9:25pm MST
The Best & Worst Gifts (And Gift-Givers) Of Christmas
*Zero Hedge*: *Pets Suck But Jewelry Rocks - The Best & Worst Gifts (And Gift-Givers) Of Christmas* "Anyone who has studied microeconomics knows... that an income transfer, as opposed to a gift in-kind, gets you to a higher level of utility," but as WSJ reports, putting theory under the tree is another matter. After years of studying the economics of gift-giving, economists have found that some gifts are valued more highly than others, and that some gift-givers seem to be better than others... *WNU Editor*: The "Hot" item for this Christmas was to get a gun .... *Guns top Christm... more »
UK Report: Muslim Brotherhood Members Must Be Considered Potential Extremists
*The Independent*: *David Cameron: Muslim Brotherhood members must be considered potential extremists but group should not be banned* Prime Minister finally publishes conclusions from long-awaited report into Muslim Brotherhood David Cameron has said members of Muslim Brotherhood should be considered as potential extremists but stopped short of banning the group as he set out the conclusions of the long-awaited government report on the organisation. The group, which played a central role in Egypt’s 2011 revolution, is considered a terrorist organisation by a number of countries... more »
Polls and other comments
@FormosaNation tweeted some TVBS polls showing Tsai with a strong lead over Chu and most importantly, with leads among independent voters (center image) and in the north (second from bottom), the traditional geographic stronghold of the KMT. Chu's poll numbers are not significantly better than former reactionary KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu. Things are so bad that shockingly even Kinmen, long a KMT fief, is in play this election. Solidarity has a great piece on the China Policy Institute blog that discusses the legislative election. Speaking of Hung, I've been chatting with my stude... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Hallelujah”
Leonard Cohen, “Hallelujah” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIuCwnnDq8k "Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord. But you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this The fourth, the fifth The minor fall, the major lift, The baffled king composing Hallelujah... Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you. She tied you to a kitchen chair She broke your throne, and she cut your hair. And from your lips she drew the H... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"This helmet-shaped cosmic cloud with wing-like appendages is popularly called Thor's Helmet. Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor's Helmet is about 30 light-years across. In fact, the helmet is actually more like an interstellar bubble, blown as a fast wind from the bright, massive star near the bubble's center sweeps through a surrounding molecular cloud. Click image for larger size. Known as a Wolf-Rayet star, the central star is an extremely hot giant thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova stage of evolution. Cataloged as NGC 2359, the nebula is located about 15,000 light... more »
Chet Raymo, "Shaving Close"
*"Shaving Close"* by Chet Raymo "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life," wrote Thoreau famously in Walden. The trick, of course, is knowing what is essential. What was essential for Thoreau - the pond, the bean patch, the sounds of night - might not be essential for, say, the ballerina, or the contemplative monk, or the doctor in Darfur. It is what Thoreau said next that unites them all: "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not li... more »
“Loving Each Other”
*“Loving Each Other”* by Leo Buscaglia “Emotional detachment, maintaining our distance from others, is being prescribed as a solution for avoiding pain. Neglect and abuse of children and the aged is a growing problem. Social and religious institutions, which in the past helped to set standards of behavior and brought people together in companionship, are actively downgraded. Individualism, independence, and personal freedom are valued above love, commitment, and cooperation. Examining the complex nature involved in loving each other (the dynamic and everchanging nature of two or mo... more »
"The True Dream..."
“Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that reality is better. We convince ourselves it’s better that we never dream at all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of us, holds on to the dream or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We wake to find ourselves, against all odds, feeling hopeful. And, if we’re lucky, we realize in the face of everything, in the face of life the true dream is being able to dream at all.” - Dr. Meredith Grey, "Grey's Anatomy"
Free Download: Hermann Hesse, "Siddhartha"
"Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse "Siddhartha" is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of a boy known as Siddhartha from the Indian Subcontinent during the time of the Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple yet powerful and lyrical style. It was first published in 1922, after Hesse had spent some time in India in the 1910s. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated "Siddhartha" to Romain Rolland, "my dear friend". The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit ... more »
"Promise Me..."
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” - Christopher Robin to
The Daily "Near You?"
Van Buren, Arkansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
The Poet: Carl Sandburg, "What Shall He Tell That Son?"
*"What Shall He Tell That Son?"* "A father sees a son nearing manhood. What shall he tell that son? 'Life is hard; be steel; be a rock.' And this might stand him for the storms and serve him for humdrum and monotony and guide him amid sudden betrayals and tighten him for slack moments. 'Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy.' And this too might serve him. Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. The growth of a frail flower in a path up has sometimes shattered and split a rock. A tough will counts. So does desire. So does a rich soft wanting. Without rich wanting nothing arrives. ... more »
Poor Jeb... $38 Million In Mediocre TV Ads And He Now Has Less Support Than Christie And Rand Paul!
Blue America stopped making TV ads a couple of cycles ago when we found that they're a tremendous waste of money and don't move the needle much-- if the deceitful networks even run them in their entirety (which they rarely do.) TV ads are a tremendous rip off but the political operative class makes all their money from them-- especially corrupt operations like EMILY's List and the DCCC, which force (literally *force*) their candidates to sit on the phone begging for money all day and then turn it over to DCCC and EMILY's List-related consultants and companies which take gigantic r... more »
Luke’s Story of Jesus’ Birth: A Story Subverting Kings
[image: Francis kissing image of Jesus] Luke’s Christmas story provides the interpretive key for reading the entire Gospel narrative. The life and ministry of Jesus unfold as a tale of rival kings and rival visions of the good life. From the beginning of his public work,... Continue reading *“Luke’s Story of Jesus’ Birth: A Story Subverting Kings”* at *latimes.com*.
Child Vaccine Mandate, Minimum Wage Hikes and More Taking Effect in New Year
[image: 2016 new laws pic] New sex ed and child vaccine mandates, higher minimum wages and relaxed pot penalties are among the new state and local laws sweeping into effect next week when the new year arrives. . . . The most immediate and noticeable... Continue reading *“Child Vaccine Mandate, Minimum Wage Hikes and More Taking Effect in New Year”* at *foxnews.com*.
Justice Department Postpones Asset Forfeiture Program Payments
[image: gun money mob mafia] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department said this week it is putting off payments “for the time being” to local law enforcement agencies that participate in the federal asset forfeiture program. The move comes after Congress recently took $1.2 billion... more »
How ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’ Was Made
[image: Kermit as Bob Crachit] Then we stopped and reconsidered. Nobody had ever captured Dickens's prose - the wonderful way he described the scenes. So we had to put Charles Dickens in the movie. Who's the least likely character to be Charles Dickens? Gonzo! So... Continue reading *“How ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’ Was Made”* at *theguardian.com*.
Daesh Fighters Turn In Heavy Weapons Near Palestinian Camp
Daesh and al-Nusra fighters have started surrendering their heavy weapons in the southern Damascus district of Yarmouk. According to a military source, UN representatives and Syrian army engineers have begun accepting heavy weapons from Islamic militants at the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee Camp on Thursday. Sputnik reports: “The militants who have given up their weapons will be taken toward Beer al-Qasab, an eastern suburb of Damascus, with their families,” the military source told RIA Novosti. A total of over 3,500 fighters and their family members have so far agreed to leave the su... more »
US Shopping Mall Gunman Identified As Rapper ‘Donkey Cartel’
The gunman who was killed by an off duty police officer after opening fire at a US shopping mall on Christmas Eve, has been identified. He was convicted criminal and rapper, Daquan Antonio Westbrook, aka ‘Donkey Cartel.’ The Daily Mail reports: Westbrook, 18, reportedly got into an argument with a group of men at a Journey’s store inside the Northlake Mall in Charlotte, and stormed after them while pulling out a gun from inside his pants – a moment one shopper managed to get a photo of in the middle of the terrifying incident. Once he left the store at least one off-duty officer, Th... more »
Should Israel Go To War Against Lebanon If Hezbollah Attacks?
Former national security adviser Maj. Gen. (ret.) Giora Eiland. (Flash90) *Times of Israel:* *If Hezbollah attacks, go to war with Lebanon, ex-national security adviser urges* ‘In addition to Hezbollah targets, we should also attack Lebanon’s army, airports, seaports and other strategic assets,’ argues former IDF operations chief Giora Eiland If Hezbollah attacks Israel in retaliation for the alleged Israeli assassination of terror chief Samir Kuntar, Israel should direct its own response not at Hezbollah alone, but at the state of Lebanon in which it operates, former National Sec... more »
Merry Xmas From Our House to Yours
This is our Charlie Brown Xmas tree, with all the presents beneath it. Although I'm extremely critical of Amazon, I have to admit their Gift Wish List is a godsend. This is Popeye in his usual homicidal frenzy, for which he didn't need cat nip this year. He'd been in my grill since yesterday when I was wrapping presents. If you don't think dogs and cats have the minds of three year-olds, try wrapping presents around this one some Xmas. One of the few times Popeye was able to contain himself and sit still for a picture today. He is more into Xmas than any cat I've eve... more »
FFWN: “Boozing, pot-smoking Islamic fundamentalists wreak havoc”
Article: “Boozing, pot-smoking Islamic fundamentalists wreak havoc” TODAY’S NEWS STORIES AND THEIR SOURCE LINKS *PSAs* 1) Introducing Tony Hall: Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati: Canada is a Quiet Dictatorship, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcSCLYBQqRw 2) ANOTHER French False Flag nearing publication http://anotherfrenchfalseflag.blogpsot.com *Paris & San Bernadino False Flags* 3) Police stopped Europe’s most wanted terrorist THREE times in the hours immediately after the Paris attacks but he was released every time according to his getaway driver http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar... more »
Ousted Russian Orthodox Church Cleric Assails Russian Elites
[image: OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA] MOSCOW (AP) -- A conservative priest who lost his high-level job at the Russian Orthodox Church assailed Russia’s “immoral elites” Friday and predicted a national catastrophe if the country fails to allow free public discussion. Father Vsevolod Chaplin, who headed... more »
6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Northern Afghanistan and Pakistan
[image: 6.2-magnitude earthquake] KABUL -- A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit northern Afghanistan and Pakistan late on Friday, two months after more than 300 people were killed by a quake in the same mountainous region. Strong shocks were felt in the Afghan capital Kabul at... Continue reading *“6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Northern Afghanistan and Pakistan”* at *nbcnews.com*.
Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan
[image: Pakistan on map] According to many human rights activists, this list is far from complete: “the State Department has seemed unwilling to recognize the grave unspeakable abuses of religious freedom in a number of Muslim-dominated countries that the USCIRF [U.S. Commission on International... Continue reading *“Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan”* at *gatestoneinstitute.org*.
ISS Astronaut Dials Wrong Phone Number From Space
Dialing the wrong phone number is not just an earthly occurrence. A British astronaut confined to the boundaries of outer space managed it on Christmas. Canoe News reports: British astronaut Tim Peake tweeted an apology on Christmas Day from the International Space Station after calling a wrong number. He wrote “I’d like to apologize to the lady I just called by mistake saying ‘Hello, is this planet Earth?’ — not a prank call — just a wrong number!” I’d like to apologise to the lady I just called by mistake saying ‘Hello, is this planet Earth?’ – not a prank call…just a wrong number... more »
Israeli Defense Official: Hezbollah Has 100,000 Rockets And Is Developing A Naval Warfare Capacity
Smuggled Iranian missiles (illustration)Yehuda Ben Itach/Flash 90 *Algemeiner:* *Hezbollah Developing Naval Warfare Capacity, Arsenal Has 100,000 Rockets, Says Senior Israeli Defense Official* Hezbollah has more than 100,000 rockets in its arsenal, Israeli Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad told Israeli news website nrg in an exclusive interview on Friday. Gilad, who is director of the Political-Military Affairs Bureau at the Israeli Defense Ministry, also told nrg that the Lebanese-based terrorist group and archenemy of Israel’s has been building up its capacities for naval warfare, inc... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Santa Shot Down After Violating Turkish Airspace
*Hat Tip*: Theospark
*Opec faces a mortal threat from electric cars (!)* *I don't believe it but the Business Editor of the Telegraph has drawn together below a great range of optimistic prophecies which claim that electric cars will become the normal car in the near future. But prophecies are a dime a dozen in economics and are mostly wrong. The key of course is a big leap in battery capacity but that is only a promise so far.The author below could easily have quoted problems which puncture his balloon but he prefers to talk only of do-gooder prophecies. Just off the top of my head:T... more »
Imprisoned Washington Post Journalist Celebrates Part of Christmas with Family
[image: Washington Post journalist] (CNN) -- Imprisoned Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian got a surprise Christmas gift Friday while being held in an Iranian prison. The Washington Post journalist, who has been held captive for more than 500 days by the Iranian government, was able to... Continue reading *“Imprisoned Washington Post Journalist Celebrates Part of Christmas with Family”* at *cnn.com*.
Islamic State Releases New Video Showing Extreme Acts Of Violence In Afghansitan
VOA Screengrab *VOA:* *IS Video Shows Group's Extreme Violent Acts in Afghanistan* ISLAMABAD - Loyalists of Islamic State (IS) in Afghanistan released a new video Friday showing a massive suicide car bombing of an Afghan security outpost and several other violent acts elsewhere, including some carried out in neighboring Pakistan. The purported IS video released to reporters, titled “Khurasan, The Graveyard of Murtadeen (apostates),” shows footage of militants ambushing a convoy of Pakistani security forces traveling through a mountainous terrain, firefights with security forces el... more »
"The Last Good Time..."
"It doesn't have to be the last good time. But sooner or later the last good time would come around. It does for all of us." - Stephen King *Remember now... remember.* 2002, “Remember Now”
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 25, 2015
*Inside Story/Al Jazeera*: *The fight for Ramadi: A turning point against ISIL?* Iraqi forces continue their offensive to take back key city in Anbar Province. For months, the Iraqi government has promised a major offensive to retake cities held by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group. And in the last week it has begun to deliver on that pledge by moving to win back the city of Ramadi. As the capital of Iraq's Anbar province, Ramadi lies in the heartland of the country's Sunni population. It is less than 100km west of Baghdad. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Edito... more »
Rafael “Ted” Cruz In his Own Words: It’s Republican World! 2015 In Review-- Chapter Eight
*- by Noah* With so much media attention being focused on the grotesque megalomania and downright dementia of current Republican poll leader Herr Donald Trumpf, Rafael “Ted” Cruz of Texas by way of Canada has somewhat flown under the radar. But, that is changing. With “Ted” rapidly ascending the polls in the party’s contest of nutcases running for their presidential nomination, it’s time to take a close look at Cruz. Harvard educated “Ted” Cruz is not stupid. Do not make that mistake. He has argued cases in front of the Supreme Court. He also has put together a very good ground ... more »
World News Briefs -- December 25, 2015
*Daily Mail:* *Pope Francis calls for the world to unite against 'brutal acts of terrorism' in Christmas message which offered thanks to those countries who have come to the aid of migrants* * Francis, 73, spoke to thousands inside the grand St Peter's Basilica during his only public mass over Christmas * Argentina born Pontiff urged Christians to abandon their superficial desires and embrace the 'essential ways of life' * Children from countries that Francis has visited as pontiff were invited to watch him speak at 16th Century church * As the bells of the basilica rang out, Franci... more »
“The Sun Is Always Shining: Remember the Sun”
*“The Sun Is Always Shining: Remember the Sun”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “If darkness has fallen, we know that the sun is still shining at this very moment somewhere not too far away. There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. Although it is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm, glowing rays brighten even our thoughts, and it’s good to remember that despite appearances the sun is shining right now. We may not be able to see it at this very moment, but if clouds block our view, they are only filtering the... more »
"Just Think..."
“Remember when your curiosity inspired your investigative mind to explore and learn? You weren't bogged down with resentment, cynicism, and emotional baggage. Just think about how great it would be to return to that mindset of unencumbered learning and adventurous living. You are just one choice away from that life. Choose to let go of the infertile past... go live your adventure!” - Steve Maraboli
There’s No Entry Fee: Pope Francis on Christmas
[image: Pope Francis child sex abuse] The feast of Christmas is a resounding reminder of the history and revelation of God who came to tell us that he is here, as it says so beautifully in the book of Revelation: He “stand[s] at the door and... more »
The GMO Issue: False Claims, Pseudo Analysis And A Politically Motivated Agenda
Global Research, RINF, CounterPunch, Countercurrents Request for support - click here Critics of GM promote pseudo-science, make false claims based on ignorance and are driven by politically motivated ideology. The actions of these affluent elitists effectively deny food to the hungry. They are therefore committing crimes against humanity. If you follow the GM issue, no doubt you’ve heard this kind of simplistic, tired and predictable diatribe before. A good deal of the debate surrounding GMOs involves attacking critics of the technology who voice genuine concerns and put forward v... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 25, 2015
*CNN*:* Russia, Taliban share intelligence in fight against ISIS* Washington (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin is turning to an old enemy -- the Taliban -- to share intelligence as the number of ISIS fighters grow in regional neighbor Afghanistan. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the contact between Moscow and the Afghan Taliban only involves intelligence-sharing and information exchange regarding the fight against ISIS. Why would Putin put himself in a risky spot by working with the Taliban? He's aligning himself with the enemy of his enemy. A U.S. c... more »
Brutal Ugliness of Militarism
Here are some words from another member of the Veterans For Peace delegation that went to Jeju Island. Russell did not travel with us to Okinawa but stayed in Gangjeong village for five more days after our group left. Russell is an Associate member of VFP. (Pictured above are some of the UNESCO-recognized soft coral forests just off the coast of Gangjeong village. As the sea-bed is dredged to allow US warships to port there the sediment is killing the coral. Who is willing to speak out to defend the coral? Russell Wray did.) *Our visit to Gangjeong village made very real for... more »
The Battle For The Afghan Town Of Sangin Is Intensifying
*Al Jazeera*: *Afghan and Taliban forces trade blows in Sangin battle* *At least 20 civilians killed in past 24 hours, officials say, as Afghan special forces re-take police headquarters.* Afghan special forces troops are locked in an intense battle with Taliban fighters in Afghanistan's strategic Sangin district, after re-taking some government buildings from the armed group, officials said. At least 20 civilians have been killed during the past 24 hours of fighting, local council officials told Al Jazeera on Friday morning. The fight for control of the town in southern Afghanist... more »
The Grasshopper Shall Be a Burden
*"...And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, who come of the giants. And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”* *Numbers 13:33* *“Am I the only one who knows? I'll bet I am; nobody else really understands Grasshopper but me - they just imagine they do.”* *― Philip K. Dick, * *The Man in the High Castle* *"They..!! THEY!!* *I remember... It started.... With THEM!! But I couldn't see anything but them... Like you took out of that hole... With the eyes, and the horns - creatures!! But they were alive - hopping, and running! Hundreds o... more »
December 24th 1979
Soviet troops, in Afghanistan by invitation, were not engaged in any military action, insisted the deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and president of the Tadzhik Republic. They were assisting the Afghan Army in forming its units and helping to deal with "*bandits*" entering Afghan territory. Radio Kabul was officially telling it, meanwhile, *"subversive and foreign elements and spies working under the command of their foreign masters" were killing, burning, blowing up, and terrorizing peaceful Afghans.* *Christian Science Monitor* " Before Ponomarev made an unof... more »
White House Continues To Resist Changes To Its Rules Of Engagement Against The Islamic State
A pair of U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles fly over northern Iraq after conducting airstrikes in Syria, in this U.S. Air Force handout photo taken early in the morning of September 23, 2014. (Reuters/U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Matthew) Washington Post:* As bombing in *Syria intensifies, a debate about the rules of engagement President Obama’s order to intensify air attacks in Syria has led to new internal debate over whether to loosen tight restrictions on strikes against Islamic State targets that risk civilian casualties, according to senior administration officials. But so... more »
Russia Intensifies Its Bombing Campaign Against The Islamic State's Oil Facilities And Transport Trucks
*RT*: *Russian intel spots 12,000 oil tankers & trucks on Turkey-Iraq border - General Staff* Russian intelligence has spotted up to 12,000 tankers and trucks on the Turkish-Iraqi border, the General Staff of Russia’s armed forces has reported. “The [aerial] imagery was made in the vicinity of Zakho (a city in Iraqi Kurdistan), there were 11,775 tankers and trucks on both sides of the Turkish-Iraqi border,” Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy told journalists on Friday. *WNU Editor:* 12,000 oil tankers on the Turkish-Iraqi border?!?!?!?! I do not know if that number is correct, bu... more »
Report: Islamic State Sanctioned Organ Harvesting Document Taken in US Raid
[image: organ harvesting] Islamic State has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group's Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the violent extremist group may be trafficking in body parts. The ruling, contained in a January 31, 2015... Continue reading *“Report: Islamic State Sanctioned Organ Harvesting Document Taken in US Raid”* at *reuters.com*.
T. S. Eliot’s The Journey of the Magi
[image: magi] It starts out in the cold, at the “worst time of year,” and ends with a stab into the heart of life lived “at ease here, in the old dispensation.” Nevertheless -- or perhaps precisely because of that cold beginning and... more »
2016 Dems Turn on Obama Admin over Reported Deportation Raid Plans
[image: 694940094001_4674700656001_122415-sr-rosen-1280] The Obama administration already is facing a backlash from the Democratic presidential candidates over reported plans to launch deportation raids as early as next month. The Washington Post first reported that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing to launch... Continue reading *“2016 Dems Turn on Obama Admin over Reported Deportation Raid Plans”* at *foxnews.com*.
Pro-Assad Forces Declare Victory as Islamists Surrender Position in Damascus
[image: Damascus] Two thousand Syrian Islamist fighters are expected to be evacuated soon from besieged, rebel-held areas of southern Damascus in a deal brokered by the United Nations, a Hezbollah TV station said on Friday. The deal marks a success for the... Continue reading *“Pro-Assad Forces Declare Victory as Islamists Surrender Position in Damascus”* at *jpost.com*.
Suspected Arson at Bill Clinton’s Birthplace
[image: Bill Clinton's birthplace] Arson is suspected in a blaze that heavily damaged the birthplace of Bill Clinton early Christmas morning, reports CBS Shreveport, Louisiana affiliate KSLA-TV. Continue reading *“Suspected Arson at Bill Clinton’s Birthplace”* at *cbsnews.com*.
Syria War News Updates -- December 25, 2015
*Daily Mail:* *Hundreds of wounded ISIS fighters and their families are allowed to leave rebel-held areas of Damascus for treatment after negotiating deal with Assad’s government* * ISIS fighters and families given safe passage from areas near Damascus * The groups, including injured fighters, are currently in rebel-held areas * The aim is believed to be to end ISIS's presence near the Syrian capital Hundreds of families of ISIS fighters, as well as some injured jihadis are expected to leave rebel-held areas in Damascus, Syria under a UN-brokered deal, a monitoring group said on Thu... more »
Has Ted Cruz Already Joined Speaker Ryan's War Against Evangelical Christians?
Early Wednesday Sarah Palin tweeted a Neil Munro post at Breitbart about the Republicans (Paul Ryan) giving away the store in the Omnibus. Paul Ryan has been trying to cover his ass for compromising and not shutting down the government in his first month as Speaker, primarily by serially tweeting about how the repeal of the Oil Export ban is "like having 100 Keystone pipelines" and how there will be no "new funding" for Obamacare. What a message! And still not good enough for the right-wing extremists who feel they didn't just lose their country but have now lost their party. In f... more »
Iraq Prime Minister: After The Recapture Of Ramadi The Iraqi Army Will Retake Mosul
*Reuters:* *Iraqi forces to retake Mosul from Islamic State after Ramadi secured: PM* BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's armed forces will move to retake the major northern city of Mosul from Islamic State once they capture the western city of Ramadi, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Friday. Capturing Mosul would deprive the militant group of its biggest population center in both Iraq and Syria, effectively abolishing the state structure of IS in Iraq, depriving it of a major source of funding and dealing a blow to its influence. The capture of Ramadi would give the army a major psy... more »
The Battle For The Iraqi City Of Ramadi Continues - News Updates December 25, 2015
*Reuters*: *Iraqi forces consolidate position in Ramadi ahead of final push against Islamic State* Iraqi troops who have fought their way deep into the Islamic State stronghold of Ramadi were consolidating their positions on Friday ahead of a planned final assault to capture the city.Soldiers were clearing bombs from roads and homes in districts of Ramadi they had already taken since launching their assault on the city on Tuesday, state TV said. Successfully recapturing Ramadi, a provincial capital in the fertile Euphrates River valley just two hours drive from Baghdad, would be o... more »
Yemen Is The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis
This is the main road in the city of Sadaa. Saudi-led airstrikes have destroyed every building on the southern part of the road. Many of those buildings were once shops. Rawan Shaif/GlobalPost *Sharif Abdel Kouddous, Global Post:* *Yemen is now the world’s worst humanitarian crisis* HUDEIDAH, Yemen — The second floor of the dialysis clinic here looks more like a refugee camp than a kidney treatment center. A few dozen patients have been living here for days, sleeping on either plastic chairs or the grime-covered floor. They are waiting for treatment but the clinic's machines are n... more »
The Scandal of Cadbury's Heroes
Ravi has captured the imagination of all progressive humanity a huge service with his Fair Celebrations campaign, an exposure of the shifty practices of the Mars Corporation. Well, below is irrefutable proof of *shared shiftiness* across corporate lines. Cadbury, the diminishing subsidiary of Kraft Foods, are also at it. Terrible. As it happens, I'm a fan of Eclairs and glad to see the Caramels diminish in number. But c'mon, 16 Dairy Milks versus *three* Twirls. Words do not exist. It's time this nonsense ended. I urge all readers to repeat this exercise with whatever tinned cho... more »
Watch US Troops Sing ’12 Days of Christmas’
[image: 12 Days of Christmas] Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his wife Stephanie are celebrating the holidays by singing "The 12 Days of Christmas" with service members stationed abroad. Continue reading *“Watch US Troops Sing ’12 Days of Christmas’”* at *thehill.com*.
Turkey: A Criminal State, a NATO State
*December 25, 2015* (Eric Draitser - NEO) - It is now openly discussed even in mainstream media the fact that Turkey has been intimately involved in fomenting and supporting the war on Syria, with its ultimate goal of the overthrow of the Syrian government and its replacement by a compliant proxy aligned with Turkish President Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood. That this is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’ but a conspiracy fact not only vindicates my analysis over the last four years, but it also brings to the fore the nefarious role of a NATO member in stoking a brutal and bloody wa... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- December 25, 2015
*Time*: *Yemen Is at Risk of ‘Balkanization,’ Warns the U.N.’s Human-Rights Chief* *Fighting in the last nine months has killed more than 2,700 civilians* The state of Yemen faces permanent fragmentation if the conflict is not ended soon, U.N. human-rights chief Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein warned the Security Council on Tuesday, just two days after U.N.-sponsored peace talks between warring parties broke down over cease-fire violations. Failure to secure peace “would inevitably push the country into an irreversible process of Balkanization, the consequences of which would lie ou... more »
Indian Prime Minister Makes Surprise Visit To Pakistan
*CNN*:* Indian Prime Minister makes surprise visit to meet with Pakistani counterpart* (CNN)Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Pakistan for a surprise visit Friday -- a significant sign the icy relationship between the two neighbors is thawing. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif greeted him at an airport in Lahore during his short layover in the city while en route to New Delhi from Afghanistan. Sharif was accompanied by his brother Shahbaz, Punjab province's chief minister. Modi visited the official residence of the Sharif family in the Punjab town of Raiwind for... more »
Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal Is Becoming One Of The Biggest International Security Challenges For 2016
*Business Insider:* *Here's the biggest international security challenge of 2016 that nobody is talking about* The year ahead will bring no shortage of international issues that will keep the US and its partners occupied, ranging from the fight against ISIS to the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement. But there's been another serious impending crisis building in the background — one involving terrorism, nuclear weapons, interstate power politics, and an important US ally. The crisis isn't likely to explode in 2016. Its eruption is currently far from inevitable. But there'... more »
The False Gods of Government Were Humiliated on the First Christmas
[image: false gods of government] For many Americans, Christmas 2015 arrives against a backdrop of growing despair. Morally-preening elites in government, speaking now for both parties, as well as an entire pantheon of pop culture gods seem bent on destroying anything they cannot control. The... Continue reading *“The False Gods of Government Were Humiliated on the First Christmas”* at *dailywire.com*.
Oops! British Astronaut Tim Peake Phones Wrong Number from Space
[image: Peake astronaut] (CNN) Earth to astronaut Tim Peake: Check the phone number before you dial. Otherwise the person you reach is likely to think you’re some kind of nut case. UK astronaut Tim Peake boards the Soyuz spacecraft. Peake is a British astronaut...more »
S. Sudan: President Creates 28 New States, Threat to Peace
[image: President Salva Kiir] JUBA, South Sudan (AP) -- South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir made a Christmas Eve decree dissolving the nation’s 10 states and creating 28 new ones, a move which critics say threatens the peace deal signed in August to end the... more »
Once, When We Were Free
*Jon Rappoport* - We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. The post Once, When We Were Free appeared first on Waking Times.
Will The New York Republican Party Save The Day For Plutocracy?
*Robert Mercer gave Ted Cruz's campaign $30 million and John Flanagan, who's preventing the overturn of Citizens United, Is NY GOP Senate Leader-- and Mercer's senator* The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision has unleashed unprecedented amounts of legalistic bribery into the political system. When predatory hedge fund billionaires like Robert Mercer spend $30,000,000 on the Ted Cruz campaign or when an agent of foreign governments like Mafia-related billionaire Sheldon Adelson spends even more-- not to mention the $900,000,000 the Koch brothers say they plan to spend in the 201... more »
Economic News , & Views ( December 25 , 2015 ) XMAS Greetings , Thoughts & Music to move Your Spirit today . As we enjoy this wonderful day , keep those less fortunate in your hearts / minds and in your prayers ....... Around the horn with news for today !
XMAS ...... *FRANCE 24 English* @France24_en 10m 10 minutes ago Pope Francis backs UN peace efforts in Christmas Day blessing http:// f24.my/1VfWZXH [image: Embedded image permalink] *台灣蘋果日報 Taiwan News* @TW_nextmedia 31m31 minutes ago #聖誕老人 遇上 #歌仔戲,創意活動機場快閃 http://bit.ly/1m8PBBN #xmas #christmas # MerryChristmas #Flashmob #TaiwaneseOpera [image: Embedded image permalink] *British Army* @BritishArmy 1h 1 hour ago Special wishes to those spending Christmas away from home #MerryChristmas [image: Embedded image permalink] ... more »
in which i continue to hate christmas even though i can't be bothered right now
Right now I'm so busy, between work and union, that I barely have time to hate Christmas. As I've found in recent years, a combination of circumstances - getting out of the office worker environment, streaming-only TV and movies (ad-free!), discovering the authentic meaning many of my colleagues find in the holiday - has taken the edge off my irritation. I still hate that Christmas is a national holiday in countries that supposedly separate Church and State. As our world becomes increasingly multicultural, the Christmas and Easter holidays make less sense all the time. I still ha... more »
Editor's Note
Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will be posted at 15:00 EST and 16:00 EST respectively.
Yank the Morphic Rug!
*Zen Gardner* - Our warfare is primarily spiritual. Yet spirituality manifests in many ways, and much of it is informational. The post Yank the Morphic Rug! appeared first on Waking Times.
Jim Sweeneyon Efficiency | Energy Seminar - November 30, 2015
This is a little Christmas gift I offer my readers and viewers. I probably don't talk enough about efficiency, but in addition to its importance in past and future decarbonization, efficiency is the royal road to the creation of greater wealth for societies. With greater efficiency, everyones labor is worth more, and the things we buy with that added wealth can contribute far more to our well being . Published on Dec 4, 2015 Energy efficiency -- economically efficient reductions in energy use – supports three goals fundamental to US energy policy: the health and growth of the econo... more »
Previously ‘Brain Dead’ Son Enjoys Christmas After Dad Armed with Gun Refuses to Let Hospital Medics End His Son’s Life
[image: Father Son screen shot__1451049338_173.71.16.53] HOUSTON -- Eleven months ago George Pickering II was in a very different place in his life. He was in jail, charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. “I felt hopeless,” said Pickering. In January, Pickering grabbed... Continue reading *“Previously ‘Brain Dead’ Son Enjoys Christmas After Dad Armed with Gun Refuses to Let Hospital Medics End His Son’s Life”* at *rt.com*.
Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas Message is the Apostle John’s: ‘The Light Shines in the Darkness …’
[image: Queen Elizabeth II sits at a desk in the 18th Century Room at Buckingham Palace, after recording her Christmas Day broadcast to the Commonwealth on December 25, 2015 in London, England.] LONDON (AP) -- Queen Elizabeth II will use her Christmas broadcast to emphasize that light can triumph over darkness after a difficult year. The queen will note there have been “moments of darkness” in the last year, which has been... more »
Gas Tanker Truck Fire Kills More Than 100 People in Nigeria
[image: In this photo taken September 5, 2010, fire raged on three fuel tankers and eleven cars at Ibafo Town on Lagos Ibadan highway in Nigeria.] ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) -- A gas tanker truck ignited an inferno at a crowded industrial gas plant in Nigeria on Thursday, killing more than 100 people lining up to refill their cooking gas cylinders in time for Christmas. The disaster... more »
Costa Rica Powers 285 Days of 2015 With 100% Renewable Energy
*Cole Mellino* - Costa Rica is closing out the year having achieved major milestones in efforts to move to 100% renewable energy. The post Costa Rica Powers 285 Days of 2015 With 100% Renewable Energy appeared first on Waking Times.
The Art of Living & Dying
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - This is Philosophy’s Double-edged Sword... The post The Art of Living & Dying appeared first on Waking Times.
“NUTS!” — Brig. Gen. Anthony MCauliffe's 1944 Christmas Letter To The German Army
*WNU Editor:* The link to what was being corresponded is at the following .... * “NUTS!” — Brig. Gen. Anthony MCauliffe's 1944 Christmas Letter* (War On The Rocks).
Christmas Cleanup Begins after Severe Weather Leaves at Least 14 Dead in Southeast
[image: Severe weather] Residents of communities across three Southeastern states will spend Christmas taking stock of their losses and trying to put the pieces back together after an outbreak of severe storms, including tornadoes, killed at least 14 people and damaged or destroyed... Continue reading *“Christmas Cleanup Begins after Severe Weather Leaves at Least 14 Dead in Southeast”* at *foxnews.com*.
Bacteria Resistant to all Treatments – Natural Allopathic Medicine to the Rescue
We have long known that the antibiotic protocol was doomed to failure. We have sped up the day but that is all. The big losers will likely be our livestock. In the meantime we need to relearn all the other protocols that helped at least in the past. This provides a short list but omits colloidal silver which i consider the most important available. I would like to see a crash research program launched tied to extensive doctor retraining. We have gotten away easy for a century and that is ending. *. * * Bacteria Resistant to all Treatments – Natural Allopathic Medicine to ... more »
Orbs in Space
Knowing now what we know about dark matter and the related light bodies which happen to be the repository of human and life's intelligence, these orbs are neither a surprise or even a mystery. That they pay attention to us is interesting. That a light body can be kilometers large is instructive but also not surprising as astral travelers have reported expanding in size to reach huge scales. This observation conforms to our new understanding of Dark Matter and the actual fabric of space itself. Yet a mere few months ago i would have been surprised and with a completely differ... more »
To Lift Quality of Life and Economy, Finland Champions Universal Basic Income
I consider this very good news. We had to start properly somewhere and why not in Finland? It is small enough to move briskly to fix any obvious flaws and to also take advantages of opportunities arising. What i would like to see as well is a base community service model in which those under employed attend a four hour shift in community service. This immediately frees up a pool of labor that can be applied to a wide range of otherwise long term community investments such as forest improvement. i keep bringing up forests because it provides a default choice applied after all... more »
Shit Is About to Get Real in California, El Niño Report Predicts
All things been equal, California is about to get drenched. At worst the drought will be ended for a couple of years and if the rains continue, it could be sell and truly over. I am inclined to be optimistic here. After years of false alarms, El Nino is truly here and it happens to be a strong El Nino. This means heavy rains. Flooding will be a problem but otherwise it is good news. . *Shit Is About to Get Real in California, El Niño Report Predicts* *—By Julia Lurie* *| Fri Dec. 11, 2015 6:00 AM EST* * http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2015/12/fema-preparing-el-nino-h... more »
Not a Joke: Town of Bethlehem Bans ‘Merry Christmas’ Signs
[image: Christmas ban] The town named after the birthplace of Jesus Christ has banned signs celebrating the holidays at an intersection in the town that has become a local battleground for the War on Christmas. Officials from Bethlehem, New York had a "Happy Hanukkah" sign and... more »
Paul Ryan: The Bloated Omnibus Budget That was Just Passed Won’t Be Business as Usual Next Year
[image: Paul Ryan] Both here on Power Line and elsewhere Speaker Paul Ryan and congressional Republicans in general have been taking heavy weather for the sorry outcome of the omnibus budget that passed last week. Ryan went on Bill Bennett's radio show on Tuesday to... Continue reading *“Paul Ryan: The Bloated Omnibus Budget That was Just Passed Won’t Be Business as Usual Next Year”* at *powerlineblog.com*.
Animated Map Shows How Religion Spread Around The World
*WNU Editor*: As for the future of world religions (2050), the bottom video looks into that.
For, Now In Your World........A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins
*Art by John Finn* *For now in your world the opposite is true and few can see the truth of this. Those of darkness proclaim to be those of Light and those of Light are not even given a voice within your communities. Men truly pay a great deal of currency to hear evil consul while those with words of wisdom have their words go unheard.* *There has been such a concentration on the darker side of human thought and emotion that that which is healing and builds up strength within the human personality structures goes unnoticed. So, the sick care for the sick and only those who aband... more »
What Are We Made For?
[image: nativity] The great celebration of the birth of Christ has arrived. In the spirit of the season, it seems appropriate to reflect on our humanness and what it all means. After all, God created us in His own image, as the... more »
What's Happening In Ukraine This Christmas
*DW*: *Ukraine to impose tit-for-tat trade embargo on Russia* Ukraine has responded to Moscow’s food embargo with “mirror sanctions” of its own. Effective from January 1, Kyiv will impose restrictions on Russian products entering the country. Ukraine's parliament voted Thursday to give the government powers to impose a trade embargo against Russia, which would suspend a free trade zone with Ukraine from the beginning of next month. “The cabinet of ministers will introduce similar restrictive measures against the Russian Federation. We will protect Ukraine's domestic market,” Prim...more »
Captured Documents Reveal The Islamic State Is Involved In The Organ Harvesting Business
An Islamic State flag flies over the custom office of Syria's Jarablus border gate as it is pictured from the Turkish town of Karkamis, in Gaziantep province, Turkey August 1, 2015. REUTERS/MURAD SEZER *Reuters:* *Exclusive: Islamic State sanctioned organ harvesting in document taken in U.S. raid* Islamic State has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group’s Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the violent extremist group may be trafficking in body parts. The ruling, contained in a January 31, 2015 document reviewed by Reuters, sa... more »
Lenin is Better than Santa
Nothing says Christmas quite like the gift of full communism.
‘For to You is Born This Day in the City of David a Savior …’
[image: Shepherd climbing hill with sheep - 90000] On this Christmas morning, we remember the most beautiful gift ever given. The news of this gift was first broken to shepherds in a town called Bethlehem. We find this accounting in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2 RSV): In... more »
Jagat the Movie - My Personal Opinion
For the first time, a movie had made me feel uneasy from the beginning until the very end and yet, I wanted more. The first thing that I noticed was all the actors seemed so natural and they were on par if not way better than most experienced artists. My heartiest congratulations to the director and the casting team for giving us such talented artists to the Malaysian film industry. Apoi, Mexico, Chicago, Maniam were very very convincing playing their characters. The rest of the characters were no less performers from these four guys but personally I really loved them. A story that... more »
2035 – The Year In Review
By Paul Homewood You’ve seen the trailer, and now, with the help of a time machine, it’s what you’ve all been waiting for! 2035 – The Year in Review January The New Year began in the same way the old one finished, cold and snowy. […]
Queen’s 2015 Christmas Message: “Enjoy Your Final Christmas”
The Queen dropped a bombshell yesterday while filming her annual Christmas Message for the BBC, hinting at deep personal regrets over the murder of Princess Diana, a BBC insider claims. Clearly troubled, the Queen said, “She knew too much.” The Queen asked her subjects to understand that the Royal Family simply did what was necessary to ensure their own survival. Senior BBC production staff and palace advisors scrambled to cancel the take, but not before the Queen expressed dark fears that this will be the last Christmas on earth because malevolent forces, much stronger than her own...more »
90% Of U.S. Could Be Destroyed With Doomsday EMP Weapon This Holiday
The Pentagon have admitted that they are unprepared to deal with the aftermath of an electromagnetic pulse generated as a result of a nuclear explosion, or from an EMP from a huge solar flare. Not only are the U.S. lacking in defense against EMP weapons, but they are also lagging behind in designing their own. According to the Daily Mail, a staggering 90% of the U.S. population would die following an EMP attack. Naturalnews.com reports: But other developed countries’ populations would likely suffer similar levels of casualties if their grids were destroyed as well, which is what ma... more »
Wiretapping Reveals Turkish Officers Colluding With ISIS
Turkey’s Chief Prosecutor’s Office have confirmed that ISIS militants were in communication with Turkish military officers, after wiretapping phones belonging to various Turkish military officials. The wiretapping took part in 2014 as part of an investigation into six missing Turkish citizens who were believed to have joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Rt.com reports: An investigation was launched into as many as 27 suspects, some of them in Syria, the report revealed. The Chief Prosecutor’s office reportedly received permission to wiretap the phones of 19 people who were thought to ha... more »
Monsanto GMO Chemical Found To Kill Human Embryo Cells
Research from Canada proves that Monsanto’s Bt-toxin kills human embryo cells despite Monsanto’s claims that they are “safe”. Bt toxins are common in GMO crops such as corn, soy, wheat, and others, called called Cry1Ab. This lethal chemical can potentially kidney cells of developing human fetuses, and when Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac are combined with RoundUp they can delay apoptosis of human cancer cells. In other words, they can cause cancer. Thesleuthjournal.com reports: What’s worse,glyphosate, the main ingredient in RoundUp, also causes necrosis – i.e. the death of human tissue, and thi... more »
Russia Asks For Erdogan To Resign
The Russian Foreign Ministry have called for Turkey’s President Erdogan to resign, following reports that confirm that Turkey were involved in illegal oil trading with ISIS. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that President Erdogan should fulfil his promise of resigning now that the facts are in. “For instance, Danish newspaper Klassenkampen has published report on Turkish participation in oil smuggling, which has been prepared by consulting company Rystad Energy,” she said during a press briefing on Thursday. Farsnews.com reports: The Spokesperson stressed ... more »
The Pentagon Estimates How Much It Will Cost To Build A 'Death Star'
Space News *Ryan Faith, VICE News:* *Here's What the Pentagon's Top Cost Estimator Has to Say About the Death Star* The Pentagon's office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, occasionally referred to as the Pentagon's bean counters, helps (or tries to help) the Department of Defense keep a lid on costs by vetting or challenging the cost estimates provided elsewhere in the department. If you think the Pentagon's programs are heinously expensive, you can only imagine what they'd be without anyone double-checking the numbers. The office, known as CAPE, is run under the leadersh... more »
Just Before Passing Surveillance Expansion, Lawmakers Partied With Pro-CISA Lobbyists (Moslems Defending Christians? WWJD?) Happy Holidays!
Just Before Passing Surveillance Expansion, Lawmakers Partied With Pro-CISA LobbyistsLee FangDecember 24 2015The night before Congress passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, a broad expansion of surveillance power in America, legislators attended a party with the chief lobbyists for the bill.Last Thursday, Sens. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C.,
Switzerland To Hold Referendum To Ban Fractional Reserve Banking
Switzerland are going to hold a referendum to allow citizens to decide whether or not they will ban the practise of fractional reserve banking. The decision to hold the referendum comes after a petition receives more than 110,000 signatures calling for the central bank to be given the sole power to create money. Pressfortruth.ca reports: The campaign is being led by the Swiss Sovereign Money movement, and they are looking to limit financial speculation by requiring private banks to hold 100 per cent reserves against their deposits. “Banks won’t be able to create money for themselve... more »
Mark Ruffalo Says That Monsanto Poisons People
Actor Mark Ruffalo has spoken out against the dangers of Monsanto to people’s health and to the farming community. Shortly before confronting Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant on television, Ruffalo was in the green room watching Grant on screen evading all the questions he was asked by the host. Ruffalo commented that he was disgusted whilst he sat watching the “guy who is responsible for so much misery and sickness throughout the world slime his way through his interview.” When Grant came into the green room, Ruffalo told him this: “You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food. You ...more »
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all our readers! (Normal business will resume shortly after the new year) And from the *ITBB* Christmas cracker: Lately, every time Father Christmas found himself in a confined space such as a narrow chimney or inside a broom cupboard, he would break out into a cold sweat and have panic attacks, so he decided to see a doctor about it. It turns out that he suffers with claus-trophobia. Where does Father Christmas like to enjoy a mixture of badminton, horse-riding and subtropical swimming? Santa Parcs. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, £5... more »
Will Future Wars Be Waged Using Quantum Computers?
*Zoe Hawkins, National Interest:* *How to Fight a War With a Quantum Computer* The Australian Government recently announced plans to invest $26 million in the development of quantum computing technology as part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA). Prime Minister Turnbull has argued that NISA is part of a new “ideas boom” designed to “create a modern, dynamic and 21st century economy for Australia.” It emphasizes quantum computing as an important area for government investment based on its ability to produce “jobs and economic growth.” And while this industry coul... more »
Is California Facing An Environment Disaster?
*Washington Post*: *New infrared video reveals growing environmental disaster in L.A. gas leak* A runaway natural gas leak from a storage facility in the hills above Los Angeles is shaping up as a significant ecological disaster, state officials and experts say, with more than 150 million pounds of methane pouring into the atmosphere so far and no immediate end in sight. The rupture within a massive underground containment system — first detected more than two months ago — is venting gas at a rate of up to 110,000 pounds per hour, California officials confirm. The leak already has ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: Christmas Day 2015
[image: Christmas at Arlington-900] Wreaths adorn the graves of fallen U.S. service members, veterans and family members at Arlington National Cemetery in December 2015. I visited Arlington National Cemetery on Christmas Day 2011. While walking through the thousands of majestic white headstones, all of... more »
Being Human: "Watch Two Strangers Make Beautiful Music Together In A Paris Train Station"
*"Watch Two Strangers Make Beautiful Music Together In A Paris Train Station"* Proof that music really is a universal language. by Chloe Fox "Music just makes everything better- even traveling through a busy and crowded train station. Which is precisely why French train company SNCF decided to put pianos smack dab in the middle of select train stations. The pianos- which are known as “À vous de jouer” pianos, or "It’s your turn to play"- are free for anyone to use, and lucky travelers in March of this year were treated to a real show when two complete strangers improvised a beautifu... more »
Without Deployment Of Foreign Forces On The Ground, The War Against The Islamic State And Its Timeline Will Be Driven By Local Populations
U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, meets with Prime Minister of Iraq, Haider al-Abadi, in Baghdad, Iraq, Oct. 20, 2015. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen *Michael Knights, War On The Rocks:* *Time To Focus On the Wars Within The War Against The Islamic State* Contrary to many assertions, defeating the self-proclaimed Islamic State may not be particularly complex in the parts of Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries where the group has sought to hold terrain. If local armed forces get organized and receive air support, they will defeat ... more »
15 Reasons to Never Let Anyone You Love Near a McDonalds
This posting is not mine....Directly below is a link to the article(Grant G) http://ecosalon.com/15_reasons_never_to_let_anyone_you_love_near_a_mcdonald_s/ *The Golden Arches: the ultimate American icon. Super Size Me taught us that fast food culture brings obesity, heart disease, hypertension and more. How bad do you really want that Big Mac? Here are 15 reasons you’ll never let anyone you love get near those Golden Arches.* *Real food is perishable. With time, it begins to decay. It’s a natural process, it just happens. Beef will rot, bread will mold. But what about a McDona... more »
Military Christmas Quotes
*WNU Editor:* A great place for Military Christmas quotes .... *the link is here* (click on an image for the quote).
*Revisiting John Cook's 97% climate consensus study. How bad was it?* *My conclusions at the end of this post may surprise you* Jose Duarte is one of the few genuine scientists in social psychology. I am in a position to know that. Over a period of 20 years beginning in 1970 I encountered countless pieces of published social psychological research that were so flawed that they proved nothing. And that's not just my opinion. I put my thoughts into writing and on many occasions, journal editors saw that I had a point and published my critiques. And it is notable that they did so.... more »
President Ronald Reagan’s Christmas Message From 1981
*Hat Tip:* Bring the heat. Bring the Stupid.
CHRISTMAS IN REPUBLICAN WORLD: It’s Republican World, 2015 In Review-- Chapter Seven
*- By Noah* In Republican World, not only does Santa have to be white, but there’s a whole War On Christmas itself! How do we know? FOX, Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, “Ted” Cruz, and any number of other Republican charlatans and crazies tell us so. In the real world, the imagined “War On Christmas” is just yet another example of how Republicans play their victim cards and caress them to their chests like pictures of Ronald Reagan. I congratulate *The Onion* for the following Pulitzer-worthy reporting from Republican World. Their depiction of the horrible a... more »
Chinese UAVs Are Flying Combat Missions In The Middle East
CH-4 in flight. Sinodefense *Popular Mechanics*: *For the First Time, Chinese UAVs Are Flying and Fighting in the Middle East* Although not as good as their American counterparts, they can be purchased quicker and with fewer strings. Chinese drones are being used on two fronts in the Middle East, the first time modern, high-tech weaponry by the People's Republic has been used on the battlefield. The Predator-type drones will likely bolster demand for Chinese weapons, which have previously had a reputation for being unsophisticated and unreliable. After the success of American Pre... more »
Food Fads: Make Mine Gluten-Full
[image: Homemade Bread- 90000] WASHINGTON -- When the federal government’s 1980 “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” warned about the baleful effects of saturated fats, public interest activists joined the fight and managed to persuade major food companies to switch to the shiny new alternative: trans... more »
Merry Christmas, 2015!
*Have a very Merry Christmas, folks!*
ThePianoGuys, “Carol of the Bells”
ThePianoGuys, “Carol of the Bells” (for 12 cellos) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9GtPX6c_kg
Andre Rieu, “Hallelujah”
Andre Rieu, “Hallelujah” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_psFfD9Ib4
"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"
*"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"* by CP Remember when you were 10 years old, and summer felt like it lasted forever? Got a little older, not so bad, still plenty of time to do everything you wanted. Someone told me back then that time speeds up the older you get. Being young, and knowing everything as the young do, I of course ridiculed this idea. But guess what- it’s true. Life, and time, is like a roller coaster with just one enormous riser. As you climb the beginning towards the top time is slower to pass. At 30 or so you’re at the very top, then you start the fall towards ... more »
"17 Most Important Things To Remember in Life"
*"17 Most Important Things To Remember in Life"* by Kelsey "• Never give up on anybody; miracles happen everyday. • Be brave; even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. • Think big thoughts, relish small pleasures. • Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly. • Never deprive someone of hope, it might be all they have. • Strive for excellence, not perfection. • Don't waste time grieving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on. • When someone hugs you let them be the first to let go. • Never cut what can be untied. • Don't expect ... more »
Trump Rips Rivals, Press in Christmas Eve Twitter Rant … Then Says He’s Off to Church
[image: Donald Trump debate LV - 400] No one was safe from Donald Trump's Christmas Eve tweet-storm. The Republican frontrunner spent an hour on a mini-tirade, targeting political rivals and the journalists who cover him. Continue reading *“Trump Rips Rivals, Press in Christmas Eve Twitter Rant … Then Says He’s Off to Church”* at *theblaze.com*.
I want to extend a very meaningful MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my readers and many of my fellow truth seekers out there.... I will be MIA tomorrow as I spend the day with family.... But I will be back on Saturday with more articles here.... Again, we must always remember this time of year, especially for those in much need... Always do your parts in helping those less fortunate by giving and doing what you can.......It is always appreciated... Let us never forget the true meaning of CHRISTMAS... That we all can show love, caring, and compassion for our fellow man... There are indeed... more »
Will China Eventually Win The 'War By Algebra' Against The U.S. And Become The Dominant Power In The World?
*Peter Navarro, National Interest*: *China’s ‘War by Algebra’ Strategy to Bury America* Over the course of the 2016 presidential debate, the argument that “America vastly outspends China” will likely be used to discount any possibility of an emerging China threat. In fact, it is an argument with considerable statistical appeal. Consider that while China’s reported annual military expenditures are rapidly heading beyond $200 billion, the United States still spends more than three times that. Moreover, China’s military spending consumes only about 2 percent of its gross domestic pro... more »
Sen. Angus King Displays His Arrogance
Sen. Angus King (Ind-Maine) tells Secretary of War Ashton Carter that the US should do more to "move [Assad] off the stage" in Syria. Later on in the video the so-called 'moderate' senator urges Carter to do more to combat ISIS in the social media battle and urges him to bring the issue up for further discussion in the "councils of war". It just drives me nuts to see American political hacks talking about removing the leaders of other nations as if they were talking about changing football coaches. The arrogance is mind blowing. These cats talk about holding elections so that th... more »
Dr. Ben-- A GOP Darwinian Racket To Separate The Naive From Their Cash
*A bowl of Fruit Loops floating in a sad lethal pond of gasoline* I've always assumed that many of Dr. Ben's followers are also in a medicated state. And they are certainly ripe for the plucking by a campaign being run by slick, unscrupulous hustlers. This week Reid Epstein of the *Wall Street Journal* took a deeper dive into the inner workings of the small-contribution-funded Dr. Ben campaign. Dr. Ben is already on the road to being just a footnote but before being exposed as a crackpot, he looked, at least superficially, like he could actually be a contender. He's raised over $38 ... more »
Huckabee Reveals the Threshold for Dropping His Presidential Bid
[image: Huckabee is Latest Iowa Straw Poll No-show; Is Event in Jeopardy?] In 2008, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won a resounding victory in the Iowa caucus, propelling him to win seven more states during the Republican primaries. Now, just more than a month out from the 2016 contest and struggling in... Continue reading *“Huckabee Reveals the Threshold for Dropping His Presidential Bid”* at *theblaze.com*.
The Real Story Behind NORAD's Santa Tracker
*Yoni Applebaum, The Atlantic*: *Yes, Virginia, There Is a NORAD* The real story of the military’s Santa Tracker isn’t what you’ve heard—it’s even better. Perhaps you’ve heard the legend of Harry Shoup. The gruff Air Force colonel stood watch on December night 60 years ago, in a secure bunker at Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), guarding against a nuclear strike. On his desk sat the Red Phone, connecting him directly to the four-star general at Strategic Air Command. Suddenly, the phone rang. Colonel Shoup answered. “Is this Santa Claus?” asked a child’s voice. Rather than... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 24, 2015
*Nancy A. Youseff, Daily Beast*: *Sgt. McBride Wasn’t Supposed to Come Home Like This* Six distraught American families will spend this Christmas in misery thanks to a war that was supposed to be over. NEW CASTLE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Delaware — The six U.S. troops killed this week first appeared amid bright lights and a dusky sky. Their bodies rested in a C-17 aircraft that transported them here, illuminated in the sunset by the lights of the plane, its ramp open for the country to see. It was dark, and rain coated the tarmac—a fitting scene for the somber military ceremony k... more »
Commander Reveals US Plot To Evacuate ISIL Leaders From Ramadi
The U.S. is accused of delaying an Iraqi army victory against ISIL in Ramadi and Falloujah. The delay is allegedly to help the U.S. evacuate top ISIL leaders and move them out of the area. Fars News Agency reports: A commander of volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) disclosed the US plots to evacuate ISIL leaders from the city of Ramadi as Iraqi army and popular troops are completing victory over the terrorist group. “The delay in operations to liberate Ramadi and Fallujah cities in al-Anbar province is the result of the US interference,” Commander of Imam Khamenei Battalion Haidar al... more »
Pope Contrasts Jesus’ Birth, Excess in Christmas Eve Homily
[image: Pope Francis kisses a figurine of baby Jesus during a mass on Christmas eve marking the birth of Jesus Christ on December 24, 2015 at St Peter's basilica in Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO / AFP / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)] VATICAN CITY (AP) -- In his Christmas Eve homily Thursday, Pope Francis noted the simplicity of Jesus’ birth as he rebuked what he called society’s intoxication with consumerism, pleasure, abundance and wealth. Christians around the world joyfully prepared to recall the... more »
World News Briefs -- December 24, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*:* Pope, on Christmas, urges return to essential values* Pope Francis led the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics into Christmas on Thursday, urging those "intoxicated" by possessions and superficial appearances to return to the essential values of life. Celebrating a Christmas eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, Francis, whose nearly three-year-old papacy has been marked by calls for sobriety and compassion for the less fortunate, said Christmas was the time to "once more discover who we are". He said everyone should allow the simplicity of the child Jesus, born into pove... more »
Greencrow Christmas Greetings 2015
*West Coast Christmas With Full Moon* *Seasons Greetings to all my readers out there in the blogospher*e. All the best for the New Year also to *my fellow bloggers*...particularly my fellow Canadian Bloggers...Penny for your Thoughts and Northerntruthseeker. It's supposed to be a full moon this Christmas--so the above scene seems appropriate...even if it's only wet and cool outside here on the West Coast...not snowing. Unless we go up the mountains and enjoy snow *any time we want to*... *nah nah a boo boo! : )* Christmas is a time for reflection and for memories...remembering f... more »
Taiwan independence in class
I assigned my students to present on a social/political issue in Taiwan. One group did Taiwan independence, which I thought was kind of cool. The ready way they selected this, with its suggestion that they did not feel anyone would be offended, shows how things have changed. After READ MORE are the PPTs they made, reproduced with their permission. On the "system of value" when I asked for an example of different values, they said Taiwanese treat each other with more respect than the way Chinese treat each other. The comment about women represents better women's rights in Taiwan. The... more »
Nordic Countries in Annual Contest to Claim Real Santa
[image: Santa - 900] HELSINKI (AP) -- Most kids learn that Santa Claus comes from the North Pole, but children in Scandinavia are taught he lives a bit further south. Where exactly is a matter of much debate, with businesses in Finland, Sweden and... more »
Meet the Church Organist’s Son Who Wrote ‘Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’
[image: Randy Brooks - 400] The man behind the Christmas song, Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, either the most loved or most loathed of the season and certainly one of its most memorable, has no problems being a one-hit wonder and says the... Continue reading *“Meet the Church Organist’s Son Who Wrote ‘Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’”* at *reuters.com*.
Katie Hopkins Angry With A Group Of Mahmoods
Celebrity media person Katie Hopkins is upset that some British Muslims travel with their children without any female supervision. Katie Hopkins posted a Tweet about a group of British Muslims who were barred from visiting Disneyland, California. Boarder officials stopped them at Gatwick Airport for no good reason. Mohammad Tariq Mahmood with his brother and nine children had saved £9,000 for a dream holiday to the Theme Park in Los Angeles. The Muslim family from London did not have their wives and mothers accompanying them on the same flight. American Homeland Security instructed ... more »
A Full Moon Will Shine on Christmas Night: the First in Decades
[image: Full moon - 400] For the first time in 38 years there will be a full moon shining down on us this Christmas. The previous full moon on Christmas fell on 1977, the year the first Star Wars was released and Jimmy Carter was... Continue reading *“A Full Moon Will Shine on Christmas Night: the First in Decades”* at *forbes.com*.
See What This City Did After Atheists Forced Them to Remove Public Nativity Display
[image: nativity3 - 400] The city of Wadena, Minnesota, has received a lot of press this holiday season, but one woman thinks there is something the media overlooked. Back in November, city officials voted to remove a cherished nativity display from a local park... Continue reading *“See What This City Did After Atheists Forced Them to Remove Public Nativity Display”* at *theblaze.com*.
MENA Report ( December 24 - 25 , 2015 ( Iraq , Syria , Turkey , Afghanistan , Libya , ISIS In focus )
Links..... *Russia, Taliban Share Intel in Fight Against ISIS* *ISIS Claims Counterattacks, Ambushes in Ramadi* *Obama Sought Contacts With Assad Govt for Years* *US-Backed Syrian Kurds Seize Northern Territory, Nearing Key Dams* *Under UN Deal, ISIS Fighters to Leave Syria Refugee Camp* Turkish PM Accuses Top Kurdish Politician of 'Treason' Over Russia Jet Comments Clashes Persist in Turkey's Southeast; PKK Militants Killed in Attack on Police Militants Blow-Up Christian Homes; 84 Killed in Iraq Turkish Minister: Iraq's Stability Depends ... more »
Yurok Tribe adopts ordinance banning Frankenfish and GMOs
*Yurok Tribe adopts ordinance banning Frankenfish and * *GMOs * *by Dan Bacher* *Censored News* The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 19 approved genetically engineered salmon, "Frankenfish," as being fit for human consumption, in spite of massive public opposition to the decision by fishermen, Tribes, environmental organizations and public interest organization. (http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2015/11/20/18780189.php) While the FDA may have approved AquaAdvantage salmon for human consumption, these “Frankenfish” and all Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs)... more »
*Fort Mason Park , San Francisco and the grassy knoll in the background that overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge.* *It was 1987 and it was a day similar to the day, which you see pictured here, when I walked into this park and directly into a precognitive vision that I had from a place of deep loss at six years old in Boston, Massachusetts. In that deliriously joyful moment I realized that my **Unified Field theory, which I had written in 1979, was no longer a theory but was indeed a fact ~ for that special little boy within me had indeed been in a state of loving ... more »
The Battle For The Iraqi City Of Ramadi Continues
*WSJ*: *U.S. Ramps Up Airstrikes on Ramadi to Dislodge Dwindling ISIS Fighters* *Iraqi army ground offensive stalls for second day as troops defuse militants’ booby traps* BAGHDAD—The U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State on Thursday ramped up airstrikes against the group in Ramadi, while advancing Iraqi troops stalled just outside the city center for a second straight day. Operation Inherent Resolve, the American anti-Islamic State command, said it carried out nine airstrikes against Islamic State positions in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, on Thursday. The strikes ... more »
It Wasn't Just Exxon — They All Knew
*American Petroleum Institute spokesmodel Brooke Alexander (*aka* Lying Pantsuit Lady) saying the one true thing she knows — "America is number one in bringing planet-destroying carbon to the world." She thinks that's a good thing, which is false.* *by Gaius Publius* More excellent reporting by Neela Banerjee at the award-winning site InsideClimate News on the "Exxon Knew" story. Turns out, they all knew, all the big oil companies. Their industry group, the American Petroleum Institute (API), had been running a task force for years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, at which scien... more »
White House Infiltrated With ISIS Militants, Says Military Insider
Powerful military commanders and White House insiders have accused President Barack Obama of allowing ISIS agents to infiltrate the White House and influence American foreign policy in the Middle East. An investigation by Homeland Security and the CIA has revealed that five White House staffers hired by Obama speak directly to ISIS militants and inform them of key military Middle East strategies. According to insiders, Obama is part of a foreign cabal who’s goal is to harm America. “This is the worst security breach in the history of the United States,” a White House insider said. ... more »
David Nevue, "Greensleeves"
David Nevue, "Greensleeves" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ItNxpwChE
The Poet: Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
*“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”* “Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep... more »
Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, "The Prayer"
Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, "The Prayer" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJkq-U7_8ZA
Quarter Four Local By-Election Results 2015
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Q3 Average/ contest +/- Q3 +/- Seats Conservative 68 32,135 26.9% +4.8% 473 +25 +4 Labour 62 27,580 23.1% -7.8% 445 -214 0 LibDem 50 16,104 13.5% +3.9% 322 +61 -2 UKIP 44 6,981 5.8% -0.5% 159 +1 -2 Green 40 4,970 4.2% -1.1% 124 -37 +1 SNP* 12 16,463 13.8% -6.8% 1,372 -524 0 PC** 8 2,222 1.9% +0.5% 278 -45 +1 TUSC 3 108 0.1% -0.1% 36 -17 0 Ind*** 30 10,653 8.9% +5.4% 355 +244 0 Other**** 12 2,394... more »
Christmas Eve Shooting at Charlotte Mall. Gunman Killed by Police
[image: shooting - 400] CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- A gunman was shot and killed at Northlake Mall in Charlotte after an officer-involved shooting Thursday afternoon, according to WSOC. A massive police response along with ambulances and paramedics were called to the mall in north Charlotte... Continue reading *“Christmas Eve Shooting at Charlotte Mall. Gunman Killed by Police”* at *myfox8.com*.
Christmas Greetings from Rev. Robert A. Sirico
[image: Christmas Greeting - 900]
Video Shows Israeli Fanatics Celebrating Death Of Palestinian Baby
Israeli TV has aired shocking footage from a wedding which shows guests celebrating the death of a Palestinian baby who was burnt alive in an arson attack at his home by Jewish terrorists. The wedding guests were seen dancing around with guns and knives. The Independent reports: One guest appears to be dancing with a knife through a picture of 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh, who died with his parents when their home in the village of Duma in the occupied Westbank was set alight in July. Israeli officials described the attack as “Jewish terrorism”,the Daily Mail reports. Israeli authorit... more »
Mysterious Choppers Drop Off Men In Black-Daesh-In Afghanistan
Daesh fighters wearing black militant uniforms have been spotted getting dropped off by unidentified helicopters in Tor Ghar, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. The occurrence has also been observed in other Afghan provinces. An inquiry is on the way to determine the identity of the choppers. Sputnik reports: Afghan authorities are investigating reports that two unidentified helicopters have dropped off Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists in the Afghan province of Nangarhar, Afghan Senator Haji Lutfullah Baba told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on Wednesday. “A number of people in T... more »
ISIS Fighters And Families Given Safe Passage Near Damascus
Injured ISIS fighters and their families are to be given safe passage to leave rebel-held areas in Damascus as Syrian authorities vow to end the terrorist regime’s presence near the capital. A UN-brokered deal allows families of ISIS fighters and some injured jihadis to leave parts of Damascus. The deal was reached after ISIS militants negotiated with President Assad’s government, according to a monitoring group on Thursday. The Daily Mail reports: Safe passage for the fighters and their families is expected to be given from two districts on the outskirts of the capital, to ISIS-con... more »
Americans Held Hostage In Iran 36 Years Ago Have Finally Won Compensation for Their Ordeal
An American hostage is paraded before a crowd outside the U.S. embassy compound in Tehran, Iran, Nov. 9, 1979. *New York Times*:* Americans Held Hostage in Iran Win Compensation 36 Years Later* WASHINGTON — After spending 444 days in captivity, and more than 30 years seeking restitution, the Americans taken hostage at the United States Embassy in Tehran in 1979 have finally won compensation. Buried in the huge spending bill signed into law last Friday are provisions that would give each of the 53 hostages or their estates up to $4.4 million. Victims of other state-sponsored terror... more »
President Obama: 'Praying For God's Protection For Persecuted Christians'
*White House*: *Statement by the President on Persecuted Christians at Christmas* During this season of Advent, Christians in the United States and around the world are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At this time, those of us fortunate enough to live in countries that honor the birthright of all people to practice their faith freely give thanks for that blessing. Michelle and I are also ever-mindful that many of our fellow Christians do not enjoy that right, and hold especially close to our hearts and minds those who have been driven from their ancient homelands... more »
Christmas Is Banned In Somalia, Tajikistan And Brunei
*The Guardian*: *Christmas celebrations banned in Somalia, Tajikistan and Brunei* Somalian government declared holiday is ‘only for Christians’ and festivities could prompt attacks from al-Shabaab, as other countries issue strict warnings. The governments of three countries – Somalia, Tajikistan and Brunei – have banned Christmas celebrations this year, with punishments ranging up to a five-year jail term. Somalia issued a ban on Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in the Muslim country on Wednesday, saying the festivities “have nothing to do with Islam”. “We warn against cel... more »
The Year Christmas Died
[image: Fifth Avenue - 400] As we moved into December and what for some time has been called "the holiday season," the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Tennessee issued a "best practices" directive for the campus to "ensure your holiday party... Continue reading *“The Year Christmas Died”* at *google.com*.
#ChristmasMyths, #7: So why December 25?
*The final part of a series exploring the pagan origins of all the familiar Biblical Christmas Myths,1 so you can think about them all as you're out carolling. Today, the reason we celebrate on December 25 …* As every child knows, Christmas falls on December 25th every year. Every year. But is it because it says so in the Bible? Hell no! The early Christian churches who did observe the Nativity2 celebrated it sometimes in May, sometimes in April, and even occasionally in January. So clearly they had no clue when legend had it their Saviour was born. Nor did they know even *which y... more »
Multiple Shots Fired Inside Charlotte Shopping Mall; One Reported Injured, Woman Goes into Labor
[image: Northlake Mall Shooting - 40000] CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Numerous viewers and Twitter users are reporting gunshots fired inside of Northlake Mall. Just after 2 on Christmas Eve, reports began surfacing of a shooting inside of Northlake Mall. One viewer tells NBC Charlotte’s Sonja Gantt that... Continue reading *“Multiple Shots Fired Inside Charlotte Shopping Mall; One Reported Injured, Woman Goes into Labor”* at *wcnc.com*.
Idaho Cafeteria Worker Who Was Fired for Giving Free Lunch is Offered Her Job Back
[image: Dalene Bowden - 400] The cafeteria worker who said she was fired from an Idaho middle school for giving a hungry student a free lunch was offered her job back on Christmas Eve. The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District released a 615-word statement detailing its role... Continue reading *“Idaho Cafeteria Worker Who Was Fired for Giving Free Lunch is Offered Her Job Back”* at *foxnews.com*.
*Dearest friends, Catherine and I wish you a very joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year. The pix below are from our home photographed today on Christmas Eve.* I haven’t posted a blog since last Friday because I think that more Americans should first read that one. Apropos, as a kid our teachers would have drills where we would dive beneath our desks supposedly to save us from a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. Fortunately Ronald Reagan, after having termed the Soviet Union “the evil empire,” negotiated a truce based on “mutually assured destruction.” This happy event was a... more »
After 14 Years The War Grinds On In Afghanistan
Washington Times: *Taliban outlast 14 years of U.S. combat in Afghanistan* *Deadly spate of attacks breaks ‘fragile’ security.* The sudden killings of six American service members on a foot patrol by a suicide bomber this week is a graphic message back home that the Taliban are durable, able to launch a number of coordinated attacks in recent months across Afghanistan 14 years after the U.S. invasion. A Pentagon report calls the security situation “fragile” and writes of the Taliban’s “resilience throughout the second half of the year.” The security picture seems to be more precar... more »
Details Emerge On How 6 U.S. Soldiers Were Killed In A Suicide Attack Last Week In Afghanistan
Maj. Adrianna Vorderbruggen, Staff Sgt. Louis M Bonacasa, Staff Sgt. Chester J McBride (TopL-R), Staff Sgt. Peter W Taub, Technical Sgt. Joseph G Lemm, and Staff Sgt. Michael A Cinco (BottomL-R) are pictured in this combination of undated handout photos provided by the U.S. Air Force, December 23, 2015. REUTERS/U.S. Air Force/Handout via Reuters *Washington Post*: *Failure in Afghan police search may have led to U.S. deaths near Bagram air base* BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — It was just after 1 p.m. here Monday when Marine Gunnery Sgt. Sean Fagan heard the blast and felt its shock... more »
Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 24, 2015
*CNN*: *Afghan forces on offensive against Taliban in Sangin* (CNN)Afghan security forces have launched their latest offensive in the Sangin district, where the Taliban are largely in control, police said Thursday. The militant group has taken over the entire district except for the police chief's compound and another compound, where a battalion of the Afghan National Army is based, according to Shah Mahmood Ashna, a spokesman for the police chief in Helmand province. The police chief's compound remained under attack, and food and ammunition were in short supply, Ashna said. Some... more »
Ted Cruz Gaining on Donald Trump in GOP Race
[image: Sen. Ted Cruz: Despite What President Obama Says, We Are at War Against Radical Islam] While Donald Trump seizes the headlines for his controversial comments about Hillary Clinton and his proposal to ban Muslims, his chief rival in the Republican presidential field, Sen. Ted Cruz, has quietly but steadily been gaining on the real estate... Continue reading *“Ted Cruz Gaining on Donald Trump in GOP Race”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
The Politics of the Baby Jesus
[image: nativity] It's always helpful when theological truths find their direct echo in events of history and in our daily lives. The man whose birth we celebrate today told us plainly, "The truth will make you free." Now we know that His... more »
That Deleted Ted Cruz Cartoon Wasn’t the Worst Thing the Washington Post Published This Week
[image: Washington Post Cruz cartoon] By now, you’ve probably heard about the early Christmas gift that The Washington Post gave to Ted Cruz: A quickly pulled cartoon depicting the Texas senator dressed as Santa Claus and an organ grinder (because editorial cartoonists are awful), with... Continue reading *“That Deleted Ted Cruz Cartoon Wasn’t the Worst Thing the Washington Post Published This Week”* at *reason.com*.
The Pigs Rule in Ukraine
RT reports: *The Sheep are Being Fleeced* Activists who think that Ukraine’s 2016 budget screams death to the agricultural sector have brought a dead pig in a coffin to the Verkhovna Rada building in Kiev and held a mock funeral ceremony. The angry protesting farmers and their supporters demand to keep a simplified tax system and special VAT rules for the agricultural sector in 2016, something the announced budget lacks as Ukraine has to comply with the demands of its lender, the International Monetary Fund. Ukrainian website NB News reports that around 1,000 people came out to... more »
Which links to an online web pagen That belongs to this guy from Israel On The Same Day He Took His Company Public, Wix CEO Also Sold A Startup For $130 Million Julie Bort Nov. 8, 2013, 2:29 P Next-Level Hybrid Cloud netapp.com/HybridCloud Learn about NetApp® Hybrid Cloud. Download Our eBook Today Avishai Abrahami WixAvishai Abrahami, CEO of Wix Wednesday was a golden day for Wix CEO Avishai Abrahami, co-founder and CEO of Wix, a Tel Aviv-based company that offers a do-it-yourself website hosting service. The same day he took Wi... more »
Somalia's Al Shabab Fractures As 200 Of their Fighters Pledge Allegiance To The Islamic State
*The Independent:* *Isis is turning to Somalia for its latest set of recruits* The Islamic State has already expanded its footprint well beyond Syria and Iraq, with militants in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Nigeria and other countries pledging allegiance to the extremists Two-thousand miles from Syria,the Islamic State is trying to expand its territory by establishing a branch in what its fighters call the “little emirate”: the war-torn country of Somalia. Winning ground there won’t be easy. Al-Shabab, a Somali group linked to al-Qaeda, has a long-standing presence in the country at... more »
Nuclear Power Not Worth It
Priya Pillai of Greenpeace India speaking at Jantar Mantar on December 12, 2015, in a protest organised by the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace(CNDP) during the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Xmas Eve Messages from Jeju Island
*Christmas Eve Message from Toni Flynn & Martha Hennessy* *Dec. 24, 2015* *Gangjeong Village, Jeju Island* *South Korea* *Toni's Christmas Eve Message* Where will the Infant Jesus be placed when He is born in Gangjeong tomorrow? Between the cracks of cement blocks hardening inside the naval base? In a tiny raft at sea, surrounded by massive battle ships? It seems that the only appropriate place is in the arms of the faithful who sit every day in plastic chairs in front of the gate, who are repeatedly carried to the side by the police during Mass and who return over and over aga... more »
Xmas Eve Messages from Jeju Island
*Christmas Eve Message from Toni Flynn & Martha Hennessy* * Dec. 24, 2015* *Gangjeong Village, Jeju Island* *South Korea * *Toni**'s Christmas Eve Message* Where will the Infant Jesus be placed when He is born in Gangjeong tomorrow? Between the cracks of cement blocks hardening inside the naval base? In a tiny raft at sea, surrounded by massive battle ships? It seems that the only appropriate place is in the arms of the faithful who sit every day in plastic chairs in front of the gate, who are repeatedly carried to the side by the police during Mass and who return over and o... more »
If Trump Wins the Nomination, Prepare for the End of the Conservative Party
[image: debate - 400] If you look beyond Donald Trump's comprehensive unpleasantness -- is there a disagreeable human trait he does not have? -- you might see this: He is a fundamentally sad figure. His compulsive boasting is evidence of insecurity. His unassuageable neediness suggests... Continue reading *“If Trump Wins the Nomination, Prepare for the End of the Conservative Party”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night
*To all who stop by to read and comment, however you choose to celebrate this time of the year, my wish is that each and everyone of you have a great day! * Many of the symbols of Christmas echo its aspect of rebirth and hope in darkness. Holly was thought to be important because it retains its greenery right through the winter months, and as such is a symbol of summer life in the winter starkness. Holly was the male symbol of this greenery, and Ivy was the feminine, the two often placed together as a symbol of fecundity at the dark end of the year. There was also a belief that e... more »
Supplemental: Ghosts of several Christmases past!
*THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2015Bellantoni and Trump and a child:* Not that many years ago, Christina Bellantoni was herself a ten-year-old child. She wasn't yet the presentable, skilled, acceptable person who appeared on last evening's Last Word, where she talked The Crazy away. To his credit, Lawrence O'Donnell almost noted the craziness of Candidate Trump's tax proposal. He didn't *say* that Trump's proposal is crazy, but he almost came close. (To watch the whole segment, click here.) Then Lawrence threw to Bellantoni. In line with current press corps culture, she began talking Th...more »
Comments on Jeju/Okinawa Trip by Four Veterans
Here are some comments about our recent trip to Jeju Island and Okinawa by four Veterans For Peace members. As a war veteran, an activist and advocate in a number of social causes, never before in my experience have I felt so overwhelmingly humbled and outraged. I leave Jeju emotionally drained and completely in sync with my VFP brothers/sisters in peace and the brave people of this island. ~ Stan Levin San Diego, CA Korean War Veteran VFP chap #91 Jeju Island is such a beautiful pristine paradise with drinkable springs, coral reefs, and rare dolphins. The construction of the... more »
"Can You Keep Christmas?"
"Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people, and to remember what other people have done for you? To remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old? Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world... stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death? Then you can keep Christmas! But you can never keep it alone." - Henry van Dyke “If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?” - Stephen Levine
Dostoevsky, “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
"For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is just this faith of mine that they laugh at. But how can I help believing it? I have seen the truth- it is not as though I had invented it with my mind, I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my soul for ever. I have seen it in such full perfection that I cannot believe that it is impossible for people to have it. And so how can I go wrong? I ... more »
"A Prayer for the World"
"A Prayer for the World" "Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt, the neglect. Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken. Let it burn away the fog so that we can see each other clearly, So that we can see beyond labels, beyond accents, gender or skin color. Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness, So that we can share the joys and feel the sorrow of our neighbors. And let the light ... more »
“The Christmas Truce of 1914”
*“The Christmas Truce of 1914”* by Simon Rees “You are standing up to your knees in the slime of a waterlogged trench. It is the evening of 24 December 1914 and you are on the dreaded Western Front. Stooped over, you wade across to the firing step and take over the watch. Having exchanged pleasantries, your bleary-eyed and mud-spattered colleague shuffles off towards his dug out. Despite the horrors and the hardships, your morale is high and you believe that in the New Year the nation's army march towards a glorious victory. But for now you stamp your feet in a vain attempt to keep... more »
Urgent Holiday Gift-- Matching Donation: Biggest 2016 Progressive Bang For Buck
What could be a better holiday gift, to progressives who are giving their all to reverse catastrophic trends in our political system, economy and environment? This isn't some phony-baloney DCCC/DSCC or Marco Rubio offer. One of Blue America's most generous annual contributors over the course of many years is putting $2,000 on the table as a matching fund for *one* progressive candidate on this page. Here's how he describes the candidate: "How would you like a Bernie Sanders who is: *•* 40 years younger and running for U.S. Senate of a highly diverse major industrial stat... more »
Fukushima Webcam Update
Emissions have been heavier than usual the last week. Since December 21 I've seen a police car parked blocking the road to the plant and a "pumper ship" in the harbor. The cranes visible on TEPCO cam 4 were folded sometime over the last 24 hours. Compare these shots: December 21: December 25 2:30 AM Today, December 25 (in Japan) as recorded on the TBS cam (taken at same time as screenshot above) there is a pumpership in the harbor (I refer to this ship type as a "pumpership" -- it has been sighted in the harbor many times over the years, particularly when emissions conditions... more »
Computer Glitch Allows 3,000 Inmates Early Release in Washington State
[image: prisoners - 400] Since 2002, the Washington State Department of Corrections has given more than 3,000 prisoners early release. The number of inmates freed could go as high as 3,200. “I’ve ordered immediate action to fix 13-year-old sentencing errors discovered at state prisons,”... Continue reading *“Computer Glitch Allows 3,000 Inmates Early Release in Washington State”* at *npr.org*.
The STILL Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: All Bluefin Tuna Caught Off American And Canadian West Coasts Are Radioactive
Recently, I was in a local Costco Warehouse here in Canada doing some shopping...In one aisle I noticed a large display of packaged "seaweed" and I decided to read the label... Lo and behold it of course came from the Pacific Ocean.... My better half noticed my picking up the seaweed package and asked if I wanted to try it... I said to her clearly that I would not eat it unless I took a Geiger counter to it first.... She noticed I was not laughing and that I was serious... Knowing what I do know about how bad the Fukushima disaster is and what it has done to the food chain across the... more »
Nigerian President: Boko Haram Militants 'Technically Defeated'
*IBTimes*:* Boko Haram Militants 'Close To Defeat,' Nigeria's Military Has 'Won The War,' Buhari Says* The Nigerian military is close to meeting its December deadline to defeat the Boko Haram militant group, President Muhammadu Buhari told BBC late Wednesday. The group, which has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, has waged a bloody insurgency for years and continues attacks in Nigeria and neighboring countries. Buhari reportedly said that Boko Haram is no longer capable of carrying out conventional attacks against security forces or population centers. The militant g... more »
U.S. Pursued Secret Back-Channel Contacts With The Syrian Regime Over Several Years
The Levant *Wall Street Journal*:* U.S. Pursued Secret Contacts With Assad Regime for Years* Effort to limit violence and get president to relinquish power failed. The Obama administration pursued secret communications with elements of Syria’s regime over several years in a failed attempt to limit violence and get President Bashar al-Assad to relinquish power, according to U.S. and Arab officials. Early on, the U.S. looked for cracks in the regime it could exploit to encourage a military coup, but found few. The efforts reflect how President Barack Obama’s administration has gra... more »
Local Council By-Elections December 2015
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Nov Average/ contest +/- Nov +/- Seats Conservative 20 8,464 33.3% +12.5% 423 +31 0 Labour 18 7,228 28.5% +10.2% 402 +57 0 LibDem 15 3,279 12.9% -2.1% 219 -146 +1 UKIP 15 2,333 9.2% +4.7% 156 +29 -1 Green 9 579 2.3% -1.8% 64 -52 0 SNP* 1 1,236 4.9% -6.1% 1,236 +2 0 PC** 1 167 0.7% -3.1% 167 -45 0 TUSC 0 0 Ind*** 8 788 3.1% -17.0% 99 -357 0 Other... more »
US Plans Raids to Deport Families Who Surged Across Border
[image: immigration - 400] The Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, according to people familiar with the... Continue reading *“US Plans Raids to Deport Families Who Surged Across Border”* at *washingtonpost.com*.

Mint Press News's photo.
The funding is being used for anything from buying air conditioners to supporting the families of convicted Jewish terrorists, and comes from tax-deductible donations made to around 50 U.S.-based groups.
Thanks to their status as nonprofits, these organizations are not taxed on their income and donations made to them are tax deductible – meaning the U.S. government is incentivizing and indirectly supporting the Israeli settlement movement, even though it has been consistently opposed by every U.S. administration for the past 48 years.
Thanks to their status as nonprofits, these organizations are not taxed on their income and donations made to them are tax deductible – meaning the U.S. government is incentivizing and indirectly supporting the Israeli settlement movement, even though it has been consistently opposed by every U.S. administration for the past 48 years.
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