Russia New 'Doomsday Plane' Is About To Enter Service
*RT*: *New generation ‘doomsday’ airborne command post to enter service in Russia* Russia’s defense industry has completed tests of a new flying command center capable of maintaining full control over the country’s armed forces in the event of a global disaster or nuclear war. Russia and the US are the only two nations to possess a command center of this kind. The airborne strategic command center aboard an Ilyushin Il-80 aircraft, a modification of the Il-86 wide-body jet airliner, has successfully completed testing and will be ready for operations by the end of 2015, Russia’s U... more »
Islamic State Chief's Ex-Wife And Daughter Freed In Prisoner Swap
*Daily Beast:* *The Caliph’s Ex Gets Traded to Qaeda* *Lebanon and Qatar brokered the prisoner exchange, which caught U.S. officials completely by surprise. But no one knows why.* Lebanese officials released the ex-wife of the leader of the self-proclaimed Islamic State on Tuesday in exchange for 16 Lebanese soldiers and a policeman captured by Syria’s al Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra. Qatar brokered the trade and American national security officials were befuddled by it. Saja al-Dulaimi, who is believed to be in her 30s, was one of 13 Islamists released as part of the trad... more »
DoD official: Administration Pursuing Response to 2008 Russia Treaty Breach
[image: Russian flag] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Faced with rising pressure from Congress, a U.S. defense official said Tuesday that the Obama administration is pursuing ways to counter Russia’s violation of a key arms control treaty, but actions will be rolled into a broader... more »
(Tax Breaks for Rich Funded Scary ISIS/L? Why?) Erdogan’s Dirty Dangerous ISIS/L Games/Selling Stolen Oil To Support ISIS/L (Or Why International News Coverage Will Never Be Available On USA Mainstream Media) The Incredibles: Milken, Boesky, Marc Rich (Secrit Israeli Hackers) Exxon-ALEC Coverup
It’s #GivingTuesday So, shooting down the Russian plane was a warning (from the rich* who fund NATO's Turkey). And it wasn't about crossing a border for a few seconds. (And, please, don't mention what's happening to the Kurds**. It couldn't be about them, surely.) Am I the only one who remembers how World War I began? Or is this type of critical thought assumed to be no longer important?
ECAA "would set the country back more than a half century"
Civil Rights champion, Gary Orfield, posted this on Facebook this evening. For those who think, or pretend to think, that this bill is the best we can do, take note: Congress seems about to enact a massive education law that would set the country back more than a half century ending the focus adopted in l965 of focusing federal aid on the schools of concentrated poverty. It's more progressive supporters are relying on the Secretary's authority to approve state plans but that authority is full of loopholes and there is no real accounting about what happens with federal funds which c... more »
How Monsanto Destroyed Rural Argentina
*Vic Bishop* - The introduction of agrochemichals in Argentina has led to widespread misuse and public poisoning. The post How Monsanto Destroyed Rural Argentina appeared first on Waking Times.
Republican Jesus: The Rise of Radical Christianity
*Irwin Ozborne* - For some, Jesus' teachings have taken on new meaning in recent times. The post Republican Jesus: The Rise of Radical Christianity appeared first on Waking Times.
There is No Normal
*Linda George* - There is no normal anymore. Definition and dissolution are at loggerheads. The post There is No Normal appeared first on Waking Times.
Cancer arises from stress-induced breakdown of tissue homeostasis
Note: The full article, with 80 footnotes, is HERE-PDF. (and ALTERNATIVE-LINK) Is it time to abandon mutation-centric metastasis as the dominant paradigm? Does ‘seed and soil’ do more harm than good? By Denis G. Rancourt , PhD Abstract Part-I: I critically review the context of cancer research, where it has been advanced that most published research findings are false, that medicine
Chicago Mayor Fires Police Chief in Wake of Video Release
[image: Rahm Emanuel, Chicago] CHICAGO (AP) -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel fired the city’s police superintendent Tuesday, a week after the release of a dash-cam video that showed a white Chicago officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times. Emanuel called a news conference to announce the dismissal of Garry McCarthy, who only days ago insisted to reporters that the... more »
UN Experts: Up to 3,000 Islamic State Fighters in Libya
[image: Libya] UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Islamic State group has between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters in Libya and has demonstrated its intention to control more territory in the strategically located North African country -- but it is only one player among... more »
Report: Islamic State Support Is Growing In The U.S.
A compilation of Twitter feeds of ISIS activists and sympathizers, compiled by researchers at the George Washington University Program on Extremism. CBS *The Hill*: *Analysis: US support for ISIS 'unprecedented'* Academic experts fear that American support for radical Islamism has reached “unprecedented” levels, even while it stays well below the support for the extremists seen in other countries. Academics at George Washington University’s program on extremism found that the types of Americans drawn to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) vary widely in terms of race, age, e... more »
Mexico Experts: Passageway May Lead to Aztec Ruler
[image: Templo Mayor, Aztec, Mexico] MEXICO CITY (AP) -- A Mexican archaeologist said his team has found a tunnel-like passageway that apparently leads to two sealed chambers, the latest chapter in the search for the as-yet undiscovered tomb of an Aztec ruler. The Aztecs are... more »
In Bangladesh, ‘Dire’ Islamist Attacks on Free Speech
[image: Rafida Bonya Ahmed, Bangladesh] WASHINGTON (AP) -- An American-Bangladeshi writer who survived a machete attack by Muslim extremists that killed her husband raised alarm Tuesday about rising intimidation and violence against freedom of expression in the South Asian country. Rafida Bonya Ahmed starkly described... more »
Will Success Spoil Cuba’s Revival?
[image: Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2015-10-26 16:01:10Z | http://piczard.com | http://codecarvings.com] On the pessimistic side, Christian leaders wonder whether US visitors will destroy Cuban culture with their materialism and lifeless nominalism--or whether Cubans will destroy themselves. "Our mindset is very Marxist, even though we haven't had the ability to consume for... Continue reading *“Will Success Spoil Cuba’s Revival?”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Can Any Of The Deep Bench Clowns Match Trumpf's Cunning And Ruthlessness? Cruz?
It was fascinating to watch Trumpf destroying Jeb Bush's campaign in real time-- the classic tricks of a devious, intuitive and manipulative New York marketing expert. But, in the context of a relatively genteel Republican primary, is was breathtaking. The Bush family-- which after all spread lies about McCain's adopted child to smear him as a race mixer in South Carolina-- had never seen anything like it, let alone been the victim of such a slimy and unstoppable mass assault. I actually entertained the idea that Trumpf was doing it for the Clintons! Yesterday at the *Daily Beast* ... more »
Al Qaeda's Nusra Front In Syria Has Just Released A Video Of A Battle Using GoPro Cameras Attached To A Tank And A Drone
*Daily Mail:* *Real life Call of Duty: Jihadists attach go-pro to a TANK and a drone to film terrifying propaganda video of battle against Iranian forces* * Al Qaeda ally the Nusra Front released propaganda video shot on GoPro * Purports to show Iranian forces fleeing from jihadists as they attack town * Cameras were attached to a tank and a drone hundreds of metres above A terrifying propaganda video released by a jihadist group with links to Al Qaeda purportedly shows Iranian forces fleeing from jihadists as they advance on a stronghold town in northern Syria. The Nusra Front rel... more »
President Obama Has Ordered The Pentagon's 'Hunter-Killers' To Go After The Leaders Of The Islamic State
*Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast*: *Obama Unleashes Hunter-Killers on ISIS* The Special Ops Forces that got Bin Laden, Saddam, and Zarqawi are finally being sent by the dozens to go after the Islamic State’s leaders. Can these troops turn the tide? The Obama administration is dispatching a targeting force of elite U.S. special operations troops into northern Iraq, after top U.S. defense and intelligence officials warned the ISIS network is growing faster than the coalition that’s fighting it, senior U.S. officials tell The Daily Beast. The new special operations task force is aimed a... more »
The Abuse of Colorado Springs
[image: Pro-life, abortion debate, March for Life] The murderous rampage at a Colorado Springs, Colorado, Planned Parenthood clinic had barely ended before the left began using it to try to shut down the abortion debate. The shooting was an act of terrorism directed against women’s “health-care services,”... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)”
Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTgHuUuDQg
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This is the mess that is left when a star explodes. The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova seen in 1054 AD, is filled with mysterious filaments. The filaments are not only tremendously complex, but appear to have less mass than expelled in the original supernova and a higher speed than expected from a free explosion. *Click image for larger size.* The above image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is presented in three colors chosen for scientific interest. The Crab Nebula spans about 10 light-years. In the nebula's very center lies a pulsar: a neutron star as massive as the... more »
"We Like To Think..."
"We like to think that we are rational beings; humane, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it becomes clear we are not better than animals. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream, but deep down we are still routing around in the primordial ooze; biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree-toads and sloths." - "Grey's Anatomy"
"How Could You? A Dog's Story"
*"How Could You? A Dog's Story"* by Jim Willis "When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" - but then you'd relent and roll me over for a bellyrub. My housetraining took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed, listening to your confidences and secre... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Frodsham, Cheshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “Examination Of Conscience”
*“Examination Of Conscience”* by Chet Raymo “I have been reading Stephanie Smallwood's “Saltwater Slavery”, a close examination of the trade in human beings between the coast of West Africa and the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is a sobering read, but if there is one thing I came away with, it was this: We have an enormous capacity to rationalize the most horrendous crimes. Everyone involved in the slave trade- the European owners of the ships, the masters of the trading companies, the ship captains and crews, the plantation owners in the West Indies and the Chesapea... more »
The Universe
"Everyone's scared. Few carry on. I mean really carry on, as if it were your reason for being." "Keep calm," The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" - www.tut.com
“The Secret to Letting Go of Every Fear”
* “The Secret to Letting Go of Every Fear”* By VividLife “Are you afraid of some condition in your life? Here’s a life-transforming secret: that seemingly scary condition, whatever it may be, is not the problem. It is your reaction that is fearful. This is why if you will become conscious of your condition instead of afraid of it, you will change forever your relationship with fear. It is only within this special kind of inner-relationship that there is real safety, because now you are interacting with fear in an entirely new way. You are no longer letting it dictate to you how to ... more »
The Poet: Kerrie Hardie, "What's Left"
*"What's Left" * "I used to wait for the flowers, my pleasure reposed on them. Now I like plants before they get to the blossom. Leafy ones – foxgloves, comfrey, delphiniums – fleshy tiers of strong leaves pushing up into air grown daily lighter and more sheened with bright dust like the eyeshadow that tall young woman in the bookshop wears, its shimmer and crumble on her white lids. The washing sways on the line, the sparrows pull at the heaps of drying weeds that I've left around. Perhaps this is middle age. Untidy, unfinished, knowing there'll never be time now to finish, liking the... more »
Putin Tells Army To Prepare For “World War III” With U.S. In Syra
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military forces to prepare for World War III, after warning Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu to prepare for Syria to become the central battleground between NATO-Western allied countries and Russia. According to a report by the Ministry of Defence, Putin’s order was given following assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel would not interfere in a Russia-US war in the Middle East. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Necessitating the timing of this order, this report continues, was President Putin’s refusal ye...more »
Russia Steps Up World War III Rhetoric, Calls Turkey ISIS Allies
Russia and Turkey seem posed to go to war with each other following Russian Foreign Minister’s claims that the Turkish government are “secret allies” with ISIS. This week Russia announced it would be closing the border between Syria and Turkey amid heavy artillery units being delivered to Russian military forces in Syria. As tensions continue to mount between the two countries, are we seeing a build up to World War III? Activistpost.com reports: The Russians have clearly become convinced that Turkey is at the core of the problems in Syria, and that is why the Russians now plan to co... more »
British Schoolgirl Dead Due To WiFi ‘Allergic Reaction’
A British schoolgirl was found dead after complaining about suffering from an allergic reaction to the school’s WiFi system. Jenny Fry, 15, committed suicide in a woodland near her home by hanging herself from a tree. Her mother claims that she died due to a condition known as electro-hypersensitivity (EHS). Rt.com reports: Debra Fry told Oxfordshire Coroner’s Court her daughter was badly affected by the wireless internet at Chipping Norton School in Oxfordshire, where she was a student. Jenny’s EHS symptoms included tiredness, headaches and bladder problems, and are believed to ha... more »
Man Dies Day After ‘Pay It Forward’ Good Deed, Inspires Wave of Generosity
[image: Matthew Jackson - 400] Jamie-Lynne Knighten wants the world to know the legacy of Matthew Jackson, a man she barely knew. Their only encounter was brief, about five minutes in a grocery store on Nov. 10. But what happened in those moments, and the... Continue reading *“Man Dies Day After ‘Pay It Forward’ Good Deed, Inspires Wave of Generosity”* at *latimes.com*.
Booker On Paris
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/paris-climate-change-conference/12025836/Paris-climate-conference-10-reasons-why-we-shouldnt-worry-about-man-made-global-warming.html Booker’s view on Paris from the Telegraph: Yesterday, President Obama and a phalanx of other world leaders joined 40,000 delegates in Paris for the formal opening of what has been billed as “one of the most important international conferences in history”. Its aim is to win agreement […]
The Truth About The AIDS Conspiracy
AIDS has been labelled as the Black Plague of the 20th Century, having killed an estimated 34 million people worldwide so far. The initial cause of the disease was inaccurately directed to a promiscuous gay sub-culture in the late seventies and early eighties. However, science hasn’t progressed much since, with the cause of the disease still a hotly disputed topic to this day. As AIDS deaths became an epidemic and the public demanded answers in the early 80’s, the official government explanation as to it’s cause of was said to be an even more mysterious virus called “HIV”. Scientis... more »
Erdogan Tells Journalist To Shut Up When Asked About ISIS Support
Turkish President Recep Erdogan shut down a reporter at a press conference in Paris this week when questions about Turkey’s role in supporting ISIS were raised. A LifeNews reporter asked the Turkish leader about Turkey’s support for the leader of the terrorst group *DAESH, to which Erdogan swiftly raised a finger to his lips, asking the journalist to shut up, before security escorted the reporter away. Fort Russ reports: Note that in Syria the attack on the Russian su-24 bomber was viewed as revenge for the destruction by Russia airforces of the ISIS-owned oil/fuel tankers. As repor... more »
Cancer Research Institute: Chemotherapy Makes Tumors Grow
Scientists at the Cancer Research Institute in Russia have discovered that chemotherapy can actually stimulate evolution of a tumor, rather than diminish it as previously thought. Scientists studied chemotherapy patients with breast cancer and analysed biopsies of the cancer as they prepared for surgery. In 23% of the women scientists found a new tumor formation under the influence of chemotherapy. Medicalxpress.com reports: Some chromosomes or partial chromosomes doubled in these clones, and the tumor cells became more resistant. This phenomenon is called amplification, and is a n... more »
Israel Buys Nearly All Oil From ISIS, Report
Israel are the main buyer of oil from ISIS controlled territory, and have thus becomes its biggest funder. According to reports by al-Araby al-Jadeed Kurdish and Turkish smugglers are transporting oil from ISIS controlled territory in Syria and Iraq and selling it to Israel. A staggering 40,000 barrels of oil are produced daily by ISIS which generates a $1-1.5 million daily profit for the organisation. Penny For Your Thoughts reports: The oil is extracted from Dir A-Zur in Syria and two fields in Iraq and transported to the Kurdish city of Zakhu in a triangle of land near the bord... more »
Bring On 2016! Russia Gets More S-400 Air Defence Systems
The Russian military have acquired five new S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, set to be delivered in 2016. According to Almaz-Antey arms manufacturer, “Thanks to the efficient work of our employees, we are completing most of our government contracts ahead of schedule. According to our plans for 2016, the company will provide Russia’s Ministry of Defense with five regimental units of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems“. Sputniknews.com reports: In 2015 the company already supplied three S-400 regiments to the Russian Armed Forces The press service also noted that all new S-400 ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 1, 2015
Photo Credit: Oleg Zabielin | shutterstock.com *Tim Fernholz, Quartz:* *It’s not the poverty in the Middle East that’s driving terrorism—it’s the politics* Thomas Piketty, the French economist whose data on worsening inequality in advanced economies has captivated the public, makes a compelling—if not original—argument that economic disparities in the Middle East are a key motivation for terror attacks, including the recent ISIL murders in Paris. “It is obvious that terrorism feeds on the Middle Eastern powder keg of inequality we have largely contributed to create,” Piketty wrote ... more »
Muslims Invading Germany
[image: Angela Merkel, Germany] FRANKFURT -- In an ironic twist, Germany, which in the last century twice invaded other countries, contributing to two world wars, is now being invaded by hordes of Muslims. According to Pew Research Center, there are 4,760,000 Muslims in Germany, about... more »
Sugar High? US Construction Hits 8-Year High, Fueled by Artificially Low Interest Rates, Federal Projects
[image: In this Monday, Aug. 17, 2015 photo, a construction worker works on the site of the Landmark community, a group of condos and townhouses built by Lennar Homes, in Doral, Fla. The Commerce Department reports on U.S. construction spending in July on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. construction spending jumped in October, fueled by solid gains in home building and the largest increase in federal construction in nine years. The Commerce Department said Tuesday that construction spending rose 1 percent in October from... more »
Nearly Half of US Homes Use Cellphones Only
[image: cell phone use - 400] Nearly half of U.S. households only use cellphones, according to new federal statistics that show more and more people are cutting the cord on landlines. Now, only about 8 percent of households have just landlines, the Centers for Disease Control... Continue reading *“Nearly Half of US Homes Use Cellphones Only”* at *cbsnews.com*.
Al Qaeda Operatives Freed By U.S. Allies To Rejoin Fight In Syria
Imprisoned Al Qaeda Fighters were freed from a Lebanese prison on Tuesday in exchange for captured Lebanese soldiers. Some top Al Qaeda operatives are now able to rejoin the U.S. led war against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. RINF reports: Imprisoned Al Qaeda Fighters Freed by U.S. Allies to Rejoin Fight Against Assad Some of the world’s top Al Qaeda operatives were freed from a Lebanese prison on Tuesday December 1st, to rejoin the U.S.-led war against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. America’s anti-Assad ally, Qatar, the chief financiers of the Muslim Brotherhood, negotiated with the neutralist ...more »
Ben Carson Slams White House: ‘Height of Hypocrisy’ to Ask Turkey to Close Borders but Not Close Our Own
[image: Ben Carson - 900] Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson ripped the White House Tuesday, labeling a recent Obama administration request of Turkey the "height of hypocrisy." According to a report from the Wall Street Journal last week, the White House recently asked Turkey to... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Slams White House: ‘Height of Hypocrisy’ to Ask Turkey to Close Borders but Not Close Our Own”* at *theblaze.com*.
Sheldon Silver Is Going To Prison For Taking Bribes And Kickbacks-- Do You Think He's Any More Corrupt Than, Say, Chuck Schumer?
The gang's all here: Silver, Rangel, Clinton, Paterson, Schumer If you read any of the pre-trial coverage of Sheldon Silver's corruption case, it will come as no surprise to you that spontaneous festivities broke out up and down the halls at *DWT* when he was found guilty of all seven of his charges yesterday. As the *NY Times* reported, "After a five-week trial in Federal District Court in Manhattan, the end came rather quickly and unceremoniously for Mr. Silver, 71, a Democrat who served more than two decades as Assembly speaker before he was forced to resign from the post after hi... more »
Grad School Recommendations
*Here is a guest post from NYU economist David Backus.* *I should probably get over this, but I just went through something like the following twenty times: * Click on link in email. * If you failed to log out the previous time, you need to close your browser and start again.* Login.* Set new pw: type old pw, new pw twice. * Check to agree to terms and conditions.* Enter contact information, including email address which, of course, they know, because they sent you an email. * Complete drop-down menu of questions.* Upload letter. * Enter name and date — which, of course,... more »
World News Briefs -- December 1, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*:* U.S. deploying new force to Iraq to boost fight against Islamic State* The United States said on Tuesday it was deploying a new force of special operations troops to Iraq to conduct raids against Islamic State there and in neighboring Syria, a ratcheting up of Washington's campaign against the group that was quickly rejected by Iraq's government. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the deployment of such a force was not acceptable without Iraq's approval, raising questions over how closely Washington coordinated the plan with Baghdad. Powerful Shi'ite Muslim arm... more »
‘I’d Rather See Our Borders Closed': Thousands of Red Cross Volunteers Would Not Help Refugees, Survey Says
[image: Red Cross - 900] An internal survey of Red Cross volunteers in the Netherlands shows that 20 percent of workers are unwilling to care for refugees. A sample of 1,293 of the approximately 30,000 volunteers in the country answered questions centered around their limits for... more »
Jeremy Corbyn's Syria Crisis
1. The media's reduction of the drive to bomb Syria to a crisis in the Labour Party says a great deal about their desire to do Jeremy Corbyn in. That, however, *doesn't mean the party isn't in crisis*. 2. Even if Jeremy had a team of super canny Malcolm Tuckers around him and ran a smooth media operation with nary a hitch, questions of peace and war were always going to present his leadership with serious difficulties. In normal times with a "mainstream" leader, significant divisions among the party are normal. With an avowed anti-war campaigner at the helm, military-minded MPs wer... more »
Cameron Accuses Jeremy Corbyn Of Being A ‘Terrorist Sympathiser’
David Cameron has warned Tory MPs against voting alongside “Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers” ahead of the vote on UK airstrikes in Syria. Amid Downing Street concerns that support among backbench Labour MPs is weakening, the British prime minister told a meeting of the 1922 committee that he needed to win the vote solely on the basis of Conservative MPs’ support to achieve his goal of securing a clear consensus. “You should not be walking through the lobbies with Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers,” he reportedly told the committee. The Guardian ...more »
Artist Unveils Huge Picture of Christ in a Field
[image: Christ in a field] An Italian land artist has created a 24,000 square metre image of Christ in a field. Dario Gambarin prepared the huge artwork using a tractor -- and achieved different depths and colours with the help of a rotating harrow and... Continue reading *“Artist Unveils Huge Picture of Christ in a Field”* at *news.sky.com*.
Boko Haram Destroys Nigerian Army Base. 107 Soldiers Missing
*WNU Editor:* To say that this Boko Haram attack is disturbing is an understatement .... B*oko Haram destroys Nigerian military base as search continues for 107 missing soldiers* (AP). Boko Haram is clearly not being contained or eliminated, and it looks like they are are actually expanding .... *Defying Military Efforts, Boko Haram is Expanding in West Africa: U.N. Official* (Newsweek). What is also not helpful is reading cases like this one .... *Nigeria's former national security adviser Dasuki 'arrested over $2bn arms fraud'* (BBC). *More News On The War Against Boko Haram* B... more »
The Real Reason for the Paris Global Warming Talks #COP21
[image: Global Warming Climate Change Money - 900] Many are asking, "Why are they holding this global warming conference now, after it is clear that the sky is not falling as promised?" An excellent question, that, and only I wish I had an exciting answer. Like maybe that... more »
Obama Forgets Jesus is True Meaning of Christmas in Charlie Brown Christmas Linus Speech
[image: Linus - 400] Barack Obama failed to mention Jesus in his description of A Charlie Brown Christmas and its message about the true meaning of Christmas during ABC’s It’s Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown. Good grief. The president and first lady spoke briefly... Continue reading *“Obama Forgets Jesus is True Meaning of Christmas in Charlie Brown Christmas Linus Speech”* at *christianpost.com*.
Shutting Down The Blog Until The New Year
*Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!* *Sufjan Stevens - Christmas In The Room. Source: Asthmatic Kitty Records. Lyrics.*
Krugman: Deregulate housing
Paul Krugman makes far more sense when he talks microeconomics. Here he is explaining how housing inequality can be cured by housing deregulation: *Rising demand for urban living by the elite could be met largely by increasing supply. There's still room to build, even in New York, especially upward. Yet while there is something of a building boom in the city, it's far smaller than the soaring prices warrant, mainly because land use restrictions are in the way. And this is part of a broader national story. As Jason Furman, the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Ad... more »
Pentagon Spokesperson Warns Russia To Not Arm Its Warplanes In Syria With Air-To-Air Missiles
© Russian Defense Ministry's Press and Information Department/TASS *TASS*: *Pentagon warns Russia’s against arming its warplanes in Syria with air-to-air missiles* *Pentagon spokesperson Michelle Baldanza told TASS on Monday that Russia’s arming its Su-34 warplanes in Syria with air-to-air missiles can only complicate the situation* WASHINGTON, December 1. /TASS/. Russia’s arming its Su-34 warplanes in Syria with air-to-air missiles can only complicate an already difficult situation in Syria’s airspace, Pentagon spokesperson Michelle Baldanza told TASS on Monday. "Such systems wi... more »
The Economy: Greg Hunter, "Collapse in Credit Coming- Chris Martenson"
*"Collapse in Credit Coming- Chris Martenson" * By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Co-founder of Peak Prosperity and economic researcher Dr. Chris Martenson warns the next financial collapse will start with a default in the credit markets. Dr. Martenson explains, “Demand is down. Supply is down. That’s the underlying story. We think the first part of this story is these credit instruments will get wiped out. It could be a sovereign default. Who’s first? That is the question in the world. Is it going to Venezuela? Is it going to be Brazil? Could it be Turkey? Interesting story about Tu... more »
"The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay"
*"The Deep State: * *The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay"* By John W. Whitehead "America’s next president will inherit more than a bitterly divided nation teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe when he or she assumes office. He will also inherit a shadow government, one that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country. To be precise, however, the future president will actually inherit not one but two shadow governments. The first shadow government, referred to as COG or continuity of government, is made up of... more »
The Economy: "The First Shot in the War on Cash?"
*"The First Shot in the War on Cash?"* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – “The first shot in the War on Cash?” The headline caught our attention. We’d just finished researching and writing about the “Deep State” for the latest issue of our monthly publication, The Bill Bonner Letter. (Subscribers can catch up here.) This is something you’re likely to hear more about. The Deep State describes the way the U.S. government really works, rather than the way it’s supposed to work. Over the years – hardly noticed by the press or the public – a group of insiders has taken control of Washington. S... more »
The Paris Conference On "Climate Change" Is A Sham: Great Video - "Won't Someone Think Of The Polar Bears ?!?"
Yes, there is indeed a "conference" going on right now in Paris France where the majority of the world's nations leaders are all sitting down and trying to hammer out new "protocols" to deal with the FRAUD of "Global Warming" or as they like to call it now "Climate Change".... It is a travesty to all of mankind, and the only net result will be nations imposing ridiculous "carbon taxes" on their own citizens...... One of the major "selling" points that the scam artists behind the fraud of "Climate Change" have used for the last few decades was the insane idea that due to "Climate Cha... more »
Duckies Keep Quacking But In A Different Nest: Nominate
The new ISA caucus, the Online Media Caucus, has taken over the Duckies, and it is now nomination season (much safer than Duck Season). So, head over to the new OMC blog and nominate your favorite blogs, posts, tweets, and other online media for the next round of the Duckies, to be awarded in Atlanta […]
Us and Them?
*Julian Rose* - The old weapon of 'divide and conquer' is exercising an almost total paralysis over society at this time. The post Us and Them? appeared first on Waking Times.
Ex-Muslim: Quran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like
[image: Quran] Mona Walter is on a mission. Her mission is for more Muslims to know what is in the Quran. She says if more Muslims knew what was in the Quran, more would leave Islam. Walter came to Sweden from Somalia... Continue reading *“Ex-Muslim: Quran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like”* at *charismanews.com*.
Glenn Beck Floats Idea of Running for President
[image: Glenn Beck] Glenn Beck hinted Monday morning that his work in media might not be the pinnacle of his career. In fact, the radio host casually floated the idea of a potential run for the presidency. "I've told you guys this, I... Continue reading *“Glenn Beck Floats Idea of Running for President”* at *theblaze.com*.
Scientists Debate Boundaries, Ethics of Human Gene Editing, Designer Babies
[image: In this photo provided by UC Berkeley Public Affairs, taken June 20, 2014, Jennifer Doudna, right, and her lab manager, Kai Hong, work in her laboratory in Berkeley, Calif. Designer babies or an end to intractable illnesses: A revolutionary technology is letting scientists learn to rewrite the genetic code, aiming to alter DNA in ways that, among other things, could erase disease-causing genes. How far should these experiments try to go _ fix only the sick, or make changes that future generations could inherit? (Cailey Cotner/UC Berkeley via AP)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Alternatin... more »
House Considers Requiring Search Warrant to Get Old Emails
[image: Email Privacy, E-Mail, Confidential, Mail] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Investigators would need a search warrant to get people’s old emails under a bill considered Tuesday by a House panel looking to update a nearly 30-year-old federal law to reflect today’s communications. The Email Privacy Act, co-authored... more »
China Has Scaled Back Its Cybertheft Of U.S. Commercial Secrets
President Obama and China's President Xi Jinping hold a joint news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House on Sept. 25. (Gary Cameron/Reuters) *Washington Post:** Following U.S. indictments, China shifts commercial hacking away from military to civilian agency* The Chinese military scaled back its cybertheft of U.S. commercial secrets in the wake of Justice Department indictments of five officers, and the surprising drawdown shows that the law enforcement action had a more significant impact than is commonly assumed, current and former U.S. officials said. The People’s L... more »
U.S. Joint Chiefs Chairman: 'Islamic State Has Not Been Contained'
Defense Secretary Ash Carter, foreground, and Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testify before the House Armed Services Committee about U.S. strategy for Syria and Iraq in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 1, 2015. DoD Photo *The Hill:* *Joint Chiefs chairman: 'We have not contained' ISIS* The United States has "not contained" the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the nation's top military officer said Tuesday, contradicting President Obama's remarks last month about the terror group. "We have not contained" ISIS, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunfor... more »
Highest-Ranking Democrat On The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee: 'Islamic State is Now In 12 Countries'
*Washington Free Beacon*: *Feinstein Hits Obama Again: Islamic State ‘Now In Twelve Other Countries’* In her introduction of Hillary Clinton at a fundraising event in Washington D.C. on Monday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) took another shot at President Obama’s handling of Islamic State, a strategy with which Clinton has aligned herself. “It’s often said that we have a big problem with terrorist groups and that ISIS is being contained. Well, it is now in twelve other countries,” Feinstein said. The hit directly pushing back on Obama’s assertion that he had contained IS is ... more »
NATO Ministers Agree To Boost Security And Air Defense Measures For Turkey
Foreign ministers from NATO and partner nations meet at the Alliance headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, December 1, 2015. REUTERS/Yves Herman *Reuters*: *NATO allies act to strengthen Turkey's defenses* BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The NATO allies plan to send patrol aircraft and missiles to strengthen Ankara's defenses on its border with Syria, officials said on Tuesday, following Turkey's shooting-down of a Russian bomber. As NATO countries seek to reassure Ankara over the fallout of Russia's incursions into its air space, a decision by Germany and the United States to remove their Patr... more »
Pentagon Spokesman: Russia's Deployment Of S-400 Has Not Impacted U.S. Military Operations In Syria And Iraq
*Stars and Stripes*: *Pentagon: Russian anti-aircraft systems in Syria a concern but not a threat* WASHINGTON — An undeterred U.S.-led coalition in Syria has conducted at least 13 airstrikes against Islamic State targets since Russia deployed advanced anti-aircraft missile systems to the war-torn country last week. “So far it’s not had any impact on our operations, but it’s certainly something we are aware of,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said Monday. The Russians said they moved S-400 surface-to-air missile systems to their Latakia air base on the country’s west coa... more »
Supplemental: Times reporter fails writing test!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015Who the Sam Hill is Kate Taylor:* Who the Sam Hill is Kate Taylor? The analysts came to us with that question very early this morning. They'd read Taylor's news report about public school students across the state of New York. Taylor's report appears in today's New York Times. Understandably, the analysts were offended by the report—offended and puzzled. "If not for *bad* explanations," one of the youngsters cried, "we'd have no explanations at all!" Who the Hill is Taylor? Briskly, we gathered the data: Taylor graduated from Harvard in 2001 with a BA... more »
Paris Round Up – Day 1
By Paul Homewood Round up Day 1 in Paris from the GWPF. Much grandstanding and pontificating, but little else! COP21: Daily GWPF Briefing – Day 1 In The Big Brothers House The first day of the UN climate conference in Paris saw a change to the tradition of world leaders […]
120 imágenes navideñas con nombres de mujeres para el perfil de tu Face (Busca tu nombre) Si no lo encuentras, puedes pedirlo...
Esta es la primera parte de imágenes navideñas con nombres de mujeres para el perfil de tu Face. La promoción está en curso y aún se continúan agregando más nombres elegidos al azar. Esta serie está organizada alfabéticamente, pero al agregar nuevas postales, quedarán revueltas. Siendo así, usted deberá buscar con cuidado sus nombres. Si no los encuentra, puede pedirlos en este link; http://goo.gl/qBRwYf Gracias por su participación.
More Proof That Fraud ISIS's Stolen Oil Is Being Sent To Israel!
I said in several articles already that the illegal and stolen Syrian oil that the fraudulent "terrorist group" called ISIS was absolutely being sold (given) to the criminal and psychotic state of Israel.... I stand behind these claims and here I will again give proof of my statements.... For this article, I want to present the following report that comes courtesy of a fellow Canuck real Truth Seeker, Penny, who of course writes the blog "Penny For Your Thoughts" at www.pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com... This report is entitled: "Israel Buys Most Oil Smuggled From ISIS Territory ... more »
Ash Carter: US Sending New Special Ops to Fight ISIS, More Than Obama Previously Announced
[image: Ash Carter, Ashton Carter] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. will deploy a new special operations force to the Middle East to help fight Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday. Carter told the House Armed Services Committee that... more »
US Government Reveals Breadth of Requests for Internet Records: Full Web Browsing History, Online Purchases
[image: Government Surveillance, Webcam, Spy, Internet] Nov. 30 The Federal Bureau of Investigation has used a secretive authority to compel Internet and telecommunications firms to hand over customer data including an individual’s complete web browsing history and records of all online purchases, a court filing released... Continue reading *“US Government Reveals Breadth of Requests for Internet Records: Full Web Browsing History, Online Purchases”* at *reuters.com*.
Donald Trump and the Revenge of the Radical Center
[image: Radical Center] The GOP may soon recover from the Donald Trump scare. Despite his maddeningly persistent lead in the polls, Trump isn’t building the normal campaign operations that are usually needed to win. He won’t get key endorsements. His voters may be... Continue reading *“Donald Trump and the Revenge of the Radical Center”* at *theweek.com*.
Four JBC retractions add up to 8 in total for cancer research pair
The Journal of Biological Chemistry is retracting four papers by a pair of cancer researchers at Tulane University, bringing their total to eight. The retractions are all for reusing parts of figures, either within a paper or from other papers by the pair. Thanks to a new policy at the journal to publish informative notes, we know the figures that were problematic, […] The post Four JBC retractions add up to 8 in total for cancer research pair appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Commentariat Central
By reader request, here's another one of my irregular *New York Times* comment dumps. Look out below! Maureen Dowd, *King Kevin vs. Queen Cersei*, Nov. 26. This is an annual holiday tradition for the center-left Dowd, as she relinquishes her entire valuable column space to her ignorant right-wing brother. As we are constantly being informed by Democratic Party-leaning blogs and pundits, no family Thanksgiving dinner is complete without the presence of at least one ignorant right-wing jerk to give us agita. Except mine, of course. My right-wing relatives are either dead and in their ... more »
Italy: Muslim asylum seekers approve of Paris attacks - including a strange and worrying comment re 8 December in Rome
After the Paris attacks, the Italian television programme "L'aria che tira" asked some asylum seekers what they thought about the attacks. The last chap's comments were rather worrying.
Lynemouth Biomass Gets EU Go Ahead For £1.1bn Subsidy
By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/12027606/Coal-plant-gets-green-light-to-burn-American-wood-pellets.html I sometimes if I have followed Alice down into Wonderland! The Telegraph reports: One of Britain’s dozen remaining coal-fired power plants is to be converted to burn wood pellets shipped in from North America, after the European Commission approved a £1bn subsidy contract for […]
Quote of the Day: On that alleged warming
*“When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.”* ~ Christopher Booker, ‘The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever’ – TELEGRAPH Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihu... more »
Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory - report
*Globes: Israel’s Business Arena* All this noise about Turkey deflects from the very big Israeli involvement. Convenient. *I covered the illicit oil trade extensively in this post:* *Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality* Israel has become the main buyer for oil from ISIS controlled territory, reports "al-Araby al-Jadeed." *Kurdish and Turkish smugglers are transporting oil from ISIS controlled territory* in Syria and Iraq and selling it to Israel, according to several reports in the Arab and Russian media. An estimated 20,000-40,000 barrels of oil are produced da... more »
Obama’s Trip to the UN ‘Global Warming’ Summit Emits More CO2 Than Driving 72 Cars for a Year
[image: USAF - 900] President Barack Obama may warn that carbon dioxide is causing global warming, but his flight to Paris to join other world leaders at the United Nations climate summit emitted more CO2 than driving 72 cars for a year. Obama's Paris jaunt will... more »
Iraq's Military Prepares To Retake Ramadi From The Islamic State
*Deutsche Welle:* *Civilians told to leave 'IS'-held Iraqi city of Ramadi* A military statement has ordered civilians to leave the "Islamic State"-held city, without giving further details. Some analysts believe a major US-led operation to retake the city is imminent. Monday's statement was broadcast on Iraqi state TV, requesting that Ramadi civilians leave the city from its southern Himaira area. No further details were given. The announcement immediately fuelled speculation that a major operation by Iraqi forces to retake Ramadi from "Islamic State" ("IS") militants was about t... more »
UEA’s Straw Burning Plant In Jeopardy
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/politics/generation_park_developers_admit_serious_problems_with_finding_investors_for_370m_energy_plant_on_edge_of_norwich_1_4330892 I have previously reported on the proposed straw burning plant in Norwich, which has been consistently championed by the UEA. It now appears to be struggling to find investors and to be on the verge of liquidation. The Norwich Evening News reports: Developers behind […]
Daryl Bradford Smith - Rothschild's Paris Attacks
An outstanding analyses of the recent Paris False Flag and the perpetrators which is the MOSSAD and CIA/MI6 nexus.
Christmas Gift Ideas for the Readers in Your Life
[image: Christmas Presents Books - 900] People who want to buy Christmas gifts, without having to confront the crowds at the local shopping mall (or shopping maul) can take a load off their feet by buying books or movies on the Internet, while sitting in the... more »
A Resurgence of Campus Intolerance; Answer It With These Tools for Sniffing Out the Best and Worst
[image: White students outside of the Allen building, supporting the demands of the African-American students. African-American students took over the Allen building in an attempt to force the administration to make the school more friendly to the black population. They were prepared to barricade themselves within the building for an extended period of time if necessary, but at the promise of negotiations with the Administration left peacefully.] Storm trooper tactics by bands of college students making ideological demands across the country, and immediate preemptive surrender by col... more »
Climate Change “Biggest Threat” To National Trust
By Paul Homewood h/t Bill Berry https://ntpressoffice.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/nt164-forecast-changeable-report-17.pdf According to the National Trust, climate change is the "biggest threat" to the land it protects. As part of their campaign to address these supposed threats, they have published a report, listing some case studies to highlight the problems and show what they have […]
Drinking and Christmas
It's nearly Christmas and it's a time for parties and happy times with friends and family. Unfortunately it's also a time when people tend to overindulge and drink too much. And when people drink too much they sometimes do very foolish things. Having parties with drinking raises some legal issues – all of which are easy to deal with if you plan ahead. If you are drinking yourself you have a responsibility to make sure you do not do anything stupid. If you know drinking makes you mean and violent you shouldn't drink at parties at all. If you must drink stay home by yourself. Ge... more »
Fossil Fuel Companies Risk Wasting at Least $2 Trillion of Investors' Money
*Alan Cumming tells you why you can't have nice things* *by Gaius Publius* The reason we won't have nice climate — until we fight for it — is money. Rich people's money. And frankly, the money of mainly old, soon-to-be-dead, rich people, like this one from Exxon, or these two from god knows where. People, in other words, with no future of their own and a pathological reason to sacrifice ours. Because it turns out, if humans ever wrest control of the climate-fix process and kick the moneyed bottoms out of the decision room, those moneyed bottoms stand to lose a ton — by this news a... more »
To the Black Student at Columbia Who Thinks the Canon Robs Her of ‘Agency’
[image: Columbia University - 900] Two weeks ago, the Columbia University newspaper, the Spectator, published an article titled “Students, faculty address institutionalized racism at University Life event.” As described in the article, one example of the institutionalized racism that black Columbia students must endure is... more »
Police Evacuate Thousands From London Offices In Two Bomb Scares
The UK security services were kept busy on Tuesday afternoon with two bomb scares just one day before Parliament is set to vote on extending airstrikes into Syria The all clear was given after the police evacuated thousands of people from offices near BBC Broadcasting House and London Bridge station in twin terror alerts The Mail Online reports: A spokesman for the force said the threat was not specific to the BBC, adding that a vehicle parked on nearby Regent’s Street had now been deemed ‘non-suspicious’. In a separate incident, police sniffer dogs were brought in following reports... more »
Russian Plane Crash Complicates Syria Talks. Is ISIS the Winner?
[image: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem (L) shakes hands with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov (R) after a press conference in Moscow on November 27, 2015. Lavrov said that Ankara has crossed the line by shooting down a Russian warplane this week and warned the incident could severely undermine Turkey's interests. AFP PHOTO / VASILY MAXIMOV / AFP / VASILY MAXIMOV (Photo credit should read VASILY MAXIMOV/AFP/Getty Images)] ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane near the Syrian border has not only frayed previously warm ties between Russia and Turkey, ... more »
WaPo Blames Free Speech Criticism of Planned Parenthood for Shooting
[image: pro-life - 900] The Washington Post gave life to the idea that free speech is to blame for the recent Planned Parenthood shooting in a piece Monday headlined: "Abortion rights groups: Political rhetoric contributed to shooting." These groups say the use of tough... more »
Hillary Clinton: 'No U.S. Combat Troops To Fight Against The Islamic State'
*CBS*: *Clinton can't "conceive" any condition for combat troops in Iraq, Syria* Hillary Clinton on Monday told CBS News that she could not imagine any circumstance in which the U.S. would deploy troops on the ground in the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). "I agree with the president's point that we're not putting American combat troops back into Syria or Iraq. We are not going to do that," the Democratic presidential frontrunner told CBS News' Charlie Rose in a sit-down interview. Rose interjected and asked whether Clinton would still hold that position... more »
Czech TV interview with Assad
*Prague peace for Syria got a bit more likely* Czech public TV has recorded a 33-minute interview with Bashar Assad in Damascus and it has broadcast a 2-hour-long program on Syria at 8 pm [bigger screen, backup link], on the ČT24 channel. The interview at the beginning was simultaneously aired in Syria. Since 10 pm (4 pm Boston Winter Time), the URL has been offering you to replay the program from scratch; press "přeskoč reklamu" to "skip the ads"; the English interview (with CZ subtitles) begins at 1:50 and ends at 34:35. A Syrian website already provides you with a transcript of... more »
U.S. To Deploy More Special Forces To Combat The Islamic State
*ABC News*: *Carter: U.S. Special Operations Forces Expanding in Iraq* Defense Secretary Ash Carter told Congress on Tuesday that the U.S. would establish a special operations "targeting force" in Iraq as part of the intensified military effort to fight ISIS. The special operations force would conduct raids, could free hostages held by ISIS, gather intelligence and capture ISIS leaders. It is part of the broader role for U.S. special operations forces that Carter said would occur in the wake of the raid in September where U.S. special operations forces helped free 70 ISIS hostages... more »
With a Little Help From my Friends
Like the old saying goes: You can't keep a Z list blogger down. With the help from two friends out west who'd sent me an old Compaq, I'm now online, in a limited way. By that I mean the old/new laptop won't recognize my own wifi network and the only way I can get online is through a temporary ad hoc, computer to computer connection that still requires an ethernet cable. That means I can't take the laptop to another room in the house since the only phone jack is in the kitchen. As I said last week, I lost *everything*, including my new novel, *Gods of Our Fathers*, that... more »
Chinese Scientist Is Ready To Clone Humans
The Chinese scientist behind the development of the world’s first cloning factory says he has technology advanced enough to now replicate humans. His only fear is public reaction as society might not ready to accept the idea. The giant cloning facility is set to open within the next seven months with plans to clone 1 million cows a year by 2020. Other animals to be cloned include thoroughbred racehorses and police dogs. CEO Xu Xiaochun told AFP: “Everything in the supermarket looks good – it’s almost all shiny, good-looking, and uniformly shaped. For animals, we weren’t able to do th... more »
Will the Government Face A Holiday Shutdown?
[image: Will The Government Face A Holiday Shutdown?] Lawmakers returning from Thanksgiving have little time to come up with a plan to keep the government funded past Dec. 11, and the process may not go as smoothly as some had hoped. Congress is tasked with figuring out how to... more »
‘Safe Spaces’ Aren’t Just for College: LGBTQ Political Correctness Comes to the Corporate World
[image: South Park safe space - 400] Foreshadowing current controversies, in late October South Park created a music video entitled "Safe Space." The short clip featured its various characters celebrating their "bully proof windows" and "troll safe doors" while thwarting the attempts of the villainous "reality" to... Continue reading *“‘Safe Spaces’ Aren’t Just for College: LGBTQ Political Correctness Comes to the Corporate World”* at *thepublicdiscourse.com*.
In South Korea, a Dictator’s Daughter Cracks Down on Labor
*South Korean police officers spray water cannons to try to break up protesters who tried to march to the Presidential House after a rally against government policy in Seoul, November 14, 2015. (AP Photo / Ahn Young-joon)* *The Nation *The government has banned a massive rally scheduled for this weekend, but activists are vowing to defy the order. By Tim Shorrock Following in the footsteps of her dictator father, South Korea’s President, Park Geun-hye, is cracking down on labor and citizens groups opposed to the increasingly authoritarian policies of her ruling “New Frontier” party... more »
Help Make Maine Signature Advert Happen
Signature advert above to run in Maine newspaper. Please read and send your signature by email to: karenwainberg@gmail.com If you can, send a few *$$$ *to help pay for the page in the newspaper. Send check via snail mail to Karen Wainberg at 212 Centre Street Bath, Maine 04530. Make check payable to Karen Wainberg (put PeaceWorks in the memo line).
STOPPED MAKING SENSE: Latest award-winning series postponed!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015To resume tomorrow:* Our award-winning series, Stopped Making Sense, will resume tomorrow. For those who want to read ahead, we recommend McKay Coppins' featured report from the Outlook section of Sunday's Washington Post. Coppins explains some of the ways The Other Tribe has stopped making sense. Until he starts taking about himself and about nothing else, his report seems important, valuable. In what ways has *our* tribe possibly stopped making sense? Briefly, Coppins pretends to address that question. When we resume our award-winning series, we'll off... more »
Mega-correction for updated CPR reporting guidelines
A major correction has been posted for an update to international guidelines on reporting outcomes of people receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Circulation published the paper online in 2014; the correction was issued before it appeared in print, in the journal’s September 29, 2015 issue. “When reviewing the final proof for print publication, the author noticed some errors and […] The post Mega-correction for updated CPR reporting guidelines appeared first on Retraction Watch.
World News Briefs -- December 1, 2015
*Reuters*: *After leaders' rhetoric, climate negotiators start work on deal* With encouragement from 150 world leaders ringing in their ears, government negotiators in Paris were on Tuesday left to turn the rhetoric into reality and agree a draft text of a global deal to slow climate change. U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping made common cause on Monday with other countries to stress the urgency of an agreement to slow a rise in global temperatures blamed for spurring floods, heat waves and rising sea levels. But as the leaders left Paris, negotiators fro... more »
THE TRAITOR : The Case Against Jonathan Pollard - BY SEYMOUR M. HERSH
In a conference on US-Israel relations at Bar Ilan University on Monday, US Ambassador to Israel Richard Jones referred to the contentious issue of Jonathan Pollard, the US Naval officer convicted of spying for Israel. *Ambassador Jones stressed that Pollard had committed treason, and the US had shown mercy by not executing him.* This public domain video was released under the Freedom of Information Act on June 25, 2012 to the IRmep Center for Policy and Law Enforcement. It encourages government employees to report suspicions of espionage. An actress portrays "Susan" who obs... more »
Let's not bomb Luton
This house is divided over Syria. (chez Sue, not the HoC) One side says bombing ISIS may not be perfect but it’s a start. The other side is sorely tempted to offer the trusty old internet cliche: “what could possibly go wrong”? After the BBC’s misguided optimism over the Arab Spring (which should have indicated that your shiny new Arab World was not full of right-on pro-libertarian dudes whose passionate desire for western-style democracy was only thwarted by the tyrants) and taking into consideration David Cameron’s stubborn delusion that “ISIL” has nowt to do with Islam, (which ... more »
Can South Korea Stave Off Demographic Collapse?
[image: Haenam - 400] HAENAM, South Korea -- Back in the 1970s and '80s, when the South Korean government was focused on alleviating poverty, Kim Chung-jae and other health officials toured villages to persuade couples to practice birth control. They distributed condoms and birth... Continue reading *“Can South Korea Stave Off Demographic Collapse?”* at *nytimes.com*.
How to blow a billion or more dollars in one easy step...
*just get 150 world "leaders" and all their hanger-on friends together in Paris to eat gourmet food and drink fine wine.* Oh, and to discuss how they're going to tax the crap out of us to combat global warming that doesn't exist, and make our electricity rates skyrocket. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Obama’s Motorcade for Climate Change Talks Costing $784,825. All together, the price tag for Odumbo to attend this little confab is over 2 million dollars. I'm not a math wizard (still struggling with the multiplication tables), *buuuuuuuut* I can certainly extrapolate... more »
Media Smear Ted Cruz: He Did Not Claim Robert Dear Is a Transgendered Leftist Activist
[image: Ted Cruz - 400] Laziness and sloppiness have become all too common traits among modern day journalists and reporters. Media bias is easy for journalists to wave away. They see accusations of bias simply as an excuse, largely made up by Republicans and conservatives... Continue reading *“Media Smear Ted Cruz: He Did Not Claim Robert Dear Is a Transgendered Leftist Activist”* at *redstate.com*.
U.S. Factory Activity Drops in Nov.; First Decline in 3 Years
[image: ISM - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. factory activity fell last month, as the stronger dollar and low oil prices are cutting new orders and hurting production. The Institute for Supply Management says its index of factory activity in November dropped to 48.6... more »
Cuba Re-Imposes Hated Travel Permit Requirement on Doctors to Limit Brain Drain
[image: Cuba - 900] HAVANA (AP) -- The Cuban government announced Tuesday that it is reimposing a hated travel permit requirement on many doctors, requiring them to get permission to leave the country in an attempt to counter a brain drain that it blames... more »
Veterans To join Emergency Protest To Stop Britain Bombing Syria
Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will be joining anti-war activists at an emergency protest in London on Tuesday night ahead of Wednesday’ vote on extending airstrikes from Iraq into Syria. The protest organised by the Stop The War Coalition is scheduled to start Tuesday evening at 6pm in in Parliament Square. Similar protests will be taking place in major cities across the UK over the course of the day. RT reports: Speaking to RT, Ben Griffin, who served on operations in Iraq and helped to found anti-war group Veterans for Peace UK, said: “It is making me feel physically sick, listeni... more »
Update On Turkey Blocking The Dardenelles To Russian Ships: Ships Being Allowed Through... For Now!
Just yesterday, I put up a post at this blog linking to an article that came out on the 29th of November stating that the Turkish government has blocked the Dardenelles and the Bosporus Straits to Russian ships... That act of provocation was in direct violation of the 1936 Montreaux agreements on the usage of the Bosporus/Dardenelles waterways freely to all countries that bordered the Black Sea including Russia... It was indeed a criminal act by Turkey and could have been taken by the Russian Federation as an act of war.... Now just today I found out through the Sputnik News website... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 1, 2015
Wikipedia *USA Today:* *Pentagon may send more U.S. troops to Syria* WASHINGTON — The Pentagon will consider deploying more special operations troops to fight Islamic State militants if its pilot project in Syria shows signs of progress, a senior Defense official told USA TODAY on Monday. The Pentagon last month announced that 50 commandos would be sent to northern Syria to advise forces battling the Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS. Sending that initial force amounts to "breaking the seal" on inserting special operations forces in Syria and could lead to further deployme... more »
Russian Media: There Are No Troubles Reported For Russian Ships Transiting The Bosphorus
*Sputnik:* *Smooth Sailing: No Troubles Reported for Russian Ships in the Bosphorus* *Russian Navy ships currently aren't experiencing any problems passing through the Bosphorus Strait or the Dardanelles, a diplomatic source from the Russian military told the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.* At the moment, Russian naval vessels are experiencing no problems passing through the Bosphorus Strait or the Dardanelles, RIA Novosti quoted a military-diplomatic source as saying on Tuesday. The source added that the Russian Navy transport ship Yauza's recent encounter with a Turkish submar... more »
Is The U.S. Risking War With Russia?
Russia's President Vladimir Putin (C) attends a conference at the main operation centre of the Russian armed forces, with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (L) and armed forces Chief-of-Staff Valery Gerasimov (R) in Moscow, June 6, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Michael Klimentyev/RIA Novosti/Kremlin *Patrick Buchanan, American Conservative*: *Why Risk War With Russia?* Turkey’s decision to shoot down a Russian warplane was a provocative and portentous act. That Sukhoi Su-24, which the Turks say intruded into their air space, crashed and burned — in Syria. One of the Russian pilots was execute... more »
Arctic Indigenous at COP21 'Our world is melting'
Indigenous warn: COP21 green schemes could be crimes against humanity By Brenda Norrell brendanorrell@gmail.com Photos by Indigenous Environmental Network and France's Committee in Solidarity with American Indians Indigenous Peoples in Paris at the United Climate Summit COP21, are exposing the facts of the polluters destroying their homelands, and the green schemes designed for the
Why Not a Presidential Year of Mercy?
[image: ***ALTERNATIVE CROP*** Pope Francis makes a symbolic gesture by opening a "Holy Door" at Bangui Cathedral in the Central African Republic ahead of the start of a Catholic Jubilee Year, marking forgiveness and reconciliation on November 29, 2015. "Open for us the gate of your mercy," the 78-year-old pope prayed before opening the door. "We ask for peace for Central African Republic and for all people who suffer from war." / AFP / GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (Photo credit should read GIANLUIGI GUERCIA/AFP/Getty Images)] The upcoming Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis coincides with ... more »
Bomb Scare Sparks Evacuation Near BBC HQ In Central London
Part of the BBC’s headquarters in central London were evacuated amid a bomb scare in central London on Tuesday afternoon. Offices surrounding the BBC headquarters in Portland Place, London, had been evacuated following a security alert. Reports suggest a suspicious package has been found. The streets have now been reopened as Scotland Yard confirmed the alert had been cancelled by 3.15pm and that the vehicle was found to be non-suspicious. Evacuated from our office and Portland Place and New Cavendish Street cordoned off. What’s happening?? pic.twitter.com/FFMGITE3ck — Shula hagan (... more »
The Body/Mind/Soul Can Heal Itself by Monica Cassani
Source of picture: *Green Med Info*The Body/Mind/Soul Can Heal Itself by Monica Cassani Green Med Info, 30 November 2015 *The mind/body/soul connection can allow you to heal in ways that prescription medications never could.* My body taught me how to get healthy. It's a celebratory wonder. No one else knew how to pull me out of the quagmire. This wondrously animated bag of bones has only ever wanted my attention. The body knows about healing and survival and evolution and when acknowledged that leads to freedom. Yes, the human beings capacities are awe inspiring. And yet w... more »
Dear honourable Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Dear honourable Sayyid Ali Khamenei: Although I am not young in years, I read your November 29, 2015, letter to Western youth (in English, en français) with great interest and fascination. The letter excited both my intellect and my heart. Iran is truly blessed to have a servant such as you. In Canada, we have only disingenuous and self-interested petty politicians who vie for corporate and USA
Nothing Could Be Further From The Truth
http://www.torontosun.com/ We now know what the career staffers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thought of Stephen Harper and John Baird. Alexander Panetta writes in the *Globe and Mail*: A U.S. official expressed amazement at how deeply detested Canada’s Conservative government was by some employees of the Foreign Affairs Department. That impression was described in a note sent three years ago to Hillary Clinton, who was then the secretary of state and whose e-mails are now being publicly released. It was contained in a message wh... more »
New Official Casualty Reports By Iraqi Authorities
Since the fall of Mosul in June 2014 the Iraqi government has largely kept its losses secret. Small incidents like improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are commonly covered, but set battles with the Islamic State (IS) rarely lead to casualty reports. Starting in 2015 however, the Peshmerga Ministry and Kurdish officials began releasing information about its dead and wounded, and they were just joined by Iraq’s Interior Ministry. On November 23 the Interior Ministry released a number of statisticson the fighting in Iraq from November 2014 to November 2015. That included 1,096 death... more »
*Study to examine rising suicide rates in New Orleans~Sun Herald* *New Orleans public defenders ask judge to stop assigning them cases, plead for 'judicial mercy' ~Jpsie Duffy, Daily Koz *
China’s Renminbi Is Approved by I.M.F. as a Main World Currency, Joins Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen
[image: renminbi - 404] HONG KONG -- The Chinese renminbi was anointed as one of the world's elite currencies on Monday, a milestone decision by the International Monetary Fund that underscores the country's rising financial and economic heft. The move will help pave the... Continue reading *“China’s Renminbi Is Approved by I.M.F. as a Main World Currency, Joins Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen”* at *nytimes.com*.
$500,000 Donation Dropped into Salvation Army Kettle in Minnesota
[image: 950705_1_112515CASalvationArmydonation_standard] More than Black Friday or Cyber Monday, The Salvation Army's iconic and ubiquitous red donation kettles, accompanied by bell-ringing volunteers, signify that the holiday season is upon us. This year, the century-old tradition got a major boost by an anonymous... Continue reading *“$500,000 Donation Dropped into Salvation Army Kettle in Minnesota”* at *csmonitor.com*.
Cameron Invents 70,000- Strong Anti-ISIS Army To Justify Bombing Syria
Fresh doubts have emerged over the existence of a 70,000-strong force of moderate Syrian rebels that David Csameron claimed could turn the tide against ISIS in the West’s favour Laying out his plans to combat ISIS in Syria and Iraq in the House of Commons last week, the prime minister said the assembly of 70,000 moderate fighters was a central strand of his strategy to defeat ISIS. Both allies and opponents of Mr Cameron have questioned the disposition, capabilities and even the existence of this alleged 70,000-strong army. Following Cameron’s statement, Defence Select Committee Cha... more »
The Weapon of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion & Foreign Policy
* h/t friend of the blog!* *This is a must listen lecture*- Absolutely a must listen!* In fact, listen to it twice. That's how many times I listened last week!* But as you absorb the info take note of what is not really mentioned? This woman doesn't mention that NATO is using forced displacement and coercion on a global level at this time. She mentions state actors, but, fails to mention the global tyranny above the nation state. Or the ethnic cleansing being engaged in present time:* Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle East* Professor Gree... more »
This Giving Tuesday, consider supporting Retraction Watch
Benevolent readers: As we’ve noted many times, since August of 2010 when we launched Retraction Watch, you’ve showed us plenty of love, for which we are ever grateful. Your encouragement, story tips, and critiques are what make the site what it is. It’s great to know that we are providing you with a valuable source of […] The post This Giving Tuesday, consider supporting Retraction Watch appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Obama’s Quiet Transgender Revolution
[image: transgender] Years before the White House was lit in rainbow colors celebrating the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, President Obama used a routine bureaucratic tool that ended up drastically changing the government's understanding of gender and how it can be... Continue reading *“Obama’s Quiet Transgender Revolution”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
China ‘Clone Factory’ Scientist Eyes Human Replication
[image: clone factory] Beijing (AFP) – The Chinese scientist behind the world’s biggest cloning factory has technology advanced enough to replicate humans, he told AFP, and is only holding off for fear of the public reaction. Boyalife Group and its partners are building... Continue reading *“China ‘Clone Factory’ Scientist Eyes Human Replication”* at *yahoo.com*.
Bono on Paris Attacks: Nothing’s Stopping U2 from Going Back
[image: GLASGOW, SCOTLAND - NOVEMBER 09: Bono (C) and The Edge (L) of U2 perform on stage during the MTV EMA's 2014 at The Hydro on November 9, 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo by Samir Hussein/Getty Images for MTV)] NEW YORK (AP) -- Bono says despite the deadly attacks in Paris last month he believes Paris will remain strong and he is hoping U2’s concert there this week moves the audience. U2 was set to perform in Paris on... more »
Blue America Will Match Your Giving Tuesday Money To Stand With Planned Parenthood
As we've been writing all weekend, the Republican candidates-- on all levels, presidential, congressional-- are running their campaigns by inciting their supporters, some of whom are, by definition, not very stable, to violence. As *Eric Kingson*, the Blue America-endorsed candidate running for the House in a Syracuse, NY-based district points out, "the harsh rhetoric of Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz who called Planned Parenthood 'an ongoing criminal enterprise' and Mike Huckabee who called for the U.S. Department of Justice to 'criminally prosecute Planned Parenthoo... more »
1992 Speech By Tony Benn About Britain’s Wars In The Middle East
Ahead of a parliamentary debate on bombing Syria tomorrow, a speech by late Labour MP Tony Benn about the double standards of British policy in the Middle East is being shared widely across social media. Mr Benn, criticised the UK’s record in the region after the start of the first Gulf War. “We have forgotten that the story is part of an unhappy record of British relations in the middle east,” he told MPs in a debate over 23 years ago on 23 November 1992. “Considered in the light of what we now know, the Gulf war is seen to be a war for profit, oil and control of the region…..” Mr ... more »
The Wang Choice
*After all, the whole Barrayaran Vor system runs on nepotism. It's not a vice for us, it's a lifestyle.* Some hilarious moments from the Rational Party this week. The image above is from the Chu-Wang campaign website OneTaiwan, and this page shows the eduational background and experience of Vice Presidential Candidate Jennifer Wang, in the screen cap above. It shows (1) National Taiwan University Law Department (2) Fujen U Law Grad School (3) High school and (4) Jr high. What's missing? She has a PHD from Renmin U in China. LOL. I clicked on the video page of the OneTaiwan site an... more »
An unfortunate turn of phrase Comrade Grintz
I have queried his choice of the phrase 'final solution', as have others, but Comrade Darren Grintz has yet to respond. I might have let this incident go but then I saw Comrade Grintz's Twitter profile and guess what? He's a Labour Party member, a Unite activist, a Jeremy Corbyn supporter and... oh look, a BBC cameraman to boot.
Could Donald Trump Win the GOP Nomination?
[image: Donald Trump9 - 400] Washington (CNN) By conventional political wisdom, Donald Trump should be a presidential has-been by now. But two weeks ahead of the final Republican debate of the year and two months before the first votes of the primary season are cast, Trump’s... Continue reading *“Could Donald Trump Win the GOP Nomination?”* at *cnn.com* .
More Prospective Jurors Questioned for Freddie Gray Trial
[image: BALTIMORE, MD - MAY 1: (EDITOR'S NOTE: BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE) In this handout photo provided by the Baltimore Police Department, officer William Porter poses for a mug shot on May 1, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland. Officer Rice was arrested in connection with the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. Gray's death was ruled a homicide and criminal charges have been filed. Gray, 25, was arrested for possessing a switch blade knife April 12 outside the Gilmor Houses housing project on Baltimore's west side. (Photo by Baltimore Police Department via Getty Images)] BALTIMO... more »
Rudder Problem, Pilot Actions Led to Indonesia AirAsia Crash
[image: from iStock] A rudder control system problem that had occurred 23 times in the previous 12 months coupled with the pilots’ response led to last year’s crash of an AirAsia plane that killed all 162 people on board, Indonesian investigators said Tuesday.... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Crystal elementals descend from above
*Crystal elementals descend from above* by ÉirePort Crystal elementals descend from above. Magic points are noted by all Gaia beings. Unification becomes priority energetically. Life paths are unveiled as individuals relax. Portentions are released, as collectives embrace. ÉirePort | November 30, 2015 at 22:22 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-wo
Minion Parfaits
*This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. **#MinionsMovieNight #* *CollectiveBias* How do you measure your family's love for *Minions*? Is it by how many minion shirts your kids own? If it is my minion figures, then they might be in the running for loving them the most. One of my daughter's first words was minion, she has a deep love for these funny little guys and their ways of talking. Running around the house saying "Beedo Beedo," is almost a daily occurrence. Since these little guys entered our lives, suddenly blue ... more »
Donald Trump Blames Lack Of 9/11 Tailgate Evidence On Days Of Yore
Donald Trump has defended his stance on seeing ‘with his own eyes’ thousands, or maybe hundreds of people celebrating 9/11 with rooftop parties as it was happening, implying that they might have been Muslims. The Donald has had to defend himself to a host of 9/11 truthers who doubt ever hearing or seeing such an accusation after pouring over every possible scrap of information on the 11th September 2001 attacks. Millions of pages and documents and a few photographic and video evidence have been minutely scrutinized by ‘truthers’ and ‘doubters’ worldwide. A myriad of assumptions have... more »
Putin Accuses Turkey of Aiding ISIS Oil Trade, Erdogan Denies Charge
[image: Vladimir Putin - 400] Relations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart hit a new low Monday after Putin accused Turkey of shooting down one of its warplanes last week in order to protect the transit of oil sold by Islamic State... Continue reading *“Putin Accuses Turkey of Aiding ISIS Oil Trade, Erdogan Denies Charge”* at *cnbc.com*.
Cruz Excoriates Rubio on Foreign Policy, Links Him to Clinton
[image: SIMI VALLEY, CA - SEPTEMBER 16: Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz take part in the presidential debates at the Reagan Library on September 16, 2015 in Simi Valley, California. Fifteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the second set of Republican presidential debates.] Ted Cruz on Monday offered his strongest denunciation so far of Marco Rubio’s foreign policy views, assailing his Republican presidential rival as a proponent of "military adventurism" that he said has benefited Islamic militant groups. He even tied the Floridian t... more »
German Cabinet OKs Military Mission against ISIS in Syria
[image: Merkel-Germany and Hollande-France__1443438139_70.119.142.63] BERLIN (AP) -- The German Cabinet on Tuesday approved plans to commit up to 1,200 soldiers to support the international coalition fighting against the Islamic State group in Syria. The mandate still requires parliamentary clearance. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s governing coalition... more »
Cartoon: ‘The Powerful Rebuke’
[image: Ramirez - 900 11-30-15]
From the Economy to Syria, Britain Lacks Real Leadership
[image: Britain] I thought it a little odd that it the BBC should have decided to broadcast present a four-and-a-half-hour programme on the Parliament Channel to mark the fortieth anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming the first female leader of a major Western... Continue reading *“From the Economy to Syria, Britain Lacks Real Leadership”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
U.S. Sends Worn-Out Equipment to Ukrainian Troops
[image: Washington Post outbound DO NOT REUSE] The United States has delivered more than $260 million in non-lethal military equipment to help the government of Ukraine in its fight against a Russian-backed insurgency, but some of the U.S.-supplied gear meant to protect and transport Ukrainian military forces is... Continue reading *“U.S. Sends Worn-Out Equipment to Ukrainian Troops”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Pro-Life Christians and the Colorado Springs Shootings
[image: Colorado Springs shooting] This old chestnut of a narrative is trotted out in the increasingly rare circumstances when there is some evidence that makes it plausible -- and even where there is no evidence at all. The 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords,... Continue reading *“Pro-Life Christians and the Colorado Springs Shootings”* at *abc.net.au*.
iraq war resisters still need your help: tell the liberal government to let them stay
I rarely blog about the War Resisters Support Campaign anymore, but the war resisters are always on my mind. In fact, they're in my thoughts more than ever, now that the nightmare of the Harper Government has finally ended. With the newly elected Liberal government promising change, we have an opportunity to raise the issue again. This time we fight not only for the war resisters who remain in Canada, but for those who were so unjustly forced out for the right to return. Wmtc readers, I haven't asked anything of you in a long time. Could you spare a few minutes for the war resist... more »
*Religious education teacher at £23,000-a-year British private school says 'daughters had more fun when their parents didn't bother to educate them'* With a reputation for excellence and fees of more than £20,000 a year, St Paul's Girls' School prides itself on its stellar results. So parents may be surprised to learn the views of one of its teachers – who claims 'happiness and success don't turn on A*s and a place at Oxford'. Blanche Girouard, who teaches religious education at the West London school, faces a backlash after also suggesting girls were happier when they were simp... more »
* NASA says Antarctic has been COOLING for past SIX years* *This adds to the Zwally findings of a month ago to similar effect. Much to amuse here, though. The NASA report is very cagey, as you would expect. For a start, they put a very boring headline on it: "NASA’s Operation IceBridge Completes Twin Polar Campaigns", then they flood their report with no doubt worthy technical details and even hark back to a 2012 study in an endeavour to blunt the impact of their findings. So it seems that only the Daily Express writer excerpted below read the report carefully enough to sift t... more »
Obama Urges Turkey, Russia to Focus on ISIS but Animosities Simmer
[image: A protester sets fire to a poster depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin and reading "Putin, killer!" during a demonstration against Russia on November 27, 2015, in Fatih district in Istanbul. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on November 27 said that Ankara has crossed the line by shooting down a Russian warplane this week and warned the incident could severely undermine Turkey's interests. AFP PHOTO / CAGDAS ERDOGAN / AFP / CAGDAS ERDOGAN (Photo credit should read CAGDAS ERDOGAN/AFP/Getty Images)] PARIS (AP) -- Aiming to head off a rift between major Mideast playe... more »
U.S. Supplied Military Equipment To Ukraine Is Falling Apart
An aging U.S. Humvee with worn out tires near Ukrainian front lines. on Nov. 6. (Thomas Gibbons-Neff/The Washington Post) *Washington Post*:* On Ukraine’s front lines, U.S.-supplied equipment is falling apart* The United States has delivered more than $260 million in non-lethal military equipment to help the government of Ukraine in its fight against a Russian-backed insurgency, but some of the U.S.-supplied gear meant to protect and transport Ukrainian military forces is little more than junk. On the outskirts of the separatist-controlled city of Donetsk, for example, one Ukraini... more »
Dunce’s Cap For BBC’s Matt McGrath!
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34969276 Vacuous statement of the day from the BBC:- Many other leaders stressed the need for just such a binding agreement – even President Vladimir Putin. After he explained how Russia had managed to grow their economy and cut emissions (who knew?), he called for a binding target of […]
America's Arab Allies Are Abandoning The U.S. War Effort Against The Islamic State
*Washington Times*: *Obama’s anti-Islamic State coalition crumbles as Arab allies abandon effort* The major Arab powers once deemed essential to the fight against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq have largely pulled back from the U.S.-led military campaign, undercutting the Obama administration’s claims about the depth and reach of the coalition it has built with allies in the region. The Obama administration consistently touts the “65-nation coalition” it has assembled to fight the group also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh — but critics say that fewer than a dozen nations today ... more »
Lord Monckton and Alan Jones
Christopher Monckton talks to Australian Radio's Alan Jones to reveal the scam of Man-Made Global Warming. Will the Realists sue the crooked scientists pushing the falsified man-made global warming hoax? Some of Christopher's statements re the hoax that is man-made Climate Change: - there was no problem; - there is no problem; and - there isn't going to be a problem "There is a team of Academics for this Global Warming thing; I don't know who is paying them..." "They've being making very good living out of this for many years..." "The IPCC is costing 100s of millions pe... more »
Five Most Popular Posts in November
The most read posts last month were: 1. Jeremy Corbyn and Shoot-to-Kill 2. Andrew Fisher: It's Not About Rule-Breaking 3. Jeremy Corbyn and Insecurity 4. Constructively Critiquing Corbynomics 5. Understanding Corbynmania Yet another month of Critical Corbyn Studies has pulled the numbers in. And this is going to be the case until Jeremy bows out, whenever that may be (though it won't be soon, no matter what some are hoping). The big controversies around Jeremy and shoot-to-kill, and the clumsy attack on Jez aide Andrew Fisher rule the roost. There's also an appetite for something a ... more »
Gobekli Tepe - Temple or Council - Diplomatic (rather than religious) Origin
Free Planet is not a fan of leveraging contemporary GODMA onto the meeting spaces of our Ancient Ancestors. The GIANT twin-pillar representations at the centres of places like Gobekli Tepe (in Turkey) and Stonehenge (in Britain) while seemingly-symbolically *Freemasonic* in origin might merely reflect the sharing of responsibility between The Male and The Female. They might also show the scale of the GIANT RULERS to their subjects or gathered tribal leaders. These sites of 'worship', time-marked by the procession of the zodiacal calendar, were more likely to be tribal-meeting are... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Zero Degrees Zero”
Liquid Mind, “Zero Degrees Zero” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQhIkogN0Ts
French Cuisine To Die For
*Washington Post*: *When in Paris… President Obama has a ‘working dinner’ at three-star eatery* As working dinners go, President Obama’s meal Monday night in Paris with French President Francois Hollande, Secretary of State John Kerry and others wasn’t too shabby. No cartons of takeout — instead, the gang fueled up after a long day of climate talks at L’Ambroisie, the three-Michelin-starred temple of gastronomie in the Marais neighborhood. Per the Michelin Guide, the ornately be-chandelier-ed dining room is known for “incomparable classicism and an immortal feast for the senses.”... more »
The Third Rome
"Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!" *- Philotheus of Pskov* “The fall of the Orthodox capital of the world, the new Rome, Constantinople, led among the Russians to the notion that *they had been **called to make good this shame on Christianity*, or, as Nestor Iskander says, *‘to annihilate and obliterate this evil and godless Ottoman faith **and to renew and strengthen the whole Orthodox and unstained Christian **faith.’*” *Wil van den Bercken. * *Holy Russia and Christian Europe. East and West in* ... more »
NSA's Bulk Domestic Surveillance Ended Last Night? If You Believe That...
Officially, the NSA's "authorization" to to collect so-called "metadata" by a massive domestic surveillance program ended yesterday at midnight. And they say they stopped moments before the deadline. Do you believe them? They never actually had the authority to spy on American citizens and the "new program" that started at midnight... who knows how much less spying that will be doing anyway. Every single call was electronically monitored and no one knew-- until Ed Snowden, heroically, blew the whistle on the NSA. Instead of being rewarded for his service to the country, he's been ... more »
John of Damascus
John Damascene was also among the first to distinguish, in the *cult*, both public and private, of the Christians, between *worship (latreia)*, and *veneration (proskynesis)*: the first can only be offered to God, spiritual above all else, the second, on the other hand, can make use of an image to address the one whom the image represents. *Obviously the Saint can in no way be identified with the material of which the icon is composed.* This distinction was immediately seen to be very important in finding an answer in Christian terms to those who considered universal and eternal t... more »
Our True Friend
*"Bleak are our shores with the blasts of December, Fettered and chill is the rivulet's flow; * *Thrilling and warm are the hearts that remember Who was our friend when the world was our foe. * *Fires of the North in eternal communion, Blend your broad flashes with evening's bright star; * *God bless the Empire that loves the Great Union Strength to her people! Long life to the Czar! "* ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1871 AMERICAN TOPICS IN PARIS.; Mr. Slidell's Conference with Napoleon III-- The outcry against Gen. Butler--Colonel Cluseret--Charivari. *PARIS, Friday, Nov. 7, 1862.* Mr. ... more »
National Security Action Memorandum Number 55: Relations of Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations, June 28, 1961 Date: 06/28/1961 NSAM No. 55 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 28, 1961 NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 55 TO: The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff SUBJECT: Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard to my views of their relations to me in Cold War Operations: a. I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military advisor responsibl... more »
The U.S. Retreats From The South China Sea
The destroyer Lassen, left, and the Singapore navy frigates Supreme, center, and Intrepid trail the U.S. littoral combat ship Fort Worth through the South China Sea in July during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training Singapore 2015. China Daily Mail *Breaking Defense:* *US ‘Steadily Retreating’ In South China Sea Dispute* When the Jedi Council assembled in Star Wars Episode I “The Phantom Menace,” they discussed a prophecy that they would soon be joined by one who would “bring balance to the Force.” Little did they expect that the One would achieve this balance by collapsing t... more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 1, 2015
[image: Airstrike Against ISIS-900] A U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle sits at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey on Nov. 12, 2015, while deployed in support of military operations against ISIS. Thank you to all of our nation’s courageous service members and their families... more »
Is The U.S. Navy's Newest Zumwalt-Class Destroyer Seaworthy?
The Zumwalt-class guided-missile destroyer DDG 1000 is floated out of dry dock at the General Dynamics Bath Iron Works shipyard. The ship, the first of three Zumwalt-class destroyers, will provide independent forward presence and deterrence, support special operations forces and operate as part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. | U.S. NAVY / GENERAL DYNAMICS *WNU editor: *This is disturbing .... *New Navy Destroyer's Seaworthiness Questioned* (AP). And while I am sure that the sea trials that the US Navy will put this destroyer through will be successful .... all that I c... more »
This is What The Pentagon And Its Supporters Want This Christmas
*CNN:* *The military's holiday shopping list for more firepower* (CNN)Moms and dads across America aren't the only ones with a shopping list for the holiday season. Several lawmakers and presidential candidates have their own list of military programs they're looking for the U.S. to acquire to bolster America's military prowess. Despite the fact that the U.S. military already spends more than any other country's armed forces, these politicians and candidates say it needs to be bigger and more advanced. And they are looking forward to several of these systems being included in the... more »
Lev Okuň: 1929-2015
As Yuri told us, Lev Borisovič Okuň died on November 23rd at age of 86. As a high school kid, I've read some books and texts he wrote (in Russian) and not only before the fall of communism, he has always been one of the symbols of the "contemporary" particle physics in the Soviet bloc and its ability to interact with the best particle physics in the world. And after the fall of communism, he may have been one of the best Russian physicists who stayed in Russia. He may have influenced me in various ways. His book (or books?) covered things like grand unification at a semi-popular lev... more »
How U.S. - Russian Tensions Can Go Nuclear (And Fast)
Russian military officials gaze into an intercontinental ballistic missile silo at an undisclosed location. Photo AP (Image taken from MSNBC) *Bruce Blair, Politico:** Could U.S.-Russia Tensions Go Nuclear?* *Believe it or not, hair-trigger launch alerts are still with us—and perhaps even more dangerous than during the Cold War.* The Russian warplane recently shot down inside Turkey’s border with Syria fits a pattern of brinkmanship and inadvertence that is raising tensions and distrust between Russia and U.S.-led NATO. Low-level military encounters between Moscow and Washington are... more »
COP21 Talk and Talk and Talk came to Nothing
*One Note SCAM-ba* A parody of all the fools at Paris #COP21. (Sing along with the parody - words below) "There’s so many going who can talk and talk and talk and just say nothing – amounts to nothing." Carbon (DIOXIDE) emissions - 40,000 delegates being protected by French Forces. What are their carbon (DIOXIDE) emissions; - These delegates all flew in - more carbon (DIOXIDE) emissions; - Transport around Paris for delegates -more carbon (DIOXIDE) emissions; - Catering for 40,000 - -more carbon (DIOXIDE) emissions - etc etc etc Have these clowns not heard ... more »
Dont own a sword want one for now
If I am to advance it will not be as the result of picking at scales and making great reports at that succes It will be because I took a sword or some kind of relevant weapon and just slayed that fucking beast
Stainless Steel Rat Coffe Pot
Beneath the stainless steel exterior you see is a designer coffee pot is percolating over and over every time you bring your heat Wrapped in Canada Goose feathers and sparkles you make the cold a puncuation remark I am cold a domestic Finlander short on Vodkov and long on the forest and the trees the northern lights and other things that speak to me and do not expect an answer So coffeepot what do you want to brew something domestic or a more international flavor where there is more atmosphere and less of me and you Roads well travelled drive my car on its own I do not register at th... more »
*Oil company charged with four felonies ~David Hammer, WWLTV*
Commander Of U.S. Special Operations Command: ‘Gray Zone’ Conflicts Far More Complex To Combat
Commanding General of U.S. Special Operations Command Gen. Joseph Votel. Army.mil *Tampa Tribune*:* ‘Gray Zone’ conflicts far more complex to combat, says Socom chief Votel* *TAMPA — Between peace and all-out war exists the Gray Zone.* To Army Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, the Gray Zone is a familiar place of ambiguity. It’s a place where the Islamic State operates. A place where Russia has taken on Ukraine. And it’s home to many other spots, hot, lukewarm or otherwise, around the globe. “The Gray Zone,” said Votel, “really defines this area bet... more »
Stainless Steel Rat Coffe Pot
Beneath the stainless steel exterior you see is a designer coffee pot is percolating over and over every time you bring your heat Wrapped in Canada Goose feathers and sparkles you make the cold a puncuation remark I am cold a domestic Finlander short on Vodkov and long on the forest and the trees the northern lights and other things that speak to me and do not expect an answer So coffeepot what do you want to brew something domestic or a more international flavor where there is more atmosphere and less of me and you Roads well travelled drive my car on its own I do not register at th... more »
Hillary Clinton Panders to Middle-Class Voters with Unrealistic Tax Promises
[image: Hillary Clinton] IF THERE is a social or economic need, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has a tax credit to match. She's proposed one for businesses that institute profit-sharing plans (cost: $20 billion over 10 years); another for hiring disabled veterans; and, as of... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton Panders to Middle-Class Voters with Unrealistic Tax Promises”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
The Islamic State's Tax-Man Konws How To Collect Money
The ISIS earns around $2 million per day from the illicit sales of crude oil. Reuters *New York Times*: *Predatory Islamic State Wrings Money From Those It Rules* Three times a month, Mohammad al-Kirayfawai hands $300 to fighters from the Islamic State for the privilege of driving his refrigerated truck full of ice cream and other perishables from Jordan to a part of Iraq where the militants are firmly in charge. The fighters who man the border post treat the payment as an import duty, not a bribe. They even provide a stamped receipt, with the logo and seal of the Islamic State, t... more »
Stop Blaming Pro-Lifers for the Colorado Springs Shooting
[image: Planned Parenthood Robert Lewis Dear - 400 000] Over the holiday weekend, Robert Lewis Dear, an unkempt 57-year-old man with an apparent history of trouble with the law over cruelty to animals and humans alike, opened fire on civilians and cops first outside and then from inside a... Continue reading *“Stop Blaming Pro-Lifers for the Colorado Springs Shooting”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Northern Ireland Law on Abortion Ruled ‘Incompatible with Human Rights’
[image: Northern Ireland] A high court judge has ruled that Northern Ireland's almost outright ban on abortion breaches the human rights of women and girls, including rape victims. The historic judgment, delivered in Belfast on Monday, could lead to women and girls who... Continue reading *“Northern Ireland Law on Abortion Ruled ‘Incompatible with Human Rights’”* at *theguardian.com*.
Ex-Child Star Mary-Kate Olsen Marries French Banker Sarkozy
[image: Olsen and Sarkozy - 400] NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Former child star and fashion designer Mary-Kate Olsen has married Frenchman Olivier Sarkozy -- the half-brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- in a quiet New York ceremony, her former Full House TV co-star said on Monday. Bob... Continue reading *“Ex-Child Star Mary-Kate Olsen Marries French Banker Sarkozy”* at *townhall.com*.
Electromagnetic Radiation and Other Weapons of Mass Mutation
*V. Susan Ferguson* - Has exposure to electromagnetic radiation and other enviro-toxins already caused a mass mutation of the elite? The post Electromagnetic Radiation and Other Weapons of Mass Mutation appeared first on Waking Times.
70 Percent of Women Who Have Had Abortions Call Themselves Christians
[image: abortion] Fear of gossip and judgmental reactions routinely prevents churchgoing women who are considering an abortion from first seeking the counsel of pastors or others in their church, according to a new survey by an evangelical polling group. The survey was... Continue reading *“70 Percent of Women Who Have Had Abortions Call Themselves Christians”* at *charismanews.com*.
Former Pentagon Intelligence Director: Our Military Strategy Since 9/11 Has Been Going In The Wrong Direction
Lieutenant General Michael Flynn during his interview with Mehdi Hasan on Al Jazeera. *Interview Conducted By Matthias Gebauer and Holger Stark, Spiegel Online*: *Ex-US Intelligence Chief on Islamic State's Rise: 'We Were Too Dumb'* Without the Iraq war, Islamic State wouldn't exist today, former US special forces chief Mike Flynn openly admits. In an interview, he explains IS' rise to become a professional force and how the Americans allowed its future leader to slip out of their hands. Michael Flynn, 56, served in the United States Army for more than 30 years, most recently as d... more »
Is There A Connection Between Patrick Murphy's Over-The-Top Corruption And His Campaign Emails?
The DCCC may be stupid-- or even *very* stupid (as well as utterly incompetent)-- but their e-mail strategy is very well-planned out. Their overarching goal is not primarily to rake in cash-- although, obviously, they love that-- but to destroy the capacity for grassroots Democrats to have an independent means of raising money for progressive and independent-minded candidates. They have bragged about "burning the lists" and they force the mostly lame-- and loser-- candidates they endorse to implement that strategy without even knowing what they are doing. This morning I was awaken... more »
After Violence, CNN Analyst Demands: Hold GOP ‘Accountable’ for Abortion Rhetoric
[image: abortion rhetoric] According to CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin, conservative "rhetoric" "tossed fuel" onto the fire that is the abortion debate. The journalist appeared on The View, Monday, and demanded Republicans be held accountable in the wake of a Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting last week. Hostin blamed, "I... Continue reading *“After Violence, CNN Analyst Demands: Hold GOP ‘Accountable’ for Abortion Rhetoric”* at *newsbusters.org*.
Was Belief in God a Science-Stopper? Not for Newton
[image: Sir Isaac Newton1 - 400] I'd like to call attention to a couple of excellent blogs by Luke Barnes correcting some historical blunders that Neil deGrasse Tyson made. Tyson argued that Newton failed to discover the stability of the solar system due to blinders that... Continue reading *“Was Belief in God a Science-Stopper? Not for Newton”* at *crossexamined.org*.
Where does Kobe Bryant rank among the all-time greats?
ESPN reports that Kobe Bryant, who is in his 20th season with the Los Angeles Lakers, has announced his intention to retire at the end of the 2015-16 season: *Kobe Bryant, who has helped the Lakers win five NBA championships over a 20-year career spent entirely in Los Angeles, announced Sunday on The Players' Tribune website that he will retire after this season, writing that "this season is all I have left to give.”* *"I've known for a while," Bryant said. "A decision like this, you can't make that decision based on outside circumstances. It has to be an internal decision, and... more »
The Ramey Memo Scans
We had always planned to provide all the information we could about our research into the Ramey Memo. Our original hope was that we would be able to clarify the text and then provide the methodology and the scans to those interested in verifying our work. We had hoped to be able to resolve this one bit of UFO history and believed that with today’s technology, we would be successful. Unfortunately, we weren’t as successful as we had hoped. While the new scans were an improvement over those made in the past, they did not result in the clarity we had hoped. Thinking of the success of t... more »
Russian President Putin Accuses Turkey Of Shooting Down The Russian Military Jet To Protect Islamic State Oil Trade
© Sputnik/ Alexey Nikolsky RT: *Russia has ‘more proof’ ISIS oil routed through Turkey, Erdogan says he’ll resign if it’s true* Russia has received additional intelligence confirming that oil from deposits controlled by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) goes through Turkey on an industrial scale, President Vladimir Putin said speaking on the sidelines of the climate change summit in Paris. Moscow has grounds to suspect that the Su-24 was downed by Turkish jets on November 24 to secure illegal oil deliveries from Syria to Turkey, he said. “At the moment we have received additi... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 30, 2015
*Oren Cass, Politico*:* Why the Paris climate deal is meaningless* *The more seriously you take the need to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, the angrier you should be.* Negotiators from around the world gather in Paris this week to finalize an international climate change agreement, capping a years-long process on which hopes have been riding for global action to limit greenhouse-gas emissions. When those demanding U.S. action speak of the need to show “leadership” and foster international progress, they speak of building momentum toward Paris. “This year, in Paris, has to be the... more »
The New York Times Adds ‘Mx.’ to the Honorific Mix
[image: NEW YORK - APRIL 21: The New York Times logo is seen on the headquarters building on April 21, 2011 in New York City. The New York Times profits fell 58 percent in the first quarter of 2011. (Photo by Ramin Talaie/Getty Images)] This past weekend, the gender neutral honorific "Mx." was used in a story in The New York Times. Perhaps fittingly for the relatively recent alternative to the gender identifying pronouns "Mr." and "Ms.," "Mx." was used in a story about Bluestockings, the collectively... Continue reading *“The New York Times Adds ‘Mx.’ to the Honorific Mix”* at *obse... more »
The Planned Parenthood Shooting and Anti-Christian Hysteria
[image: COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - NOVEMBER 27: Mayor John Suthers addresses the media during an active shooter situation outside a Planned Parenthood facility where an active shooter reportedly injured up to eleven people, including at least five police officers, on November 27, 2015 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Police are working to clear the scene and are searching the buiding for possible explosive devices.] As expected, no sooner had blood been spilled at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado than accusations of "Christian terrorism" began to fly across the internet, despite the... more »
One-Straw Revolutionary
Long, long ago, hip folks in the Beatles era were jabbering about Masanobu Fukuoka’s book, *The One-Straw Revolution*. It explained how he grew healthy food via natural farming, a low budget, low impact approach. On his farm in Japan, Fukuoka was growing grain, fruit, and vegetables without plowing, cultivating, chemicals, compost, fertilizer, fossil energy, erosion, pruning, or regular weeding. He farmed like this for more than 25 years, and his yields were comparable to those at conventional farms. The Japanese edition of his book was published in 1975, at a time when oil shoc... more »
Photos: France Solidarity with American Indians COP21
Thanks to our friend Christine Prat in France for sharing these photos from Paris, of the Committee in Solidarity with American Indians in France, shown with the Indigenous Environmental Network and other Indigenous and frontline activists. The first is of people from CSIA, from left to right: Catherine Jekayumar, Edith Patrouilleau (
Govt’s top-down plan “hangs in the balance”–Treasury
*“Maybe stop calling them "anchor projects" if they haven't been built after five years, and have obstructed Christchurch recovery more than helped.”* ~ Francis McRae The reality of government’s’ top-down numb fumbling in Christchurch has been measured in a Treasury Report that concludes the Key Government’s Central City Recovery Plan for the city “hangs in the balance” and the governments so-called “anchor projects” that were supposed to, ahem, anchor the whole frickin’ mess are, and I quote, “unachievable.” [image: The Christchurch Central Development Unit's Don Miskell was t... more »
It’s Time to Unplug from the Matrix Before Our Brains are Totally Rewired
*Daniel Taylor* - We need a revolution of true connection before we get to the point of no return. The post It’s Time to Unplug from the Matrix Before Our Brains are Totally Rewired appeared first on Waking Times.
Corbett Report: Won't Someone Think of the Polar Bears?!?
*Title: Won't Someone Think of the Polar Bears?!?. Source: corbettreport. Date Published: November 30, 2015. Description:* Those cute, furry little Global Warming icons are in danger according to the bought-and-paid-for campaigners in the global warming alarmist industry. The truth, however, is (as always) the polar opposite of what the alarmists want you to believe. Join James for today's Thought for the Day as he breaks down the lies and misinformation about polar bear populations and how these lies have been used to sell the climate change hype.
Musical Interlude: Yanni, “Until the Last Moment”
Yanni, “Until the Last Moment” - https://www.youtube.com/
Why Isn’t There More Archaeological Evidence of the Kingdoms of Saul, David, and Solomon?
[image: Judah - 400] While there seems to be plenty of archaeological evidence of the existence of Israel's and Judah's kings after about 850 BC, there is little direct evidence of the existence of Saul, David, and Solomon's kingdoms. Why is this? Kenneth A.... Continue reading *“Why Isn’t There More Archaeological Evidence of the Kingdoms of Saul, David, and Solomon?”* at *toughquestionsanswered.org*.
Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival
[image: campus - 400] The progressive resurgence that began sometime between Brendan Eich's resignation from Mozilla and the burning down of the Ferguson QuikTrip has turned into something more than just another turn around the culture-war maypole. When the Confederate flag came down over... Continue reading *“Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Abortion Industry Already Dancing on the Graves of Colorado Springs Shooting Victims
[image: Colorado Springs PP shooter - 400] Ghoulish exploitation of the deaths and injuries inflicted in Colorado Springs last Friday was always in the cards. What else would you expect from a movement that specializes in death? Even so, the speed and facility with which Robert Lewis... Continue reading *“Abortion Industry Already Dancing on the Graves of Colorado Springs Shooting Victims”* at *americanthinker.com*.
’12 Days of Christmas’ Items Top $34K, Up 0.6 Percent
[image: Ten Lords a-leaping - 900] PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Lords a-leaping is the U.S. economy slow to recover! The cost of 10 lords a-leaping increased 3 percent over last year, but nine of the other 12 gifts listed in the carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas”... more »
Ben Carson’s New Secret Weapon: Karl Rove?
[image: Karl Rove] A little 2016 cloak-and-dagger for you in case you missed it this past weekend. Republican strategist Karl Rove helped set up a meeting between top fundraisers for Ben Carson and casino mogul Steve Wynn. Rove confirmed to Bloomberg Politics that he acted... Continue reading *“Ben Carson’s New Secret Weapon: Karl Rove?”* at *hotair.com*.
Quotes of the Day: On those alleged fossil-fuel ‘subsidies’
“…a tax reduction is NOT a subsidy.” ~ Bob Shapiro, ‘Toward a Sane US Energy Policy’ “Does it makes sense to refer to our failure to enact carbon taxes and the like as a ‘subsidy’? … When headlines claim that ‘The world is spending $5.3 trillion on fossil fuel subsidies,’ many people might think that this money is somehow going directly to oil, gas, and coal companies. I suspect they don't read that sentence as ‘The world should raise energy taxes by $5.3 trillion to account for the [alleged] damages caused by fossil fuels.’ But the latter is basically what is meant.” ~ Brad Plu... more »
Musical Interlude: Dr. John, “Right Place Wrong Time”
Dr. John, “Right Place Wrong Time” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5zPqgQ67yo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Moving left to right near the center of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, bright, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. The interstellar shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its elongated appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula. *Click image for larger size.* The Pencil Nebula is about 5 light-years long and 800 light-years away, but represents only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years i... more »
Diamonds Created At Room Temperature In N.C. State University Lab
Most Diamonds are made at high temperature and pressure, either naturally through time in the earth’s mantle or synthetically by man. But now, researchers at North Carolina University have created a diamond at room temperature using lasers. United Press International reports: “We’ve now created a third solid phase of carbon,” Jay Narayan, a material scientists at NC State, said in a press release. “The only place it may be found in the natural world would be possibly in the core of some planets.” Researchers call the new phase Q-carbon. To make it, scientists coated a substrate of s... more »
Syria Statement Expected From Cameron After Labour MP’s Given Free Vote
The Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, has given his Labour MP’s a free vote to act with their conscience when deciding whether to take military action against ISIS in Syria. The decision by Mr Corbyn should pave the way for an announcement by Prime Minister David Cameron this evening, who seeks Parliament’s approval for extending RAF bombing missions against the Islamic State from Iraq into Syria. Belfast Telegraph reports: A two-hour meeting of the shadow cabinet heard that as many as 43% of Labour MPs – almost 100 of the 231-strong parliamentary party – back airstrikes, aga... more »
The Universe
“It's no accident that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the very first thing you see, is yourself. That when you hold their hand, you can feel your own warmth. And that when you give of yourself, you give to yourself. Because, quite simply, both you and they are me. Freaky? Maybe. An accident? No.” “Let's get it started, uh-huh -” The Universe “Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!” - www.tut.com
"The World You Desired..."
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." - Ayn Rand
Woman Could Face 10 Years Jail For Giving Thirsty Pigs A Drink
Animal welfare activist Anita Krajnc just couldn’t stand the sight of pigs sweltering on a hot June day while being transferred in trucks to slaughterhouses. She usually intervenes and starts watering the thirsty pigs. But her concern for thirsty pigs has landed the Canadian activist with the threat of a 10 year prison term. The Telegraph reports: What was meant as a humanitarian gesture has now left Ms Krajnc facing the threat of up to 10 years in a Canadian jail or a potential fine of nearly £2,500. On Monday, the latest chapter in what is becoming a global cause celebre for anim... more »
Liveblog: The Paris Climate Conference, Day 1
[image: Paris climate conference] News from the Paris climate-change conference as it develops... 1:00 PM EST: President Obama's idea of "economic liberty" is beautifully captured in this paraphrase from The Associated Press: President Barack Obama says the private sector needs to have a seat at... Continue reading *“Liveblog: The Paris Climate Conference, Day 1”* at *breitbart.com*.
More Hillary Clinton Email Coming Today
[image: Hillary Clinton - 400] It’s Cyber Monday for shoppers, but for Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, it’s another chapter in her long cyber-saga, as the State Department plans to release another 7,800 pages of her private email today. After today, the public will have... Continue reading *“More Hillary Clinton Email Coming Today”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
University President Rebukes ‘Self-Absorbed, Narcissistic’ Students
[image: Oklahoma Wesleyan University] A chapel sermon on love left a student at Oklahoma Wesleyan University feeling "offended" and "victimized." But instead of capitulating to the offended young scholar, OWU President Everett Piper pushed back with a blistering rebuke of what he called "self-absorbed... more »
Underground at Brown University
[image: Brown University] In the current issue of National Review, I have a piece called "Underground at Brown." What's it about? I'll tell you. In fact, I'll blow that piece out -- i.e., expand it -- here in Impromptus. At Brown University, in Providence, R.I.,... Continue reading *“Underground at Brown University”* at *nationalreview.com* .
Obama’s EPA Curbs Ethanol in Blow to Corn Growers
[image: Corn industry - 400] The Obama administration delivered a blow to the corn industry on Monday, easing the amount of ethanol the nation must consume below the levels Congress had set nearly a decade ago -- and potentially laying a political stumbling block for Hillary... Continue reading *“Obama’s EPA Curbs Ethanol in Blow to Corn Growers”* at *politico.com*.
Trump Scraps Endorsement Event After Black Pastors Object
[image: Donald Trump] JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has cancelled a press conference in which his campaign said he would be endorsed by as many as 100 black evangelical religious leaders. Many of those invited to the event...more »
ISIS Now Has a ‘Colony’ in an Oil-Rich Libyan City Just 400 Miles From Italy
[image: ISIS - 400] Despite facing a series of military setbacks throughout Iraq and Syria, ISIS is consolidating its control over a key city in Libya less than 400 miles away from the Italian island of Sicily. Over the past year, ISIS has been deepening its... Continue reading *“ISIS Now Has a ‘Colony’ in an Oil-Rich Libyan City Just 400 Miles From Italy”* at *businessinsider.com*.
Mass Holographic Deception & Psychological Manipulation Technologies Already in Use
*David Gardner* - This technology has existed for decades. The post Mass Holographic Deception & Psychological Manipulation Technologies Already in Use appeared first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- November 30, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *With climate at 'breaking point', leaders urge breakthrough in Paris* World leaders launched an ambitious attempt on Monday to hold back rising temperatures, with the United States and China leading calls for the climate summit in Paris to mark a decisive turn in the fight against global warming. In a series of opening addresses to the U.N. talks, heads of state and government exhorted each other to find common cause in two weeks of bargaining to steer the global economy away from its dependence on fossil fuels. French President Francois Hollande said the world was at... more »
Russian Fighter Jets Are Now Armed With Air-To-Air Missiles For The First Time Over Syria
*RT:* *Russia arms Su-34s with air-to-air missiles in Syria for 1st time* Russian Su-34 bombers, additionally equipped with air-to-air missiles, have set out on their first mission in Syria, said Igor Klimov, spokesman for the Russian Air Force. “Today, Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers have made their first sortie equipped not only with high explosive aviation bombs and hollow charge bombs, but also with short- and medium-range air-to-air missiles," Klimov said. "The planes are equipped with missiles for defensive purposes," he added. The missiles have target-seeking devices and are ... more »
Chet Raymo, "Chimps and Cosmologists"
"Chimps and Cosmologists" by Chet Raymo "Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and president of the Royal Society in Britain, caused something of a flap by suggesting that humans may never be able to understand the universe. "Some aspects of reality may elude us simply because they're beyond human brains, just as surely as Einstein's ideas would baffle a chimpanzee," he said. Einstein used existing mathematics to develop general relativity, describing how gravity controls the universe on the largest scale. Dirac also used "off-the-shelf" mathematics when devising quantum theory, which... more »
Blog stats: November, 2015
I haven’t posted my blog stats here for some time (well, apart from that permanent Google App down there on the left-hand sidebar you can consult anytime you feel like it, just above those automatically Google-generated ‘popular posts), and after another month with the new blog setup here I wanted to see what my Statcounter says about my stats. And here’s the news for the month just finished: *Unique visitors [from Statcounter]:* 37, 485 *Page Views [from Statcounter]*: 50, 619 As you might notice that looks a bit different to the Google figures, which is a little perplexing: *P... more »
The GOP’s Identity-Politics Crisis: Holding Race-Card Aces but Loath to Play Them
[image: identity-politics] Juan Rodriguez, a Colombian immigrant and Republican businessman in Des Moines, is on a mission to persuade his employees, nearly all Hispanic Democrats, to elect a president from what they think of as the party of white guys. This year,... Continue reading *“The GOP’s Identity-Politics Crisis: Holding Race-Card Aces but Loath to Play Them”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Tasmanian Devil Strikes: Australian Catholic Church Charged with Discrimination for Defending Marriage
[image: Taz Tasmanian Devil - 900] The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference recently published a booklet titled Don't Mess With Marriage. A pastoral letter on the same-sex marriage debate directed to all Australians, not just Catholics, it sets forth the teaching of the Bible and the Christian... more »
Putin Tells Obama “End Of Times” Have Begun At Doomsday Meeting
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced that during a private meeting between Putin and Obama, the two leaders discussed a religious document that claims the “Times of the Messiah” have begun. The “end of times” document” was initiated 5 years ago by Israel’s top religious leader, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who says he was so concerned with recent developments around the world that he felt it important to warn people that the Messiah was soon to come. The Jewish leader prophesied that the date of 12 September 2015 would be a significant start date for Armageddon, which c...more »
Shocking Exposé Shows CNN Reporter Took Orders From US Government
A CNN reporter has found herself in the middle of a scandal involving declassified state department emails that shows she was receiving orders from a government official whilst working for the American news broadcaster. In January 2013 Elise Labott was covering a senate hearing on the US embassy attack in Benghazi. The emails show she coordinated her posts on Twitter with Philippe Reines who was assistant deputy secretary of state at the time. In the email Reines writes to Labott about an idea for a tweet. Labott says she will get back to him and writes several minutes later that th... more »
Britain Sends 10,000 Troops To UK Streets Amid Fears Of ISIS Attack
British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to deploy ten thousand military troops to the streets of Britain in order to support the police in defending Britain against ISIS terrorist attacks. Following a visit to French president Francois Hollande in Paris, Cameron said “as the murders on the streets of Paris reminded us so starkly, ISIL is not some remote problem thousands of miles away – it is a direct threat to our security at home and abroad.” Mirror.co.uk reports: The PM vowed to “get rid of the divide that there’s been for many years about the deployment of military pe... more »
President Erdogan Says He’ll Resign If ISIS Oil Claims Are True
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will resign if the claims about Turkey buying oil from ISIS are confirmed to be true. The bold promise from Erdogan follows Putin’s accusation that the shooting down of its Su-24 jet was due to Turkey protecting ISIS militants from delivering oil into the country. Tass.ru reports: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem last week suggested that US Secretary of State John Kerry should check out reports on the involvement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son in illegal oil trade with the Islamic State. “I’d like to mention r... more »
U.S. Want Biometric Microchipped Passports For Tourists
The White House have announced sweeping changes to the U.S. Visa waiver program in the wake of the Paris attacks, saying that they intend to beef up security to visitors entering the United States. New rules will allow the Department of Homeland Security to more closely screen travelers, asking them about past visits to “countries constituting a terrorist safe haven”, and collecting biometric information such as fingerprints from them. The DHS are also asking Congress for more powers so that all visitors will be required to travel with biometric passports with embedded security chi... more »
Turkish Officers Arrested For Inspecting ISIS Weapons Trucks
Three Turkish officers who were involved in inspecting weapons trucks destined for ISIS militants in Syria, have been arrested on treason and espionage charges, amid a Turkish government push to silence claims that Turkey support terrorist organisations. On Saturday authorities arrested Ankara Gendarmerie Regional Commander Major General Ibrahim Aydin, former Adana Gendarmerie Regional Commander Brigadier General Hamza Celepoglu and former Gendarmerie Criminal Laboratory Head Colonel Burhanettin Cihangiroglu. Rt.com reports: Security officials are facing “spying” charges over an inc... more »
Obama Has Emergency Talks With Putin About Escalating Tension
US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held a secret closed-door emergency meeting to discuss the escalating tension between Turkey and Russia on Monday. Following the shooting down of the Russian Sukhoi Su-24 fighter jet on November 24, Putin warned Turkey of “serious consequences” and accused them of supporting ISIS militants. Obama decided to hold a meeting on the sidelines of the climate change summit in Paris, and urged the Russian leader to ease the tensions between Russia and Turkey, a White House spokesperson said. Presstv.ir reports: “President ...more »
Nov. 30: "The Face on the Barrroom Floor"
If you really want to read the poem of this title, the site is below. But there's no cause to read it. I thought of this poem only because of a word association with today's editorial in the Irving Times and Transcript. Barroom. The editorial reminded me of an ignorant and drunken rant in a barroom, of a bunch of drunks sitting around and listening to their leader's rant, and saying, "Right on, man. Yeah." http://www.robertwservice.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=943 The editorial is all about how we have too many civil servants, too many teach... more »
Is It Fair To Label Fiorina A Conspirator In The Colorado Springs Terrorism At Planned Parenthood?
"Victims of Our Games" by Chawky Frenn Much like Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger said on CNN while the terrorist was still inside the Planned Parenthood clinic shooting people, Herr Trumpf, while having his candidacy boosted by another *Meet The Press* interview yesterday, pronounced him (not Kinzinger, the other terrorist) sick and a maniac rather than a right-wing domestic terrorist or just some guy going overboard in carrying out the Republican Party agenda. Trump did not respond directly when asked about reports that the alleged shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, discussed “baby pa... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
High Springs, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Summon Your Aliveness: Being Fully Present"
*"Summon Your Aliveness: Being Fully Present"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we live fully in the moment there is an aliveness that comes easily. When we are fully present, we offer our whole selves to whatever it is that we are doing. Our attention, our integrity, and our energy are all focused in the moment and on the task at hand. This is a powerful experience, and when we are in this state, we feel completely alive and invigorated. This kind of aliveness comes easily when we are absorbed in work or play that we love, but it is available to us in every moment, and we can ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Mysteries, Yes"
*"Mysteries, Yes"* "Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood. How grass can be nourishing in the mouths of the lambs. How rivers and stones are forever in allegiance with gravity while we ourselves dream of rising. How two hands touch and the bonds will never be broken. How people come, from delight or the scars of damage, to the comfort of a poem. Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers. Let me keep company always with those who say "Look!" and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads." ~ Mary Oliver
Bill Bonner, "A Family Revelation…"
*"A Family Revelation…"* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "Markets have been calm over the Thanksgiving holiday. Americans – distracted by friends and family – had better things to do than panic. We celebrated at our family farm in Maryland. In addition to Thanksgiving, we attended a family reunion and a grandchild’s christening. The three family events focused our attention on family history and how the culture of Southern Maryland has evolved over the last 50 years. Whether this has any parallels in other parts of the country – or whether this has any significance – we don’t know. But w... more »
Russia Bans Soros Foundation, Citing ‘Threat To National Security’
The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office have labelled George Soros’s Open Society Institute as an ‘undesirable group’, and have banned Russian citizens and organisations from participating in any of their projects. Prosecutors say that the activities of the Open Society Institute and connecting organisations with the Soros Foundation threatened Russia’s national security and will be listed on a group of undesirable foreign organisations. Rt.com reports: Prosecutors launched a probe into the activities of the two organizations – both sponsored by the well-known US financier George S... more »
Atheist Richard Dawkins Says ‘To Hell With The Muslim Culture’
Academic non-believer Richard Dawkins has caused controversy by saying that Muslims should not be given a “free pass” because they are not a “protected species.” Dawkins has got fed up with having to watch Muslim women wearing Burkas in public and has stood up for his thought that came to him freely, by saying: ‘To hell with their culture’ and that Islam should not be confused with a race. The highly regarded British academic does not believe in the role of religion in suffocating natural human inquisitiveness and inquiry. By accepting with blind faith and constantly repeating throu... more »
Hedges: "The Game is Fixed"
Bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges sits down with Ben Makuch at the Toronto VICE office to discuss what it takes to be a rebel in modern times. Hedges discusses his new book Wages of Rebellion, an investigation of the social and psychological factors that cause revolution, rebellion and resistance. From Wall Street corruption to why the elites in corporate media have eviscerated traditional investigative journalism, Hedges tries to make sense of the world we live in.
James Moore, UNBC Chancellor
This is James Moore campaigning for Stephen Harper on October 18, the day before the last election : "... all that effort that you've poured into everything that we've fought for for so long, all of it is for naught if over the next 24 hours, we don't make sure that we get out that vote and re-elect Prime Minister Stephen Harper." This is *a government that actively muzzled Federal Scientists, that steadfastly failed to take meaningful action to address global climate change, that stifled legitimate democratic dissent, that discounted the need for a Federal inquiry into missing... more »
How a Global Poverty Documentary Promoting Economic Freedom is Winning the Left
[image: poverty-inc] A new documentary about the global poverty industry, Poverty, Inc., is managing a rare hat trick: succeeding with critics on both the right and the left. So, for instance, the film recently won the prestigious 2015 Templeton Freedom Prize, and Templeton has been... more »
Paris: It’s all about climate. Apparently.
Several thousand people have consumed many tons of fossil fuels flying to Paris to tell us to stop using fossil fuels. They are likely to issue a document, in Paris, saying the biggest problem facing the world is global warming. Caused by burning fossil fuels. Lauded at the conference already is Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, for his statement that China will “take action” to help stop the onset of bad weather. Here,in context, is the action already planned in China for the immediate future: [image: Coal Fired plants, World Reources Institute, China] Consistency is not their stronge... more »
Party Time in Paris.
*Party Time in Paris**.* *Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers. Please help us spread the word. To subscribe click**: **http://carbon-sense.com/contact-us/* *29 November 2015* *The 21**st** Birthday Party in Paris - **It’s Time they Grew Up* Global Warming Alarmists are about to gather in Paris for the biggest climate carnival in their 21 year history – they hoped to see 25,000 official guests and 15,000 hangers on. Surely on their 21st birthday it is time they grew up and faced some adult world problems. Any u... more »
Photos Indigenous in Paris COP21 Human Chain
Indigenous and frontline activists join Human Chain around Paris on Nov. 29, 2015 Photos by Indigenous Environmental Network See more: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137923455@N03/sets/72157661694003571
Russian Pilots in Syria Are Now 'Armed To The Teeth'
A Russian pilot shows off his hidden weapons and bullets at Khmeimim air force base in Latakia, Syria *Daily Mail:* *Armed to the teeth: Russian air force gives its pilots pistols and Kalashnikovs in case any more are shot down by Turks amid rising tensions * * Russian pilots have been given handguns and AK-47s to defend themselves * New measures come after the death of Russian pilot Lt-Col Oleg Peshkov * Kalashnikovs will be hidden in their seats which eject with them Russia is issuing its warplane pilots on missions over Syria with pistols and Kalashnikov machine guns in case the... more »
Israel Convicts 2 Youths in 2014 Killing of Palestinian Teen, But Not the Ringleader
[image: Suha (L), the mother of Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir, who was killed last year, stands with protestors outside the district court in Jerusalem on November 30, 2015. The Jerusalem court convicted two Israeli minors of the kidnapping and burning alive of a Palestinian teenager in the run-up to the 2014 Gaza war, while the third defendant Yosef Haim Ben-David's mental state will be evaluated. Mohammed Abu Khdeir, 16, was abducted and killed on July 2, 2014, weeks after the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.] JERUSALEM (AP) -- A Jerusal... more »
Indigenous Peoples: UN Paris Accord could end up being a Crime against Humanity and Mother Earth
. Indigenous Peoples: UN Paris Accord could end up being a Crime against Humanity and Mother Earth FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth USA: dallas@ienearth.org Kandi Mossett mhawea@gmail.com November 30, 2015 (Paris) – Indigenous Peoples from the Americas attending the United Nations World Climate Summit in Paris warn
A Twitter War Between Turkey And Greece?
The Greek Prime Minister took direct diplomacy to a rather more public forum last night as he sent a series of barbed tweets to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Daily Mail *Reuters:* *Greek-Turkish Twitter dogfight started in error: official* Greece and Turkey fought a brief dogfight on Twitter over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane due to an error by an aide in Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' office, a Greek official said on Monday. It began in the middle of a summit between Turkey and the European Union on Sunday, when a message appeared on Tsipras' Twitter accou... more »
DEMOCRACY NOW! "If You're Not at the Table, You're on the Menu": Indigenous Activists Demand Role in Paris Climate Talks
Democracy Now interviews Indigenous Environmental Network in Paris Watch coverage: "If You're Not at the Table, You're on the Menu": Indigenous Activists Demand Role in Paris Climate Talks. This quote comes from Kandi Mossett, Hidatsa, Mandan and Arikara from North Dakota. http://www.democracynow.org/2015/11/30/if_youre_not_at_the_table Interview with Tom Goldtooth and Dallas Goldtooth:
Met Police v Chris Cairns
It’s hard to understand why the Metropolitan Police brought the case of perjury against Chris Cairns, in which they sought to prove that he had previously lied in court when he said he had never, ever cheated in cricket, when they apparently had no evidence to show he had ever cheated. They had no clear evidence of Cairns fixing matches. They had nothing to show he had ever cheated in a match. They had no evidence he had ever even profited by having cheated in a match. They sought to prove no causal chain from paymaster to play to being paid. None at all. In short, they had nothi... more »
Assad: ISIS Is Using The Syrian Refugee Crisis To Sneak Terrorists Into Europe
Erdogan flooded Syrian refugees into Europe, with many ISIS terrorists among them, causing panic across European countries, and then struck a deal with the EU in return for stopping the crisis that he started. He basically used Syrians who left their homes because of ISIS terrorism, which his government fully and unapologetically supports, as a card to play against the EU. And what do the brainiacs in Washington and Brussels do? Blame Assad and reward Erdogan. LOL. *An excerpt from, "Syria's Assad says terrorists among Syrian refugees - Czech Television" Reuters, November 30, 2015:...more »
Supplemental: Race on campus, two reactions!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015Professor versus journalist:* We were struck by Randall Kennedy's column in Friday's New York Times. Kennedy is a professor at Harvard Law School. In a recent incident, pieces of black tape were affixed to his official portrait and to the portraits of other black professors at Harvard Law. In his column, Kennedy offered his assessment of this situation. We thought the bulk of his reactions made sense, which virtually isn't allowed at this point in time. He even typed a disallowed word. We join his column in progress: KENNEDY (11/27/15): Last Thursday, o... more »
Obama Accepted Over $1.3 Million In Gifts From Saudis Last Year
According to the US State Dept., the former Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and other top officials showered the Obama family with more than $1.3 million in gifts throughout 2014. The Office of the Federal Register disclosed a list of annual gifts from foreign governments to US President Barack Obama, his family and several other federal employees last year. Press TV reports: In its annual accounting report released this week, the State Department revealed that on January 14, 2014, the American president received a “gold and silver men’s wristwatch with leather band... more »
Putin: Russia Has More Evidence That ISIS Oil Is Routed Through Turkey
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia has received additional intelligence confirming that oil from deposits controlled by ISIS goes through Turkey on an industrial scale. Speaking on the sidelines of the climate change summit in Paris, he said that Moscow had grounds to suspect that the Su-24 was downed by Turkish jets on November 24 to secure illegal oil deliveries from Syria to Turkey RT reports: “At the moment we have received additional information confirming that that oil from the deposits controlled by Islamic State militants enters Turkish territory on indust... more »
Turkey Won’t Apologize to Russia for Downing Warplane
[image: Russian plane shot down - 900] BRUSSELS (AP) -- Turkey won’t apologize to Russia for shooting down a warplane operating over Syria, the Turkish prime minister said Monday, stressing that the military was doing its job defending the country’s airspace. Ahmet Davutoglu also said Turkey hopes... more »
School District Blocked from Pushing Transgender Ideology on Six-Year-Olds
[image: transgender] Wisconsin parents quickly united to block a pro-homosexual activist from pitching her pro-transgender claim to their six-year-old kids, despite getting only one school day of warning from local school officials. The activist was invited by the school board to read... Continue reading *“School District Blocked from Pushing Transgender Ideology on Six-Year-Olds”* at *breitbart.com*.
3-D printing paper accidentally includes secrets
A paper on 3-D printing has been pulled because it “inadvertently” included some sensitive material. We’re not sure which parts of the paper were the specific problem. But the sensitive material may have something with how to improve the surfaces of 3-D printed products, which is the subject of “Feasibility of using Copper(II)Oxide for additive manufacturing.” Here’s […] The post 3-D printing paper accidentally includes secrets appeared first on Retraction Watch.
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