Saturday, July 06, 2013

6 July - Blogs I'm Following II

Union soldiers guarding the Potomac River in 1...Union soldiers guarding the Potomac River in 1861. Behind them is the old Aqueduct bridge and Georgetown University on top of the hill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Increasing Irrelevance of the Keystone XL Debate

Last week President Obama unveiled a new plan to combat climate change in a speech at Georgetown University. While there is generally broad consensus that his comments further threaten the already battered US coal industry, his comments on TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project had pundits guessing at his meaning.

A Look at the Drivers of Deepwater Oil & Gas Exploration

Nearly 60% of world oil production is located in areas of high geopolitical risk, writes Lou Gagliardi. This is one of the major incentives for the major oil companies to explore for oil deposits in deeper and more remote waters.

 Oil Industry Declares War on E15


Climate science

A sensitive matter

The climate may be heating up less in response to greenhouse-gas emissions than was once thought.

Curry: less warming than predicted. Models seem wrong

Canadian politics just got turned upside down 

Mar 27  Fundamental to our understanding of democratic politics across the developed world is that conservative parties stand for relatively low levels of government spending, while those on the left of the political spectrum are prone to higher spending. A new study, released yesterday by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), blows a hole through that conventional wisdom.



10:12pm MDST

Are The Egyptian People Being Played As Suckers? US (And Israel) Are Playing BOTH Sides Of Egypt Coup!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 31 minutes ago
I have been watching the events unfold in Egypt over the last week, and I do not like what I am seeing... In fact, I do smell a rat.... There is absolutely no way in hell that the criminals in both the United States, and the criminal terrorist state of Israel would ever allow Egypt to slip from their grip.... It is a fact that these criminals replaced one puppet Hosi Mubarak a few years back in the last Egyptian "Arab Spring" revolt with another puppet, Morsi.... And now we see after two years of corruption in Egypt that the Egyptian people have had enough of another US/Israel boug... more »

Tulipanes rojos

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 48 minutes ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Imágenes de los planetas y el espacio

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 49 minutes ago
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Hermoso gatito de ojos azules

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 49 minutes ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Whitewraithe On Spingola Speaks Show With Deanna Spingola, Friday July 5th, 2013

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 57 minutes ago
My friend, Whitewraithe, was on Deanna Spingola's "Spingola Speaks" Internet radio show at, yesterday at 11am, CDT..... Lets just say it was a great show, and I am proud to have the link to that show right here for everyone to listen for themselves.... NTS Notes: Whitewraithe is definitely a wealth of information, and makes for a great guest....I know that Deanna will most definitely have her on again sometime in the future. And a bit of good news....Deanna Spingola has... more »

Casa abandonada con niño jugando

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 1 hour ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Gatito de color café

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 1 hour ago
*Ver más colecciones de imágenes*[image: Unirse a Banco de Imágenes en Facebook] [image: Seguir a Banco de Imágenes en Twitter] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por Rss] [image: Suscribirse a Banco de Imágenes por correo]

Tarsands Healing Walk Photos July 6, 2013 at CENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
The Healing Walk Begins July 6, 2013. Photo by Ben Powless Tar sands healing walk approaches first tailings pond after a prayer to the south. Photo Ben Powless / . Thank you Ben Powless, Mohawk, for sharing with Censored News!

Gator Grift

New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 hour ago
*Gator Grift? La. Hunting Trip Puts New Mexico's First Couple Under Fire ~Stephen Babcock, NOLA DEFENDER *

TV Watch: Food Network Star has often felt a bit wheezy in Season 9, it's still had its moments

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
*Easily the dopiest challenge of Season 9 of Next Food Network Star was Episode 4's "Dinner and a Movie," in which three-person teams not only had to create a dinner suitable for a genre of movie -- romance, Western, and musical -- but do a trailer for it. Team Musical (Rodney the pie man, Chris, and Lovely) sang, God help us. Click here for a preview of tomorrow's Episode 6.* *by Ken* In fairness, by Season 9 of anything it's apt to be a tough haul to find new things to do or new ways of doing things. There's no question in my mind that the first few seasons of what is known now ... more »

Road Weirdness

Way Way Up at Fort McMurray Adventures - 2 hours ago
I'm not sure if its the constant oscillation between sun and rain we've had the past few days or that its summer and some people's brains are in neutral but it seems like local overpasses have a bull-eye on them or something. It seems that some distracted genius in a big truck misjudged the height of the Suncor overpass and made contact with it with his load this morning. We had a similar incident earlier this year here in town as well. I haven't really heard any more on this little oops but it did result in quite the traffic back up on the ride in to work. There wasn't really m... more »

Chicago - In August

2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
*See you there!!!!*

Hospitals-- A Place People Go To Get Even Sicker?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
I'm sure many people think of hospitals as places to go to be cured of sickness. I always think of hospitals as places to go to die. And not just to die because medicine doesn't cure much of anything but die because hospitals all filled with disease so that patients who go to them are at risk of catching something unrelated to whatever brought them there in the first place-- and dying. Does that sound crazy? Thursday Reuters published a report from London that over 3 million Europeans come down with just such an infection in a hospital *every year*! That's 80,000 people a day, ev... more »

There Are More Things In Heaven And Earth, Than Are Dreamt Of In Your Philosophy

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 3 hours ago
I have submitted the following comment to the warning signs site of Alan Caruba, who asks if Edward Snowden is a spy or a hero: *The bottom line is that Snowden acted to protect the basic freedom of Americans to not be continually lied to by their leaders, and to not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure of even our personal communications. He should be a hero to real Americans, those who seriously value their individual freedoms, so carefully laid down at the very beginning of the United States of America. Insofar as you think the jury is still out on him, you have alread... more »

Tom Hayden : Does Egyptian Coup Auger an Arab Winter?

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 3 hours ago
Throngs in Cairo celebrate the military's overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, July 3, 2013. Photo by Amr Nabil / AP. An Arab winter? The coup in Egypt If Morsi couldn't create a new center, the reason might not have been because he was paranoid or heavy-handed but because there is for now no viable center as Egypt emerges from decades of dictatorship. By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / July 6, 2013 The

Margin call on US banks (or rather too-big-to-fail banks)

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 4 hours ago
* * *Margin call on US banks (or rather too-big-to-fail banks)* Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist & CIO, Saxo Bank Filed in Steen's Chronicle Denmark, Tuesday at 23:28 GMT-7 Recommend This week's biggest news is not the Nonfarm Payrolls (which will be 160,000 again), or the European Central Bank (which will not introduce quantitative easing) or even Portugal's government falling. No — this week's big deal is the openness with which the Federal Reserve is preparing a major margin call on the too-big-to... more »

One Lie Too Many for Sideshow Steve?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 4 hours ago
If the Mike Duffy scandal has shown us anything, it's how easily - and successfully - Stephen Harper and his minions lie. They've almost elevated lying to an art form. Perhaps it can be put down to hubris that follows years of watching one scandal after another magically slide off the prime minister's back into oblivion but the pattern of lying by just about everybody involved in this fiasco points to a culture of people who consider themselves beyond accountability. Duffy showed his contempt for accountability in the haphazard way he went about establishing Prince Edward Island r... more »

What Mattered This Week?

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 5 hours ago
I'm behind in my reading this week, so I'll just go with the jobs report as something that mattered -- not as far as electoral politics is concerned, but for the economy. For doesn't matter...well, a lot of the stuff about the ACA employer mandate delay is overstated. I don't know if it "doesn't matter," though. What does you have? What do you think mattered this week?

Never Was About Security - Only Control and Power (It's Obviously Offensive War Planning) and History of CIA-Boston Bombers Connection

So, even Digby is willing to say in the face of all-out administration denial that all the hurraw about security is really about the money (and the power that accompanies it), and that although this is understandable among this greedy crowd, that it really matters to the citizens paying for the privilege of having such leadership that the people in charge aren't deluded idiots (h/t to Barbara

Tennessee Using SAT-10 In 85 Percent of K-2 Classrooms for Teacher Evaluation Purposes

Jim Horn at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 5 hours ago
That’s right–high stakes testing is not just for kids who can read and count anymore. Commissioner (M. Rhee’s ex) Huffman is leading an effort to make sure that children in 117 of its 137 districts are provided funding to fully test before the onset of literacy. Had Huffman ever had a course in child […]

Egypt: Why Morsi Fell

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 6 hours ago
Oh, hello again Mr ElBaradei. It's been well over two years since I last wrote about Egypt. Since then, there's been a lot of changes. But in a rather peculiar way, things are the same again. A heavy-handed and out-of-touch presidency is toppled by a *de facto* alliance of a millions-strong insurgency and the military, and once again the mercurial Mohamed ElBaradei is prepared to act as an interim figure until things die down and elections are called. The only difference between this time and last is, unlike ElBaradei and his military friends, his predecessor - the hapless Mohammed ... more »

The Great Snuff Wars

theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 6 hours ago
July 6, 2013 Back in the summer of 1945, we spent the month of August with my paternal grandparents who, after retiring from their leased farm, had moved into a nearby town of 300 souls in southern … Continue reading →

My Common Core Compromise | the becoming radical

plthomasedd at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 6 hours ago
My Common Core Compromise | the becoming radical.

The Republican Fear Of All Things Womanish

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
*by Noah* No, this isn’t about The Republican Party’s continuing war on women, as recently exemplified in the neo-fascist states of Ohio, Texas, and North Carolina. It’s just something that recent events made me think about on this 4th of July weekend. It’s not about abortion rights per se and it’s not about the hate-filled Herculean pro-death, Republican efforts to stop uterine and breast cancer screening with sneaky late night anti-democratic state legislature maneuvers. No, this is something far more base and basic. It’s about what actually drives the evil of Republicans in bot... more »

El Baradei becomes Egypt’s Interim President

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago
*Tool of the ptb’s*. *Here comes the rebrand. * The filthy hand prints of NATO and friends..banksters, corporations and other assorted evil doers are all over this move * * *Nobel Peace laureate **( Just like Obama)* *Mohamed ElBaradei *took over as Egypt’s interim prime minister, a day after 36 people were killed in clashes involving Islamist supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi and his opponents. *ElBaradei, a former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency*, emerged as one of the leaders of the movement against President Hosni Mubarak during Egypt’s 2011 uprising ... more »

Peru and Bulgaria also seeing mass protests ! Are we seeing a global awakening ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 7 hours ago
Peru police clash with student protesters Police in Lima fire tear gas and water cannons to repel students demonstrating against proposed education law. Last Modified: 05 Jul 2013 08:59 [image: Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker] [image: Email Article] [image: Print Article] [image: Share article] [image: Send Feedback] Several injuries were reported in Lima and at similar protests in several provincial capitals. [Reuters] Police in Peru have used tear gas and water cannons to repel student protesters marching to the National Congress in the capital city. The demonstration on Th... more »

Damien Gillis Speaks To Truth, Those Opposed To Harper Economics Are Enemies Of The State!...You Will Be Persecuted, Prosecuted And Jailed

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 7 hours ago
(*The above picture, Stephen Harper`s name, and or the Federal Conservative party as a whole should be placed on the patient name line)* Damien Gillis speaks about the Stephen Harper crime family terrorizing Environmentalists, also how pipeline and LNG opponents are the new 21st century communists/reds under your bed, Joeseph Macarthy......Marcarthyism renewed ...... Click the link, click the audio link, listen to his words, be prepared to be shocked.. You have been warned! more »

Plane crash as San Francisco Airport - Asiana Airlines flying in from Taipei - most passengers seem to have escaped !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 8 hours ago Boeing 777 Crashes In San Francisco (2 Dead, Up To 70 Injured) - Live Feed [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/06/2013 16:36 -0400 - Boeing - NBC *UPDATE:* 2 Dead, *SF GENERAL HAS '10 TO 12' CRITICALLY INJURED FROM JET CRASH Just over an hour ago an Asiana plane inbound from Seoul, South Korea, crash landed at San Francisco airport. Given the images below, it is a miracle no one is reported dead (among the 291 passengers and 12 crew). An eyewitness noted: - **AIRLINER... more »

Adventures in responsible gun ownership

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 8 hours ago
Ye gods. Adam Kokesh is a bonafide crackpot: The libertarian activist Adam Kokesh who called for and then canceled an armed march on Washington uploaded a YouTube video on July 4 that shows him loading a shotgun in the center of Freedom Plaza, Washington, D.C, near the White House. In the video, Kokesh cryptically warns, “We will not allow our government to destroy our humanity. We are the final American revolution. See you next Independence Day.” You have to watch the video clip to appreciate the full scope of his insanity. This guy just exudes teh crazy. This of course is wild... more »

Syria updates - mystery blast at Syria government weapons depot in Latakia - missiles fired by whom ? Homs battle wages onward....Various on fighting elsewhere in Syria .... Syrian Opposition elects another leader....Politics in general involving Syria bogged down for now......

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago July 6, 2013 - 17:27 By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Erika Solomon ISTANBUL/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's fractious opposition elected a new leader on Saturday but rebel groups were reported to be fighting among themselves in a sign of growing divisions on the ground between factions trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian National Coalition chose Ahmad Jarba as its president after a close runoff vote that reinforced the influence of Saudi Arabia over a perpetually... more »

Canada sees a massive explosion today at Lac - Megantic as an oil train derails - 30 building destroyed m 1000 evacuations and 60 people missing at last report !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 10 hours ago
60 reported missing as runaway Canada oil train explosion forces town evacuation (VIDEO) Get short URL Published time: July 06, 2013 15:53 Edited time: July 06, 2013 17:47 [image: Screenshot from @Francois Rodrigue] Screenshot from @Francois Rodrigue Share on tumblr Tags Blast, Canada, Oil, Transport Four tanker cars of petroleum exploded in the east Canadian province of Quebec after a train derailed, leaving flames billowing hundreds of feet into the sky. Some 30 buildings were destroyed and 1,000 evacuated from homes. Local radio reports 60 missing. *“It's dre... more »

"The Last Of The Human Freedoms..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible." "A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, w... more »

Egypt - key updates of the day as Egypt hits Day Three of the Re - Revolution....

Catharsis Ours - 10 hours ago
Egypt - key items as the country move forward post- revolution.......... So is this a Re-revolution to the Coup/ Revolution now ? Death and injury count really starting to jump too .... Washington remains silent over Egypt coup Sat Jul 6, 2013 12:1AM 5 2 Supporters of the ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi carry a protester who was shot during clashes next to the headquarters of the Republican Guard in Cairo. The United States remains silent about the ongoing chaos in Egypt, ignoring clashes between opponents and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi... more »

space flight

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 10 hours ago
when you dream... dream big !

Tim Maudlin's right and (more often) muddled opinions about physics

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 10 hours ago
Vincent has asked me what I thought about an interview with philosopher of physics Tim Maudlin at 3:am, On the foundations of physics. Regular TRF readers remember Maudlin as the main villain in the 2011 story about Tom Banks and anti-quantum zealots which was ignited by a discussion at Preposterous Universe (well, it was at Cosmic Variance at that time). Yesterday, Maudlin mostly said the same wrong things as he did 1.5 years ago but let me discuss them again. At the beginning, he's asked why he became a philosopher. As an undergrad, he dreamed about kibitzing about the fundame... more »

The Villain ALWAYS Wore A Black Hat In The Old Vintage Western Movies .....

leftdog at Buckdog - 10 hours ago
[image: Progressive Bloggers] *Ladies and gentlemen .... I rest my case!!!!* *-Harper's version of events contradicted in court documents on Duffy scandal*

Muslim television channel fined after preacher of hate incited murder live on air - Telegraph

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 11 hours ago
' An Islamic television channel based in Britain has been handed a heavy fine for broadcasting a programme which urged Muslims to commit murder in the name of their religion. Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator, ordered Manchester-based DM Digital to pay an £85,000 fine for a programme which told Muslims it was their duty to kill anyone who insulted the Prophet Mohammed. ... Rehmatul Lil Alameen featured a live lecture by Abdul Qadir Jilani, an Islamic scholar, which included material that Ofcom considered was "likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or to lead to dis... more »

Is David Brooks a Racist?

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 11 hours ago
That's the question being asked throughout the blogosphere (you can start here, here, here) today in the wake of the latest blather from David Brooks of the *New York Times*. (Google *David Brooks + Racist* and you get 1,660,000 hits.) What has people so riled up this time is that in his latest column, he shockingly calls into question the "mental capacity" of Egyptians to govern themselves. I have sometimes wondered why more people haven't constantly and relentlessly called him out for all kinds of bigotry long before this latest effort. The simple answer is until fairly recentl... more »

Forget Peak Oil, Peak Water is the Greater Threat to Mankind

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago
It's a problem so widespread, so obvious, so immediate and so perilous to so very many people in every corner of the world that it speaks to the paralysis of our political leadership that they have all but ignored it. It is what's now being called "*Peak Water.*" Anyone who has listened to the warnings from people like Maude Barlow over the past many years knows that the freshwater crisis setting in around the world is a threat to our civilization that rivals that of climate change itself. Some nations are nearing *Peak Water, *the point at which their supply of freshwater is i... more »

Midterm Report: The Best and the Worst Democratic Freshmen

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
Time to grade the Democratic freshmen-- or at least to pick out the 10 best and the 10 worst. Which ones lived up to what Alan Grayson laid out in his little monologue above? And which served the interest of careerism and corporate special interests above the interests of their own constituents? Short version-- for people in a hurry-- here are two lists (alphabetized), the 10 best, followed b the 10 worst: *THE BEST:* *•* Tony Cardenas (D-CA) *•* Matt Cartwright (D-PA) *•* Alan Grayson (D-FL) *•* Jared Huffman (D-CA) *•* Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) *•* Joe Kennedy (D-MA) *•* Alan Lowe... more »

the context

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 11 hours ago

The Grand Old Vagina Party (The GOVP - Rich Old White Guys) Continues To Pretend About Minority's Babies And Continues Their Obsession With Vaginas

Big Dan at Big Dan's Big Blog - 11 hours ago
*The biggest bullshit story of all-time: REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS CARE ABOUT ABORTION.* (Above: *6 rich, old, bald, male, white wrinkly Republican penises and 12 shriveled balls and wrinkly ball-sacks from Ohio* "PRETEND" to care about the "sanctity of life" by signing some more VAGINA LEGISLATION. It's ALWAYS wrinkly old penises and balls who propose vagina legislation.) Let's all stop pretending that Republican politicians care about babies and the "sanctity of life". This is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, bullshit stories I and everyone else have been brainwashed with s... more »

DAZED MEETS CONFUSED: Pesudoliberal contempt!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*SATURDAY, JULY 6, 2013* *Part 5—Our big TV stars don’t care:* Imagine a primitive, preliterate society, one in which it is very hard to conduct the simplest public discussion. Rumors are easy to spread in this world. Misinformation is widely repeated. In many ways, you live in such a world. You plainly live in such a world when it comes to our public discourse about public schools and their infernal teachers. How is it possible that so many people have never head the simplest facts about the National Assessment of Educational Progress? The NAEP is widely described as “America’s r... more »

Gaia Portal: New Portals for Assistance in the “humanity to Hue-manity”

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 11 hours ago
* * * * *New Portals for Assistance in the “humanity to Hue-manity” *Conversion Process have Opened by ÉirePort New portals for assistance in the "humanity to Hue-manity" conversion process have opened during the 7-3 to 7-5 period. Such are aligned with new Higher Light influxes currently ongoing. Current portals also enable more facile communication with Inner Earth beings. No longer are such exchange portals limited to a few limited locations, eg., Shasta. Communication exchanges with Inner Earth beings will now occur readily, and often. Fabricated "Light Work" is being exposed... more »

Business As Usual in Egypt (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 11 hours ago
image source Stephen Lendman Days of street protests created illusory change. Everything changed but stayed the same. The pattern's familiar. Ousting Morsi assures same old, same old. Washington prioritizes Middle East control. It wants it unchallenged. It's the oil, stupid. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and other regional states have nearly two-thirds of proved world oil reserves. They have huge gas deposits. Egypt's the largest Arab country. It's geopolitically important. It supports America's imperium. US officials prioritize continuity. Michel Chossudovsky asked: "Was Washington ... more »

Painting Morsi As A Victim of A Coup Ignores The Bigger Picture

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 11 hours ago
Photo Source: Reuters. *"Should a regime fall without mass mobilization, it is defined as a victim of a coup d'état, usually by a military cabal."* - Ronald A Francisco, *"Collective Action Theory And Empirical Evidence."* Pg. 11. Published in 2010 by Springer. *Source*. Francisco is a *professor of political science* at the University of Kansas. He is also the author of *"The Politics Of Regime Transitions."* The same newspapers and media outlets that are lamenting the fall of Egypt's first democratically-elected president and charge that it was a coup did not care about the sa... more »

No Hope On The Jobs Front (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 11 hours ago
Dees Illustration Paul Craig Roberts * **After reading my account of today’s payroll jobs report, please proceed to today’s main article, “Lawlessness Is The New Normal.”* Do you remember the promise of the New Economy that was going to replace the lost “dirty fingernail” manufacturing jobs with innovative highly paid New Economy jobs? Well, the promise was just another deception from the elites who have stolen Americans’ future. For the umpteenth consecutive month and year, the June BLS payroll jobs report (released on July 5) shows that the US economy has created no such jobs. T... more »

What's Next in Egypt? (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 11 hours ago
image source Stephen Lendman Morsi's out. Junta power rules. Generals have final say. Democracy's verboten. Popular interests don't matter. They never did. They don't now. What's next? Headlines said Egyptians celebrated Morsi's ouster. Fireworks lit up Cairo's sky. On February 12, 2011, jubilant crowds reacted the same way. Millions hailed Mubarak's removal. People overthrew entrenched power, they believed. Hoped for change didn't follow. So-called Arab spring didn't bloom. It wasn't meant to. Expect nothing different this time. Wealth, power and privilege alone matter. It's de... more »

Largest Sunspot In Cycle 24 Emerges: Chance Of X-Class Flare Increases Dramatically (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 11 hours ago
Chris Carrington The southeastern section of the Sun is covered with a large dark blotch. Sunspot AR1787 is one of the biggest if not the biggest of the whole of cycle 24. The spot is massive; the dark cores of the spots alone are the size of the Earth and it has the energy to produce X-Class flares, though that magnetic field is still building and is nowhere near its full potential yet. The magnetic field will continue to build in strength and this dramatically increases the chance of a large X-class flare. If an X-class was thrown off today, Earth would not be directly in the f... more »

Lawlessness Is The New Normal (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
image source Paul Craig Roberts In various articles and in my latest book, *The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism And Economic Dissolution Of The West*, I have pointed out that the European sovereign debt crisis is being used to terminate the sovereignty of the countries that are members of the EU. There is no doubt that this is true, but the sovereignty of the EU member states is only nominal. Although the individual countries still retain some sovereignty from the EU government, they are all under Washington’s thumb, as demonstrated by the recent illegal and hostile action tak... more »

storm clouds

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 12 hours ago

Have Central Bankers Lost Control? Could The Bond Bubble Implode Even If There Is No Tapering? (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
image source Michael Snyder Are the central banks of the world starting to lose control of the financial markets? Could we be facing a situation where the bond bubble is going to inevitably implode no matter what the central bankers do? For the past several years, the central bankers of the planet have been able to get markets to do exactly what they want them to do. Stock markets have soared to record highs, bond yields have plunged to record lows and investors have literally hung on every word uttered by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and other prominent central banker... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 12 hours ago
*Paul Schäfer Schneider, believed to be an Ashkenazi Jew and a Nazi.* The CIA and its friends use children's charities as fronts for their torture and terror activities. The charity* Colonia Dignidad *was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called *Paul Schäfer Schneider.* The CIA has evidence of the presence at the colony of Josef Mengele. *Villa Baviera* During the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, who was put into power by the CIA and various crypto-Jews, Colonia Dignidad was used as a torture centre. *"During the Pinochet rule, the person mostly in charge of the nuts... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 12 hours ago
Most people have no idea about the roots of the Nazis and their ties to the Zionists. Eustace Mullins Nazis Zionist conspiracy retank at RETANK

UK blocks EU espionage talks with US over spying.....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 12 hours ago
EU exposed as barking dog with no teeth ...... NSA leaks: UK blocks crucial espionage talks between US and Europe First talks to soothe transatlantic tensions to be restricted to data privacy and Prism programme after Britain and Sweden's veto - Share****854 - - - inShare16 - Email - Ian Traynor in Vilnius -, Friday 5 July 2013 09.36 EDT - Jump to comments (1115) [image: Barroso and Grybauskaite] José Manuel Barroso, the European commission president, and Dalia Grybauskaitė, Lithuania's president, have backed down from initial demands of two... more »

Veterans Today: “Game Over” for Morsi, Israel

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 12 hours ago
Opponents of Morsi hold protest rallies in Cairo on July 3, 2013. *I don't often publish articles from Veterans Today anymore once I figured out it was an outlet of US military Intelligence even given its links to Iran's Press TV (I know that's confusing but such is the world at this moment in time - if you think the world works like the TV News paints it - you'll be lost). VT has published some remarkable pieces on the middle east most of which I think were truthful, but discernment is always advised. As long as you know the bias there's good data in the web site. Similarly with... more »

BBC gets one of its facts on “Palestine” right | BBC Watch

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
'Historian: Well, it wasn't called any of the names we know it as today. It wasn't Syria and it wasn't Palestine, particularly. These were Western names, and Roman names sometimes, we used to refer to this part of the world, but at that time it was all just part of the Ottoman Empire.' You mean Palestine didn't exist under the Ottoman Empire? Has anyone told @DD1958? More here

Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers, Part Three (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
click to enlarge Rand Clifford One thing seeming most reliable for seekers of truth about Nikola Tesla: 90% of available information is disinformation, or misinformation. What’s more, Tesla’s greatest triumph is not only forbidden information, fully reproducing Aether capture Tesla style can be a PSQ capital offense. [1] Tesla could annihilate the stranglehold thrown on humanity by the Power Status Quo (PSQ). He showed humanity how to transcend the PSQ’s paradigm of destructive energy; the PSQ has responded for over a century the only way they know how, more destruction. Regardi... more »

41 IMF Bailouts And Counting – How Long Before The Entire System Collapses? (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
Michael Snyder Broke nations are bailing out other broke nations with borrowed money. Round and round we go - where we stop nobody knows. As of April, 41 different countries had active financial "arrangements" with the IMF. Sometimes they are called "bailouts" and sometimes they are called other things, but in every single case they involve loans. And most of the time, these loans come with very stringent conditions. It is a form of "global governance" that most people don't even know about. For decades, the IMF has been able to use money as a way to force developing nations ... more »

Booming Tear Gas Industry Continues To Lead Global Economic Recovery (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
*The Onion* Subscribe to The Onion's Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Obscured by the Coup in Egypt , Note that Bulgaria's government collapsed on Wednesday - due to protests by the people there !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 13 hours ago
Protests Sweep Bulgaria As Government Collapses Amid Chaos - Martin Mateev - in - World - 4 months ago - Mic this!22 - - 3228 - - - 100 [image: submit to reddit] 29 [image: protests, sweep, bulgaria, as, government, collapses, amid, chaos,] Protests Sweep Bulgaria As Government Collapses Amid Chaos The Bulgarian government was officially dissolved on Wednesday with the resignation of Prime Minister Boiko Borisov as thousands took to the street to protest against high electricity bills and declining living standards. The country, which joined th... more »

Independence Day primer - The wisdom of Mark Twain .... To the freedom " Desert of the Real " here in the US today.....

Catharsis Ours - 13 hours ago Mark Twain – America’s Spirit of Independence Day Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services18 <h2 style="background-attachment: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; background-image: initial; background-origin: initial; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-color: initial; border-left-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-style: initial; borde... more »

Hunger and Thirst Are the Primary WMDs of the Globalists (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
The Georgia Guidestones Dave Hodges The greatest conspiracy is the fiction that there are no conspiracies. Among those in the know, there is the prevailing belief that the elite intend to exterminate 90% of humanity, and have boldly proclaimed this belief on the Georgia Guidestones. Many of us mistakenly believe that the plan to cull the human race is some planned future event. The evidence is strongly suggestive of the fact that this slow-burn genocide is happening right now. It is not just happening in the Third World through the planned deprivation of food and water, it is beg... more »

What Might Have Been

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 13 hours ago
Commenting on my last post, PLG wrote thusly: Well, I don't have much to say about your "unpopular essays" so I haven't. I don't disagree, but I'm damned if I see a plausible way of fixing it. A new party? There are new parties. They get nowhere. And if they got somewhere, they'd just split the vote anyway. A new Waffle? Maybe. But to get anywhere, and present a real alternative, it would need to be connected to a strong grassroots progressive movement of some sort. . . . Um, yeah. Grassroots progressive movements in Canada (well, outside Quebec) are about as marginal as in the State... more »

Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
*James Corbett* Subscribe to Corbett Report's Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

State Demands $700,000 from Michigan Farm Family and the Destruction of 70 Farm Animals

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
David Michael [*Editor's note:* Over $10,000 has been raised to help the Baker family fight the motion for all farmers nationwide, with $14,000 left to go. It is encouraged by the author to consider donating $17.76 to make a statement. More ways to help below.] On this Independence Day we should be celebrating freedom and thankful for those who died, were injured and served in the military over the decades to keep the freedom we have. This is the thanks this 20-year military veteran has received from the Michigan state government and this is an example of those freedoms being... more »

New Study Confirms Wheat-Autism Link

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
Sayer Ji *As the autism epidemic continues to accelerate, one of the least well known contributing factors goes mostly unnoticed: wheat consumption. * A new study published in the open access journal *PLoS* is reinvigorating the debate over what are the primary causes of the accelerating autism epidemic. Whereas too many within the conventional medical establishment, failing to identify a singular cause, apathetically label the condition "idiopathic," i.e. cause unknown, or worse, "caused by unknown defective genes," there is a growing awareness that a multitude of environmental ... more »

Britain and Sweden block critical talks on espionage and intelligence between EU and US

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
image credit: EU Parliament/Flickr Madison Ruppert Britain and Sweden vetoed plans to launch two working groups to deal with issues of espionage and intelligence with the United States, thus restricting upcoming talks in Washington to issues of data privacy and the National Security Agency’s PRISM program. Instead of allowing two working groups to deal with the complex issues that have been raised in the wake of stories publicizing the United States’ surveillance of Europeans, especially Germans, there will be just one working group focusing on the PRISM program. Interestingly, t... more »

Economic Bizarro World: Persistently High Unemployment And Skyrocketing Bond Yields Are Good?

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 13 hours ago
Michael Snyder The mainstream media is heralding today's "fantastic" employment numbers as evidence that the U.S. economy is steadily recovering. But is that really true? The number of jobs created in June was just a little bit more than what is required to keep up with population growth, and the official unemployment rate remained at 7.6 percent. And if you look deeper in the numbers, they don't look very good at all. The percentage of low paying part-time jobs in the economy continues to rise, the number of full-time jobs actually *decreased* and the U-6 unemployment number ... more »

Happy Weekend...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*this is how I'm starting to feel.* By Bill Dyszel via Legal Insurrection In the meantime, I have the day off and weeds are calling out my name... And Saturday would not be complete without some kitteh's.

Going beyond various people against bad things

Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 13 hours ago
According to this, Ed Miliband apparently wants to investigate the possibility of maybe, perhaps, perchance breaking the formal link between the Labour Party and the unions. There is a world of difference between the unions breaking from Labour (i.e. a self-confident working class asserting itself) and the Labour Party breaking from the unions (the working class being isolated from mainstream politics). The most sensible reckoning is Miliband will look at a way of keeping Unite's money, just shrugging off all those nasty trade unionists who want a pro quo for their quid. An aside: h... more »

Marche Funèbre

gail zawacki at Wit's End - 13 hours ago
On Wednesday, an elderly couple (ages 70 and 69) won the lottery, restricted to 20 applicants daily, to hike to the famous rock formation in Arizona called The Wave. In order to protect the remote site, there is only a 10% chance of gaining access - out of 48,000 people last year, there were 7,300 allowed to make the treck. The pair were found dead the next day, the wife huddled under one of the few juniper trees. Naturally, the news article blames the heat, which reached 106 degrees - but, typical for deaths attributed to heat, doesn't mention the level of air pollution. This i... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 14 hours ago

Elevation Schmelavation

New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours ago
*FEMA releases new preliminary flood maps for area parishes ~WVUE* Find your Elevation above Sea Level *A Gulf of Mexico and an Eastern Atlantic Disturbance Worth Watching ~ Wunderblog* *NOPD review disputes IG over-billing allegations ~Laura Maggi, Advocate N.O.* *The TWERK guide to LGBQT employment discrimination in Louisiana, pt. 2: case studies* *Gay pride flag display at Lafayette park raises ire ~The Advertiser* *Good Government Saturday: CFGG Celebrates a Victory for Good Government and No-bid Contracts ~Slabbed* *Escaped BR zoo eagle eludes capture ~Advocate B.R.* *New Or... more »

Egypt Post - Coup Post Mortem - did the Army miscalculate by releasing Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Badie on Friday ( who then gave a fiery sermon at Friday morning prayers and urged Muslim Brotherhood to go into resistance and attempt to former deposed President Morsi ! ) By the end of the day , 36 killed and injured toll in excess of 1,000.... on the scene reporting and photos follow.....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 14 hours ago
Egypt Coup Post- Mortem Brotherhood, Army risk Civil War: 30 Dead, Hundreds Wounded Posted on 07/06/2013 by Juan Cole Egypt veered sharply toward the looming specter of civil war on Friday, as the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood continued to call for resistance to the overthrow of Muhammad Morsi, who had been the elected head of state before the army deposed him on Wednesday. On Thursday, the military had arrested the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badie, at Marsa Matrouh and brought him by ... more »

My Message to the Badass Association of Teachers

antiqueteacher60 at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 14 hours ago
Reblogged from Diane Ravitch's blog: I was uneasy with the name , but I got over it. The reality is that the Badass Association of Teachers fills a need. Teachers have been beaten up in the media, and have seen state after state strip away their academic freedom, their rights, their status in the community. […]

Seven More Songs for the Summer

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 14 hours ago
We've been here before. That seldom-seen golden globe is beating down from a clear sky and baking Britain to a crisp. It is the time of Pimms, sunburn, knotted hankies and utterly superb music. In this summer is unique among the seasons for demanding a soundtrack. And never one to be backwards about coming forward with my cultivated and stylish taste in all things electronic, here are seven more songs for the summer. Be advised: best heard loud. Sadly, no one does memes and tagging any more on blogs. *Sigh*, another casualty of social media. But to try and jumpstart thi... more »

Vaccination Causes Autism – Here’s What They Know…

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 14 hours ago
Autism is a form of vaccine injury image source Christina England For many years, parents have believed that multiple vaccinations have caused their children to become autistic. Governments from around the world, however, have categorically denied this possibility.They continue to bury their heads in the sand and ignore what is happening. They refuse to carry out relevant studies and will not answer any questions that may uncover the truth about vaccines. Their actions are clearly demonstrated in a video titled *AutismOne & Generation Rescue 2013 Conference Congressional Panel*, f... more »

New Wave of Mini Robots Has Arrived

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 14 hours ago
No name yet for this bot; see it in the video below ... if you can image source Nicholas West Beyond the economic debate of whether humans will officially be outsourced to robots -- or not (maybe by 2045) -- there is no question that the military-industrial complex loves the idea of creating robots that can serve the battlefield and beyond. Here are some of their current favorites. - PETMAN humanoid robot - Sand Flea jumping robot - Robobee - pollinator/surveillance - Cryo - robot jellyfish to patrol the oceans - Cheetah - designed to chase human prey (and now has ... more »

Cult of irrationality

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 14 hours ago
Dear "serious" news channel: This is not helping: On Friday, CNBC anchor Joe Kernen described climate science as a “bona fide cult” of “enviro socialists” in an interview with the former CEO of Shell Oil. The two of them yukked it up over this "foolishness." The CEO laments we're "not dealing with the real problems." I assume by that he means, his profit margin is simply not obscenely high enough yet. He'll never get that gargantuan bonus without it. It's not surprising CNBC would be in the pocket of BigBusiness but ye gods, they're working against their own self-interest when th... more »

A Progressive Continuum: Paying it Forward

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
by Cecil Bothwell Thanks to support from readers of this blog, and Glen Greenwald's endorsement, I was able to wage a credible primary campaign against our former Blue Dog Rep. Heath Shuler. Heath dropped out, we think in part because polls suggested we might win. But big money won the primary for Heath's deputy, who then went on to lose the General. That loss was due in at least some measure to NC redistricting that tilted this district to the right. Far beyond what that gerrymander did to Tar Heel representation in Washington, it bent the election for our General Assembly. Tea... more »

NC Tea Party Taliban Requires Health Teachers to Lie to 7th Graders on Later Effects of Abortion

Jim Horn at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 15 hours ago
That’s right. The bill passed both legislative bodies and is now on the Governor’s desk, who is expected to sign it–even though he promised during his campaign that he would sign no legislation on abortion. SB 132, AN ACT TO INCLUDE INSTRUCTION IN THE SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM ON THE PREVENTABLE CAUSES OF PRETERM BIRTH, INCLUDING […]

Jerome Keating Meet Up Sat 13

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago
*A thunderstorm brews above Wenzheng Lane, near Sun Moon Lake* Jerome Keating sends this around: Our next meeting is this coming Saturday, July 13, at 10 am. Speaker, Stephen Pilion Ph.D. of St Cloud State Univ. Topic: "Have you wondered what is going on with Labor Activism on either side of the Taiwan Strait?" Are things happening and if so what? Here is his background. Stephen Philion Professor of Sociology Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology St. Cloud State University Director, SCSU Research Group on Immigrant Workers ... more »

It's Happened Before

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
Documents released yesterday indicate that, contrary to what Stephen Harper says, there were more people than Nigel Wright involved in the pay off to Mike Duffy. Most interesting of all is the revelation that Senator Irving Gertsein, who controls Conservative Party funds, was prepared to pony up $30,000 to help Duffy pay his bill -- until Gerstein discovered that Duffy's tab was three times bigger than that. Paul Wells writes that this isn't the first time party money was used to try and make a problem go away: At the beginning of the campaign for the 2006 election, an Ottawa lawy... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago
Balls of flames shot several metres into the air after a train carrying crude oil derailed in the Quebec (Canada) town of Lac-Megantic early Saturday, sparking several explosions. Hundreds of people were evacuated in the community about 250 kilometres east of Montreal. "It's dreadful," said Lac-Megantic resident Claude Bedard. "It's terrible. We've never seen anything like it. Some of the train's 73 cars exploded and a fire that that could be seen for several kilometres spread to a number of homes. A large but undetermined amount of fuel also reportedly spilled into the Chaudiè... more »

Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt” -


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago
강정의 평화! 구럼비야 사랑해! from cho sung bong on Vimeo.


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago
At the 5:12 point in the video they have a really good illustration of how US drones flying over Africa are linked to satellites that connect AfriCom in Germany and US drone pilots back home. Really reenforces how satellites are ultimately the "triggers" that make drones work.

Revealed: BBC boss who landed £866k payoff and walked straight into another public-sector job | Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 16 hours ago
Public sector troughery at its finest. Read the Mail...

The cutest animal photo ever? Adult gorilla and baby duck

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 16 hours ago
A.A.Emmerson (@AAEmmerson) tweeted at 11:43 AM on Sat, Jul 06, 2013: That's it - i'm done - a gorilla with a baby duck (

Watch "Pro-Morsi Wahhabis Vow to Suicide Bomb Everyone Opposed to Them & to Set Christians on Fire" on YouTube

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago Oh Egypt, what chaos your way comes...


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 17 hours ago
{"version":"1.2.32","message":"Bitte beschreiben Sie das Problem so präzise wie möglich....","timestamp":1373108530457,"navigator":"mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.0; rv:22.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/22.0","iframe":"","href":"","media":[{"ID":"muqcaiwm","cat":"clip","file":[{"src":",hi,hq,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m","type":"application/f4m+xml","quality":"default"},{"src":" more »

The correct way to queue

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
Debbie Davies (@DebbieDavies) tweeted at 5:17 AM on Mon, Jul 01, 2013: "@DocHackenbush: OMG, you guys. We've been doing queues all wrong. THIS is how to queue:" ( Absolutely brilliant!

Chet Raymo, “The Incredible Potential of Unexpectedness” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
* * *“The Incredible Potential of Unexpectedness”* by Chet Raymo “The Jesuit scientist/mystic Teilhard de Chardin imagined what he called a "noosphere" (from the Greek word for "mind") as the next stage of terrestrial evolution- an envelope of pure human thought embracing the planet. This would be the inevitable result of human progress on a spherical Earth of finite surface area. We rub up against each other. We are stimulated by proximity. Railroads and airplanes extend the range of our interaction. Better still (he wrote), "thanks to the prodigious biological event represented... more »

Muslim Brotherhood: Good or bad?

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
Comparing the reporting of the Egyptian army's killing of pro-Morsi protesters near the HQ of the Republican Guard yesterday evening showed that reporters from both the BBC and ITV had a similar take on the course of the violence. After Friday prayers, a breakaway group of aggrieved Muslim Brotherhood marchers arrived at the army headquarters and, in time, began to become angrier. They were met by a military which started with a speech welcoming peaceful protest but warning the protesters against coming closer, then began firing warning shots and tear gas as the crowd grew more a... more »

Day 150: Gitmo Hunger Strike Continues Amidst World's Outrage (Say No To Corporate America!) at Say No To Corporate America - 21 hours ago


Anon at aangirfan - 21 hours ago
*Paul Bonacci* Bonacci testified on videotape (5-14-1990) for Nebraska State Police investigator Gary Caradori: "Bonacci said that while on a trip to Sacramento, he was forced at gun-point to commit homosexual acts on another boy before he watched other men do the same - after which the boy was shot in the head." (Child sex rings linked to top Americans Part 2)

Your moment of Zen

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 22 hours ago
Janis Joplin on display at Martin Macks gastro Pub on 1568 Haight St in San Francisco. [Original art by Mark Bode]

Preview: It's Fantasy Week at Sunday Classics!

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*Homero Francesch is the piano soloist in this performance of Beethoven's Choral Fantasy with Leonard Bernstein conducting the Vienna Philharmonic and Vienna Jeunesse Choir.* *by Ken* We have a great musical fantasy coming up Sunday -- Max Bruch's *Scottish Fantasy* for violin and orchestra, so I thought tonight we would review the two wonderful fantasies we've already heard. *THERE WAS, FOR ONE, LISZT'S HUNGARIAN FANTASIA* We first heard it in the August 2010 post "The piano-and-orchestra Liszt -- the orator meets the poet." ** *LISZT: Hungarian Fantasia for Piano and Orchestra*... more »

Wishes for Independence Day

Paul Krugman has a very special salute for Americans still holding on to the dream of constitutional government (in our first and only republic (so far)) and individual liberty. Today’s America is a place where everyone claims to support equality of opportunity, yet we are, objectively, the most class-ridden nation in the Western world — the country where children of the wealthy are most

Nestle CEO - Water should have a market value

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
Awhile ago – I did a post that *included a video with the President of Nestle***stating: Access to water is not your right believing you have a right to water - is an extreme belief Water is a raw material and a "foodstuff" that should be privatized and commercialized. Privatize, privatize, privatize. The natural resource commons does not belong to the people - it belongs to the corporations for the sole purpose of profits. This video is an example of the extremist free market philosophy held by the American ... more »

Former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, On Why The Situation In Egypt Is Not A Coup

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Source of photo.* "In this case in Egypt I think it's wise, and the President is wise, to go slowly and consider very carefully both what happened in Egypt and what is at stake. For, in Egypt, it wasn't a military that flooded [inaudible] seizure of the the government and grabbed it. *It was a massive public uprising that left unchecked it would've produced great violence.* It would've left the military in the miserable position of having to control that, those demonstrations by force. *The cry from the crowd was they wanted new elections and they wanted a broader political dis... more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

"A Web of Collaborators" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"A Web of Collaborators"* by Peter Coyne "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Pardon the Latin. After a few burgers, beer and coleslaw, we began to see the world clearly yesterday. Today, we’re still at it, asking a very old, as yet unanswered question: Who, precisely, watches the watchers? Enter the MIT Web app project called “Immersion: A People-Centric View of Your Email Life.” You enter your email address into it and it will show you your email’s “metadata” as seen by the NSA. And it shows who you “collaborate” with. For entertainment purposes, we decided to spy on ourselves. Her... more »

The Economy: “It's Simple: Adjust Your Expectations Or Die” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* * *“It's Simple: Adjust Your Expectations Or Die”* by Karl Denninger “There are a lot of hard-headed people out in the investment and banking world. Most of them are hard-headed because they have never known anything else. A few are a bit smarter - they know that their business model is cooked if the underlying assumptions change and they're being intentionally dishonest in trying to grab the last few nickels in front of the steamroller, and to hell with you (their customer.) Then there are those who have it figured out and are attempting to find a way to adapt to what is going... more »

"Sometimes..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

Snowden'a ayslum options - While Iceland said no for now , Nicaragua and Venezuela say yes - Can Bolivia be far behind at this point ? Blowback for the " Imperial hijack " ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Blowback for the imperial hijacking ? Blowback from Venezuela for prior US actions ? Venezuela’s Maduro: Unlike US Asylees, Snowden didn’t Blow anything Up, just said ‘This is not Right’ Posted on 07/06/2013 by Juan Cole Globovision reports that President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela on Friday offered asylum to US leaker Edward Snowden, in order, he said, to protect him from “imperial North American persecution,” describing the US government as among the “most oppressive in the world.” He said he hoped Snowden would be able to live “quietly in the free country of Bolívar and Chávez... more »


As much as the Egyptian street generally sympathise with the plight of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, it seems the new Egyptian regime are falling over themselves to make themselves look good in the eyes of the US in order to ensure that the promised $1.5 billion of aid comes there way despite the coup. Unfortunately, one element of their approach to appeasing the US is by demonstrating that they are mindful of Israel’s concerns with regard to security about the Gaza Strip. And one way of showing they mean business is to close down the Gaza Strip’s supply line tunnels betw... more »

If You Don't Secure Your Firearms, Don't Complain When the Police Take them

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago
Harper's Redneck Society, High River Branch, is incensed that RCMP officers entered their abandoned homes and recovered unsecured firearms left in plain view. Sideshow Steve wasted no time in bitching about it, even exceeding his authority to recommend direct that the weapons be returned to their owners without delay. Now the RCMP officers are to be investigated for securing unattended firearms. Sure Cletis may or may not have had his guns secured in a proper gun safe in the basement when the floods arrived and, sure, he and his wife/sister may have had to move their shootin' iro... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
A video by Regis Tremblay covering our drone and NSA surveillance protest during the July 4 parade in Bath, Maine. End of video has a great quote from S. Brian Wilson, member of Veterans For Peace.

Courtesy Ceresta Smith, some intelligence flickers at #NEARA13 #optout

Chalk Face, PhD at SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
Here’s the full text of NBI 24 passed at the NEA RA in Atlanta on supporting parents who decide to opt their children out of standardized testing: NEW BUSINESS ITEM 24 Adopted as amended NEA shall support the rights of parents/guardians to collaborate with teachers in determining appropriate options for assessment of student proficiency if […]

Troika and Greece Government come closer to agreement on latest Troika conditions - civil service layoff scheme seems set , civil service strikes set to roll.....and with municipal police impacted this go round , this could get interesting fast ! s

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago *Greece, troika agree to reduce sell-off target, close to deal on civil servants* ***Municipal workers stand in front of a police cordon during a demonstration of the federation of local government employees POE-OTA outside the Ministry of Administrative Reform in Athens, on Friday.* The Greek government continued its bargaining with the troika Friday as the two sides debated how Athens will meet its targets for a labor mobility scheme ahead of Monday’s Eurogroup, when eurozone finance ministers will decide wh... more »

NMA rocks Taiwan: Taiwan State of Mind Parody

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago
More hilarity from the animators at NMA. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
Echoing the catch phrase of bartenders everywhere, it's last call for Snowden in Russia. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. President Vladimir Putin has refused to extradite the American and Russian officials have delighted in his success in staying out of the United States' clutches since revealing details of secret U.S. government surveillance programs. But Moscow also has made clear that Snowden ... more »

Inside Metro Politics

New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*Inside Metro Politics: N.O. judges off to Panama junket ~The Advocate, N.O. Bureau*

Should We Keep Hidden the Way People Behave When their Actions are Hidden?

Phil Arena at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
In his most recent post, PTJ argues that “things like Freakonomics are basically corrosive and should be opposed whenever practicable”. While he repeats in that post (and the comments section) a number of dubious claims about what sorts of behavior are possible within a decision-theoretic framework, I think we’re past the point in the conversation where it Continue reading

A "better than expected" jobs report isn't the same thing as a "good" jobs report -- Dean Baker explains

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Guardian* caption: "Three business sectors -- restaurants, retail trade, and temporary help -- account for more than half of new jobs in the US."* *"This would be a bad situation in any case, but it is made worse by the fact that it is 100% preventable. We know how to make the economy grow more rapidly and generate jobs. But politicians are using old superstitions and deliberate lies to scare people away from the sort of fiscal stimulus that would get the economy back on track."* *-- economist Dean Baker, in "Upbeat June jobs report still leaves US economy in a deep hole," for* The G... more »

Florence + The Machine - Breaking Down (Live)

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Florence + The Machine - Breaking Down (Later... With Jools Holland) [HQ Audio]. Source: YouTube Channel paulusthewoodgnome. Date Published: November 4, 2011.

Watching tv?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
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