Sean Hannity allows Rep. Bobby Rush to make a fool of himself...(video)
*is Bobby Rush really Bill the Cat?*
I love Bill the Cat. We even named a tree on our property Bill the Cat.
When it's looking scraggly it's Bill the Cat. The rest of the time it's
called "William."
Are such people actually allowed to vote on stuff that affects our lives?
You really need to watch this whole video. Really!
If this doesn't strike fear into the very center of your heart, you have
already reached room temperature. Really!
via Moonbattery:
Good News For Public Radio

An alternative to this
Many people-- other than folks in rural areas and hipsters in a few big
cities-- think of "public broadcasting" as "college radio." That started
changing in the 1940s and the whole genre took a great leap forward with
the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 and the subsequent founding of National
Public Radio (NPR) in 1970. The bill passed the House 266-91 (with 51
"present" votes), conservatives already opposed. 55 Republicans and 35
Democrats (primarily right-wing Dixiecrats who hadn't yet migrated to the
GOP) voted against it. (The only 2 current Members who vot... more »
a people's history of british columbia, and a chance to preserve it for the future
Here's a chance to preserve Canadian history - the *real* history, not the
government-approved kind - and to preserve art and creativity and
alternative media, all at the same time.
Please consider giving $7.00 - or any amount - and sharing this excellent
campaign with your friends and on social media. More info:
Hi! My name is Nicole Marie Guiniling and I’m the founder of Ad Astra Comix.
Ad Astra is a website that promotes political and historical comic books,
and has recently stepped, albeit with shakey legs, into production,
distribution, and publishing.
Over the next 40 days, ... more »
interspecies love, pup and guinea pig edition
Sadly, this will not embed. So please click. You won't be sorry. Go click
Thanks to Stephanie!
Edward Witten and the \(i\varepsilon\) prescription
What it would look like if Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart decided to discuss A440,
concert pitch (440 Hz), on 24 pages?
Today, you may see the answer to a very similar question. Edward Witten
finally attempted to solve a homework problem given not only to him by his
(former) doctoral adviser in 1989 and wrote
The Feynman \(i\varepsilon\) in String Theory.
Almost all particle physicists learn about the \(i\varepsilon\)
prescription in their introductory courses. The Feynman propagators have to
have the form\[
\] in the mostly negative signature that Witten ... more »
Inventor of the Day: The Man Who Saved Hearts
[image: Clark]Pause a moment to say a silent thank you to the man who
transformed difficult heart surgery into something routine, and gave a
life-saving invention to millions worldwide suffering from
artherosclerosis, or blocked arteries.
Anyone with a family member who’s had heart trouble—or anyone reading this
in that condition—will have reason to give thanks to Dr Julio Palmaz, whose
invention now resides in the chest of thousands of New Zealanders, all of
whom may not be alive otherwise.
A native of Argentina, Dr Palmaz is the inventor of the first commercially
successful car... more »
Israel's Psychological Strategy: Invoking Past Trauma To Justify Inhumanity And Win Pity Points
"Whoever speaks of the 1967 borders speaks of Auschwitz." - Israeli Tourism
Minister Uzi Landau.
"Apparently far right wing Israelis live in such a cocoon that they can’t
understand how extreme a statement such as ’1967 borders are Auschwitz’
sounds to normal people. Really? Letting the Palestinians have a decent
life is comparable to gassing innocent Jews? *Trivializing Auschwitz like
this is the real crime, and ratcheting up the rhetoric so that any
concession to political reality is equated to genocide, is an offense
against common sense.* And, you will never ever hear mainstre... more »
Hilarion July 21, 2013

July 21-28, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily activities and perform your earthly duties, know
that you are also, on a higher level, serving in a capacity as the divine
changemakers. By your high and positive intentions which you set each day,
you set the template for the world to follow. As you each read or hear
these words, you absorb the energies that are embedded in each word and
integrate these into your five body system. These times call for
individuals to be adaptable and flexible, to go with the flow of events,
both in their personal lives and in the greate... more »
BC Liberals Bankrupting Our Province, BC Hydro Dies, The Horror Exposed!
BC Liberals are deliberately bankrupting our province, Vaughn Palmer,
Michael Smyth refuse to talk about it.
The BC Liberal Government are corrupt and fiscal idiots, however..
The media, Global News, CTV, CKNW, Vancouver Sun and The Province are even
more to blame because....
Because the media knew, the legislative reporters Keith Baldrey, Vaughn
Palmer, Tom Fletcher and Les Leyne knew, they have known for years, yet
they refused to report the truth, they, the media are beholden to
Government advertising... more »
History is repeating in Wellington
When the Christchurch earthquake hit, the Christchurch council
building—intended by the Building Code and Civil Defence plans to be built
to extra strength to ensure it is available after an earthquake—to be “fit
for purpose,” in other words—was instead among the buildings knocked out by
the earthquake for more than four months, slowing down the recovery while
everyone needing a council clipboard-holder to give them permission to move
in the locked-down city needed to scout the city to find one..
It seemed the council’s building inspectorate lacked the competence to even
inspect t... more »
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

* *
* *16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True*
Are there any other “conspiracy theories” that you would add to this list?
By Michael Snyder
*The Truth*
July 20, 2013
Are you a conspiracy theorist? If not, perhaps you should be. Yes, there
have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have
turned out not to be accurate.
However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy
theories have turned out to actually be true. So the next time that you
run into some “tin foil hat wearing lunatics”, you might want to actually
listen ... more »
Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

*Helen Thomas, who died yesterday at 92, was ready for business in the
front row of the White House briefing room this day in August 2006.*
*"How the hell do they expect us to believe that?"*
*-- a favorite aside of Helen Thomas during White House
press briefings, as remembered by CBS News's Bill Plante*
*by Ken*
I'm happy to see how positively Helen Thomas is being remembered -- more
positively, probably, than many of those same people regarded her when she
was making her mark over her long, great career as a reporter who fought
back against bullshit.
Even the "mistake" that seale... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 21st, 2013
I am back... Suffering from a bit of jet-lag, and in need of sleep to
readjust to this time zone... Other than that, it was a much needed
vacation and something that I desperately needed to recharge my batteries...
Several people already know that I went to Hawaii... Yes, Hawaii in the
summertime! We decided to go to Honolulu as a present for both my better
half, and my son. It would have been hard to take him out of the
Canadian education system during the fall-winter with him entering his last
year of High School... Therefore summer was our only alternative. Besides,
my bett... more »
Kiri's Interview and supporting documents from her $15M deposit of Value

Friday, 19 July 2013
*Interview with Lisa, Bob & Brian and Kiri of New Zealand- VITALLY
This is a vitally important interview that Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright and
Brian Kelly did last night with Kiri in New Zealand.
Two nights ago Lisa sent me an excited message that a woman in New Zealand
had created her own Declaration of Value and had deposited $15 million of
her value into her bank account- Lisa had all the copies of the deposit
slips to go with this information. Needless to say, it caused quite a bit
of excitement.
The following morning, Kiri and ... more »
Nesara Republic Restored: The OPPT and IUV was a thorn that the Cabal did not plan on!

Sunday, July 21, 2013
*The OPPT and IUV was a thorn that the Cabal did not plan on!*
I wanted to share with you that Dee from RTS was correct! The Cabal had no
intention of approving the RV because it is counterproductive of their
plans to implement the NWO through economic destruction and depopulation
The OPPT and IUV was a thorn that they did not plan on! The IUV documents
convert each of us into a sovereign bank in and of ourself. It is the same
procedure that the FED uses to convert... more »
BREAKING: Massive Fire Reported In The Basement At The JP Morgan Gold Warehouse On Wall Street, 20 Firetrucks Showed Up!

* *
* *
* *BREAKING: Massive Fire Reported In The Basement At The JP Morgan Gold
Warehouse On Wall Street, 20 Firetrucks Showed Up!*
July 21st, 2013
3383 119 22 8 3710
Firetrucks, 4+ ambulance and police showed up
There is zero media coverage about this beside Stopmotions stream of the
event and a few locals tweeting about it
This is supposedly where JP Morgan keeps their gold. The very same gold
that has been dwindling down at as... more »
The Friendship UFO Case in Italy
Interesting video about the Italian "friendship" UFO case in Italy and
also some mention of "the divines" and their interactions with Voltaire via
"St Germain".... - AK
ZAP REPORT 7-21-2013

* *
* *Greetings and Salutations,*
* *Recapping the week we find more and more people are hearing from news
channels about the Fed and FDIC voting in Basel III which means a metals
backed currency for the US and approximately 200 other countries around the
world. This is a huge turning point for our planet. Also, with the
beginning of the acceptance and implementation of the tariff treaties for
the countries last week this will help clear the way for the beginning of
the new financial system. *
* *from Zap..........*
Hi All,
Well, the release that was scheduled to happen las... more »
Nueva colección de imágenes bonitas para compartir

*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en
Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image:
Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de
Imágenes por correo]

*US warship being serviced yesterday at the former US Navy base at Subic
Bay *
My wonderful host and guide Corazon Fabros organized another great day for
me on Sunday. Five of us loaded into a van and headed northwest towards
the beautiful green mountains near the former US Navy base at Subic Bay.
Once on the MacArthur Highway we again passed miles of rice paddies and I
saw many workers planting the rice in the wet fields. As we got further
into the rural areas thatched roof houses became more common alongside
those with the rusty tin roofs.
I learned that the Catholic Church... more »
Banks rigging markets ( think Goldman and JP Morgan , but also Barclays and Deutsche Bank ) brought into the sunlight - no wonder the Fed has been embarrassed to the point of "reconsidering " the bankers looting activities regarding commodities...
Banks Rigging Markets
Naw, they'd never do *that*, right?
When the Federal Reserve gave JPMorgan (JPM) Chase & Co. approval in 2005
for hands-on involvement in commodity markets, it prohibited the bank from
expanding into the storage business because of the risk.
Five years later, JPMorgan bought one of the world’s biggest metal
warehouse companies.
*While the Fed has never explained why it let that happen,* the central
bank announced July 19 that it’s reviewing a 2003 precedent that let
deposit-taking banks trade physical commodities.... more »
Alas, Mel Smith
For anyone who’s ever laughed, ever, the death of comedian Mel Smith is a
sad occasion.
Here’s a favourite sketch.
Remember these dialogues? He was “one of the beautiful people.”
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
@NCTQ pitching their propaganda to higher education leaders
Last week I posted a blog in the form of a letter to College and University
leaders. I asked them to think about teacher education programs and the
importance of these programs to the overall success of their institutions.
I also warned them to beware of NCTQ masquerading as a legitimate
“national council” conducting research […]
Henry Geiger - The Present And The Long View (1979)
*Related: Henry Geiger - Symbol And Myth (1974).*
Henry Geiger (1908?-15 February 1989) was the editor, publisher, and chief
writer of MANAS Journal which published from 1948-1988. Abraham Maslow
called him “the only small ‘p’ philosopher America has produced in this
MANAS was an eight-page philosophical weekly written, edited, and published
by Henry Geiger from 1948 until December 1988. Each issue typically
contained several short essays that reflected on the human condition,
examining in particular environmental and ethical concerns from a ... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
An old chestnut, but relevant I suppose with both Olbermann and Nate Silver
both moving back (at least partially?) to sports: why isn't there a liberal
Rush Limbaugh?
The Arbitrary Indifference of Nature
Wit's End - 5 hours ago

Wisteria at Wit's End*If people bring so much courage to this world the
world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world
breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But
those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very
gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be
sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.*
~ Ernest Hemingway, *A Farewell to Arms*
Do you see the bee?
Nature is neither benevolent nor malicious - not even capricious. When
ecosystems collapse and f... more »
Life, but what is the After-Life? The Scole Experiment (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 5 hours ago
Link: - click in picture to start this film!
*If you like a good story* about para-psychological research, then see this
documentary. The "Scole experiment" was held between 1993 and 1998 in the
town of Scole in England. Séances were held in a dark basement and several
impressive experiments performed to test if contact could be established
with (assumed) deceased persons whose "essential Self" tried to communicate
with us from another realm, or 'dimension'. The documentary tries to offer
a glance on what was achieved, and compare it with Italian research... more »
Down to the Doctor’s: Making home ownership more difficult
*This week, Libertarianz leader Dr Richard McGrath has been watching home
ownership made more difficult. *
John Key, former scourge of communists, leads a government whose central
bank now wants to nationalise this country's private banks. State-owned
Radio NZ News, of course, gets it arse-about-face, claiming that "[U]nder
the proposed changes, the Reserve Bank would require trading banks to
increase their loan-to-value ratios". In actual fact, the Central Bank
wants to make it harder for people with little cash on hand to purchase
their first (or any) house by decreasing loan-to... more »
First-World Nerd Problems: A Nintendo 3DS Bleg
Last week I purchased a Nintendo handheld (on steep discount) for the
express purpose of playing Okamiden. Okami is one of my most favoritist
games evah; even though Okamiden is basically more of the same, I’m cool
with that. Yesterday we had to buy off the wee one–we did, in fact, have a
pretty terrible
Continue reading
The Kurdish Sun Will Rise: Al-Qaeda, Turks, Islamists, Etc., Cannot Change This New Reality
* *
Read for background:
*Kurds capture jihadist commander in north Syria: NGO*.
*British Major Ely Banister Soane On Kurdistan*.
*A Future Republic of Kurdistan?*
Al-Qaeda is trying to terrorize and intimidate Kurds in northern Syria,
where they are being sheltered by Turkey, a major U.S. ally, and a regional
collaborator in the Zionist oppression of the Palestinians.
The Turkish-Al-Qaeda-Saudi alliance against Kurds in Syria is laughable.
This makeshift alliance brings together the most tyrannical, obnoxious, and
racist forces in the region. They have only one tool in their... more »
Spying, commerce and law . . .
SNOWDEN'S REVELATIONS have serious implications for American business
and law — and for us. At iPOLITICS, Steve Nixon has an article you
should ponder, "What the Snowden revelations mean for business". There
are issues, and they are still growing as consequences appear:
When the U.S. government decided to access e-mail traffic, phone calls
and smart phone communications without conventional
Jim Willie discusses breakdown signals and looming contagion.......
* * *
*Negative GOFO gold forward rates:* at They are the rates at which
contributors are prepared to lend gold on a swap against USDollars. They
provide a basis for some finance and loan agreements as well as for the
settlement of gold Interest Rate Swaps. The most likely explanation is a
run on allocated gold accounts within certain bullion banks, and a possible
bankruptcy of a bullion bank. Next will come the Backwardized gold price
stucture. Actually, Turk claims t... more »
As the trial balloons regarding bailing out Detroit are floated , the pushback begins.....
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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he will use every resource he has at his
disposal to stop President Barack Obama from bailing out newly-bankrupt
Detroit because he believes the city can and must save itself and learn
from its fiscal mistakes. "I basically say he [Obama] is bailin... more »
Alan Grayson: "Does Anyone Know Who Alan Turing Is?"
Several years ago, Blue America invited Alan Grayson to speak at the Brave
New Films studio in Culver City. For many of the attendees, myself
included, that was the first introduction to the 20th century's greatest
mathematician, Alan Turing. You can watch the 4-minute Turing part of the
chat above. A couple of years before Grayson's talk, British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown did it in an OpEd in *The Telegraph* apologizing for the
British government having driven Turing-- one of the most important heroes
of World War II-- to suicide because of his homosexuality.
Turing was a qui... more »
Sunday Question for Conservatives
Rush Limbaugh: good or bad for conservatives?
Did you feel the earth move under your feet?
To have no lives lost when a 6.5 magnitude quake goes off only a short
distance from the country’s capital city, and on the same fault line, is
something to celebrate.
Less celebratory however is the news that the government centre of
Wellington has only experienced partial damage, and will re-open later
So we were *that* close to getting some real economic stimulus.
Any stories you lot want to tell the world about your quake?
Or do I have to inflict Carole King on you.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ... more »
HISTORY / Bob Feldman : A People's History of Egypt, Part 3, 1805-1849
Muhammad Ali Pasha, Ottoman ruler of Egypt. Painting by Auguste Couder, 1841 / Wikimedia Commons.
A people's history:
The movement to democratize Egypt
Part 3: 1805-1849 period -- The autocratic rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha.
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / July 21, 2013
[With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog "people's history" series, "The Movement to Democratize
Growing Heirloom Crops: Another Way to Stick it to Monsanto by Elizabeth Renter

Growing Heirloom Crops: Another Way to Stick it to Monsanto
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 21 July 2013
There are frightening things going on with today’s global food supply.
Perhaps the most frightening is the proliferation of genetically-modified
seeds being used to grow genetically-modified foods. They are unsustainable
and have untold long-term health consequences, but various entities
(including the U.S. government) seem hell-bent on letting them take over.
Monsanto is one company at the center of this movement, doing their best to
ensure all foods are genetically mo... more »

*Murdered by the US military*
In 2012, the US government reportedly got *British Telecom* to agree to
connect the US drone base in Djibouti to a US communications base in the UK.
The Lemonnier drone base in Djibouti sends drones on illegal "killing"
missions in Yemen and Somalia.
The attacks break international law because they are carried out in areas
where no war has been declared.
*BT accused of aiding US lethal drone attacks*
According to* the Bureau of Investigative Journalism* at City University in
London, drone strikes in Yemen and Somalia have killed many hundreds of
peo... more »
The Trade Union Story the Papers Won't Cover
Many thanks to Johanna Baxter for using her report back of July's Labour
NEC meeting to remind her readers what's coming on the 29th of this month.
I also made the point to Ed that whilst the media have spent the past week
writing about trade union affiliation they seem to have forgotten the
devastating changes that are due to be made to people’s rights at work on
the 29th of this month. Workers who have been unfairly dismissed or
discriminated against by their employer, and who seek redress at tribunal,
will now be charged for taking that claim to hearing and have no assurance
that... more »
True? NO! In the old days men would stand outside the courtrooms with straw in their shoes. That would indicate their willingness to be a false witness and lie in front of the judge. So a straw man became someone who lied deliberately?
Its nonsense.
Though repeated in websites and books - I saw it recently in a book about
London in the early 1700s - not a single legitimate source attests to the
And frankly you might wonder just how credible men standing around
advertising they would give false witness might be? At best it's a joke;
more likely just another urban myth.
Don't Minnesota Voters Deserve A Choice? Joe Perske Is NOT A Choice... In Fact, He's Anti-Choice

Hard to imagine, but MN-06 is likely to wind up with someone WORSE than
Drowning in scandal and extremism-- and facing a rematch with Jim Graves,
the Democrat who nearly beat her last year-- Bachmann was
uncharacteristically wise to announce her retirement from Congress. The
Republicans are finding some other lunatic-- probably right-wing lobbyist
Tom Emmer-- to represent Minnesota's 6th CD. Although the DCCC ignored
Graves last year, they were as stunned by his success as Bachmann was and
they promised to help him next year. Not counting outside money, Bachmann
spent $11,... more »
A Peasants' Magna Carta
A working group of the United Nations Human Rights Council met in Geneva
last week to begin formulating a draft U.N. Declaration on the rights of
peasants and other rural workers. The era of permanent food shortages,
foreign land grabs and multinational industrial agriculture has seen the
peasantry beset by persecution and denial of their rights to food, land and
human rights.
From the United Nations University's *OurWorld 2.0:*
*Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the tendency to persecute,
punish and criminalize social protest activities and the legitimate claims
of thos... more »
Too much monkey business
By Capt. Fogg
*No need for me complainin' - my objection's overruled, ahh!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! *
-Chuck Berry-
As though to deliberately illustrate what I've been saying, a horde of
"impassioned" zealots in liberal clothing rallied in Miami Saturday to hear
Bishop Victor Curry, a Baptist church official and South Florida president
of the National Action Network tell them that the Zimmerman verdict was a
"wake up call" which of course it was not, at least not any more than any
case in which the accu... more »
Creative Showcase Features and Link Up

I can't believe that another week has come and gone. I am already starting
to pull together things for Back to School. Summer is going so fast. Here
are my favorite link-ups from last week!
A tutorial on How to Turn Your Pants into Capris from The Crafty Blog
I am so in love with this Cauliflower Mash from Rae Gun Ramblings. I have
bought everything to make this!
I love this Sweatshirt Tutorial from the Warfield Family.
This Tropical Spinach Salad from Lemon Tree Dwelling looks perfect for
the last bit of summer we have left.
Now to this week's Creative Showcas... more »
The Fix Is "In" (Be Courteous About It!)
SEC files charges against hedge fund founder CohenI've said it since they
stole the 2000 election and something was just so wrong about how everyone
in power positions just rolled over and died as the Wehrmacht rolled in and
laid waste to the country. And now, it's gotten worse. Really. Just look
around at the greedy plebes excitedly applauding the tearful clowns. And
it's all due to a
Why I Worry So About Canada's Middle Class

All you need to do is take a hard gaze south of the 49th to understand why
Canada's political apparatus is failing our middle class and what lies in
store if we don't confront this failure very soon.
The United States has undergone "*Brazilification*," a term coined to
describe the “*widening gulf between the rich and the poor and the
accompanying disappearance of the middle classes*.”
It's been going on for decades, back as far as the Reagan era, and the war
on the American middle class already may have been lost - for good.
*Yes, the unemployment rate has edged down to 7.6 perce... more »
"Meanwhile, on Mars..."
* "Ancient Mars River May Have Flowed into Huge Ocean"*
by Mike Wall
"Scientists have spotted more evidence that an enormous ocean on Mars
covered much of the planet's surface billions of years ago. The latest
clues were found in photos from NASA's powerful Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
circling the planet. The images show what appears to be an ancient river
delta, which may have emptied into a vast Martian ocean that inundated up
to one-third of the Red Planet long ago, a new study reports.
"Scientists have long hypothesized that the northern lowlands of Mars are a
dried-up ocean b... more »
Egypt restricts fishing boats next to Gaza. Guess why?
I expect that the BBC will be reporting this news any time soon...
"Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalked us all our
lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on
the journey, that reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never
come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we live it.
After all, Number One, we're only mortal."
- Jean-Luc Picard
"Fast Time and the Aging Mind"
* *
*"Fast Time and the Aging Mind"*
By Richard A. Friedman
"Ah, the languorous days of endless summer! Who among us doesn’t remember
those days and wonder wistfully where they’ve gone? Why does time seem to
speed up as we age? Even the summer solstice — the longest, sunniest day of
the year — seems to have passed in a flash. No less than the great William
James opined on the matter, thinking that the apparent speed of time’s
passage was a result of adults’ experiencing fewer memorable events: “Each
passing year converts some of this experience into automatic routine which
we har... more »
Pandora's Promise Revealed
Becky and I went to see "Pandora's Promise" on my birthday. One seldom has
original ideas, so I will not take credit for many of the ideas that I have
expressed on Nuclear Green Revolution that were repeated on "Pandora's
Promise". At the very most, I will claim credit for slightly shaping some
of the conversation on nuclear energy. Some of the more prominent figures
in "Pandora's Promise" included some of my part time readers. Although the
ideas that are nearest and dearest to my heart were not mentioned.
All in all, it is gratifying to see that I have, in a small way, played a
rol... more »
"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"
*"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"*
by CoyotePrime
Remember when you were 10 years old, and summer felt like it lasted
forever? Got a little older, not so bad, still plenty of time to do
everything you wanted. Someone told me back then that time speeds up the
older you get. Being young, and knowing everything as the young do, I of
course ridiculed this idea. But guess what- it’s true. Now I view life, and
time, as a roller coaster with just one enormous riser. As you climb the
beginning towards the top time is slower to pass. At 30 or so you’re at the
very top, then you start ... more »
Sunday Classics: Adding Schubert's mighty "Wanderer" to our roster of musical fantasies

*Clifford Curzon plays the first two sections of Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy,
in a 1949 Decca recording. You'll find the rest of the performance below.*
*by Ken*
A couple of weeks ago we celebrated "Fantasy Week at Sunday Classics" with
a fantastic roundup that included the *Choral Fantasy* (for piano,
soloists, chorus, and orchestra) of Beethoven, the *Hungarian Fantasia*(for piano and orchestra) of Liszt, and the
*Scottish Fantasy* of Max Bruch. Of course there are lots of other musical
fantasies, or fantasias (as I pointed out, we distinguish between the two
words in English, bu... more »
British Columbia`s Long-Proposed LNG Industry Missed The Starting Gun
Meet the new rightwing pro-nuclear leader of Japan Christy Clark...Your
worst nightmare come true...
"*Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has won a majority in the upper house,
exit polls suggest.*
* **His Liberal Democratic Party and its junior partner New Komeito were
set to get at least 71 of the 121 seats being contested, broadcaster NHK
* **This would give him control of both houses of parliament for the first
time in six years.*
* **Mr Abe said the expected result was an endorsement of his economic
reforms, as he seeks to end long-term stagnation.*... more »
Posthumous Justice
My initial reaction is that this is a spot of good news: Alan Turing, the
Enigma codebreaker who took his own life after being convicted of gross
indecency under anti-homosexuality legislation, is to be given a posthumous
pardon. The government signalled on Friday that it is prepared to support a
backbench bill that would pardon
Continue reading
What Do Harper, Mulcair and Trudeau Have in Common? Plenty.

It strikes me that if you want to avoid trouble it's probably best not to
look the other way while it approaches. There's something about taking
one upside the head unnecessarily that seems counter-intuitive.
So why are we doing just that on so many fronts? Why do we keep turning
our heads, looking away? I don't get it.
We don't seem to have much interest in shoring up democracy in Canada. No
one, except the Greens, is talking about cutting out the tumour before it
metastasizes - dismantling the corporate media cartel. No free press, no
democracy. Simple as that.
Conce... more »
The 1949 Armistice Agreement - armistice lines are NOT borders
'The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of this
Agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future
territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party
relating thereto.'
More here
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows”
Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows”
How Obama Can Help Young Black Boys
A few days ago, President Obama gave an emotional speech to calm the
outrage over the decision in the Trayvon Martin case. President Obama
expressed his own personal insights into the realities of racism on
everyday life for black men in the United States and acknowledged the
problems we still face when it comes to […]
Striking Back at Police State Amerika
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dave Hodges
Every day a granny is goosed by TSA, a federal SWAT team raids the wrong
house, a citizen acquitted of a crime still has their property confiscated
by authorities, even the dumbed down public is aware that their every
communication is monitored by the NSA and Obama has set his administration
up to violate every constitutional right of every citizen in America under
the NDAA and Executive Order 13603.
Anyone who possess an IQ above room temperature is aware that our federal
government is totally out of control and... more »
19 Things We Can't Say About Afghanistan
Canada's indulgence in martial boosterism has come and gone. We're no
longer all that keen on kicking Taliban ass in Afghanistan. Like our
American counterparts we hardly even mention the place any more. That goes
in spades for the former Hero of Kandahar, Steve Harper. Remember the
days - oh, we were never gonna cut'n run. We were going to kick the
Taliban's ass right off the planet. We were going to make Afghanistan
safe for democracy and human rights. Yeah, sure Steve.
Which brings me to something written last year by Thomas Ricks, 19 truths
our generals can't say in pu... more »
*Planners, inspired by Dutch, now hope to build ~Gordon Russell*
*It’s time for the Saints to huddle up ~Sheldon Michels*
25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Michael Snyder
It is so sad to watch one of America's greatest cities die a horrible
death. Once upon a time, the city of Detroit was a teeming metropolis of
1.8 million people and it had the highest per capita income in the United
States. Now it is a rotting, decaying hellhole of about 700,000 people that
the rest of the world makes jokes about.
On Thursday, we learned that the decision had been made for the city of
Detroit to formally file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. It was going to be the
largest municipal bankruptcy in th... more »
Bloody Revolutions Fail: Now Is The Time For Peace
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image source Jared Bachman
Every violent revolution in history has been a failure.
I understand that you're probably doubting that. Many Americans have been
misled to believe in successful revolutions in history. The American
Revolution is considered a success by many. We're often told that the brave
rebels stood up to the unethical king across the ocean. It can be easy to
nitpick through revolutions and say that one was a good one and that was a
bad one, but have they really lived up to the dreams of their promoters?
More ... more »
Secretive Court Renews NSA’s Ability to Conduct Surveillance on Americans
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Paul Lawrance
The secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Friday renewed the
NSA’s ability to continue collecting millions of Americans’ telephone
Media disclosures provided by Edward Snowden forced the DNI to publicly
announce the continuation of the surveillance that has been in place for
years but requires renewal every three months.
898 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Renews Authority to Collect
Telephony Metadata
The continuation of the massive dragnet surveillance is proof that the
Oba... more »
A Farmer's Lament

I think that, at some level, most progressives "get" what this Brit farmer
is saying.
Food, especially cheap food, is on the mind of many Britons this week after
the head of supermarket giant, Tesco, warned that the days of cheap food
are over. Around the world there is more and more money chasing the
limited and endangered supply of foodstocks and for Britain, which imports
the bulk of its food, that means higher prices.
Which led farmer, Tobias Jones, to respond by urging his fellow Brits to
break their addiction to cheap food.
*"...we've become so hooked on cheap food that... more »
Update: FAA Responds To Drone Hunting: “Could Result in Criminal or Civil Liability”
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Mac Slavo
In response to overwhelming public support for a new ordinance in the small
Colorado town of Deer Trail, which would issue hunting licenses and
bounties for shooting down unmanned aerial vehicles, the Federal Aviation
Administration has warned that penalties for those who engage drones could
be severe.
The FAA released a statement in response to questions about an ordinance
under consideration in the tiny farming community of Deer Trail, Colo.,
that would encourage hunters to shoot down drones. The administration
... more »
Helen Thomas: Dead at 92
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Stephen Lendman
On July 20, headlines reported the news. The doyen of the White House House
press corps was gone.
After a long illness, the Gridiron Club and Foundation announced her
passing. She ended decades covering presidential press conferences saying,
"Thank you, Mr. President."
She was special. She'll be sorely missed. She spoke truth to power. Too few
like her remain. Washington targets those who do.
She withstood tough challenges. She did it throughout her career. She was
born on August 4, 1920. She's a Winchester... more »
Want to see what Ignorance about ALEC looks like?
Check this out
the whole thing.
This is why we MUST keep vigilant in educating people.
Right now the majority of Americans don't know about ALEC and
many of those that think they do know about ALEC
- are only guessing at what ALEC is and what ALEC is about
- they don't know ALEC.
In this post - the comment thread almost immediately went away from ALEC -
cause people don't know what to say - or how to discuss ALEC. The comments
almost immediately went to the crotch brothers - which, in reality, serves
no real purpose when you are talking about ALEC - the crot... more »
Obviously ...
EI worker suspended for disclosing that her and her fellow workers are
given quotas of people to throw off of EI.
Cue the right-wing imbeciles who can't grasp that this is about inventing
fraud just to save a spendthrift, wastrel government some money.
Pleading not guilty, by itself, does not suggest an accused is a danger
*R. v. Hasan*, 2013 ONCA 487 makes the important point that a claim of
innocence prior to a finding of guilt is neither an aggravating factor for
sentence nor proof the accused is a danger:
"The fact that he pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence was not
and does not show that he was dangerous."
The Person Who Asked Why

Four years before a churlish Washington press corps booted her from her
coveted front row seat in the White House briefing room, Helen Thomas had
pissed them off in a big way. In 2006, she'd partnered with Stephen Colbert
for his famous public skewering of the churlish Washington Press corps
during his stand-up routine at their annual prom. Helen Thomas was an
integral part of that show. And she had a seat at the table of honor.
Helen Thomas had to go. Why, she wasn't even a paying member of their
Association!She only wrote an opinion column! She was not a stenographer to
the powe... more »
Are the talks unilaterally announced by Secretary of State John Kerry concerning Israel and the Palestinian Authority based on sound footing or hopium ? At this point , looking at the expectations of both Palestinians and Israel , the demands of hardliners for both parties to the talks , the absence of agreement on pre-conditions to be met ( or not met ) , it would appear any talks are not likely to lead to anything meaningful.....
“Whoever Speaks of 1967 borders speaks of Auschwitz”: Israel’s Cabinet not
Serious about Negotiations for a Palestinian State
Posted on 07/21/2013 by Juan Cole
US Secretary of State John Kerry very tentatively announced Friday that he
has hopes that Israeli and Palestinian negotiations will start back up with
a visit of both sides to Washington in the coming week. Oddly, he made the
announcement alone, not flanked by either Palestinians or Israelis,
prompting questions of whether he really had a breakthrough or f... more »
Do You Know the Path of the Peaceful Warrior?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Amanda Warren
Do "peace" and "warrior" go together? Is there an easier way to learn,
thrive and have peace even during circumstances we don't like? Is there an
easier way to affect politically active change?
Seeking nothing but a peaceful heart sounds "woo-woo" and others may use
force to get their points across, but there is a way to have both inner
calm and a warrior's spirit.
What would be a peaceful warrior's catalyst for change? What is the one
thing you need to do every day and six words that can alter your life
forev... more »
The 10 GMO Myths That Monsanto Wants You To Believe
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Daisy Luther
Monsanto and their biotech buddies would have you believe that they are
super-heroes, set on saving hungry children from starvation wearing a
dazzling fake-green cape. In fact, in a recent attack on activists,
Monsanto’s CEO Hugh Grant said that because critics “can afford” organic
food, we don’t care about the plight of those who can’t afford it. “There
is this strange kind of reverse elitism: If I’m going to do this, then
everything else shouldn’t exist,” said Grant. “There is space in the
supermarket shelf fo... more »
JP Morgan allegedly has a massive fire in their basement vault Saturday night ? You must be joking , right ? Well , I have been wondering how those unfulfilled contracts for June were ever going to met by JP Morgan when the contracts unfilled continue to exceed JP Morgan;s registered gold ! Can you say Force Majeure ?
Well , while this seems to loony to be true - but the tweets from the FDNY
seem legit ( how could one have a fire in a vault with their fire
prevention systems anyway ? ) Just really interesting timing as JP
Morgan's customer gold has been essentially drained and they don't
apparently have registered gold in their vault to meet outstanding
contracts for June ( See Harvey Organ , who has been beating this drum
relentlessly - note the key entries from his post from Friday below ....)
JPMorgan's cus... more »
Did you know that Michelle Rhee has 93 civil actions against her?
I know. Maybe some of these are trumped up cases. I’d have to look at them
in detail. This is perhaps what you get for being in charge of people and
making decisions. You make some enemies. But still, 93 cases in all? Are
you serious? If I had one, I’d never work in this […]
Republicans Vote To Further Defund Public Education
Not a single Democrat voted for John Kline's anti-education bill, H.R. 5.
It passed Friday, 221-207, a dozen Republicans crossing the aisle and
voting with Team Pelosi. The bill, which Kline and the rest of the GOP
zombies call the Student Success Act, was supposed to rewrite No Child Left
Behind. If anything, they've managed to make a terrible law even worse.
Even Obama's way too corporate Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, couldn't
stomach it. He said that beside locking in crippling cuts to education
funding. it “marks a retreat from high standards for all students and would
vi... more »
On ALEC - Look Farther than "Top Tweets"
Sometimes on Twitter, the best information is hidden.
On some of the tweet rolls that I visit – they segregate their tweets into
two different files, two different pages.
Top tweets
All Tweets
When you go onto their page you are automatically put into
Top Tweets
And this is true on the tweet pages for
At this point in time - If you let #UniteBlue tweet load for about 30
seconds, you will find three, note that three, tweets with the word ALEC in
them, on the "top tweets" page. I don't know about you - but I don't think
that proportionally represents... more »
The ALEC Book of Days - Week 2 - Anticipation
*This Weeks *
*Meditations for the ALEC Member*
to help you prepare for the American Legislative Exchange Council meeting
in Chicago, August 7 - 9 at the Palmer hotel.
July 19
Constituents are whatever, lobbyists are forever.
July 20
A lobbyist is someone who puts the legislation in your hands.
and will sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
July 21
Lobbyists are like four leaf clovers; hard to find but lucky to have.
Blessed is the legislator who makes the Lobbyist his trust
July 22
A cute thought for those who believe in lobbyists,
it’s not necess... more »
British Major Ely Banister Soane On Kurdistan
*"To Mesopotamia and Kurdistan in Disguise"* by British Major Ely Banister
*I. Book Description (Source: Amazon):*
The place names are familiar to anyone who watches the evening news:
Kurdistan. Kirkuk. Mosul. Baghdad. In the early 1900s, author ELY BANISTER
SOANE (1881-1923) journeyed across Mesopotamia and Southern Kurdistan and
make a record of what he heard and saw, from ancient tribal enmities to
modern customs, such as drinking in coffeehouses. Personal and intimate,
this traveler's tale turns a Western eye on the mysteries of the Middle
East. This replica of the or... more »
Death by Chickenshit
In *Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War*, probably
the best book ever written on the Second World War, literary critic and
WWII combat veteran Paul M. Fussell describes chickenshit:
What does that rude term signify? It does not imply complaint about the
inevitable inconveniences of military life: overcrowding and lack of
privacy, tedious institutional cookery, deprivation of personality, general
boredom. Nothing much can be done about those things. Chickenshit refers
rather to behavior that makes military life worse than it need be: petty
harassment of the ... more »
Come one, come all, #AERA14 proposal deadline is upon us! #highered
Graduate students and faculty members from all corners of education are in
a panic today, and will be a panic tomorrow. Why? But of course, the
proposal deadline to speak for ten minutes at the nation’s premiere
education research association closes on the 22nd at 11:59PM. Blimey, I
better… well… nah. I think I’ll pass. […]
*Large crowd at N.O. rally demands justice for Trayvon Martin ~Dan Lawton,
New Orleans Advocate*
*N.O.’s expanded use of racketeering law draws praise, skepticism ~John
*Texas woman who went missing in French Quarter found in local hospital*
*Nell Nolan, N.O.’s leading social columnist, to join the Advocate*
*Westbank river levee bike path back on track*
*In Louisiana, some turn to 'traiteurs' for healing ~Anastasia Semien*
*Exquisite Corps awards Pump Station Contract for the New Orleans to Venice
/ Non-Federal Levee Project*
*Acadiana People: Former U.S. Rep. Jeff Land... more »
The Health Benefits of Pomegranates

*Published on May 21, 2013 *
Learn about the power of the Pomegranate and how you can benefit from this
nutrient dense super food! Visit for
the latest in alternative health.

It was General Philip Sheridan who said, "The only good Indian is a dead
Indian." In Canada, we like to think that our history is not as savage as
that of the United States. But a study from the University of Guelph puts
the lie to that sop. Our government backed a scientific experiment to study
the affect of starvation on first nations people.
Phil Fontaine, Michael Dan an Bernie Farber write in *The Toronto Star*:
It is time for Canadians to face the sad truth. Canada engaged in a
deliberate policy of attempted genocide against First Nations people. And
the starvation experiment... more »
Guns Don’t Kill People, Menstruating Women Kill People

"...from my warm, sticky vagina..!!"
In Texas guns don’t kill people, tampons do: State troopers confiscating
tampons from females in the capitol
Well this is insulting as hell.
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, speaking from the floor of the Texas Senate
this afternoon said, “We have beefed up security today. We will not
tolerate any outbursts.”
Then State Troopers proceeded to confiscate tampons from females while at
the same time guns are allowed.
In Texas, guns don’t kill people, tampons do. Volunteers were rounding up
all the tampons throughout the capitol, asking women to... more »
Sámi Eatnan Duoddariid - Wide Open Tundra Of The Lands Of The Sami People by Sofia Jannok

*Published on May 11, 2012 *
Sámi Eatnan Duoddariid (English: Wide Open Tundra Of The Land Of The Sámi
Artist: Sofia Jannok
Album: Áššogáttis (By The Embers) 2008
Music: Traditional Sámi Song
Lyrics: Poem By Nils Aslak Valkeapää
Sámi eatnan duoddariid, dáid sámi mánáid ruovttu
galbma geađge guorba guovlu
sámi mánáid ruoktu
Beaivi Áhči gollerisku, almmi allodagas
coahkká váibmu Eanan eatni, eallin eatnun šoavvá
Mánu silbbat šelggonasat, jietnja
meara márra, guovssahasat
násteboagán, lottit ráidarasas
vuoi dáid Davvi duovdagiid
dán viiddis almmi ravdda
garra dálkkit juoiggad... more »
...and Sunday morning
Following Saturday night comes 'Sunday' morning and, thus, the latest
results from my experiment to predict the type of stories Edward Stourton's
Radio 4 programme would - and wouldn't - cover, based on my sense of the
programme's many biases.
Well, none of the stories I predicted *wouldn't* come up came up. So that's
a clean sweep there!
My prediction that the Pope's visit to Brazil would be covered was also
correct. It was the opening story.
From the usual list of* Sunday* ingredients - *"the usual diet of breaking
news from the Arab world, Christian-related abuse stories, bad... more »
Sustainable Living. HAH!
family purchases chickens hoping to teach their children about
responsibility and sustainable living. Their chickens, McFly and
Sheldon, are just as much a part of the family as any dog or cat.
1) Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
2) (esp. of development, exploitation, or agriculture) Conserving an
ecological balance by
Private firm bets on marijuana, Wall Street wary
* *
* *Private firm bets on marijuana, Wall Street wary*
JULY 18, 2013 5:34 PM EDT0
By Eric M. Johnson and Alex Dobuzinskis
SEATTLE/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – In the sparse Seattle offices of Privateer
Holdings, Brendan Kennedy grabs an iPad to show how his bet on legal
marijuana is already paying dividends in the form of a Google results page
for “blue cheese.”
When Web users search that term, high on the list is a link to reviews of
the pot strain “blue cheese” on, the medical cannabis website... more »

*Schmidt, a German American.*
Eric Schmidt is the executive chairman of Google, and he is married to
Wendy Boyle.
Google is allegedly the world's largest source of porn, including child
Schmidt is a member of the notorious Bilderberg Group
*The Mail on Sunday reminds us that 58-year-old Eric Schmidt, "the unlikely
sex symbol with thinning hair and pockmarked skin", has had a string of
affairs with younger women.*
"Schmidt, worth an estimated £5.4 billion, is believed to have had at least
one mistress sign a confidentiality agreement not to divulge any details of
their rel... more »
From Turkey with love: Another Israeli attack on Syria?

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Russia Today
Prime Minister Erdogan and his AK Party government have a track record of
being deceitful, especially in regards to both Israel and Syria. No one
should be surprised to hear that Israel and Turkey are collaborating
together against the Syrians. With the aim of tightening the front against
Syria, President Obama even travelled to Israel in March 2013 to directly
broker a quick rapprochement between the governments of Israel and Turkey.
Getting a public nudge from the Obama Administration, Israel and Turkey
would announce that their diplomatic row... more »

*1.* In April 2013, Vladimir Putin told a Russian TV audience that *al-Qaeda
is an invention of the USA. *
Russia's main state TV channel has claimed that the US and al-Qaeda are
allies in the Middle East.
*2.* Putin has imposed a ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by US
citizens, thus saving dozens if not hundreds of Russian orphans from being
caught up in American pedophile rings.
*3. *During a meeting with the TV channel Russia Today, Putin attacked the
US state department for funding opposition rallies in Russia.
Stephen Hawking got a flat tire
*...but sang the Big Bang Theory theme song...*
Just like your humble correspondent yesterday, Stephen Hawking got a flat
tire which is why he couldn't be at the Comic Con. At least, he prerecorded
this monologue:
He also sings the theme song of TBBT, a very successful sitcom of CBS that
is nominated for Emmy 2013 much like Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler.
Much like Sheldon Cooper, I am the last drafted man when teams are being
divided in collective games – unless there is someone on the wheelchair.
But it seems likely that Stephen Hawking would be drafted ahead of me, too... more »
Bell of Batoche Returns To Batoche, Saskatchewan 128 Years After It Was Looted As War Booty

*(Church at Batoche where Battle was fought ..)*
[image: Progressive Bloggers]* *
*128 years ago, the bell that rang in the Roman Catholic Church in Batoche,
North West Territories (Saskatchewan) was stolen as a trophy of war by
Canadian troops from Ontario. Today, the Bell was returned to the Roman
Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. *
*Cast in solid silver and standing about 30 centimetres tall, the bell is
an important cultural relic of Canada's Metis.*
***The bell was seized from Batoche's church as a trophy of war by federal
troops who put down the Northwest Rebel... more »
When Republicans Flee Their Own Deranged Party, They Bring Unwanted Baggage With Them To The Democratic Party

Lifelong Republican rich kid, Patrick Murphy, switched parties so he could
run against demented extremist and torturer Allen West. His wealthy
Republican father started and personally financed a SuperPAC, American
Sunrise, to smear the very smearable West. Between Murphy's father and some
of his cronies and the Democratic Party, over $3.1 million was spent on
negative ads against West. It was one of the most expensive races-- and one
of the closest results-- in the country: 166,223 for Murphy and 164,316 for
West. There are 3 counties in the 18th district. West edged Murphy by
aro... more »
AMAZING INTERVIEW -- The Sound of Freedom w/Gwen Caldwell & Miles -- FLASH MOB

*AMAZING INTERVIEW -- The Sound of Freedom w/Gwen Caldwell & Miles -- FLASH
July 19, 2013
posted by Brian Kelly
This is one of the most informative interviews I have heard to date, as far
as knowing your rights are concerned. Miles is a close personal friend and
contact of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. He is getting ready to face his 41st
hearing in two years. Every time he goes up against the court it's the same
story, they refuse to answer his questions, which puts the cou... more »
Rahm the Raptor and the TFA Solution: No Retirement, No Retirement Problem
Since 1995, the City of Chicago has been on holiday during most of those
years. On holiday, that is, from putting in the annual payments to keep
the Chicago Teacher Retirement Fund solvent. The dwindling fund has been
no secret to anyone for a long time, but after the CTU showed the small,
vicious Mayor […]
helen thomas, 1920-2013

A journalist, a pioneer, a feminist. An asker of questions. *New York Times*obituary here.
brandon toy: i have come to believe that the true insanity is doing nothing
Brandon Toy, writing in Common Dreams.
I hereby resign in protest effective immediately.
I have served the post-911 Military Industrial complex for 10 years, first
as a soldier in Baghdad, and now as a defense contractor.
At the time of my enlistment, I believed in the cause. I was ignorant,
naïve, and misled. The narrative, professed by the state, and echoed by the
mainstream press, has proven false and criminal. We have become what I
thought we were fighting against.
Recent revelations by fearless journalists of war crimes including
counterinsurgency "dirty" wars, drone terrorism... more »
History of Red-Brown Journalism

In the fall, I will teach a class at the University of Arizona on the
History of Red-Brown Journalism and Communications. As a result of teaching
it in the past, the UA Main Library created a special collections titled:
Historic Mexican & Mexican American Press. It is an [evolving] website open
and available to the public: If you have
questions or suggestions, after going to the special collections, please
feel free to contact me at:
Conrad Black on America
"The U.S. is a great country and the fact that it persecuted me half to
death does not mean it ceased to be a great country," Black told CNBC's
"Closing Bell" on Wednesday. "But there are things that need to be fixed."
- Justin Menza, *"The US Is Great, but Needs Some Fixing: Conrad Black,"*CNBC, June 5, 2013.
Jimmy Carter gets it right! The mainstream media remains mum.

Thursday, Jul 18, 2013 02:03 PM -0700
Jimmy Carter: US “has no functioning democracy”
The former president weighs in on NSA and the future of Internet platforms
like Google and Facebook
*By Alberto Riva*
Jimmy Carter (Credit: AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
*This article originally appeared on International Business Times. *
[image: International Business Times] Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter is
so concerned about the NSA spying scandal that he thinks it has essentially
resulted in a suspension of American democracy.
“America does not at the moment hav... more »
US and EU apply pressure in another attempt to get Israel and the Palestinian Authority talking - whether or not both sides even agree as to the basis of talks , whether the talks will begin with or without preconditions and what the preconditions might be in any case , that is a different story altogether..... Seems like John Kerry told both sides what they wanted to hear or both parties heard what they wanted to hear ( whether said or not )
conflicting accounts of the basis on which Israel and the Palestinians
are set to renew negotiations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on
Saturday night hailed the resumption of the talks, announced Friday by
Secretary of State John Kerry, as fulfilling Israel’s “vital strategic
Israeli ministers said the government had held firm to its insistence on
there being no preconditions for resuming the negotiations, while
Palestinian Auth... more »
Do teachers wonder why @michellerhee …?
Watch video #1 and then video #2. Any connections between the two? Video
#1 Video #2 Follow Tim Slekar on Twitter: @slekar
Venezuela announces end to talks with US ( rapprochement negotiations ) ....US perceived meddling in human rights issues in Venezuela by UN Nominee Samantha Power the reason given - commentary on Edward Snowden and the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman shooting case tossed in for good measure ......... Joe Biden calls Brzail's President Roussef to try to smooth over ruffled brazilian feathers over NSA spying tensions....
Venezuela ends rapprochement talks with Washington over US ‘meddling’
Get short URL
Published time: July 20, 2013 08:17
Edited time: July 20, 2013 09:52
[image: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (AFP Photo / Leo Ramirez)]
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (AFP Photo / Leo Ramirez)
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Conflict, Human rights, Politics, Protest,Scandal, South America
Caracas brought talks with the US to an abrupt end over statements made by
Samantha Power, the nominee for UN ambassador. Venezuela blasted Washington
for backi... more »
TV Watch: In Season 2 of "The Newsroom," the American Taliban take their revenge on Will McEvoy

*Creator-writer-producer Aaron Sorkin talks about Episode 1 of the Season 2
of The Newsroom.*
*"What's more frightening than the perversion of our great history is that
sensible, smart, strong Republicans, the very men and women who should be
standing up to radical fundamentalism, are so frightened of losing primary
battles to religious zealots that they've thrown in the towel on sanity."*
*-- News Night anchor and managing editor Will McEvoy
(Jeff Daniels), in the Season 1 finale of The Newsroom*
*by Ken*
Very Sorkinesque -- how better to describe the way that
creator-writer-produ... more »
A Positive Coup: Egypt Restores Ties With Syria After Morsi's Dismissal
*Morsi's Decision To Cut Off Relations With Syria Crossed Egyptian
Military's Red Line*.
*Tarpley On Why The Muslim Brotherhood Failed In Egypt - Part II*.
"Egypt's new foreign minister has said that Cairo is re-evaluating
its relationship with Syria following the military's ouster of
President Mohamed Morsi.
In his first public comments since becoming Egypt's top diplomat, Nabil
Fahmy said on Saturday that the country continues to support the
Syrian uprising but that Cairo has no intention of waging jihad, or holy
war, in Syria.
"There is no intention of jihad in Syr... more »
나는 강정간다... from DH song on Vimeo.
Director Song Dong-Hyo's latest short film "I'm Going to Gangjeong" (Jeju
Island) showing the Grand March for Peace and Life 2012. The march this
year will be from July 29 to August 3.Noted filmmaker Oliver Stone will
meet the march on August 3.
Mohawk Nation News 'Motor City Syndrome'
July 20, 2013
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. July 19, 2013. Detroit is on stolen
Rotino’shonni:onwe Indigenous land and is bankrupt. The rulers have no
more use for this pile of polluted steel, glass and cement called a
metropolis. Nothing can be sold without our consent at it is illegally
built on our land.
Glass, steel, cement must be cleaned up.

I did three talks yesterday to just over 50 people in three separate groups
in Manila and Quezon City. They were students, teachers, labor organizers,
and from women’s groups. It about wore me out but I enjoyed the day very
It was so reassuring to find that these folks were interested in hearing
about space issues and my take on the Pentagon “pivot” into the
At each meeting I handed out information about Keep Space for Peace Week
(October 5-12) and was happy to hear real interest in organizing some
events in Manila during that time.
This morning Corazon tak... more »
FEMA's New Flood Plain Designations Has Errors
From Pro-Publica
This info is important to know - cause flood insurance is REALLY expensive.
*Using Outdated Data, FEMA Is Wrongly Placing Homeowners in Flood Zones*
When Donna Edgar found out that new flood maps from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency would place her house in a high-risk flood zone, she
couldn’t believe it.
“Her house is on a hill,” said Herb Darling, the director of environmental
services for Burnet County, where Edgar lives. “There’s no way it’s going
to flood.”
Homeowners in such areas are often required, and always encouraged, to buy
federal flood insu... more »
Yet another review...

As promised, here's a review into how the BBC covered the Keogh report into
NHS care on Tuesday.
The question, as ever, remains 'Is the BBC biased?'
How can we tell though? How can we guard against seeing the BBC as biased
even if it's actually us, ourselves, who are the ones who are really being
biased (an easy trap to fall into)?
One way might be to look back over last week and list the main talking
points of the Labour Party and the Conservative Party over the story and
try to see if the BBC trod an impartial course between the two sides of the
story. This is for those of us ... more »
Saturday Night...
Saturday night is always followed by Sunday morning, so here are this
week's predictions for stories that will and won't appear on Radio 4's *Sunday
I'm still hoping for that chat with Melvyn Bragg, who spoke out last week,
saying that Christianity should be respected for its history and its
contribution to mankind.
The new Catholic Bishop of East Anglia, Alan Hopes, used his installationthis Tuesday to say,
*"Our faith seems under attack; Christian morals and values which have been
the bedrock of western society have been all but rejected and we are often
portrayed at... more »
NSA defense appears to be - NSA spying is in the public interest , constitutional in their opinion and by the way , we are above the law ! Additional items of note on the NSA spy capers......
NSA Phone Snooping Cannot Be Challenged in Court, Feds Say
- 07.19.13
- 1:25 PM
National Security Agency headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland. Photo:
The Obama administration for the first time responded to a Spygate lawsuit,
telling a federal judge the wholesale vacuuming up of all phone-call
metadata in the United States is in the “public interest,” does not breach
the constitutional rights of Americans and cannot be challenged in a court
of law.
Thursday’s response mar... more »
Oil Spill Site Off Limits To The Public And Media, By Order of Government
* *Grant G--- Canada is now owned by Oil Companies, Canada`s new legi*
slative* *Government is....CAPP....Canadian Association of Petroleum
**____________ **Nobody understands’ spills at Alberta oil sands operation**
*"Oil spills at an oil sands operation in Cold Lake, Alberta have been
going on for weeks with no end in sight, according to a government scientist
** ** *
*Oil spills at a major oil sands operation in Alberta have been ongoing for
at least six weeks and have cast doubts on the sa... more »
'Ni Una Mas' Migrants fast to end brutal US immigration policies
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON -- Speaking out against brutal US policies that are destroying
families and lives, a group of community members ended their five-day
fast today with these words: "Not one more deportation, not one more
detention, not one more death on the border."
Speakers said that the act of fasting has amplified the
Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero? Ask Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Judge Napolitano: I Still Think Snowden's An American Hero
Cherchez la Verite
Don't allow the center of our country to be irretrievably polluted in order to further enrich the already filty rich.

Please watch this video by Julia Louis-Dreyfus about the dangers of the
Keystone XL pipeline, and then take action to stop it. President Obama has
vowed not to approve this tar sands pipeline if it significantly increases
global warming pollution. Send a message telling him that the Keystone XL
fails his climate test and he needs to keep his promise by rejecting it.
To add your name to the appeal, *go here.*
Cherchez la Verite
Standing Your Ground
July 20, 2013 One thing that bothers me about the so called “stand your
ground” laws, the only person who really has the right to stand his ground
is the guy with the gun. Whether he’s right in his perception … Continue
reading →
How To Work The Defense Bill-- Buck McKeon And Alan Grayson

Thursday we saw how Buck McKeon, the Military Industrial Complex's single
most bribed politician in American history, forced the Pentagon to waste
$2.5 billion on overpriced drones the U.S. military neither needs nor
wants. The manufacturer, Northrup Grumman, gives McKeon immense sums of
money directly and has promised to keep the McKeon family rolling in cash
when ole Buck retires from Congress next year and takes over the armaments
lobbying firm his brother and nephews just started. Boehner appointed
McKeon to be Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, precisely
because ... more »
what i'm reading: two youth novels
There is so much truly excellent youth fiction out these days, and it's not
all vampires and zombies. Here are two wonderful teen novels in two totally
different veins.
*There Is No Dog*, Meg Rossoff, 2011
Like many excellent novels, Meg Rosoff's *There Is No Dog* defies easy
classification. It's a comedy, but it's heartbreaking. It's a fantasy
involving gods and goddesses with power over life and fate, but it pokes
holes in the peculiar fiction known as religion. It's about the mysteries
of falling in love, and also about the mystery of being alive.
*There Is No Dog* imagines God ... more »
My little laptop finally died. Too complicated to explain why, but I'll
probably be offline for a few days.
(Helen Thomas Lives Forever!) How They Spy On US: U.S., British Intelligence Mining Data from Nine U.S. Internet Companies in Broad Secret Program and (Interview With a Whistleblower)
In honor of the great and glorious Helen Thomas, who passed away this
morning at 92 after a long illness, I would like to help recall her
powerful presence in American journalism by running one of her columns that
even though it was written three years ago is as current today as it was
then. But, first . . . watch her grill Bushy torture spokesbimbo: I met
Bella Abzug once in D.C. when I
Colorado Education Association President Promotes inBloom – without the Facts
Yesterday I read an opinion piece in the Denver Post by Kerrie Dallman,
teacher and president of the Colorado Education Association, the state
affiliate of the NEA. I am a Colorado public school teacher, a parent with
a child in the public schools and finally, I am a member of the NEA. Ms.
Dallman is […]
Ponzi scheme expert ( no - not Bernie Madoff , it's Judge Steven Rhodes ) to oversee Detroit unraveling of its classic ponzi scheme....
No , not Bernie .....
Ponzi-Scheme Expert To Oversee Detroit Bankruptcy
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/20/2013 11:57 -0400
- Chrysler
- Creditors
- Detroit
- General Motors
- Michigan
- New Normal
- None
- Steven Rattner
- University Of Michigan
It's good to see that as more of the US spirals into chaos, someone still
has a sarcastic sense of humo... more »
Doug Noland Friday essay " Inflationphobia " ...... Adam Taggert irrational markets giving investors all that they wish - right up until they don't .....
[image: Print Friendly and PDF]InflationphobiaJuly 19, 2013 posted by Doug
The melt-up continues.
Chairman Bernanke last week buttressed global markets with his “If
financial conditions were to tighten to the extent that they jeopardized
the achievement of our inflation and employment objectives, then we would
have to push back against that” comment. In this week’s Congressional
testimony, he followed up his market-pleasing ways with a notably dovish
spin on the inflation outlook. Bernanke is now signaling t... more »
Rallies for Saint Skittles across the nation..
*Let's meet the new slave masters. Sharpton and Jackson are the present
day equivalent to the black slave traders of the past. They have no qualms
about enslaving their fellow men in order to add to their bank accounts and
power. *
*Let's look at some comments from the Yahoo news article, shall we?*
*Doesn't look like the American people are buying into this witch hunt. *
*"The biggest threat to young black males IS young black males!"*
*"Report responsibly! Quit using the misleading photos of baby-faced Martin
and scruffy-faced Zimmerman. Even the mainstream media now conced... more »
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