Gummer Wheels Out More Alarmist Propaganda

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33315125
From the BBC: The UK must take urgent action to prepare for the impact
of climate change, the government has been warned. Ministers should focus
on the future risks of heatwaves and flooding, says the Committee on
Climate Change. Its report said more needed to be done to […]
Arctic Ice Predictions For September

By Paul Homewood http://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2015/june As
ever, at this time of year, the Sea Ice Prediction Network have put
together a collection of predictions of the minimum sea ice extent in the
Arctic this autumn. This year, they have had 32 contributors. The first
thing which stands out is the vast range of […]
Indur Goklany On The Papal Encyclical

By Paul Homewood
Indur Goklany has a new paper out with GWPF: The full report can be
read here.
Coal To Remain The Backbone Of German Economy

Paul Homewood
From PEI: Germany’s drive towards a transition to renewable energy
being undermined by its continuing dependency on coal-fired power,
according to GlobalData. Their analysis leads them to believe that
their best efforts coal will still backbone Germany’s economy for some
to come, despite a greater […]
The Useless Slingo Wins A Prize

By Paul Homewood
Apparently the useless Slingo has won some “prestigious award”! Could
this be the same Julia Slingo who told MP’s in 2012, that global warming
was contributing to colder winters and drought? Then blamed it for wet
winters? Or the same Julia Slingo who told […]
Lancashire Say No To Fracking

By Paul Homewood
In a surprise decision, Lancashire County Council’s Development Control
Committee have rejected the advice of their own planning officers and
thrown out Cuadrillo’s application to frack at the Little Plumpton site.
Incredibly, the reasons they give are impact on the landscape and noise:
1) The development would […]
UK Electricity Stats – Q1 2015

By Paul Homewood DECC have now published their Q1 electricity
statistics, here are the highlights. Compared to the same quarter last
year: 1) Total generation is up slightly by 1.2%, partly a reflection of
the mild winter last year. 2) The drop in coal power has been partially
compensated […]
The Pope’s Anti-Capitalist Bandwagon Rolls On

By Paul Homewood
If there was any doubt about the pope’s anti capitalist credentials, the
Guardian let the cat out of the bag: She is one of the world’s most
high-profile social activists and a ferocious critic of 21st-century
capitalism. He is one of the pope’s most senior aides and a […]
Black Soot On My Car!

By Paul Homewood There has been some discussion of soot and its
impact on Arctic ice recently, so I thought I’d throw this in. I bought a
white car a couple of months ago, my first for donkeys years. With it being
white, it is really noticeable just how much black […]
The BP Energy Review

Paul Homewood
I took a quick look at the latest BP Statistical Review a couple of
weeks ago, but have now had a chance to look at in a bit more detail.
1) Territorial Analysis First, the territorial breakdown of primary
energy consumption for 2014, out […]
Nir Shaviv On Solar Activity

By Paul Homewood
A couple of weeks ago, the Financial Post had this piece from Nir Shaviv,
which gives a lucid summary of his position on the influence of the sun.
The IPCC and others blame CO2 for increases in sea levels, ignoring
evidence that shows the sun to be the […]
Booker On The BBC

By Paul Homewood
Booker homes in on the latest BBC propaganda: Here are recent
examples of how mindlessly the BBC falls into its party line, on three
familiar topics: 1. Those ‘850 New York lawmakers’ On no issue has the
BBC’s coverage been more absurdly one-sided and unprofessional than energy
Albedo Effect At The Poles

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html We hear
a lot about “melting Arctic ice” and “albedo”. For instance, NSIDC,
reporting on the minimum sea ice extent in September 2013 had this to say:
The Arctic ice cap grows each winter as the sun sets for several months
and shrinks each summer as the sun […]
The Story Behind That 2007 Paper

By Paul Homewood http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6290228.stm As I
mentioned yesterday, Dr Mike Lockwood wrote a paper back in 2007 which
claimed that changes in solar radiation had no impact on recent global
warming. What is intriguing is that six years later, in 2013, he seems to
have totally changed his mind, as the BBC meteorologist, […]
Ed Miliband’s Crocodile Tears

By Paul Homewood Hatfield Colliery I really don’t know whether to
laugh or cry! Ed Miliband had the gall to stand up in the Commons
yesterday and say: “The Secretary of State will be aware of the very
serious pressures that Hatfield Colliery in my constituency is currently
under, in part […]
EU’s Obsession With Climate Change Driving Orang-Utans To Brink Of Destruction

By Paul Homewood
From Breitbart: The orang-utan population of Indonesia is being driven
to the brink of extinction thanks to the massive deforestation underway to
satisfy the rapidly growing demand for palm oil as a biofuel. Some
scientists estimate that as many as 95 percent of the orang-utans native to
In The Bleak Midwinter!

By Paul Homewood
According to the latest paper on the “grand solar minimum”, the effect on
global temperatures would be minimal: The relative annual global mean
near-surface temperature change for the period 2050–2099 is a cooling of
0.13 and 0.12 °C for EXPT-A and EXPT-B, respectively. This offsets or
delays the […]
Mike Lockwood – Sun Has No Influence On Climate, Except When It Does!

By Paul Homewood h/t Chris Manuell July 2007 A new scientific
study concludes that changes in the Sun’s output cannot be causing
modern-day climate change. It shows that for the last 20 years, the Sun’s
output has declined, yet temperatures on Earth have risen. It also shows
that modern temperatures […]
Austria To Challenge Hinkley Point Deal

Paul Homewood
Whoops!! From PEI: The Austrian government has declared that it
launch its much threatened legal challenge to the European Commission
decision that facilitates the construction of Hinkley Point C nuclear
plant on Monday. Chancellor Werner Faymann said after a cabinet meeting
Tuesday, "We cannot […]
Is Another Little Ice Age On The Way?

h/t Paul2 By Paul Homewood
Global warming in northern Europe and the eastern US could be partially
offset in future winters because of the sun entering a weaker cycle similar
to the one which enabled frost fairs to take place on the river Thames in
the 17th and 18th century, according […]
More, Grossly Deceptive Reporting From The BBC

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-33211020
The BBC have been up to their tricks again. A US environmental group
has written to Lancashire County Council urging it to refuse permission to
allow test drilling for fracking. The letter, signed by 850 elected
officials in New York State, comes days before the council decides […]
Hemisphere Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood
Some interesting analysis from Ron Clutz on seasonal temperature trends
in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Greece And Poland Turn To Coal, As Germany Dithers

By Paul Homewood News from Greece that the government there is
determined to go ahead with the new lignite power plant, Ptolemaida V:
Greece Turns To Coal, Calls Renewable Energy A Threat To National Security
Date: 21/06/15 Ilias Tsagas, PV Magazine Greek energy minister warns that
renewable energy is a threat to national […]
The Anti Capitalist Pope

By Paul Homewood
For anybody surprised by the Pope’s latest encyclical on the environment
and climate change, I would recommend reading this thoughtful piece in the
Atlantic, which analysed his anti capitalist stance in 2013. Pope
Francis is once again shaking things up in the Catholic Church. On Tuesday,
he issued […]
HADCRUT Trends And Error Bars

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcrut4/diagnostics.html We looked at
HADCRUT4 trends since 2001 a couple of weeks ago. Readers will recall that,
back in 2013, the UK Met Office confirmed that the pause in global
temperature rise had begun then.
Since then, El Nino conditions in 2014 have added a slight uptick […]
Burning Britain’s Forests

Paul Homewood
David Rose highlights how government incentives to burn wood are
big holes in our forests. One gloomy day in March 2012, Pip Pountney,
recently retired from Warwick University, went for a walk in Ryton Wood
near Coventry with Ann Wilson, a former textile chemist. Ryton’s 216
Immense Pile Of Filth?

By Paul Homewood
According to the Pope, the Earth looks like an immense pile of filth.
Scottish Sceptic applies a bit of well deserved common sense: As a
result of the industrial revolution – to which I’m proud to say a lot of
Scots contributed. The world is now living in […]
Study Finds Increase In Solar Radiation In The 1980’s In Germany

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/actualmonthly You may
recall that I have written a few posts recently on the topic of increasing
sunshine hours in the UK, for instance here. There appears to have been a
sharp increase around the mid 1980’s, which is also around the time UK
temperatures began rising. […]
The Tories must seize the chance to rethink climate change policy – Telegraph

Are we finally seeing the first signs of commonsense from the MSM,
regarding climate change? Apart from the likes of Booker, Dellers and Rose,
there has been little more then the odd whinge about energy bills. Enter
Fraser Nelson of the Spectator, who starts: When Benedictine monks first
arrived to restore Pluscarden Abbey, a beautiful […]
Pacific Islands Not Sinking

By Paul Homewood From the “We told you so department”
Rising seas are eating away at small islands and will eventually turn
their inhabitants into climate refugees, right? Not so for some of the
world’s most threatened islands, which have grown despite experiencing
dramatic sea level rise. Funafuti atoll, which includes […]
E. CALVIN BEISNER: The ironies of Pope Francis’s climate-change cure – Washington Times

Much reaction to the Pope’s political intervention on climate change, not
to mention redistribution of wealth. Here, Calvin Beisner offers a response
from the religious perspective.
He concludes: As a small child, in Calcutta, India, I observed, daily, two
things. First, a beautiful, red-flowering vine hanging from an enormous
tree, which displayed the beauty […]
Extreme Weather In The 1970’s

By Paul Homewood
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0007/000748/074891eo.pdf I mentioned the
special edition of the Unesco Courier magazine, published in August 1973,
which looked at some of the changes in climate going on at the time. One
chapter was written by Jerome Namias about forecasting some of the extreme
events. Right at the start of […]
Basics of Ocean Acidification | Science Matters

Another interesting post from Ron Clutz, this time on ocean acidification.
Rising green energy levies ‘risk public backlash’ – Telegraph

Even the left wing think tank has begun to realise how much the climate
agenda is going to cost ordinary people, and that the poor will be hit
hardest. Rising green energy levies ‘risk public backlash’ Efforts to
combat climate change could be jeopardised by a backlash against the rising
costs of green levies on […]
Big Oil & Renewable Energy

Paul Homewood
If anybody wonders why Big Oil is backing a carbon tax, just remember
much they are investing in renewables:
http://www.statoil.c... more »
Judith Curry: The State of the Climate Debate In The U.S. | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

Some powerful stuff from Judy Curry in her presentation to the House of
Lords. Prof Judith Curry’s presentation in the House of Lords, London 15
June 2015 Good evening everyone, it’s a great pleasure to be here, and I
would like to thank the GWPF for inviting me. Tonight I will be talking
about the […]
The Maldives’ Latest Underwater Airport

By Paul Homewood Ifuru Airport, Maldives News from the Maldives that
their latest airport has just opened: Ifuru Airport has been officially
opened on Thursday, 28th of May 2015 at a ceremony held on the island of
Ifuru. The recently developed domestic airport located in Raa Atoll was
inaugurated by the Maldives […]
Germany’s Lünen plant receives clean coal award – Power Engineering International

While energy policy in the UK stumbles from one shambles to another,
Germany’s new coal fired plants are showing the way forward. From PEI: The
operator of the Lünen coal-fired power plant in Germany, Trianel
Kohlekraftwerk Lünen GmbH & Co KG, has been awarded the Peabody Energy
Advanced Energy for Life Clean Coal Award, which […]
Flamanville reactor overshadowing prospects for Hinkley Point C – Power Engineering International

Continuing difficulties with EDF’s European Pressurised Reactor (EPR)
technology at a flagship plant in northern France are leading to doubts
about the viability of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant across the
English Channel in the UK. More faults were highlighted in a leaked report
on the Flamanville facility from the French nuclear safety […]
The Little Ice Age In South America

By Paul Homewood There has been some discussion recently about the role
of the sun in climate change. This paper was published in 2006, but is
still relevant in this respect.
http://www.geo.umass.edu/faculty/bradley/polissar2006a.pdf ABSTRACT
The introduction goes on to make some significant points: We
can […]
State 24-Hour Rainfall Records

By Paul Homewood NOAA set up the State Climate Extremes Committee in
2006. Its duties are to officially pronounce on all time records for each
state, for categories including maximum and minimum temperatures,
precipitation and other elements. One of the elements tracked is
24-hour rainfall. We have been told that this is becoming […]
High-tech solar projects fail to deliver – MarketWatch

H/t David Dohbro
Another bright idea bites the dust!! If you look back at history, you will
see that it is littered with ideas that failed. It is of course the
successful we are all benefitting from now. What is different is that in
those days it was not governments who picked the winners […]
Booker Exposes Amber’s Hypocrisy

By Paul Homewood Energy Secretary, Amber Rudd, has been trying to gain
some cheap kudos since her promotion after the election, by putting
pressure on the nasty energy companies to lower their prices. As we all
know, it is her Department’s own policies that are not only already putting
up bills, but will lead […]
Planned Coal Power Investments

By Paul Homewood EurActiv have this recently published chart, showing
planned coal power investment.
The total adds up to 1206.74GW. Current UK coal fired capacity stands
at about 20GW.
Turkey Investing In Modern Gas Power Plants

Paul Homewood
It is ironic that, just days after Siemens announced major cutbacks at
its Gas and Power Division in Germany, saying the way in which Germany’s
energy transition is being handled has made it impossible for us to ever
sell our fossil fuel-related products and solutions in Germany, PEI

We’re off for a week, so as usual posting is light and moderation slow!
Bilderberg Forget About Global Warming

By Paul Homewood h/t Catweazle
James Delingpole comments: Even if you don’t happen to believe that
Bilderberg is the sinister organisation that really rules the world, what
cannot be denied is that its secretive meetings do to tend to attract some
pretty high-level insect overlords. Here’s the participants list for […]
MP David Davies With Some Home Truths

By Paul Homewood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytzTMqs8XKA#action=share You may
have seen the video of MP David Davies in yesterday’s House of Commons
debate on Climate Change. If not it is definitely worth watching, as it
was quite unusual in that Davies actually knew what he was talking about.
In the middle, […]
Ed Davey On BBC Today

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05xdc9x Yesterday
Christopher Booker suggested I listen to the previous day’s Today programme
(which I really needed after a visit to the dentist!!). The useless Sarah
Montagu was interviewing Catherine Mitchell, Prof of Energy Policy at
Exeter University, and Ed Davey on decarbonisation and the G7 statement a
few days […]
Swansea Bay Gets Planning Go Ahead

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-33053003 As
Christopher Booker reported last Sunday, the tidal lagoon project in
Swansea Bay has received planning approval from DECC, in what seems to be a
remarkably quick process. It has been clear for a while that David Cameron
has been personally involved in pushing this scheme through. There […]
BP World Energy Review For 2014

Paul Homewood
The Telegraph has a good analysis of the 2014 Statistical Review of
Energy, hot off the press from BP: Global energy consumption slowed to
its slowest rate of growth since the late 1990s last year in what BP’s
chief economist Spencer Dale has described as a “watershed” […]
Massive Rise In China CO2 Emissions Forecast – BBC Call It “Progress”!

By Paul Homewood h/t QV
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33040965 Apparently our
friend Roger Harrabin is getting excited about the latest report from the
LSE: China’s greenhouse gas emissions could start to decline within
10 years, according to a report from the London School of Economics. This
would be five years earlier than […]
Confusing Short Term Weather Events With Long Term Trends

By Paul Homewood According to Richard Mallett: There was a pause in
2013, but it’s over now.
Unfortunately, he is confusing short term weather events with long term
trends. If we look at what the HADCRUT trend was after the 2010 El Nino,
we can see it was up. […]
The Met Office & The Pause

By Paul Homewood There has been much discussion about “The Pause” in
recent days, and not just here. There was one comment, however, over at
WUWT which caught my eye. To paraphrase, it stated that the only dataset
which showed a pause in temperatures was RSS, and questioned whether we
should be placing over […]
G7 To Save The World (But Not Yet!)

By Paul Homewood
From Slate: In a joint declaration from the G7 summit, leaders of the
world’s richest countries called for a global phase-out of fossil fuels for
the first time on Monday. That sounds great, but unfortunately, they’re
talking about a lax timescale—“over the course of this century.” The
whole […]
The Warming In The North

By Paul Homewood
What has been called “The Warming in the North”, the rapid warming of the
Arctic between 1920 and 1960, remains one of the most significant and
puzzling climatic events of the 20thC. Ron Clutz has a good summary of
writings on the subject by Dr Bernaerts: The […]
Putin & Buffett’s War On US Pipelines

By Paul Homewood
Ice Age Now has an interesting essay by Paul Driessen: “As battles
over the Keystone XL, Sandpiper and other pipelines rage on, fascinating
information is coming to light,” says this article by Paul Driessen. “Many
of the anti-fossil fuel campaigns are neither grassroots nor even
Astroturf, and certainly […]
The Polar Bear Fallacy

By Paul Homewood
http://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2015/06/Arctic-Fallacy.pdf In a
new paper for GWPF, the Arctic mammal expert, Dr Susan Crockford, accuses
scientists of systematically misleading the public, saying that they are
blaming changes in polar bear populations on global warming despite
overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Below is the summary: The
full […]
GISS Guessing Arctic Temperatures “Introduces Substantial Errors”

Paul Homewood .
As we know, the Arctic is supposed to be one of the fastest warming
regions on the planet. According to GISS, above, most of it is between 2
and 4C warmer than it was in 1979. Annual anomalies appear to have
increased since 1979 at a rate […]
Chinese Company To Build Swansea Tidal Lagoon Barred By World Bank For Fraud

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-32993437 I reported
back in February on plans for a tidal lagoon in Swansea Bay. Evidently the
plans are moving closer to fruition. The BBC report: A £300m deal to
build the six-mile wall for the world’s first tidal lagoon power plant in
Swansea Bay has been awarded to […]
Antarctic Ice Extent Sets Another New Record High

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html
Antarctic sea ice has set yet another record high for the satellite era in
May, beating last year’s record. The average extent for the month was 12.1
million sq km, which is 2.0 million sq km above the 1981-2010 average.
http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html Meanwhile up north, despite
claims of […]
Gavin Denies The Pause

By Paul Homewood
Richard Mallett kindly points me towards Gavin’s comments on the Karl
paper. It laughingly contains this comment: The ‘hiatus’ is so fragile
that even those small changes make it disappear.
Yes, really fragile, Gavin!! To compound matters, he then tries
a […]
Thoughts On Karl’s Pause-Buster Paper

Paul Homewood
WUWT has already thoroughly covered the latest NCDC attempt to remove
pause. Basically, Thomas Karl and co have adjusted sea surface
temperatures down prior to around 1998, and up since, so that they now
that SST’s have carried on rising unabated. But I will just add two […]
Harvard Researchers In Cahoots With EPA Caught Lying

By Paul Homewood
From Breitbart: Emails obtained from the Environmental Protection
Agency show that Harvard University, Syracuse University and two of their
researchers appear to have falsely claimed a study supporting EPA’s
upcoming global warming rules was conducted “independent(ly)” of the
agency. In early May, a study published in the […]
Don’t Rely On Hopeless Amber To Cut Your Bills

By Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report: Britain’s biggest energy firms have been ordered to
pass on the fall in wholesale gas and electricity costs and cut household
bills. Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has written to the “Big Six” urging them
to ease the pressure on families. Ed Miliband promised an 18-month freeze
Big Oil Calls For Carbon Pricing

By Paul Homewood
You may have heard about the letter, sent to the Financial Times this
week by Shell and five other oil majors calling for the introduction of
widespread carbon pricing, and wondered why turkeys are voting for Xmas.
This is the letter: As we gather in Paris for the […]
The Reality Behind Europe’s Obsession With Biomass

Paul Homewood
From the WaPost: OAK CITY, N.C. — For the sake of a greener
thousands of American trees are falling each month in the forests
this cotton-country town. Every morning, logging crews go to work in
densely wooded bottomlands along the Roanoke River, clearing out every
Hottest Month Evah? Don’t Bet On It!

By Paul Homewood
One sector profiting from the global warming scam is the bookies. It
seems we only need to get a couple of days of sunshine and gullible punters
are queuing up to throw their money away on ridiculously short odds that
this will be “the hottest month evah”. We […]
Latest Tornado Stats – May 2015

By Paul Homewood There has been a lot of wet and stormy weather around
the US South in the last few weeks, which has also brought a pick up in
tornado activity. However, for the year to date, tornado numbers are still
below average. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/wcm/#data On provisional
LSR’s, only 2010, […]
Sahel Droughts? – Perhaps They Should Have Read HH Lamb!

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
The Mail reports: Climate change means rain is returning to
drought-stricken areas of Africa exactly 30 years since Live Aid raised
£150million to help starving people there, a new study has revealed. A
severe lack of rainfall during the 1970s and 80s led to […]
Big Rise In UK Environmental Taxes

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
Hot off the press from the Office of National Statistics, news that
environmental taxes raised £44.6bn last year. To be fair this includes a
large chunk from fuel duty and the like, which we have all been paying for
decades. (Fuel duty and motor […]
Elon Musk Rakes In $4.9bn In Subsidies

By Paul Homewood
the LA Times reports: Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a
multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell
solar panels and launch rockets into space. And he’s built those companies
with the help of billions in government subsidies. Tesla Motors Inc.,
SolarCity Corp. and Space […]
Massive Renewable Capacity Will Unbalance The Grid

By Paul Homewood I outlined a few days ago the energy projections that
the UK govt was working towards up to 2030 and beyond. The central
scenario assumed a massive increase in renewable and nuclear capacity,
which, on current prices, would could potentially be adding at least £15bn
a year to energy bills […]
Siemens Cutting 1600 Jobs At Power & Gas Division In Germany

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
FRANKFURT May 28 (Reuters) – Industrial group Siemens has resigned itself
to never selling another gas turbine in its home country following
Germany’s switch to renewable energy, its chief executive said. Joe Kaeser
is cutting 1,600 jobs at Siemens’ power and gas division, which has […]
Wind Farm Subsidies Facing The Axe

By Paul Homewood
As expected, the Tories are bringing forward their first moves to end
subsidies for onshore wind. From the Telegraph: Subsidies that have
fuelled the spread of onshore wind farms are to be dramatically curtailed,
under Government plans to be unveiled within days. The Telegraph has learnt
that a […]
The Age Of Disinformation

By Paul Homewood https://twitter.com/BillNye/status/603229369243410432
As we know, the usual suspects have been trying to pretend that the
Houston floods are unprecedented and caused by “climate change”.
Steve Goddard and I have showed that this is just nonsense. It is good,
therefore, to see that a proper meteorologist, James Spann, has come out to
UK Energy Projections & Costs

By Paul Homewood I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had asked DECC for
a list of power stations that were due to close in the next few years in
the UK. As they previously intimated, they have decided not to release this
information because of commercial confidentiality, which I can appreciate.
Yes, The Ocean Has Warmed; No, It’s Not Global Warming

By Paul Homewood h/t dennisambler
http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/ocean.html I have long
maintained that, because of their enormous heat capacity , any effect of
GHG on ocean temperatures would be so small as to be unmeasurable in the
short term. The idea that the missing heat has been hiding there is simply
unscientific. It […]
Delusional Nonsense From Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard often writes about the forthcoming demise of
fossil fuels, but he has really excelled himself this time, with such
delusional reporting that about the only thing he has got right is his
name. The political noose is tightening on the global fossil fuel […]
Is The AMO Beginning To Turn Cold?

By Paul Homewood
New study finds that the AMO may be beginning to turn cold. Reposted
from Ron Clutz: A new study, by scientists from the University of
Southampton and National Oceanography Centre (NOC), implies that the global
climate is on the verge of broad-scale change that could last for […]
Who Is Spreading Lies About Houston’s “Unprecedented Flooding”?

By Paul Homewood
Steve Goddard has been exposing the media lies about recent floods in
Houston, but I’ll add my twopennorth anyway! According to NBC: Houston
Intercontinental Airport smashed its all-time record for most rainfall in
one day on Monday — its 4.34 inches almost doubling the previous milestone
set […]
Sea Ice Dynamics

By Paul Homewood
Ron Clutz has an informative post about sea ice dynamics: When white
men started to explore the north of America, they first encountered the
Crees. Hudson Bay posts were established to trade goods for pelts,
especially the beavers used for making those tall hats worn by British
ceremonial […]
Stealing Money From Consumers Adds “Value To The Economy” – In Renewable Fantasy Land

By Paul Homewood
The onshore wind industry in the UK is beginning to squeal like a pig at
the prospect of having the taps turned off in its obscene subsidies. Even
before the election they were claiming : The British onshore wind energy
industry is adding over £900 million a year to […]
Turkey To Double Coal Power

Paul Homewood
From PEI: The Turkish government is planning to double its coal
capacity over the next four years, making it the country with the
third largest investment in the fossil fuel. Targets for electricity
generation from domestic coal (lignite + hard coal) are set for 60,000
You Could Not Make It Up!! (But They Can)

By Paul Homewood From the “Science is Settled Department”. In
2008, they found that sea level rise between 2003 and 2008 had slowed down,
compared to 1993-2003. Furthermore, the authors were confident that thermal
expansion had stopped and that glacial melting accounted for all of the
Nuclear Power Down The Loire

I have cycled around the Loire twice now, and can honestly say I have not
seen a single wind turbine. There are plenty in the plainer country of
northern France, but it seems they won’t allow them in the scenic areas.
There are however at least two nuclear plants. Incl the one pictured above,
St […]
Europe Losing Thermal Capacity Rapidly

By Paul Homewood
From PEI: The transition to renewable power generation is accelerating
closures of coal and gas-fired power generation plants at a quicker rate
than expected. That’s the conclusions drawn by investment bank UBS, who
have produced a report on the subject. According to UBS, policymakers
may have […]
Cooling The Past In The Faroes.

By Paul Homewood Thorshavn, Faroe Islands In 2003, two proper
scientists wrote a paper on the climate of the Faroe Islands, which lie
between Iceland and Norway.
They published this graph of air temperatures at the capital Torshavn.
And commented: So we find […]
Will CCS Technology Actually Increase Pollution?

This post is meant to generate discussion about CCS technology. I don’t
necessary have all the answers, but will pose some questions. Let’s start
with some (factual?) assumptions: 1) Coal power stations emit a certain
amount of toxins, even with the best scrubbing technology. 2) Carbon
storage, CCS, if it is ever developed commercially, will […]
Hollywood’s Climate Hypocrites

By Paul Homewood
Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural match.
After all, who can tell you better to cut back on your wasteful ways better
than a high-flying multi-millionaire movie star with the carbon footprint
of a Tyrannosaurus Rex? It’s never mattered that the stars have all the
scientific […]
How NASA Lie

By Paul Homewood
When NASA reported that Antarctic sea ice had reached a record maximum
last September, they inevitably tried to downplay it. Sea ice
surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering
more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term
satellite record […]
Analysis Of Antarctic Peninsula Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood I looked at temperature trends on the Antarctic
Peninsula last week, and thought it worthwhile re-posting this analysis I
did last August:
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— It is
commonly known that the Antarctic Peninsula has seen substantial warming in
the last few decades. Jim Steele wrote a guest post for WUWT a […]
West Antarctic Cool Down

Paul Homewood
This 2011 paper found that temperatures had dropped by 1.7C during the
two millenia prior to 1700 CE in the West Antarctic. Perhaps current
temperatures there are not quite so “unprecedented”. Abstract: A
surface cooling of ∼1.7°C occurred over the ∼two millennia prior to
CE at […]
Why Tesla’s Powerwall Is Just Another Toy For Rich Green People

By Paul Homewood Musk with utility-scale “Powerpack.” (Photo by Kevork
Djansezian/Getty Images) You may have heard about Elon Musk’s plans to
save us all from climate apocalypse by selling us all Tesla batteries, so
that we can store electricity from wonderful solar panels. A couple of
articles which go into the economic detail […]
Groundbreaking begins at 500 MW lignite plant in Poland – Power Engineering International

Meanwhile Poland have started work on giant lignite power plant. Quote: It
will make a significant contribution to a dependable supply of power in an
economy which is continuing to grow strongly
UK loses another coal-fired power plant as Ferrybridge to close – Power Engineering International

Ferrybridge coal power station is to close next, in large part due to
carbon taxes, that are much higher then in Germany. This will make UK
capacity even tighter. Meanwhile, Labour’s Yvette Cooper cries crocodile
tears about job losses. Perhaps she should have complained to Ed Miliband
when he introduced the Climate Act which […]
Little Ice Age In The Ross Sea

By Paul Homewood
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X11002925 More
evidence of the Little Ice Age in the Antarctic. ABSTRACT The Little Ice
Age (LIA) is one of the most prominent climate shifts in the past 5000 yrs.
It has been suggested that the LIA might be the most recent of the
Dansgaard–Oeschger events, which are […]
IEA: Falling Oil Prices Are Derailing The Future Of Renewable Energy

By Paul Homewood The greenies are wailing, and it’s SO UNFAIR! From
Fusion: Falling oil and gas prices have short-circuited rollouts of
renewable energy and alternative vehicle use, setting back progress toward
reaching climate goals, the world’s top energy body said Monday. In a new
report, the International Energy Agency warns much […]
Antarctic Temperatures Not Unusual

By Paul Homewood The Antarctic may have warmed up since the 19thC, but
are current temperatures there anything unusual? NIPCC have a useful list
of studies which show that it has been regularly warmer in the recent past.
In a news & views item published in Nature Geoscience, van Ommen (2013)
comments […]
Have Global Warming Warnings Reached A Tipping Point?

By Paul Homewood
For decades now, those concerned about global warming have been
predicting the so-called “tipping point” — the point beyond which it’ll be
too late to stave off catastrophic global warming. It seems like every year
the “tipping point” is close to being reached, and that the world must get
Holidays (Again)!

I’m away for a week, cycling down the Loire! There’s a few posts
lined up, but as usual moderation will be slow.
Matt Ridley On Divestment

By Paul Homewood
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/columnists/article4443252.ece Matt
Ridley has another sensible piece at the Times: Institutions and
pension funds are under pressure to dump their investments in fossil-fuel
companies. The divestment movement began in America, jumped the Atlantic
and has become the cause célèbre of the retiring editor of The Guardian,
Alan Rusbridger. […]
NCAR’s Record Temperature Con

By Paul Homewood
More climate fraud, this time from NCAR, funded by the National Science
Foundation, NCAR’s sponsor, the Department of Energy, and Climate Central.
It claims to show that there are many more record high temperatures than
there used to be, which, according to Gerald Meehl, shows how our […]
India Plan 60% Increase In Coal Output By 2020

By Paul Homewood
The Indian government are lining up a big expansion for coal production,
as well as renewable energy. The Times of India reports: NEW DELHI:
Government today said investments worth $ 250 billion are planned over the
next five years in coal, power and renewable energy and it is […]
South Africans Warned Of Bitterly Cold Winter

By Paul Homewood h/t Ice Age Now Hottest Year Ever Update:
Letseng Diamond Mine plant in Mokhotlong, Lesotho Cape Town – 12 May 2015
– Warnings of a bitterly cold winter this year is fast becoming a reality
for South Africans, as snow fall was reported again this weekend in the […]
The Arctic Ice Death Spiral!

Paul Homewood Visual image of the rapidly disappearing Arctic ice!
Note that extent last month was just the same as it was in April
Meanwhile, volume is back to 2006 levels
And thickness for most of this year is […]
Met Office & El Ninos

By Paul Homewood https://youtu.be/WPA-KpldDVc The Met Office have a
short, informative video on El Ninos. (Click on link). Based on MEI,
the current El Nino, which has started a year ago, is close to 2006 levels,
but not as strong yet as the 2010 one.
http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ It is always […]
Antarctic Peninsula Stopped Warming 30 Years Ago

By Paul Homewood We are doubtlessly all aware of claims that the
Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming parts of the world. The
implication is clear, that this is global warming in action. Yet the story
is not quite all that it appears. Let’s look at the GISS temperature […]
Claims That Heatwaves Will Increase In LA Ignore The Facts

By Paul Homewood
It really is becoming a full time job debunking the nonsense that
masquerades as climate science nowadays. The LA Times tells us: By 2050,
parts of Los Angeles County are forecast to experience triple or quadruple
the number of days of extreme heat if nothing is done to […]
How Will El Nino Affect Harvests?

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
The Telegraph report: Food prices for a range of products from bread to
meat could soon be back on the rise after Australian meteorologists
declared the start of a new El Nino weather cycle. El Niño weather cycles
are caused by high temperatures arising […]
What The BBC Does Not Want You To Know About Arctic Ice

By Paul Homewood
Dellers reports: The BBC’s Science Editor David Shukman recently got
back from an expedition to the high Arctic. Amazingly, despite having gone
all that way, he seems completely to have missed the big story: that
contrary to the doomsday predictions we’ve been hearing from all the
experts […]
Kerry Predicts Ice Free Summer For 2014!

By Paul Homewood https://youtu.be/UdOKE_DxLpQ Speaking on the
Senate floor on June 25, 2009, then Senator John Kerry ridicules Senator
Jim Inhofe on global warming science: ‘The Senator from Oklahoma, Senator
Inhofe, has made some comments on the floor of the Senate that are either
wrong on the facts or I think […]
What’s Happening To Antarctic Ice Sheets?

By Paul Homewood What is happening to the Antarctic ice sheets? Are
they really all melting? To answer the question, we first need to go back
and take a look at Jay Zwally’s paper in 2012, Mass Gains of the Antarctic
Ice Sheet Exceed Losses. He found that: During 2003 […]
Sea Level Rise Lower Than Thought!

By Paul Homewood
Bishop Hill mentions this new paper, also trailed by the Guardian with
the headline “Sea level rise accelerated over the past two decades,
research finds “. Apparently the new findings now tally more closely with
the IPCC models, which must give us all great reassurance! Here is the
paper. […]
Naomi Klein Conveniently Forgets About China!

By Paul Homewood
In her war against capitalism, Naomi Klein claimed: It’s not that we’re
doing nothing – we’re actually actively doing exactly the wrong things. We
have an economic system that defines success and progress as infinite
economic expansion. Any kind of expansion is deemed good. Our emissions are
going […]
Hinkley Point Technology The Wrong Option

By Paul Homewood
From PEI: A top lawyer at Pillsbury, a global law firm who specialise
in energy and natural resources, says that while the Austrian challenge to
Hinkley Point C is difficult to understand, the main mistake is the
selection of EDF and its European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) for the […]
Ending Capitalism Is Naomi Klein’s Real Goal

By Paul Homewood
Don’t say you have not been warned! Interviewed by Basta magazine,
Naomi Klein lays it on the line: Ironically, she starts the interview
by saying: It’s not that we’re doing nothing – we’re actually actively
doing exactly the wrong things. We have an economic system that […]
Increasing Antarctic Ice A Worry For Research Stations

By Paul Homewood h/t Sunshine Hours
THE size and power of ships needed to break through Antarctica’s
increasing sea ice levels is a worry for the global research community. IN
recent years countries including Australia have battled to reach their
stations on the frozen continent, making resupply missions time consuming
and […]
Climate Change “To Harm Communities’ Psychosocial Well-being”

By Paul Homewood
A nice piece from Theodore Dalrymple: For a long time I have intended
always to carry a small notebook with me when I go to second-hand bookshops
to take down a list of the most boring titles ever published. Frequenters
of such shops will know what I […]
Kathy’s Top Of The Pops At The Puff Host

By Paul Homewood
According to the Lubbock Journal: Katharine Hayhoe’s reputation as one of
the world’s leading experts on climate change continues to grow. Hayhoe, an
associate professor in the department of political science and director of
the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech, was named to the top 10 list […]
Oceans Dominate Global Temperatures, Not CO2

By Paul Homewood Ron Clutz has an interesting post up at Science
Matters on the influence that oceans have on the Earth’s climate.
You only have to compare Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) from HADSST3 with
estimates of Global Mean Surface Temperatures (GMST) from Hadcrut4 and RSS.
This first graph […]
Scientific American Forget The Enid Floods

By Paul Homewood
“Scientific” American report: While tornadoes normally take center
stage during severe weather season, for Oklahoma City on Wednesday, it was
torrential rains and flash flooding that overshadowed the twisters. The
city recorded more than 7 inches of rain in 24 hours, the third-highest
single day rainfall total for […]
What Will Happen To DECC?

By Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report: Britain’s energy industry has cause to celebrate
the resounding Conservative victory in the general election. Under an
ill-conceived, Labour-led coalition government — backed by the Scottish
nationalists and Greens — the lights would have been in danger of going out
across the land before Christmas. […]
Dam The Beavers!

By Paul Homewood More on them damn beavers! The story I mentioned
yesterday, regarding the letter sent about a beaver dam, appears to have
been doing the round of the internet for quite some time! The story
actually originates in 1998 in Michigan (rather than Pennsylvania, which it
seems to have mutated […]
Dam Bureaucrats!

By Paul Homewood Henry P sends me this amusing piece of
correspondence! This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries
regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania. This guy’s
response is hilarious, but read the State’s […]
More Studies On Sunshine Hours

By Paul Homewood Kenneth Richards has left a long comment on my sunshine
hours post, which is worth reposting on its own. It seems that sunshine
and cloud cover is something that cannot be ignored:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212095514000728 This
study analyses the interannual variability of sunshine duration (SDU) at
the urban […]
Satellite Temperature Update For April

By Paul Homewood Both UAH and RSS have released their global temperature
data for April, and both are down on March, continuing the steady downward
trend since the start of the year.
Despite El Nino conditions for the last year, there has been no increase in
the 12-month trends since […]
Record Sunshine In April

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/actualmonthly The Met
Office have just announced that last month was the sunniest April on record
in the UK, beating the previous record set in 1942. This continues the
trend towards much sunnier springs since the 1980’s. (See here.) Whatever
the cause, and there is evidence to suggest that reduced […]
India Refuse To Be Bound By New Climate Treaty

Paul Homewood
A slightly opaque report from the Times of India, but it seems to be
saying that won’t be bound by any climate agreement this year. NEW
India not "legally" bound under United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCC) and it has been "coordinating" with like minded
The Real Cost Of Miliband’s Decarbonisation Agenda

Paul Homewood
The Telegraph has attempted to put a cost on Ed Miliband’s manifesto
promise to decarbonise Britain’s electricity supply by 2030.
they have muddied the water by adding the subsidies paid out to
together with the capital costs of building new nuclear. So, let’s see
we can […]
Austrians To Challenge Hinkley Point

By Paul Homewood
As I reported last week, it looks like the Austrian govt will appeal the
Hinkley nuclear decision. From PEI: Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann
has confirmed that his country will be registering its lawsuit against the
European Commission for its approval of a subsidy deal to finance the
Hinkley […]
What Shukman Forgot To Tell You About The Arctic Expedition!

By Paul Homewood Thanks to Stewgreen
In March, National Geographic ran a couple of articles on the Norwegian
Arctic expedition, which the BBC’s David Shukman made a big play of
yesterday. Here are some of the things he forgot to tell you: The story
starts in January, when they set […]
But The Ice Is Getting Thicker, Mr Shukman!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32553668 As part of their
propaganda drive for Paris, the BBC’s “Science” Editor has taken a fossil
fuel powered trip to the Arctic, to call in on a fossil fuel powered
Norwegian scientific expedition, which is measuring and monitoring Arctic
ice. The expedition ship has been escorted into the […]
Are Antarctic Ice Shelves Really Shrinking?

By Paul Homewood h/t NZ Robin
http://www.sciencemag.org/content/348/6232/327.abstract According to a
newly released paper, the floating ice shelves around Antarctica are
melting at an ever increasing rate. According to the Editor’s Summary “If
warming continues to cause ice shelves to thin, as they have for the past
couple of decades, their disappearance may […]
Antarctic Sea Ice Expands To New Record In April

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html Time to
take a quick look at the sea ice situation down under, as I must have
missed it on BBC News! http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html
According to NSIDC, a new record high has been set for April, beating last
year. Ice is above average virtually all around the continent. […]
The Madness Of Germany’s Energy Socialism

By Paul Homewood
Or “How Gabriel promotes the planned economy”. There was a time when I
regarded Germany as a pragmatic country! It seems that Germans are becoming
increasingly fed up with the mad policies of their rulers. Wirtschafts
Woche have a damning commentary on Sigmar Gabriel’s “Energy Revolution”.
Gabriel is […]
More Nonsense About Heatwaves

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32534488
More nonsense coming off the conveyer belt in time for Paris! From the
BBC: England is set for more record-breaking warm years like 2014, say
scientists. The chances of England experiencing an exceptionally warm year
is 13 times more likely due to human influences on climate, a study […]
Arctic Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood
http://euanmearns.com/record-arctic-warmth-in-1937/#more-8424 Euan Mearns
has an interesting post, looking at temperature trends across the Arctic
and sub-Arctic areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the adjacent part of
Russia. The data clearly show a cyclical pattern, with the warm years of
the 1930’s and 40’s at a similar level to the temperatures […]
US Major Hurricane Drought Longest On Record

By Paul Homewood A paper just out reminds us of just how unusual the
absence of a major landfalling hurricane in the US has been in recent
years. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015GL063652/abstract
Abstract As of the end of the 2014 hurricane season, the US has experienced
no major hurricane landfall since Hurricane Wilma in 2005, […]
Response From Philip Bratby

By Paul Homewood Regular, Philip Bratby, responds to criticism in the
Bournemouth Daily Echo: Examine scientific evidence before you make
comments on climate change IT HAS been brought to my attention that
for no apparent reason, in a letter of April 23, Dr Martin Rodger
criticised me for having “attacked” […]
How Intermittent Is Wind Power?

By Paul Homewood According to Gridwatch, wind power averaged 1901GW
during April, some 5.9% of UK total demand. Hardly awe inspiring, but the
reality is really far, far worse, as this average hides huge variations
within the month, as the chart below makes clear. (The Grid reports at
5-minute intervals). http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ […]
Poor Zoe Has Not Got Much To Offer

By Paul Homewood Renault Zoe Following on from today’s news about a
likely clampdown on diesel cars, because of EU NOx regulations, let’s take
a look at the sort of motor the greenies would like us all to be driving.
The Renault Zoe is one of the latest electric cars to appear on […]
Global Sea Ice Update

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html With
Antarctic sea ice running above even last year’s record levels, it is no
surprise that global sea ice is above average.
http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/ A closer look at the global
trends since the start of last year show that sea ice has been above
average for 269 days […]
Coal Still Tops In UK

By Paul Homewood
Meanwhile, back in the real world! PEI report: One third of Britain’s
electricity was provided by the coal-fired power sector over the last six
months, despite the loss of 5 GW of coal plants over the last two years. In
the October 2014 to end of […]
Will Austria Challenge Hinkley Point?

Paul Homewood
PEI report: The European Commission’s decision on Hinkley Point was
published in the Official Journal on Tuesday, and there now commences a
month period whereby potential objections from Austria, Luxembourg and
other entities can be recorded. If the decision is contested it may
prove a
fatal blow […]
India’s Emissions Targets Not Quite What They Seem

By Paul Homewood
From the Press Trust of India: India has voluntarily announced efforts
to reduce emission intensity by 20-25 per cent by 2020 from the 2005 level
without reckoning the emissions from agriculture sector, Lok Sabha was
informed today. Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said during Question
Hour that though India […]
Red Ed’s Climate Change Law

Paul Homewood h/t A C Osborn
Booker reminds us of the big, fat elephant in the room, which
except for UKIP are trying to tip toe around. One astonishing fact not
getting a mention in this bizarrely unreal election campaign is that Ed
Miliband can already claim to […]
Nobody Expected The Marc Morano Inquisition!

By Paul Homewood Vatican Heavies Silence Climate Heretics at UN
Papal Summit Breitbart report: VATICAN CITY – Papal heavies shut down
an awkward question at a Vatican press conference today when a journalist
asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon his views on climate sceptics. Marc
Morano, covering the Vatican climate conference for […]
UAH Release Version 6.0 – Confirms Cooling Trend Since 1998

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn Roy Spencer reports that, after
three years of hard work, UAH have now released the new Version 6.0
temperature dataset. The main result is that the new version reduces the
warming trend since 1979 from 0.140C to 0.114C/decade. Abstract Version 6
of the UAH […]
How The Rhone Glacier Has Retreated Since The 19thC

By Paul Homewood Rhone Glacier A couple of weeks ago, we looked at
how the Rhone Glacier had retreated since the mid 19thC. Photographic
evidence suggested that most of the retreat had appeared to have occurred
prior to 1950. We can actually be more precise, as Barry Woods pointed out,
because the Swiss […]
SST Trends Since 1900.

Paul Homewood While we’re on the subject of sea surface temperatures,
let’s take a look at the long term changes, as measured by HADSST3.
We can see the step up in 1998, since when things have largely
off. What is also noticeable though is the rapid warming from […]
Norwegian Sea Temperatures Linked To Solar Variation

By Paul Homewood h/t Kenneth Richards Further to my post showing that
the Pacific Ocean was warmer back in the Middle Ages, there was another
paper, published in 2010, which linked changes in the temperature of the
Norwegian Sea to solar variations.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010JC006264/full They find
that: Lowest isotope values (highest […]
I Wonder What They Are Afraid Of?

Paul Homewood
It has not taken long for the left wing press to attack the
investigation into the integrity of global temperature records! The
most prominent climate change denial group is launching an inquiry into
integrity of global surface temperature records. The Global Warming
Foundation (GWPF), […]
GWPF Set Up Inquiry Into Temperature Adjustments

By Paul Homewood
A high powered and independent scientific inquiry has been set up by the
GWPF to look into the question of temperatures adjustments. Booker has news
on this, as well as the latest claims of hottest years, which are not
backed up by the more accurate and comprehensive satellite data. […]
What The IPCC Said About Ocean Temperatures In 1990

By Paul Homewood It’s amazing what you find from the 1990 IPCC Report
when you look. These were the days, of course, before the IPCC became fully
politicised. In their section on sea temperatures, they discuss the big
cooling of the Atlantic in the 1960’s and 70’s. They continue: What
Oceans Were Warmer In MWP

By Paul Homewood While we’re on the topic of sea surface temperatures,
let’s take a look at this paper from 2013, that I don’t recall the BBC or
Guardian reporting! http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6158/617
ABSTRACT Observed increases in ocean heat content (OHC) and temperature are
robust indicators of global warming during the past several decades. … … Continue
reading →
What The IPCC Said About Glaciers In 1990

By Paul Homewood When we talk about glaciers retreating, it is worth
recalling what the first IPCC Report in 1990 had to say about the matter:
In other words, glaciers began receding in the second half of the 19thC,
and the fastest rate of retreat was 1920-60, before […]
How CRUTEM4 Cranked Up The Warming

By Paul Homewood The Met Office’s Hadley Center are responsible for
compiling the HADCRUT global temperature datasets, in collaboration with
the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. In 2012, they
brought out the new HADCRUT4 version, which had the effect of slightly
increasing the warming trend, particularly in recent years. As […]
E Calvin Beisner Demolishes More Climate Scare Stories In Africa

By Paul Homewood A couple of weeks ago, I ran a post on an article
written by E Calvin Beisner, which demolished claims in the Christian Post
that climate change was bringing disaster to Kenya. For those who have not
read it, it is here. Beisner had written a similar piece in 2013 […]
Flamanville nuclear reactor fault a fresh blow for Hinkley Point C – Power Engineering International

There seems to be more trouble brewing for the new nuclear power plant
planned for Hinkley Point, with news that a very serious fault has been
found in the pressure vessel at the Flamanville plant in France.
Flamanville uses the same reactor as the one proposed for Hinkley. Hinkley
is already running late, and there […]
The Demise Of The UK Aluminium Industry

By Paul Homewood
Three years ago, Britain’s last major aluminium smelter, Lynemouth, was
closed. This followed the closure of the Anglesey plant in 2009. An
industry, that used to boast of production figures of 300,000 tonnes a
year, is now reduced to the tiny Lochaber plant, rated at 43000 tonnes. The
reasons […]
US Wildfires Below Average In 2014

By Paul Homewood
The National Interagency Fire Center has now published its Annual
Report for 2014. Both the number and acreage of wildfires was below the
10-year average, although the Northwest (fires and acreage) and Northern
California (acreage) were much above average.
Significantly, not only […]
The Rhone Glacier Then And Now

By Paul Homewood From HH Lamb’s Climate, History and the Modern World ,
page 215 I have shown this comparison of the Rhone Glacier between 1750 and
1950 previously. It is from HH Lamb’s “Climate, History and the Modern
World”. It show just how much of the glacier was lost prior to 1950. […]
No Underlying Global Temperature Increase For 20 Years

By Paul Homewood I was reminded about a paper from last year, authored by
Ben Santer amongst others, Volcanic contribution to decadal changes in
tropospheric temperature. The paper looked at recent temperature trends in
the lower troposphere, and attempted to isolate the effect of volcanoes and
ENSO changes. ABSTRACT Despite continued growth in […]
India To Push Ahead With Coal

By Paul Homewood
From Hellenic Shipping News: India is set to overtake China as the
biggest importer of power-station coal, emerging as the leader of a clutch
of regional nations that miners including Glencore Plc and BHP Billiton Ltd
can tap for new orders. Indian thermal-coal imports will surpass China’s by
The Little Ice Age In Iceland

By Paul Homewood While we’re on the subject of Arctic ice, it is
worth taking a look at this map from HH Lamb’s “Climate, History and the
Modern World”. It shows the boundary between cold, polar water and the
warmer Gulf Stream. This is a pretty good indicator of how Arctic sea ice

By Paul Homewood We’re off on holiday next week, so posting will be
California’s Long History Of Drought

By Paul Homewood Reposted from Russ Steele’s “The Next Grand Minimum”:
The New York Times: In California, a Wet Era May Be Ending The drought,
now in its fourth year, is by many measures the worst since the state began
keeping records of temperature and precipitation in the 1800s. And with a
population […]
Wind Farm Owners Upset That Their Subsidies May End!

By Paul Homewood
The British wind power industry is up in arms at the prospect that the
Tories will scrap subsidies for any more onshore wind farms, if they win
the election. (Offshore ones will still be subsidised). PEI report: The
British wind power industry is up in arms after the ruling […]
Satellite Monitoring Of Arctic Sea Ice Pre 1979

By Paul Homewood h/t Mr Biscuits
http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/far/wg_I/ipcc_far_wg_I_full_report.pdf I
was pointing out yesterday why it was so inappropriate to deduce trends in
Arctic sea ice, using 1979 as the start point. NSIDC, of course, do this
supposedly because that is when satellite monitoring began. Mr Biscuits,
however, reminds me that the 1990 IPCC […]
Booker On The Swansea Bay Lagoon

By Paul Homewood
I published a post a couple of months ago on the proposed tidal lagoon
project in Swansea Bay. Christopher Booker has chapter and verse on it in
the Daily Mail today. Just when it seemed that our national energy policy
— alongside defence of the realm, an absolute […]
Hottest Year? Not According To Satellites, Joe!

By Paul Homewood Even at this early stage of the year, there is a
concerted effort to make it the “warmest evah”. Joe Romm has this graph of
the GISS numbers for the first three months of the year, and Gavin has
clearly been busy! Unfortunately, the more comprehensive […]
Why Measuring Arctic Ice Trends From 1979 Is Gross Deception

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html
Officially, we only started monitoring Arctic sea ice extents by satellite
from 1979. We know however that this is not the whole story. For instance,
HH Lamb tells us: Kukla & Kukla (1974) report that the area of snow and
ice, integrated over the year across the Northern Hemisphere, […]
The Truth Behind Record Sea Temperature Claims

Paul Homewood h/t John Kelly
The Age are banging their global warming drum again, this time over
they describe as record sea temperatures around Australia. And, of,
its YOUR FAULT! As usual, however, when you delve into the facts,
things aren’t quite as straightforward as they […]
Strong Recovery In Multi Year Arctic Sea Ice Continues

By Paul Homewood
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago we have been witnessing a strong
recovery in Arctic sea ice volume and thickness in the last three years.
This is due to the build up of multi year ice in recent years. I have been
waiting for NSIDC to publish their […]
Ron Clutz On The AMO

By Paul Homewood Further to my latest piece on the Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation, Ron Clutz has posted a quite detailed piece on
the scientific background and thinking on how the whole thing works. We
hear a lot about CO2 as climate’s “control knob, but about the oceans’
pacemaker, AMOC? Not so […]
UK Gas Power Plants Feel The Squeeze

By Paul Homewood
PEI report: The threatened closure of Killingholme 2 combined cycle
turbine plant is set to make the UK more reliant on power plants that
already make a major contribution to the country’s power generation. Paul
Verrill, director of energy data specialists EnAppSys, told Power
Engineering International the potential […]
Poland To Push Ahead With New Coal Power Stations

By Paul Homewood
While the French and Germans seem determined to commit economic suicide,
Poland are pushing ahead with building more coal power plants. The energy
market information provider ICIS report: More than half of Poland’s new
major power generation projects to be built in the next four years will be
French Bury Shale Gas Report

By Paul Homewood
Behind a paywall at the Times, but: France’s refusal to countenance
exploiting shale gas deposits will cost it up to €293 billion and 225,000
jobs over the next three decades, according to a confidential government
report. The report, which came down in favour of waterless fracking, was
leaked […]
Germany Facing Energy Crunch

By Paul Homewood
http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFF9N0WF01U20150413 From
Reuters: FRANKFURT, April 13 (Reuters) – The economic viability of some
53 percent or 39 of the power plants planned for construction in Europe’s
largest economy by 2025 has been called into question, German energy
industry association BDEW said in a statement on Monday. The association
said […]
When The AMO Turns, Forget Global Warming

Paul Homewood
The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, or AMO, is an ongoing series of
long-duration changes in the sea surface temperature of the North
Ocean, with cool and warm phases that may last for 20-40 years at a time
and a difference of about 1°F between extremes. These changes are
Booker & The Ridiculous Helen Ghosh

By Paul Homewood
This week, Booker runs with the story of how the National Trust is going
to save us all from global warming: Last week’s Sunday Telegraph caused a
stir with that interview in which Dame Helen Ghosh, the director general of
the National Trust, explained why the greatest challenge […]
More On Adjustments At De Bilt

By Paul Homewood
I showed yesterday how, by the magic of GHCN adjustments, the temperature
record for De Bilt, in the Netherlands, had changed from a cycle, with
little overall trend, to a steady, consistent warming. Hans Erren had
originally spotted this a few years ago, leading to a Steve McIntyre post
Is Hydrogen The Fuel Of The Future

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward Alex Brummer , the Daily Mail’s
Business Editor ran an article the other day, extolling the virtues of
hydrogen powered cars. There are are a couple of letters in today, which
add a bit of realism to Brummer’s green wash.
The Global Temperature Standstill Simply Explained

By Paul Homewood I ran a post a couple of days ago about the
standstill in global temperatures. Whilst there has been no statistically
significant trend on any dataset since 1998, it is often argued that this
is purely because of cherry picking the warm, El Nino year of 1998 as a
starting point. […]
Nils-Axel Morner Interview

By Paul Homewood
It is worth having another look at this interview that Nils-Axel Morner
did with EIR News back in 2007.
Cooling The Past In Holland

By Paul Homewood
De Bilt is the only long running temperature station in the Netherlands
used by GISS. (Maastricht Airport only goes back to 1991). In 2011, using
the GHCN V2 database, GISS showed the raw temperature record as per the
graph above, We can see the all too familiar pattern of […]
The Pause Is Real – Get Over It!

By Paul Homewood
Whenever the pause in global warming is discussed, alarmists usually try to
deflect attention by claiming it is the result of cherry picking the big El
Nino year of 1998 as the starting point. Step forward Mark Shapiro, who has
either fallen for this propaganda trick, or is […]
Golly Ghosh! What Has She Been Smoking?

Paul Homewood
National Trust Director, Dame Helen Ghosh has enlisted the NT in the
fight against climate change. According to the Telegraph: The National
Trust says the impact of climate change threatens the very landscape and
environment it was set up to protect. The Trust’s director general has
The Telegraph […]
CNN Peddle More Nonsense About Glaciers

By Paul Homewood
More drivel from CNN: (CNN)The world’s glaciers are disappearing.
Climate change skeptics are not. The people who study our oceans and skies
worry about both of these phenomena…… So this episode of "The Wonder List"
takes us from a Heartland Institute pow-wow in Las Vegas to the glaciers […]
Sunshine Increasing Across All Seasons In England

By Paul Homewood I want to take a closer look at the trend in sunshine
hours, this time on a seasonal basis. I am using the Met Office data for
England only, as this is where one would expect the effect of industrial
pollution to be greatest. It is also apparent that this is […]
Satellite Temperatures Fall Again In March

By Paul Homewood The “warmest year evah” scam appears to be dead in the
water again this year. Both satellite datasets have been released for
March, and show a drop in global temperatures for the second month running.
According to both UAH and RSS,current temperatures are now below where they
were at the start […]
Sunshine Hours Increasing In Holland As Well

By Paul Homewood h/t Sunshine Hours Recently, I have been looking at
the increase in sunshine hours in the UK over the past couple of decades or
so. Philip Eden certainly believes this phenomenon has been caused, at
least in part, by reduced levels of pollution, not least because the
biggest increases […]
Climate Report From The Water World

By Paul Homewood
Ron Clutz has an interesting post about how sea temperatures and ENSO
changes affect atmospheric temperatures: In 1995 many people saw the
cli-sci-fi (Climate Science Fiction) thriller based on polar ice melting
and all land surface covered with water. But that hypothetical world is
not the […]
Who Needs Electricity Anyway?

By Paul Homewood http://www.bmreports.com/bsp/bsp_home.htm Wind
turbines are currently supplying just 0.3% of UK electricity demand.
Fortunately, coal, gas and nuclear are contributing 84.2%, and the French
are helping out with 6.1%.
Sunny Start To Year Continues

By Paul Homewood
I’m back on one of my hobby horses, sunshine hours! As the Met Office
point out, the sunniest winter on record in the UK has been followed by
another sunny March.
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/anomacts We can see that
sunshine hours in March began a steady rise around 1990, […]
The BBC & Tax Avoidance

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/mypension/currentmembers/cab2011
This is totally off topic, but!! WUWT has a story up exposing the
hypocrisy of the BBC and their pension fund investments in Big Oil. So I
thought I would have a nosey at their pension scheme, which is the usual,
extremely generous, inflation linked variety. On the […]
Huang’s Inconvenient Paper

By Paul Homewood I came across a paper, originally published in 1997,
rather by accident. Called “Late Quaternary temperature changes seen in
world-wide continental heat flow measurements”, and written by Shaopeng
Huang, Henry N. Pollack and Po Yu Shen, it uses analysis of more than 6000
bore holes to construct a record of global […]
Where Did Your Tornadoes Go, Joe?

By Paul Homewood
Three years ago, an outbreak of early season tornadoes in March
prompted the usual idiots to speculate on links with “climate change”. Joe
Romm told us: The unexpectedly fierce and fast tornado outbreak so early
in the season has folks asking again about a possible link to […]
Greenpeace Cover Up Their Own Inconvenient Poll On Fracking

By Paul Homewood
From Breitbart: A survey commissioned by environmental group Greenpeace
has spectacularly backfired as it revealed that more people support
fracking than oppose it. The group, supported by Green party MP Caroline
Lucas, tried to bury the inconvenient result of the report in the foot note
of a press […]
Antarctic Sea Ice Close To Record High In March

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html
Antarctic sea ice extent continues to run at well above average, with March
extent 2nd highest on record, behind 2008.
http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html Sea ice ice grew rapidly
during the month, as temperatures dived, adding 2.7 million sq km. At the
end of March, extent was 1.2 million […]
More Alarmist Nonsense About Glaciers

Paul Homewood
More from the “We’re all going to die, and its all YOUR fault”
Department! The Daily KOS are concerned about Alaskan glaciers: The
is changing before our very eyes yet most of us choose to ignore it.
has been a lot of horrible news lately regarding […]
Putin’s Smoke And Mirrors

Paul Homewood
It looks like they are queuing up to make an idiot of Obama. Hot on
heels of his meaningless “climate agreement” with China, and being made a
fool of by India, it is now the turn of Putin to wrap Obama around his
little finger. According […]
Twitter Censorship

By Paul Homewood Reposted from WUWT: Not being able to win
arguments on merits, a complaint was apparently made to ban/suspend Tom
Nelson from Twitter for using the very same description of a graph that
climate scientist Gavin Schmidt made. Tom Nelson alerts me via email of
this, last […]
Esperanza Scam

Paul Homewood
The Capital Weather Gang at the Washington Post seem to have caught
Global Warming Idiocy bug: Need another indicator of climate warming
Antarctica? The trio of weather bloggers at Weather Underground report
temperature there likely hit a record-breaking 63.5F (17.5C) Tuesday.
balmy reading […]
Carry On Lying At The BBC

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-31866783 On
16th March, three days after Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, the BBC made a big
splash about how powerful the storm was, as shown above. At the time, I
pointed out that the true sustained wind speed was 145kt, or 268kph, making
it a powerful, but nevertheless just run […]
UN At Odds With World Bank Over Coal Power

By Paul Homewood
The UN’s green climate fund seems to be at odds with the World Bank
regarding support for coal plants in developing countries. PEI report:
The United Nations has agreed to maintain funding of coal power plants in
developing countries. The UN’s green climate fund (GCF) refused an explicit
UK Climate Policies To Cost £90bn Between Now And 2020

By Paul Homewood
Yesterday I picked up on the Telegraph report that green levies were due
to treble to £9.4 billion a year by 2020, according to the OBR, the Office
for Budget Responsibility. As promised, I have been in touch with the OBR
to clarify the numbers, and it turns out […]
Austria To Challenge Hinkley Point Deal

By Paul Homewood
Austria are still fighting the Hinkley Point nuclear deal, as an
“unworthy subsidy”. PEI report: The Austrian government has reiterated
its determination to take the European Commission to court once the
approved decision on Hinkley Point nuclear power plant is officially
entered into law. In a letter dated […]
BP Energy Outlook Forecasts Big Increase In CO2 Emissions By 2035

By Paul Homewood
There has been some speculation recently that global CO2 emissions have
stalled in the last year. This stems from a statement by the IEA, but as
they have not published any data yet, it remains just speculation.
Regardless of what happened in 2014 however, there is no sign that […]
Green Levies To Treble By 2020

Paul Homewood
I missed this article from a couple of weeks ago in the Telegraph:
Green levies on energy bills will treble by 2020 because of renewable
targets, official figures suggest. The cost of environmental levies to
support projects such as wind farms, solar panels and biomass plants
rise […]
2015 Bloggies Of The Year Awards

Many thanks to all who voted for me, it is much appreciated. Paul
Florida To Drown!!

By Paul Homewood
Happy Birthday Miami Beach!! Unfortunately, the schmuck who wrote this
piece for AFP is worries that it won’t be there much longer, and it will be
ALL YOUR FAULT! But the city is also looking to the future. City hall has
organized for Friday a conference on […]
Angela Knight Speaks About UK Energy Policy

By Paul Homewood Angela Knight gave a speech at the University of the
West of England, in the Bristol Distinguished Address Series last week.
Angela was a Treasury Minister from 1995-97, and has subsequently been
Chief Exec of the British Bankers Association, and most recently Chief
Executive of Energy UK, the trade association […]
Booker On The “Melting Arctic” Scare

By Paul Homewood
Booker picks up on the Arctic scare nonsense: As Britain emerges from
an unusually sunny and comparatively mild winter, spare a thought for the
people of eastern Canada, still in the grip of their most terrifying winter
for decades. Recent pictures online of “Photographic proof that Canada’s
east […]
Arctic Ice Extent Currently Higher Than 2005

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/index.html For
anybody alarmed at record low Arctic ice claims, it is time to put things
into perspective. Arctic ice extent is certainly below average for this
time of year, but this is largely due to the lack of ice in the Sea of
Okhotsk. This has no effect […]
Study Finds Extreme Winters Not Due To Global Warming – They Should Have Asked HH Lamb!

By Paul Homewood
http://phys.org/news/2015-03-climate-extreme-winters.html A new study
has found that cold snaps like the ones that hit the eastern United States
in the past winters are not a consequence of climate change. Scientists at
ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology have shown that
global warming actually tends to reduce temperature […]
Killingholme Gas Power Plant Taken Off Grid

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
Hard on the news that the Longannet coal fired power station will close
next year, there is another blow to the UK’s energy security. E.ON have
announced that they are withdrawing their 900MW gas power station from the
UK grid. Energy Live News report: […]
Longannet To Close

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-32016538 There
are many knickers getting into twists over the closure of the Longannet
coal power station in Scotland next year. The BBC put out this report a
couple of days ago: Scottish Power has announced plans to close its huge
coal-fired power station at Longannet in Fife […]
810,960 To Go !

By Paul Homewood
Under the glorious future John Gummer and his chums at the Committee on
Climate Change have in store for us, one third of new cars will be plug in
by 2025. He has got a long way to go! According to the SMMT, registrations
of plug in cars last […]
Update On Cyclone Pam

By Paul Homewood Nearly a couple of weeks on, it is perhaps time for
a round up of where we are with Cyclone Pam. As far as the death toll is
concerned, fatalities are much lower than some of the earlier wild
estimates. The official UN Situation Report on 22nd March […]
Dr Christopher Essex On Climate Science

By Paul Homewood
A though provoking piece today in Breitbart by Dr Christopher Essex.
Members of the Scientific Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation
(GWPF) recently criticized the Royal Society’s positions on climate. Their
clear, authoritative scientific objections to the Royal Society’s positions
reveal the weak scientific foundation on […]
Christian Organisations Fail To Address The Real Problems Facing Africa

By Paul Homewood
There was a very interesting Op-Ed by Calvin Beisner in the Christian
Post last week, reacting to one of the seemingly endless and mindless
bangings of the drum by Christian outfits over the perils of climate
change. E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D.,is the founder and national spokesman
for The […]
Carry On Lying!

By Paul Homewood
Readers will recall that I spotted the Guardian’s false claim that
Cyclone Pam was “the most powerful cyclone to hit the South Pacific since
records began. So I though I would fire off a complaint to IPSO, the new
Independent Press Standards Organisation, who have replaced the […]
Head Of African Development Bank Attacks Hypocritical Westerners

Paul Homewood
The head of the African Development Bank has effectively told the UN
green groups to forget the climate crap and focus on eliminating
PEI report: The head of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) is
defending his decision to continue financing coal-fired power plants,
despite pressure from […]
When Politics Come Up Against Reality

By Paul Homewood
PEI report on the mess that Germany has made with nuclear power: The
prospect of the German taxpayer paying to cover nuclear reactor shutdowns
is a live one as utilities continue to struggle, according to a government
report. As part of the country’s Energiewende (energy transition) policy,
Angela […]
Global Sea Ice Trends

By Paul Homewood According to the February 2015 sea ice report from the
I wonder why our Claire has not got around to updating it for 2014?
Rapid Recovery In Arctic Sea Ice Volume Back To 2006 Levels

By Paul Homewood h/t Ima Debatin’ Despite all of the headlines
recently about “record low Arctic ice”, sea ice extent has actually been
regrowing for the last two weeks, and is nearly back to where it was on
22nd February.
Most of the shortfall against the 1981-2010 average […]
The Truth Behind The Totten Glacier

By Paul Homewood
The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica is the latest scare story for
melting glaciers and rising sea levels. This report from ABC seems typical:
Warm ocean water is melting one of the world’s biggest glaciers from
below, potentially leading to a rise in sea levels, Australian scientists
have […]
Typhoon Tip

By Paul Homewood
Typhoon Tip in 1979 had the lowest sea level pressure ever recorded on
Earth, but also set the record as the largest storm, according to post
analysis carried out by George Dunnavan and John Diercks. Scientific
American have the story: Earth’s Strongest, Most Massive Storm Ever On
Wikipedia Rewrite History – Part II

By Paul Homewood After much crowd sourcing, I can update the position
regarding Wikipedia’s downgrading of Hurricane Camille. For those who
missed the first part, it is here. Currently, Wiki show Camille’s maximum
1-minute wind speeds as 175 mph.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Camille It has always been
accepted that Camille’s winds were at least […]
Booker On The BBC & Cyclone Pam

By Paul Homewood
Booker goes to town on the BBC and false claims about Cyclone Pam:
Inevitably quick off the mark after Vanuatu’s Cyclone Pam disaster were the
climate ghouls to claim that this terrible event must have been caused by
global warming. First up was the country’s president, Baldwin Lonsdale, […]
Wikipedia Rewrite History

By Paul Homewood It has been well established for a long while that
Hurricane Camille is the strongest Atlantic hurricane on record. Camille
recorded sustained wind speeds of at least 195 mph just before making
landfall on the Mississippi coast in 1969. I was therefore astonished to
find that Wikipedia now show […]
The Changing Methods For Measuring Tropical Cyclones

By Paul Homewood While tropical cyclones are in the news, I though I
would take a look at the history and background of how we measure the speed
and atmospheric pressure of them. In recent years, most of the data comes
from satellites, using the Dvorak technique. This was developed in the
1970’s […]
BBC & Guardian Lies About Pam

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-31866783 Two
examples of how we are being badly lied to by the left wing media about
Cyclone Pam. First, the BBC, in their report on 16th March, showed the
above chart. By claiming that windspeeds of 300 km/h, just below those of
Tip, they can give the […]
Sea Levels Not Rising At Vanuatu

By Paul Homewood It is understandable that the President of Vanuatu
should want to blame Cyclone Pam on man made global warming. Depressingly,
it is also no surprise that the likes of the BBC and the Guardian should
repeat his claims, as if they had any scientific basis. According to
President Lonsdale: “We […]
Hottest Year Update – Ferry Stuck In Ice Off Nova Scotia

By Paul Homewood
Reposted from Ice Age Now: “I’m certain Al Gore and friends will have a
good explanation why a ferry over 1000 miles south of the ice-less Arctic
Circle is stuck in ice.” – John B. After the Louis S. St-Laurent cleared a
path through the ice, the Marine […]
How US Temperatures Trends Have Been Artificially Increased Since 2007 – (And It’s Not TOBS!)

By Paul Homewood In 2007, the US temperature trend, according to GISS,
was this: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/2007/ On 5-year means,
the recent peak from 1998-2002 was just a tad higher than the 1930’s peak
(1930-34). Now let’s fast forward to the latest version, and we see that
1998-2002 peak is now considerably […]
The Tornado Report For 2014

By Paul Homewood The NOAA Storm Prediction Center has now finalised the
tornado count for 2014, giving a total of 888, of which 476 were the
weakest EF-0 category. Changes in observation practices in recent years
mean that many more of these weakest tornadoes are reported nowadays, as
NOAA confirm: Today, nearly all […]
Quiet Start To Tornado Season

By Paul Homewood http://www.spc.noaa.gov/wcm/#data NOAA’s Storm
Prediction Center on the unprecedented start to March for severe weather
watches: NORMAN, Okla. During a month when severe weather typically
strikes, this March has been unusually quiet, with no tornado or severe
thunderstorm watches issued by NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center so far. And,
National […]
Japan To Open Seven New Coal Power Stations

By Paul Homewood
http://www.thegwpf.com/reality-check-japans-coal-boom-continues/ Bad
news for the greenies!! Japan is continuing to re-embrace coal to make up
for its lack of nuclear energy, with plans for another power station
released Thursday bringing the number of new coal-fired plants announced
this year to seven. Utilities in Japan are eager to take […]
Hampstead’s Storm Of The Century

Paul Homewood
This year marks the 40th anniversary of one of the most remarkable
weather events in the UK during the 20thC. The Hampstead Storm of 14th
August 1975 dropped an massive 170.8mm of rain in considerably less than
three hours. The Met Office give a figure of 169mm […]
BBC, Tim Palmer & Cyclone Pam

By Paul Homewood h/t Glenwaytown Christopher Booker has alerted me to
a piece on yesterday’s BBC Today programme, in which John Humphrys
interviewed Oxford professor Tim Palmer to discuss Cyclone Pam. Palmer is a
Royal Society Research Professor in Climate Physics, interested in the
predictability and dynamics of weather and climate, and […]
Temperature Adjustments At USCRN1 Stations

By Paul Homewood Guest Post by Ron Clutz Adjustments Multiply
Warming at US CRN1 Stations A study of US CRN1 stations, top-rated
for their siting quality, shows that GHCN adjusted data produces warming
trends several times larger than unadjusted data. The unadjusted files
from ghcn.v3.qcu have been scrutinized for […]
Romm’s Lies And Omissions

By Paul Homewood It seems Joe Romm can’t even get his facts right
now! He says: And this record February heat for California comes on
the heels of the driest January ever recorded — a tough one-two punch given
the epic drought that has ravaged the state. When he says […]
GISS Still Diverging From Satellites

By Paul Homewood Joe Romm seems to be getting worked up again about
“record temperatures”! There had never been as hot a 12-month period in
NASA’s database as February 2014–January 2015. But that turned out to be a
very short-lived record. NASA reported this weekend that last month was the
second-hottest February […]
Cyclone Pam

By Paul Homewood Let our thoughts and prayers go out to the islanders
of Vanuatu, who are recovering from Cyclone Pam. The BBC report that the
official death toll currently stands at eight, but is expected to rise.
Because of the vastness of the Pacific, most cyclones/typhoons either never
make landfall, […]
What The Royal Society Left Out

By Paul Homewood
http://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2015/03/Shortguide.pdf The GWPF
have released a new briefing paper entitled The Small Print: What the Royal
Society left out, which challenges claims made in the Royal Society’s
recently published Short Guide to Climate Science, and demonstrates how the
Society has left out many important facts, caveats and doubts on […]
UEA Launch Propaganda Drive For Their Straw Burning White Elephant

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward
The proposed straw burning power station for Norwich is creating a fair
amount of controversy there. Locals are understandably concerned by the
very real pollution that will be emitted, in terms of toxins and
particulates, not to mention the noise and pollution from lorries […]
Tim Yeo Still Troughing!

By Paul Homewood British readers will be well aware of Tim “Trougher”
Yeo, MP and member of the Parliamentary Energy & Climate Change Committee
since 2010. Trougher was forced to “stand down” as Chair of the Committee
in 2013, after unsavoury lobbying allegations by the Sunday Times, but has
since resumed his position. […]
How The Washington Post Is Censoring Climate Debate

By Paul Homewood Reposted from the Daily Caller, this article from
James Inhofe: The Washington Post recently published an editorial
attempting to discredit a recent speech I made on the U.S. Senate floor. I
wanted to respond to the paper and set the record straight about why I gave
the speech, […]
Giant Craters Caused By Climate Change!!

By Paul Homewood
AFP report that giant craters found in Siberia are due to “climate
change”! Russian scientists have now discovered seven giant craters in
remote Siberia, a geologist told AFP on Thursday, adding that the
mysterious phenomenon was believed to be linked to climate change. The
discovery of an enormous […]
Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire!

By Paul Homewood
So you can either have expensive, unreliable onshore turbines, or
more expensive, offshore ones! Nice one, Tim!
Agenda 21

By Paul Homewood Reposted from Roger Helmer’s blog: Wikipedia defines
the UN’s Agenda 21 as “An action plan of the United Nations with regard to
sustainable development”. Of course we immediately recognise the phrase
“sustainable development” as weasel words, a catch-all term incorporating a
host of modish obsessions. Much of the activity […]
Weather Disasters Of The 20thC

By Paul Homewood I cam across this interesting piece, published by NOAA
CENTURY The nation’s climatologists at the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administrations’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville,
North Carolina, have selected some of the most notable floods, […]
Spurious Warming Trends In The American West

By Paul Homewood SNOTEL Network http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/snow/
WUWT ran a post in January about a warming bias in the SNOTEL station
network. From the “temperature bias only goes one way department” and the
University of Montana: Mountain system artificially inflates temperature
increases at higher elevations MISSOULA – In a recent study, University of
42 Days & Counting

By Paul Homewood On the 28th Jan, I emailed NCDC to ask for an
explanation of the GHCN temperature adjustments I had discovered in
Paraguay. On the same day, I received this acknowledgement: A couple
of weeks later, I chased and also asked them to look at the Arctic and New
Lamb On UHI In The Arctic

By Paul Homewood I came across this snippet in Hubert Lamb’s “Climate
History and The Modern World: Apart from his assertion that it is a
nonsense pretending you can measure global temperatures to hundredths of
degrees, I was struck by his observation about polar sites. Not just the
heat island of polar […]
The Past Keeps Getting Cooler

By Paul Homewood h/t Eliza Roy Spencer has spotted another example of
how the past keeps getting miraculously cooler. I was updating a U.S.
Corn Belt summer temperature and precipitation dataset from the NCDC
website, and all of a sudden the no-warming-trend-since-1900 turned into a
significant warming trend. (Clarification: the new […]
Increased Sunshine Bringing Warmer Springs To The UK

By Paul Homewood As readers will recall, I’ve had a bee in my bonnet
about sunshine hours recently. As I predicted before, the Met Office have
confirmed that this past winter was the sunniest on record (since 1929).
However, increased sunshine is likely to have least effect on temperatures
during winter months, as the […]
The Problems Facing Gas Power Stations In Germany

By Paul Homewood
PEI report: A new state-of-the-art gas-fired power plant in Bavaria,
Germany may have to be closed due to lack of profitability. While the
German government paid owner E.ON to keep the Irsching plant open in 2013
in order to secure access to base load generation on a one […]
Google To Silence Obama?

By Paul Homewood "Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of
science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and
crippling drought and more powerful storms" It is rumoured that
Google are planning to rank sites based on “facts” rather than links. I
wonder whether this […]
Booker On The BBC’s Latest Propaganda

By Paul Homewood
Booker on the BBC’s latest climate propaganda programme. Next January
will see the 10th anniversary of one of the most curious episodes in the
history of the BBC. At a “secret seminar”, many of its most senior
executives met with a roomful of invited outsiders to agree on […]
Kathy Fools Guardian Readers!

By Paul Homewood
In 2011 the Guardian interviewed Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist at
Texas Tech, self appointed saviour of the world and promoter of wonderful,
clean energy, fluffy bunnies and all thing nice. She was asked: In the
southern plains, where recent summers have been so scorching, have you seen
sizeable increases […]
Katharine Gets It Wrong Again!

By Paul Homewood
Back in 2007, the Union of Concerned Scientists published their
“Confronting Climate Change in the US Northeast”, for which Katharine
Hayhoe was Co-lead of the Climate Team. It stated: Katharine, of
course, did her usual trick of starting her trends from the cold 1970’s.
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/ […]
Clueless Kathy!

Paul Homewood
https://www.facebook.com/katharine.hayhoe/posts/1525786670979548 Junk
scientist, Katharine Hayhoe, thinks that a warming Arctic is causing
weather in the States. Just like in 1977, I suppose!
Once upon a time, we had real scientists who knew the difference
cause and effect:
don’t know what […]
20thC Major Droughts

By Paul Homewood
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1029/2006GL028628 I came
across this paper from 2007, which analysed the worst droughts of the
20thC. ABSTRACT Complex interactions in the climate system can give rise
to strong positive feedback mechanisms that may lead to sudden climatic
changes. The prolonged Sahel drought and the Dust Bowl are examples of […]
Satellite Temperatures Decline In February

By Paul Homewood We were told a few months ago that it would only be a
matter of time before the satellite datasets caught up with the surface
ones, and confirmed that global temperatures had reached a record high.
Well, we’re still waiting! Both UAH and RSS have recorded drops in
temperature in […]
Mooney Tunes

Paul Homewood
Apparently someone called Chris Looney Mooney is worried that Arctic
is rapidly melting away to nothing. And his reason? The National
and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), in Boulder, Colo., is our top tracker of
Arctic sea ice, which reaches a winter maximum each year right […]
UK Winter Precipitation – As Unpredictable As Ever!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/anomacts A year ago, we
were told that the wet winter was due to climate change. Apparently the
climate has changed again, because this rainfall is pretty much back to
average this winter. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadukp/ Of
the last ten years, five have been below the long term average, […]
More Deception From Joe Romm

By Paul Homewood
http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/03/05/3630441/noaa-el-ni/ More
misdirection from Joe Romm and NOAA. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) has announced that the long-awaited El Niño has
arrived. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center says we now have “borderline,
weak El Niño conditions,” and there is a “50-60% chance that El Niño
conditions will continue” […]
India Planning Big Increase In Coal Power

By Paul Homewood
India is planning a massive increase in clean coal power capacity, as it
struggles to meet growing demand for power. Clean coal, which is designed
to reduce emissions of sulphur, nitrogen and mercury, is still in the
nascent stage in India. Last year, according to PEI, coal accounted for […]
Kew Use Coffee Scare To Drum Up More Funding

By Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report: Scientists at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew
have begun a desperate bid to find a new bean of coffee which can thrive as
the climate warms, before the world’s supplies run out. Currently, just one
variety of coffee bean – Coffea arabica – […]
The BBC’s Climate Change By Numbers

By Paul Homewood
The BBC broadcast its latest piece of climate change propaganda last night,
“Climate Change by Numbers”. The programme centred around three
mathematicians, Dr Hannah Fry, Prof Norman Fenton and Prof David
Spiegelhalter, using mathematical techniques to persuade us how dangerous
climate change was going to be. Plenty of flashy […]
The Met Office Renewable Energy Service

By Paul Homewood . http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/renewables/contact-us
The Met Office run a renewable energy team, whose sole purpose is to raise
commercial revenue. One of the main services they offer is a wind
prediction tool, Virtual Met Mast”, which is designed especially to help
large and smaller scale wind farm developers and wind farm consultants […]
UK On Course For Sunniest Winter

By Paul Homewood
From the Met Office: 27 February 2015 – This winter is very likely to
be a record breaker. Provisional Met Office statistics show that the UK has
had its sunniest winter in records dating back to 1929. While the figures
for temperature and rainfall are fairly average, it […]
Evidence Of A Warmer Holocene In The Andes

By Paul Homewood h/t Ben Vorlich
http://www.amjbot.org/content/97/9/1579.full It is no secret that the
Andes were warmer up to around 5000 years ago than now. Lamb and others
have concluded that temperatures were maybe 2C higher then. There is also
evidence from ice cores that the MWP was at least as warm […]
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