The 'food regulators' are working at top speed to remove sources of nutrition.It’s a Tangled Web Ontario Regulators Weave for Michael Schmidt Removing top predators has far reaching - and detrimental effects - on the biological balances in the area deprived of their services.
Dear John,
It all comes down to the next few days. We're facing stiff opposition. In Wyoming, if Rep. Cynthia Lummis succeeds, her rider would bring back shoot-on-sight rules that set no limits on wolf killing across much of the state. In the Great Lakes region, where 64 percent of Michigan citizens voted last year to end wolf hunting, the rider backed by newly-minted Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would ignore the people and jump-start organized hunts using neck snares and trained dogs that could decimate the wolf population.This is not how democracy or wolf conservation should work. These kinds of fights take enormous resources, which is why a generous advocate has offered to match your contribution on behalf of wolves when you give before Dec. 31. Please help by donating to the Endangered Species Defense Fund today. We know from experience that when federal protections are yanked, wolves die and decades of recovery work come to a screeching halt. The Center and our allies won reprieves from these death sentences in many states, but if these riders pass, vicious wolf-killing campaigns will resume in Wyoming, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Oregon, Washington, Utah and Colorado could follow suit, eliminating safe havens for wolves one by one. Please help us stop the killing by donating to the Endangered Species Defense Fund today. The Center has made saving wolves a top priority for decades -- leveraging science, law and activism to win a string of victories in court and Congress for their protection. Now we're facing a whole new level of animosity as lawmakers commit themselves to ending wolf protection. With your support, we'll organize our lawyers, scientists and activists in Washington and across the country to oppose this deadly agenda. With the Center you can secure a future for America's wolves and other wildlife on the brink of extinction, ensuring their protection, securing safeguards for their habitat and fighting off attacks by those looking to weaken the Endangered Species Act. The enemies of wolves want to see them wiped out across most of the country for the second time in a century. The endgame is on. Please donate as generously as you can to the Endangered Species Defense Fund.
It took more than 10 years of lawsuits and advocacy pressure, but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced plans to halt almost all uses of the brain-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos.
This is a huge, long overdue win — and now it’s time to bring a full ban to the finish line.
Tell EPA that ALL communities deserve protection! The agency’s current proposal won’t protect children or workers in communities where chlorpyrifos is used on non-food crops like alfalfa and cotton. Applications on fields where genetically engineered seeds are being produced and tested in Hawai'i, California and other states would continue as well. This isn’t right.
There’s no doubt that this chemical is a problem. Just last week, a new study showed that children exposed to pesticides like chlorpyrifos have lung function comparable to kids breathing second-hand cigarette smoke.
And strong, extensive science links chlorpyrifos to serious neurological harm for children, including reduced IQ, loss of working memory and developmental delays.
Join us today in urging EPA to ban ALL uses of chlorpyrifos. The science is crystal clear and action is long overdue.
We know that Dow AgroSciences — which manufactures the millions of pounds of chlorpyrifos sprayed on agricultural fields every year — will do everything in its power to stop or weaken a national ban.
Tell EPA to stand up to the pesticide industry! It’s time to get chlorpyrifos banned, once and for all.
Thank you for speaking up!
Pesticide Action Network North America
Oakland, CA | Minneapolis, MN | community@panna.org | www.panna.org |
Cover story in The Nation here. It is at http://www.thenation.com/article/isis_wants_a_clash/
A reminder that Informed Comment is having its annual fundraiser --- thanks for your support: http://www.juancole.com/2015/11/informed-fundraiser-journalism.html
ISIS Wants a Clash of the Civilizations: Let’s Not Give In
It’s a huge error to dignify these desert pirates as a “state” on which one might wage war as an equal.
Setya to Report Energy Minister to Police, Lawyer Says
House Speaker Setya Novanto has threatened to report Indonesia’s energy minister to the police for making public a voice recording of Setya allegedly attempting to extort $4 billion worth of shares from mining giant Freeport Indonesia.
US Designates a German Citizen as a ‘Global Terrorist’
Washington. The US State Department on Wednesday named Emrah Erdogan, a German citizen whom it said had joined and fought with the al Qaeda and al Shabaab militant groups, as a global terrorist. The designation generally bars Americans from dealing with him and freezes any of his assets under US jurisdiction. Erdogan is serving a […]
Dear John,
We're in the middle of the biggest civil rights moment of our generation; ColorOfChange has big plans in 2016 to transform the way our communities are policed, to shift culture and to make sure that presidential and senate candidates speak to black voters...so we're staffing up.
Our new cohort of campaign managers will be taking the lead on all of our justice work, but they can’t do it without the support of our members. ColorOfChange has been running campaigns to hold politicians and corporations accountable for ten years, and in addition to heart and courage, the work also takes funding from our members. Can you chip in today to support our talented new cohort?
Yeshi, Thomas, Enchanta, Tatiana, Joshua and Bernard all came to ColorOfChange because they believe in creating a more just society for Black people. We are excited to have a new generation of forward-thinking organizers at ColorOfChange, and we want to make sure they have the technology they need to run campaigns, as well as the funding they need for rapid response tactics and travel.
Previous campaigners helped us take on ALEC, remove hate speech from Fox News airwaves, forced NY officials to appoint a special prosecutor for unjust police killings and win Net Neutrality. We know our new cohort can continue this legacy.
Thanks and peace,
Rashad, Arisha, Brittaney, Johnny, Evan and the rest of the ColorOfChange team
ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
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