Reich's Impertinent Question - Is it Treason?
First saw it on Daily Kos
taken from Salon
*Robert Reich: Has the 1 percent committed treason? *
Date 7/12/13
Has the 1 percent committed treason?
A small group of extremely wealthy people are systematically destroying the
US government
By Robert Reich
Permit me an impertinent question (or three).
Suppose a small group of extremely wealthy people sought to systematically
destroy the U.S. government by (1) finding and bankrolling new candidates
pledged to shrinking and dismembering it; (2) intimidating or bribing many
current senators and representatives to block all proposed le... more »
Egypt , Saudis and Israel strike different paths from US regarding Middle East hot spots - Syria and Egypt in focus - July 14 , 2013!
Obama administration is signifying its strong disapproval of Israel and
Egypt taking matters in their own hands in the last two weeks,
military and Washington sources report: Israel was accused of
military action against Syria, and the Egyptian army of persecuting
the Muslim Brotherhood after deposing President Mohamed Morsi.
Washington is also highly displeased with the campaign the Egyptian army
launched a... more »
Hey! We're Going to Have a Vote on Torturing You and Killing You!
Imagine that for a second. There's a bunch of dickwads who are in control
of your desert island society. Through a lot of electoral jiggery-pokery,
the most ruthless and power-mad folks have seized control of the
government, but there are some other people involved in the decision-making
process. They're comprised of a lot of slightly less obnoxious ruthless
types and a few milquetoasts who you don't really mind but don't care about
too much either.
Remember, taking charge in this process is NOT democratic and fair.
Anyways, out of the blue, the ruthless, power-mad guys have annou... more »
Truth in Media Project: Ben Swann, Dan Johnson & StormCloudsGathering LIVE
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Ben Swann Full Disclosure
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I am happy to see we are not eschewing the issue of #nojustice
Other authors beat me to it. I’m happy to see that. I am one of six
founders of United Opt Out National and, like all well-mannered activist
groups in the 21st century, we have a Facebook presence. We have done a
great job over the years avoiding the sidetracking of discussions. Like all
new groups […]
Syria War updates - July 14 , 2013..... Free Syria Army has a second War front opened as it fights islamist Rebel forces..... Meanwhile , the Syrian Government announces that it has uncovered the Syrian Rebel chemical weapons cache !
Free Syrian army clashes with jihadists in wake of commander's assassination
Fighting in Aleppo widens cracks in splintering opposition as military
gains are reversed
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- Martin Chulov, Beirut
- The Observer, Saturday 13 July 2013
[image: In pictures: Life in Aleppo during war]
The body of a rebel being carried into Bustan al-Qasr in Aleppo, where
jihadists have been trying to exert their influence. Photograph: Dona
Months of u... more »
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: Taiwan in the Pivot
Michael Mazza over at AEI argues that Taiwan has a crucial role in the US
"pivot" toward Asia....
Yet Taiwan can take steps to ensure that US forces would have access to the
island’s facilities during a time of crisis, even in the absence of a
formal access agreement. Taiwan, for example, could invest in
infrastructure that would enable the island to serve as a logistics hub for
US forces in the event of a conflict to the island’s north or in the South
China Sea. Along similar lines, Taiwan might stockpile supplies that would
be of use to American forces operating in the region. Doi... more »
*FEMA reviews nonaccredited levees ~Jeff Adelson, Advocate N.O.*
*Stephanie Grace: Judges cast skeptical eye on U.S. Attorney’s Office*
*Lolis Eric Elie - TREME : Stories and Recipes from the Heart of New
Orleans ~Octavia Books*
*Until Waiting Fills ~Flesh and Bones*
*Bastille Day ~Odd bits of life in New Orleans*
*New Orleans crawfish: America's best regional food? ~Kristopher Neild*
Sephora Lip Gloss Giveaway!

[image: 15 Shades of Sephora Giveaway]
Coconut lick worthy lipstick has me dreaming of the beach. I feel it is a
perfect time to giveaway 15 Shades of Sephora. Enjoy from LeChateauDesFleurs
[image: 15 Shades of Sephora]
*What it is:*
A collector’s edition of iconic lip colors spanning 15 years.
*What it does:*
This lip library includes everything from rich reds to natural nudes all
in Bite’s lick-worthy Lush Fruit Lip Gloss formulation. Instant nutrition
for lips, this formula contains the same healthy ingredients you’d find in
a pure fruit smoothie: real coconut, man... more »
Alex Rodriquez discussing a plea deal with MLB ? Have wee seen the last of A Rod in a Yanks uniform and in baseball generally ?
[image: Alex Rodriguez's 20-day rehab assignment ends on July 22, and it is
unclear where A-Rod will go after that, but according to a source, Yankee
officials sent him a notification Saturday telling him that he is obligated
to inform them in advance of any absence.]BILL SERNE/FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Alex Rodriguez's 20-day rehab assignment ends on July 22, and it is unclear
where A-Rod will go after that, but according to a source, Yankee officials
sent him a notification Saturday telling him... more »
NSA preps launch of cyber war “army”
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Aaron Dykes
The massive stores of data and wholesale government have been announced to
the public – just after Bilderberg mulled the “big data” agenda at its 2013
meeting. Now Wired magazine says NSA (and CYBERCOM) chief Gen. Keith
Alexander, a frequent Bilderberg attendee I’ve been warning about for
years, is ready to unleash his cyber army on the globe? What’s next?
FLASHBACK: Silicon Valley CIA-Front Lectures Bilderberg on “Big Data”
FLASHBACK: DHS, CYBERCOM: Government & private sector “must” share data to
prevent cyber t... more »
10 Reasons Why The Global Economy Is About To Experience Its Own Version Of “Sharknado”
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image source Michael Snyder
Have you ever seen a disaster movie that is so bad that it is actually
good? Well, that is exactly what Syfy's new television movie entitled *
Sharknado *is. In the movie, wild weather patterns actually cause
man-eating sharks to come flying out of the sky. It sounds absolutely
ridiculous, and it is. You can view the trailer for the movie right here.
Unfortunately, we are witnessing something just as ridiculous in the real
world right now.
In the United States, the mainstream media is breathle... more »
Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum
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image source Stephen Lendman
On July 12, Russia Today (RT) headlined "US 'blocks my asylum:' Snowden
human rights activists to airport meeting," saying:
Snowden remains stuck. He's in limbo. He's at Moscow's Sheremetyevo
Airport. He's in its transit area. A source told Interfax he'll meet with
human rights organizations late Friday.
Airport spokeswoman Anna Zakharenkova said she "can confirm that such a
meeting will take place."
Snowden invited a UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative,
Amnesty Internation... more »
Some Thoughts on the Zimmerman Trial
I was saddened, but not shocked, by the not guilty verdict for George
Zimmerman in the point-blank killing of Trayvon Martin. There is a simple
explanation for it: it happened in Florida. George Zimmerman had Florida
law on his side. Without the relentless publicity and the pressure brought
to bear by national political and media figures, there never would
have been a trial in the first place.
This was in Florida, where holding such a trial would have been unthinkable
even a generation ago. This was in Florida, home of the infamous Groveland
Four case, in which a duly sworn sheriff ... more »
The 50 House Republicans Who Hate Poor People The Most

Republican in-fighting between conservatives and the neo-fascist radicals
that have been challenging them, derailed the Farm Bill in 2012. This year
Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy agreed to slash food stamps really badly and
figured they would pass the bloated bill subsidizing wealthy farming
operations (and scammers on the Upper East Side of Manhattan). They figured
wrong. For too many of the extremists, slashing wasn't want they wanted.
They want the program... well, drown in a bathtub.
So on Thursday, Boehner and crew passed the bill without a single
Democratic vote, not even fro... more »
Live from the Bradley Manning Trial with Alexa O'Brien
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*Reason TV*
*The full report from Alexandra Bruce can be seen here:*
*Bradley Manning Defense Rests Their Case on Day Three of Testimony;
Manning Will Not Testify*
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Rich Rappers Singing About Being Rich are "Douches"
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Forbes has announced the top 5 wealthiest rappers in 2013 based on their
net worth.
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The Original Writings of The Illuminati Discovered
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Propaganda on NSA Spying and Snowden Not Working
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Get Ready For The Next Great Stock Market Exodus
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Brandon Smith
In the years 2006 and 2007, the underlying stability of the global economy
and the U.S. credit base in particular was experiencing intense scrutiny by
alternative economic analysts. The mortgage-driven Xanadu that was the late
1990s and early 2000s seemed just too good to be true.
Many of us pointed out that such a system, based on dubious debt
instruments animated by the central banking voodoo of arbitrary fractional
reserve lending and fiat cash creation, could not possibly survive for very
long. A crash was ... more »
The Mental Illness of Choice for CEO’s and Politicians
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Anthony Freda Dave Hodges
After writing my most recent article with regard to what typically happens
when a currency collapse takes down a country’s economy, many people wrote
to me asking me when it is going to happen. The short answer is that I have
a hard time predicting the actions of psychopaths. All of us have a hard
time predicting the action of others who are so different from the
mainstream of America because most of us do not think like psychopaths.
However, I can state with certainty that when the last mortgage ha... more »
Ag-gag in Action: National Geographic Photographer Arrested After Aerial Photos
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Image Heather Callaghan
Ag-gag laws are cropping up like Whac-a-Mole across the states in an
attempt to protect large-scale farming and cattle operations from those
pesky activists who find out about abuse and cruelty. Instead of addressing
the systemic issue of transparency and animal/food safety, lobbying leads
to more laws that inhibit the freedom to speak out about dismal conditions
- clear 1st Amendment violations. Always in the name of "safety" and
protecting trade secrets. It's one thing to keep people from committing... more »
Trayvon Martin Convicted: Sentence to Run Concurrent with Eternity
If this case teaches anything, it is that the high crime of involuntary
racism regularly has more insidious and corrosive effects than the
premeditated variety. There was the 1) tepid prosecution by unprepared and
inattentive prosecutors; 2) a defense that was allowed highly-irregular
concessions to make its case; 3) an investigative team friendly to
gun-toting […]
They Do It Without Blushing

On May 2nd, the Harper government staged a ceremony to commemorate the
Canadarm and Canada's contribution to space exploration. Curiously, Marc
Garneau, Canada's first astronaut -- who was later made president of
Canada's Space Agency, and who was the first person to operate the
Canadarm -- was not invited to the event. The Canadian Press reports:
Garneau was miffed at being excluded, blaming the lapse on the "highly
partisan" Conservative government.
Two senior ministers, however, said museum and space agency staff fumbled
the ball and that their own ministerial offices played ... more »
When blouse buttons come undone
Julia Louis-Drefus aka Elaine from Seinfeld shows more cleavage than usual.
Social Justice?
“The law is meant to be my servant and not my master, still less my
torturer and my murderer.” — James Baldwin. The Nation (July 11, 1966)
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Martin Luther
King Jr. Letter From Birmingham City Jail Blinded by the Stereotype
Spotlight “The Poor Are Too Free”?: Unlocking […]
How Labour policy is made...
Chris Dunne (@ChrisDunne29) tweeted at 8:59 PM on Sat, Jul 13, 2013:
Exclusive: how the #Labour party make policy:
“Who is in the dock?”

This is a post of two halves - one recycling an article from elsewhere, one
reviewing a particular edition of the *Today *programme. The one, however,
follows on from the other, and I think they can both shed some light on the
preceding posts about the BBC's news priorities.
The *Telegraph*'s Charles Moore has written one of the best articles about
BBC bias that I've read for a long time:
*Why does the impartial BBC not tell the story of the great majority?*
Our self-righteous national broadcaster is woefully detached from voters’
real lives
*The 'Liberal Progressive' hegem... more »
Misdirection watch - George Zimmerman trial and Adam Kokesh arrests are convenient tools to change the subject away from the very serious geopolitical , national security missteps , constitutional violations and financial buggery of the US ongoing on a daily basis......
To be fair , Kokesh openly and freely broke the law in D.C on video that he
had taken .... his arrest by itself was not a surprise - the extent of
force displayed however was a different issue altogether..... And charging
him ( if this actually occurs ) with armed sedition would be another
Kokesh Held Without Bond, Potentially Facing ‘Armed Sedition’ Charge
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Twitter][im... more »
DHS's Janet Napolitano leaves ( very good riddance to her ) ..... of course the concern is who might the most transparent administration ever have in mind to replace her ?
DHS’ Napolitano Leaves Legacy of Corruption, Lies, Lawsuits, and WasteJuly
13, 2013
Print Version
*Source: *The New American
Many were surprised at Janet Napolitano’s announcement that she will leave
her position as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at
the end of August to become president of the University of California.
Chosen from more than 300 candidates vying for the position, Napolitano
managed to keep her interest in that position, and her successful bid for
it, from the public until Friday.
She issued the usual departure appreciation statement:
I than... more »
The acquittal was not a great surprise.
The prosecution's case did not come out especially well. The attempt last
week during closing (!!!) to allege child abuse was not a ploy to distract
the defence - it was a Hail Mary gambit by the prosecutor where the hope
was to salvage something.
Perhaps because it wouldn't fly on the facts the issue of race was not
brought forward in the trial. As a result further federal proceedings seem
highly implausible.
State Attorney Angela Corey said she believed prosecutors had "brought out
the truth on behalf of Trayvon Martin".
"This case has... more »
'Up To 13,000 Needless Deaths' In NHS Hospitals
Talking of the BBC's unique news priorities, the second story for ITV News
at the moment is 13,000 'needless' NHS deaths:* *
Some 13,000 patients may have died needlessly at hospitals since 2005, a
report by the NHS medical director released next week will say. Sir Bruce
Keogh will expose failings in the 14 worst trusts in England.
This is the story which the *Daily Telegraph *is leading on:
13,000 died needlessly at 14 worst NHS trusts
The needless deaths of thousands of NHS patients will be exposed in a
report this week.
The NHS’s medical director will spell out the failings of ... more »
What is the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and why are the negotiations that are ongoing totally kept away from not just the American people in general - but also Congress ? And if you think this is just about trade - are you aware that " Pooling Sovereignty " is part of the concept ? With the EU a major flop except for Germany - why does the US have any interest in dragging itself into this debacle in the making ? While America is distracted by the George Zimmerman show trial - hyped by the media to achieve mass rioting in the event that George Zimmerman was found not guilty ( which has happened ) , the most transparent administration ever is doing its best to neuter America's sovereignty .... Wake up folks !
EU Official: Pooling Sovereignty, Once “Unthinkable,” Now “the Model”July
13, 2013
Print Version
*Source: New American*
As reported here this week, the first round of Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations has been underway in Washington,
D.C. with European Union and American officials, along with a select group
of business, banking, environmental, and union “stakeholders.” President
Obama has placed this planned political and economic merger of the EU and
the United States on a fast track, with the intention of building support
for it over the coming m... more »
Bravo Zulu, Cpl. Kate
Leopard tank driver Cpl. Kate MacEachern broke a world record last year
walking over 500 kilometers from her post at CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick
to her hometown of Antigonish, N.S. to raise $20,000 for injured veterans. In
full battle dress with a 22 kilogram kit on her back, she did it on her
annual holidays.
DefMin Airshow MacKay was so impressed he walked the last kilometer with
In June this year she asked for 20 extra days of unpaid leave in
addition to her 25 days of holiday time to make a... more »
This morning's 'Sunday'
7.00: I'm 'live blogging' this morning's *Sunday - *though I lack the
technical wherewithal to do it like they do it properly. So it's just me
typing as the programme is being broadcast! Has my experiment with
predicting which topics would and wouldn't feature on this week's edition
proved correct, or not - based on prior experience of the programme's many
biases (as I see them)?
7.10: Edward Stourton is presenting this week. The first topic is Ireland
and abortion. That was inevitable for *Sunday *- a "given" indeed (as I put
it in the last post)! The Irish parliament's vote to al... more »
America is Still a Profoundly Racist Country : Dr. King's Security
Jesse Jackson is not the Emperor of Black People from Paul Coker on
*From the Post-King Family vs Jowers et al (1999) Justice Department
*Dr. King's Security*
Evidence was also presented to suggest a plot to facilitate the removal
Dr. King's security. We discussed most of this trial evidence, along
other related information not presented in the trial, when we considered
general accusations that security was removed in Section
IV.D.2.b.(1)above. However, two additional pieces of evidence were
presented in King v.
Jowers in an effort to ... more »

US special forces, working with Prince Harry's squadron, reportedly
murdered three innocent shepherds.
*Harry was witness to war crime*
"Harry's squadron ... were mounting joint patrols in Helmand province with
a US Special Forces unit codenamed 'Task Force 32'.
"According to a British eye-witness three shepherds were peacefully minding
their own business when they were engaged (shot).
"Given the force of the heavy machine gun rounds it is likely they suffered
serious or fatal injuries, though their bodies were never recovered."
Read more: **
A Tony... more »
This verdict makes me sick but comes as no real surprise. I lived in
Central Florida for 20 years and can tell you it is one hell of a racist
Zimmerman is one sick dude and should be in prison. My heart breaks for
the family of Trayvon Martin.
This cannot be called justice by any measure of the word.
Some stuff

The Slender Man mythos is an online phenomenon that has grown into a
full-blown urban myth[1]. It began in 2009 as an online photoshop
competition on the Something Awful[2] forum to transform ordinary photos
into fake paranormal photos. A character called Victor Surge made two
photos of an unidentified man standing near children. He was very tall and
had strange, tentacle like arms. Victor Surge also included a thumbnail
back story about a library fire. The legend grew from that point into:
Slender Man (a.k.a Slenderman) is a mythical creature often depicted as a
tall, thin figure ... more »
Activists in Manila denounce Philippine government's plans to grant U.S.
troops greater access to the country's military facilities.
Climate Tricks 21: Arctic Ice Will be Gone This Year?

See how alarmist and idiotic the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and
"man-made" climate change (CC) religion is. In December 2007, BBC reported
this, quoting Profs. Maslowski and Wadhams of the US,
Top of Form
It is now summer 2013 in the Arctic, and there are some 9 million sq. kms.
of ice there as of July 12, 2013. (PH's total land area is 0.3 million
sq.kms.), data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), So all those
wide ice will melt in the next two months, wow.
*COI | Centre for Ocea... more »
Fukushima 2013: “Remaining Radioactive Mass”, “Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting Worse”
* *
*Fukushima 2013: “Remaining Radioactive Mass”, *
*“Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting
By William Boardman
“The first thing to know about the danger from the radioactive mass
remaining on site in the three reactors that melted down at Fukushima is
that nobody knows how much radioactive material there is, nobody knows how
much uranium and plutonium it contains, and nobody knows how to make it
safe — so no one knows how great the continuing danger is.
In order to prevent nuclear material from being diverted to use in weapons,
the Intern... more »
Attorney Mark O'Mara speaking at a press conference after the verdict of George Zimmerman...
*good on him!*
(emphasis mine)
“(George Zimmerman) A man who believes in the system… A man whose dad was a
judge, who maybe wanted to be a cop or a prosecutor and then gets a system…
Two systems went against George Zimmerman that he CAN’T understand. You
guys, the media, he was like a patient on an operating table where mad
scientists were committing experiments on him and he had no anesthesia. He
didn’t know why he was turned into this monster, *but quite honestly you
guys had a lot to do with it, you just did, because you took a story that
was fed to you and you ran with it and ... more »
Lincoln's Favourite Poem
Abraham Lincoln's statue in Old Calton Cemetery in Scotland. *Source of
*"Oh! why should the spirit of mortal be proud?"* by Scottish poet William
Knox (1789–1825), also known as "Mortality," was Abraham Lincoln's
favourite poem. Knox, "son of a farmer in Roxburghshire, he wrote several
books of poetry, *The Lonely Hearth*, *Songs of Israel*, *Harp of Zion*,
etc." (*Wikipedia*).
An excerpt from John J. Miller's article, *"With Death on His Mind,"* (Wall
Street Journal, February 11, 2012):
"Lincoln recited the poem so much that some people assumed he had written
it.... more »
TV Watch: The best thing showing lately on my TV has been Michael Palin's "Sahara" and "Himalaya"

*I've just finished watching the 2004 film of Michael P's epic 2003 journey
through the Himalaya and surrounding regions. The map above should be
intelligible enough (you should be able to click to enlarge it) to suggest
the scope of the journey, except that the copy of the book covers over the
early segments in Pakistan and India.*
*by Ken*
I've written about my excitement at rediscovering the early Michael Palin
travel-trek series on British DVDs. (Even now that they're actually readily
available in U.S. editions, the U.K. ones are still way cheaper.) Of course
you have to have ... more »
Pol. Ideology 46: Misunderstanding Adam Smith

Last Monday, July 08, I posted Pol. Ideology 45: Left Intellectualism Means
Abandonment of Socialism in my facebook wall. It attracted another round of
long discourse. Thanks to fellow UP ETCer (younger batch) Mel, Mike,
Shakaru, for that long exchange from July 08-10, 2013.
While the debate still focuses on whether we should have a BIG or
small/limited government, one source of confusion is a misunderstanding of
some quotes from Adam Smith’s book, *The Wealth of Nations*.
This is 12 pages long, 6,100+ words, so grab a can of your favorite drinks
and enjoy.
*Mel Lorenzo Accad* In... more »
July 13, 1973
After John Dean's televised appearance, the Watergate Committee hearings
had continued, with John Mitchell appearing and basically stonewalling.
Soon after, Richard Nixon was hospitalized with viral pneumonia.
The way the committee worked was that, if possible, they pre-interviewed
the witnesses before the full committee confronted them on live TV. On July
13, the pre-interview was with Alexander Butterfield -- the man who had run
the president's daily schedule (and who now headed the FAA).
Here's Emery, taking up the story after the Democratic counsel had taken
his turn with Butter... more »
Tragically jaded journalists

Under the heading, "What's wrong with everything," this was posted by the
political editor of Buzzfeed as a "reminder" to his fellow journos.
Click over to read the responses. It's a case study in bored Beltway
insiderism. The journos are all yeah, covering the effects of policy is
such a loser. Which may well be true, but that's because these too cool to
care journos are reporting the politics instead of the policy. The cruel
effects of the GOP's massacre of food assistance are going to affect 47
million people, most of whom are likely still blissfully unaware it's
happening beca... more »
How to change post content column width using Template Designer

While you can easily change the whole width and the sidebar/sidebars width
WIDTH (if you don't understand this, click here) and dragging the slider
cursor, you can't change the width of the main column (post content column)
width this way as there are no slider for the width of the main column.
[image: screenshot:Using template designer to change blog width]
However, using an indirect method by manipulating the blog width and the
sidebar or sidebar widths width and using simple arithmetic, you can change
the ... more »
Elizabeth Warren Has Already Been In Office 6 Months-- Where's The New Glass-Steagall Act? Oh... Here

I think most Members of Congress, financed and sold out as they are to Wall
Street, abhor the idea of going to war with the banksters over regulations.
The finance sector spends more on bribing federal elected officials--
$663,265,994 last cycle alone-- than any other industry. And, although they
give a bit more to Republicans, they give plenty to both corrupt Beltway
parties. Here are the 10 biggest recipients of bankster cash last year in
the Senate and in the House:
Thursday Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ), Maria Cantwell
(D-WA), and Angus King (I-ME) introduc... more »
Supai message: 'Heal your bodies, heal the earth'
Lightning Stories
Message from Supai Waters
Damon Watahomigie, Havasupai
Censored News
I would like to send a message to all front line
warriors. Hail to all massive people for environmental awareness and
cultural exchange. Stand on your own territory.
Warning don't take
sides on either end. Don't ask for peace. That's exactly what they want
you to be, is to be under the ground, your
13 Cuetzpalin Linkage
The current issue of the International Journal of Comparative Sociology has
a special issue on trade and travel. In it, sociologists apply network
analysis in domains familiar to international-relations scholars. I haven’t
read the articles yet, but I thought the cross-disciplinary dimension was
interesting enough to ask SAGE to make the contents available. You can
download them
Continue reading
US spying on Latin American leaders heats up as Bolivia and Argentina detail the extent of US espionage .....President Obama warns President Putin not to give Edward Snowden asylum - of course the question is the " or else what ? "
Morales says US hacked Bolivian leaders' emails
[image: Bolivia's President Evo Morales speaks during the XLV Mercosur
Summit, at the headquarters of the bloc in Montevideo on July 12, 2013.
Morales on Saturday accused US intelligence of hacking into the email
accounts of top Bolivian officials, saying he had shut his own account
Bolivia's President Evo Morales speaks during the XLV Mercosur Summit, at
the headquarters of the bloc in Montevideo on July 12, 2013. Morales on
Saturday accused US ... more »
Fukushima updates - July 13 , 2013 ...... Fukushima = Tepco-nado ? Enough said.....
Former Fukushima worker “Stopping groundwater flowing to the sea may cause
various problems”
Posted by *Mochizuki* on July 13th, 2013 · No Comments
Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing
High level of radiation is measured from groundwater and seawater.
Tepco suspects there is a “possibility” that the contaminated groundwater
is flowing to the sea, they are building the underground wall to stop it
moving to the sea.
(cf, Tepco doesn’t estimate how much more groundwater would flow into the
plant by stopping it flowing to the sea [URL])
Howeve... more »
The Nature of the Beast

Why no one trusts Mainstream Media anymore:
Takin' it all in: Egypt, Israel, Turkey and Syria
*The psychotic elites continue on with their agenda of death, destruction
and mayhem.*
Israel readies for end of decades-long calm on Golan border
Israeli military prepares for Lebanon and Syria threats despite turmoil in
*Making clear the turmoil in Egypt is well within Israel’s domain of
influence and control*
*The Israeli military trains in a mock Lebanese or Syrian village in its
base in this northern Israeli town. Officials say such a conflict could
erupt at any time.
The military built the complex after the 2006 war to institutionalize the
l... more »
Great Decisions Lecture "Iran" by Dr. Christopher J. Bolan, USAWC
*Video Title: Great Decisions Lecture "Iran" by Dr. Christopher J. Bolan,
USAWC. Source: USArmyWarCollege. Date Published: March 1, 2013. Description*
Dr. Chris Bolan, USAWC, a former Middle East policy advisor to Vice
Presidents Gore and Cheney, addressed the security challenges associated
with "Iran" on Feb 22 at AHEC. What accounts for the troubled history of
U.S.-Iranian relations? What are key U.S. and Iranian strategic interests
in the region? What are the policy options for U.S. leaders as they
struggle to deal with Iran's improving nuclear capabilities? Is a
diplomatic ... more »
Thousands break Ramadan fast in Tahrir, celebrate Morsi ouster (Ahram Online)
*Photo Source: AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi*.
Thousands break Ramadan fast in Tahrir, celebrate Morsi ouster. Source:
Ahram Online. Date Published: July 12, 2013. Description:
Several thousand Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to break their fast
during the holy month of Ramadan.
Meals were gathered as donations by several political movements. People
came from different governorates specially to participate in this day.
Key quotes from the video:
*"We have been fighting with Muslim Brotherhood rule for a year. I'm here
to tell the world: There is no military coup. We came out mo... more »
Dasaolu becomes second-fastest Brit - BBC Sport
A British athlete running 100m in 9.91! I am shocked... Maybe he could
threaten the Jamaicans & Americans.
Well not with 9.91 but if he could get down into the 9.8s then maybe...
Story here
Predictive text
Given Radio 4's religious current affairs programme *Sunday*'s tendency to
report certain kinds of stories and not report others, it might be a
fruitful experiment to see what topics it covers tomorrow morning and make
some predictions. A blogger who senses bias should be able to predict in
advance what sorts of story *won't* get covered, even though they *should*be covered.
OK. Here goes then.
There's the highly significant news that Pope Francis is backing the
Ordinariate by allowing Catholics to join it. This will disappoint some of
Edward Stourton's friends at the liberal Cat... more »
Harry Targ : Egypt, Popular Uprisings, and 21st Century Social Movements
Abdel Nasser emerged as a powerful charismatic figure in Middle East
politics. Image from The Majalla.
Egypt, popular uprisings, and complexity
of 21st century social movements
On one side are those who remember military coups supported by the
United States all around the world. On the other, the case can be made
that each rupture in a society must be understood in its own historical
Halloween horrors . . .
NO COSTUME NEEDED. Should be a fun time.
Will Gay Democrat Sean Eldridge Be Any Better In Congress Than Gay Democrat Next Door, Sean Patrick Maloney?

Sean's on the left-- at least in the photo
We looked at New York New Dem Sean Patrick Maloney's putrid record as a
freshman a couple months ago; it hasn't improved. As of this morning he's
tied with corrupt Texas Blue Dog and warmonger Henry Cuellar as the 200th
"best" voter in Congress. His ProgressivePunch crucial vote score (32.91)
was earned by backing Boehner's and Cantor's toxic agenda more than any
Democratic freshman and more than any Democrats other than Bill Owens (New
Dem-NY), Jim Matheson (Blue Dog-UT) and John Barrow (New Dem/Blue Dog-GA).
But Maloney is good on gay issu... more »
Some Thoughts About Rape in an Age of Collapse
July 13, 2013 These days, news sites on television and the internet are
filled with stories of bloviating politicians rushing to pass laws about
women’s bodies. Usually in the guise of “protecting” women. Usually by men
who’ve shown little inclination … Continue reading →
(They Stole It Fair and Square?) Happy Nation of Peasants Serving a Ruling Plutocracy Headed by Charles and David Koch (Now It's On To Eliminating Minimum Wage Laws!)
Happy Saturday the 13th? From PoliticusUSA we get the joyous news (if
you're among the 1%). Charles Koch Launches Campaign to Eliminate the
Minimum Wage Now we can breathe easy. By: Rmuse Jul. 13th, 2013 The
majority of Americans are fortunate to never know what it means to be
destitute, or exist in a condition where they lack enough money to afford
basic human needs such as food,
Egypt Protest Video Gives Bird's Eye View Of Massive Anti-Morsi Demonstrations On June 30 Inbox x
Is this still a coup? or a popular revolt?Please watch
Getting A Grasp On The Situation In Egypt
*It wasn't enough to throw Morsi out of the sandbox, the army is now
piling dirt on him.* *But, in this case, it's well-deserved.* "Egypt
announced a criminal investigation Saturday against deposed Islamist
President Mohamed Morsi, with prosecutors saying they were examining
complaints of spying, inciting violence and ruining the economy," (*The
Globe And Mail*, July 13, 2013).
*Retired Colonel Patrick Lang (July 13)*:
At the time of the anti-Mubarak revolt it was said by skeptics (including
me) that Mubarak's corrupt but relatively liberal government would be
quickly replaced i... more »
Why China Fears a 12-Year-Old Egyptian Boy

July 12, 2013, 6:33 p.m. ET
*Why China Fears a 12-Year-Old Egyptian Boy*
YouTube sensation Ali Ahmed's talk of people power and constitutionalism
makes Beijing nervous.
China is an increasingly confident power, right? That's the message we're
supposed to take from Beijing's investments in military hardware,
assertiveness against neighbors on the high seas, and swagger through the
halls of international diplomacy. So why censor a YouTube video of a
12-year-old kid talking p... more »
Diane Ravitch’s Defense of Randi Weingarten is Irrelevant
More than 253 comments on Diane Ravitch’s blog post on Randi Weingarten. I
am glad they are good friends, but Randi Weingarten has not been EFFECTIVE
in stopping the assault on teachers through canned, bubble in test based
curriculum with high stakes attached. High stakes testing is wrong and
needs to go, period. Just like Hillary […]
"Everyone Knows That the Federal Reserve Banks Are PRIVATE… Except the American People"
* *
*"Everyone Knows That the Federal Reserve Banks Are PRIVATE…*
* Except the American People" *
By Washingtons Blog
"The country’s most powerful “agency”– the Federal Reserve– is actually no
more federal than Federal Express. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1928:
"Instrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in
which there are private interests, are not departments of the government.
They are private corporations in which the government has an interest."
The long-time Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee (Charles
McFadden) said on Jun... more »
“An Impertinent Question”
* “An Impertinent Question”*
by Robert Reich
“Permit me an impertinent question (or three).
Suppose a small group of extremely wealthy people sought to systematically
destroy the U.S. government by (1) finding and bankrolling new candidates
pledged to shrinking and dismembering it; (2) intimidating or bribing many
current senators and representatives to block all proposed legislation,
prevent the appointment of presidential nominees, eliminate funds to
implement and enforce laws, and threaten to default on the nation's debt;
(3) taking over state governments in order to redistri... more »
US ships approach Egypt ... Meanwhile , President Morsi to be investigated by prosecutors in criminal probe - for spying , inciting violence and economic collapse ....
As US Ships Approach, US Embassy In Egypt Denies Move Presages "Imminent US
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/13/2013 13:45 -0400
- Iran
- Israel
With the situation in Egypt continuing to border on sheer chaos, many
wonder what approach the US will take, so far having demonstrated its
inability to decide how to swallow the humiliation of having a US-backed
regime get swept away in a military coup while it continues s... more »
Speaking of tweets
In the wake of the Texas bill, notorious Fox bloviator and all-around
vicious (but probably well-paid!) idiot Erick Erickson decides to make a
joke on Twitter that has been making the rounds.
The link to which he directs opponents of the Texas bill is to a coat
hanger supply store. The "joke", in case you didn't get it, is that now
that abortion services are less accessible to Texas women, they will have
to start looking into getting coat hangers so that they can get (dangerous
and sometimes life-threatening) back-alley abortions.
It's now an image because he deleted the tweet a... more »
Guessing game
I can’t find this online, but it’s in the Telegraph, hard copy, Saturday
13th July, P. 18.
Interview: Cristina Odone.
Title: *A battle-scarred master of living dangerously*.
Sub heading: *No Arab war zone is complete without ** interpreting the
action for a wary Western audience. Don’t ask him if it’s time to pack it
“Blah de blah de I won’t discuss my personal life....blah...Egypt....Tahrir
Square.....blah de blah.
“Like his predecessor Orla Geurin, ** has defended himself against
accusations of an anti-Israel bias. He says they are “inevitable”, but
worries about the *“rea... more »

I spoke last night at the library here on Kauai, Hawaii which is home to
the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF). It is the world's largest
instrumented multi-environmental range capable of supported surface,
subsurface, air, and space operations simultaneously. There are over 1,100
square miles of instrumented underwater range and over 42,000 square miles
of controlled airspace.
From this location dummy missiles are launched as targets that are then
intercepted by Navy Aegis destroyers located offshore. I told the audience
last evening that since the Aegis warships, with thei... more »
What Mattered This Week?
The Senate confrontation really does matter, so I'll go with that even
though they just moved forward mostly as expected this week. Note that
Mitch McConnell did say that the Labor and EPA picks will get 60...the
question now is whether they can find a way to strike a deal on the rest,
or...well, there are a few different possible outcomes.
I'm not sure what didn't matter, although I suppose I could link to a Ignore
Those Polls! post I did about early 2016 election polls.
So that's what I have. What did you notice? What do you think mattered this
Michael Neiberg - "The Outbreak of War in 1914: A New Look at an Old Problem"
*"Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of World War I"* by Michael
S. Neiberg.
Michael Neiberg - "The Outbreak of War in 1914: A New Look at an Old
Problem." Source: National WWI Museum. Date Published: April 4, 2013.
Michael Neiberg was a featured speaker at "A Century in the Shadow of the
Great War,"
an International Centennial Planning Conference held at the National World
War I Museum at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City in March 2013.
*TheWorldWar.Org: *
Michael S. Neiberg is Professor of History in the Department of National
Security and Strategy at th... more »
The Frame Up of Syria's Bashar al-Assad Has Failed, Russian-Provided Evidence Proves FSA Used Gas
"Russia said Tuesday that its scientific analysis of a suspected chemical
weapons attack in Syria on March 19 showed it probably had been carried out
by insurgents using sarin nerve gas of “cottage industry” quality delivered
by a crudely made missile. The finding contradicted conclusions presented
by Western nations, including the United States, that the Syrian government
had been responsible." - Rick Gladstone, *"Russia Says Study Suggests Syria
Rebels Used Sarin,"* New York Times, July 9, 2013.
"The Russians sent people to Syria to gather their own samples and their
conclusio... more »
When liberals legislate abortion
When Democrats are in charge of statehouses they pass laws to protect
women's health which both sides of the aisle support. As SteveM put it:
What do you get in a situation like this in a state where Democrats control
the governor's mansion and both houses of the legislature? You get a
reasonable set of regulations intended to address the real problems. What
do you get in states with Republican governors and legislatures? You get
legislation intended -- solely intended -- to make liberals furious and
women seeking abortions miserable, while making right-wingers pump their
fists and... more »
How Well Do You Remember the 70s?

Unless you're already well into your 50s, chances are you don't remember
much if anything of the 1970s. And that's too bad for you because, as
you'll discover in the decades to come, a lot of what's happening to our
world, our nation, mankind and your own way of life doesn't really make a
lot of sense until it's measured against conditions as they were forty or
fifty years ago.
Some peg a generation at 20 years. That's the interval from birth to
reproduction of the next generation. Some say it's 25-years but that
varies from society to society. Let's just say that the early... more »
Texas tramples women's rights
Well, it was an epic fight but sadly, despite the largest demonstrations in
Austin ever, the Big Daddy Theocrats won this battle. Texas Senate
legislated against women's health and free choice today. But there's no
need to accept defeat. We do have options for the future.
"If you are angry about what happened in Texas tonight -- and what's
happening in other states all around the country -- there is something you
can do about it," spokeswoman Dawn Laguens said. "Register to vote, and
vote for candidates who will protect women's access to health care."
And by candidates, we mean Dem... more »
Passing the buck?

And the much-coveted Richard Littlejohn Award for Doing Something You
Couldn't Make Up goes to...
...(sound of an envelope being opened)...
...the BBC's Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU).
Here's something from the ECU's wildly popular *Corrections and
Clarifications* website:
*Health Check, World Service, 4 October 2012: Finding by the Editorial
Complaints Unit*
A listener complained that an item on the situation of people with kidney
failure in Gaza gave the misleading impression that medical supplies and
equipment were subject to the Israeli blockade, ... more »
Oniste Update--July 13, 2013
#Haiti...Oniste Update--July 13, 2013
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) July 13, 2013
"Mercy, Mercy Me Things Ain't What They Used to Be...".
"Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology)"
Woo ah, mercy mercy me
Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east
Woo mercy, mercy me, mercy father
Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas, fish full of mercury
Ah oh mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no
Radiation under ground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain't what they used to be
What about this overcrowded land
How mu... more »
Which GOP Blockhead Responded To The Immigration Question By Reading "America The Beautiful" To The Republican Conference?

Michigan closet case Dave Camp has a new angle on thwarting immigration
Wednesday, at the House Republicans' closed door strategy session about
immigration reform, Boehner and Ryan begged their GOP colleagues to not
doom the party to national electoral oblivion by sabotaging the bipartisan
efforts in the Senate at a time when record majorities of Americans support
comprehensive reform. But bigoted Members in nicely gerrymandered districts
in primitive parts of the country where people get all their information
from Hate Talk Radio and Fox, are not thinking about national trend... more »
Uncensored Buffy Sainte-Marie sings 'My Country Tis of Thy People You're Dying'
Video: Buffy Sainte-Marie performing "My Country Tis of Thy
People You're Dying" on Pete Seeger's Rainbow
Also see: The Blacklisting of Buffy Sainte Marie
How the US Presidents and the media drove Buffy Sainte Marie out of the
music business in the US
record company was shipping out boxes

*Second Annual “Stomp Out the Stink” Dance-A-Thon with the Louisiana Bucket
**~The Dance-A-Thon works just like a marathon (or walk-a-thon), where you
ask people you know to help support your participation. You can participate
as a team of one or more (up to twelve in a team), and raising the $45
registration ($30 for kids 12 and under) is a piece of cake! All donations
are 100% tax deductible.
You sign up as a dancer and collect donations from your friends, fans,
family and co-workers. Then, for up to twelve hours, you dance to great
music, take dance lessons of all types... more »

*Michael Canfield*
*According to an article in The Daily Mail:*
Michael Canfield was the illegitimate son of Prince George, Duke of Kent.
Michael's mother was Violet Evans, the daughter of a Canadian coal merchant.
*Prince George, Duke of Kent, and his wife Marina. Prince George became Grand
Master of the United Grand Lodge of England*
*Michael, was adopted by the US publisher Cass Canfield, who had links to
the CIA.*
*Cas Canfield, who had links to the CIA. *Cass Canfield
*Michael Canfield married Lee Bouvier, the sister of Jackie Kennedy.*
*L... more »
Broward Sheriff's Office taking threats of riots seriously if Zimmerman found not guilty in murder case involving decedent Travyon Martin..... Michael Hasting cover up continues - police and fireman ordered not to speak about Hasting crash..... inexplicable police beating report of the day..... surveillance stories of the day ( which don't make us safer anyway - but which isn't the point really. ) ......... Weaponized drones over Americ - wait until the next " Other Event " , those armed drones will be flying - Predators and Reapers .......
Catharsis Ours - 23 hours ago
Florida Sheriff Taking Riot Threats Seriously As Zimmerman Acquittal
Appears Likely
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
Miami-area sheriff’s office talking to federal agencies and asking
residents not to riot.
*Kit Daniels*
July 9, 2013
The Broward Sheriff’s Office, whose jurisdiction includes a large portion
of the... more »
GOP Goal - To Humiliate & Control Women
From HuffPo this morning.
This is what it is all about folks
"When I got to the bag check, the troopers were all acting very
aggressively," Chaney said. "As a diabetic, I carry food -- both quick
sugar and protein -- and I have never had any trouble taking it in anywhere
when I remind the personnel involved of the protections afforded by ADA
law. This time, I was told that the law didn't apply and I either lost my
food or my place in line."
Chaney said the officer, who she identified as Trooper Stoner, then
unzipped the personal care section of her purse, took out two
purple-wrappe... more »
Another delicious piece of Leftist hypocrisy - The Commentator
A must read article.. Here's an extract:
' It doesn't matter that the multi-billion pound behemoth that is the BBC
wastes our money left right and centre; it is the right kind of
broadcaster. It is not Sky. Sky is evil you see. The BBC isn't.
And it is perfectly fine for the BBC to spend a fortune on presenters like
Jeremy Paxman but not so good when it comes to Jeremy Clarkson because
he's, well, the wrong type of presenter.
And it is perfectly fine for a footballer to be on £250,000 a week. That's
good. That's working class. Football is working class isn't it? I'm sure I
read ... more »
Want proof that demons from hell exist?...(pics and video)

*images like this prove it.*
Women screaming for the right to kill their babies until the moment of
birth (and perhaps afterwards?)
Are they so blinded that they don't see how foul their behavior is?
Words completely fail me...
Listen to the demons moaning from the pits of hell in Texas on Friday.
State troopers had to confiscate bottles of urine and feces they brought to
spew around the capitol because nothing says protest better than acting
like a chimp on steroids.
Richard Lindzen vs Aljazeera gladiators
Some time ago, mostly Arabic-language-based politically correct TV station
Aljazeera bought Current TV, a failed U.S. TV station, from former
vice-president Al Gore and his partner for hundreds of millions of dollars.
They apparently got more interested in the climate and decided to debate
Prof Richard Lindzen of MIT, a famous climate skeptic, in "Head to Head"
which is described as "Al Jazeera's new forum of ideas - a gladiatorial
contest tackling big issues such as faith, the economic crisis, democracy
and intervention in front of an opinionated audience at the Oxford Union."
*T... more »
Spanish Banks Petition To Convert Historical Losses Into Bank Capital | Zero Hedge
What NSA spying implies: We have APARTHEID in this country: we have a 1% TYRANNY RULING CLASS that have the government RIGGED for them.

*U.S. Apartheid: the 1% control the 99% with NSA spy apparatus, false flag
terrorism, rigged elections, and the mainstream media. *
NSA spying implies a minority tyranny ruling class of politicians
(Democrats & Republicans) ruled by a minority tyranny ruling class of
corporate leaders, banksters, military industrial complex leaders, foreign
minority tyranny ruling class, rigged elections, & no democracy in this
country. Think about it: we have this NSA spying apparatus in place through
BOTH PARTIES'ADMINISTRATIONS. Do you think these rulers would let something
like DEMOCRACY get i... more »
You may (not) be the rational animal if!
*SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013*
*Aristotle badly debunked once again:* Long ago, a famous Greek made a
false declaration.
We’ll assume he *believed* what he said. But here is his groaner, in
standard translation:
“Man [sic] is the rational animal.”
Presumably, Aristotle believed that. Plainly, he was wrong.
Twenty-five hundred years later, is there *any* sign that we are “the
rational animal?” As a brief weekend primer, we’ll riddle three
*Is Piers Morgan the rational animal?*
Watching Piers Morgan’s program last night, we became convinced that Morgan
is the dumbes... more »
The Search for Snowden: Assaults on Sovereignty and Diplomatic Immunity

Netfa Freeman
Global Research
Apparently the phrase “blood is thicker than water” compares to the
Imperial ties that bind NATO, where the history of European colonial
collusion runs thicker than internationalist ethics and treaties. The
recent brushing aside of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations by
France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and US that endangered the life of Bolivian
president Evo Morales should be at least a reminder to the people of
Africa, Asia and Latin America. It demonstrates that only a radical and
transcontinental transformation can abolish the vestiges of ... more »
Educators in OK developing their own #commoncore assessments
This, from State Impact Indiana: …Oklahoma Superintendent of Public
Instruction Janet Barresi estimated the state can save at least $2 million
a year if it develops its own test rather than go with the PARCC exam. This
is how it all works. States, as mandated by the USDE, with influence from
the private sector, require […]
Full Cellulose Jacket
A brilliant piece of political theatre was enacted yesterday at the Texas
legislature which is trying yet again to control the uteri of the state.
I'm sure the pro-choice forces would have paid handsomely to demonstrate
graphically and ironically how ReThuglicans view women in Texas.
But they didn't have to.
State troopers are confiscating tampons, maxi pads and other potential
projectiles from those who are entering the Texas capitol to watch the
debate and vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill. Guns, however, which
are typically permitted in the state capitol, are still bein... more »
Prez signs H.R. 1151, an Act concerning participation of Taiwan in ICAO
*Wind turbines south of Tunghsiao in Miaoli*
The White House sent out this press release:
Office of the Press Secretary
July 12, 2013
Statement by the President on H.R. 1151
Today I have signed into law H.R. 1151, an Act concerning participation of
Taiwan in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The United
States fully supports Taiwan's membership in international organizations
where statehood is not a requirement for membership and encourages Taiwan's
meaningful participation, as appropriate, in organizations where its
mem... more »
Defensive blogging*~Soldiers in the Blogosphere** ~"A story this morning on caught my eye for a couple of reasons: it involved the Army
Corps of Engineers (my branch) and it involved what I'll term "defensive
blogging". The story is about allegations by the website that
Corps of Engineers employees left comments "targeting citizen critic using
tax payer money" and were "re-writing history" (the news report by WWL TV
can be seen here.) I have no idea if this is an organized effort by the
Corps of Engineers, but it certainly highlights one way that the militar... more »
Taoyuan Pond Ride
A while back I wrote a post about the Ponds of Taoyuan which I've always
liked and which inspired me to contemplate riding around and photographing
the ponds. You should read that post as a backgrounder to this ride. With
that post in mind, this Thursday I took the HSR up to Taoyuan to get some
pics of these historical sites. For a camera, I took only my trusty
Powershot S95. Click on READ MORE below in order to, well, read more.
It was gorgeous day in Taoyuan, a landscape done in shades of green and
blue. I got off the HSR at the station near Chungli and went south to the
112, to... more »
G20 Police Riot Explained
The reason they couldn't stop the window smashers along the parade route,
even with tens of thousands of cops and over one-billion dollars was
because they didn't want to. They needed an "excuse" (however idiotic) to
justify the random harassment and beatings of genuine protesters the day
That was the intention all along. To brutalize protesters and intimidate
them from participating in future protests.
As pathetic and ineffective as our protests are, they're apparently still
too terrifying for the powers that be.
the incredible shrinking life: a flood, a hotel room, a library

I'm always amazed how when personal upheaval strikes, whether tragedy or
happy Big Life Change - your world shrinks down to a tiny little circle. We
moved to Canada the day Hurricane Katrina struck, and days later, we were
struggling to take in all we had missed. Since the flood four nights ago,
the outside world has barely registered on my radar.
So, what has happened to the Laura and Allan Family since I posted those
lovely sewage-filled photos?
*The aftermath*
The flood was Monday night. The Greater Toronto Area received a month's
worth of rainfall in the span of a few hours. W... more »
Chimericana Books re-launch The Fountains Institute Trilogy i.e. three Hertzan Chimera horror novels

A long time ago - well, not that long ago, really - I wrote novels and
stories in the horror genre under the invented-persona/name Hertzan
Chimera. And he was well-loved, old HertzChim, for a while. I'm going to
air these quotes from Chimera's contemporaries (of that era) so that you
can understand the 'community' I no longer enjoy.
*"Hertzan Chimera is destined for great fame -- solid gold planes and
caviar squeezed from endangered fish. Know him! Embrace him! And ultimately
-- worship him!"* -- Mark McLaughlin, author of GOSSAMER EYE and
*"Hertzan Chimera ... more »
Carl Sciortino Faces A Democrat Who Thinks Keystone XL And Citizens United Are Just Fine

Brownsberger wants to stand out-- even if only as the worst candidate in
the race
A Republican isn't going to win Ed Markey's old House seat, MA-05. The
district is *very* blue. Last year Markey was reelected 254,128 (76%) to
82,286 (24%). The district is composed of 24 townships. Markey rocked every
one of them. Obama beat former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney 65-33%.
The PVI is D+14. Republicans don't win in D+14 districts. The whole ball
game in MA-05 is the primary. Will a progressive Democrat win or will a
middle-of-the-road or conservative Democrat win? Blue America endorse... more »
Why is it so hard for a man to be massaged by a man?
George Constanza's not happy at having a male masseur.
*Success in Synchronicity: The Reunion of Payton and Brees ~Wallace Delery,
Canal Street Chronicles*
*Goodbye Buskers' Bunkhouse: Bywater Property Owner Reclaims Home of Kamp
Katrina, Ms. Pearl Goes to Battle ~NOLA DEFENDER *
*In New Orleans, public radio, local startups, and more are teaming up for
the news ~Jan Schaffer, Neiman Journalism Lab*
*Jackie Clarkson Strikes Again ~Slabbed*
*Levee work to begin in Lafourche Parish*
*Seafood Board’s Credible Media Voice Takes New Job at Wildlife and
*Corps of Engineers Manager Sentenced to More Than 19 Years in Prison in
$30... more »
When Did Truth Become a Conspiracy Theory?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Joseph Ephraim
In the 1997 film, *Conspiracy Theory*, Jerry Fletcher says, "A good
conspiracy theory is unprovable. I mean if you can prove it, it means they
screwed up somewhere along the line." In other words, sometimes conspiracy
theories are true, such as Agenda 21.
"UN Agenda 21 is a worldwide action plan to implement 'sustainable
development.'" Rosa Koire, author of *Behind the Green Mask* and founder of
Democrats Against Agenda 21, describes it well:
Agenda 21 is a global plan to inventory and control all land, all wa... more »
Rage Against the System: Why It Matters
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Stephen Lendman
Public anger in Egypt, Turkey, Palestine, Brazil, Chile, across Europe, in
America against Wall Street, and elsewhere is real. It's visceral. It's
deep-seated. It's growing. It reflects what media scoundrels won't explain.
Democracy's more illusion than real. People get the best kind money can
buy. Manipulated elections control things. Systemic rule is hardline.
Progressive change is verboten.
Monied interests have final say. Corporate giants rule the world.
Exploiting nations, markets and peopl... more »
Obama’s REAL first campaign speech for president
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Aaron Dykes
Phony elections are the norm because The People have lost their political
Powerful forces can rather easily launch manufactured candidates into the
political arena, even from scratch. An astounding example is found in
Obama’s REAL first speech campaigning for the presidency – back in 2004.
As if in a magician’s routine, it has been repeatedly proved that crafted
rhetoric and astroturf buzz is enough to generate energy and emotion in a
crowd – enough to convince masses of people to vote blindly for a cand... more »
Here Comes the Pain: Detroit To “Significantly Cut Vested Pensions” For Retirees
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Mac Slavo
During the summer of 2011, as Ben Bernanke and his mainstream propaganda
arm convinced Americans that green shoots were cropping up all over the
nation, warnings of the coming destruction of America’s pension funds had
begun to emerge.
Government employees may currently enjoy higher salaries and benefits than
the private sector, but they have been given a false sense of security.
Whether you are a police officer, fireman, school teacher, or utility
worker, you could have serious problems down the road.
Chances... more »
DHS Head Janet Napolitano Resigns! Lieberman Tops List Of Replacements
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Racist FBI 'Cointel' Coloring Book For Kids Advocates Killing 'Pig Cops'
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This FBI coloring book, made to discredit the Black Panther movement during
the 'COINTEL' program, literally advocates the murder of 'pig cops' via
children and citizens.
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