Two Guys went Skiing in the Pitch Dark Wearing LED Suits. What Followed Is Epic!
BY GLENN GREENWALD | As vice president, Dick Cheney was a prime architect of the worldwide torture regime implemented by the U.S. government (which extended far beyond waterboarding), as well as the invasion and destruction of Iraq, which caused the deaths of at least 500,000 people and more likely over a million. As such, he is one of the planet’s most notorious war criminals.
Yesterday, the House of Representatives unveiled a marble bust of former Vice President Cheney, which — until a person of conscience vandalizes or destroys it — will reside in Emancipation Hall of the U.S. Capitol.
Jerry Avissato shared a link.
Is Facebook working with the police to create a kill switch to stop activists from using the website to mobilize support for political demonstrations? What about our freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly?
Robert Reich
Earlier today, Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University, a leading evangelical Christian college in Virginia, used the college’s convocation to reflect on the shooting in San Bernardino, California. Falwell urged students to carry guns in order to defend themselves against Muslims. “If more good people had concealed-carry permits then we could end those Muslims before they walked in and killed us,” he said, to applause. “Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.”
That this brainless bigotry emanates from the president of a university responsible for educating young minds is contemptible.
What do you think?
Lubos hits on an oddity - that reminds me of stories about how slave empires would restrict technological change in the interests of social stability and threat in The Matrix. Since framing argument ( such as the 'Denier' meme ) is a favourite technique of media manipulation and mindwashing to stage manage 'discussion', peculiar sophistry proliferates outlining the limits of 'acceptable' thought
Social engineers' dangerous delusions about peer review, management of science
I was stunned by the arrogance and dangerous proposals displayed in a talk by Sabine Hossenfelder
More on how figures don't lie .... but liars do figure
What Are They Really Counting? -Guest Essay by Kip Hansen WARNING: This is not a technical essay. There is almost no science in it. It is not about AGW or any issue involved in the Climat...
6 hours ago
Even seat belt legislation rode in on the heels of managed statistics dependent on parameters established for police reporting of causes of deaths in road accidents. Compulsory helmet use was another victory for Nanny State interference ( a brain bucket saved me when they were not required for motorcycles). But when my electric bike with a regulated 32 kn/h top speed was mandated as requiring use of a motorcycle ( not bicycle ) helmet by the city....the imprint of harassment by local government was obvious. Otherwise efficient transportation might proliferate !
please do it
*Video coverage by Joey Montoya of Urban Native Era
*Video coverage by Joey Montoya of Urban Native Era
#ProtectTheSacred #NowNotTomorrow #climatechange #ActOnClimate#divestment #KeepItInTheGround #FrackNO #gofossilfree#StopFundingFossils #renewables #gosolar #KnowTomorrow #COP21#waterislife #LoveWaterNotOil #climatejustice #indigenous #IdleNoMore#earthlawtribunal #DefendProtectRenew #nofalsesolutions
Indigenous Environmental Network
There are now 13,000 fracking wells in Casey Camp-Horinek's community. Since Fracking hit, she's seen her community go from having 5 earth quakes in the year of 2008 to over 5,000 in this last year alone. All of these earthquakes happening right now are directly related to the injection process involved in Fracking.
"We know firsthand that when you grind into the bones of the mother, that she begins to shake and shudder with pain, and with the reality that she has to live find a way to live with her waters being poisoned."
#earthlawtribunal #DefendProtectRenew #nofalsesolutions #cop21 Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
*Video coverage by Joey Montoya of Urban Native Era
I thought it peculiar when Russia repeatedly outdid the USA for hits over several days a few weeks ago...or China started to come in after years of zip. But this is odder yet, following on the heels of climate blogging popular critics of the warming scare.
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