1:57pm MDST
Tiwesdæg: the Left-hand of Linkage
Just a handful of things today…. Michael Krepon: “inferred vs. demonstrable
deterrence.” Election fraud, the 1862 election, and the outcome of the
Civil War. Matt Fay likes the new Lieber and Press article on nuclear
terrorism. “Prisoner’s Dilemma” is a metaphor, but I suppose it was only a
matter of time before someone tried it
Continue reading
About Those Israel Academic Study Trips…
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Kavita Khory, Professor of Political
Science at Mount Holyoke College. Last spring the Combined Jewish
Philanthropies (CJP) of Boston invited me to participate in a weeklong
study tour to Israel. Designed for scholars of international relations,
political science, and public policy, the purpose of the educational tour
Continue reading
The Plastic at the end of the world
By Capt. Fogg
It's impossible to sum up American culture these days. It's a farrago of
barbarian freak chic, phony Euro faddism, retro-futurism and gross
slob-snobbery. That's only a sample, of course. There are more
sub-cultures, cults of style and lack thereof than I care to or can
enumerate, but when a plain old cup of plain old coffee becomes an
"Americano" even in the heart of America -- when Wendy's serves "Tuscan"
hamburgers, when anything from dogfood to doughnuts, not made entirely by
robots is "Artisinal" (and perhaps Tuscan as well) I might have to stop
using the word... more »

*Just like that.*
We can now see the large baby.
Lady Colin Campbell claims that a French cook gave birth to the Queen's
Prince Albert Victor had sex with boy prostitutes, allegedly, and had an
affair with a shopgirl who gave him a child, allegedly.
Robert Brown claims to be the illegitimate son of Princess Margaret.
King Edward VIII married Wallis Simpson who, reportedly, was a man.
*There had been speculation that Kate Middleton was going to have twins.
*Jacintha Saldanha*, who was one of Kate's nurses in the Royal Marsden,
died in myst... more »
Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Dead On Arrival (Just As I Have Always Said!)

I have said in countless articles before that the entire Israel/Palestinian
"Peace Process" is nothing more than a sham and a total fraud. The facts
are simple... Israel absolutely does not want peace with the Palestinians,
ever.... They want territory, and they want the Palestinians OUT of
Palestine, period!
I want to present the following article that comes from the Activist Post
website, at www.activistpost.com, by author Stephen Lendman. It is
entitled: "Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Dead On Arrival", and it backs
up everything that I have said many times that the entire Pea... more »
'... it's a black boy'
The strangest reaction to the news of the birth of 'the Royal Baby... Most
The Carefully Engineered Ascendancy of Public Stupidity
Maybe people who had survived the Great Depression and World War II were a
little more wary, spent a little more time looking over their shoulders.
The postwar years gave rise to a period of insight and enlightenment that
was abruptly arrested in the late 70's, early 80's with the arrival on the
world scene of leaders like Reagan and Thatcher. According to professor
and renowned culture critic, Henry Giroux, they and their minions ushered
in what has become the era of public stupidity.
Here are a few excerpts from Giroux's timely warning. I hope they will
pique your interest en... more »
No Use Suing Over Spilled Wine, Eh?

This one's going to pull at your heartstrings. It concerns an overlooked
group of victims of Hurricane Sandy who may have suffered enormous losses
into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars from the
deluge. Can you feel the pity welling up yet?
Who are these people? They're super-rich folks, the type who have really
valuable wine collections so precious that they entrusted their treasured
vintages to a special wine cellar for safekeeping.
*For the New York high-flyers who entrusted their vintage wines to a
high-tech Manhattan storage cellar, 24-hour security and... more »
Nerissa and Katherine

John Herbert Bowes-Lyon death notice from the Times, 11 Feb. 1930, page 17.
The text reads:
"MR. JOHN BOWES-LYON. The Duke and Duchess of York were present at the
funeral at St. Paul's, Walden, yesterday, of the Hon. John Herbert
Bowes-Lyon. The service, which was conducted by the Rev. H. S. C.
Whitehouse (the vicar), was of the simplest character.
"The chief mourners word the Hon. Mrs. John. Bowes-Lyon (widow), the Earl
and Countess of Strathmore (parents), Lord and Lady Glamis (brother and
sister-in-law), the Duke and Duchess of York (brother-in-law and sister),
the Hon. Dav... more »
Brunette Wings

Its quiet here this morning, and cooler. The birds are not calling to
each other, but chirping amongst themselves. A hawk soars overhead while
the cicadas are silent. In the distance there are storm clouds. All seems
not waiting so much as watching… what is coming is gonna be wild.
The preparations have been made. There’s not much to say to each other
now, we are down to the doing. By all reports we are feeling isolated yet
no longer confused; we know who we are and what we came to do. What burns
through us now is a knowing. The truth of who you are has spoken. Whis... more »
Cliche amnesty
Perhaps we need a cliche amnesty for "organic" and "bureaucratic", which
have come to mean stuff-happening-that-I-like and
stuff-happening-that-I-don't-like. Organic is a really bad metaphor for
socialist politics. Organic (in this context) signifies ineluctable
development. Organic development under capitalism is the expanded
reproduction of capital. Socialist organisations are not organic; they do
not develop according to progressively unfolding laws but according to a
well-judged collective will.

She was born into an Irish American family at her parents' home in
Brookline, Massachusetts, and named *Rose Marie Kennedy* after her mother,
but was commonly called *Rosemary. *
To her family, she was known as
The Kennedy Family at Hyannis Port, 04 September 1931.
L-R: Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy, Jean Kennedy (on lap
of) Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (behind) Patricia
Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (behind) Rosemary Kennedy.
Edward Kennedy was not born yet.
Dog in foreground is "Buddy".
Rose sent Rosemary ... more »
We keep returning to this editorial!
*TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013*
*It still doesn’t seem to make sense:* Thanks to Kevin Drum’s work on the
topic, we often wonder if the nation’s improved test scores are in part a
reflection of lead abatement.
Lead has been removed from the air. Lead paint has been removed from walls.
This improvement in the environment would tend to make children smarter.
On the other hand: When we read the New York Times, we sometimes wonder if
some unknown environmental factor is making our ruling elites much dumber.
By now, we’ve returned, several times, to this July 15 editorial, “Trayvon
Martin’s L... more »
Tom Hayden : Trayvon Martin and the Super-Predator Myth
by Joshua Trujillo / AP Images / SeattlePI.com
The super-predator myth:
Trayvon died for our sins
The evidence of a violently divided America can be understood in the
failure of the criminal justice system, where rationality and
objectivity are supposed to prevail
By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / July 23, 2013
For Trayvon Martin and his family I feel a sadness that will not lift.
Mechanical characters mass-produced by Disney, cyborgs at Harvard
Apologies to TRF readers – I was too busy these days: traveling, swimming,
walking, and more. Here's a recreational blog entry. In the following
video, you may see some cute mechanical puppets displaying some highly
realistic motion:
In fact, Disney Research has a whole infrastructure to mass-produce toys of
various kinds.
If that's too mundane and old-fashioned a piece of technology for you,
let's try something else.
Nature Materials just published a paper
Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues
by a Harvard-HMS-MIT collaboration. They develop ... more »
The #commoncore is the #royalbaby of #edreform…
That is, born of tremendous hype to parents of outrageous privilege whose
credentials as human beings are that they were themselves born of privilege
and so on for completely arbitrary and manufactured reasons, generally
without merit, yet painfully, painfully average in almost every way. We
plebes, we add meaning to it all, behave as if […]
Your survey once again used incorrectly, we told you so. @rweingarten @AFTunion #teach13
In discussions on the Common Core, regardless of the available critiques, I
always seem to get this idea that there is overwhelming and strong support
for the CCSS from ALL teachers. You read that, ALL TEACHERS! To wit:
@thechalkface AFT: 75% of teachers support CCSS but say haven’t had enough
time 2 understand & put […]
Season of drought
It is so dry now, my desiccated friend
spits in the bowl of his pipe before applying
flame to its bitter balm, for some kind of balance.
We walk on rustling mulch to study rustling leaves,
folded in desperate prayer, of what will surely be,
still, next year, an orchard and a kitchen garden
if -- large if -- the well does not run dry.
Everywhere are wasps, sipping at beetles'
abdomens, having small aphids for dessert.
The birds have capped their singing, panting in
small shade. "Ninety, ninety, ninety-three and ninety,
ninety-one today, and ninety yet
for all the week ahead, with this dr... more »
ALEC Board Member - Moffitt (NC) Stealing City Water System
I saw this - this morning and really could not grasp what I had read.
*In our part of the state, legislators associated with the
pro-privatization, pro-corporatization group ALEC (the American Legislative
Exchange Council) took the shocking step of having the state seize
Asheville’s award-winning public water system without compensation. Locals
fear this is the first step in privatizing one of the purest watersheds in
the country.*
*State legislation that intentionally and with malice, STEALS a cities
water system.*
So I went looking for more* and found this*
An informational s... more »
Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Medicine for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, and GMO Damage by Christina Sarich

Source: http://www.salviatruth.com/
Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Medicine for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart
Attacks, and GMO Damage
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 23 July 2013
The oldest written reference to Dan Shen has been uncovered in *Shen Nun
Ben Cao* (*The Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica*), dated
at about 200 CE.
Dan Shen root, otherwise known as Salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, (and sometimes
referred to as Red Sage or Chinese Sage) is an incredible super food or
herb used traditionally in Chinese medicine for numerous ailments includingthe improvement ... more »
Capital Income Taxation
Alan Viard offers his perspective on this key debate.
*City orders boil water advisory for Carrollton area where water main break
floods streets ~New Orleans Advocate*
The Feral Hogs of High Finance

The *Toronto Star's* Richard Gwyn chronicles how the masters of high
finance have fallen low.
*Today the status of the professions of banking and of financial management
is nearer to that long occupied — most times quite unfairly so, in fact —
by used car dealers.*
*A couple of weeks ago, a senior member of the august U.S. Federal Reserve
Bank used the phrase “feral hogs” to describe the actions of some in the
banking industry.*
*According to a retired Goldman Sachs vice-president, the managers of this
financial company refer to their own clients as “muppets,” while the
co... more »
Iraq’s Shiite Militias Trying To Impose Religious Beliefs On Baghdad Again

Besides the daily regimen of bombings and shootings Iraq has also witnessed
a number of attacks upon clubs, bars, cafes, liquor stores, and women since
2003. This year is no different with reports emerging of a number of
closures, beatings, and drive by shootings of various businesses in
Baghdad. While no one has been named, it is widely believed that Shiite
militias are responsible. Several politicians have come out in support of
these operations, claiming that they are enforcing the public’s morals and
restrictions during Ramadan. The government on the other hand has issued a
nu... more »
Fascism And Contemporary Canada. Locating The Canadian Conservative Government Led By Stephen Harper. Part One.
Written by rmathew@telus.net
The fact is surprising and alarming. A phrase that would have been
impossible to speak in Canada before the Stephen Harper-led Conservative
entry into Canadian politics is now almost an accepted expression.
Language is not meaningless - even the federal Conservative cabinet’s
Orwellian mask-language has meaning … paid attention to. “Democracy” in the
mouths of Stephen Harper and John Baird and James Moore means increasing
environmental irresponsibility, increasing government by private
corporations, and the total disregard of Canadian wishes, on ... more »
Don't Minnesota Voters Deserve A Choice? Joe Perske Is NOT A Choice... In Fact, He's Anti-Choice

Hard to imagine, but MN-06 is likely to wind up with someone WORSE than
Drowning in scandal and extremism-- and facing a rematch with Jim Graves,
the Democrat who nearly beat her last year-- Bachmann was
uncharacteristically wise to announce her retirement from Congress. The
Republicans are finding some other lunatic-- probably right-wing lobbyist
Tom Emmer-- to represent Minnesota's 6th CD. Although the DCCC ignored
Graves last year, they were as stunned by his success as Bachmann was and
they promised to help him next year. Not counting outside money, Bachmann
spent $11,... more »
This is How We Look to the Neighbours

Here's a fascinating photograph showing how Earth appears from Saturn.
The image was taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
We're that blue dot just below the bottom ring. We are indeed the "pale
blue dot" mentioned by Carl Sagan in 1990. Here's another, black and
white, of Earth and our moon taken by Cassini.
These photographs were made possible when Saturn briefly shaded Cassini
from the sun's rays.
War against Iran, Iraq and Syria?
Anonymous left a Pipelinestan piece from* Pepe Escobar @ AT:*
Thanks, it works very well with the pieces I already had set aside for
today's post.
So......here we go
Picture Iraqi Oil Minister Abdelkarim al-Luaybi, Syrian Oil Minister Sufian
Allaw, and the current Iranian caretaker Oil Minister Mohammad Aliabadi
getting together in the port of Assalouyeh, southern Iran, to* ** to sign a memorandum
of understanding for the construction of the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline,
no less. *
Pipelinestan is one of the fundamental reasons *(but,not the only reason)*for the proxy war in Syri... more »
The Economy: "Goodbye, Motor City"
* *
*"Goodbye, Motor City"*
by Bill Bonner
"Yesterday, US stocks went nowhere. But gold? It shot up $43 per ounce. If
you’ve been following these diaries, you know why. Gold is not the only
money. But it’s the only kind the works in our extended economy. Today, we
approach the same story from a different angle. It is the story of what
happens next – when the growing power of zombies meets declining available
Motor City has been flattened. Now it’s being scrapped. The largest
municipal bankruptcy in history. Detroit was once one of the richest, and
most dynamic, cities... more »
What are children being told?
*TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013*
*About the Zimmerman verdict:* What are children being told about the
killing of Trayvon Martin? About the Zimmerman verdict?
On the morning after the verdict, Benjamin Jealous raised this question. He
spoke with Candy Crowley as part of an error-riddled State of the Union
All the hacks stated their favorite fake facts. Jealous was deeply
JEALOUS (7/14/13): We should listen for our young people and search with
them when they ask how is it that young Trayvon Martin could be killed by
George Zimmerman and George Zimmerman gets no time wh... more »
Kids Craft: Painted Canvas Shoes

It seems like the longer the summer goes on, the more bored my daughter
gets. We are both looking forward to school and activities it brings with
it. I have been trying to have a craft for my daughter to do every day, to
keep her busy.
A day a few weeks ago, my daughter slipped on her canvas shoes, the shoes
were pretty dingy looking and I light bulb went off. I grabbed a garbage
sack (to paint on), some foam brushes and my box of acrylic paint. We sat
outside in the shade and painted her shoes together.
You will need:
Canvas Shoes, they can be new or old
acrylic paint
foam brushe... more »
“The Joys of Living”
* *
*“The Joys of Living”*
by Jeffrey Tucker
"What are you complaining about all the time?” people sometimes ask me.
“I’m just about as free as I want to be.” Here’s the problem. How can we
really know what we want if we’ve never had it before? The less free we
are, the less we know what freedom feels like and how it shapes who we are.
The more dependent on government we become, the less we crave independence.
This is why it is important to find literature that takes us out of our
present moment and introduces us to different ways of thinking. We have to
imagine a different ideal... more »
Where's the Outrage?
Let's see what I can do with this article by Richard Eskow entitled "Where
the Hell Is the Outrage?" on Common Dreams.
From the first breaths of life to the last, our lives are being stolen out
from under us. From infant care and early education to Social Security and
Medicare, the dominant economic ideology is demanding more lifelong
sacrifices from the vulnerable to appease the gods of wealth.
Well, harper already kiboshed the long-overdue national daycare program
that Paul ("Mr. Dithers") Martin coughed up to try to preserve his
government after decades of austerity. Our schools ... more »
“The Joys of Living”; Free Downloads of Orison Swett Marden
* *
*“The Joys of Living”*
by Orison Swett Marden
“Resolve every morning that you will get the most out of that day, not of
some day in the future, when you are better off, when you have a family,
when your children are grown up, when you have overcome your difficulties.
You never will overcome them all. You will never be able to eliminate all
the things which annoy, trouble, and cause friction in your life. You will
never get rid of all the little enemies of your happiness, the hundred and
one little annoyances, but you can make the most of things as they are.
The reason why ou... more »

*A New Start ~Moosedenied **~ Welcome back to the most wonderful time of
the year, bitches! Hope you're ready to put pretty much everything else on
the back burner for the next six months. By all accounts, the Saints have
had themselves one hell of a positive offseason. For example, they're one
of a dwindling handful of NFL teams who managed to make it through the last
six months without any of their players murdering anyone. So we've got that
going for us. High five? Gotta love that high-character locker room! Word
on the street is that (so far) even John Jenkins has been obtaining ... more »
Did Stephen Harper Tell Premier Brad Wall To Tone Down Any Talk About Abolishing The Senate?

[image: Progressive Bloggers]* *
*We have a bit of a political mystery in Saskatchewan today. *
*Recently, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall stated very clearly that he had
changed his mind on the Canadian Senate. Rather than trying to 'fix' the
unelected, undemocratic institution, Wall said that he now favoured
abolition. In fact, Wall quickly arranged for a referendum of members of
his Saskatchewan Party to reverse their existing policy on Senate reform.*
**What was interesting during Wall's 'abolition' pronouncements, was the
fact that Prime Minister Stephen Harper had no comment... more »
C'mon, Reporters, Really????? (Yet Again)
Another one? This time (and it was yesterday; just caught it now),
Huffington Post gives us a story about how Mike Lee, the Tea Partying Utah
Senator, is threatening that Republicans will shut the government down in
order to defund the Affordable Care Act.
Down in the story, it is revealed that Lee speaks for a group of a dozen or
so Republican Senators. That's not very many! But what the story doesn't
tell you is even more important: Mike Lee isn't going to vote for the
continuing resolution no matter what. He, and the others in his camp,
aren't going to be in any negotiations over... more »
UNWRA fund Camp Jihad
In one part, campers are encouraged to chant:
"With God's help and our own strength we will wage war. And with education
and jihad we will return!"
At another point, a camp instructor brands Jews as "wolves."
Ah the peace loving, Israel & Jew hating Palestinians and their similarly
minded United Nations supporters.
*Thanks to Jihad Watch for the spot.*
Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Dead on Arrival
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration Stephen Lendman
So-called peace talks are fake. They're a sham. They've always been this
way. Decades of talks were stillborn from inception. This time's no
Chances for a just peace are ZERO. Palestinians have no say. Believing
otherwise defies reality.
Israel deplores peace. So does Washington. They're jointly running things.
Both nations are longstanding imperial partners. They prioritize violence
and instability. Peace defeats their agenda.
They don't negotiate. They demand. It bears repeat... more »
SERVANTS TO CRUMP: Alvarez hears a second shot!
*TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013*
*Part 2—Truly heinous conduct:* Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in
Sanford, Florida on Sunday evening, February 26.
The Orlando Sentinel is the local big-city daily. Except for a brief crime
report on February 28, the Sentinel began to cover the case on March 9.
In that initial news report, the Sentinel reported that Tracy Martin had
called for George Zimmerman’s arrest at a news conference in Orlando. Later
in her report, Rene Stutzman described the state of the investigation and
noted some points of agreement:
STUTZMAN (3/9/12): Police are still inves... more »
US Justice Department Official: Executive Branch Holds No Accountability to Courts Over Drone Strikes
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Paul Lawrance
Judge Rosemary M. Collyer of the United States District Court challenged
the Obama administration’s claim that courts have no power over targeted
drone killings of American citizens overseas last week during a hearing
where the government requested to dismiss a lawsuit filed by relatives of
three Americans killed in two drone strikes in Yemen.
On Friday Judge Collyer asked Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brain
Hauck, “Are you saying that a US citizen targeted by the United States in a
foreign c... more »
Time (part 2)
Last night I posted some video of Steve Cram's 1500m world record run from
I know that I could post any number of Seb Coe or Steve Ovett runs over the
same distance or the Mile but instead here's a little remembered race over
two miles between Steve Ovett and Henry Rono from 1978...
What a great run but it's scary how old this tape looks...
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Victims of a Toxic Civilization
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Daisy Luther
Sometimes even worse than having a mysterious illness is the fact that no
one in the medical profession believes that you have this illness. Or,
still worse than that, they don’t believe that the illness even exists.
Imagine being desperately ill and having your doctor tell you that it’s all
in your head. Imagine being so incredibly ill that you are wasting away in
front of your family’s eyes, and having your physician prescribe you
psychiatric medications. Imagine that in your search for answers, you spend
eve... more »
Federal Services Data hub: mysterious, centralized database will contain tons of your private data
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Madison Ruppert
While many news outlets are discussing the exposure of the National
Security Agency’s surveillance programs, far fewer are discussing the
“Federal Data Services Hub,” a database created by the Affordable Care Act.
The hub will allow access to one of the largest centralized collections of
personal data in American history, perhaps even dwarfing the Next
Generation Identification program and its predecessor, Secure Communities.
Stephen Parente, finance professor t the University of Minnesota, and Paul
Howard, d... more »
The Obama Family Goes on a Much-Needed Vacation…Again
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Kimberly Paxton
The Obama family needs a vacation. After all, it’s been almost a month
since they returned from the $100 million taxpayer-funded African safari.
(Yep, that’s right – ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.)
Since then, the President has been busy trying to browbeat other countries
into turning over Ed Snowden and spending a great deal of time involving
himself in the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. It’s hard work
being the driving force behind an assault on privacy while also maintaining
a position as the R... more »

*Sheriff Gusman keeps jail plans under wraps ~John Simerman, New Orleans
*Trouble in the Garden District ~Robert Morris, Gambit*
*Entergy offers to greatly increase utility rates ~Mark Ballard*
*NOPD manpower down while homicide solve rate going up ~WVUE*
*Milkfish on the move ~Ian McNulty, Gambit * *Le bijou sur le Bayou Teche* The
brown pelican became Louisiana’s state bird in 1966---but where were the
pelicans? The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s website tells us that pelicans
nearly disappeared from North American between the late 1950s and early
1970s---and were comp... more »
Humanity is the worst obstacle to it's own higher learning.......
*The context for this saying is the conforming oppression of society upon
the unique individual.*
**"Humanity is the worst obstacle to it's own higher learning. More then
anything else that might be cited (such as language skills or imaginative
facilities) this is what makes our species unique. We are encouraged by
society to serve and perpetuate the given order, not the higher order of
evolutional striving"*
*John Lash*
Runaway Train
A facebook conversation reminded me of the cartoon video "Runaway", which I
first posted three years ago. I was surprised when I looked on youtube and
saw that despite winning many awards it has received only fewer than 15,000
views, because I think it is one of the most marvelous animations I have
ever seen (right up there with Steve Cutts’ masterpiece “Man“ which has
received over 4 million). It's especially sad because it took the
filmmaker, Cordell Barker, eight *years *to complete the hand-drawn
animation...to say nothing of the excellent score that illuminates it,
written by ... more »
Get Your Common Corporate Test for Just $29.95, or Wait for the Fire Sale
One of the two ginormous Common Corp consortia, PARCC, finally priced their
product line yesterday. The $29.95 per student does not include costs for
professional development, diagnostic tests, formative tests, interim tests,
speaking and listening tests (required), or any of the necessary technology
infrastructure costs for installation, training, security, and repairs
resulting from unplanned breakdowns, […]
Edu-Terrorists - An ALEC Policy Item?
BURNING books - would never be accepted by our society.
So the conservative movement appears to have hatched a new way of "burning
books" - remove the books from circulation.
Three things that I want to bring to your attention before we start this
ALEC is an organization of ultra-conservative right wing extremists.
ALEC is an extremist organization – they are NOT centrists or moderates.
Many ALEC members are on the Board of Regents of universities across the
United States.
Being exposed to alternate views of thinking is a way of refining your
thought process.
Peopl... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Daniel Radcliffe, 24.
Plus some good stuff:
1. Steve Kornacki on how Chris Christie may have a serious campaign finance
dilemma in 2016.
2. Bruce Reed's political education.
3. Good Ezra Klein interview with *This Town* author Mark Leibovich.
Actually, the good parts are mostly the questions, but worth reading for
#PARCC releases cost assessments. Even $1.00 is too much on this nonsense
The counters of beans can rejoice: PARCC will “only” cost states on average
of $29.95 per student for both ELA and math. Good thing they kept it under
$30, or like the special at Wal-Mart on the Hal Leonard Play Guitar Today!
kit, I wouldn’t have bought it. Does this $29.95 include a volume discount?
I’m not […]
Is Fred Upton Still Fit To Represent Ordinary Working Families In Southwest Michigan?

Michigan could be a very fertile hunting ground for the DCCC. All that
stands in the way is its own chairman, former Center Aisle Caucus big-shot
and founder who refuses to allow the DCCC to target any of his former frat
brothers, no matter how detestable they are. And in Michigan that means
free passes for some very vulnerable Republicans: Fred Upton, chairman of
the House Energy and Commerce Committee; Dave Camp, chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee; Mike Rogers, chairman of the Select Committee on
Intelligence. Aside from being powerful committee chairs-- and pals of
... more »
Muslim Brotherhood Works For Israel- Why Am I Not Surprised?

When the latest uprising in Egypt occurred just last month, I knew
something did not seem right... We had the reports of Morsi forced to step
down by the Egyptian military and news that he would be replaced by someone
out of the "Muslim Brotherhood".... But for the longest time, I had a
nagging feeling that the so called Muslim Brotherhood was absolutely not as
they seemed.... I had warned in previous articles and rants that it seems
that this group had a hidden agenda of tearing Egypt apart, which was
exactly what the criminal and terrorist state of Israel has long desired!
Well, l... more »
Dolphins identifies each other by name
*Scientists have found additional evidence that dolphins call each other by
name. *Study has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to
recognize each other. A team from the University of St Andrews in Scotland
found that when the animals hear their own call played back to them, they
The study is published in the actions of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr Vincent Janik, from the university's Sea Mammal Research Unit, supposed
Dolphins live in this three-dimensional environment, offshore without any
kind of landmarks and they need to stay jointly as a g... more »
Pulling Apart

For those who view economics as a morality play, Detroit's bankruptcy is
another example of an economic sinner in the hands of an angry god. For
those who view economics as a Darwinian test of survival, Detroit is just
another species that didn't make the cut. The truth is that Detroit
illustrates the consequences of the economic policies of the last
thirty-five years. For the city -- like the American middle class itself --
has been hollowed out. Consider, Robert Reich writes, the following:
Detroit is a devastatingly poor, mostly black, increasingly abandoned
island in the mids... more »
Defence of fair comment requires factual foundation disclosed or obvious to audience
Mainstream Canada v. Staniford, 2013 BCCA 341 holds:
[24] In order for the defence of fair comment to succeed, it is
necessary for the comment to have a factual foundation or factual
substratum. The comment must be an expression of opinion on a known set of
facts, and the audience must be in a position to assess or evaluate the
comment. The rationale for this requirement was explained over a century
ago in the South African case decided by the Transvaal Supreme Court in *Roos
v. Stent and Pretoria Printing Works, Ltd.*,* *1909 T.S. 988 at 998 per
Innes C.J.:
But it is ob... more »
Fukushima updates - FUBAR continues at the Godzilla Nuclear Facility , radiation contamination updates !
[Nothing settled] Steam from reactor3 again
Posted by *Mochizuki* on July 23rd, 2013 · 1 Comment
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Following up this article..*Thermography shows 50℃ on operation floor of
“steaming” reactor3* [URL]
On 7/23/2013, Tepco announced they observed *the “steam” coming out from
the same location of reactor3 again.*
Tepco was stating it was the rainwater heated on the top of the RPV.
There is no abnormality in the plant parameter and the monitoring post
according to Tepco.
This is a follow-up report on the statuse... more »
Spain introduces draconian profit caps for the solar industry - watch the solar industry die in spain !
Spain’s solar industry to collapse as govt introduces draconian profit caps
Get short URL
Published time: July 23, 2013 10:52
[image: This handout picture released by Gemasolar shows the Torresol
Energy Gemasolar thermasolar plant in Fuentes de Andalucia near Sevilla,
southern Spain. (AFP Photo/Gemasolar)]
This handout picture released by Gemasolar shows the Torresol Energy
Gemasolar thermasolar plant in Fuentes de Andalucia near Sevilla, southern
Spain. (AFP Photo/Gemasolar)
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Economy, Energy, Europe, Prices... more »
Don Martin Agrees With Me
Don Martin agrees with me about the rumours of stephen harper's political
The reality is this:
*1. *Stephen Harper has a firm grip on the Conservative leadership and
will, without any self-doubt or hesitation, fight the next election,
supremely confident in securing another victory.
Harper has dedicated his political life to defeating Liberals and smearing
the party leaders with attack ads.
To meekly run away from ominous polling which, for the moment anyway,
favors a Trudeau reincarnation would humiliate Harper personally and taint
his fearless-leader legacy politicall... more »
It Got Them Killed: Jacintha Saldanha

*Jacintha Saldanha*
*1966 - 2012*
*Cause of Death:*
Suidcided by MI5 Signature "Tragic Wanking Accident"
(Autoerotic Asphyxiation)
*Likely Suspects:*
MI5 and the Royals
And the Bodyguard of Lies.
*These are the emails I nearly sent in to the Blairite vulture Keith Vaz,
Westminster Coroner's Office and Private Eye last December, before thinking
better of it...*
" Detective Chief Inspector James Harman of the Met told the hearing:
“Jacintha Saldanha was found by a colleague and a member of security
hanging from a scarf attached to a wardrobe. Th... more »
The Grand Overview - the jump into a New Age?
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 9 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/6OsuiRmexWk - click in picture to start this film!
*Who was "there"* has experienced "it"... Who wasn't "there" still needs to
find out what life means.
Yet, I am still concerned about the stupidity of claims like: "So the
astronauts have become New Age Air heads..." in the commentaries to this
film. There are people who never learn (or even want that).
Pornography filters for the UK
I see that David Cameron has decided that he must 'do something' about
children accessing porn on the internet and thus he's decided that
everybody will be denied access to porn unless they opt to be able to
access it.
Hmm, I foresee a few problems:
1. *Proxy Servers* - Has David Cameron ever heard of proxy servers? These
nifty web services allow you to access any website from anywhere, so long
as you can access the proxy server. Using the proxy server means that you
can surf anything your heart (or other bodily organ) desires and there's
nothing that the UK government can do about ... more »
The Coup Saved Egypt . . . And Developments In Syria
*Source of picture*.* *
*I. The Coup Saved Egypt.*
Read: *"Muslim Brotherhood Wanted Egypt’s Break-Up for Israel with a
An excerpt from, *"Egypt: do you support a military coup d’état in
Egypt?"*by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, July 16, 2013.
"I would like to point out that there was no possible solution to the
Egyptian crisis other than the intervention of the army, which explains
33 million Egyptians took to the streets to celebrate the coup d’état.
choice was not between democracy and a coup d’état, but between a coup
d’état and civil war.
I dep... more »
It's a small small small Con world

*Top Conservative party operative says she didn’t know of plan to cover
Duffy expense tab*, reads the headline.
Nor did she speak to Nigel Wright or Senator Gerstein about it apparently.
That top party op is Pierre Poilievre's ex, Jenni Byrne - Conservative
Party director of political operations, national Con campaign director
during the 2011 election, and Steve's once and perhaps future director of
issues management in the PMO.
But then when you read the article, it turns out to be the Con Party
spokesy Fred DeLorey answering all the reporter's questions on Byrne's
behalf by ema... more »
EFN Asia 25: The ASEAN Economic Community in 2015

The Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia http://efnasia.org/ posted today a
new report on scooping of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) future, less
than two years from now.
I already like the current set up, especially the visa-free entry to visit
any of the nine other members of the 10 member-countries of the Association
of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) for visits less than 30 days, or less
than 15 days in some countries. Thus, it is very convenient for me and
other Filipinos to visit Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Hanoi, Bangkok
and other cities in the region.
Once the AEC... more »
By David Swanson
Copperhead was a name for Northern Democrats opposed to the Civil War. Now
it's also the name of a remarkable new film: CopperheadTheMovie.com. This
is not the first film about a family opposed to the Civil War. Many will
probably recall the 1965 film *Shenandoah* starring Jimmy Stewart. But *
Copperhead* is the one to see.
This is a war movie that neither sanitizes war nor pornographies it. This
is a war movie set far away from the war, in upstate New York to be precise
-- just as all of our wars today are far away from all 50 states. It's an
unpredictable movi... more »

Here are the possible names for the royal baby, and the odds quoted by the
*Benjamin / Binyamin* is a favourite name for the new royal baby.
Bookies offer odds of 2/1 on the name Benjamin.
*Michael* is now 5/1.
Kate's father is called Michael.
*Ronald* is 6/1.
Kate's maternal grandfather was called Ronald.
BBC radio suggested that the name *Qatar Airways* was a possible name for
the royal baby, if a sponsorhip deal can be worked out in time.
Qatar Airways is 100/1
*Prince Adolphus, 1st Duke of Cambridge*
*Adolphus* is 10/1
*Sir Ja... more »
General Dempsey lays out Syria War Options to the Senate Armed Services Committee - Get ready for a billion a month hit for the taxpayers ( for maintaining a no fly zone ) and understand that's the low ball number ( like we saw low ball figures for Iraq ) ...... And a no fly zone won't be effective anyway due to the nature of the War .....Bottom line - to make a difference , you're looking at thousands of boots on the ground in Syria - to support Al Qaeda radicals that will take the fight to Israel once Assad is defeated ....
* * *
In a move to end the legislative standoff over his renomination, Dempsey
wrote that each option under consideration would be costly and uncertain.
Arming and training the rebels, the least-riskiest option, would cost
"$500m per year initially", require "several hundred to several thousand
troops" and risk arming al-Qaida-aligned extremist forces amongst the
rebels or "inadvertent association with war crimes due to vetting
Limited air strikes would require "hundreds of aircraft, ships, ... more »

It was a hot day in Manila yesterday as I spent several hours marching with
Bayan (diverse coalition of groups that coordinated the protest).
In the first photo above you can find me on the left side near the front of
the march. A couple of hours later I was invited to speak to the crowd
about the US "pivot" in the region.
The march and rally took place on the 16-lane Commonwealth Avenue that
leads to the Filipino Congress building. Groups applied to hold the rally
near the Congress as the president was delivering his SONA (State of the
nation address) but the courts backed the ... more »
Rich Coleman, Running On Empty Promises, More Uncomfortable LNG Facts
If one reads page 6 of the below PDF file......First off, the below linked
PDF was written before Shinzo Abe secured his grip on power in Japan`s
election yesterday...Shinzo Abe now has a strong majority...And written
here on several occasions, Shinzo Abe is fast tracking the restart of
Japan`s nuclear facilities..
In the below report, they specifically state that Japan as a LNG market,
Japan`s current use of LNG could decline by 67% or more depending on how
much of their nuclear power is brought back online...(page 6)
The below report also states that future LNG estimated dema... more »
Dear North Carolina Colleagues
You know what I miss about North Carolina? Go on, guess. It’s what every
former transplant says. I miss the ability to order sweet tea in any
restaurant I go to and I miss BBQ pulled pork that actually has a smoky
taste. Syracuse just hasn’t found the charm in those two things yet. I […]
The One People 22/23 July 2013 – Ginger’s Show Notes & Comments

* *
* *The One People 22/23 July 2013 – Ginger’s Show Notes & Comments*
Posted on 2013/07/22 by kauilapele
Host: Lisa, Bob, Chris, Brian
Special Guests: Caleb Skinner, Kiri
[show link:
“Events are stacking up . . . “ and I highly recommend listening to this
show, as I cannot adequately take notes (nor transcribers transcribe) of
the frequencies of real passion . . . combined very significant information
imparted by both Caleb and Kiri. Also the comments made by the hosts are
very important to hear.... more »
GAIA PORTAL: All Aspects of “humanity to Hue-Manity” Mass Transition have been Initiated…
* *
* *All Aspects of “humanity to Hue-Manity” Mass Transition have been
by ÉirePort
Shimmering sparkles of Higher Energetic Dimensions are appearing to many,
as 5-7D Gaia presents herself in anticipation of humanity recognition.
All aspects of "humanity to hue-manity" mass transition have been initiated
and progress appears as anticipated, although extremely slowly for some.
High degree of care for those with fragile "shock" layers is being called
for by Gaia at this time.
Many of Higher Realms are active on Gaia surface as Gaia Inner Realms as
full awakening proce... more »
Counterfeit Drugs 7: WHO, InterPol and IFPMA on SFFC

The spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit (SFFC) medicines or
simply counterfeit medicines is a big public health problem. Patients who
take such fake and/or substandard drugs will not experience improvement
from their illness unless their immune system is strong enough. At worse,
their condition might even worsen as the disease can mutate and evolve into
something more complicated, and can even result to death.
While the more commonly faked medicines are those patented or
newly-introduced ones and hence, are priced high, even cheaper but popular
generic drugs are also cou... more »
In the Belly Of The Whale - Two California Swimmers Almost Go the Way of Jonah
They were just out for a little whale watching
Mechanical Turk and Experiments in the Social Sciences
Amazon created a platform called Mechanical Turk that allows Requesters to
create small tasks (Human Intelligence Tasks or HITs) that Workers can
perform for an extremely modest fee such as 25 or 50 cents per task.*
Because the site can be used to collect survey data, it has become a boon
for social scientists interested in
Continue reading
Richard Matheson (1926–2013)
of speculative fiction Richard Matheson might not have been the most
famous of writers, but he was certainly revered by many noted names
(most of all Stephen King). And while the average American might not
know his name, for three or more generations, the chances are good that
at least one of his many stories has stuck in their memory – or even
more likely, that it's haunted them.

*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en
Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image:
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Imágenes por correo]
Review - Pur Footwear by Planet Shoes

Do you wear Eco-friendly shoes?
If you're like me, knowing which materials are safe (and which brands use
them) is a mind-boggling mystery. Sure, we know that plastics are bad and
we avoid toxic glues. But what about cotton, leather and latex? Are they
Eco-friendly? Here's a hint ... not always.
The situation becomes very complicated when we consider a material's
origin, how it's processed, it's life cycle and how long it takes to
biodegrade (if ever). Add to that the final product and how it is packaged
and transported.
Shoes are made up of different parts ... the heel, feather,... more »
Do The Rich Want To Kill The Rest Of Us? No, Of Course Not! Who Would Be Their Servants, Slaves And Customers?

Don't mention Thomas Jefferson to Texas nutbag Ted Cruz
As soon as the Texas plutocrats won control over the state Board of
Education, through their pathetic Tea Party puppets, one of the first
orders of business was to eliminate Thomas Jefferson from the history
books. Dangerous revolutionary, that Jefferson, with his subversive ideas.
I wonder how long it will take for them to move against historical Jesus
too. This account is from 2010:
After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on
Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative ... more »
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by
*Brother Ryan*of the Christian Patriot & Truth Ministry. Be
sure to visit
*Brother Ryan's TruTube page* where you can view some of the
videos he has
Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past
New Video By "Snordelhans" Exposes Edward Snowden - Are We Being Treated As Suckers Again?
When the Edward Snowden/NSA trouble first started last month, I too was
originally thinking that this man was a hero to the American people by his
escaping the United States with valuable information that could both expose
the criminality of the NSA and the entire Barry Soetoro regime in
However, it has been well over a month since Snowden left the US, and I am
deeply troubled by the simple fact that if this man is truly legitimate, he
should have already put out valuable information that could possibly bring
down the entire corrupt NSA organization. But to this day, he... more »
Alan Waldman: ‘Jonathan Creek’ is Clever Brit Whodunnit Series Featuring an Illusionist
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
Alan Davies’s character solves locked-room mysteries and many other
crimes with seemingly inexplicable aspects.
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / July 22, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV dramas,
mysteries, and comedies from Canada, England,
"Death's Other Kingdom: Heraclitus On The Life of The Foolish And The Wise" By Herbert Granger
*The Fragments of Heraclitus.*
Below is an excerpt from, *"Death's Other Kingdom: Heraclitus On The Life
of The Foolish And The Wise"* by Herbert Granger, Professor of Philosophy
at Wayne State University. Source: *Classical Philology*, Vol. 95, No. 3
(Jul., 2000), pp. 260-281. Published by The University of Chicago Press.
The excerpt below is from Pg. 260-264.
The common stock of humanity has no understanding of the nature of reality,
thinks Heraclitus, and only a very few humans ever comprehend it. A
significant number of fragments comment on the epistemic condition of the
co... more »
What Pledged Money?
#Haiti...Emergency Department Waiting Room--Saint Catherine's Hospital Cite
Soleil http://t.co/jMAd8kXkk3
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) July 23, 2013
Ryan Brauns cops a 65 game suspension for violating Baseball's PEDs policy - A-Rod , Cruz and the rest of the Balco crew on deck ?
Ryan Braun suspended ( takes the deal ..... ) the take from Deadspin.....
[image: Ryan Braun Suspended For The Rest Of The Season]
Ryan Braun Suspended For The Rest Of The Season
And here we go.
The first of Bud's Biogenesis Babies, Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun will be
suspended for the remainder of the season, 65 games. Braun released a brief
“As I have acknowledged in the past, I am not perfect. I realize now that I
have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those
actions. This situation has taken a toll on me and my entire family, and it... more »
It's a boy! (Come on, you're burning up with Royal Fever. You know you are!)

*Let's leave Krugman on Detroit for tomorrow*
Guardian *caption, posted early today: "A correspondent for Mother and Baby
magazine sets up a tent outside St. Mary's hospital in London, where the
Duchess of Cambridge will give birth."*
*by Ken*
As I write, we don't know what the name of the new little prince, eventual
heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, will be. So what do you say we call him Thurman? Or maybe Pete?
How about Lamont? Or Francis?
What, you mean we don't get a say? Come on, Kate and Will, wouldn't a
Prince Calvin be, like, a... more »
Summer sex scandals and gangster trials!
*MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013*
*Our fatuous values watch:* The fatuous values of the Times should never be
Over the weekend, our Fatuous Values Watch continued to roll along. On
Saturday, Gail Collins’ latest column bore a headline which was rather high
in self-awareness:
“Sex Scandals in the Sun”
The next day, Maureen Dowd was back from France. She was back in her seat
at that gangster trial in Boston:
DOWD (7/21/13): *A Tender Gangster Romance*
It was a subtle distinction, for a psychopath.
*“I loved her,” Stevie “The Rifleman” Flemmi said of his onetime
girlfriend, Deb... more »
As Edward Snowden prepares to be allowed to leave the Moscow Airport , recent NSA updates continue to flow.....
American whistleblower to leave Moscow airport by Wednesday
Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:53PM
Edward Snowden
Former contractor of the US National Security Agency Edward Snowden is set
to leave the transit area of Moscow’s main international airport on
Wednesday after one month, his lawyer said.
"He should get this certificate (allowing him to leave the airport)
shortly," Russian attorney Anatoly Kucherena was quoted as saying by
Reuters on Monday.
He added that the American leaker would move to the city center and
cancelled his possible trip to Latin America due to safety measures.... more »
Harvey Organ's Gold and Silver Report - July 22 , 2013 Data from today , News and Views on the prcious metals !
Monday, July 22, 2013
Total comex gold falls again to 6.885 million oz/Spain starts to borrow
funds from its pension fund to pay out/ Gold and silver explode
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:
Gold exploded up $42.60 to $1336.40 (comex closing time ). Silver was also
up by $1.05 to $20. 50 (comex closing time)
In the access market at 5:00 pm, gold and silver finished trading at the
following prices :
gold: $1335.90
silver: $20.55
It seems that our specs are in deep trouble with the commercials net ... more »
(No Democracy In USA? - JC) They've Failed Right Along: These Are Not Smart Guys (Obama's Easily Impressed?) and How Ayn Rand Destroyed Sears/K-Mart and the Rest of Middle-Class America (Stock Buybacks Only Manipulate Stock Prices)
But, first, lookee what Jimmy Carter finally said on one of his overseas
missions! President Carter Says America Has No Functioning DemocracyNow,
isn’t that curious? As at the same time Carter is saying that about our
democracy and the importance of whistle-blowing, our current US president,
Barack Obama, who is, by-the-way, a civil liberties attorney, is on the
record repeatedly expressing
News of the day for Europe - focus on Spain ( Spain borrows from Social Security Fund to pay pensions - note Social Security Fund almost exclusively composed of spanish sovereign debt ! Rajoy finally agrees to answer questions in Parliament regarding the ever swelling corruption issues ) , Portugal's political situation takes a respite - despite that a second bailout will still be needed ) , Greece's strikes continue - Teachers today , Medical Doctors Wednesday , Europe's debt continues to rise not surprisingly the PIIGS have the largest increases ! Italian Doctors strike today - Italy becoming Greek by the day !
Insolvent Spain Forced To "Borrow" From Social Security Fund To Pay Pensions
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/22/2013 15:56 -0400
- Gross Domestic Product
- Reality
- Reserve Fund
- Reuters
- Unemployment
Spain's slow-motion implosion into an insolvent singularity has been one of
the most amusing sideshows for over a year. The chief reason for this is
the sheer schizophrenic and absurdist polarity between the sad reality,
visi... more »
Brian Kelly: The Will of The People

*Brian Kelly: The Will of The People*
*This is a conversation that Brian Kelly had in "another room" .... it
deserved to be read by everyone. Thank you Brian- Well said!! -D*
*I concur D. -AK*
Posted by Brian Kelly
I made this comment on a thread in another room and thought it worth
sharing. It was in response to accusations that Courtesy Notices are
causing "serious suffering." Please feel free to share as you see fit :)
I have yet to come across one person who is "seriously suffering" as a
result of using a Courtesy Notice, which as we made very clear above is NOT
an official... more »
So, is there any reason EQC shouldn’t shut up shop?
EQC is bankrupt.
There, someone had to say it.
EQC is not some benevolent organisation with bags of money ready to swoop
down at times of need to dispense capital. It is an organisation with no
capital at all that is just a roadblock to those trying to rebuild after
Even before the Christchurch earthquake, the Earthquake Commission was
skating on thin financial ice. Set up by government after the Napier
earthquake to pay for earthquake damage out of government savings, rather
than by taxing or borrowing, by the time the ground shook under Canterbury
the ambition had ... more »
ScienceDaily..."What are you doing Dave? Dave?"

When can we teach them pain?
Abraham Ben Judea
Microchips That Mimic the Brain: Novel Microchips Imitate the Brain's
Information Processing in Real Time
July 22, 2013 — Novel microchips imitate the brain's information
processing in real time. Neuroinformatics researchers from the University
of Zurich and ETH Zurich together with colleagues from the EU and US
demonstrate how complex cognitive abilities can be incorporated into
electronic systems made with so-called neuromorphic chips: They show how to
assemble and configure these electronic systems to function in a way
similar... more »
Thinking About the Seven Year Post-Doc
This piece is really interesting. It is written by Radhika Nagpal who was
on the tenure track at Harvard but treated the experience like a seven year
post-doc. That is, she didn’t focus on what it took to get tenure there,
because, well, most folks don’t get tenure. Instead, Nagpal focused on
pursuing the most
Continue reading
Elsewhere: Cruz, More
My Saturday column for Salon warned liberals not to root for Ted Cruz. If
you read that, you might also want to read Michael Tomasky's argument today
that liberals *should* root for Ted Cruz. His case is pretty much what I
was writing against; he basically takes it as a given that Cruz would have
no chance to win, and works from there.
The piece generated tons of comments, most of them ranging from hostile to
contemptuous. Quite a few were with Tomasky's point of view -- that Cruz
obviously couldn't win. A lot of them were on the order of: Cruz could
never pivot back to the center!... more »
Poverty Matters Redux
The “poverty is not destiny” mantra is wearing thin as a cousin to the “no
excuses” movement in education that demonizes teachers and schools serving
high-poverty and minority children. The ugly truth is that both slogans are
simply rhetorical strategies for NOT facing inequity, for avoiding
confronting the privileged who tend to be the ones […]

Here below I have embed two videos from a Global Climate Change Conference
held in 2008. Each of these videos is an hour long, and each features two
speakers who keep to their allotted half-hour slots.
If you are not a scientist, you may suppose that you will not be able to
understand any of the speakers. However, I am going to help you by
providing the immediately following figure.
The "secret" is to first understand the principle of a simple *x-y* graph (*
x* is the horizontal axis and *y *is the vertical axis) and then take note
of what x and y sta... more »
Oily secrets . . .
XL May Actually Raise American Gas Prices — that's the title of an
article by TRUTHOUT. Stevie ain't gonna like it:
“Keystone XL is not an economic benefit to Americans who will see higher
gas prices and bear all the risks of the pipeline,” said report author
Judy Dugan in a press release. “The pipeline is being built through
America, but not for Americans.”
The report reinforces
We Need More Affordable Homes, Prime Minister, Not More Subsidies
*Guest post by Stephen Berry*
Tinkering with subsidised KiwiSaver allowances and “start-up help” won’t
help Aucklanders facing paying seven times their household income for their
first home.
With the median house price in the city now at over $550,000, the
government is considering lifting the $400,000 price cap for KiwiSaver
first-home buyer deposit subsidies in Auckland. Unless the structural
issues causing house price inflation are addressed however then instead of
spurring new building activity, any increases in subsidy will feed directly
into prices.
The key here is spurr... more »
Five minutes of research could have spared us this uninformed prattle on InSite

It almost felt good to experience the righteous rage rising in me this
morning when I read that uninformed column by Licia Corbella in the Calgary
Herald trying to draw a link between the overdose death of actor Cory
Monteith and Vancouver's supervised injection site. I'd forgotten how much
I love to hate lazy, ignorant commentary, so deliciously wide open to being
torn apart by anyone with the slightest understanding of the issue at hand.
How long would it have taken for Corbella to have gone to the Insite
web site and learned more about the services, the clients, the lives sa... more »
ANONYMOUS: Senator Dianne Feinstein has received over $698,244 from NSA affiliates in political donations, since the formation of PRISM in 2007
Anonymous Operation NSA's first target: Californian Senator Dianne
Feinstein. She has taken over $698,000 in bribes from security and defense
contractors to vote in favor of them and against you. - See more at:
* *
* *Video transcript:*
Greetings Californian State Senator Dianne Feinstein. We are Anonymous.
Did you think that your actions against the citizens of this country would
go unnoticed?
Did you think that we the people, would not respond to your gruesome
We have been watching.
In accordance with phase II of #Op NSA we... more »
Bullshit Meter Off-The-Charts With ABC "news" Story About Zimmerman Saving Family From Overturned Truck

Remember this story from the joke news site The Onion last week?
*"George Zimmerman Wins Florida State Lottery"*
Well guess what? ABC branch of the government "news" propaganda outlet has
topped The Onion with this story that immediately enters the bullshit
charts top-10 with a bullet:
*George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue*
I put the SAME PICTURE from The Onion for the ABC "news" story, too. Why
not? It's worse than The Onion story!
Let's see: no names of the victims (they don't want to reward Zimmerman?) (update:
ABC has now said the family was the Ger... more »
Ex-Mobil Executive Spills The Beans About How Big Oil Is Fracking Up The Planet

The head of the California Democratic Party's Environmental Caucus, R.L.
Miller, is starting up a national Climate Hawks Vote project. She was
instrumental in getting a resolution calling for a moratorium on fracking
through the sometimes tepid California Democratic Party and many of us know
her as an intrepid environmental blogger at *Daily Kos*. The other day she
and I talked about how we could work together to help defend environmental
champion and Climate Change realist Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), who's
being challenged by a New Dem sellout to pollution special interest
lobby... more »

*Fukushima is here, it is no longer a Japanese problem ~ it is a growing
world problem which is still being ignored. Here's an update on my report
of May 14,2013 where I demonstrated that a creeping and never ending deadly
fog of radiation, invisible to the eye but not to the immune system,
continues to blanket the West Coast while its human cost is barely being
mentioned ~ mainly due to a worldwide media blackout : Allen L Roland*
*The Fukushima Genie that was released over two years ago is still spouting
and leaking forth deadly radiation while silence remains supr... more »
SWP Party Notes - every week's a classic.
What is there this week? Let's see: After Marxism... Save NHS demo...
People's Assembly... News from Lancaster (that towering pillar of
proletarian strength)... Bedroom tax... Anti-racism... New ISJ... Looking
at the disputes committee (presumably through the 'portal' they set up to
deal with the FB4 case)... Young members day school (watch out, students
about!)... Industrial notes... Bookmarks... AND THAT'S IT. Nothing else
happened last week, and you'd be a fool or a communist, no, wait, NOT A
COMMUNIST, just a fool to think otherwise.

*Willem Marx*
"Kate had the unfortunate* let-me-just-hide-behind-the-rose-bush* encounter
with two of her exes, *Henry Ropner* and *Willem Marx *(they sound like
Hollywood producers)."
*Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers*
*Henry Ropner*
"Kate dated Ropner briefly in 2007 after a short split with Prince
William... "
*Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers*
*Prince Harry*
"Queen Elizabeth doesn’t mind. She thinks it’s 'jolly' that Kate slept with
*NOT A VIRGIN! | Weekly World News*
"Are Prince William, Prince Harry, and Kate Middleton wrapped up in a super
sensual lov... more »
Speaking Truth to Power: Eric Voegelin — Philosopher of Consciousness
Eric Voegelin (January 3, 1901 – January 19, 1985) was a German-born
American political philosopher. He was born in Cologne, then within
Imperial Germany, and educated in political science at the University of
Vienna. He became a teacher and then an associate professor of political
science at the Faculty of Law. In 1938 he, with his wife, fled from the
Nazi forces which had recently entered Vienna, emigrating to the United
States, where they became citizens in 1944. He spent most of his academic
career at the University of Notre Dame, Louisiana State University, the
... more »
"The Only Money That Works"
* *
*"The Only Money That Works"*
by Bill Bonner
"Another lazy summer day. The Dow sold off a few pennies on Friday. Gold
rose $8. The airport in Paris must be the most efficient in the world. Our
cab drove up at exactly 6 a.m. By 6:04, we were having a cup of coffee,
waiting to board the plane. In just four minutes, we’d gotten our ticket,
been inspected by security and made it to the gate. Now we’re on the plane,
flying over the Pyrenees… thinking…
*Good As Gold:* Over the last 10,000 years, humans have tried two different
kinds of “money.” They began with exchanges based on cr... more »
Syria, Iran, Egypt: Making friends and influencing people
*Interesting piece on Syria from this weekend from CNN*
With some help from Anon's links in the previous post. Thanks Anonymous,
who I still wish had a name.....
*Just the highlights*
"United States needs to determine an endgame in Syria before it takes
further military action in the beleaguered country"
"Escalated involvement in Syria by the U.S. military would lead to “a
full-throated, very, very serious war.”
"When asked what if anything the U.S. should do to topple President Bashar
al-Assad's regime, Mattis said the *United States must first consult with
regional powers to det... more »
Brian Kelly: Vincent Comments on Kiri

Kiri By Brian Kelly
Received this email for Kiri. Awesome!:
I posted a comment on your blog re the Kiri event, and I suppose I opted
out when it came to verifying my google credentials. I won't go there
beyond saying we all have to divest ourselves of anything google or
microsoft or whatever (I will be giving up my google mail account shortly).
I absolutely love what Kiri did, and the comment I was attempting to make
was in response to what Nate said, which I immediately recognized as
TPTB will have to prove intent, and since she did her homework and provided
all o... more »
Update on Kiri, summary of all info and links and Heather's briefing

Monday, 22 July 2013
*Update on Kiri, summary of all info and links and Heathers briefing*
This is a compendium of all the notes and links about Kiri's Story, and an
update with all the information that Heather has just sent to Kiri for her
court case tomorrow. I've added my own notes here and there in blue.
Kiri is one of the most confident and amazing women I've had the privilege
to talk to. If you've listened to the interview, you'll understand.
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *From ... more »
A King is Born
While I've been writing this, we - Her Majesty's subjects - have been
allowed to learn that a baby boy, weighing 8lbs 6oz was born to the Royal
couple at 25 past four this afternoon. Whoopie-doo. Now, I can just about
remember the last time the media was dominated by Royal baby hysteria. The
year was 1982, and on that occasion too a nation steeped in reverence for
its monarchy eagerly awaited the birth of an heir. But then there was only
three channels, the radio and the press. Now, well, thanks to social media
it's arguably much more difficult to escape from. And more fraught too -... more »
Speaking of Boiled Frogs, Here's Paul Beckwith
Just in case you're not familiar with the blog, *PostArctica*, there you'll
find a piece written by Paul Beckwith, a climate scientist at the
University of Ottawa.
Paul has just put up a post, "*The Great Arctic Flush*" which, if you
haven't read it, you really should. Beckwith introduces us to a new
weather phenomenon in the Artic Ocean, massive, mid-summer cyclones that
churn up many hundreds of thousands of kms. of Arctic sea ice even as they
draw in warm southern water from both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Paul finishes with this summation:
"*The Arctic is melting, it’s t... more »
The royal birth, it's a boy so please call it George
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat (@notasheepagoat) tweeted at 8:35 PM on Mon, Jul 22,
It's a boy so name him George, for the numerics. Next three Kings would be
Charles 3, William 5 & George 7. If we could then have a Henry 9
C'mon, Reporters, Really?????
I hate onions. No, really, I do. Everyone in my family, and lots of my
friends know all about it. I mean, I try to be polite, but if you ask me,
I'll tell you that I hate onions. So, you know, it's probably not a good
idea to ask me whether an onion soup or an onion bagel or latkes made with
onions are any good; I'm not going to like them. My family and friends, not
being idiots, don't ask me about that.
Which brings me to the national press corps. Hey, I already covered this as
recently on Friday, on reports of what Ted Cruz was going to demand on the
debt limit (that he surely wil... more »
The Interdisciplinarity Shibboleth: Christakis Edition
Andrew Gelman provides a nice rejoinder to Nicholas Christakis’ New York
Times op-ed, “Let’s Shake up the Social Sciences.” Fabio Rojas scores the
exchange for Christakis, but his commentators provide convincing rebuttals
to Rojas. Once again, I suspect reactions to the column are driven by
homophily rather than network effects. But all this aside, Christakis makes
Continue reading
Tobias Gibson Reviews The Thistle and the Drone
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Tobias Gibson of Westminster
College. In recent days, there have been reports of U.S. drone strikes in
North Waziristan, Pakistan. According to the New York Times article, these
strikes killed at least two people. This remote area of Pakistan has long
been subject to U.S. drone strikes.
Continue reading
participate in holy ceremony
By Sandra Rambler
San Carlos Apache
Censored News
SAFFORD, Arizona – The air was crisp with a slight cool breeze
and one could hear the drop a pin as hundreds of Apaches and friends gathered
in prayer during a holy ceremony which began on July 17 through July 21, atop
America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System by WashingtonsBlog

America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System
Washington's Blog, 22 July 2013
The Separation of Powers Which Define Our Democracy Have Been DestroyedThe
Department of Justice told a federal court this week that the NSA’s spying “cannot
be challenged in a court of law”.
(This is especially dramatic given that numerous federal judges and legal
scholars – including a former FISA judge – say that the FISA spying “court” is
nothing but a kangaroo court.)
Also this week, the Department of Justice told a federal court that the
courts cannot review the legality of the governmen... more »
Fields Taylor, Age 3 Speaks For The First Time After Eating A High Fat, Low Sugar Diet

Mother Stevie Taylor, 34, is pictured with her daughter Fields, who suffers
from extremely rare condition called Glut1 Deficiency. This means her brain
is starved of energy because her body cannot transport enough glucose to
it. Her condition improved after starting the high fat Ketogenic diet.
Photo courtesy of Daily Mail.
3 Year Old Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Speaks for First Time After
Starting Ketogenic Diet
Girl, 3, with rare genetic disorder speaks first words after starting diet
that involves eating a kilo of CREAM CHEESE each week
By Rachel Reilly
Daily Mail UK, 2... more »
I think we've found the right replacement for Willie Rushton on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
Miles Jupp has surely cemented his place in the I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
team rather than that left-wing irritant Jeremy Hardy. Tonight's IT
songbook suggestion of 'She's lost Control Alt Delete' was simply inspired.
He's got lovely diction too...
Steve Cram's 1500m world record run at Nice in 1985. I remember watching
this and I really thought Saïd Aouita was going to catch Steve Cram before
the line.
Mo Farah bettering Steve Cram's time in Monaco, with Steve Cram
commentating. Note how far ahead of Farah, Kiprop finished and outside of
the current world record. The way men just keep running faster is
incredible. Remember that Mo Farah is a 5,000 and 10,000 metre runner,
moving up to the marathon soon.
The ALEC Job Fair (Snark)
All the professional associations I use to belong to - would have a job
fair at the annual conference, for those looking to move on - or move up.
I wonder if ALEC has a job fair at their annual meeting?
IF they have one - how would they promote it?
I suppose it could look like this.
*Tired of putting up with those nasty old constituents?*
*Tired of that mean old governor not ki$$ing your butt? *
*Ready for the career move you have been waiting for?*
*Ready to enjoy a life of "champagne wishes and caviar dreams."?*
*Ready to have other legislators suck up to you for freebies and ALEC
s... more »
Decorate Your Care Routine Essentials to Match Your Bathroom Decor

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This
shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for
Collective Bias and their client.
We recently started using Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths with my
preschooler. She absolutely loves them because they are different and fun
and I love the clean routine they have established. A win all around.
My decorations in my bathroom are some of my favorite in my whole house.
Not only are they in my favorite colors of turquoise and purple, but I made
them almost entirely on my own. It i... more »
Canada's Boiling Frog Government

I've said it before but Gwynne Dyer seems to say it better so, here goes:
*If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, so they say, it will hop
right out again. Frogs aren’t stupid. Well, okay, but they’re not that
*However, if you put a frog in a pot of cool water, and gradually turn the
heat up under it, the frog will not notice what’s happening. It will
happily sit there until the water boils, and it dies.*
*...human beings have trouble in detecting slow-moving threats. You can
watch us failing to do it every day: we persistently ignore the fact that
we are running ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Hungry Games'
July 22, 2013 Mohawk Nation News
MNN. July 21, 2013. In the 1930s “the modern
state laid claim to the individual body for its own social, economic or
military needs.” “Useless bodies were made useful by being used in the
national project of regeneration”.
In March 1942, a group of scientific and medical
researchers went to Norway House, Cross Lake, God’s Lake
Friends of the CBC are fighting back on the Harper Regime's political
interference with a very clever ad, which also serves as a quick summary of
this government's crimes against democracy.
While the group has the dough to pay for broadcast, the CBC won't air them.
A new ad campaign to “Free the CBC” from political interference will not
air on the public broadcaster’s programs, say representatives from the
non-profit media watchdog group that created the commercials.
“I’m a little surprised and disappointed that they wouldn’t take our money
for the ads,” said Friends of Canadian ... more »
“We Muslims Can Marry Girls Of Any Age”
According to The Nigeria Today 'A prominent Niger Delta Muslim, Alhaji
Mujahid Abubakar Dokubo-Asari, has lashed out at critics of the moves by
Nigeria’s Senate to approve under-age marriage.'
There's more:
'Expressing his opinion on the issue this morning, Dokubo, who converted to
Islam as an adult, insisted that it is the right of Muslims to marry or
give out their daughters at any age they wish, adding that this is not the
business of non-Muslims.
Said the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF) leader through
“People should learn to respect other people’s sensibil... more »
Events at Belmarsh

The BBC is being criticised for making a big deal about the allegations of
"assault" by prison officers against Michael Adebolajo, one of the suspects
in the brutal killing of Drummer Lee Rigby. The allegations were made by
Adebolajo's younger brother, Jeremiah, in an interview with the BBC's Tom
Some people are criticising the BBC for reporting the story at all; but
surely it *is* news - however angry people might feel at the BBC for
reporting it - as the allegations against the five prison officers, if
true, would be serious ones. (*If* true).
Circumstances, of cours... more »
The death of a sensational Baltimore teen!
*MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013*
*What we were talking about:* Late last week, we mentioned the fact that
the city of Baltimore is full of good, decent, tremendously admirable black
The next day, one day late, we read a front-page Baltimore Sun report about
one of those kids who was murdered last week. To all appearances, she was
killed by an older teen who had lost his way.
Courtesy of three Sun reporters, this was Diamond Williams, the 16-year-old
rising junior at Mergenthaler Tech (Mervo) who was killed last week:
RECTOR, FENTON AND BOWIE (7/20/13): Teachers said Diamond was enroll... more »
Of Royal Births, Past and Present.
I can imagine the lockdown in place for the birth of the next future heir
to the British throne. It must be miserable for journalists trying to be
the first with the story.
When I was a pup, I went through something similar. Only the hospital was
the Ottawa Civic, the expectant royalty were Pierre and Margaret and two of
the three arrived on Christmas day. Being Christmas and all, and being
young, single with no family, I was sent to the Civic to get the scoop.
Somehow I still recall the name of the Trudeaus' ob/gyn - Dr. Manny Gluck.
If memory serves, he delivered all three of... more »
She Didn't Deserve a Pardon. Dubai Owed Her an Apology.
Norwegian Marte Deborah Dalelv won't be going to jail in Dubai for the
crime of being raped. Of course to those twisted bastards in Dubai the
actual crime was having extra-marital sex. You see, unless you're married
to your rapist, it's a crime for you to be overpowered and raped.
Marte was looking at a 16-month sentence until the decent part of the world
told Dubai where to stick it. Apparently the "ruler of Dubai" intervened
to pardon Dalelv.
A pardon? No, no, no - what Dubai owes Marte is a huge apology for putting
a rape victim, any rape victim, through a criminal prosecut... more »

The Muslim Brotherhood has been working to implement the Israeli plan to
break up Egypt.
Nabil Naim is a former leader of the Islamic Jihadist movement in Egypt.
He was once close companion of the current al-Qaeda leader Ayman
*In a TV interview, Nabil Naim says that the Muslim Brotherhood announced
the formation of a 'Free Egyptian Army' in Egypt, similar to the Free
Syrian Army.*
*He states that the goal is to break up Egypt and weaken it as part of an
Israeli plan.*
He also says that the current head of the Free Syrian Army Salim Idriss was
in Israel a few days ... more »
George Zimmerman Emerges from Hiding to Rescue Man from Overturned Truck
Razor wire, guns and crime: Judging risk in the big city
Spent the weekend in Tegucigalpa, which almost always gets me thinking
about crime in Honduras.
It’s hard to avoid. The small hotel we use is in a nice residential area.
The architecture is quite interesting - kind of mid-20th century modern,
except with a lot of stone and traditional Honduran materials.
Of course, it’s hard to get a good look. Houses are walled and driveways
are blocked by sliding steel doors. The views of the houses are marred by
the circles of razor wire - one, two, sometimes three rows high along the
tops of the walls. The truly security conscious add electric fe... more »
When Extending Life Becomes Prolonging Death
There was an item recently in the *Vancouver Sun* about how a lot of the
current crop of young people will live 100-years or longer.
Wow, one hundred years. If I recall right, as the 19th century came to a
close average lifespan was in the 45-50 year range. In the immediate
post-war era, men retired at 65 and then seemed to peg out a few years
later, 67-70 maybe. I think we've broken into the 80s now but 100?
That's going to take some high science.
What's less clear is if we're actually extending life or simply prolonging
death - a lot. We are, after all, adding years to the... more »
Some Republicanos Have A Plan To Win The Hispanic Vote: George P. Bush
George Prescott Bush shouldn't even exist. By all rights, his great
grandfather, Prescott Bush, should have been tried for treason and executed
for a Wall Street coup attempt against Franklin Roosevelt and for his
simultaneous collaboration with Hitler. No Prescott, no George H.W. Bush
and no Jeb Bush, George P's grandfather and father. But Prescott was rich,
white and well-connected-- and got off almost scott free for his treason.
And now the latest garbage from his dynasty, his 37 year old great grandson
George P., has set his sites on the presidency.
His grandma, Barbara Bush,... more »

The royal twins are named Dwayne and Stacey.
*The full statement from the Palace:*
Her Royal Highness was safely delivered of twins.
The father was present for the birth.
Her Royal Highness and her children are all doing well and will remain in
hospital overnight.
*Willem Marx*
"Kate had the unfortunate* let-me-just-hide-behind-the-rose-bush* encounter
with two of her exes, *Henry Ropner* and *Willem Marx *(they sound like
Hollywood producers)."
*Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers*
*Henry Ropner*
"Kate dated Ropner briefly in 2007 after a short split with Prince
William... ... more »
A fantastic chunk of info from @NEPCTweet and @stephrrivera on @xianb8. And an anecdote
Don’t take my word for it. Go here and learn. But I also want to share an
anecdote if I may. I met Xian in person at UOO’s Occupy 2.0 event in DC
this last April. There was one individual in particular who sort of
wandered into our event and was making some folks uncomfortable. […]
It's not about land

Nate Cohen (@docnatecohen) tweeted at 7:39 PM on Sun, Jul 21, 2013:
The conflict is all about land, they say...the #Jews have too much land,
they say...#Israel #Arab http://t.co/NCg0WFSC0z
Satire: “Opponents of Stand Your Ground Propose New Law, Don’t Shoot Me for Absolutely No Reason”
* “Opponents of Stand Your Ground Propose New Law,*
* Don’t Shoot Me for Absolutely No Reason”*
by Andy Borowitz
TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)— “Opponents of Florida’s Stand Your
Ground law are attempting to mobilize support for a new law called Don’t
Shoot Me for Absolutely No Reason. The proposed law, which faces major
opposition in the Florida legislature, would make it illegal for people in
the state to shoot each other for no reason whatsoever. “Under the
provisions of Don’t Shoot Me for Absolutely No Reason, you will be required
to have an actual reason for shooting s... more »
“The Political Class and the Counteroffensive”
* *
*“The Political Class and the Counteroffensive”*
by Jeffrey Tucker
“That Edward Snowden has put the whole political, corporate, and governing
class in a bind. With his revelations that a heretofore obscure agency has
long been collecting all data on our digital lives, Snowden very plainly
blew up the whole perception that government is somehow of, by, and for the
people. The picture he paints is a government straight out of a dystopian
For a few weeks, the ruling class hoped the whole thing would just go away.
Maybe the NSA could continue to data mine, the corporations... more »
Iraq’s Insurgents Picking Up Attacks During Ramadan

Ramadan began at the start of July 2013, and so has a new wave of attacks
by Iraq’s insurgency. June saw a decline in deaths, but that was apparently
because militants were preparing for the holy month to begin. In the first
half of July there has almost been twice as many killed as the same time
period in June. The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) knew that such an offensive
was coming, but have proven hapless at stopping it, because of their
institutional deficiencies. July is looking to be one of the deadliest of
the year highlighting the rebirth of the insurgency, and the weakness of... more »
"2 America's: 10 Examples of How the 'Elite' Are Mocking The Poor"
* *
*"2 America's: 10 Examples of How the 'Elite' Are Mocking The Poor"*
By Michael Snyder
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with working hard and making a lot of
money, but there *is *something wrong with being completely arrogant and
smug about it. Today, many among the elite are savagely mocking the poor,
and that is a huge mistake. You shouldn't kick people when they are down.
There are tens of millions of Americans that are deeply frustrated about
losing their homes, losing their jobs or barely being able to survive in
this economy. These frustrations have been one of the... more »
Mogul and NOTAMs
I’ve grown tired of this NOTAM game but have to wonder why the skeptics
just don’t attempt to answer the question themselves… and why do they
demand that I answer their questions when they continue to ignore mine?
What is this double standard where all things skeptical are accepted
without critical thought but anything that might suggest an answer they
don’t like is attacked?
And remember what Sherlock Holmes said about the dog that didn’t bark… but
more on that later.
Anyway, take, for example, the Phil Klass diatribe against Bob Jacobs.
Jacobs made a suggestion that he had been ... more »
Obama's Climate Change Policy a Plot Against Red States
You know, Red States - high unemployment, low education, high crime,
shorter lifespans, constantly at the trough for federal handouts - those
Red States. Well, according to a "scholar" at the prestigious *American
Enterprise Institute*, president Obama's climate change policy is a plot to
redistribute wealth from dirt poor Red States to those liberal Blue
States. *US News & World Report* printed it so it's gotta be true.
*"The president's proposals will penalize areas and industries
disproportionately dependent on coal-fired power. A recent MIT study
concludes that the winners wi... more »
Owner of small Utah ISP describes how the NSA got him to install surveillance equipment
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Madison Ruppert
For the first time since Edward Snowden leaked information on the National
Security Agency’s surveillance programs, the owner of an ISP has publicly
discussed how the NSA got him to install equipment to directly spy on one
of his customers.
Pete Ashdown, the CEO of XMission, detailed his experience when he received
a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2010 which forced
him to allow the federal government to monitor a customer of his.
Of course, like all FISA orders, it also contained a br... more »
Our interview with Peter DeWitt #freetobe
Check out our interview with Education Week blogger and principal Peter
DeWitt. We discussed some intersections between education leadership,
anti-bullying, and the common core. Seems a tad contradictory doesn’t it,
at least the last two. And since he mentioned it, a clip for you all to
enjoy of Free to be You and Me. Watching […]
Self-Assembling Autonomous Drones Launched
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Nicholas West
The use of drones is finally well out into the open. Some aspects of drones
are still seen as fringe, however. The idea of autonomous drones is one
area that still hasn't emerged into mainstream media. So, as the debate
still rests upon whether or not to use drones in America - or if they
should be weaponized or not, scientists are already working on the next
level of drone evolution.
The military has announced the success of autonomous drones in the
following areas:
- Navy Successfully Tests ... more »
What's Next for Syria?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Stephen Lendman
Conflict drags on interminably. Dozens or more die daily. Syrian forces
outmatch Western-backed death squad terrorists. They're not rebels. They're
lawless invaders.
They're US proxy fighters. They're imported from dozens of countries.
They're waging war against sovereign Syrian independence. Don't expect
duplicitous Western politicians or media scoundrels to explain.
Assad's military outguns and outflanks Washington's shock troops.
Reinforcements keep coming. Libya 2.0 looks possible. Perhaps likely.
Russia... more »
Yelp reviews as an action strategy in education? #edreform #edchat
Just a quick idea if you have the time: Yelp reviews of major reform
organizations. I posted mine on the Gates Foundation. Are there others? I
personally would like to see more done. Link to them in the comments.
Tagged: activism, gates foundation, reviews, yelp
Russian official accuses U.S. of Biological Weapons Violations
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Janet C. Phelan
A Senior Russian official has leveled charges that the United States is
violating the Biological Weapons Convention and doing so too close for
comfort to the Russian border.
As quoted in The Moscow Times, July 20, 2013, Russia's chief sanitary
inspector, Gennady Onishchenko, has accused the U.S. of producing
biological weapons in Georgia at a U.S. Navy facility that is run in
concert with the Georgian government.
The facility, the Center Public Health Reference Laboratory (CPHR), is
situated on a former Sovi... more »
All harper Needs
Apparently 38% of Canadians think harper is doing a good job; down from
43%. A 5% drop.
38% is enough to win, or convincingly steal another majority.
All harper needs to do is hunker-down and wait for these scandals to blow
over (as they eventually will since "accountability" isn't for governments
in 21st Century Canada) and then call his election in 2015.
And if that happens, we progressives will do absolutely nothing about it.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
"Well, Mr. Buffett..."
"There’s class warfare alright, but it’s my class,
the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
- Warren Buffett
Well, Mr. Buffett, you are correct. And so is this...
Hey, John Boehner: Wanna Make a Deal?*
The Speaker (emphasis added):
BOEHNER: Well, Bob, I've been around this town for a little while, like you
have -- not quite as long -- but around here, never, ever, ever is not
usually a good prescription. The senators know, the Democrat senators know
that this law's not workable. They know it's not ready. It was Max Baucus,
Senate chairman, Democrat chairman of the Finance Committee, who said that
this was a train wreck. They know it's a train wreck, so I wouldn't be so
quick to suggest that they're never going to take this up. Matter of fact, *I
would urge Senator Harry Reid, the ... more »
$1,000 Fine for Flashing Headlights to Warn Motorists of Cops - Lawsuit Follows
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Amanda Warren
Did you know that you could be fined for flashing your headlights to warn
other people of speed traps? Police who are hiding in wait, do not
appreciate headlight whistleblowers.
This leads to the question - Is flashing your lights a part of free speech?
Right to Flash Headlights Becomes First Amendment Issue
The question is meaningful to Michael Elli of Missouri who did what most
of us have done on the road - flashed his headlights to warn oncoming
drivers of a cop waiting around the corner to catch motor... more »
“Detroit, and the Bankruptcy of America's Social Contract”
* *
*“Detroit, and the Bankruptcy of America's Social Contract”*
by Robert Reich
"One way to view Detroit's bankruptcy - the largest bankruptcy of any
American city - is as a failure of political negotiations over how
financial sacrifices should be divided among the city's creditors, city
workers, and municipal retirees - requiring a court to decide instead. It
could also be seen as the inevitable culmination of decades of union
agreements offering unaffordable pension and health benefits to city
But there's a more basic story here, and it's being replicated across
Ame... more »
Can I Sue a Lying Coworker?
I'm answering areader questions today.
Hello Donna,
I was fired last year based on lies a co-worker made to our employer. My
former employer is now enforcing a non compete I was forced to sign prior
to employment that doesn't allow me to work in my professional field
anywhere the company does business, I have had numerous job offers resented
due to the non compete. Plus they have stated the process to sue me in
federal court without any proof what so ever as there is nothing to prove.
I won a transfer to my home state, and am awaiting a court date to dealing
with these false charge... more »
Share This Chart With Anyone Who Believes The U.S. Economy Is Not Going To Crash
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration Michael Snyder
Anyone who thinks that the U.S. economy can keep going along like this is
absolutely crazy. We are in the terminal phase of an unprecedented debt
spiral which has allowed us to live far, far beyond our means for the last
several decades. Unfortunately, all debt spirals eventually end, and they
usually do so in a very disorderly manner.
The chart that you are about to see is one of my favorite economic charts.
It compares the growth of U.S. GDP to the growth of total debt in the
United Sta... more »
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