( Official office of Predictive Nonsense - unless it is the office responsible for such activity )

One of the blogs being followed is changing focus...for notable reasons
Had I written this column as normal this week, I probably would have included, say, this widely shared post on Before It’s News that claimed an Alaska judge called for Obama’s arrest. But Quattrociocchi has found (and this is perhaps intuitive) that the sort of readers who would unskeptically share such a far-fetched story site are exactly the readers who will not be convinced by The Washington Post’s debunking.
To me, at least, that represents a very weird moment in Internet discourse — an issue I also addressed earlier this week. At which point does society become utterly irrational? Is it the point at which we start segmenting off into alternate realities?
“What Was Fake” has had a good run, but the nature of Internet misinformation has changed
US Stops British Muslim Family From Boarding Flight
David Cameron is facing calls to challenge the US over their refusal to allow a British Muslim family to board a flight from Gatwick to Los Angeles, to visit Disneyland. The family of 11 were denied access to their plane by US Department of Homeland Security officials… without explanation. A UK politician is now calling on the British government to investigate. The Guardian reports: Stella Creasy, the Labour MP for Walthamstow, has written to the prime minister after a family party of 11, about to embark on a dream holiday for which they had saved for months, were approached by offi... more »
US Frequently Uses Threat Of Nuclear War Warns Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg (Daesh: The Enemy the U.S. Created, Armed and Funded) Israel Is a Main Buyer of Stolen Oil (So, Who's Been Running the Game?)
Are US Academics Who Cite "WikiLeaks" Blackballed? Hersh's Latest Bombshell: U.S. Military Undermined Obama on Syria with Tacit Help to Assad "It is very difficult for the prosperous to be humble.” — Emma (1815) "I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.” — Personal correspondence of Jane Austen "Vanity working on a weak head,
How To Rebuild America's MIlitary
Global powers don't pivot. Learn more about the @AEI defense team's 3-theater strategy https://t.co/KL2sSVmJng pic.twitter.com/ii92S52rDw — AEI Foreign Policy (@AEIfdp) December 22, 2015
Global Warming linked to bird species changes in Taiwan
From: *Species turnover in tropical montane forest avifauna links to climatic correlates* Chi-Feng Tsaia, Ya-Fu Leea, Yun-Hsiu Chenb, Wei-Ming Chena, Yen-Min Kuoa, Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 3, January 2015, Pages 541–552 We evidenced a 37.9% of richness attrition and a discrepancy of compositions by 30.2% from historical records dated roughly a quarter century ago, and an increased homogeneity in the mid-elevation LEF forest avifauna. These translated to a species turnover rate of 2.2% per year. In addition, greater change appeared to occur to resident species of lower... more »
Ukrainian Woman Pleads For Help From Outside World
An injured Ukrainian woman from the east of the country pleads with the world for help after witnessing her family get torn apart by shelling from government controlled western Ukraine during last summer. She is a Ukrainian living in her own country and does not understand why President Poroshenko is killing his own people, just because they want autonomy from the Neo-Con led, Neo-Nazi influenced western Ukraine. Russia Insider reports: If This Video Doesn’t End the War in Ukraine, Nothing Will The war in East Ukraine is routinely presented in western mainstream media as a humanitar... more »
I'm all but lost for words
'Asylum seekers and refugees applying to be minicab drivers are exempt from criminal records checks, potentially allowing murderers and rapists to get behind the wheel. Rules laid down by Transport for London (TfL) mean refugees and those applying for asylum do not have to reveal whether they have a criminal history when trying to become a cab driver. The legal loophole in an official application document on 'private hire driver licensing' says people coming to Britain will not be required to have their criminal convictions checked. Asylum seekers and refugees applying to be mini... more »
Business 360-31, Energy independence in Asia
* This is my article in Business 360 magazine in Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2015 issue. ---------- *Energy Independence in Asia* Energy independence is a virtue that a country must pursue. And this independence can mean two things. One, independence from only one major energy source because if that resource would experience a major price hike or supply disruption, the economy can be endangered. And two, independence from only one major country supplier because if there is any political or economic tension and instability in that country, energy supply to the home country can also ... more »
Shooting the message vs. shooting the messenger
In my various online exchanges and debates, I always try to be careful to criticize an idea, a comment, a philosophy -- not the commentator, not the person espousing the idea or philosophy. Meaning I try to shoot the message, but not the messenger. There are two reasons for this. One is that it is not good to engage in ad hominems, personal attacks, and other low-life engagement. And second, a person can change his/her position and advocacy after sometime while an idea or philosophy can last for decades or centuries. I myself was guilty of doing some personal attacks in my online de... more »
Brunei's Sultan Warns Those Celebrating Christmas Could Face Up To Five Years In Jail
*The Independent:* *Brunei cancels Christmas: Sultan warns those celebrating could face up to five years in jail* The punishment for celebrating Christmas is a fine of $20,000, up to five years in prison or both Anyone found illegally celebrating Christmas in Brunei could face up to five years in prison, according to a reported declaration by the Sultan of the tiny oil-rich state. Brunei introduced its ban on Christmas last year over fears that celebrating it "excessively and openly" could lead its Muslim population astray. *WNU Editor*: The "real war against Christmas" continues.
Guns Are At The Top Of Many Christmas Lists
*Today:* *Guns topping Christmas lists thanks to terrorism concerns, fear over restrictions* The convergence of fears over terrorism, a perceived threat of gun laws being changed and the Christmas holiday have sent gun sales soaring in what is already the busiest month of the year for firearm purchases. Guns are at the top of many Christmas lists, especially if November is any indication. Last month, the FBI ran more than 2.2 million firearm background checks on potential buyers, a 24 percent increase from November 2014. On Black Friday, a record 185,345 background checks were pr... more »
Brit Who Hacked NASA ‘Found Evidence Of Warships In Space’
We have seen this story before and the document may be a fabrication meant to thwart hackers. However the only thing between us and space is gravity control. That work clearly started back in the fifties as a black project with apparent help from an alien adviser. We now have several witnesses to all that. We have already confirmed that gravity can be modified.. However the technology of space craft was surely constrained by the level of mankind's computer technology. That was confirmed through the presentation of so called crop circle images demanding and showing comput... more »
Spiritual Revelation and Truth
I am tackling today a rather difficult topic. With the exception of Buddhism and that claim is suspect, all spiritual practice has been inspired by some form or other of what is referred to as divine revelation. The first central claim made is that the divine revelation is Truth and must be accepted without debate. That has been modified of course but it remains the central issue in our confrontation with Islam. In fact, it turns out that our subconscious feeds us divine revelation on a regular basis whenever we are stuck. It is typically best consumed in a timely manner an... more »
Strengthening Family Bonds with Ecstasy
*[image: Roc Morin]* .This is a remarkable insightful item. This work is the true future of psychological therapy. Bits and pieces are coming together and the real issue is that far too much research has been recreational without a plan or direction or even a goal. The whole battery of psychoactive drugs need to be put into the clinical setting and we need to learn how to exploit them. And some of them are dangerous but that is why we want a controlled setting. We also now need a goals oriented psychotherapy. These witness met their objectives and it was good. That is what ... more »
Desert Greenhouse Could Help Grow Crops in Driest Places on Earth
This seems a touch too complicated but then they are addressing the right problem and having a greenhouse building system that relies on humidity is useful anyway. As i have posted many times, it is a simple matter of collecting humidity near the seashore and using it to support a tree. TYhe tree put the moisture back into the atmosphere. This allows us to build a forest all the way back into the desert bringing the trees with us. It needs to be done, but needs to be done as a national initiative wherever it is started. The growers will follow happily behind. *Desert greenh... more »
Playing Chicken With A TOW Missile Coming Right At You (Video)
*Daily Mail:* *Playing chicken with a missile: The astonishing moment Syrian driver dodges incoming rebel missile that was locked on his pick-up truck by waiting until the last second before hitting the accelerator* * Driver moves out of the way in death-defying manoeuvre * TOW missile locked on to white-pick up truck in what appears to be Syria * If vehicle moved too soon the missile would have changed direction * Drive appears to be Hezbollah fighter due to yellow flag nearby This is the moment a driver dodged an incoming missile heading straight for his pick-up truck by waiting u... more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 23, 2015
[image: Osprey-900] A U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey prepares to take off at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia on Dec. 13, 2015. What a beautiful photo. Stay safe, heroes!
Inspector-in-Chief Barack Clouseau
[image: President Barack Obama speaks to members of the media after signing H.R. 1314, the "Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015," Monday, Nov. 2, 2015, in the Oval Office in the White House in Washington, before traveling Andrews Air Force Base, Md., on his way to Newark, N.J. Obama will spend the day highlighting the re-entry process of formerly incarcerated individuals back into society.] President Obama’s reckless neglect of America’s national security is a rapidly growing malignancy on this nation, and there are no signs it will get better. Some might attribute his arrogantly inaccurat... more »
Canada Facing A Deep Recession As Its Oil Industry Collapses
*Zero Hedge*: *"Canadians Should Be Concerned" As Energy Sector Job Losses Spike To 100,000 This Year* It's grim up north... and getting grimmer. Amid soaring suicide rates, Canada's once-booming oil patch is rapidly accelerating its downward trajectory. "Canadians should be concerned in times like these," warned Tim McMillan, president and chief executive of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, noting that the oil and gas sector will see 100,000 job losses by the end of this year. Even if oil prices rise early and fast next year, Financial Post reports, it may take a ... more »
Study: Some Cardiac Arrest Victims Ignore Warning Symptoms
[image: CPR training] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sudden cardiac arrest may not always be so sudden: New research suggests a lot of people may ignore potentially life-saving warning signs hours, days, even a few weeks before they collapse. Cardiac arrest claims about 350,000 U.S.... more »
Western Propaganda an Encouraging Sign for Russia in Syria
*December 23, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - As joint Russian-Syrian military operations against NATO-backed terrorists in Syria approach their logical conclusion - the cutting off of NATO supply lines along Syria's borders and the encirclement and destruction of terrorist forces within the nation's interior - the West has gone through several phases in an attempt to salvage what is left of their four, now nearly five year immensely destructive proxy war against the Syrian people. Ironically, after attempting to lay waste to an entire nation by arming, funding, training, and suppor... more »
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