to k... more »
"Bradley Manning" Doesn't Exist

Bullshit Decontamination Protocol: Primary Detox Phase
from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
This is what "Bradley" and his defence team if lawyers are willing to
concede in military court as established and irrefutable, uncontested fact.
His defence team is formally acknowledging as a statement of fact that
during Operation Neptune Spear on 2 May 2011, the US acquired documents
from UBL's computer establishing that UBL had requested and received DoD
data disclosed by Manning to Assange and posted to Wikileaks, making them
public domain.
That's one thing.
This may or may not be ... more »
You know a problem has become critical when it gets a snappy name.
Like the “ninis” in Honduras, young people who “ni trabaja ni estudia” -
neither work nor go to school.
About 24 per cent of Hondurans between 12 and 24 aren’t in school or
working, according to the latest numbers. That’s a problem on many levels.
Many youths with nothing to do get into trouble - gangs or petty crime or
early, ill-advised relationships. (About 25 per cent of births are to
women, or girls, under 18.)
And the country’s future prospects are blighted when such a huge portion of
the population lack educatio... more »
Terrance Nelson: Canadian courts seek to bankrupt rail blockaders
have decided that the government need not do anything, after 142 years,
the Government of Canada can continue to do nothing on its legal
obligations and CN and the immigrants to our lands are free to continue
to take everything from the indigenous people and pay nothing." --
Terrance Nelson
By Terrance Nelson
First Nation Roseau River Anishinabe
Censored News
James Edmond,
Bedroom Tax at the High Court
I was very sorry to hear the legal challenge to the bedroom tax was thrown
out of the High Court after just eight minutes. Sorry, but not at all
surprised. And, if I'm honest, right from the start I've been of the
opinion this action wouldn't go anywhere. Natural justice and that
administered by HM Courts and Tribunals Service seldom meet, and, indeed,
under the law, the government's bedroom tax has not broken it.
The grounds the policy were contested on were human rights laws; that the
policy unfairly discriminated against disabled people. It's incontestable
that it does. With Emp... more »
Alan Waldman: ‘Not Going Out’ is an Extremely Funny British TV Sitcom
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
Brilliant Lee Mack writes and stars in this truly wacky, unpredictable
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / July 30, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV dramas,
mysteries, and comedies from Canada, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Most are
'Nini' youth - not in school, not working - symptom of a failing country

Parents have to buy uniforms; government doesn't have to buy desks
You know a problem has become critical when it gets a snappy name.
Like the “ninis” in Honduras, young people who “ni trabaja ni estudia” -
neither work nor go to school.
About 24 per cent of Hondurans between 12 and 24 aren’t in school or
working, according to the latest numbers. That’s a problem on many levels.
Many youths with nothing to do get into trouble - gangs or petty crime or
early, ill-advised relationships. (About 25 per cent of births are to
women, or girls, under 18.)
And the country’s future prospects are... more »
Modern Cars Can Be Hacked -- Boats and Planes Next?
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Nicholas West
The question of whether or not modern cars can be hacked has been answered in
the wake of the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of
journalist Michael Hastings.
Dr. Kathleen Fisher spoke in 2012 about DARPA's High-Assurance Cyber
Military Systems (HACMS) program, making it clear that all modern cars
could be vulnerable to hacking and solutions need to be found.
Additional concerns are now being raised about the role GPS systems could
play in making it possible to hack boats, planes and other GPS-r... more »
'Fake Cops' Who Robbed People at Gunpoint in Detroit Turn Out to Be Real Cops
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See article here:
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Car Key Immobilizer Hack Revelations Blocked By UK Court
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Chris Carrington
The German car maker Volkswagen and the French group Thales have blocked a
move by researchers at Birmingham University (UK) to show how car
immobilizers can be hacked. They argue that the technology could be used by
criminals…which seems to confirm that the researchers are right that the
technology can be hacked.
“The University of Birmingham is disappointed with the judgement which did
not uphold the defence of academic freedom and public interest, but
respects the decision,” said a spokeswoman.
“It has... more »
DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome
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Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
*We’re no molecular biologists over here, but have you ever seen the sci-fi
flick Gattaca?*
In that 1997 film, society is structured around eugenics as people are
bioengineered to be ‘perfect specimens’, and one’s entire life and position
in the world is based on their genetics. Those conceived naturally without
genetic screening are proclaimed “invalid” and only allowed menial jobs,
despite the innate talents and skills they may possess. Alternately, the
2011 movie *In Time* portrays a dystopi... more »
NH Police View Peaceful Libertarian and Occupy Activists as Terrorists
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Lenco BearCat - Wiki image
*Activist Post*
Police in Concord, New Hampshire have applied for a grant to acquire a
$258,000 armored vehicle from the DHS to combat domestic terrorism.
According to their application, they cited "active threats" from domestic
"terror" groups like Free State Project and Occupy New Hampshire as the
primary reason for requiring this military equipment.
New Hampshire's *Union Leader* newspaper reports:
In its grant application to DHS, the police department said New Hampshire's
experience with terr... more »
The unelected Cathy Ashton
The BBC report that:
'The EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who met with Egypt's
former president Mohammed Morsi, has been speaking to the BBC.
Baroness Ashton is the first foreign diplomat to meet with the former
President since he was ousted from power in early July.
The BBC's Jim Muir asked the Baroness if she shared any common ground with
Mr Morsi: "There has to be a way of getting to the other side," she said.
Any common ground between Mohammed Morsi and Cathy Ashton? Let's see,
Mohammed Morsi was elected and then deposed whilst Cathy Ashton has never
been elected bu... more »
Playing Footsie With Fascists-- Will Obama Ever Learn?

Maybe you read the *NY Times* editorial over the weekend, The War Over
Health Care Exchanges.
To their shame and discredit, Republicans are trying to block efforts to
inform people about the law and are using scare tactics to keep them from
enrolling. The Republican mantra is that the nation will face economic and
medical catastrophe-- a “train wreck,” they say-- unless health care reform
is stopped in its tracks.
Their tactics are despicable. When Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of
health and human services, revealed that she was talking with the National
Football League and o... more »
Foo Fighters and the USS New York

Well, it’s happened again. Got an email about a Foo Fighter sighting at
end of World War II which was radar confirmed. The ship, the *USS New
York*apparently fired on the object without results which meant that
neither hit it nor drove it away. This all happened in the middle of
1945, sometime after the invasion of Iwo Jima and before the invasion of
USS New York in 1945.
According to the story, as told in several sources, it was about one
o’clock in the afternoon when the captain of the *New York* sounded
quarters. While the crew searched the sky fo... more »
"How America’s Working Stiffs Got Stiffed"
* *
*"How America’s Working Stiffs Got Stiffed"*
by Bill Bonner
"Amazing how much difference a few years make. We first visited China in
the 1980s. It was an appalling dump. Few cars. Few roads. Almost no decent
restaurants or hotels. Now in Beijing you see large black luxury
automobiles everywhere… and modern highways crisscrossing in front of huge
hotels and apartment buildings. The Chinese have made real progress! And
what about Americans? But let’s check in on Wall Street before we continue
our tale. Uh-huh… nothing much going on there. Monday was another lazy,
hazy summer da... more »
*Marigny homeowner Merritt Landry’s remanded to jail; bond was illegally
posted ~New Orleans Advocate*
*Update: Judge allows accused Marigny shooter to remain free on bond ~WDSU*
US Developing Mind Reading
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The US government is pouring money into a technology called fMRI,
functional magnetic resonance imaging, which measures changes in localized
brain activity over time by watching blood flow. And it can now be used to
infer information about our memories. It can tell things like what we have
actually seen or experienced. Though no court has admitted fMRI results as
evidence yet, the signs clearly point in that direction.
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Pediatrician Says 5-in-1 Vaccine Pushed by Bill Gates’ GAVI, WHO Will Kill 3,125 Babies
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*If the whole purpose of vaccines is to ‘save children’, why give a shot
that statistics indicate will HARM more kids than it will HELP?*
*Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
At least 70 infants across five developing nations have died shortly after
receiving a World Health Organization- (WHO) and GAVI-backed pentavalent
5-in-1 vaccine that combines the Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (or DPT)
shot with the Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b (or Hib) vaccines.
According to a recently published editorial in the *Indian Journal of
Medic... more »
The Mounties always get their man ... off
Like the other three RCMP officers, Constable Bill Bentley stated Robert Dziekanski
"grabbed a stapler and came at members screaming."
Paul Pritchard's video showed Dziekanski was backed up against a table with
his hands up.
At his inquiry, Justice Braidwood called their nearly identical explanations
"shameful", "patently unbelievable", and "deliberate misrepresentations of
what happened for the purpose of justifying their actions".
Yesterday B.C. Supreme Court Justice Mark McEwan found Bentley not guilty
of perjury :
"It is quite possible that the Pritchard video did not capture... more »
Refreshing and Amazing Strawberry Limeades

[image: Strawberry Limeades]
I may be obsessed with limeade. I can't remember the last time I made a
pitcher of lemonade in my house. We used to have different friends over for
dinner every week when we lived in Texas, and I was always delighted at the
looks of their faces when they realized that the delicious lemonade was
actually limeade. It is my absolutely favorite drink.
I have spent most of my life drinking it non-carbonated which I thought
was the best way, until I tried these. This drink is easy to make and
simply incredible. Delicious and refreshing. My husband begs me ... more »
Iraq Proposes Changing Its Provincial Borders

In July 2013, Iraq’s parliament passed along a draft law to redraw the
country’s provincial boundaries. The bill was proposed by President Jalal
Talabani back at the beginning of 2012 to reverse all the internal changes
made by Saddam Hussein. If passed it would dramatically change the internal
contours of the country. Unfortunately, Iraq’s legislature is not known for
its expertise. Many lawmakers are probably unaware of what the law would do
to Iraq. It would mean many elected politicians would lose their jobs or
get lower positions within existing governments. One thing the Ira... more »
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