10:47pm MDST
Say Goodbye To Hate Talk Radio? Not Quite Yet But... Limbaugh's Empire Of Mindless Bigotry Is Crumbling

There's no question that the intrepid StopRush and FlushRush activists
deserve a lot of the credit for this, but Cumulus, America's second biggest
radio chain announced that they can't make any money on Limbaugh's show any
longer and that won't be renewing his contract at the end of the year--
making their 40 outlets that have carried him Limbaugh-free zones. And
they're dumping Sean Hannity's GOP propaganda show at the same time. Radio
Industry columnist Tim Taylor put the good news into perspective for his
insider readers:
“Negotiations broke down” between Clear Channel and Cum... more »
We're Doing A Lot!

Feedback is important! It helps us make choices and determine our path in
life. When it comes to green living, feedback is in short supply. We
recycle and conserve, hoping that our efforts will make a difference. But,
in reality, the results can take years to see.
In our last survey, we asked readers to select all the Eco-friendly
activities that they participate in. Twenty-four people responded. Here are
the results:
*ACTIVITYRESPONSESRecycling24Using Reusable Bags23Using Reusable Water
Bottles21Walking17Upcycling16Washing Clothes in Cold Water16Eating Meatless
Meals16Eating Beef-... more »
Tom Hayden : Secrecy Protests Split American Elites
from ElectronicFrontierFoundation / Flickr.
Protests against secrecy
drive elites into debate
A virtual empire composed of distant and interconnected private and
public elites contradicts representative democracy as virtually all
Americans understand it.
By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / July 29, 2013
Concerned citizens need to crack open the covers of C. Wright Mills' The
Power Elite [
The IRS want to the ability to yank your passport

A reader forwarded an essay by Joe Nagel from an offshore ex-pat newsletter
which I will quote in brief. Its another brick in the ever increasing
police state we find this country becoming...
Recently, the United States Senate passed a piece of legislation called
the "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act." Essentially, this
is a transportation bill. The main focus is on the construction of roads
and bridges.
Title III of the act is a revenue provision concerning gas-guzzling cars,
leaking underground storage tanks, import duties, and a number of other
fees, tax... more »
Important Question: WHY Does Canada Support Israel Right Or Wrong?
Canada is Israeli occupied territory. It is so sad for me to make that
statement, because it is absolutely true. When it comes to supporting the
criminal and terrorist state of Israel, no matter how evil and sinister its
actions may be, there is no more a staunch supporter of that horrible state
than my country, Canada!
I have long wondered about how this country, Canada, that used to, at one
time, pride itself on being possibly the most peace loving and honest
country on the face of planet Earth has now turned into nothing more than a
Jewish controlled sock puppet that bends over... more »
Isidor Isaac Rabi (Born On July 29, 1898)
"I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never grow
up, and they keep their curiosity." - *Isidor Isaac Rabi*.
*Wikipedia: *
Isidor Isaac Rabi (29 July 1898 – 11 January 1988) was a Galician-born
American physicist and Nobel laureate, recognized in 1944 for his discovery
of nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used in magnetic resonance imaging.
He was also involved in the development of the cavity magnetron, which is
used in microwave radar and microwave ovens.
During World War II he worked on radar at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Radiation... more »
HISTORY / Bob Feldman : A People's History of Egypt, Part 4, 1849-1879
the Suez Canal. Image from Modern School.
A people's history:
The movement to democratize Egypt
Part 4: 1849-1879 period -- From free trade and the Suez Canal to
bankruptcy and austerity
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / July 29, 2013
[With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog
"people's history" series, "The Movement to Democratize Egypt," could
not be more
Project XIII Update and App Demo

Caleb Skinner discusses the updated app (yes there was a bug in the pure
cellular mode, now fixed) and gives a walk through of the Project XIII app
on the Windows 8 Phone.
The video can also be found HERE on the Project XII web site. -AK
Egyptian Journalist Yasser Rizq On Why The June 30 Revolution Was Not A Coup
*"Opponents of ousted president Mohammed Morsi hold up a poster of the
Egyptian defence minister, Gen Abdel Fattah El Sisi, with an Arabic caption
that reads, ‘The lion of Egypt’. AP"* - Bradley Hope, *"Is Egypt's defence
minister El Sisi its president in waiting?"* The National, July 22, 2013.
*Egyptian Journalist Yasser Rizq On Why The June 30 Revolution Was Not A
Coup. *
The article below is by a high-level Egyptian journalist who had meetings
with General Sisi and was in frequent contact with him prior to the
dismissal of Morsi, so take his glowing portrayal with a g... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sacramento, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
It’s clear that the strain of secular modernity within the Arab and Islamic
world, particularly in North Africa and through the Middle East, is finally
being felt as it conflicts with the conservatism of Islamic law and its
struggle for control of the state. It is polarising the peoples of many
Arab and Islamic nations where the repercussions of the Arab Spring
revolutions are now being felt in a myriad of ways as it ripples through
the region.
Islam will likely remain the dominant religion of these regions even among
the secular modernists who would prefer to be free of the constra... more »
Chief Justice Roberts does everything he can to see that the FISA court remains a trusty tool of the national-security state

*So you think you have a right to know something, anything, about the
workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Maybe we need to,
um, discuss this at greater length in, you know, secret.*
*"[The members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] all seem to
have some type of a pretty conservative bent, I don't think that is what
the Congress envisioned when giving the chief justice that authority. Maybe
they didn't think about the ramifications of giving that much power to one
*-- TN Rep. Steve Cohen, to the NYT's Charlie Savage,
in* "Roberts's Picks Re... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
Chet Raymo, “Speaking of Water…”
* “Speaking of Water…”*
by Chet Raymo
“How many water molecules- H2O- are there in the world's oceans? This is
the kind of time-wasting calculation I love doing, but I will leave it as
an exercise for one of you.
Look up the mass of a proton in grams. A water molecule has essentially the
mass of 18 protons (hydrogen=1, oxygen=8 protons + 8 neutrons; remember,
this is an order of magnitude calculation). A cubic centimeter of water has
(by definition) a mass of one gram. Divide for the number of water
molecules in a cubic centimeter of water.
How many cubic centimeters in the oc... more »
Unitary Scam
Readers might be interested to hear that Auckland Council’s coming Unitary
Plan will “punish you,” in the words of the Deputy Mayoress, if your
building doesn’t get a tick from the Green Building Council.
They don’t seem to have noticed that "Green building" certification is a
What [Green Building] designers deliver is what most [Green Building]
building owners want—namely, green publicity, not energy savings.
Do they know it’s a scam? Or care?
[Hat tip Robert Tracinski]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at i... more »
Now that's a cough suppressant!

This cough remedy contained codeine, chloroform and cannabis:
Saudi prince defects from Royal family - small wind of change in Saudi Arabia ?
prince defects from royal family: Report
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Saudi Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud has announced his defection from
royal family, referring to his “suffering” under reign of al-Saud and
called on other princes to break their silence.
“With pride, I announce my defection from al-Saudi family in Saudi
he wrote in his statement, according to a report from the Tehran-based
Al-Alam news... more »
Bernanke forced to testify regarding Fed's AIG bailout..... JP Morgan fined 400 million by FERC for manipulating Power market.............. Steve Cohen still throws big party in the Hamptons despite SAC Capital Advisers is criminally indicted last week - the show must go on I guess........Meanwhile , the Fed has spent billions bailoing out foreign banks - guess we know whom the Fed serves - it's not main street folks ! .
Fed's Bernanke Should Testify in AIG Bailout Lawsuit, Judge RulesJuly 29,
Print Version
*Source:* Money News
A U.S. judge said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke should be required
to testify in the lawsuit by the former chief of American International
Group Inc., Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, against the United States over the
insurer's 2008 bailout.
Judge Thomas Wheeler of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims on Monday rejected
the government's effort to keep Bernanke from being subjected to a
deposition by Greenberg's Starr International Co.
Wheeler called Bernanke a "key witn... more »
Holy Mesopotamia Batman: First Grade CCSS vocabulary.
I have been giving the New York State Education Department’s new Common
Core curriculum modules a study over the last few weeks. I see these
modules as an insulting scripted curriculum that favors test preparation
skills over learning. I teach middle school social studies so new reforms
such as the Common Core have not had […]
INVENTION OF THE DAY: The device that makes wheelchairs obsolete
Sorry, I don’t know the inventor, but isn’t this another great example of
technology making human life better.
It makes you wonder just who humanity’s real benefactors really are, don’t
you think.
[Hat tip Terry V.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
DOWN TO THE DOCTOR’S: The Chan Ban & the Bill Banners
*1. This week, Libertarianz leader Dr Richard McGrath wonders aloud about
Labour’s worshipping of the ugly goddess Xenophobia.*
David Shearer's call to restrict ownership of existing homes to New Zealand
residents is another direct assault on the free market, and the death knell
for Labour's hopes of attracting Asian voters.
Unlike Labour’s kneejerk xenophobia, my party has actually thought things
through. We have a better and much simpler solution to housing
unaffordability which focuses on supply, and makes Shearer’s
foreigner-hatred unnecessary. It looks like this:
- dere... more »
Fast Food workers strke - demand 100 percent wage increase ! Wonder when Walmart workers get the same idea ?
US Fast Food Workers Strike, Demand 100% Pay Raise
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/29/2013 18:40 -0400
- Detroit
- New York City
*"It's noisy, it's really hot, fast, they rush you. Sometimes you don't
even get breaks. All for $7.25? It's crazy,"* is how one worker described
the conditions that have caused her and the rest of America's fast-food
employees to go on strike today. They *demand the right to unionize and
better pay - calling for a raise in the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15*.
Workers chanted,... more »
Just because you saw it on Facebook doesn't make it true

I love almost everything about Facebook, from the photo-sharing and the
cute-animal videos to the free emoticons you can use in your chats. But God
help us if Facebook ends up being a news source for people in a
post-newspaper world.
The potential power of a medium like Facebook can’t be overstated in
this viral age. Anything I write on my page can be shared in a heartbeat by
any of my 1,522 Facebook friends, whose own friends (and their friends’
friends, and their friends’ friends’ friends) can then spread the word even
farther afield in a nano-second.
No harm done if... more »
Israeli jets bomb Syria again? Another weapons convoy?
*As of this moment, I find this quite dubious*.
And, am looking for more info on this most recent alleged Israeli airstrike.
The story comes via Israeli media from opposition sources.
Very questionable sourcing, indeed!
*Report: Israel Bombs Another Syrian Weapons Convoy*
Israeli air force jets bombed trucks carrying Syrian missiles bound for
Hizbullah's warehouses in Lebanon, according to Syrian opposition sources.
The sources, were cited Sunday by* Voice of Israel *radio's Arabic-language
service, which was quoted by *i24 News*.
The *Friday night bombing* reportedly* targeted a Syri... more »
*Oil and gas industry must pay for the damage it's caused ~Lt. General
Russel L. Honore*
*The Big Oil lawsuit and wetlands war ~Clancy Dubos, Gambit *
Sea Level Rise from Climate Central
written by Ben Strauss (the entire article is here):
We have two sea levels: the sea level of today, and the far higher sea
level that is already being locked in for some distant tomorrow.
In a new paper published Monday in the *Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences* (PNAS), I analyze the growth of the locked-in amount of sea
level rise and other implications of Levermann and colleagues’ work. This
article and its interactive map are based on this new PNAS paper, and they
include extended results.
To begin with, it appears that the amount of carbon pollution to date has
... more »
healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week: help me make delicious lentil soup
The healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week - now running about every-other
week - has hit a snag: lentil soup. I love lentil soup, but my own is
turning out just OK, not really delicious.
After the first try was too bland, Stephanie suggested using allspice and
more bay leaves. Excellent idea! I upped the bay leaves from three to six,
and added allspice. Result: big improvement, but still not great.
If you make delicious lentil soup, can you share your secrets? (And if the
secret is homemade stock, then I'm out of luck.) More below.
* * * *
I'm still using the hell out of my slow... more »
Go VIRAL!!!! The Avenging Uterus, Penis Havers, and Other Cartoons of Feminist Backlash
Best laugh ever. And it may be the only way to win over the forces of evil.
Let's send it around the world. The Avenging Uterus and Other Cartoons of
Feminist BacklashMonday, 29 July 2013 By Matt Bors CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
*FBI raids rescue 105 kids forced into prostitution*
*Fugate-aboudit!: Landrieu, Vitter Tell Obama to Keep FEMA Head ~Stephen
I am delighted to report that Steve Saideman, Robert Kelly and Megan
MacKenzie will be joining the ranks of permanent Duck contributors as of
today. This leaves room for new guest bloggers: Stacie Goddard, Johannes
Urpelainen and Jillian Schwedler. Stacie Goddard joins us from Wellesley
College where she teaches international conflict, specializing in
diplomacy, security
Continue reading
I am very impressed to see this protest of folks from the right wing and
left wing together in Oklahoma. They are taking on US Syria policy. We
need more of this.
When I was up in Augusta a couple of months ago for the drone hearings I
met a bunch of guys from right wing groups there for gun control hearings.
While we didn't agree on gun control we did find common ground on drone
surveillance across Maine. One of them showed me a bumper sticker that
read "Protect my 2nd amendment rights to shoot down drones."
I told one of the guys on that occasion that the corporate oligarch... more »
Hawai'i Senate Race: Brian Schatz's Record On Choice Is Far Better Than Colleen Hanabusa's

Another wise Brain Schatz supporter
More often than not, EMILY's List backs conservative women but they claim
they only back ones who are pro-Choice. And most of the conservative women
they endorse are indeed pro-Choice... kinda, sorta. Sometimes they're far
less pro-Choice than the progressive men EMILY's List is always on a jihad
against. Almost every race pitting one of the EMILY'S List conservative
women against a progressive male, shows the male to be the more pro-Choice.
And that's certainly the case in the Hawai'i Senate race this cycle in
which EMILY's List has encouraged con... more »
Another Secret CON Fetus Fetishist
From Lisa Kirbie, Warren Kinsella's gf, we learn that abortion has become
an issue in at least one of the upcoming Ontario by-elections.
Ali Chahbar, running for the Ontario PCs in London West, has garnered
Campaign Life's highest rating.
*Rating: Pro-life, pro-family*
In a July 16th telco with a pro-life leader, Chahbar indicated that he is
strongly pro-life and was raised with the value that human life is sacred.
Otherwise pickings are slim for fetus fetishists in the five elections:
only three candidates (Chahbar and two representing the Family Coalition
Party, aka Christian Tal... more »
Let's Retire the "Once in a Hundred Years" Label

Calgary had a "once in a hundred years" flood in 2005. Eight years later
it had a "once in a hundred years" flood that was three times worse.
There's something reassuring about bad events labelled "once in a hundred
years" because you know that you've survived something you won't have to
deal with again in your lifetime. You've dodged that bullet. Don't worry,
be happy.
But the two flooding events that hit Toronto this year and the 2008 and
2013 floods that devastated Calgary should be cause enough to ditch the
"once in a century" assurance about anything.
*The Atlantic Citie... more »
We Have to End Police Killings and Brutality.
Indulge me for a minute. Watch closely the video of Saturday night's
killing of a kid aboard a Toronto streetcar. The young man was apparently
holding a knife with a 3-inch blade and had ignored a police command to
drop it.
Ignore the officer with the gun doing the shooting. Watch the other
officers at the scene as they were before, during, and after the
shooting. Ignore everybody except those 'bystander' officers.
I count four officers near the front door of the bus before the shooting
begins. Off camera there are several others who enter the frame as the
shots were fired... more »
Rape Threats, Twitter, and Masculine Crisis
So, Caroline Criado-Perez, wages a successful campaign to get Jane Austen
onto the £10 note and a pledge that, in future, the Bank of England's
designs will better reflect the actual look and shape of British society. A
welcome happenstance for everyone who isn't white, male and posh. But not
all. Unfortunately, the bigger story has been the rape and sexual assault
threats she's been on the receiving end of. Caroline talks about some
examples here. It goes without saying the volume of misogynistic abuse has
generated a furious backlash, from folk bombarding key members of Twitter
s... more »
“My Life in Circles: Why Metadata is Incredibly Intimate”
* *
*“My Life in Circles: *
*Why Metadata is Incredibly Intimate”*
By Matthew Harwood
“One of the most disingenuous arguments in the aftermath of the NSA spying
revelations is that the American people shouldn't be concerned about the
government hoovering up its sensitive information because it's only metadata-
or a fancy way of saying data about the data. "This is just metadata,"
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein assured the
American people, referring to the NSA's bulk collection of Americans call
records. "There is no content involved." President Obama an... more »
Confessions of an Economic Hitman A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 187 with John Perkins.

*Confessions of an Economic Hitman*
*A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 187 with John Perkins.*
July 29, 2013
*ANNOUNCER*: This is the Lew Rockwell Show.
*ROCKWELL*: Well, what an honor it is to have as our guest today on the
show, John Perkins. I think that if Hollywood weren’t so connected to the
Pentagon, maybe there’d be a movie about him, staring George Clooney. But
there’s not a movie because of the sorts of books he’s written, especially *Confessions
of an Economic Hitman* that was on *The New York Times* best-seller list
for a year and a half and tr... more »
“The American Surveillance State Is Here. Can It Be Evaded?”
* *
* “The American Surveillance State Is Here.*
* Can It Be Evaded?”*
By John W. Whitehead
“If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society
in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for
the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie,
evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic
gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.”
– Philip K. Dick, author of Minority Report
On any given day, the average American going about his daily business will
be ... more »
Kessler’s streak ends but Dowd’s continues!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*Same as it ever was:* Your Daily Howler just keeps getting results!
Yesterday, for the second straight week, Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post
Fact-Checker, handed his vaunted Pinocchios to a Republican, thus bowing to
our will.
Joe DiMaggio’s streak is safe. Not so, perhaps, Maureen Dowd’s.
Yesterday, Dowd extended her current "silly shit" streak with another
column on Anthony’s Weiner. She may be targeting her own record streak for
waste-of-time columns, a record she established in the summer of 1999.
That April, Dowd was handed the Pulitzer Prize for h... more »
Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter

Obama Swearing to Uphold the Constitution
Dees Illustration
Sunday, July 28, 2013
*Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter*
*Re: Civil Disobedience, Edward J. Snowden, and the Constitution*
Dear Mr. President:
You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil
disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All
that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Civil disobedience is not the first, but the last option. Henry David
Thoreau wrote with profound restraint in Civil Disobedience: “If... more »
Choosing your earth

Every so often I stick my toe in the deep end of “popular” culture just to
gauge its relevance. Feeling especially reckless, I may go as deep as to
read the Reddit comments or listen to call in AM radio shows. In the midst
of one such dip today, a sudden thought appeared “*We are already living on
more than one earth*.”
I’ve been holding out for one catalyzing event and a split. What I see
today are many splits and multiple events. Perhaps we’ll all experience a
singular, life altering moment, yet right now we are in the midst of a
seamless, rapid, inescapable shift. I’v... more »

Christopher Hitchens: Trayvon/Zimmerman
from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Murder committed in the course of aggressively stalking a citizen by
someone without a badge makes the case first, not second degree murder.
This is a premeditated criminal act.

On the morning of 9/11, almost every senior or notable Zionist on the face
of the Earth was in either New York, Washington or London, within minutes
of a TV Studio, making themselves available to be interviewed about what
they thought the days events might auger and what they should do next.
(And none of them expressed surprise)
The most senior black and powerful black man in America wasn't.
He had been sent to Columbia at short notice and was far from the President
and far from having his finger on the pulse of the National Security States
of America
Colin Powell's endorsem... more »
Corroboration absent and judgment set aside
Anten v. Bhalerao, 2013 ONCA 499 uses the concept of corroboration to set
aside a finding of incapacity. The testimony of a witness is said to be
corroborated when it is shown to correspond with the representation of some
other witness, or to comport with some facts otherwise known or
established. Corroboration is seldom seen in modern Canadian law – this is
an unusual case where it is key:
[28] It was common ground that s. 14(1) of the Evidence Act applied
in this case, and that, in order for the Board to uphold the respondent’s
finding of incapacity, the respondent’s evide... more »
A lot of old fogeys are watching the news!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*Two cable tribes, Old and Older:* Very little seems to have changed.
People who watch cable news still tend to be old fogies.
Bill Carter did the report last week. The basic take-away reads like this:
MSNBC versus Fox represents Old versus Older:
CARTER (7/23/13): Fox News continues to be near the top in cable television
in terms of the number of viewers it attracts, but it is near the top in
another category, too: the median age of its audience is among the oldest
in television.
For most of the television business—the segment that relies on
advertising—t... more »
“Have Credit-Based Money, Will Fail”
* *
*“Have Credit-Based Money, Will Fail”*
by Bill Bonner
“Over the last 10,000 years, humans have tried two different kinds of
“money.” They began with exchanges based on credit — “You give me a
chicken… I’ll pay you back later, maybe by helping you build a new wigwam.”
Then, when society became too large and extensive, they switched to gold
and silver. The advantage of this was obvious: You didn’t have to remember
who owed what to whom. You could settle up right away. “You give me a
chicken. I give you a little piece of silver. Done deal.”
Periodically, governments were tempted... more »

I made it home at 1:00 am this morning. I could barely make it up the
stairs with my bags. I slept until 11:00 am and had to get to work doing
some legal stuff for my most recent arrest at Hancock Field drone base in
Syracuse, New York. As it is I am late on it anyway.
When I came through passport control upon reentering the US at the Dallas
airport yesterday the guy at the booth ran my passport into his computer,
marked a big red "I" on my reentry form, and said, "Come with me." My
first thought was here we go again. The same thing happened to me when I
came back from our Glo... more »
Catch of the Day
Great Ezra Klein item defending August recess. For Congress that is. As he
points out, Congress for the most part is very much at work during what
they try to call a "district work period."
I'm not sure that all 535 Members of Congress are intense hard workers, but
in my first and second hand experience (I've known a fair number of people
who worked on the Hill), not to mention what more careful research has
found, the overwhelming majority work hard at their jobs. Doesn't mean they
are all great at it; we've all known people who work hard but don't get
anything done!
The one thing... more »
UHC 17: First, Second and Third Lines of UHC for the Poor

Later today, I will attend a round table discussion on Health System
Shapers (HSS), Patients and Consumers Sector, at the Department of Health
(DOH) main office. The goal of this and related fora is to further fine
tune the government’s universal health care (UHC) goal.
Last week, I also attended the two-days (July 25-26) “Policy Dialogue on
UHC and Access to Medicines “ held at the Asian Institute of Management
(AIM) in Makati. Here are two of the definitions or presentations about UHC.
This one is from DOH UnderSec. Madeleine “Madz” de Rosas Valera in her
presentation, “The Philip... more »
*We are the ones who knock ~Moosedenied*
*~Life is a terminal disease, and while in the back of our minds we all
know that sooner or later the other shoe will inevitably drop, that's no
reason to be a simpering douchebag about it in the meantime. Because it
damn sure ain't happening today. Not when there's so much cooking still to
be done. Success to be achieved. Jerks to stick it to. Not sure when or why
I lost track of that, but a big high five to AWD for bringing a little of
that much-needed crystal blue persuasion and snapping me out of my apparent
offseason funk. You, sir, are m... more »
Sharing Good Information

*"He who speaks the truth will be chased out of nine villages"*
*- Turkish Proverb*
*"...in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of
whom certainly feel as you do; *
*but what do they say?*
* They say, *
*‘It’s not so bad’ *
*or ‘You’re seeing things’ *
*or ‘You’re an alarmist.’*
*"And you are an alarmist. *
*You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. *
*These are the beginnings, yes; *
*but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you
know, or even surmise, the end?*
*On the one h... more »
If I use "ALEC" I can Get More Hits
evidently the broo-haha around ALEC has become mainstream enough that
people think they can throw "ALEC" in the title for more exposure - more
hits to their webpage.
Take this for example - published on 7/27
ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs; Is It Too Late?
ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs
ALEC Distracts Electorate
Hmmm - tell me more.
After reading the whole article - FOUR page in Word single spaced - here's
all he has to say about ALEC.
*ALEC Distracts Electorate From Economy, Jobs; Is It Too Late?*
July 27, 2013
By Harvey ... more »
Coming Soon, Your Eyes on the World

Astronaut Chris Hadfield reconnected countless millions of people to the
wonders of space. His space station performance of the David Bowie
classic "Space Oddity" has racked up more than 17-million hits on YouTube
since its release two months ago.
Now two Vancouver brothers have come up with a venture to let you share
something of the experience that crews of the space station enjoy. Their
company has a deal to install and operate two cameras that will be attached
to the space station and will stream real time video back to us on *terra
One camera will be fixed. The ... more »
What's Old Is New Again. The Return of the Workhouse.

Stephen Harper has a prison fetish. Despite steady declines in crime rates
in Canada over the past four decades, Steve is hell bent on building new
prisons. We like to mock him for this but maybe we shouldn't be so quick
to dismiss it as the product of a whacked-out fundamentalist mind.
Harper just might be introducing Canada to a project that's well underway
in the United States - the return of the workhouse and the transformation
of the poor into profitable slave labour. That, at least, is the way Chris
Hedges sees it.
*Poor people, especially those of color, are worth no... more »
The strange case of Alexei Navalny
*American commentators apply an entirely different yardstick to Navalny,
while their peer group back home casts Anthony Weiner as the original
sinner. *
MK Bhadrakumer @ Russia India Report
*I am not putting this news up because of concern for Anthony Weiner. What
this article shows, clearly, is that the NATO/corporate controlled western
media is always on message for the imperial war/destabilization agenda.
While Weiner is chastized, as he should be. Navalny is lionized and he
should not be. What is the difference? Only the political agenda.*
*The indiscretion of Anthony Weine... more »
Blue America Welcomes Barbara Buono

Blue America primarily gets involved with congressional races, but after
Digby, John and I met New Jersey state Senator Barbara Buono-- and
reflected on the dangers of Chris Christie-- not just in the Garden State,
but across America-- we opened this special new ActBlue page for
progressive gubernatorial candidates. Earlier today Barbara announced her
choice of Milly Silva to run for lieutenant governor, which adds a
charismatic young Hispanic woman labor leader (an executive vice president
of the SEIU) who shares her working class background to the Democratic
ticket. And it pote... more »
What Religion Makes You Better? Answer Given By The Dali Lama

Electricity Protests Spread To 5 Of Iraq’s Provinces

The summer months have brought about Iraq’s seasonal hot weather. That has
also led to a new wave of protests over power shortages for the third time
in four years. The demonstrations started in Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar in early
June 2013, and have since spread to Basra, Muthanna, Maysan, and Wasit
governorates. They have charged the government with incompetence and
corruption, and asked for Deputy Premier Shahristani who is in charge of
energy policy and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to step down. The growing
protests have applied enough pressure on Baghdad that Maliki, Shahristani, ... more »
Saturday In The Park

Southern Man and a few friends drove an hour northwest to one of the state
parks for a day of fun.
The park entrance. There was a geocache hidden in those trees to the right.
Girls cannot park.
At the lodge. Photo by a friendly passer-by.
Mini golf.
The winner!
Another geocache was hidden near this mural.
A good time was had by all.
A Billion Bullets
I don't have television, so I found these compilations of news reports
quite entertaining. There is a strange confluence of far right and far
left - neither trusts the government, with good reason. The difference is
the crackpot right thinks the government is militarizing the police and
stripping away legal protections because there is a conspiracy to enslave
the citizens and impose a "New World Order" - whereas the left is (or so I
imagine) more concerned that the government is anticipating civil unrest
because the climate is dangerously destabilized which will lead to empty
shel... more »
Reza Aslan and the nearly hilarious disassembly of Fox-News presenter Lauren Green
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 12 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/YY92TV4_Wc0 - click in picture to start this film!
Reza Aslan's new book: 'Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth'
made him appear in Rupert Murdock's "Fox News" trying to outfox Aslan in an
item called "Spirited Debate", presented by Lauren Green. She will remember!
Rightwing and/or neo-conservative (Christian) journalism are living "a race
to the bottom" of news-presenting these days. Their associated printed
media aren't precisely flourishing anymore. People are getting sick and
tired of often unsubstantiated, biased quasi-'news facts' where they can... more »
Dubliners: What happens as the bogus tale spreads!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*To us, this smells like sadism:* There is no perfect set of rules
explaining how best to raise a child.
What should you tell a child about the dangers the world presents? *When *should
he or she be told about those dangers?
How *much* should a child be told? In how much detail?
There is no perfect set of rules to answer such questions for parents. That
said, we thought Slate’s recent account of child-reading in liberal
brainiac Cambridge was extremely sad and carried an obvious smell.
To us, there was a scent of sadism in the air as we read the first-pers... more »
Obama Is Complicit in Nation's Violent, Discriminatory Behavior, Laws

The president and the attorney general of the United States want to
re-examine the nation's "stand your ground" laws. That should have been
last year's news. As a result of the George Zimmerman verdict, the
president also wants all of us to have a conversation, not necessarily a
national conversation but conversations within our own families and
churches and, most especially, with ourselves about our own biases.
We should all be able all do that, but not at the expense of a national
conversation that leads to a change in - not simply in attitudes or biases
- but in discriminatory ... more »
Deference to findings of fact
Barclays Bank PLC v. Devonshire Trust, 2013 ONCA 494:
[90] Second, findings of fact by the trial judge attract deference on
appeal and are only reviewable by this court if they reveal palpable and
overriding error: *Waxman v. Waxman* (2004), 186 O.A.C. 201 (C.A.), at
para. 291. This standard applies to all factual findings, whether based on
credibility assessments, the weighing of competing evidence, expert
evidence, or the drawing of inferences from primary facts: see *Waxman*, at
paras. 359-60. Findings of fact grounded in credibility assessments are
particularly difficult t... more »
"Astronomical" Lughnasadh

I quote The Enemy:
In the cross-quarter reckoning of former NASA scientist Robert Gillespie,
Northern Lughnasadh occurs when the Sun's ecliptic longitude/Earth's
heliocentric longitude reaches 135 degrees.
In 2013 this will occur at *8:21 UTC on August 7.*
*The following footage is quoted from "Charles Manson: Superstar", a
documentary prepared by self-described Satanists and members of the Church
of Satan *
* (though not Acquino's Temple of Set NATO/NSA/CIA/Processean offshoot* (I
don't think)*)
* *It may contain disinformation, for that reason, but I sus... more »
Searching for Occupy met up with Veterans for Peace all across the country.
They had plenty to say about War and Peace as well as the War on Mother
Earth and all humanity.
Israel Matzav: What a 'Palestinian negotiator's Facebook page says about the chances for peace
If Dr. Mohammed Shtayyeh, one of the two 'negotiators'
'Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Abbas
doesn't want a two state solution
why should Israel take negotiations seriously?
More here
Not sure how much I'll post today and tomorrow because Greg is taking a
couple days off, so I'll be over there more than usual.
Meanwhile, over the weekend we here at Plain Blog celebrated a birthday;
I've been doing this four years, now. Woo! Easy slogan for the occasion:
Four More Years!
Thanks are due: to Greg, to the other folks at the Post and at Salon and
TAP; to John and the other political science bloggers; to all the great
commenters here; and especially to those who have supported Plain Blog with
kind words and links. Thank you!
I suppose I should thank all the politician... more »
The Day the Earth Stood Still

*by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy*
I just watched –again –the Keanu Reeves version of 'The Day the Earth Stood
Still', a high tech re-write/re-make of the original with Michael Rennie as
Klaato. Both versions are allegorical, high-tech “scripture” in which a
“being” from “the heavens” comes to earth where he is presumed to have
“died” for our sins. Does this sound familiar?
Klaato arrives on earth with a message: people of Earth, get a clue,
resolve your differences, shut up, get your shit together! In the original,
Klaato (Michael Rennie) assumes the name “Carpenter”. Again ... more »
What if guys and girls switched roles at the gym?
What if guys and girls switched roles at the gym?
Below is an amusing video that takes punches at the different things men
and women do at the gym.
Looking for a personal trainer in Toronto for training in your condo or
local park? Look no further than Cardio Trek?
Psychosis in the Sky?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*How police helicopter madness became the norm in L.A.*
click to enlarge Bernie Suarez
For those who live in Los Angeles, you wake up in the morning and perhaps
think to yourself all the things you want to accomplish today or this week.
You are ready for the day and then all is interrupted by a police
helicopter flying right over your house. That’s right, it’s that familiar
sound: the annoying sound of the helicopter draws a strong sense of
weariness, maybe a little paranoia. Deep down you are thinking: what are
the police u... more »
EPA to Raise Allowable Glyphosate Pesticide Levels in Food Crops by 3,000%!
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*Another win for biotech giant Monsanto equals another loss for humanity.*
Melissa Melton
Just days ago, RT.com reported that the U.S. Environmental “Protection”
Agency is set to raise the allowable limits of Monsanto’s best-selling
glyphosate pesticide Roundup in our nation’s food crops to ridiculously
high levels:
Through the EPA’s new standards, the amount of allowable glyphosate in
oilseed crops such as flax, soybeans and canola will be increased from 20
parts per million (ppm) to 40 ppm, which GM Watch acknowledged is o... more »
How Do We Control Our Police?
The needless, cowardly shooting of a young man with a 3-inch knife (he was
alone in a stopped streetcar and all the police were outside on the street)
by the Toronto Police Service has prompted some to call for bringing our
police under control.
The Robert Dziekanski murder.
The abuse of Stacey Bonds.
The Toronto G20.
There are so many other abuses, too many to mention. Often, these actions
are performed in the presence of their own surveillance cameras, either in
their stations or their squad cars. The perpetrators and their fellow
officers are all acting as if their brutality co... more »
Explosion à Lac-Mégantic: j’accuse! - Lettre à M. Stephen Harper, premier ministre du Canada

Explosion à Lac-Mégantic: j’accuse!Lettre à M. Stephen Harper, premier
ministre du Canada
Par Rodolphe De Koninck
Mondialisation.ca, 26 juillet 2013
La tragédie survenue à Lac-Mégantic le 6 juillet 2013 n’a pas fini de
susciter tristesse, indignation et interrogations. Comme l’ont affirmé
plusieurs dirigeants et administrateurs politiques, dont quelques-uns
proches de vous, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, les enquêtes devant
permettre d’identifier responsables et ... more »
Oakland moves forward with citywide surveillance center despite data collection, privacy controversy
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image credit:
jean-louis zimmermann/Flickr Madison Ruppert
Ignoring the concerns surrounding data collection and privacy, Oakland
continues to push forward with their federally funded, citywide
surveillance project known as the Domain Awareness Center.
Other cities have launched “Domain Awareness”programs, including New York
City, where Mayor Bloomberg said that New Yorkers will “never know where
our cameras are.”
The project in Oakland will link everything from ever-controversial license
plate scanners to surveillance came... more »
So Monsanto Says Its GMO Pollen Can’t Drift…
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Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
*Pro Tip:* Pollen drifts … *that is how pollen works*.
So wildfire embers can travel over a mile, huh? Interesting tidbit.
Here’s another. Back in 2002, in the midst of Monsanto carrying on trials
for its Roundup Ready GMO wheat in 16 states across the nation, Danny
Gigax, Monsanto’s representative for wheat research partner relationships,
claimed in an interview that, “Outcropping or pollen drift is less than .01
percent because the pollen is relatively heavy.” (Source:
... more »
Now the Bankers Will Steal 47.5% from Cyprus Savers
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration *Activist Post*
Failed European banks are now demanding the seizure of 47.5 percent of
funds in private savings accounts in Cyprus.
This new form of bank bailout referred to as a "bail-in" or
recapitalization, no matter how they label it, is nothing more than a theft
of private savers.
According to Reuters:
Cyprus and its international lenders have agreed to convert 47.5 percent of
deposits exceeding 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus to equity to
recapitalize it, banking sources said on Sunday.
Under a... more »
Snowden's Dad SCHOOLS Obama, Pelosi, and Holder in Open Letter
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration *Activist Post*
Re: Civil Disobedience, Edward J. Snowden, and the Constitution
Dear Mr. President:
You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil
disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All
that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Civil disobedience is not the first, but the last option. Henry David
Thoreau wrote with profound restraint in Civil Disobedience: “If the
injustice is part of the necessary friction of the ma... more »
Playtime . . .
Outdoor Wildlife Cam Captures a Veritable Bear Hoedown. Really. Click on the link to check out Glenn Naylor's video, and enjoy.
DUBLINERS TOO: A moral history of his country!
*MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013*
*Part 1—Few episodes have matched this one:* In 1913, Joyce Kilmer wrote
That’s not what we’re talking about.
In 1907, James Joyce published Dubliners, a famous set of fifteen stories
which isn’t set in Ohio.
The fellow was 25 at the time. One year earlier, he had explained his
purposes in a frequently-quoted letter.
For fuller text, see below. This was Joyce, with our emphasis added:
*“My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country
and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to be the center
of paralysis.* I... more »
The World We Want To Live In (Video Project)
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Social Contract Part II: The Loss of Checks and Balances
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Anthony Freda Art Susan Boskey
The House of Representatives on July 24, 2013 rejected by a 12-point margin
an amendment to limit NSA surveillance via data collection on Americans.
The rejection allows the NSA with unlimited access to spy on American’s
private information. How exactly, you might ask, does this jive with the
social contract that assumes the people will hold up their end of the
bargain because government exists only to serve the “general will?”
One is left to wonder. Earlier this month prior to the NSA amendmen... more »
City Pushing for Quicker Oil Cleanup
Rachel Rindfleisch at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 14 hours ago
By: Nathan Lamb
Leaks from an old oil field are causing health concerns in California, and
officials are hoping to spur quicker cleanup, according to this story from
the Los Angeles Times.
The contamination—which includes the carcinogen benzene—was discovered in
2008 beneath Carson city's Carousel tract, which is now a residential area
with 285 homes.
Cleanup is being handled jointly by state officials and the Shell Oil
Company, and is not expected to get underway until next year.
The declaration of emergency was recently suggested by Carson's mayor, in
an effort to spur more imme... more »
Overwhelmed: Leading Ammo Manufacturer Temporarily Suspends Production
*“There Is No Conspiracy To Shut Us Down”*
Mac Slavo
Citing extreme demand over the last year the Hornady Manufacturing company,
one of the leading producers of ammunition globally, has temporarily
suspended production of over 150 bullet and ammunition types in order to
focus their productive capacity on more popular products.
In a statement posted on the Hornady web site the firm explains that though
they have increased capacity and shipments over the last year, their
efforts have been overshadowed by an increase in demand of over 200%.
Effective immediately, Hornady will focus it... more »
The Coming Shortage Of Physical Gold That Will Change Everything
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Michael Snyder
Is the paper gold scam about to be brutally crushed by a crippling shortage
of physical gold? If so, what will that do to global financial markets?
According to the Reserve Bank of India, “the traded amount of ‘paper linked
to gold’ exceeds by far the actual supply of physical gold: the volume on
the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) OTC market and the major
Futures and Options Exchanges was OVER 92 TIMES that of the underlying
Physical Market.”
In other words, there is a massive amount of paper out t... more »
Hey… hey power? Meet truth. Watch this exchange. Amazing.
Former school employee, not sure if she was a teacher or not, but she’s
absolutely right: middling class individuals are held to a standard such
that private or public errors in judgment have the potential for
long-lasting consequences. Then you have this guy, blasts his junk all over
the Internet, and he wants the highest […]
*How can Ahlittia North die so young with such a long story to tell? ~Danny
Monteverde, New Orleans Advocate*
Execute Order 66

"You think I didn't see your lil' movie.... ?
*Bitch*, I had undercover FBI send *Booty-calls* to all those Mormon fools
o' your family's on their government-issue Blackberries...
They *gone*, Honey!
Have some fruit punch an' enjoy yo'self.
It's a celebration, bitches...!!!
Second Term, Baby!!
Republican "Terrorist" Trash-talk has to STOP

This has been sitting in my craw bugging me all night - not much sleep.
Another example of Republican extremist trash-talk.
Another example where moderate politicians need to step up and tell
Republicans to SHUT UP - before someone is hurt.
Consider this:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Then consider this:
If you don't understand... more »
Wall Street Licking It's Chops As It Sees Christie And Booker Ahead In Their New Jersey Races
By now you're probably well aware that GOP presidential rivals Chris
Christie and Rand Paul are already slugging it out-- over national
and governing philosophy. It looks to be pretty ugly, as anything
gets involved in always turns out to be. But their disputes aren't just a
matter of two ambitious Republicans trying to knock each other out of
presidential contention. Christie, in fact, sounds exactly like
*Democratic*Wall Street shill Corey Booker. They're like the Jersey
Bobbsey Twins.
Christie, at a forum in Colorado on Thursday, pointed to a “strain of
liber... more »
Announcing a Project to Modify or Replace the US Monetary System
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source David Redick
The US Dollar (USD) has been the world’s primary reserve currency (used for
most international transactions, even when the US is not a party, and for
bank reserves in all nations) since 1920, which has helped support its
value due to high demand. The use of the USD for most oil sales since 1973
(the ‘Petrodollar’) has also brought helpful demand, but that is fading.
Due to excessive creation of new money (‘traditional’ monetary inflation,
plus the Bernanke ‘spike’ in 2008 and recent QE activity), *t... more »
UK Internet Porn Censor to Also Block Conspiracy Theories
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*Big Brother Weds the Nanny Who's Pregnant with Internet Censorship.*
Here is the *real *problem with the Internet
Dees Illustration Eric Blair
The totalitarian tip-toe is tap dancing to tyranny with the proposed
Internet censorship bill in the United Kingdom. In the name of keeping
children safe from porn, the UK law will impose Internet filters on far
more than just porn.
According to Wired:
As well as pornography, users may automatically be opted in to blocks on
"violent material", "extremist related content", "anorexia... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Danger Mouse, 36.
Recovering from a brutal Giants weekend; at least there's still good stuff:
Elizabeth Saunders on Al Gore and Iraq -- plus links to plenty more. I've
only read the post, and not the full article, but I suspect I agree
entirely (mostly because it sounds pretty similar to what I've said about
While Philip Klein is a skeptic on a GOP shift to a less McCain-like
foreign policy.
Perhaps a cheap shot, but fun: Paul Krugman goes all Lincoln on the
And Dan Hopkins on messaging and health care reform.
*Gauging health of Louisiana fisheries is a complex task ~Amy Wold, Advocate
~A few months ago, John Lopez was looking for blue crabs for a boil he was
planning at the New Canal Lighthouse in New Orleans, but the pickings were
scarce. When he finally found some, he cleared out the last the store had
and then bought some crawfish to make up the difference. It was an
indication of what he’d been hearing. The number of crabs being caught in
Lake Pontchartrain seemed to be down this year, said Lopez, executive
director of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation.
*Gulf 'Dead Zone' Above... more »
29 Nettle Tea Benefits: Sipping on Nettle Tea for Better Health by Christina Sarich

Source: http://pinterest.com/pin/545005992375981520/
29 Nettle Tea Benefits: Sipping on Nettle Tea for Better Health
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 29 July 2013
Milarepa, the Tibetan saint, was said to have lived on nothing but nettles
for decades of meditation. Yet another weed that most of us pull and throw
out, like dandelions, nettle is a wonderful health-boosting herb that
should never be dowsed with weed-killer, but plucked and dried to make into
an herbal panacea that could make the local pharmacy go bankrupt. Nettle,
from the flowering plant genus *Urtica* in the fa... more »
Will The Elderly, Conflicted, Beleagured McConnell Crack Up Under All The Stress?

Predictably, over the weekend the Louisville *Courier-Journal* columnists
were all buzzing over Kentucky's mega-high profile Senate campaign. Old,
steeped in corruption and wily, Mitch McConnell, is facing a mainstream
Democrat, Alison Lundergan Grimes, and, in the GOP primary, a very credible
Tea Party candidate, Matt Bevin. Al Cross made the point that McConnell failed
his first test for reelection-- keeping Bevin from running against him.
Bevin’s campaign is likely to help the campaign of McConnell’s likely
Democratic challenger, Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Gri... more »
Rockefeller and Ruckelshaus – New Economy Rising
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Julie Beal
Putting a price tag on the services provided by nature, and human beings,
was first proposed by ecological economists some 40 years ago, as a way to
protect biodiversity, and to give a truer figure for the GDP of a nation.
This is done by monitoring all resources (natural capital), and the
well-being of the people, and the services they provide ‘for free’, such as
caring for elderly relatives. The GDP would then reflect the ‘true wealth’
of the country – essential knowledge for globalist investors.
The idea fles... more »
Syria retakes Homs. The fall of Homs follows the fall of Al Qusayr about three months ago . Next target for the Syria Government will be the city of Aleppo - if Alepp falls , the civil war will be all over but for the pontificating and blame gaming .....
Three months after winning the strategic town of Al Qusayr, the combined
Syrian and Hizballah armies have captured the historic Muslim Brotherhood
city of Homs, 162 kilometers northeast of the capital Damascus.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that Sunday, July 28,
jeeps with recoilless guns, pick-up trucks with anti air guns - all loaded
with defeated rebel Farouq Brigades fighters were to be seen fleeing the
city. As they fled, Syrian an... more »
Monday Morning Linkage
Good morning! Here’s your linkage… Atul Gawande asks why do some medical
ideas (i.e. norms) spread quickly and others slowly? Thomas Rutig
re-examines whether lessons can be learnt between the conflicts in
Afghanistan and Mali. Udai Bhanu Singh assesses the Bodh Gaya terrorist
attack. If you thought Bangladesh’s garment industry had problems, perhaps
you ought
Continue reading
A House Divided Over NSA Spying on Americans
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
By Dr. Ron Paul
Last week’s House debate on the Defense Appropriations bill for 2014
produced a bit more drama than usual. After hearing that House leadership
would do away with the traditional “open rule” allowing for debate on any
funding limitation amendment, it was surprising to see that Rep. Justin
Amash’s (R-MI) amendment was allowed on the Floor. In the wake of National
Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations about the
extent of US government spying on American citizens, Amash’s amendment
sou... more »
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University*
image source
*Activist Post*
What if the government could change people's moral beliefs or stop
political dissent through remote control of people's brains?
Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that
the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing
Activist Post was recently contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who
worked on a secret ongoing mind-control project for DARPA. The aim of the ... more »
It's In The Hands Of The Young

Frank Graves has been tracking public opinion for a long time. In his most
recent survey, he asked Canadians four broad questions: 1) Do you favour
more or less immigration? 2) Should Canada focus on domestic production or
international trade? 3) Should we build our economy on carbon based energy
or green energy? and 4) Do you favour more or less government?
In only one of these four areas do Canadians appear to support Harper
government policy. We are not as welcoming of immigrants as we used to be.
But, interestingly, on the question of active or laissez faire government,
Canad... more »
Forget the campaign manager quitting , forget the cringe worthy pressers with wife Huma and cringe worthy meet and greets on the campaign trail..... what is going to shut down Anthony Weiner's mayoral bid is when his campaign interferes with Hillary 2016 ! Meanwhile , watch Detroit and then other cities , local municipalities and States dump retirees and any othe workers they can on the insurance exchanges pursuant to the Affordable Care Act - and watch the cost for the plan skyrocket as the extent of this dumping was not factored into expense calculations.....
Bill and Hillary Clinton are 'livid' at comparisons to Weiners' sexcapades
and forgiveness
- Last Updated: 5:42 AM, July 29, 2013
- Posted: 1:40 AM, July 29, 2013
[image: headshot]
Fredric U. Dicker
Bill and Hillary Clinton are angry with efforts by mayoral hopeful Anthony
Weiner and his campaign to compare his Internet sexcapades — and his wife
Huma Abedin’s incredible forgiveness — to the Clintons’ notorious White
House saga, The Post has lea... more »
The Bad Seed: The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Corn by Caitlin Shetterly

The Bad Seed: The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Corn
by Caitlin Shetterly
Elle Magazine, July 24, 2013
*With symptoms including headaches, nausea, rashes, and fatigue, Caitlin
Shetterly visited doctor after doctor searching for a cure for what ailed
her. What she found, after years of misery and bafflement, was as unlikely
as it was utterly common.*
The office of allergist Paris Mansmann, MD, sits on a grassy slope
overlooking the Royal River, a wide waterway that originates in inland
Maine and winds down across farmland and under train tracks until it hits
the c... more »
Isidor Isaac Rabi: 115th birthday
Isidor Isaac Rabi was born on July 29th, 1898, to an orthodox Jewish family
in Galicia, Northeastern Austria-Hungary. The town of Rymanów, sometimes
shared with Ukraine, belongs to Poland these days (it's about 20 km from
the Slovak borders). He died of cancer (after doctors would monitor him via
magnetic resonance imaging) in New York about 25 years ago, in 1988.
Soon after he was born, his family moved to the New York City where his dad
ran a grocery store in Brooklyn. Books about heliocentrism turned Izzy into
an atheist. He asked: "Who ordered God?" if I improve his question a li... more »
After the weekend massacre of more than 100 civilians in Egypt , the White House holds its tongue concerning Egypt and says " No Comment " , as comments only come forth when a non ally commits atrocities.... Of course , under the circumstances , no comment is tacit approval as the US , West and UN look the other way , expect more massacres to occur by the military and police......As expect comments from Turkey's Prime minister Erdogan and Syria's President Assad pointing out the inconsistencies in US foreign policy and the cynical hypocritical nature displayed .....
White House on Egypt Massacre: No CommentCongress Expresses 'Concern' While
Obama Desperately Tries to Avoid Issue
by Jason Ditz, July 28, 2013
Print This | Share This
Egypt has become something of an information black hole as far as the Obama
Administration is concerned. $1.5 billion in military aid goes there
annually, but what happens there is never officially recognized, and by
So when Egyptian police killed over 100 civilian protesters on the streets
of Cairo and wounded thousands of others in t... more »

*Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.*
In the UK, the police have received FOUR complaints that Sir Jimmy Savile
sexually abused children while visiting the elite Royal Marines Commando
Training Centre at Lympstone, near Exeter.
Savile was a regular visitor to the base over 40 years and was awarded an
honorary Commando Green Beret.
*Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.*
*Seven Royal Marines acted as pall bearers at Savile's funeral in November
*Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.*
*The first record linking Savile ... more »
Are bad derivative trades making Detroit's fiscal woes even worse than commonly reported ? Stated another way , regarding the 1.4 billion borrowed in 2005 to fill the gap of Detroit's pension shortfall at that time , translating into a a 2.7 billion hole ( once interest payments of 502 million and the potential cost of said derivatives of another 770 million are added to the principal of 1.4 billion ) ? How may other cities , local governments and states have made similar derivative blunders which are presently hidden from sight ?
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013
Bad Derivatives Trades Added to Detroit’s Woes
Only now that the narrative around Detroit is pretty well established –
city in long-term decline whose distress was intensified by a series of
corrupt city governments, compounded by state governments that were opposed
to Detroit’s interests – does an important additional factor come to light,
that of derivatives losses.
While the bad derivatives bets were far from large enough to have changed
the outcome (one commentator call... more »
Video game war mechanism honors young player's memory

*Wander into any gaming forum thread, chat room or multiplayer-action
communications and you rapidly discover that gamers can be an insensible
lot.* But there are also instances where the hardcore, win-at-all-costs
trash talking goes silent and they band together to do well. Such was the
case lately when players and game developers turned heartbreak over the
death of a young compatriot into cash to fight cancer.
MechWarrior Online is a game that lets players control powerful war
machines and fight each other for dominance on the battleground. The
amusement is still in beta testin... more »
How long before we find out what Draghi's infamous " whatever it takes " statement really means ? Some say after the German Elections , we shall see the French ask for ECB bond buying support - and that is when we shall see what Draghi does rather than just says.... And of course , that assumes the Italians and Spaniards aren't beating down Draghi's door fro bond buying support at the same time.......

Former ECB Chief Economist Warns "ECB Will Soon Have to Support France with
Bond Purchases"
Juergen Stark, former ECB chief economist (who resigned in 2011 over a
dispute regarding bond purchases), says in an interview in *Handelsblatt* "The
Euro crisis will worsen in late autumn"
Via Google Translate
A year ago, ECB chief Draghi announced plans to do anything to save the
euro. The former ECB chief economist Juergen Stark considers this fatal. He
fears that the ECB will soon have to suppo... more »
Shmoits face a German competitor
*Book market flooded with garden-variety cranks*
In 2010, a German conspiracy theorist and high school teacher named
Alexander Unzicker released his anti-physics tirade that was reformatted as
a book. The title was "Vom Urknall zum Durchknall" which I would translate
as "From the Big Bang to Their Big Butts' Being Banged" but that was
translated as "Bankrupting Physics" by the unimaginative translator. The
English translation will appear tomorrow. You may pre-order it.
Most of the 21 chapters have titles saying things like "something is rotten
in the state of physics", "why cosmolog... more »
Vera Bradley Handbag and Wallet Set Giveaway!

Welcome to the Vera Bradley Handbag and Wallet Set Giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive a brand new, authentic *Vera Bradley Squared
Away Handbag and Euro Wallet Set* courtesy of Giveaway Promote
Vera Bradley Squared Away Handbag
Attention all handbag fans… have we got a bag for you! With rounded
corners, a zip-around closure and a large interior, this is everything you
love in a bowler with longer straps, a larger base and bigger pockets.
Squared Away is the perfect bag for the modern, organized woman. Measures
15¼" x 9¾" x 4½" with 12" strap dr... more »
News from the Jews

*Jewish sex scandals, promotion of transgenderism, and anti-White
immigration agenda*
In the past few years, an array of Jewish politicians have been involved in
sex scandals which have been publicized in the mainstream mass media.
Anthony Weiner, a former New York Congressman and current candidate for
mayor of New York City, and Bob Filner, the current mayor of San Diego,
presently find themselves in the spotlight, with *the accusations leveled
against Filner particularly egregious*. The *Jewish Telegraph Agency* ran
a piece this week discussing these Jewish sex scandals:
The cl... more »
UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back

*Ever notice how totalitarian control always comes under the cloak of
protecting the women and children? These people always use the same control
templates over and over, they have virtually no creativity. There are
already packages parents can buy if they want to filter the Internet for
their children. Unfortunately those run by WEBROOT block blogs like mine as
being malware. Its backdoor censorship plain and simple via Internet black
lists that are more opaque (and harder to get removed from) than the
no-fly lists of the TSA. - AK*
* *UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Be... more »
Monasterio de Monserrat, Bages, Barcelona, España.

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Guacamayos enamorados - Birds in love

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Un día con neblina en el lago...

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Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - I Thought I Knew Mama

to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our
[image: A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or
of environment... more »

If you didn't send Bob Mankoff your favorite "New Yorker" cartoon, you won't find it among the 74 he's put in his slide show

*One of the 74 New Yorker cartoons that appear in cartoon editor Bob
Mankoff's slide-show response to his call for readers to name their
all-time favorite cartoon.*
*by Ken*
We eavesdropped a couple of weeks ago when *New Yorker* cartoon editor Bob
Mankoff named his 11 favorite *New Yorker* cartoons. At the same time, Bob
issued a call to readers to e-mail him their favorites, offering up the
resources of The Cartoon Bank to enable readers to search out that favorite
cartoon. He promised to make a slide show of the submissions, and this week he
posted it.
Bob specifies that the 7... more »
America's Imaginary Lavish Social Welfare Safety Net That Exists Only in GOP's Mind
In America, we hate the poor. We really, really hate the poor. We are
indoctrinated from birth to hate the poor. Jesus may have said, *"Blessed
are you who are poor."* But America has no time for that Jesus. Our motto
is "Screw the poor."
As a result, America has never been big on social welfare programs for the
poor. Even during the peak years of U.S. social program spending (during
LBJ's "Great Society" years), America had a skimpy social safety net,
compared to other industrialized nations.
Compared to generous European social safety nets, America these days m... more »
please answer one question about housing costs
Will you take a moment to answer one question? I may use it for something I
*Click here to take the survey.*
Please use net (take-home) income, and housing costs only, not utilities.
(These questions were asked on Facebook.)
Thanks in advance.
nyc action alert: join striking fast-food workers on monday, july 29
If you live in New York City, you have an opportunity to stand beside
working people in their struggle for a better life and healthier
84% of New York fast food workers reported experiencing wage theft at some
point in the past year and the New York Attorney General and New York City
Council have taken note of the rampant wage theft in the industry.
McDonald’s workers, forced to work in a hot kitchen without air
conditioning in the middle of a heat wave, walked off the job until their
safety was ensured.
And on top of all of this, living on $7.25 in New York City isn... more »
what i'm reading: the fault in our stars, a truly great novel for youth and not-youth

I am in the middle of reading *The Fault In Our Stars* by John Green, a
book almost too painful to read but impossible to put down. It's achingly
funny, profoundly insightful, and utterly heartbreaking, all at the same
time. *The Fault In Our Stars* is supposedly a youth novel, but please
don't let that stop you from reading it. It is simply a wonderful book.
Hazel has cancer, and her life expectancy is short. Augustus is a cancer
survivor, and has the prosthetic leg to prove it. Hazel and Augustus, two
smart, funny, and otherwise ordinary teenagers, fall in love.
How do you cope wi... more »
“Free at last!”
Stephen Spielberg’s recent film on *Lincoln* dramatised the passing of his
1863 Emancipation Proclamation—justifiably famous for freeing around 4
million slaves in North America, and beginning the removal of the stain of
slavery from American law.
This, with the subsequent constitutional amendment outlawing slavery across
the continent, was the culmination of an anti-slavery movement that swept
the west in the nineteenth century, following on the heels of the movement
for individual rights that swept the west in the eighteenth century.
Freeing the slaves was a necessary righting ... more »
"The Champ"
* *
*"The Champ"*
by CoyotePrime
Ding, ding, ding... you hear the bell for the start of the fight, hear the
crowd, noisy, excited to see this rematch between you and Life. You’re
here, and still the Champ, right? Fought this guy many times before, always
beat him, too, though you took many a beating yourself in the process, each
fight a little tougher, taking a little more out of you each time. You meet
in the center of the ring... damn, has this guy grown somehow? He looks
bigger, more muscled, and has a real confident look in his eye. So what?
You’re the Champ, still standin... more »
Meghan's Bday!

This weekend was fun!
Meghan's 12th bday was celebrating on Saturday night at Ron's house. It
was a really fun night. Kurt could not make it until 1130 PM though as
after we worked on Saturday, he had to take Vito to London, Ontario,to a
vet who does MRIs on dogs. Their machines are better than what vets in the
USA have, so our surgeon wanted Vito taken there. They want to treat him
without another surgery, but need a better MRI to determine what is going
on. So, Kurt took him there. Long day for Kurt.
Today was great. I had a massage scheduled, with a gift card the office... more »
Kim Dotcom speaks at the GCSB Rally in Auckland to a crowd of several
thousand citizens in Aotea Square. The people are NOT happy about the
government's spying and want it STOPPED!
Protests were held all over New Zealand in recent days about their nation's
role in facilitating NSA surveillance.
On Saturday at the protest in downtown Sydney, Australia.
How to help Kiri Campbell

*As a response to the request of some readers, an easy to use petition on
behalf of Kiri Campbell has been placed here: *
* It can be sent BCC to all listed email addresses, and must include your
name (lower case) and address to have the desired effect.
Kiri’s scheduled court appearance is Tuesday, July 30, 2013 so these need
to be sent immediately.
This is a moment of clarity and self definition. This is no longer about a
separate being in a far away country; this concerns a vital component for
each of us; our value as sovereign beings.
As you send these petitions as well... more »
A Parents Worst Nightmare: 6 Young Teens Die In Saskatchewan Car Crash

*Who amongst us did not cram a whole bunch of our friends into a car when
we were teenagers ... just having fun ... laughing and going for a drive?
Sometimes the absolute worst happens .. *
**"The names of the six teens who died in a crash with a semi-tanker at a
rural Saskatchewan intersection early Saturday morning have now been
released by RCMP.*
*Three males and three females died following a crash about six kilometres
southeast of Lloydminster, a city on the Saskatchewan/Alberta border.*
***Police have identified the victims as:*
- *Aimie Hurley, 14, from Lloydminster*
... more »
Sunday Classics: Fleshing out our sound picture of Leon Fleisher

*RAVEL: Sonatine
i. Modéré
ii. Mouvement de menuet
iii. Animé*
*Leon Fleisher, piano. Epic-Sony, recorded July 14-16, 1958*
*by Ken*
In Friday night's "Leon Fleisher postscript" -- a "postscript," that is, to
the previous week's post on "Schubert's mighty *Wanderer* Fantasy," in
which Fleisher had been featured -- we heard a bit of perhaps unexpected
repertory from Fleisher, Debussy's "*Clair de lune*," from a 1958
Debussy-Ravel LP. I suggested we might hear the complete *Suite bergamasque*,
from which "*Clair de lune*" derives, but I thought instead we'd hear
Ravel's *Sonatine*.
... more »
The essence of liberalism is an attempt to secure a social order not based on irrational dogma, and insuring stability without involving more restraints than are necessary for the preservation of the community.
- Bertrand Russell, in *A History of Western Philosophy* (1945),
Introductory, p. xxiii
In ignored Iraq and Forgotten Libya - death dealing continues despite the mainstream Western media having moved on .........
Breaking news: massive explosion outside Benghazi courthouse
*By Ahmed Elumami.*
The scene outside the courthouse tonight, after the explosion
*Benghazi, 28 July 2013*:
There has been a massive explosion this evening in central Benghazi,
outside the city’s north courthouse.
The blast occurred immediately after sunset prayers while people were
preparing for Iftar, the breaking of the Ramadan fast. The explosion could
be heard across the city.
The incident took place in a cul-de-sac between the Maydan
Al-Tahrir courthouse and the former internal security building of the old
regime, spok... more »
Central Bank watch ECB , PBOC and the Fed in focus.....
Europe Passes The Inflection Point (Or Why LTRO3 Is Inevitable)
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/28/2013 18:05 -0400
- Counterparties
- European Central Bank
- Excess Reserves
- Market Conditions
- Repo Market
- Unemployment
- Volatility
One year on from the "whatever it takes" speech and all appearances suggest
Draghi's all-in move with the imaginary OMT 'worked. European sovereign
spreads have compres... more »
Patrick Byrne , CEO of Overstock enjoys vindication over the criminal indictment of SAC Capital and civil prosecution of the Sith Lord aka Steven Cohen....
* * *
Meanwhile, since 2005 Byrne has been saying that powerful market actors
have been working to destroy his company. In 2010 he identified them as
Michael Milken and SAC's Steven Cohen.
Two years later, emails accidentally leaked by lawyers representing a
number of Wall Street banks described how the banks were allegedly naked
short-selling Overstock.com stock and advising their hedge fund clients on
how to do the same.
SAC Capital, as you know, is one massive hedge fund client.
"Eigh... more »
Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead Documentary - Free Viewing Only Available In The States

*Here is an uplifting movie about a man who decides to radically change his
dietary and lifestyle choices in an effort to deal with his declining
health and increasing waistline. Overweight, taking a daily cocktail of
drugs and having been told that there was nothing more conventional
medicine could do for him, Australian Joe Cross decided to tackle his
problems in his own way. He chose to use nutrition, physical activity and
his mental and emotional state to do what our bodies are programmed to do –
and that’s to self-heal.*
I will give you the reader, two links for more infor... more »
Towering economic separation erodes the effectiveness of public opinion activism
Denis Rancourt
A good street demonstration is not what it use to be, in terms of its
impact. Likewise, petitions and letters to politicians just don't cut it
any more. A YouTube video can, in rare cases, get a cop investigated
and put on paid leave, but that is about as far as it goes. Don't think
about systemic changes.
There is tremendous opinion opposition to injustices of all kinds but
Declare Detroit a Free City
* Guest post by Patrick Barron*
Detroit is bankrupt, and its problems appear to be unsolvable. Its
population peaked in 1950 at 1,850,000 only to fall to 706,000 in 2011,
surely representative of people voting with their feet. As British
politician Daniel Hannan has written, the Detroit disease may be well
advanced in the rest of American cities and perhaps in all of America as
well. Before the disease can kill the rest of America we have the
opportunity to give free market reforms a chance in a fairly controlled
setting — the bankrupt and dysfunctional city of Detroit.
The decad... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 28th, 2013
Sunday... And again time for my usual rant about what I perceive is truly
wrong and sometimes right in this world..
First, for those who have been wondering... My friend, Whitewraithe, is
alive and well... She has not posted any new material in a while over at
her Pragmatic Witness website (www.pragmaticwitnessii.wordpress.com)
because she told me honestly that writing has not been on her mind over the
last while... Getting some employment has been her #1 goal for quite
sometime, and now I can let everyone know that she finally landed a decent
job!... She says that once she gets som... more »
Festival of Faiths - Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Civilization
*"Unending Crisis: National Security Policy after 9/11"* by Thomas Graham
Jr. (2012).
Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. is one of the world's leading experts in
nuclear non-proliferation. He is a senior U.S. diplomat involved in the
negotiation of every single international arms control and
non-proliferation agreement from 1970 to 1997. This includes the Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks (SALT Treaties), the Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaties (START Treaties), the Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) Treaty,
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Treaty, Treaty on the
No... more »
If The GOP Gives Up Its "Get Off My Lawn" Attitude, Will It Still Be The GOP?

There's a mirror image in the GOP to the ConservaDems who embrace Choice
and equality and other social issues but are nearly as conservative and
anti-working family as Republicans. We've talked a lot lately, for example,
about gay Democrats who get into Congress and are great on LGBT issues but
vote with the GOP on their destructive economic agenda. New Dem freshmen
Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY) are both gay and each has
a breathtakingly horrible voting record on issues important to ordinary
working families. They're among the most consistent supporter... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
One year from today:
How is "Obamacare" polling?
How do experts believe ACA implementation is going?
How is health care playing in competitive 2014 elections?
The Department of Homeland Security says its illegal to freely play music the United States

* *I am not sure the context of this, but perhaps Homeland Security has
confused its mandate with that of ASCAP? If anyone else knows what this is
about let me know... -AK*
July 20, 2013
Posted by Michael Martin
The Department of Homeland Security (An agency enacted through the Patriot
Act) is now demanding through enforcement from The State Fire Marshalls
Six Wall Street Banks Made $23 Billion in Three Months - Thank A Bankster for a Job Well Done (What? You Already Did!)
Money Rules – But in Congress, People Are Supposed to Rule By Leo Gerard
Wall Street held itself a big fat profit party last week. The nation’s six
largest banks reported $23 billion in profits. That’s for one quarter –
three months. Pop the Champagne. Buy another Lamborghini. Well, if you’re a
Wall Street banker, that is. Not if you’re a college student looking for a
loan. ‘Cause bankers
Sunday Question for Conservatives
Chris Christie: solid conservative for the most part, and certainly an
acceptable presidential nominee -- or really just another Eastern
Establishment moderate?

In Mexico, 10-year-old Manuel planned to spend the summer selling goods on
the street.
Manuel, a 10-year-old Indian boy, wanted to save money for school.
But, Manuel was humiliated by 'a city inspector'.
The inspector, Juan Diego Lopez, caught Manuel Diaz Hernandez illegally
selling cigarettes, sweets and snacks from his wooden basket.
In a video made by a passer-by, the inspector is seen grabbing the basket
and making the boy throw out all the sweets.
The inspector then grabbed the cigarettes for himself.
Read more: *http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ */ *Mexicans outraged by
humil... more »
Filling space - killing time - tapping out shit on a keyboard
With revolutionary socialism the treasure of decades of insight and
inspiration often comes combined with the burden of dogma. In the SWP one
of the things you learn is to not be a programme polisher but be active,
the needs of the movement (such as you might define it) will provide the
You might want to argue just how much of the SWP’s activity is
non-programmatic. You might also want to debate just how much of the SWP’s
notional, unwritten programme is actually understood by its cadre. SWP
members are subjectively revolutionary. Yet it is becoming clear from
various d... more »
Life gets complicated . . .
WHEN the DA in Perry Mason just had to worry about who cut the brake
lines? Well, according to AutoWeek's article, “Hackers compromise Prius,
seize control of wheel, brakes and more” hackers can really do a number
on a Prius — at highway speeds, that could ruin your day. Drive-by-wire
has its potential risks.
Injustice, The ‘For Profit’ Court System

The fifth version of the Injustice Society.
Art by Joe Bennett. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) *Injustice, the ‘for profit’
court system*
*Posted at: *
Look familiar? Look closely, the characters should remind you of recent
Hollywood theatrics.
Apparently it matters little what country or jurisdiction the injustice
stems. It is pervasive.
It is the paradigm of a broken system and the catalyst for change.
The alphabet soup trolls trashed the momentum of change like The Occupy
movement, Egypt, Arab S... more »
Once upon a time, long, long ago, musicians Stephen Stills and Judy Collins
enjoyed a romance. Then, Judy sailed away and broke his heart. Stephen
wrote *Suite: Judy Blue Eyes*, which I recently heard again. One line made
my head spin: “Don’t let the past remind us of what we are not now.” Why
not? Remembering the past sounds like an excellent idea. What we are not
now is wild and free human beings — normal & authentic.
I just finished Brian Fagan’s book, *Cro-Magnon*, which describes an
important segment of my family history. The happy news is that there have
been three stud... more »
Are Muslims being demonised?

Watching *Sunday Morning Live *in full, with my impartiality-bound '*Is the
BBC Biased?'* hat on, *did* the programme demonstrate BBC bias as regards
the 'Muslim question'?
Well, presenter Samira Ahmed's initial framing of the question *'Are
Muslims being demonised?' *certainly gave a fair wind to one particular
side of the argument:
Bombs are being placed in mosques and a major Islamic organisation says
British Muslims are living in fear. Is that because of an unfair portrayal
of Muslims in the media? Are Muslims being demonised?
Still, in contrast to that, the programme's gues... more »
*"Luminarium" *
by Anniina Jokinen
“This site combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a
starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing
replaces a quality library, but hopefully this site will help fill the
needs of those who have not access to one. Many works from Medieval,
Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries can be found here.
The site started in early 1996. I remember looking for essays to spark an
idea for a survey class I was taking at the time. It seemed that finding
study materials online was prohibitively difficul... more »
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