Dunce’s Cap For BBC’s Matt McGrath!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34969276 Vacuous statement
of the day from the BBC:- Many other leaders stressed the need for just
such a binding agreement – even President Vladimir Putin. After he
explained how Russia had managed to grow their economy and cut emissions
(who knew?), he called for a binding target of […]
Clodagh – The Storm That Was Not

By Paul Homewood
Last Thursday, the Met Office informed us that Storm Clodagh was
unlikely. Two days later, the Irish Met Office thought otherwise.
All a bit of a mess really. But did Clodagh end up being a storm, or was it
just another gale like Abigail and […]
Paris Will Make Little Difference To Emissions

By Paul Homewood One thing I think we can expect from Paris is that a
lot of claims will be made about how the various INDC’s submitted will have
a very real impact on emissions. This will be necessary for western leaders
to persuade their electorates to continue down the decarbonisation track.
Developing countries […]
BBC Climate Propaganda Hits New Heights

By Paul Homewood Today’s propaganda sheet from the BBC!
BBC Links Sea Ice Loss To Sea Level Rise

By Paul Homewood
Reposted from Tallbloke. It’s a must read. I would add one further
comment to Rog’s. Their map shows the retreat of MINIMUM Arctic sea ice
extent. Has it not occurred to the idiots at the BBC that the ice refreezes
in winter?
France To Cut Nuclear Power By A Third By 2025

By Paul Homewood Last year, we imported 21 TWh of electricity, most
from France, the highest on record, and representing 6% of total supply. We
are also in the process of building more interconnectors, as a buffer
against the failure of intermittent renewables to supply on demand. The
hope is that we can tap […]
Cold Atlantic Brings Gales To UK

By Paul Homewood If anybody is wondering why us lucky blighters in
Britain have had plenty of wet and windy weather lately, the BBC spell it
out concisely. Quite simply, there is a mass of extremely cold air in the
northern part of the Atlantic, coming up against mild air to the south. It
Why Nothing Will Be Achieved In Paris

By Paul Homewood The private jets will soon be flying in from all
over the world for the Paris conference due to start tomorrow, bringing
with them thousands of politicians, officials and green activists. But what
is it all likely to achieve? Here are my personal thoughts. 1) No
binding […]
Europe’s biomass boom is destroying America’s forests

By Paul Homewood
I’ve covered this issue in the past, but a new report from the US Natural
Resources Defense Council provides yet more evidence of the damage being to
done to natural forests there by European demand for biomass, fuelled by
climate driven subsidies. The report describes how […]
Lord Stern’s Nice Little Earner At Renewables Company

By Paul Homewood h/t DennisA
I reported on the looming bankruptcy of Abengoa, the massive Spanish
renewable energy company. A look at their international advisory board
reveals some interesting names. Lord Stern Nicholas Stern needs little
introduction, well known for his highly rewarded promoting of the warmist
agenda for several […]
Most Snow Patches Survive In Scotland Since 1994

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-34941899 Hottest
year update! From the BBC: Seventy-three patches of snow have survived
on Scotland’s hills from last winter – the most for 21 years, according to
a man who counts them. Iain Cameron writes about, photographs and measures
snow. His records of the white stuff are published […]
Solar Company On Verge Of Spain’s Largest Bankruptcy

By Paul Homewood
Stranded assets, Mr Carney? El Pais report: Spanish renewable energy
company Abengoa on Thursday applied for preliminary protection from
creditors and called in lenders to start negotiating the terms of an
agreement that would prevent a definitive suspension of payments. In
accordance with Spanish insolvency laws, the […]
Wind Clodagh To Strike UK

By Paul Homewood h/t 1saveenergy
This is the sort of article that the Met Office were getting squeamish
about earlier. The Star reports (but please avert your eyes from the
rugby!): The country is set to be buffeted by the third named Met Office
storm this weekend, with Clodagh following […]
Will Clodagh Come Out To Play?

By Paul Homewood
The whole business of giving gales cute little names has now become an
utter farce, just as much else about the Met Office nowadays. It looks as
if the they have been stung by criticism of their abject overhyping of
Abigail and Barney. From their blog yesterday: This […]
Jeff Masters Hypes The Latest Damp Squib

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
More overhyped nonsense from Jeff Masters. We have already had the damp
squib of Hurricane Patricia, now it’s Sandra’s turn. Claims that it reached
Category 4 strength have not been supported by any physical evidence, and
are simply the result of models. Indeed, as NOAA […]
Massive Tampering With South African Temperatures

By Paul Homewood There are only ten GHCN stations currently operating in
South Africa, and only one of these, Calvinia, is classified by GISS as
rural. It has a population of 9000, and is situated inland in the Northern
Cape province. Airport Y/N? Pop K Calvinia N 9 Capetown Y […]
Fuel Options For St Andrews University Biomass Plant

By Paul Homewood There has been some discussion about the fuel to be
used in the biomass heating plant being developed by St Andrews University.
The business case laid down the various options: The comments about
straw are particularly relevant, given the proposal by the UEA to force a
straw burning […]
Will Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Disappear Under The Waves?

By Paul Homewood
The “Independent” reports: We should hear plenty about infrastructure
investment in George Osborne’s Spending Review and Autumn Statement, with
the High Speed 2 railway, “Northern Powerhouse” and a fleet of new nuclear
stations all likely to be name-checked. But one notable omission in the
Chancellor’s speech a could […]
Chancellor Cancels £1bn CCS Budget

By Paul Homewood
Not immediately apparent from the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement today is
the fact that he has withdrawn the £1bn budget for the CCS competition.
This is from edie.net: The announcement was made by posting a regulatory
announcement to the London stock exchange. The statement read: “Today,
following the Chancellor’s […]
Don’t Mention The “P” Word!!!

By Paul Homewood
http://phys.org/news/2015-11-substantive-evidence-global.html Con artist,
Stephan Lewandowsky, is at it again! There is no substantive evidence for
a ‘pause’ or ‘hiatus’ in global warming and the use of those terms is
therefore inaccurate, new research from the University of Bristol, UK has
found. The researchers, led by Professor Stephan Lewandowsky of […]
St Andrews University Biomass Plant Not Economically Viable

By Paul Homewood
In 2013, St Andrews University announced plans to build a biomass
plant, as The Courier reported: St Andrews University hopes to slash its
energy bills and create an “economic centre in Fife” by building a £25
million “green” centre. Rising fuel bills represent a “major threat” to […]
UKIP Slam Prince Charles Climate Scaremongering

Paul Homewood
Prince Charles’ latest foray on climate change has already been
thoroughly mocked and debunked, by bloggers and a few others. However,
there has always been a slavishly, reverential reluctance to criticise
anything he says by mainstream media or other official sources. Well, no
more! UKIP have now issued an […]
Breaking News from AP: Seth Borenstein, Michael Mann & Andrew Dessler think climate skeptics are wrong!

By Paul Homewood
In true, unpartisan fashion, AP has allowed Seth Borenstein to rate the
top presidential candidates for their views on climate change. And
who might these “scientists” be? Amongst others, Michael Mann, Andy
Dessler and James Elsner! Ryan Maue sums it up best:
https://twitter.com/RyanMaue/status/668538592017412100 […]
The Pause Started In 1993

By Paul Homewood h/t Vrig One of the many papers published to
explain the temperature hiatus was one last year from Benjamin Santer and
many others, Volcanic contribution to decadal changes in tropospheric
temperature, which attempted to blame it on increased volcanic activity.
Abstract: Despite continued growth in atmospheric levels of greenhouse […]
Blow to UK energy plans as new gas plant in doubt

By Paul Homewood As you will recall, Amber Rudd acknowledged this
week that we needed an awful lot of new gas power capacity to be built in
the next few years. Given market conditions, it is extremely unlikely that
much of this will arrive in the timescale she hopes for. The government,
however, […]
Go Green, Get Diesel!!

By Paul Homewood h/t 1saveenergy
As we know, many operators have been signing up to provide standby
generating capacity, for when intermittent renewables fail to supply power.
Many of these rely on parks of diesel generators for this. Now it appears
that green power companies are getting in on the act. […]
Massive Temperature Adjustments In Brazil – And Guess In What Direction?

By Paul Homewood A quick update to my post on Brazilian temperature
trends. Ian George spotted that the original trends, based on
unadjusted GHCN V2 data, for Quixeramobim, up to 2011, looked like this:
The current GISS graph, based on GHCN V3 Adjusted data, is:
Alex Henney Memo To The CCC

Alex Henney wrote to the Committee on Climate Change, pointing out some of
the fallacies behind their latest Progress Report to Parliament. John
Gummer has presumably forgotten who pays his wages, as he has not yet
bothered to reply. The scientific flaws of the Committee on Climate
Change and the expensive consequences, […]
Brazil’s Temperature Trends & UHI

Paul Homewood
According to GISS, most of Brazil was a degree or more warmer last
than the 1951-80 average. GHCN have 33 stations currently operating in
country, most of which are heavily urbanised or airport sites like
Brasilia. Such sites clearly cannot be relied upon to give reliable
temperature […]
Booker, Abigail & Barney

By Paul Homewood
Booker runs with the story of the storms that were not. On returning
from a trip abroad, I found out what fun had been going on over our
climate-change obsessed Met Office’s latest gimmick to get us all excited
about “extreme weather events” – by giving cute little […]
NOAA’s Fabricated “Record Temperatures”

By Paul Homewood
NOAA inform us that last month was another “hottest evah”. Note how a
huge swathe of South America has been labelled as “record warmest”. And
what is this based on?
In fact, there is virtually no temperature data available at all for that
particular […]
The Real Objective Of Paris

By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Norby
Just a reminder of what Paris is really about. From Investors Daily, last
month: Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern
about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But
we know that’s not true. A United Nations official […]
Send Us Free Solar Panels Says Super-rich Qatar

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
Qatar has now submitted its climate plan for Paris! Climate Home don’t
seem too impressed: Qatar said it is braced for sea-level rise as the
planet overheats, but will not accept carbon-cutting policies as they would
risk its oil-based wealth. That was the message […]
German Professor Uncovers Massive GISS Tampering

Paul Homewood
From No Tricks Zone: Veteran journalist Günter Ederer* writes a
reporting that massive alterations have been found in the NASA GISS
temperature data series, citing a comprehensive analysis conducted by a
leading German scientist. These results are now available to the public.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl […]
DECC Admit Paris Will Not Cut GHG Emissions

By Paul Homewood You may recall I published my estimate of the
effect on GHG emissions that the national submissions for Paris might have.
I had already asked DECC, under FOI, for their judgement, and have just got
their reply. These numbers include all GHG, not just CO2, hence the
UK’s Fast Looming Power Crisis

By Paul Homewood Further to my post earlier this week on our fast
disappearing power stations, the Centre for Policy Studies has published
its own report on the situation this month. It covers a lot of ground,
including impact on energy bills, but the section on generating capacity is
particularly relevant. The […]
Germany Opens Another New Coal Plant

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
From the GWPF: On Thursday in the Hamburg suburb of Moorburg, Hamburg’s
mayor Olaf Scholz, a leading figure in Germany’s Social Democratic Party
(SPD), stood alongside Magnus Hall, president of Swedish energy utility
Vattenfall, and pushed a big button. The button-pushing symbolized
Vattenfall’s ceremonial opening […]
Amber Rudd’s Speech

By Paul Homewood They say that what a politician does not say tells
you more what he does. Amber Rudd’s well trailed speech to the Institution
of Civil Engineers yesterday was certainly full of coded messages, but we
will have to wait and see just what it all means. These are some […]
Harrabin Attempts To Misrepresent Tol And Ridley

By Paul Homewood
http://biasedbbc.org/blog/2015/11/17/manufacturing-consensus-2/ Biased
BBC has a detailed account of how Roger Harrabin attempted to misrepresent
Richard Tol, in his Changing Climate programme last week, and then went on
to do the same with Matt Ridley:-
——————————————————————————————————————————————— Roger Harrabin has spun
a few comments by professor Richard Tol into […]
Whistleblowers In NOAA

Paul Homewood h/t Eliza
An interesting new development in the Congress subpoena story, as the
Washington Post reports: House Science Committee Chairman Lamar
(R-Tex.) opened another front in his war with federal climate
on Wednesday, saying a groundbreaking global warming study was “rushed
publication” […]
Barney – The Storm That Was Not

By Paul Homewood
The Met Office is rapidly becoming a laughing stock. Just days after the
“will she/won’t she” farce of Abigail, we have now had the ridiculous
overhyping of “Storm” Barney. This is how it has summarised the storm:
It is this sort of information that allows […]
Paris Won’t Stop CO2 Emissions From Climbing

By Paul Homewood Now we have most of the INDC’s (Intended
Nationally Determined Contributions), ie climate plans, submitted in
advance of Paris, we can make some reasonably accurate forecasts of what
they will all mean for global CO2 emissions. The first thing to note is
that the plans all set […]
Saudi’s Meaningless Climate Plan

By Paul Homewood We finally have Saudi Arabia’s Climate Plan, and
I cannot honestly say it was was worth waiting for.
Saudi Arabia is, you may remember, the 8th largest emitter of CO2 in the
world, and this is based on consumption, not production of energy. All they
have […]
One Million German Households Have Had Power Shut Off – Spiegel

Paul Homewood
Pierre Gosselin has news of how a million German households have had
their power cut off because they cannot afford to pay ever rising bills:
The online Spiegel has an article that really drives home the energy
hardship that German consumers are suffering, “due to the rising costs
HH Lamb & The Great Storms Of The Little Ice Age

By Paul Homewood With stormy weather in the news at the moment, it is
worth recalling what HH Lamb had to say about the prevalence of storms in
the Little Ice Age. From his book, “Climate, History and the Modern
World”:- It is a clear reminder that, in this part of the […]
China Approves Another 155 Coal Fired Power Plants This Year

By Paul Homewood
NY Times reports: ONGXIANPO, China — Just outside the southwest border
of Beijing, a new coal-fired power and heating plant is rising in
Dongxianpo, a rural town in Hebei Province. Cement mixers roll onto the
site. Cranes tower above a landscape of metal girders. When finished, the
plant, […]
Almost As Warm As November 1938!

By Paul Homewood
http://blog.metoffice.gov.uk/2015/11/16/warm-start-to-november/ Early
provisional figures* (1-15 November) show the first half of November has
been very mild with maximum daily temperatures 3.8C above average for the
UK Central England Temperature data set shows the start to the month has
been the second warmest since this record began in 1772. Local temperature
Abigail 1, 2 and 3

Guest Post by Neil Catto
On Friday 6th November The Daily Telegraph had a front page article by
Eleanor Steafel; “Storm Abigail’s 70mph winds may put damper on fireworks.”
“Britain’s first named storm could bring 70mph gales and torrential
downpours to scupper firework displays this weekend. Storm Abigail – named
Inside Barents Ice Crystal Ball

By Paul Homewood
More from Ron Clutz on how changing North Atlantic currents affect Arctic
ice extent: On a previous post (here), I linked to a recent study
positing that variations in Barents Sea ice extent are predictive of Arctic
extent for at least 1-2 years later. In other words, […]
We Must Accept “Fundamental Changes To Our Way Of Life” – Tyndall’s Kevin Anderson

Paul Homewood
Well at least he’s honest! Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre warns
to expect immediate and fundamental changes to their way of life, if we
to meet the 2C target: Professor Kevin Anderson at the University of
Manchester and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change […]
Britain’s Rapidly Disappearing Power Stations

By Paul Homewood Eggborough Power Station To Close Next Year As
recently as 2010, the UK had 23 GW of coal fired capacity, accounting for a
quarter of total generating capacity. By the end of last year, this figure
had declined to 20 GW (incl co-firing / converted to biomass), and […]
Hottest? Wettest? Bookies Laughing All The Way To The Bank!

By Paul Homewood
Hardly a month seems to go by without the bookies touting for record
hottest/coldest,wettest/driest/windiest blah blah. They are ably supported
by the morons in the press, who like such sensationalist headlines. The
gullible public, meanwhile, are so brainwashed by the extreme weather
propaganda they are fed with that they […]
Mild Start To November

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/cet_info_mean.html It won’t
have gone unnoticed for British readers that it has been an unusually mild
start to the month. I’m surprised the usual suspects have not blamed it on
global warming or melting Arctic ice (though I may have missed it of
course!) The reality is rather more mundane, […]
Why Do Wind Gusts Make Headlines?

By Paul Homewood As many have pointed out, the use of wind gust
speeds seems to have become more prevalent recently, and can lead to an
overinflated impression of the strength of a storm. The BBC has even built
gusts into their forecasts, explaining:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/34616316 Frankly, I find their […]
Storm Abigail

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-34794583 So after
a night with Abigail, our first named storm, what did it all really amount
to? The BBC have this report: Gusts of up to 84mph and lightning strikes
left 12,000 properties without power at the height of Storm Abigail. About
1,300 customers remain without electricity after […]
Doug Brodie’s Letter To MP’s

By Paul Homewood Doug Brodie has just sent his latest missive to
assorted Tory politicians: To: Mr Drew Hendry, MP All Tory MPs
Lord Lawson Lord Bourne Ms Ruth Donaldson, MSP Mr
Murdo Fraser, MSP Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Why the Climate Change Act
should […]
Comparing The Hurricane Seasons Of 1933 And 2005

By Paul Homewood h/t Gary H Further to my post earlier today on
hurricane trends, Chris Landsea’s paper Counting Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Back to 1900 includes this track map which rather says it all. Now, I
just wonder why there were no mid Atlantic hurricanes in 1933? And just
to […]
Long Term Trends In Atlantic Hurricanes

By Paul Homewood
There’s an interesting report from the GFDL regarding hurricanes. As we
know, there has been a remarkable dearth of US landfalling hurricanes in
the last few years. However, this does not necessarily mean that the same
is true of Atlantic hurricanes as a whole. Measuring long term trends for
There’s Hypocrisy, And Then There’s Billary

Paul Homewood
Clinton boarded a Learjet model 60 private jet in Lebanon, New
after 2 days of campaigning – a plane that emits 2 TONS of carbon per
The League of Conservation voters gave her an unusually early
on Monday during the same campaign trip The group says […]
German Power Industry Facing Meltdown Because Of Subsidised Renewables

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn From Pierre at No Tricks Zone
E.on, Germany’s largest electric power producer, announced that it lost
over 7 billion euros in the 3rd quarter, reports Germany’s flagship news
magazine Spiegel here. The loss stems from the writing down the value of
coal and gas […]
Are Extreme Weather Events Increasing?

Paul Homewood
Time for a closer look. It must be emphasised at the outset that
of these case studies rely wholly on computer modelling to arrive at
conclusions. Essentially they attempt to model the probability density
distributions of temperature, rainfall, or whatever it is they are […]
Barents Sea: Arctic Ice Predictor?

By Paul Homewood
Ron Clutz has news of a recent study which how sea ice in the Barents Sea
is dependent on Atlantic currents. It looks likely that 2015 annual
average ice extent will be lower than 2014, and some will claim this proves
global warming is alive and well. […]
Discovery News (And Katharine Hayhoe) Spread Old Misinformation About Polar Bears

By Paul Homewood
Dr Susan Crockford lays bare more misinformation about polar bears: In
a just-released Discovery News piece, Kieran Mulvaney (4 November 2015, “In
the polar bear capital, an uncertain future”) repeated three misleading
statements about Western Hudson Bay polar bears that keep making the
rounds, despite the fact they […]
Explaining Extreme Events Of 2014

Paul Homewood
In their annual attempt to convince us that global warming is
extreme weather, the AMS, with the help of the Met Office’s Peter Stott,
has published the latest propaganda. There is no mention, of course,
all the extreme weather events which did not happen […]
Moving The Goalposts

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
STOCKHOLM — The U.N.’s environmental authority has quietly raised its
assessment of the level at which global greenhouse gas emissions must peak
to avoid dangerous climate change, as governments seek a new accord to
fight global warming. In its first four annual emissions reports in […]
EU Falling Well Short Of Renewable Energy Targets

By Paul Homewood As reported yesterday, various assorted greenies
and lefties are up in arms. For instance, Greenpeace. Daisy Sands, head
of energy at Greenpeace, said the leaked letter showed “the dark side of
the government’s incoherent energy policy in full technicolour”. “For the
first time, we learn that the government […]
UK Will Miss Renewable Targets – Amber Rudd

Paul Homewood h/t Wolsten
Britain will miss a major legally-binding renewable energy target,
Rudd, the Energy Secretary, has privately admitted in a letter to other
cabinet ministers leaked to the press. In a candid private message to
senior Tories, Ms Rudd downplayed the chances of the UK sourcing 15 […]
South African Climate Plan May Increase Emissions By 19%

By Paul Homewood South Africa is the 15th largest emitter of CO2,
so let’s see what their climate plan promises.
All a bit long winded, but essentially they are committing to a peak of
as much as 614 MtCO2e. But what does this mean? We have to delve into […]
BBC Ignore Satellite Data – I Wonder Why?

By Paul Homewood h/t Avro607
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34763036 Global
temperatures are set to rise more than one degree above pre-industrial
levels according to the UK’s Met Office. Figures from January to September
this year are already 1.02C above the average between 1850 and 1900. If
temperatures remain as predicted, 2015 will be the first […]
Met Office Show Just How Variable UK Weather Is

By Paul Homewood There is another point worth highlighting from the
latest 3-month outlook for precipitation from the Met Office, which I
mentioned earlier. Year to year variability They publish this
chart, illustrating the range of observations during 1981-2010, for each
3-month period.
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/publicsector/contingency-planners What is
striking is just […]
Three Months Of Storms?

By Paul Homewood
There was a time when the Telegraph was a serious paper: Britain will
be battered by three months of storms which could start within days when
the biggest Super El Nino in 144 years hits the West. A Met Office forecast
warns of potential flooding caused by more […]
Br’er Canada and the Tar Baby

By Paul Homewood
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2015/11/07/brer-canada-and-the-tar-baby/ Ron
Clutz gives the background to Canada’s tar sands: Disney animation of
“Br’er Rabbit and the Tar Baby” from Songs of the South, a collection of
Uncle Remus American folk tales On Nov. 6, 2015, President Obama
canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. Canada PM Trudeau, just […]
Mexico’s Climate Plan – No Change

By Paul Homewood Mexico’s plans to fight global warming appear to
have garnered a fairly good press. John Gummer, for instance, was bragging
off about their Climate Act last year, whilst Carbon Tracker award the
country a “Medium” rating for their INDC, although this only means: not
yet consistent with limiting […]
High Energy Prices Claim More Jobs

Paul Homewood
The green dream claims more jobs. From Sky:
Michelin is to shut its tyre factory in County Antrim with the loss of
860 jobs – blaming intense competition from Asia and high energy costs.
reasons for the decision place further pressure on the Government as […]
Has Indonesia Fiddled Its CO2 Emissions Data?

By Paul Homewood In my post on Indonesia’s Climate Plan yesterday,
Kevin Marshall, from the manicbeancounter website. made an interesting
comment, which is worth expanding on. Something else is remarkable about
the figures. Indonesia’s 2005 emissions of 1800 MtCO2e. I have found four
other estimates, ranging from 1171 to 2829 MtCO2e. Indonesia’s own […]
Why The LA Times Did Not Publish Their “Smoking Gun” Against Exxon

By Paul Homewood
Exxon respond to the LA Times hit piece: In its reportage on climate
change research at ExxonMobil, the Los Angeles Times made a very telling
editorial decision. The paper chose not to publish the document it cites as
Exhibit A in its case against us: a […]
Is the government tinkering with global warming data? – Judith Curry

By Paul Homewood
Judith Curry has this guest post on Fox News: The hottest topic in
climate research is the observation that global average surface
temperature, as well as satellite observations of temperatures in the
atmosphere, has shown little or no warming during the 21st century. Now the
political climate […]
Indonesia’s Climate Plan “Inadequate”

By Paul Homewood 24 days to Paris, and still no climate plans
from Saudi Arabia or Qatar. But let’s have a look at Indonesia, 12th
biggest emitter of CO2. Their INDC boils down to this.
Assuming a binding, global agreement, involving of course lots of aid
money, they […]
How Much CO2 Do Windmills Really Save?

THE TIN1 Alex Henney2 and Fred Udo3 “When the facts change, I change my
mind. What do you do sir?” J.M. Keynes INTRODUCTION Peter Land posted a
blog “Wind turbines’ CO2 and abatement cost” on 27 April 2015 based […]
UK Grid Capacity

By Paul Homewood With news yesterday that the National Grid had to
issue an urgent request for energy companies to make more power available
after multiple breakdowns at UK power stations, I thought I would have a
look at what capacity there is on the system. This is what DECC show […]
Met Office To Research Africa’s Changing Climate

By Paul Homewood
Can anybody tell me why the Met Office would want to show a picture of
floods as a headline to their report on research into Africa’s changing
Madness On Stilts!

By Paul Homewood
From the GWPF: Analysis of publicly available figures shows that
companies have registered to build a total of about 1.5 gigawatts of diesel
power under a government scheme to encourage back-up energy for the grid.
The figures have been analysed by the Financial Times and […]
Grid Issues Urgent Call For Extra Power

By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
And it’s only November!! The Grauniad report: National Grid has
issued an urgent request for energy companies to make more power available
after multiple breakdowns at UK power stations. It has asked energy
companies to supply an extra 500 megawatts (MW) between […]
West Virginia’s “Killing Waters” Of 1985

By Paul Homewood h/t Botanyjrg Tonight marks the 30th anniversary of
what was arguably the worst flooding to hit West Virginia in the last
century or more. The West Virginia Encyclopedia has this account: Flood
of 1985 During the last week of October 1985, weak winds over the United
States, south […]
Hottest November Day? No Warmer Than 1948 According To CET

By Paul Homewood
Talking of November record temperatures, it is worth taking a look at
the Central England Temperature for a bit of perspective. The CET covers a
representative slice of the middle of England, although it plainly does not
necessarily reflect temperatures in all parts of the country. […]
Hottest November Day?

2 Degrees of Madness

Guest Post by Neil Catto With the run up to the Paris conference the
media has been full of “we must avoid a 2 degree rise in temperature or we
will all die“. What does 2 degrees mean? Is it per annum, per decade, or
per century? Of course this is just […]
Germany’s Green Energy Transition Hits Low Income Families Hardest

By Paul Homewood
By 2016 the green energy transition will cost households 540 euros p.a.
on average. Business representatives estimate that its total cost will be
100 billion euros in ten years. The green energy transition is
becoming ever more expensive for consumers. By the end of 2016 an […]
Patricia was nowhere near the worst tropical storm

By Paul Homewood
From the Province: We were told that Hurricane Patricia was the
strongest event of its kind in history. A quick look at the record books
reveals that this isn’t true. Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons are just
different names for the same weather phenomenon — intense tropical
cyclones, or […]
Coal Still King In Asia

By Paul Homewood
From Reuters: The shine is coming off once bright prospects for
natural gas as the future fossil fuel of choice in Asia as power companies
in India and Southeast Asia tap abundant and cheap domestic coal resources
to generate electricity. Asian loyalty to coal is shrinking the […]
Today’s Lies From The BBC

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p035dk68 Wolsten
reported earlier on the BBC’s interview with sacked French weatherman,
Philippe Verdier. (The interview is from 16th Oct, when he was still just
suspended) At about 1 minute in, the brainwashed interview asked But
what about countries like Australia, which is facing terrible drought?
Green Power – The Real Stranded Asset

By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
Perhaps Mark Carney should be worrying about the real stranded assets
story. GWPF have this report, originally from Bloomberg: For investors
in yieldco stocks, it’s been a quick and wild ride. Two years ago, yield
companies like TerraForm Power Inc. and NRG Yield […]
Record November Temperature In Scotland! (In 1946)

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-34713879 As if to
prove my point about “record” temperatures being misused for propaganda
purposes, step up the BBC! They were happy to headline the hottest
November day in the UK last Sunday, and now are doing the same with this
one at Eskdalemuir. Predictably though, they seem less […]
Hottest November Day? Probably Not

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34693529 From the
BBC: The UK’s November temperature record has been broken, with 22.4C
(72.3F) being reached in mid Wales. The temperature was recorded in
Trawsgoed, Ceredigion, on Sunday afternoon. The previous record was also in
Wales, where temperatures reached 21.7C (71.1F) at Prestatyn in 1946.
There’s only […]
BBC Interview Philippe Verdier

By Paul Homewood
Wolsten reports on the BBC interview with sacked French weatherman,
Philippe Verdier: As many will know who take an interest in these things,
a recent GWPF newsletter reported that France Télévisions has sacked their
weather man, Philipe Verdier, for having the temerity to write a book
Climate Investigations […]
No Wind? Foggy? Who Needs Fossil Fuels!

By Paul Homewood
It is good to know that Christopher Keene is helping to save the planet
by buying his electricity from Good Energy. Alas, he will be on short
rations today! Wind power is currently running at a pitiful 3% of its
capacity of 14 GW: http://www.bmreports.com/bsp/bsp_home.htm […]
UN Planning Court For Climate Justice

By Paul Homewood
At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating
nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal
of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S.
into a global court with enforcement powers. Congress would be bypassed –
left out […]
Responses To Potty Dr Pinto

By Paul Homewood
Readers may recall the Norfolk doctor warning us that climate change is
the biggest threat to public health the other week. Fortunately it appears
that at least one of the EDP readers has a bit of commonsense: But
they aren’t all as sensible! […]
Segolene Royal Wants Energy Prices To Skyrocket

Paul Homewood
Segolene Royal, France’s energy minister, has called for a hike in
cost of burning coal, oil and gas-fired power in order to stimulate
investment in renewables and away from conventional power generation.
Royal was speaking in London to the FT as the build-up continues to […]
Gummer’s Carbon Budget To Cost £17bn A Year By 2030

By Paul Homewood
We’ve had a look at the CCC’s scenarios for the power sector for the
fifth carbon budget, which runs from 2028 to 2032. Now let’s look at the
financial implications. As I did before, I’ll concentrate on the no CCS
option. This is what the CCC show: […]
CCC Question Future Of Biomass

By Paul Homewood I’m still working on the financial implications of the
5th Carbon Budget, but there is one section on biomass in Gummer’s report
which is significant:
As I have noted previously, there are huge environmental concerns in the
US and elsewhere about the chopping down of forests for biomass. […]
Sea Levels Have Risen By 8 Foot Since 1990 – BBC

By Paul Homewood h/t Quaesoveritas
The BBC, who laughably claim to provide “trusted World and UK news”,
broadcast the BBC Parliament Channel. Last week they carried the House of
Lords debate on climate change, featuring a load of superannuated old
duffers reading from their Greenpeace scripts. The BBC, being ever helpful,
Booker On Paris

By Paul Homewood
Today Booker leads on the upcoming Paris conference: At the end of
this month 40,000 politicians, officials, green activists, lobbyists and
journalists from 195 nations will converge outside Paris – at Europe’s
largest airport reserved only for private jets – for a conference that they
hope will […]
Antarctic Ice Mass Growing – New NASA Study

By Paul Homewood h/t Ben
Hot off the press from NASA: A new NASA study says that an increase in
Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding
enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its
thinning glaciers. The research challenges the conclusions […]
Power Scenarios For 2028-32

By Paul Homewood
Returning to the CCC’s fifth carbon budget, let’s take a closer look at
the electricity sector scenarios they have dreamt up. As usual with these
plans, they offer various scenarios, on a pick + mix basis.
They define the scenarios thus: […]
Green Investments Tanking

By Paul Homewood
Stranded assets, Mr Carney? From the Daily Caller: Green energy
investments have been shredded over the past eight years, gutting
shareholder value and calling the financial viability of renewable energy
into question. The Energy Select Sector SPDR exchange-traded fund, which
tracks the alternative energy sector, is down […]
CCC Publish Power Scenarios For 2028-32

By Paul Homewood
The Committee on Climate Change (Chairman – John Gummer) has just published
their power sector scenarios for the fifth carbon budget, which runs from
2028 to 2032. They state: Under the Climate Change Act (2008), the
Committee is required to advise the Government, by the end of 2015, on the
level […]
Sign The Petition To Save Philippe Verdier’s Job

By Paul Homewood h/t Wolsten Readers will recall that Philippe
Verdier, France’s leading TV weatherman, was suspended from his job a
couple of weeks ago for having the temerity to challenge global warming
dogma. It now appears that things have moved on. According to change.org,
who have organised a petition against […]
Is Greenland Really Melting?

By Paul Homewood
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2015/10/29/greenland-is-melting-really/ Ron
Clutz introduces a bit of sanity into the scare stories about Greenland:
The media blitz ahead of the Paris climate conference is well underway and
you can expect sources like the New York Times to publish many stories
along these lines. This one evokes the WWII headline, […]
Prince Charles And The Ford Foundation

By Paul Homewood
I was going to do the usual “Prince Charles in his private jet”
commentary, but could not be asked! Still, I read the Telegraph report,
and discovered that Charley had announced this news as he hosted a meeting
on climate change and deforestation at Lancaster House with Amber […]
Cook’s 97% Scam Debunked

By Paul Homewood Yesterday, we saw how easily debunked the
original “97% of scientists agree” turned out to be. There therefore had to
be a renewed attempt by the warmist establishment to make the claim stick,
so step forward John Cook with a much more sophisticated scam. Jose Duarte,
expert in Social […]
Arctic Multi Year Ice Increasing

Paul Homewood
News of a new study from Pierre: Reader Dennis A. sent me the
abstract of a new paper by Haas et al: Ice thickness in the Northwest
Passage – Haas – 2015 – Geophysical Research Letters – Wiley Online
Library. It turns out that the Arctic is […]
NOAA Refuse To Release Emails

By Paul Homewood
Get out the popcorn, this one could run and run. From the Hill: The
federal government’s chief climate research agency is refusing to give
House Republicans the detailed information they want on a controversial
study on climate change. Citing confidentiality concerns and the integrity
of the scientific process, […]
Debunking The “97%” Consensus Claims – Part I

By Paul Homewood Someone mentioned the other day (sorry, forgot who!)
that it would be nice to have a simple, go-to piece debunking the “97% of
scientists agree” claptrap, which is spewed out by politicians and the
media whenever they do not want to discuss facts. There are essentially
two studies […]
Congress Subpoenas NOAA’s Emails

Paul Homewood
From the Washington Post: The head of a congressional committee on
science has issued subpoenas to the Obama administration over a recent
scientific study refuting claims that global warming had “paused” or
over the last decade. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), chairman of the House
Committee on Science, […]
The Reply To Dr Pinto Which The EDP Refuse To Publish

By Paul Homewood
Readers will recall the article in Eastern Daily Press last week by Dr
Hayley Pinto, in which she claimed that climate change is the biggest
threat to public health – more than drugs, smoking and obesity. Her
feature was so woefully poor that I asked the Editor of […]
Climate Change Will Kill All The Hedgehogs!

By Paul Homewood
And yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s because of climate change! The only
trouble is that someone did not the memo! From the Lincolnshire Echo:
Climate change and the increasing destruction of habitats could lead to the
extinction of hedgehogs within a decade, experts have warned. Figures […]
China’s Climate Plan

By Paul Homewood We all know that China has promised to peak their CO2
emissions by 2030, but they have failed to say at what level. Instead they
pledged to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of GDP. And the reason is very
simple, they do not want to restrict their economic growth by being […]
Hurricane Patricia Aftermath

By Paul Homewood Now that the dust has settled, I thought I would
take a look at the aftermath of Hurricane Patricia. I have scoured the
Mexican press, as I suspect they are a good deal more reliable than the
hyped nonsense our own media feeds us. This is what the Mexico News […]
What Is Climate? Is It Changing?

By Paul Homewood
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/what-is-climate-is-it-changing/ A
thought provoking piece from Ron Clutz: Thanks Arnd for another
provocative comment. EXXON, as many others, deserve no regret when „charged
with all kinds of misdoing with respect to climate science“. EXXON’s fault
is not strongly opposing a meaningless language with regard what ‘climate’
is.Full Comment […]
Cyclonic Inflation

By Paul Homewood Following on from the controversy over Hurricane
Patricia, Jennifer Marohasy tells a similar story about tropical cyclone
Marcia, which hit Australia last February: I was concerned when I heard
late last Thursday that a category 5 cyclone was heading straight for
Yeppoon in central Queensland. I have a house there, […]
Patricia’s Wind Speeds At Landfall

By Paul Homewood
As we know, Hurricane Patricia caused far less havoc in Mexico than had
been predicted just a few hours before. In part, this was due to the fact
that the strongest part of the storm made landfall at Cuixmala, a sparsely
populated area, which lies midway between Puerto Vallarta […]
What The “Strongest Ever” Hurricane Looks Like

Paul Homewood
What the “strongest ever” hurricane looks like, courtesy of the
According to “expert” Eric Holthaus:
Wind Power & Avoided Energy Costs

By Paul Homewood I looked at the real cost of wind power last week.
The exercise was based on the latest energy outlook, published by the US
Energy Information Administration. The outlook included an analysis of the
levelized cost of electricity for new build units. Although the EIA
analysis, as well as […]
Hurricane Patricia

Paul Homewood
Despite apocalyptic forecasts, what has been touted as “the strongest
hurricane ever recorded in the Americas”, has made landfall in Mexico
relatively little damage so far. According to the Telegraph: Hurricane
Patricia, the record-breaking category 5 hurricane, rumbled across
Mexico early on Saturday, uprooting trees and […]
Brazil’s Climate Plan – “We Won’t Chop Down As Many Trees”

By Paul Homewood
Next in the list of the biggest emitters, outside of North America and
Europe, comes Brazil. Their contribution is to cut emissions by 43% below
2005 levels in 2030:
It all sounds very impressive, and to some degree it is, but as ever the
devil is […]
Emission Cuts In The Middle East? You Must Be Joking!

By Paul Homewood
Continuing with our review of climate plans for Paris, it may come as
little surprise to learn that neither Saudi Arabia nor Iran have submitted
one yet. Nor Kuwait or Iraq for that matter. The Middle East produces 6% of
the world’s emissions of CO2, not insignificant, and the […]
Climate Change Biggest Threat to Public Health – Says Nutty Doctor

Paul Homewood
More warmist nonsense from the Eastern Daily Press: Norfolk doctor
Hayley Pinto makes an appeal for us all to take action as world leaders
prepare for a crucial meeting on climate change. Dr Hayley Pinto of
Norfolk Recovery Partnership for Norfolk who is passionate about climate
Britain’s Insanely Expensive & Utterly Pointless Wind Power Fiasco Exposed

By Paul Homewood h/t Wolsten
Intermittency-of-UK-Wind-Power-Generation-2013_2014 Derek Partington, a
former Chartered Engineer, has spent a lot of time in the last six years,
researching the effectiveness of wind turbines. His findings are damning:
His report runs to thirteen pages, well worth a read. But some of his
tables and charts tell the story. For instance, […]
OECD Countries Not Responsible For Most Of Historical CO2 Emissions

By Paul Homewood h/t Robin Guenier With developing countries
wanting the West to pay climate reparations, it is worth looking at what
the IPCC AR5 had to say about CO2 emissions, in the Technical Summary:
OECD countries have contributed much less than 50% of cumulative CO2
emissions between 1750 […]
South Korea’s Climate Plan A Joke

By Paul Homewood
Continuing with our round up of the INDC’s, the Intended Nationally
Determined Contribution, submitted by some of the largest GHG emitters. We
have already seen how Russia’s plan will involve no reduction in emissions
at all by 2030, how Japan’s will require only a 10% cut from 1990 levels,
Energy policy is putting the British steel industry at risk

Paul Homewood
From the Telegraph: The loss of so many jobs in the UK steel
industry in such a short period of time is nothing short of a tragedy.
much of the finger-pointing that has accompanied news of the Redcar
closure by SSI, lay-offs by Tata and […]
Indian Village Wants “Real Electricity”, Not Greenpeace’s “Fake” Solar

By Paul Homewood
Scientific American reports: DHARNAI, India—One year ago,
environmentalists hailed this tiny village as the future of clean energy in
rural India. Today, it is powered by coal. Dharnai, a community of about
3,200 people in eastern India’s Bihar state, had been without electricity
for three decades. […]
New IPCC Head’s Shady Past

By Paul Homewood
Donna Laframboise has the low down on the new head of the IPCC: When
Hoesung Lee was elected head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) recently, the Seoul-based Global Green Growth Institute
(GGGI) issued a celebratory press release. Lee – who hails from South Korea
– […]
Potty Alice Bows-Larkin

Paul Homewood
While Mark Carney can bask in his Goldman Sachs aura, potty warmist,
Alice Bows-Larkin, remind us what their climate change policies really
– poverty.
http://download.ted.com/talks/AliceBowsLarkin_2015G-480p.mp4?apikey=489b859150fc58263f17110eeb44ed5fba4a3b22... more »
Back To You, Mr Carney

By Paul Homewood Readers will recall Alex Henney’s letter to Mark
Carney, following the latter’s speech warning of the perils of climate
change. You may be surprised to learn he has had a quick response, but
probably less so about its contents! Alex has been quick off the mark
with […]
Japan’s Climate Plan “Inadequate”

By Paul Homewood
The top 20 emitters of CO2 account for 81% of global emissions. As Paris
approaches, let’s see what commitments have been made by them to reduce GHG
emissions. Each country has been asked to submit an INDC, Intended
Nationally Determined Contribution. We have already looked at the pledges
from […]
Jeremy Warner: Scandalous incompetence as blackouts loom

By Paul Homewood
In the same edition, ironically, as the ridiculous piece by Helena
Morrissey on Sunday, was this from Jeremy Warner: Never mind carbon
targets, the march of the windmills, and the farcical attempt to persuade
the French and Chinese governments to invest in a whopper of a new nuclear
Matt Ridley: Now Here’s The Good News On Global Warming

Activists may want to shut down debate, but evidence
is growing that high CO2 levels boost crops and nourish the oceans.
France’s leading television weather forecaster, Philippe Verdier, was taken
off air last week for writing that there are “positive consequences” of
climate change. Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of mathematical physics
I’m More Worried About Helena Morrissey Than Climate Change

By Paul Homewood
Another long and rambling piece in the Telegraph from Helena Morrissey ,
who usually spends most of her time complaining about gender gaps. This
time, however, she offers up her expertise on climate change, repeating the
same nonsense which Mark Carney came up with a couple of weeks ago. […]
Boston Landfills

By Paul Homewood Thanks to mitchel44 for sending me this animation
from the excellent Maximising Progress website. It shows how Boston has
been transformed by landfills since it was a swamp in the
19thC. Boston Landfills ~ Timelapse Anime Map…
Nice anime map of The Sequence of Landfill Projects in Boston… […]
Russia’s Climate Plan Will Increase Emissions

By Paul Homewood As we get closer to Paris, let’s see what pledges
Russia has come up with in its INDC, the Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution or “Climate Plan” in short. The UNFCC keep a database here
for all plans so far submitted. This is their “unofficial” English
translation. […]
The Real Cost Of Wind Power

By Paul Homewood
We saw the headlines last week of claims that wind power is now the
cheapest source of electricity. As I pointed out at the time, such claims
ignore the fact that wind needs back up capacity, and therefore cannot be
directly compared with conventional, dispatchable capacity. I have now […]
Booker & The Incompetent Met Office

By Paul Homewood Booker is on the case of the Met Office today:
Imagine if Michael Fish, our most famous weatherman, had been sacked by
the BBC for writing a book accusing the world’s climate scientists of
having “manipulated” their data to promote panic over global warming.
Something similar made […]
Susan Crockford Responds To BBC’s “Misleading” Article on Polar Bears

Paul Homewood
Dr Susan Crockford weighs in on the BBC article on polar bears, which I
highlighted yesterday. In a polite but misleading article today in a
BBC magazine (The polar bears are coming to town) about the relationship
polar bears and Inuit in Arviat, Western Hudson Bay, […]
Heidi Central’s Funding

By Paul Homewood I wondered where Heidi Cullen’s Climate Central got
its funding from earlier. Remember that according to Wiki, Climate Central
is a nonprofit news organization that analyzes and reports on climate
science. Thanks to Jos, who points us to the relevant page on their
website: http://www.climatecentral.org/what-we-do/funding We can
recognise […]
Factories face switch-off to keep household lights on, National Grid warns – Telegraph

Factories may have to shut down on weekday evenings this winter to keep
household lights on as Britain faces the worst power crunch in a decade,
National Grid has warned. There is an “increased likelihood” that there
will be “insufficient supply available in the market to meet demand”,
forcing the UK to rely on […]
More Lies From Heidi Central

Paul Homewood
Because of rising sea levels related to carbon emissions, Boston’s
future looks awfully watery, according to this interactive map from
Central published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on
Monday. Goodbye, Back Bay. We hardly knew ye, Logan. Adios, Red Sox. The
map shows the […]
Polar Bears Are Coming To Town

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34490185 Joe draws my attention to
what is actually, and surprisingly, quite an objective piece on polar bears
from the BBC. Joe’s objection is this: Why is the BBC using WWF
propaganda, and worse still labelling it as “facts”? However, the
article […]
Travel Back To Kyoto

By Paul Homewood
With the climate boondoggle soon to descend on Paris, it is time to
cast our minds back to the original Kyoto Treaty, and how things have
changed since then. The original Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997, but
did not enter into force until 2005, when […]
Gas Fired Power Stations In Crisis

By Paul Homewood Gas fired power generation is facing economic
pressures in the UK, as well as across much of Europe. In part, this is due
to competition from cheaper coal, but probably most of the problems come
from competition with subsidised renewables. In particular, this has the
effect of reducing utilisation […]
Tidal Lagoon Desperately Needs “Mouth Watering Subsidy”!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-34531680 Agreement on
subsidy for the £1bn Swansea tidal lagoon project is "desperately needed",
Welsh Economy Minister Edwina Hart has said. The UK government is yet to
confirm the "strike price" it will pay for energy generated by the planned
lagoon. Mrs Hart said that without "certainty" on subsidy it […]
Lyme Disease Quadruples – Blame It On Climate Change!

By Paul Homewood
Something else to blame on climate change! The Telegraph reports:
Soaring numbers of people are suffering from the bacterial infection Lyme
disease, according to new figures. The number of confirmed cases has
quadrupled in just 12 years, NHS laboratory reports disclose, with more
1,100 people diagnosed in 2013, […]
Taxpayer Pays State Workers To Attend Cuomo Climate Change Event

By Paul Homewood
Gov. Andrew Cuomo wasn’t taking any chances that there might be empty
seats at a speech he delivered last week on climate change — so state
workers were summoned on the taxpayer dime to fill the audience, The Post
has learned. The workers said they left their jobs […]
Keep On Troughing!

By Paul Homewood
You’ve probably already read that Tim Yeo is suing the Sunday Times for
libel. Guido has more detail: Disgraced former Tory MP Tim Yeo is
suing the Sunday Times for libel over three articles from 2013. Readers
will remember the paper alleged that when Yeo was […]
Letter To Mark Carney

Alex Henney has written to Mark Carney, in response to the latter’s
speech at Lloyds last week: Mr. Mark Carney Governor The Bank of
England 1 Threadneadle Street London EC2R 8AH.
Adaptation.reporting@bankofengland.co.uk Dear Mr. Carney, I regret to say
that you have many factual errors in your speech to Lloyds. It […]
Another Greenie Living In Dreamworld!

Paul Homewood
The world has a better chance of saving itself from catastrophic
warming now than at any time over the past two decades, according to the
scientist behind some of the most alarming predictions ever made for the
planet’s future. Johan Rockström shocked environmentalists in 2009 when
One Swan Does Not Make A Winter!! (GEDDIT!!)

Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
From the Telegraph: Britain is facing its longest winter in 50 years
after the earliest-ever arrival of a Siberian swan which traditionally
heralds the start of the season. Each year around 300 Bewick’s swans
migrate 2,500 miles from Arctic Russia to escape the approaching cold
IEA: Southeast Asia’s Fossil Fuel Boom To Last For Decades

Paul Homewood
While western politicians posture, Southeast Asia plan to expand their
economies,all on the back of fossil fuels, according to this latest
from the IEA. The energy landscape in Southeast Asia continues to
as rising demand, constrained domestic production and energy security
concerns lead to a […]
Monthly Extreme Rainfall Trends In England & Wales

By Paul Homewood There’s lots of good stuff on the KNMI Climate
Explorer to use. (KNMI is the Dutch Met Office). I found one section
which uses the regional England & Wales Precipitation Series. The Met
Office publish the data, but KNMI actually offer a tool to analyse and
graph it. These […]
CIA And Global Cooling

By Paul Homewood h/t Rick Bradford I’ve seen snips of this before,
but Rick has now sent me the whole original report. Many attempts have been
made to discredit and marginalise stories of the global cool down in the
1960’s and 70’s. As we know, these were not simply scare stories but […]
Carbon Dioxide : The Good News

By Paul Homewood
Dr Goklany said: “Carbon dioxide fertilises plants, and emissions from
fossil fuels have already had a hugely beneficial effect on crops,
increasing yields by at least 10-15%. This has not only been good for
humankind but for the natural world too, because an acre of land that is
not […]
Blow To UK Energy Plans As New Gas Plant In Doubt

By Paul Homewood
From the Telegraph: The Government’s plans to keep the lights on have
suffered a fresh setback after it emerged the only new large gas power
station due to be built in coming years is now in doubt. Energy firm
Carlton Power was awarded a subsidy contract by the […]
Red Cross Destroy The Climate Disaster Myth

Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
Pierre has a good piece regarding the 2014 Natural Disaster Report
the Red Cross: Down Again: 2014 Catastrophe Losses Below Average
natural disasters1 in 2014 combined to cause economic losses of USD 132
billion, 37 percent below the ten-year average of USD211 […]
El Nino 2015 Already 3rd Biggest Since 1950

By Paul Homewood http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ While we’re
talking El Ninos, it is worth taking a quick look at what the guys at ESRL
are saying: In the context of strong El Niño conditions since March-April
2015, this section features a comparison figure with the classic set of
strong El Niño events during […]
No Record Year According To Satellites

By Paul Homewood
With September numbers now out, satellite data shows that global
temperatures this year are going to finish well below both 1998 and 2010,
despite very strong El Nino conditions for most of this year.
http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ Since April, according to NOAA’s
MEI , this year’s El […]
Govt May Charge For FOI Requests

By Paul Homewood
A Government appointed commission will consider charging the public to
submit Freedom Of Information requests, as part of an inquiry into possible
changes to legislation. Today the Independent Commission on FOI
launched a consultation period asking the public for their views. But
sources close to the Commission […]
UHI At Heathrow Airport

By Paul Homewood Wansteadmeteo highlighted some odd differences between
minimum temperatures at Heathrow and Northolt yesterday: Paul: Further to
your reservations on the temperature at Heathrow did you know that last
night (early hours of the 9th) the minimum was 6.7C, while down the road at
Northolt the minimum fell to 4.6C. I […]
Are tree-rings a good proxy for temperature reconstruction?

Guest post by Neil Catto Are tree-rings a good proxy for temperature
reconstruction? To start this essay I would like you to think a bit about
basic logic. The very first form of life on Earth would have been
stimulated by gases, heat, light (photons), water and pressure. Do you
think this very first […]
Today’s Drivel From The Guardian!

By Paul Homewood
Today’s dose of drivel from the Guardian! In a long and often serious
piece about rivers and the water supply in Sussex, they discuss falling
water levels in the aquifers, and the steadily rising demand for water
caused by increasing population and development. Unfortunately, they decide
to put […]
Why Climate Change Had No Impact on the Syrian Uprising

By Paul Homewood So called Climate Change has been blamed for the
uprisings in Syria, but the Middle East expert, Kyle Orton, offers a much
deeper analysis, which comes to different conclusions:
It is inevitable that when a complex situation erupts everybody will try
to map their own specialities onto […]
North Sea Oil Taxation

By Paul Homewood We’ve had some discussion about fossil fuel
subsidies, so I though it worth just summarising the position with regards
to North Sea oil. Producers of North Sea oil are taxed in three ways:- 1)
Petroleum Revenue Tax (PRT) – this only applies to fields operating, or
with consent, […]
Temperature Adjustments In Nebraska

Paul Homewood Further to yesterday’s post on Minden, Nebraska, I
show the comparison of raw and adjusted temperatures.
Temperatures prior to 1998 have been reduced by 1.7F compared to
Is Wind Power Really Cheaper?

Paul Homewood
According to the Independent: Onshore wind energy has become cheaper
than electricity from any other source in the UK for the first time, in
what could be a landmark moment for renewable energy in Britain. Yet the
Government has been accused of scuppering Britain’s best chance of
Climate Change In Lerwick?

By Paul Homewood Another special request! We constantly hear how
rapidly our climate is changing, yet in reality the changes are so small
and spread out over such long periods that we simply would not notice them
if we had not been told. This is particularly so when the long term changes
are […]
Climate Trends In Nebraska

By Paul Homewood By special request! Willybamboo has asked me to have a
look at climate trends in Nebraska, for a seminar being organised by the
University there. So, let’s start with temperature trends. For most of
this analysis, I will be using data from the USHCN site at Minden, which is
Two Renewable Energy Companies Go Bust

Paul Homewood
Take away the subsidies and see what happens.
Sea ice is not a stable habitat for polar bears – Susan Crockford

Paul Homewood
Dr Susan Crockford, the Arctic mammal scientist, has this summary of
peer reviewed essay “The Arctic Fallacy: Sea Ice Stability and the Polar
Bear”, published earlier this year. Here are the essential points,
by one: • Wide variations in spring sea ice habitat are a […]
We Don’t Need No Stinking Data!!

By Paul Homewood h/t Andyg55 https://youtu.be/Sl9-tY1oZNw
Data? What does that have to do with it? Watch the Sierra Club President
deny the satellite temperatures!
Extreme Rainfall Trends In Holland

By Paul Homewood I have taken a look at extreme daily rainfall in the
UK in a number of posts recently, for instance here. However, one of the
longest running meteorological records is at De Bilt in Holland, and KNMI
have daily rainfall data in their archive which dates back to 1906. […]
We Have A Winner!!

Paul Homewood
Last week the Met Office news blog featured a new study investigating
possible changes in tropical rainfall. I took the opportunity to point
that global cooling in the 1960’s and 70’s brought widespread drought.
Which brought this reply! Evidently Hubert Lamb must have been […]
BBC Consultation

By Paul Homewood
https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/surveys/bbc-consultation/ At the moment
the UK Government is running a public consultation on the future of the
BBC. An outfit called 38 Degrees has organised its own survey, which then
feeds automatically into the Government’s one. According to Wiki, 38
Degrees is an independent British not-for-profit political-activism
organisation that […]
Central England Temperature Summer Trends

By Paul Homewood Further to my recent on post on UK summer temperature
trends, Xmetman has produced a graph of CET summer means right back to
1659. (Click on the link for a better image).
The recent uptick followed by a drop off is evident. What is astonishing
North Carolina’s Great Flood Of 1916

h/t Gary H By Paul Homewood News of the floods in South Carolina
cannot be allowed to pass without recalling the events of July 1916, the
time of what has been called the Great Flood in North Carolina. The floods
were the result of two Category 4 hurricanes converging over western North
Carolina […]
Poland Will Not Move Away From Coal

By Paul Homewood
Another nail in the coffin for Paris! AP report: WARSAW, Poland –
Poland’s prime minister says she does not consider nuclear energy a
priority and is instead focused on strengthening the coal mining industry.
Ewa Kopacz’s comments indicated a U-turn from earlier government plans to
add nuclear […]
Hurricane Floyd

By Paul Homewood
In my post yesterday, I noted that more rain fell on S Carolina over two
days in 1999 than came down in three days this week, in what has been
described as a 1 in a 1000 year event. The event I was referring to was
in […]
India Opens Its Eyes To Climate Plan

Paul Homewood
One viewpoint from India about climate hysteria: Rajendra Pachauri
today best remembered for the sexual harassment charges that led to his
ouster as the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) some time this year. Not many people are aware that there was an
equally […]
Coal Power Here To Stay In India

Paul Homewood
From PEI: By Tildy Bayar India’s energy minister has said coal-fired
power will continue to be a “mainstay” of his country’s generation mix,
that environmental issues will not be compromised. In a speech ahead
India’s announcement of its climate pledge to the UN, due […]
South Carolina Floods – “A Thousand Year Rainfall”?

By Paul Homewood
More nonsensical claims about “1000 year rainfall”. Aljazeera report:
At least three people are known to have died in South Carolina in the worst
flooding in living memory. Emergency services have been inundated with more
than 700 requests for assistance. The city of Charleston bore the brunt of
UK Summers Getting Cooler

By Paul Homewood We are all familiar with predictions that the UK will
soon be having Mediterranean summers every year. According to the Met
Office’s Climate: Observations, Projections and Impacts, issued in 2011, we
are already seeing the effect of climate change on our summers:
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/t/r/UK.pdf And there are plenty of
studies […]
The Great Paris Flood Of 1910

By Paul Homewood With the floods in France in the news, Dennis Ambler
reminds me of the Great Paris Flood of 1910. The following sequence is
from the Parisian Field website:
There are countless images of the flood, but perhaps none speaks so
eloquently of the disruption as […]
French Floods

By Paul Homewood
Sad news from France, not helped by President Hollande’s contribution:
Mr Hollande also linked the disaster to climate change ahead of landmark
talks on the issue in Paris later this year. "There have always been always
catastrophes. But their rhythm and intensity are on the increase," he […]
Hurricane Joaquin? Blame It On Climate Change!

By Paul Homewood
Another cretinous report from the Daily Beast. It would be difficult for
them to have got more wrong: As Hurricane Joaquin devastates the Bahamas
and feints toward the east coast of the United States, and as American
communities hunker down for superstorm potential, the connection to climate
change […]
China Busy Buying Up Mark Carney’s Stranded Assets

By Paul Homewood
Mark Carney believes that fossil fuels will soon become stranded
assets, as the world will fall for the global warming scam and stop using
them. Apparently, nobody told the Chinese! According to the IEA, they
have been busy buying up all the global oil and gas assets […]
UK Supreme Court Sponsor Secret Climate Conference

By Paul Homewood
Donna Laframboise has this utterly astonishing of the climate conference
co-sponsored by the UK Supreme Court. Donna asks several questions about
just what is being covered by the organisers. But the biggest question of
the lot is what on earth does the Supreme Court it is doing getting […]
Met Office Forecasts Contain A Warming Bias

By Paul Homewood At the end of each month, the Met Office publish their
3-month outlook for temperature and precipitation. So far this year, for
their outlooks from Jan-Mar, through to Sep-Nov, seven have predicted
temperatures higher than the 1981-2010 norm, with the other two forecasting
temperatures around normal:
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/d/n/A3_plots-temp-FMA_v2.pdf […]
Another Arctic Scare

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34324439
From the BBC: Oceanographers have gathered fresh evidence that
turbulence in the Arctic Ocean, driven by the wind, is stirring up heat
from the depths. As dwindling ice exposes more water to the wind, this
turbulence could close a vicious circle, accelerating the melt. The
research team has […]
California Drought Is An Environmentalist Problem

Paul Homewood h/t botanyjrg
We’re probably all aware of the smelt fish,but it appears that they
just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to greenies prioritizing
environmental demands above the basic provision of water resources to
public. From the Daily Signal: SACRAMENTO, Cali... more »
Study Finds Extreme Rainfall Not Increasing In UK

By Paul Homewood A new study has found there has been no significant
trend in extreme rainfall in the UK since 1931. This demolishes frequent
Met Office claims that such events are increasing with global warming.
Interestingly enough, the Met Office, so far at least, has not mentioned
this paper at all in any […]
Coldest September Since 1993 In England

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/cet_info_mean.html If you
thought it had been a bit chilly lately, you would be right! The CET for
last month was a full 1.0C below the 1961-90 average. More to the point, it
is even colder compared to the 1981-2010 average, which is 14.0C. It
was actually the […]
BBC’s Lies About India’s Climate Plan

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-34424930
It did not take long for the BBC to send out its propaganda army to
pretend that India’s climate plan is something it is not. India, the
world’s third largest carbon emitter, has pledged to the UN to reduce the
rate by which its greenhouse gas emissions increase […]
The Day The Wind Stopped

By Paul Homewood http://www.bmreports.com/bsp/bsp_home.htm So this
is what we’re paying billions a year in subsidies for?
Dutch Power Stations Using Record Volumes Of Coal

By Paul Homewood h/t Andyg55
Dutch power stations used a record amount of coal in the past five
months, despite government pledges to curb CO2 reductions. The use of coal
was almost 33% up on the previous three years and led to a 4% rise in CO2
emissions, the Volkskrant says […]
India’s Climate Plan Will Triple Emissions By 2030

Paul Homewood
BERLIN: India said on Thursday that it would increase the share of
energy in its total energy mix by as much as 40%, by the target year of
2030. While submitting its 38-page ‘climate action plan’ to a UN body in
Bonn, Germany, India added that it would […]
Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Delayed – Maybe Fatally?

By Paul Homewood
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-34420631 From the
Beeb: The building of a £1bn tidal energy lagoon in Swansea Bay has been
delayed by a year as negations over the level of UK government funding for
the project continue. Tidal Lagoon Power (TLP) received backing by the
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) […]
Dramatic Recovery In Arctic Sea Ice In September

By Paul Homewood NSIDC have now published the Arctic sea ice extents
for the end of September. This is how things compare with previous years:
Although the minimum this year dipped below the last two years, the end of
September assessment reinforces the “pause” in Arctic ice trends at […]
Ron Clutz Responds To Tamino

By Paul Homewood
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/flap-over-arctic-ice-rebound/ Ron
Clutz posts a firm response to Tamino’s hit piece the other day: Grant
Foster and friends are committed to a warmer future and expect Arctic Ice
extent to decline. They are unhappy with me pointing out the lack of
decline recently. So my post is off-message, […]
Relative Pollution Levels of Diesel And Electric Cars

By Paul Homewood Rwoollaston left this comment, so I’ll throw it open
for discussion: With the recent suggestion from Sir Paul Drayson that
diesel cars should be subject to a scrappage scheme to encourage drivers to
switch to electric or hybrid vehicles, I started to wonder what the
emissions of an electric vehicle […]

By Paul Homewood Back to RicoGate, the everyday stories of ordinary
climatologist folk! That letter which the kindly Mr Shukla wrote, but
accidentally left a copy of on the village notice board, seems to have
caused a bit of a kerfuffle! Mr Klinger says he is ambivalent about signing
the letter, […]
Fraudsters At Work At NCAR

By Paul Homewood
According to the fraudsters at NCAR: If temperatures were not warming,
the number of record daily highs and lows being set each year would be
approximately even. Instead, for the period from January 1, 2000, to
September 30, 2009, the continental United States set 291,237 record highs
and […]
Climate Change & The Myth Of Stranded Assets

By Paul Homewood Nick Butler had this piece in the Financial Times
two days ago, which has relevance to Mark Carney’s latest intervention
against fossil fuels: The energy business is entirely familiar with the
concept of stranded assets. Now, however, a new concept has been
introduced: the idea that some assets, […]
New Cameron Climate Pledge Amounts To – Bugger All!

By Paul Homewood
I meant to look further into this the other day, and forgot! Two things
need spelling out: The total amount, actually £5.8bn is to be spread over
five years, between April 2016 and March 2021. It also compares to £3.87bn
spent over the last five years, so […]
Which Planet Is Mark Carney Living On?

Paul Homewood The Governor said that the vast majority of oil and gas
reserves already discovered could now be "stranded" if new rules on
emissions are enforced by governments. The oil and gas would be
Meanwhile, in other news:
Clearly someone does not believe the rubbish Carney […]
GWPF Calls For Carbon Floor Price To Be Scrapped

By Paul Homewood The Global Warming Policy Forum is calling on the
Government to scrap Britain’s unilateral Carbon Floor Price which is
contributing to the crisis of UK steel and other energy intensive
industries. SSI’s decision to close its steel plant in Redcar – which is
expected to result in 1,700 job losses […]
Was Hurricane Frances Really So Costly?

By Paul Homewood Hurricane Frances making landfall at Fort Pierce
http://www.stormchaser.ca/Hurricanes/Frances/Frances.html Talking of how
weather related insurance claims have inflated over the years, it is worth
republishing this post I ran a couple of years ago about Hurricane Frances
in 2004:- Was Hurricane Frances Really So Costly? […]
Carney Repeats Climate Insurance Losses Myth

By Paul Homewood Mark Carney’s latest attack on fossil fuels took
place in a speech at Lloyd’s of London. Unsurprisingly then, part of his
spiel referred to the supposed rising cost of settling weather related
claims: Since the 1980s the number of registered weather-related loss
events has tripled; and Inflation-adjusted insurance […]
Mark Carney v Fossil Fuels

Paul Homewood
Not for the first time, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England,
involved himself in the controversy over climate change: Investors’
could be at risk due to climate change, the governor of the Bank of
has warned. In a speech at the Lloyd’s of […]
The Letter They Tried To Hide!

By Paul Homewood The Bishop has news that the letter from Shukla
et al, requesting that a RICO investigation of sceptics be launched, has
been disappeared from the original website. Fortunately, like the
elephant, the Wayback Machine does not forget, and it can still be found on
the web […]
Hayhoe Accused Of Fraud

By Paul Homewood
Tony Heller once again calls out Katharine Hayhoe for outright lies.
According to Scientific American about the Texas floods earlier this year:
In a Facebook post Sunday, high-profile climate researcher Katharine
Hayhoe, director of Texas Tech University’s Climate Science Center, stated
that “climate change will affect us in the […]
NOAA’s Fake SST’s Not Supported By Atmospheric Data

By Paul Homewood Between 1979 and 1997, sea surface temperatures,
SST’s, increased at a rate of 0.08C/decade, according to NOAA. This was
almost exactly the same rate at which the lower atmosphere above the ocean
warmed, using UAH data. This, of course, is exactly what should be
expected. As NASA state: Sea surface […]
Hinkley: A Truly Major National Scandal

By Paul Homewood
An excellent piece from Booker on Hinkley Point. Two bizarre interviews
last week again highlighted how woeful has been much reporting on the
costliest engineering project Britain has ever embarked on. Their cue was
George Osborne’s announcement that UK taxpayers are to “guarantee” £2
billion of the money […]
Unreliable Electricity Overtakes Coal

By Paul Homewood
Britain generated more of its electricity from renewable sources than
from burning coal for the first time in the second quarter of 2015, as more
wind and solar farms were built. A record high of 25.3 per cent of the UK’s
power came from wind, solar, biomass and hydro-electric […]
Sea Surface Temperatures

By Paul Homewood http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/time-series/global
According to NOAA, SST’s are at a record high. We are told this is all due
to GHG emissions. However, if this is true we should surely see a warming
signal across all oceans. But the distribution of SST anomalies across the
oceans shows nothing of the sort. […]
Annual Arctic Ice Recovering

By Paul Homewood
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2015/09/26/arctic-ice-rebound/ Ron Clutz
offers his views on the latest Arctic ice numbers: MASIE Proves
Yearly Arctic Ice Recovering You will be hearing a lot about 2015 having
the fourth lowest minimum Arctic ice extent ever recorded. Here is what
they are not telling you: […]
Public Financing For Overseas Coal Projects Tops $73bn Since 2007

By Paul Homewood
As we know, coal production has been steadily rising in the last decade
and more. In part, this has been enabled by external financing, whether
developing coal mines, infrastructure or new coal fired power stations.
Greenies of course are horrified by this, as the NRDC report: […]
If Democracy Can’t Respond to Climate Change, Should We Abandon Democracy? | Big Think

Well at least they’re honest.
But I would like to know why there were no floods before we had SUV’s
UK Regional Rainfall Trends

By Paul Homewood The Met Office publish rainfall data by district back
to 1910, so how do the trends differ from one part of the country to the
other? As might have been expected. there is a north/south
split, with rising trends in Scotland and N. Ireland, […]
Drax Pull Out Of CCS Project

Paul Homewood
This is the announcement today from Drax: Selby, Yorkshire: Drax
announced it remained committed to fulfilling its current work on a
Capture & Storage (CCS) feasibility and technology development
(FEED), but once completed, would not be investing further and will
withdraw as a partner of […]
Big Bucks For Another RICO Letter Signatory

By Paul Homewood Another signatory of that letter, and yet another
from George Mason University is Paul Dirmeyer, full-time Professor from the
Dept of Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences. Paul Dirmeyer
http://mason.gmu.edu/~pdirmeye/ This is his CV:
ftp://cola.gmu.edu/pub/dirmeyer/Dirmeyer_CV.pdf Note that despite being a
“full-time Professor” at George Mason, he […]
Edward Maibach, The Center for Climate Change Communication & That Letter

By Paul Homewood http://www.iges.org/letter/LetterPresidentAG.pdf We
have already seen that the lead signatory of the letter calling on Obama to
launch a RICO investigation into climate sceptics, Jagadish Shukla, has
been paying himself $500,000 a year out of government climate grants.
Let’s look more closely at another signatory, a certain Edward Maibach,
like […]
State Of The UK Climate 2014

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/about/state-of-climate As
promised, a closer look at the State of the UK Climate report. The
section on temperature tells us nothing we did not already know, and with
claims of all the top ten warmest years have occurred since 1990, is highly
predictable. RAINFALL They do show, […]
Trends In Wettest Years At Oxford

By Paul Homewood I looked earlier at annual rainfall trends in the
England & Wales series. One of the problems with country wide numbers is
that they tell us more about geographical distribution than rainfall in
individual locations. For instance, one inch of rain across all of the
country averages one inch. However, 10 […]
State of the UK Climate Report

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/about/state-of-climate The Met
Office have just published their UK State of the Climate Report for 2014,
(no, I did not know they had one either!) I’ll be looking at it in more
detail later, but one statement that needs clarifying now is their claim
that 7 of the 10 […]
What Makes Extreme Weather In The UK?

By Paul Homewood I think we all know what we mean by extreme
weather, and I am sure the public does too. In their efforts to get us to
worry about global warming / climate change, the Met Office has ignored all
the evidence of fewer hurricanes and tornadoes, and the lack of […]
Why Investors Are Shunning Hinkley Point

Paul Homewood
Investors don’t want to put their money into the proposed £24.5bn
Point nuclear plant because they fear it will suffer cost overruns and
delays, the boss of EDF has admitted. Problems in the construction of
European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) technology at sites in France and
Finland – […]
Californian Reservoirs Fuller Than In 1977

Paul Homewood
Inevitably, water levels are extremely low in California’s reservoirs,
how do they compare with the last major drought in 1976/7?
Surprisingly, perhaps, only one, Perris Lake, actually has less
compared to the same date in 1977, and this is only a tiny dam. Two […]
How To Access The USHCN Database

By Paul Homewood I am often asked where I get my USHCN graphs and data
from. The system is very easy to access (Note to UK Met Office!), and gives
a wide range of data. For anyone who wants to use the system, the interface
screen looks like this.
http://cdiac.ornl.gov/epubs/ndp/ushcn/ushcn_map_interface.html Select a
UK Weather Trends

Guest Post by Neil Catto. Neil has been a senior meteorologist at Weather
Research Ltd for the last 17 years, and is a fellow of the Royal
Meteorological Society. UK Weather, Misconceptions &
Consequences For years we have been told, by such eminent organisations
such as the UKMO that the Earth […]
Philip Eden Has Forgotten About Heathrow

By Paul Homewood Philip Eden is absolutely right – you should not
declare record temperatures when there is doubt about its veracity, whether
because of siting or other issues. That is why NOAA have set up a State
Climate Extremes Committee to review all claims of record temperatures and
other meteorological elements, in […]
Luvvies Too Hot To Talk!

By Paul Homewood
http://ecowatch.com/2015/09/21/celebrities-climate-action-emmys/2/ The
stars could not have picked a better time to show their support for climate
action because the temperature in Los Angeles on Sunday reached 100 degrees
Fahrenheit—making it the hottest Emmy’s ever. As celebrities used fans to
cool themselves off, they just could not get over how hot […]
Scientist leading effort to prosecute climate skeptics under RICO ‘paid himself & his wife $1.5 million from govt climate grants for part-time work’

By Paul Homewood
https://twitter.com/RogerPielkeJr/status/645710621636296705 Roger Pielke
brings the astonishing story of just how much money Jagadish Shukla, one of
the scientists leading the effort to prosecute climate sceptics under the
RICO Act, makes from the public purse. Just to recap, Shukla was the lead
signatory of the letter from 20 scientists earlier […]
The London Floods Of 1903

By Paul Homewood Wanstead Meteo has some more detail on the floods
which hit London in June 1903, which I referred to earlier: June
deluge that created Redbridge-on-Sea It was the summer when the ‘sea’
came to Redbridge. A record-breaking 59-hour deluge in the middle of June
1903 left […]
Extreme Rain Months At Oxford

By Paul Homewood
http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/climate/rms/intro.html The
Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford has one of the best sets of climate records
in the UK. The Radcliffe Meteorological Station is situated in Woodstock
Road in the garden of Green Templeton College beside the old observatory
building, adjacent to the old Radcliffe Infirmary site. It possesses […]
Record Rainfall In 1903

By Paul Homewood Climate experts tell us that global warming is leading
to more extreme rainfall. This no doubt explains why the wettest month ever
recorded in England & Wales since 1766 was in 1903. In October that year,
averaged over the country, an astonishing 218mm fell. The Met Office report
at the time […]
A History Of Drought On The Great Plains

By Paul Homewood Today’s post on megadroughts in Kansas reminds me of
one I ran last year. There are some detailed accounts of the 19th droughts,
but also a reference to the unusually wet period in the 1880’s, which led
to the theory that “the rain follows the plough”. A drought followed in the
History Of Megadrought In Kansas

By Paul Homewood http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Publications/PIC/pic35.html
The Kansas Geological Survey have this very interesting study about the
climatic history of Kansas over the last millennium, in particular drought
trends. Environmentally and economically, drought is one of the most
costly natural disasters in North America. Yet it rarely gets the same
public attention that other, […]
DMI Show Greenland Was Warmer in 1930’s

By Paul Homewood A few weeks ago, I ran a post on temperature trends at
Nuuk and Tasiilaq (Angmagssalik) in Greenland, which I gleaned from the
GISS database. The conclusion was clear, that temperatures in recent years
were no higher than the 1930’s and 40’s. I have now managed to obtain the
source data […]
Pakistan Taliban Blame Power Failures For Heatwave Deaths

By Paul Homewood The New York Times reports:
It should perhaps be remembered that Pakistan relies on fossil fuels,
mainly gas, for 89% of its energy, with nuclear and hydro providing nearly
all of the rest (according to the BP Energy Review for 2014.) In contrast,
renewables only […]
GWPF Responds To Met Office’s Latest Missive

By Paul Homewood David Whitehouse weighs in on the Met Office’s
latest “We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we’re all going to die
anyway” press release: A new Met Office report: Big changes underway in
the climate system? released this week, is a textbook example of poor
science communication. The […]
India To Double Coal Production By 2020

By Paul Homewood
India is pushing ahead with plans to double coal output by 2020. The
Economic Times of India reports: Coal India banks on 25 key projects to
double production by 2020 KOLKATA: Coal India’s plan to double
production to almost 1 billion tonnes by 2020 hinges precariously […]
China Revises Coal Consumption Figures

By Paul Homewood http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=22952#
According to the EIA, China has revised previously published estimates of
coal consumption back to 2000: New preliminary data from the China
Statistical Abstract 2015 (CSA2015) show an upward revision to China’s
historical coal consumption and production. Energy-content-based coal
consumption from 2000 to 2013 is up to 14% […]
Extreme Rainfall In UK Nothing New

By Paul Homewood
A few months ago, the Met Office attempted to show how weather in recent
years had become more extreme. In terms of temperatures, they found that
more hot records had been broken than cold ones since 2000. This is hardly
surprising since temperatures have warmed up slightly since the […]
Slingo Junior’s Plum Job

Paul Homewood
Bishop Hill has the Mail story of how Slingo’s daughter got a plum
at the Met Office, which appears never to have been advertised. What
intrigued me though was the job Slingo Junior has since been promoted
Mrs Slingo-Hutt, now 29, has since been […]
Indonesia’s Palm Oil Environmental Crisis

By Paul Homewood h/t Stewgreen
Rapidly rising demand for palm oil, much of it for biofuels, is creating
an environmental catastrophe in Indonesia and its neighbours. SBS report:
It’s dry season in Indonesia, which in some parts means it’s time to clear
more land for palm oil plantations – with […]
NOAA Refuse To Publish Methodology For Temperature Adjustments

By Paul Homewood
Shub ran this post back in March, which I missed at the time. It’s quite
an eye opener: Kent Clibze has been trying to get hold of documents that
record the ‘rationale, methodology and discussions’ relating to temperature
adjustments carried out by NOAA. NOAA in turn has informed […]
In 1994 The NYT Knew The Real Truth About Californian Droughts

By Paul Homewood h/t Don B
There was a time when you could get proper journalism from the New York
Times. This is what they reported in 1994: BEGINNING about 1,100 years
ago, what is now California baked in two droughts, the first lasting 220
years and the second 140 […]
Met Office Withhold Data From The Public

By Paul Homewood As readers will be aware, I have done much analysis
work of Met Office data since I started this blog. Some of the basic info
is readily available on their website, such as monthly rainfall and
temperature. Often though I need to look at daily data at individual sites.
Natural Climate Variability

By Paul Homewood As I am the first to admit, I don’t do science!
Instead I concentrate on data and observations, and leave the science to
others. But I know a man who knows a man who does! Ron Clutz offers his
thoughts on solar and other natural climate variability here.
Arctic Ice Minimum Earliest Since 1997

By Paul Homewood http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ NSIDC seem pretty
confident that Arctic sea ice extent has reached its minimum. According to
them, it hit minimum on 11th September, but this is based on using the
average of several days. The actual minimum took place on 8th September:
This in fact is […]
Wet Augusts!

By Paul Homewood Philip Eden’s columns in the Sunday Telegraph are
always worth a read, but often raise more questions than they answer. Last
week he pointed out that, in theory, rainfall is heavier in August than the
other summer months because that is when the seas are warmest. In
particular, he says, […]
California’s History of Mega Droughts

Paul Homewood You will no doubt have seen the above graphic
already. It shows that the current drought in California is not
by any stretch of the imagination. We know that rainfall levels in
years, though low, are not unprecedented as far as the 20thC is
The Greening Of The Sahel

By Paul Homewood A new study confirms previous findings that the
Sahel is regreening. On regreening and degradation in Sahelian watersheds
Armel T. Kaptué1, Lara Prihodko, and Niall P. Hanan Abstract Over many
decades our understanding of the impacts of intermittent drought in
water-limited environments like the West African Sahel has […]
El Ninos Lead To Warm/Cold & Wet/Dry Winters – Met Office

Paul Homewood
Compare the two statements: Met Office meteorologist and BBC
Thomas Shafernaker said: “This time round it could be the strongest in
decades. “In Europe sometimes winters end up much colder and drier and
... more »
100% Renewables Myth Destroyed

Paul Homewood
Richard Black, ex BBC propagandist and now PR guy for the ECIU, told
us a
few weeks ago, in one of his dottier moments, that the world could live
100% renewables. All this was based around one Mickey Mouse study in
Germany. It turns out that real energy […]
Polar Bears – Myths and Facts

By Paul Homewood
All due to “melting Arctic ice” of course. Polar bear expert, Susan
Crockford, has already debunked this theory, and pointed out that it is ice
cover during spring which is critical, as this is when the bears consume
most of their annual prey. Indeed, as she points out, […]
Does The Met Office Know What It Is Doing?

By Paul Homewood
The IBT report: Meteorologists have predicted that Britain will face
its worst winter in over 50 years as a result of El Niño. The country is
expected to be hit by a cold wave as early as October, cutting down autumn
to just a month. Experts even […]
Stratospheric Cooling

By Paul Homewood As I mentioned yesterday, the IPCC had this to say about
atmospheric temperatures in 2007: For global observations since the late
1950s, the most recent versions of all available data sets show that the
troposphere has warmed at a slightly greater rate than the surface, while
the stratosphere has cooled […]
IPCC Say Troposphere Should Warm Faster Than Surface

By Paul Homewood
While we’re on the topic, this is what the IPCC had to say about the
correlation of surface and satellite temperatures in 2007: For global
observations since the late 1950s, the most recent versions of all
available data sets show that the troposphere has warmed at a slightly […]
Met Office Discover Natural Climate Cycles!!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2015/big-changes The
Met Office seem to have discovered that natural forces affect the world’s
climate! 14 September 2015 – Regional temperature and rainfall worldwide
will be affected by big changes that are underway in key global climate
system New research shows regional temperature and rainfall worldwide will
be affected […]
Satellite Temperatures Did Not Always Diverge From GISS

By Paul Homewood http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/153658/ Back
in 2007, this was what the IPCC had to say about the correlation of surface
and satellite temperatures: Lower-tropospheric temperatures have slightly
greater warming rates than those at the surface over the period 1958 to
2005. The radiosonde record is markedly less spatially complete than the […]
Chop Down The Trees To Fight Global Warming!

Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public Dave Ward (Sorry Dave!!)
You could not make it up!! A ROW has broken out over whether trees
should be chopped down to allow more light to reach solar panels. Havant
Civic Society is objecting to plans to fell a horse chestnut and
Another Attempt To Find The Tropical Hotspot!

Paul Homewood In his latest rant against deniers, David Holub
referred to an article in the Guardian which was, even by their
particularly misleading.
Written by the notoriously unreliable John Abraham, it says: A very
important study was just published in the Journal of Climate a few days
Japan’s Deadliest Storm

By Paul Homewood Damage to a seawall caused by Typhoon Vera. In the
background is the ship Changsha beached by the storm. Next week marks
the anniversary of Typhoon Vera, which hit Japan in 1959, where it is the
strongest and deadliest storm on record. Indeed, it is the third deadliest
natural […]
Navitus Bay Turned Down

By Paul Homewood
As expected, the offshore wind project at Navitus Bay has failed to win
planning consent. DECC give this announcement: Energy Minister Lord
Bourne announces development consent has been refused for the proposed
Navitus Bay offshore wind park. The announcement was made today for the
wind park off the […]
Arctic Ice Close To Minimum?

By Paul Homewood http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php Arctic sea
ice extent may not quite have reached minimum yet, but indications are that
more or less bottomed out. According to NSIDC, extent has only decreased by
48,000 sq km since the start of the month. DMI show the 15% ice cover above
as being well above 2011. […]
Record Temperatures In 1906!

By Paul Homewood Well, that’s as good as it gets! Enjoy our Indian
Summer as it’s back to normal next week. But back in 1906, they knew what
a real Indian summer was! On 2nd September that year, a temperature of
35.6C was recorded at Bawtry, S Yorkshire, the highest September
temperature […]
BBC Hype Japan Floods

h/t AC Osborn http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-34205879 More
overhyped nonsense from the BBC: Widespread flooding and landslides in
north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their
homes. The city of Joso, north of the capital, Tokyo, was hit by a wall of
water after the Kinugawa River burst its banks. Helicopter rescue […]
Mammoth European Carbon Fraud Uncovered

By Paul Homewood
The United Nations body that oversees greenhouse gas reductions is
reeling from another cap-and-trade scandal that may have put 600 million
tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere — roughly speaking, the annual
CO2 output of Canada or Britain — while the emissions were ostensibly
suppressed, according to an […]
Eemshaven Coal Power Station Given Go Ahead

Paul Homewood
Following the announcement last week that the Eggborough Coal Power
Station would close next year, a Dutch court gives the go ahead to a new
1.6GW coal plant at Eemshaven. From PEI: A court in the Netherlands
decided that an application to develop a new $2.25bn coal-fired […]
China To Develop New Nuclear Plant At Bradwell

By Paul Homewood
News from PEI: The British government is expected to fully approve a
nuclear power project at the Bradwell site in Essex, England next month.
The deal, part of a wide-ranging civil nuclear pact between Britain, France
and China, may be sealed in October during the Chinese president’s state […]
Out Of One Green Propaganda Outfit, And Into Another!

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
Of course, the newly appointed Greenpeace hacks will have no influence
on reporting at the Beeb!!
Arctic Summer Sea Ice Trends

By Paul Homewood I have posed the question previously, why is there
so much interest in the minimum sea ice extent in the Arctic, as opposed to
other times of year. The usual answer is albedo, as NSIDC explain:
Changes in the timing of the sea ice minimum extent are especially […]
Letter To Philip Hammond

By Paul Homewood Alex Henney has written to the Foreign Secretary,
Philip Hammond, to complain about the appointment of Professor King as the
UK’s climate representative to the forthcoming conference in Paris. 8th
September, 2015. Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond Foreign Secretary Foreign &
Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London SW1A 2AH. Dear […]
Another Quiet Tornado Year So Far

By Paul Homewood We are now well past the peak of the tornado season in
the US, so it is good to see that this year so far tornado numbers have
been running well below average. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/wcm/#data
This is now the fourth year in a row which has been below average. […]
Down The Plughole!!

By Paul Homewood It has been suggested that there might be
something wrong with the NORSEX data. However, I can now confirm that the
newly tampered corrected NSIDC data also confirms that all the Arctic sea
ice has gone down the plughole!
Met Office To Name Storms

By Paul Homewood h/t 1saveenergy
There has been a trend in the last year or two for storms hitting the UK to
be given unofficial names. After all it helps sell papers, and if
hurricanes are given names, why not gales? Now the Met Office want to make
it official: […]
Wadhams Was Right !

By Paul Homewood
Oh, no!! Peter Wadhams was right after all!
Britain’s Damp Summer

By Paul Homewood You may have seen stories that this summer has been
unusually wet in the UK. The truth is rather more mundane. Overall,
this summer’s rainfall of 272mm has only been slightly above the long term
average of 244mm, and ranks an unremarkable 31st wettest since 1910. The
wettest summer […]
Met Office Move The Goal Posts!

By Paul Homewood
Back in 2011, the Met Office published their decadal forecast for
global temperatures. Their chart showed that temperatures in 1998 peaked
well above subsequent years, even 2010. Note also that the observed
temperatures were close to dropping out of the bottom of their range of
predictions (the red […]
While Obama Fiddles, The West Burns

Paul Homewood
From the Telegraph: The owner of Britain’s biggest steelworks has
reported losses more than doubling as it buckles in the face of high
and energy costs, the strong pound and cheap Chinese imports. Tata Steel
UK, which owns the giant Port Talbot and Scunthorpe plants, posted a […]
Emma Thinks Richard Betts Is Insane!

Paul Homewood The Mail report on the Met Office’s Richard Betts’
reactions to the BBC’s interview with the ridiculous Emma Thompson last
One of Britain’s top climate scientists has launched a blistering
on actress Emma Thompson and the BBC, accusing them of ‘scaremongering’
over the speed of […]
Electricity Network In Uncharted Territory

Paul Homewood
From the Telegraph’s Black Steam Dept: Picture a cold and dark
evening in November and millions of householders across the country are
switching on their kettles at the same time after a long day at work but
suddenly there is a big problem. Another creaking coal-fired power […]
Doug Brodie’s Letter To MP’s

By Paul Homewood Doug Brodie has written to various MP’s asking them
to reconsider the Climate Change Act, and has asked me to publish it. If
anybody wants to chase up their local MP’s for their reaction, please feel
free! To: Mr Drew Hendry, MP All Tory MPs Lord Lawson […]
NOAA Tampering In Alaska

By Paul Homewood
According to the Alaska Climate Research Center, linear trends show that
temperatures have actually fallen in Alaska since 1977, by 0.1F. The
stations used give a good geographical spread, and only four sites show any
warming at all. Yet NOAA show something totally different, a rise […]
Navitus Bay Set To Be Rejected

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
Good news from the Telegraph: Plans for Britain’s most controversial
offshore wind farm are set to be rejected amid fears it would jeopardise
the UNESCO World Heritage Site status of the Jurassic Coast, the
understands. Developers of the proposed Navitus Bay wind farm are
President, Your Pants Are On Fire!

By Paul Homewood Seeing as how it is topical at the moment, here are
some facts about Alaska that the Messiah and David Holub apparently aren’t
aware of: 1) It was at least as warm, and probably warmer in the Middle
Ages there than now. According to the paper, “Surface air […]
Politifact – PANTS ON FIRE!!

By Paul Homewood
According to their website, PolitiFact is an independent fact-checking
journalism website aimed at bringing you the truth in politics. Anybody who
claims to offer the “truth in politics” should be regarded with extreme
suspicion, and there is certainly a history of them supporting the left
wing version of the […]
Watch Your Wallet!

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34147192
If there was any doubt that this was all about money…………. From the
BBC: Rich nations at UN climate talks are said to be edging towards a
compromise on the thorny issue of loss and damage. Poorer countries want
compensation for extreme weather events […]
Germany’s CO2 Targets “Unrealistic”

By Paul Homewood
Since 2012 a group of experts around McKinsey director Thomas Vahlenkamp
has been assessing every six months whether the federal government’s goal
of its self-imposed targets of its energy and climate policy are achieved.
Die Welt has obtained the latest score: the picture brightens only in some
secondary objectives. […]
Denmark’s U-Turn On Climate Targets

By Paul Homewood
From Bloomberg: Denmark’s widening budget deficit is forcing its policy
makers to take some hard decisions in the very area where they are
considered global role models: the fight against climate change. Denmark’s
Liberal government is to reverse ambitious CO2 emission targets introduced
by the previous administration. It […]
Another Cold Summer!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/anomacts Another cold
and damp summer in the UK, finishing at 0.5C below the 1981-2010 average,
and the third in the last five years to fall below. Indeed, no summers
since 1998 have been as cold as 2011, 2012 and 2015. There is clearly no
sign of summer temperatures […]
Obama’s Alaskan Lies

By Paul Homewood
Steve Milloy’s take on Obama’s Alaskan trip, which seems to have been a
waste of time anyway: President Obama’s hike up the rapidly melting Exit
Glacier today has run into some unfortunate buzzkill: reality. The hike is
supposed to be the high point of this week’s trip […]
Wood burners ‘worse than cars’ for contaminating air

h/t Jim Climie The wood stove, so beloved by greenies because it
will save us all from global warming! The government is even throwing
millions of pounds in subsidies at them to encourage us to have them
installed. Unfortunately their new found popularity has meant that more
wood is now […]
Small Scale Solar Cannot Exist Without Large Subsidies

By Paul Homewood h/t Tim Channon Govt proposals to cut solar
subsidies were in the news last week: The UK government says it plans to
significantly reduce subsidies paid to small-scale green power
installations. Under the proposals, the amount of money paid to home owners
and businesses producing electricity […]
Egypt Discover Giant Gas Field

By Paul Homewood The discovery of a ‘super giant’ natural gas field off
the coast of Egypt is set to help the country bridge its energy gap. Eni
SpA say deep-water deposit in the Zohr Prospect is the largest find in the
Mediterranean Sea, holding up to 30 trillion cubic feet of gas, equivalent
IPCC Confirmed Troposphere Should Warm Faster In 2007 Report

By Paul Homewood Interesting to cast how minds back to what the IPCC had
to say about satellite temperatures in 2007.
http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/faq-3-1.html “Above
the surface, global observations since the late 1950s show that the
troposphere (up to about 10 km) has warmed at a slightly greater rate than
the surface, while […]
UAH And RSS Trends

By Paul Homewood I had not spotted it before, but NOAA keep a database
of satellite temperature, and provide a graphing tool which runs both RSS
and UAH off the same 1981-2010 baseline (RSS use 1979-98 to calculate their
anomalies usually). The Jan – July graph makes interesting reading:
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/msu/time-series It […]
I Wonder Where David Viner Is Holidaying This Summer?

By Paul Homewood Another Bank Holiday, another washout!
It was not meant to be like this! Back in 2006, climate genius David
Viner told us: Climate change could "dramatically" change the face of
British tourism in the next 20 years, with European tourists flocking to
the UK to […]
SEPP On Hottest Month Claims

By Paul Homewood Ken Haapala of the Science and Environmental Policy
Project has a good summary of recent record warmth claims and the
divergence between surface and satellite data: Divergence: It is
summertime in the US, and temperatures are warmer. Several readers have
asked TWTW for comments on the recent claims that July […]
Greenland Temperature Trends

By Paul Homewood I showed some graphs last month, giving summer
temperature trends in Greenland. For completeness, I am doing the same
with annual temperatures. The only two long running stations currently
operational are Godthab and Angmagssalik. As before, I am using the
unadjusted data from GISS: […]
Roy Spencer On Satellite v Surface Temperature Data

By Paul Homewood With the ever increasing divergence of surface
temperatures from satellite ones, it is worth republishing this post from
Roy Spencer last October: Why 2014 Won’t Be the Warmest Year on Record
October 21st, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Much is being made of the
“global” surface […]
Hottest Year? Not According To Satellites

Paul Homewood
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the much more comprehensive and
accurate satellite data shows nothing of the sort. Below are the
annual anomalies for 1998 through 2014, along with 2015 YTD.
For UAH to surpass the reco... more »
Slingo Making It Up As She Goes Along

By Paul Homewood
With just a couple of days left, the Met Office have confirmed just how
cold the summer has been in the UK: Despite a dry and sunny June and a
brief heat-wave at the start of July, summer overall looks set to be cooler
than average and cooler […]
Back Home Tomorrow!

Pleased to say the Ma in Law is well on the mend, if bored stiff in a
hospital bed. She’s finally getting a transfer to our local hospital on
Monday, so we will be travelling home tomorrow, and normal service will
soon be resumed. Stay tuned for the latest story on Slingo’s incompetence!
US Green Energy Subsidies ‘Unfair and Ineffective’, Study Finds | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

A University of California study has slammed the fairness, efficiency and
effectiveness of billions of dollars of so-called green energy subsidies
provided by the US government. The US federal government has paid $US18.1
billion in tax credits since 2006 aimed at encouraging American households
to install energy-efficient windows, air conditioning schemes, rooftop
solar in their […]
Renewables Sector Left Reeling After Government’s Latest Subsidy Cull | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

The UK renewable energy industry has reacted with shock and anger at the
latest attack by the Conservative Government to slash subsidy support
through the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Scottish Renewables described how the
removal of support for some wind projects and a reduction of up to 86% for
solar would “severely curtail” development. Cuts to […]
It’s the right climate to scrap the Department of Energy and Climate Change | City A.M.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is small compared to
other government departments, with a gross annual expenditure of just
£5.7bn. However, as the government grapples with how to continue to drive
down its deficit, abolishing this arm of the state should be a key
priority: it would both provide vital savings and […]
Gross Suppression Of Science …Former NOAA Meteorologist Says Employees “Were Cautioned Not To Talk About Natural Cycles”

Former NOAA meteorologist David Dilley has submitted an essay below that
has 2 parts: 1) How the government has been starving researchers who hold
alternative opinions of funding, and 2) climate cycles show we are starting
a cooling period. Readers will recall that David Dilley is a 40-year
meteorology veteran and the producer of the […]
Carwyn Jones hits out at Westminster over soaring energy prices, saying they are crippling Welsh industry – Wales Online

The First Minister was reacting to news that 250 jobs are under threat at
Tata steelworks, including Llanwern.
Meanwhile as many as 73% of manufacturers want to see legislative reform of
the UK’s current environmental and climate change policies, according to a
new survey by the manufacturers organisation EEF. Respondents claimed that
existing regulations […]
Met Office’s Idea of an accurate Forecast,

As part of their desperate attempt to retain the BBC contract, the Met
Office have been trying to persuade us how accurate their forecasts are.
They reckon that they are in the top two in the world for accuracy, based
on WMO guidelines. There is however a huge problem with this, and that is
that […]
Only 45% of Scottish people believe climate change is an ‘immediate and urgent’ issue – Home News – UK – The Independent

45% of Scottish people believe climate change is an ‘immediate and
urgent’ issue Adults with a degree or professional qualification were
than twice as likely to view the issue as an immediate problem compared
with those with none.
The saddest thing is that, supposedly, the most intelligent people are
likely to […]
China’s Wind and Solar Developers Hit by Subsidies Short of Plan – Bloomberg Business

China’s wind and solar developers are getting much less than they
anticipated in handouts from the government because of a quirk in subsidy
policies, threatening to stymie growth in the world’s biggest market for
clean energy. The issue relates to the support China pays power suppliers
as enticement to develop clean energy projects. Surcharges slapped […]
Renewables shift wallops traditional power plants | Business | DW.COM | 24.08.2015

Germany’s shift to renewable energy sources will have a greater impact on
operators of traditional power plants than originally thought, according to
new data from the country’s grid supervisor. Fifty-seven traditional gas
and coal power plants are set to close in Germany as a consequence of
Energiewende, or energy transition, which has diminished the profitability
India’s coal industry in flux as government sets ambitious coal production targets – Today in Energy – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

India’s rapidly expanding consumption of coal in recent years has not been
matched by production, resulting in higher imports but also black outs. As
a result, the govt has set ambitious plans ambitious new production
targets, and tried to free up distribution bottlenecks.
http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=22652 CO2 reduction? You
must be joking!
Carbon credits undercut climate change actions says report – BBC News

The vast majority of carbon credits generated by Russia and Ukraine did not
represent cuts in emissions, according to a new study. The authors say that
offsets created under a UN scheme “significantly undermined” efforts to
tackle climate change. The credits may have increased emissions by 600
million tonnes. In some projects, chemicals known to […]
Two coal-fired power plants set for Fukushima – Power Engineering International

Five Japanese firms have joined forces to construct two coal-fired power
plants in Fukushima. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and
Joban Joint Power have joined forces to develop the 540 MW project, which
aims to create an industrial base and open up job opportunities to support
local […]
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Met Office feels icy blast of competition | Daily Mail Online

The Mail weighs in on the BBC dropping the Met Office.
What is really interesting though is that it is claimed that the BBC
contract is worth £30 million a year. We know from the Met accounts that
commercial income amounted to £33 million last year, so this would suggest
the rest of their […]
I bet the Met Office didn’t see this storm coming either says QUENTIN LETTS | Daily Mail Online

Sometimes you almost feel sorry for the Met Office!
As Quentin Letts says: The BBC indicated yesterday that money was a major
reason for its shock decision — which means its forecasts may in future be
provided by a private company, possibly with foreign owners. The
Corporation had been paying £30 million a year […]
All-Time Record Heat in Germany – weather.com

According to the Weather Channel; Germany tied its all-time record high
last Friday, Aug. 7, when Kitzingen soared to a high of 40.3 degrees
Celsius (104.5 degrees Fahrenheit), tying the national record it set on
July 5.
What they forget to tell you is that the previous record was only 0.1C
lower, and was […]
Junk Scientist Hansen Cocks Up Again!

It was only last month that junk scientist James Hansen was telling us that
expanding sea ice in Antarctica was due to”melting glaciers”! There’s no
doubt that growing Antarctic sea ice is a mystery in the climate system —
and an anomalous, seemingly contrary indicator. However, if a controversial
and much-discussed new paper from famed […]
Met Office fury as BBC ‘gives contract worth millions to foreigners’ | Daily Mail Online

Ht greensand The BBC has announced it is to scrap its 93-year relationship
with the Met Office amid claims it has awarded its multi-million pound
weather forecasting contract to a foreign firm. The shock decision was met
with concern by MPs as the BBC confirmed the Met Office had been
‘unsuccessful’ in the tender process […]
Study: German Scientists Conclude 20th Century Warming “Nothing Unusual” …Foresee “Global Cooling Until 2080″!

Another study shows that 20thC temperature rise is nothing unusual
historically. The Die kalte Sonne site here features a worrisome essay by
German climate scientists Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Dr. Alexander Hempelmann
and Carl Otto Weiss. They carefully examined climate changes of the past
and have found that the recent changes (of the last 40 years are […]
Mothers in law & broken ankles!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be stopping up here in Scotland
for a few more days yet. Normal service will be resumed shortly hopefully!
The North Atlantic Ice Age No One Wants To Acknowledge: “Record Snow” In Sweden In August …”Never Seen So Much Snow At This Time”!

And its not just Iceland, as Notricks shoes. Without end the public have
been hearing about the above normal temperatures in Europe this summer. But
all this talk has been misleading. When someone drives your face down only
millimeters away from a gravel surface, then unsurprisingly the whole world
starts looking like gravel. This is […]
Meteorologist: Iceland May Be Entering Cold Period | Iceland Review

While we worry about a few less chunks of ice in the Arctic, the Icelanders
are scared that the AMO may be about to turn. When that happens, as it
inevitably will, they know they will see a return of the sea ice years
which decimated their economy in the 1960’s and 70’s. It also […]
Future shocks: how resilient is the UK food system to extreme global weather events? | Farming Futures

An outfit called Farming Futures has been banging the drum about the
disasters waiting round the corner: Global Food Security programme Champion
Tim Benton summarises specially commissioned GFS reports on the topic.
Rarely a week goes by without there being news of weather records being
broken. We have recently had the hottest June recorded across […]
Record temperatures & and statistical probability

I looked at the issue of record temperatures in Oklahoma the other day.
There was a question raised as to whether statistically we should expect
more records to be broken in the early years than now. As this has been a
matter of debate before, perhaps a simple example will put the matter to
rest. […]
Solar Power? Forget It!

By Paul Homewood If you believed everything you read in the press,
you would think that solar power was transforming the world’s energy
market. Well, think again! If you thought that the amount of power
generated from wind was pitiful, just wait till you see what solar is
producing. Again, from […]
Seeing the Arctic Melt without Warmist Glasses | Science Matters

Ron Clutz takes an interesting longer term look at Arctic ice trends.
The Latest Climate Kerfuffle | RealClearPolicy

The Latest Climate Kerfuffle By Patrick Michaels Are political
considerations superseding scientific ones at the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration? When confronted with an obviously broken
weather station that was reading way too hot, they replaced the faulty
sensor — but refused to adjust the bad readings it had already taken. And
when dealing with […]
Billionaire George Soros warms up to coal as stock prices hit bottom | Fox News

As I noted a couple of days ago, George Soros seems to have forgotten about
the evils of coal and is busy buying up large chunks of the US coal
industry, currently at nead bankrupt prices thanks to Obama’s policies. Fox
News reports: Billionaire investor George Soros, who has demonized fossil
fuels for years through […]
Islamic call on rich countries to end fossil fuel use – BBC News

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33972240 Somehow I don’t
think the Saudis, Iraq or Iran will see things quite the same way!
Solar Panel Prices Won’t Stay Low For Ever

By Paul Homewood How often do we hear how advances in solar technology
have made the costs of panels so cheap that they can now compete against
fossil fuels? What you rarely hear is that the real reason is there has
been a glut of solar panels on the market, caused largely by […]
Tom Steyer’s Big Fat Lemon

Ht Andyg55 From the Washington Examiner: In 2012, California voters were
peppered with grandiose promises, such that they could not resist approving
Proposition 39. The measure, created and backed by wealthy environmentalist
Tom Steyer, sought to raise taxes on corporations and use the money to fund
green energy projects in schools. He promised it would […]
CET Record Months

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/cet_record_breakers.html The
CET website contains the above table of monthly records. It is interesting
that the last decade does not seem overloaded with records, as might be
expected. Record lows seem to mainly drop into much earlier years, although
Nov 2010 crops up.
BBC Green Bias Exposed By OFCOM _ BBC News Ignore Story!

Guido reports on the OFCOM report on the BBC’s green bias : BBC World News
has systematically been accepting ready made green propaganda programmes
that were given to them for free or for negligible cost. They then ran the
content as current affairs programming without telling their audience. The
shocking revelation are made in an […]
CNN Lies About Oklahoma Easily Exposed

By Paul Homewood
As I mentioned a few days ago, some CNN hack has been trying to expose
wicked climate deniers in Oklahoma. He tries to do so by relating global
warming to weather conditions there, such as heatwaves and droughts:
Intense drought hit Oklahoma again in the 2010s, this […]
Arctic Ice Stays the Course: August 15 Summary | Science Matters

Ron Clutz summarises the latest state of Arctic sea ice, and concludes it
is likely track close to last year through the minimum in September.
Soros and Obama’s War on Coal

Steve Milloy. has a provocative take on Obama’s war on coal: Earlier this
month, the Environmental Protection Agency issued rules under the guise of
preventing global warming that supposedly will reduce coal-fired
electricity in the U.S. by 32 percent. This action is on top of other Obama
EPA rules that are already well on their […]
Harrabin Making It Up As He Goes Along

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33724781
More propaganda from Harrabin. The Automobile Association (AA) has
joined green groups in warning that recent changes in energy policy will
harm the climate. A survey of motorists suggests they will be more likely
to buy polluting cars following a Budget change. Environment groups say in
a […]
Wind Power? Forget It!

By Paul Homewood If anybody is foolish enough to believe that wind
power is having the slightest impact on the world’s energy needs, I would
suggest they book into Realityville and check out the facts from the BP
Energy Review. First, this is how much electricity is produced from
wind power. […]
Dolphin and seal damage warning over wind farm expansion – Telegraph

Dolphin and seal damage warning over wind farm expansion A new generation
of offshore wind and tidal farms could produce £14 billion of electricity
every year for Scotland but pose a “significant” threat to wildlife, the
fishing industry and islanders’ ferries, an official report has warned. The
Offshore Valuation Study found the developments have the […]
Antarctic Glaciers Were Retreating In The 19thC

By Paul Homewood We are supposed to believe that Antarctic glaciers have
only recently started to recede. Back in 1932, they knew that the process
had begun in the 19thC. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/23150667
Sir James Ross undertook his expeditions to the Antarctic in the 1840’s.
Interestingly, Bernacchi accompanied Scott on the 1901-04 Antarctic
expedition. and Scott was […]
Blakeney Point seals: Numbers at National Trust colony hit four-year high – BBC News

Blakeney Point seals: Numbers at National Trust colony hit four-year high
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-33862597 Wot? No mention of
climate change?
How The ECIU Is Funded

By Paul Homewood As promised, a look at where Richard Black’s ECIU gets its
funding from. http://eciu.net/about/who-we-arec European Climate Foundation
This is the shadowy outfit that David Rose exposed in the Mail last year in
his report on the Green Blob. The ECF was set up to channel millions of
pounds, much from progressive foundations […]
Richard Black’s ECIU

By Paul Homewood h/t Philip Bratby http://eciu.net/about/who-we-are
I mentioned Richard Black’s Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit a couple of
weeks ago. Black, of course, was the BBC Science Editor for many years,
who, amongst other things, helped to organise the notorious climate
conference in 2006. Black is now the Director of the […]
Did The EPA Intentionally Poison Animas River To Secure SuperFund Money? | Zero Hedge

H/t Rocky Spears Did the EPA deliberately poison the Animas River, in order
to secure funding? Sounds outlandish, but this letter from two weeks ago
makes you wonder.
Regional Analysis Of Agricultural Production In Africa

By Paul Homewood I looked at agricultural output statistics for Africa
yesterday. Today I am going to look if there are any regional variations.
http://faostat3.fao.org/compare/E We find that agricultural output has
been booming across the continent, particularly in East Africa, which is
supposedly drought stricken. Interestingly, one of the few countries […]
Animas River: EPA’s Colorado mine disaster plume flows west toward Grand Canyon – The Denver Post

The EPA are quite happy to use corrupt science to demonise CO2, but when it
comes to real pollution………
China to fund Zambian coal-fired power project – Power Engineering International

China to fund Zambian coal-fired power project – Power Engineering International

As the World Bank pulls out of funding coal power schemes, the Chinese
in to fill the void China to fund Zambian coal-fired power project
06/08/2015 By Tildy Bayar A 300 MW coal-fired power project in Zambia is
be financed primarily by two Chinese banks. The $828m Maamba
mining-and-power project will include […]
How Agriculture Is Booming In Africa

By Paul Homewood We regularly hear that it is places like Africa which
are suffering most from climate change. When we look at agricultural
statistics, however, there is no evidence of this. On the contrary, as the
official UN figures show, cereal production and yields, meat production and
the gross value (at constant prices) […]
Potty Corbyn Wants To Cut CO2 By Opening Coal Mines!

Potty Jeremy Corbyn, favourite to replace potty Ed Miliband as Labour
leader, apparently wants to reopen British coal mines. Sounds a good
except the same potty Jeremy thought that we should be cutting CO2
emissions even faster a few months ago! Where is Arthur Scargill when
need him?
CO2 Emissions Still Rising

By Paul Homewood
As well as the energy statistics, BP also produce CO2 emissions data in
their Statistical Review. This is the first chance to review the numbers
for 2014. Contrary to rumours that were circulating a few months ago,
emissions have continued to rise, although the overall rise of 0.5% […]
Are Record Temperatures And Extreme Weather The Same?

As part of their response to the Booker article, the Met Office state: Met
Office research supports climate research centres around the world which
concludes we expect more extremes of heat and rainfall as the world
continues to warm. The article says this ‘simply hasn’t happened’ but in
fact, research shows there has been an […]
Antarctic Glaciers Have Been Retreating For 6000 Years

By Paul Homewood I came across this paper which was published in
1960. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30059351?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
But it is the conclusion that is particularly relevant.
“Glaciers have been retreating for at least the last 6000 years” Bear this
in mind when there is talk of glaciers […]
Obama’s Cunning Plan Is Worthless

By Paul Homewood
Obama has now announced his plan to save the world, but despite the
likelihood of his fulfilling his promise that electricity prices would
skyrocket, just how much difference will it make? Much less than at first
sight it appears. Let’s recap what he is planning. President […]
Holidays Again

By Paul Homewood We’re away now for a couple of weeks, so posting will be
Met Office React To Booker

By Paul Homewood
Desperate to keep their £200 million taxpayer funded budget intact, it
has not taken the Met Office long to defend themselves against Booker’s
piece yesterday in the Mail. Unfortunately for them, if this is the best
they can do, they had better start planning budget cuts now! […]
Comrade Harrabin

By Paul Homewood
The Mail’s showbiz editor, Sebastian Shakespeare gives us his take on the
Quentin Letts/Roger Harrabin kerfuffle. Nice one, Quentin!!
How Climate Scientists Cheat And Deceive

By Paul Homewood
Apparently some CNN hack has written an article about deniers in
Oklahoma. It is a long, rambling piece, with the usual cliches about
creationism, 97%, settled science, droughts, blah, blah. Paul Matthews has
a good summary here. But he alerts me to one particular section where the
ubiquitous Katharine […]
The Spectator Discovers Harrabin’s Bias

By Paul Homewood h/t Oldbrew
Apparently the Spectator has finally woken up to the arrogant bias of
Roger Harrabin. The GWPF bring the story: Roger Harrabin is paid by the
licence payers. Yet, judging by his Twitter feed, his views are even more
partisan than those of Richard Black. When […]
Roy Spencer On Stossel

By Paul Homewood https://youtu.be/YL5Xd0TpZa8 Roy Spencer appears
on the Stossel show, and takes his opportunity to offer his views on those
well known global warming experts Bill Nye (The Science Guy™), Neil
DeGrasse Tyson (The Anti-Pluto Guy), and Al Gore (The
Politician-Turned-Alarmist Guy).
BBC Forced To Retract False Claims About Cyclone Pam

By Paul Homewood
After three months and much stubborn arrogance from them, the BBC have
finally been forced to retract one of their lies about Cyclone Pam, which
devastated Vanuatu in March. As readers may recall, I pointed out that
their above claim of 300km/h winds was fallacious and grossly […]
Cold Summer In UK Continues

By Paul Homewood https://youtu.be/spAbRiG2cB4 As I indicated a
couple of weeks ago, July has been another miserably cold affair, despite a
couple of hot days at the start of the month. The UK as a whole has been
0.7C below the 1981-2010 average, with the west and north particularly
cool. In […]
HADCRUT Cool The Past Yet Again

By Paul Homewood HADCRUT have just released their latest version 4.4,
and guess what? Yes, the past has been cooled again! This is is how
things have changed since version 4.3. As usual we see temperatures
earlier in the record being reduced, but more noticeably temperatures have
been progressively increased […]
Typhoon Gay

By Paul Homewood As noted earlier, Typhoon Soudelor has been wreaking
havoc over the Marianas: No deaths have been attributed to Soudelor, but
it left a trail of destruction across the Northern Marianas where acting
governor Ralph Torres declared a "state of major disaster and significant
emergency" after it struck late on Sunday. […]
Typhoon Soudelor

By Paul Homewood
You may have heard about the latest typhoon. Super Typhoon Soudelor
developed into the world’s most powerful storm of the year on Tuesday as it
took aim at Japan, Taiwan and China after trashing the Northern Marianas.
Super Typhoon Soudelor seen from Japan’s Himawari-8 Satellite on Monday […]
Philippines To Boost Coal Power

Paul Homewood
From PEI: Semirara Mining & Power is looking to expand its
portfolio through the building of at least two large coal-fired power
plants over the next three to four years. Reuters reports that the
company is planning to construct 1,100MW of coal-fired plants with
CEO […]
Wind Subsidies To Be Cut In Australia

Paul Homewood
From PEI: Another blow has been dealt to the wind power industry in
Australia with the news that a Senate committee has advocated new limits
the subsidisation of the technology. The committee says energy subsidies
for new wind farms should be limited to five years from more […]
Bonuses All Round At The Met Office!

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
MP, Sammy Wilson, has uncovered the extent of Met Office bonuses. From
the Mail: Met Office staff have collected bonuses of more than £20million
for the past five years amid claims they are getting better at forecasting
the weather. However, the figures have drawn […]
The BBC Want Your Views!

By Paul Homewood
https://consultations.external.bbc.co.uk/bbc/tomorrows-bbc We want your
views on the BBC and what it should do in the future. Every ten years there
is a review which considers what the BBC should do, which helps shape what
it does in the future. The Government has begun this process, which is
called Charter […]
Electricity Cost v Renewable Capacity

By Paul Homewood Following my post EU Electricity Prices & Renewable
Energy, Jonathan Drake has kindly sent this graph, combining together the
two tables I showed.
Rather says it all!!
Reviewing The “Hottest Day”

By Paul Homewood Now we have all the data collected in, there’s a
chance to properly review that “hottest” day on July 1st. First, before we
look at what the day was not, let’s see what it was. There was certainly
some extremely hot weather about that day, mainly in the southeast […]
UHI In Greece

By Paul Homewood
Cato report on a new study on UHI in Greece: Perhaps no other
climatic variable receives more attention in the debate over CO2-induced
global warming than temperature. Its forecast change over time in response
to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations is the typical measure by which
climate models […]
EU Electricity Prices & Renewable Energy

By Paul Homewood
Ed Hoskins wrote an interesting essay for WUWT this week, European
Renewable Energy performance for 2014 falls far short of claims, which
included the above table. Joe Public kindly sent me the Eurostat table
of EU electricity prices. No prizes for spotting the connection.
Record Breaking Cold In The UK

By Paul Homewood As reported earlier, yesterday saw one of the coldest
July nights in the UK for many years. According to the BBC, a record low
for Southern England of just 1C was set.
CET also shows just how unusually cold it was, following a couple of
weeks of […]
UK Sees Record Low Temperature For July

By Paul Homewood h/t Craigm350 Craig spotted this on today’s BBC
weather report:
Currently there is no mention of the record low from the Met Office, who,
though admitting that July is ending up “wet and dull”, are still talking
about “a record-breaking heatwave”.
Mann-Made Warming At GISS

By Paul Homewood The chart below eloquently illustrates the effect that
GISS tampering has had on temperatures in the last five years. It starts
by showing the annual temperature anomalies for 1998 and 2010, as they were
reported at the end of 2010, i.e. 0.56C and 0.63C respectively.
Progressively as each year has […]
Coal Statistics For 2014

By Paul Homewood
We’ve already reviewed the BP Energy Review, but I want to look at the
coal statistics in a bit more detail. Note that all the numbers are
expressed as million tonnes oil equivalent. According to BP, the conversion
factors are approximately 1.5 tonnes of hard coal and 3 tonnes […]
More Problems For EPR As Finland Cancel Plans For Second Reactor

By Paul Homewood h/t Oldbrew
The plan to build an EPR reactor at Hinkley Point looks further away than
ever, as Finland abandons plans to build a second one, with the first one
running 9 years late amidst huge budget overruns. From the Ecologist:
There’s been plenty of bad news […]
Massive Tampering By GISS

By Paul Homewood I showed last week how the NOAA global temperature
dataset has been altered in recent years, always with the same result of
cooling the past and increasing recent warming. It will come as little
surprise, therefore, to find that the same thing has happened with GISS. It
is a common misconception […]
Hinkley Point Attacked By Former Energy Secretary

By Paul Homewood
Lord Howell, former Energy Secretary in the Thatcher Government, has
weighed in on the Hinkley Point deal: “I’m very pro-nuclear, I’m pro its
low carbon contribution but this must be one of the worst deals ever for
British households and British industry. “When you add to this that […]
Philip Eden Throws Out Met Office Record Temperature Claim

By Paul Homewood Another interesting piece from Philip Eden in the
latest Sunday Telegraph, this time looking back at some of the weather
extremes in August. What particularly stood out though was: The reading
of 101.3F (38.5C) at Faversham, Kent is now widely discounted. I have
heard of doubts raised […]
Top 10 Global Warming Lies

By Paul Homewood
James Taylor exposes the latest set of lies peddled by the Environmental
Defense Fund.
No Austerity For The Met Office!

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/d/b/AR1415_Revised.pdf The Met
Office’s Annual Accounts are now published for 2014/15, and once again we
find that government funding has increased. In the last five years,
while commercial income has stayed flat, funding from government has shot
up by 15% to £187 million. The top […]
What Did Gummer Know About The Risks Of Diesel?

By Paul Homewood
Scientists warned British ministers 22 years ago their planned “dash for
diesel” could cause a public health disaster, but were ignored because the
then government believed climate change was more important, documents
released under freedom of information rules have revealed. About 50,000
people die annually because of air pollution, […]
Lomborg And The Marxist Eco Warriors

By Paul Homewood
Dellers catches up with the latest attempts to exclude Bjorn Lomborg from
Australian universities: Earlier this year, I reported how a handful of
green activists at the University of Western Australia had nixed a $4
million policy centre just because it was vaguely associated with
“Skeptical Environmentalist” Bjørn […]
Do We Need Baseload Capacity?

By Paul Homewood
Richard Black, ex-propaganda guy for the BBC and now head honcho at the
warmist propaganda outfit, the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, is
getting excited that we are not long away from a 100% renewable future. He
has picked up on a German modelling study, Kombikraftwerk. There are […]
Dozy Journalists Keep Falling For Same Old Record Heatwave Nonsense

By Paul Homewood It’s Whack-a-Mole time again!
And the outcome?
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/anomacts Well, they
surely could not get it wrong two months in a row?
UK temperatures in June were 0.4C below average. Even though the South
East was slightly warmer, it still only […]
What The Solar Industry Forgot To Tell You!

By Paul Homewood
http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2015/jul/solar-independence-day.cfm The
solar industry has apparently been bragging about how much power it has
been producing recently. Unfortunately, they seem to have forgotten to tell
us the full story. In overall terms, solar only generated 1.2% of UK’s
electricity last year.
But worse still, […]
Temperature Spikes At Airports

By Paul Homewood There was a very interesting letter in last week’s
Sunday Telegraph, in response to the Booker article on the record
temperature set at Heathrow. The Met Office have now confirmed to me that
the next highest temperatures set that day were 35.7C set at Northolt and
Kew, a full degree […]
BBC Promote Flawed Anti-Fracking Study

By Paul Homewood h/t Mark Hodgson
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33612293 The BBC are
continuing with their campaign against fracking: New research suggests
that the impact of shale gas on curbing US carbon emissions has been
overstated. Politicians have argued that the US was able to significantly
reduce CO2 between 2007 and 2013 because of […]
BBC Announce The End Of The World – Curlews May Decline (But Probably Won’t Anyway)

By Paul Homewood h/t Mark Hodgson It’s getting a bit playing Whack A
Mole!! This is the latest in the long line of climate scare stories from
the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33612294
Much-loved birds including curlews and cuckoos are under a growing threat
from climate change in England, according to […]
Worst Ice Conditions In Hudson Bay For 20 Years

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand
A carefully planned, 115-day scientific expedition on board the floating
research vessel, the CCGS Amundsen, has been derailed as the icebreaker was
called to help resupply ships navigate heavy ice in Hudson Bay. "Obviously
it has a large impact on us," says Martin Fortier, executive […]
Solar Next In Line For Subsidy Cuts

By Paul Homewood h/t Mark Hodgson
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33619017 The Department of
Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is consulting on plans that would see
subsidies for some new solar farms close by 2016. The government says the
move is necessary to protect consumers. The solar industry said subsidies
were one of the cheapest […]
Hayhoe Still Publicises The Discredited Marcott Hockey Stick

Paul Homewood
It seems that junk scientist Katharine Hayhoe is still showing the
utterly discredited Marcott hockey stick on her Facebook page. Which is
perhaps a good time to remind her and everyone else of some of the
found with it. Ross McKitrick published a very good summary in the […]
Greenpeace Challenge Hinkley Point Deal

Paul Homewood
Now Greenpeace have lodged a formal challenge to Hinkley Point. From
Greenpeace Energy and nine German and Austrian utilities have made a
formal challenge to the European Commission’s decision to approve a
plan to use state aid to facilitate the development of a nuclear power
plant […]
Policy Exchange Accuse Govt Of “Ill Thought Through Energy & Climate Policies”

Paul Homewood
The Policy Exchange have finally weighed in on the mad rush to
decarbonise. Well, better late than never I suppose! The average
household energy bill has risen by £120 over the past five years purely
to ill thought through energy and climate policies which fail to […]
Arctic Ocean Processes

By Paul Homewood
Ron Clutz continues his series of posts on the ocean’s role in the
climate. Once again it puts everything into an easy to understand format.
Dallas Murphy wrote that in a book containing his reflections from numerous
voyages with ocean scientists, entitled Follow the Water: Exploring the Sea
CBS Climate Liars Hard At Work

By Paul Homewood
And at CBS climate liars are hard at work. This is what summer
meltdown in Greenland looks like: Meanwhile, this summer has started
off as a cold one. Angmagssalik and Nuuk are on opposite
coasts, so give good geographic […]
NOAA Tampering Exposed

By Paul Homewood Last month, NOAA caused a lot of controversy by
adjusting historic global temperature data to show that the pause had never
happened. This has been well covered by WUWT and others, but what is less
well known is that NOAA have been making similar but subtle adjustments
year by year for […]
Boris’ Battery Problems!

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-33569460 From the Beeb: I’m
told that at the back of a bus depot, there is a large pile of power
batteries that no longer work. All have been removed from the new bus for
London and are a crucial part of the hybrid system. […]
The Heathrow Temperature Data That The Met Office Tried To Withhold

By Paul Homewood
Readers will recall that when I asked for the temperature data at
Heathrow for 1st July, I was told it would cost me £75 (+ VAT!!). The next
day, however, they published this graph, showing a considerable spike.
Thanks to Willis Eschenbach’s excellent analysis at WUWT, I noticed […]
BBC Announce End Of World – Scottish Councils To Lose Wind Farm Subsidies!

By Paul Homewood h/t Mark Hodgson
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-33550487 Another woefully one-sided
piece of propaganda from the BBC: Scottish councils may lose out on more
than £44m of income over the next 20 years if changes are made to wind farm
subsidies, according to a trade body. The UK government recently announced
changes […]
Met Office Explanation For Heathrow Record Looks Increasingly Threadbare

By Paul Homewood http://clivebest.com/blog/?p=6721 Clive Best has
taken a closer look at the conditions at Heathrow when the “record” was
set. The record highest ever recorded July temperature by the Met Office
at Heathrow Airport was given huge media coverage. The record was broken
during one single heat spike that lasted just […]
Charlie Gives Us A Reprieve!

By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2 More from the “Science is Settled
According to that well renowned climate expert, Charlie Boy, we have
“just 35 years to save the planet”. Charlie Boy obviously knows what
he is talking about, because he told us in 2009 that we […]
The Decadal Climate Bet – June 2015

By Paul Homewood Kiwi Thinker has updated the situation regarding that
Decadal Global Climate Bet. This was the background: Four years ago,
early 2011, a decadal global temperature bet was made. And with all the
hype about 2014 being the hottest year, now is a good time to check out
progress with ‘the […]
Latest Capacity Market Auction Again Excludes New Gas Plants

Paul Homewood
The Telegraph report on the latest round of the capacity market
for 2018/19. A raft of proposed new gas-fired power plants will be
shelved for at least a year after failing to win Government subsidies,
experts have predicted. Some old power plants could also be at risk […]
No Change In Global Drought Trends Since 1901

By Paul Homewood A new paper finds that there has been no increase in
global droughts since 1901. Variability and trends in global drought
Gregory McCabe & David Wolock ABSTRACT Monthly precipitation (P) and
potential evapotranspiration (PET) from the CRUTS3.1 data set are used to
compute monthly P minus PET (PMPE) […]
Saturday Funny

By Paul Homewood Reposted from Ron Clutz’s Science Matters: Edge
Research Topics for Climatologists A number of studies will apparently be
undertaken by seasoned climatologists in new fields tangential to global
warming. The objective will be to settle the science on issues that have
long been controversial. Climatologists are the logical choice […]
Record Rainfall At Martinstown

By Paul Homewood Today marks the 60th anniversary of one of the most
extreme weather events of the last century, when 279mm of rain fell on
Martinstown in Dorset in a single rainfall day, (9.00am to 9.00am). This
remains the highest such total on record in the whole of the UK. […]
Govt Finally Waking Up To Ruinous Green Policies

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
Two pieces of news today which link together. 1) The govt seem to be
getting more and more concerned about the impact of the cost of
decarbonisation. The Mail report: Green taxes which push up energy
are to be slashed by the government, […]
BBC Trumpet Another Dodgy Polar Bear Study

By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33551569
The production line for junk science is in full flow! Polar bears are
unable to adapt their behaviour to cope with the food losses associated
with warmer summers in the Arctic. Scientists had believed that the animals
would enter a type of ‘walking hibernation’ when deprived of prey. […]
720 Steel Jobs Go Because Of High Energy Costs

Paul Homewood
From the Telegraph: Tata Steel is to cut up to 720 British jobs as
is unable to compete against cheap foreign imports in the face of the
“cripplingly” high cost of electricity and the strong pound, the metals
giant announced on Thursday. Europe’s second-largest steel maker said
Met Office & NOAA’s State of the Climate Report

By Paul Homewood
The Met Office are pounding the drum with NOAA’s State of the Climate
Report. Feel free to leave comments!! Here are my starters for ten.
OBR Confirm Horrifying Cost Of Decarbonisation

By Paul Homewood As I reported earlier, we are beginning to get some
official recognition of just how wildly expensive the mad rush to
decarbonise is going to be. Back in March, I showed this table from the
Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent watchdog.
Following last week’s budget, they […]
More Propaganda From Roger Harrabin

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33544831 One of these days,
we might get an impartial and objective piece from Roger Harrabin. But it
will not be today. Designers at Cardiff University say they have
constructed the sort of house George Osborne once described as impossible.
The chancellor scrapped a requirement […]
Renewable Pigeons Coming Home To Roost

By Paul Homewood
An Industry Note from Jefferies International highlights the mess that EU
energy policy is in, and brings a dose of cold reality to investors in
renewables. Picking up on three recent developments in the UK – removal
of the exemption from the Climate Change Levy for renewables, ending […]
Clean Energy Bill To Rocket

Paul Homewood
Well I did warn you! From the Independent: The Government is
facing a
multi-billion pound black hole in its budget to pay for new clean energy
supplies, which could result in rising household electricity bills
there is a dramatic decline in investment in renewable technologies.
EU Pushing Costly Biofuels

Paul Homewood
Add another green tax to the list. From the Telegraph: Millions of
British drivers could be forced to spend more filling up their cars
oil companies came under renewed pressure from Brussels to roll out
environmentally friendly petrol. The European Commission wants Shell, BP
and Exxon to […]
Is Pacific Warming Related To Volcanoes?

By Paul Homewood
An interesting essay from the geologist James Kamis. According to
researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), man-made global
warming has been “hiding” in a deep and limited portion of the Pacific
Ocean since the year 2000, thereby explaining why worldwide atmospheric
temperatures have not risen during […]
Hottest July Day Evah (Well Except For 1923 Anyway)

Paul Homewood
The hottest July day evah! (Well, except for 1923 and 2006). The
Radcliffe Met Station, of course, is the Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford
University, the extremely well maintained and sited station with
temperature records dating back to 1815. In other words, just the sort
site […]
Electricity Blackouts Risk Up

h/t Mark Hodgson http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33527967 From the
No S**t Sherlock Dept! The risk of blackouts this winter has increased
compared with a year ago, according to National Grid. It says the closure
of some power stations will have left spare capacity on the system at just
1.2%, the worst for a decade. It […]
Heat Island At Heathrow

By Paul Homewood I thought I would take a look at temperature trends at
Heathrow Airport, since records began in 1948, and compare them with the
nearby site at Oxford. The results are astonishing.
The trend in annual mean temperatures at Heathrow since 1948 has been
0.027C/year. Now contrast with Oxford, which is 47 […]
Temperature Spike At Baltimore Airport Caused By Windshift

By Paul Homewood While we’re on the topic of temperature spikes at
airports, it is worth recalling this post from WUWT in 2012, that found a
very similar spike to Heathrow’s. When it was fully analysed, it was found
to correlate with a windshift which brought warmer air from the direction
of the runway. […]
The Bishop of Chester Responds To The Papal Encyclical

By Paul Homewood
London 14 July: A senior figure in the Church of England has described the
recent papal encyclical as unlikely to produce the desired reduction in
global poverty. In a commentary on Pope Francis’s recent encyclical on the
environment, Peter Forster, the Bishop of Chester, and the Labour peer
Bernard […]
Long Haul Flights Taking Longer – Or Not!

Paul Homewood h/t rwoollaston
Just when you think climate science could not getting any pottier!
Long-haul flights are getting longer because high-altitude winds are
becoming more erratic and so extending the time that trans-continental
aircraft have to stay in the air, a study has found. A small but
significant […]
A History Of Floods In Windsor

By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand A reminder of just how wet the 1870’s
were around Windsor:
http://www.thamesweb.co.uk/windsor/windsorhistory/floods1875.html Floods
on the Thames, we learn to no great surprise, are nothing new! From the
Royal Windsor website, we find that: It is not widely known that in
Victorian times, Windsor, and […]
England’s Wettest Decade? The 1870’s!

By Paul Homewood Is the climate getting wetter in the UK? This is a
claim we often hear (when they’re not warning us of droughts!). If we
look at decadal trends from the England & Wales Precipitation series
however, we find that the wettest decade was actually 1871-80. There
appears to have […]
Daily Telegraph & Heathrow Record Temperature Claims

Paul Homewood
The row over the Met Office’s claim of record temperatures at Heathrow
has been picked by the Daily Telegraph: The Met Office has been
to defend the way it monitors temperatures after critics claimed weather
station readings were skewed by the heat from aircraft. According to […]
The June Deluge Of 1903

By Paul Homewood Yesterday I mentioned the monster deluge that hit
London in June 1903. Wanstead Meteo, who keeps track of weather history in
that part of the world, wrote this post last year, which offers some
fascinating insights:
It was the summer when the ‘sea’ came to Redbridge. A record-breaking […]
In 1903, It Was Weather!

By Paul Homewood
It seems they had plenty of rain in 1903! Not only was October the
wettest month recorded in England & Wales since 1766, London suffered
unprecedented downpours and floods in June, as Philip Eden explained in
2003: Not all Junes in southern England have been as warm, dry […]
UK Record Rainfall In 1903

By Paul Homewood We keep being told by climate geniuses that global
warming has caused more extreme rainfall. That no doubt explains why the
wettest month recorded in the England & Wales Precipitation Series, which
goes back to 1766, was October 1903, when 218mm fell.
The wettest month […]
Heavy Rainfall Events? Certainly Not Increasing In England

By Paul Homewood One of the claims about global warming that keeps
being wheeled out is that heavy rainfall events are increasing. Science
Daily brings us news of one more study:
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150708100619.htm I am
extremely suspicious of studies such as these because of the sparsity and
unreliability of […]
Josh & That Record Temperature At Heathrow

By Paul Homewood Good old Josh sums it up neatly!
Heathrow “Record Temperature” Claims Won’t Go Away

By Paul Homewood
Booker picks up on the curious behaviour of the Met Office, after being
caught out on its desperate claims of “hottest evah July”. Since my
story last week headed “Mystery grows over Met Office’s ‘hottest day’”,
there have been further developments. How could the Met Office justify […]
Scientists Forecast Mini Ice Age By 2030’s

By Paul Homewood
While Paris fiddles! The earth is 15 years from a "mini ice-age"
that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the
Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted. Solar researchers at the
University of Northumbria have created a new model of the sun’s activity […]
Zero Carbon Homes Plan Dropped

By Paul Homewood
A plan to make all new homes “zero carbon” from next year has been
abandoned by the government in a move which house builders say will save
the average buyer £2,500. Builders will no longer be forced to install
solar panels, heat pumps and other measures to reduce the […]
Silly Season In Full Swing

Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn With Paris coming up, the climate
season is in full swing!
So we get a junk study on b... more »
Met Office Paint It Black

By Paul Homewood
Now even the Met Office have dropped all pretence of impartiality and
started to resort to cheap propaganda tricks, to support their well
rewarded agenda.
Eco Homes Too Hot In Summer

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
When Emma Taylor was offered a two-bedroom apartment in an
award-winning block of flats, she couldn’t wait to move in. Newly built,
she was informed the building had been constructed to such high
eco-standards that it would cost just £1 a week to heat. Unfortunately,
China’s Emissions Per Unit Of GDP Fall By 34%, But Rise By 72% In Absolute Terms

By Paul Homewood
Manic makes a very good point. To put things into black and white,
between 2005 and 2013, during which time emissions per unit of GDP have
fallen by 34%, CO2 emissions have risen from 1579 to 2723 Mtoe.
http://cdiac.ornl.gov/GCP/ The simple reason is that […]
China’s Climate Pledge

Paul Homewood
Guardian readers are no doubt wetting themselves over news that China
now officially submitted its climate plan to the UN: China will aim to
cut its greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product by
60-65% from 2005 levels under a plan submitted to the United […]
Renewables Must Now Pay Climate Change Levy

Paul Homewood
It seems the greenies are all up in arms that the Chancellor has
the exemption from the Climate Change Levy for renewable energy
The levy was originally introduced in 2001 as a charge to businesses on
their electricity bills, intended to incentivise them to save energy,
rather […]
UK May Need A Massive Increase In Gas-Fired Capacity

Paul Homewood
DECC’s Energy & Emissions Projections, published last year,
call for a
large increase in capacity of nuclear, gas and CCS power, which are all
needed to replace the closure of coal fired power stations and other
obsolete plant. (Coal capacity currently stands at 19GW). By 2030,
cumulative new […]
Met Office Reply Fails To Address Issues Raised

By Paul Homewood
Yesterday’s Met Office response to criticism of its claims of record
temperatures at Heathrow certainly engendered a lot of feedback to them,
wholly critical. I sent in this comment: To which they replied: I
guess that told me!!
Where Did Our Heatwave Go?

By Paul Homewood What a difference a week makes!
“Awaiting Moderation!”

By Paul Homewood
As I reported earlier, the Met Office have finally responded to concerns
over their claims of a “hottest ever July” based on a single, dubious
record at Heathrow Airport. A few hours ago, I left this comment:
It is still “under moderation”, though […]
A Belated Response From Met Office – Still Fails To Tell The Whole Story

By Paul Homewood
The Met Office seem to have been prodded into action by criticism of
their record temperature claims at Heathrow: Where were record
temperatures observed on 1 July 2015? Although Heathrow measured the
highest temperature recorded by the Met Office observing network on a July
day, record temperatures were […]
Austria File Legal Challenge Against Hinkley Deal

Paul Homewood
Confirmation from PEI that the Austrian government has now filed their
legal challenge against the strike prices agreed for Hinkley Point:
Austrian government has finally filed its legal challenge against the
that facilitates subsidies for a nuclear power plant in the UK. After a
protracted period […]
More Wet Dry Summers To Come For The UK!

By Paul Homewood “Scientists” say that summers in the UK are getting
Meanwhile other “scientists” say that climate change is leading to drier
Meanwhile, back in the real world:
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadukp/data/download.html The
unusually dry period of 1960-90 stands out, but it […]
Philip Eden Forgets To Mention UHI At Heathrow

By Paul Homewood h/t Blokedownthepub Senior meteorologist, Philip
Eden has another thoughtful piece in the Telegraph about the UHI effect,
which makes it all the more infuriating that he has not highlighted just
how much the Heathrow “record” of 36.7C has been affected. The previous
record temperature for July was 36.5C at Wisley […]
Another Heatwave On The Way?

By Paul Homewood
Lots of ifs, buts and maybes! Britain is set to sizzle in a second
heatwave at the end of the July when temperatures could soar past 100F to
reach the highest level ever recorded in the UK. Last week’s hot spell
brought the warmest ever July day but […]
The Truth About Summer Mortality Rates

By Paul Homewood Whenever we get a bit of sunshine, somebody like
Lord Krebs is wheeled out to warn us that we’re all going to drop like
flies. What the charlatans never bother to tell us is that, in the UK, July
& August have the lowest death rates of the […]
New Data From Ruislip Casts More Doubt On Heathrow “Record Temperature” Claims

By Paul Homewood The plot thickens! I asked the Met Office for the
detailed list of temperature readings at Heathrow around the time of its
record on Wednesday. They put me on to the WOW site they operate (Weather
Observations Website). Unfortunately the only two readings they have
recently for Heathrow and […]
Green Energy Subsidies Spiral Out Of Control

By Paul Homewood
Don’t say I did not warn you! The Telegraph reports: The cost of
subsidising new wind farms is spiralling out of control, government sources
have privately warned. Officials admitted that so-called “green” energy
schemes will require a staggering £9 billion a year in subsidies – paid for
Booker & The Hottest Day

By Paul Homewood Booker picks up on the “Hottest July” claims.
All of the claims about record temperatures revolve around one
temperature reading at Heathrow Airport. (I am not aware of any other
stations which have beaten the previous record at Wisley in 2006, nor have
the Met Office […]
Do Automatic Temperature Sensors Overstate Warming?

Paul Homewood
AC Osborn reminds of this earlier post from Pierre Gosselin, over at
Tricks Zone. Pierre’s post picks up on concerns that the automatic
system which we have nowadays could be picking up short term spikes,
the old mercury thermometers would not have had time to react […]
Met Office & “Record Breaking Weather”

By Paul Homewood
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2015/hot-july The Met
Office have finally got round to issuing some sort of report on Wednesday’s
hot spell, though it actually says very little: As forecast as early as
last Thursday, the UK saw a period of record breaking hot weather yesterday
(1 July 2015). The warmest July day […]
Women’s Lib For Lizards!

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
News from the University of Looby Lou! New effects of global warming
on, well, everything, are still being discovered all the time. A recent
study published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature reveals a new
way that lizards might be affected by the […]
“Record” Heathrow Temperature Not Supported By Nearby Locations

By Paul Homewood Met Office Weather Station at Heathrow According to
the Met Office, a record temperature of 36.7C (98.1F) was set at Heathrow
Airport on Wednesday. As I mentioned at the time, this seemed strange
because their hourly record showed Heathrow only reaching 35.9C at 15.00,
before falling to 34.3C an hour […]
China Windpower Capacity To Remain Tiny

Paul Homewood
From PEI: China’s installed wind capacity will treble from 115.6 GW this
year to an estimated 347.2 GW by 2025, according to a new report.
the study stresses that global windpower growth will begin to level off
2015, with annual installations peaking at 56.8 GW in 2022. The report
1911 And All That

By Paul Homewood According to the Met Office’s summary of the heatwave
in August 1990: A maximum of 37.1 °C was measured at Cheltenham on the
3rd, beating the record of 36.7 °C set at Raunds (Northamptonshire), Epsom
(Surrey) and Canterbury (Kent) on 9 August 1911. However, when we check
back to […]
EDF & UK In Liability Talks

Paul Homewood
The ongoing farce over plans for Hinkley Point’s new nuclear reactor
has taken another twist, with the news that the UK Govt and EDF are in
discussions to decide who will foot the bill if the Austrian challenge
successful. From PEI: EDF and the UK government are […]
Hydro Projects Damage Biodiversity

By Paul Homewood Widely hailed as "green" sources of renewable energy,
hydroelectric dams have been built worldwide at an unprecedented scale. But
University of East Anglia research reveals that these major infrastructure
projects are far from environmentally friendly. A PLOS ONE study reveals
the drastic effects of the major Amazonian Balbina Dam on tropical […]
UK Heatwave Update

Paul Homewood
I’m still waiting for anything concrete from the Met Office, but we
take a provisional look at just how hot it really was yesterday. As we
know, claims of the hottest July day are based on a single reading from
Heathrow Airport, which hardly inspires much confidence. But […]
A New Record?

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