Good News! Another Blog to Resist Entrenched CO2-Alarmism
A small group of solo-bloggers on climate topics in or from the UK has
launched a new blog called 'Climate Scepticism':
Yours truly played a minor role in this, mainly just encouraging the others
and promising to do more in the future. Theirs was the original idea, and
theirs the energy that got it launched.
Earlier this year (27 April post), I said I was going to post less often
here, but that I would maintain the blog - especially the reference Pages -
when I came across relevant material. I also mentioned a couple of posts I
had mind to publish soon. I have not done thos... more »
Researching the Scares and the Spins: what made one man change his mind about rising CO2 being a crisis

The harm being caused by so many people's naive acceptance of the crisis-PR
put out by the IPPC, sundry 'academics', and no end of
financially-interested NGOs, is dreadful. Their spins have dominated the
press and airwaves and school and university curricula for decades. It is
likely that most of the general public have never actually read or listened
to the counter-arguments. When major institutions such as the BBC and the
Royal Society have been corrupted by their leaderships to promote climate
alarm as unassailable dogma, who can blame that public for knowing no
*One ... more »
Climate Scaremongering Antidote: resisting the demonisation of CO2

While the search for a cure-all for CO2 alarmism continues, we shall, in
the meantime, have to make do with piecemeal treatments to help young
people cope with the deluge of woefully inadequate information relating to
The problem is sometimes the information is wrong, but perhaps more common
is a severe lack of balance.
The fact that the gentle overall warming of the last 150 years or so is
generally very beneficial is not acknowledged, whatever combination of
factors has caused it. Nor is the positive impact of higher ambient CO2
levels on agricultural productivity of... more »
Can It Be This Easy? Helping young people learn about climate reality

Screenshot from the video
*'Watch the double take students do when confronted with the straight facts
that there has been no dramatic global warming as they’ve been led to
*The good news? Students got it. Some were upset. Virtually all were
surprised. The only thing they needed was access to the truth.*
*You’ll be heartened to see these bright youngsters casting aside the
politically-correct hype they’ve been fed and forming valid conclusions
based on sound scientific data.'*
Here is the video f... more »
Alarming Climate Predictions: an informative cartoon for the classroom wall

One thing anyone concerned about the harm being done to schoolchildren by
climate alarmism must do is help them see how incompetent so many of the
prominent pushers of alarm are when it comes to science. The above cartoon
would help encourage the youngsters to take the fear-mongers' confident
assertions with a pinch of salt, and perhaps just a hint of amused contempt.
Some resources for project work by pupils, parents, or teachers , on the
inability of the climate alarm 'community'* to give useful guidance about
the future:
... more »
Climate Scaremongering in 2009. Followed by 6 Years of Negligible Climate Change, Just Like the 10 Years Before Them

Six climate headlines from 2009 that tell us something important ...
An extract from a guest post at WUWT by Larry Kummer:
'The following snippets show one theme from that massive bombardment of
stories intended to arouse people’s fear and so create a stampede for
far-reaching public policy measures to save the world. These headlines
warned that the end was near and time was running out.
*(1) *“President ‘has four years to save Earth’” says climate scientist
James Hansen in The Guardian, 17 January 2009.
*(2) *“Global warming has reached a ‘defining moment,’ Prince Charles warns”
in T... more »
For the Climate Classroom Wall: let a kangaroo in the snow replace that photo-shopped polar bear on an iceberg.

SourceNever mind the thriving polar bears of the northern hemisphere, take
a look at that kangaroo in the southern one! Is this what children steeped
in climate alarmism since birth, and who have seen no global warming in
their entire lives, have been led to expect by the climate scaremongers
like Gore?
Record levels of snow in Australia, and elsewhere. People who have never
seen snow in their lifetimes in their location have now.
More on it here and here.
*A pupil project: *find out what the notorious climate clown David Viner
had to say about snow, and then how later he headed ... more »
Child Protection Resources: debunking climate scares can help your children shrug off the propaganda
Picture sourceSo-called environmental organisations can get wealthy by
scaring their members and the general public with lurid tales of doom and
disaster. But with what respect to the truth and the limitations of our
knowledge? Next to none, according to James Taylor of the Heartland
Institute who has reacted to a recent fund-raising letter from the US
Environmental Defence Fund, or EDF.
Below is a long extract from his recent article reacting to their 10
'deplorable'assertions, each highlighted in italics here by me.
*There can be little doubt that campaigners will try to scare... more »
Nothing Short of Criminal: Green zealots exploiting children in an Australian primary school
Reblogged from Jo Nova's site:
'High pressure propaganda: Greens using children to write activist letters
in school
Gary Johns (former Labor Minister in the Keating Government) writes in *The
Australian* that children are being dished up green speakers at school,
asked to write letters about “their thoughts” to politicians, and taking
letters home to parents seeking their permission to join the campaign which
is run by a volunteer for *The Greens*. The children were offered sample
activist letters to copy.
Greens infiltrate the classroom
*I received a letter this week that had been s... more »
The future of this blog: helping anyone wanting to resist climate scaremongering in schools
My heartfelt apologies to regular visitors. It has been a long gap since
the last post, and you may feel clicking to here has been wasting your
time. I had hopes that this blog would encourage discussion and lead to
lively exchanges with frequent inputs from active teachers and educational
administrators as well as parents, but this has not happened. Given the
trolling and junk comments that occur so often on more lively sites, the
tranquillity here has not been all bad!
I now see the next phase of this blog as focusing on proving reference
materials, useful links, and occasiona... more »
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all people of goodwill everywhere
Of the three major religions to emerge from the Middle East, Christianity
seems to be the most impressive for its compassion, gentleness, and
generosity towards non-followers (such as myself) as well as to its
faithful. It has also inspired far more great works of art and music than
any other religion anywhere as far as I know (which is not very far, but I
share my limited view nevertheless). J S Bach produced a fair few of them.
Here is an exquisite rendition of his *'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring'* by
the Norwegian singer often referred to there simply as Sissel, assisted by
a young... more »
CO2 Driven Climate Panic in Jeopardy: a prospect of it being disgraced even further by observation of ice variation

WUWTWUWT has what I think is an informative and important presentation by
Jim Steele.
Very much in the tradition of Hubert Lamb, he makes a plea for much better
understanding of natural variation of climate as a pre-condition for being
able to assess our impact on it.
He makes a plausible case that the next 10 to 20 years could be decisive in
assessing the strength of human impact (via CO2 in particular) and natural
variation on glacier and icecap variation.
Another reason to postpone panic over our CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, we
have had panic already, and a great deal of cons... more »
President Obama's Last Resort? A New Propaganda Push on Children and Climate.
US NewsAllie Bidwell writes at US News:
*'Perhaps unable to convince older Americans of the severity of global
warming, President Barack Obama is hoping to have better luck with the next
generation by turning to the classroom.*
*The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Wednesday
announced it will launch a new initiative aimed at climate education and
literacy that will distribute science-based information – in line with the
administration's position on the issue – to students, teachers and the
broader public.*
*Educators, government officials, philanthropic leade... more »
Background briefing for climate teachers: false prophets and false prophecies from the cult of CO2 alarmism
What with a Nobel Peace Prize shared between the IPCC and Al Gore, and no
end of awards presented by CO2 alarmists and their followers to one
another, the casual observer is at risk of concluding that wise and
distinguished people are leading the call for dramatic reductions in our
CO2 emissions. The reality is that buffoons and charlatans, confidence
tricksters and shallow opportunists, not to mention malevolent sociopaths,
are in this odious vanguard. Dramatic threats of imminent doom, portentous
language, terrifying imagery about what is going to happen to us are their
stock in t... more »
Climate change 'prophets, and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists': the press found them amusing back in 1871

* (Pall Mall Gazette)*
THREE consecutive years of drought, while they have stimulated the
inventive resources of practical *agriculturalists*, have had the natural
effect of calling forth a plentiful crop of speculation from weather
prophets, and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the
philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now
affords such fatal facilities. We have often noticed that in the tabular
statements of those compilers of weather records who write to the *Times*,
useful and ... more »
Sacrificing Children for a Better Climate: the Aztecs used knives to kill them quickly; we take longer by depriving them of energy, food, and hope – but we do get more victims in the end.
*(1) The Aztec God of Rain: Tlaloc.*
'The worship of Tlaloc [the rain god] was among the most ghastly in
Mexico... children were constantly sacrificed to him. If we may believe
Sahagun, at the feast of the Tlaloque "they sought out a great number of
babes at the breast, which they purchased of their mothers. They chose by
preference those who had two crowns in their hair and who had been born
under a good sign. They pretended that these would form a more agreeable
sacrifice to the gods, to the
end that they might obtain rain at the opportune time. . . . They killed a
great number of... more »
Children of the Global Warming Scare: coming of age with no global warming over their lifetimes

Cartoons by JoshChildren born 18 years ago have lived their lives without
any of the 'global warming' with which some people have been intent on scaring
them witless.
At school, they would have seen those graphs of relentless rising CO2
levels and rising temperatures in the last decades of the 20th century.
They might well have seen propagandists such as Al Gore up a stepladder
declaiming how one caused the other. They might have heard of a Dr Hansen
who on a hot day in 1988 warned the world of those relentless rises.
They could well have seen the MBH hockey stick plot of tempe... more »
Climate Scare Stories Cost Lives: teach yourself and your children how to see through them

It’s time to stop the climate scare stories
*Guest opinion by Dr. Willie Soon and Christopher Monckton of Brenchley*
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi sensibly refuses to attend yet another
climate summit – this one called by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in New
York for September 23, under the auspices of the United Nations, which
profits handsomely from the much-exaggerated climate scare.
Environmentalists have complained at Mr. Modi’s decision not to attend.
They say rising atmospheric CO2 will cause droughts, melt Himalayan ice and
poison lakes and waterways in the Indian sub... more »
Climate Cult Marches in New York and elsewhere on 21st September: the ill-informed and the ill-intentioned will call for more destruction
Cornwall Alliance
Climate policies such as the subsidising of renewable energy are
destructive. They destroy lives in the developing world by raising the
price of food. They destroy development prospects by raising the price of
Climate alarm campaigners destroy morale in the young and other vulnerable
groups by raising the spectre of imminent doom. They destroy educational
ideals by turning classrooms into indoctrination centres. They destroy
childhood innocence by demanding 'action' by the young, and using them as
their political tools.
Some c... more »
Inspiration for the Climate Teacher: a call for compassion for the world's poor
As a non-believer, but nevertheless a great admirer of Christianity, I have
been puzzled by the number of evangelical Christians who are prominent in
the promotion of alarm over our impact on the climate. Names that come
immediately to mind are John Houghton, Bill McKibben, Katharine Hayhoe, and
John Cook. Puzzled because raising alarm with the scope and scale of CAGW
is a shockingly irresponsible thing to do when the case for it is so weak
and so speculative, and the policy consequences emerging from it are so
dreadful for people and the environment all over the world.
But a grou... more »
Climate Chumps and Climate Cheats – '97%' is the tell-tale to find them
The sails on some boats have short lengths of wool attached to them to show
the manner in which the air is flowing past. They are called tell-tales,
and let the sailor know if the sail needs trimming.
The '97%' statistic can act as a tell-tale to let you know the manner of
person you are dealing with when it is deployed to promote alarm over our
impact on climate. I make the crude division of those who deploy it that
way into climate chumps or climate cheats. The former have merely been
deceived themselves, the latter want to deceive others.
The basic deceit being that something l... more »
Climate Teachers, Concerned Parents – here is a new scientific society worthy of your support to raise standards in climate science, and improve public outreach.
The somewhat strangely named 'Open Atmospheric Society', or OAS for short,
has been officially launched and offers associate membership which is open
to all to apply for, regardless of academic qualifications. There is a full
membership category for those with professional qualifications in relevant
Here is how their Home page begins:
Welcome to The Open Atmospheric Society, known as “The OAS”.
*We give you a voice where other societies may not.*
The OAS is an *international *membership society for the purpose of
studying, discussing, and publishing about topics i... more »
Climate Alarm Virus Alert: new films starring DiCaprio will spread misinformation to the young
Filmstars often have a great many young fans for whom they can do no wrong.
Those who wish to bombard the young with climate scares can also find them
attractive as vehicles for their propaganda, and it seems that a new series
of short films starring DeCaprio are to be released with that end in mind.
Here are three extracts from an article in the New York Post by Tom Harris
and Bob Carter, two experts in climate studies and in the tricks of the
climate-scare trade which they so oppose (I have put one sentence in each
extract in bold):
'In the run-up to the Sept. 23 UN Climate ... more »
Good News: teachers with integrity resist climate campaigner corruption in their schools
Children have long been seen as an easy target by zealots intent on using
them to help achieve their political ends. Climate alarm campaigners
provide a modern example of this. But it may be harder than they presume.
Some parents will resist it. Some pupils will see through it. Some
teachers may seek to protect their pupils from the moral harm, mental
anguish, and distorted curricula that climate campaigners want to inflict
on the young. All in the name of saving them of course. If you claim to
love the environment above all things, you can easily despise children as
the 10:10 ... more »
Climate Change in Schools: not only the brainwashing is rotten, the buildings are as well
The scary but incredible premiss of CO2-driven doom has been exploited by
so many for political, religious, emotional, and financial ends that it is
not hard to find people seized with fear doing foolish, and in some cases,
unpardonable things. The unpardonable includes those adults deliberately
setting out to frighten children about their future, feeding them them
facile 'science' and even more reprehensibly, urging them to political
'action' even against their own families and friends.* The foolish includes
being duped into sundry eco-ventures such as putting windturbines in school... more »
The Avalanche of Climate Scare Propaganda: what sustains it? Some answers here.
'Three major stories about the Green movement and its ties to major
Left-wing foundations and Left-wing journalists have been in the news. '
*MediaTrackers* uncovered Gamechanger Salon, a secretive group of over
1,000 Leftwing leaders and activists from organizations like AFL-CIO,, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC,
ThinkProgress, Media Matters, and such climate-alarm groups as Greenpeace,
Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, US Climate Action Network, shaping news
reporting and government policy.
*The U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee* re... more »
Background Briefings for Climate Teachers and Concerned Parents - SEPP's weekly compilation
The flood of materials about climate that comes out every week is liable to
swamp anyone trying to keep up. The Science and Environmental Policy
Project (SEPP) does a weekly email highlighting scientific papers, blog
posts or materials in the mass media. You can scan this to find items of
particular interest. For example, this week there is an item about the
insertion of climate alarmism into English comprehension tests in the new
and controversial 'Common Core' curriculum in the United States ( I have
added the italics and bold):
'The eighth grade English testincluded several short... more »
Climate Scaremongering Antidote: fight back with optimism and good cheer
*'Compared with any time in the past half century, the world as a whole is
today wealthier, healthier, happier, cleverer, cleaner, kinder, freer,
safer, more peaceful and more equal.'*
*Matt Ridley, *August 2014 :
One of the underpinnings of the pathological pessimism such as Paul Ehrlich
and other extreme 'environmentalists' have promoted for decades is a sense
of foreboding. A sense that everything is getting worse, and that we need
drastic, revolutionary change to have any hope of surviving. Climate
scare... more »
10-minute trainer: Hansen's faulty faith at Wirth's Sauna Session in 1988
Hansen was a performer in an event stage-managed by Senator Timothy Wirth
to make an impact on the US Congress. Wirth sneaked in the night before
and opened all the windows in the room to be used for the hearing, thereby
effectively disabling the air-conditioning for what was expected to be one
of the hottest days of the year. This childish piece of manipulation
should not be forgotten. Worse actions than that were to follow in pursuit
of political goals through scaring the world about our impact on climate,
but this is an early piece of arrogant and shoddy behaviour. As for Hans... more »
Teachers: prepare for a new piece of climate scaremongering guff – a button-badge, and fight back

*The next 'last refuge' of the climate scoundrels?*
Jo Nova has reacted to the new button-badge which has apparently been
designed to give the climate scaremongering campaign a boost. The circular
badge is mostly black, with a bit of green at the foot, perhaps to suggest
a decaying plant stalk with just a hint of life left in it, and of course
the circle is also used to invoke 'planet earth' since it comes with the
tag-line *'It's Not Warming. It's Dying.'* Jo has added a footnote to this
latest piece of glib and irresponsble scaremongering to the effect that
what may be dying is th... more »
Taking a Break

My apologies to any regular visitors here, but I am taking a break from
blogging for another couple of weeks or so. In the meantime, here is an
entrancing site showing recently estimated surface winds in an animation
(with numerical values for speed and direction at any point clicked). The
view can be rotated and zoomed, and additional computer-model generated
fields can be added (click on 'earth' at bottom left to get the menu):
*... more »
Should teachers use the classroom for campaigning on climate change?
'Is the teaching of basic skills and basic knowledge not hard enough
without adding the complication of deliberate political manipulation into
the mix? Are teachers to be the willing servants of whichever government or
ideological position happens to be currently fashionable or empowered? Are
they also to willingly intervene between parents and their children in ways
which seem intended to weaken the special bonds within a family?
I am particularly concerned with climate change and the associated wish of
some powerful groups, not least in international agencies and NGOs, to make
use... more »
'Too many of today's "educators" see students as a captive audience for them to manipulate and propagandize.'
*'There was a time when common sense and common decency counted for
something. Educators felt a responsibility to equip students with solid
skills that could take them anywhere they wanted to go in later life --
enable them to become doctors, engineers or whatever they wanted to be.*
*Too many of today's "educators" see students as a captive audience for
them to manipulate and propagandize.'*
*Thomas Sowell*
The quotes above, and in the title of this post, are from an article by the
scholar Thomas Sowell, published two days ago at under the
title 'Moral Bankruptcy'. T... more »
Standpoint: 'Global warming orthodoxy is not merely irrational. It is wicked.'
Nigel Lawson
This is a powerful, wide-ranging essay by Nigel Lawson, firmly based on
his own experience as a participant in the 'climate change debate', and
provides a devastating indictment of those who have so shamelessly promoted
climate alarmism. As he notes at the end, their belief system *'is not
merely irrational. It is wicked.'.* I urge all readers who come this
way to visit Standpoint Magazine and get hold of the entire text for
themselves. which published the essay. I especially hope that teachers
will refer to it for their own background ... more »
Whatever next: high school students get to hear two sides of a global warming debate!
VALPARAISO | Hebron High School junior Kasie Sass said Thursday's World
Affairs Conference held at Ivy Tech Community College was *the first time
she had heard both sides* of the heated global warming issue.
"It was pretty interesting and I definitely heard a different perspective. *I
am so used to hearing all the propaganda from the other side*," Sass said.
Chesterton High School junior Alyssa Bowker agreed.
"*I learned a lot of facts that I'd never been told*," she said.
Who can doubt that youngsters all around the world would say pretty much
the same thing? If only they could get a... more »
Climate Brainwashing of Children: a rough guide to spotting it happening.

Way back in 1992, Thomas Sowell wrote about brainwashing going on in the
American education system, and he defined what he meant by that emotive
term. As I shall show below, his insights are relevant today when
examining materials aimed at children about climate. Extracts from Chapter
Amazon*"A variety of programs used in classrooms across the country not
only share the general goals of brainwashing - that is, changing
fundamental attitudes, values, and belief by psychological-conditioning
methods - but also use classic brainwashing techniques developed in
totalitarian countr... more »
Parents check on your children, Governments check on your schools – brainwashing the young with climate scares needs to be resisted before even more harm is done to them.

*CLIMATE CONTROL: Brainwashing in Schools* is the title of a report
published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).
It was a huge privilege for me to work on this report with Andrew Montford,
whose writings on climate matters I have long admired. The GWPF in
general, and Benny Peiser in particular, proved to be good to work with as
well, as they provided critical reviews of our drafts over the past few
months and generally encouraged our efforts. I think of my blog here as
mostly howling at the Moon, with some potentially worthwhile archiving of
relevant informat... more »
A parent reacts to his children's 'flimsy', 'one-sided' education on global warming.
In 2011, a concerned parent, Seth Forman, was so disturbed by the
superficial and one-sided education his children were getting in the United
States about climate that he decided to assemble a set of bullet-points to
explain *'Why I am a Global-Warming Skeptic (and You Should Be)'.* Notice
that he does not dispute that global warming has occurred in the 20th
Century - he is clearly using the term 'Global-Warming', as many do, as a
shorthand for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW).
I reproduce some of it here as an illustrative example of what parents can
do without ha... more »
Climate-Anxious Children - can parents, and caring teachers, help correct the harm done by climate alarm materials?

Pic: Brighter Futures*'Collectively, anxiety conditions are the most common
mental disorders in children. Moreover, they often persist throughout life,
causing significant distress and interfering significantly with social life
and achievement both during the child’s formative years and later in
adulthood. '*
The quote is from a mental health researcher, *Kathy Griffiths*
There is *considerable evidence* that many children suffer from anxiety
about climate change. The plausibility of that seems obvious given the
dreadful materials, in *books* , *websites*, and *curricula* aimed at... more »
Occam’s Broom and the stink of ‘97% of Climate Scientists’

*‘The molecular biologist Sidney Brenner recently invented a delicious play
on Occam’s Razor, introducing the new term Occam’s Broom, to describe the
process in which inconvenient facts are whisked under the rug by
intellectually dishonest champions of one theory or another…The practice is
particularly insidious when used by propagandists who direct their efforts
at the lay public …their carefully crafted accounts can be quite convincing
simply because the lay reader can’t see what isn’t there.’
*Source: Daniel C Dennett
This Broom is so widely used in ... more »
Driven demented by fear, a mother thinks of setting herself alight to draw attention to the (missing) global warming crisis

Here is a woman who looks young enough to have been exposed to climate
alarm propaganda throughout her school and college years. Children get
frightened by that, and some may never grow out of it as they get older.
She may well be one of them:
Climate MomIn an article (hat-tip Climate Depot) on an Oregon news-site,
she explains:
*'A Tunisian man set himself on fire in 2010 and sparked an international
movement. Don’t tell my family, but I’ve considered that route. I mean,
wouldn’t any parent sacrifice a kidney, lung or life for her child? Imagine
the headline: “Soccer mom despera... more »
For the Climate Classroom Wall: two plots, two revelations - nought for the comfort of climate alarm campaigners

The valiant viscount, Christopher Monckton draws attention to this plot,
and writes *'This graph is highly topical. It is right up to date. Remote
Sensing Systems, Inc. (RSS) is one of the two satellite-based datasets (the
other is the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH). And RSS is one of
the five standard global temperature datasets, which include the two
satellite datasets and the three terrestrial datasets – Goddard Institute
for Space Studies (GISS); the Hadley Centre/CRU dataset, version
4 (HadCRUT4); and the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). As this month,
RSS is u... more »
Pushing Climate Deception and Fear at Children - two US organisations carry on the despicable practice
*EPA Video Contest Teaches Budding Child-Activists to Worry About 'Climate
Change' *
This is the title of an article by Susan Solomon on the CNS News website
(click the title to go there).
The article continues:
"( - The Environmental Protection Agency is co-sponsoring a
"climate change video contest" that asks students, ages 11-14:" Why do you
care about climate change?" And: "How are you reducing carbon pollution or
preparing for the impacts of climate change?"
Students are advised to "be cool" and "be creative" in explaining "how
climate change affects you, your fa... more »
Wind-Subsidy Farms Cause Loss to Society - one result of the ill-informed panic about rising CO2 levels in the air.

SourceThis is a picture to look at alongside the one in the previous post.
Is this a mum the youngsters want to swear abuse at about her pension? I
think she might struggle to make any kind of sense of their banner: *'MUM
Daniel Greenfield (hat-tip Greeniewatch) writes
*'8,000 people die in the UK every year due to what is being called "Fuel
Poverty". Fuel Poverty is a trendy term for those who can't afford to heat
their home because all the solar panels and windmills, the coal bans and
the wars on fracking have made it to... more »
Children of the Climate Scare Growing Up Badly

See how some of them are begging their parents, with a childish and
offensive banner, to help rescue them from bad things:
The Guardian
These young people could have had climate scare talk directed at them in
the nursery, at primary and secondary school, from the BBC and The Guardian
and The Independent, and when they got to Oxfordthey met with climate scare
evangelist Myles Allen (see his words at their site ).
Meanwhile, throughout their education so far, there has been no global
warming of the kind used to launch this particular climate scare. Remember
Wirth’s hot meeting room i... more »
What Happens When Irresponsible Scientists Scare Innumerate Policy Makers into Panic Actions
Germany’s much ballyhooed *Energiewende* (transition to renewable energy)
was supposed to show the whole world how switching over to green energy
sources could reduce CO2 emissions, create hundreds of thousands of new
jobs, provide cheap electricity to citizens, and heroically rescue the
Ten years later, the very opposite has happened: Germany’s CO2 emissions
have been increasing, electricity prices have skyrocketed, the green jobs
bubble has popped, and tens of thousands of jobs have disappeared. Worse:
tens of billions are being redistributed from the poor to the rich.
... more »
Paying for the Davids tackling the Goliaths of CAGW
My previous post noted that sums in excess of $22 billion a year are being
spent on climate matters by federal agencies and sub-agencies in the United
States, and every single one liable to have a vested interest in continued
widespread alarm, at the very least within politics and mass media
circles. Monster agencies. Goliaths in the game. But, as the legend
goes, a Goliath can be brought down by a boy with a well-aimed catapult.
Some do not even need to be brought down, merely calmed down. Outside of
government, if not outside of government funding, can be found wealthy
corpor... more »
Big Climate USA: a voracious monster scaring the children, and threatening the land and its people

Monsters used to be part of mythology, but we can see them reappearing in
modern forms to frighten children into conforming with the views and the
demands of climate campaigners. Where do they come from? Who is paying
for them? Some answers for the States at least have surfaced recently.
A *letter* from the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of
Representatives was sent in October 2013 to the director of the Office of
Management and Budget to get an update *‘regarding climate change
activities being carried out across the federal government’*. They
appended a chart fr... more »
Scaring Children about Climate - some good news, and some bad news at the end of 2013.

As can be seen in numerous posts and pages on this site, there are people
willing to do horrible things in order to bolster their own political
and/or financial prospects, or to flatter their egos as saviours of the
world, or to damage industrialised economies or to suppress development
opportunities in the less-industrialised ones. I refer in particular to
the deliberate intention of frightening children with horror stories about
climate. The frail notion that rising levels of CO2 are dominating the
climate system to the imminent danger of life on Earth is the intellectual
underp... more »
A Merry Christmas to all my readers!
Not being blessed, if you like, with religion myself I still find a great
deal to admire in Christianity: the compassion, and generosity to be found
in the texts and amongst so many of its followers, and the
beauty-that-can-make-you-gasp to be found in some of its buildings, large
and small, and also in some of the music. The above singing and the
building it is taking place in, are fine examples of this.
More usual posts will resume before the New Year - I have a bit of a
backlog of ideas and notes, but most of them are about matters that invoke
the opposite of the cheerful sp... more »
Cringing Teacher, Bold Pupils - Australian youngsters strike a blow against climate dogma in their classroom

Jo Nova has an inspiring report up on her blog:
*A reader Russell writes in to tell me his Year 9 son Jordan and his
friend, Tom, took on their teacher’s sacred belief in man-made global
warming. Given no warning, and called insulting names in front of the
class, they took up the challenge with gusto and stayed up til 1am that
night to put the presentation together. Not surprisingly the teacher tried
to pull out the next day, but the class would not let her.*
Jo continues:
From reader Russell:
The other week at school my eldest son (15) was challenged by his teacher
to present to t... more »
Indoctrination in Suppressed Development in New Zealand Schools

*“The indoctrination of high school students as a directive of the UN’s
Agenda 21 and common core global education standards has shown up in New
Zealand exam papers.”*
Thus writes Ian Wishart* in an articlepublished last week on the NZ
website Investigate Daily. He continues:
*“Two exam papers from different students in the 2008 year are clearly
wrong on the facts, but nonetheless gained “Excellence” in New Zealand’s
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) exams and are
paraded on the Ministry of Education website as “exemplars” to measure up
*The two exams show... more »
More on the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers: multiple retreats disguised and spun for PR at the expense of science
*Leading authors from the NIPCC have reviewed* the IPCC’s ‘Summary for
Policy Makers’. They were not impressed. Who would be? It is a mix of
tawdry spin and feeble science. Here are some extracts from their review,
with the review headings shown in bold:
*The IPCC has retreated from at least 11 alarmist claims promulgated in its
previous reports or by scientists prominently associated with the IPCC.
The SPM also contains at least 13 misleading or untrue statements, and 11
further statements that are phrased in such a way that they mislead readers
or misrepresen... more »
Background Briefing for Teachers: moral and scientific bankruptcy of the IPCC
This post is in two parts: the first is a reblogging of an essay by Richard
Lindzen, published earlier this month on WUWT; the second is an extract
from a recently published summary by Vincent Gray of some of the
shenanigans in the IPCC's sorry history.
(1) Lindzen: Understanding the IPCC AR5 Climate Assessment
'Each IPCC report seems to be required to conclude that the case for an
international agreement to curb carbon dioxide has grown stronger. That is
to say the IPCC report (and especially the press release accompanying the
summary) is a political document, and as George Orwell n... more »
Serial Demolition of Some Eco-Nuttery - an 18 minute video by Ivo Vegter
Watch this 18-minute video for serial demolition of one piece of
eco-nuttery after another by Ivo Vegter in South Africa:
The 'environmental exaggerations' of which he speaks are so mainstream now,
and such a distortion of reality, that it would be wonderful if every high
school teacher in the world decided to show this, or a subbed /dubbed
version, to their senior pupils. Maybe as an antidote to all the eco-guff
they will have been exposed to in their schooldays. Maybe as a last chance
to steer them towards helping humanity rather than harming it with facile
'environmentalism', an... more »
More Climate Junk Launched into the Biosphere: a concerned citizen spots it, but not in time to prevent widespread dispersal
The headline is bad enough, since it is not true, but the first words of
the article are even worse: *'The oceans are more acidic now than they have
been for at least 300m years, due to carbon dioxide emissions from burning
fossil fuels, and a mass extinction of key species may be almost inevitable
as a result ...'*
These are words to delight the activist. What campaigner for hearts,
minds, and wallets on the climate bandwagon could fail to be moved by them.
Another scare! Yippee!! Let's get it out there!!!
*But, but, ... said a concerned citizen, noting the nonsense, it is jus... more »
Straight Fs for the IPCC at Mother Nature's School of Climate Modelling
As the teacher's 'Notes' state, the climate models relied on by the IPCC
'show no skill' when it comes to the processes that dictate temperature and
precipitation. In other words, they add nothing at all when it comes to
'Climate Models FAIL' is the title of a new book by Bob Tisdale, one which
is aimed at a wide range of readers, and in particular those who may be
unfamiliar with technicalities:
*'Climate Models Fail is intended for readers without technical or
scientific backgrounds. There are introductory chapters that provide basic
*'Climate... more »
'Climate Change Reconsidered II': a more realistic appraisal than the IPCC will ever be able to provide
Teachers wanting to dig more deeply into the study of climate variation
have a new resource available for free download: the latest NIPCC reports
entitled *'Climate Change Reconsidered II'**.*
Unlike the faith-based tone of the IPCC reports, in which marshalling of
evidence to buttress their heartfelt and walletfelt beliefs in CO2 as a
major driver of climate variation dominate, the NIPCC is free to be more
scientific. That means being sceptical of high-blown claims, being on
guard against superficial reasoning, and ready to share counter-examples
and failings of current models an... more »
'Oh no! The Snow!' Cool Athletes Tell Kids about their Hot Planet - Snow Getting Harder to Find Say Some.

The article headlined on the left appeared in Sports Illustrated for Kids,
*SIKids*, in June this year.
Here is the sort of thing they are doing:
*"Protect Our Winters partners with The North Face and Alliance For Climate
Education to visit schools through their Hot Planet/Cool Athletes program.
Protect Our Winters educates students about the issue, using an interactive
presentation with stories from professional winter athletes to inspire kids
to make a difference. Jones says that paying attention to little things in
your day-to-day life can help the environment, too. For example,... more »
Conversation Pieces for the Climate Classroom Wall
Dramatically rising sea level is one of the Big Scares pushed at children
to get them suitably conditioned about the C in CAGW (catastrophic
anthropogenic global warming). The cause is of course put down to the
presumed dramatic effects of rising CO2 levels in the 2nd half of the 20th
century, and their continued rise expected in the 21st.
These rises are held, by some, to be causing extraordinary rises in global
mean temperature, as repeatedly implied for example by the IPCC's extensive
use of the notorious Hockey Stick Plot in and around their 2001 AR3 report.
(For details of ... more »
Green Bullies: frightening children is what they do

Is there any precedent for the childhood sacrifice being imposed on
children by green fanatics? Some are intent on spreading depression and
dismay on to them while they are still at school. Not only do they mislead
them about the state of the world and of science, they also spread alarm.
If they are successful, this is what they will produce: ill-informed,
frightened children with dismal views of the future. Ideal
supporters-to-be for green causes on the one hand, but damaged victims of
hyperbole and facile scaremongering on the other.
Here is a recent example from Australia (ha... more »
The Augean Stables of Climate Materials for Schools - an example from the teaching of English language in Germany

So many people have been duped by climate dogma which insists on
catastrophic effects from rising CO2 that signs of it appear in all sorts
of places. It can of course be found in geography and popular science books
for children, and in many websites, but it can also be found in language
lessons. I myself came across it while studying French. Here is an
example from a textbook used for teaching English in high schools in
Germany, well-annotated by critical observers from the policy think-tank *KE
*Source: more »
Climate Control Freakery: a disturbed academic in Australia has his sights on the children
*Writing on the Wall*, or just the zealotry of someone disturbed out of all
proportion by the talk of climate catastrophe? It is shocking to note that
this man is a lecturer in a university. Here is what he has in mind for
*5. Children*
Hundreds of millions of children are already the victims of the worsening
climate crisis and it is estimated that 6 billion under-5 year old infants
will die avoidably this century due to unaddressed climate change. All
children are acutely threatened by man-made climate change. Some ideas for
climate action re children:
5.1 Carefully-des... more »
Learning about CO2 and climate? Here's a handy graphic to show how just how low the current levels of this vital gas are.
For many more very smartly presented charts, with occasional other items
such as press releases to add some context. click rightwards from here:
Hat-tip: Tom Nelson
Satellite graphics show the Earth's surface cooling during the years 1982 to 2006

*"The amazing finding of the present study is that we do not observe global
warming in **the period 1982-2006, but significant cooling."*
*Source: **Andries Rosema, Steven Foppes, Joost van der Woerd*
Surface temperature as in 'temperature of the surface' is not what is
routinely measured or referred to in meteorology. Surface temperature in
meteorological observations usually refers to *air* temperature close to
the ground, usually around 5 feet (1.25 to 2.0 metres) above the surface -
the height at which weather stations are meant to take this measurement.
But what of the actual ... more »
Ten-minute trainer: a case against the establishment case for alarm over CO2
For teachers with 30 minutes to spare, and a suitable class (perhaps one
whose important exams in this area have been completed successfully), here
is a brief YouTube clip which does a cool, calm, and collected job of
undermining the case for alarm over CO2 - a case which may be taken for
granted in your curricula. He is particularly critical of the 'positive
feedbacks' which are a crucial part of the case for alarm:
This is a short video of about 13 minutes (no 10-minute trainer takes
exactly 10 minutes!) linked to at the NoTricksZone which notes it was
linked to in a tweet by Ta... more »
Towards a Calmer Curriculum on Climate: some human impact possible on global warming, but too small to identify with assurance
*"My overall view of the influence of humans on climate is that we probably
are having some influence, but it is impossible to know with any level of
certainty how much influence. The difficulty in determining the human
influence on climate arises from several sources: *
*(1) weather and climate vary naturally, and by amounts that are not
currently being exceeded;*
*(2) global warming theory is just that – based upon theory; and*
*(3) there is no unique fingerprint of human caused global warming. *
* My belief that some portion of recent warming is due to humans is based
upon my faith... more »
Climate-Related Hazards: time to warn your nearest and dearest about irresponsible adults howling at the moon over carbon dioxide and climate
If you are not careful, you can pick up foolish ideas in the same way as
you can catch the flu – simply by contact with someone already afflicted. No
thinking is required on your part, no analysis, no checking things out for
yourself – you just acquire the opinion along with some superficial support
for it. Thus you decide that CO2 emissions must be dramatically reduced
because CO2 is a greenhouse gas that is ‘trapping’ heat in the atmosphere. Suitably
debilitated by this, you are vulnerable to secondary infections such as the
facile attribution of any or all bad weather to ‘clima... more »
Climate Teachers: if your pupils watch TV in the USA, this is what you are up against
Networks Do 92 Climate Change Stories; Fail to Mention ‘Lull’ in Warming
All 92 Times Extracts from article by Julia A. Seymour
- Recent years’ slowdown in global warming completely ignored by
networks 92 climate change stories in 2013.
- Stories citing experts or the latest studies promoting alarmism get
covered more than 8 times as often as critical experts and studies.
- Although many scientists say no, ABC, CBS and NBC continue to link
weather events like tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves and more to climate
change nearly one-fourth of the time. "
..."J... more »
Parents Driven to Distraction and Death by Climate Scares
It is well known that climate agitators have been using children as a means
by which to influence their parents. Some are quite happy to deploy
Schneiderian Scenarios (scary, simplified, dramatic) to help that along. But
it is not just children who are being scared by tall tales of a climate
crisis caused by people. Some parents are succumbing to them as well, and
it seems all too likely that this means more stress for their own children.
In one case reported on below, suicide and child murder was the result, and
in another, both of these are being contemplated.
*Some parents... more »
Good News: CO2-based climate alarm is humbug. Bad News: that humbug is still being promoted in schools.
*Even as the case for alarm over CO2 is being shredded by experts and by
Mother Nature herself, new ways are being sought to push that alarm into
schoolchildren.* Here is one being funded by the *EU* this year:
*“**The Institute of Education at the University of Reading is welcoming
more than 300 school children for an exciting and innovative programme of
climate change activities which combine science, maths, history and modern
The insinuation that carbon dioxide released by human actions is a major
driver of climate change is a shibboleth of some standing in politic... more »
Background Briefing for Teachers of Climate Studies: 10 Reasons why Man-Made Global Warming is Wrong.

Re-blogged from
Global Warming WRONG - The Ten Reasons.
10 Reasons why Man-Made Global Warming is Wrong.
*1 Temperature*
CO2 emissions by humans are supposed to increase the temperature; that is
the basic point of man-made global warming [AGW]. The more CO2 in the
atmosphere the hotter it should get. That is a basic AGW prediction. It is
isn’t happening. Walter Brozek analyses the official temperature data from
all the main sources including the satellites. Brozek use... more »
Climate Curricula in Schools: education or indoctrination with 'allowed pre-approved thoughts'?

People's CubeIf state schools really are intent on injecting 'allowed
pre-approved thoughts' into children on such topics as climate change, then
homeschooling will be an important option for parents who would prefer
their children to be educated, optimistic, well-informed, and able to think
for themselves.
The 'thoughts' that would be of particular concern on this blog are of
course the bog-standard, off-the-shelf, anti-humanity, pro-'the
environment', fear-driven to win their attention, politics-driven to win
their commitment, ones in and around climate variation and the attrib... more »
Climate Curricula: China might yet lead the way with real science while we endure Green 'science' in our schools

Will we find that China will do a better job of manufacturing climate
curricula for schools than the West does? Will we import a decent
treatment of climate for children at school from them? I daresay that
could happen if the news below is true, and if the Chinese do insist on
good science in schools, and if they do make good use of materials from
those Heartland Conferences, and if the scandal about Green influence in
our schools breaks so suddenly into the mass media that new curricula will
be imported to save time.
Source: more »
Mad Men of Climate-Change Alarmism: you don't want their agitation anywhere near your children
These are alarmed men, obsessed with notions of impending doom thanks to
rising levels of CO2. There is neither observational nor theoretical
evidence to warrant such alarm. It is instead only supported by some
computer models all but universally agreed to be woefully inadequate* in
the face of the complexity of the climate system. The emotive excesses of
these men and of those who have been unduly influenced by them are not
suitable for children. Children should be protected from scaremongering in
order that they may have a more carefree childhood.
* For a recent example, see... more »
'Facts, Not Fear': talking with children about the prospect of a warmer planet.

The book *‘Facts, Not Fear’* covers many eco-alarms, and shows in each case
how the sting may be removed from them by the simple expedient of noting
contrary evidence and the informed views of subject-matter experts who are
not alarmed.
Chapter 13, entitled ‘A Hotter Planet?’ addresses the global warming scare,
using the same structure deployed for the other alarms. I will try to
convey that structure here, using extracts from Chapter 13.
*The authors lead-in with quotes illustrative of the alarm*. This sets the
scene, and starts from where most readers are likely t... more »
'Facts, Not Fear': helping parents drive out fears of global catastrophe from children misled by their schools.

*Facts, Not Fear* is inevitably out of date, so why promote it here?
Since it was published in 1996 and 1999, the harm caused by environmental
alarmism has arguably increased. For example, in the UK we have seen a
Labour government actively engage in promoting climate alarmism in schools,
and the impact of diverting farmland to produce bio-fuels has been tragic
on a large scale for the world's poorest people. At the same time, the
case for alarm over carbon dioxide has gone from weak to even weaker. For
example, global mean temperature has doggedly refuse to rise along ... more »
'Facts, Not Fear': an excellent book for helping you to help your children deal with climate-scaremongering and other eco-propaganda.

Aimed at parents and teachers, this excellent book shows the way to take
the sting out of the facile alarmism pushed at the young on climate and
other fashionable eco-topics. First published in 1996 in the States,
'Facts, Not Fear' is bristling not only with counter-arguments to defuse
alarm, but also with a structure which could be readily adapted and
built-upon for use elsewhere.
Dozens of copies are available on *Abebooks.*
In 1999, an edition customised for use in Canada was published with lots of
local examples to help readers engage with young people and encourage t... more »
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