Don’t Eat Lettuce – (Or Anything Else For That Matter)
By Paul Homewood https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/lettuce-three-times-worse-bacon-204814044.html And no, it’s not April 1st! From Yahoo: Greenhouse gas emissions from lettuce production are three times higher per calorie than from bacon, study finds Eating lettuce could be three times worse for the environment than bacon, scientists have claimed. Despite calls from celebrities including Arnold Schwarzenegger […]
This Commentator Believes That If A 'Big War' Comes To Russia, Russia Will be Ready For War
© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov *Pepe Escobar, Sputnik*: *You Want War? Russia is Ready for War* Nobody needs to read Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski’s 1997 opus to know US foreign policy revolves around one single overarching theme: prevent – by all means necessary – the emergence of a power, or powers, capable of constraining Washington’s unilateral swagger, not only in Eurasia but across the world. The Pentagon carries the same message embedded in newspeak: the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine. Syria is leading all these assumptions to collapse like a house of cards. So n... more »
Childhoods End – The Coming Great Deception…
L.A. Marzulli's Blog December 15, 2015 / lamarzulli [image: ChildhoodsEnd_gallery_101Recap_09] Please take a good look at the picture. Now take a look at the Baphomet statue which was unveiled this year. [image: Baphomet]t Similarities anyone? This is where we are as a culture, where we are constantly being bombarded by the media, pop culture, the record industry, movies and TV. Now, Arthur C. Clarke’s, *Childhoods End, *is being televised on the SCI-FI channel. I’m going to watch it on the net at some point today. In my Nephilim Trilogy, the third book is called, *The Revealin... more »
Russian Cruise Missile Malfunctions During Test And Smashes Into Apartment Block
© Sergey Kazak / Sputnik *RT*: *Russian cruise missile falls in residential area in failed test-firing* A cruise missile launched in the northern Arkhangelsk region malfunctioned during a test flight and fell into a residential area. No casualties have been reported. The misdirected missile was being tested by NPO Mashinostroyeniya (Research and Production Union of Machine-building), a major Russian rocket design and production company, the Russian Ministry of Defense said on Tuesday, December 15, according to TASS. *More News On Failed Russian Cruise Missile Test* Missile that ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 16, 2015
[image: Airman in Afghanistan-900] A U.S. Air Force airman shoots an M-16 rifle at a firing range near Kabul, Afghanistan, on Dec. 8, 2015. The gratitude we feel for our country’s deployed service members could not be any deeper. Stay safe, heroes!
Russia Warns Of Global Chaos As Mini Ice Age Winter Arrives
A report from the Kremlin warns that there is a strong likelihood of global chaos due to a severe weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that threatens a worldwide mini ice age event to kick in this winter. According to the Ministry of Defense the world is set to experience the worst winter in modern history. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Unfortunately for the Western peoples, however, in regards to the catastrophic winter dangers to come, this report says, are their government global warming alarmists blaming an El Nino event for its occurring…while at the s... more »
MH17: Australia Say Russia Not To Blame, Evidence Tampered With
The official Australian investigation into the cause of the crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 have accused the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) of failing to provide “conclusive evidence” of what exactly destroyed the aircraft, and say that Russia did not shoot down the plane despite accusations to the contrary from DSB. The senior Australian policeman investigating the MH17 crash, Detective Superintendent Andrew Donoghue, testified in an international court recently saying that a “tougher standard than the DSB report” is required before the criminal investigation can identify the weapon th... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter In The Middle East To Ask Allies To Do More In The War Against The Islamic State
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his wife, Stephanie, meet with coalition troops on Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, Dec. 15, 2015. The secretary spoke about the push to accelerate the campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. Carter is on a weeklong trip to the Middle East. DoD photo *Washington Post*: *Defense secretary prods allies to increase efforts against Islamic State* INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey — Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter on Tuesday visited a Turkish air base near the Syrian border that has become a hub for operations against the Islamic S... more »
First batch of 9 pheno papers on the new resonance \(S\)
*Note that we have democratically decided about the right symbol* The CERN seminar took place between 3 pm and 5 pm CERN time (2 pm-4 pm Greenwich Mean Time). After the end of the seminar, phenomenologists had 5 extra hours before the daily arXiv.org deadline at 10 pm CERN time (4 pm Boston time, 1 pm California time) to absorb the totally surprising news, do the research, calculate and verify all the equations, write a \(\rm\LaTeX\) paper, fill in the forms at their departments when necessary, and submit their new paper. *Picture from Umesh* It was a hard task because it normall... more »
Neurologists Say Putin’s Unusual Walk Due To Heroic KGB Past
Russian President Vladimir Putin has a famously unusual walk. His right arm remains stiff by his side, whilst his left arm swings freely. Rumours have circulated that either a childhood bout of polio might be to blame, or that it might be a sign of early onset Parkinson’s disease. Finally a group of Dutch neurologists have figured out the answer. They say Putin’s odd walking pattern is not due to any type of former or current ill health, but due to the training he received while in the Soviet Union’s spy agency – the KGB. News.com.au reports: The neurologists analysed YouTube footag... more »
DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN (Rate Hike?) Pull Back the Curtain on Exchange Traded Funds and Out Pop Wall Street Mega Banks
Speak an undeniable truth to power. - Václav Havel [HINT: Chris Hedges' "Constructing" is on LINK TV right now. Do yourself a favor and see it in order to learn about some current methods for constructing a new and decent democratic society in the USA! USA! USA!.] (If you have trouble reading lots of figures, don't despair; just get a tall drink and dive in - it's easier than you think (and
GOP Hopefuls Throw Down in Vegas Debate
[image: GOP Debate - Cruz, Trump, Bush 000] The 2016 Republican candidates met Tuesday night in Vegas to debate a buffet of topics tied to national security. It turned into a food fight. As expected, much of the flinging was directed toward front-runner Donald Trump. His several dust-ups with former Florida governor... more »
Saudi Arabia And The Gulf States May Send Special Forces Into Syria
Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir attends a news conference at a hotel in Paris, France, December 15, 2015, where he said their Islamic anti-terror alliance will share information and train, equip and provide forces if necessary for the fight against Islamic State. REUTERS/JACKY NAEGELEN *Reuters:* *Saudi Arabia says sending special forces to Syria under discussion* Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states are discussing sending special forces to Syria as part of U.S.-led efforts to fight Islamic State, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Tuesday. "There are discu... more »
U.S. Stirring Up Trouble in Asia-Pacific
The United States is trying to provoke a military arms race in Asia-Pacific in order to imperil “decades of peace and prosperity” and return to the region, an American academic and political analyst says.
Pentagon: War In Afghanistan Intensifying. Islamic State Now Operational In The Country
*Reuters*: *Afghan security worsens, casualties spike in 2015: Pentagon* Afghanistan's overall security deteriorated in the second half of this year, with Taliban militants staging more attacks and inflicting far more casualties on Afghan forces, the Pentagon said in a grim report to the U.S. Congress released on Tuesday. The Pentagon's assessment, offering statistics and details on attack trends, was yet more evidence of Afghanistan's struggle to blunt a resilient Taliban insurgency despite 14 years of U.S. military engagement. Recent setbacks include the brief fall of the northe... more »
Men’s Unexpected Erections are a Liability on the Battlefield (and other ways men’s bodies put female soldiers at risk)
In the follow up to Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s recent announcement that all combat jobs will be open to women, there have been several articles highlighting men’s fears about working with women on the frontline. In particular, a survey of Special Operations men found that the majority would prefer not to work with women, and […]
Libertarians and Gay Rights Activists to Divorce?
[image: Culture Wars] Libertarians have generally been quite supportive of gay rights and the same-sex marriage movement. But after spending last Thursday at the LGBT summit put on by The Atlantic magazine, Elizabeth Nolan Brown of Reason said it's about time for libertarians and gay... Continue reading *“Libertarians and Gay Rights Activists to Divorce?”* at *theamericanconservative.com*.
Causation in culpable homicide
R. v. Malkowski, 2015 ONCA 887: [14] We begin with the following general principles concerning causation: · the causation standard in motor vehicle offences involving death is the same standard that applies in cases of culpable homicide, namely that the accused's conduct be at least a contributing cause of the deceased's death, outside the de minimis range; the accused's conduct need not be the sole contributing cause of death, provided it contributed beyond de minimis to that death;[1] · in deciding whether an accused should be held responsible for causing a... more »
Picture Of The Day
An Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon receives fuel from a KC-135R Stratotanker over the coast of North Carolina during Exercise Razor Talon, Dec. 14, 2015. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman John Nieves Camacho
The CNN GOP Debate: As Seen on Twitter
[image: cnn debate three cmprs] Tonight, we saw the last GOP debate of 2015. As always, the politicos and pundits tweeted their way through. As the candidates came out, viewers were listening to see who got the most applause. Based on the applause-o-meter @marcorubio seems like the... more »
10 Way to Remember Baby's First Christmas
There is something magical about baby's first Christmas. I have had a newborn and a 8-month-old at Christmas time and both times they have been a holiday to remember. With my first, she was so brand new at Christmas time and we had such a struggle with her eating at first that my mind was all consumed with her at Christmas time and I didn't do very much to commemorate her first Christmas. I did have her picture taken with Santa and a few pictures of her in a Santa hat but that was about it. When my next little one was born in April, by the time Christmas came around we were well ... more »
Lost Grandeur of the Grand Jury
*Jenna Orkin* Free at last! It's sixteen months since I was placed on a federal grand jury which, I soon learned, is as hard to get off of as a regular jury is to get on. And not for want of trying. But a panicked Google search after the summons arrived yielded discouraging results: "Answer the judge's questions truthfully," recommended one veteran, "and wet your pants." While many jurors are soon released because their business is suffering or for some other hardship, stories also circulated of people who were denied exemptions even if a parent was seriously ill. One woma... more »
Secret U.S. Policy Prohibited Immigration Agents From Checking Social Media Posts Of Visa Applicants
*ABC News*: *Secret US Policy Blocks Agents From Looking at Social Media of Visa Applicants, Former Official Says* The State Department today said that “obviously things went wrong” in the visa background check for one of the San Bernardino shooters -- comments that came in the wake of an ABC News report that said officials by policy generally do not check social media postings of applicants due to civil liberties concerns and therefore would not have seen purported evidence of Tashfeen Malik’s radicalization online. “It’s difficult to say exactly what [went wrong] and how, but fo... more »
Trumpf Won't Be Running As An Independent No Matter How Unfairly The GOP Establishment Treats Him
Another day, another non-predictive national horse race poll showing Herr Trumpf *way* ahead of the pack. This time it was the *Washington Post*'s December polling with Trumpf up 5 to 38%, followed by Cruz (up 7 at 14%), Dr. Ben (down 11 at 11%) and the latest establishment superstar, Marco Rubio down 1 at 10%. Nonetheless, Trumpf doesn't have the leverage to threaten the Republican Party that he thought he does, or at least keeps saying he does (although this evening he seemed to say at the debate that he wouldn't make a third party run, whatever that's worth). Just a couple of ... more »
Satire: “Chilling Video Terrifies Nation”
*“Chilling Video Terrifies Nation”* by Andy Borowitz LAS VEGAS (The Borowitz Report)— “Authorities were urging people to remain calm on Tuesday night after the broadcast of a chilling video that terrified millions. The video, which was broadcast nationally on CNN, appeared to show nine extremists glaring into the camera and making a series of escalating threats. The radicals’ increasingly violent rhetoric and palpable hatred rattled viewers across the nation, sources said. Experts who viewed the video acknowledged that the words and images contained in it were alarming, but advised... more »
Obama compared Catholics to Muslims...
*oh, yes he did.* Speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 31 new American citizens at the National Archives, Obama compared the current wave of immigrants to the waves of German, Scottish, Irish and German immigrants of the past. "In the Muslim immigrant today, we see the Catholic immigrant of a century ago," Obama said. "In the Syrian refugee of today, we should see the Jewish refugee of World War II." * source* Honestly - do I need to even say anything about this? I didn't think so.
Hillary Clinton Presents Her Plan To Stop The Spread Of The Islamic State
*Time:* *Hillary Clinton Calls for More Surveillance to Fight Terror* She called for more surveillance of social media and those who travel to countries with a terrorist presence Laying out her plan to prevent a terrorist attack on American soil, Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for an “intelligence surge” against terror recruits, including increased surveillance of suspects and greater oversight of social media. The former Secretary of State’s plan would aim to tamp down on ISIS recruitment in the United States and halt the flow of fighters into and out of the country. Her pro... more »
Wheaton College Suspends Hijab-Wearing Professor For ‘Same God’ Comment
[image: Wheaton College] A tenured Wheaton College political science professor who pledged to wear a hijab during Advent in support of her Muslim neighbors has been placed on administrative leave. Not for donning the Islamic head covering, but over “significant questions regarding the... Continue reading *“Wheaton College Suspends Hijab-Wearing Professor For ‘Same God’ Comment”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Roy Casagranda : Hey, ISIL! Here’s some unsolicited advice
By Roy Casagranda | The Rag Blog | December 16, 2015 My advice to all the pro-ISIL forces in the United States: Keep bombing Iraq and Syria. This is how ISIL came into being in the first place. It makes … finish reading Roy Casagranda : Hey, ISIL! Here’s some unsolicited advice
Dec. 15: The Irving press - just an uncomfortable diaper
Again, today's Irving press is skimpy. I can only presume they're trying to save paper. They could save by printing fewer photos. A4 has a prime example of a wasted photo. The story is about a girl who was sentenced for robbing a man. Half of the space is taken up by a photo of the law court building – something which adds nothing to the story. That's using a photo just to fill space – and that's bad journalism. The cartoon on the editorial page carries the message that Peter MacKay is leading the race to be leader of the Conservative party. That party must be really short of talent... more »
Will You Help Challenge the Cancerous U.S. War Machine?
*Sitting in front of the Camp Schwab construction gate before dawn* *We moved out into the street to block construction trucks heading for the gate* *This woman's face tells the whole story - click on the photo for a better view* *Eriko, one of the organzers of our Okinawa schedule, tries to protect Iraq war veteran Will Griffin from the police* *Back in front of the construction gate they passed the mic around. I told the story about the No MUOS campaign in Sicily where people are resisting a new US space technology communications base making the point that people all over the ... more »
The Syrian Civil War: Great News Out Of Syria - Syrian Army Holds Victory Parade In Homs After "Al Qaeda" Stronghold Is Cleared!
The news coming out of Syria gets better and better by the day... The Syrian army along with its allied forces from Iran, Lebanon, and Iraq, along with the full support of the Russian air force has been steadily taking back their land that was stolen by US/Israeli fraud "rebel" and "terrorist" groups..... The fact is now clear that Syria is being returned to the Syrian people and the Israeli sick dream of a "greater Israel" through the destruction of Syria has now hit a major roadblock.... Just today, I came across a great video, through the Fort Russ website, at www.fortruss.blogsp... more »
The Latest: Federal Reserve Expected to Hike Rates
[image: federal reserve seal] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The latest on the Federal Reserve’s landmark two-day policy meeting that started Tuesday. All times local. The Fed is poised to raise short-term interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. A rate hike will... more »
Check Visa Applicants’ Social Media, Lawmakers Demand
[image: Social media symbols] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans and Democrats in Congress pushed the Obama administration on Tuesday to immediately require background checks of social media for all foreigners seeking U.S. visas -- a move they say might have helped foil the San Bernardino... more »
The Undercard Debate: Twitter Speaks
[image: CNN GOP Undercard Debate] Tonight, the GOP hopefuls met once again to debate the issues. In the undercard debate, we saw Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, and George Pataki take each other on. Here’s what people were tweeting about: For some reason, the... more »
Big Brother? Facebook, Google, Twitter Agree to Delete Hate Speech in 24 Hours: Germany
[image: delete hate speech] Germany said on Tuesday that Facebook, Google and Twitter have agreed to delete hate speech from their websites within 24 hours, a new step in the fight against rising online racism following the refugee crisis. The government has been trying... Continue reading *“Big Brother? Facebook, Google, Twitter Agree to Delete Hate Speech in 24 Hours: Germany”* at *reuters.com*.
Lockdown Lifted at University in Indiana; Armed Robbery Suspect Still at Large
[image: IUPUI - 400] After an armed robbery near campus at IUPUI in Indianapolis, college officials warned the campus community to take shelter Tuesday afternoon as the suspect was running toward campus. At about 4:30 p.m., another alert announced that areas nearby had been... Continue reading *“Lockdown Lifted at University in Indiana; Armed Robbery Suspect Still at Large”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Burundi On The Brink of Civil War
*Reuters:* *Burundi closer to civil war after flare-up - U.N. rights chief* Burundi has moved closer to civil war after insurgents attacked military camps in the capital last week and authorities responded with house searches, arrests and alleged summary executions, the U.N. human rights chief said on Tuesday. Fighting in Bujumbura last week killed almost 90 people, the worst clashes since a military coup was foiled in May. It follows months of sporadic violence and assassinations, mostly in the capital, between supporters and opponents of President Pierre Nkurunziza. *More News ... more »
Oomaka Tokatakiya Begins
Read more at Ken Marchionno's 300 Mile, Future Generations Ride, website: http://300-miles.org/OT/index.html Thank you Ken for sharing with Censored News.
US Senate Admit That Chemtrails Are Real And Killing Humans
Until recently you were considered a conspiracy theorist if you believed that the U.S. government were involved in spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, in other words if you believed in chemtrails. Now an official US government document vindicates what alternative media have been saying for years. According to the document, entitled Weather modification: programs, problems, policy, and potential: Weather modification, although a relatively young science, has over the years stimulated great interest within the scientific, commercial, governmental, and agricultural commun... more »
1,500 Year Old Bible Says That Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified
A 1,500 year old bible has been seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation in which it is revealed that Jesus Christ was never crucified on the cross as commonly believed. According to this ancient version of the Bible, Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. The book was discovered in the year 2000 but kept a secret until now. It contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – and states that Jesus was not only spared his life, but was also just a prophet rather than the son of God. Anonymousmags.com reports: A... more »
ISIS Threaten To Behead EU Citizens Unless They Convert
ISIS have sent letters to European civilians ordering them to convert to Islam within 3 days or face being executed in their own homes. The letters were posted through doors in numerous neighbourhoods in cities across Sweden, threatening residents with decapitation unless “non-believers” converted to their way of of thinking. Express.co.uk reports: Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then “bomb your rotten corpses afterwards”. Intelligence officials confirmed they are investigating the horrifying threats – which were signed ... more »
US Government Stockpile Medical Supplies In Case Of Nuclear War
The US government have announced that they are stockpiling food, medicine and emergency supplies in the event of a nuclear war breaking out in the near future. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have said that are adding four additional preparedness tools to the “Strategic National Stockpile” to deal with severe burns on human bodies in a post-nuclear world. Naturalnews.com reports: Included among these four products is Silverlon, a silver-impregnated nylon bandage that will be used to treat first- and second-degree thermal burns. The other three products will be in ... more »
The GOP in Vegas: Preliminary Debate Focuses on Terror
[image: Republican Presidential Candidates] The GOP candidates have gathered in Vegas, and for the evening’s opening act, the four lowest-flying GOP candidates -- polling a combined 2.7% -- spoke mostly of war and the battle against ISIS. Former Sen. Rick Santorum flat out declared... more »
A Vote for Green Climate Fund in Omnibus Spending Bill Is a Vote for Paris Agreement
[image: COP21, Green Climate Fund] What better time than Christmas to spend other people's money and give presents to the environmental activists? In addition to the other generous handouts renewable companies would receive in the omnibus spending bill, backroom negotiators are also pushing for President... more »
South Sudan Marks Two Years Of Civil War
*Al Jazeera:* *South Sudan marks two years of ruinous war* Conflict rages on despite ceasefire deal, leaving more than one million displaced and four million severely hungry. South Sudan on Tuesday marked two years since the start of a war that has forced one million people from their homes and left four million hungry as politicians broke at least eight commitments to peace. The country descended into conflict in December 2013 after President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar, who he had sacked earlier that year, of plotting a coup. The clashes that followed set ... more »
Harry Targ : We must respond to 21st century violence with radical structural change based on community
In addressing the reality of killing in this century, history and context become profoundly important. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | December 15, 2015 “When we humans see instances of violence, we are often quick to respond, sometimes … finish reading Harry Targ : We must respond to 21st century violence with radical structural change based on community
Though Rove Is Washed Up, Campaign Finance Will Do Far More Harm To Your Family Than ISIS Will
Do they look kind of normal? They're not. It's Robert Mercer and a Texas senator he purchased The whole country watched Karl Rove make a fool of himself on election night, 2012, as he insisted that, despite massive Democratic turnout for Obama in the Ohio's most populous counties-- Cuyahoga (69%), Franklin (60%), Summit (57%), Lucas (64%) and Hamilton (52%)-- and a 2,697,260 (50.1%)- 2,593,779 (48.2%) statewide edge, Romney had won Ohio's 18 electoral votes. Many people wondered if he had lost his mind. But it was desperation we were watching. Rove had nearly as much riding on that ... more »
Carly Fiorina: Why Dogs are Better Than Cats
[image: Carly Fiorina Dogs>Cats - 400]
GOP Debate: Trump vs. Bush, Rubio vs. Cruz
[image: GOP Presidential Candidates Debate In Las Vegas] LAS VEGAS (AP) -- The 2016 Republican presidential candidates are debating for the last time in 2015, this time in Las Vegas, as they race for advantage seven weeks before the first votes are cast in Iowa. Here are the... more »
Musical Interlude: David Lanz, “Cristofori's Dream”
David Lanz, “Cristofori's Dream” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wxrB41PMhw
"A Look to the Heavens"
“In this evocative night skyscape a starry band of the Milky Way climbs over Yosemite Valley, Sierra Nevada Range, planet Earth. *Click image for larger size. * Jupiter is the brightest celestial beacon on the wintry scene, though. Standing nearly opposite the Sun in the constellation Taurus, the wandering planet joins yellowish Aldebaran and the Hyades star cluster. Below, Orion always comes up sideways over a fence of mountains. And from there the twin stars of Gemini rise just across the Milky Way. As this peaceful winter night began, they followed Auriga the charioteer, its alph... more »
"Always Been Sane..."
"As long as you have mystery you have health; when you destroy mystery you create morbidity. Indigenous humans have always been sane because they have always been mystic. They permit the twilight." - G. K. Chesterton
Chet Raymo, "Free As A Bird"
*"Free As A Bird"* by Chet Raymo "All afternoon I have been watching a pair of hummingbirds play about our porch. They live somewhere nearby, though I haven't found their nest. They are attracted to our hummingbird feeder, which we keep full of sugar water. What perfect little machines they are! No other bird can perform their tricks of flight - flying backwards, hovering in place. Zip. Zip. From perch to perch in a blur of iridescence. If you want a symbol of freedom, the hummingbird is it. Exuberant. Unpredictable. A streak of pure fun. It is the speed, of course, that gives the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Estacada, Oregon, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"Can 'Hope Therapy' Can Get Us Through Tough Times?"
"Can 'Hope Therapy' Can Get Us Through Tough Times?" By Catherine Ryan “Things were going pretty well for Melanie. After struggling with being overweight, she had recently dropped a significant number of pounds. She felt great and looked great, too. People noticed. Despite this success, though, a familiar sense of depression crept back. Once the numbers on the scale were stable, Melanie (not her real name) felt she didn’t have the same focus and direction that accompanied her weight-loss goals. After meeting with a psychologist, she defined a new mission: to increase her strength a... more »
A mayoralty, if you’re interested.
On Monday, Victoria Crone announced she would be standing for the Auckland mayoralty and, as the former NZ CEO of high-flyer Xero, was immediately installed by the media as the "business" candidate. Mind you, being the business candidate doesn't mean you really mean business—nor that running a successful business is the same as being top dog at a super-sized council spending the proceeds of everyone else's super-sized rates bill. Even Labour-ite adviser Josie Pagani understands that, pointing out that *If you’re going to stand for political office the minimum requirements must s... more »
Official: Vegetarians Deemed ‘Harmful’ To Climate Change
A US study has claimed that a vegetarian diet rich in fruit and vegetables may be more harmful to the environment than a meat-eating diet, and may contribute to climate change. According to researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University, lettuce is “over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon”. Independent.co.uk reports: Published in the Environment Systems and Decisions journal, the study goes against the grain of recent calls for humans to quit eating meat to curb climate change. Researchers did not argue against the idea people should be eating less meat,... more »
China and Russia Developing Killer Robots, Pentagon Grows Anxious
[image: Robots, Cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence] The Pentagon is paying close attention to China's and Russia's attempts to develop autonomous, killer robots. Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said at a national security forum Monday that these robots may be capable of conducting independent operations, Defense One reports.... more »
"The Case Against Hope"
"The Case Against Hope" by Buddha of Hollywood "I was trying to define “worry” and “hope” and it occurred to me that they are brother and sister emotions. Both “worry” and “hope” are unfounded expectations; one that things will get worse and the other that things will get better – some how. And both “worry” and “hope” have the same hypnotic power to paralyze action. I remember growing up under the communist rule. Life was really hard; things were pretty bad and getting worse every day. It can’t get worse than this –people were saying – it is bound to get better. But things never go... more »
Yemen Peace Talks Begin. Ceasefire To Last 7 Days
*BBC*: *Yemen peace talks under way as ceasefire begins* Yemen's warring parties have begun UN-backed peace talks in Switzerland, as a seven-day ceasefire came into effect. The UN says the talks between the government, the Houthi rebel movement and its allies aimed to find a "durable settlement" to the months-long crisis. About 6,000 people, almost half of them civilians, have been killed since a Saudi-led coalition launched a military campaign against the rebels in March. The coalition is seeking to drive back the Houthis and restore the government. Representatives of President... more »
"The Very, Very, Very Last time..."
"What happens to people living in a society where everyone in power is lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and in our hearts we all know this, but the consequences of facing all these lies are so monstrous, we keep on hoping that maybe the corporate-government administration and media are on the level with us this time. Americans remind me of survivors of domestic abuse. This is always the hope that this is the very, very, very last time one's ribs get re-broken again." - Inga Muscio
Russia Destroys 1,200 ISIS Oil Trucks From Turkey
Russia have announced that they have destroyed at least 1,200 fuel trucks carrying illegal oil from ISIS into Syria. Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy from the Russian General Staff announced that “since the start of the air campaign, Russian aircraft have destroyed over 1,200 such trucks“. Sputniknews.com reports: “The Russian airstrikes continue to focus on destroying sources of illegal revenue for terrorists in Syria,” Rudskoy stressed. According to him, six illegal oilfields controlled by terrorists, as well as seven columns of fuel trucks carrying oil products have been destroyed over t... more »
Putin Snubs European Courts Of Human Rights In Favour Of Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new law allowing Russia’s Constitutional Court to decide whether or not to ignore the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights. The new law allows the Russian court to overturn decisions made at the European Court of Human Rights if they deem them unconstitutional. Reuters.com reports: Human Rights Watch has said the law is designed to thwart the ability of victims of human rights violations in Russia to find justice through international bodies. The law comes after the ECHR ruled in 2014 that Russia must pay a 1.9 billion euro ($2.0... more »
*Attorney general investigates bone thefts at cemetery ~WWLTV*
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 15, 2015
*Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic*:* Will Talks on the Yemeni Conflict End the Fighting?* Representatives of the government and Houthi rebels are meeting in Switzerland after a cease-fire took effect. The nine-month-long conflict in Yemen, which has killed nearly 6,000 people, pits the government against Houthi rebels, and serves as a microcosm of the wider regional conflict between Saudi Arabia, which backs the government, and Iran, which supports the rebels. But on Tuesday, the government and Houthis began talks in Switzerland after a seven-day cease-fire took effect. *Comment...more »
World News Briefs -- December 15, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *Russia, U.S. clear way for Syria meeting after Kerry Moscow talks* Russia and the United States see enough common ground on Syria for world powers to meet on the troubled country's peace process in New York on Friday, but views on the future of President Bashar-al Assad still diverge. Secretary of State John Kerry went into meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday not knowing whether Moscow would veto a third round of international talks on Syria on Friday after the Kremlin spoke of preconditions needing to be met. *... more »
Cuba Reaches A Historic Multi-Billion Debt Deal With its Creditors
*Reuters:* *Exclusive - Cuba's debt deal: Easy terms, but severe penalties if late again* Paris Club creditor nations have forgiven $8.5 billion of Cuba's $11.1 billion debt and restructured payments on the remainder with easy terms but the deal imposes severe penalties if Cuba falls behind again, according to a copy of the accord seen by Reuters. The French government announced the outlines of the accord on Saturday. The document seen by Reuters offers previously unreported details. The Cuba Group, made up 14 of the 19 wealthy nations of the Paris Club, said the agreement was an... more »
Nigerian Army Accused Of Killing Hundreds Of Shiites
*VOA*: *Nigerian Army: Islamic Leader Zakzaky in Custody Following Raids* The Nigerian army says it has taken into custody the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, after the group allegedly attacked the convoy of Nigeria's army chief. Major General Adeniyi Oyebade told reporters Monday that Ibraheem Zakzaky and his wife have been taken into custody after raids on at least three locations. Oyebade said Zakzaky was arrested in the northern city of Zaria, in Kaduna State. He also said there were casualties on both sides after the raids Saturday and Sunday, but did not give an e... more »
@dianeravitch posts letter from LAUSD teacher about Esquith. Totally disagree.
Famed and beloved teacher Rafe Esquith was terminated by LAUSD and, for a time, we didn’t really know why. So the education world at large, particularly the blogosphere, went nuts. Here’s an account of the affair. I will say that LAUSD is probably engaged in some pretty shady stuff in its disclosures of information about the […]
Facebook Real Name Policy To Be Relaxed For Vulnerable People
Facebook has unveiled a change to its ‘real name’ policy in wake of criticism from transgender people and abuse victims. From now on Facebook will ask users who want to remain anonymous for an explanation, and will not forcibly change their names. Documents to prove your identity are also not required if other users interact with your account in a realistic way based on your current identity. In the past Facebook required you to prove your identity, based on official birth documents. Before today victims of domestic or online abuse, drag queens and transgender people felt shut out o... more »
Donald Trump Used To Discriminate Against Blacks
A 1973 lawsuit against Donald Trump has emerged in which applicants who applied to live at Trump properties would be marked as “C” (standing for “Colored”) if they were black. Trump Organizations, it seems, had secret racial codes for applicants so that they could weed out any black people who applied to live in Donald Trump’s apartment complex. Thedailybeast.com reports: “C” for “Colored.” According to the Department of Justice, that was the crude code that ensured the rental would be denied. A Secret Racist Code The lawsuit—which Trump Management settled in 1975 with a consent de... more »
John Kerry said “Not Seeking Regime Change in Syria” Or Shifting Tactics?
*ABC* *"The United States and its partners are not seeking regime change in Syria,*” Kerry said in a news conference inside the Kremlin, before immediately adding that the U.S. continues to believe that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has no possibility of remaining the country’s leader in the future The statement* appeared* to be the most explicit sign yet that the U.S. is softening its policy towards Assad and marked a significant rhetorical shift for the U.S. towards Russia’s policy in Syria, which previously American officials have said was almost fundamentally at odds with ... more »
Farewell to Dan Hodges
You know Twitter has reached peak absurdity when someone like Dan Hodges - really only known by super hardcore political people - has become a trending topic. The occasion of Dan's elevation to internet celebrity is yet another piece of finely crafted miserablism for the *Telegraph*. His double whammy of likening Jeremy to hard right Tory patrician Enoch Powell and announcing his resignation from the party, *again* is what sent Dan flying up the Twitter charts as sundry Corbyn supporters luxuriated in a bath of his bitter tears. I'm sure the *Telegraph* aren't minding the extra traf... more »
For Those of You Who Don't Know...
Not too long ago, I suffered a hard drive crash that completely trashed all my files. Among them was the only copy of my new novel, which was lost literally the day before I was to send it off to that literary agent who'd offered to read the entire book. That was taken care of when my beta reader sent me the first 33 chapters I'd given her to proof and after I redid all the corrections, I was finally able to send it to that agent while simultaneously submitting it my publisher at Create Space. Hopefully, I'll be able to put it on the market just before Christmas. Yet along... more »
The #ChristmasMyths, #1: The Myth of the Miraculous Birth
*Q: What’s mythology? A: Someone else’s religion* *Q: What’s the Christian Christmas story based on? A: Someone else’s stories.* The Christian Christmas story is based on Mythology borrowed from elsewhere. I’m going to look at the pagan origin of each of these myths and legends one day at a time: the miraculous birth; in a humble place; of a youngster of impressive genealogy; accompanied by a tremendous star; and (in Luke) a heavenly choir; recognition of the divine child by passing vagrants wise men; their presentation of gifts; and the slaughter of innocents by a king fearing t... more »
Look: Little Boy Prays with Santa for Christmas Miracle
[image: boy prays with Santa] A little boy made a selfless request when he met Santa at a South Carolina mall over the weekend, asking St. Nick to pray with him for a sick baby. Continue reading *“Look: Little Boy Prays with Santa for Christmas Miracle”* at *insider.foxnews.com*.
Over 700 Thousand Forced To Flee As Typhoon Melor Hits Philippines
Typhoon Melor struck the Philippines on Monday, killing at least four people and forcing thousands to flee. Officials reported that wide areas of the central Philippines were plunged into darkness on Tuesday as the powerful typhoon barrelled into the coconut-growing region, causing flooding, storm surges and forcing almost 800,000 people to evacuate their homes. The disaster has also caused significant damage in several provinces across the country, as gust velocities reached 170 kilometers per hour. Nearly 750,000 people have evacuated as powerful Typhoon Melor heads towards the Ph... more »
Save the obsolete industries: Like taxis!
Bastiat comes to Sydney with a sharp, smart, focussed protest against their taxi industry’s call for protection against modern ridesharing technology like Uber . . . Meanwhile, in New Zealand, “the Ministry of Transport proposals around Uber could have been worse…” *RELATED POSTS*: - “We come to offer you a wonderful opportunity for your — what shall we call it? Your theory? … We are suffering from the ruinous competition of a rival who apparently works under conditions so far superior to our own for the production of light that he is *flooding* the *domestic market* ... more »
The Government Wants Access to Smartphones. What You Should Know
[image: smartphone - 400] "We're not at war -- we care about the same things," FBI Director James Comey says of the struggle between the U.S. and the tech sector over how private your smartphone should be. The government wants to work with companies such as... Continue reading *“The Government Wants Access to Smartphones. What You Should Know”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Calvin College Professor Blames White Privilege for the Existence of Michigan
[image: Calvin College Chapel - 900] A professor at Calvin College in Michigan wrote a column accusing his students and fellow faculty members of being white supremacists for failing to accept the notion of "white privilege." The professor also says Calvin College itself and the entire... more »
Demonizing American Civil Religion
[image: In God We Trust - 900-1] The politically progressive Missouri pastor and author Brian Zahnd recently tweeted, “Donald Trump is exposing American civil religion for what it is -- ugly religious nationalism; the empty chaff of a counterfeit Christianity.” But American civil religion is hardly coterminous with Trump. It’s something... more »
Sarah Palin: Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and 16 Centuries of Christian France
[image: Marion Marechal - 400] I have a political crush, but one I couldn't vote for today -- because she ran for office in France. Marion Marechal-Le Pen is the new deserved "It Girl" of French politics and a clear voice of courage and common sense... Continue reading *“Sarah Palin: Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and 16 Centuries of Christian France”* at *breitbart.com*.
NBA Star Jeremy Lin Grapples with Academic Pressure, Teen Suicides in Personal Facebook Post
[image: Jeremy Lin - 400] Charlotte Hornets point guard Jeremy Lin opened up to his fans in a long and heartfelt Facebook post last week that addressed his experiences dealing with professional and academic pressure, as well as suicides in his high school. Lin wrote... Continue reading *“NBA Star Jeremy Lin Grapples with Academic Pressure, Teen Suicides in Personal Facebook Post”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Paul Craig Roberts: Neocons, An Evil That Is About To Destroy The Earth
Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, Paul Craig Roberts, warns of the end of days, as the neocons in America push for Armageddon. Paul Craig Roberts is a true American of the good old days, when The U.S. ruled the world because she was cool. He speaks about the end of life on earth, and a needless nuclear war that is about to erupt. Roberts attributes it to the evil actions of the neocons and their friends, who want power over the earth at any price. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was given the medal of ‘The Legion of Honour’ by France... more »
French Teacher Lied About ISIS School Attack
The French teacher who was allegedly stabbed in the neck by an assailant shouting pro-ISIS slogans, made the entire story up, French prosecutors have announced. Following the Paris attacks in November, the preschool teacher sparked further hysteria on Monday, claiming he was attacked by a balaclava-wearing man yelling “This is for Daesh. It’s a warning.” The BBC reports: The teacher said he had been attacked while alone in a classroom in Aubervilliers, a suburb of Paris. But prosecutors said he had wounded himself with a box cutter and was now being questioned as to why he lied. Fra... more »
Apparently, Trumpf Fans Don't Mind Bombast
In October, Herr Trumpf's serpent-like, slimy son Eric was on *Fox and Friends* doing a pitch-perfect impersonation of his ridiculous father. At first I thought it might be a joke, but, no, Eric is a real chip off the old block-- he'd fit right in as some Iranian bazaari trying to sell you a mass-produced, chemically-dyed fake Persian rug for a hundred times the price. "The one thing about my father-- and I see this every day in our business-- he picks incredible people. I think he would have the greatest cabinet in the history of cabinets. He would get people from the private sec... more »
Jury Says it’s Deadlocked in Freddie Gray Cop Case; Judge Orders More Deliberations
[image: Freddie Gray-900] Jurors in the trial of Officer William Porter reported Tuesday afternoon that they were deadlocked -- but Judge Barry Williams sent them back to continue deliberating. The jurors considering whether Porter is guilty of manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and... Continue reading *“Jury Says it’s Deadlocked in Freddie Gray Cop Case; Judge Orders More Deliberations”* at *baltimoresun.com*.
Alert! Troubled Funds Freezing Withdrawals of Your Money: 2007 Versus 2015
The latest words of warning from our buddies at "Wall Street On Parade" . . . "Wall Street On Parade" has been warning of junk bond dangers since 2013. (See related articles below.) This fall, Carl Icahn, the hostile takeover maven and hedge fund billionaire, released a video that assigned the “Danger Ahead” in the junk bond market to companies like BlackRock that has packaged illiquid
A Look At What Happens When A BBC Crew Flies Close To Beijing's New South China Sea Islands
*BBC:* *Flying close to Beijing's new South China Sea islands* Last year the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes travelled across the South China Sea in a fishing boat and became the first journalist to observe close-up how China is constructing new islands on coral reefs. A few days ago he returned to the area in a small aircraft - provoking a furious and threatening response from the Chinese Navy. The scattered atolls, reefs and sand bars known as the Spratly Islands are a very difficult place to get to. Some are controlled by Vietnam, others by the Philippines, one by Taiwan, and then... more »
Where Power Really Lies In Climate Change
*Written By Robin Mathews December 2015* As we watch … huge criminal corporations, governments, and their lemming environmentalists race to the cliff edge in Paris, refusing to grapple with the reason they are racing…. They refuse – in any meaningful way – to challenge The One Per Cent head on, which is where effective solutions to climate change begin. While a flood of information pours out of Paris about poor nations and rich nations and island nations drowning … and the undeniable fact of Global Warming, The On... more »
This Daily Advent Calendar Honors Brave Persecuted Christians
[image: Advent] One traditional way to keep the season building up to Christmas focused on its original, religious significance is to use an Advent calendar, which marks each day with the story of a heroic Christian evangelist, leader, or martyr. Children especially... more »
The Paris Agreement, Like a Treaty, Creates a Ratchet Mechanism Where None Existed Before
[image: John Kerry - 400] The agreement adopted in Paris at 7:28 p.m. local time Saturday doesn't call itself a treaty, but in every other respect it is one. Four years ago at the Durban climate conference, climate negotiators decided to launch a process "to... Continue reading *“The Paris Agreement, Like a Treaty, Creates a Ratchet Mechanism Where None Existed Before”* at *nationalreview.com*.
The Economy: “We Are Now Seeing Cracks In The Economy Which Will Lead To A Collapse Of The System”
*“We Are Now Seeing Cracks In The Economy * *Which Will Lead To A Collapse Of The System”* by X22Report “UN reports that youth unemployment is sky rocketing and will be a problem for the next generation. Toshiba and Dupont are cutting thousands of jobs.Junk Bond contagion is spreading and will bring down the stock market and economy. Janet Yellen reports that the junk bond problem is contained. Fitch has put out a warning the US defaults are ready to surge. This week the FED makes its decision to keep interest rates at zero or go negative or increase rates to bring on the collapse. ...more »
US Pilots Ordered To Ignore ISIS Oil Convoys
After more than a year, the US coalition has been unable to stop ISIS’ lucrative oil smuggling operation. Could it be that they were never attempting to stop it ? According to reports, U.S. pilots in Syria have ‘flown over oil tanker convoys 4 lanes wide at times and been told to stay silent’ but on whose orders? New Eastern Outlook reports: A story leaked out of Washington credits Senator John McCain, empowered by America’s corrupt congress to oversee Pentagon programs, with derailing the Obama administration’s “coalition bombing campaign” in Syria and Iraq. McCain and key right w... more »
The Fed acts. But can it?
*Planet ZIRP was supposed to be an emergency stopover not a permanent settlement. Time for the US Federal Reserve to make a move.* But can it, asks Gerald O’Driscoll in this guest post?* [image: Embedded image permalink] The US Federal Reserve is set to act this week to raise short-term interest rates. There are a number of technical and policy questions raised by this long-anticipated decision. The Fed conventionally raises short-term interest rates by selling short-term Treasury obligations. It no longer owns any short-term Treasuries to sell. Based on prior statements, the ... more »
Revealed: Potential Terrorists Are Being ALLOWED To Leave The UK
'Senior counter-terrorism officers have revealed that UK authorities are allowing potential terrorists to leave the UK freely, if it is calculated that the Islamists are more dangerous left in this country.' More here http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/12/15/revealed-potential-terrorists-allowed-leave-uk/ This is absolutely the correct option with one proviso, that once they've left the UK they aren't allowed back. If they're more dangerous left in this country, then how much more dangerous would they be once they've received terrorist training?
U.S. Admiral Warns Of A South China Sea Arms Race
*Reuters*: *U.S. Navy commander warns of possible South China Sea arms race* The U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander has warned of a possible arms race in the disputed South China Sea which could engulf the region, as nations become increasingly tempted to use military force to settle territorial spats instead of international law. Commander Admiral Scott Swift urged nations, like China, to seek arbitration to settle maritime disputes. "My concern is that after many decades of peace and prosperity, we may be seeing the leading edge of a return of "might makes it right" to the region," S... more »
What Would a Real Campaign Against Gun Violence Look Like?
*Jon Rappoport* - Here's a sketch of what a real campaign against gun violence might look like. The post What Would a Real Campaign Against Gun Violence Look Like? appeared first on Waking Times.
The Economy: “Deja Vu All Over Again”
*“Deja Vu All Over Again”* by James Quinn “Janet Yellen will increase interest rates for the first time in nine years on Wednesday. She isn’t raising them because the economy is strengthening. The economy just happens to be weakening rapidly, as global recession takes hold. The stock market is 3% lower than it was in December 2014, and has basically done nothing since the end of QE3. Wall Street is throwing a hissy fit to try and stop Janet from boosting rates by an inconsequential .25%. Janet would prefer not to raise rates, but the credibility and reputation of her bubble blowing... more »
3 Chinese Warships Visit Pearl Harbor
The Chinese Luyang II-class guided missile destroyer Jinan (DDG 152), top, the Jiangkai-class frigate Yiyang (FFG 548), the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Mason (DDG 87), center, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Monterey (CG 61) and the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Stout (DDG 55), bottom, steam in formation during a passing exercise on Nov. 7, 2015, in the Atlantic Ocean. US Navy photo. *USNI News*: *3 Chinese Warships Visit Pearl Harbor During Global Relationship-Building Tour* Three Chinese warships arrived at Joint Base Pearl... more »
Does reducing standardized testing mean lower test scores?
Sent to the Concord Monitor, Dec. 15 Does reducing standardized testing mean lower test scores? The Monitor's headline, "Initial education pilot program results show less than half of students in participating districts meet achievement levels in reading and math," (Dec 14) suggests that reducing the amount of standardized testing results in lower test scores. In the pilot program, students took fewer standardized tests and more teacher-made tests. Before we conclude that these students did worse, we must have a basis for comparison. We do not have data from previous years, nor do... more »
Most Americans Attend Church During Christmas, Many Would Come If Invited
[image: Outbound Christianity Today article.] Recently, LifeWay Research conducted a study to learn more about church attendance patterns during Christmastime. Historically, pastors and church leaders know that Christmastime attracts more visitors than perhaps any other time of the year, outside of perhaps the Lenten and... Continue reading *“Most Americans Attend Church During Christmas, Many Would Come If Invited”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Russia Questions US ‘Surgical’ Airstrikes Against ISIS
Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said airstrikes by the US-led coalition on purported ISIS terrorists should not resemble cosmetic surgery, which only changes the appearance of the problem rather than solving it. Maria Zakharova made the comments on her Facebook page on Tuesday in response to a statement made by President Obama the previous day. She wrote: “Obama has said about the need to conduct “surgical strikes” on ISIS. The important thing is that in the understanding of Washington, it’s not turns out of plastic surgery, which, instead of resolving the problem of only chan...more »
Chinese Submarine's Simulated Missile Attack On The USS Reagan Risked A Real Naval Shootout
Photo: Via Sinodefence.com *Washington Free Beacon:* *Chinese Submarine Practised Missile Attack on USS Reagan* *Cruise missile targeting of carrier risked naval shootout.* A Chinese attack submarine conducted a simulated cruise missile attack on the aircraft carrier USS Reagan during a close encounter several weeks ago, according to American defense officials. The targeting incident near the Sea of Japan in October violated China’s 2014 commitment to the multinational Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea, known as CUES, designed to reduce the risk of a shooting incident between ... more »
UN Atomic Board 'Closes' Iran Nuclear Bomb Probe
*UN News Centre*: *UN ends probe into Iran’s past nuclear activities, moving international accord closer to implementation* The United Nations nuclear watchdog today closed the book on the possible military aspects of Iran’s nuclear programme, finding that they were limited to feasibility and scientific studies and did not proceed beyond 2009, bringing an international nuclear accord with Iran a step closer to implementation. “My final assessment gives clear answers to two very important questions: did Iran engage in activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive d... more »
Supplemental: Diversity at UT Austin!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2015According to Ruth Marcus:* How many minority students attend the University of Texas at Austin, the system's prestigious flagship campus? It's an important question. In Sunday's Washington Post, Ruth Marcus answered the question, or seemed to do so, with a brief history lesson: MARCUS (12/13/15): The university, segregated by law until 1950, has been grappling with this issue for decades. After an earlier affirmative action program was invalidated in 1996, *African American enrollment plummeted, from 309 students in 1995 to 190 in 1997, out of a freshman... more »
A Look at the Scope of the Climate Work Ahead
*by Gaius Publius* One small but important piece of the climate puzzle post-Paris is the vast divide between the stated aspirational goal — to keep global warming to no more than 1.5 degree Celsius over the pre-industrial level — and the commitments made by nations to achieve that goal. Naomi Klein expresses the problem very well in the short video above. In sum (my emphasis): *The Paris Climate Deal Will Not Save Us* *The agreement will still raise global temperatures 3 to 4 degrees Celsius. * ... The climate deal that has been negotiated at COP21 crossed multiple red lines:... more »
The Economy/Geopolitics: “As US Commandos Arrive In Syria, Kurds Ask ‘Is This It?’"
*“As US Commandos Arrive In Syria, Kurds Ask ‘Is This It?’"* by Tyler Durden “As regular readers are no doubt aware, the US has done a lot of really silly things over the course of the last four or so years in Syria. While there’s little question that the rise of ISIS takes the top spot in the “absurd outcomes” category, there are several legitimate contenders for runner-up. There’s The Pentagon’s $500 million “train and equip” program for instance, which was designed to field some 5,400 fearsome warriors with a mandate to fight Islamic State but only ended up yielding “four or five... more »
Germany: Google, Facebook & Twitter Agree To Delete Online Hate Speech
Facebook, Google and Twitter have agreed to delete hate speech, deemed illegal in Germany, within 24 hours. The move follows pressure from German authorities concerned about the increasing volume of racist abuse being posted on social media sites. The companies committed on Tuesday to removing “illegal content promptly, that is, within 24 hours,” said the Justice Minister Heiko Maas, adding that the new agreement makes it easier for users and anti-racism groups to report hate speech to specialist teams at the three companies RT reports: The justice minister stressed that the measure... more »
Iran's Recent Missile Test Violated A U.N. Security Council Resolution
An Iranian Emad rocket is launched as it is tested at an undisclosed location October 11, 2015. REUTERS/farsnews.com/Handout via Reuters *Reuters*: *Exclusive: Iran's October missile test violated U.N. ban - expert panel* The medium-range Emad rocket that Iran tested in October was a ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, which makes it a violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution, a team of sanctions monitors said in a confidential new report. The conclusion of the council's Panel of Experts on Iran will likely lead to calls for expanding sanctions agains... more »
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Goes Christmas Shopping In Moscow
© REUTERS/ Mandel Ngan/Pool *Sputnik*: *Not Just Business: How is Kerry Spending Time in Moscow?* US Secretary of State John Kerry was out and about in Moscow city center on Tuesday afternoon. He visited the Arbat Street which is famous for its souvenir stalls and artsy-shops and cafes. “We were not warned, it just happened spontaneously. Suddenly, a large delegation led by John Kerry walked into our shop. He looked at our range of products, and then chose a Russian “Matryoshka” doll. It consists of six dolls, which together form a family. This set costs 8000 rubles. He also liked... more »
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Meets Russian President Putin To Discuss Syria And Ukraine
© kremlin.ru *RT:* *Kerry is meeting with Putin after 'comprehensive' talks with FM Lavrov* Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding talks with Secretary of State John Kerry at the Kremlin, following the US official's talks with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, which the president said were "comprehensive." Russia and the US are seeking solutions to the most critical crises together, Putin said at the start of the meeting, adding that he "is happy for the opportunity to meet and talk." "Today you've had comprehensive talks at Russia's Foreign Ministry,” Putin said to ... more »
Climate Make-Believe in Paris
[image: Paris, France, Eiffel Tower, sunset] Saving the planet has never been so easy. The Paris climate talks concluded in a rousing round of self-congratulation over an agreement that, we are told, is the first step toward keeping Earth habitable. If generating headlines and press releases... more »
Cancer researcher cleared of misconduct, inquiry finds “genuine error or honest oversight”
An investigation at the University of New South Wales in Australia has determined that a long-accused cancer researcher did not commit misconduct. The investigation did find instances when Levon Khachigian breached the code of conduct, but these breaches were the result of Professor Khachigian’s genuine error or honest oversight, not deliberate or intentional conduct. In 2013, […] The post Cancer researcher cleared of misconduct, inquiry finds “genuine error or honest oversight” appeared first on Retraction Watch.
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -- Benjamin Franklin. Most of the American people now fall into this category.
------------------------------ *Fear On Demand* ------------------------------ December 13, 2015 | *Original Here* Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *Fear on Demand* Guest Column by Stephen Lendman The San Bernardino Shootings Were A Black Op US Government Operation. Three separate eyewitnesses saw three tall male caucasians carry out the executions. Syed Rizwan and Tashfeen Malik were chosen to be the patsies and murdered so that they could not contradict the concocted accusation against them. As long as inso... more »
World News Briefs -- December 15, 2015
*Daily Mail*: *All Los Angeles schools closed and 640,000 children ordered to stay at home over 'credible terrorist threat' * * Superintendent said this threat is unique and he 'couldn't take a chance' * He said the district gets threats every day but this one is different * Email sent to school district outlined plans to bomb schools and students * 640,000 children attend school in the 5,000-square-mile county of L.A. * FBI and terrorist experts called in to sweep every campus, from elementary schools to colleges - every locker, every classroom, every bathroom * The threat is unspeci... more »
Quote of the Day: On slacktivists' shortsightedness
*"In fact, the computer or smart phone in your hand, which has so profoundly shaped the world view of your contemporaries, would not exist without the very systems you hope come crashing to a halt so that you can presume to 'fix' them. …"[D]o you even know what’s in an iPhone...? Five metals that have to be mined in places like Chile, Peru, South Africa, [the Congo] and Australia; eight rare earth minerals, nearly all of which are mined in China; human labour performed in conditions of varying degrees of decency and depravity around the world; global shipping protected by interna... more »
Why is Kerry in Moscow?
*Kerry talks to Moscovites while shopping on Arbat Street* *Sellers also pointed out that Kerry drew attention to the Ukrainian flag at the Ukrainian cultural center in front of the store. According to them, the politician long considered a Ukrainian flag.The U.S. Secretary of State also spoke with Muscovites whilst walking down the famous streets of Moscow. Residents of the capital were delighted by the American guest, photographed him and then posted the pictures on social networks.Earlier in Moscow, John Kerry, with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, held talks. The poli... more »
Big Pharma CEO Set To Increase Price Of Another Drug By 99,900%!
The former hedge fund manager who increased the cost of an effective HIV drug by 5,500 per cent is now about to increase the price of yet another medicine. Martin Shkreli is right up there with the likes of Monsanto and the Rockefellers and is perhaps one of the most hated men in America. The CEO OF Turing Pharmaceuticals is poised to put profits over people yet again by increasing the price of a drug used to treat Chagas disease, a parasitic infection that can cause heart failure. Natural Blaze reports: Commented Dr. Sheba Meymandi, a professor at the University of California, Los ... more »
Seal of Ancient Biblical King Hezekiah Located In Jerusalem
[image: Outbound] The royal seal of the ancient biblical king Hezekiah has been unearthed near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Continue reading *“Seal of Ancient Biblical King Hezekiah Located In Jerusalem”* at *cbsnews.com*.
Blame the Next Economic Crisis on the Federal Reserve
[image: Federal_Reserve] The American economy is growing too slowly. The unemployment rate is down, but labor force participation is at the lowest level since the late 1970s. Too many new jobs created over the last eight years have been low-paying or part-time... Continue reading *“Blame the Next Economic Crisis on the Federal Reserve”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Paul Ryan Says Brokered Convention Talk is ‘Ridiculous’
[image: Paul Ryan - 400] House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday downplayed the talk of a brokered Republican National Convention, despite reports that party leaders are planning for the possibility that they’ll have to negotiate who will lead the presidential ticket. “I think all of... Continue reading *“Paul Ryan Says Brokered Convention Talk is ‘Ridiculous’”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
All Schools In Los Angeles Closed Due To Terrorism Threat
All Los Angeles Unified School District campuses have been evacuated after a ‘credible threat’ of terrorism involving backpacks and packages was received. It is believed that the threat was made via email to an IP address traced to Frankfurt, Germany. The LAUSD have asked police to search all schools in Los Angeles before reopening them on Wednesday, as the FBI investigate. Authorities in New York received a similar email but decided it was a hoax and did not respond. LAtimes.com reports: “I think it’s important to take this precaution based on what has happened recently and what h... more »
Is Winter Rainfall Becoming More Extreme?
By Paul Homewood Is winter rainfall becoming more extreme in the UK? There are three long running and high quality sites, which are published by the Met Office – Oxford, Durham and Armagh. Below are the charts showing the Top 50 rainfall months during December, January and February. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/climate-historic/#?tab=climateHistoric These three […]
The Practice Turn in International Relations Theory
Thanks to PTJ, ISQ Online is running a debate about the scope and nature of the ‘practice turn’ in the study of world politics. The symposium centers around a recent International Studies Quarterly article by Christian Bueger and Frank Gadinger, “The Play of International Practice.”* From PTJ’s introduction: The challenge, then, is to develop an adequate conceptual vocabulary […]
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 15, 2015
President Barack Obama speaks to reporters at the Pentagon, Dec. 14, 2015, after a meeting with the National Security Council about the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. DoD photo by Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz *U.S. Department of Defense:* *Obama: ISIL Being Hit 'Harder Than Ever,' Will Be Defeated* WASHINGTON, December 14, 2015 — The coalition fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is hitting ISIL targets "harder than ever" and will defeat the terror group, President Barack Obama said today. The coalition is carrying out relentless ... more »
Israel Among World's Best Nations to Live, Says UN
'Israel has ranked in the top 20 of the United Nations' best countries to live in list. The UN's Human Development Index is an annual ranking of nations based on measures like life expectancy, crime, income and education. Israel, which took the 18th spot this year, routinely is placed among' More here http://www.jspacenews.com/israel-among-worlds-best-nations-live-says-un/ but not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
Star Wars Premiere Crowd Cheers for Familiar Faces
[image: Star Wars - 900] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The VIP audience at The Force Awakens world premiere began cheering from the moment the movie’s first words appeared on screen, with special enthusiasm for the return of Han Solo and Chewbacca after a 32-year hiatus....more »
The End of Prayer Shaming...
*presented without comment.* *click on title to watch * *The End of Prayer Shaming* Enough is enough. It's time to take a stand. Today, students at East Catholic High School rise up and declare that we're more concerned with God than we are with being politically correct.We encourage you to do the same. Please watch our video...then SHARE it with your friends and encourage THEM to SHARE it as well. TAG a friend, a community leader, or even the media. Let's get this powerful message out there. No more prayer shaming. Let's bring God and prayer back into our lives. Posted by East Ca... more »
This and That
As many of you know, I have been reviewing a large number of UFO files and have found some things that don’t warrant a complete blog post but that are interesting. For example, Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico was not named for Roger Ramey but for Brigadier General Howard Knox Ramey. This Ramey learned to fly in 1918 and by the time the Second World War broke out he had moved up the ranks. In BG Howard Knox RameyJanuary 1943 he was named the commanding officer of the V (Fifth) Bomber Command. In March 1943 while on a reconnaissance fight over the Torres Strait he disappeared. Neit... more »
An Inside Look At What Life Is Like In The Islamic State Capital Of Raqqa
Under attack: Raqqa has been decimated by Russian and US-led airstrikes, including this attack which struck a residential neighbourhood east of the city centre, leaving the residents terrified *Daily Mail:* *Beheadings, crucifixions and bombs falling from the sky: Life inside the burned out 'ghost town' of ISIS capital Raqqa where 'prisoners' live amongst the rubble with no electricity or hot water* * Raqqa is the de facto capital of ISIS, taken over in 2013, where the people must live under group's draconian laws * Women are banned from walking the street unaccompanied by a man and... more »
Tony Brown’s Historical Perspective On Floods
By Paul Homewood An excellent letter in the Daily Mail today from Tony Brown:
U.S. Has Mapped The Islamic State's Safe Houses, But Will Not Launch Air -Strikes For Fear Of Civilian Casualties
Pictures show an IS Command and Control Centre in Syria before (L) and after it was struck by bombs dropped by a US F-22 fighter jet. This was the first time an F-22 was used in a combat role. Reuters *Washington Times:* *U.S. has mapped ISIS hiding spots, but won’t launch strikes for fear of civilian deaths* *Civilian casualties, desire to study operations cited as reasons.* In a secret project tied to the overall U.S. campaign against the Islamic State, intelligence officials have spent months mapping out known physical locations of media safe houses where the extremist group’s o... more »
Defense Secretary Carter Visits Turkey Looking to Amp up Fight against ISIS
[image: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announces his Women in Service Review during a press brief at the Pentagon, Dec. 3, 2015.] INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey (AP) -- Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the U.S. wants Turkey to better control its border with Syria, which could help block the flow of foreign fighters to the Islamic State, and to more forcefully join...more »
NY Times on the Warpath for Gun Control
[image: New York Times 2 - 400] An Islamic terrorist attack this month in San Bernardino, Calif., has inspired the New York Times’ editorial board to go hard after gun control, as the liberal paper has published eight pieces in the past 13 days decrying America’s culture... Continue reading *“NY Times on the Warpath for Gun Control”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Russian Travel Company Offering Tourist Trips To Syria's Warzone
Photo from National Turk *Daily Mail:** Travel company launches trips to Syria's WARZONE... named the Assad Tour: Five day jaunts to the front line begin next year* * Company aims to fly daredevil tourists to the heart of the Syrian civil war * Tailored trips will cost £1000 per head, but WON'T include life insurance * Man behind oddball venture is convinced 'crazy' tourists will snap up offer * War has seen 220,000 people killed in fighting with ISIS and other rebels A Russian travel company is planning to fly daredevil tourists to the heart of the Syrian civil war so they can get... more »
Polls: Americans Are Split On Deploying Ground Troops To Fight The Islamic State
An American military trainer instructs an Iraqi soldier at the Taji base complex on January 7, 2015 (AFP Photo/Ahmad al-Rubaye) *The Hill*: *Almost half of Americans support ground troops to fight ISIS* More Americans are willing to send U.S. combat troops to the Middle East to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to a new AP/GfK poll. Forty-two percent of Americans favor deploying troops to fight ISIS, up from 31 percent in a poll conducted early this year. Thirty-two percent oppose sending troops, while 22 percent didn't take a side. Seventy-four percent o... more »
Donald Trump: 'Hilllary Clinton's Foreign Policy Has Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of People With Her Stupidity'
*The Hill:* *Trump: Hillary has ‘killed hundreds of thousands of people’* Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is pinning blame for the Syrian civil war and the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “She is the one that caused all this problem with her stupid policies,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.” “You look at what she did with Libya, what she did with Syria.” “You look, she was truly, if not the, one of the worst secretary of States in the history of the country,” he added. “She talks about me being dan... more »
All Los Angeles Schools Ordered Closed By A 'Credible Threat'
*L.A. Times*:* All LAUSD schools closed by 'credible threat' of violence* Officials have closed all Los Angeles Unified School District campuses Tuesday morning after receiving a "credible threat" of violence involving backpacks and packages left at campuses. Authorities said they plan a search operation of all of the LAUSD's more than 900 schools. The nation's second-largest school district has more than 700,000 students. “I think it’s important to take this precaution based on what has happened recently and what has happened in the past,” LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines sa... more »
Oil Junkies for Jesus
*by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy* Face it – the United States and foreign affairs always seems to be awkward at best. At the very worst, the United States comes away having lost a friend rather than creating one! Involvement in Iraq was complicated by what I would call “weird” theology. Fundamentalist Christians insist upon an unconditional pro-Israeli policy no matter what! Israel is God's chosen nation. To oppose Israel, they say, is to damn the opposing nation to hell. Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful b... more »
BWorld 32, RCEP and TPP for the Philippines
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last December 10, 2015. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community (AEC) will take shape by Dec. 31, or just three weeks from now. The 10 ASEAN member states will be more integrated regionally to become one single production base, movement of most goods will become unhampered with zero tariff, except for a few goods that are subject to some tariffs and import quotas, and various nontariff barriers. Professionals and highly-skilled individuals will also be able to move more freely. Some people fear that this will mean ... more »
A new \(750\GeV\) boson is very likely there
*Chances are high that the Standard Model will be killed in 2016* If I were just a little bit more certain than I am, I would add the picture below and the subtitle would say: *REVOLUTION IN SCIENCE* New theory of the Universe The Standard Model and Weinbergian ideas overthrown The summary of the main 2015 results of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC was entertaining. Many channels have been shown compatible with the Standard Model. Some searches for black holes, gluinos, sbottom squarks (deficit!), etc. have extended their limits by \(200\GeV\) or so – in one search fo... more »
A Christmas Question: Are the Gospels More Reliable Than Scholars Once Thought?
[image: House in Nazareth - 400] It's the Christmas season … and once again Americans face questions about the historical accuracy of the Gospels. For more than a century, skeptical scholars have claimed that much of the New Testament is legendary, invented by the early Christians... Continue reading *“A Christmas Question: Are the Gospels More Reliable Than Scholars Once Thought?”* at *foxnews.com*.
Do science findings feel more novel, robust? They are — at least, in language
Do you think the write-up of scientific results has gotten more rosy over time? If so, you’re right — the use of positive language in science abstracts has increased by 880% since 1974, according to new findings reported in the British Medical Journal. Researchers led by Christiaan H Vinkers at the University Medical Center Utrecht in The […] The post Do science findings feel more novel, robust? They are — at least, in language appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Stop the Klamath Agreements, Save our Wild Salmon
Stop the Klamath Agreements, Save our Wild Salmon Will Senator Greg Walden attempt to slam through fraudulent legislation for the smoke and mirror Klamath agreement? By Kayla Godowa Tufti Censored News December 15th 2015 (Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon) The infamous Klamath water Agreements appear to be on their final days. Rumor has it that Tuesday December 15th Senator Greg
Los Angeles Schools Closed Due to Threat, NYC Dismisses Similar Threat as Hoax
[image: LAUSD Logo on Red-01] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The nation’s second-largest school district shut down Tuesday after a school board member received an emailed threat that raised fears of another attack like the deadly shooting in nearby San Bernardino. Authorities in New York City... more »
Skeptic Warns UN Treaty ‘Plants the Seeds’ of New ‘Climate Regime’
[image: "Climate, Justice, Peace" and "Red Lines" rally actions in Paris on Dec. 12, 2015, marking the end of the United Nations climate change conference.] While many global warming skeptics are calling the newly signed United Nations climate deal a "paper tiger," at least one prominent skeptic is warning the deal could set the stage for a new "bureaucratic behemoth." "This agreement will not meaningfully... more »
Chipotle: The Long Defeat of Doing Nothing Well
[image: Chipotle 2 - 400] The title of this article, which was inspired by a line from poet John Masefield, seems apt: Chipotle, the once-popular Mexican restaurant chain, is experiencing a well-deserved downward spiral. The company found it could pass off a fast-food menu stacked... Continue reading *“Chipotle: The Long Defeat of Doing Nothing Well”* at *forbes.com*.
Lettuce is ‘Three Times Worse Than Bacon’ for Emissions and Vegetarian Diets Could Be Bad for Environment
[image: BLT vegetarian diet] Eating a healthier diet rich in fruit and vegetables could actually be more harmful to the environment than consuming some meat, a U.S. study has claimed. Lettuce is "over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon", according to... Continue reading *“Lettuce is ‘Three Times Worse Than Bacon’ for Emissions and Vegetarian Diets Could Be Bad for Environment”* at *independent.co.uk*.
The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You
*Zen Gardner* - Unawakened humanity is being tossed to and fro without a clue as to what is really going on. The post The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You appeared first on Waking Times.
Exposing Bilderberg – The Big Club That You’re Not Part Of
*Phillip Schneider* - Talk of the Bilderberg Group used to be the exclusive domain of 'conspiracy theorists.' The post Exposing Bilderberg – The Big Club That You’re Not Part Of appeared first on Waking Times.
Map Shows the Drastic Changes in U.S. Medicine Over Last 80 Years
Anna Hunt - What doctors and healers have called natural medicines through the ages are now called dietary supplements. The post Map Shows the Drastic Changes in U.S. Medicine Over Last 80 Years appeared first on Waking Times.
Atheists Claim Bible Calls for ‘Killing Nonbelievers’ — But These Pastors and Theologians Have a Tough Message for Them
[image: Bible.Shutterstock] Atheist activists have embarked on a campaign to encourage U.S. hotels to offer Bible-free accommodations, claiming that the Judeo-Christian scriptures call "for killing nonbelievers, apostates, gays, 'stubborn sons' and women who transgress biblical double standards." But are these claims accurate?... Continue reading *“Atheists Claim Bible Calls for ‘Killing Nonbelievers’ — But These Pastors and Theologians Have a Tough Message for Them”* at *theblaze.com*.
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2015Part 2—Life before Garinger High:* Where will Mya Alford, 16, end up going to college? We have no idea. At present, Alford is president of the junior class at Pittsburgh's historic Westinghouse High. (Alumni include Erroll Garner, Ahmad Jamal *and* Billy Strayhorn.) As we noted yesterday, Alford wants to become a chemical engineer. But she didn't have a real chemistry teacher during her sophomore year. And when she was a freshman, she didn't get a permanent biology teacher until midway through the year. According to the Washington Post, things are bett...more »
Saudi Arabia Forms 34 Nation Islamic Alliance To Fight Terrorism
*VOA:* *Saudi Arabia Announces 34-Nation Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism* Saudi Arabia announced Tuesday what it called a new Islamic military alliance made up of 34 countries to fight terrorism. The state-run Saudi Press Agency published a statement saying the initiative will include an operations center in Riyadh to coordinate military operations. The statement said terrorism is a "serious violation of human dignity and rights, especially the right to life and the right to security," and that "acts of corruption and terrorism cannot be justified in any way." *WNU Editor*: Th... more »
Breathtaking Change
It's hard, Lawrence Martin writes, to think of another government -- in all of Canadian history -- that has changed direction more radically than the present government. Consider what happened last week: The landing of the refugees is a hallmark story, one which will endure in our history books. The reaching out of the government and the Canadian people to the refugees on their marathon of hope was a Terry Fox-type moment. We like to think of Canada as a big-hearted country, one where openness and tolerance are ingrained in the national fabric. If those qualities were put in dou... more »
More on the St. Louis KIPP Abuse Incident
From the St. Louis American: Tammy Howard’s five-year-old son normally took the bus home from his former school, KIPP Victory Academy Elementary School, located in North St. Louis. But on November 10, Howard decided to pick her son up from the school, located at 955 Arcade Ave. On her way to his classroom, she briefly spoke to then-assistant school leader Andrew Sears in the hallway. Sears didn’t mention that her son may have been acting up that day, or that he had allegedly reprimanded her son by grabbing his face and leaving bruises and nail marks. “Nobody called me to tell me... more »
Is Castro An Ideologue?
President Barack Obama participates in an interview with Oliver Knox, Chief Washington Correspondent, Yahoo! News, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Dec. 10, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon) *Washington Examiner:* *Obama eyes Cuba visit, says Castro not 'an ideologue'* President Obama is hopefully planning a visit to Cuba and sees longtime co-dictator Raul Castro, who has taken over for ailing brother Fidel, as a pragmatist, not "an ideologue." In a newly released Yahoo interview, Obama said, "I am very much interested in going to Cuba, but I think the co... more »
Low Level War Between Islamic State And Naqshibandi Continues In Iraq
During the summer of 2014 the Baathist Naqshibandi cooperated with the Islamic State to seize Mosul and Tikrit, but that alliance quickly collapsed. The Islamic State asserted control over all of the areas captured by the insurgents and demanded that the Naqshibandi pledge allegiance or be eliminated. That led to a series of gun battles and executions with IS coming out on top. Every month there is a report of a confrontation between the two insurgent groups. On August 19 there was a firefight between the two in Hawija in southern Kirkuk. In September, IS executed34 Baathist figh... more »
Immunity, Impunity, Plutocracy
(optional soundtrack) The very rich and the very incorporated have long been able to rob, plunder and despoil with *de facto* impunity. Now, however, the billionaire Koch Brothers and their Republican puppets want to ensure that their flouting of the law will get the rubber stamp of *de jure* impunity. The Kochs and their think tank, the Heritage Foundation, are being unfairly praised for spearheading bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation. The decriminalization of low level drug use among the poor and minorities is just the fig leaf they need. Their real aim is to ensure ... more »
The Swanson Marginalia - Now on Display at the Museum of London
*I had the rare privilege to inspect this with my own eyes, at the Museum of London, yesterday - and its utter nonsense.* *It is highly faded, and does not appear to be 100 year old pencil-marks.* *"*[I will merely add that the only person who ever had a good view of the murderer *unhesitatingly identified the suspect the instant he was confronted with him; * but he refused to give evidence against him]*...because **the suspect was also a Jew** and also because **his evidence would convict the suspect**, and witness **would be the means of murderer being hanged** which he did n... more »
Are Western Leaders In Denial On What is Happening In The Middle East?
*Richard Fernandez, PJ Media*: *A Policy of Expediency* King Pyrrhus, who gave his name to the phrase for a poisoned triumph was said by Plutarch to have described his battle against the Romans in 279 BC in these terms: "that one other such victory would utterly undo him." The outward show of strength by the international community at the Paris climate summit has temporarily taken the spotlight away from the genuine political crisis facing Europe, the United States and Saudi Arabia. It's a crisis of credibility in the leadership of the political elites. The anti-migrant sentiment ... more »
If There Was No Iraq Invasion Would The Islamic State Have Risen?
From top left clockwise: Fadel al-Hiyali, Ibrahim al-Badri (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), Adnan al-Bilawi, Samir al-Khlifawi (Haji Bakr), Adnan as-Suwaydawi (Abu Ayman al-Iraqi), Hamid az-Zawi (Abu Omar al-Baghdadi), Abu Hajr as-Sufi *Kyle Orton, The Syria Intifada*: *The Islamic State Was Coming Without the Invasion of Iraq* Yesterday, Reuters had an article by Isabel Coles and Ned Parker entitled, “How Saddam’s men help Islamic State rule“. The article had a number of interesting points, but in its presentation of the movement of former (Saddam) regime elements (FREs) into the leadersh... more »
*Offended College Students Want Building Renamed* Perhaps Attorney General Loretta Lynch should come to the aid of these students. Like many of their fellow Buttercup Bolsheviks around the nation, the students at the Lebanon Valley College have been protesting “institutional injustices” on the Pennsylvania campus. They presented a list of demands to the administration, and one shows just how out of touch they are. Yes, it tops the demand of some college students for “safe spaces” against uncomfortable ideas. Students want the administration to change the name of the college’s phy... more »
Rush Limbaugh Defends Cruz Against Trump Attacks
[image: Rush Limbaugh] Ted Cruz has a new defender: conservative king of radio Rush Limbaugh. The Republican host on Monday supported the Texas senator against his presidential opponent, Republican front-runner Donald Trump. Once a strident supporter of Trump, Limbaugh dialed back his support... Continue reading *“Rush Limbaugh Defends Cruz Against Trump Attacks”* at *politico.com*.
16 Questions for Tonight’s GOP Debate
[image: GOP debate] Instead of just criticizing the presidential debate moderators after the fact, I’ve decided to suggest a few questions for them to ask on Tuesday night in Las Vegas. I don’t know if the questions will be good for ratings, but... Continue reading *“16 Questions for Tonight’s GOP Debate”* at *bloombergview.com*.
Terrorism and Jobs Outshine Climate as Top Issues — WSJ/NBC Poll
[image: climate change] A lot of people care about climate change, but not nearly as much as they do about other issues, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Just 7% of respondents said they think climate change is the top... Continue reading *“Terrorism and Jobs Outshine Climate as Top Issues — WSJ/NBC Poll”* at *blogs.wsj.com*.
Picture Of The Day
Air Force Lt. Col. Mark Sletten lowers the canopy on an F-16 Fighting Falcon before taxiing to take off from Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, Dec. 7, 2015. Sletten is an F-35 Lightning II program integration officer. U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Joseph Swafford
Singapore investigation leads to two retractions, two more on the way
Authors have retracted papers from Cell Metabolism and the Journal of Biological Chemistry after an investigation in Singapore found issues, including falsified data. The investigation is ongoing, and two additional retractions, along with two corrections, are on the horizon. The investigation looked into papers by first authors Sudarsanareddy Lokireddy, now a postdoc at Harvard, and Sandhya Sriram, a postdoc at the […] The post Singapore investigation leads to two retractions, two more on the way appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Church Leaders Push for U.S. to Name Christians as Victims of Genocide
[image: Carl Anderson Genocide] Amid growing alarm over the Islamic State's (IS) declared campaign to eradicate Christianity from territory under its control, Carl Anderson, the supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, implored the U.S. State Department to "publicly acknowledge that genocide is taking... Continue reading *“Church Leaders Push for U.S. to Name Christians as Victims of Genocide”* at *ncregister.com*.
Paid-Off Conservatives Are Already Working To Scuttle The Climate Change Agreement-- Can Bernie And Raul Stop Them?
The Paris climate talks just wrapped with a historic agreement between 195 nations. But if you thought the unanimity addressing climate change on the global stage reflects a similar consensus here at home, think again. As the *NY Times* reported yesterday, "President Obama hailed the landmark climate accord reached this weekend as 'the best chance we’ve had to save the one planet that we’ve got.' To the Republicans vying to succeed him, it was almost as if the deal never happened. In a stark display of the partisan divide in the United States over climate change, the Republican p... more »
Nurse With Tuberculosis May Have Exposed Over 1,000, Including 350 Infants
[image: Valley Med cropped__1450186098_173.71.16.53] Over 1,000 people, including 350 infants, may have been exposed to tuberculosis in the maternity wing of a hospital in California after an active case of the disease was diagnosed in a nurse, hospital officials said on Sunday. The Santa... Continue reading *“Nurse With Tuberculosis May Have Exposed Over 1,000, Including 350 Infants”* at *nytimes.com*.
Francis Issues World Day of Peace Message, Calls on Leaders to Combat “Globalization of Indifference”
[image: Pope Francis addresses the General Assembly during his visit to United Nations headquarters.] In the name of his ongoing Jubilee year of mercy, Pope Francis has strongly called upon global leaders to make what he has termed "courageous gestures of concern" for those left most in need by society — especially prisoners, migrants,... Continue reading *“Francis Issues World Day of Peace Message, Calls on Leaders to Combat “Globalization of Indifference””* at *ncronline.org*.
Chemical Agent Sarin Smuggled From Turkey To ISIS In Syria – Turkish MP
A Turkish MP has claimed that Islamic State terrorists in Syria received all the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey. The MP Eren Erdem says that the Syrian Government did not have sarin gas and insists there are grounds to believe a cover up has taken place. Erdem, from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), made the claims in parliament, citing evidence from an abruptly-closed criminal case. He argues that the West purposely blamed Syrian President Assad for the August 2013 sarin attacks, using it as part of the pretext to make US military intervention in Syri... more »
The FAA Wants Drone Operators to Pay $5 to Register Their Toys
[image: FAA drone registry] On Monday morning, the Federal Aviation Administration unveiled its not-long-in-the-works national drone registry. There are no major surprises here, except perhaps for the atypical speed with which the registry was devised and implemented. The registration requirement will go into effect... Continue reading *“The FAA Wants Drone Operators to Pay $5 to Register Their Toys”* at *slate.com*.
Why Don’t Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?
[image: Obamacare] American conservatives are rightfully annoyed with the Obama administration, and Democrats generally, for refusing to name radical Islam or Islamism as the major source of terror. When Nidal Hasan murdered 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, the administration refused to... more »
Inside the Meeting Where Conservative Leaders Pledged Allegiance to Ted Cruz
[image: Ted Cruz (1)] On the first Monday of December, inside a boardroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Tysons Corner, Va., several dozen of the nation's most prominent conservative leaders slouched in their chairs and braced themselves for a fifth round of balloting. They were physically and emotionally drained. The... Continue reading *“Inside the Meeting Where Conservative Leaders Pledged Allegiance to Ted Cruz”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Demand For Oil Rises Inexorably
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/12050437/Emergency-Opec-meeting-aired-as-Russia-braces-for-sub-30-oil.html There’s a couple of interesting stats in today’s article from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph. It is commonly asserted that the drop in oil prices in the last year has been much due to falling demand, as Chinese growth slows. As AEP points out, this is not […]
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Ranked One of Biggest ‘Pinocchios’ of 2015
[image: hands up dont shoot] Campaign trail whoppers dominate The Washington Post‘s annual list of the biggest political “Pinocchios” of 2015, published Monday. But among a collection of dubious statements that earned four “Pinocchios” from Republican poll leader Donald Trump and other candidates is the... Continue reading *“‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Ranked One of Biggest ‘Pinocchios’ of 2015”* at *politico.com*.
Cruz in the Spotlight as Republicans Take the Debate Stage Tonight
[image: Ted Cruz] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz enters Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate with a burst of momentum, a robust campaign infrastructure, and a target on his back. It’s a shift for Cruz, whose campaign got off to a low-key start.... more »
$1.1T Federal Spending Bill in Sight, But Obstacles Remain
[image: Capitol Hill Spending Bill] Bipartisan negotiators hammering out the details of a sweeping $1.1 trillion spending bill see the light at the end of the tunnel. Compromise has come slowly as the sides have haggled over partisan policy amendments as well as a separate... Continue reading *“$1.1T Federal Spending Bill in Sight, But Obstacles Remain”* at *thehill.com*.
*John Kerry gets something right* Although he probably didn’t mean to, Secretary of State John Kerry made a compelling case for why the U.S. and other countries should not go down the path of shutting down coal-fired plants, raising energy prices and stunting economic growth to combat global warming. Speaking in Paris, Kerry said: “The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what – t... more »
GMOs And "Unremitting Fraud" In India: Petition Filed For Contempt Of Court Against Members Of Genetic Appraisal Committee Over GM Mustard
Global Research, Countercurrents, CounterPunch, RINF, The Ecologist A petition has been filed by activist and campaigner Aruna Rodrigues against three persons of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC). The GEAC is India's apex regulatory body. Rodrigues is seeking the initiation of contempt proceedings for wilfully and deliberately disobeying the explicit orders of the Supreme Court (SC) 8th May 2007, 15th February 2007, 8th April 2008 and 12th August 2008 and proceeding with numerous GMO field trials of GM mustard with the aim of commercially introducing to India for th... more »
Rebekah Roth - ex-flight attendant - analyses the Betty Ong 27-minute phone call...
FAA as in Flight Attendant Analysis ... according to ex-flight attendant Rebekah Roth, Flight 11 was ON THE GROUND, IN A HANGAR when Betty Ong's 27-minute phone call was made to 'reservations' during the in-the-air hijack of her flight on the morning of September 11th 2001... *In a further interview*, she PAINTS THE BIGGER PICTURE about not-what-happened on the morning and afternoon of 9/11 but-what-happpened SINCE 9/11 to the Major War Gamers of the day... and she mentions a boardroom connection to Akamai... it's kinda (hum...) interesting.
Camelspotting - various artists - music from the Middle East
I've had this CD for like ten years or more, and it's still one of my favourites of all time. 1. Nour El Ain - Amr Diab 2. Ya Bo Ye - Ragheb Alama 3. Min Ger Loka - Mayada El Hennawy 4. Acha'Ak Azab - Walid Tawfic 5. Yalla Ya Habibi - Dania 6. Min Ghadr El Hob - George Al Rassy 7. Ma Ariflak Makan - Osama Al Attar 8. Kol De Eshaat - Samira Saeed 9. Law Koona - Nadia Moustafa 10. Aidy Bzank - Adel Kassab 11. Tohgorny - Hamid El Shari
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, by John Singer Sargent (1892)
*Lady Agnew of Lochnaw*, by John Singer Sargent (1856–1925) Oil on canvas, Size 127.00 x 101.00 cm National Gallery of Scotland [Hat tip Jasmine Kamante] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Economic News , Data & Views ( December 15 , 2015 ) ...... Europe In Focus ( Greece Political / Economic New , Refugee / Economic Migration News . Data Splash From Around EZ , ECB Related Items , Brexit / UK- EU Negotiation News , Ukraine / Russia News ) ...... Asia In Focus (mkts in liftoff-limbo as investors in uncharted waters ahead of historic Fed meeting. Additional News & Data From China , Indonesia, Japan , South Africa & Australia )
Overview......... *Jonathan Ferro* @FerroTV 3h3 hours ago Morning Note: 1. Rio says rivals hanging on by fingernails. 2. Junk bonds look like... Junk. 3. FOMC meeting begins [image: Embedded image permalink] Europe...... *Greek Reporter* @GreekReporter 26s 27 seconds ago 3,355 Refugees Arrive at Piraeus Port on Tuesday http://dlvr.it/D1F5fQ # Greece *Greek Reporter* @GreekReporter 27s 28 seconds ago Former Athens Airport to Become Migrant Hospitality Center http:// dlvr.it/D1F3Cv # *Open Europe* @OpenEurope 1m 1 minute ago Greece confirms ... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Joy of the Journey”, Playlist
Kevin Kern, “Joy of the Journey”, Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The yellowish star near center in this dusty telescopic skyview is T Tauri, prototype of the class of T Tauri variable stars. Just next door is the yellow cosmic cloud historically known as Hind's Variable Nebula (NGC 1555). Over 400 light-years away, at the edge of an otherwise invisible molecular cloud, both star and nebula are seen to vary significantly in brightness but not necessarily at the same time, adding to the mystery of the intriguing region. *Click image for larger size.* T Tauri stars are now generally recognized as young (less than a few million years old), sun-like ... more »
Christmas Coke Bottles and Chocolate Pecan Brownie Cake
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ShareHolidayJoy #CollectiveBias Santa Claus, Reindeer, Snowmen, Penguins and Coke! They all go hand in hand, at least with these cute neighbor gifts. All you need is some glass Coke bottles, some small crafting supplies and a glue gun! You can find these glass bottles of Coca-Cola at Sam's Club. They come in a large 24 pack. I like buying these because they are made with real sugar and no high fructose corn syrup and the 24 pack is perfect for crafting for neighbor gifts! You ca... more »
The Real Meaning Of The Rockefeller Center
One of the main artistic symbols of the Rockefeller Center in New York is the entrance relief of the central GE Building. (Fig. 1) It is made by the American sculptor Laurie Lee (1877-1963) in the Art Deco style and represents the figure of an old man with a long beard, called “Wisdom”, in connection with the statement underneath: “Wisdom and knowledge shell be the stability of thy times.” This expression does not sound abstract, but as if addressed to a particular individuality, namely the Old man. His body is solid and massive, with his left knee bent forward. His left finger is p... more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 15, 2015
[image: Marines in Fog-900] U.S. Marines walk in the fog at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina on Dec. 2, 2015. Thank you to these Marines and their families for stepping forward to defend our nation.
7,000 Russian Troops Deployed To Turkish Border Armed With Missiles
Russian President Vladimir Putin has deployed 7,000 Russian troops near Armenia’s border with Turkey, on the Armenian government’s request. The soldiers from the 58th Army Corps will be stationed on the Armenia-Turkey border . Worldbulletin.net reports: According to local media, the decree to send the troops to Armenia was already signed by Russian President Putin, and the deployment will start soon. The Russian troops are expected to be equipped with missiles and tanks. The Armenian government has supposedly asked Russia to deploy its troops to the Turkey border as it fears an arme... more »
ISIS Twitter Accounts Linked Back To UK Government Department
A group of Anonymous hackers have discovered that a number of ISIS supporters’ social media accounts are being run from UK government departments, in an embarrassing exposure. Hacking group VandaSec say they have discovered evidence that links three ISIS accounts to the Department of Work and Pensions’ London offices. Mirror.co.uk reports: Every computer and mobile phone logs onto the internet using an IP address, which is a type of identification number. The hacking collective showed Mirror Online details of the IP addresses used by a trio of separate digital jihadis to access Twit... more »
We Must Get To Mars Urgently Before World War III, Warns Elon Musk
SpaceX founder Elon Musk has warned that humanity may only have a short amount of time to travel to Mars before World War III breaks out. Musk says that if a global war breaks out, travelling to the red planet would become impossible. SpaceX are preparing to develop spacecraft technology which will be able to take humans to Mars in order to help ensure the longterm survival of mankind, reports GQ. Musk says that aliens on Mars may be able to help ensure humanity survives in the event of a third world war on Earth that wipes out life. Dailymail.co.uk reports: ‘You back up your hard ... more »
Scientist Who Discovered That GMO’s Cause Tumors Wins Lawsuit
A court has ruled that French Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini was correct when he concluded that GMO food, when fed to rats, caused serious health problems including tumors. March-against-monsanto.com reports: Now, Prof. Séralini is in the news again – this time for winning a major court victory in a libel trial that represents the second court victory for Séralini and his team in less than a month. On November 25, the High Court in Paris indicted Marc Fallous, the former chairman of France’s Biomolecular Engineering Commission, for “forgery” and the “use of forgery.” The details of... more »
Researchers Conclude That Antidepressants Cause Autism
Researchers in Canada have discovered that antidepressants taken during pregnancy can increase the risk of autism by a staggering 87 percent. The study published in JAMA Paediatrics looked at data from 145, 546 pregnancies, following the journey from conception up to the age of ten. The researchers found that mothers who took antidepressants during the 2nd and/or 3rd trimesters of pregnancy increased the risk of their child have autism. Researchgate.net reports: We spoke with study senior author Professor Anick Bérard, Université de Montréal and the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Cen... more »
The (Watered Down?) COP21 Agreement explained
Various people have examined the COP21 agreement including - WUWT: Paris #COP21 agreement – Watered down but still dangerous; - Jo Nova: More bureaucrats, more money, but there is an exit; - Pierre Gosselin: New “Historical Draft” Is Delusional …Will Go Down In History As Certificate Of Madness And Hysteria; - GWPF: The Non-Binding Paris Deal And Its Implications Finally the Wall Street Journal's article http://www.wsj.com/articles/paris-climate-of-conformity-1450048095 Summarised ( by Joe Bast) * nothing coming out of Paris will have any impact on the climate * wha... m
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