Picture Of The Day
*A Marine's Best Friend * Marine Corps Cpl. Jared Royce returns from a patrol with military working dog Hugo during Steel Knight on Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., Dec. 12, 2015. Steel Knight aims to prepare Marines and sailors with the 1st Marine Division and adjacent I Marine Expeditionary Force units to operate as a fully capable Marine air-ground task force. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Will Perkins
Saudi Troops In Iraq In 2016?
A member of the Saudi border guards force stands guard next to a fence on Saudi Arabia's northern borderline with Iraq. July 14, 2014. Photo by Reuters *Sputnik*: *Will We See Saudi Troops in Iraq in the New Year?* Ever since Saudi Arabia announced that it had formed a new 34-nation 'Islamic coalition against terrorism', experts have been debating whether the new alliance will entangle itself in a military operation in Iraq and Syria. Recently, analytical website Iranian Diplomacy posed that very question to regional Iraqi official Ibrahim al-Jinabi. Speaking to the resource, al-J... more »
Hezbollah Leader Vows To Retaliate Against Israel For The Assassination Of A Prominent Lebanese Militant
Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters via a screen during a commemoration service marking one week since the killing of Hezbollah militant leader Samir Qantar, in Beirut's southern suburbs, December 27, 2015. REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER *Reuters:* *Hezbollah leader tells Israel to brace for retaliation over Qantar's death* The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah group said on Sunday that Israel miscalculated by killing prominent militant Samir Qantar in Syria last week, saying that retaliation for his death was inevitable, whatever the consequences. Sayyed ... more »
Panthers’ Bid for Perfect Season Ends with Loss to Falcons
[image: The Carolina Panthers offense] ATLANTA (AP) -- For the first time this season, there was no big comeback for Carolina. No clutch play at a key moment. No costly mistake by its opponent in the last few minutes. The perfect start is over for... more »
A New U.S. Narrative For The War Against The Islamic State
*The Hill*: *US military drafting 'new narrative' for ISIS war* The U.S. military is seeking to craft a “new narrative” for the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in part to push back on the growing perception that President Obama does not have a strategy. Military officials on the Operation Inherent Resolve task force have recently formed a working group to formulate a "new narrative," defense officials told The Hill. Separately, the Joint Staff has drafted its own messaging document. The steps are preliminary, and are part of a larger effort to better comm... more »
Facebook Confronts the Free Internet Neutrality Dilemma
[image: free internet] What's more important? Restricted free Internet access for the poor? Or maintaining an open, neutral Internet without limitations? This is the debate Facebook is having with the world via petitions to regulators, skeptical forums, and today, full-page newspaper ads. The subject... Continue reading *“Facebook Confronts the Free Internet Neutrality Dilemma”* at *techcrunch.com*.
Does The U.S. Need A 'Failed State' Policy
A civil defense member gestures towards a rebel fighter as they search for survivors at a site hit by what activists said were airstrikes carried out by the Russian Air Force in Idlib city, Syria Dec. 20, 2015. *Jeff Seldin, VOA*: *Critics Say US Needs ‘Failed State' Policy for Syria, Iraq* In about one month, the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Syrian opposition groups are set to meet for peace talks in Geneva. But already, there is a sense that the talks, advocated by the United States, are doomed to fail. One major problem, according to current and former int... more »
A War On Christianity Led By President Obama? It’s Republican World, 2015 In Review-- Chapter Ten
Did Rupert Murdoch immigrate to America so he could destroy it from within? *-by Noah* Even before he was elected in 2008, Republicans began creating an alternate universe in which Barack Obama was a Muslim, born in Kenya. Once elected, the Republican nihilism machine worked itself into an out of control frenzy of birtherism, led by the usual hate radio suspects, demented celebrity birthers such as Pam Geller and Donald Trump, and, of course, the birther TV channel itself, FOX “News”, which for quite a while, seemingly went “all birther, all the time” in its ongoing massive effort to... more »
Hourly Timeline of Severe Storms across US
[image: An American flag placed by first responders is seen December 27, 2015 in the aftermath of a tornado in Rowlett, Texas. At least 11 people lost their lives as tornadoes tore through Texas, authorities said, as they searched home to home for possible more victims of the freak storms lashing the southern United States. The rare December twisters that flattened houses and caused chaos on highways raised the death toll from days of deadly weather across the South to at least 28.] The latest developments on the severe storms across the U.S. (all times local): 7 p.m. Oklahoma’s emer... more »
"Michelle Obama is a man" says Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers killed Michelle Obama is a man
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Oltremare”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Oltremare” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8MzHqkNBwo
US Court Ruling: Former Bush Administration Can Be Sued For War Crimes
A court of appeals in America has finally ruled that members of the Bush administration can be held accountable for war crimes committed in the name of the so called ‘war on terror.’ True Activist reports: Years ago, the case of Turkmen Vs. Ashcroft set the precedent that the Bush administration could be held accountable for the actions that it took to harm innocent people during the war on terror. However, the case has been in limbo for several years as constant appeals have been filed against the ruling. Recently, The Second Circuit Court of Appeals finally rejected the appeal an... more »
Video: What Issues Will Congress Tackle in 2016?
[image: congress] Political panel weighs in with their expectations. Continue reading *“Video: What Issues Will Congress Tackle in 2016?”* at *video.foxnews.com*.
U.S. Foreign Arms Sales Are Booming
The US accounted for more than half of the global arms market last year. (file photo) *New York Times*: *U.S. Foreign Arms Deals Increased Nearly $10 Billion in 2014* WASHINGTON — Foreign arms sales by the United States jumped by almost $10 billion in 2014, about 35 percent, even as the global weapons market remained flat and competition among suppliers increased, a new congressional study has found. American weapons receipts rose to $36.2 billion in 2014 from $26.7 billion the year before, bolstered by multibillion-dollar agreements with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. Thos... more »
Chinese Mine Owner Jumps Down Well In Apparent Suicide
The owner of the collapsed gypsum mine in China apparently committed suicide by jumping down a mine well, as rescuers were trying to reach 17 trapped miners from Friday’s accident. One person died and four miners escaped when the mine collapsed in China’s eastern Shandong province. The owner of the mine drowned after he jumped into a well. He killed himself in an apparent suicide, as more than 700 rescuers battled to save workers trapped for two days underground. The Daily mail reports: State media reported that 17 workers were still trapped, and one had died when the gypsum mine co...more »
Kurds Claim 12,000 Oil Tanker Trucks At The Iraq - Turkish Border Are Transporting Their Oil (Not ISIS Oil)
*Zero Hedge:* *12,000 Oil Tanker Trucks Parked At Iraq-Turkey Border Aren't Carrying ISIS Crude, Kurds Swear* In our classic piece “ISIS Oil Trade Full Frontal: "Raqqa's Rockefellers", Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, And The Israel Connection,” we discussed how Masoud Barzani and the Iraqi Kurds transport some 600,000 b/d of crude to the Turkish port of Ceyhan in defiance of SOMO amid an ongoing budget dispute between Baghdad and Erbil. Turkey facilitates this trade and we suggested that ISIS (which Turkey is suspected of supporting in order that the group might continue to destabilize... more »
Major US Cities In States Of Emergency Over Homeless Crisis
A growing number of US cities are declaring states of emergency as the number of people becoming homeless continues to rise Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado; and Seattle, Washington as well as the entire state of Hawaii have become the latest to take drastic measures to fight the growing crisis. Press TV reports: Los Angeles has yet to declare its own state of emergency, but campaigners describe its current condition as “the worst man-made disaster in the US.” The 50-block area of downtown LA, called Skid Row, has been a national emblem of homelessness for over a decade. However, ... more »
Israel "Low Priority for ISIS"
*Jerusalem Post:* Concerning the release of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s statement released over the weekend *I'll cut to the chase:* *"Therefore, there is no need to fear: Israel is still a low priority for the Islamic State"* *Israel is NO priority for ISIS. Period. * Mythopoeia- Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Separated by about 14 degrees (28 Full Moons) in planet Earth's sky, spiral galaxies M31 at left, and M33 are both large members of the Local Group, along with our own Milky Way galaxy. This narrow- and wide-angle, multi-camera composite finds details of spiral structure in both, while the massive neighboring galaxies seem to be balanced in starry fields either side of bright Mirach, beta star in the constellation Andromeda. Mirach is just 200 light-years from the Sun. But M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, is really 2.5 million light-years distant and M33, the Triangulum Galaxy, is also a... more »
A Gathering of the Tribe"
"A Gathering of the Tribe" by Charles Eisenstein "Once upon a time a great tribe of people lived in a world far away from ours. Whether far away in space, or in time, or even outside of time, we do not know. They lived in a state of enchantment and joy that few of us today dare to believe could exist, except in those exceptional peak experiences when we glimpse the true potential of life and mind. One day the shaman of the tribe called a meeting. They gathered around him, and he spoke very solemnly. "My friends," he said, "there is a world that needs our help. It is called Earth,... more »
"What We Need..."
"What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out." - William Wordsworth
More Soldiers Sent To Flood Stricken Areas In UK
Five hundred extra soldiers have been brought in to deal with “unprecedented” flooding in Yorkshire and Lancashire. Another thousand are on stand-by after David Cameron vowed to help people in “their hour of need”. Rescue teams have been evacuating homes in York where the water levels are still rising. Thousands of people in north-west England are without power. Rescue teams evacuating residents The BBC reports: There are scores of flood warnings in England, Wales and Scotland – more than 20 severe, meaning danger to life. On Sunday, the government said it was deploying a further 20... more »
Iran's President: 'It's Up To Muslims To Correct Islam's Image And To Unite Against Israel'
*Reuters:* *Iran's Rouhani says it's up to Muslims to correct Islam's image* Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that Muslims must improve the image of their religion, which has been tarnished by the violence of hardline groups such as Islamic State, "It is our greatest duty today to correct the image of Islam in world public opinion," Rouhani told a conference on Islamic unity in Tehran in a speech broadcast by state television. His remarks were rare for a leader of Iran, which considers itself an authority in the Islamic world and often blames the "enemies" of the r... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!
"Passive Aggressive Behavior: Claiming Our Feelings"
* "Passive Aggressive Behavior: Claiming Our Feelings"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "The way to end passive aggressive behavior on your part or others’ is with complete honesty and truth in any situation. If you’ve ever found yourself repressing your anger and behaving in other ways to get your point across, you may be someone who is adept at engaging in passive-aggressive behavior. Although passive-aggressive behavior is recognized as a psychological disorder, it also describes the behavior that many people use to cope with confrontational situations. Such behavior has the outwa... more »
Force Awakens Becomes Fastest Movie to $1 Billion
[image: Star Wars: The Force Awakens] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens has reached $1 billion at the box office, reaching the milestone with record-setting hyper speed. The Walt Disney Co. said The Force Awakens crossed the billion-dollar mark Sunday, accomplishing the feat in just... more »
The Real Victims of Victimhood
[image: victimhood] BACK in 1993, the misanthropic art critic Robert Hughes published a grumpy, entertaining book called "Culture of Complaint," in which he predicted that America was doomed to become increasingly an "infantilized culture" of victimhood. It was a rant against what... Continue reading *“The Real Victims of Victimhood”* at *nytimes.com*.
IS Puts Up Heavy Fight to Slow Iraqi Troop Advance on Ramadi
[image: Ramadi] BAGHDAD (AP) -- Islamic State fighters are putting up a tough fight in the militant-held city of Ramadi, slowing down the advance of Iraqi forces, a senior Iraqi commander said Sunday. Iraq launched the long-awaited operation to retake the Anbar...more »
Why Building On Flood Plains May Not Be Such A Good Idea!
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2 DOHH!!
"The Opposite Of Courage..."
"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity." - Rollo May
Dead Dog Reappears In A Cloned Puppy
A family dog that had been dead for nearly a fortnight was successfully cloned by a grieving family, and a new puppy has now been born to fill in his immortal shoes. It remains to be seen if the new cloned puppy will have the same character as the original or retains any memories through his DNA. The Guardian reports: In the first case of its kind, the boxer puppy was cloned from the couple’s dead dog, Dylan, almost two weeks after it died. The previous limit for dog cloning was five days after death. Laura Jacques, 29, and Richard Remde 43, from West Yorkshire, were grief stricken ... more »
“America's Culture of Ignorance”
* “America's Culture of Ignorance”* By James Quinn “Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” - Thomas Edison "The kabuki theater that passes for governance in Washington D.C. reveals the profound level of ignorance shrouding this Empire of Debt in its prolonged death throes. Ignorance of facts; ignorance of math; ignorance of history; ignorance of reality; and ignorance of how ignorant we’ve become as a nation, have set us up for an epic fall. It’s almost as if we relish wallowing... more »
Yurok Tribe Bans Frankenfish and GMOs
Yurok Tribe adopts ordinance banning Frankenfish and GMOs by Dan Bacher Censored News The Yurok Tribe, the largest Indian Tribe in California with over 6,000 members, has banned genetically engineered salmon and all Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs) on their reservation on the Klamath River in the state's northwest region. The Yurok ban comes in the wake of the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decision on November 19 to approve genetically engineered salmon, dubbed "Frankenfish," as being fit for human consumption, in spite of massive public opposition to t... more »
"Warmongering Pays- US Foreign Arms Sales Soar 35%"
*"Warmongering Pays-* * US Foreign Arms Sales Soar 35%"* by Tyler Durden "If ever there was a clearer indication of America's "need for war" it was the latest Durable Goods orders data, which confirmed, absent defense spending, the US economy is in a tail-spin. However, as NYTimes reports, foreign arms sales by the United States jumped by almost $10 billion in 2014, about 35 percent, even as the global weapons market remained flat and competition among suppliers increased, thanks to multibillion-dollar agreements with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. *Defense Spending New Orders... more »
Webb Rips Hillary Clinton’s Leadership Ability and Blames Her for Chaos in Libya
[image: Webb] Former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb is now considering an independent candidacy that would directly attack Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton for her tenure as secretary of State and her handling of Libya, where an American diplomat was killed in a... Continue reading *“Webb Rips Hillary Clinton’s Leadership Ability and Blames Her for Chaos in Libya”* at *foxnews.com*.
Uber’s Battle For Kenya
[image: Nairobi traffic] In January, the taxi-app juggernaut set up shop on the crowded byways of Kenya's capital city. It's just the latest maneuver in Uber's little-noticed emerging markets strategy, which has already seen the company plant flags in Cape Town, Lagos and... Continue reading *“Uber’s Battle For Kenya”* at *ozy.com*.
It’s Now Official: World’s Longest Tunnel is 35 miles long and Connects Switzerland and Italy
[image: gotthard tunnel] Tunneling and track-laying for the 35-mile NEAT Gotthard Base Tunnel has been completed, making it officially the longest tunnel in the world, surpassing Japan’s 14-1/2-mile Seikan Tunnel. . . . Testing is underway, in anticipation of the first passenger and freight trains... Continue reading *“It’s Now Official: World’s Longest Tunnel is 35 miles long and Connects Switzerland and Italy”* at *businessinsider.com*.
Paul Ryan Faces Fury of the Right
[image: Office of Speaker Boehner] Outside the Beltway, the right is livid with new Speaker Paul Ryan's trillion-dollar spending deal with Democrats. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says Ryan, just seven weeks on the job, is ripe for a primary challenge. "Paul Ryan Betrays America," blared a... Continue reading *“Paul Ryan Faces Fury of the Right”* at *thehill.com*.
Christie, Who Unsuccessfully Prosecuted Middle-East Students Cheating On An Exam, Tries Re-Writing History To Make Himself Sound Like An Anti-Terrorist Warrior
Although Christie's term as a Bush-era prosecutor was primarily about prosecuting corrupt Democrats-- except for his uber-corrupt pals from the Norcross Machine-- suddenly he's trying to lay claim to the mantle of hero in the war against terrorism. Ted Cruz's campaign laughed in the Jersey slob's jowly face. During the last GOP debate in Vegas he boasted "I’m a former federal prosecutor. I’ve fought terrorists... for 7 years, I spent my life protecting our country against another one of those attacks." Christie's claim to terrorism-fighter fame is, at best, hugely inflated for obv... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- December 27, 2015
Reuters: Saudi Arabia intercepts ballistic missile from Yemen: state news Saudi Arabia said it intercepted a Scud ballistic missile fired from Yemen on Saturday, according to a statement on the Saudi state news agency SPA, an attack which threatens a fragile ceasefire ahead of renewed U.N.-backed peace talks next month. "Saudi Air Defense Forces intercepted at about 11 P.M. (2000 GMT) yesterday a Scud missile launched from Sanaa, in Yemeni territory, toward the city of Najran ... the air force immediately destroyed the rocket launch platform," the Saudi statement said. Yemen's st... more »
ISIS Withdraws From Ramadi Center, Iraqi Forces Take Control
The government compound in the center of Ramadi has been liberated from the Islamic State and is now in the hands of Iraqi government forces, according to Reuters. RT reports: “By controlling the complex this means that they [Islamic State, IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] have been defeated in Ramadi,” Sabah al-Numani, a spokesman for the Iraqi counter-terrorism units leading the fight, told the news agency. Al-Numani stressed the complex is under full control of the Iraqi forces with “no presence whatsoever of Daesh [ISIS] fighters” adding that some militants could still be hiding in “pock... more »
Libya’s FM Says They Are Not Seeking International Intervention
Libya’s Foreign Minister said that the country does not need any foreign intervention to cope with threats to its security, including terrorism. Mohamed Al-Dairi said that Libya just needs better weapons, and some help “in training and planning,” The UK were expecting to be asked to send troops, with some suggestions up to 1,000 could be deployed along with a small number of Special Forces. US special ops forces arrived in Libya earlier this month and were immediately told to leave. Local commanders questioned their presence in the war torn country, and the Libyan air force posted t... more »
Right-Wing Papers, Paddy, Climate Change and Clemency
Nicholas Right-Wing Papers It's not yet New Year, but my blogging resolution for 2016 - *if *I can maintain it (and *if *I can keep on blogging) - is to go back to the starting point of this very blog and "say it how it see it, without fear or favour" (ever so politely, of course). In that spirit... I was watching last night's paper review on the BBC News Channel and, entirely correctly, the first subject up for discussion was the terrible flooding afflicting many of Morecambe's neighbours - to our immediate north, east and south (though not west, as that's the Irish Sea). The ... more »
Ali-G And Wife Give $1 Million To Syrian Refugees
Actor and producer Sacha Noam Baron Cohen, aka ‘Ali-G’, and his wife are to donate $1 million (900,000 euros) to charities helping the Syrian refugees. Half that amount is to be given to to Save the Children to pay for measles vaccinations for children in northern Syria. British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has been responsible for introducing and playing outrageous and cool characters in film, such as Ali G, Borat Sagdiyev, Brüno Gehard and many others. Raw Story reports: Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat, a popular reporter from Kazakhstan. They are also donating the same amount to the Int...more »
Rich Coleman`s December 22/2015 Opinion-Editorial on British Columbia`s LNG Industry Thus Far.( Deciphered)
*Deciphered by Grant G* I came across a rather odd opinion/editorial .....And yes it`s true that editorials and opinion pieces can be structured grammatically a myriad of ways...however, there is something very disturbing when a man, or in this case a minister, a minister who is charged with, in control of, his domain, a minister who allegedly has the expertise to manage his portfolio. What I find disturbing is, when a cabinet minister has to resort to writing opinion/editorial to defend his portfolio...You see, opinions and editorials aren`t facts, Time to decipher Rich Cole... more »
Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 27, 2015
*Al Jazeera:* *Afghanistan army suffers losses in Helmand* Fighting results in deaths of 21 soldiers in Taliban stronghold, where government has lost control over four districts. Army officials in Afghanistan say 21 soldiers have been killed by the Taliban in Helmand province during the last 48 hours. Fighting between Afghan soldiers and the Taliban has been particularly heavy around the town of Sangin, which is under Taliban control. Helmand is a traditional stronghold of the Taliban and a major centre for opium that US and British troops fought for years to control. *Afghanista... more »
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Myth Exposed
[image: the blue waves of the ocean] Journalists love these stories, printing lurid descriptions of the rapidly growing Texas-sized (or twice-Texas-sized) garbage patches (e.g., National Geographic, San Jose Mercury News, The Guardian, New York Times). Unfortunately scientists ruined the fun, as in this by NOAA: "How Big... Continue reading *“The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Myth Exposed”* at *fabiusmaximus.com*.
Military Photo of the Day: December 27, 2015
[image: USS Pueblo Crew Return - 900] The crew of USS Pueblo as they arrive at the U.N. Advance Camp, Korean Demilitarized Zone, on 23 December 1968, following their release by the North Korean government. Image includes: General Charles H. Bonesteel III, U.S. Army, Commander-in-Chief, United Nations... more »
Rod Dreher Is Wrong, the Battle over Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Is Far from Over
[image: Same-sex "marriage" protest.] In a recent column at the American Conservative, the respected commentator Rod Dreher reiterated his position that the battle for same-sex “marriage” is over for good in America. He even accused candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who promise to appoint... more »
Notorious ISIS Judge Killed In Coalition Bombing
News reports indicate that the notorious ‘Slaughterer of Mosul’ has been killed during air-strikes on ISIS in Iraq. ABNA reports: Local sources in Nineveh Province report that international coalition jets pounded ISIS positions in western neighbourhoods of Mosul on Saturday, killing a notorious judge from the ISIS court. ISIS Judge Abdullah Saffah, known as Abu Hafsa, was killed during the intense aerial raid. He was responsible for implementing Law in Mosul and had sentenced scores of people to death and stoning. He was known as “The Slaughterer of Mosul” by locals. ISIS put the we... more »
Kentucky’s Mall St. Matthews Shuts Down After Brawls Involving Up to 2,000
[image: Kentucky Mall Screen 1451242414_173.71.16.53] Chain-reaction brawls involving up to 2,000 people erupted in one of Kentucky’s largest malls Saturday night, forcing the entire mall and businesses in the surrounding area to shut down, police said. The hours-long chaos at Mall St. Matthews began about... more »
War Crimes Trials For Islamic State Leaders?
The Long War Journal reposted these images, released by ISIS, which it says show Iraqi soldiers being rounded up by the group. *New York Times*: *Veteran International Prosecutor Foresees War Crimes Trials for ISIS* THE HAGUE — Stephen J. Rapp, a veteran American lawyer and a familiar figure in international courts, was doing what he most favors — talking about war crimes. Not just citing conflicts that demand the world’s attention, but also discussing how to pursue top offenders. For example, now that Islamic State militants are reaching far beyond the territory they control, he ... more »
Russian Delegation Meets With Israeli Leaders To Discuss Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin with Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Mikhail Fradkov (L) and Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov in Moscow, Dec. 19, 2015.Reuters *Haaretz*: *Russian Envoy Secretly Visits Israel for Talks on Syria* Alexander Lavrentiev and large Russian delegation meet senior Israeli officials, discussing potential UN-backed diplomatic talks to end Syrian civil war. Russia’s special envoy on Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, visited Israel secretly last Thursday, where he held talks with senior Israeli officials regarding internation... more »
Dark of the year
At my age, I'm finding I don't get out for chores much when the thermometer drops below fifty Fahrenheit, or it's dark and I'd have to wear a headlamp, or rain gear would be called for, or rime coats the fence posts. One or other of these conditions obtains pretty much all the time now, what with its being an el Nino year and all. It's teatime all the time, and sit-by-the-fire time, and visit time and such. Visitors create dishes, and I like doing dishes; it's a kind of meditation and an excuse not to camp out on Facebook. There was one decent freeze, lasting about three days, and... more »
Gifts from Godless Leftists for Each of the 12 Days of Christmas
[image: 12 Days] We all know that the "Holiday Season" starts much too early and ends too abruptly at 6 p.m. Christmas night, when we either escape from the relatives to curl up in post-prandial comas, or pile into minivans to see some... more »
"Most Sacramento-area students miss reading standard on new test"
If this test is any indication of the future prospects of children growing up in the Sacramento region, we are in trouble: Most kids in the third grade cannot read at grade level, according to a thorough article in The Sacramento Bee: *"Local teachers are redoubling their efforts after a new statewide test administered last year showed that 60 percent of third-graders in the Sacramento region performed below the state standard in English. The region includes Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer and Yolo counties."* Studies indicate that falling behind by the third grade portends ill for... more »
Syrian War News Updates -- December 28, 2015
Zahran Alloush was killed by an air strike in Syria. (Bassam Khabieh / Reuters) *Hassan Hassan, The National:* *Syria rebel group will survive leader’s death* Zahran Alloush, the former leader of Jaish Al Islam who was killed by Russian air strikes on Friday evening near Damascus, was more widely mourned than any other opposition figure since the start of the Syrian conflict. He has also been condemned for having made sectarian statements alluding to the extermination of Shia in Syria. Sectarian statements are unjustifiable because they stoke tensions in an already polarised land... more »
Iraqi Forces Are Claiming To Have Retaken A Key Islamic State Stronghold In Ramadi
Iraqi security forces gather to advance towards the centre of Ramadi city, December 25, 2015. © Reuters *Long War Journal*: *Iraqi military retakes center of Ramadi from Islamic State* The Iraqi military, backed by tribal fighters and US airstrikes, regained control of the government center and main neighborhoods in Ramadi from the Islamic State after a week of heavy fighting. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, fell to the Islamic State in May after Iraqi forces based there fled their posts. “The [government] complex is under our complete control, there is no presence whatsoe... more »
Iranian Backed Shiite Militias In Iraq Blame The U.S. For The Slow Pace In Retaking Ramadi
*Fars News Agency*: *Iraq: Popular Forces' Commander Reveals US Plots to Evacuate ISIL Leaders from Ramadi* TEHRAN (FNA)- A commander of volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) disclosed the US plots to evacuate ISIL leaders from the city of Ramadi as Iraqi army and popular troops are completing victory over the terrorist group. "The delay in operations to liberate Ramadi and Fallujah cities in al-Anbar province is the result of the US interference," Commander of Imam Khamenei Battalion Haidar al-Hosseini al-Ardavi told FNA on Thursday. "It seems that the US intends to evacuate the ISIL... more »
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Casinos, crime, Indian country media, Israel
By Brenda Norrell Censored News copyright The exposure of the new owner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reveals the ties between casino-owned media, crime and influence. It also reveals a connection with Israel. Further, the exposure reveals a connection to the Oneida Nation in New York, which is wealthy from casino revenues, and is the owner of Indian Country Today. The new owner of the Las Vegas newspaper is Sheldon Adelson, casino owner and Israeli newspaper owner. Follow the money: In a bizarre exposure, Adelson and the owners of Indian Country Today are linked by being the top... more »
Geopolitics: “Russia Counts 12,000 Turkey-Bound Oil Trucks from Iraq & Syria”
*“Russia Counts 12,000 Turkey-Bound Oil Trucks from Iraq & Syria”* Requests U.S. Assistance to Bomb Them; U.S. Again Says No. by Eric Zuesse, originally posted at strategic-culture.org "*How the Public Get Suckered by ‘News’ Media Ignoring Reality:* According to Russian Television on December 25th, Russian intelligence has counted “up to 12,000” tanker trucks filled with oil “on the Turkish-Iraqi border,” and “the final destination remains to be Turkey.” In addition, some of those trucks are still heading into Turkey from Syria, but their number is “decreased” because Russia’s Syrian...more »
Spain Lifts War Criminal Designation From Netanyahu, 6 Other Top Israelis
[image: Benjamin Netanyahu] Spanish judges responsible for international affairs canceled the registration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war crimes suspect, which they said was a jurisdictional error. The El Diario daily reported on the recent ruling by two judges of... Continue reading *“Spain Lifts War Criminal Designation From Netanyahu, 6 Other Top Israelis”* at *forward.com*.
Herr Trumpf's Barrage Against Trey Gowdy Isn't Really About Rubio Being A Threat
*Will Herr Trumpf schlong the Republican Party?* Herr Trumpf fired a warning shot-- a heavy calibre one-- over the bow of congressional Republicans. So far not a single member of the House or Senate has endorsed him. And some-- like Bob Dold (IL), David Jolly (FL) and Carlos Curbelo (FL)-- have actually said they won't vote for him if he's the party nominee. His opponents, however *all* have congressmen and senators coming out for them. Herr takes those endorsements as rebukes. Previously Trumpf didn't seem to care that much. He didn't even react to Curbelo pointing out that he's a ... more »
Investment Lib. 3, Free mobility of capital complements free trade
The benefits of free trade and trade liberalization, unilateral or bilateral or multilateral, is maximized if it is coupled with investments liberalization. Allow freer movement of goods and commodities, then allow freer movement of capital and labor, entrepreneurs and workers, employers and employees. Vietnam (and China) is a good examples of this. It is socialist, true; the Communist Party is a political monopoly, but it allows freer trade of goods and freer mobility of capital. See these news reports for instance. 1. The lifting of ownership limit in Vietnam is not absolute of co... more »
Battle For The Iraqi City Of Ramadi -- News Updates December 27, 2015
*Reuters:** Iraqi forces seize Islamic State stronghold in Ramadi: spokesman* Iraqi forces on Sunday took control of the government complex in central Ramadi, the last Islamic State stronghold in the western city, a military spokesman said. "By controlling the complex this means that they have been defeated in Ramadi," said Sabah al-Numani, a spokesman for the force leading the fight on the government side. "The next step is to clear pockets that could exist here or there in the city." "The complex is under our complete control, there is no presence whatsoever of Daesh fighters ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 27th, 2015
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday... Last Sunday of 2015... And time again for my weekly rant... I have been watching all the reports about unusual weather happening in the United States over the last week, and again I have been extremely troubled by the liars in the Jew spew media continuing to proclaim, falsely, that it is due to man caused "Climate Change".... Yes, the southern United States and the eastern Atlantic coast have been having higher than normal temperatures, but what is not told is how the central great plains region and the west is at normal or below normal temperatures.... more »
Repeat it Often Enough
Repeat it often enough easy to do with corporate dominated media say it over and over again drum it into thick skulls turned to mush by endless info-tainment poor schools consumerism Pentagon says America's role under corporate globalization is 'security export' endless war watch the movie previews see our future here at home the message to the kids war it's 'all you can be' keep repeating it Captain America to Star Wars Throw in some nationalism exceptionalism we are #1 the big lie Sell the wars lie to recruit the jobless A Global Force For Good Army Strong The Few, The Proud A... more »
Another side of goodwill is resentment
I have always marveled at the kindness and optimism of veteran Chicago teacher, Michelle Gunderson. I cannot imagine how she is able to maintain this attitude given the struggles they’ve had in Chicago. It’s certainly a part of who Gunderson is as a person. Perhaps it is also that, even though Chicago is going through […]
Playlists and Slayrides
I realized that the holiday news hole was a great big gaping maw when President Obama's release of his playlist of Christmas tunes stopped the presses right in their tracks. The cool president is into cool jazz! Who knew? White House Christmas *playlists*: Did *Obama* and Biden choose *...* Christian Science Monitor-Dec 24, 2015 President *Obama's playlist* confirms that he 'is the only American president you could reliably trust to DJ a party.' Joe Biden's list is, well, just so ... *Obamas* & Bidens Share Holiday *Playlists* on Spotify Billboard-Dec 24, 2015 See Which Popular Holida... more »
A post about art
This morning's *Sunday *on Radio 4 was a special focusing on the relationship between religion and art and had a guest presenter, freelance writer Cole Morton. I thought Cole did a very good job and made for a refreshing change. I laughed, for instance, at his obvious bewilderment at one of artist Maggi Hambling's more nebulous assertions about art: "Hang on. Life and death at the same time, that's what art's all about. What do you mean?" It was all very interesting - and quite thought-provoking (even if quite often in an 'eye-rolling' kind of way). There were interviews with pe... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 27, 2015
*John Beck, VICE News*: *The Year the Whole World Got Involved in Syria* TForeign intervention in Syria's seemingly intractable conflict is nothing new. Opponents of President Bashar al-Assad — notably the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar — have been supporting rebel groups since an armed uprising erupted in 2011 in response to security forces' brutal treatment of Arab Spring-inspired protest. Regime allies Russia, Iran and Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah have shored up government forces via various routes. Neighboring Israel has occasionally shelled or launched airstrik... more »
Economic News , Data & views ( December 27 , 2015 ) Europe In Focus ( Refugee Items Of Note - French Isle Of Corsica Has Days Of Anti -Arab Protests / Germany & Greece Dispute Greece Efforts In Securing Exterior Border / UK Pressed To do More / Greece Still Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees / Bavaria Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees , UK Flooding Continues , Spain Political Dramas On Front Burner , Greece Political And Economic Updates , Odds& Ends ) Asia / Emerging Nations ( Cascade Of China Related News Items , Turkey In Focus - Irony Of Course With Turkish Posture On Syria / Assad Is Ongoing Internal & External Battles With Kurds , Dubai Stocks rebound , Saudi Arabia Considering Options For Economic Growth Apart From Oil , Missing Dubai Gold Deepens , Ukraine In Focus )
Europe...... *The Local Denmark* @TheLocalDenmark 9m 9 minutes agoDanish PM to seek changes to UN refugee convention to cut asylum numbers http://bit.ly/1RMKcgx [image: Embedded image permalink] *Kyiv Post* @KyivPost 2m 2 minutes ago What is the difference between two #tax #reform proposals? http:// bit.ly/1Vg9LFC [image: Embedded image permalink] *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 5m 5 minutes ago #Euro starts lower to the week on growing risk appetite as IS weakened by recent losses in Iraq & stabilizing oil. [image: Embedded image permalink... more »
Gospel December 27, 2015...
*the third day of Christmas.* Christmas is not over, it's just starting. The twelve days of Christmas start on December 25. *For many Christians, Christmas ends when the gift wrap paper is loaded in the recycle bin. For others it is the beginning of The Twelve Days of Christmas culminating on the feast of the Epiphany on January 6th. * Gospel Lk 2:41-52Each year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, and when he was twelve years old, they went up according to festival custom. After they had completed its days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus remained b... more »
Mother, NIU Student Killed in Police-Involved Chicago Shooting
[image: Chicago shooting] A man and a woman were killed by Chicago police early Saturday morning on the city’s West Side. It was one of two separate police-involved shootings to occur under a 12-hour time period on Saturday. In the first police-involved shooting,... Continue reading *“Mother, NIU Student Killed in Police-Involved Chicago Shooting”* at *nbcchicago.com*.
World News Briefs -- December 27, 2015
*BBC*: *Iraqi forces 'enter Islamic State Ramadi stronghold'* Iraqi forces have entered a former government compound in Ramadi, from where Islamic State (IS) group militants have been resisting an army offensive, sources have told the BBC. The source said troops had entered one building and were planning to push cautiously through the rest of the huge compound amid fears of explosives. IS militants are believed to have fled to the north-east of the city. The government has been trying to retake Ramadi for weeks. *MIDDLE EAST* Mixed results for Iraqi army* in Anbar operation.* St... more »
*Federal judge rules against Abita Springs in fracking suit ~Faimon A. Roberts III, Advocate * *Men & Lady Rollers Second Line Parade ~WWOZ*
Sanders Adviser Suggests Staffer that Breached Voter Data May Have Been DNC Plant
[image: voter data] A Bernie Sanders campaign adviser made some pretty strong insinuations that the staffer who they had to fire for breaching Hillary Clinton's voter data was a DNC plant. . . . [T]he staffer they fired, Josh Uretsky, came recommended by... Continue reading *“Sanders Adviser Suggests Staffer that Breached Voter Data May Have Been DNC Plant”* at *mediaite.com*.
Trump’s Fans Are Excited to Rally — But They’re Not Sure They’ll Show Up to Vote
[image: Trump's fans] DES MOINES -- When Donald Trump held one of his boisterous rallies at the state fairgrounds this month, Bonnie and Randy Reynolds arrived two hours early to make sure they could snag seats. They bought "Make America Great Again" hats, put... Continue reading *“Trump’s Fans Are Excited to Rally — But They’re Not Sure They’ll Show Up to Vote”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Iran Accuses Saudi Arabia of Promoting Poverty, Terrorism
[image: Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session.] TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused archrival Saudi Arabia Sunday of promoting poverty and terrorism by continuing to bomb Yemeni rebels and supporting armed rebels fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad in Syria. Addressing a conference... more »
Afghan Official: ISIS, Militia Beheading Each Other’s Fighters
[image: Anti-(IS) armed Afghan militia forces keep watch during ongoing clashes with Islamic state (IS) fighters in Achin district of Nangarhar province on December 27, 2015. At least nine IS fighters have been killed and eight others wounded, with four villagers militia also killed, leader of armed militia and member of Parliament Haji Zahir Qadir said.] KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Fighters from the Islamic State group and a militia controlled by a prominent lawmaker have beheaded a total of eight men in tit-for-tat revenge killings in the eastern border province of Nangarhar, an Afg... more »
Merry Christmas, Immigrants! You're Deported!
*¿Puedo presentar el Sr. desinformado?* Trumpf, who doesn't seem capable of seeing a world that isn't centered on himself, has been claiming on twitter Friday and Saturday that Obama is deporting immigrants because of Trumpian pressure and that Obama hasn't deported enough immigrants. His low-info, nativist supporters eagerly lap it up. But, as usual, the facts don't bear out his claims. On June 16, when NY real estate swindler and reality TV clown Donald Trump made his campaign announcement-- in front of an audience of paid extras-- he made some specious claims about Mexican immigr... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 27, 2015
*New York Times*: *ISIS, Facing Losses, Releases Recording Said to Be of Leader* BAGHDAD — The Islamic State on Saturday released an audio recording of a speech purportedly made by the organization’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in which he implored more Muslims to fight on behalf of his increasingly besieged group. The authenticity of the recording could not be confirmed. It appeared to be Mr. Baghdadi’s first public address since May, and it followed reports that he had been either killed or gravely wounded by airstrikes. The speech was released on jihadist social media accoun... more »
More on Yolande Knell's shepherds
Further to yesterday's post about Yolande Knell's latest Christmas card from Bethlehem... Please read the ever-excellent Daphne Anson's take on it - The BBC & the ABC's Sophie McNeill Have Themselves A Merry Little Christmas: The Christmas story, with its cast of supporting characters, has again given the BBC (step forward Yolande Knell and Co.) the chance to spin some anti-Israel propaganda lite via a series of specially made videos with modern residents of Bethlehem standing in for those in the familiar narrative. The people selected are no doubt good and worthy individuals, b... more »
How War Could Erupt In Asia
*Alex Ward, National Interest:* *3 Ways an Asian War Could Erupt* *The neighborhood that includes China, Japan and the two Koreas could heat up unexpectedly.* At times of global instability, the places where things remain calm stand out. That is the case with northeast Asia, the area primarily comprised of China, Japan, parts of Russia and the two Koreas. Due to the generosity of the Korean Economic Institute and Korea Foundation, I had the chance recently to travel to Seoul to partake in multiple meetings with government officials, journalists and other experts to learn about what... more »
The Gift of Religious Freedom
[image: Gov. Matt Bevin greets spectators at the gubernatorial inauguration in Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 8, 2015. (Kentucky National Guard photo by Walt Leaumont)] While the legal case will continue to work its way through the courts, the bottom line is this: Kim Davis has won. The homofascists have lost. Last Tuesday, Kentucky's new governor, Matt Bevin, issued an executive order that eliminates the... more »
Beautiful Churches: United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel
[image: USAFA Chapel Inside - 900] The United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel is located on the Academy base, north of Colorado Springs. This modern chapel has different areas where worship for different religions can take place. For example, the Protestant Chapel is located on the... more »
Property Rights Are Key to Religious Liberty
[image: same sex marriage] Many Christians, while they cherish religious liberty, seem to believe that property rights, and the commerce that arises from the establishment of property rights, are somehow un-Christian. At the same time, a lot of free marketers seem to think that... Continue reading *“Property Rights Are Key to Religious Liberty”* at *imprimis.hillsdale.edu*.
At Least 11 Die in Texas Tornadoes; 5 in Illinois Flooding
[image: Dallas area] At least eight people were killed by several massive tornadoes that ravaged the Dallas area Saturday night, the latest tragedy in what has become a week-long outbreak of severe weather. KXAS-TV said five of the deaths occurred near the intersection... Continue reading *“At Least 11 Die in Texas Tornadoes; 5 in Illinois Flooding”* at *weather.com*.
Mercatornet’s 10 Best Movies of 2015
[image: Han Solo and Chewbacca in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.] Picking the year's most worthwhile films is always a challenge. Here is a list of ten from a range of genres, with something for everyone. Timbuktu Directed by Abderrahmane Sissako. Starring Abel Jafri, Hichem Yacoubi French-Mauritanian production, French with sub-titles,... more »
Gamers and Geeks at Greater Risk for Narcissism Disorder
[image: Star Wars] Those who take part in "geeky events" are more likely to have an "elevated grandiose" level of narcissism, according to a study conducted by the University of Georgia. Psychologists examined the personality traits of those who turn to "geek culture", developing... Continue reading *“Gamers and Geeks at Greater Risk for Narcissism Disorder”* at *independent.co.uk*.
What I've Been Reading Recently
Since last time, I've polished off the following books: *LA Noir* by James Ellroy *The Long Utopia* by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter *Expressions of Identity* by Kevin Hetherington *Xeelee Endurance* by Stephen Baxter *Networks of Outrage and Hope* by Manuel Castells *Party and Society* by Cedric de Leon *Isaac and Isaiah* by David Caute *The End of the Affair* by Graham Greene *Go Set a Watchman* by Harper Lee *Third Wave Feminism* by Stacy Gilles, Gillian Howie, and Rebecca Munford (eds) *Up Against Foucault* by Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed) *Gaga Feminism* by J Jack Halberstam *Comple... more »
*British Greenies need instructions on how to open a door!* *At least their bosses think they do* Civil servants have been given a safety guide that instructs them how to use doors after a shocking 14 members of staff were hurt walking through them in five years. A step-by-step memo was sent to 2,440 people at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, run by energy secretary Amber Rudd. The vital instructions include 'open the door slowly' and if the door has a 'vision panel' look through to 'judge if there's someone on the other side'. The guide was issued because of the num... more »
Cocaine Tea From Peru Sold Legally In Italy For Years
Shops in Italy have been selling a herbal tea from Peru that contains cocaine. The matter came to light after a bus driver with the Genoa transport authority, Amt, was tested positive while undergoing a routine drugs test. The driver with a 10 year exemplary service record had a cup of herbal tea containing cocaine in the mornings before work because it made him feel alert. 38-year-old Roberto from Genoa was not aware that his morning cuppa contained small amounts of an illegal substance. Police have been ordered to confiscate the herbal brew from Peru that has been widely available... more »
America's Secret Drone War Against The Islamic State
The Times *Nick Turse, Salon/Tom Dispatch:* *America’s secret war on ISIL: The African military operation you’ll never hear about* *The U.S. Air Force recently "neutralized" 69 enemy combatants -- and has taken meticulous steps to cover its tracks* On October 7th, at an “undisclosed location” somewhere in “Southwest Asia,” men wearing different types of camouflage and dun-colored boots gathered before a black backdrop adorned with Arabic script. They were attending a ceremony that mixed solemnity with celebration, the commemoration of a year of combat that left scores of their ene... more »
*Busing in Boston made segregation worse* *Another failure of Leftist authoritarianism. The article below is written from a Leftist perspective so sees nothing wrong with the fact that it was only when whites had little opportunity to flee that there was a degree of desegregation. The rightness of forcing people to do things is unquestioned below. And Leftists call Republicans Fascists!* Today, the concept of court-ordered busing to desegregate schools has few champions. Conservatives look back on busing in Boston as an outrageous overreach of government powers. Liberals look ba... more »
Activists Sue, Arguing That Bail System Is Unfair
[image: jail cell] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Crystal Patterson didn’t have the cash or assets to post $150,000 bail and get out of jail after her arrest for assault in October. So Patterson, 39, promised to pay a bail bonds company $15,000 plus... more »
A Candle in the Dark
As flood waters engulf swathes of Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria (again) and certain places lose power as a result, there was a timely edition of *Something Understood *on Radio 4 early this morning. Its subject was 'The Candle'. (Last week's edition had a similarly timely subject - darkness!) *Something Understood *has been uniformly excellent in recent weeks and, in the midst of all my complaining about the BBC, it feels right to say so. I wouldn't go so far as to say it justifies the license fee for me - as others do when praising such programmes! - but it does help me perso... more »
The Real Test: Tax Fairness
Murray Dobbin writes that there has been a palpable change in Ottawa -- a change which he applauds: I feel the same relief as every other Canadian that public scientists can now speak their minds, that Harper's war-mongering is history, that we are overnight no longer a pariah on the world stage, that there is at least hope that Ottawa will take Aboriginal concerns seriously and that ministers with a passion for their portfolios are more likely to deliver the goods. But those changes have been easy to make: These are the low-hanging fruit of the "Canada is back" mantra because n... more »
The US Navy SEALs May Have Selected The Glock 19 As Their New Pistol Of Choice
*Fox Trot Alpha:* *The US Navy SEALs May Have Selected A New Pistol Of Choice* The U.S. Navy SEALs are known to have a very diverse small-arms locker, one full of the best and most durable firearms available. So when they decide to get behind a certain weapon in a big way, it tends to be bug news. Now, after toting steel-framed Sig Sauer P226s on missions around the globe for three decades, a new pistol will reportedly take its place: the hugely popular Glock 19. *WNU Editor:* I am not familiar with the Glock 19 .... but if the US Navy SEALs are endorsing it, it must be impressive.
Gwen Wang, Ben Goren, Solidarity Live Tweet Essay on the Chu-Tsai-Soong debate
Debate time in the marketplace of ideas. I've taken the tweets of Twitter of Gwen Wang, Ben Goren, and Solidarity on the Presidential debate today, which Wang and Solidarity live-tweeted, and Goren commented on, plus a few comments from others. Click on read more to read it from end to beginning.... Michal Thim (廷米賀) @michalthim For great record of today's #Taiwan2016 presidential debate see @GwenythWR @jmstwn @BanGaoRen or my Taiwan elections list for combined view Ben Goren @BanGaoRen My gf -Soong: "I'm not rich at all! I ran for President 3 times" Note: need more than NT$2m... more »
Day 4 - 28 December, 2015
All Four Calling...
Is A New 9/11 Commission Needed?
Image: Wikimedia Commons/James Tourtellotte, U.S. Customs and Border Protection. *James Jay Carafano, National Interest*: *Why a New 9/11 Commission Is Needed* Terrorism has come to look very different from what confronted the West over a decade ago. Most ad hoc commissions come and go without a trace. Not so, the 9/11 Commission. Its final report became a national bestseller. Its findings served as the touchstone for explaining what happened on that dreadful day the terrorists went after New York City and Washington, D.C. Even more important, the report framed the argument of wh... more »
A jeremiad from Andrew Marr
Andrew Marr has an interesting piece in *The Sunday Times, *headlined '*We were once the fierce and terrible zealots but now have only shallow gods*'. His point is that we in the Christian West used to be exactly like Islamic State & Co. back in the day. In the name of *our* religion, in the medieval and early modern period especially, we did many of the insanely brutal things that IS is doing now, from irrational punishments to unspeakably cruel wars, via cruelty towards woman and gays and vicious theological quibbling: It sometimes seems to me that Britons of the 21st century ... more »
FGF21 - a liver hormone linking sugar cravings and cardiovascular disease.
On Christmas Eve the media carried reports that scientists had identified a hormone, produced by the liver, that switches off sugar cravings, and which might be the answer to sugar addiction. "Research on mice and monkeys has shown that the hormone, FGF21, signals the brain to avoid seeking sweet foods. Harnessing the effect, possibly by copying the hormone's action with a drug, could help patients who are obese or suffering from Type 2 diabetes, scientists believe." We all know that a LCHF diet suppresses the appetite for sugar - one of my dietary epiphanies involved standing ... more »
Why the rich escape sanction for sins far greater than those for which the poor are brutally stamped on. By our guest author, the late Adam Smith.
"The profligacy of a man of fashion is looked upon with much less contempt and aversion, than that of a man of meaner condition. In the latter, a single transgression of the rules of temperance and propriety, is commonly more resented, than the constant and avowed contempt of them ever is in the former." Adam Smith (1723-1790), free market capitalist icon. From financial scandals to tax
Can A News Website De-Stabilize A Country? Venezuela Says Yes
A waiter counted bolivar notes at a restaurant in Caracas on July 14. Venezuela sued a U.S. website, DolarToday.com, for publishing the black-market value of its bolivar. PHOTO: CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS/REUTERS *Wall Street Journal*: *Venezuela, Black-Market Currency News Site Square Off in U.S. Court* *Lawsuit alleges DolarToday.com is destabilizing Venezuelan economy* CARACAS—Venezuela’s central bank and the most prominent website publishing information on the country’s currency black market are squaring off in U.S. court where this South American government is seeking the closure o... more »
China Wants To Buy Russia's Zubr Hovercrafts
*Popular Mechanics:* *China Is Buying Giant Attack Hovercraft From Russia* *The "Bison" is as big and fast as it sounds.* China has received its second Zubr ("Bison") class hovercraft from Russia. Fast, armed and capable of carrying an invasion force, thesed hovercraft give China the ability to land troops on nearby islands and islets, including those in the East China Sea, South China Sea, and even Taiwan. The Soviet Union developed the Zubr class of hovercraft in the late 1970s as a way of quickly landing troops over relatively short distances. Zubrs have a range of 300 miles an... more »
Czech president's Christmas address
*Miloš Zeman: the migrants should have taken up arms instead* *Jump to the migration topic; a copy of the 14-minute video. TRF doesn't endorse the bulk of the economic remarks in the speech below.* *The Lány [Vast Fields] Chateaux, the presidential palace from which he spoke.* Distinguished and dear fellow citizens, after another year, we're meeting to collectively meditate about the events that have taken place in this year. Just like in our individual lives, the republic also goes through joyful events as well as the less joyful events. But I am very happy that the joyful ones ... more »
Russian Defense Ministry Releases A Rare Video Of An Anti-Air Tor-M2U Missile Firing While On The Move
*RT:* *Mighty missiles: Russian Tor-M2U SAM fires from moving launcher (RARE VIDEO)* The Russian Defense Ministry has released rare footage of a Tor-M2U surface-to-air missile launcher firing on the move, a feat as yet unachieved by any competitor. The launcher was driving off-road at 25 kpm/h and successfully hit a Saman practice target with the first missile fired, the ministry said. The test was performed this summer at Kapustin Yar test range in Arkhangelsk region. Various models of the Tor short-range air defense system have been used by Russian Ground Troops, the service ar... more »
Is The U.S. Military More Corrupt Than The Russian Military?
*Sputnik*: *US Military Outclasses Russia's in Only One Area…Corruption* In spite of prevailing clichés about corruption in Russia being out of control, the scale of the scourge is of an incomparably larger scale in the United States, according to independent journalist Einar Schlereth. In the journalist's view, nowhere is this more obvious than in the case of the US military industrial complex. In his article, published in popular Austrian news blog Neopresse, Schlereth suggested that if in Russia, corruption and bribery generally have a 'bottom-up' nature, in the US, it is a phen... more »
Picture Of The Day
Two CH-47F Chinook helicopters take off en route to retrieve air assault troops to prepare for an air assault mission as part of Trident Juncture 2015, a NATO exercise, in Zaragoza, Spain, Nov. 3, 2015. The helicopters are assigned to Company H, 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Thomas Mort
Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2015
(The Best Posts of the Year, Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves) (A 2008 Jon Swift picture, relevant every presidential election season.) Welcome to a tradition started by the late Jon Swift/Al Weisel, who left behind some excellent satire, but was also a nice guy and a strong supporter of small blogs. As Lance Mannion put it in 2010: Our late and much missed comrade in blogging, journalist
Unicef Shows The Impact On Children Of The Conflicts Of The Last 70 Years (Photo Gallery)
Tears: A young boy holds a crying child in a camp for displaced persons in Kavaja, Albania circa 1945. In 2015 in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a crying child is comforted near Gevgelija. Unicef says long and uncertain journeys leave children frightened and vulnerable *Daily Mail:* *Young lives torn apart by seven decades of war: Heartbreaking images released by Unicef show the impact on children of the conflicts of the last 70 years * * Nearly 1 in 4 migrants, refugees arriving in Europe are children * Founded in 1946, Unicef first helped refugee children after WWII *... more »
Kurdish Militias "Win" Strategic Dam from ISIS- Syria's Territorial Integrity..
and infrastructure further compromised by the NATO backed Kurdish militias. * In a repeat, repeat, repeat of that same special relationship between KurdIShIS*- I've covered this symbiosis on too many occasions to count! ISIS shock troops come in first- Kurds 'win' stolen land back from ISIS and claim it as theirs- *Wash, rinse, repeat. *This time it's a dam. It supplies Northern Syria with electricity and aids in joining and enlarging Greater Israel. Ooops I mean Kurdistan aka Greater Israel. The second Israel. This group of fighers- rebranded "Syrian Democratic Forces" are the YPG... more »
AP Poll: Americans Believe 2015 Was Worse Than 2014
*WNU Editor*: The AP-Times Square poll *is here*. My prediction ... this time next year that sentiment will be even more pessimistic.
Poor Jeb And Marco Are Being Taken To The Cleaners By Self-Serving Professional Campaign Operatives
On Friday, we noted that the more poor Jeb spends on his mundane TV ads, the lower his support is driven. He doesn't read *DWT* and it certainly not what the 15% rake-off crew is telling him. Because the poor fella has the most conventional and stultified mind of anyone running this cycle, he's decided that what his failing campaign needs is to spend more of his idiot-donors' money on *more* ineffectual ads... and in New Hampshire, where the barrage he's already run has worked least. Boston's Republican newspaper reports that the Jebster SuperPAC plans to dump another $14 million ... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Message”
Vangelis, “Message” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZpTTokiCrE
Are Islamic State Fighters Being Trained In Turkey?
*Photo*: Fighter from the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). © SPUTNIK/ HIKMET DURGUN *Sputnik*: *Captured Daesh Fighter Reveals Details of Turkey’s Ties With Terror Group* Mahmut Ghazi Tatar, a captured member of the Daesh terrorist organization, spoke to Sputnik Turkey, revealing details about being in the ranks of Daesh and Turkey’s ties with the terror group. A Sputnik Türkiye correspondent managed to record an interview with a member of Daesh (Islamic State) who was captured by Kurdish troops in Syria. The 24-year-old Mahmut Ghazi Tatar who joined Da... more »
Fall of the Arab Spring: From Revolution to Destruction
*December 27, 2015* (Christopher Brennan - Global Research) From Libya and Egypt to Syria and Yemen, the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region is undergoing unprecedented tumult and chaos. To understand the current breakdown of states and society, examining the so-called Arab Spring of 2011 that laid the groundwork for this ongoing regional anarchy is indispensable. Global Research brings to the attention of its readers the newly released book by Christopher L. Brennan. Fall of the Arab Spring: From Revolution to Destruction (available here), propounds an incisive and timely analy... more »
Russian Air-Strikes Are Now Targeting Syrian Civilian Areas In Rebel Held Territories
*Michael Weiss, Daily Beast*: *What It’s Like to Have Russian Jets Bomb the Crap Out of Your Town* *Putin’s military says its only going after terrorists in Syria. But the view from Aleppo City is very different. Residents are wondering why their marketplaces are being bombed.* “When I’m sitting here and we hear a plane, which is a lot now, I know from the sound. If the plane is above us—you can tell if it’s above you, because that’s when it’s the loudest—and if it’s a Russian plane, then it doesn’t attack where we are. It attacks two or three kilometers away.” Rami Jarrah is tel... more »
"The Detailed Universe: This Will Blow Your Mind"
"The Detailed Universe: This Will Blow Your Mind" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IVqMXPFYwI
"A Look to the Solar System"
Want to build a scale model Solar System? A blue marble 1.4 centimeters (about half an inch) across would be a good choice for a scale model Earth. Since the Sun is 109 times the diameter of Earth, a 1.5 meter diameter balloon could represent the Sun. But the distance between the Earth and Sun, 150 million kilometers, would translate to just under 180 meters (590 feet) at the same scale. That would mean the completed project, including the orbits of the outer planets, is probably not going to fit in your backyard. Still, you might find enough room on a dry lakebed. Check out this vi... more »
Chet Raymo, “We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”
*“We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”* by Chet Raymo "The leaves are raked and bagged. The grass is mowed for the last time. The geraniums smile weak goodbyes. Now, as if by some law of compensation, the curtain opens on the sky. The great starless spaces of autumn fall like a black velvet drape into the west. The show opens. The sky begins. As the Sun sinks beneath the horizon, the Pleiades rise in the east, heralding the arrival of the spectacular winter stars. Aldebaran, the red eye of the Bull. Sirius, the Dog Star. Rigel and Betelgeuse in Orion. Castor and Pollux, the T... more »
"Amid The Thorns..."
"The world is not respectable; it is mortal, tormented, confused, deluded forever; but it is shot through with beauty, with love, with glints of courage and laughter; and in these, the spirit blooms timidly, and struggles to the light amid the thorns." - George Santayana
"What Causes Chest Pain When Feelings Are Hurt?"
"What Causes Chest Pain When Feelings Are Hurt?" by Robert Emery and Jim Coan "When people have their feelings hurt, what is actually happening inside the body to cause the physical pain in the chest?" - Josh Ceddia, Melbourne, Australia "Robert Emery and Jim Coan, professors of psychology at the University of Virginia, reply: Terms such as “heartache” and “gut wrenching” are more than mere metaphors: they describe the experience of both physical and emotional pain. When we feel heartache, for example, we are experiencing a blend of emotional stress and the stress-induced sensation... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Charlotte, N. Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Russian Ministry Of Defence Briefing On Russian Air Operations Over Syria (December 25, 2015)
*WNU Editor:* What is revealing in this video briefing are the oil trucks present on both sides of the border. In short .... that is a lot of oil trucks on the Syrian/Iraqi/Turkish border. It should be noted that this is a Russian Ministry of Defense briefing, and there is yet no independent confirmation of this report. *Hat Tip *to Jay for this link.
Demographic Change... And A New Word: Schumercrat
Schumer + schumercrat Patrick Murphy The Establishment Democrats-- primarily DC insiders-- either can't or won't do anything to save the party of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The positions of power within the establishment are almost entirely captive of a self-serving clique of utterly corrupt, right-of-center political hacks with either no vision or a vision hostile to the values and principles the Democratic grassroots have fought for. As the Republican Party has moved further and further to the right, the establishment Democrats have followed them and now basically occupy the g... more »
Free Download: J. Krishnamurti, "The Book Of Life"
*"Justifying Evil"* "Obviously the present crisis throughout the world is exceptional, without precedent. There have been crises of varying types at different periods throughout history - social, national, political. Crises come and go; economic recessions, depressions, come, get modified, and continue in a different form. We know that; we are familiar with that process. Surely the present crisis is different, is it not? It is different first because we are dealing not with money nor with tangible things but with ideas. The crisis is exceptional because it is in the field of ideati... more »
"The Object Of Life..."
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." - Marcus Aurelius
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Leaf and the Cloud: A Poem”
* "Flare, Part 12"* "When loneliness comes stalking, go into the fields, consider the orderliness of the world. Notice something you have never noticed before, like the tambourine sound of the snow-cricket whose pale green body is no longer than your thumb. Stare hard at the hummingbird, in the summer rain, shaking the water-sparks from its wings. Let grief be your sister, she will whether or no. Rise up from the stump of sorrow, and be green also, like the diligent leaves. A lifetime isn't long enough for the beauty of this world and the responsibilities of your life. Scatter you... more »
"How It Really Is"
"Warm Weather In December Sets East Coast Records” - http://fox6now.com/
“Life Is Too Short To Waste”
*“Life Is Too Short To Waste”* by Meanings Of Life "We can’t avoid thinking of our existential condition, of the shortness of our lives, of the transitory nature of everything. We do it all the time we exist, in all societies. The brevity of life torments the human spirit. The proximity of death is "a source of grief during all our life", Edgar Morin said. “I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back any more– the feeling that I could last for ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vai... more »
Putin Vows To Protect Kurds In Turkey As War Of The Century Looms
Russian President Vladimir Putin has authorised the Russian military and intelligence community to protect Kurdish people against the threat of Turkey – who have threatened to “cleanse” all Kurds. Putin issued the order to protect the Kurds under the authority of Article 87 of the Russian Constitution – which states that Putin is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: With Turkey now being named as a “belligerent hostile threat” to the Federation in this conflict, this report further explains, President Putin in iss... more »
EU Furious As Obama Violates His Own Sanctions Against Russia
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported that EU leaders have been left furious after the Obama administration violated its own sanctions against Russia by placing a $750 million order for rocket engines. European leaders are said to be baffled as to why the U.S. are going against sanctions they had forced the rest of Europe to adhere to, and which many criticized the U.S. government of being akin to a coup. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: While leaving their European allies with no choice but to live with these sanctions, however, this report notes, the Obama regime, meanw... more »
Mainstream Media Admit That Fluoride In Water ‘Causes Cancer’
The mainstream media and prominent health experts have spoken out against the dangers of adding fluoride to drinking water, claiming that it causes bone cancer. The Daily Mail reported that fluoride added to the UK drinking supply causes serious consequences such as bone and bladder cancers, as well as lower IQs in the general population. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Stephen Peckham, professor of health policy at the centre for health service studies at Kent University, said the process was introduced before there was enough research to demonstrate its safety and effectiveness. He told... more »
Study: Children Exposed To Pesticides Suffer Breathing Problems
A new UC Berkeley paper reveals that children exposed to pesticides may have breathing problems later in life. The study linked the levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the urine of 279 children living in California with decreased lung function. Berkeley.edu reports: Each tenfold increase in concentrations of organophosphate metabolites was associated with a 159-milliliter decrease in lung function, or about 8 percent less air, on average, when blowing out a candle. The magnitude of this decrease is similar to a child’s secondhand smoke exposure from his or her mother... more »
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