Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 July - Notes

Natural News

No More Fake News.
Survey: only 15% of farmers would eat GMO foodby Jon RappoportJuly 25, 2013www.nomorefakenews.comThe British survey was funded by Barclays Bank and done in collaboration with Farmers Weekly.Only 15% of farmers polled said they would eat GMO food. Talk about a blanket rejection. It can’t get much clearer than that.Obviously, these backward farmers want to protect their own health. Who ever heard...

The covert op called Democracy: perverse poetry and sentimental music by Jon RappoportJuly 19, 2013www.nomorefakenews.comDemocracy is rule by “everybody.” Rule by the mob.But these are fictions. There is no such thing as rule by everybody or by “the voice of every citizen.”Politicians and their cronies, of course, know this. So one of their jobs is to present illusions of “togetherness.” These ...
Problem: violence. Solution: Minority Report.by Jon RappoportJuly 16, 2013www.nomorefakenews.comPersonal responsibility is the beginning and end of reasonable and lawful behavior in a society. But I could write a thousand pages on all the factors induced to create violence in this country.The chemical (drug) factors and heavy metals alone would fill a book. The covert political, psychological, ...
Using fake names on Facebook, the Surveillance State, androids
By Jon Rappoport
July 23, 2013

File this one in the ever-burgeoning category of: how insane can legislators get?
Congress is now debating an update to the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Turns out it’s already a misdemeanor to “exceed authorized use” of a computer, but the DOJ wants to make it a felony.  

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