Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, "Remember When It Rained" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 seconds ago
Josh Groban, "Remember When It Rained"
Documentary Evidence in Civil Matters
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 12 minutes ago
Documentary evidence poses a major challenge for the Courts. This is
especially so for civil cases – often trials for these matters are
conducted with a focus on the substantive issues and without a focus on how
things are to be proven. As a result evidentiary issues relating to proof
of documents can be overlooked.
Prior to admission all documents must be authenticated and established as
Authentication, that is proving the document is what it purports to be,
seldom poses an issue. A person who made or received the document can say
it is, in fact, for example, a letter ... more »
How the Gates Foundation Is Undergirding the College Caste System
Jim Horn at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 22 minutes ago
The Chronicle of Higher Ed has an explosive series of articles on the
influence on higher education by vulture philanthropy and corporate
foundations. Taking advantage of recent research by Hall and Thomas, CHE
goes in depth to uncover a sewer of self-serving corruption, arrogant and
ignorant policymaking, anti-democratic social steering, and a U. S.
Department […]
The Allure of Order Previews the Failure of Common Core
John Thompson at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 27 minutes ago
The chapter that taught me the most in The Allure of Order covers the 1970s
and the story of how state governments grew in importance. I was most
struck, however, by Mehta’s account of Maryland’s accountability-based
reform, Maryland Student Performance Assessment Program (MSPAP), in the
1990s. It was an effort to combine accountability with a […]
It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life For me. And I'm feeling good
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 32 minutes ago

*Carmelle, forwarded us this video below, fits the mood of the day very
well indeed! -AK*
Thursday, 18 July 2013
*This old world is a new world.... how I feel*
*OH Carmelle I sooooo Know how you feel!!! I feel it too!! -D.*
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom... more »
Southern Man at Southern Man - 57 minutes ago

Southern Man has a fairly extensive collection of music; lots of classical,
lots of classic rock and blues, a fair bit of gospel, plenty of
post-hardcore (thanks to Southern Son) and modern pop (favored by both
Southern Daughters), and a scattering of others. It is mostly inaccessible
- LPs boxed up in the barn and CDs scattered everywhere. So in an effort to
(a) gather his music into one accessible place and (b) free himself from
the tyranny of 20th-century rotating storage media, Southern Man is
gathering his CDs and copying them to MP3s for easy playback.
Yes, these too will ev... more »
Multimillionaire New Dem John Delaney Wants To Give Rich Corporations Another Tax Holiday
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago

Another entitled multimillionaire in Congress undermining the lives of
ordinary Americans
If you caught the post Monday about how the DCCC recruits too many damned
millionaires who have no way of relating to ordinary working families, you
may have noticed that Maryland multimillionaire backbencher John Delaney
spent $2,370,556 last year to buy himself a seat, the third most among the
wealthy Democratic freshmen (all of whom immediately joined the extremely
corrupt, pro-Business/anti-Family New Dems). In the battle over saving
Social Security-- the importance of which these wealthy as... more »
Photo Longest Walk 4 Begins! at CENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
copyright Brent Casa Azul/Thanks for sharing with Censored News!
The Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz began with a Sunrise Ceremony in
Washington DC on Monday morning, July 15, 2013. Walkers are now on their
way to Pennsylvania, enroute to Alcatraz. Walkers from the Long Walk 2
northern route include Michael Lane, top right, who was on the original
walk in 1978, and his wife Sharon
The reach and power of Standard Group Tales!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 hour ago
*THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2013*
*White liberals, please stay in your cars:* Occasionally, a professional
journalist will reject a Standard Group Story.
On Monday, Will Saletan rejected the current Standard Story in a post at
Slate. As he starts, he says he “almost joined the frenzy” about the
Zimmerman verdict:
SALETAN (7/15/13): *I almost joined the frenzy. Yesterday I was going to
write that Zimmerman pursued Martin against police instructions and
illustrated the perils of racial profiling. But I hadn’t followed the case
in detail.* So I sat down and watched the closing arguments: ne... more »
Question for McCainologists
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 hour ago
My PP post yesterday was about "How Ted Cruz got Richard Cordray confirmed."
It's about Republican overreach in general, but it's also about one
particular possibility: that a big part of what happened had to do with
John McCain getting upset with Ted Cruz.
Which is, in turn, based on the idea -- familiar to McCain watchers -- that
most of his career can be interpreted as basically a series of temper
tantrums. Do note: there's another plausible interpretation, which is that
it's all straightforward opportunism (Left to save his career after the
Keating 5! Still left to occupy vacant... more »
"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
Highly educated and aware, fully and truthfully informed by their
totally trustworthy and ever-honest main stream media and government,
deeply concerned Americans ponder the grave issues confronting their
- CP
"No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
* *
*"No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation"*
By Matthias Chang
"I challenge anyone to prove me wrong that confiscation of bank deposits is
legalized daylight robbery. Bank depositors in the UK and USA may think
that their bank deposits would not be confiscated as they are insured and
no government would dare embark on such a drastic action to bail out
insolvent banks. Before I explain why confiscation of bank deposits in the
UK and US is a certainty and absolutely legal, I need all readers of this
article to do the following:
Ask your local police, sheriffs, lawyers,... more »
Benjamin & His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Lies:Netanyahu Cries 'Wolf'...Again
Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 2 hours ago
Iranian nuclear bomb] was a lot further away 15 years ago when I
started talking about it. It was a lot further away 10 years ago. It was
a lot further away five years. It was a lot further away five months
ago. They are getting there, and they are getting very, very close."
- Benjamin Netanyahu, March 7, 2012
"Red line, white line, black line and the like is for children. This is
"The Perils of Obedience"
Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 2 hours ago

The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of
social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist
Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to
obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that
conflicted with their personal conscience.
The experiments were also controversial, and considered by some scientists
to be unethical and physically or psychologically abusive. Psychologist
Diana Baumrind considered the experiment "harmful because it may cause
permanent psychological damage and cause p... more »
Boston: The Iranian Connection
Paul Coker at News Spike - 2 hours ago

Washington Talk: Briefing; C.I.A. Secrets
*Published: February 15, 1988*
There is no shortage of memoirs and books by former intelligence officials.
But when Graham Fuller retired from the Central Intelligence Agency,
leaving his post as national intelligence officer for the Near East and
South Asia, his first publication had nothing to do with cloaks, daggers or
nasty deeds in back alleys.
Mr. Fuller's book, titled ''How to Learn a Foreign Language,'' suggests a
practical approach to a topic that has confounded generations of American
high school and college students. Mr. Fuller ... more »
Protests Break Out Again In Iraq Over Lack Of Electricity
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 2 hours ago

For the third time in four years, Iraqis have taken to the street to
express their anger with the government for not providing enough
electricity to meet demand. There are on-going protests in Basra and Dhi
Qar provinces, the sight of similar events in 2010 and 2011. In response,
the Electricity Ministry has tried to blame the weather and other
ministries, which was very similar to previous years when it refused to
take responsibility for its own shortcomings. The summers are very hot in
Iraq, and if these protests grow they could pose a serious problem for the
government, whi... more »
The Economy: “The Reason The Fed's Game Will End In Detonation” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
* *
*“The Reason The Fed's Game Will End In Detonation”*
by Karl Denninger
“You might not have caught it, but if you didn't you weren't thinking. One
of the last questions and answers given by Bernanke was "what if rates
rise?" His answer? The economy will tank. Did that tell you everything you
needed to know? It should have.
He can't exit. Not now, not ever. Which paradoxically, means he will exit
because if an outcome is inevitable then the longer you wait and the more
distortion you pump in before it happens the worse it is and he cannot
avoid owning the outcome either way. T... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 2 hours ago

*Venice - a lively place in the 1980s*
"Many houses and apartments are empty for weeks or months at a time...
"And the workers who service this culture invariably commute long
*Desert attests to lack of community -*
This applies to parts of Venice, Paris, London...
Ordinary people are being priced out of some of our cities.
*Paris - too expensive.*
Simon Kuper, in the Financial Times, has written about how "Our great,
global cities are turning into vast gated citadels where the elite
reproduces itself...
"Paris is pricing out even the upper middle-class."
*... more »
“Critical Warning No. 17: Dow 5,000, crash of 65%” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
* “Critical Warning No. 17: Dow 5,000, crash of 65%”*
by Paul B. Farrell
"Critical warning No. 17? Lost count? Here’s the latest: “The stock market
is about to have a devastating decline; we will see Dow 5,000 before we see
Dow 20,000.” That’s Terry Burnham, former Goldman Sachs trader, biotech
entrepreneur, money manager, author of “Mean Markets and Lizard Brains: How
to Profit from the New Science of Irrationality,” on PBS. A former Harvard
professor of behavioral economics, a guy on par with Nobel economist Daniel
Kahneman; “Black Swan’s” Nassim Nicholas Taleb; and Dan Ariely,... more »
Personalized Shrinky Dink Necklace- Perfect for Grandmas
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 2 hours ago

This year for my Mother-in-Law's birthday, my daughter really wanted to
make her present. We spent hours pouring over Pinterest and couldn't find
anything my daughter thought was the right present to make. We pulled out
the Shrinky Dinks to make something else, when she asked if we could make
Grandma a necklace that she drew. It was absolutely perfect. She could draw
pictures of them together and we could easily turn it into jewelry.
You will need:
- Shrinky Dinks
- Markers
- Scissors
- An Oven preheated to 325
- a hole punch
- a necklace chain
I u... more »
Jay D. Jurie : 'Approved Killing' in Florida
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 2 hours ago
Till, left, and Trayvon Martin. Image from Tumblr.
Intimations of Emmett Till:
A 'shocking story of
approved killing' in Florida
Today the pre-1960s explicit racial 'code' has been supplanted by the
implicit code upon which 'profiling' is based.
By Jay D. Jurie / The Rag Blog / July 18, 2013The Rag Blog's Jay Jurie
will discuss issues raised in this article with Rag Blog editor
IL Educators to Say NO to ALEC
2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
ALEC Exposed Rally in Chicago
*Be there Thursday, August 8 to protest outside of the American Legislative
Exchange Council *[ALEC] 40th Anniversary Conference in Chicago August 7-9.
ALEC is bringing state politicians here to push a dangerous agenda that
rewards greedy CEOs at the expense of middle class families and our public
schools and puts our safety at risk. Forty years of ALEC is nothing to
celebrate. Can we count on you to be there and push back?
When greedy corporations are allowed to make the rules, our community
suffers. Good full ti... more »
A Little Plain Blog Told-You-So
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 3 hours ago
Hey, I don't do this very often, but:
Me, in June, on concerns that temporarily losing the New Jersey seat might
prevent Democrats from doing Senate reform:
I don't question [this] reporting -- that is, I'm sure that Democrats are
saying what he reports they're saying -- but I don't really believe it. I
continue to believe it's highly unlikely that the Democrats will act unless
they're very close to being unanimous. One defection, maybe; two, perhaps;
more, and I don't think anything happens.
I made this point multiple times: Harry Reid wasn't going to act with 51,
or if Joe Biden ... more »
Check out our latest episode on #TFA in Minnesota
Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 3 hours ago
Here’s our latest episode of At the Chalk Face with two graduate students
from the University of Minnesota who are resisting their institution’s
potential deal with TFA. I’m still a little annoyed by the end of this
episode. I decided to use Zingaya to run the show instead of Skype, and it
cut us off. […]
5 Reasons Why More Americans Don’t Protest Against The System
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 3 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Sigmund Fraud
Having recently celebrated their nation’s independence on July 4th,
Americans were invited to recall the spirit of protest, rebellion, and
revolution that marks the popular myth of the birth of the United States of
The Declaration of Independence still stands as an important example of how
the tolerance of any man can be exceeded by the actions of an overbearing
and intrusive government. Yet, 237 years after the signing of this
document, one has to wonder what has happened to the spirit of fearlessness... more »
SOCIETY DOWN: What happened in Sanford that night?
bob somerby at the daily howler - 3 hours ago
*THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2013*
*Part 3—How life can become a cartoon:* On Saturday night, the jury reached
its verdict in the Zimmerman trial.
One night earlier, Piers Morgan had conducted his latest discussion of the
high-profile trial. As he started, he boasted about his “stellar panel.”
It included Judge Glenda *and* Judge Alex, the hosts of *two* syndicated
Morgan is one of the dumbest people on the cable dial. His history in Great
Britain was so noxious that CNN simply *knew* they had to import the chap.
At one point in last Friday’s discussion, a wonderful moment occurr... more »
There may be one way our public schools are failing. #racism
Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 3 hours ago
I have heard student teachers and veterans wonder why they should teach
about diversity or multicultural values if they and their students are
white. Or, in other instances, appreciation and understanding of cultural
diversity is viewed as an add-on or supplement, rarely the underlying goal
of education. Still, in more instances, educators simply avoid discussions
The Sound of Sangre: Let's help these guys tell a good story
Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 3 hours ago

If you like documentary film, folk music of a very original kind, or Latin
America, *this project* to find a mysterious Honduran band that plays *
narcocorrido* music is worth checking out.
The two U.S. men spearheading the project, Chris Valdes and Ted
Griswold, taught in the Olancho region of Honduras and kept hearing talk of
Los Plebes de Olancho, one of the bands in the country that does the very
tricky work of sitting down with *narcotraficantes* working in the cocaine
industry and documenting their hair-raising, dangerous stories in songs.
The bands keep a pretty low p... more »
Tom Hayden : Is Obama Really in Control?
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 3 hours ago
plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales was forced to land in
Vienna despite Obama's earlier comment that he "wouldn't scramble jets
against a 29 year old hacker." Photo by Andres Gutierrez / AP.
Refs being 'worked'?
Does Obama control the State?
The executive branch has aided in the unaccountable growth of a
Frankenstein-like Leviathan which now is beyond the control of its own
Is The Safety Of The State Really Worth More Than The Truth?
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 3 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Brandon Smith
It's a strange and terrible tragedy when a culture forgets its own history
and identity. It is even more tragic when that culture becomes deluded
enough to think it can replace its heritage from scratch; that it can
conjure political and social reformations out of thin air, and abandon the
centuries upon centuries of accomplishment and failures of generations
past. To think that one can live without the lessons and principles of
one's ancestors is a disease – a mental disorder of the highest caliber. It
is an i... more »
Michael Hastings Cremated Despite Family Wishes to Have Body
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Paul Lawrance
Former *Rolling Stone* journalist Michael Hastings has been cremated and
sent home in a urn despite the fact his family wanted his body.
Hastings died on June 18th after his Mercedes crashed into a tree and had
burst into flames in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, causing
speculation to arise that Hastings, who was working on a major exposé of
the CIA, could have been set up.
Kimberly Dvorak of San Diego 6 who spoke directly with friends of Hastings
family said, “A close family friend did confirm t... more »
When is legislation of quasi-constitutional status?
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago
Nunavut (Minister of the Environment) v. WSCC, 2013 NUCJ 11 has a
useful analysis of when a statute is to be given special consideration
as being of quasi-consititutional status:
A. Is the Safety Act "quasi-constitutional" legislation?
[22] Jenkins submits that the purpose and objectives of the Safety Act
are of such importance that the legislation is "quasi-constitutional"
in nature.
[23] Laws may be constitutional, quasi-constitutional, or of general
application. The paramountcy of legislation may be determined by
reference to, amongst other things, its characterization as
... more »
Idiocracy Now: The Sold Out $120 White T-Shirt by Kanye West
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Melissa Melton
I’m going to tell you a short story.
Once upon a time, American founding father Benjamin Franklin said “Those
who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Over 200 years later in America, it was revealed our government was wholesale
spying on the people. Instead of outrage and promises to immediately shut
down these programs and hold anyone who violated the Constitution under
them responsible, the president’s response to this revelation was, ... more »
Hemp vs Cotton: The Ultimate Showdown
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago

Joe Martino
Hemp has been making a lot of noise lately, especially with the growing
awareness surrounding the use of hemp oil for treating cancer. Although the
word ‘hemp’ still often gets confused and lumped into the same definition
as Cannabis, a similar but psychoactive plant, it’s important to realize
hemp can be a major game changer for our world if used to its potential.
As we go through this post, you will be wondering ‘why don’t we use this
stuff all the time...for everything?!’ Simple answer, farming hemp was
banned in the US and other countries in the 1937 because of the ... more »
What the F*ck is Wrong with Police in America?
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
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CIA investing in research aimed at modifying the Earth’s climate for unknown reasons
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image credit:
richardcox8592/Flickr Madison Ruppert
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is participating in funding a
$630,000 study on geoengineering for reasons which are not entirely clear
as of yet.
Geoengineering is the practice of using highly experimental techniques to
modify the climate of the Earth in various ways, something which
researchers like Dane Wigington contend is highly dangerous.
This particular 21-month-long study has a final report due in the fall of
2014 and was commissioned in concert with the N... more »
Tragic Mistake Or Deliberate Plan? 30 Million People Injected with Mandatory Vaccination Containing Live SV40 Cancer Virus
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Daisy Luther
People like to shake their heads at the eccentricities of those of us who eschew
vaccines for ourselves and our families, but a recent document that was
published (then immediately removed from the website) by the CDC gives even
more credibility to our claims of “You just don’t know what’s in that
A polio vaccine injection that was given to people between 1955-1963
contained a live cancer virus. Here is a cached copy of the CDC document.
*Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine Fact Sheet*
... more »
The “McDonald’s Budget”: Laughably Unrealistic But Also Deeply Tragic
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
click to enlarge Michael Snyder
Can you support a family on $2,000 a month? Recently, McDonald's and Visa
teamed up to launch a website that is intended to help employees of
McDonald's manage their money. The aspect of the website that is getting a
tremendous amount of national attention is the "McDonald's Budget" which is
a sample monthly budget designed to help workers plan their spending. You
can see a copy of it for yourself right here. This budget is laughably
unrealistic, but it is also deeply tragic, because there ... more »
Federal Court Throws Out Block On Indefinite Detention Provision of NDAA
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*Once again in the US you can be detained by the military indefinitely
without trial.*
image source Paul Lawrance
Wednesday, the US District Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit threw out
an injunction on the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) that had been ordered by a judge through *Hedges
vs. Obama*.
In September 2012 a federal court in New York had issued a permanent
injunction on section 1021(b)(2) of the NDAA. This provision allows for
indefinite detention of citizens and p... more »
Ed Snowden Stuck in Russia: Is This a Political Move by Obama?
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Chris Carrington
Stranded at a hotel in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, Ed Snowden has been
helped by Russian officials to apply for temporary asylum in the country.
He is effectively trapped in Russia because the US government has cancelled
his passport. He has been offered asylum by a number of Latin American
countries, but without papers further cross-border travel is impossible.
It’s strange that his documents weren’t cancelled immediately when the
government found out he had taken flight. Could it be that his being on
Ru... more »
Town To Issue Licenses and Bounties To Shoot Down Drones: “They Fly In Town, They Get Shot Down”
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 4 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
proper drone hunting technique Mac Slavo
The President, Congress and the Department of Homeland Security may think
it’s legal to spy on the Land of the Free by deploying thousands of drones over
the skies of America, but the residents of Deer Trail, Colorado have a
different idea.
Not only are they set to vote on hunting licenses authorizing the
shoot-down of unmanned aerial vehicles hovering over their town, but
they’ll be issued a $100 bounty if they can prove they did it:
The small town of Deer Trail, Colorado is consid... more »
Big Brother Tracks Your Car with Photo Database: “There’s no expectation of privacy”
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
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Kimberly Paxton
Do you ever feel like someone is watching you when you’re driving down the
Well, they are. Not only are you being watched, but your car is being
photographed via license plate scanners, the photo is being saved, and it’s
there for future tracking purposes. This isn’t just a high-crime, big-city
kind of tactic – this is also happening in small town USA as police
departments blame decreasing budgets for the perceived necessity of
high-tech surveillance. Wherever you have driven your car, the government
h... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 5 hours ago
*Questions of would-be WTC developers are revealing ~Jaquetta White, New
Orleans Advocate *
*Company's proposal to run ferries may include increased fares ~WWLTV*
*CCC Toll Amnesty Program to begin July 22 ~WVUE*
*I-Team: La. welfare money withdrawn at vacation hotspots ~WDSU*
*Veteran T-P reporter will spearhead Advocate’s push into St. John, St.
Charles parishes*
*Jimmy’s, neighbors hope to reach common ground before City Council meeting
next week ~Uptown Messenger*
*Port of New Orleans sees huge jump in cruise passengers*
*In New Orleans, using food as medicine ~Beyond Boulders... more »
Transport Econ 10: MMDA and Car Ban
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 5 hours ago

* This is my article today in
The Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chairman Francis Tolentino
has proposed to raise the in the use of private vehicles in Metro Manila’s
streets from one to two days a week. The goal is to reduce traffic in the
national capital region.
Public outcry and disapproval, especially among car owners, and more
particularly from those who have only one car, was high. The message is
simple: Prohibiting people from using their own car/s two days a week is
wrong. Especially if such car is used for business or to transport k... more »
10 Ways That The Iron Grip Of The Big Brother Prison Grid Is Tightening On All Of Our Lives
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Michael Snyder
Do you ever feel trapped in an invisible control grid that is slowly but
surely closing in all around you? Do you ever feel like virtually
everything that you do is being watched, tracked, monitored and recorded?
If so, unfortunately it is not just your imagination. Our society is
rapidly being transformed into a Big Brother prison grid by a government
that is seemingly obsessed with knowing everything that we do.
They want a record of all of our phone calls, all of our Internet activity
and all of our fina... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 5 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela, 95.
And the good stuff:
1. Here's Norm Ornstein's take on the Senate showdown and deal.
2. Andrew Sullivan walks back his panic over Barack Obama's Syria policy.
3. Jobs and health care, from Ross Douthat.
4. Tom Nawrocki on the cover of the Rolling Stone.*
5. And Arendt on German TV. I haven't watched yet...also haven't seen the
recent movie. Will get to both, I'm sure.
*No, I didn't link to it just so I could say that. I don't even think I
linked to it just because I wish he would blog more.
Kissinger: ‘Terrorists are really people that reject the international system’
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
*Kissinger’s definition of terrorism might surprise you.*
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Then again, it might be exactly what you thought it would be.
The clip below is from a 2007 AKBank convention in Instanbul, Turkey held
right before the annual Bilderberg Meeting which took place there that same
year. In it, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, (as
well as member of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, and Bohemian Grove among others) Henry Kissinger can
be seen g... more »
Those 'liberal' Lib Dems
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 5 hours ago
Guido Fawkes reports that the Lib Dems have withdrawn the party whip from
MP David Ward. This is as a result of his rather intemperate remarks about
Israel. Good news you might think, the Lib Dems making a stand on Israel.
Well not really as this section of the letter makes clear:
We wish to reiterate that this is not about telling you what your views
should be. Indeed, we have all visited the occupied territories and we have
all experienced an instinctive and liberal reaction to the humanitarian
suffering we have witnessed. You will know that Nick, Simon and I have a
consistent tr... more »
GOP Want to Be The "Party of Obstructionists"
2old2care at Because I Can - 5 hours ago
Vice President Cheney's daughter said so.
I shake my head when I see something like this - I can't help wondering
"What kind of drugs are the GOP taking?" Really , please tell me what
pharmaceuticals are messing with the synapses in RepubliCON brains.
Cheney's daughter has decided to run for Senate in Wyoming.
Who cares what her first name is - the only reason she is running, the only
reason she getting news is because she is Cheney's daughter.
Cheney's daughter is a* life long resident of Virginia*. Her kids and
husband live in Virginia. She (or her dad for her) bou... more »
Canada's Print Media Editorial Boards Will Soon Have To Recognize The Need For Stephen Harper To Step Down
leftdog at Buckdog - 5 hours ago

**- National Post: Andrew Coyne "You will be shocked to see who is on
Stephen Harper's Enemy List*
**-CTV News: PMO withholding email about Wright/Duffy deal from RCMP:
* **-The Windsor Star: Richard Nixon, Watergate cited as anger erupts over
Stephen Harper government's 'enemy' list**
Hate Crimes
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago

On April 29, 2009, the House passed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 249-175,
18 Republican abandoning their hate-filled and bigoted leaders, crossing
the aisle and voting with the Democrats. Boehner, Cantor, Ryan and McCarthy
were against the bill and they had support from 17 of the most racist and
conservative Democrats in the House:
*•* Dan Boren (Blue Dog-OK,) forced to retire
*•* Bobby Bright (Blue Dog-AL), defeated with the help of Blue America
*•* Chris Carney (Blue Dog-PA), defeated with the help of Blue America
*•* Travis Childers (Blue Dog-MS), defeated
*•* Artur Davis (Ne... more »
Will You Welcome and Love Your Robot Overlords?
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Nicholas West
There is no question that robots are evolving at warp speed. As computer
power grows exponentially, and political and military commitment to
neuroscience is established, robots are taking on an increasingly humanoid
form in both appearance and thought. Transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil have
been very open discussing their plans for The Singularity - the moment when
computer intelligence surpasses that of humans to such an extent that
humans become practically redundant, perhaps as soon as 2045.
Robots are alread... more »
Goldfish, by Gustav Klimt
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago

A cheeky one from turn-of-the-century Vienna.
Subtitled 'To My Critics' (for all too obvious reasons deriving from
complaints about his paintings being too erotic for public display) this is
one of a collection of ceiling paintings at the University of Vienna.
[image: Posted with Blogsy]Posted with Blogsy
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Behind the image
Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 5 hours ago

A small story of note, about the power of images. There is a storm brewing
in the USA over this cover. That's not a young rock star or actor nicknamed
"The Bomber" that is a bomber, the Boston Bomber.
People are upset, perhaps understandably, that he could be depicted in such
a light. But that is, more or less, what he looks like. The accompanying
article asks how he 'became a monster'. But for some what matters more is
why doesn't he look like a monster, why isn't he bearded and swivel eyed,
with hooks for hands?
This is, of course, the actual horror and the actual context of what... more »
40 Stats That Prove The U.S. Economy Has Already Been Collapsing Over The Past Decade
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration Michael Snyder
The "coming economic collapse" has already been happening. You see, the
truth is that the economic collapse is not a single event. It has already
started, it is happening right now, and it will accelerate during the years
ahead. The statistics in this article show *very clearly* that the U.S.
economy has fallen dramatically over the past ten years or so.
Unfortunately, there are lots of mockers out there that love to mock the
idea of an economic collapse even though one is happening right... more »
The Rise of the Avatars
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Nicholas West
For those unfamiliar with the full goals of The Singularity Movement, it is
valuable to visit the website *2045* -- the theoretical date when computer
intelligence surpasses that of humanity, thus establishing a new form of
social and economic contract.
Just a short while ago -- more or less yesterday -- a "Rise of the Robots"
scenario was being debated for its potential Utopian and Dystopian
Then the movie *Avatar* supplanted *Terminator* to reflect an entirely new
It di... more »
For there to be reconciliation, there has to be truth.
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 6 hours ago
When the news of intentional malnutrition of aboriginal children in 1940s
Canada came out, a Crown Attorney I was sitting with said "that's just like
Nazi Germany".
My instinct was to say "no, there wasn't a plan to kill" but then I stopped
and thought a bit. And realized the Crown was right.
The imposition of malnutrition is not the same as the imposition of death.
But both actions are based in the same mindset - the people "we" are
dealing with are not the same as "us" and are lesser beings who can be used
without regard for their inherent dignity and value. "They" are other an... more »
Inequality Keeps Them In Power
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 6 hours ago

Everyone complains about public apathy. We know that democracy in Canada is
in trouble. But nothing seems to change. Alex Himelfarb suggests that the
reason things don't change is because we lack social trust:
By “social trust” is meant something more than whether we trust our
neighbour or others in our community or in similar circumstance. It is
rather the generalized belief that most people in a society can be trusted,
including those quite different from ourselves.
Social trust is not the same as political trust, but where it is high
people are readier to trust their democrac... more »
ALEC's Next Target - Our Trees and Forests
2old2care at Because I Can - 6 hours ago
Tree-huggers may be the next ALEC eco-terrorists - Really, literally.
Based on this article out of New Jersey - it appears that ALEC legislators
have set their sites on our trees and forests.
Just wanted to make you aware of it - cause as you know
- if the legislation is in New Jersey
- it WILL be coming to a state near you soon.
No conspiracy theories here folks, but thought I’d point out some very
close similarities between the ideas, findings, provisions, and debate on
the NJ “Forest Harvest” bill and the model bill on forestry written by the
American Legislative Exchange Council... more »
Observations on the Great Gatsby Curve
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 6 hours ago
In recent years, some economists have drawn attention to a correlation that
has been dubbed the Great Gatsby curve. In particular, countries that have
more inequality in income also have less economic mobility. (By the
way, the curve seems misnamed: Jay Gatsby lived in a time a great
inequality and managed to move from being very poor to being very rich.
But never mind that.)
My own view is that this correlation is not particularly surprising. Let
me give you an analogy to explain why.
Suppose we collected data on various chess clubs (nations). In every club,
we have data on e... more »
The Birth of Calculus
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 7 hours ago
I could hardly follow this:
... I put it on to fall asleep to, but i was still awake when i lost the
argument ...
"To be in a Minority of One Doesn't Make You Mad..."
Paul Coker at News Spike - 7 hours ago

On 8 July 2013, psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas, of the
University of Kent in theUK, published a study of conspiracist and
conventionalist comments at news websites.
The authors were surprised to discover that:
Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were conspiracist and 715 were
"That means it is the pro-conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is
now the conventional wisdom, while the anti-conspiracy commenters are
becoming a small, beleaguered minority."
The new study by Wood and Douglas suggests that the negative stereotype - a
hos... more »
Israel the 'apartheid state' (part 2)
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 9 hours ago
On Tuesday, the Jerusalem Police closed the Temple Mount to Muslim and
Christian visitors in an effort to prevent clashes between different
religious groups.
The closure order came during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when many
Muslims pray at the Dome of the Rock on the site.
Muslim and Christian MKs attempted to enter the compound Tuesday morning,
but police prevented them from doing so.
How utterly disgusting, where are the protests from the United Nations and
the anti-Israel protest groups? This is typical of the 'apartheid state of
Except I changed the wordi... more »
Siobhain McDonagh and the Social Contract
Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 9 hours ago
Silly season arrived early in the Commons yesterday. No, I'm not talking
about the weekly farce that is Prime Minister's Questions but rather
Siobhain McDonagh's Bill introduced under the 10 Minute Rule. You see, what
the member for Mitcham and Morden would like to do is make access to social
security dependent on being on the electoral register. The reasoning is
simple. The right to mine, yours or anyone else's access to support in hard
times is conditional on your fulfilment of social obligations. In
Siobhain's case, this should include being registered to vote. She argued a
refo... more »
The Battle for Egypt's Soul: Why Morsi Was Doomed From The Start
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
*Morsi was not a revolutionary figure. He did not express the soul of
Egypt. The defeat of his administration first came in the court of public
opinion, so it cannot be attributed solely to actions taken by the military.
"Islamic revivalism in Egypt, then, was counterbalanced and tempered from
its inception by the ascendant forces of liberalism and nationalism, which
steered the country on a modern path, starting with Muhammad Ali and
continuing during the British rule (1882-1922) and after independence under
the monarchy. The monarchic period (1922-1952) ushered in liberal
con... more »
Israel the 'apartheid state'
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
Israel announced on Tuesday new rules to grant some rights to foreign
domestic workers, but stressed they must "respect" Judaism and "obey" their
Labor Minister David Finkelstein said that the maids must respect "Judaism
and its teachings... and obey the orders of the employers and their family
members concerning getting the agreed work done."
A domestic worker "does not have the right to reject a work, or leave a
job, without a valid reason," he added in remarks carried by the official
JNA news agency.
How despicable is that? Why are the United Nations and the OIC n... more »
Snowden Did What He Believed Right
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

In the end, Snowdon looked at the blood on his hands and asked the
inevitable question demanded by Nuremburg. The State cannot absolve you of
guilt for committing crimes against its citizens simply because someone at
a higher pay scale authorized it. His answer was to throw his career and
life to the winds and come clean. This was his patriotism.
Now we might begin to confront the problem politically with hard evidence
in hand rather than a litany of official denial. That the majority of
Americans agree today is stunning and a clear measure that the American
people are... more »
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

There are few things about the human condition or its institutions that
can be considered admirable. Recognition of the status of saint is one
such towering exception that has marched through time to confront every
human failure of both the church itself and humanity in general. It is
everyman’s admonition to do better.
That the Catholic church has taken up this institution with serious
enthusiasm with the reign of Pope John Paul II is something to be grateful
for and the proper answer to those who have glorified a whole hjost of
contemporary leaders including many of ... more »
Prevent Disease News - CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine!!!
Mike Philbin at PROGNOSIS II - 11 hours ago
according to the Prevent Disease news website,
*CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span
When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus
The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached
here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more
doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a
proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing
polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million
Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.
SV40... more »
Lake Vostok Teems With Life
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 11 hours ago

This gives us realistic time capsule that is around fifteen million years
old that has also preserved a large range of life forms that we can now
compare to the extant suite. It is likely our only good chance to do this
and it is certainly welcome.
The time gap is also good enough to generate viable conclusions regarding
such things as DNA change that we would both like to know comfortably and
have a clean standard to work against.
I am not surprised that it is teeming with life either.
*Antarctic Lake Vostok buried under two miles of ice found to teem with
... more »
The Day the Earth Exploded?
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 11 hours ago

I simply do not think so. Any moderate accumulation will quickly cook
off. And yes we do have shallow georeactors that did cook off. So relying
on nuclear energy to do much besides heating the core is not reasonable.
I am more inclined to accept that the accumulation developed two centers
and that the moon had a large enough nucleus to force assembly and to scour
the surrounding space. We suffer from a lack of a decent comparable.
It may also have come about during the calving of Jupiter as an oversized
unbalanced planet that then shed the moon. The plum pudding ... more »
Is this taking the piss?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 11 hours ago
I read all over the news media that scientists at the Bristol Robotics
Laboratory, part of the University of the West of England have developed a
way to charge mobile phones by using human urine. Apparently this team has
been working for on their version of the microbial fuel cell (MFC), an old
concept that has never quite become commercially viable. MFCs use bacteria
to break down organic material and so create power. The bacteria need the
right food to generate a usable amount of electricity, and the Bristol
Robotics team think that human urine is a possibility, either that or that... more »
THE FIFTH ESTATE - Cumberbatch as Assange - 'feigning' the flames of war
Mike Philbin at PROGNOSIS II - 11 hours ago
so, let's see how Dreamworks SPIN this 'biopic' i.e. which political brush
are they going to use to paint The Wikileaks (betrayal) Story, and how will
the content of the 'narrative' relate to the Swedish-extradition threat
currently detaining Mr Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London?
*incidental music to this trailer sounds a little bit like 'spiegel im
spiegel' by arvo part*
Oh, dear, this film is described by Erin White of Clevver Movies as*"feigning the flames of war,"
* according to Assange: one thinks she meant 'fanning'.
Where do we go from here, as a race?
Mike Philbin at PROGNOSIS II - 12 hours ago
Knowing what we know about the 'usefulness factor' of any given patent
"In other words, if it doesn't work, it cannot be issued a patent."
* Knowing what we know about the criminality of the Corporate War Machine
Knowing what we know about the Religious Wars and Crusades that have ruined
this planet, the invasions based on faith and the victimising of innocent
indigenous tribes in Australia, Africa, America and more recently the
Middle East...
Where do we go from here, as a race?
Your moment of Zen
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 12 hours ago

Brugge, Belgium. [George Marinelli photo]
Subsidy Megadeals Out of Control Since Great Recession
Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 12 hours ago
The recent Good Jobs First report Megadeals is the most detailed
compilation to date of the largest economic development incentive packages
ever given by state and local governments. Defined as incentive packages of
$75 million or more in nominal value, these deals have multiplied in both
number and value in recent years as governments compete for a smaller pool
of large investments.
Starting with Pennsylvania’s 1976 $100 million deal for Volkswagen, the
report details 240 megadeals through May 2013. The total cumulative amount
of the deals comes to $64 billion. The report uncove... more »
New miraculous ways how F-theory achieves gauge coupling unification
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 12 hours ago
F-theory phenomenomenology has been described in dozens of TRF articles,
e.g. these.
Initiated by Vafa et al. less than a decade ago, this formally
12-dimensional approach to particle physics combines some of the fanciest
higher-dimensional stringy geometric methods with those of braneworlds to
make predictions in which particle physics is somewhat naturally
"decoupled" from the four-dimensional gravity and in which the properties
of particle physics are somewhat different and thoroughly geometrized as
(often degenerate) eight-real-dimensional complex shapes.
Today, an interesti... more »
CN Rail, Ghost Trains Traversing Ghost Bridges, Corporate Greed Exposed
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 12 hours ago
For at least a decade we have been hearing big industry talk about the
looming labour shortage coming at us, how millions of workers are going to
be needed, we here at The straight Goods have been skeptical to say the
Propaganda, industry propaganda, if big corporations told us the truth
would we as a population put up with their crimes, environmental crimes,
accounting fraud, every time I read a paper the story is about industry
shedding jobs in the name of efficiency, I believe industry has taken this
route, the route of glorious employment opportunities, millions of wo... more »
#Ashes: Rules versus principles
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 13 hours ago
Sporting contents do have important philosophical lessons to teach us.
After Australia’s failure in the first Ashes test, and with many
Australians blaming English batsmen Stuart Broad for not “walking” when he
knew he’d knicked the ball for a catch, this tweet was doing the rounds:
[image: Stuart Broad walks into a bar...]
Naturally, since the incident, sporting forums have been all ablaze
debating the choice to walk, or not to walk when you know you’re out—and
whether on that basis you're a cheat, or not a cheat.
I liked this comment that appeared on a post at the Footy Almanac.... more »
Bill Press: Stupidest Punditry Of The Week
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago

When I was president of Reprise Records I hired a guy to be the first
online promotion man in the music business. People thought it was the
funniest, kookiest thing they had ever heard. Online was just some silly
gimmick that would never take off. The reaction was as if I had hired
someone to be a promotion man for Mars, Venus and the moon... you know,
just in case. (The guy I hired eventually went on to help develop iTunes
for Apple.) But at the time, everyone was laughing. Still, all the trade
magazines handled it delicately; no one was mean or disparaging at all.
That's because... more »
Adam Gopnik on Christian Writers and Liberal Readers
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 14 hours ago
*Wikipedia:* "Adam Gopnik, (born August 24, 1956) is a Canadian-raised
American writer, essayist and commentator. He is best known as a staff
writer for The New Yorker—to which he has contributed non-fiction, fiction,
memoir and criticism."
Adam Gopnik on Christian Writers and Liberal Readers. Source: TVOBigIdeas.
Date Published: July 13, 2012. Description:
Adam Gopnik, staff writer for The New Yorker magazine, discusses W. H.
Auden, William Emerson and Lewis Carol in a lecture entitled, The Morning
Star is the Evening Star: Christian Writers and Liberal Readers.
"We are drawn t... more »
My legacy of dunces #highered
Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 15 hours ago
I am on the edge of leaving higher education. It chewed me up and spit me
out. Or was it vice versa? I can’t remember. But it doesn’t matter. Higher
education, public institutions especially and teacher preparation more
specifically, is not interested in saving itself. Or, it is perfectly
willing to offer up an arm […]
Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Herman Wallace, California Hunger Strikers and the Horror of Solitary Confinement
angola3news at Angola 3 News - 15 hours ago

*(PHOTO: Herman Wallace, without leg irons, using an exercise bike,
following his recent transfer from solitary confinement. Herman wanted to
show supporters he is fighting to survive. Photo by*
*Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Herman Wallace, California Hunger
Strikers and the Horror of Solitary Confinement*
*By Angola 3 News*
Last month, we were devastated to learn that the Angola 3’s Herman Wallace
had been diagnosed with liver cancer, and that he was continuing to be held
in isolation in a locked room at Hunt Correctional Center's prison
infirmary. Reflecti... more »
Special Correspondent : Rag Blog Editor Dreyer Has Alleged Birthday!
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
graphic by James Retherford / The Rag Blog.
Unprecedented development:
Dreyer has another birthday!
Rag Blog editor Thorne Dreyer's alleged 'birthday' event to be held
Friday, August 2, from 6-9 p.m., at Maria's Taco Xpress, 2529 S. Lamar
Blvd in Austin.
By Our Special Correspondent / July 18, 2013
AUSTIN, Texas -- In a surprising development, usually reliable sources
close to
Jason Brodeur - Sanford FL Rep is an ALECer
2old2care at Because I Can - 16 hours ago

Not only is he from Sanford.
Not only is he an ALEC member.
He was on the task force established by Governor Snot right after the
murder of Trayvon Martin to review the “Stand Your Ground” law.
Brodeur didn’t ask to be on the task force. But he readily agreed to it
when Weatherford called, he said.
Having an ALECer on that task force was like having a fox guard the
The conclusion of the task force:
"If the only alternative to an altercation is a duty to retreat, that gives
more rights to the assailant than to the victim," said Rep. Brodeur. "So
we determined that it wa... more »
Auckland is stuffed.
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 16 hours ago
AUCKLAND IS STUFFED—if her mayoral candidates for the coming elections are
any guide.
For many years, in election after Auckland mayoral election, it was a sure
guarantee of victory to come out with no policy platform at all beyond the
single plank: “Vote for me, I’m not the other bastard.”
It’s worked for years: Les Mills was elected on the basis of little more
than *not *being Catherine Tizard. Christine Fletcher was elected on the
single platform of not being Les Mills. Following which John Banks was
elected on the basis of not being Christine Fletcher, Dick Hubbard was
electe... more »
Egypt in Crisis: Ben Wedeman's View
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 16 hours ago
Egypt in Crisis: Ben Wedeman's View. Source: NewsBBC003. Date Published:
July 17, 2013. Description:
CNN Senior International Correspondent Ben Wedeman talks about his
experiences covering the Egyptian crisis.
There is No Room for a Conscience in Diplomacy
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 16 hours ago
*Video Title: There is No Room for a Conscience in Diplomacy. Source:
carnegiecouncil. Date Published: June 4, 2013. Description*:
Independent Diplomat executive director Carne Ross describes the moral void
of the British diplomatic service.
May 21, 2013. For complete audio and transcript, go to:
"Indeed, as a diplomat working for a government, you are not particularly
encouraged to be questioning or self-doubting about the message that your
government is transmitting to the world. Indeed, such is the kind of
ov... more »
Any Bad-Ass Teachers Out There Want to Make Some Noise July 25?
Jim Horn at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 17 hours ago
Matt Taibbi described the Wall Street investment bank, Goldman Sachs, as
”a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly
jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” On July
25, some of Goldman’s fellow squid, along with another handful of New York
City’s 70 billionaires and a few dozen of […]
Mayor Grumpy sends a signal to a city councilman who hasn't signed on to his police city-state
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 17 hours ago

*Queens City Councilmember Mark Weprin has found himself in Mayor Grumpy's
*"The mayor is putting his money where his mouth is -- or at least he's
threatening. Bloomberg, in this situation, sees the people that voted for
this bill as his enemies, so he's screwing them."*
*-- Baruch College political science professor Doug
Muzzio, to's Colby Hamilton*
*by Ken*
So tell us, Professor Muzzio, this kind of strong-arming of a city
councilmember ("Bloomberg Scouted GOP Candidates to Oust Weprin After
Stop-and-Frisk Vote") is a pretty common thing, right?
Maybe no... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 17 hours ago
Today is the final day of the conference in Manila. It's been a very good
event and I've met some great folks and learned alot. The Ban the Bases
Now movement is strong around the globe as it takes on the important task
of dismantling empire. All the activist stories from various countries
began with US corporate attempts to control land and resources. Peasants
in the Philippines lost their lands to the building of US bases many years
ago. Then they forced the US to close its bases in 1991 - a great victory
for national sovereignty.
But the US is coming back. In a local pap... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Voter Suppression is Republican Hallmark
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 17 hours ago
cartoon by John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune. Image from
Voter suppression is a hallmark
of today’s Republicans
If it took nearly 100 years to assure racial fairness in voting under
law, then it might take longer than 48 years to remedy that problem in
actual practice.
By Lamar W. Hankins /
The Rag Blog / July 17, 2013
I have never seen a modern definition of
Dying in the desert in Maricopa County, Arizona at CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
of migrants in Sonoran Desert/Photo Brenda Norrell
In one of the hottest desert regions in the US, migrants continue to die
of dehydration, in an area where US Border Patrol agents have failed to
respond to calls for help.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
July 17, 2013
The fact that the US Border Patrol is leaving migrants to die in the
desert south of Phoenix was exposed in the
End compulsory education
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 19 hours ago
As Mark Twain once observed, he never allowed schooling to get in the way
of his education. Sadly, today, he wouldn’t have the choice.
Edward Cline points out that today’s compulsory factory schools are
frequently so poor that if the inmates acquire any real-world "smarts" at
all, “it is only after they have left school and escaped the brow-beating
cajolings and ministrations of teachers dedicated to indoctrinating
students to become selfless, tolerant, non-judgmental, and self-sacrificial
‘good citizens.’”
Yet there is a move to end compulsory state-sanctioned schooling to allow... more »
Irish Infantry to Golan. Israel everywhere. Samantha Power grovels & more
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 19 hours ago
*Time for another news round up. Let’s see what I was able to corral ? *
*Going long *
I can't get over how often Ireland comes up in relation to the
destabilization of the Middle East.
They seem an odd affiliate on the surface, but, scratch just a bit
*Irish troops are going to Golan as part of UN force*
*Does anyone find that odd? Suspicious? You should*
[image: The Quneitra border crossing between Israel and Syria, as seen from
the Israeli side of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last week. A
Government spokesman said the Irish troops would be acting in an o... more »
Black man confesses to killing a little six year old girl by repeatedly stabbing her and stuffing her body in a garbage can...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 19 hours ago

*where the hell is the outrage for this little girl from Sharpton and
Jackson? *
Perhaps it doesn't fit their narrative.
This POS also babysat her in the past and is being investigated for sexual
battery of an 11 year old.
Story *HERE *
*Matthew Flugence*
The little girl Ahlittia North:
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 19 hours ago
Luke Rudkowski talks to Mark McGowan, the Artist Taxi Driver about the
various projects he has done over the years. Mark begins with a story about
a trip to America where he crawled through the streets of NYC on
President's Day with a George W. Bush mask on and a sign that read "Kick My
Ass." Mark discuss his views on using art and direct action instead of
protesting as a way to make people think.
Obama administration drowning in lawsuits filed over NSA surveillance
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 19 hours ago

AFP Photo / DPA / Angelika Warmuth / Germany out
Obama administration drowning in lawsuits filed over NSA surveillance
Get short URL Published time: July 16, 2013 17:39
Edited time: July 17, 2013 10:26
Attorneys for the Electronic Frontier Foundation have sued the Obama
administration and are demanding the White House stop the dragnet
surveillance programs operated by the National Security Agency.
Both the White House and Congress have weighed in on the case of Edward
Snowden and the revelations he’s made by leaking National S... more »
RT.COM: NSA is more than just a spy network, it’s global fascism
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 20 hours ago

AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards *
* *
* *
* *NSA is more than just a spy network, it’s global fascism*
*Patrick Henningsen is a writer, investigative journalist, and filmmaker
and founder of the news website*
July 16, 2013 13:46
Despite the size and scope of Edward Snowden's NSA whistleblowing, there's
little sign of Washington DC changing its practices, and even less of an
indication that any of its European allies will actually hold it to account.
Germany Flip-Flops
Germany’s chan... more »
Green anti-fracking hysteria “accompanied” by hysteria
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 20 hours ago
RADIO NZ: “The Green Party says international research which suggests large
earthquakes can trigger swarms of tremors near fracking sites, strengthens
its calls for a moratorium on the oil and gas drilling technique. An
article published in *Science* magazine has found fracking, which involves
forcing large quantities of toxic chemicals into rock, has been accompanied
by an increase in quakes that are triggered by distant seismic events…”
That’s some very careful wording there—to say that “fracking … has been
accompanied by an increase in quakes that are triggered by distant seism... more »
Beyond Thunderdome, Bring On Nuclear Power
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 20 hours ago
I have been attempting to show how British Columbia`s BC Liberal Government
forecast of riches beyond our dreams coming from fraccing and exports to
Asia is but a fantasy tale being told by false prophets...
And I believe that case was made.....So far The Straight Goods has avoided
the Environmental arguments against fraccing, and they are well documented
and compelling....That story needs to be told
Let`s start with this..part 1
part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
I have talked recently about Japan restarting their nuclear facilities, and
as much as tha... more »
Talking Academic Journals: Online Fora
Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 20 hours ago
At the end of May I posted the Georgetown-anchored bid for International
Studies Quarterly that provides a roadmap for what we intend to do with the
journal. I also briefly discussed the online model we’re developing for
International Studies Quarterly Online, an effort under the capable
supervision of PTJ. And yes, we might need a better name
Continue reading
Peace Education and the #commoncore. Friends?
Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 21 hours ago
I was invited to speak on a panel at a Peace education summit at American
University’s School of International Service. Along with two panelists from
the Office of the State Superintendent of DC, who spoke about recent
anti-bullying legislation, my role was to give a broader perspective on the
Common Core State Standards. In order […]
The Reactionary Mania To Destroy Social Security Continues Unabated-- Since The 1930s
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago

Social Security is the most popular government program in the history of
America. But elites have always hated it and have always tried to undermine
and destroy it. We can't kill the elites but we must stop them from killing
Social Security. Before Paul Ryan began clamoring to cut Social Security,
mainstream Republicans had been too scared to touch the "third rail" of
American politics. By even taking their crackpot right-wing schemes
seriously, Obama has helped them make Social Security less of a third rail.
Every Republican and every Democrat who threatens Social Security should ... more »
B37, 42 and 44
jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 21 hours ago

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)
I saw *42*, the movie about Jackie Robinson, for the first time last
night. And in the scene where Robinson gets to Florida for the first time
just before spring training where he tries out for the Montreal Monarchs,
Sanford is mentioned. Sanford, in real life, is where Branch Rickey had
situated Robinson, specifically in the home of an African American
community leader and when Sanford was mentioned for the first time, exactly
72 hours after the verdict came in, klaxxon alarms, understandably, began
ringing in my head.
... more »
The Evolution of Technology
What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 21 hours ago
Humans are the most sophisticated toolmakers in the family of life. We’ve
gone from stone hammers to hydrogen bombs. We’ve become so addicted to our
technology that we can no longer survive without it. If we eliminated
electricity, this way of life would disintegrate before our eyes, causing
many to perish.
Humans no longer sit in the pilot seat of our global civilization. The
autopilot runs the show. Our complex labyrinth of technology herds us
through a chute. It’s no longer possible to make sharp (intelligent)
turns, because the system has immense momentum and no brakes. ... more »
Vision Maker Media: Native American films funded across Indian country at CENSORED NEWS - 21 hours ago
represent Native voices from Arizona, California, Idaho, Nebraska, New
Mexico, Wyoming, and a couple documentaries will span coast to coast
Vision Maker Media AnnouncesPublic Media Content Fund Awards
Lincoln, Neb: Vision Maker Media announces ten, newly funded
documentaries as part of its Public Media Content Fund. Sixty-two
producers and public television stations
Herman Wallace Removed From Solitary: More humane conditions for Herman, one big step towards compassionate release
angola3news at Angola 3 News - 21 hours ago

*(Recent photo of Herman by*)
Last Friday, July 12, Louisiana’s Hunt prison reduced Herman Wallace’s
classification from maximum to medium security meaning Herman is no longer
being held in solitary confinement. He will stay in the prison hospital in
a 10-bunk dorm, with access to a day room, and won’t have to wear leg
irons. This was confirmed by visitors who saw Herman over the weekend and
who took this photo of him using the exercise bike. Herman wanted to show
supporters he is fighting to survive.
This is not enough. The call for Herman’s release continues wit... more »
The “Best and the Brightest” Point the Way Toward Test-Driven Reform
John Thompson at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 22 hours ago
It is hard to tell which is more revealing. Is it more shocking that 21st
century school reform has degenerated into an un-funny knock-off of
“Cheaper by the Dozen,” the spoof of the embarrassing scientific management
policy known as “Taylorism?” Or is it more disturbing that the essence of
accountability-driven reform is illuminated by “The […]
Khashoggi's Ship
Paul Coker at News Spike - 22 hours ago

Khashoggi's Ship is a song
Who said my party was all over, huh, huh,
I'm in pretty good shape,
The best years of my life are like a supernova,
Huh, huh, perpetual craze, I said that
Everybody drank my wine - you get my drift,
And then we took a holiday on khashoggi's Ship - well,
We really had a good good time they was all so sexy
We was bad, we was blitzed,
All in all it was a pretty good trip,
This big bad sucker with a fist as big as your head,
Wanted to get me, I said go away
I said kiss my ass honey,
He pulled out a gun, wanted to arrest me,
I said uh, uh, babe,
Now listen ... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 22 hours ago

*Susan Stewart, sitting on the Scottish Parliament Committee in 2010*
**Dr Susan Stewart* worked with vulnerable children, advising courts and
local councils on whether or not they should be taken into care.
Dr Susan Stewart was a government adviser on child protection.
Dr Susan Stewart was the manager of a 'child and family assessment centre'
for the top Scottish children's charity *Aberlour Child Care Trust*.
*She has now been charged with fraud over allegations that she falsely
claimed to be a medical doctor.*
*Child abuse expert charged with fraud over allegations she falsely ... more »
"The Brave New World of Big Data" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
* *
*"The Brave New World of Big Data"*
by Kate Epstein
"The Snowden leaks and ensuing debates about our government, big data, and
privacy have led to more Orwell allusions than I’ve heard in all of my
(admittedly post-1984) life. It’s hard not to compare the constant
surveillance of twenty-first-century America to the ubiquitous presence of
Big Brother in the prescient 1949 novel. And that’s not to mention the
doublethink involved in our never-ending war with an ever-shifting enemy to
keep the homeland safe (war is peace), our ballooning prison population, up
790% since 1980 (fr... more »
Three teen-agers have been in the news!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 22 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013*
*Multimillionaire moral cipher peddles Rachel Jeantel:* Here at THE HOWLER,
we aren’t bashers of Rachel Jeantel. We hope she goes on to live a long,
productive life.
Three teenagers have been in the news. She is the only one left.
One such teen is Jahar Tsarnaev, who graces the new cover of Rolling Stone.
Everybody said he was the sweetest kid going. He went off in a surprising
direction—although, in fairness, quite a few young people did violent
things in the 1960s in reaction to the war in Vietnam.
Tsarnaev has said that he was reacting to America’s w... more »
"Pathetic Fellow, My Country" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
* *
*"Pathetic Fellow, My Country"*
by Charles R. Larson
"In my naïve years—and they lasted until much more recently than I’d like
to admit—I could always rely on moral superiority. We’re better than other
countries. We’re democratic. We do things openly. For the greater good.
We’re all in this together. Not all of our elected leaders will do the
right thing, but most will, and their side will prevail. And the biggest
whopper of them all: in a crisis, we come together, we fix the problem. The
only truism that still applies? We have the ability (including the economic
might) to al... more »
Why the Senate Deal Is Worse Than They Should Do
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 22 hours ago
Right now, 24 hours plus after the Senate deal that averted a nuclear rule
change on executive branch nominations by a Republican surrender on several
current nominees...right now, there's a filibuster going on over an
executive branch nominee.
It's...oh, it's whoever is going to head the Export-Import bank.
A filibuster? Yup. There was a cloture vote this morning; forcing a cloture
vote is already a form of filibuster. And then Republicans are insisting,
as they did yesterday with Richard Cordray, to use at least a decent-sized
chunk of post-cloture time. And certainly not because ... more »
HAARP Facility Shuts Down
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 23 hours ago

*"NOW, only 25 more of these facilities to go...." *
*-Alfred Lambremont Webre*
*HAARP Facility Shuts Down*
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of
fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and
anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr
James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the
sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska,
has been shuttered since early May.
“C... more »
freetoteach at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 23 hours ago
No Excuses! Call your representatives.The message is here and it’s clear,
concise andstrong. Action Alert Dear folks: For the first time in 12 years,
a bill is expected to come to the floor of Congress to amend the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), currently known as NCLB. The Student
Success Act, introduced by Rep. Kline, […]
New Job
Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 23 hours ago
It's been a long time coming, but finally, three years after getting my
PhDan esteemed higher education institution (pictured) has given me a
job! I
am quite chuffed to be able to live up to the name - professionally
speaking - of this blog once again. So over the coming months don't be
surprised if a few changes of emphasis crop up here and there. Perhaps,
just perhaps, a bit more trouble-making and a little less soft-soaping
might creep in too. But who knows what the future holds? The long
every day might be enough to see dear old Bernstein get the promised
blogging tr... more »
James Bamford: NSA, US Space Command & the Global Brave New World of Surveillance
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 23 hours ago
* Henrik @ Red Ice Radio provide us with yet another great interview*
*Thanks Henrik!*
*James Bamford is an American author and journalist noted for his writing
about United States intelligence agencies, especially the National Security
Agency (NSA)*
Highlights? The information on Stuxnet. How it worked? How it got out?
And more. All those times I had mentioned the psychopathy of those we allow
to lead us..was demonstrated clearly with Stuxnet. The global calamity that
could have been caused by that?! I shudder.
The mention of Stuxnet, brings to mind, Fukushima and the often asked
qu... more »
Isn't it way past time for the "two minute hate" of George Zimmerman to be over?...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 23 hours ago

In the George Orwell world we now live in, George Zimmerman has become the
poster boy for hate by the fools on the left. In his novel *1984*, all the
people must gather together and watch a film depicting an enemy of the
nation and then express their hate.
*Within the book, the purpose of the Hate is said to satisfy the citizens'
subdued feelings of angst and hatred from leading such a wretched,
controlled existence. By re-directing these subconscious feelings away from
the Oceanian government and toward external enemies (which likely do not
even exist), the Party minimizes subvers... more »
The Global Diffusion of Bikeshares (I)
Adrienne LeBas at Duck of Minerva - 23 hours ago
Editor’s Note: This started off as two bullet points, but it’s morphed into
a surprisingly lengthy piece about Bikeshares. Blame the easy availability
of both picturesque bike rides and cheap wine in Western Europe. This is
the first installment; a second will follow. At the age of 19, I moved to
the Netherlands for a
Continue reading
Mohawk Nation News 'Idle No More Inc.' at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Posted on July 17, 2013
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. July 16/13. Idle No More was a grassroots Indigenous movement until
it got incorporated in January 2013. The owners are shareholders and
are now part of the foreign corporate grid structure that controls us
and our possessions. The settlers can become part of Idle No More,
decolonize themselves and help stop the genocide.
The Realist Report with John Friend
John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 1 day ago

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Dennis Fetcho,
host of *Inside the Eye - Live! *The Fetch and I will be discussing the
George Zimmerman case, the current situation in the Middle East, and his
blog *The Illuminatus Observor*.
Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past
"End of the Gold Correction?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "End of the Gold Correction?"*
by Bill Bonner
"Once again, a lazy day on Wall Street. Dow down a little. Gold up a
little. And bonds? It looks to us that the bond market has topped out. Some
sovereign yields are up as much as 45% in the last three months. But we’ll
have to wait – perhaps years – to see if the bond market has truly rolled
over. Meanwhile, gold looks more and more as though it has put in a bottom.
Gold has been rising for six days in a row. At writing, we’re almost back
to $1,300 an ounce. End of the correction in gold? Again, we’ll have to
wait to see.
But we... more »
VERSE / Larry Piltz : Spurred by Love
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
Lonesome cowboy, Kiev, Ukraine, 2009. Photo by Phil Douglis / PBase.
Spurred by Love
[For Buck Ramsey, Cowboy Poet Laureate]
On his last mount
the cowboy cries
a lonesome roller
and practitioner
of the riding
roping arts
also known
as its poet
laureate supreme
one late night
saying goodbye
please stay
won't you
sobbing alone
one more time
to bay at the soul
of the lifeless moon
Wind power
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
According to The National Grid:
The current capacity of wind power connected to the transmission system
that we forecast for is 5.5GW (Jan 2013). This capacity is expected to
continue to increase during 2013/14 and could reach 32GW of wind generation
capacity by 2020.
5.5GW, is that a lot?
UK Energy Watch reveal real time energy production:
BM Reports/NETA reveal similar figures
So Wind is managing to contribute 1.7% of the UK's power. That's a really
impressive return for spoiling so much of the British countryside, isn't it?
As I have said before - Coal, gas and nuclear power s... more »
Elizabeth Warren stands her ground
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
Go read Charlie Pierce for the elegant analogies on Elizabeth Warren's
inspiring appearance on CNBC. All I'm going to add is: every time I see her
do this stuff, I really wish *she* was our POTUS.
PAA DEMANDS End to High Stakes Testing and Privatization
freetoteach at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
***For Immediate Release*** July 17, 2013 Contacts Dora Taylor, (Seattle)
President, PAA -206-841-9613 Pamela Grundy (Charlotte) -704-806-0410 Julie
Woestehoff (Chicago) – 773-715-3989 It’s time for lawmakers to listen to
parents! National parent group reaches out to Congress on ESEA, demanding
less testing and privatization and more proven, effective reforms As the
U.S. House […]
The NLRB Court Case
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 day ago
I don't really have anything to add to this, but I was wondering about it
so maybe others were, too. SCOTUSBlog's John Elwood seems pretty confident
that confirmation of the new replacement will not derail the recess
appointment court case, scheduled to be considered by the Supremes in their
upcoming term (via Goddard).
It's worth a reminder that this is a pretty big deal of a case, too. The
lower courts took somewhat different positions, but the DC Circuit in
particular had an extremely radical decision which basically ended the
president's recess power; it ruled that practically a... more »
Justice for Christopher
Southern Man at Southern Man - 1 day ago
Person A, who is lawfully carrying a firearm, encounters person B. Shots
are fired and person B dies. The shooter claims that his actions were taken
in the necessity of self-defence; the victim's family claim that he was a
good person, gentle and harmless, who was minding his own business. The
shooter stands trial for murder and is aquitted. What happens?
If it's George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, all hell breaks loose.
But when the shooter is Roderick Scott, a black man, and the victim is
Christopher Cervini, a white man...crickets. No threats of riots in the
streets. No pastor... more »
Hostile and adverse witnesses
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
Canada Evidence Act:
9. (1) A party producing a witness shall not be allowed to impeach his
credit by general evidence of bad character, but if the witness, in the
opinion of the court, proves adverse, the party may contradict him by other
evidence, or, by leave of the court, may prove that the witness made at
other times a statement inconsistent with his present testimony, but before
the last mentioned proof can be given the circumstances of the supposed
statement, sufficient to designate the particular occasion, shall be
mentioned to the witness, and he shall be asked whether or... more »
Cross examination of own witness on prior statement
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
*McInroy et al. v. The Queen, [1979] 1 S.C.R. 588:*
Section 9(2) is not concerned with the cross-examination of an adverse
witness. That subsection confers a discretion on a trial judge where the
party producing a witness alleges that the witness has made, at another
time, a written statement inconsistent with the evidence being given at the
trial. The discretion is to permit, without proof that the witness is
adverse, cross-examination as to the statement.
The task of the trial judge was to determine whether Mrs. St. Germaine's
testimony was inconsistent with her statement to the... more »
Leading questions during examination in chief
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
*R. v. Muise*, 2013 NSCA 81 considers leading questions during examination
in chief:
[23] The law on the use of
leading questions during direct examination was reviewed by Charron J. (as
she then was) in *R. v. Rose*, [2001] O.J. No. 1150 :
9 A leading question is one that suggests the answer. It is trite law
that the party who calls a witness is generally not permitted to ask the
witness leading questions. The reason for the rule arises from a concern
that the witness, who in many instances favours the party who calls him or
he... more »
Maybe We Need an Enemies Registry
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago

Do you oppose/despise the Harper government enough that you would be
willing to be considered an "enemy"? That would be a tough one if only
Harper didn't already consider most of you his enemy... and you know he
Harper is wasting tax dollars tracking down would-be enemies. He's even
got CSIS involved identifying opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline.
It might be an idea to save the Canadian public all that money and simply
set up a registry where we could voluntarily declare ourselves enemies of
the Harper regime. Not the country, mind you, nor Parliament either. ... more »
Yes It's Hot But It Could Be Worse
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago

The extended famile in Ontario has been keeping me up to date on the
heatwave you're enduring back east. Hot and humid, day in and day out.
Makes me remember why I fled for the west coast 35-years ago.
Yet a cold front is on your way in the next couple of days, bringing some
intense storms but also relief from the heat. Other places aren't so
lucky, especially in the U.S. southwest.
In Nevada, *Bureau of Land Management* officials have been hauling hay and
water out to herds of wild horses. The trouble is, it's so hot, their
efforts aren't working.
* ...all BLM Districts ha... more »
La Cura al Diabetis esta en...
Abraham Ben Judea at Abraham says - 1 day ago

*Como ya se le habia mencionado a ustedes...La enfermedad de la diabetis se
origina de un desbalanse en la biotica intestifloral....*
*Solo un Rebalanceo de la flora intestinal ofrece la cura permanente contra
la diabetis....*
*Si su familia tiene pre disposicion a la diabetis como la mia le
recomiendo que busquen y consuman un product llamado INTESTIFLORA...Tengo
mas informacion sobre este product que es el unico en el mundo que contiene
los Pre-biotico y los Pro-bioticos...*
*Suerte si no me hacen caso...*
*Abraham Ben Judea*
Articulo traducido de La Sciencia Diaria
16 De julio d... more »
Wild Bill: Defying the "King" in the White House...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*six brave women thumbed their noses at the king and his evil minions.
And, trust me, they are pissed. *
Big journalists cling to their Standard Group Tales!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013*
*Andrew Rosenthal’s all-time classic groaner:* Incredibly enough, Andrew
Rosenthal is the editor of the New York Times editorial page.
Also, he may be the dumbest journalist on the planet. Consider what
happened on April 2, 2012, when the Times published a 4800-word account of
the killing of Trayvon Martin.
The story was still new to most readers. In its lengthy, detailed report,
the Times presented a boatload of new information. Among other things, it
established the time-line for George Zimmerman’s phone call to the police
dispatcher shortly before Mar... more »
Indulgences of the new millenium
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago

There was a time these went for big bucks, but now you can get your
forgiveness for nothing and your tweets for free.
In its latest attempt to keep up with the times the Vatican has married one
of its oldest traditions to the world of social media by offering
"indulgences" to followers of Pope Francis' tweets.
The church's granted indulgences reduce the time Catholics believe they
will have to spend in purgatory after they have confessed and been absolved
of their sins.
I'm not Catholic and I've never embraced the concept of the infalliable
Holy See, but this new pope keeps winni... more »
Rogue Superpower (It's US?) and The Blind Self-Absorption of Americans
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 day ago
If Edward Snowden is proving one thing, it’s this: in 2013, Planet Earth
isn’t big enough to protect the American version of “dissidents.” Instead,
it looks ever more like a giant prison with a single implacable policeman,
judge, jury, and jailer. From Tom at the Dispatch we learn most of the
facts ruling lives in the USA today, which will be news to millions (if not
over a billion). You
Buck McKeon-- Arrogant In His Corruption
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

You're not going to find anyone in Congress more corrupt than Buck McKeon.
True, there are quite a few *as* corrupt-- on both sides of the aisle-- but
no one is *more* corrupt. He's way up there in the top ranks of major
league criminals like John Boehner (R-OH), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL),
Joe Crowley (D-NY), Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, Fred Upton (R-MI)... the
real lowlifes who take special interest money to build their own power
while altering national policies and priorities. Boehner knew just what he
was doing by putting McKeon at the head of the House Armed Services
Co... more »
Doing the decent thing
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
Spot the difference time.
Here's Adam Withnall writing in *The Independent*:
Former health secretary Alan Johnson said there was “reluctance” in the NHS
to make its biggest mistakes public under Labour, while the party tabled a
motion saying the problems had got worse under the coalition “since May
Speaking to BBC Four’s Today programme, Mr Johnson said there was a
“resistance to recording harms - when something terrible happens even to
the extent of amputating the wrong limb”. He said it happened “very rarely
but nevertheless there was a reluctance to make this public”.
De... more »
When a Raven Comes Calling for Medical Attention
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago
A great video. A raven, fresh from an unfortunate encounter with a
porcupine, seeks out human help to remove the embedded quills. Seeing is
believing. Apparently the raven landed on a paddock fence and squawked for
an hour until the owners came out to see what was wrong. Just watch what
Lun Lun's twins - don't look much like pandas ... Yet!
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
The trouble with Obamacare
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago

From the GOP's perspective the biggest problem is Obamacare is working too
Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums
tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care
law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday.
State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are
at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New
York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000
a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance... more »
Mayor Stupid on transit: Clueless doesn't begin to describe it | #TOpoli @JoshMatlow
Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 1 day ago
Just in case there was any doubt left, this makes it obvious: he doesn't
have a fucking clue what he's talking about.
This is your boy, Ford Asspimple. Even with help from Nunziata and
Berardinetti, he still can't get his facts straight or stay on message.
That council is actually debating this again is enough to make me wanna
Sure, let's tear up the Master Agreement and bet a billion dollars on this
guy. Great idea.
*Related posts:*
- Just how fucking stupid are Ford supporters, anyway? | #TOpoli
- Via @cityslikr: #Fordfest, integrity, and the slow but steady foulin... more »
RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : Texas Law Prof Gerald Torres on Voting Rights, Affirmative Action & More
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
of Texas law professor Gerald Torres in the studios of KOOP-FM in
Austin, Texas, Friday, July 12, 2013. Photos by Roger Baker / The Rag
Rag Radio podcast:
UT-Austin law prof Gerald Torresjoins us on Rag Radio
We discuss the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on voting rights and
affirmative action, plus immigration reform, Atmospheric Trust
litigation, Native American
Are pundits inventing an all-white jury?
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013*
*Is this an emerging fact:* Fake facts emerge over time as pundits agree on
what they should say within their Standard Group Narratives.
In the past few days, we have started to wonder: Are we seeing the
emergence of a new fake fact? Are we seeing the invention of a new
claim—the claim of an all-white jury?
Dearest darlings! A lynch mob is running through the streets, declaring the
need for a new, all-improved *second* trial. The story gets a whole lot
better if that was an all-white jury!
On Monday’s NewsHour, Cristina Swarns of the NAACP simply asserted... more »
Martin v. Zimmerman: The media at its worst
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
One journalist admits he was wrong about the Zimmerman case. He actually
looked at the evidence rather than relying on left wing media reports. Will
the BBC do the same? I think we all know the answer to that question.
More here
IMF Report On Iraq’s Economy Sees Short-Term Growth, But Long-Term Structural Problems
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
In May 2013, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a short report
on Iraq’s economy. It predicted continued growth in the short to
medium-term, but warned of structural problems as well. Iraq is obviously
famous for its oil industry, which still has huge potential to expand. The
issue with the country’s economy is that there is little else to build
upon. The government also plays a dominant role with all its
inefficiencies, and that has a negative effective upon the business
environment. That represents the dichotomy of Iraq. Oil presents a huge
source of wealth, but it c... more »
CNN VIDEO: The Latest News Iraq Reconstruction Funds Wasted?
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
The Hidden Hammy Hand
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago

According to a puff-piece by Peter Baker in yesterday's *New York Times*, President
Obama's perceived weakness and helplessness at the dawn of his second
term is only a mirage. Behind the scenes, the latest spin has it, Barack is
strong-arming the critics and facing various crises using something
called the "hidden hand" approach. This is apparently a pivot from the
first term's *Leading* *from Behind* propaganda that excused drone strikes,
and is not to be confused with Adam Smith's *Invisible Hand* of the Free
Market -- although as a New Democrat, Barack is every inch the Wall
Str... more »
Palestinian people do not exist
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
I have posted articles quoting Zahir Muhsein and Yasser Arafat's words
previously. But the truth is always worth repeating, especially if it
forces the hate filled like @DD1958 to face up to the truth.
More here
'Way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an
interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member
Zahir Muhsein. Here’s what he said:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state
is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for
our Arab... more »
New Candidate for Weirdest Spam Ever
Catelli at Not Quite Unhinged - 1 day ago
is the entirety of an e-mail spam I received. No embedded HTML, scripts
or links. Just plain text.
Subject: Shark wrestler becomes most famous man from Nantucket
Shark wrestler becomes most famous man from Nantucket
The 24-year-old tussled with a shark over the weekend and has since
become the most famous man from Nantucket outside a limerick.
"I've been a fisherman my whole life," Sudal
At Least We Realize Our Government is Seriously Corrupt.
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago
Americans know their politicians are corrupt. Three quarters of U.S.
citizens surveyed by *Transparency International* viewed American politics
as "corrupt" or "very corrupt." That says something, nothing good, for
the self-proclaimed "greatest democracy on earth."
What was a bit surprising was that 62% of Canadians, along with majorities
of Aussies and Brits, also consider their governments corrupt. Most
western Europeans seem to be of the same mind.
24% of Canadian respondents claimed corruption has increased a lot over the
past two years, 29% say it has increased a little,... more »
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