The Truth Behind Christian Aid’s Campaign

By Paul Homewood
We looked at Christian Aid’s latest campaign yesterday to fight “global
warming”. Their website features this recent article on Bolivia.
Fundacion Solon are listed as their “partner”, but who are they?
Their website, below, seems to be all in Spanish, but in a prominent […]
Now It’s OK To Lie About Climate Change – Yale Project

By Paul Homewood h/t rwoollaston
Studies recently show that the global warming trend is in a bit of a
slowdown. Does that mean we may be nearing the end of the heating period?
Well, experts say that the slowdown may be quite misleading. The study
authors describe, “The recent slowdown in […]
Polar Vortex Common In The 19thC

By Paul Homewood I came across a chapter in Hubert Lamb’s “Climate,
History and the Modern World”, which has more than a bit of topical
relevance. We are all well aware of the extremely cold winters in the
eastern half of the States, both this year and last. This has coincided […]
Christian Aid Saving The World From Global Warming!

By Paul Homewood h/t Retired Dave It seems Christian Aid are banging
their global warming drum again! Maybe they could tell us where all these
communities are around the world, who are suffering from the effects of
climate change? Their website does actually offer a couple of case
Mikey Discovers Ocean Cycles!

Paul Homewood
Climate “scientist”, Michael Mann, has discovered that the 17 year
in global warming is due to “internal variability”, particularly ocean
cycles. In a paper written with a Byron Somebody, and someone called
he finds: That internal variability is found in the natural cycles of
temperature change […]
Myths About Biomass

Paul Homewood
It is often claimed that producing electricity from biomass is
neutral, and that the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere is simply taken
out when forests are replanted. Unfortunately, things are not as simple
this. Last April, a number of environmental scientists from the US […]
The Met Office & The Pause

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
The Met Office have had another attempt at explaining the global
temperature hiatus. Using, you’ve guessed it, “models”, they conclude: A
new study, led by Met Office climate scientist Chris Roberts and
colleagues, looks at this issue by using a huge archive of climate […]
New Coal Power Station In Germany To Open This Week

By Paul Homewood
News from Germany: Vattenfall plans to start full commercial
operations of the long-delayed first unit (800 MW Moorburg B) of its new
coal-fired power plant at Hamburg-Moorburg in Germany. The Swedish
company’s Germany unit plans the commencement before the end of February, a
spokeswoman for the utility […]
Biomass Emits Double The CO2 Of Gas

By Paul Homewood As we all know, burning coal and gas to produce
electricity is BAD, but burning wood is GOOD. But what do the actual
figures tell us? I asked DECC to supply comparative figures CO2
produced/MWh, for coal, gas and biomass (specifically wood pellets). I
specifically requested that the biomass […]
McCarthyism Not Dead

By Paul Homewood Others have covered Roger Pielke Jnr’s run in with US
Representative Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) who is the ranking member of the House
of Representatives Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. Anyone
who has not seen it, Roger has it on his blog here. But just to bring
home Stalinist […]
BBC Ignore The Facts

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-31604953
More alarmist nonsense from the BBC, by yet another of their “Environmental
Correspondents”. (How many do they ruddy well have?) Many people reading
this will be led to believe that outlandish forecasts of several feet of
sea level rise this century must be true. This is what the BBC […]
How Research Grants Corrupt Science

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public If anybody doubts how massive research
grant funding can corrupt climate science, consider this tale from Dr JV’s
Frack Land blog. (JV is an applied geophysicist based at the University of
Bristol) There is uproar at Bristol University at the sacking of an
academic (in the […]
Met Office To Go On Strike!

By Paul Homewood
According to the Telegraph, the strike may compromise the accuracy of
weather forecasts. So I don’t suppose we’ll notice any difference!
Equation Finds Funding Is Linked To CO2!

By Paul Homewood
Back in December, The Conservation ran an article on climate change
written by Philip Goodwin, of the University of Southampton, and Ric
Williams, Professor at the University of Liverpool. Both took care the
declare their funding from the NERC, but I wonder whether people realise
how much this […]
Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Criticised As Too Expensive

Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report: Plans to build the world’s first ‘tidal
in Swansea Bay have suffered a setback after influential consumer
Citizens Advice said the project was “appalling value for money” and
not receive subsidies. Ministers are preparing to begin formal bilateral
negotiations with developers over […]
Thoughts From Leo Smith

By Paul Homewood Will Janoschka came across this comment on WUWT today,
which really hits home: Leo Smith February 23, 2015 at 1:59 am ” In one
of Castenada’s novels there is a story about a young man who left his poor
village in Mexico and went to the city to […]
New BBC Programme On Climate Change

By Paul Homewood h/t QV http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02jsdrk The
BBC have a programme on climate change going out tonight next Monday.
According to the blurb: This programme aims to remedy that, with a new
perspective on the whole subject. Presented by three mathematicians – Dr
Hannah Fry, Prof Norman Fenton and Prof David […]
NOAA Caught Cooling The Past

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/2014/13 NOAA claim that 2014 was the
hottest year on record, with global temperatures 1.24F above the 20thC
average of 57.0F. In other words, 58.24F. This is all very strange,
because back in 1997, they said global temperatures were 62.45F!
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/1997/13 Now I […]
How To Access Iceland Temperature Data

By Paul Homewood Some background and a bit of clarification to the issue
of where the Icelandic temperature data comes from. As I mentioned in the
post, The Official Iceland Temperature Series, the Iceland Met Office, IMO,
have a homogenised set of temperature data, dating back to 1931. These have
been carefully and […]
Booker And The Dogger Bank Wind Farm

By Paul Homewood
Booker also picks up on the Dogger Bank wind farm story, which I covered
this week. The BBC naturally got very excited by the news that Ed Davey,
our Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, has given the
go-ahead to the largest offshore wind farm in […]
Booker & Those Temperature Adjustments

By Paul Homewood
Booker stays on the case: Mother Nature has certainly been showing her
amusement at those excitable claims last month that 2014 was “the hottest
year on record”. In the north-eastern US, the past month has been the
coldest since records were kept, and four of the five Great […]
African Climate Data Not Fit For Purpose

By Paul Homewood
In 2011, the UN published this paper on the quality, or otherwise, of
climate records in Africa. Their findings, though coming as no surprise,
were clear. This paper has looked on the situation of climate data and
observations network in the continent. It is shown that the […]
Massive Adjustments At Every Icelandic Station (And Guess Which Way)

Paul Homewood As requested, I have had a look at all of the GHCN
stations in Iceland, to see if we have the same pattern of adjustments.
Let’s start by comparing the GHCN Adjusted figures with the official IMO
data for Reykjavik:
http://en.vedur.is/climatology/data/ We see clearly how GHCN has […]
The Official Iceland Temperature Series

By Paul Homewood With special thanks to Trausti Jonsson, Senior
Meteorologist with the Iceland Met Office. Now that GHCN and GISS have
managed to emasculate the Icelandic temperature record, it is time to
present the official version. The Iceland Met Office, (IMO), have kept
meticulous temperature records since the 19thC, including […]
Revolving Doors At Forewind

By Paul Homewood
The giant Dogger Bank offshore wind farm, approved by DECC this week, is
being developed by Forewind Ltd, a consortium of RWE, SSE, Statkraft and
Statoil. Its chairman is none other than Charles Hendry, who took over from
Lord Deben in 2013. Who is this Charles Hendry, […]
What The BBC Forgot To Tell You About Dogger Bank

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-31512089
From the BBC: The government has approved plans for what is believed to
be one of the world’s largest offshore wind projects. Dogger Bank Creyke
Beck A and B would be built 77 miles (125km) off the Yorkshire coast.
Forewind Ltd said it would consist of 400 wind […]
Sea Ice Extent Trends

By Paul Homewood
NOAA have this chart of annual Arctic & Antarctic sea ice extents. It is
a pity they have no global picture, but while Antarctic ice has been
growing in the last decade, it appears that Arctic has stabilised since
2005. We get hung up about Arctic sea ice […]
Sturgeon In A Pickle Over Longannet Coal Power Station

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-31490010 From
the “Chickens coming home to roost department”. The BBC report: Nicola
Sturgeon has demanded assurances from the prime minister on the security of
Scotland’s electricity supplies. It follows BBC Scotland’s disclosure that
the huge coal-fired power station at Longannet in Fife is facing a renewed
threat to […]
One Hundred Years In The Norwegian Sea

By Paul Homewood
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00291950701409256 I mentioned
this article in discussion of the sea ice years last week. It is
worthwhile, though, looking in some detail at some of the earlier periods.
What will strike you is just how big the climatic changes in the Arctic
have been over the last century or so. […]
Global Sea Ice Well Above Normal In January

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2015/02/vary-january/
From the “What NSIDC forgot to tell you department”. Who would have
guessed that global sea ice area was well above normal for nearly all of
As it has been for most of the last two years.
GISS Land Temperature Trends Not Supported By Satellites

By Paul Homewood Since the start of satellite temperature measurements
in 1979, land temperatures, according to GISS, have been rising almost
twice as fast as the lower atmospheric temperatures over land have.
http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v3/GLB.Ts.txt Between 1979
and 2014, GISS recorded an increase of 0.68C. This compares to 0.49C and
0.38C for […]
Wind Tycoon Funds Labour Party – Out Of Subsidies You Have Paid For!

By Paul Homewood
Ed Miliband has been attacking big business donors to the Tory party
lately, which makes this story doubly ironic: Dale Vince has done all
right for a former hippy. Reckoned to be Britain’s wealthiest green energy
tycoon, he lives in a castle, drives a £750,000 electric sports car […]
Andrew Revkin & “The Hidden Methane Threat”

By Paul Homewood Guest Post by Ron Hughes The Global Methane
Initiative and "Natural Gas: Hidden Climate Threat (and Opportunity)”
https://www.globalmethane.org/index.aspx "The Global Methane Initiative
(GMI) promotes cost-effective, near-term methane recovery through
partnerships between developed and developing countries, with participation
from the private sector, development banks, and nongovernmental
organizations.” […]
The Unadjusted Arctic Stations

By Paul Homewood I meant to post this last week. As you will recall,
when I ran the post Temperature Adjustments Transform Arctic Climate
History, I mentioned that four stations in that part of the Arctic had
remained unadjusted. Below are the GISS temperature trends for these. They
pretty much follow the […]
Arctic Temperature Data From CLIMAS

By Paul Homewood h/t Josik http://nwpi.krc.karelia.ru/e/climas/ The
CLIMAS (Climate information access system) was set up to provide climate
data for high latitudes, although it does not seem to have been updated
since 2000. The project was a joint effort from, amongst others, the Max
Planck Institute, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center […]
UHI In South Korea Ignored By GISS

By Paul Homewood Seoul I ran a post on this study concerning UHI in
South Korea a couple of years ago, and thought it worth updating.
Quantitative estimates of warming by urbanization in South Korea over the
past 55 years (1954–2008) Kim and Kim ABSTRACT The quantitative values of
the urban […]
What’s It All About, Angie?

By Paul Homewood
http://rt.com/business/232135-germany-coal-imports-russia-2014/ From RT
News: Germany imported more than 12 million tons of coal from Russia in
2014 – the biggest volume in 9 years, despite calls for energy independence
and a switch to renewables. Coal imports from Russia increased 6.6 percent
in 2014, at 12.6 million metric tons, […]
It’s Called UHI, Zeke

By Paul Homewood According to Zeke, whenever we dare mention massive
warming adjustments, which at the very least have minimal justification, we
should also mention all of the opposing cooling adjustments they make.
“You will rarely see them pick out stations like Reno, Paris, London,
Tokyo, or many others where the […]
Climate Variations In Iceland

By Paul Homewood
http://en.vedur.is/media/loftslag/myndasafn/frodleikur/Einarsson.pdf This
study of the Icelandic Climate appeared in the World Survey of Climatology:
15: Climates of the Oceans, in 1984. Of particular interest is the section
on climatic variations. Note how much warmer than now it was up to 2500
years ago. The author goes on to […]
Can We Trust NOAA?

By Paul Homewood
http://www.noaa.gov/features/archives/themestory_archive.html If anybody
wonders why we don’t trust NOAA, just look what is still in a prominent
position on their website. Even though they know that statistically
this is not the case.
Temperature Adjustments and UHI

By Paul Homewood The only official response I have seen from NOAA
to the discussion of temperature adjustments is the above from Fox News two
nights ago. It is, of course, the standard response, but, as Steve
Goddard says, ‘the fact that they can provide theoretical justifications
for data tampering, […]
Shub’s Thoughts On The Great Debate

By Paul Homewood
Some thoughts from Shub Niggurath on the temperature adjustment debate:
As always, the climate orthodoxy possesses little understanding of how the
internet works. They struggle to understand how ‘small, inconsequential
issues’ seem to get magnified and blow up in their faces. There is
undeniable shock at the Booker […]
Real Climate Fail

By Paul Homewood Real Climate have just issued their attempt to
disprove my allegations about temperature adjustments in the Arctic. The
only piece of evidence they can offer is this plot of temperatures at
Svalbard Airport, which compares GISS temperatures with a composite series
developed by Oyvind Nordli. The graph only […]
How Temperature Adjustments Have Transformed Arctic Climate History

By Paul Homewood There seems to have been a campaign of misinformation,
to downplay the significance of the Arctic temperature adjustments we have
been looking at. The claim is that they make little difference to
temperature trends there, so let’s test this out with the example of
Note that […]
UK Met Office uses graphical tricks to hide the pause

By Paul Homewood Reposted from Jo Nova. The UK Met Office went to some
effort to graph the last 160 years, from hottest calendar year to coldest.
Name the scientific reason: 1. Because the order of the calendar years is
important. The graph reveals mysterious patterns — Years ending in 3, 4,
or […]
Wind Power Down To 0.9% In UK

By Paul Homewood http://www.bmreports.com/bsp/bsp_home.htm It’s
peak demand tonight in the UK, and wind is supplying just 0.9% of the
country’s electricity. Meanwhile, coal and gas are producing 68.4%.
Decarbonisation, anyone?
Adjustments In Puerto Casado

By Paul Homewood
Let’s take a closer look at the GHCN temperature adjustments at Puerto
Casado, one of the stations in Paraguay we looked at previously. In common
with the other Paraguayan sites, a large adjustment was made around 1970,
which seems to have been in response to a drop in the […]
Temperature Adjustment Scandal Goes Viral

By Paul Homewood The genie is well and truly out of the bottle
now. I have now had more than 50,000 views in the last two days, as the
story of temperature adjustments has taken hold. Many, many more will have
read the accounts in the media from Britain to America […]
Spot The Sea Ice Years

By Paul Homewood Jan P Perlwitz says: And while I’m at it. Why do I
still see those “ice years” or the mentioned very cold years around 1980 in
the data, compared to the 1940/50ies, also after the adjustments? These
are the adjusted graphs he is referring to:
Cooling The Past In New Zealand

By Paul Homewood In case you thought widespread temperature adjustments
were confined to the Arctic and South America, consider again. Apparently,
New Zealand has caught Paraguayan fever! There are five stations
currently operational under GHCN in New Zealand and surrounding islands. It
will come as no great surprise now to learn that […]
EU To Splash 20% Of Budget On “Climate Action”

By Paul Homewood
http://markjohnston.org/2015/02/09/eu-climate-diplomacy-plan/ Reposted
from Mark Johnston. No wonder they tried to keep it quiet!
So, 20% of the entire EU budget is to be wasted on “climate action”, as
the EU becomes ever more irrelevant.
How Much Do Temperature Adjustments Affect Global Temperatures?

By Paul Homewood While we’re on the topic of temperature adjustments,
it is worth revisiting this paper from 2012.
http://www.itia.ntua.gr/getfile/1212/2/documents/EGU2012-956-1.pdf It
must be pointed out that it is the old GHCN Version 2 which they are
working on, though adjustments such as the Arctic ones did not seem to
appear […]
Temperature Adjustments In The Canadian Arctic

By Paul Homewood I have had a quick look at temperature adjustments in
the part of the Arctic which I previously looked at, and where they were so
dominant. The area already covered was Greenland east to Siberia. Using
Nick Stokes handy tool, we can look at Siberia through to Canada. (Pinks […]
Comparing Arctic Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood A bit more background to the Arctic temperature
adjustments. To recap, the sudden climatic shift to much lower temperatures
in the 1960’s, known in Iceland as the sea ice years, has caused the
algorithm to adjust previous temperatures down, on the assumption that they
were due to observation or equipment changes. […]
Booker & The Fiddling With Temperature Records In The Arctic

Paul Homewood
Booker with episode two of the temperature fiddling scandal: When
future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30
years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the
temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were
systematically […]
How Much Have Adjustments Contributed To Global Warming?

By Paul Homewood
There has been some discussion about James Delingpole’s reference to a
graph from Dave Burton. To recap – the usual defence, when temperature
adjustments are criticised, is to claim that they make little difference in
overall terms. This was repeated in the Cowton video. Dave Burton has […]
The Sea Ice Years

By Paul Homewood As promised, there is a batch of scientific studies here
which look at temperature trends in Iceland and Greenland, and in
particular at the abrupt end of the warm period, that began in the 1920’s,
and the onset of the sea ice years. 1) Hanna et al – An […]
Dellers On Temperature Adjustments, Cowton & More

Paul Homewood
Delingpole has an interesting piece up at Breitbart this morning:
Here’s a video that you absolutely must see. Not, I hasten to warn you,
because it’s exciting, well-produced or informative; rather, because of
fascinating light it sheds on the debate about global warming in general
and also, […]
Why The GHCN Adjustments In The Arctic Are Wrong

By Paul Homewood GHCN are quite clear on why they adjust temperatures.
This is what their Technical Report says: The nature of the homogeneity
adjustments made to remove non – climatic influences that can bias the GHCN
– M temperature record are described in Lawrimore et al. 2011 for version
3.0.0. In brief, […]
Renewable Energy In Europe Cost £600 Billion (And That’s Only Up To 2012!)

By Paul Homewood
From Breitbart: Astonishing figures show that the total cost of
renewable energy infrastructure in Europe to the end of 2012 came to over
€600 billion, excluding additional fees for grid connections and upgrades.
And this enormous sum is one and a half times the cost of twice […]
NASA’s Arctic Fraud

By Paul Homewood
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ArcticIce/arctic_ice3.php I
showed this graph from a 2003 NASA report earlier today. It came with this
commentary: Comiso’s new study presents some striking trends. When
compared to longer- term, ground-based surface temperature data, the rate
of warming in the Arctic from 1981 to 2001 is eight times larger […]
Arctic Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand & Quinn The Eskimo There’s a couple
of items that are worth adding to yesterday’s post on Arctic temperature
trends and adjustments. 1) NASA Report Back in 2003, NASA published a
report called “Dwindling Arctic Ice”, which included this graph:
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ArcticIce/arctic_ice3.php We
can […]
WWF’s Wind Power Claims

By Paul Homewood
http://www.wwf.org.uk/about_wwf/press_centre/?unewsid=7398 A couple of
months ago, WWF were bragging off that Scottish wind farms had supplied
enough electricity in November to supply all Scottish homes. I am not quite
sure what “Scottish homes” has to do with anything. The wind power is there
to supply the whole of the UK, […]
Temperature Adjustments Transform Arctic Climate History

Paul Homewood We are told that the biggest sign of “climate change”
is the rapidly warming Arctic, even called the World’s thermometer,
that global warming cannot have stopped. Certainly, the evidence of
from GISS is persuasive.
Yet it is well established that the Arctic warmed up […]
CCS Less Effective Than Thought Say Researchers

By Paul Homewood
Two items of news this week from PEI: CCS less effective than
previously thought, researchers say 30/01/2015 By Tildy Bayar Carbon &
Capture (CCS) technology may be less effective at mitigating power plant
emissions than previously thought, a new US study has found. In a paper
published this […]
Many Thanks

Many thanks to all who have contributed to my tip jar. It is good to
know that my work is appreciated. I won’t come round with it again till
next year, but if anybody does want to contribute in the meantime, there is
a link on the top menu bar. Again, […]
Bad Metadata In South America

By Paul Homewood h/t Ian C
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/homr/#ncdcstnid=30023234&tab=LOCATIONS Ian C
noticed that one of the Paraguayan stations I looked at last week, Pilar,
was, according to the Station Metadata used by GHCN, in the middle of the
River Paraguay. Bearing in mind that the station is actually located at […]
Satellites Confirm Global Warming (Standstill)!

By Paul Homewood
In 2004, scientists claimed that the troposphere had warmed faster then the
surface, and that this was consistent with climate models. From University
of Washington: For years the debate about climate change has had a
contentious sticking point — satellite measurements of temperatures in the
troposphere, the […]
How To Access GISS Temperature Records

By Paul Homewood It’s a while since I explained how we can track
temperature adjustments on the GISS system, so here is a bit of a
refresher. Below is the screenshot of the GISS opening menu.
http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/station_data/ 1) Note near the bottom
is a drop down box marked “Data Set”. This […]
Paraguayan Adjustments Not Supported By Regional Trends

By Paul Homewood Raw Data As we know, Puerto Casado is one of the
Paraguayan stations where GHCN have turned a cooling trend into a warming
one. To do this, they compare temperature trends against other stations in
the region.
So let’s take a look at the other […]
Dellers Takes Up The Battle

By Paul Homewood
From James Delingpole: How can we believe in ‘global warming’ when
the temperature records providing the ‘evidence’ for that warming cannot be
trusted? It’s a big question – and one which many people, even on the
sceptical side of the argument, are reluctant to ask. Here, for […]
Shock News – We’ve Only Got Five Years Left

By Paul Homewood
Time to emigrate to the moon? The Guardian report: Climate change over
the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of
lives in wars and natural disasters.. A secret report, suppressed by US
defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that […]
How GHCN Keep Rewriting Reykjavik History

By Paul Homewood Bill Illis adds some interesting fuel to the debate
over temperature adjustments. As many of you may be aware, I first became
aware of this issue in 2012, with the adjustments made in Iceland, such as
this one at Reykjavik.
As with all the other sites in […]
Cooling The Past In Bolivia

By Paul Homewood Eliza suggested I looked at some of the temperature
records for Bolivia, as it shares a border with Paraguay. One station she
suggested was Santa Cruz. As with all of the Paraguayan stations, we
find that a substantial, artificial warming trend has been introduced. What
is also significant is […]
Cooling The Past In San Diego

By Paul Homewood One more significant temperature adjustment I forgot to
add to my round up yesterday.
Greene Hypocrisy

Paul Homewood
Property investor Jeff Greene recently spoke at the World Economic
Forum in Davos, Switzerland, saying he believes people in the United
need to stop aiming so high and start living with less. ‘America’s
lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we
Higher Snowfalls Due to Change In Measurement, Not Global Warming.

By Paul Homewood We all know that snowstorms are worse than ever
before, and that it is all the fault of global warming. After all, Bill Nye
himself told us! Unfortunately, Matt Kelsch, a hydrometeorologist at
UCAR, throws a spanner in the works. Matt specializes in weather and
climate events involving […]
Temperature Adjustments Around The World

By Paul Homewood As well as the well documented adjustments to past
temperatures in Paraguay, it is worth remembering just how widespread this
practice is. Greenland Iceland Russia California Australia
None of these are isolated instances, and there are other similar
adjustments at […]
Shub Niggurath On The Paraguayan Adjustments

By Paul Homewood
Reposted from Shub Niggurath Climate:- Puerto Casado is a small town
along the border of Paraguay whose temperature history became a topic on
Christopher Booker’s column in the Telegraph. Booker showed how a raw
cooling trend had metamorphosed into its opposite after ‘adjustments’. This
was contested quickly by […]
The EPA & Heatwaves

By Paul Homewood It is regularly claimed that climate change will
lead to more heatwaves and unusually hot days. Interestingly, the EPA have
a map which seems to disagree.
They explain the map as follows:- This map shows trends in unusually
hot temperatures at individual weather stations […]
Grassroots Defeat Bureaucrats & Environmentalists In Virginia

Paul Homewood
A bit of good news, never mind commonsense from America. Although why,
for heaven’s sake, does it need a law? CFACT report: In a
and stunning victory for family farmers and property rights throughout
Commonwealth, Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) March 5 signed into law […]
Another Even Handed Piece From The BBC!

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26553117 It comes as no
surprise to see the BBC pushing out yet more anti-fracking propaganda.
Fracking has the potential to devastate wildlife habitats across the UK,
says research commissioned by leading wildlife and countryside groups. The
report Are We Fit to Frack? was […]
Costs Of Green Policies In UK Underestimated

Paul Homewood
Readers will recall that DECC were forced to release their
of how much electricity prices would rise as a result of climate change
policies. The data they released contained three scenarios of fossil
prices – low, central and high. Naturally, the higher the fossil fuel
price, the […]
AMO & PDO Cycles

By Paul Homewood We discussed the role of the PDO and ENSO changes in the
earth’s climate yesterday. I though it worthwhile republishing one of my
posts from October 2013 (frightening – it only seemed a few months ago!).
This related the PDO and AMO cycles to global temperatures. ( The ESRL
graph is […]
BBC – Global Warming Doubles Risk Of Extreme Weather

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30985039 Unsurprisingly,
the BBC is making a big splash about the latest piece of junk science to
come out of CSIRO and Exeter University: Extreme weather arising from a
climate phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean will get much worse as the world
warms, according […]
Polar Vortex 1977 Style

Paul Homewood
New Yorkers seem to be underwhelmed by their latest “Snowmageddon”!
doubt, Jennifer Francis will be wheeled out to explain that it is all
caused by global warming, and John Holdren will tell us about melting
Arctic ice and polar vortices. It might be helpful then to […]
Monckton Responds To Warmist Critics

Paul Homewood
Readers will probably recall the recent paper published on 23rd
by Monckton, Soon, Legates and Briggs which demonstrates that most
models had hopelessly overestimated GHG warming. The paper has already
reviewed at WUWT, so I don’t want to go over old ground. But what was
surprising […]
All Of Paraguay’s Temperature Record Has Been Tampered With

By Paul Homewood Just when you thought it could not get any worse!
After identifying that all of the three rural stations currently
operational in Paraguay had had huge warming adjustments made to their data
since the 1950’s, I tended to assume that they had been homogenised against
some of the nearby […]
Tip Jar

Several have suggested that I open a Tip Jar, although I did not start
the blog to make money. Nevertheless, if anybody would like to donate, I
would be very grateful. To pay by PayPal etc, simply click on the DONATE
link below. Many thanks Paul DONATE […]
Glacial Advance During The Little Ice Age

By Paul Homewood From HH Lamb’s “Climate, History and the Modern World”
We know that sea levels have risen since the late 19thC, and that much of
this is due to melting of glaciers and ice sheets. However, we also know
that the same glaciers were growing rapidly during the Little Ice Age, […]
Booker On Temperature Adjustments

Paul Homewood
Christopher Booker devotes his whole column today to the scandal of
temperature adjustments: Although it has been emerging for seven
or more, one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never
the headlines. Yet another little example of it lately caught my eye
NCDC’s Retrograde Step

By Paul Homewood
Since 1987, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
(NOAA’s) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) has used observations from
the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) to quantify national- and
regional-scale temperature changes in the conterminous United States
(CONUS). Or at least, that is, until last February. The USHCN is actually
Philip Eden On January Trends

By Paul Homewood Another interesting column from Philip Eden in last
week’s Telegraph. He makes a couple of points that are worth exploring.
While January temperatures have certainly warmed up since the 18thC,
there has been little change since the early 20thC, other than the drop
between 1940 and 1970. […]
News From Nutty Norwich

Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward More tales from the nutters in
Apparently, the solar panels are to be hidden behind parapets on the
roof, so they cannot be seen at street level. I wonder how much sunlight
will also be blocked?
Meanwhile, primary […]
The Pollution Pimp

By Paul Homewood https://twitter.com/Pharrell/status/558293187660636160
I have not a clue who Pharrell Williams is, nor why anybody would want to
pay the slightest attention to anything he says. But apparently he is big
buddies with the big hypocrite, Al Gore. Singer Pharrell Williams with
former US vice president Al Gore at the World […]
Met Office Congratulate Themselves For Getting It Right For Once!

By Paul Homewood h/t QV
Apparently, the Met Office has been bragging off about how clever that
have been in forecasting global temperatures accurately for the last few
years. Although HADCRUT have still to come up with December numbers, their
forecast from a year ago that this year would end up […]
No Warming In Antarctica During Satellite Record

By Paul Homewood According to GHG theory, it is the poles which
should be warming fastest. Apparently, nobody told the South Pole.
http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc_lt_5.6.txt Even in
summer months, satellites show no trend.
http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc_lt_5.6.txt And to
complete the picture, Southern Ocean temperatures have been way below
average since […]
UK Sea Level Trends

By Paul Homewood A lot is said about sea level rise, much of it nonsense.
But what really matters is its impact on local areas. With that in mind,
let’s do a round up of the situation around the UK’s coast. We have nine
tidal gauges with records over the last 30 years, […]
World Leaders Jet Out To Davos To Save Us From Global Warming

Where oh where would we be without the Great and the Good?
The Heavily Urbanised Temperature Record In Chile

By Paul Homewood
Frederick Colbourne raised the question, in yesterday’s post, as to just
how many temperature stations there actually were in the Chilean Andes,
which NOAA show as being much warmer than average last year. A quick
analysis seems to show not many. Altogether, there are twelve stations in
Chile […]
Four Utilities Pull Out Of The EU’s CCS Programme

By Paul Homewood
PEI report: A decision by four of Europe’s largest utilities to opt out
of a decade long carbon capture and storage (CCS) project is "a matter of
great concern" according to a leading academic and advocate of the
technology. Germany‘s RWE, France’s Electricite de France , Sweden’s
Vattenfall […]
UEA Plans For Straw Burning Power Station In Norwich

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward
Locals don’t seem to be too enamoured with UEA plans to build a straw
burning power station on the heart of Norwich. The EDP report: A £325m
energy plant could be built in Norwich, with supporters claiming it will
create hundreds of jobs […]
Wind Power Slumps To Under 1% Of UK Electricity Generation

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
The Telegraph reports: UK electricity demand hit its highest level
this winter on Monday – while wind turbines generated their lowest
official figures show. Cold weather saw UK demand hit 52.54 gigawatts
between 5pm and 5.30pm, according to National Grid. At the […]

By Paul Homewood
Massive Tampering With Temperatures In South America

Paul Homewood
One of the regions that has contributed to GISS’ “hottest ever year”
South America, particularly Brazil, Paraguay and the northern part of
Argentina. In reality, much of this is fabricated, as they have no
anywhere near much of this area, as NOAA show below.
Marc Morano On Fox News

Paul Homewood Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on Fox News:
Why The Hay Paper On Sea Level Got It So Wrong

By Paul Homewood Further to the Hay et al paper, which claims that
sea level rise must have been less during the 20thC, a reminder of another
paper in 2013 by Gregory et al which came to the opposite conclusion. just
to recap, Hay et al claim that sea levels up to around 1990 […]
Hottest Year Claims Based On Sparse Coverage

By Paul Homewood Remember, when NOAA and NASA declare “hottest years”,
just how poor their surface temperature coverage is.
USCRN Trends

By Paul Homewood To address long standing complaints about the
accuracy of temperature records because of poor siting, bad quality
control, UHI equipment issues and so on, NOAA have introduced a network of
high quality stations called the USCRN, the US Climate Reference Network.
NOAA describe it thus: The U.S. Climate Reference […]
New Paper On Sea Level Rise Adjusts The Data To Match The Models

By Paul Homewood
I meant to have a look at this paper last week, but with the kerfuffle over
GISS, it had to go on the back burner. This is the Abstract: Estimating
and accounting for twentieth-century global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise is
critical to characterizing current and future human-induced sea-level […]
Who Runs The GHCN

By Paul Homewood http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ghcnm/ The Global Historical
Climatology Network (GHCN) is a database of temperature, precipitation and
pressure records. The aggregate data are collected from many continuously
reporting fixed stations at the Earth’s surface and represent the input of
approximately 6000 temperature stations, 7500 precipitation stations and
2000 pressure stations. Temperature data from […]
What Gavin Forgot To Tell You

By Paul Homewood
David Rose picks up the story about the “hottest year” claims. The
Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth
last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true. In a
press release on Friday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute […]
WMO Demolish NOAA/NASA Claims Of Hottest Year

By Paul Homewood
If anybody is still in any doubt that it is UNSCIENTIFIC to make claims
about hottest years, without taking into account error bars, I would advise
what the WMO had to say on the issue in their report on global temperatures
for 2006: “All temperature values have […]
Met Office Say Surface Temperatures Should Agree With Satellites

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate-guide/science/temp-records In 2013,
the Met Office had this to say about global temperature datasets:
“Changes in temperature observed in surface data records are corroborated
by records of temperatures in the troposphere recorded by satellites”
Well, except when they’re not!!
Why Satellite Records Cannot Be Ignored

By Paul Homewood As we all know by now, satellite data has failed to
support claims made by the surface datasets of “hottest year evah”. This
has led to many now claiming that the satellite datasets should be ignored,
as they don’t measure the same thing. This argument, however, ignores the
fact that […]
GISS Hottest Year Claims Not Supported By The Data

By Paul Homewood http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/20150116/ As
has been suspected for a few months now, GISS have announced that 2014 was
the “hottest year on record”. Nowhere does their press release tell us that
it only beat the previous record by a tiny, effectively unmeasurable 0.02C.
Nor do they mention that the error bars are […]
The Pause Continues.

By Paul Homewood http://www.thegwpf.org/category/press-releases/
From the GWPF: Dr David Whitehouse, the GWPF’s Science Editor, comments
on the latest set of 2014 global temperature data and misleading claims:
The addition of 2014 global temperature data confirms that the post-1997
standstill seen in global annual average surface temperature has continued
for one more year […]
Evidence Of MWP In China

By Paul Homewood Yet another study shows that the MWP was not a European
phenomenon. This one finds that SST’s were higher than now in the South
China Sea, both during the MWP and also the RWP. From CO2 Science
Paper Reviewed Yan, H., Sun, L., Shao, D., Wang, Y. and […]

By Paul Homewood San Diego International Airport San Diego
International Airport, also known as Lindbergh Field, is the busiest
single-runway commercial airport in the United States, and the
second-busiest single-use runway in the world after London Gatwick with
about 465 scheduled operations carrying 48,000 passengers each day; a total
of 17,710,241 passengers in […]
Another Wind Turbine Incident

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-30811998 From the
BBC: A wind farm in the Borders has been shut down after part of a
turbine was found by a roadside. The three-metre-long turbine component,
which is made of fibreglass, was found close to the Longpark wind farm near
Stow. Local people believe it […]
Professor Issues Damning Indictment Of Renewables

By Paul Homewood
The Scotsman reports: ENVIRONMENTAL advantages of renewable energy are
a myth – fusion energy is the way forward says Anthony Trewavas Renewables
use sun, water, wind; energy sources that won’t run out. Non-renewables
come from things like gas, coal and uranium that one day will. But unless
electricity […]
Cooling The Past In California

By Paul Homewood http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/ When we consider
drought, we need to take account of temperatures as well as precipitation,
and it is claimed that rising temperatures in California are making the
drought worse there. But how much are temperatures rising there? Out of
54 USHCN stations in the State, CDIAC list […]
NOAA Get Another Forecast Right (Not!)

By Paul Homewood
Last April, the “experts” at NOAA were warning that the southeastern
Colorado , (the Arkansas Valley), was heading for another Dust Bowl era.
Based at Colorado State University, Nolan Doesken is the Colorado State
Climatologist, and he has monitored the ongoing drought in the southeastern
portion of […]
California Droughts & Smelt Fish

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Burton Whenever anybody mentions the
drought in California, remind them about the smelt fish. Two years ago,
California had plenty of water following heavy rains in November and
December. But there was a problem, as the Western Farm Press reported:
It would take […]
BBC Deny Saying Denier!

By Paul Homewood Stewgreen passes on this comment on Bishop Hill,
regarding complaints to the BBC: @TerryS just shared this on Bishop-Hill
I sent them a FOI request asking for copies of any formal or informal
guidance on the use of the term “denier”. I also asked for their definition
of a “denier”. […]
Hillary’s Drought

By Paul Homewood Back in September, Hillary Clinton told a clean
energy conference that climate change was causing extreme weather and
droughts, no matter what deniers say.
California Rainfall Nearly Back To Normal In 2014

By Paul Homewood Alarmists seem to have gone quiet about the drought in
California lately. I wonder why? http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/
Precipitation in 2014 was actually close to normal, ranking 44th driest
since 1895. Note that the blue line is the trend, which is falling at a
barely noticeable 0.02”/decade. The bionomial […]
Channel 5’s “Worst Weather Ever” Drivel

By Paul Homewood h/t QV
http://www.channel5.com/shows/worst-weather-ever The other night,
Channel 5 broadcast what might have been better titled “The Worst
Documentary Ever?”. Indeed, if the blurb is an accurate reflection of the
programme as a whole, I am not even sure “documentary” is an accurate term;
fantasy might be more […]
Harrabin’s Halloween Trick

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30754443
In his warming propaganda piece, which I reported on yesterday, Harrabin
stated: The Met Office has confirmed 2014 as the warmest year on UK
record, with the wettest winter and the hottest Halloween. Does one day
in one country have any possible relevance to climate, whether it […]
Booker On The Hottest Year Claims

By Paul Homewood
Christopher Booker has picked up on the fact that both RSS and UAH
satellite make a nonsense of “hottest ever year” claims. An ever-more
curious riddle has arisen over the rush by all the usual suspects to
proclaim that 2014 was “the hottest year in history”. From the […]
Oregon Wind Farm Fined For Killing Golden Eagles

Paul Homewood h/t nzrobin
A Portland, Oregon–based wind-farm company, the second to be
to fines for killing hundreds of protected birds in Wyoming with its
turbines, will pay $2.5 million in fines, restitution and community
service. PacifiCorp subsidiary PacifiCorp Energy pleaded guilty in U.S.
District Court in Wyoming […]
How To Complain To The BBC

By Paul Homewood We often have our whinges about the BBC, but what can
we actually do about it? As Joe Public points out, we can complain. This is
Joe’s comment in full:- Aunty has a long-winded ‘Complaints Procedure’.
Takes about 5 – 10 mins to complete:
https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/forms/?reset=#anchor Corporate Policy
seems to be […]
Govt Energy Efficiency Claims Don’t Stand Up To Scrutiny

By Paul Homewood One of the UK Government’s defences, when faced with
accusations that its climate policies are pushing up energy bills, is to
claim that it is promoting lower energy use via various initiatives to
insulate homes. These initiatives include the Energy Company Obligation,
Green Deal and Building Regulations. But how much difference […]
More Nonsense From The BBC’s Harrabin

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30754443 Another day,
another global warming propaganda story from Roger Harrabin. Botanists
have been stunned by the results of their annual hunt for plants in flower
on New Year’s Day. They say according to textbooks there should be between
20 and 30 species in flower. […]
The Decadal Climate Bet

By Paul Homewood h/t nzrobin Reposted from Kiwi Thinker
Four years ago, early 2011, a decadal global temperature bet was made.
And with all the hype about 2014 being the hottest year, now is a good time
to check out progress with ‘the bet’. But first a little background for any
UK Storms Caused By Slow/Fast Jet Stream (Delete as appropriate)

By Paul Homewood A lorry overturned on the M74 According to the BBC,
yesterday’s storms in Scotland, and to a lesser extent the rest of Britain,
have been triggered by a very strong jet stream: The Met Office’s chief
forecaster said a depression had been developing over the Atlantic in
association with […]
January 9th Storms

By Paul Homewood The Met Office have updated the situation regarding
last night’s storms, which hit Scotland particularly hard: As forecast by
the Met Office, a powerful low pressure system passed to the north of the
UK in the early hours of this morning bringing exceptionally strong winds
in places. Two low […]
UAH Confirms 2014 Was Not Hottest Year

By Paul Homewood UAH have now released their global temperature data for
December and, as with RSS, they confirm that 2014 was a long way from being
the “hottest ever year”, much touted recently.
http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc_lt_5.6.txt Whereas RSS
have last year ranked only the 6th warmest, according to UAH it is 3rd.
However, […]
The Growth In China’s Steel Industry

By Paul Homewood This post is a continuation of the theme addressed in a
couple of recent posts, regarding just how much of the mammoth increase in
China’s emissions since 2000 has been the result of offshoring of western
industries. One of the key indicators we have to measure this are the
Iron […]
UK Industry Energy Trends

By Paul Homewood Yesterday I raised the question in my post, It’s All Our
Fault!!, just how much of China’s increased emissions of CO2 were simply a
displacement of savings in western countries, due to migration of industry.
So let’s take a closer look at the position in the UK. First, the CO2
emissions, […]
UK Wholesale Power Falls to £46/MWh

By Paul Homewood
PEI report: UK wholesale power prices dropped to a two-year low on
Monday 5th January, representing good news for gas generators. The ICIS
Power Index (IPI) is now just £46.316/MWh, the cheapest since July 2012 and
while that is good news for the gas sector, it’s not so […]
Made In China!

Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public No comment is necessary!!
Heat Melts The Internet In Oz!

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward
Down under in Oz, the residents of Western Australia seem none too
pleased that their internet has been turned off because it is too hot, as
this commenter makes clear. Apparently, temperatures reached 44.4C. It
was just as well they did not have […]
It’s All Our Fault!!

By Paul Homewood From the “It’s All Our Fault Department” Whenever
there is a debate about the ever increasing emissions of CO2 in China,
there is usually some comment like this one at Euan Mears’ site yesterday:
http://euanmearns.com/wwf-masters-of-spin/#comment-6106 In other
words, Chinese emissions are all the fault of us […]
Bob Ward’s Wettest Year Fails To Materialise – 2014 Only 16th Wettest

By Paul Homewood
You may recall headlines a couple of months ago, in the run up to Lima,
about how 2014 was on course to be one of the wettest on records in the UK.
The story seems to have been peddled around by our old friend, Bob Ward. As
I […]
Coal Still Dominates The Energiewende

Paul Homewood
The Fraunhofer Institute in Germany has produced a detailed study of
electricity trends there up to Nov 2014. Based on Jan-Nov comparisons,
these are some of the highlights: In terms of capacity, wind/solar
account for about 42%. Note also that nearly all of the wind power […]
Warmest Year In UK Brings Big Benefits

By Paul Homewood The Met Office have announced that, provisionally,
2014 was the warmest on record in the UK. The Central England Temperature
series confirms that last year finished at 10.93C, slightly higher than the
10.87C recorded in 2006. Is this evidence of global warming, as no doubt
many will suggest? We know […]
The UK Offshore Wind Industry

By Paul Homewood A year ago, I published an analysis of the state of
the Offshore Wind industry in the UK here. This is an update of the
situation, based on Renewable UK’s latest report, Offshore Wind Project
Timelines. Capacity
This is what Renewable UK’s report shows. Ignoring […]
Wind Farms Paid £53 Million To Switch Off Last Year

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
The Telegraph report: Wind farms are being paid more than £1 million a
week to switch off their turbines. Latest industry figures show £53.1
million was handed out to green energy companies over the past 12 months
for shutting down turbines. The money is […]
North Atlantic Hurricane Stats For 2014
By Paul Homewood I took a look at global tropical cyclone stats
yesterday, but I thought it would also be useful to have a look at the
situation in the North Atlantic. First, hurricane numbers. These include
all hurricanes, whether making landfall or not. And Accumulated
Energy: On […]
RSS Data Rubbishes Hottest Year Claims
By Paul Homewood RSS satellite data is now published for December,
and confirms that global atmospheric temperatures for 2014 are nowhere near
the record being touted by NOAA and NASA.
The anomaly for the year has finished at 0.256C, which ties with 2007 as
only the sixth warmest […]
Green Leader: Being On Benefits Worse Than Poverty In India
By Paul Homewood Leader of the UK Green Party, Natalie Bennett, gave us
all a telling insight into how greenies’ minds work in this interview with
the Economist this week. They are broadly against consumption, for
example: “The world is sodden with stuff, it cannot have more stuff,” said
Ms Bennett. Yet […]
EU After Your Coffee Pots!
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30643357 It seems the EU, inevitably
cheer led by the ridiculously biased Harrabin, now have their sites on our
coffee pots: The new EU rules even extend to the coffee machine. Drip
filter machines with non-insulated jugs must power down 40 minutes after
the […]
Hurricane ACE Data For 2014
By Paul Homewood Dr Ryan Maue has now updated his ACE data to the end
of December 2014. Just a quick recap for those not familiar, Accumulated
cyclone energy (ACE) is a measure used by the NOAA to express the activity
of individual tropical cyclones and entire tropical cyclone seasons. It
uses an approximation […]
The Great Hurricane Of 1780
By Paul Homewood http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Hurricane_of_1780
The Great Hurricane of 1780, also known as Huracán San Calixto, the Great
Hurricane of the Antilles, and the 1780 Disaster is probably the deadliest
Atlantic hurricane on record. Between 20,000 and 22,000 people died when
the storm passed through the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean 10–16
October. […]
Global Sea Ice Well Above Average For Most Of 2014
By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/archives.html
Global sea ice extent finished the year at 1.69 million sq km above the
1981-2010 average. This equates to 8.2% above normal. During 2014, sea ice
extent has been above normal for 245 days, at an average of 295,000 sq
km. Antarctic ice continues to blow away […]
Preliminary US Tornado Data For 2014
By Paul Homewood http://www.spc.noaa.gov/wcm/torngraph-big.png Based
on provisional data, 2014 has been another very quiet year for tornadoes in
the US, the third such year on the trot. It will be a couple of months
before provisional data for November and December is fully confirmed and
classified. The number of confirmed tornadoes is usually […]
Deller’s Guide To 2015
By Paul Homewood
Totally off topic, but it is New Year’s Day! James Delingpole gives his
predictions for 2015. Read the rest of the year here.
Welcome To The World Of Climate Science – Where Anything Goes
Happy New Year all!!
Welcome to the new world of science, where computer models and
preconceptions trump real live data.
2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for
this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors
per year. This blog was viewed about 650,000 times in 2014. If it were an
exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 28 days for that many
people to see […]
The British Council At Lima
By Paul Homewood h/t Greensand & QV
http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2014/cop20/eng/inf02.pdf Amongst the
thousands of participants at the Lima Conference were six from the British
Council. To recap, according to their website, the British Council is
the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational
opportunities. They are on the ground in six […]
BBC Media Action
By Paul Homewood http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2014/cop20/eng/inf02.pdf
As I mentioned earlier, BBC Media Action sent a couple of people to the
UN Climate Conference in Lima this month. I would stress that these were
listed by the UN under “Non-Governmental Organisations”, and not media. The
BBC, of course, plenty of journalists etc as well. So, […]
Temperature Adjustments At Ostrov Dikson
By Paul Homewood
I looked yesterday at the temperature adjustments made by GISS/GHCN to
the temperature record for Ostrov Dikson, a small settlement on the edge of
the Kara Sea in Siberia. As with many similar adjustments at Arctic
stations, the effect has been to downgrade the warm spell of the 1940’s. […]
Bye Bye Lima – Roll On Paris
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2014/cop20/eng/inf02.pdf What do the
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, World Association of Girl Guides, the Solar
Energy Industries Association, the Maryknoll Sisters of Dominic, Women in
Europe for a Common Future and the University of East Anglia have in
common? They’ve all just come back from […]
South Carolina Worries About Non Existent Warming!
By Paul Homewood
Apparently there is some fuss down in South Carolina about a report by
their Department of Natural Resources on the local effects of climate
change which was shelved for a while. It seems they are worried about a
warming trend of 0.0F/decade since 1920! http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/
Stephen Belcher On Extreme Weather
By Paul Homewood h/t Alex Henney Professor Stephen Belcher Back
in October, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change, which
boasts such luminaries as Tim Yeo, Caroline Lucas and Emily Thornberry
amongst its leading members, co hosted a seminar along with the Royal
Society and the Parliamentary Office of Science […]
Aussie Droughts “Far From Exceptional” – Ice Core Study Finds
By Paul Homewood
This story from the Australian Antarctic Division seems to have slipped
below the radar. Antarctic ice cores tell 1000-year Australian drought
story Ice core drill and glaciologists from the Australian Antarctic
Division and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC, Law Dome, East
Antarctica. (Photo: Joel […]
Cooling The Past In Russia
By Paul Homewood
How GISS got rid of the embarrassing 1940’s blip in Siberia.
New Study Shows Extreme Rainfall Not Increasing In England & Wales
By Paul Homewood The Met Office frequently claim that rainfall is
becoming more intense in the UK. This claim stems in part from the study by
Matthew Perry, “A spatial analysis of trends in the UK climate since 1914
using gridded dataset”. This was the paper I mentioned a few days ago, with
regard […]
Arctic Sea Ice In Canada Greater Than 1970’s
By Paul Homewood
More of those darned inconvenient facts from Arctic mammal expert, Dr
Susan Crockford: This week, Arctic sea ice in Canada, where 2/3 of the
world’s polar bears live, had more sea ice than was present in the early
1970s. Globally, the ice is spitting-distance close to the […]
Watch Your Pocket – Hansen’s About!
By Paul Homewood That well known, totally impartial, ex govt scientist,
James Hansen has issued what I guess is his Xmas message, “Assuring Real
Progress on Climate”. He acknowledges that the annual round of
climate negotiations is pretty much a waste of time, and even if some sort
of […]
David Viner Is Now Just A Thing Of The Past
By Paul Homewood Sheffield – Dec 2014
Snow in Scarborough, North Yorkshire – Jan 2013
Snowy scenes as freezing conditions come to the UK – Feb 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16883674 Large parts of England and Wales
could get as much as 10cm of snow today […]
Tribe Attacks Another Tribe
By Paul Homewood
Tribe Attacks From the “You could not make it up dept”, comes news that
global warming has led to cooling in Peru, which in turn has led to one
tribe raiding another tribe. This is apparently something that has never
happened before. From Al Gore Jazeera: Climate […]
Winters Were Wetter 100 Years Ago
By Paul Homewood One of the things that Julia Slingo and her
cronies insist they are sure about is that climate change is making winters
wetter in the UK. But is there any evidence for this? Not according to the
long running England & Wales Precipitation Series.
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadukp/data/download.html To […]
Search Facility
By Paul Homewood I have added a Search Box (at the bottom of the Tag
Cloud), following earlier suggestions.
The Truth About Davey’s Energy Savings
By Paul Homewood Ed Davey has been stung into defending his
disastrous energy policies, following revelations that his department had
disgracefully attempted to hide data, showing that electricity prices would
soon be 40% higher, as a result of climate policies. The above letter was
published in last week’s Sunday Telegraph. Unfortunately, he is […]
Warm Arctic Is Simply Part Of Natural Cycle
By Paul Homewood The most iconic symbol of the global warming
scare is the “melting Arctic”. But is the Arctic any warmer than back in
the 1930’s and 40’s? Certainly not in places like Akuryri, in Iceland, as
GISS show.
To get a fuller picture, I have calculated […]
Happy Xmas!!
By Paul Homewood
Merry Xmas to all, courtesy of Fenbeagle!
Increase In UK Temperatures Largely Due To Increase In Sunshine Hours – (Caused By Reduced Pollution)

By Paul Homewood Further to my post, “Has Increased Sunshine Caused UK
Warming In Late 20thC?”, the Met Office published a study of UK Climate
Trends, called Climate Memorandum 21, which looked at gridded datasets of
temperatures, rainfall etc. The paper, published in 2006 and including data
up to 2004, had this to say […]
BBC & The Penguins
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public First we had WWF asking for money
under false pretences to save the Adelie penguins. Now it seems that the
BBC have jumped on the bandwagon. In their report on Cambridge scientist,
Stacey Adlard’s work studying the penguins in Antarctica, they prominently
show this chart: […]
A Nice Little Earner

Paul Homewood h/t Reality Check For anyone wondering how much
Greenpeace pay their staff, their Annual Accounts give the answer.
Including pension costs, it works out at Eur 55,265 per head, about
£43,000 at current exchange rates, not bad remuneration for those
supposedly in it to save the […]
Is There A Trend To Heavier Rainfall In The UK?
By Paul Homewood
The Met Office report on a study by one of their scientists, Mike
Kendon, (which, as seems to be usual, is hidden behind a paywall here ,
despite the fact that taxpayers have funded it). The claim is made that
The large number of recent wet records […]
WWF Lie For The Penguins
Paul Homewood h/t QV
WWF want your money and are prepared to lie for it. This is what
state: As we all know, sea ice around Antarctica has been at record
high levels in recent years. But, as Wikipedia explains, the extent of
sea […]
Greenpeace Off!
By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html
CET Winter Temperatures Less Extreme Than In The Past
By Paul Homewood As promised, I have run the Central England
Temperatures for winter, as I did with summer ones yesterday, to see
whether extremes, whether warm or cold, are increasing. Remember that these
anomalies are calculated against the average of the previous 30 years. So
2014 is worked out against 1985-2014. […]
Has Increased Sunshine Caused UK Warming In Late 20thC?
By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/actualmonthly The sharp
rise in UK temperatures, which effectively began in the 1980’s, is widely
known about, but, (and I may be wrong here), has never been satisfactorily
explained. Indeed, I am not sure anybody from the Met Office, Hadley
Centre, etc has ever seriously attempted to explain it. […]
Booker On Our Zero Carbon Future
By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
Christopher Booker lays bare the dangerous delusions of those running our
energy policies. From the Telegraph: As we look back over the past 12
months and forward to the next, I regret that there is one story I reported
two months ago to […]
UK Summer Temperature Not Becoming More Extreme
By Paul Homewood
The Met Office report on a fairly meaningless study, which tells us that
since 2000 there have been more hot records set than cool ones in the UK.
They say: Temperature records: Since 2000, there have been 10 times as
many hot records as cold records. Taking into […]
Nasa observatory reveals high CO2 concentrations in southern hemisphere
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2 We all know that it is us wicked
developed countries that are destroying the world with our CO2. This
doubtlessly explains why CO2 concentrations are so much higher across a
wide band of the southern hemisphere. Global atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations from October 1 […]
It’s Nuts!
By Paul Homewood
Now I’ve heard it all!! According to researchers working on the
Polaris Project in the Arctic, which aims to study climate change at the
poles, arctic ground squirrels and beavers both contribute to carbon
emissions by burrowing into the frozen soil to make their homes, churning
Nissan Leaf Fails The Test
By Paul Homewood Nissan Leaf With oil prices falling through the
floor, and confirmation of just how much electricity prices are going to
rise in the next few years, it is time to look again at the comparative
costs of electric and conventional cars. The Nissan Leaf seems to be the […]
Sheffield City Council’s Priorities
By Paul Homewood From the local rag: Could this be the same
Sheffield City Council, who last year admitted that they were employing ten
Climate Change Officers at a cost of over £500,000 pa?
Govt Awards Capacity Market Contracts
Paul Homewood
The Telegraph have joined the “let’s show backlit water vapour and
pretend it’s black smoke” campaign. They report: Consumers will pay an
£11.40 annual energy bill levy to help keep the lights on from 2018,
ministers have announced, amid fears the policy could inadvertently
increase the risk of […]
Too Many Twits At DECC
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
https://twitter.com/DECCgovuk/status/545569375173242880 DECC can
evidently afford to waste time and taxpayers’ money running a twitter
account, now they have 35% extra staff! I wonder why they did not brag
about how wind only contributed 3.8% to electricity generation in September
though? Or the fact that […]
BBC Bang The Drum For DECC & The EU
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30518649 Let’s
leave aside the fact that the BBC say the economy is now growing (they
usually try to deny it)! It can be no coincidence that the BBC have chosen
to make a splash of this story, just days after DECC were forced to reveal
how electricity prices would […]
DECC Increase Staffing By 35%
By Paul Homewood
At a time of austerity, I am sure we will all be pleased to see that DECC
have managed to increase their staffing levels by 35% since 2010, according
to the Institute for Government. Figures from the Office for National
Statistics confirm that numbers of staff have increased from […]
Global Sea Ice For Dec 14th Highest Since 1988
By Paul Homewood Reposted from SunshineHours Global sea ice extent
is now at its highest level since 1988, and the fourth highest on the
satellite record, for Day 348.
The Cost Of The UK Govt’s Climate Policies
By Paul Homewood I looked the other day at the impact on electricity
bills of UK climate policies, which showed that, by 2020, prices could be
40% higher than they would be otherwise. But what does this mean in terms
of overall costs in the UK? The overall cost for domestic users […]
What Are Weather Bombs?
By Paul Homewood “Weather Bombs” tick all the right alarmist boxes:
It’s sexy, so it sells papers. It gives the impression of the sort of wild,
violent weather that “scientists” have said we could expect. It sounds like
some new phenomena, that we never used to have in the good old days of […]
And Pigs Might Fly!
By Paul Homewood
CBC report: Florida’s vulnerability to the effects of climate change
doesn’t seem at first blush to be a Canadian issue. But every year, some
3.5 million Canadians travel to the sunshine state. What’s more, about half
a million Canadians own property in Florida, much of it at risk […]
China & India To Lead Growth In Coal Demand Say IEA
By Paul Homewood http://www.powerengineeringint.com/index.html
Latest news from PEI: China leads as global coal demand set to reach 9bn
tonnes by 2019 The world’s appetite for coal-fired power will continue to
grow over the next five years, according to the International Energy
Agency’s (IEA) Medium-Term Coal Market Report, released today. The report
No, Seth, Weather Disasters Aren’t Getting Worse.
By Paul Homewood
Among the various fact free claims made in this Borenstein article, which
I debunked a couple of weeks ago, was this concerning weather disasters.
Since 1992, there have been more than 6,600 major climate, weather and
water disasters worldwide, causing more than $1.6 trillion in damage and
killing […]
More WWF Propaganda About The Philippines
By Paul Homewood
A carbon-curbing deal struck in Lima on Sunday was a watered-down
compromise where national intransigence threatened the goal of a pact to
save Earth’s climate system, green groups said. The hard-fought agreement
sets out guidelines for the submission of national greenhouse-gas pledges
next year. But, the groups said, initially […]
Oh Dear! Oh Dear Oh Dear! Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear!!!!
By Paul Homewood h/t Catweazle
From Breitbart: The 12-day UN climate change summit in Peru has
generated more carbon dioxide than an entire African country. The talks,
aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, generated more than
50,000 tonnes of CO2, as more than 12,500 politicians, green activists,
diplomats and […]
Is Britain Getting Wetter?
By Paul Homewood Is it getting wetter in Britain? We have certainly
had some wet weather in the last year or so, but it is easy to confuse
short term weather with long term trends. People’s memories are notoriously
short, made worse by overhyped media coverage. Add in the lack of any
proper […]
DECC Forced To Release Data Showing Impact Of Climate Policies On Energy Prices
By Paul Homewood
I’ve now had a chance to dissect the numbers that the Department of
Energy & Climate Change, DECC, have been forced to release, regarding the
effect of climate policies on energy prices. They base their assumptions
around three scenarios of fossil fuel prices – high, central and low, […]
GWPF Welcomes “Toothless” UN Agreement
By Paul Homewood GWPF has just released this announcement concerning the
outcome of the Lima conference. London 14 December: Dr Benny Peiser, the
director of the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF), has welcomed the
non-binding and toothless UN climate agreement which was adopted in Lima
earlier today. Dr Peiser said: “The Lima agreement […]
Electric Prices To Rise By 40%
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
Don’t say I did not warn you! The cost of household electricity will
rise by as much as 40 per cent by the end of the decade because of the
Government’s green energy policies. Official figures — initially withheld
by ministers — show an […]
Typhoon Season Update
By Paul Homewood With the passing of Typhoon Hagupit, I thought it would
be a good time to give an update of where the year stands, as regards
typhoons. Unlike the Atlantic, there is no “season” for typhoons (which are
simply what hurricanes are called in the Western Pacific), as they can
happen all […]
BBC Use Brazilian Drought For Global Warming Propaganda
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30443919 Yet more dishonest
reporting from the BBC. In their report on how the Lima conference has
(rather inevitably!) gone into overtime, the BBC have included this photo:
Drought in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The talks have highlighted divisions
between developed and developing nations There […]
Aussie Sea Level Hysteria
By Paul Homewood
Thank heavens for a little bit of Aussie sanity. Fort Denison, an old
penal colony in the middle of Sydney Harbour, has one of the oldest tide
gauges around, having been located there for 128 years. During this period,
the sea level has risen just 6.5 cm, […]
The Truth About Mid West Heatwaves That The UCS Did Not Tell You
By Paul Homewood
As extreme summer heat has been a bit of a topic recently, let’s have a
look at this report from the UCS that Steve Goddard highlighted a few days
ago. Although the report was published in 2012, conveniently in the middle
of the hot summer that year, it still […]
If Yoga’s The Answer, What Was The Question?

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-30438566 Forget carbon taxes,
windmills and climate reparations. The BBC have got the answer!
Temperature Record In France Dominated By Urban Sites
By Paul Homewood I was having a look at the GISS temperature record in
France, and was astonished to find that there is only one rural station
currently operational in the whole country. Moreover, this happens to be
4000 ft up Mont Aigoual. I can hardly believe that a station up a mountain
Shackleton’s Ill Fated Voyage
By Paul Homewood
100 years ago last week, Ernest Shackleton was preparing to depart from
South Georgia with the Endurance on the Trans-Antarctic Expedition. As
is well known, he ended up trapped in pack ice the following January in the
Weddell Sea, only a few miles from the coast. What followed was […]
Russian Aluminium Oligarch Finances Blair’s Climate Change Charity
By Paul Homewood Sorry to spoil your lunch, but I was reading a Sunday
Telegraph report on Tony Blair’s charity activities, when I spotted this:
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch and close friend of Mr Blair’s former
cabinet colleague Lord Mandelson, spent £300,000 co-funding a little-known
charity run by Mr Blair, which […]
Extreme Summers?
By Paul Homewood You can tell that Lima has started! Following quickly
on from yesterday’s news of the Stott paper, which claimed that the chances
of extreme hot summers across parts of Europe have increased dramatically,
along comes another paper out today by Phil Jones. This one claims that
extreme temperature anomalies — […]
Davey Attempts To Interfere In Pension Funds Investment Decisions
Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report: Investing in fossil fuels is becoming
increasingly risky because global action to tackle climate change will
demand, forcing companies to leave unprofitable reserves in the ground,
Davey, the energy secretary, has warned. Financial authorities must
the risks posed by coal, oil and […]
Glaciers In Antarctica Advanced During Little Ice Age

By Paul Homewood As we all know, Antarctica is melting, we’re all going
to drown and its all your fault. Well maybe not. There is a growing body
of evidence that the Little Ice Age affected the Antarctic just as much as
the rest of the world, and as a result glaciers […]
Met Office Spin Heatwave Nonsense Again
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
It seems the Met Office are spinning their extreme heatwave nonsense again,
this time a paper by their own Peter Stott. The study is behind a paywall
at Nature, which again raises the question of why taxpayer funded research
is not made freely available. But […]
Heatwaves & Summer Mortality
By Paul Homewood Readers may recall claims by Munich Re that 760
people died in the UK’s “heatwave” in July 2013. It turned out that this
figure had no basis in reality, but was simply the product of some model.
Now we have the mortality statistics from the ONS for the […]
Antarctic Glacier Retreat In Perspective
By Paul Homewood
Reposted from the Cato Institute: The mainstream media has lit up the
past few days with headlines of “alarming” news coming out of Antarctica
highlighting new research on a more rapid than expected loss of ice from
glaciers there. But, as typical with blame-it-on-humans climate change
stories, the […]
Polar Bears Mystery
By Paul Homewood h/t Richard Morris
It seems that scientists have found out how polar bears have managed to
migrate to the South Pole!! And Michael Hanlon is supposed to be the
Science Editor! Heaven help us all. BTW – As usual, the Times is
behind […]
Hottest Year Claims Are A Load Of Nonsense – Booker
By Paul Homewood
Good to see that Christopher Booker has picked up and run with the
satellite data, which show that claims of a “hottest year ever” are
nonsense. Led by the BBC, the usual media suspects were quick to trumpet
last week’s claims by the Met Office and the World […]
Another Quiet Hurricane Season

By Paul Homewood
With the hurricane season now officially at an end, it’s time to look
back on yet another quiet year in the Atlantic.
There have been eight storms, ranked as tropical storms or stronger,
which compares to the 30-year average of twelve. Only one storm, Hurricane
BBC Wheel Out The Extreme Weather Lie

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30311816
While warning us that this year may be the warmest on record (if you
don’t count the other years), David Shukman thought he should also link
this to extreme weather. Of course, we never had bad weather before!
Maybe Mr Shukman would like to remind his […]
UN Climate Funds Given To Japanese Companies To Build Coal Power Stations!

By Paul Homewood
Woops! Newsweek report: About $1 billion in Japanese funding that
Japan claimed was part of a UN initiative to help developing countries take
action against climate change went, unnoticed, towards Japanese companies
for the construction of three coal-fired power plants, the Associated Press
reported Monday. The slip-up […]
Lefties Don’t Even Want Cheap, Clean Fusion Power

By Paul Homewood If there was any doubt about the guilt greenies like
Paul Ehrlich (above) feel about modern western civilisation, just take a
look at this article from the LA Times in 1989.
So forget the nonsense about nasty polluting coal and other fossil
fuels. They are against […]
Educating Seth Borenstein

By Paul Homewood Seth Borenstein has been ratching up the nonsense
ahead of the Lima conference in this AP piece. WASHINGTON (AP) – In the
more than two decades since world leaders first got together to try to
solve global warming, life on Earth has changed, not just the climate. It’s
gotten […]
RSS YTD Temps Only 7th Highest Since 1998
By Paul Homewood We now have the RSS satellite temperature data out for
November, and, as with UAH, they show that this year will be nowhere a
record, as is being touted for the surface datasets. Indeed, this year is
running in only a modest 7th place.
As with UAH, […]
Records & Adjustments
By Paul Homewood While the Met Office tell us that that global
temperatures for 2014 are running 0.01C above the previous record (with an
error margin of 0.1C!), we should remember how much their temperature data
has changed over the last few years.
[The latest update of the old V3 […]
No Record Temperatures According To Satellites
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30311816
Unsurprisingly, the BBC put up a deliberately apocalyptic picture while
telling us the world is on course for the warmest year on record. What they
failed to tell us was that the more accurate satellites, which monitor
atmospheric temperatures over nearly all of the globe, say no such thing.
HH Lamb, Jet Stream Meridionality & Extreme Weather
By Paul Homewood It will come as no surprise to learn that HH Lamb
had plenty to say about meridional jet streams and atmospheric blocking.
Here is an extract from his book, “Climate, History and The Modern World”.
From Chapter 14, Climate Since 1950. (Bear in mind that the book was
published in […]
Europe’s Coldest Winter Of The 20thC
By Paul Homewood h/t Henry P We are all familiar with stories of
how the German advance on Moscow stalled in the winter of 1941/2.
Meteorologists believe this may have been the coldest winter in Europe in
the 20thC. The Severe Winter in Europe 1941–42: The Large-scale
Circulation, Cut-off Lows, and […]
One Year To Save Planet Says Dopey Davey!

By Paul Homewood
Reblogged from Australian Climate Madness. Ed was no doubt following
the timetable set by the WWF: WWF’s Climate Solutions report shows how the
world can limit its heat-trapping emissions with known technologies and
policy changes, using only sustainable, environmentally friendly energy
sources. “The question for leaders and governments […]
The Winter Of 1962/63
By Paul Homewood The winter of 1962/63 was the coldest for 200 years in
Britain. The Met Office describe it: It began abruptly just before
Christmas in 1962. The weeks before had been changeable and stormy, but
then on 22 December a high pressure system moved to the north-east of the
British […]
First Phase Of Dredging Completed On Somerset Levels
By Paul Homewood Work has been ongoing since March to begin the
20-year flood action plan on the Somerset Levels. The main action so far
has been to dredge 8km of the Rivers Tone and Parrett. The Environment
Agency report that this was completed at the end of October, with the
successful […]
A Look Back At The Winter Floods
By Paul Homewood When we look back on the UK’s weather in 2014, the one
thing that will stand out is the wet winter, which led to widespread
flooding. However, it is important that we get this into perspective,
disastrous as the floods might have been at an individual level. The Dept
The Great Flood Of 1862
By Paul Homewood h/t John F Hultquist
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_of_1862 Thanks to John for
letting me know about what was called the Great Flood of 1862. From Wiki:
The Great Flood of 1862 was the largest flood in the recorded history
of Oregon, Nevada, and California, occurring from December 1861 to […]
Mild Weather Reduces Winter Deaths To Record Low In UK
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30243635 I wonder
where Roger Harrabin is today! I was waiting for the stats to be
published by the ONS, but in the meantime the BBC beat me to it! The
lowest ever number of winter deaths was recorded last year, official
figures for England and Wales show. […]
Doctors Will Save Us From Global Warming!
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward I’m sorry Mrs, but I can’t save you –
you’re suffering from global warming!
More money is being wasted on climate change nonsense at the UEA,
this time by the Medical School. Doctors need to be prepared to deal with
new […]
The Science Free Royal Society Report On Extreme Weather
By Paul Homewood
Paul Matthews has a good analysis of the Royal Society’s new report
“Resilience to Extreme Weather”. The Royal Society, formerly a highly
regarded institution, is increasingly abandoning science in favour of
political propaganda. Its latest piece of scaremongering, Resilience to
extreme weather, is packed full of emotive images […]
Bob Ward Forgets 1903
By Paul Homewood According to Bob Ward, global warming propagandist for
the Grantham Foundation, The trend for wetter weather is being caused by
climate change. The very wet and warm year we are experiencing is part of a
pattern. The seven warmest years and four of the five wettest years on
record so […]
Brazil To Boost Coal & Gas Power
By Paul Homewood A round up of some of the power generation news from
around the world this week. Brazil seeks energy stability as coal and gas
power auction commences 27th Nov The Brazilian government launches a key
auction in ensuring the country’s energy security on Friday. Dilma
Rousseff’s administration wishes […]
Scientists Lose The Plot
By Paul Homewood
It’s at times like this that I am ashamed to be British. The
Telegraph report: Radical, untested techniques to tackle global warming
by reflecting the sun’s rays could have "terrifying" consequences, yet may
ultimately be needed to prevent catastrophic climate change, scientists
have said. Three Government-funded […]
Climate Catastrophe In The 17thC – Geoffrey Parker In Review
By Paul Homewood I have already reviewed Brian Fagan’s excellent
history of the Littler Ice Age, but Don B alerts me to a book published
last year by another historian, Geoffrey Parker, Global Crisis: War,
Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century. As the name
suggests, this concentrates on the period […]
CO2 Emissions Rocketing In Oil Sheikdoms
By Paul Homewood When we discuss CO2 emissions, we invariably
gravitate to China and India, simply because they are such large emitters,
and growing emissions rapidly. But what about the Arab world? Many of the
Middle Eastern oil producing states are amongst the richest countries on
earth, on a per capita […]
Why Does Obama Want To Kill The African Dream?
By Paul Homewood A reader left this comment on my article China’s New
Energy Plan Forecasts Big Rise In CO2 Emissions, which was reposted at
WUWT. Mervyn Recently, Obama made his grandstanding-Obama/China deal,
effectively allowing China to keep emitting enormous amounts of CO2 in its
quest to develop, which is also what […]
The UK Clean Air Act & Black Smoke
By Paul Homewood While we’re on the topic of power station
smokestacks, it is worth noting that the UK has a Clean Air Act, originally
introduced in 1956. The latest version, the Clean Air Act 1993, contains
this provision: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1993/11/section/1
Dark smoke is defined with reference to the […]
Rainfall Patterns In The South West
By Paul Homewood Whenever wet weather hits England, as often as not it
is the South West which bears the brunt of it, as Somerset discovered last
winter. But is it actually getting wetter in that part of the country, or
is rainfall becoming more extreme? The Met Office maintain a regional […]
Smokestacks & Water Vapour
By Paul Homewood Readers will recall the image of Eggborough power
station used by the BBC (top), and a more conventional photo (bottom). But,
regardless whether it is black or white, what is that stuff coming out of
the smokestack? Surely it must be something nasty? Well, not really
actually. According […]
New Study Finds Little Ice Age Was Global
By Paul Homewood A new study has found that the Little Ice Age was
global, rather than just affecting parts of the Northern Hemisphere. UK
researchers show Little Ice Age was global, with implications for current
Global Warming 18 November 2014 Gloucestershire, University of A team of
UK researchers has shed new […]
UK Leads The World – (In Offshore Wind Subsidies!)
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
According to Ed Davey, This unique collaboration between UKTI, The Green
Investment Bank, The Crown Estate, RUK and the Offshore Wind Programme
Board, sets out why the UK is the best place in the world for doing
business in offshore wind. With a stable and predictable […]
China’s New Energy Plan Forecasts Big Rise In CO2 Emissions

By Paul Homewood News from Enerdata that China has published a new
Energy Development Strategy Action Plan (2014-2020), presumably following
on from the US-China agreement last week. The State Council of China has
unveiled a new Energy Development Strategy Action Plan (2014-2020) focusing
on the development of renewables and capping primary energy consumption […]
China Invest $73Bn In Global Oil Production

By Paul Homewood
Obama seems to think that the Chinese govt is serious about reducing CO2
emissions. Meanwhile, Chinese oil companies, still primarily owned by the
state, have been busy investing in oil production around the world.
According to the latest report from the IEA, China has spent $73 billion in
the […]
House of Commons Cancels Sceptics’ Climate Meeting

By Paul Homewood I mentioned a while back a meeting on climate and
energy issues which was scheduled to take place in the House of Commons on
5th Nov. UKIP MEP, Roger Helmer, was one of the speakers invited. I was
therefore astonished to see Roger’s post today on the event. Dear Rt […]
Harrabin’s Black Water Vapour
By Paul Homewood h/t Mick J https://twitter.com/RHarrabin Now I
wonder why Roger Harrabin would have this picture on his Twitter home page?
Answers on a postcard to the Global Warming Propaganda Dept at the BBC.
Another Dopey Journalist Can’t Tell Smoke From Steam
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public It’s not just the BBC!!
It appears that Associated Press journalists don’t know the
difference between smoke and steam either. To make matters worse, they
seem to suggest that China should away from steel production and
manufacturing. Back to the Dark […]
Germany’s Energy Dilemma
By Paul Homewood Following news of the political battle going on in
Germany over climate targets, it is perhaps time to see what progress they
have actually been making in taking fossil fuels out of the mix. The
Energy Information Administration (EIA), part of the US Dept of Energy, has
data up to […]
Strongest Typhoon Claims Refuted By Philippines Weather Agency After Typhoon Yolanda
By Paul Homewood Thanks to M Kelly for reminding me what the Philippines
National Weather Agency had to say in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda.
From the New York Times: Before the typhoon made landfall, some
international forecasters were estimating wind speeds at 195 m.p.h., which
would have meant the storm would hit […]
Typhoon Yolanda One Year On
By Paul Homewood Philip Eden has a largely sensible piece on Typhoon
Haiyan, or Yolanda as the Philippines named it, just over a year after it
hit. He describes well how the storm surge did so much damage, although
he fails to mention the shallow waters where this occurred, and which […]
Germany To Drop 2020 Climate Targets
By Paul Homewood
Since the Federal elections in Germany, earlier this year, there has been
a running battle between Sigmar Gabriel, minister for economic affairs and
energy, and Barbara Hendricks, the environmental minister. Gabriel has been
keen to drop CO2 targets, because of the damage they have been doing to the
economy, […]
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