Maria Padilla's post.
Paul Joseph WatsonFollow
This perfectly illustrates why social justice warriors pose a major threat to free speech
Paul Joseph WatsonFollow
This perfectly illustrates why social justice warriors pose a major threat to free speech
This powerful young women has the GMO industry running attack ads against her. She must be doing something right.

· post.
#Israel neither will allow for a binational one state solution nor the internationally mandated two state solution. It is trapped into a permanent occupation. It claims that #Palestine will not negotiate. But what is there to negotiate about?
You do not have to have read 'Dune' to get this, but a little story about 'walking with Jesus' comes to mind
A Turkish legal firm has filed a criminal complaint against the country’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies. That’s after the German broadcaster, ARD, aired a documentary, alleging that Daesh is conducting a slave trade via an office in Turkey. It involves women and children from the Yazidi Kurdish minority who were kidnapped in Syria.
Virtually the only time Harper's name has being mentioned since losing the election has to do with criminal court cases, and lawsuits.. Libel suit by Muslim organization against Stephen Harper for ‘terrorist’ comment moves ahead -SHARE!
"A national Muslim organization is proceeding with a lawsuit against Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his chief spokesman for a comment it says linked the organization to a terrorist group.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims is filing a statement of claim in Ontario Superior Court after failing to get an apology from the Prime Minister's Office for the January remark.
Lawyer Jeff Saikaley says the council is seeking a public retraction and damages of up to $100,000.
The comment in question came after the council criticized the inclusion of controversial rabbi Daniel Korobkin in a delegation accompanying Harper to the Middle East.
In January the council took its first legal step by filing a notice of libel which quotes Harper spokesman Jason MacDonald as saying, "We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas."
The comment was "categorically false, offensive and defamatory," Ihsaan Gardee, the council's executive director, said at the time."
Santa was particularly good to the solar industry this December. It had a very good turn of events, via Mother Jones.
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