12:53pm MDST
New Energy Blog - The Energy Work Room

*Here's a new energy blog... there is also a new skype room if you want to
interact with The Energy Work Room community..., contact nickmckenny358 on
Skype. -AK*
*The Energy Work Room*
*Wednesday, 24 July 2013*
July 24 Update and Links
July 24th 2013
So, for the last couple of days, I have been absolutely LOST in the
overwhelming amount of info that has been collected. One of the names that
keeps coming up in my reading is Don Smith. All of the stuff I have been
reading about this man is VEERRY encourag... more »
Geography and Mobility
A former student, M. Daniele Paserman, who is now a professor at Boston
University, sends me the following email, which I thought was interesting
enough to share (with permission, of course):
I bumped into your blog post on the Great Gatsby curve, and I was happy to
see you raise the point about the arbitrariness of imposing geographic
boundaries in measuring intergenerational mobility (why should one lump
Connecticut and Mississippi together?)
Claudia Olivetti and I raise a similar point in our recent paper on the
evolution of intergenerational mobility in the US between the end o... more »
Balancing media access and informant privilege
XY v. United States, 2013 ONCA 497 holds:
[9] Since the privilege applies, the court's role is to
"accommodate the open court principle to as great an extent possible
without risking a breach of the informer privilege": *Vancouver Sun*, at
para. 55. I do not agree with the media's submission that the privilege
only covers information that poses a 'real and substantial' risk, to be
proven by evidence, of revealing an informer's identity. The privilege
protects any information that might implicitly reveal or would in fact tend
to reveal the informer's identity: *R. v. Leipert... more »
Who is Huma Abedin?...
*good question.*
And one that Andrew McCarthy over at National Review Online does an
admirable job of answering - and we thank him.
*The Huma Unmentionables*
Harvey Wasserman : Fukushima Continues to Spew its Darkness
in Fukushima. Image from ABC News.
Still on the brink:
Fukushima continues to spew its darkness
A pool containing many tons of highly radioactive used fuel is suspended
100 feet in the air... Should an earthquake or other trauma knock the
pool to the ground, there’s a high likelihood the fuel rods could catch
By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog / July 25, 2013
Radiation leaks,
Rotterdam, Netherlands Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp as Part of New Green Initiative

Rotterdam Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp as Part of New Green Initiative
(Rotterdam, NL) Just a short while ago, on June 27th, the Rotterdam city
council voted to ban Monsanto’s controversial Roundup herbicide. The
initiative was begun largely thanks to a citizen run petition campaign
appropriately named, “Non-toxic Sidewalks for Our Children”, along with a
lot of support from the Green Party to get it passed.
While glyphosate (RoundUp’s “active” ingredient) has long been believed to
be quite non-toxic, recent studies have shown that to be very much untrue.
The herbicide, currently t... more »
BBC News - Tomato excuse for prostitute in car in Dudley
'A man caught with a prostitute in his car told police she was there to
show him where to buy tomatoes.'
More here http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-23449261
Tomatoes is funny but funnier would be; turnips (think Baldrick) or
cucumber. Obviously funniest of all would be PLUMS...
Are The Beltway Democrats Serious About Raising The Minimum Wage This Time?

When the Democrats controlled the White House, the House and, briefly, the
Senate, did they raise the minimum wage? Not that I recall. But now that
they know it's impossible to do because of an obstructionist Republican
Congress-- and with the midterm election campaigns kicking off-- they're
making a loud ruckus. If they wanted to do more than just create a campaign
issue and deceive working families, they would crap the whip on Democrats
who voted with the Republicans the last time a minimum wage vote came up
Match 15? The motion was defeated 233-184. Every single Republican vote... more »
A year and two ago this month, how far we have/not come?
Posts from July 2012. This is What You Might Think When You’re Going
Into #TFA Will #AFT Convention Draw a Line in the Sand? Why All
the Khan-troversy? Talking with the Gates Foundation, or Seeking the Light
and Buying the Hype Do those who like the #commoncore know the facts? (We
miss you Stephen Krashen. Come back to us!) Posts from […]
Reality not fiction
Do you remember the Tell Mama claims over Islamophobia, claims that were
found to be lacking in veracity. The linked article is to the CST report
for June. It shows a reduction in anti Semitic attacks in the UK but there
are still far too many. What are the chances of the BBC reporting the
reality of anti Semitism in the UK?
Report here http://blog.thecst.org.uk/?s=
Harry's Place » 800,000 missing Jews: Guardian ‘refugee’ history includes glaring omission.
The Guardian like it's broadcast partner the BBC is so anti Israel that
facts are forgotten in the need to blacken Israel's name.
The refugee story of Israel and the Palestinians in 1948 is just one
More here
CAMERA Snapshots: Where's the Coverage? Territory Occupied for Decades… Not by Israel
Northern Cyprus...
Kate Braun : Lammas is the Fire Festival
Honoring the First Harvest. Image from Asiya.
Honor the harvest:
Lammas is the Fire Festival
By Kate Braun / The Rag Blog / July 24, 2013
“Lord of the Harvest place your fire in me…”
Lammas, a Fire Festival also called First Harvest, Harvest Home, and
Lughnasadh, may be celebrated on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, Thursday,
August 1, 2013, or Friday, August 2, 2013. If at all possible,
*John Barry: Industry legally obligated to help fix coast ~New Orleans
*Our Views: Suit raises big questions ~New Orleans Advocate*
Iraq Sees Continued Problems With Its Oil Export Facilities In June 2013
Iraq’s oil exports and profits were down for the third straight month in
June 2013. Bad weather led to a small drop in the south. More importantly,
the northern pipeline to Turkey was down due to repairs for almost the
entire month. That points to a larger problem that the country’s oil
facilities have reached their limit as seen over the last 16 months, and
there can be no more growth in exports until new infrastructure is added.
The petroleum industry faced several problems last month. Total exports
dropped from 78.7 million barrels in April to 76.9 million in May to 69.8
milli... more »
Expansive New Zealand surveillance bill expected to pass through Parliament

* *Expansive New Zealand surveillance bill expected to pass through
Published time: July 24, 2013 04:21 Get short URL
AFP Photo / Jose JordanAFP Photo / Jose Jordan
New Zealand lawmakers say they now have enough votes to pass a
controversial bill that will expand the government’s power, authorizing the
interception of private communications in the name of national security.
Peter Dunne, leader of New Zealand’s United Future party, changed his
position on the legislation and announced his support Tuesday ... more »
Revised: Kiri's Big Stand in Court -- This is What Standing Your Ground Looks Like

Tuesday, 23 July 2013
*Revised: Kiri's Big Stand in Court -- This is What Standing Your Ground
Looks Like*
I haven't had a chance to talk to Kiri yet this morning- and most likely it
will be my evening before I do (I do NOT consent to Time Zones any more !!
grrr). This is the update that Brian posted this morning (my time, lol,
last night his time).
Revised: Kiri's Big Stand in Court -- This is What Standing Your Ground
Looks Like
Kiri's Big Stand in Court...
July 22, 2013
I added a few no... more »
The latest so-called householder touting the CONtempt Party's supposed
efforts to help Canadians with disabilities get jobs has a message in
Braille on it.
Yabbut, the message is printed, not embossed as it must be for blind peeps
to read it.
Isn't that the most perfect example of CON compassion and comprehension?
All bullshit. No substance. No understanding.
I'm very late at getting to this, but the great Steve M. took on my weekend
column on Ted Cruz, and I did want to respond to part of it.
Not the part where Steve argues that I'm wrong about the possibility of a
Cruz move to the center in the event he was to win the nomination. I'll
stand by what I said, but there's no way to know, and he may certainly be
correct. We're in the realm of speculation in choosing between "Cruz is
what he is, and would only be more so after a successful nomination
campaign" compared with "Cruz would be more able to move to the center than
Romney/McCain ty... more »
More Prisons, More Prisons, Must Build More Prisons

Stephen Harper's faith-based crime wave took another hammering from the
latest report showing that crime rates in Canada continue on their steady
decline, reaching the lowest levels since the early 70s. That's "faith
based" in that he chooses to follow his beliefs even while flatly ignoring
four decades of statistical reality.
But what about, oh I don't know, *MURDER?* Sorry, Steve, that's down too -
to the lowest level since 1972.
It would be nice if Steve could find a less expensive fetish than prison
construction to indulge. Maybe he could take up cross-dressing or golf.

***The West should prepare for Assad's victory in Syria*, writes Con
Coughlin in the Telegraph.
Con Coughlin has links to MI6.
He writes in the Telegraph that "the time has now come for Western leaders
to get their collective heads around the idea that Assad is going to emerge
He has been saying (and writing) for months that President Bashar al-Assad
is winning in Syria.
*Con Coughlin*
Aangirfan wrote in May that the TIDE HAD TURNED IN SYRIA
*According to Coughlin:*
Hundreds of former Syrian rebels are laying down their arms and taking up
the government's offer ... more »
By George, we think she’s got it!
*THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2013*
*The problem with Weiner’s wee-wee:* In this morning’s New York Times, Gail
Collins just keeps discussing Anthony Weiner’s wee-wee.
Last night, cable spilled with discussions of Weiner’s mental state and the
motives of his wife. In today’s New York Times, those motives are limned by
New York City women in this news report.
Elsewhere on cable, piles of piffle are being peddled about the new Brit,
Baby Boy George. You can say good-bye to those discussions of race and
justice we were going to have!
This morning, the New York Times prints six letters about Wei... more »
Train crash in Northen Spain - 79 dead (so far)
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 3 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/uFGs6hieZg4 - click in picture to start this film!
Link: http://youtu.be/X74Bwu6lYoQ - click in picture to start this film!
Horrible train accident (24.7.13 about 20 o'clock) in Northern-Spain near
Santiago de Compostela, a well-known pilgrimage. It is the worst of its
kind in years in Spain. Something must have gone terribly wrong, then the
train succeeded in entering an *infamous curve*, some 4 miles before the
station, having a speed restriction *without braking*. Instead of some 50
mph the modern AVE high speed train entered the curve with 110 mph, with
ca... more »
Israel accused of gassing Palestinian refugee camp
Evil, evil, evil. I await the wall to wall media coverage, the United
Nations condemnation, the screaming protests outside the Israeli embassy &
general opprobrium.
Sorry, my mistake, it was Syria not Israel. Expect no media coverage, no
United Nations interest & protests. Nothing to see, Jews can't be blamed.
More here

Listen to the words that resonate. Where you’ve focused until this moment
continues to formulate your direction. Especially now, who and what you
surround yourself with has everything to do with what you may label as a
successful trip or a struggle. Consciousness asks of you everything; it is
a rigorous task master.
Look around and pay attention. You are not looking so much at mirrors
just now, but partners. Those you hang with are the same ones you’ll be
together with as you begin this next dance.
Think about what this means. You’ve been given a chance, sans Karm... more »
Terrance Nelson 'US military operating without oversight'
Terrance Nelson
First Nation Roseau River Anishinabe
Censored News
The US Military has been operating without oversight for some time.
was in Iraq in April 1998 with Broadcast quality camera and a TV crew
at the invitation of the Saddam Hussein Government. The Mennonite
*Governorcist Bobby Jindal's own former Executive Counsel works for
Highjackers! Faircloth's Alexandria law firm earns $1.1 million in no-bid
work from state ~Town Talk*
Thursday Morning Linkage
Here is your mid-morning linkage for this Thursday. Three strands this
week: one on higher education and social science, another on conservation,
and a third on global health. Oh, and CFR’s International Affairs
Fellowship is taking applications. Higher Education and Social Science You
all saw the story by the Harvard prof (now tenured I might
Continue reading
"The tide against the Conservatives will continue, because Harper isn't going to change a thing." Op Ed

[image: Progressive Bloggers]
*A great article by former Saskatchewan MLA & Cabinet Minister Pat Atkinson
Harper 'change' cabinet retains mean face"*Prime Minister Stephen Harper
tried to hit the reset button with his cabinet shuffle, but he'll have to
do better.As Harper was busy answering reporters' questions about his
"change" cabinet, the one question that seemed to get him stuck was what he
was going to do to change. He ducked the question.*
*The cabinet makeover was supposed to be a channel changer, but I'm not
sure that it will stop Harper's political slide. While the... more »
63 isn't that old for a drummer
This video of the 'grandma drummer' 63-year-old Mary Hvizda has been doing
the rounds, it's quite impressive
But what about Charlie Watts? The Rolling Stones' drummer recently
celebrated his 72nd birthday., here's some Charlie...
"We hunted the dildo into distinction"
Was this CNN anchor thinking of something other than a large flightless
Clearing The Air - A Message From Zion Crime Factory
Several months back, I watched and listened with absolute disgust as
several individuals in what is supposed to be this "truth movement" do
their utmost to destroy another individual, Zander.. aka..
Zioncrimefactory.... It showed again how fractured this push for the truth
against Jewish Supremacists has indeed been fractured, and how even I have
found that it is hard to trust others in this so called "movement"....
Just the other day, Zander finally decided to post an audio to help "clear
the air" and explain his side in what happened in his battle against those
who apparently wan... more »
Adam Giambrone & Justin Trudeau & The Mound of Sound
What benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your only soul? A bit
melodramatic perhaps but What The Fuck. I mean, supposedly Adam Giambrone
was an up and coming Toronto City Councilor of the progressive stripe. He
ran for mayor and had to resign because he was exposed as having an affair.
Personally, i don't care if politicians have sex in their offices. As long
as they get the work they're paid to do done. I'm easy that way. I also
don't have too much of a problem with people having "affairs." Sometimes
shit happens. People get attracted to other people.
But the way Giambron... more »
*Gulf of Mexico natural gas well stops flowing gas and fire is subsiding*
Israel & surrounding region Psyops, Propaganda, a nazi in Syria & more
Let’s look at some of the “goings on” with Israel and the areas surrounding
Or the areas surrounding Israel, that Israel is affecting? Effecting?
Whichever, matters not to me. They all apply in some way.
Going long, but, worth the time!
First a blast from the past. A woman discussed at this blog more then once.
*Her psy-op narrative was created to appeal to the strident feminist. She
is the feminist “hero” archetype*. To hell with family.* **Those ties just
hold a woman down*! *She is woman. **Hear her roar*! *ROAR!*
*As was ... more »
The State of the Union
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Dave Hodges
The illusion of normalcy is almost in the rear view mirror with regard to
our previous way of life in the United States. Even those who have the most
virulent cases of normalcy bias, will soon be beyond their self-deluded
ability to deny what has happened to our once great country.
Congratulations to those that have awakened, see the hopelessness of our
collective situation, and I want to extend my best wishes to the smart ones
who are leaving our lawless country in record numbers.
If you are thinking about leavi... more »
A Tight Tax Leash Constrains Americans
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Nick Giambruno,* International Man*
*Casey Research*
Many readers are already well aware that the US government is essentially
unique—and not in a good way—in how it treats its citizens living and
working in foreign countries. No other country in the developed world
imposes and effectively enforces as many burdens on its citizens abroad
(and those who would do business with them) as does the US government.
Whether it is filing and paying taxes to both a foreign government and the
US government, the reporting of foreign financ... more »
Education as the Great Equalizer: “More Myth than Reality”
“While education has been envisioned as the great equalizer, this promise
has been more myth than reality,” conclude Coley and Baker in a new
report, Poverty and Education: Finding the Way Forward (ETS, July 2013).
This data-rich examination of the relationship between education and
poverty, both in the US and how that compares internationally, is yet
another […]
Federal government going after master encryption keys from Internet companies for easier spying
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Madison Ruppert
According to a new report, the U.S. government is demanding the master
encryption keys that are used by Internet companies to protect the private
communications of countless users from government surveillance.
A recent government report revealed that encryption actually thwarted
attempted wiretaps for the first time on record, which makes it all the
more understandable that the government would now be attempting to break
through any and all methods of encryption.
The demands for these master encryption keys h... more »
Note: We’re changing the headline!
*THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2013*
*On our current series:* We’re changing the headline on our current set of
When we started, we had expected to stress the way the press corps took
dictation from attorney Benjamin Crump in the early reporting of the
killing of Trayvon Martin.
The press corps *did* take dictation from Crump, a point which can be seen
in our reports, including today’s and tomorrow’s. But as this series
proceeded, we realized the bad judgment of the New York Times in the early
reporting was a much more compelling story.
That first news report by the Times was astoun... more »
Using fake names on Facebook, the Surveillance State, androids
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Anthony Freda Art Jon Rappoport
File this one in the ever-burgeoning category of: how insane can
legislators get?
Congress is now debating an update to the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Turns out it’s already a misdemeanor to “exceed authorized use” of a
computer, but the DOJ wants to make it a felony.
Of course, what does “exceeds authorized use” mean? Well, it means, for
instance, an employee sending emails to pals while he’s at the
office—because his employer has a rule against that.
In other words, the feds want t... more »
Spanish train crash: quantifying the acceleration
tragically motivated homework problem in mechanics*
Chances are that you have already seen the dramatic video of the
Wednesday Santiago
de Compostela derailment. Warning: the following video is brutal.
78 people died and 145 extra ones were injured. In total, it's 223
people –
more than the number of passengers, 218 (homework for you: why?). A
mapallows one to determine that the crash occurred at the top middle
point of this
Google map.
Using a piece of paper, I estimated the radius of this arc of circle to
\(R\sim 380\,{\rm m}\) or so.
Now, we will need the formula for t... more »
Medicinal Cannabis Used To Prevent Cancer Growth
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Mario Lap, President of DrugText Foundation, an international information
facility on substance use, talks about his work and experiences with
medicinal cannabis. Lap has worked with cannabis extract (oil) to treat
himself and many others of cancer and various diseases. He tells us the
success stories he has had and the measures they are taking to have
medicinal cannabis legalized so people can have the affordable and
effective treatment that they are in need of.
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... more »
When Will The Economy Collapse?
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*Budget manager, auditor for Sheriff’s Office admit to seven-figure
mistakes ~Sarah Rahman, The Lens*
*Jindal denounces lawsuit targeting oil and gas firms, misunderstands state
law ~New Orleans Advocate*
...perhaps because....
*Science to be key factor in lawsuit against oil and gas companies for
coastal loss ~Bob Marshall, The Lens*
*Bizarre study by Corps Modeler proposes eliminating nearly 35 miles of
levees in New Orleans area levee systems ~Physics.org *
*Wounded writer speaks of surviving Mother’s Day shooting ~Lee Zurik, WVUE*
*Landrieu’s food truck regs get mixed reaction f... more »
THE STORY BEGINS: And the errors appear!
*THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2013*
*Part 4—At the Times, just one correction:* As the story began to go
national, the Associated Press displayed a bit of good journalistic
On March 16, 2012, Trayvon Martin’s family was allowed to hear the
recordings of the 911 calls to Sanford police on the night their son was
killed. Later, the Sanford police released the recordings to the public.
When this happened, the New York Times displayed some astounding bad
judgment. Lawyers for the Martin family were saying, incorrectly, that two
shots could be heard on the tapes. Based upon that erroneo... more »
Forbes Reporter Gets His Car Hacked to Prove How Easy it Is
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Read the article here.
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In a Close Vote, Congress Shamefully Defeats Amendment That Sought to Curtail NSA Surveillance
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Mark M. Jaycox
The US House of Representatives came within a few votes of passing a novel
amendment that attempted to strike out funding for the highly contentious
NSA calling records surveillance program. Under this program, the NSA
acquires the records of who you called, when you called, and how long you
spoke—for all calls made within the United States, including international,
long distance, and even local.
The amendment was part of the Defense Appropriations Bill(basically, the
budget for the Department of Defense... more »
Re-Default: Up To 46% Of Bailed Out Homeowners Can’t Pay Their Mortgage (Again)
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Mac Slavo
The Treasury Department and managers of the Home Affordable Modification
Program (HAMP) are scrambling to figure out why homeowners who used the
government’s bailout mechanism to save their homes are re-defaulting on
their payments.
The program, originally designed to assist homeowners who were facing
foreclosure following the 2007 sub-prime crisis, has reportedly saved 1.2
million people from losing their homes, but a report from the Special
Inspector General who oversees the government’s Troubled Asset Relief
Pr... more »
Debt Levels Are Skyrocketing To Extremely Dangerous Levels – How Long Can This Possibly Keep Going?
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Michael Snyder
Never before has the world faced such a serious debt crisis. Yes, in the
past there have certainly been nations that have gotten into trouble with
debt, but we have never had a situation where virtually all of the major
powers around the globe were all drowning in debt at the same time. And
what makes this crisis even more unprecedented is that everyone on the
planet is using fiat currency that is backed up by nothing.
It is all just a bunch of paper and data points that people have faith in.
Right now, con... more »
Oh my God, what’s wrong with people? #stopcpscuts
This. This. This. Via Sun Times. Tagged: charter schools, CPS cuts, public
The Better to Eat You With, My Dear

I was going to do one of my occasional Parse-a-Presidents today in the wake
of yesterday's unusually protracted Obamian assault on the American people.
But since Michael Hudson did it first, and did it exceedingly well, I won't
be redundant. You can find his smackdown here.
In the midst of all the G-droppin' populist pabulum designed to disguise
the reality that Barack Obama considers all of us potential terrorists and
wants to continue sweeping up all our phone and internet records, he also
signaled that he finds us despicable enough to still want to impose his
wildly unpopular ... more »
Who Controls The Global Economy? Do Not Underestimate The Power Of The Big Banks
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Michael Snyder
Are the big banks really as powerful as some people say that they are? Do
they really control the global economy? If you ask most people, they would
tell you that governments control the global economy. But the campaigns of
our politicians are funded by the ultra-wealthy, the big banks and the
large corporations that they control. Others would tell you that the
Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks around the world control
the global economy.
But the truth is that the Federal Reserve was establ... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Illeana Douglas, 48.
Good stuff:
1. Norm Ornstein unloads on the Republicans for sabotaging the ACA. Brutal,
but fair.
2. Dahlia Lithwick on reducing voting in North Carolina.
3. And Scott Lemieux on Braun.
Police Defend Bank that Looted Wrong House, Won't Return Items or Pay
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Miss Prepper Potts
Ohio takes the cake again on Activist Post by being a state that defends
bank robbers - *that is banks who rob*.
Katie Barnett of McArthur came home a few weeks ago to find everything in
the house gone. She eventually discovered that First National bank
mistakenly foreclosed the wrong house -- but kept her stuff. Not only did
they clear everything out like the Grinch, but they changed the locks.
Their actual foreclosure target had been the house across the street.
This matters not to the bank president who... more »
Why Won't Ted Cruz Endorse The Senate's Guardian Of Gridlock?
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Mitch McConnell is one of
the dirty politicians in America-- not just in terms of taking massive
legalistic bribes from special interests, but also in terms of how he runs
his campaigns. Not just ruthless but sleazy and downright dishonest are
words that describe his political career. Closet cases are often sociopaths
and this kind of behavior is typical. A report in the right-wing propaganda
sheet, the *National Review* reports that McConnell's campaign has already been
threatening and trying to bribe the Tea Party candidate who's ru... more »
Fotografías de Nueva York by Stephen Wilkes (Día y Noche)

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Imágenes por correo]
Katie Osgood is killing it on #TFA! But how about across the “pond?”
I did not know this. But there’s an organization called Teach First in the
UK with the exact goals as TFA: The initiative took on 1,261 handpicked
graduates this year, 80% from leading Russell Group universities. All will
have six weeks of intensive training before being sent to schools in
underprivileged areas where they will work for […]
WARNING: Prominent Activists Being Framed With Child Porn
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*Activist Post*
A disturbing trend is unfolding where some entity is attempting to frame
prominent anti-establishment activists and alternative media organizations
with child pornography.
These activists are being sent emails with malicious attachments containing
images of child porn in a seeming attempt to discredit them or set them up
for arrest.
Two weeks ago Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange.org was sent an email from a
@tormail domain with attachments containing child porn.
Rudkowski communicated more with his attacker w... more »
Primacy of arbitration agreements and need to respect arbitration process
*Hopkins v. Ventura Custom Homes Ltd*., 2013 MBCA 67 has a useful summary
of the law relating to the primacy of arbitral agreements:
[15] Many courts at all levels have accepted the
primacy of arbitration agreements and the need to respect the arbitration
process that has been chosen by the parties. In Burlington Northern
Railroad Co. v. Canadian National Railway Co. (1995), 59 B.C.A.C. 97,
Cumming J.A., in dissent, adopted by the S.C.C., 1997 CanLII 395 (SCC),
[1997] 1 S.C.R. 5, upheld the motion judge's order staying the action. In
doing so, he state... more »
Obama's DEA Launches Massive Raids on Legal Marijuana
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Who is Kevin Annett?
A big thanks to McJ from the Winter Patriot Community for shining the light
on this video
I enjoyed it thoroughly, therefore, it must be shared.
About an hour long.
His site has long been in the sidebar here: Hidden from History; The
Genocide of Canada's Aboriginals
Monsanto Video Revolt - The ONE Logical Thought Process That Can Extend ...

*Published on Jun 29, 2013 *
This video covers MUCH MORE than just GMO. The goal of this video is to
show you a thought process that can help you avoid any poison in almost any
Please share this video to help everyone!
McDonalds Ingredients List:
Source: http://www.villagevoice.com/2013-07-24/news/the-monsanto-menace/
Iranian family fakes Israeli passports to immigrate to Canada
Interesting that Iranian family would use a passport from a country that
their leadership want to wipe off the map.
Story here http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4409587,00.html
Canadian Custer

After the cabinet shuffle last week, commentators began to speculate about
whether Stephen Harper was opening the door for his successor. The truth
is, no one knows what Harper is planning. He doesn't trust anyone enough to
give a hint about what he's really thinking. But we have suffered the man
long enough to make judgements based on what the man has done, as opposed
to what he has said.
And, therefore, Devon Black writes, it's fair to ask: What legacy will
Stephen Harper leave after he goes? You can see signs of what's to come:
Given that we’re already seeing the need to mitig... more »
Tragic spanish train crash - with death toll rising sharply to 78 , video of the moment of crash available ...... keep the families of the deceased and those injured in your prayers....
Instant Of Tragic Spanish Train Crash Caught By CCTV Camera
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/25/2013 07:27 -0400
When we first reported about the tragic Spanish train crash the tally of
casualties was 35. It has since doubled to 78 and will likely keep rising.
However, judging by the severity of the crash, which can be seen on the
just released CCTV video below, it is probably a miracle that orders of
magnitude more were not killed.
Egypt's military losing control of the situation - General Sisi's call to confront terrorism rebuffed by Pro- Morsi supporters...... Meanwhile , we shall have to see how Egypt's continued defiance of US warnings plays out for the Military .........
MIDDLE EASTEgypt rallies defy army chief's call
Pro-Morsi demonstrations go on ahead of expected counter protests called
for by general to confront "terrorism".
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2013 09:23
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Supporters of the deposed President Mohamed Morsi continued to rally after
an apparent call by Egypt's army chief to crack down on dissenters.
Thousands of pro-Morsi supporters filled Nasr City on Thursday, repeating
their weeks-long demand that the depos... more »
Congress Set to Profit from Student Loan Rates Determined by Wall Street Swindlers
If you ever wonder how the Feds are going to pay for the new era of
non-risk corporate welfare farming, charter schools, preschools, for-profit
college subsidies, military contractors, corporate welfare spy firms, etc.,
Congress has a plan. One drop in that national cash reserve for corporate
non-emergencies was guaranteed yesterday, when the Senate passed student […]
SAC at risk of seeing its Banks cut them off with looming criminal charges against the Firm itself...... ECB credit creation ( M3) misses expectations while ECBB lending to private sector shrank for 14th consecutive month ( new record low 1.6 off in June ) .....
Wall Street banks are debating whether to suspend doing business with SAC
Capital Advisors LP if the hedge fund is charged by U.S. prosecutors,
according to two people briefed on the matter.
Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) are among firms
weighing the reputational and financial consequences of continuing to
provide trading, lending and prime brokerage services to SAC, one of Wall
Street’s largest trading clients, said the people, who asked for anonym... more »
The ALEC Book of Days - Week 3 - Exhiliration
*This Weeks *
*Meditations for the ALEC Member*
to help you prepare for the American Legislative Exchange Council meeting
in Chicago, August 7 - 9 at the Palmer hotel.
*July 26*
Lobbyists make the bad times good — and the good times unforgettable.
*July 27*
Everybody will be your lobbyist when you’re doing the right things.
Your best lobbyists will stick with you and support you, even when you’re
doing the wrong things.
*July 28*
It’s just something that happens as you grow up.
You realize it is less important to have more lobbyists and more important
to have the r... more »
The BBC's Nick Robinson spreading misinformation again
In this piece about the latest GDP figures Nick Robinson does his best to
talk down the recovery, after all a recovery is not a recovery unless
Labour say it is. But more concerning is the misinformation he spreads with
this line:
'Today's figures tell a simple story. This is growth but - as they used to
say on Star Trek - not as we know it.'
I presume that Nick Robinson is grasping for the line "It's life, Jim, but
not as we know it.". However this, to the best of my knowledge, was never
said in the original Star Trek series.
*On consulting with a bigger Trekkie than me, I am inf... more »
David Cameron and The Youth Anti-Sex League (ANTISEC)

Perhaps the brought him to term in a Bacta Tank.
Warm nutrient bath, anyone?
On the same day as the "Royal Birth" Plrime Minister Dave Cameron announced
legislation requiring ISPs to institute an "opt-in" policy for adult
content rather than an "opt-out" policy, as is currently the case.
"To protect Children"
If anyone can think of anything more injurious to free speech and civil
liberties, I'd like to hear it. Because I can't.
hey mcdonald's: the working poor don't need financial advice or higher banking costs. they need higher wages.
*Part 1: McDonald's version of company scrip* (Part 2 below)
Any minute now we'll see the return of company scrip.
In the bad old days before labour unions forced reforms, companies -
especially in industries where workers were isolated, like mines, lumber,
and farming - would pay their workers in scrip. Scrip was a credit that was
only accepted at the company's store - a store that charged wildly inflated
prices. What a great deal for the owners, eh? They paid meagre wages, then
recovered every penny, while ensuring they retained a steady supply of
labourers who were (literally) hu... more »
Google launches: Chrome cast inexpensive TV dongle

*Google has announced a low-cost competitor to Apple TV - a dongle device
called Chrome cast. *The dongle is plugged into a television's HDMI port,
and allows users to stream media from smart phones, tablets and computers. With
chrome cast, Google is attempting to make simpler its large-screen
offering, focusing on streaming clips from services such as YouTube and
Netflix via a far cheaper machine.
Launching instantly in the US, the device will cost $35. Present is as yet
no word on worldwide launches. Google also announced an upgraded Nexus 7
tablet, the first to run the novel ... more »
Celebrating Ramadan with a little Jew-hatred
I have read several articles in the run up to and during the start of
Ramadan telling of the ways that normal Muslim families relax in the
evenings after a hard day fasting. The BBC have been big on family meals
and even British Airways' HighLife magazine managed a puff piece on
Egyptian Ramadan soap operas. What none of the mainstream media has yet
mentioned is the TV series Khaybar.
This year many Arab TV satellite channels are airing a series called
Khaybar, referring to the Muslim massacre of the Jews of the town of that
name in northwestern Arabia in 628 CE. After the attack, s... more »
Fermion masses from the Δ(27) group
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas of Basel, Switzerland and Daniel Pidt of
Dortmund, Germany released an interesting paper about the family symmetries
Geometrical CP violation with a complete fermion sector
They continue in the authors' three-weeks-old research of quark masses and Varzielas'
2012 research and other developments and argue that the \(\Delta(27)\)
family symmetry seems fully appropriate to obtain not only quark masses but
also lepton masses and the CP violation.
These models have (not just one but) several Higgs doublets – e.g. three
Higgs doublets or a multiple of three – ... more »

*Kate's doctor Alan Farthing and the murdered BBC presenter Jill Dando*
* Alan Farthing* was part of the medical team responsible for the birth of
Kate and William's new baby.
He is the Queen's Gynaecologist.
Alan Farthing was the fiance of the BBC TV presenter *Jill Dando* who was
*Cliff Richard* was a close friend and confidante of Jill Dando.
*Savile and William's mother Diana.*
Jill Dando's BBC colleague *Nick Ross* is married to *Sarah Caplan* the
cousin of *Jimmy Savile*'s friend *Esther Rantzen*.
Caplan and Rantzen founded the controversial charity called *Child... more »
It's still on...
The Royal Baby has been named George Alexander Louis which means that it's
still on. Our next three Kings, unless one or more does a regnal name
change, will be Charles III, William V and George VII. If we can somehow
ensure Baby George's first-born is a boy and is named Henry then he will be
Henry IX.
III, IV, VII, IX = 3, 5, 7, 9
Could that be more mathematically pleasing?
Yes I am a little odd, as are the above numbers.
The sequence will end at 9 as Henry and Edward are the only Kings of the
United Kingdom to reach eight so far.
Royal Bank and iGATE : "Business as usual"

A LiveMint/Wall Street Journal article three weeks ago reports that
Bank of Canada (RBC), Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal and CIBC
temporarily halted their hiring of workers from outsourcing firms
likeiGate, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS), and Infosys Ltd
, while they wait for the public backlash to blow over :
"The backlash against outsourcing jobs comes at a time when the
unemployment rate in Canada stands at 7.2% and remains above the levels
that were seen before the 2008 recession. The Canadian banking and
financial services (BFS) outsourcing market is est... more »
LHCb: \(3\)- or \(4\)-\(\sigma\) excess of \(B\)-mesons' muon decays
*New physics may already be looking at us*
Tommaso Dorigo has discussed something that may be interesting – a hint of
new physics coming from the LHCb experiment:
A Four-Sigma Evidence Of New Physics In Rare B Decays Found By LHCb, And
Its Interpretation
The deviation will be described in the LHCb-PAPER-2013-037 paper, now in
preparation. Locally, it is a \(3.7\)-\(4.0\sigma\) effect which is reduced
to \(2.5\)-\(2.8\sigma\) once you take the 24 bins into account
(look-elsewhere effect). See page 13 of Nicola Serra's presentation in
We just described how strong the evid... more »
“Steeled” resolution from the Higher Heart is called upon at this time
* *
* *“Steeled” resolution from the Higher Heart is called upon at this time*
by ÉirePort
"Steeled" resolution from the Higher Heart is called upon at this time. The
Steeled" resolution means a strong resolve to purpose intention to needs of
All prior conflicting messages and conflicting intentions are resolved as
each "steels" within, from Higher Heart Center.
Gaia calls each in their own way, for their own particular strengths, for
Light service at this moment.
And thanks all who heed the call.
ÉirePort | July 24, 2013 at 22:15
URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-nc
Bachmann defends NSA spying on Americans

Bachmann defends NSA spying on Americans
(Credit: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
*You have to wonder what she thinks is private? -AK*
WEDNESDAY, JUL 24, 2013 12:38 PM PDT
*Bachmann defends NSA spying on Americans*
*"There’s no Fourth Amendment expectation of privacy" for phone records,
Bachmann argued*
Reps. Justin
Amash and Michele Bachmann sparred over the NSA’s phone surveillance
program, with Bachmann saying she is opposing Amash’s bill to defund it
because “I believe that we need to win th... more »
Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner is a poet from Marshall Islands in the Pacific.
Kathy writes, "During the period from June 30, 1946, to August 18, 1958,
the United States conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands, all
of which were considered atmospheric. The most powerful of those tests was
the 'Bravo' shot, a 15 megaton device detonated on March 1, 1954, at Bikini
atoll. The US continues to deny responsibility while many more Marshallese
continue to die due to cancer and other radiation related illnesses."
Funding War And Domestic Spying

This week I literally marveled at how deftly Alan Grayson was able to use
congressional procedures beyond the ken of garden variety congressmembers
to get five amendments to the defense-spending bill passed without
controversy particularly one prohibiting torture. “This amendment,"
explained Grayson to any Members who might not be paying attention, "makes
the intent of Congress clear; it makes the law clear: We. Don’t. Torture.
The United States military is prohibited from torturing any human being, at
home or abroad.” Another very important amendment he got through is being
refer... more »
Guest Post - Smart Tips for Eco-friendly Shipping Packaging

[image: Eco Shipping]
Shipping is a common part of modern life as we require and desire goods
from around the world. Business capitalise on this with many seeking items
from all over the globe to offer consumers the widest range of goods in one
location. It is not only products we ship, we ship ourselves with more of
us relocating to different parts of the world. Including many students who
ship their worldly goods half way across the world to their new
universities, however, is there any thought behind the materials and
suppliers used?
Shipping with recycled packagingWith the amoun... more »
Rabies Redux
*Rolling past an earth god temple in Sanzhi township.*
One of the great pleasures of living in Taiwan is the lack of rabies among
the stray animals. It means that you can interact with them without worry
of a bad death. It looks like that may be coming to an end... first, the
But this week the Council of Agriculture confirmed that the lethal disease
has made a comeback on the island after three dead wild Formosa
ferret-badgers found in the mountains of Yunlin and Nantou counties tested
positive for the disease.
Although currently the zoonotic disease is isolated among wild
f... more »
Meet the new “controversial” Dean.
I have almost finished my 4th week as the Dean of the School of Education
at Edgewood College in Madison, WI. Today I did my first television
appearance. I was interviewed by Wisconsin Eye. I went into the interview
feeling pretty good. I knew I was going to be interviewed for 30 minutes
by Steve […]
Inevitable Inflation?
*Guest post by Ed Bugos*
In an article I first saw on June 28th, Martin Feldstein asserts that
quantitative easing is NOT money printing, and suggests that is the main
reason we have not seen any price inflation.
[image: _Quote5]The link between Fed bond purchases and the subsequent
growth of the money stock changed after 2008, because the Fed began to pay
interest on excess reserves [which] induced the banks to maintain excess
reserves at the Fed instead of lending and creating deposits to absorb the
increased reserves, as they would have done before 2008. As a result, the
volum... more »
*Jindal denounces lawsuit targeting oil and gas firms, misunderstands state
law ~New Orleans Advocate*
*Bizarre study proposes eliminating nearly 35 miles of levees in New
Orleans area levee systems ~Physics.org *
Hans Jonas and Jewish Mysticism - Christian Wiese
Professor Christian Wiese is the co-editor of, *"The Legacy of Hans Jonas."
"Prof. Wiese was educated in Protestant theology, Religious Studies and
Jewish Studies at the Universities of Tübingen, Bonn, and Heidelberg and
the Hebrew University, Jerusalem; he earned his PhD in 1997 at the
University of Frankfurt am Main and his “Habilitation” in Jewish Studies in
2006 at Erfurt University. Before coming to Sussex, he held positions as an
assistant professor in Jewish History at the Salomon Ludwig
Steinheim-Institute for German-Jewish History (University of Duisburg) and
as an ass... more »
RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : Sociologist, Author, and New Left Pioneer, and Critic, Todd Gitlin
Gitlin. Photo by David Shankbone / Wikimedia Commons.
Rag Radio podcast:
Sociologist, media critic, author,
and SDS pioneer Todd Gitlin
Our discussion with the renowned scholar and author ranges from the
legacy of the Port Huron Statement and Gitlin's critical take on the
later days of the movement, to the role of mass media in shaping social
By Rag Radio / The Rag Blog /
What, Setting Aside Money for A Rainy Day? This Is Harperland After All!

One of the first thing Sideshow Steve Harper did upon seizing the reins of
power was to powerfully defund the federal government. Clinging to the
neo-con ideology that taxation is theft and that government surpluses are
the fruits of that crime, Harper slashed the GST by two points... and a few
years later with the onset of the 2008 Great Recession the walls came
tumblin' down. With the treasury bare, Harper had to go to the markets to
borrow money for his half-assed stimulus budget.
Now the folks who run Calgary are having to rethink this rancid rightwing
tax phobia. They're... more »
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: From the Firm to the Wider World
Our friends at the Auckland Uni Economics Group are back for the new
semester. Here’s their update for tonight’s show discussion:
YES! We’re back!!
Welcome to those who have joined the group after visiting us during
this Orientation Week. We look forward to meeting you again at our first
meeting of this semester which is this Thursday.
Yes, our weekly seminars return starting tonight at 6pm. And we're
thrilled to say that we've got a fascinating talk and discussion planned.
We’ll looking at a question that always starts plenty of debates. Put
simply: What role should the ... more »
Max Keiser says Deutsche Bank on suicide watch !
*My Geneva fund contact: Deutsche Bank is officially on suicide watch. DB
will be the next ‘Lehman’ moment that triggers new collapse..*
*Deutsche Bank Opaque Loans From Brazil to Italy Hide Risk*
*Deutsche Bank’s Accounting Raises Questions*
….In other words, these ‘secured’ loans are not really secured, unless one
considers what is effectively a short position on the bonds that were
provided as collateral to represent adequa... more »
Why My Students Do Not Need Teach for America
Wow, there has been such a flurry of stories and discussions in regards to
Teach for America and its destructive role in education today. I suppose
my letter to new recruits played an important part in calling into question
this organization, striking a chord of truth. TFA has gone into full-time
PR mode with a […]
Cyber Events Data and Foreign Policy Reactions
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ryan C. Maness of the University of
Illinois at Chicago and Brandon Valeriano of the University of Glasgow. In
the rush to note the changing face of the battlefield, few scholars have
actually examined the impact of cyber conflict on foreign policy dynamics.
Instead most studies are
Continue reading
War watch - Syria , Egypt and forgotten Libya inn focus - July 24 , 2013.....
Syria updates......
*War against Iran, Iraq AND Syria?*
By Pepe Escobar
Amidst the incessant rumble in the (Washington) jungle about a possible
Obama administration military adventure in Syria, new information has come
to light. And what a piece of Pipelineistan information that is.
Picture Iraqi Oil Minister Abdelkarim al-Luaybi, Syrian Oil Minister Sufian
Allaw, and the current Iranian caretaker Oil Minister Mohammad Aliabadi
getting together in the port of Assalouyeh, southern Iran, to sign a memorandum
of understa... more »
Michael James : Pledging Allegiance in 1961
allegiance, Westport, Connecticut, 1961. Photo by Michael James from
his forthcoming book, Michael Gaylord James' Pictures from the Long
Pictures from the Long Haul:
Pledging allegiance in
Westport, Connecticut in 1961
Westport is where I learned to love America, where we played in fields,
in woods, and on the shores of the Saugatuck River and Long Island
By Michael
Speaker "Sunny John" Boehner needs our help -- he's run out of ideas for his top legislative priorities

*If the House GOP can't think of anything better to prioritize, maybe they
could do something about the McRib sandwich (by all means click on it to
enlarge) -- and do something about the sauce, and maybe the pork too.*
*by Ken*
Earlier today Howie wrote ("Is Boehner Retiring?) about rumors that the
only speaker of the House we have is thinking about packing it in:
"Boehner's job -- trying to herd the fractious, racist, unpatriotic
teabaggers in his own party -- is so thankless and stressful that there are
rumors he's contemplating retirement."
Well, that might be the poor sod's so... more »
FUBARshima nuclear debacle rolling along - massive groundwater flows of contaminated water to the sea - which of course lying Tepco knew would happen.... Meanwhile , what is causing the steam at Unit # 3 ??????
[Breaking] Impervious wall construction intermitted “due to the shortage of
Fukushima workers”
Posted by *Mochizuki* on July 24th, 2013 · 4 Comments
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Having contaminated groundwater flowing to the sea, Tepco is building the
impervious wall near the seaside.
(cf, Tepco completed 16% of ground improvement on the east side of
reactor1&2 [URL])
In the press conference of 7/24/2013, Tepco announced *the urgent
construction was intermitted due to the shortage of Fukushima worker.
(12:09) *For the safety issue... more »
COOP Bank Rescue Plan - Question is who is being rescued ? The Slog blogspot has a few ideas .... COOP Bank reassures 2 million members ( quick folks , grab your money and run for the door ! ) ..... Meanwhile , hedge funds are circling on the debt of COOP Bank - so you know who is going to win there !
COOP BANK EXCLUSIVE: How Westminster MPs are stealing small bondholders’
life savings to save their necks
*Pre-Election Labour cover-up becomes constitutional crisis because LibDems
also Bank with CoOp**Brown, Balls, Darling, Cable and Osborne implicated*
Bailin proposal will stuff innocent older people on smaller incomes
*If ever there was a scandal to demonstrate how none of the three main UK
Parties care about any of us, this one is it. **Sources close to the team
working round the clock to reconstruct the Cooperative Bank say this tight
group is facing a huge dilemma on severa... more »
Stop Land Grabbing and End Police Violence in Taiwan
The Taiwan Rural Front asks for your support..... read the whole thing;
suggested actions in the link:
*Dapu Land Case*
The power of eminent domain has been routinely abused in Taiwan for the
sake of land speculation. The case of the Dapu Village is the most
appalling case of such state-sanctioned robbery. On 9th June 2010, excavators
bulldozed and destroyed the Dapu villagers' crop two weeks before harvest
in a dawn raid.
On 18th July 2013, hundreds of police officers returned and razed the
residents’ homes, while the house owners were away pleading with the
central government to... more »
Owen nails it . . .
Porkarama personified —
IN CASE YOU MISSED Owen's post at Northern Reflections, "Mr. Harper's
Balloon", do click on the link to find out more about the Mike Duffy Hot
Air Balloon and a lot more about some serious facets of Stevie's
malfeasance. The way the CONcheese seems to be ripening, maybe they'll
make a Porkela Wallin version in time for the Santa Claus Parade?
Just as we expected? Modules = test prep skills.
I have been looking through the new Common Core aligned modules on the New
York State Education Department’s EngageNY website as the folks in Albany
have been constantly promoting the new curriculum. I have produced two
reactions recently to my suspicions that these high priced modules are
nothing more than a scripted curriculum. Today as […]
A- Rod trainwreck stumbling and bumbling toward his inevitable suspension unless he plays smarter than he has to date - Hey A- Rod , take whatever deal MLB and the Union will offer you short of a life time ban already !
If A-r od comes back to the Yanks ..... They have to bring out Yoko to
Doctor says he sees 'nothing significant' on A-Rod's MRI; Yankees GM says
star was in violation of league rules for seeking second opinion
- Last Updated: 7:43 PM, July 24, 2013
- Posted: 2:10 PM, July 24, 2013
- Yankees Blog
[image: Alex Rodriguez in Tampa today.]
Jay Nolan
Alex Rodriguez in Tampa today.
... more »
"How It Really Is"
Along with the rest of the country, too...
- CP
Monumental council debts
This is some interesting spin from the head of Local Government NZ:
Councils spent $700 million more than they earned in the past financial
year, leading to the worst operating deficit on record, but officials say
this was one of the symptoms of keeping rates low in tough economic times…
Local Government NZ head [and mayor of underperforming Hastings Council]
Lawrence Yule said councils had tried to keep rates as low as possible
since the economic downturn and so had incurred some operating deficits.
What the hell is Yule talking about? “Keep rates as low as possible,” says
the di... more »
“The NSA's Version Of ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’"
* *
*“The NSA's Version Of ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’"*
by Tyler Durden
“When it comes to the conversion of the US into a totalitarian state, few
things are quite as symbolic as the construction of the NSA's Bluffdale,
Utah Data Canter, which was revealed last year by Wired, yet which did not
get much prominence until June's revelations by Edward Snowden. Costing
billions in taxpayer money, the facility is simply the largest hard disk
ever built, designed to store every current and future electronic
communication, both foreign and domestic, to be made available at a
moment's notic... more »
Hercules Offshore natural gas rig explosion - burning out of control and could burn for months !
Horizon Redux ?
Hercule 265.jpg]
Gulf of Mexico rig exploded Tuesday evening, causing drill floor and
derrick to collapse. *(U.S. Coast Guard)*
The operator of the natural gas rig burning out of control in the Gulf
Mexico has begun preparations to move a jack-up rig to the location to
potentially drill a relief well, federa... more »
General Al-Sisi Calls For Mass Protests; FSA Terrorists Rejoin Assad's Fold; USraeli-Backed Al-Qaeda Holds 200 Kurds As Hostages
* *
*I. General Al-Sisi Calls For Mass Protests, Eyes Destruction of Extremist
Muslim Brotherhood. *
An excerpt from, *"Egypt: Preparing The Repression"* by b, Moon of Alabama,
July 24:
For the military the Muslim Brotherhood protests in Cairo and the threat
from the Sinai belong together. It is looking for ways to harshly clamp
down on both.
The military chief General Al-Sisi has now called for large demonstrations
to support a crack down:
*"I urge the people to take to the streets this coming Friday to prove
their will and give me, the army and police, a mandate to confront pos... more »
Greetings and Salutations
I am proud to announce the long-awaited release of *Sustainable or Bust*. It’s
immediately available in paperback and Kindle versions from Amazon outlets
around the world. It will shortly be available via non-Amazon booksellers
— the printer indicates that my book will slither its way through the
various independent distribution channels in “approximately six weeks.” It
may just be the perfect gift for every occasion!
As a rule, I have no affection for corporations, but I do have gratitude
for Amazon (the seller), and its subsidiary CreateSpace (the printer), for
allowing me t... more »
“The U.S. Is A Lawless State”
*“The U.S. Is A Lawless State”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts says, “The country
is not being run by the President. It is being run by spy agencies and
private interest groups, Wall Street and military security complex... They
run the country. The President is a puppet, a figurehead.” Dr. Roberts
contends, “If you are a lawless state, which the United States is, it obeys
no international law. It does not obey the Geneva Convention, It tortures
people. It doesn’t obey the Constitution. It doesn’t obey anything. It
does w... more »
Explosion heard before tragic spanish train crash today outside Santiago de Compostela ..... 45 known dead at present time , hundreds injured as well .....
Dozens killed in Spanish train crash
At least 45 dead and 70 injured after mass carriage derailment outside city
of Santiago de Compostela.
Last Modified: 24 Jul 2013 22:52
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Up to 45 people were killed in the derailment [Reuters]
At least 45 people were killed and 70 injured when a train derailed on the
outskirts of the northern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela in one of ... more »
Comex Expiration on Thursday - set up for gold smash on Wednesday ? Harvey Organ's Gold and Silver Report - July 24 , 2013 !

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Tomorrow Must Be COMEX Options
"*Major Strasser:* Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the
Germans in their beloved Paris?
*Rick:* It's not particularly my beloved Paris.
*Heinz:* Can you imagine us in London?
*Rick:* When you get there, ask me.
*Captain Renault:* Hmmh! A diplomat!
*Major Strasser:* How about New York?
*Rick:* Well, there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I
wouldn't advise you to invade."
*Casablan... more »
"I Can’t Get No…"
*"I Can’t Get No…"*
by Bill Bonner
"In the summer of 1965, President Johnson opened a new phase of the war in
Vietnam. Instead of observing, training, advising and protecting… US
soldiers were to go on the offensive. It was already nearly a half-century
after Woodrow Wilson had put America into the empire business; still, the
country was just getting the hang of it. But in a matter of months, there
would be more than half a million U.S. troops in that steamy hellhole.
Their mission was to protect Western democracy from the communist menace.
That they were on a fools’ errand,... more »
Space-saving furniture
Look at the ingenuity of this space-saving furniture, effectively turning
one room of your home into two or even three.
Install units like these sliding panels like this, and a small space can
easily become a mansion.
[Hat tip Geek Press]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Why TEAC (CAEP) Accreditation Means Less than Zero
In May TEAC provided the for- profit American College of Education (ACE)
the official stamp of approval to prey on the poor and the unsuspecting who
want to be teachers. ACE has a sordid history of exploitation and
grandiose scheming, some of which is documented here. ACE is a subsidiary
of Higher Ed Holdings, LLC, which […]
(Who Benefits From All That Collected Data?) Onward Back to Feudalism and The US Government Is Metamorphosing Into the Borg
New Questions Undermine Government’s Spying Claims By Marcy Wheeler As the
House considers defunding NSA dragnet collection today, the credibility of
the program just got murkier So this is what all that data collection
was/is about. We have our first winner! And no one thought the commercial
side of this venture would pay off? il giant Chevron has been granted
access to "more than 100
Lawrence O’Donnell just can’t quit Bill Clinton!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2013*
*Still dazzled by Gennifer Flowers:* It’s one of the most remarkable press
stories of the past twenty years.
We refer to the way the East Coast Irish Catholic Democratic-leaning press
cabal led the charge against President Clinton, then against Candidate Gore.
Who were the top ten Clinton/Gore-haters? It’s hard to know who would make
that list who isn’t East Coast Irish Catholic.
Lawrence O’Donnell was one of those people. He spread false claims about
Candidate Gore all the way through October 2000. But as of today, it’s his
jones against President Clinto... more »
Why Hillary Clinton Supporters Should Be Contributing To Barbara Buono's Gubernatorial Campaign Right Now

Let's leave out, for now, that New Jersey state Senator Barbara Buono, like
Hillary, has been a tireless champion for equality and a consistent and
successful fighter for women's rights. Keep it in the back of your mind--
along with the well-established fact that Buono's opponent, Chris Christie,
has been a loudmouthed sexist pig who has thrown roadblocks in the way of
the legitimate aspirations of New Jersey women. He actually *vetoed* pay
equity legislation and even called one bill "senseless bureaucracy" and he cut
funding for Planned Parenthood, forcing 6 centers to close. He's... more »
Blood Oath: The Conspiracy to Murder Nicole Brown Simpson
Blood Oath: The Conspiracy to Murder Nicole Brown Simpson from Spike1138 on
For The Record #10 -
Blood Oath (1996)
Dave Emory
These segments are excerpted directly from the text of Blood Oath: The
Conspiracy to Murder Nicole Brown Simpson by Stephen Worth and Carl Jaspers
(soft cover edition: Rainbow Books, copyright 1996) and cover the events
set forth in the book. In addition to the points of information outlined in
the description of the above interview with Stephen Worth, the series
contains a chilling description of the actual killing of Ron and Nicole, as
related ... more »
Kate Middleton's Doctor Wanted to Buy a New Front Door in 1999 - His Mrs. Was Dead Against it

*[All credit to Elaine's mate Matt for the joke that led to that title -
strange what you remember sometimes....]*
Royal Baby Scam : Jill Dando’s Murder link and Fiance : In charge of the
Scam : All you need to know : Kate was and has not been pregnant : Why did
they kill the nurse : What a Right Royal Scam:
closer scrutiny:*
*Remember if “they cover it up” it does not mean we cannot “find the real
*It all started with the Murder of Jacintha Saldahna back in December 2012.
*The palace c... more »
Oy, Kraushaar
Granted, I haven't watched the president's speech today. But that's OK;
apparently, Josh Kraushaar hasn't watched anything else the president did
from about March 2009 until today.
Seriously: I think this could be the single stupidest thing I've heard
anyone try to peddle yet about Barack Obama's economic record:
Instead of taking up health care reform in the wake of the Great Recession,
the president could have spent his time addressing Americans’ economic
insecurity by promoting programs for those finding themselves out of work,
struggling to find new jobs, and looking to get back... more »
Over 200 Groups And Organizations Formally Ask Harper's PMO To Release Their 'Enemies' List ...

[image: Progressive Bloggers]*
*OTTAWA—More than 200 public-interest and aid organizations are formally
asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government to reveal who’s on the
“enemy” lists given to new ministers in this month’s cabinet shuffle.*
*But it doesn’t appear that Harper’s PMO will be producing the lists
anytime soon — if ever.*
*A letter from Voices-Voix, a coalition of well-known groups such as
Amnesty International and Oxfam, was sent on Wednesday to the PMO, in the
wake of a leaked PMO email directing staffers to include lists of “friend
and enemy stakeholder... more »
This is what you get when you have an hereditary head of state...

You get people who have never seen an episode of Blackadder. Prince George
New doctor mortgage loan

*Loan for New Doctors*
*Mortgage loans* for new doctor are a little to hard to get. with that in
mind we offer you link. but before you click on it...Here are some of the
These loans come with the following options.
fixed and *adjustable rate mortgages*
Valid employment agreement or Minimum 3 years self employment.
for doctors with 7 years practice or less after completion of residency.
Loan to Value up to 100% in stable markets
home must be owner occupied
For more information regarding these loans call Cristina or Dayan
Seed Newsvine
Assad Reunion

*"On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French
intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile
attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the
great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO
against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the
self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are
likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.*
*On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments
hysterically demanded t... more »
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)
"*These assholes they always get away.*" - George Zimmerman, moments before
murdering Trayvon Martin and getting away with it.
(Original image discourtesy of Twitchy.com)
As a reader of fiction and a movie buff, I've long been cognizant of
the basic rule that, if a character kills an innocent person, especially a
child, they forfeit any claims to sympathy. In fiction, television and in
the movies, if they kill an innocent person, the moral code dictates that
antagonist will get it in the end, either by getting kille... more »
GOP POTUS' - Let ALEC in White House

Well - here's a little history on ALEC and the White House.
Expecially important to consider - cause not only does ALEC then have
access to the POTUS - but they also have access (with the POTUS' blessing)
to the staff in ALL the different federal agencies - which begs the question
"How many people who work in the Federal Government are ALECers"
Think about it after you have read this entry.
The following are excerpts from the ALEC's 25th Annual Meeting
Commemorative Program (1998) where they state:
So well received were the policies which ALEC proffered in the lat... more »
Not In Front of the Children
"*We don't speak of these things, not in front of the children*."
That, according to Gwynne Dyer, is the approach being taken by our
political and military leadership when it comes to the geopolitical aspects
of climate change. They don't talk about it in front of the children -
that's you and me. Here, in a lecture from 2010, he explores the
conversation we will never have:
N.B. This was recorded in 2010 when Dyer was briefly optimistic that
runaway climate change would be averted with a combination of common sense
and geo-engineering. That's a phase he's passed through sin... more »
Early Soviet Diplomacy
Whether you're a Trot, Tankie or a sad sectarian (like me!) Marcel
Liebman's *Leninism Under Lenin* is absolutely essential reading. Published
40 years ago, it paints a rigorous and meticulously-researched portrait of
Lenin and the Bolsheviks. It shows how Lenin's conception of the
revolutionary party passed through several phases according to the pace of
class struggle in Tsarist Russia. At times conspiratorial, but mostly
anarchic and democratic; small wonder the little Lenins of the British far
left have not found a place for this book on their suggested reading lists.
Anyway, a... more »
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Dr. Jim Fetzer,
founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Dr. Fetzer and I will be discussing his
recent debate with Dick Eastman on the Rense Radio network regarding the
controversial issue of planes/no planes in New York City.
Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past
Here are some important links related to this discussion:
- *9/11: Planes/No Planes and "Video Fakery"* by Dr. Jim Fetzer
- *PSYOP aspects of 9/11* by John Friend
- *9/11: trauma-based mind control on a societal s... more »
*City’s attorney aggressively questioning Gusman’s budget figures ~John
Simerman, New Orleans Advocate*

*Good friends once more.*
THE TIDE turned in Syria as early as May 2013, when the BBC started
criticising the rebels.
The CIA and Pentagon would appear to have a new policy.
*"You’ve probably noticed the change in tone of the Atlanticist press on
the Syrian issue. *
*"The 'rebels', these 'champions of Freedom', have suddenly turned into
fanatical terrorists who tear each other apart." *
According to Thierry Meyssan, "Washington has simply abandoned the idea of
overthrowing Assad...
"Next step: the loss of French influence ... more »
Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President

*Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President*
Posted: 03/14/2012 10:49 am
By Lee Camp, Comedian and author featured on "Countdown," "Good Morning
America," Comedy Central, and Showtime
So I have some great news folks! The Republicans and the Democrats in
Congress and the White House FINALLY came together and agreed on something.
This is HUGE. These guys disagree on EVERYTHING! Getting them to see
eye-to-eye is like getting the Jews and the Palestinians to do a trust fall
... more »
Oh Yes We Do
Leave it to the head of Canada's most disliked cellular provider, Rogers
CEO Nadir Mohamed, to whine that Canada doesn't need a fourth major
cellphone company.
Okay, Nadir, how bout we put that to the test. Let's put it to every
Rogers customer and former customer from the past three years and see what
they think. No, not interested? Yeah, didn't think so.
It's well documented that Canadians get lousy service and pay exorbitant
prices for the privilege. That's on you, Nadir. So, sure, let in the
competition and let's up the game.
And, while we're at it, we might consider ... more »
Europe's New Climate - Deluge

Ah, southern Germany in May. When I heard a buddy was going back to his
parents' homeland for an aunt's 80th birthday, I told him of the glories of
the south in May, especially the spargel season. It's a white asparagus
grown throughout Bavaria and elsewhere that, when fresh, is astonishingly
good. Munich, Baden - life is good.
Turned out I was wrong. It was cold and damp, wet to be more accurate.
The place, along with much of central Europe was beset by heavy flooding.
My friend gave his aunt a kiss and headed off to seek refuge in Rome.
Things have changed over the course ... more »
Ever Heard of a "Methane Pulse"? Get Ready, It Could be Just Two Years Away.

It's sort of like walking along a cliff edge blindfolded. Most of us,
given the choice, would say no.
There's a worst case scenario and a best case scenario and not much in
between. That's the situation that confronts us with new warnings that we
could be taken by surprise by a "methane pulse" from the Arctic. Put
simply we may be at a major tipping point, the loss of Arctic sea ice, that
triggers a natural feedback mechanism giving rise to runaway global warming.
*A new paper in the journal Nature argues that the release of a 50
Gigatonne (Gt) methane pulse from thawing Arcti... more »
Student Loans... Today's the Day

Last week we were dismayed how Obama pressured Senate Democrats into a putrid
deal with Republicans (and through them, Wall Street) on the student loan
debacle. Today the Senate is scheduled to vote on the bill, which benefits
students in the short term and crucifies students over time-- a really
ugly, shameful compromise. Blue America is standing behind the position
articulated by MoveOn regarding the bill: "Congress' deal
on student loan interest rates is an unacceptable plan to sell out and
profit off the backs of students. This deal jeopardizes the long term well
being of our ... more »

More here: Fairy Tales Are Dangerous
A Critique Of The Lancet Reports On Iraqi Deaths, An Interview With UC Berkeley Prof. Mark Van Der Laan

Mark Van Der Laan is a Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the
University of California, Berkeley. In 2005 he won a presidential award for
his work. In 2006 he wrote a number of articles about the two surveys on
deaths in Iraq since the 2003 invasion that publicly became known as the
Lancet reports. The first Lancet paper was published in October 2004 and estimated
98,000 excess deaths in the 18 months following the overthrow of Saddam,
excluding the province of Anbar. The second one argued there were 654,965
killed from March 2003 to July 2006. Van Der Laan was one of many ... more »
Witch Hunting Jenny McCarthy for Vaccine Talking
*By Barbara Loe Fisher *
Now that it looks like ABC-TV executives are backing Barbara Walters’
of celebrity Jenny McCarthy to join the popular daytime talk show The
View,1the blood spilled on the ground of the Fourth Estate during 10 hot
days in
July is beginning to dry. It was fascinating to watch the
response by online mainstream media, which took on the frenzy of an old
fashioned witch hunt to burn a heretic at the stake.
Reviewing 29 articles published in major print and broadcast media
between July 9 and July 18, 20132 with 19... more »

*Drilling rig on fire in gulf begins to collapse ~David Hammer, WWLTV *
*BSEE, Coast Guard Provide Response Oversight to Rig Fire, report no sheen
on water*
~Abatement efforts underway near Hercules 265 Rig where fire has caused
collapse of the drill floor and derrick following an explosion Tuesday
night. Photo courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard
*Meet TS DORIAN ~Weather Underground*
~MODIS satellite image of Tropical Storm Dorian taken at approximately 8 am
EDT July 24, 2013. At the time, Dorian had top winds near 50 mph. Image
credit: NASA.
Now, Let's Put it In Harper's Language: Climate Change Catastrophe is Insanely Costly
Sixty trillion dollars, how's that Steve?
That's an estimate of the costs of Arctic thawing from climate change.
That's 60,000,000,000,000.00 and that's a lotta zeroes.
*Rapid thawing of the Arctic could trigger a catastrophic "economic
timebomb" which would cost trillions of dollars and undermine the global
financial system, say a group of economists and polar scientists.*
*Governments and industry have expected the widespread warming of the
Arctic region in the past 20 years to be an economic boon, allowing the
exploitation of new gas and oilfields and enabling shipping to trave... more »
Energy Companies Pay Prisons to Cut Power During Heat Waves
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Amanda Warren
Another dumpy thing about Ohio, besides their increasing sinkhole problem,
is the way they treat their prisoners. There are witness accounts of how
privatization has dramatically changed typical jail time. Any major
discomfort is acceptable as long as it turns a profit.
This recent absurdity may or may not have to do with privatization, but
some signs say yes. As if the prison industry isn't bloated enough,
ushering in recruits all the time with new laws waiting to be broken and
using prisoners for slave labor ... more »
The Comet cometh - ISON closing in!
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 1 day ago
Link: http://youtu.be/A1yH_DuC88M - click in picture to start this film!
*Read and see more* about Comet C/2012 S1 "ISON" on the links below:
ISON might be the "comet of a life-time" or just fizzle away... Either way
it might become a surprise for us. Now ISON is rapidly closing in on Mars
you could also look at this NASA website with links to more nice info
materials! This comet is NOT on a collision course with Earth, but at the
end of November 201... more »
Pol. Ideology 47: SONA Rallies, Socialism and Thomas van Beersum

Another big rally by the leftist group Bayan Muna and other nat-dem allies
was made last Monday, July 22, to protest the annual State of the Nation
Address (SONA) speech of the President at the House of Representatives in
Batasan, Quezon City. The entire north-bound lane of the 10-lanes
Commonwealth Avenue was closed by the demonstrators and the big police
force blocking them. There was a collision between the two groups that
I commented in one friend’s facebook wall that they were “ungas, violent
demonstrators.” A certain Paul G. corrected me, posting a news story with
... more »
Snowden Wins Whistleblower Award
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Stephen Lendman
In America, he's a wanted man. He's a fugitive. He's a world hero. He
connected the dots for millions. He told people what they need to know.
Doing the right thing is its own reward. Transparency International Germany
gave him its Whistleblower Award. He's "(t)his year's winner," it said.
In 1999, it was established. It's sponsored by the Association of German
Scientists (VDW) and the German branch of the International Association of
Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA).
He'll receive 3,300 euros (about $4,4... more »
The Price of Ecosystem Services and Well Being in The United States
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Julie Beal
After years of woolly talk about sustainability, things are about to get
very specific. Instead of just aiming for vague ‘eco-friendliness’, all the
goods, and all the bads, related to the environment, and society, are to be
quantified, and given a *price*. These prices are to be part of each
country’s overall GDP value, and each company’s accounts. Landowners around
the world, including the U.S., are now being *paid money *for such things
as the value of a fly, or shade created by trees. Various ‘ecosystem
servi... more »
Call Your Congress Critters, Stop the Spying
*Update* 6:58 pm: The House amendment that would have banned the
indiscriminate collection of all our phone and internet records was very
narrowly defeated minutes ago. Final vote was 217 for continued spying, 205
As one of the C-Span callers pointed out during the phone-in discussion
prior to the vote, even if the House and then the Senate had agreed to
officially ban spying on Americans, the all-powerful security state would
have easily found work-arounds. These people operate with impunity. They
always have.
The one positive thing about this vote is that our Congress Cr... more »
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