Who Owns The Airwaves?
Les Moonves is the CEO of CBS. In the clip above he explains why the media giants have been egging on Herr Trumpf on to make increasingly destructive statements that shred U.S. social cohesion. Obviously it's all about the bottom line, his company's bottom line, and the bottom lines of all the media conglomerates. If Trumpf were to wake up and decide to call on his fans to rise up and firebomb mosques, would CBS and the other media giants cover it as news? Well, of course they would. That's what they've turned into. (Moonves and I grew up at the same time in Valley Stream on Long ... more »
Katie Hopkins Announces She’s Joining ISIS
Outspoken TV personality and columnist Katie Hopkins has announced that she intends to join ISIS in a bid to steer the terrorist organisation in a new direction. Speaking to fans on Twitter, Hopkins said she wants to “talk some sense to those radicals”, who she says will think twice about killing people once she’s elected leader. “I don’t suffer fools gladly. I’m going to join the group, work my way to the top, and knock some sense into the lot of them”, she Tweeted before adding, “I’m doing this for Britain”. Boasting about wearing a pair of black Jimmy Choo’s to Syria, the no-nons... more »
The US Navy's $864 Million Underwater Mine-Hunting Drone Program Is A Complete Failure
Remote Minehunting System Source: Lockheed Martin via U.S. Navy *Bloomberg*: *The Navy's $864 Million Underwater Drones Still Don't Work* * Pentagon test data show 24 major failures since September 2014 * Crippled Lockheed drones towed to port seven times this year The U.S. Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship would be ineffective at hunting for mines because an underwater drone made by Lockheed Martin Corp. that’s supposed to find them often fails to work, the Pentagon’s weapons-testing office found. While mine-hunting is intended to be the primary combat mission of the ship, the drone... more »
U.S. Navy's Newest Ship Is Towed To Base After Breaking Down At Sea
*Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:* *USS Milwaukee breaks down at sea* The littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee, the Navy's newest ship that was commissioned in Milwaukee in November, broke down at sea Friday and had to be towed more than 40 nautical miles to a base in Little Creek, Va., the Navy Times reported. The ship, constructed at the Marinette Marine Corp. shipyard in Marinette, suffered an engineering problem while in route from Halifax, Canada, to Mayport, Fla., and ultimately its home port of San Diego, according to a post on the Navy Times website. The cause of the problem on ... more »
U.S. Asks Germany For More Military Aid In the War Against The Islamic State
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen and U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter hold a news conference during a visit to the NATO Response Force Very High Readiness Joint Task Force unit in Muenster, Germany, June 22. According to "Der Spiegel," Carter has sent a letter asking for a bigger military contribution from Berlin in the fight against the Islamic State. WOLFGANG RATTAY/REUTERs *The Guardian/Reuters:* *US asks Germany for more military aid against Isis, report says* * US defense secretary sent Berlin letter seeking greater military support * German defense minister... more »
The #COP21 Deal, December 12, 2015: The Day Science Died
[image: Paris Climate Change conference] President Hollande of France slid to the microphone, and, with great Gallic aplomb, announced December 12th, 2015 will be a day that lives in “infamy.” Or maybe it was “history.” It’s hard to tell since that gentleman was rather excited... more »
ISIS Issues Fatwa To Slay All American Dogs And Puppies
A disturbing report by the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) warns Americans that pet dogs and puppies have become legitimate targets by ISIS militants. Religious leader, Turki al-Bin’ali, issued a fatwa calling for the immediate mass killing of all pet dogs and puppies in the United States. The fatwa was issued in response to the growing number of young Americans who have apparently queried joining ISIS, but had problems obtaining weapons. According to Bin’ali, the fatwa should remind young Americans that striking fear into Westerners is more imp... more »
ISIS Is Feeding The Flesh Of Murdered Children To Their Mothers
A horrific report has been circulated to members of Congress that suggests Chaldean and Yezidi people in Iraq and Syria are being burned alive, and dead children are being force fed to their mothers by ISIS militants due to the fact that they aren’t muslim. Chaldean and Yezidi leaders have described the situation as a mass-genocide of their people. “Because we are not Muslims, and because our path is the path of peace… we are being burned alive,” Mirza Ismail, chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International, told members of Congress. He testified that, “there are tho... more »
Gun Used In Paris Attacks Linked To America
One of the guns linked to the Paris attacks has been traced back to a Florida arms dealer who had also sold arms to the Contras of Nicaragua during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal. The head of a Serbian arms factory claims the M92 semi-automatic’s serial number is the same one that he delivered to an American arms dealer called Century International Arms. Rt.com reports: “[It] is a semi-automatic weapon, a hunting and a sporting weapon … cannot fire barrage fire, only single shots … which are legal in America,” Milojko Brzakovic, head of the Zastava arms factory, told the Associated ... more »
Congress Announce Investigation Into Claims Obama Helped ISIS
A stunning investigation has been launched by lawmakers in the House of Representatives that will officially examine serious allegations that President Obama manipulated intelligence reports that secretly allowed ISIS to thrive. Three committees in the House of Representatives said on Friday that they would look into claims that Obama colluded with ISIS after 50 intelligence officials raised the alarm that Obama had doctored information relating to the terrorist organisation. Conservativetribune.com reports: According to the Washington Examiner, Republican Reps. Ken Calvert of Cali... more »
On Christmas A ‘Cold Moon’ Will Be Seen For First Time In Decades
For the first time this century a rare full moon nicknamed the “cold moon” will reach its peak size on Christmas day. There hasn’t been a full moon on Christmas since 1977, and the next one after this will be in 2034. Huffingtonpost.com reports: It looks like Santa might not have to rely on Rudolph’s red nose to guide his sleigh this year. December’s moon, nicknamed the “cold moon” will reach its peak size on Dec. 25 at around 6:11 a.m. 1st full moon on Christmas in almost 40 years! #ComingSoon https://t.co/gQUiYioN6Y pic.twitter.com/aYbl8OkrPD — MotherNatureNetwork (@MotherNatureN... more »
Allen Dulles And The Murders Of JFK And Robert Kennedy
A new book on the assassination of JFK suggests that the former US President posed an obstacle to CIA director Allen Dulles who wished to engage in a war with Cuba and the Soviet Union. The book suggests that Kennedy wanted to scrap the CIA and his refusal to spark World War III ultimately ended up causing the CIA to assassinate him. Strategic-culture.org reports: JFK and the Unspeakable depicts Kennedy as getting in the way of the violence that Allen Dulles and gang wished to engage in abroad. He wouldn’t fight Cuba or the Soviet Union or Vietnam or East Germany or independence mo... more »
Scientology Investigated For Fraud, Faces Total Ban In Belgium
A court in Belgium is hearing a case that suggests the Church of Scientology are involved in fraud and extortion (a claim they deny) that, if proved to be true, could see the church banned in Belgium. Eleven senior members of the church have been charged with fraud, extortion, invading the right to privacy, and running a criminal organization. News.com.au reports: In closing the seven-week trial, Scientology’s defence team said the charges were nothing more than an attempt to blacken its reputation. “You can’t explain an investigation this long and of such relentlessness against pe... more »
BWorld 31, Comparative electricity exchange market in Asia-Pacific
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last December 09, 2015. Voluntary market exchange, the people’s freedom to sell and supply and freedom to buy and purchase, is among the cornerstones of a free and dynamic society. When they are not forced to sell to only one or two buyers or not forced to buy from only one or two sellers, then there is more competition. As a result, prices are reasonable and affordable and the consumers benefit from this kind of economic freedom. In the electricity market, the presence of many power generation companies, many power plants from various energy s... more »
Obama Praises, Sen. McConnell Blasts Global Climate Change Pact
[image: 1obamaface] President Obama hailed the approval of a far-reaching global climate accord to limit greenhouse gas emissions adopted Saturday in Paris, in a statement from the White House Cabinet Room Saturday afternoon. Praising the pact as a 'turning point for the... Continue reading *“Obama Praises, Sen. McConnell Blasts Global Climate Change Pact”* at *foxnews.com*.
Politicians Commit To New World Order Climate Change Plan
Duplicitous world leaders have agreed on a plan to combat so called man-made climate change, ignoring evidence contradicting the idea that global warming is man-made, thus pushing forward an agenda for a New World Order by imposing more control on citizens worldwide. Politicians representing 190 nations have agreed to regulate the emission of gases that they say scientists have claimed causes global warming. Even though scientists have refuted the claims that global warming is man-made, politicians have gone ahead and agreed on tough economic reforms that the public will have to bu... more »
Sleater-Kinney, The Ramones, Frank Sinatra... And Ted Cruz, The Trumpf Slayer
This year-- after an 8 year hiatus, Sleater-Kinney got back together, released a new album, *No Cities to Love*, and have been touring non-stop (this week New York-- Kings Theater in Brooklyn tonight-- and then off to New Zealand and Australia in February). Thursday night at the House of Blues in Cleveland, they performed a cover of the 1987 Ramones classic "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)." The original Ramones video is pretty rare too-- and, if I remember correctly, the first one that C.J. was in instead of Dee Dee. The video gives you some insight into the kind p... more »
Trump Asks of Cruz: Can Any Good Evangelical Come Out of Cuba? I Ask: Does Trump Even Know What an Evangelical Is?
[image: Ted Cruz] In one of his strangest comments to date, Donald Trump raised questions about Ted Cruz's evangelical roots, saying at a rally in Iowa, "I do like Ted Cruz, but not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba." While Trump... more »
Energy 50, Cheap oil, natural gas and coal prices
Wow, $35 a barrel oil. Airlines and shipping lines' fares should go down, more tourism. More farm mechanization, more cows and carabaos will be spared of heavy farm work. http://oil-price.net/ *The anti-fossil fuel planet saviours* Many of the tens of thousands of planet saviours and climate hangers who went to the UNFCCC COP 21 meeting in Paris who hate fossil fuel may be shivering with this development. They want the world to cut petroleum use while they do their frequent jet-setting global meetings and junkets on airplanes that fly and cars that run on petroleum. They will dis... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “I Will Wait For You”
Deuter, “I Will Wait For You” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K-gbqBwK3Y
"A Look to the Heavens"
"If not perfect, then this spiral galaxy is at least one of the most photogenic. An island universe of about 100 billion stars, 32 million light-years away toward the constellation Pisces, M74 presents a gorgeous face-on view. Classified as an Sc galaxy, the grand design of M74's graceful spiral arms are traced by bright blue star clusters and dark cosmic dust lanes. *Click image for larger size.* The above image covers half the width of the full Moon and was obtained using 19 hours of exposure on the 1.23-meter telescope at Calar Alto Observatory in the Sierra de Los Filabres moun... more »
Meet Abraham . . .
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
"A Perpetual State Of Fear..."
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear – kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with the cry of grave national emergency. Always, there has been some terrible evil at home, or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real." - General Douglas MacArthur
Enough is Enough
I'll admit I can be quite passionate about politics. I don't mind voicing my opinion or being blunt and telling a politician when I think they are wrong, and I'm pretty sure I've been struck off the Christmas gift lift of more than a few government MP's since moving here. But intimidation and threats just go way over the line in my books. It's great to have an opinion and to express it but when all you can do is to resort to such base actions you cheapen political discourse, turn people off, and frankly, make yourself look like a bloody idiot. I've certainly had my share of inve... more »
Muslim Student Asked By Teacher If She Had Bomb In Her Backpack
A teenage Muslim student attending middle school in Georgia was upset after her teacher asked if she was carrying a bomb in her backpack. The 13-year-old was wearing an Islamic hijab (a modest Islamic style of dress) at the time and the teacher was urging her students to put away their backpacks. The girl’s father can’t believe the insult directed to his daughter and his faith. The school’s principal has apologized, saying no ill will was intended. The Guardian reports: Abdirizak Aden said the teacher at Shiloh Middle School in Gwinnett County,Georgia, stopped his 13-year-old daught... more »
Dec. 12: No pulitzer prize for the irving press today.
In fact, it is so stkinking, I'll leave it to the end – and start with world news. In 1978, Chile was a country whose government encouraged decent wages, provided social services. So big business, especially its stockholders in mining companies, etc. in the U.S. and Canada, were not pleased. But their little hearts warmed when General Pinochet led a military uprising that murdered the elected president, and set up the general as dictator. He then murdered at least 3,000 people, being careful to dynamite most of the bodies – you know, out of respect. Large numbers were also burned ... more »
Renewable Energy Revolution Has Same Potential As Industrial Revolution
The benefits of renewable energy is not just environmental, as it is in the west, but it could be overwhelmingly advantageous for emerging industrial nations. In the East reduced cost of manufacturing could enable countries such as India and China to experiment with renewable technologies such as sun, wind and water in a cost effective way to generate alternate sources of power than the traditional fossil fuel technology. China and India could throw their economic might into a renewables revolution that could trigger a global chain reaction known as “circular and cumulative causation... more »
"Talk The Talk, Walk The Walk?"
"He does not believe who does not live according to his belief." - Thomas Fuller Isn't it curious how so many politicians and supposed "patriots" "talk the talk"about war, and how so very, very few actually walk it? Bush and Cheney prime examples of course, Lindsey Graham and countless others, too. Ted Cruz said last week, "We will carpet bomb them into oblivion." Big war hawks, warlord wannabes, the NeoCons and other right wing fools and dupes. Not a single one of them, or their kids, goes off to die for their country, ever notice that? Real eager to send YOUR kid, though. I suppos... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"Self-respect, Opinions..."
“If someone in your life talked to you the way you talk to yourself, you would have left them long ago.” - Carla Gordon “The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours.” - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross “We only feel dehumanized when we get trapped in the derogatory images of other people or thoughts of wrongness about ourselves.” - Marshall Rosenberg “My great mistake, the fault for which I can't forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality.” - Oscar Wilde
Chet Raymo, “Conservative vs. Liberal”
*“Conservative vs. Liberal”* by Chet Raymo "Columbia University professor Mark Lilla, writing in the New York Review of Books, has a go at defining "conservative" and "liberal." "Conservatives have always seen society as a kind of inheritance we receive and are responsible for; we have obligations toward those who came before and to those who will come after, and these obligations take priority over our rights. Conservatives have also been inclined to assume, along with [Edmund] Burke, that this inheritance is best passed on implicitly through slow changes in custom and tradition, ... more »
Psychology: "The Fascinating Differences Between The Conservative and Liberal Personality"
*"The Fascinating Differences Between * *The Conservative and Liberal Personality"* By Jared DeFife "There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin," laments Linus van Pelt in a 1961 Peanuts comic strip. Yet in today's hyperpartisan political climate, religion and politics are obsessively debated, while the "American people" that politicians and reporters constantly refer to seem hopelessly divided. Meanwhile, psychologists are increasingly exploring the political arena, examining not just the ideological differences, bu... more »
Show Me Your Friends..... British Terror Suspect with Friends in High Places
* And I'll tell you what you are.* *What to make of this news item?* Link Link **A BRITISH terror suspect accused of plotting a Mumbai-style attack in the UK led a billionaire lifestyle and partied with Prince William and Harry’s friends.* Of course the article *omits* the pertinent information! Did the 'terror suspect' party with William and Harry's friends when they were in the company of William & Harry? I'll bet he did! Which is why that info was omitted. *Erol Incedal, 27, *stood accused of targeting former prime minister Tony Blair and plotting a terror attack similar to t... more »
Pickpocket Turns Hero After Saving Victim From Paris Metro Tracks
A drunken man was robbed on the Paris metro while taking a nap. An alleged pickpocket returns to save his drunken victim after seeing him stumble onto the Paris metro tracks. Passersby stand and watch as a subway train approaches and the robber runs back to pull his victim from the tracks. RT reports: The footage aired by France 5 on December 8 shows the change in character of a pickpocket, who after robbing a sleeping man returns a short while later to rescue him after he sleepwalks on to the metro tracks. Daily News YouTube video: After spotting a man asleep while waiting for a tra... more »
Ewok Holocaust : The Endor Extinction-Level Event
[image: STAR WARS] http://www.theforce.net/swtc/holocaust.html ------------------------------ *Endor Holocaust* ------------------------------ *What happens when you detonate a spherical metal honeycomb over five hundred miles wide just above the atmosphere of a habitable world? Regardless of specifics, the world won't remain habitable for long.------------------------------* *- - Introduction* - *Acknowledgments* - - *Artificial Disaster* - *Radiation* - *Orbital considerations* - *Debris influx* - *Biocidal consequences* - - *Continuity* - *Return of... more »
I know it's probably not a major point but it *is *one I've mentioned before (about a month ago) and one that intrigues me, so here we go again... Up till about the Spring of this year, the BBC's coverage of Spanish politics focused to a striking extent on Spain's far-left, populist, anti-austerity answer to Greece's Syriza, Podemos, led by the pony-tailed political science lecturer Pablo Iglesias. The party was sweeping ahead in the polls and might even win the next general election, apparently, and Pablo was all over the BBC. What we heard much less about on the BBC was the cen... more »
*Louisiana and Mississippi oyster beds, beaches closed ~Wynton Yates, WWLTV*
It’s Time To Scrap The Climate Change Act – Owen Paterson
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/climatechange/12046531/Why-we-have-to-scrap-the-Climate-Change-Act.html Former Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson, writes in the Telegraph today: As it reaches its conclusion – without having come to any conclusions – it’s probably worth asking: what was the point of the Paris Climate Change summit? Ostensibly the politicians and officials met to discuss the effects […]
New York's Top Republican, Dean Skelos, Convicted On All Counts
2 down-- one to go When I was 2 my parents moved from Brooklyn out to the suburbs-- Valley Stream, the heart of Dean Skelos' state senate district 9. Hard to imagine this modest working family area, just east of JFK Airport, could actually elect a Republican... until I noticed the state Senate district also included Inwood, Lawrence, Cedarhurst, Woodmere, and Hewlett, the legendary-- and very wealthy-- Five Towns. Traditionally a Jewish-Democratic area, the Five Towns have strayed a little to the Dark Side in recent years. Harvey Milk was born in Woodmere but now one of the Five Tow... more »
The GOP’s Staunchest Young Hawk is Having a Moment
[image: Tom Cotton] It's been a brutal inaugural year in the Senate for Tom Cotton in the win-loss column: Within months of being sworn in, the next-generation leader of GOP hawks lost major showdowns over the Iran nuclear deal and government surveillance, two... Continue reading *“The GOP’s Staunchest Young Hawk is Having a Moment”* at *politico.com*.
Los Angeles Churches Make Worship … Hip?
[image: Los Angeles churches] LOS ANGELES -- Just before 10 a.m. on a sunny Sunday in November, a crowd gathered in front of a white modernist building here on Hollywood Boulevard. An inscription on its side, "H/N," short for "Here and Now," stood out... Continue reading *“Los Angeles Churches Make Worship … Hip?”* at *nytimes.com*.
Russian Submarine Successfully Test-Fires Strategic Ballistic Missile
Russia has test-fired an an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from the Verkhoturye submarine in a submerged position in the Barents Sea. In a statement on Saturday the Russian defence ministry said:“Today, the crew of Captain Dmitry Zelikov on the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Verkhoturye (NATO: Delta IV) of the Northern Fleet made a successful launch of the ‘Sineva’ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from a designated area in the Barents Sea” video by Ruptly TV The ICBM was directed towards the Kura rocket test range in Kamchatka in Russia’s Far East and... more »
The Economy: “Living A Lie”
*“Living A Lie”* by James Quinn "Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen." - Friedrich Nietzsche “Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov "The lies we tell ourselves are only exceeded by the lies perpetrated by those controlling the levers of our society. We’ve lost respect for ourse... more »
Stop the Insane U.S. Plan for an Airfield on Oura Bay!
We went back to US Marine base Camp Schwap yesterday to discover local activists trying to block a military convoy coming out of the base. When I saw the scene my mind immediately flashed back to 1985 when I was at a conference in Mutlangen, Germany and participated in a similar action. I was in Mutlangen to protest the presence of US Army Pershing II intermediate-range nuclear missiles that Ronald Reagan had deployed there in October of 1983 aimed at the former Soviet Union. The Pershing was built in Orlando, Florida where I was living at the time. I was organizing protests ou... more »
THIS Is Actually Quite Refreshing: Jew Spew Media Outlet CNN Reporter Actually OUTS Jews As Terrorists!
Yes, I have constantly called the media across our planet the "Jew spew" media for the simple and very proven fact that Jews do control the vast majority of all media and its outlets.. In American alone they control some 95-100% of the entire media, and they have indeed been quoted as stating that they are actually proud that they control the very message that Americans receive... It has always been part of their goal to control the message to the masses, and to use it as part of their brainwashing tactics.. But I just came across a most important article that comes courtesy of a tr... more »
I Agree With Tony Blair
I started the year with Tony Blair, so there's a certain poetry that a post about him helps close the year off. His Blairness, in a fairly substantial piece takes time out to reflect on his time in government. An essay in (Maoist) self-criticism it is not, it nevertheless sets out in clear terms what the founder of Blairism thinks of Blairism. There are some major problems with his article, not least his stubborn belief that he merely did "what worked" and there was no ideology whatsoever about his government's first preference for market mechanisms and hankering for private finance... more »
“Taking on the Energy of Others- Avoiding Negative Vibrations”
*“Taking on the Energy of Others- Avoiding Negative Vibrations”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “In order to protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from other people or situations; we can learn to shield. There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of peo... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
My interviewwith Prof. Ahmed Hashim was republished in the Daily Journalist.
The Criminal US Media Lies Are Outrageous: US Media Pushes Lie That Syrian President Assad Is Buying (!) Fraud Terrorist Group ISIS Oil!
I had to take yesterday off to do some much needed personal and family business... With Christmas fast approaching, I have been needed elsewhere and therefore articles at this blog are again going to be delayed... My apologies to my readers... We all know by now that the US/Israel run fraud terrorist group called 'ISIS' has indeed been stealing Syria's oil, refining it at their own "facilities" (bought and paid for by the US Government) and has been shipping that oil through Turkey where it eventually winds up in the psychotic state of Israel.... This theft has been going on for abo... more »
Daily Worker 13 April 1961: ‘A communist in space’ From Dennis Ogden, Moscow There’s a hero’s welcome to end all hero’s welcomes waiting for 27-year-old pilot-astronaut Major Yuri Gagarin when he gets to Moscow on Friday morning. News of the “Chelovek v kosmos” – “The man in space” – flashed around the city at cosmic speed this morning. Crowds gathered at loudspeakers in squares and streets to hear the reports on his 108-minute flight in the 4.5-ton space ship called “Vostok”(“East”). Motorists in Gorky Street pulled in to the pavement and turned on their radios to let the peo... more »
Corbyn on NATO
*“In the immediate setting, when Ukraine achieved its independence, there was an agreement made between NATO and Russia would not be invited to or allowed to join NATO and it would, in a sense, become a neutral country. And Ukraine – to its credit – gave up nuclear weapons.* *However, NATO has now decided to up the ante. First, by the missile defence system that’s been placed in Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries and then joint exercises with Ukraine. It has increased military tensions in the area.* *I want to see peace and I want to see a demilitarised Ukraine and I t... more »
Final draft of #COP21 reached – with a 1 year “opt out” clause per Watts Up With That?
The opt out clause is interesting but more so is this: 'Don't let anyone tell you this isn't about wealth redistribution, and these two paragraphs clearly show, it's nothing more than a handout from rich to poor which will probably end up getting diverted and used for anything but the intended emissions reductions, especially in corrupt regimes of Africa "53. Decides that, in the implementation of the Agreement, financial resources provided to developing countries should enhance the implementation of their policies, strategies, regulations and action plans and their climate chang... more »
Just Exchange
One of the things about the kind of political debate you hear on the BBC is the mangling of language for political purposes. Calling people 'anti-European' when they are actually pro-European but 'anti-EU' is one example. Calling people 'anti-immigrant' or 'anti-immigration' when they are actually in favour of controlled immigration is another. All of which is something of an excuse to post a favourite piece of music. It's by a Polish refugee to the UK, Sir Andrzej Panufnik, and sets a lovely piece of Elizabethan poetry by Sir Philip Sidney. It's utter perfection, in my opinion:
Only 12 Months To Save The World (Again)!
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/science-environment-34922775 Already plans are being drawn up for the next jamboree! We can no doubt look forward to Prince Charles standing up in a year’s time and warning is we only have X months to save the planet (again).
Putin’s 2016 New Year Speech – I’m Going To Defeat The Illuminati
Brave Vladimir Putin appears set for a face off with the Illuminati in a last minute, desperate attempt to stop the outbreak of World War III, Kremlin sources claim. Putin, whose pets include a black Labrador, brown bear, and 1.5 million Chechans, has decided on his 2016 New Years resolutions a remarkable three weeks early, proving yet again that he is two steps ahead of Barack Obama, the Turkish airforce, and ISIS. “In 2016 I will stop the Illuminati from starting world war three. And quit smoking,” Putin announced to a star struck Kremlin tour group, before fixing them with his tr... more »
*When you fully open the window of the American Political scene ~ you will see the true face of democracy as revealed in our Imperialistic wars, interventions, the suppression of human rights, the demands of the corporate state and it's all apparent in the face and words of Donald Trump much like it was when Hitler became the angry fascist face of Germany in the 1930's ~ reflecting the same right wing polarization and distrust of the government and media: Allen L Roland, PhD* *"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inn... more »
Browbeater Anita
My bumper Christmas edition of the *Spectator *arrived through the door yesterday and I had a good laugh today reading James Delingpole's *Twenty things I will ban when I am elected your Dictator For Life in 2016. * (Of course, some of you might have read it for free online, but I'm not going to let my inner fury about that spoil my fun!) No.9 in James's to-ban list is the following: *9. That frightful woman who does BBC Radio 4’s Any Answers*. She’s just awful: so hectoring and disapproving and opinionated in an all-too-predictable BBC direction. *Any Answers* is supposed to be w... more »
More Police Departments Put ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Cars
[image: In God We Trust] Police cars in Cleveland, Texas, are the latest to receive a decal that reads: “In God We Trust.” The stickers were provided by Good Promotions, a local business, and approved by the police department, Your Houston News reported. Cleveland ISD... Continue reading *“More Police Departments Put ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Cars”* at *opposingviews.com*.
Japan To Deploy Interceptor Drones With Nets To Fish Out Rogue Drones
Tokyo police are arming themselves with net carrying drones or so called ‘interceptor drones,’ to catch rogue drones that are considered hazardous to the public, or are flying over restricted areas. Tech Times reports: Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department believes that by launching the so-called “interceptor drones,” the country will be able to deal with suspicious-looking private drones that can pose a threat to human lives and property. Starting in the middle of December, the MPD will be operating interceptor drones round-the-clock which shall be handled by the department’s trai... more »
How many events do your schools plan?
Roughly 15 years ago, when I started teaching, we had a back to school night, maybe a reading or math night, and in the case of fifth grade, a promotion event. As I moved on to supervising student teachers, several years later, in the mid-2000s and early teens, I don’t recall many events during that […]
Fukushima Atmospheric Emissions Updates and a RANT about Nuclear Risk
Visible atmospheric emissions at Fukushima continue at an elevated level as compared to November 2015. I don't know if the recent uptick in emissions is linked to the spike in cesium recently reported in NHK and the Asahi Shimbun because the articles do not indicate WHEN the spikes occurred (beyond 2015): Radiation Spike in Fukushima Underground Ducts, NHK, December 10, http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20151210_16.html "Tokyo Electric Power Company has detected 482,000 becquerels per liter of radioactive cesium in water samples taken from the tunnels on December 3rd. ...more »
At least 16 Dead After Car Bomb Explosion Near Hospital In Syria
At least 16 people have been killed and dozens injured after a car exploded in the city of Homs in western Syria. The incident happened near the Al-Ahli hospital in the government-held Al-Zahraa neighbourhood. RT reports: The area has seen several bombings. It is home to the Alawite minority, to whom the ruling elite in Syria belongs. Syrian state television described the attack as “two large terrorist explosions.” The second explosion reportedly took place in a nearby shop a few minutes after the car bombing detonated. At least 16 people have been killed and 54 others injured. Some... more »
Paris Agreement Will Lead To Rise In GHG Emissions
By Paul Homewood There is one telling paragraph in the Paris Agreement: To put the figure of 55 Gt in context, the latest estimate of global emissions was 49 Gt in 2010, according to the IPCC, so there will likely be a rise of 12%. Even worse, this will represent an increase […]
Cowardly obsession with dashboard indicators in schools
Is it cowardice? Efficiency? Or, perhaps a genuinely misguided understanding of what is most important? District leadership and administration forcefully persuade teachers, especially those in struggling schools (i.e., based solely on test scores), of the importance of the dashboard variable, so-called because one can judge the working order of a school as easily as one […]
UK’s Doomsday Machine Is The Today Programme On BBC Radio 4
As the threat of nuclear conflict increases around the globe, countries are considering the unthinkable consequences of a nuclear war and the use of ‘Doomsday Machines.’ In order for a command structure to exist in the midst of a nuclear conflict, then it is necessary to contemplate the ‘Doomsday Machine,’ a final plan of action that a nation resorts to when all else fails. The failure could be in the shape of a nuclear strike that has already taken place and has devastated the country. Russia, Britain and the United States have their own doomsday machines in the form of stealth ai... more »
Editor's Note
Blogging will return later this evening.
Are ALL Trumpf's Fans Life Losers? Is There Even ONE Who Isn't?
Quite the headline from News AOL: "GOP quietly plans to defeat Trump in brutal fashion." You think maybe his already deranged, nutty and incredibly uninformed fans will feel even more aggrieved? Check out the Trumpf freak in the video above, Rochester, New Hampshire state Rep Susan DeLemus, a teabagger, crackpot birther and die-hard Trumpist who runs on pure, unadulterated vitriol. Also a Romney hater. Republican-turned-Independent Charles Barkley agreed about what calibre of people Herr Trumpf is appealing to and attracting to his bigoted campaign. Yesterday, he described Trumpf... more »
Paris Agreement A Disaster For The Greenies
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/paris-climate-change-conference/12047233/Paris-climate-change-agreement-at-a-glance.html So that was it! They need not have bothered going. As I predicted a few weeks ago, the Paris summit has produced very little of substance, and has been both hailed as "the end of the fossil fuel era" and condemned as a disaster. The Telegraph give what seems […]
Armed ‘Patriots’ Aim Protests at Muslim Americans
[image: three] DALLAS (AP) -- They are known as “Three Percenters,” followers of a movement that has rallied against gun control efforts nationwide, patrolled the U.S. border with Mexico and recently begun confronting Muslim Americans. Followers describe themselves as armed “patriots.” But... more »
Supplemental: Farhi starts to get it right!
*SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2015So does the Washington Post:* Just for the record, we never discuss our private conversations with the Washington Post's Paul Farhi, even though, some years ago, one such conversation occurred. Whatever! This morning, Farhi has started getting it right—and so has the Washington Post. We refer to the analysis piece on the paper's front page, an analysis piece which appears beneath these hard-copy headlines: *Misinformation enters mainstream with Trump* Sources come in from fringe to help perpetuate questionable contentions "Questionable" contentions? Som... more »
President Obama Visits The Pentagon On Monday
President Barack Obama meets with senior Defense Department, national security advisors and military leadership regarding the campaign against ISIL, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., July 6, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) *Washington Examiner*: *Obama visits Pentagon Monday to discuss Islamic State* The president will visit the Pentagon on Monday to discuss the country's strategy against the Islamic State with members of his national security team. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Friday that the president's meeting will focus on steps to "strengthen the ex... more »
*Andromedan Ships over Houston Texas (CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE)*[12/12/15, 4:06:32 PM] *DENICE: Thor is knocking if you are available* [12/12/15, 4:09:31 PM] DEAR ONE/TERRAN. I USE THE MOMENT TO MAKE A FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ALL ANDROMEDAN AND PLIEADIAN SHIPS FILL THE SKIES CONTINUOUSLY UNTIL WE ARE SEEN. WE DO THE WORK ALL WAYS AND ALWAYS. LOOK TO THE SKIES AND LOOK WITH YOUR HEART. WE ARE T/HERE. THOR. END. [12/12/15, 4:10:54 PM] DENICE: [12/12/15, 4:11:44 PM] *Bill/AK/Terran: Thank you Thor I will do so!* [12/12/15, 5:11:56 PM] *Shawn: Hi Bill, you just posted a message as I was as... more »
I love this picture of #recess
They have the countenance of adults. And by the way, they wanted to drag some chairs out themselves.
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Dec 5 to Dec 12, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Dec 5 to Dec 12, 2015"* By Bob Nichols * "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."* - Morpheus (San Francisco) December 12, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected some people this week around the United States. You should compare the Rad numbers directly with the Rad numbers in with my articles listed on the VT Author’s Page here. These are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week. *Thirty-nine (39) American cities topped 1,000 CPM this week; that’s up... more »
*The following was posted by ZAP to his "Office of Poofness" mailing list December 6th. I think ZAP is well meaning but rarely is any of his data on the financial systems been accurate, and those occasions that is its accurate its usually 2-3 weeks out of date. Data does not travel fast through the Dragon Family.* *This incursion into the Fukushima issue reflects the Chinese Dragons again using a decent man (and one is who is allied with them) as a disinformation outlet, as if the man hasn't been abused and used enough (and at his own pocketbook expense at that.... the Dragon... more »
How Would The US Army Fare Against Russia? Apparently Not As Well As You Think
Photo credit: Sgt. Richard Wrigley, U.S. Army *Lee Quintas, War On The Rocks:* *The Future Is Now. Is the Army Ready? * *The year is 2025.* With his Iron Lion Brigade, Maj. Gen. Lukas Grigas watched news reports of a growing “Russian separatist movement” in the eastern districts of his home country. Just days into the weeks-old unrest, “little green men” had appeared, aiding the separatists in seizing key facilities in the region. These were clearly Russian Spetsnaz, but Moscow’s multimedia propaganda machine denied Russian involvement and obscured the world’s understanding of eve... more »
Sen. Ted Cruz: Despite What President Obama Says, We Are at War Against Radical Islam
[image: Sen. Ted Cruz: Despite What President Obama Says, We Are at War Against Radical Islam] In an exclusive interview with The Daily Signal following his speech on national security at The Heritage Foundation, Sen. Ted Cruz talks about why President Barack Obama won't admit we are at war with radical Islam, the debate over banning... more »
Rand Paul Could Be Booted from Main Debate Stage
[image: Rand Paul] Rand Paul, once considered the main contender for the anti-establishment GOP vote, will likely be pushed off the debate stage next week when CNN announces the lineup for the fifth Republican forum. Chris Christie, however, has clawed back in the... Continue reading *“Rand Paul Could Be Booted from Main Debate Stage”* at *politico.com*.
3 Questions Every Voter Should Ask Before Supporting Trump
[image: Donald Trump] There is a lot to like about Donald Trump. First, in contrast to typical milquetoast politicians, he is straight shooting, forthright, and speaks uncompromisingly. He also talks about tough issues like immigration and radical Islam in a blunt way while... Continue reading *“3 Questions Every Voter Should Ask Before Supporting Trump”* at *newsmax.com*.
Forget something, BBC?
As David commented on a previous thread: BBC groupthink (and editorial policy) priorities in evidence there on which group gets top billing. Homosexuals come first, with Jews as almost an obligatory afterthought. There really is a telling example of that in an an online article published yesterday by BBC education editor Branwen Jeffreys. It concerns Ofsted's slamming of various unregistered (Muslim) schools for promoting hate. Ofsted found "misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material" in one school... ...and yet the BBC editor or sub-editor responsible for publishing Bra... more »
Roger Through the Looking Glass
Roger and friend (Roger is on the right, for once) Having taken a few days break from blogging and then, just as I was about to start blogging again, losing internet access (along with everything else, power-wise) for three days thanks to feisty Storm Desmond, and then having to do lots of extra hours at work to mop up (figuratively-speaking) after Storm Desmond, I really do feel a *long* way behind the curve at the moment. From what I can see, all I seem to have missed *vis a vis* the BBC is Storm Donald and Storm Tyson. (Tyson Fury, as you may know, lives in the much-loved seas... more »
Turkish President Erdogan's Friends
*WNU Editor*: I just could not resist posting this up.
How Global Warming Policies are Impoverishing the Poor
[image: Global Warming Expensive Policies Money - 900] A slew of impending and costly global warming policies will ultimately harm the people they most aim to help, according to a growing number of environmentalists and academics. "Green taxes are mostly regressive -- percentage-wise they affect and hurt the poor the most. Just look... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #117 The takedown of the Holistic Medicine Pioneers by The Chinese Royal Dragon Family
*AK NOTE: There has been a shakeup in the organization of the Data Collectors, after some inconsistencies came to light in certain data (most of which was not published) related to the Roseline Sisterhood and their agenda. It was discovered that 1/2 of the data collectors were of the Roseline Sisterhood and once that was discovered, they were been relieved of duty. Later some inconsistencies surfaced in relation to the Malibu base and the survival of Ashtar Sherr-ON (father of Ashtar Sherr-AN). Sherr-ON was an inbodyment of the Bloodline King, and had a side deal with the "old ma... more »
Photos Indigenous Red Line Protest Paris COP21
Indigenous honoring the victims of coal-fired power plants, oil and gas drilling, fracking, tar sands and uranium mining, and more genocidal exploitation leading to climate change, disease and death. World leaders fail humanity at COP21. Protest of COP21 negotiations today, Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015, in Paris as UN climate summit nears end. Photos above by
Apparently Russia - Turkish Relations Have Been Going Downhill For A Long Time
*WNU Editor*: Reader RRH sent me this link from a news report from August .... *Russian president to Turkish ambassador: "tell your dictator President he can go to hell along with his ISIS terrorists, I will make Syria a 'Big Stalingrad' for him!"* (AWD News). Moscow later denied that these remarks were made .... *Moscow denies Putin called Erdogan 'dictator'* (AA News) .... but considering what has happened since then, it is now easy to understand why Turkey had no problem in making the decision to shoot down a Russian military jet, and why Russia is responding by upping its mili... more »
President Rouhani’s Iranian Recovery Is Crumbling
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani waits for guests during the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Tehran, Iran November 23, 2015. Reuters *J. Matthew McInnis & Jordan Olmstead, AEI*: *Is Rouhani’s image as economic savior crumbling?* Hassan Rouhani was elected president of Iran in 2013 with two missions: get out from underneath international sanctions and fix the economy. But despite his success with the nuclear deal, it increasingly appears Rouhani will be unable to deliver on a better life for most Iranians anytime soon. The knives are beginning to come out. First, some number... more »
Cruz Missiles and Obombers
"We will carpet-bomb them into oblivion." -- Senator and presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, speaking this week to his high-rolling donors and war profiteers. "Meanwhile, our men and women in uniform are stepping up our campaign to destroy ISIL. Our airstrikes are hitting ISIL harder than ever, in Iraq and Syria. We’re taking out more of their fighters and leaders, their weapons, their oil tankers. Our Special Operations Forces are on the ground—because we’re going to hunt down these terrorists wherever they try to hide. In recent weeks, our strikes have taken out the ISIL finance ch... more »
Stunning scientific illiteracy behind the Paris 2 °C target
The "final" COP21 Paris agreement has 31 pages and this delusional text will go down in history as a certificate of madness and hysteria. Representatives of 200 countries are ready to sign the document. Thankfully, in the first three years after ratifying it, everyone may leave the "legally binding" treaty one year after the country says "it's been enough" (Article 28). Countries with sensible leaders or populations will do so once they liberate themselves from the Paris group think. The individual countries have "voluntarily" submitted their arbitrarily chosen emissions reductions ... more »
Weekend reads: What do PhDs earn?; university refuses to release data; collaboration’s dark side
This week at Retraction Watch featured a look at the huge problem of misidentified cell lines, a check-in with a company that retracted a paper as it was about to go public, and Diederik Stapel’s 58th retraction. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: What do PhDs earn, and where do they end up working? A new […] The post Weekend reads: What do PhDs earn?; university refuses to release data; collaboration’s dark side appeared first on Retraction Watch.
*Scientists create stunning map of what's under the Antarctic - and reveal mysterious volcanic ‘hot zones’ are recently active* *A most interesting map. Warmists recently have been dining out on reports of ice melting in West Antarctica generally and in the Antarctic peninsula in particular. I have always pointed out on such occasions that melting in one small part of Antarctica is hardly indicative of a global process and also pointed out the probable explanation for what is going on: Reports of vulcanism in the area. The map above now puts the matter beyond doubt. Note... more »
Protesters Disrupt UNC Board of Governors Meeting
Other videos shot by participants here. From Chapel Hill, NC:
Declassified Fukushima Report Shows It Was Worse Than We Were Told
Almost five years after the disaster, the Fukushima nuclear power plant is still experiencing major contamination issues. A new declassified report from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, written on March 18, one week after the tsunami hit Fukushima , sheds light on just how bad it was. It states: that 100% of the total spent fuel was released to the atmosphere from unit 4. RT reports: According to nuclear expert and whistleblower Arnie Gundersen in an interview with WBAI in New York, unit four contained more cesium “than in all 800 nuclear bombs exploded above ground”. Cesium ha... more »
Were the Apostles Willing to Die for a Misguided Faith?
[image: Paolo Uccello: Stoning of St. Stephen] Could the apostles have been sincere but misguided in their convictions about Jesus? In my recent book The Fate of the Apostles, I make the case that all the apostles were willing to suffer and die for their faith, and some of... more »
University of Maryland Campaign: Use ‘Undocumented Citizen’ Instead of ‘Illegal Alien’
[image: illegal immigration] The University of Maryland is sponsoring a poster campaign encouraging students to refer to illegal immigrants as "undocumented citizens." The inaccurate term, first noted by Campus Reform, is promoted by the school's "Inclusive Language Campaign," which is throwing up posters around campus to encourage... more »
Read the Entire ‘Final Draft’ of Paris Climate Change Agreement
[image: Global Warming - 400 000] World leaders are calling on a global force of nations to back an "unprecedented" accord to fight climate change, as negotiators in Paris released a final draft deal. “The whole world is watching. Billions of people are relying on your... Continue reading *“Read the Entire ‘Final Draft’ of Paris Climate Change Agreement”* at *thehill.com*.
A Simple Step to Know Your True Self
*Frank M. Wanderer * - A tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being. The post A Simple Step to Know Your True Self appeared first on Waking Times .
Will The San Bernardino Shooter Get An Islamic Funeral?
*New York Post:* *Terrorist bride might get an un-Islamic burial* The mysterious jihadi bride who helped her husband kill 14 and wound 21 in last week’s terror attack in San Bernardino could get the unceremonious – and un-Islamic – funeral she deserves, as no Muslim leaders want anything to do with her, FoxNews.com has learned. The bullet-riddled body of Tashfeen Malik is still at the San Bernardino County morgue, along with that of her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook. But while his remains are expected to soon be released to his family, community and mosque leaders are treating her c... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( December 12 , 2015 ) - Around The Horn For Saturday ! Europe In Focus - Front Burner Items ( Refugee Crisis , Germany , Italy , Greece , Spain , Climate Change , Security Matters ) ..... Asia and Emerging Nations ( Japan & India's Nuclear Deal - addition items from Japan and/ or India , India , China Items ) ...... Data / Markets Splash from Charles Bilello !
Overviews / Look Forward....... FOMC on deck - Wednesday ! *Susan Maylone* @SusanMaylone 15m 15 minutes agoLincoln Park, MI Watch Robert Reich on why it's not time for *Janet* *Yellen* to raise the interest rates.Share too! https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/videos /1116088268403768/ … *Bloomberg BusinessVerified account* @business 19h 19 hours ago Economists really want *Janet* *Yellen* to explain what gradual means http://bloom.bg/1jTripw [image: Embedded image permalink] *Simon Ting* @simonting Dec 11 S&P500 has NOT recorded 2 consecutive days... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Mountains of Peace are viewed in awe
*Mountains of Peace are viewed in awe* by ÉirePort Mountains of Peace are viewed in awe. As Hue-manity comes to the assist of hu-beings. Angelic sorties are flown over all Gaia surfaces. Inner Earth rises to greet the dawn. ÉirePort | December 12, 2015 at 12:12 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-wu
Win A Signed Copy Of Dan Levitin's Newest Book, The Organized Mind
Have you read any of Dan Levitin's books? Most people who have heard of him know him for his groundbreaking first book, *This Is Your Brain On Music*, which sold over a million copies and spent 18 months on the *New York Times* bestseller list. Now, with *The Organized Mind*, his third consecutive *NY Times* bestseller, Levitin brings the latest findings from brain science to questions of how to better organize our time, our homes and workplaces, social relationships, and decision making. He artfully weaves a narrative that includes insights from a number of highly successful peopl... more »
It's Time To Spend
http://business.financialpost.com/ People scratched their heads this week when Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz announced that he was prepared to employ negative interests rates to prime the Canadian economy. What he was really saying, Tom Walkom writes, is that it's time for the Liberal government to spend: But the more important lesson is his statement that this task could be better accomplished by the federal government running deficits. Citing the late British economist John Maynard Keynes, the central bank chief reminded his au... more »
Saudi Women Vote for the First Time in Landmark Election
[image: Saudi Arabia Women voters] RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Thousands of Saudi women headed to polling stations across the kingdom on Saturday, both as voters and candidates for the first time in a landmark election. Nearly 6,000 men and around 980 women are running... more »
New York Times Reporter Shocked By The Surge Of ISIS In Libya
*Business Insider*: *'Shocked and alarmed': New York Times reporter back from Libya describes the ISIS surge there* While Western nations focus on taking ISIS out in Iraq and Syria, the terrorist group's influence in Libya is rising as it works to build a potential "backup capital" if its stronghold in Raqqa, Syria, falls. A New York Times reporter who recently returned from covering ISIS — aka the Islamic State and ISIL — in Sirte, a coastal city in northern Libya, told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday that he was "shocked and alarmed" at how much ISIS has grown there. "I have... more »
New Islamic State Video Shows The 'End Of The World'
Army: Part of the footage shows the ISIS troops lined up in the fight between 'Crusaders' and 'Believers' *Mirror*: *ISIS release chilling new 'end of the world' video showing final battle with 'crusaders'* The terror group have released footage showing an ISIS 'armoured vehicle advancing towards Colosseum in reference to the 'armies of Rome' ISIS has released chilling new footage depicting its apocalyptic vision of the end of the world. It has titled the video 'Meeting at Dabiq' which refers to the location of a final battle between the 'Crusaders' and the 'Believers'. The video... more »
The Best US Military Pictures Of 2015 (Photo Gallery)
Flickr/Marines *WNU Editor: *A great collection of pictures. The link *is here.*
A Look At How Animals Have Been Used By The Military Throughout History
An elephant mounted machine gun in 1914. U.S. Army Archives *Business Insider: **9 unbelievable instances of animals in the military* Until the introduction of modern machinery, animals have played an often-decisive role in warfare. For instance, the Mongol's masterful use of horses allowed Genghis Khan and his generals to carve out the largest land empire ever known. In the book Beasts of War: The Militarization of Animals, author Jared Eglan curated amazing insights into how militaries have used a stunning menagerie of animals in combat. *WNU Editor*: Here is a new one .... *Th... more »
A Look At Military Strategies Throughout History
*We Are The Mighty*: *The most genius military strategies ever* Strange as it may seem (though maybe not so much, considering America’s basic love of all things military), today’s generation of kids probably know more about military strategy than many generals of a hundred years ago. Why? In a phrase: “Video games.” From World of Warcraft to Halo, Modern War to Fallout 4, gamers these days get quite the education in military strategy well before they’re old enough to attend West Point. Maybe that’s kind of a natural thing for a nation that proudly boasts the largest and most power... more »
Pentagon Confirms That They Will Be Tracking Santa This Year
*The Hill:* *Top military official confirms NORAD tracking of Santa* Sen. Tom Cotton is attempting to quell any concerns from boys and girls who have been good for goodness sake, confirming with a general that NORAD will dutifully be tracking Santa Claus again this Christmas Eve. During a lighter moment from a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday, the Arkansas Republican questioned Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s Dec. 24 prep. Every year, the organization tracks the bearded gift-giver...more »
Nine Million Bags Of Nuclear Waste Piled Up In Fukushima
According to the Fukushima Prefecture and the Environment Ministry, there are more than nine million bags of nuclear material piling up in Japan. The ministry revealed this week that the number of bags of waste from decontamination efforts around the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant had reached just under 9.16 million as of the end of September Over 9 million bags of #nuclear cleanup waste piled up across #Fukushima Pref. https://t.co/bpHAcVN2bd https://t.co/gft1Ewx7Ad — The Mainichi (@themainichi) December 10, 2015 The Mainichi reports: The 1-cubic-meter bags are found at som... more »
San Bernardino Attackers’ Friend Spoke of ‘Sleeper Cells’ Before Rampage
[image: From NYT story on San Bernardino attackers' friend, who spoke of sleeper cells.] "He would say stuff like: 'There's so much going on. There's so many sleeper cells, so many people just waiting. When it happens, it's going to be big. Watch,' " said Nick Rodriguez, a frequent patron who had known Mr. Marquez... Continue reading *“San Bernardino Attackers’ Friend Spoke of ‘Sleeper Cells’ Before Rampage”* at *nytimes.com*.
Fired Officer’s Convictions a Rare Triumph for Rape Victims
[image: Daniel Holtzclaw, right, cries as the verdicts are read in his trial in Oklahoma City, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. At left is defense attorney Robert Gray. Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer, was facing dozens of charges alleging he sexually assaulted 13 women while on duty. Holtzclaw was found guilty on a number of counts.] OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- The rape convictions that could put a fired Oklahoma City police officer behind bars for life are vindication for some of the women he targeted, and also a reminder of how difficult it is to achieve... more »
Art Bell Retires from Midnight in the Desert
For those interested in such things, or for the fans of Art Bell, he announced, abruptly, that he was retiring from his latest radio show, *Midnight in the Desert*. He cited concerns for his family and that someone was stalking him, even taking shots at him and at his house. To read his statement see: http://artbell.com/art-hangs-it-up-for-the-last-time/ I will say that I always found his show entertaining and his enthusiasm for many subjects interesting. He seems to have had a strange radio career, especially since he gave up regularly hosting his old show *Coast to Coast* in the... more »
MENA Report ( December 12 , 2015 ) - Iraq / Syria Regional War , Yemen Proxy War , Libya In Focus - Peace Process On Track Perhaps , ISIS Global War Updates , Additional MENA Related Odds & Ends .....
Links........ *60 Civilians Killed as ISIS Bombs NE Syrian Town* *Iraqi Military Claims 'Great Gains' in Ramadi Fight* *Six Killed as Taliban Attacks in Kabul Embassy Guesthouse* *France, Britain, and Italy All Expanding ISIS War Into Libya* *Assad: Won't Talk to Armed 'Terrorist Groups' in Peace Process* *Putin: Russia Supporting Free Syrian Army Against ISIS* *ISIS Can Make Fake Syrian Passports: US Report* 51 Killed Across Iraq as Battle for Ramadi Progresses Slowly Turks Keeping Troops in Iraqi Camp, Baghdad Turns to UN Iraq's Top Shi'ite Cl... more »
*College Student Takes a Stand Against Campus Free Speech Policy, Sues School* A student at an Arizona community college is challenging her school’s so-called “speech zone,” arguing the policy “severely limited” her right to free speech and due process. Brittany Mirelez, a freshman at Paradise Valley Community College in Maricopa County, Ariz., was kicked out of the designated speech zone in October for failing to obtain permission to use the space. Mirelez had set up a table to converse with students about a group she is trying to start called the Young Americans for Liberty. The... more »
Wife’s Role in California Attack Raises Fear of Jihad Brides
[image: tashfeen_malik_900 float_jc_151204_12x5_1600-640x480 copy__1449274376_173.71.16.53] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A Pakistani woman’s role as a shooter in the San Bernardino massacre is raising fears that foreign-born brides who support the Islamic State group could marry Americans to come to the U.S. to carry out extremist...more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 12, 2015
[image: Captain Sue S. Dauser - 900] Captain Sue S. Dauser received the first Distinguished Service Medal awarded to a nurse on December 1, 1945 for “exceptionally meritorious service as Superintendent of the Navy Nurse Corps during the pre-war period and during World War 2.” Naval History... more »
*MEChA de University of Arizona* Dec 12, 2015 — ILLEGAL PETE'S NATIONAL CALL-IN WRITE-IN INDEFINITELY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ESPECIALLY DURING FINALS & HOLIDAYS AT THE UA 520) 352-1340 - EXTENSION #7 for owner's assistant. Petition update: Keep petition going and call and share MEChA de University of Arizona Dec 12, 2015 — Call and give your thoughts to Tucson's Illegal Pete's Restaurant: 520) 352-1340 - EXTENSION #7. When you call, be respectful, but also, be creative. Talk as long as you want. Also, write them at their website and do the same on their facebook page. Feel free to call t... more »
The ThorCon fuel Plan
ThorCon Plans to Use 19.75% enriched Uranium in its initial start charge. Burning Mixed U-235 and U-238 Uranium fuel in a reactor core usually produces a useful amount of Pu-239, that can be burned as nuclear fuel in the reactor. Both Transatomic Power, and terrestrial energy plan to burn 3% to 5% enriched uranium fuel, and produce a substantual amount of Pu-239, as well as a lesser amount of fissionable Pu-241. These Plutonium isotopes can add significantly to the Fuel of uranium cycle reactors. Transatomic Power plans to use a core design "trick" to increase Plutonium productio... more »
Dellers On The Cumbrian Floods
By Paul Homewood http://www.express.co.uk/comment/expresscomment/625876/Global-warming-blame-northern-floods-James-Delingpole Dellers picks up on my Cumbria flood articles in the Express: By James Delingpole It is going to be a cold, wet, miserable Christmas in the Lake District this winter, especially for the thousands of people driven from their homes by the terrible flooding […]
Friday Night Video Blogging
This one goes out to my stalker buddy with no job, no career, no wife, no girlfriend, no kids, no life whatsoever outside of yours truly as he keeps the faith at the Old Post Office Building on the corner of 24th Street and Grant Avenue in Ogden, Utah. Or from where ever he's leeching free wifi. Indeed, it seems this 1983 standard by The Police (with whose real analogs I've a feeling Sugar Ray will be speaking *real *soon) was written just for him. This is kind of like walking out into the cold night with a steaming mug of cocoa to give to some lonely caroler then forgetti... more »
From today's BBC Breakfast paper reviews...
For those who missed this morning's *BBC Breakfast *paper reviews with Nazir Afzal, former chief prosecutor here in the North West, here are some extracts from his two discussion with Jon Kay and Naga Munchetty. The contributions of the BBC presenters here are well worth noting for the way they steered the conversation in particular directions. Note the general disdain for Donald Trump, the admiration for Justin Trudeau, Naga's promotion of a pro-migrant story and the careful handling of the latest findings from Ofsted: From the first paper review: *Jon Kay*: Let's move on to th... more »
YNH; the comeback
Today: today 7:49 “Donald Trump was widely condemned for saying this week that parts of London are "so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives". David Wilson is Professor of Criminology at Birmingham City University and Simon Cole is the National Police Chiefs Council's lead on Local Policing.” “Police” man 1: “There are *no* no-go areas. Oh no. There are no no go areas, but there are areas that are tougher than others to police.” “Police” man 2: “There are *no* no-go areas. There are difficult areas - gangsters and so on. I won’t talk about the Mooslims because I’d rather... more »
Skewered? Not even slightly
T’other day everyone was fawning over the BBC’s Andrew Neil for his little rant against Islamic State. “How brave!” they cried, grateful for teeny weeny mercies. It’s not even as though anyone would argue* for* Islamic State, except perhaps StWC. Now that Donald Trump has broken the duck - people are venturing into new territory. Not just Islamic State. Moooslims! We’re allowed to discuss Mooslims, as if there’s something slightly antithetical to we atheists and liberals in our cosy western democracies, within their actual religion. Oh deary me. Whatever next. Next is Katie Hopkins... more »
Curse you, Red Baron!
There are times I realise I'm being entirely too serious.
Can the \(700\GeV\) gamma-gamma bump be real?
*A Dutch variation of this blog post is available.* Astrophysicist Mario Livio has joined the community of people who spread the rumor about a bump that will be presented on Tuesday between 3 pm and 5 pm: Rumor from #LHC @CERN potential detection of excess at \(700\GeV\) decaying into 2 photons (3 sigma in both @ATLASexperiment & @CMSexperiment) ------------------------------ *BTW the schedule for Tuesday December 15th*: ............ webcast.cern.ch ............ 15:00-15:40 CMS, Jim Olsen (Princeton U., USA) 15:40-16:20 ATLAS, Marumi Kado (Lab. de l'Acc. Lin., FR) I think that by now,... more »
7 Lessons from The World’s Fastest Growing Congregation
[image: Calvary Temple India] In 1995, God began to speak to a young leader in Hyderabad, India named Sattish Kumar, telling him that he would have a very large church, but nothing materialized for the next 10 years. In 2005, he planted Calvary Temple,... more »
Scientific Consensus: An oxymoron.
Scientific Consensus: Is it a reality or is it a fantasy? *If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.’ *(Michael Crichton) Michael Crichton: (See also The Science of Michael Crichton) “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is... more »
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth”
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” *What's your "why"?*
The Oil Price Collapse Continues
*Reuters*: *Oil skids toward 11-year low as IEA warns of worse glut* Oil prices extended their freefall on Friday, flirting with 11-year lows, after the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that global oversupply of crude could worsen next year. Brent and U.S. crude's West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures fell as much as 5 percent on the day and 12 percent on the week as mild pre-winter weather and a plummeting U.S. stock market added to the toll on oil prices. Oil traders and analysts alike have been perplexed by oil's decline since the Dec. 4 meeting of the Organization of t... more »
Candid Thoughts on Being an Oil Patch Worker and Owning a Home in Fort McMurray Part III
At the start of the year I wrote a couple posts about living and working here in a time where the price of oil has cooled considerably and I thought I"d give a little update, if only to show that my lack of blogging hasn't meant that I've fallen off the planet. The one thing that I find myself doing on an almost daily basis is checking the price of oil. I was hoping it would level off a few months ago after taking its big dive and stabilize in the $40-$50/barrel range but no. With oil currently sitting at a little over $35/barrel I'm reminded at just how volatile things still are. ... more »
‘The Protest Season’ is Becoming an Assault on Religious Freedom on Campus
[image: Students' mass protest in Taiwan to end occupation of legislature.] Traditionally considered the Christmas or at least the Holiday Season, John Leo, editor of the delightful website Minding the Campus, has come up with a new term for the current time of year on college campuses: "the protest season." As... more »
Sugar in the days of Koxinga
From Hui-Wen Lin. *On Colonial Industries: the Remnants of Bygone Sugar Factories in Taiwan* (International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2015) When Koxinga came to Taiwan in 1661, Taiwan's sugar industry policies were still much the same as under Dutch rule, and although Koxinga's exiled Chinese regime brought along many Han Chinese immigrants and China's traditional political system, his anti-Qing stance had much the same effect as Holland had on Taiwan's sugar industry. The foreign trade benefits of Taiwan's sugar industry were mostly used to ... more »
Which Countries Have The Highest Murder Rates?
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *The Telegraph:* *Mapped: Which countries have the highest murder rates?* *Central and South America have the highest homicide rates in the world while European cities are least blighted by murder* Murder continues to blight countries in Central and South America, while almost half a million people lose their lives each year due to intentional homicide, figures reveal. Central and South American countries had the highest homicide rates in the world, according to figures published by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Honduras and Venezuela are... more »
Who Do The Millionaires Want For President? Surprise!!!
All millionaires regardless of party According to the CNBC Millionaire Survey, Hillary is the runaway favorite for president among millionaires (and billionaires) at 34%. Not many millionaires are pumpin' for Bernie, though, just 7%, same as the number who want Kasich. And if you just ask millionaires who are Democrats... well, that's Hillary's wheelhouse. She gets 76% and Bernie a mere 13%. Oddly, 2% of Democratic millionaires are for Trumpf. And among GOP millionaires, that percentage for the bigoted real estate agent goes up to 15%. 3% of Republican millionaires are for Hillary. N... more »
Donald Trump Questions Ted Cruz’s Evangelical Roots
[image: Trump and Cruz-900] DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has finally unleashed a verbal assault on the one rival he has so far spared. Trump went after Ted Cruz at a town hall event in Iowa Friday evening, accusing... more »
Ben Carson Echoes Donald Trump’s Threat to Leave GOP
[image: Republican presidential hopefuls, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (L) smiles as real estate magnate Donald Trump speaks after they arrived on stage for the Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015. Republican presidential candidates collectively turned their sights on frontrunner Donald Trump at the party's second debate, taking aim at his lack of political experience and his sometimes abrasive style.] Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump’s playbook by threatening to depart the Repu... more »
Russia To Develop Nanotechnology To Stop Global Warming
Russia is thinking outside of the box in trying to counter climate change. At the Paris climate change conference last week Putin announced plans to use nanotechnology to lower the globe’s greenhouse gas emissions which he say will curb any potential threat global warming poses to the planet. Putin remains skeptical that climate change is caused by man-made Co2 emissions, but has vowed to take the lead in addressing the global warming problems facing the world in a way that doesn’t line the pockets of corrupt politicians and large corporations. Sciencetimes.com reports: Russia is the... more »
Pesticides On Fruit Linked To Parkinson’s Disease Say Scientists
Pesticides used on pineapples are responsible for working their way into men’s brains in Hawaii and causing Parkinson’s disease, a new study has claimed. The pineapple pesticide made its way into milk sold in Hawaii, and prompted a long series of studies that have now scientifically linked various pesticides commonly used on fruit and vegetables to Parkinson’s. NBC News reports: And the study also seems to support a mystifying observation: smokers seem to be protected against Parkinson’s. For the study, Dr. Robert Abbott of the Shiga University of Medical Science in Otsu, Japan, and... more »
Numerous Underground Bases On Mars Being Discovered
Numerous observers of Google Mars, rover photos and Mars Observer images have found plenty of strange objects on the surface of the red planet, including mysterious underground bases in the form of door-like openings and domes. Recent observations by Mars enthusiasts have unearthed a rectangular door-like opening that appears to lead to an underground base. Mysteriousuniverse.org reports: For anyone interested in their own look, coordinates of 45°57’03.88″N 23°32’27.16″E were provided by Marcelo Irazusta, who claims to have spotted this and other similar openings. There may not be... more »
Super Earth Sized Planet Discovered In Outer Solar System
Astronomers have discovered a distant object in our solar system that they have described as a “super-Earth”. The astronomers used data from the ALMA telescopes and say they found an object in the direction of the Alpha Centauri – the closest star system to our solar system. Forbes.com reports: ALMA is capable of precise observations at short microwave wavelengths, typically emitted by cold gas and dust. But objects on the edge of our solar system also emit light in this range, and would be too cool and distant to be observed by infrared telescopes. In 2014, ALMA found a faint objec... more »
China's Growing Submarine Threat
Image Credit: REUTERS/Nicky Loh *Ben Ho Wan Beng, The Diplomat: **The Chinese Submarine Threat* *What is the scale of the threat to U.S. supercarriers of China’s growing undersea capabilities?* There has been extensive debate in recent years about modern Chinese anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) systems rendering the aircraft carriers of the United States Navy (USN) highly vulnerable if Beijing and Washington were to clash in the western Pacific. Particularly ominous is the growing undersea arm of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). According to the U.S. Office of Naval Intell... more »
COP21 Agreement Legally Binding? John Kerry says: "yes" or....er...."NO"
RSS Temperature 2001-date From Alarmist site SS's trend CalculatorThe UNFCCC COP21 mob who want to control the world; those *40,000 delegates in a carbon frenzy *who say "Do as I say, definitely do NOT do as I do!" those 40,000 delegates say that the planet is warming although as atmospheric carbon dioxide rockets skyward (TIC) the planet is slightly cooling (See SS Trend calculator image above) The nation that controls(?) the world is the United States of America. POTUS Obama, like most of the world's leaders attended the first day and then, before the oxen output hit the fan, esc... more »
Hillary Clinton: Fight Terrorism With Love ♥
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has told an Iowa crowd that “love and kindness” are the only tools America can use to defeat terrorism, in an uncharacteristically lovey-dovey message to hundreds of supporters during a campaign rally. Sounding more like a new-age hippy than a potential commander in chief, Clinton told the crowd, “We’ve got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness“. It appears that the Presidential candidate is embracing a softer side to her personality in order to rival Donald Trump’s hard-line stance and increasingly prominent rol... more »
Congress OKs Short-term Spending Bill Hours Before Deadline
[image: Congress OKs Short-term Spending Bill Hours Before Deadline] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congress sent President Barack Obama a short-term spending bill to keep the government open through next Wednesday as lawmakers and the White House rushed to finalize a $1.1 trillion government-wide spending bill and a sprawling tax package.... more »
I See Stupid People
They don't know they're stupid! And there's nothing you can do about it. They're born that way. (And God makes no mistakes?) And it's a terminal condition. No cure. Jeeziz wept
Can A U.S. Base Co-Exist Beside A Chinese Base?
*Allen Grane, National Interest:* *Accept it. The U.S. and China Both Have Bases in One East African Country.* Recently, the Chinese government closed a deal with the Djibouti government to build its first international military base. The deal grants the Chinese government land rights for ten years, and has abruptly sparked debate over Chinese military interests in Africa. Commentators’ fears have focused on the threat of China’s military expansion in the region. The new base, however, reflects China’s long-term economic goals in Africa more than its current military objectives. ... more »
Musical Interlude: LOGO, “Hymne Céleste”
LOGO, “Hymne Céleste” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyonRsX4X2M
The Poet: William Wordsworth, “The World Is Too Much With Us”
*“The World Is Too Much With Us”* “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from ... more »
Musical Interlude: LOGOS, “Cheminement”
LOGOS, “Cheminement” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuXP8aVWHU
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majestic island universe some 200,000 light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away toward the chemical constellation Fornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of the well-studied Fornax galaxy cluster. *Click image for larger size.* This sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, and details of dust lanes cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role in the galaxy's e... more »
"Being Against Evil..."
"Being against evil doesn't make you good.” - Ernest Hemingway, “Islands in the Stream”
The Daily "Near You?"
Silver City, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Broken Light: Work, for the Night is Coming"
*"Broken Light: Work, for the Night is Coming"* by Chris Floyd *"Black milk of daybreak, we drink it at evening..." * – Paul Celan, “Deathfugue” "The children were walking to school. The young people were going out to a dance. The children stepped on a booby trap planted by a soldier. The young people were shredded by the nails of a suicide bomb. They were all blown up, destroyed. One moment, the force of life animated their biological matter, their brains seethed with billions of electrical impulses, the matrix of consciousness brought the entire universe into being, within t
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