10:29pm MST
Pictured of Injured Military Dog With Purple Heart Goes Viral
Photo: Facebook *FOX News*:* Photo of injured military dog with Purple Heart goes viral* A military K-9 injured in a bomb explosion in Afghanistan along with his military police officer partner now has a lot of support after a photo of the dog wearing a Purple Heart Medal in a hospital in Germany has gone viral, the Killeen Daily Herald reports. Spc. Andrew Brown, 22, and his military dog, Rocky, were searching a structure for explosive materials in southern Afghanistan’s Helmand Province Dec. 3 when the bomb exploded, the Texas newspaper reported Friday. “They were working with S... more »
Saudi Arabia Needs EMILY's List... And France Needs To Remember How Bad Fascism Is
France was an absolute monarchy in 1302 when the aristocracy (including ecclesiastics) forced a semi-parliament, the Estates-General, on the crown in return for agreeing to pay taxes. With few exceptions, the body had little power and France remained an absolute monarchy. When Louis XVI summoned the Estates-General in 1789-- the first in 175 years!-- he wanted taxes but was surprised when the Third Estate (representatives of the common people) declared a National Assembly and started writing a constitution and eventually helped bring on the French Revolution, the First Republic, t... more »
Wind power just does not cut it
Tony Abbott told the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) that there was to be no money for windfarms. It was called "invest," but you should surely get a return on an investment. There will be no return on propping up the wind farm industry. The new Turnbull administration foolishly has reversed that decision. Under the new mandate, signed by Mr Hunt and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann on December 3, the $10 billion fund will be allowed to invest in wind projects, as long as they incorporate "emerging and innovative" methods. (Source) Dr Dennis Jensen, graduated from Monash U... more »
SAS Sniper In Iraq Kills Five ISIS Jihadis With Just Three Bullets
SAS snipers are targeting IS personnel in Iraq. (British Army sniper pictured). Sniper rifles available to British Special Forces include the L115a3 (.338 Lapua Magnum), the L82A1 (.50 BMG) and the L121A1 (.50 BMG). Image by Sgt Anthony Boocock, RLC © UK MOD / Crown Copyright 2008 used under open government licence *Daily Mail:* *SAS sniper in Iraq kills five ISIS jihadis with just three bullets after one causes suicide vest to blow up as they left bomb making factory* * SAS veteran took out group of jihadis with three well-aimed shots in Iraq * Three terrorists and two guards kill... more »
The Siege of Philadelphia Public Schools is Now a Full-Scale Assault
By Ken Derstine December 13, 2015 For background, see this previous post: *The Siege of Philadelphia Public Schools: Update | Defend Public Education! – October 11, 2015* *The Pennsylvania Legislature* *Introduction* The bipartisan celebrations in Washington D.C. over the enactment of the Every Child Succeeds Act were barely over when the Pennsylvania Senate passed a bill which goes to the heart of the states’ rights dangers opened up by the new law. In a bipartisan 42-9 vote on December 10th, the Senators approved a school code bill that would *require* the state to turnov... more »
Germany Dismisses U.S. Request For More Military Assistance Against The Islamic State
German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, December 1, 2015. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch *Reuters*: *Merkel dismisses U.S. request for more military help against Islamic State* BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday brushed off what a Germany magazine said was a request from the United States to provide more military help in the fight against Islamic State. "I believe Germany is fulfilling its part and we don't need to talk about new issues related to this question at the moment," Merkel told the ZDF broadca... more »
Will The Coming U.S. Interest Hike Send Shock-Waves Around The World?
Money Matters *Peter Spence, The Telegraph:* *Why the coming US interest rate hike is like none ever witnessed before* Central bank watchers believe the Federal Reserve is finally ready to pull the trigger on an interest rate hike. It is hard to overstate the significance of the decision that Janet Yellen, the US Federal Reserve chairman, and the rest of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will take later this week. America’s central bank is expected to start raising interest rates, in the first such move since the summer of 2006. The anticipated economic shift has been desc... more »
Baltic States Strive To Be Energy Indepedent From Russia
World Atlas *AFP:* *Sparking tension: Baltic electricity plan turns tables on Russia* Vilnius (AFP) - When Lithuania inaugurates two electrical links to the West on Monday, it will launch a process that will reduce its reliance on Russian electricity, and one day could make Russia dependent on the Baltic grids. With Russia accustomed to wielding energy supplies as a political weapon, the possibility that its westernmost outpost of Kaliningrad could become reliant on the West to keep the lights on has Moscow seething, straining already tense ties over Ukraine. "The first electrons... more »
Trump: Hillary Says I’m Dangerous When ‘She’s the One that Caused so Many Deaths’
[image: Trump] Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is "the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies on Saturday's Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel.... Continue reading *“Trump: Hillary Says I’m Dangerous When ‘She’s the One that Caused so Many Deaths’”* at *breitbart.com*.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 1333 is seen in visible light as a reflection nebula, dominated by bluish hues characteristic of starlight reflected by interstellar dust. A mere 1,000 light-years distant toward the heroic constellation Perseus, it lies at the edge of a large, star-forming molecular cloud. *Click image for larger size.* This striking close-up spans about two full moons on the sky or just over 15 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 1333. It shows details of the dusty region along with hints of contrasting red emission from Herbig-Haro objects, jets and shocked glowing gas emanating from... more »
National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead While Cruz Surges into 2nd Place
[image: Cruz surges] Ted Cruz has surged into second place, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Continue reading *“National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead While Cruz Surges into 2nd Place”* at *time.com*.
The Poet: John Glenday, "Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"
*"Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"* "Someone explained once how the pieces of what we are fall downwards at the same rate as the Universe. The atoms of us, falling towards the centre of whatever everything is. And we don't see it. We only sense their slight drag in the lifting hand. That's what weight is, that communal process of falling. Furthermore, these atoms carry hooks, like burrs, hooks catching like hooks, like clinging to like, that's what keeps us from becoming something else, and why in early love, we sometimes feel the tug of the heart snagging on another's heart. Only th... more »
Chet Raymo, “Holy Ignorance”
*“Holy Ignorance” * by Chet Raymo “At a press conference in 2002, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously explained foreign policy: “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know." The same can be said of science. The textbooks are full of known knowns. We are quite confident affirming the circulation of the blood, the distance to the Sun, the common descent of animals and plants. I sit h...more »
"Maybe we're not supposed to be happy. Maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is. Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes to simply be a human. Maybe, we're thankful for the familiar things we know. And maybe, we're thankful for the things we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate." - "Grey's Anatomy"
No, "Big Data" Can’t Predict the Future
*We've been told that with enough data, we can use sophisticated computing methods to predict the future. That often works with the physical sciences, acknowledges **Per Bylund** in this guest post, but predicting human action is something else altogether...* [image: No, “Big Data” Can’t Predict the Future] With Google’s dominance in the online search engine market we entered the Age of Free. Indeed, services offered online are nowadays expected to be offered at no cost. Which, of course, does not mean that there is no cost to it, only that the consumer doesn’t pay it. Early attempts... more »
America's Largest Military Base Overseas Taking Shape In South Korea
*Korea Times*: *US military's largest overseas base taking shape in Pyeongtaek* CAMP HUMPHREYS, Pyeongtaek ― The U.S. military is in the final stage of construction on what is set to be its largest overseas base located in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province. If finished on schedule in 2017, the base will accommodate approximately 42,000 soldiers and their families. The site was first opened up to the media on Dec. 10 while engineers and construction workers worked hard despite the rain and cold weather. Garrison Commander Col. Joseph C. Holland said the U.S. military has now completed...more »
Psychology: "What Keeps Love Alive, Couples Together?"
*"What Keeps Love Alive, Couples Together?"* By A. Pawlowski "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" - Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina" "No one can truly know what goes on inside a marriage except the two people involved, but researchers are getting increasingly good glimpses at what makes couples tick, how relationships are stressed and what factors can keep the spark alive. The goal: To find out what keeps love alive and couples together. Putting marriage under a microscope has resulted in new long-term studies that are showing better than ever... more »
What is Iran Up To?
*Jerusalem Post*: *Analysis: What is Iran up to?* Tehran is busy undermining the United States on almost all fronts since signing of accord. It sounds like a Persian fairy tale in which a Janus-like leader smiles and glowers at once, depending on the angle of viewing. This is the world inhabited by Iran observers since the signing of The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on July 14, 2015. The deal, signed between Iran and six world powers, exists to prevent Iran from obtaining weapons-grade nuclear material at least for the next 15 years On the one hand, Iranian leaders... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Ramat Hasharon, Tel Aviv, Israel. Thanks for stopping by!
Hanukkah: A Beacon Across Generations
[image: Menorah, Temple of Jerusalem] One of the most stirring moments in Western cinema is the lighting of the beacons in Peter Jackson's film version of The Return of the King, summoning the riders of Rohan to the aid of the beleaguered city of Minas Tirith. The... more »
Being Human: "Last Minutes With Oden"
*"Last Minutes With Oden"* "A brief, heart-wrenching documentary of a man saying goodbye to his loyal best friend, as Oden's struggle with cancer finally came to an end. May he rest in peace and his memory be eternal." Jim Valvano said, “To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, a... more »
Global Warming is a CROCK
Paul Joseph Watson completely annihilates the Man Made Global Warming Hoax in his latest video in just 7 minutes. Paul says: Global warming alarmists have been proven spectacularly wrong time and time again. So why should we believe them now? He ends his video with: The people pushing it (The AGW hoax) have been caught red-handed lying and faking data to prop up the crony and lucrative industry of the man made climate change hoax. AND Then: The Paris climate summit is merely a PR exercise to try and revive the discredited fairy tale of man made climate change. H/t Warwick H
The Paris Climate Change Deal Might Be The Start Of Something
There was a lot of excitement yesterday when the UN's climate deal document was released. My town's very environmentally-inclined mayor, Eric Garcetti, tweeted "Today's climate agreement vote is a hinge of history, when we stopped saying if and started moving to how. So glad LA is helping lead the way." And El Presidente made a speech about it-- the video above. Some excerpts: Skeptics said these actions would kill jobs. Instead, we’ve seen the longest streak of private-sector job creation in our history. We’ve driven our economic output to all-time highs while driving our carbon... more »
Israeli Jets Strike Gaza Sunday
The Israeli Air Force carried out air strikes in Gaza on Sunday following an alleged rocket attack on Israeli territory hours before. Sources on the ground in Gaza say the strikes were carried out by Israeli Apache helicopters which launched two missiles at the northwestern Gaza Strip, targeting a military wing of the Palestinian Hamas organisation, al-Qassam Brigades. Rt.com reports: Ambulances rushed to the scene with locals confirming to the publication that there had been “widespread damage” from the strike. It was not immediately clear if anyone was wounded in the strike. #BRE... more »
Church Slapped with Criminal Summons over Worship Service ‘Noise’
[image: Silence, silent, tape on mouth, quiet, finger on lips, adhesive tape] "Silent Night" has new meaning for a Louisiana church after they were issued criminal sanctions because their worship services exceeded 60 decibels -- which is about the same noise level of a dishwasher. The executive pastor of Vintage Church was... more »
Clinton Campaign Chairman: Cruz is Likely GOP Nominee
[image: Clinton campaign] Donald Trump’s apparent belief that the Republican primary contest is now a two-person race between himself and Ted Cruz isn’t exactly shared at the top of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta handicapped the GOP race for 90... Continue reading *“Clinton Campaign Chairman: Cruz is Likely GOP Nominee”* at *politico.com*.
Marco Rubio’s Claim That No Recent Mass Shootings Would Have Been Prevented by Gun Laws
[image: gun laws] None of the major shootings that have occurred in this country over the last few months or years that have outraged us, would gun laws have prevented them." -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). interview on CBS's This Morning, Dec. 4,... Continue reading *“Marco Rubio’s Claim That No Recent Mass Shootings Would Have Been Prevented by Gun Laws”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
COP21: World Leaders Are Blowing Hot Air To Cool The Planet
The historic Paris COP21 climate deal will be remembered for emitting a lot of hot gas, and trying to conceal a parallel agenda. According to activists, COP21 might have sealed the planet’s fate, by manipulating her resources. The big corporations who manipulate government policies have triumphed at Paris at the cost to the Planet and the unfortunate people who are now at the mercy of the World Bank for their salvation. “The Paris accord is a trade agreement, nothing more. It promises to privatize commodity and sell forested lands as carbon offsets in fraudulent schemes such as REDD...more »
18 New Cases Of Adverse Reactions To HPV Vaccine Emerge
Another group of teenage girls have reported extreme physical side-effects after receiving the controversial HPV anti-cervical cancer vaccine, after being administered the shot at their school. Eighteen girls from Ireland join a staggering 131 young women who came forward just one week ago reporting of adverse effects from the HPV vaccine. Independent.ie reports: The fresh allegations come as a senior doctor in Denmark – where the Gardasil drug has been replaced by an alternative – has linked some chronic symptoms to the vaccination. A TV3 documentary, Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Is It...more »
Russia Warns That Donald Trump Is A Target For Assassination
A Russian Foreign Intelligence report says that there is an active plot to assassinate Presidential candidate Donald Trump, due to the fact that he poses a serious threat to the status quo in the ruling elite in America and has been deemed unlikely to tow the line. Five Saudi Arabian nationals were detained by Lebanon’s intelligence services after a “heavily encrypted” laptop on their private jet was found. The laptop was found to contain top-secret travel and private security plans for Donald Trump. Usapoliticstoday.com reports: …[T]op establishment Republican consultant Rick Wils... more »
Indian Doctor Proves Ancient Spices Can Heal Disease
All over the world in places like India ancient spices are considered not just an essential ingredient for food but also for medicine. Spices have been proven effectively cure a number of chronic diseases which Western medicine struggles to treat. A book by author Bharat B. Aggarwal, entitled Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease, tells the story of an Indian doctor to scientifically documented the power of spices to treat and cure disease. Naturalnews.com reports: The following is a snippet from his book: Spices have been in my l... more »
Donald Trump Accuses Israel Of Funding ISIS
Shortly before cancelling his Israel trip, Presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared on national television and dropped the bombshell that he believes that Israel support ISIS by funding them. On the Morning Joe show, Trump said: Donald: Right now, you have things going on, you have so called people that you think are on our side, they’re not reporting it, they’re not talking about it, and in some cases they’re involved with it. I mean look: I’ll give you an example. Some of our so-called allies that we work with and that we protect militarily, they are sending massive amounts of ... more »
Homophobic ISIS Say They Will Kill Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow
ISIS have announced their plans to assassinate CNN reporter Anderson Cooper and MSNBC reporter Rachel Maddow, due to the fact that they are both “openly homosexual”. ISIS’ religious leader, Turki al-Bin’ali, issued a fatwa authorising the killing of both of the reporters due to both of them exhibiting “amal qawm Lut” (behavior of the People of Lot). Whatdoesitmean.com reports: The main “crimes/affronts” committed by Maddow and Cooper against the Prophet and Islam thus authorizing this death fatwa, this report says, has been their “unauthorized and unholy” defense of Islam (as such ...more »
"Welcome To The Future: Hit-And-Run Driver Arrested After Her Car Calls Police"
*"Welcome To The Future: * *Hit-And-Run Driver Arrested After Her Car Calls Police"* by Mike Krieger As technology generally continues to advance, one thing you can be sure of is the criminal justice system’s use of innovative new “tools” will grow exponentially. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a very dangerous thing. Pennsylvania’s new law that permits the use of data showing whether people are “deemed likely to commit additional crimes” in criminal sentencing, is a perfect example of how an over reliance on technology can be a threat to liberty and due process. – From... more »
Reprieve! “Binding” Paris Treaty is Now Voluntary Mush
[image: Paris treaty] Paris climate talks this week descended into madcap all-night negotiations, as delegates desperately tried to salvage some kind of agreement beyond empty promises to do something sometime about what President Obama insists is the gravest threat to our planet, national... Continue reading *“Reprieve! “Binding” Paris Treaty is Now Voluntary Mush”* at *cfact.org*.
NATO Is Incapable Of Beating Russia, Says US Media
An American journalist has claimed that Russia has a military advantage over NATO that would ensure it succeeded in the outbreak of war against NATO and any of its allies. Loren Thompson says NATO lacks the necessary preparations to meet high-tech military threats. “Fifteen years of fighting counter-insurgency warfare in Southwest Asia has left the Army well equipped to take down irregular forces such as ISIS [Daesh], but much less ready to fight an enemy armed with tanks, artillery and attack aircraft,” Thompson wrote for Forbes magazine. Sputniknews.com reports: Moreover, Russia ... more »
Noam Chomsky: Bombing ISIS Will Create More Paris Attacks
Renowned American scholar, professor Noam Chomsky, was asked a question at an event on how European politicians as well as the population should react to the Paris terrorist attacks of Friday November 13th. The internationally renowned U.S. linguist, writer and analyst said that the recent decision by France to bomb the Islamic State is an indication that Western powers don’t want to eradicate the root causes of terrorism that led to the recent Paris attacks. According to Chomsky, the root causes are: “The invasion of Iraq, the Wahabisation of Sunni Islam, the brutality of the Assad ... more »
Russian Warship Fires Towards Unresponsive Turkish Vessel
Russia have confirmed that they fired warning shots at a Turkish vessel from one of their warships in Aegean Sea on Sunday. The Russian defence ministry say that the warship Smetlivy failed to establish radio contact with an approaching Turkish ship 600 metres away, and therefore fired with small arms towards it to avoid a collision. Aljazeera.com reports: “The crew of the Russian patrol ship Smetlivy – which was located 22km from the Greek island of Lemnos in the northern part of the Aegean Sea – avoided collision with a Turkish seiner,” the defence ministry told the AFP news agen... more »
Are ISIS The Saudi Arabia Army In Disguise?
For decades Saudi Arabia have financed terrorism to advance their agenda to acquire more wealth and oil for the royal family. Zerohedge.com reports: In recent weeks one nation after another is falling over themselves, literally, to join the turkey shoot known, erroneously, as the war in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State or Daesh. The most wanted but most feared question is where will this war frenzy lead, and how can it be stopped short of dragging the entire planet into a world war of destruction? On September 30, responding to a formal invitation or plea from the duly-e... more »
Dec. 13: To see oursels...
'Oh, wad some gift the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us.' We have murdered millions in the Middle East. We have orphaned at least as many children. We have destroyed hopes and lives of many, many more. Whole nations will cease to exist. Those doing the killing for us are doing it, we are told, for God and country. How we can murder for God is not clear to me – though I know Hitler used that reason to kill Jews. (Hitler was a devout Christian.) As for my country, I would say to hell with it if it expected me to kill for it. (Think of the history of Britain and France and ... more »
“We’re All Terrorists Now”
*“We’re All Terrorists Now”* by Sam Gerrans "The concept of terrorism has been extended from carrying out physical acts in which innocent people are killed, to wrong opinions, sweaty palms and disagreement with government. If you want to find a terrorist, soon all you will have to do is look in the mirror. Words are political. They change shape to suit agendas. In the 1970s, ‘terrorist’ meant a paid-up member of the IRA, the Irgun, ETA and the like. These were bad people perpetrating evil and indiscriminate deeds upon a defenceless public. They used bombs, worked in cells, and kil... more »
Iraq To ‘Defend Sovereignty Against Turkish Aggression By All Means’
All three branches of the Iraqi government have stressed that their country has a right to resort to all legitimate means in order to defend territorial integrity and sovereignty against neighboring Turkey. On December 4, the Turkish military deployed hundreds of troops and heavy weaponry near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Iraq has demanded that Turkey withdraw from its territory before they consider military options. Press TV reports: The announcement was made in a joint statement issued following an urgent meeting held in the capital Baghdad on Saturday by Iraqi President Fuad... more »
The Paris, COP 21, Climate Change Policy Deal
The news's just flowing out of Paris that a global deal on climate change policy has been struck. The draft agreement (as it is called), can be found here. As so many agreements at this level it is virtually unreadable for a lay person, and the first 19 pages are only about the background, earlier deals and formal stuff about adoption, how to sign up, etc. The real stuff – the actual deal – starts in the so-called Annex, on page 20, and on page 21, in article 2, we find the nitty-gritty: *Article 2* 1. This Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the Convention, including its... more »
Russia versus NATO's Gladio 2.0: Turkish jihad from China to Syria
*The Way the Perps see the World* *B**ut if someone thinks that, having committed a despicable war crime, the murder of people, that they will get away with only losing tomatoes or some limitations in construction and other industries, then they are deeply mistaken. We have more than once reminded them what they have done. And they have more than once not expressed regret over their actions. We know what we need to do in this case.* Vladimir Putin The globalist, neocon, ziofascist... more »
Remembering John Trudell
John Trudell has passed to the other side on December 8, 2015. He was a Santee Sioux activist and a spoken word artist. Trudell had a profound influence on my thinking. Over the years, I’ve stashed away a collection of information about him. The following is a sampler. *EXHIBIT ONE* *Trudell*, Appaloosa Pictures, 2005, directed by Heather Rae, starring John Trudell. This is a full-length documentary about John Trudell, very well done. It’s available on YouTube. The commercial DVD includes additional material. *Trudell:* The spirit of life is almost nonexistent in the perce... more »
Bonus Quote of the Day: On political action
*"Politics are a lousy way for a free man to get things done." * ~ P.J. O'Rourke Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Ecuador & Sweden Seal Deal To Question Assange At London Embassy
Ecuador and Sweden have sealed an agreement that will allow Swedish authorities to question Julian Assange in Ecuador’s embassy in West London. The WikiLeaks founder has been holed up at the embassy for more than three years. Back in August, Swedish prosecutors said they would drop the investigation into two allegations of sexual assault and one of unlawful coercion as the statute of limitations had run out. There is still one outstanding allegation of rape, which Assange will still be questioned about. RT reports: The agreement was signed in Quito, Ecuador’s capital, after six mont... more »
Russian War (AKA The Final War) Prep for USA! USA! USA? (They Couldn't Be THIS Stupid, Could They?) NeoCons' Aggressions Towards Sovereign States Destroying Earth
If this is the moment it seems to be to most historians, I can't believe we're once again in the hands of people who don't have a clue as to what the next planned war will be about. "President Obama is no neocon, but he is constrained by the global hegemon legacy, which he must either sustain, or be labeled as the arch facilitator of America's decline," Crooke noted. Among other things,
The GOP Doesn't Want Voters Thinking About Economic Issues
Republicans and the GOP media mobilize voters by getting them to focus on terrorism and wars and bigotry. When voters come down to earth and think about the real problems that face them and their families-- jobs, income, financial security, health, retirement-- the Republicans do not stand a chance. The video above from Paul Clements' campaign addresses issues and solutions Americans actually want to hear about. His GOP opponent, Fred Upton, has a long and sordid record of offering his constituents no solutions. It's how-- despite monumental DCCC incompetence-- progressive candid... more »
Stage Set for Final GOP Debate of 2015
[image: debate of 2015] Washington (CNN) -- Nine candidates will appear in prime-time Tuesday night for the final Republican presidential primary debate of 2015, a critical event that will help shape the contest heading into the Iowa caucuses. Businessman Donald Trump, the front-runner for the... Continue reading *“Stage Set for Final GOP Debate of 2015”* at *cnn.com*.
ISIS Showcases Massive Arsenal Of American-Made Weapons In New Video
According to a new report from Amnesty International, many of ISIS’ arms have come from units defecting from the Free Syrian Army, as well as other rebel groups previously aligned with the United States and its plan to oust Bashar al-Assad *By Nick Bernabe | AntiMedia * | December 10, 2015 ------------------------------ *(**ANTIMEDIA**)* *San Diego, CA —* ISIS, the world’s most infamous terror group, has shocked the interwebz again after posting a new propaganda video that showcases its massive arsenal of tanks and heavy artillery. The video shows tank after tank, artillery ... more »
Pollsters Modelling Stupidity
Very occasionally you come across an article so objectionably dumb that it sticks in your head. For almost two months a piece by the name of Forget the debate: Two simple reasons a Republican will likely win in 2016 has been quietly exercising me *because it is stupid*. The authors are two top American pollsters who should know what they're talking about but, unfortunately, they don't. The reason they fall into error is because they lack a sociological imagination. In their piece Clifford Young and Julia Clarke confidently predict that the Republicans will win next year's president... more »
Jackapoo Dog Accidentally Dragged 3 Miles Along Road Behind Car
A pet jackapoo dog suffered injuries by getting shut out of the family car and dragged along the highway by his lead. Alf and Jan Sawkins were shocked to find that their tiny jack-a-poo Billy was missing from the car that they were driving. After numerous warnings by other motorists, they stopped to find that their poor pooch had a lucky escape. He had been dragged along the road by the scruff of his neck after his owner momentarily opened and shut one of the car doors. His lead was caught in the back door of the car Alf Sawkins was commandeering. It got released when Alf realized h... more »
The differences between Montessori and traditional mainstream education
[Pic from Montessori Australia] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
A Worthless Piece Of Paper
By Paul Homewood https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Paris_Agreement#Article_6 There have been many media reports that the Paris Agreement is a legally binding one, at least in part. It is therefore important to understand which bits of it are. There are many administrative clauses in the Agreement, but the ones that are of any significance and are […]
An Exercise in Futility
Now, you no longer need to wade through the analyses of COP21, whether critical or congratulatory, - as we all try to forget the obscene excesses of the misguided activists. In one brief cathartic series of his signature limericks, Benjamin the Donkey has the most astute commentary imaginable. Dramatized in poignant settings with inimitable disarming sincerity and humor, enjoy his latest foray into the world of youtube, and hope for many more.
Russian Destroyer Fires Warning Shots At Turkish Trawler In Aegean Sea
The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday that one of their destroyers was forced to open warning fire at a Turkish vessel in the Aegean Sea in order to avoid collision. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has urgently summoned the Turkish military attache in Moscow over the incident. The Telegraph reports: The defence ministry said in a statement that the Turkish fishing vessel had failed to respond to earlier warnings on Sunday morning, but changed course after shots were fired from the destroyer Smitlivy. The ships were some 500 yards apart at the time. “Despite n... more »
Thousands March In London Against Syria Bombing
Thousands took to the streets in London on Saturday in protest against the UK’s military intervention in Syria The Anti-war demonstrators also demand an end to other British military campaigns abroad. Thousands here, from all over the country, saying with one clear voice – #StopBombingSyria https://t.co/yCk15JMIc8 — Raza Nadim (@razanadim) December 12, 2015 RT reports: Activists and supporters of the Stop the War Coalition gathered outside Broadcasting House at Portland Place before marching to Downing Street. Slogans like “MPs who voted to kill people #stop bombing Syria”, “Bombing...more »
More from Camp Schwab
米退役軍人も抗議行動に参加辺野古 アメリカ退役軍人が抗議に参加退役軍人たちが辺野古で抗議「私は23歳までにイラク・アフガン戦争に派兵されました。どうか現実を見てほしい。中東でISを生んだように、軍隊は平和を築くことはできない」「戦争のための基地はいらないと訴えたい。これ以上基地を造る理由は何もない」「『テロとの戦い』というもののためにイラクに派兵されましたが、実際の戦場では、自分自身がイラクの人々にとってのテロだった」悲惨な戦場を経験した元アメリカ兵たちが辺野古で新基地建設反対を訴えました。12月11日の朝、抗議行動に参加したのは、アメリカからやってきた「平和を求める元軍人の会」のメンバーらです。メンバーらは、ベトナム戦争やイラク戦争に行った体験から、アメリカの武力攻撃に反対し、平和を訴える運動を続けていて、「新たな戦争につながる基地は造らせない」と声を上げました。抗議した元陸軍兵のウィリアム・グリフィンさんは「私は23歳までにイラク・アフガン戦争に派兵されました。どうか現実を見てほしい。中東でISを生んだように、軍隊は平和を築くことはできない。平和を生むのは2つだけ、和解と結束だ」と話し、元海兵隊員のマイク・ヘインズさんは「戦争のための基地はいらないと訴えたい。これ以上基地を造る理由は何もない」「『テロとの戦い』というもののためにイラクに派兵されましたが、実際の戦場... more »
#COP21: Snake Oil
Unless you've been living under an ice-floe this weekend, you'll have noticed that the thousands of folk in Paris have produced 31 pages of agreement outlawing warm weather--and commentators have filled thousands more talking about it . . . - UPDATE: "So Paris does indeed mark a historic turning point. It is the moment when the political panic over climate change finally begins to collide with inescapable realities. However much President Obama and the EU may still want to commit economic suicide by abandoning those fossil fuels which alone make modern civilisation... more »
Jerry Falwell Jr. is Right, Hillary: Christianity is Fine With Using Guns to Stop a Massacre
[image: Gun Bible] "Hillary is a liar." This was Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s response to Sean Hannity when asked about Hillary Clinton's insinuation that he committed treason by “giving aid and comfort” to ISIS. In her comments on ABC’s This Week... more »
Earth’s Rotation Is Slowing Down Causing Days To Be Slightly Longer
Melting glaciers and natural global warming has been blamed by scientists for slowing down earth’s rotation on its axis. The scientists say that the melting of glaciers caused by the world’s rising temperatures appears to be causing a slight slowing of the Earth’s rotation Earth’s axis is also also wobbling in a motion called a ‘polar wonder’ due to melting ice and rising oceans according to research published in the journal Science Advances The Mirror reports: The driving force behind the modest but discernible changes in the Earth’s rotation measured by satellites and astronomical ... more »
Quote of the Day: The real reason for multiculturalism
*“The reason why multiculturalism exists is to pretend that inferior cultures aren’t inferior and that superior cultures aren’t superior. It’s a way to tell nice lies about rotten cultures and rotten lies about great cultures. And from this, we’ve set ourselves up not only to believe the enemy propaganda that "Islam means peace", but to propagate it ourselves, all while blaming ourselves for the enemy's war on us.”* ~ Bosch Fawstin Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/12/13/following-orders/ -- Kahntineta Bear
Argentina: The Strange Bariloche Aircraft of 1968
*Source: CEFORA and Planeta UFODate: 10.10.2015* *Argentina: The Strange Bariloche Aircraft of 1968* *By Andrea Pérez Simondini - CEFORABased on the research of Alejandro Vignati, 2001 Magazine (1968) * Journalist and poet Alejandro Vignatti became involved with the case immediately as a correspondent for "2001: Periodismo de anticipacion" - a scientific popularization magazine for which he served on the editorial board. He got in touch with the principal witnesses of the case, writing a detailed article for the cited publication, which we transcribe below: *BARILOCHE CASE - J... more »
Should Woman’s Rant About Muslims Be a Crime?
[image: Denise Slader - Muslim fight - 000] In the age of the cellphone camera, interactions that are best forgotten instead escalate and become chew toys for the chattering class. When a video goes viral, the public’s sense of proportion often goes AWOL. It started last Sunday when... more »
"Strange Is Our Situation..."
“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others...for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.” - Albert Einstein
Editor's Note
Blogging will return this evening. Just a note to new readers. Blogging is always light on weekends .... one of the agreements that I had to make with the GF. :(
The Establishment Plot To Insert Paul Ryan As The Republican Party Presidential Nominee
Few of the growing number of Republicans opposing Trumpf say their opposition is rooted in what's good for the country. It's about what's good for the fucked-up political party they share with him-- albeit uneasily-- that spawned him in the first place. I don't recall ever seeing so many elected officials from a party saying they will not support a candidate if he's their party's official nominee. Miami-Dade walking dead freshman Carlos Curbelo comes right out and says he "wouldn’t support Donald Trump for president if he were our nominee. I would support any reasonable idea to fi... more »
What U.S. Border Security?
The San Bernardino attackers Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago in 2014. Credit U.S. Customs and Border Protection *NYT*: *U.S. Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media* WASHINGTON — Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by American immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. None uncovered what Ms. Malik had made little effort to hide — that she talked openly on social media about her views on violent ... more »
*Forget about tanking as the Saints play out the string; ‘We’re still hungry,’ receiver Brandon Coleman says ~N.O. Advocate * *New Generation Second Line Parade ~WWOZ*
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 13th, 2015
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday again... And as usual time for my weekly rant... I do not know about the rest of you, but this year it just does not feel like Christmas at all... I have found that most people just are not as jovial or kind this year in comparison to previous years.. Granted, most people just do not have the spending power they once had and are more frugal this year than in previous ones when it comes to spending on loved ones and friends for the holidays... I also have noticed quite a change in the local mall this year as more and more people are absolutely NOT spendi... more »
US Police are worse than ISIS
*US Police are worse than ISIS* Americans really need to publically identify and profile these shooters. They act like ISIS. They are terrorists and they need to be fought like Russia is fighting ISIS in Syria. What are their names? What is their ethnicity? Are they NAZIS? When you see scenes like this and remember that...some Americans still deny there is racism against blacks in America....OR THIS... *Justice in Chicago* Chicago cops are caught on video *deleting the video *of them shooting a young black man.
Did The U.S. Also Pay Bowe Bergdahl's Captives A Financial Ransom?
*Photo: *Bowe Robert Bergdahl *Shane Harris, Daily Beast*: *Inside the Botched Rescue of Bowe Bergdahl* *The U.S. government paid a ransom in the hopes of freeing the captive American soldier, a Congressman alleges. But when the FBI went to get Bowe Bergdahl, he wasn’t there.* In late February of 2014, a representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation traveled to the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan ready to bring home Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who had been held for nearly five years by an ally of the Taliban. The operation wasn’t announced publicly. But within U.S. national sec... more »
Central African Republic Holds Referendum On New Constitution As Supporters And Opponents Clash
*IBTimes*: *Central African Republic: Violence Marks Crucial Referendum On New Constitution* Violence broke out Sunday in the Central African Republic (CAR) as polling stations opened for a crucial referendum on a new constitution. At least five people were wounded in clashes between supporters and opponents of the referendum in the Muslim-dominated PK5 enclave in the capital city of Bangui, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported, citing a Red Cross employee. Gunfire and bomb blasts have also been heard in the Gobongo district, which is a stronghold of the Christian “anti-balaka” mil... more »
More Than 10,000 Unaccompanied Minors Apprehended on US Border in Last Two Months
[image: unaccompanied minors] The number of children who are caught trying to slip across the U.S.-Mexico border alone and illegally has quietly surged again more than a year after President Obama referred to the problem as an “urgent humanitarian situation.” While the world... Continue reading *“More Than 10,000 Unaccompanied Minors Apprehended on US Border in Last Two Months”* at *nbcnews.com*.
Americans Warned To Leave Burundi As The Violence Escalates
*WSJ:* *U.S. Urges Americans to Leave Burundi After Violence Kills 87* U.S. government asks citizens to leave as soon as possible after violence surrounding disputed third term of President Pierre Nkurunziza BUJUMBURA, Burundi—The U.S. government has asked its citizens to leave Burundi as soon as possible after 87 people were killed Friday in clashes, an escalation of violence surrounding the disputed third term of President Pierre Nkurunziza. The State Department said Sunday it has ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government personnel and dependents of U.S. government ...more »
Ecuador And Sweden Reach An Agreement On How To Question Wkileaks Founder Julian Assange
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks to the media outside the Ecuador embassy in west London on August 19, 2012. Reuters/Olivia Harris/Files *Reuters*: *Ecuador signs deal with Sweden for Assange questioning* Ecuador and Sweden have signed a pact that would allow WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be questioned at Ecuador's embassy in London where he has been for more than three years, the Quito government said. The legal agreement was signed in the Ecuadorean capital after half a year of negotiations. "It is, without doubt, an instrument that strengthens bilateral relations a... more »
Russian Destroyer Fires Warning Shots At Turkish Ship
*RT:* *Russian destroyer fires warning shots at Turkish fishing boat on collision course in Aegean* A Russian destroyer had to open warning fire as a Turkish fishing vessel sailed on a collision course towards them and didn’t respond to calls from the warship, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The incident happened in the northern part of the Aegean Sea some 12 nautical miles from the Greek island of Lemnos, the ministry said. The crew of the Kashin-class guided missile destroyer Smetlivy spotted the Turkish fishing trawler some 1,000 meters from the Russian warship early on ... more »
China Increases Navy Drills In The South China Sea
InPic: #Striking moments of the live fire #drill conducted by South #China Sea Fleet lately. pic.twitter.com/9nsSK4tx9G — People's Daily,China (@PDChina) December 13, 2015 *IBTimes*: *South China Sea Controversy Update: China Conducts Live-Fire Exercises As Tensions Remain High* As tensions remain high over the South China Sea, China’s navy has conducted live-fire exercises in recent days, Reuters reported Sunday local time. China’s Defense Ministry said the drills were routine as other countries in the region continue to boost their own forces. “The People's Liberation Army Navy... more »
"The Purpose Of Life..."
“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be "happy." I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” - Leo C. Rosten
“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”
*“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”* by Dr. Michael J. Breus “Dreams are one of the most fascinating- and least understood- aspects of sleep. Though science has offered possibilities, we don't yet understand the purpose of dreaming. Dreams can encompass a dramatic range of emotion, and subject matter. Some dreams seem plucked directly from our everyday lives. Most of us have had the experience of waking up shaking our heads at the odd and sometimes amusing circumstances that unfolded while dreaming. Dreams can contend with deep emotions, dealing with loss and reunion, anger, sorrow... more »
US Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media
[image: social media] WASHINGTON -- Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by American immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. None uncovered what Ms. Malik had made... Continue reading *“US Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media”* at *nytimes.com*.
Average Gas Price Soon Under $2, Lowest Since Recession
[image: QT gas station sign - 900] DALLAS (AP) -- Gasoline is close to breaking below a key psychological barrier as drivers enjoy some of the cheapest pump prices since the recession. The nationwide average price of a gallon of regular Saturday was $2.02, down 58 cents...more »
Ronda Rousey Keeps Promise, Attends Marine Corps Ball
[image: Ronda Rousey Marine Corps Ball] Mixed martial arts star Ronda Rousey made good on her commitment to attend the Marine Corps Ball on Friday -- despite suffering the first loss of her career less than a month ago. Rousey, 28, wore a black gown and... Continue reading *“Ronda Rousey Keeps Promise, Attends Marine Corps Ball”* at *nypost.com*.
There's A Conservative Way At Looking At Martin Shkreli And There's A Progressive Way
Until Friday, the newest controversy around young greed and selfishness icon Martin Shkreli was how he bought the single existent copy of the 31-track Wu-Tang Clan double album, *Once Upon A Time In Shaolin*, for a million or two million dollars (no one who knows for sure is telling) at an auction, after having a trusted staffer listen to a 13 minute snippet. Then Friday the former hedge fund manager-turned-pharmaceutical CEO was in the news again with a plan to sharply increase the price of a decades-old drug for a serious infectious disease, Chagas disease, a parasitic infection ... more »
Mystery Over Last Minute Change To Paris Agreement
By Paul Homewood There was one interesting development yesterday, as governments came together to approve the final draft of the Paris Agreement, as the Telegraph reported: An who objected? The difference between “shall” and “should” is huge, as “shall” would make it legally binding. Why then did the […]
Booker, The BBC & QuentinGate
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/12047679/BBC-censures-itself-for-telling-the-truth-about-global-warming.html Booker blasts the BBC’s hypocrisy: Last week the BBC Trust issued as damning a ruling as it can ever have made on any BBC programme, ordering that all trace of it must be wiped off the BBC’s website. In a 20-page report, it found that the programme […]
ACLU Leader Resigns after Post about Shooting Trump Supporters
[image: Loring Wirbel] An ACLU leader has resigned after posting on Facebook that supporters of leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump be shot before Election Day, according to multiple news sources. The post by Loring Wirbel, co-chairman of the Colorado Springs, Colo., chapter... Continue reading *“ACLU Leader Resigns after Post about Shooting Trump Supporters”* at *foxnews.com*.
Baltimore Ravens Player’s Stunning Performance of ‘Ave Maria’ at Christmas Charity Concert
[image: Justin Tucker] Baltimore Ravens Kicker Justin Tucker traded his jersey for a tuxedo in a performance that will probably come as a shock to most. As it turns out, Tucker can do more than play football -- he can sing. Continue reading *“Baltimore Ravens Player’s Stunning Performance of ‘Ave Maria’ at Christmas Charity Concert”* at *theblaze.com*.
AP Poll: Trump Scores High on Decisiveness, Low on Favorability
[image: Donald Trump] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Most Americans don’t have much affection for Donald Trump. Even Republicans tend to think he’s not so likable. But he’s running for president, not for Mr. Congeniality. Trump is overwhelmingly viewed by Republican voters as decisive and... more »
*Christmas Comes Early for Teachers Unions and Obama Administration With No Child Left Behind Rewrite* “It’s like Christmas Day,” exclaimed Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union. García was referring to passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was signed into law by President Barack Obama—who similarly referred to the new law as a “Christmas miracle”—earlier Thursday. On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate passed the measure, which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the most rece... more »
Man Accused of Hate Crime, Arson in Mosque Fire in Area Near San Bernardino Shooting
[image: Mosque Fire__1450010688_173.71.16.53] COACHELLA, Calif. (AP) -- A 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of committing a hate crime and arson in connection with a Southern California mosque fire, authorities said Saturday. Carl James Dial Jr., of Palm Desert, was arrested late Friday... more »
Cervarix Changed Our Reality by Christina Berry-Macintosh
Ellen Cervarix Changed Our Reality by Christina Berry-McIntosh Margate, Kent – UK Sane Vax, Inc. 11 December 2015 Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer... more »
Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll, Trump Support Stays Flat
[image: Iowa poll] Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.... Continue reading *“Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll, Trump Support Stays Flat”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Gloria Steinem’s Memoir Whitewashes Feminism’s Failures
[image: Steinem] What would you like to hear from a feminist elder, prominent enough in her day to be bracketed with such big names as Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug? At 81, Gloria Steinem is in a position to be frank about... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( December 13 , 2015 ) Europe in Focus ( French Regional Elections Second Round Today , Spain Election Items Of Note , UK - Brexit Becoming More Viable As Cameron Negotiation Flounders , Greece Updates - Greece Review and Role Of IMF A Key / Greece Refugee Issues & Concerns Mount / Brent Falling , Falling , Falling / Germany In Focus - Protests Not Just Far right But Also the Left Roil Germany / Refugee Issue A Key Concern Of German People / Political Tension Mount For Merkel And CDU , Irish Election Item , Climate Accord Item , Polish Gov't Protest ) ..... Emerging Nations & Asia In Focus ( Saudi Economic Items of Note As Oil Roils GCC Generally , Argentia Items of Note , West Big Plans For Fractured Libya complicated by Political complications )
Emerging Nations and Asia...... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 3m 3 minutes ago OFFSHORE YUAN EXTENDS LOSSES, NOW DOWN 0.42% VS DOLLAR *zerohedge* @zerohedge 12m 12 minutes ago China's Currency Continues To Tumble As AsiaPac Credit Markets Plunge, EM Stocks Lowest Since 2009 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-1 3/chinas-currency-continues-tumble-asiapac-credit-markets-plunge-em-stocks-lowest-2009 … *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLun 12m 12 minutes ago Missing chairman mystery solved, but Fosun International stock -13.5% in HK pre-market, Shanghai Fosun -13.1% aft... more »
*LOL. An unenforceable agreement to do the impossible!* *The Greenies are right about the climate agreement just signed in Paris. They think it's a crock. It is.Here's what the Solons agreed to in Paris:1. A long-term goal to limit global warming to 2C, or 1.5C if possible2. National pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the 2020s3. A plan to make countries pledge deeper emissions cuts in future, improving their plans every five years4. Rich nations to provide funding to poorer ones – ‘mobilising’ $100bn a year until 2025, and more thereafter5. A plan to ... more »
‘Zombie Nativity’ Scene Opens New Front in War on Christmas
[image: Zombie1] CINCINNATI (AP) -- A “zombie nativity” that spurred complaints and zoning violation notices last year is on display again in a suburban Cincinnati yard, with a change to avoid fines. Officials have concluded Jasen Dixon’s display complies with local zoning... more »
Goodby Harper, Hello Canada
I am going to be taking a short break from my weekly blogging over the holidays but before I do I wanted to write a little of my personal thoughts as to what I hope the new year will bring. I will admit to being very optimistic, perhaps too much so, for a return to a kinder, more inclusive, caring Canada as detailed by our new governments many proposed changes to things that were ignored, closed, silenced or abused by the previous regime. Just the tone of the PM and his various ministers gives me a renewed sense of hope for the future, a positive outlook and the reinvesting in peopl... more »
Bethsabee (Bathsheba), by Jean-Léon Gérôme,
*Bathsheba *by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904) Oil sketch on canvas, 1889 100 x 61 cm (3' 3.37" x 24.02") Private collection Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
It's Not Just Racists. It's Racism.
https://quotesgram.com/ Last week, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson acknowledged that "there are racists in my police force." His frankness was long overdue. But, Julie Kaye and Beverley Jacobs write, Paulson's admission doesn't get to the real problem: Paulson’s statement reinforces the false notion that there are merely “a few bad apples” in the force. There *are* a few bad apples, of course; as Grand Chief Doug Kelly, leader of the Sto:lo Tribal Council in British Columbia, said, “some of the worst racists carry a gun and they carry... more »
It's a funny old world
It's a funny old world. One minute you're a hero, 'going viral' on social media and being lauded across the BBC, for shouting "You ain't no Muslim, bruv" at Muhayadin Mire, the London Tube terrorist suspect; then next you are being tut-tutted at by exactly the same kind of people for making dodgy assumptions about Muslims. Last night's *The Papers *on the BBC News Channel looked at this story (in *The Sunday Times*). Martine Croxall discussed it with former BBC sports editor Mihir Bose and writer Sunny Singh. Here's how their discussion went: *Martine Croxall*: Let's look at a sor... more »
Third Sunday of Advent: Gaudete in Domino semper...
*rejoice in the Lord always.* Reading 2 1 thes 5:16-24 Brothers and sisters: Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil. May the God of peace make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it.
Military Photo of the Day: December 13, 2015
[image: Glenn Miller - 900] "Major Glenn Miller Is Missing On Flight From England to Paris. His Air Force Band had been playing in Paris. No members of the band were with him on the plane. He last led his band in a broadcast Dec. 12."... more »
A Look At Where The World's 'Hot Money' Comes From
*Zero Hedge:** Visualizing The World's "Hot" Money* Every year, roughly $1 trillion flows illegally out of developing and emerging economies due to crime, corruption, and tax evasion. This amount is more than these countries receive in foreign direct investment and foreign aid combined. This week, a new report was released that highlights the latest data available on this “hot” money. Assembled by Global Financial Integrity, a research and advisory organization based in Washington, DC, the report details illicit financial flows of money from developing countries using the latest ... more »
Musical Interlude: Dire Straits, “Private Investigations”
Dire Straits, “Private Investigations” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-HCrKa1gbw
Rightwing Nuthouse: “5 Nauseating Right-Wing Moments this Week: Scalia Almost Trumps Trump”
*“5 Nauseating Right-Wing Moments this Week: * *Scalia Almost Trumps Trump”* by Janet Allon “Trump outraged everyone with his call for a ban on Muslims entering the country on Monday. Everyone except his growing band of followers, and Fox News, and Pat Buchanan, anyway. But while Trump regularly spews hateful nonsense, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia piped up with a shockingly offensive doozy of his own this week. Unlike Trump's inflammatory statement, no GOP-ers rushed to denounce Scalia. Here are 5 completely obnoxious moments from the week that was: *1. Scalia: But do we r...more »
The U.S. Navy Wants A New Drone For Its Aircraft Carriers
An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator is towed into the hangar bay of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush. (U.S. NAVY PHOTO BY MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST 2ND CLASS TIMOTHY WALTER) *Reuters:* *U.S. Navy chief sees need to move forward quickly on carrier drone* The U.S. Navy needs to "get going" on a new, unmanned armed aircraft that can operate from the deck of an aircraft carrier, U.S. Chief of Naval of Operations Admiral John Richardson said on Monday. He said the Navy's long-delayed Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) ef...more »
Who Owns The Airwaves?
Les Moonves is the CEO of CBS. In the clip above he explains why the media giants have been egging on Herr Trumpf on to make increasingly destructive statements that shred U.S. social cohesion. Obviously it's all about the bottom line, his company's bottom line, and the bottom lines of all the media conglomerates. If Trumpf were to wake up and decide to call on his fans to rise up and firebomb mosques, would CBS and the other media giants cover it as news? Well, of course they would. That's what they've turned into. (Moonves and I grew up at the same time in Valley Stream on Long ... more »
Katie Hopkins Announces She’s Joining ISIS
Outspoken TV personality and columnist Katie Hopkins has announced that she intends to join ISIS in a bid to steer the terrorist organisation in a new direction. Speaking to fans on Twitter, Hopkins said she wants to “talk some sense to those radicals”, who she says will think twice about killing people once she’s elected leader. “I don’t suffer fools gladly. I’m going to join the group, work my way to the top, and knock some sense into the lot of them”, she Tweeted before adding, “I’m doing this for Britain”. Boasting about wearing a pair of black Jimmy Choo’s to Syria, the no-nons... more »
The US Navy's $864 Million Underwater Mine-Hunting Drone Program Is A Complete Failure
Remote Minehunting System Source: Lockheed Martin via U.S. Navy *Bloomberg*: *The Navy's $864 Million Underwater Drones Still Don't Work* * Pentagon test data show 24 major failures since September 2014 * Crippled Lockheed drones towed to port seven times this year The U.S. Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship would be ineffective at hunting for mines because an underwater drone made by Lockheed Martin Corp. that’s supposed to find them often fails to work, the Pentagon’s weapons-testing office found. While mine-hunting is intended to be the primary combat mission of the ship, the drone... more »
U.S. Navy's Newest Ship Is Towed To Base After Breaking Down At Sea
*Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:* *USS Milwaukee breaks down at sea* The littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee, the Navy's newest ship that was commissioned in Milwaukee in November, broke down at sea Friday and had to be towed more than 40 nautical miles to a base in Little Creek, Va., the Navy Times reported. The ship, constructed at the Marinette Marine Corp. shipyard in Marinette, suffered an engineering problem while in route from Halifax, Canada, to Mayport, Fla., and ultimately its home port of San Diego, according to a post on the Navy Times website. The cause of the problem on ... more »
U.S. Asks Germany For More Military Aid In the War Against The Islamic State
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen and U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carterhold a news conference during a visit to the NATO Response Force Very High Readiness Joint Task Force unit in Muenster, Germany, June 22. According to "Der Spiegel," Carter has sent a letter asking for a bigger military contribution from Berlin in the fight against the Islamic State. WOLFGANG RATTAY/REUTERs *The Guardian/Reuters:* *US asks Germany for more military aid against Isis, report says* * US defense secretary sent Berlin letter seeking greater military support * German defense minister... more »
The #COP21 Deal, December 12, 2015: The Day Science Died
[image: Paris Climate Change conference] President Hollande of France slid to the microphone, and, with great Gallic aplomb, announced December 12th, 2015 will be a day that lives in “infamy.” Or maybe it was “history.” It’s hard to tell since that gentleman was rather excited... more »
ISIS Issues Fatwa To Slay All American Dogs And Puppies
A disturbing report by the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) warns Americans that pet dogs and puppies have become legitimate targets by ISIS militants. Religious leader, Turki al-Bin’ali, issued a fatwa calling for the immediate mass killing of all pet dogs and puppies in the United States. The fatwa was issued in response to the growing number of young Americans who have apparently queried joining ISIS, but had problems obtaining weapons. According to Bin’ali, the fatwa should remind young Americans that striking fear into Westerners is more imp... more »
ISIS Is Feeding The Flesh Of Murdered Children To Their Mothers
A horrific report has been circulated to members of Congress that suggests Chaldean and Yezidi people in Iraq and Syria are being burned alive, and dead children are being force fed to their mothers by ISIS militants due to the fact that they aren’t muslim. Chaldean and Yezidi leaders have described the situation as a mass-genocide of their people. “Because we are not Muslims, and because our path is the path of peace… we are being burned alive,” Mirza Ismail, chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International, told members of Congress. He testified that, “there are tho... more »
Gun Used In Paris Attacks Linked To America
One of the guns linked to the Paris attacks has been traced back to a Florida arms dealer who had also sold arms to the Contras of Nicaragua during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal. The head of a Serbian arms factory claims the M92 semi-automatic’s serial number is the same one that he delivered to an American arms dealer called Century International Arms. Rt.com reports: “[It] is a semi-automatic weapon, a hunting and a sporting weapon … cannot fire barrage fire, only single shots … which are legal in America,” Milojko Brzakovic, head of the Zastava arms factory, told the Associated ... more »
Congress Announce Investigation Into Claims Obama Helped ISIS
A stunning investigation has been launched by lawmakers in the House of Representatives that will officially examine serious allegations that President Obama manipulated intelligence reports that secretly allowed ISIS to thrive. Three committees in the House of Representatives said on Friday that they would look into claims that Obama colluded with ISIS after 50 intelligence officials raised the alarm that Obama had doctored information relating to the terrorist organisation. Conservativetribune.com reports: According to the Washington Examiner, Republican Reps. Ken Calvert of Cali... more »
On Christmas A ‘Cold Moon’ Will Be Seen For First Time In Decades
For the first time this century a rare full moon nicknamed the “cold moon” will reach its peak size on Christmas day. There hasn’t been a full moon on Christmas since 1977, and the next one after this will be in 2034. Huffingtonpost.com reports: It looks like Santa might not have to rely on Rudolph’s red nose to guide his sleigh this year. December’s moon, nicknamed the “cold moon” will reach its peak size on Dec. 25 at around 6:11 a.m. 1st full moon on Christmas in almost 40 years! #ComingSoon https://t.co/gQUiYioN6Y pic.twitter.com/aYbl8OkrPD — MotherNatureNetwork (@MotherNatureN... more »
Allen Dulles And The Murders Of JFK And Robert Kennedy
A new book on the assassination of JFK suggests that the former US President posed an obstacle to CIA director Allen Dulles who wished to engage in a war with Cuba and the Soviet Union. The book suggests that Kennedy wanted to scrap the CIA and his refusal to spark World War III ultimately ended up causing the CIA to assassinate him. Strategic-culture.org reports: JFK and the Unspeakable depicts Kennedy as getting in the way of the violence that Allen Dulles and gang wished to engage in abroad. He wouldn’t fight Cuba or the Soviet Union or Vietnam or East Germany or independence mo... more »
Scientology Investigated For Fraud, Faces Total Ban In Belgium
A court in Belgium is hearing a case that suggests the Church of Scientology are involved in fraud and extortion (a claim they deny) that, if proved to be true, could see the church banned in Belgium. Eleven senior members of the church have been charged with fraud, extortion, invading the right to privacy, and running a criminal organization. News.com.au reports: In closing the seven-week trial, Scientology’s defence team said the charges were nothing more than an attempt to blacken its reputation. “You can’t explain an investigation this long and of such relentlessness against pe... more »
BWorld 31, Comparative electricity exchange market in Asia-Pacific
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last December 09, 2015. Voluntary market exchange, the people’s freedom to sell and supply and freedom to buy and purchase, is among the cornerstones of a free and dynamic society. When they are not forced to sell to only one or two buyers or not forced to buy from only one or two sellers, then there is more competition. As a result, prices are reasonable and affordable and the consumers benefit from this kind of economic freedom. In the electricity market, the presence of many power generation companies, many power plants from various energy s... more »
Obama Praises, Sen. McConnell Blasts Global Climate Change Pact
[image: 1obamaface] President Obama hailed the approval of a far-reaching global climate accord to limit greenhouse gas emissions adopted Saturday in Paris, in a statement from the White House Cabinet Room Saturday afternoon. Praising the pact as a 'turning point for the... Continue reading *“Obama Praises, Sen. McConnell Blasts Global Climate Change Pact”* at *foxnews.com*.
Politicians Commit To New World Order Climate Change Plan
Duplicitous world leaders have agreed on a plan to combat so called man-made climate change, ignoring evidence contradicting the idea that global warming is man-made, thus pushing forward an agenda for a New World Order by imposing more control on citizens worldwide. Politicians representing 190 nations have agreed to regulate the emission of gases that they say scientists have claimed causes global warming. Even though scientists have refuted the claims that global warming is man-made, politicians have gone ahead and agreed on tough economic reforms that the public will have to bu... more »
Sleater-Kinney, The Ramones, Frank Sinatra... And Ted Cruz, The Trumpf Slayer
This year-- after an 8 year hiatus, Sleater-Kinney got back together, released a new album, *No Cities to Love*, and have been touring non-stop (this week New York-- Kings Theater in Brooklyn tonight-- and then off to New Zealand and Australia in February). Thursday night at the House of Blues in Cleveland, they performed a cover of the 1987 Ramones classic "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)." The original Ramones video is pretty rare too-- and, if I remember correctly, the first one that C.J. was in instead of Dee Dee. The video gives you some insight into the kind p... more »
Trump Asks of Cruz: Can Any Good Evangelical Come Out of Cuba? I Ask: Does Trump Even Know What an Evangelical Is?
[image: Ted Cruz] In one of his strangest comments to date, Donald Trump raised questions about Ted Cruz's evangelical roots, saying at a rally in Iowa, "I do like Ted Cruz, but not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba." While Trump... more »
Energy 50, Cheap oil, natural gas and coal prices
Wow, $35 a barrel oil. Airlines and shipping lines' fares should go down, more tourism. More farm mechanization, more cows and carabaos will be spared of heavy farm work. http://oil-price.net/ *The anti-fossil fuel planet saviours* Many of the tens of thousands of planet saviours and climate hangers who went to the UNFCCC COP 21 meeting in Paris who hate fossil fuel may be shivering with this development. They want the world to cut petroleum use while they do their frequent jet-setting global meetings and junkets on airplanes that fly and cars that run on petroleum. They will dis... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Enchanted Summer Night"
Deuter, "Enchanted Summer Night" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE6RFPfoB48
"A Look to the Heavens"
"If not perfect, then this spiral galaxy is at least one of the most photogenic. An island universe of about 100 billion stars, 32 million light-years away toward the constellation Pisces, M74 presents a gorgeous face-on view. Classified as an Sc galaxy, the grand design of M74's graceful spiral arms are traced by bright blue star clusters and dark cosmic dust lanes. *Click image for larger size.* The above image covers half the width of the full Moon and was obtained using 19 hours of exposure on the 1.23-meter telescope at Calar Alto Observatory in the Sierra de Los Filabres moun... more »
Meet Abraham . . .
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"A Perpetual State Of Fear..."
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear – kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with the cry of grave national emergency. Always, there has been some terrible evil at home, or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real." - General Douglas MacArthur "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for pa... more »
Enough is Enough
I'll admit I can be quite passionate about politics. I don't mind voicing my opinion or being blunt and telling a politician when I think they are wrong, and I'm pretty sure I've been struck off the Christmas gift lift of more than a few government MP's since moving here. But intimidation and threats just go way over the line in my books. It's great to have an opinion and to express it but when all you can do is to resort to such base actions you cheapen political discourse, turn people off, and frankly, make yourself look like a bloody idiot. I've certainly had my share of inve... more »
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