
'ISIS could not have had a better two weeks than these past two if it had its own air force. But with the US and Turkey among its 'enemies' it appears they don’t need one, for those countries have been doing its job for them' - Op-Edge by John Wight
Sounds harmless ( snark ) to me. Just like this
Nothing to Do with My Prophet
Korea Herald
Given past press sensitivity about linking to copyright content, I have declined to link to stories on technology transfer from the USA to Korea for Lockheed Martin fighter jet design, expelling 3 from S. Korea for ties to al-Qaeda, and scholars' articles on China using nationalism for domestic purposes ( which somehow seems so obvious as to be amusing that it needs to be noted - any more than it is when done in any other country)

Organic Consumers Association
When the Biotech Giants first introduced GMOs they made many promises about their potential. Twenty years later the myths about GMOs are being exposed. Check out these 7 myths that prove GMOs have not lived up to the promises of their creators:http://orgcns.org/1l66A6M

From the Government website
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
The Government of Canada has launched a national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Canada welcomes 25,000 Syrian refugees
The Government of Canada is taking immediate action to welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada through a five-phase national plan. #WelcomeRefugees
big time.
CYO The media misconstrues everything or anyone not in their interests.
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.
Sounds harmless ( snark ) to me. Just like this
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification a key part of the global surveillance society. a technological advancement over Nazi tattooing of prisoners
The implantable ID chip ... The dreaded implantable-chip. ... It is being sold primarily to parents who want to track the location of their children.
The State Of Wyoming Have Stated Plans To Put The RFID Chip On The State's License Plates To Show Their Pride
A U.S. District judge ruled this week that a Texas school can put locator chips on its students -- and expel those who don't comply.In the controversial ...
Northside Independent School District plans to track students next year on two of its campuses using technology implanted in their student identification cards in a ...
Students who refuse to be micro-chipped are punished by ... Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse ... Upon refusing to wear the RFID-chipped ID, ...
Tracking School Children With RFID Tags? It's All About the Benjamins Student body ID cards with RFID-embedded chips. Image: Northside Independent School ...
Chipping involves implanting a transponder chip below the skin for identification ... children, or convicts on work ... A widely deployed system of human ID chips ...
Chipping involves implanting a transponder chip below the skin for identification ... children, or convicts on work ... A widely deployed system of human ID chips ...
It's 10 p.m. You may not know where your child is, but the chip does. The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate help.
It's 10 p.m. You may not know where your child is, but the chip does. The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate help.
Talking about how the ID chip implants work, what they're used for, and how they may be misused to invade your privacy.
Nothing to Do with My Prophet
RT shared In the NOW's video.

In the NOW
Alexander Spoor (Director): http://instagram.com/AlexanderSpoor
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Dutch duo reveals people’s prejudice by switching Bible’s cover to Quran’s
Dutch duo reveals people’s prejudice by switching Bible’s cover to Quran’s
Dit Is Normaal: http://youtube.com/DitIsNormaal
Sacha Harland (Presenter): http://instagram.com/SachaHarland
Dit Is Normaal: http://youtube.com/DitIsNormaal
Sacha Harland (Presenter): http://instagram.com/SachaHarland
Alexander Spoor (Director): http://instagram.com/AlexanderSpoor
Trump’s proposal that the U.S. not admit any Muslims – including Muslim-Americans temporarily abroad – has generated some condemnation from Republicans (even Dick Cheney says Trump’s proposal "goes against everything we stand for and believe in.") But that’s not nearly enough.
If the Republican Party has any shred of integrity, it should stop legitimizing this bigotry. It should not allow Trump to participate in Republican primaries and caucuses.
What do you think?
RT shared In the NOW's video.

In the NOW
“The time of looking away is over” -Germany to Saudi Arabia on sponsoring Islamic extremism
Korea Herald
Given past press sensitivity about linking to copyright content, I have declined to link to stories on technology transfer from the USA to Korea for Lockheed Martin fighter jet design, expelling 3 from S. Korea for ties to al-Qaeda, and scholars' articles on China using nationalism for domestic purposes ( which somehow seems so obvious as to be amusing that it needs to be noted - any more than it is when done in any other country)
Channel 4 News's video.s
Channel 4 News
“We cannot sow bloodshed and reap peace. I no longer require these medals.”
A small group of British military veterans throw off their medals outside Downing Street in protest at the bombing in Syria.
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